8 TTTE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1909. Want - Ads Ar1lMtaU fo k waat a Nlwn will Hkta aatll 11m, far th -realar aHlew aad wattl HtSO . sm. fa tka wnlaf auaa r ed ' tl a. Ouk taaat twwiM'r J1 order far waat ads aaa m advertlseaaeat will V aaaaat Ims ihaa JfrO rest for f Irat liiantl u IUm apwly ettker The Rally or Ia47 . Alwari Ntal mtx wrd a a llaa. OAIR HATKS MR WAST ADS. REGULAR CLASSIFICATION Oaa laser tea, 1 t-m coat pw war til 1 per war far rack ukrafa laaertlaa. Back laae-rttaa aaade aa a aar, 1 - eat war ( fl.50 er llaa per soaa. Watt a a far Tka aay k left at ur af tka fallawtaaj drag ataraa aa la rar "earttf raTrl" aey art all araatch afffaaa far Tka Baa a a rnr a will ka laaerteg laat aa tka aaala afMe la Tka Baa Ballalag, Ravaataaatk aa Faraaaa treesi Albaeh. W. C, 40th and Farnam, Beranefc, . A.. l B. Uth fit. Baeht Pharmacy, Benaon. Neb. BemI Park pharmacy, SSd an Cuming. Blake' Pharmacy, IMS Sherman Aa, -Coughlln, C. R , fth and Plaraa Sta. Clifton Hill Pharmaoy. till Military At. Cnnta. J. B., 81st Av. and Farnam t Crianey Pharmacy. Uth and Lek St. Ctrmak, Emll 1804-g 8. Uth St. Ehlera, P. H., 2m4 Leavenworth St Foster c Arnold!, HI N. Kth St. Freytag. John J., 114 N. Mth St. Florence Drug Co., Florence, Neb. Oreenough, O. A , ,134 8. ltth Bt. Hensoom Park Pharmacy, 151 8. 29th St. Harden, William C, 8020 Farnam St. Hoist John, 54 N. Uth St Huff, A. 1. 234 Leavenworth St. Kind. R. 8., 2838 Farnam St. Kountae Place Pharmacy, 2601 N. Mth St. Lathrop. Charles B , 1334 N. Mth St. Patrick Drue: Co., 1608 N. Mth St. Snyder Pharmaoy, 20th and Lake St. BIRTHS' AND DEATHS. Births O. E. Davis. 8033 Emmet street boy: William Holme, 2H27 South Heven- teenth street boy; Henry C. Sorensen an Grant street, boy: John Kris. 2980 Can tellar street, boy: Joe Fills, 1240 South Fifteenth street, boy; John Forsell, 112 North Tweoty-flrt street, boy; Henry Blum, 2706 Leaveworth street, girl; A. P. Trowbridge. 224 8t. Mary' avenue, girl; M. C. Rush, 6327 North Twenty-fifth ave nue, boy; Thomas Roach, Z South Twen tieth avenue, girl: Han Nelson, 2636 Chi eago atreet. boy; M. L. Beokwlth, 8410 Grand avenue, girl; J. S. Weltsel, 1248 Bouth Tenth street, boy; W. C. Davey, 4215 Lake street, boy. Deaths Harriet M. Potter. SMI Ree street, 87 year; Charles H. Roberts, 4247 Ersklne street, ( month; Grace E. Stearns, Methodist hospital. Z8 years; Anetta A Rertalman, Methodist hospital, 86 years; John Dedrick, Methodist hospital, 7( years. ANNOUNCEMENTS TAT LOR THE TAILOR. 4th Floor Pazton Blk.. Tel. Douglas 1383. D. H. BECK, formerly mar. of the Hersog Tailoring to., now at m so. ism bu BETTER TAILORED CLOTHES. W. J. MURPHY make eement sidewalks. taps and basement floor constructions, Phon Douglas 1Mb Davenport St. "COLBRIX," new pkg., keeps Waterloo brick ice cream, nara, I nours. imt Howtra James H. Craddock, architect room I Wead Bld-. Uth and Farnam. Red 6374, HATS RENOVATED. RAMSER, practical hatter, 230 S. 14th St RUGS and everything cleaned with th Duntley Vacuum cleaner. Lagerstrom, 8llt Leaven worth, "Phon 11. 24!). DEPOSITIONS, F. J. Sutcllffe. S28 Bee bids; OMAHA Electrio Work repair electric elevator. 108 N. Uth St. O. 111. A-1448. IF YOU want any dirt call an Baohmann, 4J6 Paxton block. C. M. WHY ar SCHAFER better able to tak car of your drug want than any other competitor? 'Cause they have FOUR BIG DRUG STORES, and buy more goods than any competitor. THAT'S REASONABLE. HINDOO TABLETS will build, brace, Strengthen. 60o box. BELL DRUG CO. OMAHA Sif and Iron Work make a specialty of fir escapes, shutters, doors and safe. O. Andraen, Prop., 102 S. 10th. REMOVAL SALE monument. 1417 8. 11th. When returning from your vacation tele phone ALAM1TO SANITARY DAIRY, Douglas 411, FOR YOUR MILK SUPPLY. DAVID COLE Creamery Co, SHOES called for and delivered fre Standard 8ho Repair Co., 1M4 Farnam. Developing and finishing. Beat work and quickest delivery. Dempster, 116 Farnam, WOOD. Dr. O. 8.. 631 N. Y. L. Homeopath. A8 MANUFACTURERS we carry in stock the moat complete line of Roofings, Build ing Paper and Roof Coatings that can b produced, Amer. Supply Co., 1113 Farnam. 1.866 COUPLES have been married by Rev. C. W. Savldge: b 1 praying to marry 1.000. If you want him to marry you, call weD. S44 or U-143U, nana too for booklet, "aiav You Found Your Running Mater Douglas Printing Co. Tel. Douglas 644. OMAHA FURNITURE REPAIR WORKS removed from 1201 Farnam St to Ua B. Uth bt 'Phone Douglas 2481. GRAVEL ROOFING. J. R. Stevenson Rooting Co., gravel and composition rooting, in H. loth St., Omaha, Tela. Douglas 311; A-17s2; Kes.. Web. 2M. Tvova c- R Heflln, 1X.16 Douglas St., over "CJ, Lindsay . Tel D. 274; A-4266. Monument, J. P. Bloom 4k Co., 1816 Far ANCHOR FENCE CO. Iron and wire fences cheaper than wood. Last a Life Time. 107 N. 17th. 'Phon Red 811 OMAHA Paate Co., now located at 711 & Uth St 'Phon Douglas 1760. FOR watch an jewelry repair. e Oustafsoo A HeurUkiton. 201 N. lth St Th Quality Pre, Printing. 1218 Harney, PEERLESS restaurant 117 N. Uth St, 1 now running under new management la Lea. AMATEUR PHOTO FIN18HINO; expert work,, prompt delivery. Uv, order at MlLJuAKD HOTEL PHARMACY. MORANDS DANCING SCHOOL no open; lesson Tuesday and Friday svea lugs. Pupils attending high school or th college half regular rates; success suar- ameed. Socials Monday and Wednesday evenings, van or in. uoug. 1041. MULTIGRAPHED DUPLICATING CO.. ai uranaeis omg. x vt. uougias yit MISSOURI filters made and sold. 1311 How. BIDS for school building at Ralaton will be received up te Saturday, Auguat 11. Plana and apaclflcaUuna can be seen at Architect M. K. Cole a office, lUlslon; es tlnieled cost about $6.0u0. By order of Boar of School Directors. PIANO REPAIR FACTORY. Smlth-Steinfaid Co. announce th opening of their store, fully equipped to handle ex pert piano repairing, rebuilding and tuning; also a high-grade line of new and slightly used piano, 2X18 Cuming St D. 1748. CHA8. H. THATCHER, piano tuning. D.6011 COMBS. U Douglas, expert ay fitting. WHY ar 8CHAEFERM better able to tak car of your drug want than any ther competitor? 'Cause they have FOUR BIG DRUG STORES, and buy more good than any competitor. THAT'S REASON ABLE. When writing to advartlaera remember H only tak a stroke or two of the pen t mention th fact that you saw th ad la 'A ba AUTOMOBILES FOR RALE ISO Mitchell runabout, with rumble seat; 4-cy Under, - lO-hors power, eoulpped with mtinxn; combined speedo meter and clock. 6 lamps, presto light ft' tank, chelna. tools, etc. Machine is In nret dass running condition, only having been run since May first. 11. D. Jones, gcblee- wl(, la. SEND for our list of second -hand cars. DERIOHT AUTOMOBILE CO.. 1814 Farnam 8t. A 6-CLTINDER. 40 H. P.. T-passenger touring car. in flrst-claas condition. Will sll on Irrmi or trade for city property or farm land. Address Y 721. care Bee. RAMRLKRfl New. 4 and J-cyllnders, 30 per cent discount Rambler Auto. Co., 2044 Farnam Kt. Motorcycles. MOTORCYCLE BAROAIN8. Three Ueadlng-Stsndards," $100, $110, $136. Three "Lights, ' t'JO, $110, $126. One "Recycle," $S0. One "Merkel," $136. Two "Indians," $'fl. $76. One "N. H. V.," $200. L. FLETCHER, 1622 CATITOL AVE. BARTER AND EXCHANGE A s-CYLINDER, 40 H. P., T-passenger touring car. In first class condition. Will sell on terms or trade for city property or farm land. Addreas Y 721, oar Be. GOOD ACRE FOR AUTO. HAVE a fin acre on good St. to ex change for runabout; lot value $T,TS0. Ma chine must bear Inspection. Address W 366, Baa. AUTOMOBILE WANTED Wish to trade good quarter or half section of Cheyenne county, Nebraska, land for one or two good touring cars to use In our business. Fund- Ingsland Savarson. Land Brokars, eiianey, Neb. WILL TRADE for Nebraska land. 1T- room hotel. Address F. M. 81111k, Albion, Neb. 10-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. Paved street, on car line; best residence location In Omaha. Want vacant lot, small house and lot or land. NOWATA LAND at LOT CO., Suite 624 N. Y. Life Bldg. Phone Red 1999. Omaha,' Neb. BUSINESS CHANCES TO GET In or out of business . call on UAINUt,31AiJ, tot cee aiag. ei. xj-aki WESTERGARD can help you get in or out of business. 403 Be Bldg., Tel. D. 3443. GOOD saloon for sal In a large city. Address Y-L08, care Omaha Bee. FOR SALE The best and largest plumb lug, heating, pump and windmill business of southwestern lowa. Have several con tract Jobs on hand now. Will sell at In voice. Address Y 181, care Bee. FOR RENT First class location for meat market and grocery; market fixtures for sale. Address A, Omaha Bee, Council Bluffs, la. FOR SALE CHEAP BY OWNER $8,000 stock of general merchandise, Al condi tion; modern fixtures; live town; splendid territory. True reasons for selling. Trad ers, don't answer. H. Goldberg, Leigh, Neb, FOR SALE AT BIO DI8COUNT. 1600 interest in small new cottage, 4 rooms. south front, large, wall drained lot; city water, electrio light: one block from car in. Will allow a liberal discount if sold within th next tan day. Address W 26a, lit. WELL EQUIPPED AND THOROUGH GOING SHEEP CO. In WYOMING WILL TAKE IN A PROPER PARTY WITH $16, 000 CAPITAL. PURPOSE, INCREASING BUSINESS TO INVEST IN ANOTHER BAND OF SHEEP. INVESTMENT WILL NET ON THE AVERAGE OF 40 PER CENT. BUSINESS STANDS FULL IN VESTIGATION. BANK REFERENCES EXCHANGED. PLEASE ADDKESS 83 MILE SHEEP AND LAND CO., P. O. brlKAP, NATRONA CO., WTO." FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR LAND Flouring mill of 60 barrel' capacity; water and gasoline engine power; alio electrio light plant and large brick plant All in operation; paying; proposition. E. A. Taytor, Urlawold. I. j. FOR SALE Only retail lumber yard In tnrivtng town of 1.MN near Dea Moines, la. Aaarea x sis, care nee. ROOMING HOUSE bargain: 14-room. steam-heated rooming house, right down town, clearing $liO a month; some tran- fjuu; easy terms. Uangestad, 404 Be Bldg. MEATS OR GROCERIES. Beat located unoccupied store rooms In city for llv man. Be owner, 1101 N. 18th 01.1 10 s o cioca. FOR SALE The best located hunitr.l. barrel FLOUR MILL and grain elevator in me staie; present owner being in business 30 year and want to retire, Addreas Y to, car 01 Bee. RESTAURANT for sale, $200 cash: slck- ucm nun. . n. Bcoggin. Mind. en. Wet). $2,400 BUYS the best navina- Tn.t m.rk. in iMaDraska. Market 80x130 feet; $ fine ice poxes. 1 noreea, 3 wagons, $ acres of land and MODERN SLAUGHTER HOUSE Sales $o0 to $66 per day. Terms. LathrOD a wwi... null, as. jbo. in nmm. FOR SALE Pump and windmill busi ness; good locality, clean stock; must sell ai once. Aaaress L.. il. 23. Genoa. Neb. VAUDEVILLE AND PICTIIRW! Rwrw Money-maker the year 'round, rtniv ,hii. of th kind in town; 16,000 oeoDle to draw j 1 0111. vm account 01 neaun, will sacrifice iur uuick saie. jjiamona. or auto taken aa pan payment, a. j. Braden, Boulder, Colo, MEATS OR GROCERIES. Z BTu K E HOO M S. side bv aid. Iw. rigm lor live man to supply large trade. oee owner, 11 lu n. mn. 8 to 6 o clock. FOR SALE AN ESTABLISHED Alsm good paying hotel and mercantile business in coirax. Loirax count. New. Mi will sell half Interest tn rivhi nt. for selling, other Interests.- Address 1 naric a uiascow, Colfax, N. M. rtr.W TAURANT Down loan In did location: a monev makor for nm nn. must be sold this week. Price. $300. Easy .0. ...... v,a,j,,iu, m tie mag. ROOMINO Houso Baraaln founun, rooms steam heated rooming house, right down town, clearing $1.V a month; some ,i,i.nirin. ,txju. uangBteaq. eiM Mee Bldg. CONSULTING ENGINEERS W. J. ROSS, CONSULTING ENGINEER CIVIL. ELECTRICAL, MECHANICAL. nireei railway, water works, street im provements: business Propositions flnanoad especially interurban rail way a Consult me. E. W. FITT. mechanical drawlnn nn suiting engineer. 614 Bee Bldg. Tel. D. 63& n- ia-e ratterson tiidg.. 1623 Farnam St. DENTISTS BAILEY & MACK. 3d floor, Paxton. D.1086 TAFT'8 Dental Rooms, 1617 Douglas St. DR. FICKES. 217 Board of Trade. "He doesn't hurt like others." DETECTIVES A. J. ADLER. 617 Karbach Blk. D. 2832. DRESSMAKERS MISS STURDY. 2727 Dodge. Tel. Ind. A2&77 TERRY College, 20th and Farnam Sis. McDowell Dresmaking School, 1623 Far, REMEMBER It only takes a stroke or two of the pen to mention th fact that you saw th aa in in Me. EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN FRENCH DRY CLEANING WKSL Both Tela Beat work: prompt ssrvio. CHINA decorating; order work a special ty. Lesson Tuesoae'. Thursday and Sat urdays Firing dally. Children's claasa Saturday morning. Mrs. C. C. Uungats, it Brandela Bldg. Tel. Red 6486. , CLEAN INO and dyeing; biggest and beat Only on office. 1&13 Jones St THE PANTOK1CU, fill EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN (Continued. CAKES THREE-LAYER WHITE. JJfo Groceries and Mats. Bottom Prices. JOHNSON GOOD LETT, 20th and Laka FIRHT-CLABS DRESSMAKING In fam ilies by the day. Call after 7 p. m. for ap pointment Web. fcOG. 2202 Grand Ave. LADIES' old hats made over new to order; reasonable prices. Miss E. L. Pep per, millnery parlors, 614 3. 2sih St. Phone Harney 3wa. INSTRUCTIONS in China and water col ors at SPECIAL RATES during the sum- mer months. M. K. Emlg Studio. 36 N. V. U J. HOUSKA. Pioneer Meat Market 2623 Sherman Ave. Our Increased facilities, com bined with our usual good service, make hopping easy here. Meats and fish fresh dally. CLEANLINESS OUR MOTTO. Select now; PAT WHEN NEEDED. Larger aelctlon and REDUCED PRICES now. HUBERMANN. Continental Blk., loth and Douglas. THE ARTI8TS" MODEL CORSET SHOP, Wl'n Lt. ivneeter, Laies Tailor. 601 8. 16th St Tel. Doug. 6066. LACE curtains, nicely done and wash ing; to take home. Telephone Harney l3tK. "VIA VI" A drugles horn treatment for women; 400 page book tree. 811 Brandela Bldax BUNDLE washings wanted. Douglas 4394. LET ua cut the children's hair befor school starts, 26c. The Be Barber Shop, Bee mag., 17th and Farnam. EDUCATIONAL Mosher-Lampman Business College has begun Its third year with an attend ance that makes it th second largest business college in Omaha. It has over taken and passed schools that are twenty five years old. EXPERT TEACHERS AND UP-TO- DATE COURSES OF STUDY have made this school a success by giving MOSHER LAMPMAN STUDENTS a training that they could not get elsewhere. It will pay you to attend this school. Day and Evening Sessions. Get our catalogue. Investigate and enter school as soon as possible. Mosher-Lampman 17th and Farnam Stk., Omaha, Neb. THE FALL TERM OF BOYLES COLLEGE IS OPEN tn both the day and night sessions. Every day N-O-W is an enrollment day, Complete business course. , Complete shorthand and typewriting course. Complete telegraphy course. Complete civil service course. Official training school for telegraphers ror u. p. n. li. Send today for free copy of the now famous book Bread and Butter Science. Address H. B. Boyles, president Omaha, Neb. BELLEVUE COLLEGE open Septem ber 14. See or writ President Stookey. Bellevue, Neb. FLORISTS' HENDERSON'S fresh cut flower dally from our hothouses tor weddings ana deo orations. Douglas 1268. 161 Farnam. BRANDEIST CUT FLOWER DEPART. MENT South aid of new lor. BENNETT'S cut flower department. 16th street antrano. Bennett store. HE? 8 A 8WOBODA 14U Farnam St J. H. BATH. 1623 Harney. Douglas 3000. FURNACE REPAIRING NOW is the time to have your FURNACE CLEANED AND PUT IN ORDER. We re pair all make of furnacea. Estimate gladly furnished. MILTON ROGERS at SONS CO.. I4tn ana r arnam. iiotn pnones. TELEPHONE today and have your stove. furnace or hot water heater inspected (no charge); let us get your heater ready for4 the cold snap: it s coming, ir you want a new furnace, ours are the bftter kind. OMAHA STOVE REPAIR WORKS Both phones. 1206-8 Douglas St T HELP WANTED FEMALE Factory awd Trades. LEARN halrdresslng; It pay: you can easily earn $16 to $26 weekly; full course taught Brandela' Halrdresslng Dept HELP WANTED IN ALL DEPARTM TS. EVANS LAUNDRY CO., 107 8. UTH. GIRLS WANTED, at once; steady work good pay. Bemls Omaha Bag Co. WANTED A young girl to work in tailor shop, an experienced one only. Ap ply Room 1, Paxton hiock. . WANTED Good skirt finishers and dressmakers. 506 So. 16th St.. upstairs WANTED Salesladies and makers. Ap ply Millinery Department, 1 nomas Kll Patrick A Compcny. Housekeepers and Domestic. WANTED A cook. (411 Dewey Ave. WANTED Girl for general housework. Mrs. J. H. Parrott. 4801 Davenport WANTED Good girl, highest wage, to help take care of baby and light house work. Apply reaay tor worn. 4uis j fayetta Ave. 'Phone Harney 2421 WANTED Girl for general housework In small family where second girl is kept. good ges W4? s. sutn Ave. GIRL for general work; no washing Twenty-five dollars month. Mrs. M. A. Hall. 118 N. 39th St WANTED Experienced girl for genertl houiework, good wages, small family, sep arata apartment wlih bath. 8o04 Woulwortb Ave. Tel.. II. IMS. GIRL for general housework; good wages. Apply at one. 1111 S. list St Hot-En-Tot Twin ar coming. GOOD girl for general housework, washing. 1060 8. 32d St EXPERIENCED girl for general house work. 1116 S. 31at St. Tel. Harney 1920. HOT-EN-TOT TWINS, th best on earth WANTED A good nurse girl, one. 1111 S. 31st bt Apply at WANTED A competent girl for general housework; references required. 42U5 Dodg St Tel. Harney 1748. GIRL for housework and cooking wanted Tel. Douglaa 44 JU. 610 S. 22d 4m between I Howard and St. Mary'a Ave. WANTED Second girl. Mr. George Hoagland. 48th and Cass Sis. GIRL for general housework. No wash ing or ironing: 16 a week. Mrs. H. D. Reed. 104 So. 4th St Tel. Harney 106. SERVANT GIRL Good home for right girl. Pleanant room with hot water heat and separate toilet and bath. 13J0 So. 36lh St Tel. Harney 413. WANTED Good general housework girl where second slrl la kept. Must know how to cook beat of wage. Auolv lit So. 32d Ay. In Other People's Cellars or Allies are things you can buy at a small price, that will be just as good as new ones to you. Read the Want Ads. HELP WANTED FEMALE Hoasekeepera ad Dosaestles WANTED A competent alrl for general ousework. references reaulred. Apply 'U Pacific 8t. 2573 POPPLETON Ave., girl to help with ousework; small family. Hot-En-Tot Twins ar a Hot sensation. Sdlseellaweaaa. WANTED Experienced fitter on skirts nd dresses. Skirt Store,' 322 N. Mth St. HELP WANTED MALE A seats. Solicitor aa aleaaaea. THREE high class salesmen. 640 Bee Bldg. Call after 3. Write. AGENTS or canvassers wsnted for good proposition. Apply Room 26, Continental liis., netween a ana p. m. WANTED Salesman calling on hard ware, harness or grocery trade, with new commodity as side line. Writ Geo. Nash, Columbus, Neb. WANTED First-class dress goods sales men. Apply Superintendent, J. L. Brandies & Sons. THEODORE ROOSEVELT'S OWN AC COUNT OF HIS AFRICAN HUNTING TRIP is to be published exclusively In Scrlbner's Magaslne commencing with the October number. A very unusual oppor tunity for you to make money in subscrip tion seeking. Thousands of subscription orders will be placed. You can easily take orders and make some money. For full particulars regarding liberal cash commls- lon, extra cash prizes, free sample copies, and advertising pamphlets, address at once Department 46. Scrlbner Magazine. 165 Fifth Avenue. New York City. WANTED Expert canvasser for Omaha and vicinity. At one. Nona but hustler need apply. Call for H. C. Berns tein, 1301 California between 6:30 and 7:30 m. WANTED GENERAL AGENTS and lo cal agents for Nebraska and South Da kota. Have you a contract with th com pany you represent? Address James A. Keith, supervisor Hartford Life Insurance Company, 623 Be Bldg., Omaha. Neb. WANTED A solicitor with hors and buggy to drive through th country and solicit subscriptions. Call and se circu lation manager. The Be Publishing Co. Boys. WANTED Several trustworthy boy; good wages. A. D. T. Co., 212 & 13th St. BRIGHT. energetic boy of 16 years for Apply at office. Neb. Clo. Co. office boy. Clerical and Office. BOOKKEEPER and cashier, $100. Traveling salesman, $66-$T&. Shipping clerk. $76. Grocery clerk, $). Dresa goods clerk. $66. WESTERN REF. & BOND ASS'N., JSC. 721-22 N. Y. Life Bldg. WANTED 2 bright refined young sales men, must be of good appearance, for one of the largest concerns In the west; per manent position and excellent chance for advancement. Apply by letter only. Stat age and address A 356, Bee. Factory and T rages. DRUG stores and jobs. Knlest, Be Bldg WANTED Carpenter and bricklayers in North Platte. Neb. No hoboes or drunk ards need apply; first olas meohanlcs can get steady Job. K. p. ttasta. Contractor, North Platte, Neb. WANTED A good shoemaker. Dennis Mechan, The Shoeman,i York, Neb. TWO first-class coat maker wanted. Taylor, the Tailor, 406, Paxton Blk. Mlaeallameeaa. Hot-En-Tot Twin ar a Hot aenaatlon. WANTED Experienced married man to take charge of coal yard in Omaha, muat live In good modern house (owned by firm) adjoining yard; state age, experience and alary expected; only one willing to work need apply. Address with references, B 374, Bee. WANTED At once, head clerk for gen. eral store; must have experience and not afraid of work; reference required; will pay good salary. Write or 'phone Ryan 4 Schneider, Crelghton, Neb. WANTED Crlbbers and laborer on new elevator work. 1st Ave. and 36th St, Council Bluffs, la. Middle West Elev. Co. WANTED Railway mail clerks, postof- flce clerka. carrier. Examination in Omaha Nov. 17. Preparation free. Frank' lln Institute, dept 148. Rochester. N. Y. HOT-EN-TOT TWINS, th best on earth. YOUNG MEN. STUDY LAW. Omaha School of Law. Evening session oniy. r unner information address seore tary, 701 N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. Douglas 867. FREE Employment Dent Business Men s Ass n.; no fee. Call 327 B. of T. Bldg. IF YOU need a SUSPENSORY, TRUSS, ABDOMINAL SUPPORTER, CRUTCHES or anything In the SURGICAL LINE, 1 SUHAEFER'S DRUG STORES. THAT'S MONEY SAVED. WANTED An experlcened dreaa roods man. Thompson, Belden & Co. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Morses auad Vehicle. Wagon and Auto Repairing. Second-hand Broughama and Business wagons. A. J. Simpson & Son. 140 Dodg St. ELEGANT handmade surrey, cost $260 to make; will sell it now for $125. Johnson- Danforth Co., 10th and Jones. McCRARY buys, sells all kinds of horse. Blue brick barn, back Millard hotel. D-40M. U 1 VnCAUl? . Mir Kama mwtA horxe weighs 1.300. Tel. Douglas 1S06. 2516 Jones St. Cows, Birds and Dogs. FOR SALE Fine pedigreed bull pun cneap. Phone Red 2177. LOST AND FOUND LOST Between 18th and 26th on Call fornia. chamois skin hsg containing bills. Return to Bee office. Reward. HOT-EN-TOT TWINS, the best on earth LOST Small gold watch, monogram M. S. 11. Reward for return to Chas. L. Saunders, 211 So. 18th St MEDICAL BEST nerre brae for man. Gray Narva Food PUln, $1 a box. postpaid. Sherman A McConneU Drug Co.. Omaha. FREE MEDICAL and surgical treatment at Crelghton's Medical college. 14th and Davenport Sta: specs! attention paid t confinement case; aU treatment super vised by college professor. Pnon Doug laa 1167- Calls answered, day or night MONEY T& LOAN ALARY AND CHATTEL! CONFIDENTIAL QUICK LOANS. A HOME LOAN COMPANY. LOANS on CIKKITUKK, rlANOS or SALARIES, LOANS on your plain nota.. LOWEST PAYMENTS IN CITY. OMAHA CHATTEL BANK, 1404 FARNAM MONEY TO LOAN. FROM $10 to $lu0 on salary, furniture, plane, etc.; no publicity, lowest rate. wetly or monthly payments. THE J. A MUTTON CO.. il4-16 Paxton Blk. TaL Doug. 1(07, MONEY TO LOAN alary sat Chattels CaatlaiaaeV. FOR MONEY SEE THE Nebraska Loan Co. Bankers and Brokers A Few Facts Is Why We always have money on hand. We pay off any othr companies. We advance you mora money. W do business on busineaa principle. We treat your business strictly confi dential. W save you any publicity. We loan you on any security. We make the payments to suit you. We ar rellabl. W furnish jrou refer ences. W loan on furnltura, plane, live stock. real estate, etc. If these facts Interest you. coma to ua. Open Saturday until I p. m. Call, write or telephone ua. Douglas 1356, A-1356. Nebraska Loan Co. OPPOSITE POSTOFFICE. Room 7, Crounse, 16th and Capitol. OUR PLAN Makes it easier for you to get out of debt than in because you can pay us whan you get it We do not charg extension or application fee. Omaha Mortgage Loan Co., 119 Board of Trade. 'Phon Doug.- 2296. HERE SINCE 1881 $06 8, 16th St Salary and Furniture Loans At the VERY LOWEST RATES. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., 3d Floor. 307-8 Paxton Blk.. Northeast corner 16th and Farnam Sts. Phones Doug las 14U and Auto. A lfu. LOANS of $C to $2S on salary or chattel security; prlvat party; no red tape; hour 10 to 2 and 4 to & Call 620 Paxton Block. LOANS, halt rate. 329 Board of Trad. MONEY loaned salaried people and others witnout security; easy payment. Office In ft principal cities. Tolman, Room 618, Nw fork Life Bldg. 6 on DIAMONDS. W.FLATAU, 1614 Dodg. FURNITURE. Live Stock. Salary Loans. Duff Green Loan Co., R. 8, Barker Blk. MUSIC AND LANGUAGES GUS TURNER, graduate of Lelnslo. Ger many, Conservatory of Music; piano lessons cheap. Tel Red 6036 or drop me a postal at zd narney i. ana 1 win call on you. UNIVERSAL MUSIC INDEXING CABI NETS, $1.00 up; also piano bench compart ments; agents wanted. Call or address UNIVERSAL MUSICAL BUREAU, 204 old Boston store tiidg. MOVING AND STORING EXP. Delivery Co.. office Mth and Davn port at., werehoua 2207-08 lsard St ALL kind of HEAVY HOISTING and HANDLING SAFES A SPECIALTY. B. J. Da via. 1818 Farnam, Telephone. Dug. 263. Residence Douglas 7M. OFFERED FOR RENT Baardtaa; Bi DEWEY Europeaa Hotel. 11th aad Farnans, LARGE south room, to permanent mar ried coupl. also singl room to gentle man. In - modern home; references. lilt Case. 'Phon Douglaa 1476. THE GEORGIA, 184$ Georgia Av. H. MX DESIRABLE south front fumlahed room with board; summer horn; tin lawn. 12$ 6. 26th Av. COOL, airy room, modern, fin shada with or without board, to two gentleman or man and wife. 2404 Capitol Av. ROOM and board In Ptivat family: modern home; also larg south room, with alcove. Tel. Harney 4761 ATTRACTIVE front rooms: also tabl board; heme cooking. 627 So. 26th Av. MODERN furnished or unfurnished rooms, first class board. 801$ Pacific St Faraished Raoa. GOOD Muni, tt oer weak: fra haia. Ogden Hotel. Co. Bluffs. NICELY furnished front room In new modern flat All conveniences; walking dis tance. M06 llarny. VERY desirable room; fin location; walking distano. 118 S. 26tb Bt ROOMS for transient. 1707 Dodg. D. 788 FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms In modern hous. prlc reasonable. 808 North lftth aireet SALVATION ARMY Worklngmen' hotel, 418 a Ifth St 'Phon Red 8348. CENTRAL, modern room. 220 N. 23d. THE NEW ATLANTIC HOTEL. all newly furnished, 1409 Case St BEAUTIFULLY furnished larg front room In prlvat family, for on or two young men; very reasonable. 2018 Webstar St VERY desirable larg room; newly furn ished; also smaller room; fin location. Ml 8. 26th Av. HOTEL COLONIAL, formerly th Visa n, bt 10th and Uth. Nawly fumlahed. PLEASANT ROOMS, modern: on vary larg front room, $16; oo at tU on at $8. 628 N. 23d St NICE, new, strictly modern front room; alao two unfurnished or housekeeping rooms, lit N. Zlat 8t GOOD rooms. 218 N. Uth. n iiiiv , i u 1 1 1 rowil, Slav lunii tur. modern. 120 No. 20th. No lgm on houae. ftKllf. - t 1 . . ... SOUTH alcov rooms. 2418 Cass. D. 6226. GOOD room for gentlemen. 218 N. Uth. Apartasaata aad Flats. THREE and 6-room flats, Scargo Bldg., 61H N. 24th St.. Bouth Omaha. Hall. 44 Ratnge Bldg. Both 'phone. STRICTLY modern 6-room heated apart ment; posaeaslon Sept 7. J. N. Marsh, 1823 Locust St 8-ROOMS, brick flat new; corner 8th and William St HEATED APARTMENTS. -2 and 3 room heated apartments In ths California, 2-room, summer rate $17.50, win ter rate $22.50. 8-room. aummer rate $22.60; winter rate $27.50. Heat Janitor aervice, hot and cold water, gas range, and window shades furnished. HASTINGS Ac HETDEN, 1614 Harney Street. THE SHERMAN, elegant apartments. In cluding heat and Janitor service. Telephone A-3768 or Webster 716. Hoasekaealagr Kaaama. TWO. three or four nlcelv fiimiih. roonia complete for housekeeping. iJll isevappurx. $ ELEGANT furnished front rooms in new flat; complcl for housekeeping. 8018 Davanport (. OFFERED FOR RENT Hoaaektrslsg Room oatlaaed. SUITE of housekeeping rooms on ground floor; modern. 1T01 Capitol Ave. THREE furnished housekeeping rooms. all modern, new and clean, gas range. 2l) N. Mth St. I'afaratahed Rooaas. 4 ROOMS nioderi., parlor floor, near park. 1609 8. 2Sth. Karaiked II oases, TWO furnished rooms In new modern house, H block from car. 2220 Emmet St. Hawses Cete. We ere sole agent for the following. 8-r.. mod.. x. heat. 3174 Meredith Ave.. $22. ... . 6-r.. new, mod., ex. neat $2760. ... 6-r., part mod , 1918 N. Mtn en., i. 6-r., mod.. 2608 Franklin St.. $2T.. 10-r.. mod., hot water heat. 1113 Tark Ave., $TA , r L.A 1 3 6-r.. mod., 8324 Sherman Ave., $32.50. 6-r., mod.. 616 P. 26th Ave.. $45. 8-r.. mod.. 1679 Harney St.. $35. t - 9y,i rwv Ave.. 830. HASTINGS ft HETDEN. 1614 Harney St t-ROOM brick house; modern; tenant can rent two floora and get more than rent back. 614 S. 2Uth St. See Jamea Neville, 802 Neville Block. 8-ROOM house, modern except furnace. $20 N. 26th St. $23.50. per month. W. J. DERMODY INVESTMENT CO.. Tela. Doug. 6108 or A 2033. 836 N. Y. L. Bldg. FOR RENT 4 rooms, cltv water, toilet 1523 No. lath. $12.50 and water rent C M. Baohmann, 4M Paxton Blk. FIVE LARGE ROOMS Nearly new; first floor modern except heat Half block from car. Tel. Douglaa 4828. 6-ROOM modern houae, 4227 Harney 8t. $26. Owner pay water. EIGHT-ROOM modern house, 2512 Chi cago. E. A. Smith, 317 Neville Block. FOR RENT 835. strictly modem 8-room house; hot water heated. Apply at 2416 Hamilton St. Tel. Webster 878. EIGHT-ROOM house, modern except fur nice, suitable for two families or one. 2U1 Corby St. inquire at nous. SIX-ROOM house, modern. 118 N. 27th Ave. Tel. Independent B-SlfX 4-ROOM cottage, 1914 Bancroft street. FOR RENT 8-room modern houae. 620 S. 24th Av. 'Phono Red 2177. HOUSES, flat. Garvin Br.. 318 N. Y. L. NEAR high school, adjoining modern dwellings, $87.60 and $28.60. McCagua Co. THREE and four room apartment, mod ern. 816 Bo. 22nd. OMAHA Truck, Van and Starag Co, Doug. I486, Ind.., B-8428. Office 17U Wb- tr street FOR RENT Brick house at 1511 8. 29th St. ono block east of Park avenu car line; modern In every respect with 4 bed room on second floor; large parlor, dining room, kitchen, buttery, larg hall and ves tibule on first floor. Inqulr at 1509 8. 3a 6t Tel. Harney icoa. tTnTTCnrQ! In all parts of th city. UUUC3LO Crelgh Sons AV Co.. Be Bldg. FOR RENT About Sept IB, large mod ern brick house Just opp. Park Ave., 2913 Mason, inqulr 823 S. 28th St. pnon H. ltao. FOR RENT: -room modern brick bouse; 2008-2011 WU lis Av. $25. C. M. BACHMANN. 436 Paxton Blk. 1613 N. 20TII ST., 8-room modern home. Perfect order. The owner, 1101 N. 18th St, 1 to 6 o clock. FOR RENT A desirable house, northeast corner Leavenworth 8t and 25th Ave; 7 roomst beside bath and laundry; hot watef beating, modern plumbing; rent $50. Alao. October L a vary deslrabl house, southeast corner Jon and 26th St.; I noim beside bath and laundry; new blumbtng. combination lighting and hot water heating; rant $60. J. I. Kemp, 2513 LiavBWOrin Bt Tel. U. 888. t-ROOM cottage, thre larg lots, nice shada 4616 lsard St; $16 per month. W. J. DERMODY INVESTMENT CO., Tela Doug. 6108 or A 2033. 836 N. Y. L. Bldg. 8-ROOM house, modern except heat i"J01 Mapl St., $18. 6 rooms, 2d floor, beat 409 William, 81L rooms, 2d floor, toilet 1908 N. 26th St., $13.-7-room modern, 717 N. 28th St, 824. Second floor. 4 rooms, toilet, $13.60. and water, 2424 Burt St; 5 room cottas. 2418H Burt $16, tenant pay water. $ room, bath ana? toilet, 1418 N. ltth St, $20 and water rent CHRIS BUTER, 124 and Cuming Sta, 1824 N. 25th St, 5 R., partly modern, $20. 25th and Parker, t R.. modern exceot furnace. $20. 2503 Bristol St., 9 R., modern except furnace, $30. 2022 N. 22d St., R., modern, $30. W. G. SHRIVER, 1023 New York Life Bldg. 2708 HOWARD, beautiful modern 7-room hous; oak floor; easily heated. 'Phon Harney 2617. 10-ROOM MODERN HOUSE Fin location. $124 Poppleton Ave. Key at 8114 Poppleton Ave. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO.. Bull 624 N. Y. Life Bldg. 'Phon Red 1999. OMAHA, NEB. BASEMENT, 4 room, toilet pantry and ellar. 2607 Pierce. OMAHA Van AV Storage fro., pack, move, store, H. H. goods; storehouse, 1120-24 If. Uth; offlo 808 So. 17th St Tel. Doug. 1559. HOUSES, Insurance. Rlngwalt Barker Blk. MAOGARD Van & Storage Co. Tel. Doug. 1496. W guarantee moving, pianos, house hold good. HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed, forwarded; cheap freight ratea; moving and atorlng. Expressmen s Delivery Co. Tel. Doug. 34. FOR RENT 8-room house near Hanscoin park; large, beautiful lawn. Phone Bunk er Saving and Loan Aaaociation, Douglas $17. ELEGANT 4-room flat located at 610 8. 87th, all modern, price $36. Bemls, Brandels Bldg. $3600 8-room modern brick (flat!, 3007 Pacific St, for particulars telephone, Har ney 8283. 8-ROOM modern house, on car line. Tel. Wsb. 3743. J. W. Young. 2206 Sherman Ave. HOUSES Peters Trust Co., N. T. L. BUg. Office. FOR RENT Desk room, with us of 'phone. 644 Bee Bldg. te STOREROOM and basement In Sear go block, 6. O., 620 N. 24th. Hall, 433 Raing Bldg., both phones. FOR RENT First-class location for meat market and grocery; meat market fixtuies for sale. Address A. Omaha Bee, Co. Bluffs. Ia. STORE ROOM for rent at 206 8. 14th "siT; ready for occupancy Aug. 16. Apply at ono. Palao Clothing Co., corner Mth and Douglaa. FOR RENT Modern atora room In Daw eon. Nab. Brick and concrete. 40x70 ft. corner building, east front, to a good mer chant. Will rent cheap. Splendid location. Address E. L. Sandusky. Falls City. Nab. 1406-07 HARNEY. Four-story brick, 66x120 ft.; will lease en tire building or divide. Possession Ooto bar 16. GARVIN BROS., 218 New York Life Bldg. OFFERED FOR SALE Typewriters. TYPEWRITERS Any make, all prices, old and rented, rent applied; easy term; shipped anywhere for examination. Writ for larg bargain list and offer. B. F. Swansea Co.. 417 8. Uth St.. Omaha. Nh, SECOND hand typewriters sold, repaired. Ceiitial Typewriter Exchange, 107 Ftunain. OFFERED FOR SALE H.'onHived. riaaoa aad Masleal laatraateata. . a . n.. f th hlffhMl areajta, pianos: used less than 2 years. In a fli, : , ..1. . . aor-lffr Muat Mil st oiice. Make sn offer, l'hon Douglaa $748, or call at 221W Cuming St. SMllll-slr.iArir.1.1' . w. Mlscell nRlTns at cut prices, freight paid on at) $10 orders; catalogue free. Sherman a McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha, Neb. - KAt.K Oood gas tove. 1009 model. 4 -horse power M"ikle motorcycle. 8..05 Hawthorne Av.. Tel. narney 1001. 11 Mii-HT pah N. 1322 Farnam St. four second-hand showcases for sale, cheap. ONE White machine, drop head, new, cost $40. Will ell for $28 casn. Tel. Red 3315. or call 191$ St. Mary Av. WE HAVE on hand a number of Inkr barrel which wo will H at 60o each. They are fine for rain water or aahaa. Call at pressroom Be Publishing Co. FOR 6 ALE New and M-hand blllard and pool table. W lead th world In cheap bar fixture, easy payments. Brunswick-Balk Collender, 407 S. 10th Bt w-tn OAT V lvn.a SAm . V. . W 1 , . i and Harrison, South Omaha. Hot-En-Tot Twins are a Hot aenaatlon. SHEATINO at $18 per M. G, C. Dim mock AV Bona. South Omaha. BUY from the factory. Burkley Envelope ELECTRIC PIANOS and BANJOS, $UA Continental Novelty Co., Omaha. Neb. COAL, Wood. Feed. 1316 N. 24th. Web. 46. NATIONAL CASH REGISTER for sale nearly new. I would not take $1,090 for It If I were not going out of business. Ad dress E-140 Bee. FOR SALE Time lock. In excellent con dition; also itor counter. Apply T. P. Redmond, Brandei Store. HOT-EN-TOT TWINS, th beat on earth OSTEOPATHY JOHNSON. INS.. 418 N. T. L. Tel. D. 1664. Dr. Katberyn Nlckola. 608 N. Y. L Bldg. PATENTS D. O. BARNELL, Paxton Bis. Tel f;ed Till. HUFFMAN. $18 Neville Bldg., Book fJwa. PERSONAL PRIVATE home during confinement; bablea adopted. Th Good Samaritan Sani tarium, 740 lat Av., Council Bluffs, la. HOT-EN-TOT TWINS, the beat on earth CORN Jelly will cur corns, 25c Hainea Drug Co., 1610 Farnam 8t M AflNFnfi treatment. Mm. Smith, MAUlMrjllO g- 16tn Bu tnird tloor. A HOME for woman during confinement W find homea for bablea wher mothers cannot car for them. Bablea boarded. For terms, address Mrs. Martha A Lee, 401 Bancroft St, Omaha, Nab. Phon Doug laa 1921. Hot-En-Tot Twin ar a Hot aenaatlon. PERSONAL Your nose can be shaped to the atyle you wish. Simpl new meth ods. No operation, no pain, thoroughly scientific Particulars free, saled. The Allison Co.. 96 Mohawk St, Buffalo. N. Y. MR8. AMES of Washington, D. C. mani curing and massage. 1724 Capitol Ave. MRS. IUTTEN HOUSE, graduat of th Weltmer institute of Nevada, Mo., treats rheumatism, constipation, paralyala, lum bago and all chronlo diseases; electrio mas sage and baths. Room 80S, 4th floor Bos ton Store Bldg.; elevator entranoe 120 8. 16th St, stairway on Douglas St THE SALVATION ARMY solicit castoff clothing; in fact, anything you do not head. We collect repair and au at 134 N. 11th St., for cost of collection to th worthy poor. Call phon Douglaa 4135 and wagoa will call. DR. E GOERS, prlvat confinement Doma 1616 Martha St. Tel. Douglaa $180. OMAHA Stammerers" Ins., Ramg Bldg. HALL'S safes, new, 2d-hand. 1818 Farnam. MAGNETIC Treatment. Ummarlla Brott, 23U & 16th St Doug. 518$. Private confinement home. Mrs- Dr. King, 13X4 N. 24th. Tel., Web. 2559. Ind. B-1668. LADIES wishing to obtain th latest dress cutting system. Learn cutting. Call 311 No. 26th St. 'Phone. Douglas im2. Hot-En-Tot Twins ar coming. ANYONE knowing the present where abouts of James C. Ballard, who resided In Douglas county In l-57, or any of his relatives, will please communicate wlttt H 329, care Omaha Bee, Omaha, Neb. WE WILL call for, clean and adjust your phonograph for $1.50. NEBRASKA CYCLE CO.. Phone-Doug. 1661- A-1663. Cor. Uth and Harnav. STRICTLY private hom during confine ments; excellent care; babius adopted; trained nurae. 2518 Davenport St. WHERE do you have your PRESCRIP TIONS FILLED? Ank your DOCTOR If he ha confidence in SCHAFER'S. HE know he can depend on our goods, and we want you to take advantage of our PRICES and SERVICE. We CALL FOR and DELIVER preacrlp tlona without extra charge. THAT'S FAIR. WOULD like to share part of furniture car to Los Angeles. Address Y 616, car Bee. REAL ESTATE Real Estata Dealer. REED ABSTRACT CO., Est. 1866; prompt service; get our prlceit. 110 Farnam Bt UANGESTAD, 404 Be Bldg. Tel. D. 8367. PAYNE INV. CO., flrt floor N. Y. Lif. BENJAMIN R. E. CO., 477 Brandels Bldg. REAL ESTATE TITLE-TRUST CO. JHAS. E. WILLIAMSON. President CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE, TO INVESTORS. Fine locstlon for sn apartment hons In West Farnam dlstriot, 162x156 feet, for $14 600. HICKS, 219 Board Trade Bldg. $1,830 BUYS lot and large building. 243$ Seward. 9 Rooms, $11,500 Eaat front in exclusive West Farnam district; not offered before. Harrison & Morton, FOR quick returns. !' your real tat for aal. and exchange with ma, no sale, no pay W. W. Mitchell. Board of Trad Bldg.. Omaha Neb. FOR SAI.E-S large choice lot, fin lo cation. Call Webster 4. ' HURRY MAKE THK START (JET THE HABIT of saving and putting $1.00 every week In a piece of real estate. HILLSDALE ADDITION Is your opportunity; we are celling thes lots and selling them fast $1.00 Cash, $1.00 a Week No Interest, No Taxes. Prices $100 to $200 Each. 100 In all; over half already sold. Thla addition Is located west of Miller park at 87th and Curtis Ave. Come on, tak on today. If you want us to, we will tak you out to see them. HASTINGS AV HEYDEN. 1 Harney St. FOR HALE cheap, modern 8-room hous and barn, flv blocks from ear. A. W. Alexander, $428 4th Av.. -AiunaU Bluff, la. 1