Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 09, 1909, Page 2, Image 2

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!. : ion rnosrrs men pft, m. a-t1
Ml 1
Our Opening Sale of
BlaoIieSs and Comforters
should interest you on nccount of the reduced prices and the
fine assortment we carry. Blankets from 48c to $00.00 a pair.
Comforters frdm 79c each to $20.00 each.
Here are Borne of the reductions on "White Wool Blankets:
13.60 llli White Wool Blanket! at.
$4. SO 11x4 Whits Wool Blanket at,
$5.00 11x4 White Wool Blankets at,
I&.IQ 11x4- White Wool lilankeU at,
I COO 11x4 White Wool Blankets at,
$6.75 11x4 White Wool Blankets at,
$7.00 11x4 White Wool Blankets at,
$8.00 11x4 White Wool Blankets at,
a pair 8Z.8S
pair $3.00
a pair $4.2l
t pair,., S4.G9
pair $5.10
pair $5.88
a pair 85.08
pair $0.00
$10.00 13x4 White Wool Blankets at, a pair 98.78
, . See the. three great Blanket and Comfort windows
on. Howard street.
' Danes, remembering; Peary's bad treat
ment of on of their own explorers, will not
bo surprised at his attitude toward Dr.
Cook." .
The1 general attitude here Is one of ex
panded Judgrhent ontll the evidence la pro
duced. Dr. Cook's feature before the Geo
graphical society caused a profound disap
pointment because the people expected
more convincing proofs than Dr. Cook has
riven; H eontented himself In his leoture
with repeating -what had already appeared
In the form ef statements to the newspa
pers. The enthusiasm over the announce
ment of Peary's eixceess has not waned in
the least
(Continued from First Pace.)
by lack of fuel, the Roosevelt has literally
crawled homewsrd snd news 'of Its prog
ress has been meager and at times unre
liable. This la due to the inadequate tele-
graplilo facilities on the Labrador coast.
Aside from the message received by the
Associated Press yesterday from Com
mander Paary and the one received by his
wife, came an additional dispatch to
Charles A. Moore, president of the Amer
ican Protective league, who Is a warm
personal friend of Commander Peary. The
message said : .
The pole Is ours. Regards to Mrs.
In 1897 Mr. Moore's son, Charles A. Moore,
Jr., accompanied Peary to the Arotio.
the following message, under the same
date, both having been sent by way of
Cape Hay, Newfoundland:
"Good morning. Delayed by gale. Don't
let Cook story worry you. Have him
The foregoing was signed simply "Bert,"
sn abbreviation of Robert, while the mes
sage to the Associated Press bore the single
word "Peary" as its signature. To the
Associated Press the commander had sent
the dispatch, replying to an urgent request
for an authoritative statement concerning
Dr. Cook, This request had been sent to
Mm Immediately after he had flashed news
of his discovery from Indian Harbor on
Monday. ', .
While Peary's assertion of yesterday Is
of a nature that makes Dr. Cook's position
one of defense, the Brooklyn explorer yet
has supporters both at home and abroad.
Many- Of - the continental scientists are
marking time pending developments, while
those who have' fofmed ne deolded opinion
In this- country have assumed a similar
stand. ' ' ' ' '"
ef Both tfrnmy.
"Prof. William H. Brewer' of Tale, honor
ary prestdehtfor life of the AtoUo Club of
America ' or wnicn notn reary ana cook
are members, telegraphed to New Tork
yesterday as follows:
."I believe thai both Cook and' Peary
have reached the pole."
Dr. Thomas a Dedrlck of Washington,
N. J., who was surgeon of the Peary ei
pedltion In 1896-03, promptly came to the
support of Dr.. Cook yesterday. He said
'The charge (referring to Peary's state
ment of yesterday) may lessen Dr. Cook's
standing ' in popular estimation until bis
defense can be heard, but the solentlfle
world wtll be affected only by sclentlflo
discrepancies. Dr. Cook will undoubtedly
have sclentlflo records and observations
without Eskimo proof. If Eskimo proof Is
needed there are enough admirers of fair
play in the world to send Impartial In
terpreters to the tribe."
Character of Ealtlsaoa.
Analysing the .Eskimo charaoter. Dr.
Dedrlck la Inclined to think them unre
liable with "a temperament which would
lead him to agree for suavity's sake and
because of, immediate benefit with a man
on Aha spot having a shipload of what is
most dear to an Eskimo heart,"
This would be especially true, argues Dr.
Dedrlck, "If their former benefactor had
departed homeward as Cook did on a sled
with no halo of a ship's prestige,"
In conclusion Dr. Dedrlck said; "Suppose
Cook next year . went up and distributed
presents, as ships do and asked if his rival
had got out of sight of land, and. they said
'No,' what matter would It make to the
Other Impartial parties may yet be heard
form. The whalers whloh arrive at Dun
dee this fall shay also know what the Es
kimos say. ,',.)
ted mt Real Bar.
With the, Roeeevelt at Battle Harbor last
night. Commander Peary should reach Red
Bay; about sUty-ftv miles dowa the eoast.
easily by today, where he ean put details
of his expedition on the wires.
The progress of Ms ship' from Indian
Harbor southward has keen extremely er
ratic. First delayed at Indian Harbor by
rough weather and hampered In addition
(Continued from Tint Page.)
went to Greece for the Mew Tork Examiner
during the war with Turkey.
"Too much technical stuff on the pro
gram," opined one Omaha banker. "In
theory we are here to Improve our minds
and learn to be better bankers and all
that sort of thing. Long experience in at
tending our conventions has shown me,
however, that most of us would rather
watch one distinguished vaudevlllan
squirt another with a seltser bottle than
hear a paper on rates to be paid for
fidelity bonds."
Reports ef Of fleer.
At the afternoon session reports of of
ficers . were the first order of business.
Frknk T. Hamilton, as treasurer, followed
W. B. Hughes, who is secretary of the
association. Hughes told the bankers that
the association had grown from XX mem
bers In IMS to 784 this year. Thirty-nine
of these were added In 1MB. C. F. MeOrew
reported in behalf ef the executive coun
cil and Carson Hlldreth of Franklin for ths
membership committee.
Short addressee followed by 8, K, War
wick of Alliance, 8. H. Burnham of Lln-
epln and J. A, Latta of Minneapolis. . ,,,
Dr. George A. Flitch Held on Charge
of Suspicion of Murder.
Mle Mertha Itesialns;. Intimate
Friend ef Maybelle MUlman,
Is Held as a Wit.
DETROIT. 8ept. .-Dr. George A. Frlteh.
a well-known practitioner of this city, was
placed under arrest tonight at police head
quarters on suspicion of connection with
the death of Miss Maybelle Mlllmen of Ann
Arbor, whose dismembered body was found
Monday and Tuesday In two sacks sunk
In Ecorse creek in the western suburbs of
this city.
Miss Martha Hennlng, Intimate friend of
the dead girl, was also taken Into custody
as a witness. Dr. Frlteh la registered as
follows on the blotter at the Central police
"George A. Fritch. Offense charged, sue
plclon of murder; occupation, physician!
age. It: married: color, white; residence,
466 Trubual avenue."
Money In Registered1 Letter.
The arrest of Dr. Fritch followed the
hurried return of Sheriff Gsston from Ann
Arbor, where he hsd spent a few days
looking up clues In the MUlman case. rVi
! unexpectedly did the Investigation shift to
Detroit that the Wayne county sheriffs
arrival nrre was almost simultaneous with
the arrival at the Ann Arbor postofflce of
a Washington telesrram authorizing Post
master Prettyman to submit the records
of the money order and registered letter
departments to the Inspection of Mr.
Gaston. All day this authorisation hart
been awaited by the officials gathered at
Ann Arbor in the hope that the postofflce
records would show who had been the
sender of a registered letter containing a
remittance of money which Miss Ml II man
received at her home just before leaving
on her ill starred trip to Detroit three
weeks ago.
Whether the Investigation of the Ann
Arbor postofflce records Is to be pursued
further tomorrow could not be learned to
night. Miss Helming and Dr. Fritch both re
mained In the detective office for about
half an hour and then the doctor was
taken Into a separate room while the girl
was subjected to further questions In the
absence of the physician. After an hour's
time Miss Henning was taken upstairs to
the matron's room and Dr. Fritch was led
to the cell In the basement .
Theory of Police.
ANN ARBOR, Mich., Sept 8. The arrest
of a Detroit doctor late this evening,
charged with being Implicated In the death
of Miss Maybelle MUlman, whose dismem
bered body was found in a gunny sack in
Ecorse creek, near Detroit, bears out ths
conclusion of the authorities that the girl
died following an operation.
The girl told her mother that he friend.
Martha Hennlng of Detroit, had sent her
a letter asking her to visit Detroit May
belle went to Detroit and then disappeared.
Wealthy Farmer
Will Shoot All
Who Trespass
Boone Agriculturist Declares He Has
Lead for ThieYet in Melon
latoh and Orchard.
BOONE, la., Sept. .-(Speclal Telegram.)
Daniel Hoffman, one of the wealthiest
farmers In this country, today publishes a
notice which reads: "I'm a good shot
Keep out of my orchards and melon
patches." Hoffman said that he meant
business and would shoot on sight the first
person caught stealing his fruit
(Continued from First PagaX
. ran.
Knew York
Maw tork
, Aetvrtea. ..'.....
, Lancastrian
,. Campania
, Pennonta.
K. r. Wllhalm.
. DnUthlind.
LIVKRrOOt,.,.,,., lbrln IwreU.
iJvsiui..'... VTimi.r.i.:.v , -
Womaa Heroically Flg-tate Fir.
TOLEDO, la.. Sept 1 Speclal.)-Cut off
from her neighbors and their assistance by
belna Quarantined for diphtheria, when a
lamp filled with gasoline exploded, Mrs. O.
Rlckert of this place last night heroically
fought and extinguished the flemea herself,
ssvlng her- children and the home. In
doing so she was badly burned on the
hands, arms, neck and face, but the at
tending physician today declared that she
would recover. . By mistake Mrs. Rlckert
filled the lamp with gasoline Instead of
kerosene. When she lighted it It exploded.
filling the room with flames. Keeping her
presence of mind, she beat out the flames
with pillows. In the next room, so sick
they were unable to get out of bed. lay her
only two children.
R. H. Ifleol Goes to Dead wood.
' CHARLES CITT, la.. Sept S. (Specials
Robert H. Nlcol, who for the last seven
years has been the city editor and busi
ness manager of the Charles City Dally
I'iens. ha resinned his position and goes
this week to Deadwood, S. D., where be
will become assistant general manager of
the Western Publishers' union, who pub'
llsh twenty-five weekly papers and eight
semi-weeklies, and ; the Deadwood Dally
Telegram. Mr. Nlcol Is one of the best
known newspaper men In northern Iwws
and a very capable one."
LI titration Over Utilities,
BOONE; la.,- Sept. I (Special Telegram.)
-Joseph F. Reynolds, No. 6219 Ellis avenue,
Chicago, arrived this morning to take a
hand In the Injunction suit of his wife
tying up the Boone utilities, pending ths
payment of an annuity. Mrs. L. W. Rey
nolds has withdrawn all annuities to her
son and daughter-in-law, but the son will
Insist on a settlement today. It Is be
lieved matters can be adjusted so that the
deal with McBrlde A Stevens can be con
summated, giving them a clear title to the
Boone properties.
Barber Pat eat Device.
WEST UNION, la.. Sept. 8.-Speolal.)-Bert
Westoott formerly a farmer, but now
a barber of this city, who recently moved
here from Fayette, has just sold to the
Smedley Pump company of Dubuque a pat
ented devloe which turns an ordinary Corn
planter into a wireless check-rower, for
114,000. The idea came to Wesoott one day,
and within a week he had patterns and
castings made, and in another two weeks he
was using the device. Within the third week
he sold ths patent 'Outright to the Dubuque
firm. 1 '
Money Tied tip la Vault.
' MARSHA LLTOWN, la.. Sept t (Spe
cial.) Because the' time lock and the bur
glar proof lock which holds the door of Its
money safe shut, v 480,000 in currency has
been tied up In the vault of the Marshall
tpwn State bank for, rf our days,. and for the
last thirty-six ,hoiys. the safe has defied
the .efforts of aa expert to get
me Dr. Lyle asserts that Mr. Harrlman Is
Ths ' signed statement was repeated to
"Well," he replied, "you can quote me
also as saying that Mr. Harrlman Is bet
ter." Anything further for publication he re
fused. The two oxygen tanks appeared on the
platform at the Arden station late this
afternoon. They were crated, but through
the slats of the crates the words, "Oxygen
for medical purposes," stood out in white
letters. The station agent said the tanks
were empty and had been sent down from
Butler HU1 to be returned to the manu
facturer. He lost no time In hurrying
tnem to a locked storeroom.
Good- Shape
Now, at
Farnam 11.
"Young; Peoples'
The, Weather.
WASHINGTON, Bept ..-Forecast "of ths
weather for Thursday and Friday:
For Nebraska Partly cloudy Thursday,
cooler In west; Friday fair.
For Iowa Showers Thursday, warmer in
east portion; Friday generally fair.
For Kansas Partly cloudy Thursday,
with probably showers in east portion; Fri
day fair.
For Missouri Showers Thursday; Friday
fair. ..
For Montana-Fair and cooler Thursday i
Friday fair. , ...
For Wyoming Fair Thursday and Friday.
For South Dakota Fair Thursday and
Friday, cooler In west Thursday.
Temperature at Omaha yesterday i
4 a. m....
4 a. m....
T a. m....
I a, m....
a. in....
10 a. m
u a. m.
... II
... 61
... SJ
... 41
... M
... M
Henry K. Dixcy m "Mary Jane's Pa"
1 1
"Mary Jane's Pa." the great play of In
diana life which pleased New Tork, Chi
cago and Philadelphia with long runs last
season and which wilt be seen at I'oyd's
tonight and tomorrow night and Saturday
matinee. Is an idyllic story of a modern
Enoch Arden, but far better than here
tofore. Edith Ellis, the author, has re
produced the inner side of Indiana life.
Rarely has a stronger love story, or,
rather, several love stories, been so per
fectly blended with the richest of humor
and varied comedy. Henry E. Dlxey, a
comedian with the sprlghtllness of the
modern school snd the mellowness of the
old. Is the star of the producing company,
and his leading woman Is the talented ac
tress Helen Laclcaye.
The production has been called a most
perfect example of modern ' effort It
comes from the splendidly equipped studio
of the great manager, Henry W. Savage.
This season's version is even better then
before, because It has been entirely gone
over under the guidance of Mr. Socage and
George Marlon.
Oldest Dank In Ntbraskih
United States National : Bank
Omaha, Nob.
Statement Soptombor 1st. 1905.
Loans . T,T0O,e64J17
V. 8. Bonds (par) ....... 600,000.00
Other Bonds 1 754,800,00
Dank Building 800,000,00
Cash and Exchange 4)83,687 JJT
Capital BtOCk m..mmi
BnrpJus and Froflta
neswrred fa Taxa.mM
Deposits ,.
5 .
150.000 Chloago. Burlington Qutncy R.R.CO..I1L Dlv. 4'a of HO SO.Mt
15,000 Chicago, Milwaukee A St Paul By. Co. .Debenture 4'a of ll M.OM
10.000 Chicago, Rook Island A Paolfio Ry. Co. .1st A Bef. 4's of II4 1I.N4
1,101 Colorado A Southern Railway Co., .....Bef. A Bit l'i ef 1116. ........ 4,T
14,000 Detroit A Toledo Shore Line..,. ....... 1st Mortgage 4's ef l6t 4,10ft
10,000 Mason City A Fort Dodge Railway Co.. 1st Mortgage 4's of 1065 11,009
10.000 Michigan Central Railway Co. ,.Oollateral Oold Note of 1910 10,000
10.000 New Tork Central Railway Ce . , Eeulp. Trust Certificates of 1110. 14,000
40.000 N. T. Central A Hudson River R K Co 1st Mtg. Bonds, IH's ef 17... 44,000
15,000 Southern Pacific Railway Co.... 1 Bef Mtg. t's ef ltl IUt
4I.O40 Union Paclflo Railroad Co ..n. 1st Lien A Bef. Mtg. 4'a of 1044,. 41.00
16,000 Armour A Company ....1st Mortgage 4'a of ltll. 11.00
15.000 Morris A Company .4tt ll. uiiRriuiaii 11,004
10,000 Schwartsohlld A Sulsberger. s of I1......vjw..-i.iliiy-i 14,044
15,000 Chicago Railway Company... ...1st Mortgage 5s of lllf...rwti 1&.000
fS.000 Omaha A Council Bluffs St. Ry. Co. ...1st Consolidated I's of lllt.U 04.00
4.000 Omaha A Counoll Bluffa EL Ry. Co.... Prior, TJsn 61 of 1114. .04
1,000 Omaha Oaa Company ......1st Mortgage la of HIT........ 4,60
15.000 City of Los Angeles , -.41 of till
100 City of South Omaha I's ef 111. .... .............
15,000 City of New Tork .l'l f 1ISI....M...M..MM......
t.000 City of Omaha C's of 10-111..
8,000 City of Omaha 4'a of 1100-ltll.
(0,000 City of Omaha 4'a of 111 BO.000
15.000 City of Omaha 4U's ef 110-114 16.000
10,000 City of Kansas City, Kan, (school bonds). 4 tt's of HIT 10,00
11,000 City of Portland, Oregon 4H's of 11 14,00
10,000 City of St. Joseph, Mo 4's ef 114..... 14,00
10,000 City of Bloux City, Iowa 4Vs's of 11
10,000 City of Chloago (Cook Co. Court House). 4's of l0t
10,000 Douglas County Court House.' 4'a of 1111
10,100 Wise Memorial Hospital 1st Mortgag t's af 1111 n
If Shares Union Btook Tarda Stock.... quarterly
- PrelUn
Vlo Presldsol
OMAHA. NED. ' "-
Statement of Condition Aug. Slst l809i
Loans and Discounts......; $ 671,049.80
Expense and Interest Paid 7,086.64
Furniture and Fixtures. 5,477.00
Caah and Exchange 350,771.78
Undirided Profits
; 9,0224
Reserve 45
July 6, 1909, Deposits $396,698.31
August 31, 1000, Deposits . . .$723,362.8, j
We call attention to the growth of this bank. Wo solicit the business of Individuals, finns
and corporations, opening new accounts or changing banking connections.
Ttie Twentieth Century Farmer
Is the best medium through which the advertiser can reach thelive stock men and farmers -throughout
the central west country.
Capital $1,000,000
Surplus and Undivided Profits 3425,003
NO. 1689
of the
11 m m
J P. sn 67
P- m st
P- m 74
4 p. m Tl
p. m 74
4 p. m 70
T p. m 70
4 p. m t
p. m
Leal iieoora.
OMAHA. Sept . Official record of tern'.
peiutuie ana precipitailoii, compared with
the corresponding period of the last three
ars: jans. ltd. ;i07. imm.
Maximum temperature.... Tl 81 4$ W
61 06 M TO
Minimum temoeratura...
Mean temperature W 74 (1 11
freulpttatlon DO .04 T .00
Temperature and precipitation departures
from the normal at Omaha sliR-u March X.
and compared with the last two year.;
Normal temDerature fi
I I ef lolencjr for the day,
J oiai aenoirncy sines starch 1.
Normal precipitation ,
leflclency for the day
Tola! rainfall since March 1
I Deficiency since Marts 1 ,
deficiency for oor. perto4, 190S..
Deficiency for cor. period, lvu7..
... 14
. .It Inch
. .11 inch
.11.11 Inches
. 1M Inches
. .s Inch'
. (.46 Inches
Keports from Stations at T P. M.
Station and State Teoap. Max. lUln-
oi wcaiher. T p. in. Temp.
Bismarck, pt. eloudy.. ...... 74 . M
Cheyenne, clear 48 70
Chicaso, ralnlns; 71. . 7 .
Davenport, cloudy M ' M
lenver, raining; M ti
Havre, clear M . k4
Helena, pt. cloudy...., 74 It
Hurt in, cloudy 48 71
Kansas City, cloudy........ 7 ' M
North Flail, clear 74 4
Omaha, cloudy TO to
Hapid City, clear T 74
rt. Ix)ula, cloudy 7 Ti
tit. faul, cloudy SO 44
Salt Lake City, clear 14 74
Valentine, clear M M
Wlillalon, clear M St 4
T Indicates trace of precipitation.
If A. W t-Lbll, txvai forecaster.
.Or J
Made to the Comptroller of the Curremcy, September 1st, 1909
of Omaha
O. T. MoQmiW
sslstaat Caahler
Assistant Casiiier
Assistant Caahlsr
Loans and Discounts
U. S. Bonds for Circulation
Stocks and Donds
Banking House and Safety Deposit Vaults.
V. S. Bonds for Deposits
Other U. S. Bonds
Due from approved Reserve Agents
Due from Other Banks
Cash on Hand
Due from U. S. Treasurer
2, 101. 69a. 20
. 626,250.00
I16.S61.8S9. 15
Capital fl.000,000.00
Surplus Fund , 200,000.00
Undivided Profits 286.997,14
Circulation 699,997.60
Deposits , 18,274.894,71
16. 11, 81. 16
J. X.
a .
W. K. IUB01U
A. r. maamorn
x. w. OAJtYSsrrxB
w. m. ivciou
It. a BAM
THIRTEENTH STREET, between Farnam and Douglas.
SAFETY DEPOSIT VAULTS, 210 South I3th Street