Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 09, 1909, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
a clean, Tollable newspaper that U
admitted to each and every home.
For Nebraska Tartly cloudy.
For Iowa Showers.
For weather report t- rage 2.
Nominating Committee Will Settle
Who Shall Be Next President of
Nebraska Association. . x
Head of Organizatit' Irises Law
in Hi Annual . i.
Inspection of Banks by Ass -on
Feature of Scheme He Endorses.
tankers t'paet by Ordering of ".tate
ment for Condition of Business
Ending; September f Dele
gate at Coontry Clob.
Who will be the next president of the
Nebraska Hankers" association rests In the
decision of the committee on' nominations
appointed yesterday afternoon by President
Kurnham. The committee will hold an ex
ecutive session this morning before the
convention resumes and pick Its man. Ills
tlec'.lon will follow this afternoon without
There are no open or avowed candidates
and there has been almost no gossip on'the
subject. Tresldent Burnham has siren gen
eral satisfaction as the head of the aosocla-
tlon the last year and were re-olectlon
customary he could have It again for the
fay-so. The committee on nominations la
headed by Frank McGlrertn of Fremont,
the others being F. M. Castetter of Blair.
W. H. McDonald of North Platte, O. N.
8-ymour of Elgin and W. HBucholi of
President Burnham appointed the com
mlttee on resolutions, as follows: J. C
Freneh, South Omaha, chairman; W. A.
Taylor, Hastings; Arthur McNamara, North
Platte: V. B. Caldwell. Omaha; U B.
llowey, Beatrice.
The committee on auditing includes: A.
M. Grantham, Lexington, chairman; T. J,
Hansel,, ' Danebrog; C. H. Gray, Central
The convention went under way at the
morning session yesterday with a few
fervid remarks regarding the comptroller
of the currency and son sharp crltlolsm
on "bank guaranty" legislation.
Comptroller Considered Nalamncc
The comptroller of the currency was dis
cussed unofficially, but with emphasis, be
cause that person, unintentionally, of
course, had called for a bank statement
Just as the convention began.
The remarks on guaranteeing bank de
1 posits came from President C. El Burn
ham of the state association In tils annual
After mentioning the action of the last
legislature, he said:
"Believing that this was a personal mat
ter, we havo studiously avoided any action
being taken by this association In an of
ficial manner. Personally, I am opposed
to the mo-called guaranty, but conaidertng,
as I believe, the minority has right which
the majority la bound to respect and
oheerfully does respect, X have endeavored,
with the belp of our secretary and others.
to keep the association, tree roca . litiga
Stars Br OJ .Vari. . . .
"I am one ot those old-fashioned bankers
who believe that the only way of providing
agalnBt bank disaster la to adhere strictly
o the lines ot legitimate banking, which
In the long run will not only result in
better banking, but greater confidence. It
is not possible to expect the people to put
tneir absolute trust and their money into
institutions which agitators are attempting
to discredit. If the men who make the
lawr under which the banka must do busi
ness consider It necessary to magnify a
danger which doea not exist, what must
' the average Individual infer who has no
working knowledge of a bank, and only
' bases his faith upon the fact that the bank
la iliowed to do business under the protec
tion of the state or government.
"Bunking la neoessary to the business of
the people and commonwealth; were it
segregated from the balance of the bualneas
world, a sort of a parasite upon the in
dustry of others, then deposit guaranty
might be necessary, but in the direct an
alysts of the whole question, it la the mass
of the people who suffer from the shaken
confidence and. not the capitalist alone.
For this reason, I am firmly convinced
that the better plan would be to leave the
entire matter of better security to the
depositor, to the men engaged In the bank
ing business, and. by adopting what we
of Nebraska know as the 'Howey plan,'
we will do more towards providing for
the depositor more security than any leg
islative plan yet suggested. This idea was
advanced by Mr. Howey in 1808, prior to
tee adoption by any political party of any
eo-culled bank guaranty plan, and again
after our last meeting In 1308."
Oetllees Howey- PUa,
Mr. Burnham then briefly outlined the
"llowey plan," which calls for a super
vision and control of members of the
Nebraska Bankers association through the
application of clearing house principles,
and Includes the sir lot est sort of examina
tion of members by specially employed
The preeldunt's address followed an ad
dress of welcome by Joseph H. Millard,
president of the Omaha National and the
Omaha Clearing house, and waa reaponded
to by George N. Seymour ot Elgin. With
the appointment of committees the morn
ing session adjourned.
Two hundred members of the association
had registered at the Rome before the
meeting at the Kilts' club began. Among
Ilia visitors are a number of bankers from
New York. Chicago. Denver and other
cities outside Nebraska, who have come
to take part In the program or for pri
vate buslneaa reasons.
Among these are Colin Campbell of the
Fort Dearborn National. Chicago; James
llingold. United States National. Denver;
E. L. Irtah, Denver National; w. B. Dickey,
National City. Chicago; C. A. Marshall.'
PhoenU National, New Turk; W. E.
Wakefield. Corn Exchange, Chicago; H.
F. Brough, First National. Chicago; J. a!
-atte. North American National, Chicago;
'Frank 1 Bnmdage, representing Knoutb.
. Nachod at atuhua. New York.
NtwtesHr Ma a Bukar.
A former Omaha newspaper man. U. L
Lombard, representing the Bankers' Pro
tective association, is attending the con
vention. -Mr. Lombard, who was on the
staff of The Bee In the early Wn, later
(Continued on Ueoond Page,)
Paprika Makes
Hit with the
State Bankers
Special Night at the Den Proret One
' of Biggest - and Best ' of
Whole Season.
'I'm 60 years old and have traveled all
over this country as well as other coun
tries, but I tell yon truthfully that I have
never seen anything in my life like this
oprey. o f 'Paprika Schnitzel,' " said W. 8.
Wltham of Atlanta, Ga., the man . who
owns' ninety banks and who Is In Omaha
to address the convention of the Nebraska
Bankers' association.
A special performance of the beautiful
oprey had been arranged for Wednesday
night for the entertainment of the vtstlng
bankers and the big den was packed with
bankers, insurance men, visiting Ragles
and Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben. The per
formance went with a swish and swirl
and was lengthened by the many encores
which the bankers forced upon the singers.
Oscar Lleben and Ben Cotton have ex
changed parts and both seemed to have
Improved by the change.
"Horsemen" Is still the cry of the parade
committee and It wan announced that un
less fifty more horsemen put In an ap
pearance the parades would be seriously
hampered for want of men. Riders are
wanted for the big electrical parade and
should report to Charles Karbach.
Grand Muftl Herring announced that
the enrollment now numbered 1.203, which
is considerably In excess of last year. The
membership waa Increased during the last
week by knights hastening to get under
the wire In time to be able to visit the
den on Taft night and also to sit at the
banquet table.
Peary and the North pole were at the
den and were the center of attraction be
fore the curtain went up for the first act
of the oprey.
Clement Chase delivered the address of
welcome to the visiting bankers In behalf
of the Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben and said
that the Nebraska bankers stood for the
Ideal of good cttlxenshlp and told them that
Omaha would surely appreciate any good
word which they might be able to carry
back Into the state.
"Omaha's stride have been rapid since
Ak-Sar-Ben came Into existence." said
C. E. Burnham of Norfolk, president of
the Nebraska Bankers' assclatlon. "Magni
ficent building and many other Improve
ments testify to what this order has done
for Omaha. The counties of Nebraska
are loyal to Omaha for Omaha has drawn
on different parts of the state for many
of Its beet citliens. Paprika Schnitzel, the
star of the evening, comes from my
R. C. Wilson of the Commercial National
bank of Chicago told several good stories
and E. R. Ourney of Fremont followed
with some more. "All the bankers of Ne
braska are proud of the record this city
Is making," said Mr. Gurney, "and we are
proud of Omaha and of Ak-Sar-Ben. These
bankers are but clearing houses helping
put the resources of the state to work to
belp enrich Nebraska." .
Mr. Wltham added after his opening
remarks that he would trade two good
banks and throw In -a carload of water
melons for the oprey If he could have t
to take to Georgia.
"Omaha ia a city which may well be
proud of Its hundreds of church spires
rising agalnit the sky as a guarantee of
the morality of the city," added Mr.
Two Carloads
of Flour Seized
Product sl Nebraska Mills Alleged to
Have Violated Pure Food Law
LA CROSSE. Wis., Sept. 8. (Special
Telegram.) Pursuant to a ruling of the
Department of Agriculture chemist that
nitrogen peroxide used for bleaching In
the manufacture of flour Is a violation of
the pure food law and that the product
Is unhealthful, United States District At
torney George H. Gordon has ordered
seized two carloads of flour shipped by
the; Columbus Roller Mills company of
Columbus, Neb., to this state. This Is the
first seizure of the kind made In Wis
consin and the case will be a teet of the
national pure food law. Other seizures
will be made within a few days, Mr.
Gordon says
Here's a Man Who Was With
Peary and Cook in Arctic
A long'?' lazy Individual who was en
sconced In an easy chair of the Paxton
hotel remarked to hla Inoffensive neighbor,
"The poor deluded public, my heart bleeds
for them." '
The Inoffensive neighbor, taking him to
be some noted traveller who had some
thing of wisdom to impart, took up the
"Why, what's the matter," ha asked,
"don't you think that Cook really discov
ered the north pole?"
"Umra-ram-mm, that depends on what
you mean by discovering," waa the an
swer. "Well, don't you think that he has been
there V
The lank one looked around the lobby
a moment and then turned and whispered
"No, I don't"
"Well, how about Peary, then?"
Again an impreaalve whlaper, "He didn't
"Well, why do you whisper It? asked the
Inoffensive neighbor, testily, "lota of other
people think the same thing."
"That's not the trouble," said the long
one. "I promised to believe It I promised
both of them three years ago that I would
believe it, and now I ain't keeping my
"Why, I don't understand you," said the
"Young maa," began the other, wiping
his eyes and blowing his noee. "there is
a good deal In my story you might not
understand If I should tell you. But that
even that will not deter me, I must un
burden my heart to some one."
"AU right." said the neighbor, "go
"L he . drew himself up, "I am a
polar explorer myself."
He waited a moment for this to soak In
and then continued:
"For years I travelod in the Ice driven
ahlps of Commodore Peary in their wild
Otghts to the pole, and Dr. Cook was an
Commander Says Report of Rival
Explorer is Not to Be Taken
Too Seriously.
Brooklyn Physician Was Not Out of
Sight of Land.
Scientist Friends Both Men Discuss
the Situation.
Ship Expected at Bed Bar Today,
Where Peary Will Pot Hie
Story of Trip to Pole on
ItrW TORK, Sept. 8, The following
dispatch was reoelved here early today:
ursiAX BAJUBOB, Labrador, (By
Wireless) Tla Cape Bay, K. lt cpt. 7
To Melville S. Vtone, Associated Press,
Hew Tork I X have nailed the Stars and
stripes to the ITorth pole. This ia authori
tative and oorreot. Cook's story should not
be taken too seriously. The two Eskimos
who aooompanlsd him say he went no dls
tanoe north, and not oat of sight of land
Other members of the tribe corroborate
their story. PBABT."
The lie was hurled yesterday concerning
the dlscoverey of the North pole and the
foundation laid for a controversy unparal
leled In history. Commander Robert E.
Peary Is making uncertain progress south
ward off the coast of Labrador in his ship,
Roosevelt, but there came from him yes
terday a message as direct as his home
ward journey has been slow.
It challenges the veracity of Dr. Frederick
A. Cook of Brooklyn and further compll
cates a situation which the whole world
Is discussing. In, effect Peary discredits
Cook's claims with the Intimation that he
(Peary) and he alone planted the American
flag at the North pole on April 6, 1909. and
that Dr. Cook, who asserts that he un
furled the flag at the pole on April 21. 1908,
must substantiate hla claim.
At Copenhagen, Cook, nhown his rival's
statement last night, stood by his guns,
declined to enter into a debate and calmly
asserted that his records would sustain
him. To prove his right of discovery be
fore the entire world, beyond a shadow of
doubt, he announced that he will dispatch
a ship to Greenland and bring to America
his Eskimo companions. Then with their
testimony and his data, he declares that he
will stand ready to face all detractors.
Ship mt Battle Harbor.
Iq the meantime ' Peary continues , his
homeward Journey on the Ice-scarred
Roosevelt and is tonight at Battle Harbor,
Labrador, ' still more than 400 miles -from
North Sydney, C. B., the objective point of
the home cruise.
Mrs. Cook is In New Tork and Mr.
Peary has left her home In Maine on her
way to Join her husband at North Sydney.
Though pressed for a statement, Mrs. Cook
declined- absolutely last night to say any
thing concerning her husband.
By those who received word of Dr. Cook's
discovery ' with skepticism Commander
Peary's challenge yesterday was received
with- gratification, by those who had been
neutral It came as another surprise in a
series of remarkable happenings, while to
Dr. Cook's supporters It was a signal for
war. Cook, if his plana do not miscarry,
will sail for the United States on Sunday
next and will arrive here by September 21.
By that time Commander Peary will have
reached home, but no one has as yet sug
gested the possibility of a dramatic meet
ing of the two face to face.
Peary's statement reflecting on Dr.
Cook's achievement came first to the As
sociated Press early yesterday morning,
dated Indian Harbor, Labrador, the point
throogh which he first reported his success
by wireless. It had evidently been delayed
In transmission.
Meeaavice to Mrs. Peary.
About the same time Mrs. Peary received
(Continued en Second Page.)
old schoolmate. Because we have killed so
many polar bears together and shot so
many Icebergs. I mean, we have shot by
so many Icebergs in our old ship, that I
hate to tell on him, I really do.
"You didn't know that Cook and Peary
met up in the Icy seas off Spitsbergen
three years ago, did you? Well, most people
don't know It but It's true. I was there,
I waa with Peary. Peary Invited Cook to
oome aboard the 'Roosevelt' and dine
with us one evening, and I was put on
duty to watch the door of the cabin to
keep off the prowling esklmoea who might
be on board. I sat outside the door, gazing
up at the frosty akles through the sky
light and could hear the voices of the
two captains talking in the next room.
"Finally I heard Peary pound the table
with his fist and cry, 'I'll do It.' I listened,
and the whole plot came out. They were to
find some comfortable spot where only
arctlo explorera ever go, and lay up there
for two years. Then Cook was to come
back to the world with hla announcement
'I have found the North Pole.' While the
civilised world was aghast with wonder,
Peary was to fUuih his laconic meaeage.
'I, too, have found the pole' and the
glory would be theirs for ever and ever."
"Then they probably won't quarrel about
the honor, will they?" suggested the listen
ing neighbor.
. "Not they," was the answer. "They are
depending upon each other to make the
whole thing stick, see? And they are right
too. It's a humanitarian enterprise. Some
American was bound to find It anyhow, and
nobody would ever go there after it waa
found. Lives were being lost every year,
and for what? fur what? I say, juat to
say that someone had found the pole. Well,
someone has aald now that he haa found
it and there la someone to back hi in up
In It Great scheme, eh?"
Juat then a heavy aquare man walked
up briskly.
"There now, I'll have to go home." aald
the long, lazy man peovlahly, "there's my
; v. s
U. S. The boys
F:.;.u the Minneapolis Journal.
Expires Suddenly from Heart Failure
After Operation.
Ho Had Been Abroad for Treatment
and Condition Waa Not Such
e to Cause Fear of
the End.
NEW TORK, Sept S, Lieutenant Gen
eral Henry C. Corbln. U. $. A., retired, died
In Roosevelt hospital In this city today
after an operation for a renal disorder.
General Corbln would have been 67 years
old In a few days. Mrs.' Corbln and ex
Oovernor Myron T. Herrlok of Ohio, his
personal friend, were at his bedside when
death occurred.
General Corbln had been suffering for
two years from the malady which caused
his death. Accompanied by Mrs. Corbln
and the general's daughter, Mrs. Usher
Parsons, of Ardsley, N. T., he went to
Carlsbad for treatment on June 12 last
The waters there appeared to have Im
proved his condition after two weeks' stay
and he returned to England, where his
former trouble recurred, and he went to
Paris to consult physicians.
The trouble developed more seriously
while he was in Paris and he returned to
America, arriving here Sunday last The
general was taken to the Hotel Martinique
In this city and Dr. Frank Erdwurm was
summoned. The physician advised that
General Corbln be removed to the Roose
velt hospital, and he was taken there on
Monday. The operation, was performed
Tuesday morning by Dr. Lucius Hotchklns,
the hospital surgeon, assisted by Dr. Erd
wurm and Dr. Peck.
Following the operation Hierteral Corbln
revived and the work of the surgeon was
regarded as a success, but about midnight
last night a weakness of the heart de
veloped and death ensued a few hours
General Corbln's body will be taken to
his home at Hlghwood, Chevy Chase, near
Washington, this afternoon, and funeral
arrangements will be made there. His
burial will be In Arlington cemetery.
Sketch of General's Career.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 8. War depart
ment officials were greatly surprised and
shocked this morning when Informed of
the death In New York of General H. C.
Corbln. It was known that General Corbln
had not been well for some months, but
that his Illness was serious was not even
considered. His death, therefore, was
wholly unexpected. During his service as
adjutant general of the army, General Cor
bln was a conspicuous figure at the War
department and In the social life of the
national capital. Formal action upon his
death will be taken by the department
during the day.
ii.i.i tu. utn a first military service
was aa aecond lieutenant In the Eighty
third Ohio Volunteer Infantry, he having
enlisted July 28, 18ti2, and served to the
end ot the war with the Army of the
Cumberland, holding all grades from sec
ond lieutenant to colonel. He waa breveted
brigadier general of volunteers March 14
He entered the regular army May 11,
1806. as a second lieutenant of the Seven
teenth Infantry, and was successively pro
moted until he reached the grade of lieu
tenant general April 16, 190C, and retired
September IS of the same year. In recog
nition of "gallantry shown In the Spanish
American war" congress in June, 1200, con
ferred upon him the rank of major general.
For eight years he served as adjutant gen
eral pf the army. He waa a member of the
Loyal Legion. November 8, Dul. he mar
ried Miss Edith Agnes Patten and had his
residence in this city.
Leave Three Children.
General Corbln leaves three children by
his first wife, Rutherford B. of this city,
Mra. Usher Parson of Ardsley-on-the-Hud-son.
N. T., and Grace Corbln, living In
Wilmington, O.
Only last year the beautiful Corbln home
at Hlghwood, adjoining Chevy Chase In
the suburbs of Washington, waa com
pleted and extensive entertainments had
been planned for the coming season.
General Corbln was In command of the
Philippine diviHlon when he was appointed
major general, having voluntarily relin
quished the Important position of adjutant
general of the United States army from
a desire to wind up his military career by
fiela service.
He returned to the United States from
Manila early in 1D04, and assumed com
mand of the Department of the Missouri.
While holding thla command he waa pro
moted to be lieutenant general of the
United Stales army.
Chamber of Coaamereo Presents 811-
i Monoted Poach Service to
One of AiDiuber.
TACOMA. Wash.. Sept 8. The Tacoma
Chamber of Commerce at a reception here
today to the Japanese commercial commit
a.onera presented T. Nakaahashl, president
of the Osaka Ehosen Kaahl, with a beau
tiful silver-mounted cut glass punch serv
ice. The aet will be placed on the ateamer
Tacoma The commissioners spent
today visiting the Great Northern railway
shops and many other commercial enter
(risvs of Tacoma.
seem to be wearing their "shackles"
Guest List
For Banquet
To President
Board of Governors of Ak-Sar-Ben
Ready to Send Out the
The Board of Governors of Ak-8ar-Ben
met Inst night to discuss the final guest
tint for the banauet to be given President
Taft on the evening of Monday, Septem
ber 20. It was found that several or tne
mmn on the list printed in The Bee of
Tuesday were of men who are not mem
bers of Ak-Sar-Ben. These have been
eliminated, as it Is intended to make the
banquet an exclusive affair of the order
and only members can attend. Invitations
will be sent out at once with a request
that response be made by September 15.
A committee of five of the governors
nlll an to Dee Moines to meet the presi
dent and his party on Monday afternoon
and escort them to Omaha.
Corn Poorer Than
a Year Previous
Crop Reporting Board of Department
of Agriculture Makes This
WASHINGTON, Sept 8. The crop report
ing board of the Department of Agricul
ture estimates . the average condition of
crops on September 1 last as follows:.
Corn. 74.S, as compared with 79. t on the
tame date last rr: spring wheat 88.8, as
compared with 77.8 In 1908.
Comparisons for important corn states
Sep. 1. Sep. 1. Ten Tear
1909. iao. Average.
Iowa ....
y to ft fan n A
72.0 79.0
82.0 80.0
72.0 7 JO
78.0 78.0
South Dakota 90.0 88.0 88 0
United States 74.6 79.4 80.8
Comparisons for Important spring wheat
states follow:
September 10-Tear
1909. 1908. Ave.
North Dakota 85.0 75.0 74.0
Minnesota 92.0 81.0 76.0
South Dakota SS.O 83.0 T8 0
United States 88.0 77.8 76.9
The average condition of the oat crop
when harvested was 83.8, as against 69. 7
when harvested In 1908.
Comparisons for Important oat states
fptember 1 10-Tear
19U9. 1908. Ave.
Iowa SO.O .0 79.0
Nebraska 74 0 69.0 74 0
North Dakota 88.0 72 0 80.0
South Dakota 87.0 75.0 87 fl
Kansas 83.0 6S.O 66.0
United States 83.8 66.T 79.8
The preliminary estimate of the area of
the rye harvested Is 6 per cent lers than
last year. The Indicated total production
Is 31,086,000 bushels, as against 31.851.000
bushels finally estimated In 1908. The
quality of the crop is 92.9, as against 9? 7
last year.
The average condition of other crops on
September 1 is stated as follows:
Barley, 80.5, against 81.1 In 1908; buck
wheat 81.1, against 87.8 last year; potatoes,
80.1, against 73.7 last year; tobacco, 80.2,
against 84. t last year. ' ,
The condition of tobacco September I In
Important states was: Kentucky, 80; North
Carolina, 77; Virginia. 85; South Carolina, 85.
Resignation of
Governor Post
Porto Rican Executive Sends An
nouncement of His Withdrawal
from Office.
WASHINGTON, Sept . The resigna
tion of Governor Post of Porto Rico
reached the bureau of Insular affairs to
day and waa forwarded to the president at
Beverly. It ia understood the president
has already decided upon Mr. Post's suc
cessor, but hla name Las not yet been an
nounced. It is expected that Secretary of
War Dickinson and General Charles Ed
wards, chief of the bureau of insular af
fairs, will visit Porto Rico about the 20th
of the present month.
Kldaaplnst Case Beln Fooajht at
Kverr Step -Principals Are
Identified Enallr.
TOPEKA, Kan.. Sept. 8 -Mrs. James G.
Barclay, Frank 11. Ttllotaon, J. N. Gentry
and David Gregg were arraigned in the
city court today, charged with kidnaping
Marian Bleakley, the Incubator baby. The
owner and drivers of the automobile in
which the child was carried away identi
fied Mra. Barclay and Gentry. The case
Is being bitterly contested. The taking of
evldenoe will probably not be completed to
day. Mrs. Stella Barclay, J. N. Gentry and
F. H. Tillotaon. charged with kidnaping
the Incubator baby, were bound over to
tha district court at t o'clock. Bond waa
fixed at S6.0U0 each. David Gregg alao
waa bound over, and held In SjUU bond.
They made no defuns
very comfortably.
This Statement Was Made by Mag
nate's Doctor Yesterday.
These Are Denied, bat All Details
s to Illness Are Refused
Empty Oxygen Tanka Sent
to Mew Tork.
TURNER, N. T., Sept. S.-Edward H.
Harriman Is better. This statement Is
based on the assertion today of the two
men closest to him outside of his Immediate
family. His medical adviser. Dr. William
G. Lyle, said so this morning and reiterated
It late this afternoon. His spiritual ad
viser. Itev. J. Holmes McGulnesa, made
the assertion In almost the same language
after visiting the sick man personally dur
ing the afternoon.
How far Mr. Harriman has Improved and
the precise state of his health Is still a mat
ter of conjecture and the subject of a suc
cession of alarming rumors. The official
Information from the Harriman residence
today utterly failed to quiet these reports
and there seems to be some ground for
the persistent If unconfirmed reports that
he suffered a second slight attack of in
digestion yesterday and that Dr. Lyle's
reassuring statement at midnight referred
to his improvement from this second
Empty Oxysren Tanks.
There Is no doubt that Mr. Harrlman's
recent Illness has been desperate. Evidence
of this was furnished today by two empty
oxygen tanks that were sent down from
Tower Hill this evening to be returned to
the manufacturer In New York. That these
attacks will be recurrent and that they
must grew Increasingly ominous la the be
lief of oven thone who- have no Immediate
fear for his life and profess to consider
reports published In New Tork as exag
gerated. Dr. Lyle's first statement today came In
his own handwriting In response to a note
delivered to him at Arden house at about
11 o'clock this morning requesting more
definite information. This reply read:
"Mr. Harriman U better.
"W. O. LTLE."
More Alarming; Rnmore,
Conjecture was thus lulled only for a
few hours. In the afternoon alarming
rumors, originating, some In Wall street
and some from sources unknown, poured
In upon the newspaper men at Turner and
Arden until 4 o'clock, when Dr. Lyle again
was called on the telephone. The most
startling report of them all was that re
pented to him:
"It Is aald In New York that Mr. Harri
man Is dead."
Those reports are not true," replied Dr.
Lyle, "Mr. Harriman Is better today."
His assurances were qualified In the
minds of many, however, by a visit paid
to Ardon house by Mrs. Mary Slmonds,
Mr. Harrlman's sister, who lives In Center
Valley at the foot of the mountain.
A week ago when Mrs. Slmonds was
asked to confirm or deny a rumor that her
brother was dying, she replied: "If he
waa dying do you think I should be
sitting quietly here at my home?"
Tonight a member of the Slmonds family
was asked tf the sister's visit Indicated
any change for the worse. The reply was
"No, quite the contrary."
Pastor Says Little.
The Rev. J. Holmes McOuiness Is the
young rector of the Episcopal parish of
which Mr. Harriman Is a member. As
pastor of 8t John's church at Arden, he
haa long enjoyed the confidence of the
Harriman family and by those who com
pare the millionaire's broad acres here to
a baron's Isle, he Is some times referred to
as Mr. Harrlman's chaplain.
Alarmed by the morning papers, Dr. Mc
Gulnees drove to Arden house about 10:80
from his home at Chester., On his way
he told the newspaper men he had no first
hand Information from Tower Hill. He
spent two hours with the Harriman family
and was not seen in the valley again until
he drove home between 4 and S o'clock.
Reluctant to discuss his visit, he yielded
when told that a wrong Interpretation
might be placed upon his call If followed
by absolute silence and asked: "You tell
(Continued on Second Page.)
Do you want a
girl for housework?
Phone Douglas
238 and get one.
That is the "Want-ad Num
ber." If you ere without help,
go do it now. No use drudg
ing this hot weather when you
can get help so easily.
Olrls looking (or work know that
The Deo publishes practically a com
plete list of people who want help,
o they look to the Beo Want-ids
whea looking; for a place.
Better Btep to the phone and
pot in the ad.
Brooklyn Physician Opens His State
ment by Saying "I Have Been
to the North Pole.
Willing to Place Evidence Before
Joint Tribunal of Scientists.
Will Also Submit Report to People of
the World.
Bays lie Has Written Evidence that
Peary Took His Stores Harry
Whltmry Acquainted with
All the Facta.
COPENHAGEN, Sept. S.-"I have been t
the North pole.' As I said last night when
I heard of Commander Peary's success, II
he says he has been to the pole, I beltev
"I am willing to place facts, figures and
worked-otit observations before a Joint
tribunal of the scientific bodies ot tha
world. In due course I shall be prepared
to make public an announcement that will
effectually dispel any doubt If there can
bo such, ot the fact that I have reached
the pole. Hut knowing that I am right
and that right must prevail, I will submit
at the proper time my full story to the
court of last resort the people of the
"1 will not enter Into any controversy
over the subject with Commander Peary,
further than to say that I have not taken
his ENklmos. My reply. Is that Eskimos
are nomads. They are owned by nobody
and are not the private property of either
Commander Peary or myaelf. The Eskimos
engaged by mo were paid ten times what
they agreed to accompany me tor.
"As to the story that Commander Peary
says I took provisions stored by him, my
reply is that IVary took my provisions,
obtaining them from the custodian on tha
plea that I had been so long absent that
he was going to organise relief stations
for me In case I should be alive. For this
1 have documentary proof."
This Is Dr. Frederick Cook's reply to
Commander I'eary.
Dr. t ook Not Disturbed.
Coming so quickly upon other dramatlo
Incidents of the week. Commander Peary's
dispatch denying that Dr. Cook had
achieved the triumph for which he has
been feted and honored In Copenhagen be
yond the lot of any other private person
haa been read here with feelings of amaze
ment and concern. But Dr. Cook himself
seoms in no wise disturbed. He was per
fectly cool and apparently unmoved when
confronted tonight with telegrams from
the United States saying that Commander
Peary had denounced him as an impoater.
Hla demeanor has not changed ' In the
slightest from the day he landed In Copen
hagen. Dr. Cook's friends had urged him to their
utmost to mako any statement possible for
the public, but he had said repeatedly that
all he had to say for the present was that
he possessed proofs that he had visited the
North pole on April 21, 1908. These proofs
were convincing and in due time would be
given to the world.
Peary Uses Cook Stores.
When It was suggested to him that his
chances of proving hla caae might bo
ruined unlesa he made a satisfactory state
ment Immediately, he smiled his usual
quiet smile and asked how could a man
be ruined by popular clamor calling him
an Impoater when he had proofs of bis
case which could and would be published,
as he had often repeated, when they wars
In proper form to be given out.
Regarding the controversy over hit al
leged taking of Peary's stores Dr. Cook
states that he has written and other satis
factory evidence that Peary took his
stores, perhaps believing him dead. Harry
Whitney Is personally acquainted with all
the facta and perhaps what he has to Say
when he returns may be Interesting,'
added the explorer.
Then Dr. Cook remarked quietly I "Make
as little as you can of this and don't say
anything disagreeable about Fairy,"
Dr. Cook told Captain Sverdrup and an
other friend the day after ha landed hers
that he hoped there would be no un
pleasantness over supplies with the Peary
party: that he had found some of Peary's
men in possession of one of his depots and
had turned them out unceremoniously.
Will Rend for Eskimos.
It Is settled that Cook Will send a ship
back to bring to America the two Eskimos
who accompanied him on the last Stage of
his Journey to the pole, as well as soma of
the party who were sent back When the
start of the last attaga began. Captajd
Sverdrup may command the expedition, fif
It Is Dr. Cook's desire that he shall do so,
and they conferred for some hours today
regarding the details of tha expedition.
Dr. Cook's purpose In bringing hlg
Et-klmo comrades to America la to havo
them relate their stories of the trip to tha
pole. He proposes to havo them examined
by men familiar with the Arctlo and the
Exkimo, Including the members of Peary't
party If they wish. Dr. Cook's apparent
confidence Is the greatest factor working In
his support In Copenhagen. Thoae who
have had the opportunity to talk with him
are agreed that he la an absolutely sincere,
simple man, or else deserves a pedestal la
history as one of the greatest actors.
When the latter alternative was sug
gested to him he merely expressed tha oon-t
vlction that time, even If there was no
other evidence, would confirm him In his
statements, because with the rapid advanoa
of the means of travel his route Would
soon be visited by others who could pat
Judgment on his testimony.
Cook a Man of Iron,
Dr. Cook's constitution Is of Iron. In tha
lata three nights he has averaged three
and a half hours' sleep, sitting up te the
small hours, attending to his correspond
ence and arising at t o'clock In the morn
ing to resume his task, but he shows no 111
effects of the strain. Ills engagements to
day Included a lunch given In hla honor
by the lirltlsh minister at the legation, and
a motor trip into the country to attend a
dinner given by Mrs. Gammell, whose hus
band financed several Danish expeditions.
There he met several noted geographer
and other sclentlsta.
All day long dixpatchea from America,
regarding Commander Peary's charges,
poured Into Copenhagen. The newspapers
contain only one unpleasant art id a
The PoliUken, In Its leader UaUgbt, sayaA