Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 08, 1909, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
For Nebraska Shower.
For Iowa 1'nsettlexl.
For weathrr report spo raR?
The Omaha Bee
la the most powerful bvtdneaa
gettr hi th vestf, bera.w tt gxtm
to Um hang of poor ud rich.
Official Statement of Magnate's Con
dition Says lie ii Recovering
t from Monday's Relapse.
Union Pacific and . ' Pacifio
Are Off Severa.
Firit Detailed Statement of v -tire
of Trouble.
Wall Street reeple Take Advantage
( Absence to Raid HU Proper
ties, Assamlas; III Career
at End.
ARDEN, N. T., Sept. 7.-A1I tho alarming
rumors regarding tho condition of Edward
H. Harrlman have been revived, following
his relapse of Sunday night. From the best
Information obtainable today, however. It
Is believed that the attack that cauxed a
hurry call for a New Tork nurse and prob
ably two nurses, one for day and one for
night was a temporary sickness caused
by a sudden change of temperature or an
Indiscretion In diet which the stck man In
his weakened condition was unable to
throw off. Dr. W. (1. Lyle. Mr. Harri
man's private physician, calls the attack
"acute Indigestion." In his statement last
night he aald that his patient was better.
While Mr. Harrlman's last attack In It
self may not be serious there Is always
danger of grave consequences In the case
of a man as weak as Mr. Harrlman. This, j
It Is believed, accounts for anxiety of those
surrounding the sick man. It was said
today that although the progress of Mr.
Harrlman's latest attack had been ar
rested his temperature remains high and
he Is exceedingly weak. The best Informa
tion Is that he Is In bed, and although no
confirmation of the report has yet been
obtained from tho house, little doubt exists
here that there are other physicians at
tending him besides Dr. Lyle.
itoek Market Is Lower.
NEW YORK, Sept. 7. An opening break
of BH points In Union Pacific, l In South
ern Pacific, SVj In New Tork Central, 2
In Reading and 1 to 1 In most other ac
tive speculative stocks showed the great
anxiety caused In stock market circles of
the reports of a relapse suffered by E. H.
Harrlman while the stock exchange was
closed for a three days' holiday. The mar
ket was without any official announcement
from Mr. Harrlman's business associates
when trading began and was confronted
with reports of heavy selling and severe
declines In the London market for Ameri
can accounts before the opening here.
The sales here were not In as large
amount as on many similar occasions, but
the tone at first was semi-demoralised.
After the opening vigorous support was
exerted and prices rallied immediately.
Within a few minutes an announcement
was forthcoming from the Union Pacifio
offices that Mr. Harrlman was much bet
ter and the appearance of tho market be
came quieter.
The whole tone of the market Indicated
a feeling of suspicion of the reassuring
announcements regarding Mr. Harrlman's
Improvement and a desire to adopt a wait
ing attitude in making commitments In the
friend Dlaeaeaea Relapse.
An Intimate friend of E. H. Harrlman,
discussing the relapse whioh occurred, on
Saturday, said today!
"I think the time has now come when the
publlo should understand the nature of Mr,
Harrlman s illness. Mr. Harrlman Is not
a strong man at best He is very slender
and very nervous, and, of course, has been
loaded down with tremendous responslbll
ties. Last year there developed a dlffl
rulty at the point where the stomach en
ters the Intestines. This is sometimes
called a rheutnatio knot, sometimes rheum
atism, and sometimes Indigestion. It Is at
the point which is known In anatomy as
the secura. Mr. Harrlman, under the ad
vice of his physicians, went to San An
tonio and camped near the Hot Wells. He
was under the care of Dr. Graves, a well
known physician. These wells have a tern
perature of about 110 degrees Fahrenheit,
and are strongly impregnated with sul
phur. They are therefore alterative and
laxative In their nature and perhaps the
best In this country for an ailment such
as Mr. Harrlman had.
"In dealing with the case It was Import
ant that Mr. Harrlman should avoid nerv
ous excitement, and the location at San
Antonio aeemed particularly favorable. He
Improved greatly while there and felt well
enough to go on to the Pacific coast, but
he could not avoid the strain attendant
upon hla enormous business Interests.
"Then when he returned to New Tork
his physicians concluded that It would be
best for him to go abroad to Bad Gastein.
At Bad Gastein things went very well,
save that Mr. Harrlman lost weight rap
idly and at the end of the treatment he
weighed ten pounds less than at the be
ginning. He then went to Vienna, where
he was examined by Dr. Kovak. the most
eminent diagnostician in Europe. He was
fed bismuth and rice, and an examination
was made by X-ray and Skyagraphs.
"About this time some people In Wall
street took advantage of Mr. Harrlman's
absence and made a raid on hla property,
and assuming that his career was Over,
even announced the name of his successor.
Dra. Lyle and Kovak, after considering the
matter thoroughly, felt that 'the'best thing
tor Mr. Harrlman to do was to return.
Better to Hetnrn Home.
"It was all very well to tell him to let
business alone, but, 4.0U0 miles away, with
ills enemies struggling to unhorse him,
this wa Imputable, ills physicians found
that there was no necessity for an Im
mediate operation and they thought that
If he came back to the United States and
went to Arden he would be In intimate
touch with his affairs, would be given food
which would be much more to his liking,
and could be free from Interruption.
"Acting upon this advice Mr. Harrlman
returned. The voyage was not a good one
and he suffered from seasickness and ar
rived la New Tork very weak, but with
tremendous courage, lie went out to Aiden
and a little later Drs. J anew ay of New
Tork and Cnle of Cleveland went there.
Afur an investigation they confirmed Dr.
Kovak s view thtt it was unwise to operate
at onus, and that the beet results could
iCuulUiued wA tieooud
Peace and Quiet
Again Reign
at McKces Rocks
Strike it Settled with Practically All
Demands of the Men
PITTSBURG. Pa.. Sept. 7. Peace and
quiet will sgaln reign In McKees Rocks
The costly strike, which hs been In prog
ress fifty-three days at the Pressed Steel
Car works. Is over. The workmen, num
berlng over 6.000, have won a complete
victory. Beginning Thursday morning
they will return to work 1.000 a day. While
formal action declaring the trouDle at an
end will not be taken until a vote Is cast
by the man some time tomorrow, C. A.
Wise, chairman of the strikers' executive
committee, stated tonight that the em
ployes of the big plant will unanimously
decide to return to work Thursday. Prac
tlcally all the demands made by the men,
he aald, have been granted by the com
The satisfaction of the men over the
final outcome of their contention la gen
eral. Among the changes agreed to by
the company are the following:
No Sunday work hereafter; half holiday
on Saturday; the promise of an increase
In wages; the Indefinite suspension of T
A. Fan-ell, chief of the company police;
a printed list of prices to be paid will be
exhibited in all departments so the men
will know exactly what they are to re
ceive for piece work, and a guarantee that
better conditions are to prevail through
out the big mill.
Owing to reticence of Commissioner of
Labor Charles I. Nelll, nothing definite
Is obtainable concerning the Investigation
he Is making here In connection with the '
It Is said Mr. Nelll will report to Wash
ington before announcing whether the gov
ernment Intends to prosecute. Excepting
to say that action will probably be taken
against several eastern employment
agencies. United 8tates District Attorney
Jordan Is also silent.
Preparing for
Large Crowds
Extra Police and Tents for People to
Sleep in Provided at
ABERDEEN, 8. D., Sept. 7. (Special.)
Mayor Aldrich and Chief of Police Zlrbes
are busily engaged In arranging plans for
policing of the city during registration. A
large force of plain clothes men will be put
on during the three weeks the registration
will last and policemen in uniform will
also be stationed throughout the residence
sections of the city as well as down town.
The railroads are also arranging to keep
a force of men at each station, many of
whom will be familiar with the operations,
and in many instances with the faces of
big cltyi ereoki who ' may be expected to
follow the registration crowds In the ex
pectation of reaping a big harvest.
In addition to the number of hotels and
rooming honees, and tne private homes
which will be opened to the registration
crowds, tents are being ordered which will
cover nearly ever vacant spot In Aberdeen,
except the parks. The tents will be fur
nished with cots, pillows and plenty of
blankets, and will be numerous enough to
make It certain that not a single registra
tion visitor will find It necessary to sleep
out of doors.
New Boat Line
is Incorporated
Articles Filed at Kansas City of the
Kansas City-Missouri Naviga
tion Company.
KANSAS CITY, Mo., Sept 7. The arti
cles of association of the Kansas City
Missouri, Navigation company, formed to
conduct boat traffle between Kansas City
and St. Louis, were filed in the office of
the recorder of Jackson county here today.
The capital of the company Is 11,000.000.
The papers will be certified to the secre-
tary of state at jerrerson Csty this after-
noon and a charter to the company Issued.
Mystery of Discovery of Remains of
Vonnsj Woman May Be Solved
by tbe Police.
DETROIT. Mich., Sept. 7.-The head and
arms of a young woman were found today
enclosed In a sack in Ecorse creek, under
the Jefferson avenue bridge. The torso of
a young woman was discovered sewed In
a similar sack yesterday In Ecorse creek
In the suburb of Ecorse and the police be
lieve the mystery Is nearlng solution.
The authorities this afternoon began a
search for a farmer who is said to have
seen an automobile from Detroit speeding
toward the Ecorse creek bridge two weeks
ago, carrying a well dressed man and a
dirty and heavy looking sack.
The girl's body was Identified today as
that of Miss Mabel MUlman of Ann Arbor,
the daughter of the widow of
Arbor policeman.
an Ann
War Over, Milkman Kills
Cows and Dismisses Suit
It begins to look as if the consumers of
milk In Omaha might alp their glaases In
peace, nor feel the constraining Impulse
driving them onto war. For, though. Gen
eral Connull refuses to evacuate the field
of battle. General Barney Landbolt com
manding the enemy, has made a complete
capitulation and hoisted the white flag of
Barney Landbolt, the West Dodge street
dairyman who secured the restraining or
der against Health Commissioner Connell,
Tuesday morning made a complete sur
render. He bad his case before Judge
Troup dismissed and before court con
vened drove hla thirty-one tubercular cows
to South Omaha to be killed In one of ths
packing houses there under government
The hearing of the restraining order se
oured by Lanoholt against Ue heal Lb com
Discoverer of North Pole Delivers
Lecture Before the Royal Society
of Denmark.
King, Queen and Other Members of
the Royal Family Present.
Lecture Bureaus and Publishers
Double Their Offers.
Says He Will Give Few More Facte
Until the Publication of Hla
Book Will Not Eater
Controversy. ,
COPENHAGEN, Sept. 7.-One of the
most remarkable results of Commander
Peary's rivalry with Dr. Cook for the dis
covery of the pole Is that Dr. Cook's prof
its from the enterprise are likely to be
largely increased. He received today offers
for his books and lectures at twice the
figures previously tendered. One Amer
ican of the highest standing cables terms
almost startling and It Is believed, far
beyond any sum hitherto paid for such
work. Dr. Cook is likely to accept this
The controversy Is beginning to wage
warmer here. Commander Peary's state
ment Is unanimously accepted as true, but
thore Is a very large following faithful to
Dr. Cook. His lecture before the Geo
graphical society tonight, however, added
little to the Information he had given out
with reference to his expedition and he re
peated the declaration of his Intention to
withhold details until the publication of
his book.
The king and queen. Prince and Princess
George of Greece and many of the mem
bers of the royal family, together with a
large gathering of the most prominent
people in Copenhagen this evening wit
nessed the presentation to Dr. Cook of
gold medal by the crown prince and lis
tened to the traveler's lecture afterward.
Lecture by Dr. Coo It.
Standing In front ot an Immense map of
the Arctic regions. Dr. Cook outlined his
progress to the North pole.
In Introducing the explorer the crown
prince said his reception In Greenland and
at Copenhagen showed the way the Danes
appreciated his wonderful exploit. The
prince then begged the honor of presenting
to him the medal of the Geographical so
ciety. Dr. Cook told his story coolly and
without hesitation, but most of his state
ments had been given out before.
"It is too early," said the explorer, "to
give the general results ot the expedition.
Time ie required to' digest' the result of
polar effort This northward dash has
occupied the minds of men for more than
300 years. Slowly and surely the ladder
of latitudes has been climbed, with various
degrees of success. Experlenoe was gained
and each expedition profited by the mis
fortunes of its predecessors. The . failure
of one expedition led to the success of sub
sequent efforts.
Trlbate to Sverdrup.
The art of polar travel has been created
and this art was the nucleus of our equip
ment. We changed tactics to suit our pur
pose, but I am bound to acknowledge at
the outset that success would not have been
possible without the less fortunate fore
runners. All honor to the pioneers, the
pathfinders to the pole, the early explorers.
We are particularly Indebted to Nansen
and Peary and many Danish explorers for
the last stages of polar progress. In my
case I am especially Indebted to Captain
Sverdrup, who is here tonight His work
gave us a new road, which afforded us a
chance to try the ice a little further west.
"Although profiting by other ventures,
our expendltlons differed In some important
respects. The route we selected I had
planned out years ago as a result of read
ing the splendid narrative of Sverdrup.
About the middle of 1907, when we started.
the pole was no part of the program, which
almed altogether at study and recreation
with the pole poaslbly as a future problem."
Preparations for Jonrncy.
Then the explorer went over the prepara
tions fur his departure and the Journey,
his recital being similar to that already
published. He cleared up the doubts about
the lowest temperature recorded, which he
reiterated was 83 degrees below sero
Fahrenheit He said he had no doubt that
the observations made would prove that
he had been on and around the ninetieth
"If I have been within a circle a
kilometer in diameter, where the pole Is
situated," exclaimed the explorer, "I am
satisfied that that Is quite sufficient for
practical purposes. I will say no more
until my book Is published. When shown
the dispatch, which said that Commander
Peary claimed to be the first man to reach
the North pole Dr. Cooke said:
"Commander Peary, of course, can Bay
whatever he wishes. I am not accustomed
to indulge In controversies. All I have to
say about Commander Peary, is that If he
J says he reached the North pole, I believe
he reached the North pole.
missioner waa set for 30 In Judge Troup's
His representatives would make no state
ment other than they did not care to
fight the rase. Landholt had make applica
tion for an Injunction against Connell and
Inspector Scully, asked 11.000 damages for
the loss of $14 worth ot milk and was
granted a temporary order, but this was
cancelled when hla suit was dismissed.
There are no more legal impediments In
the way of the milk destroyers.
With the capitulation of Landholt Dr.
Connell expects most of the opposition that
has confronted him will fade away and he
will have little trouble In the future with
dairymen milking diseased cows. He says
there will be no let-up In the campaign
for pure milk, ai.d it will make no differ
ence to him whether the dairymen are
agreeable to big clan of procedure or not
From the St Louis Republic
Sixty Thousand Acres in Wyoming
Secured by Dummy Entries.
They Are Charred with Gettlngr
About Sixty Thoasand Acres lu
Lander District by Fraud
ulent Means.
NEW TORK, Sept. t George W. Dally,
Rufus Ireland, Wllbcrfofre Sully and Frank
T. Wells were arrested here today by
United States : UtnUM " Hvnkel, charged
with conspiracy In Aefr'aodlng the govern
ment out of 60,000 acres of coal lands In
Lander, Wyo. The prisoners were ar
raigned before United Slates Commissioner
Gilhlrsh and held In 15.000 ball.
Wtlberforct Sully Is a lawyer and Is vice
president and a director In the American
Malt corporation, which has a capital of
$30,000,000, and Is also chairman of the
board of directors of the American Malting
company, with a capital of $15,000,000. Both
companies have their offices In New Tork.
Wells also Is a lawyer, with offlcea on
Long Island. Ireland is a resident of Long
iBland and Dally is said to be Sully's
stenographer. All gave ball.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 7. The entries on
account of which Dally, Sully, Ireland and
Wells were arrested Involve about 60,000
acres of valuable coal land In the Lan
der, Wyo., land district.
The entries -were made In 1306 and it is
charged that all the entrymen, about 190
In number, were residents of New Tork
City, most of them barbers and barten
ders. In the Indictment It is asserted
that these entrymen engaged in a con
spiracy with Dally, Sully, Ireland and
Wells and others to defraud the govern
ment the tntrlcs being made In the Inter
est of the Owl Creek Coal company and
the Northwestern Fuel company. Others
who were Indicted were Samuel W. Gebo
of Montana, Thomas McDonald of New
Tork and John Nelson and John B. Wright
of Wyoming.
The New Tork men are said to be people
of prominence and wealth. There are two
indictments against each of them. There
are also civil proceedings looking to the
cancellation of the entries and testimony
was to have been taken today in the
civil cases In New Tork City. The land
office has received no Information con
cerning the New Tork arrests.
Million Dollar
Steamboat Line
Corporation Formed in Kansas City to
Carry Freight on Lower Mis
souri River.
JEFFERSON CITY, Mo., Sept. 7. Ar
ticles of incorporation of the Kansas City
and Missouri Navigation company, capital
$1,000,000, were filed with the secretary of
state here today. The leading spirits In
the company are prominent Kansas City
merchants and their Intention Is to conduct
a freight line on the Missouri river be
tween that city and St. Louts.
An almost com
plete directory of
the various rooms
in Omaha will be
found in the want
ad pages of The
The easiest way to find the
kind of a room that you want
is to glance through the large
list of rooms which are offered
for rent.
Have you read tLe, yui da.
7. t4all
Attentions to
Daughter Arc
Cause of Murder
George Hurd'i Objection to Girl's
Company Bring About Tragedy
at Sioux Falls.
SIOUX FALLS, S. D., Sept ".George
Hurd was murdered at his home early this
morning. Two brothers, Eugene and
Charles , Radford, whose homes are at
Franklin, III., are held on the charge of
murder.' The shots are alleged to have
been fired by Charles Radford. The young
men callm self-defense. The tragedy was
the result of father's objections to Eugene
Radford keeping company with Hurd's
Durum Bread
Given the Call
Governor Burke Asks that Product
of North Dakota Be Accorded
WASHINGTON, Sept. 7. "Durum Bread
day" will be observed in North Dakota by
proclamation of Governor John Burke of
that state on October 7. The Agricultural
department has been notified that the peo
ple of North Dakota have been urged by
the governor to observe the day by using
only bread made from durum wheat flour.
Durum wheat is a hard cereal grown only
In the far north and Is a special product
of North Dakota. Oovernor Burke has re
quested the Agricultural department to
give special attention to the observance of
"Durum Wheat day."
Lord Strathcona
Sustains Injury
Horses Run Away and Aged English
man Falls Onto Barbed
WINNIPEG, Man.. Sept. 7. Lord Strath
cona, while driving to his ranch with
Mayor Megaw of Verona Saturday night,
waa thrown out of his carriage and slightly
injured. The horse became unmanageable
and to save themselves the men turned
them into a wire fence.
Lord Strathcona sustained an Injured
arm, which he now carries in a sling.
Mayor Megaw suffered a broken leg. Lord
Strathcona Is 82 years of age.
Bank Advertising
Address of P. W Xlls worth of the First rational Bank of Chicago
' Before California Bankers' Association.
"It Is not long ago that the banks considered It undignified to solicit business in any
way. Today the bank which has the same conception of the word, and refuses to
exert Itself to secure customers, is either standing still or losing ground, with the
chances in favor of the latter condition.
"Undeniably, this Is true, whether all bankers are pleased with the changed condi
tions or not. Exertion for new business may, indeed, become overexertion, and then
the bank pays too dear for Its whistle But legitimate means of adding to a bank's
business by advertising or other proper form of bidding for popular favor can be de
fended upon many grounds.
"is It better, for example, for reputable savings banks to advertise their facilities
for taking care of people's money, returning It when wanted with Interest, or to
allow the savings of the thrifty to be hidden awny In the ground. In the unused
stove or In various hiding places, to be lost, stolen or destroyed? Should the banks
refrain from advertising while every get-rich-quick scheme under the sun Is trying
to entice the people's money away from them? Shall the burket shop be allowed to
put forth Its glaring announcements while the bank or bond dealer with safe and
sound securities to sell keeps silent?
Thos who do not favor bank advertising must answer these questions affirm
atively but there are precious few such banks In the country.
The bank, a beneficent Institution. In it competition for the public's money,
comes into conflict with schemes of all kinds, ranging from the hazardous and vision
ary to those which are swindles pure and simple. The promotors of these dangerous
and dishonest schemes do not spare their uM of printers' ink. It la their chief reli
ance. While the banks cannot, and should not go to the same length in advertising
their business, they can at least place before the people In a clear, intelligible and
attractive form of Inducement which the bank offers In the way of aafety and ser
vice. Then, if people lose or waste their money by putting it Into foolish and reck
less schemes, the banks will at least have offered them the choice.
"The growing popularity of banking, the wonderful development of savings ac
counts'ln particular, indicate that the educational advertlalcg which has been done
by. th beak ot lata has begun, ta bar solid fruit,
Guest List Nearly Complete for Ban.
quet to President.
Many Business Men Ontslde That Or
ganisation Hustle to Get In and
Fork Over Thirty Dol
. lars Apiece.
The board of governors of Ak-6ar-Bea
will meet this evening to complete
final arrangements for the banquet to be
tendered , t President Taft September
at 'the Omaha club. Mr. Taft's visit to
Omaha is an Ak-Sar-Ben affair and all
arrangements are in the hands of the
board of governors.
One of the main topics of discussion at
the meeting will be the O. K'lng of the
guest list for the banquet. It has been
decided that the banquet will be strictly
nonpolltioal and Senators Burkett and
Brown and W. II. Hayward of Nebraska
City, secretary of the republican national
committee, are the only guests Invited be
cause of their political positions.
The city Is to be represented by Mayor
James C. Dahlman. The larger part of the
guest llBt Is made up by the board of gov
ernors In three ways. All former gov
ernors of Ak-Sar-Ben are to be Invited.
The principal business men, or, rather,
the heads of larger firms, will be Invited,
and each member of the present board of
governors will be permitted to suggest
five names.
Plates will be laid at the banquet table
for 160 guests, and when It la ascertained
Just how many will be in the presidential
party the board of governors will send
out the Invitations.
Only those who are now members of Ak-Sar-Ben
will be Invited and this has caused
a hustle In several quarters. Several well
known men who had a tip that they might
be invited got busy to get under the wire
and these have sent checks for $10 to Sam
son and the banquet will thus cost them
$30 for a place at the table with the presi
dent Instead of $30.
Mat Ho Far Completed.
The following list Is not completed, but Is
tentative with others to be added:
Andreesen, K. M.
Allen, Edgar
Bruce, E. E.
Black. C. E.
Marker, Joseph
Beaton, C. D.
Beaton, A. J.
Barlow, Milton T,
Burnett, M.
Ilium, J. E.
Bennett, W. R.
Bowers, G. W.
Brady. J. 8.
Brandeis, A. D.
Brandels, Emll
Brown, Senator N.
Bryson E. E.
Buchols, W. H.
Buckingham. E.
KurgeBS, W. M.
Burkett. Senator E. J.
Caldwell V. B.
Chnse, Clement
Cole. David
Courtney, C. R.
Cow In, J. C.
Cronk, O. P.
Cudahy, E. A.
Cudahy, J. M.
Culver. H. 8.
Duhlman, Mayor J. C.
Diets. Oould
Drake, Luther
Edwards. H. O.
(Continued on Second Page.)
Ship Carrying; Expedition to North
Pole Has Not Yet Reached
Battle Harbor.
Indications that First Stop .Will Be
at North Sydney.
Peary's Party Surprised When Told
of His Visit to Pole.
Commander la Preparing- o Assert
that lie Is First Man to
Reach the North
Robert R Teary, having nailed the Ptnis
and Stripes to the pole, on April . 1WV.
as told In his series of messages flashed
by wireless yesterday from the coast of
Labrador, Is figuratively lost to the world
tonight, homeward bound on hla ship, the
At Copenhagen royalty continues to vf
homage to Dr. Frederick E. Cook, who an
nounced six days ago In a manner not un
slmllar to Lieutenant Peary, that he had
the flag of his country at the pole on
April 21. 1WS. Neither saw Indications of
the other's achievement; both will be In
the t'nlted States before the close of the
present month.
Commander Peary on the Roosevelt, ac
cording to best reokoning was In the
vicinity of the strait of Belle Isle, between
Newfoundland and the province of Quebeo
tonight. But It la uncertain at what port
he will touch first to amplify the meager
news of yesterday. Inadequate telegraphlo
facilities on the Labrador coast and the
northwest coast of Newfoundland may
move him to decided to proceed on south
ward to the North Sydney, Cape Breton,
before he gives to the world details of his
triumph In the far north.
News Will Be Delayed.
Commander Peary had Intended stopping
at Chateau bay, Labrador, possibly tonight,
but the telegraph station there was aban
doned some time ago, and the Roosevelt
push its nose farther south before the
world obtains the news. As It comes down
the Newfoundland coast Red Bay and
further south, St. George bay. are at hand,
but whether Peary will avail himself of
these points or continue to North Sydney,
where he will have every facility Is a
matter of conjecture tonight. It Is 450
miles from Chateau bay to North Sydney
and the time of his arrival can only be
guessed. The Roosevelt may reach there
late tomorrow.
With her husband's plans uncertain and
with no speclflo message to meet htm, Mra
Peary is walling at her heme at Eagle
Island, Me., in readiness to depart for
North Sydney,
Drldgmsn Starts North.
Herbert L. Brldgman, . secretary of tbe
Peary Arctic club, left New York for North
Sydney tonight. In addition to greetings
from the Peary Arctic club, Mr. Brldgman
carries this message from the Explorers'
club, ot which Commander Peary and Dr.
Cook are both members:
"The Explorers' club sends you heartiest
congratulations upon your triumphant, at
tainment of the long sought the North
Anthony Flala, who commanded one of
the Ziegler expeditions to the pole, Is a
member of the board of directors sending
the message.
Several additional messsges filed yester
day at Indian Harbor were received by
associates of Commander Peary today, 'but
none of them gave any further details of
his conquest. Through Mr. Brldgman he
notified all geographic societies of the world
of his discovery and In addition sent a
personal dispatch to the National Geograph
ical society at Washington, saylngi
"Have won at last. The pole Is ours."
In a message to Director Bumpus of the
American Museum of Natural History In
New York he announces that be Is bringing
home a valuable collection for the museum.
Congratulatory Messages.
Thousands of congratulatory messages
have been sent In return to the returning
explorers. Two of the most notable are
from Lieutenant Sharkleton, the English
Antarctic explorer, and Major Leonard
Darwin, president of the Royal Geographi
cal society. The National Geographical so
ciety called a meeting directly after receiv
ing Peary's message today and quickly
telegraphed a reply of hearty praise. The
New York Zoological society sent its echo
of the world-wide praise through the presi
dent In this city, while hundreds of less
Important messages winged their way
northward to meet the returning traveler.
In Copenhagen tonight Dr. Cook waa
shown a statement credited to Peary that
he (Peary) was the first discoverer of the
pole. Declining to enter Into a controversy,
the Brooklyn physician briefly dismissed
the subject
The tooting of whistles of passing craft
paid tributes to the explorer's wife on her
Island home today, while his "snow baby"
acknowledged them by dipping the Ameri
can flag.
Peary Will Claim Priority.
The remarkable coincidence of two Amer
ican announcements of such a colossal
achievement, coming within five days, after
centuries of fruitless endeavor, constitutes
one of the most remarkable coincidences
in history. The question of priority In
reaching the pole now absorbs attention in
this country and Europe. That Peary will
claim to be the first discoverer appears
to be definitely assured from the follow
ing: First Formal announcement has been
telegraphed from Indian Harbor, Labrador,
to all principal American und geographical
societies of all nations, including Japan
and Brazil, specifically announcing that
"the North pole was discovered April by
the Piary Arctic club expedition under
command of Commander Peary."
Second A London dispatch received from
St. Johns, N. P., states that Commander
Peary claims that he was the first man
to reach the North polo.
Aside from tbe question of priority, Com
mander Peary's announcement of reach
ing the pole appears to be accepted
throughout the I'nited States and the
world at large by scientists as welt as the
general publlo and there is an absence of
the doubt and skepticism whlcu greeted
the Cook announcement. There la, how-
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