Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 07, 1909, Page 9, Image 9

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we will sell
10 Lots at Auction
to the highest bidder.
Satisfactory terms can be arranged.
These lots are in good location, from one to four blocks
from Benson street car line.
Lota X. 2, and T. Block 1. Cloverdale; are located at 48th and
Parker fctreete; all these front on 48th street. Immediately south of
Parker street.
Lota 7 and . block 3; lota 1 and I. block , and lota 1 and 2. block
7, fiaundera and Hlmebaugh's Mount Pleasant Addition; are located from
one to three blocks north of 60th and Military ave. Benson car line runt
on Military avenue. .....
Lot S, west & lot 4 and lot t. block 83, Benson, consist of about 6
acres,' In Benson, Including 1 4-room cottage on north side of Military
' road; 1 -roora house, barn and chicken house on south side of Military
road, anT 2 acres of bearing apple orchard.
All this property, will he sold at auction to the highest bidder On
FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 17TH. at 10 o-clock, A. M., on the north steps
of the court house, 17th and Farnam 6ta. v
For further particulars sea
- . . . . DWIGHT WILLIAMS, Administrator, .
Business Office Omaha Bee,
iConunued )
WANTEU City loans. Peters Trust Co.
Private money, J0 to l000; low rate.
BKCOND MORTOAOE loans negotiated.
Apply Rooms 417-1 First Nail Uauk liltlg.
Dell 'Phone. Douglas 1311
LOWF.HT RATES Bemls. Brandels Bldg.
We Have Buyers for G and 7-
room modorn houses at rirht prices. Pay
tiOO cosh, balance 2o per monih.
Suite N. Y. Life l!Mp.
Phone Red W. OMAHA, NEB.
strumenta of whatever nature, and to take
all furthir or other aetlun. necessary or
proper to carry such sale, conveyauoe and
transfer fully Into effect; end
(3 ) To ratify and confirm at) action
taken and authortxed by the Board of Di
rectors of Uils company, ana to take any
other action in the premises, and to trans
act any other business that may properly
come before the meeting.
For the purpose of this meeting the stock
transfer books of this Company will be
closed at the close of business on the 12th
dny of October. l:)9. and remain closed
until the opening cf business on the 2Jth
dav of October, 1909.
Dated August 17, 190T
President of The Nebraska Southern Hall
way Company.
Secretary of The NebrasKa Southern R.ifl-
way Company. AlM2lt
WANTED Several carloads of fresh milk
cows or springers. Dealers In stats, let us
hear from you. Alaiulio Sanitary Dairy
Co., 1812 Farnam SL
BKHT price pnH for Id-hand furniture,
stoves, clothing. W". Rose.iblatL Tel. D. 601.
GROSS' Loan Office, buy and sell old
clothers. 601 N. hJth. B 2361.
To the Stockholders of Omaha Belt Rail
way Company:
You are hereby notified that by resolu
tions of tha Board of Directors of ths
Omaha Belt Railway Company, duly
adopted at a meeting of said Board on the
17th day of August, 19, a special meeting
of the stockholders of Omaha Belt Railway
Company has been called held at the
general offices and principal business office
of said company, at the office of O. E.
Wagar, at the souihesst corner of 13th
WANTED Young Leghorn pullets. State ! street and Farnam street. In the city of
quantity, jind price w anted. Call or ad- i Omaha. Nebraska, on the 23rd day of Octo-
City Clerk Iisnes Annual Statement of
City Funds.
NET BALANCE IS $2,365.99
, -. $2,200
Five-rooni eorfage, modern with the ex
ception of furnare; three more rooms to
be finished upstairs; nice lawn, near 84th
St., car line.
490 Brandels Bldg. Omaha, Neb.
- (Continued.) . - .
Nice i-room, ail modern except heat; lot
fil40 feftt, permanent sidewalk; cement
ips and walk In -front-of yard! nice ahade
jfcnd lawn; finely terraced, on 17th St., be
7s sen Charles and Seward fits.
' Kd and Coming Bts.
- .- -
We will furnish you alt the money to
I lld youfjtyiuse if you buy In our
Lincoln 'Heights - Addition -
on Maple, Biuoey and Wirt 8ts 36th to 42d
Bts, All lots sue dirt. a)iuafJrlca, , ..
$G5 ,TO..$75 EACH. .
$5.00 Cash', $5.00 tx Month.
Make the start today, Don't put it off
from month to month or year to year. A
little effort "on "your part, and It will be
easy to put away this amount every month.
Coma sni-e us Lot us take you out.
You ean't miss It. ' . '
HASTINGS A HiSTPEN, 114 Harney St.
lV'at your" farm and- ntty proherty with us;
slrable places than we have for sale; wa
also have calls for" some first-class houses
and flats for 'rent.' ' -"
510 Bee Bldr nouglas 1407.
48 BUSHEL WHEAT LAND. 1 Per acre.
We own and control 20,000 acres of Chey
enne county, Nebraska s choicest farm land
now on the market. The heaviest crop
yielding county in Nebraska for 12 years.
Write for folders and full particulars.
Agents wanted everywhere. Write for our
proposition at once.
Land Brokers.
dress W.
& Bona.
11. Thomas, care J. L. Brandels
WE HAVE several people who desire to
purchase first-class rooming and boarding
houses ; must ho money makers.
"" 610 Bee Bldg. Douglas 3M7.
BEST price paid for second hand furni
ture, carpets, clothes and shoes. Tel. Doug.
BALTIMORE M-hnnd store pays best
price 2d-hand furniture, clothes, etc. D.
3D HAND shoes and colthes. D. 2785.
HIGHEST prices for furniture, etc Bell's
Furniture Store, 1406 Dodg(, Red 3531.
Cheap for cash. John Conners, care Bee,
At police station after 7 p. m.
WANTED To buy, business In Omaha or
eastern Nebraska, requiring f;l,0U0 cash;
must be Al proposition. Address Y 616,
care Beo.
A good Improved farm miles from town,
nearly all second bottom land; 0 acres
under cultivation; good - Improvements;
Price, $20 per acre. Write for our large
bargain list. -Agents 'wanted. Herman
Springer A Co., Sidney, Neb.
FOR SALE A stock farm In western
Nebraska; 1.2X0 acres; will sell with or
without 160 head of cattle. Address Y-618,
care Bee.
ALFALFA FARM, 12d acres, 'very fine,
new house and buildings,' half , mile from
school house, five miles southwest of South
Omaha, one mile southwest of Fort Crook,
B. A M., Missouri PaclflO and electrlo rail
way depots, two miles southwest Bellerue;
come and see and price. H. T, Clarke,
Her Grand hotel. .'
FOR SALE That Keeth county section,
S-16-36, new offered at W per, goes up II
an acre October 1, If not sold before; and
that McPherson county section. 31-17-36.
now 15 per acre, will be t6 an acre after
October 1. Either section will bring (10 per
acre Inside of two years. Owner, 400 Pax
ton Blk.
One of -the best clfl liv1 rental proper
ties In Omaha. - Never' Vacant. It'a'loc
tion Insqits a guod class of tenants,
' $9iO0LV -
15,000 ftati, "baJajW lon'i' Uroe at 5 per
cent. Tlila statement In (in noway over
drawn. L.l us"stiow you. - .
Huue (24 H. Y,.UX Uldg.
'Phone Red OMAHA, NEB.
ok UaKota.
' SEND for our lists of farm lands -in
Kingsbury county. We have a few choice
bargains. First State Bank, Oldham, S. D.
WE will pell you good 4-room house
for 1,4U0 maA: lei you pay .for it at tli a
How ratxih rent have- you paid in the
last 10 yevra, .Oot anything .to show
for It? . .v . ,
StilU 624 H. J, Life Bldg.
'Phone Red IK. OMAHA. NEB.
A STRICTLY modern 8-room house, oak
finish, oornes lot, paved on two streets,
fine shad trees. XSZ9 Lafayette Ave.,
Bemls Parle. A. C. Burk, Owner. Phone
Harney m.
SUMMIT AXDITION-Lpta Z75 and up.
in tiyron tuta Co., ua u.
Oet circular,
14th St.
Caaaaa. : - .
BEE MB) about my lands 1f you ara con
templating a Canadian trip tor investment.
or take a latter or introduction to my
correspondents; U costs nothlu. Frank
crawioro, war piooa.
A MO SNAP 400 acres of rich bottom
land I miles from good town In Harrison
county. la. loo aeras in cultlvauon. bal
anoe In small timber, -brash and pasture.
This Is owned by ah' eastern party who
does not realise what It to. Price only
li'OOQ per acre for quick sale, will give
part time. J. R, Adklna, room 4, let Nal'l
iana .uidgv vo. : Uluira. la.
Conrad-Valltr project, Montana. - 1 70,004
acres of fine, grassy prairie under Irriga
tion.. Drawing October 7, 1909. Must reg-
Ister for drawing before Oetober -7. Catr
register vy man. r or iniormaiion ana
blanks write W. M. WAY MAN, Valier,
Montana, or 1150 Seourlty Pank Bldg., Min
neapolis, Minru . . - .,
New Hiiicci' .
17.481 acres of land, fee tltls. accessible to
railroad. Of this, compact body of 10.000
acres bears 76 million feet of white pine
worth per thousand at going prices. Re
maining 11.4S1 acres Is gracing land, much
of which can be easily Irrigated.
ciuay terms. J Ties, 150,0U0. Dlreot from
the owners.
, Address E. H. SMITH. Beaver Dam. Wis
PHONE IND. A-X&M for good printing
lorogsiaai rrinting co., wtn ft caplUM Ave.
HOLLAND Printing Co, U0 8. 17th St.
WATERS Printing Co.. 622 8.. 12th St.
1701 Leavenworth St. Tel. Doug. 2547.
tlOS to $10,000 made promptly. F. rX' Wead,
. t&O to 15.000 on homes In Omaha. O'Kaefe
Heal niiaie tu,, ivu. n. i. uii, iou. or
MONEY TO LOAN-Payne Invearoent Co,
WANTED Board and one or two fur
nished rooms, connected, by young married
Ccuplo; permanent; (both working); must
be within walking distance of down town
and reasonable; prefer private family. Ad
dress, giving location, price and particulars,
w szi, care liee.'
WANTED By young man. place to work
for board while attending Boyles college.
Both phones.
YOUNG MAN, highly recommended, de
sires employment In shipping department.
wholesale house, anywhere. Box Ztil, z
Avenue A, New York. ,
LADIES' solicitor wanted. Must be ex
perienced. Call at Gate City Clothing Co.,
5ts) S. ltith St.. upstairs.
BY YOUNG man In private family. Any
kind of work from kitchen to stable or
yard. References. V. Corarrublas, J109
t arnam tu x ei. a-mhii. t
RELIABLE, sober, German wants night
watchman work. ..Tel. Harney 3tL
brr. 1909, at nine o'clock In the forenoon.
ror the following purposes: 1
(1) To consider the sale, conveyance and
transfer by this Company of the whole and
every part of its line of railroad and
branches, constructed or to be constructed,
together with all the real extate and other
assets and property, real, personal or
mixed, rights, privileges. franchises,
powers and Immunities of this Company,
and all Interests therein, to The Missouri
Pacific Railway Company, a Consolidated
corporation of the states of Missouri, Kan
sas and Nebraska, formed under a certain
Contract and Articles of Consolidation
dated tha 2!th day of May. 11)09; and to
determine whether such sale, conveyance
and transfer, and the terms thereof, shall
be consented to, ratified, assented to, ap
proved and adopted; ond,
: If It shall be determined by the
stockholders that such sale, conveyance
and transfer be corsented to, ratified, as
sented to, approved and adopted, then to
authorize and direct the proper officers of
this Compnay from time to time to ex
ecute and deliver any and all deeds and
other Instruments of whatever nature, and
to take all further ot other action, neces
sary or proper to cai -y tuch sale, convey
ance and transfer full) Into effect; and,
(3) To ratify ard cotif"" nil action
taken and authorised by tht ard of Di
rectors of this Company, and w ke any
other action In the premtses. nd to
tiansact any other business that mi..' prop
erly come before the meeting.
For the purpose of this meeting the 'vk
transfer books of this Company will -e
closed at the close of business on the 12u
day , of October, 1909, and remain closet,
until the opening of business on the 25th
day of October, 1909.
Dated August 17th, 1909.
President of Omaha Belt Railway Com
pany. . F. W.- IRLAND,
Secretary of Omaha Belt Railway Com
pany. Augl9 D27t
Colon Pacific
Overland Limited....
Colorado Express
Allanti Lxpiess
Oregon & Washington
I Limited
Los Angeles Limited..
Portland Special
7:30 am
3:50 pm
1:00 am
12:55 pm
12:65 pm
:30 am
Quartermaster, Cheyenne, Wyoming, Sep-1 .,h,, - jnan"M'Vl! 4-ort r,m
temUer 4, ltfOB-Sealed proposals. In trlplb;..Coorad0 hpeoial 11:65 pm
I. OIC, T III I - I V T- U , k 11110 UU 1 1X3 Ulllll
80 a. m.. mountain time; Thursday, den-
tember-23, 1M09, at -which time they will be
opened In public, for. construction, plumb
ing, steam heating, eleetrlc wiring and fix-l
turea ot one (1) set ol quarters Tor civilian
teamsteraj plan No. 258, at Fort D. -A. Rus-
sail, Wyoming. Plans and ' specifications
for: the inspection of bidders--are on file
In this office, also in the office of the chief
quartermaster, lepattnient p(. tliojtjlaaiyi.j
Omaha,- . Nebraska; ' chief , duaTtermastern
department ot ttie uoioraao, Denver, Colo
rado, and tne office ot the secretary of the
Builders' exchange, St. Paul,. Minnesota.,
The government reserves the fight to reject
or accept any or all bids or any part thereof.
Envelopes containing proposals should be
endorsed "Proposals for Constrdctldn. effc..'
jot Quarters fur Civilian Teamsters at Ffcri
u. a. uusseu, Wyoming, ana aciaresser to
V; K.-Hart, Captain Fifteenth Infantry,
Acting Quartermaster, U. 8. A.fln 'Charge
of Construction, Room 3, Keefe Hall, Chey
enne, Wyoming.- 84-7-8-9-21-2-
tBealrlce & Stromaburg
' Local 12:40 pm
Grand Island Local..,: -:2 pin
North Platte Local 8:iaam
Lo:al passerrgei not - carried
1140 pm
6:00 pm
s:bO am
6:45 am
8:50 pin
8:50 pm
6:45 pm
6:46 pm
7:20 am
1:20 pm
10:30 am
4:45 pm
on Over-
Asaessment Increases Over Eight Mil
lions la Seven Years Connctl
Arranges for First Regis
tration Day.
J. J. Olllln, city clerk. Issued his annual
statement Saturday, showing the condition
of funds at the close of the fiscal year.
The statement was much delayed from the
fact that the city was entering the provi
sions of the latest charter revision.
The report shows that the actual run
ning expense of the city for the last fiscal
year was t236.138.4V The available funds
from all sources were 8238.502.44. The net
balance at the close of the year was
12,865.99. All of the regular funds except
the Judgment, water and Interest funds
were exhausted, and required considerable
shifting to meet the expenditures. Un
der the provisions of the new charter the
balance left goes Into a sinking fund for
the payment of the city Indebtedness.
The bonded indebtedness of the city
against which this sinking fund Is created
Includes 1,8).6!W of general bonds. The
paving and street improvement bonds at
the close of the year amounted to 823,ftc0.
Tha special grading and sewer bonds
amounted to 831,962. The total bonded In
debtedness was therefore $1.415, W0.
During tha present year the paving bonds
bid fair to amount to 1250.000. Bids have
been received already on 392,000 worth of
construction. The contractors are just
completing a $,000 contract for paving.
Petitions are before the council for about
1100,000 more.
The following table shows the actual val
uation of the city property, real and per
sonal, from the time the levy was made
on the fair cash valuation up to the pres
ent date. The table shows that the valua
tion has Increased over 28,000,000 In seven
years. The average assessment on this
valuation has been above 9.2 mills. The
actual assessment has been as In the table:
Tear. Levy In Mills. Valuation.
And many other f.iirirut nnd
distressing ailments from
which most mothers surfer,
can be avoided by using
Mother's Friend, i his rem
edy is a God-send to expect
ant mothers, carrying them
through the critical ordeal with safety. No woman who I'ses
Mother's Friend need fear the suffering incident to birth; for it robs
the ordeal of Its dread and insures safety to life of mother and child,
leaving her In a condition t-t
more favorable to .needy re- I
covery. The child is also IjY
healthy, strong and good
notiirAI t'tjr bmk containing aloe
IldlUl cu. bl, nforB4tiOU wiilbe sent
tree by writing to
Atlanta. Oru
In sickness or in health the best food is
Try it for breakfast with milk or cream
easily iigested strengthening and satisfying.
21. 926, 10)
22, ft.6.M7
23. CS6.1S0
land Limited.' "Dally., t pally, except dun-
CnlcacOt hock isiaaa ai'aci(ie-
EAST"'' l
Rocky Mountain Ltd. ...a i:lm ell:03 pm
Iowa Local, ....g6:i0 m a 4:30 pm
to loan on
Omaha Business Property.
Room 1. timm York Lite Bldg.
GARVIN BROS).. Ill N, T. Life. 60e t
1200,000 on Improved property. No delay. '
WANTED City loana and warrants, w.
farnam Smith & Co.. U30 Farnam dt
Third Prize Story
Harriet Knvtnan. US VTeet Thirtieth street.
Kearney, Neb. Father Walter Knutsan.
Paaead to Ninth (trade, Lon if allow school.
Laat Uaabar, Atlaa Beoohar. Aae4 14
years, .., . .
1 : ' i
Soon after she went home, but her visit
had left a new t ,;it In Marjorle's
mln4 which seemed there the rest
ot tho day.
Tha following- morning a ahe was loolc
Inc over Tho Bee, aha happened to see
tho above' ad.
'Hero la Just tho thins;," ahe cried. ' I
mltiht be able to et some work there."
After aha bad thought It over a few min
utes she said to herself, "I know what I'll
LADIES and flria wanted to work at
home aoare time, duooratlna sofa pillows:
experience unnecaasary. Call forenoona. do, I'll keep It a secret from mamma, for
a. Uth BC she may think It too much for me to do. I
' ' will ask Mrs, Stevens to Inquire for me.""
"I don't. sao ho I am nAng to make About u 0.cIock th ,am, mornln Mr,
both ends meat thla month." said Mrs. Stevens came over to borrow some sunar
Thornton ono ovonliuj to her 17-yaar-old Marjorle told her of her plan and aha wa
daughter", Marjorla. willing to help her all she could.
"I wleh I could help," said Marjorle. The next morning Mrs. Stevens called
"Tou do help mo A great deal." replied at the placa, and finding the work to be
her mother, "by being so bright and happy what Uajorte would like, she got a sofa
all tha time." pillow for her to start on.
Marjorle was a cripple and had to alt In That afternoon found Marjorle very busy
ner wheel chair all day whUe her widowed at her pew work. When she saw her
mother was out washing or Ironing. mother coming aha hastily put It away
A few days later, Mrs. 6tevena, a neigh- The rest of the week she worked patiently
bor lady, came In to vUlt with Majorio and on Saturday morning Mrs. Stevens
while Mm, Thornton was away. took It back. The work proved to be eatls-
"I wish I could do something- to help, factory and she was given 76 cents and two
Poor mamma Works so hard," remarked mora sofa pillows for Majorie. That night
Marjorla. k n surprised her mother greatly by giving
"Havo rou over tried doing any kind of her tho money and telling her all about IL
fancy work, uch as crocheting, embrold- Her work kept Improving and sometimes
erlng or drawn work." asked Mrs. Stevens. he could do four or five pillows a week.
S-yea, a little, replied Marjorle, and she She pow knew the value of a Bee want
iled Mrs. Stevens a dolly which aha had ad and she put one of her own in Tha Bee
i.broldered. advertising fancy work. Bbe soon got
How beautiful." exclaimed Mr. Stevens plenty or order and was able to add a few
as she potloed the small and oven stitches, more comforts to their little home.
-xou murni m awe 10 earn a mue by But she owes her success to Tho
eewlng- want ada.
Notice of stockholders- meeting
To the Stockholders ul the Omaha Southern
Railway Company;
You are hereby notified that by resolu
tions of the Uoard of Directors of Omaha
Southern Railway Company, duly adopted
at a meeting of said board on the. 17jh day
of August, 1U09, a special meeting of the
stockholders ot Omaha Southern Railway
Company has been caliea to be held at the
general offices and principal business of
fice of said company, at the office of C. L.
W agar, at the southeast corner of Fifteenth
street and Farnam street, li the city of
Omaha.i Nebraska, on the 23d day of Octo
ber, lwS. at a o'clock In the forenoon, for
the following purposea;
(1.) To consider the sale, conveyance
ahd transfer by this Company of the whole
and every patt of Its line of railroad and
branches, constructed or to be constructed,
together with all the real estate and other
assets and property, real, personal or
mixed, rights, privileges, franchise, powers
and Immunities of Ihte company, and all
Interests therein, to The Missouri Paoifio
Hallway Company, a consolidated corpora
tion of the Slates of Miaaouri, Kansas and
Nebraska, formed under a certain Con
tract and Articles of Consolidation dated
the 29th day of May, 103; and to deter
mine whether such sate, conveyance and
transfer, and the terma thereof, shall be
consented to, ratified, assented to, approved
and adopted; and
U) If It shall be determined by the
stockholders that such sale, co'iveyanoe
and transfer bt consented to. ratified, u.
sented to, approved and adopted, then to
authorize and direct tne proper orrieera of
his company from time to time to execute
l u deliver any ana an deeds and other
' .. .tumeuts of whatever nature, and to
1 4m. j all further or other action, neccsiary
t. proper to rarry bucu ruie, conveyauoe
una ' transfer Into eieci; and
- ta.) lu ratify and confirm all action
taken and authorized. by. (he board of Di
rectors of ibis Company, and to take any
other act. or. In. the premises, and to trans
act any oihel business that may properly
come before the meeting.
For the purpose of this meeting : tha
stock transfer books ot mis Company ' will
be closed at the close of business on I he
12th day of October, 1:"00, and remain cloxed
until the opening of business on the 2jlk
day of October, 190.
, Dated August i, 1008.
President of Omaha Southern .Railway
Secretary of Omaha southern Hulwaj
Company, Ali2H
To the aiockholdera or tne Nebraska South
ern Railway Company:
You are hereby notified that by resolu
tion of the Board of Directors of The Ne
braska Southern Railway Comtuny. duly
adopted at a meeting of said board on tiu
mil amy oi August. ii"j, a sp---iji meeting
ot the stockholders of The Nebraska South
ern Railway Company has been called to
be held at the general offices and principal
business office of Kald company at the of
fice of C. E. Wagar, at the southeast cor
ner of Fifteenth atreet and Farnam street.
In the city of Omaha, Nebraxka, on the 23d
day of October, imw, at It o clock in the
'oreneon, lor the following purpores:
(1). To consider the sale, conveyance
and transfer by thla Company of tne whole
and every part ol its Hue or railroad and
tranches, constructed or to be constructed,
together with all the real estate and other
assets and property, real, personal or
mixed, rights, privileges, franchises, poweis
and Immunities of this Conioaiiy, and all
nterests tnerein, to 1 he Mlsaou.i Paalflo
Hallway Company, a consolidated corpoia
tion of the .Slates of U aiuri, Kansas and
Nebraska, formed under a certain coutract
and Articles of Consolidation dated the ftth
day of My, 1; and to determine whether
such aale. conveyance and transfer, and
the terms thereof, shall be consented to
ratified, assented to, approved and adopted!
t2.) It It shall be determined by the
stockholders that auch sale, conveyance
and transfer be consented to, ratified, as
senUd to, approved and adopted, then to
auihorise and direct the proper officers of
this company from time to time to execute
aud deliver any and all deeds and other in-
The Mountaineer. ...... .'.a J:4f am A J:5o an)
a :uti am
a 7:35 am
a i:47 pm
a 4:0 pm
a 1:00 pm
a 8;0i am
a 8:25 am
allil pm
lies Moines Local.....'..a-4:or am ' all:80 pin
Iowa Local .v..bl0:S, am b l;it pm
t-nicaao-r.astern t,,..cwimi
Chicago-Nebraska Ltd a 6 0s pm
- ' Willi.' -. .
The Mountaineer a 8:00 am
Chlcaao-Nebraska Ltd.
for Xlncoln)..).. ..,.. .a :sC am
Colo.' and Cal. Ex......a i;2u om
Okla,.'and Texas Ex,.., a 4:40 pm
mookv Mountain ua,,,ui pm
St .Louis Ex a 6:80 pm
fet. Louis Local (from
Council Bluffs) a 8:00 ara
Etanberry Local (from
Council Bluffs) b 8:00 pm b 10. 15 am
Chicago - A Nortavrestera
Leave. Arrive.
Omaha-Chicago 8pe'l..a 8:02 pm a 7:40 am
Colorado-Chlcuffo a 5:20 pm a 3:2S pm
Paciflo Coast-Chlcao..a 6:06 pm a 8:28 pm
Chicago Daylight Spe'l.a 7:44, am
Omaha-Chicago Local. .al2:0B am all: 36 pra
Los Angeles - Portland
Limited a 9:10 pm
Overland Limited all :60 pm
Fast Mall
Fast Local, Cedar
Omaha-Carrot-. f.oeal. ..a 8:4S om
Twin City and Dakota
Daylight a 7:45 am ' alO:M pm
Minnesota and Dakota. a 7.00 pra
Twin City Limited ....a :00 pm a 7:05 am
Stou City Local a 8.44 pm a 8:28 pm
Dskota-Sloux City
Omaha a 1:80 am
Minnesota-rltoux City
Omaha all:00 am
Oregon- Wahlngton
Limited a 6:00 ara al:45 am
Norfolk-Bones'eel a 7:M) am al0:30 pm
Lincoln-Dong fine ....a t:m am
Norfolk-South Platte.. .h i.ii pre
Hastings-Superior b MS pra
Deadwood-Het Sprlngs.a 3 5f pm
Caspor-Lander a i.ft pm
Fremont-Alblcn bB:lopm
Chtraao Great Wesiera
rhlcaao Limited
Twin City Limited
al2:36 pra
'a 7 : 15 ara
a 8:04 am
a S 36 pm
a 11:30 am
Chicago Express
Clarion Doral
Twin City Express .
Illlaala Central
Chicago Express
Chicago . Limited
Minn. -Si.. Paul Exp..
Mlnn.-St. Paul L.ld...
all:00 am
b 6:20 pro
b 6:20 pra
a 6:20 pra
all:00 am
a 1:85 pm
,,a 8:16 am a 8:30 pra
.a s:u ara a 1:30 pra
.a 8:80 pm
.a :00 pm
..a 7:15 am
..a 6:00 sm
. .b 7.1, am
.a 6:00 pm
a 1:00 pm
a 6:00 am
a 8:48 om
a 7:13 am
a 7:16 am
bU:Z0 am
Omaha-Ft, Dodge Loc.b 4:i5 pm
Chicago, Mllwaake, t. raal
Chicago and Cols. Spec, a 7 So am all:40 pm
cai. ana Oregon c.x....n s:w pra a J la pm
Overland Limited all:48 pra a 7:15 ara
Perry Local b 6:16 pin blj:56 am
Mlaaoarl Pacific'
K. C. and St. L Ex a 8:00 ara
K. C. and Su L. Ex. (lv.
Sat. 12 p. m all: 15 pm
, 8.7
Dr. Wheeler oa Labor Day.
Dr. R. L. Wheeler preached a sermon
yesterday morning on "The Significance of
Labor Day." He took a most hopeful view.
He said the questions confronting labor
could not be settled by sentiments tinged
with anarchy. Neither could the questions
be answered by the adoption of a pure
socialism. In his sermon he laid down eight
principles which he sought to support bv
argument. The first was: "The labor ques
tion will be settled right when settled by
Bible standards. 2. The cost of producing
labor should determine the price of labor.
8. The cost of producing labor Includes that
of rearing a family. 1 The cost of living
ought to Include the expense of educating
children in the common schools, 6. It ought
to Include the expense of keeping a wife
at home to care for and beautify It. t. The
slovenly spendthrift and the drunkard
ought to suffer, and not to be a menace
to the city. 7. The necessaries of life for
the American exceed the necessaries of life
for the Chinaman. 8. It Is greed and not
liberty that demands that a woman shall
enter the field of manual labor to Uve, or
to enter the potlttcal field with ballots In
order . to obtain what sr justly hara by
divine right." ' ',. f . '
Woman Commits Salelde.
Mrs. Martha Dorman, wife of Exeklel
Dorman, Twenty-seventh and U streets,
was found dead In a closet In her home
Sunday about 6:30 a. m. She rose at about
her usual time and went Into the closet,
where she tied a small cord, such as la
used on a window curtain, about her neck
and hanged herself. She was 62 year old.
She had been suffering from a complica
tion of diseases. She had been having
nervous attacks for two or three months.
The family had been watching her as care
fully as possible, but for this time she
eluded them. It was decided that an In
quest was unnecessary. The funeral will
be held from the residence at 2 p. m.
Tuesday. Dr. R. L. Wheeler will hare
She had four daughters, Mary, Margaret,
Martha and Louise. The oldest la 19 years.
Her husband also survives her.
Statement of Fonda.
The annual statement of the city clerk
Is as follows:
Showing condition ot funds from July
7, A. D., 1909, to August 1, 1909:
Amount ot levy (90 per cent) 1908-9
available from Aug. 1, 1908 $183,858.82
Balance of former levies and col
lection to Aug. 1, 1909 (brought
over) 18,756.18
Collections by city treasurer sub
sequent to Aug. 1. 1908, being In
terest on deposits, fines, penal
ties, road fund, royalties, scav
enger, excess of 90 per cent, li
as above, to Aug. 1, 1909 $238,503.44
Jorlty party in each precinct. The men
selected were as follows:
First Ward Flint precinct, John McMil
lan, W. H. Hawley, William Huffsky: Sec
ond precinct, Ed Bureon, J. W. Jordan, N.
Ii. Mann.
Second Ward Ffrpt precinct, Frank Bo-
gats, Frank I'erlna, Rudolph Yeehout; Sec
ond precinct, J. JSl, lobias, Kiatky, joe
I'ipal. '
Third Ward-First precinct, Leo Lang.
M. Callahan, Otto Jiackbolts; Second pre
cinct, M. Ilannlgan, Z. T. Bailey, Jay
Fourth Ward First prectnet, M. Luckey.
P. A. Burke, S. A. Ferguson ; Second pre
cinct, Rodney Redmond, James Caldon, Joo
Fifth Ward First precinct, A. Paprockl,
R. K. Miller. S. W. Boupman; 6econd pre
cinct, F. Markytan, J. Olllenple, John El
liott. Sixth Ward First precinct. Thomas
Geary, Ed Landers, H. L. Burke; second
precinct, L. 11. Greer, Tom Frleds,' Mattle
Thos appointed must appear before Mayor
Koutsky Tuesday morning and qualify.
Suspect t'nder Arrest.
Detective P. II. Shields arrested Oeorge
Brown, alias Dave Woods, as a susplciouH
character Saturday night. He Is thought
to be the man wanted In Seneca, Kan., fui
th murder of Dennis Casey, A $1,000 re
ward Ib offered for the capture and Detec
tive Shields Is positive he has the right
man. He recognized him by a twisted arm,
which Is very noticeable arid fits the de
scription. Brown is a negro.
Manic City Gossip,
Jetter's Gold Top Beer delivered to any
part of the city. Telephone No. 8.
S. L. Winters has returned from a visit
Ot three weeks at Mount Pleasant, Ia.
The cltv council will meet Tuesday even
ing Instead ot Monday, on account ot the
Mrs. Henry J. Beat and niece have re
turned from a ,-lnlt of several weeks In
Milwaukee. '.
Mrs. Harlay Campbell has returned ' to
St.- Joseph after a lslt with .friends. In
South Omaha.
f Jay "Lefler returned to Grand Island last
night after a snort visit witn relatives in
South Omaha.
Most of the buslnens houses of South
Omaha will close at iioon for the celebra
tion of Labor- day.
Q. A. Young, field secretary of the Young
Men's ChriHtian association in Nebraska,
spent Sunday In South Omaha.
HarryK. Wells has returned to Wichita,
Kan., after a visit of several days with
friends and relatives In South Omaha.
The South Omaha members are beginning
to decorate the fronts ot stores and places
of business for the reception of the dele
gates of the Eagles.
Without economy you can't be rich; with
It you need not be poor. Ask the pavings
department of the Live Stock National
bank In South Omaha for a copy of their
Household Expense Book. It makes sav
ing easy.
The death of Hasel Kleean, the 15-year-
old daughter of Mrs. Mollle Klegan, oc
curred Sunday. The funeral win be held
Tuesday at 8:30 a. m, from, the residence
at Nineteenth street on the Parpy county
line to St. Agnes' church. The interment
Is to be In St. Mary's ,ucnu tery.
The funeral ot Isaac A. Drayton was at
tended by a full delegation of the Masonic
orders of South Omaha. Rev. Oeorge Van
Winkle and Dr. It. 1 Wheeler ha charru
of the service. Mrs. R. C. Hasklns sane.
1 ho Masons accompanied the cortege to L
street and a delegation attended the burial
rites at Laurel Hill cemetery,
Jada-e Button Drrlasea Mora Money
Taken In Than KVer Before at
Brllevue. i
, . , ., u , . ,
" ' 'i
Tho third acaaon of the Bellevue chau-
tauqua closed Sunday evening, with a store
optlcon lecture on Luson.
"We have had a successful Chautauqua
this year," said Judge A. L. Sutton, presl-'
dent of the assoclstlon, "and I think we
have more money than tv -ever bad before.
Of course there have been some bad days,
but the crowds have been fairly good all
the way through and we ought to clear ex
penses without any difficulty. If we do
fall behind financially It will be by only a
very small margin.
"We will have another Chautauqua next
year, although we havenTt fleclded yet
where It will ,be. Some want to move to
Omiiha, but In doing that we would lose at
tendance from South Omaha, and the South
Omaha people have been giving us the best
support. ' , , ; 1 . ' ;
"The story-telling contest resulted In
several disappointments, because a num
ber of men who are proud of their- prow
ess In that direction, were unable, to get
Into It. We are discussing the .-advisability
of holding another bfgrger contest at tha
Auditorium some time this winter. -A .small .
admission could be charged and a long list
of BDekefs,ecturedrf'llJiertqtfB,tJjl!fqJ l
shown' In ttie scheme- lt will prorably be
put lnt,o execution." '',. ..'.'' vJUVr'
Total receipts from all sources,
as above, to Aug. 1, 1900 $238,502.44
Recelpta, ments,
a 7 :00 am
a 6:50 pm
Burling ton-
.a 4:10 pm
.a 4:10 pm
....a 4:19 pin
....all iO pm
....a 8.1:0 am
....b 1:20 pm
....a l:U am
Denver and California.
Puget Sound Ex
Black Hills
Northwest Ex
Nebraska points
Lincoln Fast Mall,
Nebraska Ex
Lincoln Local
Lincoln Local
l'iattsmouth-Iowa ...
belle vue-plattsmouth
Colorado Limited ....
Chicago LimUed
Chicago Ex
Chicago Flyer
Iowa Local , ,.
St. Louis Ex
Kansas City and St. Jo. al0:45 pm
Kansas City and St. Jo. a 9:15 am
Kansas City and SL Jo a 4:40 pra
..a 7:25 pm
,.b 8 06 pm
..a 9:1 am
,.al2&0 pm
..all 60 pm
..a 1.2i am
..a 4:20 pra
..a t.M pm
..a 915 am
..a 4 40 pra
a 3:4.. pin
a 4 10 pm
a 6:10 pm
a 7.06 am
a 6.10 pm
al2:15 pin
a 6:10 pm
b 9:08 am
a 7 :ii0 pm
a 8:60 am
a 2:40 pm
a 7:06 am
all:36 pm
a 8:55 pm
a 8:u0 am
all 30 am
all 30 am
a 6:46 am
a 6:10 pra
Paal, Minneapolis A
( hleano,
Ploux City Express
Omaha Loral a...
Sioux City Passenger..
Twin City Passenger...
Sioux City Local
Emerson Local
Mlaaoarl Paelfla
Auburn Local
,b t 00 pra
bll. am
c 6:20 pm
b 9 .AI pm
a Dally,
dav only
b Dally except Sunday,
d Dallv xeent Saturday.
b 6 80 am
.c 8 86 am
b6.spm b 8.10 am
b 1:60 pra bUJOaro
e 8un-
WHEN writing
mention The Bee.
to advertisers, kindly
Public light
Street repair
Voting machines
Curb, and pav. repair
Parks ,
Totals $238,502.44
Total balance
levy bal. amt expd.
ool. 8-1. 1909 to 6-11909
...$21,243.03 $ 21.(48.08
.. 85.603.67 S3,b03.67
.. 21,839.36 21.389.38
.. 14.29.69 14.29.69
9,M9.t& 9.44.57
.. 19.811.80 18.111.63
.. 13.809.34 13.821.26
.. 17,078.99 17,078.99
914.72 914.72
.. 6.098.73 6,0(18.72
75,133.85 74,620.76
4.4N4.33 4.4S4.33
2.5.6. M 2,655.34
$238,502.44 $238,502.44
All disburrrments on these funds ara
made by the library or park boards.
Includes only so much of the so-called
scavenger tax collections under the gen
eral revenue laws of the state, as may
have been transferred by the city council
from time to time.
Levy 1908-9. 8 64-100 mill for city pur-
Valuation on all real and personal prop
erty, 1906-9, $2$. 636. 190.54.
Arrangements for Rcgletrattoa.
A special meeting of the city council was
held Saturday night for th purpose of
completing the details and arrangements
for the first day of registration, which la
Tuesday, September 7. Th mayor an
nounced that contracts had been secured
for the following places of registration, and
these were approved by the council:
First Ward First precinct. 643 North
Twentieth; Second precinct, North
Second Ward First precinct, John
Franek's place. Twentieth and S streets;
Second precinct, J. A. Kline, 109 North
Third Ward First precinct, Plvonka coal
yard, Railroad avenue and Washington
street; Second precinct, northeast corner of
Thirty-fourth and I! streets.
Fourth Ward First precinct, Offerman
hotel, 212 North Twenty-fifth street; Second
pr. cmct, 2Z21 N street.
Fifth Ward First precinct, 722 North
Twenty-seventh street; Second precinct,
Charles Cummlngs. Thirty-sixth and L
Sixth Ward First precinct, 1214 North
Twenty-fourth atreet; Second precinct, 412
North Twenty-fifth street.
The cotinrllmen, according to custom,
appointment of registrars. Two are from
the minority party and three from the ira-
Colored Men Taken--by Police While
Eatlnc Pla-KW They Are aappoaed
to Have 8tleu , ,
While eating eggs, which they are said
to have stolen Thursday',, Charlie Stevens
and James White, both colored, were ar
rested as suspicious characters by Detec
tives Mitchell and Sullivan Sunday. The
stolen -eggs were recovered, -one case be
ing found partly consumed - and ' In the
possession of the suspects, and trie other
being secured from a man who had bourn t
It from Stevens and White.-- White lives
on Cass slreet betw'een Eleventh and
Twelfth streets. Stevens asserts he l'a
farmer and lives near Florence. . .. .
7 i
Fads for Weak Women
Nine-tenths of all tho sickness of women it due to torn derangement or ais
ease of the organs distinctly feminine. Such ticknett can be cured is cured
every day by .- ' ,
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription
It Makes Weak Women Strong,
Sick Women 'Well.
It act directly on the organs affected and is at the same time a general restore
tjve tonio for the whole system. It cures female complaint right in the privacy
of home. It makes unnecessary the disagreeable questioning, examinations and
local treatment to universally insisted upoa by doctors, and so abhorrent to
every modest woman.
We shall not particularize here at to the tymptomt of
those peculiar affections incident to women, but those
wanting full information as to their tymptomt and
meant of. positive cure are referred to the People's Com
mon Sense Medical Adviser 1008 pages, newly revised
and up-to-date Edition, tent frti on receipt of 21 one
- eent ttampt to eover oott of mailing ; or, In cloth
inding for 31 stamps.
Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.
Your Vacation '
to the East
in September
These very low thirty-day rates to the large eastern cities and resorti
are In effect only until September 30. Better plan your vacation now antlisec
me about routes and train service.
New York City and Keturn standard routes 1320
New York City and Keturn. other desirable routes $4()!f0
Atlantic City and J U-turn M S-10".70
Boston and I U-turn, all direct routes $-lo!G0
Grand diverse route tour ot the East, one way through the VlrglulaB, "old
Point comfort, Norfolk, Ocean trip to New York, other direction direct
routes 9.40
Same trip through Virginia, Old Point Comfort and Ocean trip to lWton,
other direction direct route S52.30
The above are illustrative rates. Proportional thirty day excursion rates
to many other eastern destinations.
TRAIN 8KRVICK: From Omaha to CMcbko, Daylight Express 7:25 A. M.:
afternoon expnss 4:20 P. M., arriving Chicago 7:00 A. M.; Nebraska-Chi
cago Limited C:30 P. M., electric lighted, with observa
tion sleepers, arrive Chicago 8:30 A. M. Let uie help
you with your arrangements.
1502 Farnam tit., Omalia. Nrb. .
Telephones: Ilouglas 8."K0: Ind. A-H'121, ' '