Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 07, 1909, Page 7, Image 7

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Claiiio Event at Charter Oak Park
Goes to Son of Walnut Hall,
Aaron WklM Takes S 04I Par, aad
SilA Trat Oar to Alice It onae
velt Slxtr Thoaaaad In
HARTFORD, Conn.. Sept. 6. Over O.Ono
people attended the opening of the atat
fair and tha grand circuit racea at Charter
,ak park today. The classic track event
of the opening day was the 110 000 Charter
Oak, trot, which mas won by Tha Harves
ter. Each heat waa raoe In Itself, the
winner taking the last two heals after
finishing aecond In the flrat. Bob Douglas
waa the favorlta In the ftrftt heat, when
after leading all the way he nosed under
tha wire a winner In a whipping finish
with The Harvester. In the aecond and
third heats, however. The Harvester had
things his own way and won with com
parative ease.
Tha 1 04 pace wag a walkover for Baron
Whips, who took two heats of the race
with Major Frlna a fair second.
Tha only three 1n five event was the trot, which waa easily won by Alice
Roosevelt. Tha mare took three heats, her
only real opponent being Jennie Constan
tlna, who captured the second heat and
marts a bid tor tha third, finishing a close
The track waa not fast. Summaries:
Charter Oak, 2 09 trot; three heats; purse.
Tha Harvester, br. h.. Walnut Hal
tOeera) 2 1
Bob Douglass, br. h. (A. McDonald) 1 6
Genteel H., bh. (Snow) a 2
Baron May, br. h. (Oayles) 4 2
Raff lea. blk. a, (Bnrgess) 7 4
Judge I,, ch. h. (I, a well) I 5
Mae Hart. br. m. (Hyde) a 7
Time I V. J .
Division of money: The Harvester, 36,000;
Bob Douglass. 12,000; Genteel ii., .0;
Baron May. 1700; Raffles, $400.
2 0 pace, two In three heata; purse,
Baron whips, ch. g Baron Dlllon-
Mescalla (Murphy) ,
Major Blno, blk. g. (McDonald)....
Texas Rocker, b. g.. (McEwan)...
Oreen Plloa, lb. h. J. Murphy)
Tha Friend.' blk. h. (Brawley)...
1 1
2 1
s a
4 4
6 6
lime: i:ei4. s:ub4.
1:11 trot, three In five; 'purse. 11,000:
Allre Roosevelt, ; ch. m.. The
Bearoher-T. Flaxen (T. Murphy) 1 1 1 t
Jennie Conutantlne, b. m. (Gaily) 3 12 4
Klondike, b. g. (Clark) 8 4 fl 2
Naoma, b. m. (Burgess) 17 7 3
Melva J., b. m. (Coil...,: 53 3 3
Hopal Penn, b. h. (Ludwig) 7 5 4
Rosemary Chimoa, b. m. (Rath
bum) 6 8 7
ManDougall, ch, h. (Lasell) 4 (j 6dr
Tltne; 2:14, 2:11. 2:10'4. 2:11ft.
A I lr K Wins SUT Trot front Field of
Eleven Starters.
ST. PAUL. Minn., Sept. . Harness iao
tr.g opened here today before one of the
greatest crowds that ever attended the
it ate fair. ,. Minor Heir and Dan Patch
I,, , .
Know how hard It It to keep tha akin smooth
and clear. Victor's Tenia Lotion I the bet t
Preparation to r, .ant and cuts barber's itch,
eruptions Bad other face Infections, and to
keep the skin lb health; condition. It allays
Itching aog soreness. St Cants a Bottle.
Manufaotarsd aad lot sale by -.
Sherman A McConnoll Drug Cm.
lath ami Dodga, Omaha, .
" ' OWL DRUQ CO. " '
16th and Harnay.
- ""fe7
Maetingeign! .. 1 - u I
u . olerlorX'-'"A" I aorta
Bffrffll 'Hf'fnTH Tl-ift wuperiory g I.I
, -t ' i . .
scheduled to race, but both went I
e. Minor Heir went an eshlbltlon mile I
In 1 lav
Oovcinnr Karlc took the secfind and
thltd heats In the 2 OS pace, after finishing
fourth in the first heat, and won the race.
There were three starters In the I 15 psce
and Happy Hooligan won In strnlaht heata.
.Alice K. won the 1:17 trot from a field
of eleven ef.rter. taking the last three
heals, after flnlfhlng fourth In the first.
2:(l psce, purfe 8l.0n0: Governor Rearles
won. Islm tta aecond. Tony Swift . third.
Time: 20:19.
11& puce, purse )) SCO: Happy Hooligan
won. Chaplain Root eetend. Nancy C third.
Time: 2:11S4.
1:17 trot, purse 11 000: Alice K. won.
MIfs Elj ria aecond, Myrtle O. third. Time:
2: 12V
Paderewskl Wins ail 4 Trot at Peoria
In StralgM Heats.
FEORIA, Sept . The fall meeting of
the (ireat Western circuit races opened
here this afternoon with two harness and
two running events. Paderewskl won tha
feature, the 2:14 trot. In straight heata, un
pressed. Lamar O. captured the 2:15 pace
Frank Fletcher, the favorite In the mile
run, came up from behind In the stretch
and nosed out Meada. who had led to
within a few fee of the- wire. The talent
waa upset In the five-eighths mile dash
when Rosa A., held at 8 to 2. ridden well
by McCowen. managed to win from J. H.
Haughten, even money favorite, by half
a length. flummaYlos:
2:14 trot, purse 11.500:
Paderewskl, b. g. (Ross).'. ...1 1 1
Bob Riley, n. g. (Birney) 1 1 2
Walkover, h h. (Taylor) 8 2 3
Major Strong Boy, b. g. (Snyder. ...4 4 4
Time: 2:13. 2.0914. 2:0714,
2:15 pace, purse iW):
I.imar (., b. g. (Wood)... 1 1 1
rMlver Moon, ch. m (Livingstone). ...2 2 2
Wilkeshrlno, br. g. (Benson), 3 4 3
Warren A , b. g. (Black)... ;.4 1 4
Time: 2:1314. Z:14, 2:124.
One mile, running; Frank. Fletcher (119,
2 to 3, Tate) won, Meada (lit. 8 to 2,
Brown) second, Mourlne (llfl, 3 to 1. Green)
third, Time; 1:411a. Mary Cadlemas,
( ounterslgn, Cassawary, Oronoka also
Klve-elghtha mile, running: Rosa A. (119,
to 2. McCowan) won. J. H. Haughton
(99, to 2. Kverett) seoond. Trey of Spades
(111, 3 to 2, Mnrtln) third. Time: 1:02. Bll-
lle W aters, Deva . Blackman. Covedon,
Klrlna, Try, Stella Glenn. Nellette also
Klnar James wins Ocean Handicap at
Sheepshend . Bay.
In the presence of 15.000 persons King
james. the even money favorite easily won
the Ocean handicap, one mile, here today,
defeating Jack Atkin by three lengths. The
race was remarkably fast, tha mile being
run In 1:37s. Klng'a Daughter; under light
weight went out to make the pace, followed
by King James, under 133 pounds, with
Jack Atkln bringing np the rear after
getting away poorly. Tha mare continued
to show the way around the upper turn,
with King James, hanging close and going
easy, while Jack Atkln had improved his
position and raced into ' third position. At
the stretch the field swung wide with
King's Daughter still holding the advan
tage, but when straightened out for the
ran to the wire. King Jamea moved to the
lead and the .issue waa never In doubt,
tha favorite winning easily by three
lengths. Jack Atkin got the place by a
head on the post, with king's Daughter
third. Grandpa won the Labor Day steeule-
chase easily by eight lengths. Summaries:
First race, the Cresendu, six and one
half f urinous. 1000 added: Bosequeen (111.
Dugan. 1 to 6) won, Dr.- Barkley (90. King,
15 to 1) second. Prince Gal (117. Bulwell,
2 to. 1) third. Time? 1:1914. Harrlgan. May
ltlver. I'enxnal. Twilight Queen also ran.
Second rce, selling, six and a half fur
longs, main course, 1400 added: Fighting
Bob (107, Page, 8 to E) won, Ten Paces (102,
Garner, S to 1) aecond, Captain Swanson
(104, Grand. 1 to 1) third. Time: 1:2114.
Scarus, Tipster. Kveret, St. Delnlnoll, In
terpose also ran.
Third race, the Labor Day steeplechase,
about two miles. 1700 added: Grandpa (139,
Kermath, 7 to 10) won. Andrew Hummers
132, McAfee, 1 to 1) second. Bigot (ISO,
Allen, 6 to 1) third. Time: 3:53H. Three
Fourth 'race, the Ocean handicap, one
mile, value 21,50)):' King Jamea iVtt, Dugan,
even.- wort, Jack Atkln (133, Bulwell, 2 to
1) aecond. Kmg'a Daughter. (109, Page,
'M l) third. Time:1; l:S7. . Dorante and
Practical alsd rap.
Fifth race, the Africander, selling1, mile
n nn
aim v z m
Over one and .one-half million
acres of land will be thrown
open for settlement in Cheyenne
River and Standing Rock Indian
Reservations, October 4th to 23rd.
Registration at Pierre and Aberdeen, S. D,
Direct route to registration points is
the Chicago C& North Western Ry.
Two fast trains daily via direct lines from Omaha
to Pierre and to Aberdeen.
Special low homeseekers' round trip rates from Omaha.
This land is well watered by the Cannon Ball, Grand,
Moreau and Cheyenne Rivers and their tributaries. -The
soil is a light loam, fertile and makes good grain producing
land. - The land must be lived on and improved. A low
valuation of from 50 cents to $6.00 per acre has been placed
on the land by the Government arranged in easy annual
payments covering a period of five years.
The C. & N. W. Ry. prints a descriptive pamphlet,
telling bow to secure a homestead of lt)0 acres prom
the Government. .rr
Free copies on application.
-Ticket Offices. . -1401-1403
Taniam Street r
Omahdt Neb,
snd five furlongs, turf course. 0 added:
m.nnle Kelso '.. I'plon. 4 to Si won. Al-
bert Star (S. Creevy. to 1) second, Bella-
view (. Davenport, t to 1) third. Time:
2.4v Rockstnne also ran.
Sixth race, the Olseau. six furlorgs. fu
turity course. S.V added: The General
Armstrong (91. MiH'ahey. 11 to M won, Dal
matian (124. Dugan. 1 to 5) second. Hsmp
ton Court 10. Page. 4 to 1) third. Time:
1:1.1V,. Bon Loyal. Firebox and Relluf
also ran. Hnmpton Court added starter.
MONTREAL, Sept. 4 A holiday crowd
of about 7.000 witnessed the second day'a
racing of the Montreal Jockey club here
this afternoon. K. A. Brennan's Terah.
with Burns up. won the feature event.
First race, five furlongs: Banlves (1 to
2) won, Merman (5 to Rl second. Gentle (5
to 1) third. Time: Mm.
Second race, six furlongs: Right Easy
(even) won. Gloriole (10 to 1) second, C.
W. Burt (6 to 1) third. Time: 1:174.
Third race, one mile: Terah (5 to 2)
won, Guy Fisher (4 to 5) second, Stanley
Fay (R to 2) third. Time: 144V,.
Fourth race, five and a half furlongs:
Star Over 3 to 1) won. Don Dla 20 to 1)
second. Hickory Stick (5 to 2) third. Time:
Fifth race, steeplechase, about two miles:,
Reginald (2 to 1) won, Braggadocio (5 to
2) second. Impertinence (12 to 1) third.
Time: 4:12.
Sixth race, mile and an eighth: Jean
nette M. (1 to 1) won, Joe Rose (1 to 5)
second, Keep Moving t2 to 1) third. Time:
Washington Men Win Labor
Honors at Sea Girt.
SEA GIRT, N. J.. Sept. fl.-The Labor
Day honors at the rifle tournament here
went today to riflemen from Washington,
D. C. A team of four officers from the
ordinance department of the National
Guard of the District of Columbia won the
banner event of the day, the New York
Smte Rifle association's company team
match. Fil ing seven shots each at 200. .500
and (100 yards, the Washington men scored
1S2 points to 371 by the team from the head
quarters of the Seventy-first New York
End 8fi9 by the team of Company O, Fourth
New Jersey.
Of the other matches fought out today
or the Sea Girt rifle range New York led
In the Swiss trophy contest, while the
t'nlted States marine corps took both the
hale and ftie officers' and Inspectors' com
petitions. Weather conditions were Ideal.
Corning Wins Long name.
CORNING, la., Sept. . Corning played
Stanton, In this city Sunday, the longest
and fastest game ever played in Adams
county. It took thirteen Innings and the
score was 1 to 1, In Coming's favor. The
winning run was scored with two men out
In the thirteenth. Stanton made only
three hlta to Corning'a eight. Both sides
fielded well. Batteries: Stanton. Nimrod
and Cope; Corning, Dowdell and Will
lams. Time: l:Sfi.
New Bank for Slonx Falls.
SIOUX FALLS. S. D Sept. 6.-(Speclal.)
Tuesday a new bank will open Its doois
In Sioux Falls. It ha been Incorporated
under the state banking laws, and will be
conducted under the name of the American
Exchange State bank. The new banking
Institution has a capital of 150.000 and the
president Is E. G. Kennedy, a prominent
resident of Sioux Falls, who for two terms
filled the responsible position of United
States marshal for South Dakota. The
vice president Is William Ontjes, while M.
J. Gotthelf will fill the position of cashier.
These three, with A. E. Bowrlng, S. D.
Wadaworth, E. J. Gotthelf and J. D. Elliott
of Tyndall, are the directors. Mr. Elliott
formerly was United States attorney for
South Dakota. The bank deposits in Sioux
Falls aggregate nearly 15,000.000 and the
new bank expects to secure Its share of the
An Economical Vacation.
Round trip tickets at figures but slightly
in excess of one way fares to a hundred or
more resorts in Canada and New England,
also to New York City and Jeraey Coast
Reaorta, will ba plaoed on aale on various
dates after June 1, 1908.
Full particulars and dates of aale, limits,
stopovers and descriptive literature can be
Obtained by writing W. S. Cookadn,' A. O.
P. A't Grand Trunk Railway Sytlem, 135
Adama street, Chicago.
Unfermented Non- Alcoholic
v .....
Non - Intoxicating
Receipts of Cattle Liberal, Prices
Steady to Strong.
Fat Sheep 4 Active and Tea Coats
Higher, Fat Lamba Ten to Fif
teen Iliaher FeVdera AeMve
' SOirrri' OMAITA. Srpt. . 190.
RmvIiiii -pTi- ; Ca.t(ln. IloKs. Bhet-P.
KHlima.a Monilay ., .600 3.300 l.ZW
Sme days last week.... 8.452 2,498 1S.974
Hartie Hay 2 weeks nro.. 7.T28 1.428 18.U1
8 i me day S weeks ago.. 7.8M 1.36 la.tM
Mmt day 4 weeks ago., 7,W4 2.wt
Same uay lat yrar 5.117 l.M (7.724
The following table Shows the receipts
of cattle, hogs and' sheep at Bouin umini
lor the year to date, compared wun ai
year: 19(). 108. mo. vec.
Cattle CTH.MS 601,487 8R.II12
Hubs 1,718 874 1.845.7(56 Ufi.Ml
Sheep 1.037. t09 1,006,314 ...... 28,706
The following table shows the average
price of hogs at South Omaha for the last
several days, with comparisons:
Pate. 1908. 10. 1907. i08. IKS. 104. 11903.
Aug. 26..
Aug. 27..
1 t,
7 63 ,
7 6sy
7 78H
6 3S
6 46
6 77
6 33!
f 81
6 23
S 81
5 3J
( 77
6 76
S (61
6 4
Aug. 28..
6 SO
6 80
Aug. 29..
Aug. 30. .
Aug. 81..
6 68
6 71
6 731
5 70
6 66
6 83
6 77
6 72
( 82
6 7
7 76Vsi
7 81HI
7 80,1
( 63
6 78
6 18
6 13
6 83
I 32
Kept. 1
I 851 t (2
6 43 6 67
53i 6 60
6 85
6 76 6 46,
5 671 6 231
t 761 tl
i 37 i a
6 33i t 30
U 42
I 25 6 4
5 86
Sept. 3.
Sept. 4.
sept. 6.
671 6 69
6 61 6 75
sept. 6.
i 81 1
Heceluis and diKDosltlon of live stock at
the Union Stock Yards, South Omaha, Neb..'
for twenty-four hours ending At t o'clock
p. m., September 1909:
UfcOkl r-TS.
Cattls. Hogs. Sheep.
C, M. 4 St. P., Ry 10 . 3
Wabash Ry ..
Missouri .Pacific . .' 8
Union Pacific 47 12 21
(V & N. W. (east) 3 1
C. & N. W. (west) 167 18 80
C. St. P. M. & O I 1
C, U. & Q. (ets) , 1 ..
C. B. & Q. (west!.. 154
C, R. I. & P. (east) 2
C. R. I. A P. (west)...... X
Illinois Central 1
C. O. W
Total receipts 880 60 44
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Omaha Parking Co 815 390 8
Swift and Company .... 1,379
Cudahy Parking Co 662
Armour & Co 693
Schwarts-Bolen Co.,
Krey Parking Co....
St. L.. Ind. Co
Sinclair 1
W. Ii. Vansant Co 168
Benton, Vansant & Lush 76
Stephens Bros
Hill 4 Son
V. B. Lewis
Huston & Co
J. H. Root & Co
J. H. Bulla
L. F. Huss
L. Wolf
McCreary A Carey..
S. Wertheimer 193
if. F. Hamilton Ill
M Hagerty 32
Sullivan Bros 23
T. J. Inghram
Lee Rothschild ......
Smith & Polsley
Mo. & Kans-Calf Co.
Other buyers 704 46
Totals 7.019 4,502 8.075
CATTLE Re elpts of cattle were large
this morning, there being a gain of about
l.loo head n compared with a week iKO,
in fact it waa the largest run for a Monday
for a long time and waa larger than a year
ago by 4,jo0 head. It la hardly necessary to
adi that almost everything waa from the
There were only a few cornfed steers,
but what there were commanded good
prices, as high as 7.74) being paid for one
bunch of prime stock. This Is the highest
pi ice paid on this market since July of tat, hui 38.10 was touched. Aside from
.. una and July of last year this top was the
bei since I u2. The demand for feeders
was ao brick that feeder buyers did not
leave as many of the range titers fur (h
puckers as might bu supposed from the
tue of the receipts. The result was thai
diklrable grass beef steers were fully
steady, If not strong.
Cows and heifers of good quality gen
erally commanded steady prices and In
soma cakea possibly strung In spite of the
fact that total receipts were very large.
Medium grades were not quite such good
Feeder buyers were out In the yards
early and they were very active buyers of
all desirable kinds, the market being ac
tive and strong.
uuoiatiun vu eatlls; Qood to choice
Truly Wonderful Drink
Manufactured by
Iowa Tonic Company
Sioux City, Iowa
eornffd steeHS, $7.007.70; fair to good corn
fed st-'ra. .4k'7.ou; common to fair corn
fed steers, $4.7B-fi 40; good to choice rango
pteeis, 6. 001-5.75: fair to good range steers,
S4.50t&00; common to fair range steers,
$3.7-4 50; good to choice cornfed cows and
heifers, $4 00y5.OO; fair to good cornfed
rows and heifers, I3.00t(4.00 common to fair
cornfed cows and heifers, 2.50-'a3.00; good
to choice range cows and heifers, $3 50
4 00; fair to good range cows and heifers,
$3.003.40; common to fair range cows and
hnlfr-rs, t2.t5f&2.80' good to iholce stockers
ar.d feeders, 4 (Og 50; fair to a;ood stockers
and feeders, 2.7fc'93.3fi; stock heifers, 12.60
4ji.6; veal calves, $3.60(6.50; bulls, stags,
etc., $2.50a-4.5.
Representative sales:
6 feeders.. 4S0 2 65 t feeders.. 714
4 OR
12 cows.
.. 841 J 00
18 cows 707 I 80
11 calves... 830 4 60
18 feeders.. 868 4 40
29 steers.... 876 4 60
17 feeders.. 848 4 10
60 feeders.. 756 8 66
25 heifers... 622 I eO
14 calves... 251 4 2
13 cows WO 3 36
8 heifers... 708 3 05
4 feeders.. 787 8 56
18 feeders.. W 4 00
4 heifers... 665 8 00
4 feeders.. 426 3 60
11 cows 93 I 60
4 feeders.. 337 4 00
i heifers... 4'1
S 10
10 cslves... 232 5 75
8 cows 9V0 SO
3 sterrs.... 700 2 60
t calves... 186 S 25
14 feeders.. 444 3 25
27 heifers... 700 3 05
S cows (Ct 1 85
9 steers
684 1 SO
639 8 60
642 3 65
m' 8 68
17 steers..
T feeders
21 feeders
14 cows...
10 cows...
7S4 2 76
3 bulls.
13 4 3 00
6 feeders.. 770 3 76
J. J. Jessup Neb.
4 cows 832 2 60 9 calves. .. 237 4 73
40 cows 935 3 68 71 cows 898 8 66
Madden St O. Wyo.
14 cows 838 2 86 2 cows 91S 2 85
14 calves... 277 4 75 6 calves. .. 336 3 75
J. Burns Wvo.
22 steers.... 607 8 76
Wll am Charles fl r
24 feederB.-lOW) 4 70 22 feeders.. 1084 4 70
J. O. Drown ("nln
37 steers.... 876 3 90
HOCiS Hoks sold about ateadv with
Saturday's prices, there not being enough
change In any direction to U worth men
tioning, receipts were light and It was
featureless market from start to flni.h
Most everything changed hands In fair
season, a large proportion of the hogs
selling Inside the rana-e of 7.8G7.96 and nn
in m tone A . I j. I
Lhe f-lns nt laxt w.k r.A 7 -
choice heavy hogs sold to very good ad-
vantage, while heavy packing hogs, that
la, hogs of about the same weight, but lack
ing In quality, sold at bottom prices.
The week starts out with prices on an
average 10(yiSu higher than at the begin
ning of last week.
Representative sales:
. At Sh. Fr its.
SI 110 40 7 TO M...
At. ih. ft.
..Wl ... 7 S3
..270 K0 1 IS
..241 40 I 16
.21-4 10 7 16
..266 170 T tl'.i
..241 ... 7 ITU
. til SO 7 SO
..II ... f )
. .SSI 40 7 to
..a; so t so
..SSt M 7 10
..271 1C0 7 90
117 ... 7 70 7...
....17 1M t 10
....136 ... Ill
.... ... 7 7
....11 ... 7 SO
...1K1 M 7 90
. ... 0 I M
tut M III
10 T 10
m in is
2 .11 to t 90
.l ilO 1 SO
l;i 140 7 4t4j
S3i )M Tit
.....14 S IN
11 ... 7 IS
131 1M 1 OS
140 7 It .
M 10 J M
i A 1st 7 16
S07 ... t U
140 ... 7 fc6
H. ...
44 ...
St. ..
u. ..
41 ..
S. ..
.246 1(0 7
74 IIS
u i n
SOS ... 7 15
.119 120 7 SS
M to i ri
. ISO t S7"A
.110 160 I 00
.211 ... SCO
.242 ... 100
.140 ... S 00
.in so s os
.2-4 40 6 OS
.'.71 110 T 16
SHKKP Supplies were moderate today,
receipts consisting of an odd fortv-eiirht
double decks. There was about the usual
proportion of feeder stock In this morn
ing's run.
influenced by limited offerings, packers
started out on the first round filling
orders. The trade throughout was active,
the buoyancy oven extending to values.
On the early market operators were gen
erally calling prices about strung, but as
the morning progressed and enough stock
basis talent amended their first opinion
to a 10-cent higher quotation. In spots
values were perhaps 15c higher than last
week's close, but the bulk of trading was
done at 10-cent higher figures, with the
largest bulges more noticeable on the more
desirable killers. Fat ewes sold early at
S4 25 and wether were weighed up at
Kat lambs opered unevenly higher.
Opinion varied aa to the actual extent of
the advance owing to the (act that there
were but few, if any, really choice strings
of killers on sale with which to test tops.
Inquiry was vigorous, however, and prices
on most sales were right around 10Q16C
higher than last weeks close. One band
of young killers sold at 37.00, but top
notches would probably have stopped short
of nothing uader 87 26.
It required some llttls time for the feeder
trade to get started owing to the delay
caused by sorting. Inquiry was brlrk,
however, and early sales were fully steady
aa a rule. Thin yearlings realized 35.26.
Quotations on fat sheep anl laiups: Good
to choice lambs, 86.76HJ7. 25; fair to good
lambs. Ki.154i6.7l; good to choice yearlings,
8.r.9uni5 36; fair to good yearlings, 84 655.00;
good to choice wethers. 84 4044.75; fair to
good wethers. $4 10w4.40; good to eholre
ewes, 84.1044.35; fair to good ewes, 83.65
4 14).
Quotations on feeder stork: Flr to
cholre lambs. 8S Mttr 4i; ' - --
yearlings, 84.60fi5.3A; fare to choice wethers,
30 western lamhs. culls 5t 5 7r,
113 western lambs, feeders
11 western Iambi M 675
20 western ewes U2 4 10
622 S. D. ylgs., fdrs M)
4 60
I 86
4 26
4 00
108 S. D. wethers 113
189 Wyoming ewes, feeders...... 100
2ii6 Wyoming ewes 106
166 Wyoming lamsb
71 Wyoming lambs, feeders..
666 Idaho lambs, feeders
28 Idaho ewes
66 western ewes, culls
200 western ewes
Cattle -Afcoat Bteadr to Lswer Hi
Steads' to Strongr.
26.OU0 head; market for best about steady;
others, loc to lbc lower; steers, SD.auns.w,
. 4 ,AA e IW. L - 1 tAj rut. V. . . 1 1
13.0014.85; calves. 33.004(9.00; stockers ana
feeders. 38.75iS6.15.
HOGS Receipts, " 26.000 head; market
steady to strong? choice heavy, 38.2&8.3o
I, 7.y
g. h-w
S, $7.86
butchers. S8.20ft8.37tt: light mixed.
8.20; choice light, S8.15&8.30; packing,
B.oo; pigs, S6.26fi7.90; bulk ot sales,
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 20.000
head; market for sheep steady; lambs, 10c
to 15o lower; sheep. 34. 006.00; lambs, 36.73
67.80; yearli
lings, 0. 006. 50.
Kansas Cits- Live Stock Market.
Receipts 22.000 head. Including 2,600 south
erns; market steady to 10c Tower; choice
export and dressed beef steers. Si.eOtt7.W-,
fair to good, 34 606.46; western steers, 83.73
t?.oo; stockers ana reeoers, U-ibVPS.Ai ,
southern steers. S2.8034.6&: southern cows,
2.25U4 00; native cows, M.lf)ii.00; native
neirers, S3.40(.60; buns, Vi.lWi.uu; caivea,
HOUS Receipts, 6.000 head; market
steady; top, 38.20; bulk of sales, 37.90'm'8.16;
heavy, 37.96J8.30; packers and butchers,
I7.96gf8.Z0; light, 17. 75a 8.17V: pigs. 86.60137.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Reoelpts, 9.000
head; market steady; lamba, I4 6v&7.26;
yearlings, S4.75B6.&0; wethers, S4.&&.00,
ewes, S4.OOQ4.76; stockers and fssders, 12.26
St. Loots Live Stock Market. ,
ST. LOUIS. Mo.. Bent. . -CATTLE Re
ceipts, 13,100 head, Including 1.500 head of
! Texans; market lower; native shipping and
export steers. S6.40W7.&6: dressed beef and
butcher steers, S6.26e.36; steers under 1.000
pounds, 84.0006.40; storkers and feeders,
SJ.&0(24.76: cows and heifers. 83 25.60; can
ners, ti.5ttoS.28; bulls, 33.004.26; calves.
35.508.26; Texas and Indian steers, 3J.40tf
6.00; cows and heifers, S2.3frffl4.86.
HOGS Receipts, 4 000 head; market
higher; pigs and lights. 86.OO318.I6; packers,
87.h6u8.10; butckers and beat heavy, 83.80
t8 40,
head; market strong; c-atlve muttons, 83.60
4.60; lambs, 36.0(Ktf7.25: culls and bucks,
fi.2&4.76 Stockers. 83.0O8.76.
St. Joseph Live Stock Market.
ceipts. 3,0u0 head; market steady; steers,
S4.6037-'. ows and heifers, 82.6004.00;
calves, 33.0038.00.
HOGS Receipts, 3.000 head: market
steady; top, S3 IS; bulk of sales. 33 00O.0u.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1000
had; market steady; lambs, 36.607.SO.
Sloax Cltr Live Stock Markat.
SIOUX CITY, Sept. 6. (Special Tele-
fram.) CATTLE Receipts, 3,700 head:
seders higher, killers steady; beeves, 84.0
7.50; cows, f3.00v,4.00; feeders, 84.006.10;
yearlings, 8J.0O'a4.00.
HOGS Receipts 3.000 head; market steady
to strong; range of prices, 37. 60 JT. 96; bulk
of sales, f7.60ru7.75.
Stock la Sight.
Receipts of live stock at the six prin
cipal markets yesterday:
cattie. tiogs. &ntep.
South Omaha 9 600
Sioux City 8.700 3 OoO
Sa. Joseph 3 OoO lent)
Kansas City 22.0oO t.Aoo
St. Louis 18 109 3 000
Chicago , M.OoO 2t,0oS
Total 73,308 7,8O0 16,70"
8amt Seearltles 4atatteass
Quotations furnished By Samuel Burns,
jr., 614 Nsw York Life, building, Omaha
Bid. Aaaad,
Americas Radiator Co. rj,
Armour Co. 4 St a. 118
rudahr Packing Co
Cam alma. Nas., B. U Sa 1S2S
II'. 1U
. HH si
. Svf ivtiH
. lot 161
. s
. 944 io
.11 u
. 47 4
. M IU0
. H IW
. S7t S
. SI 64
. la lot
. HS4 Sa
. 14 64,
. t
. MS S4
. 101 lais
. i 11
. s
. 64 64
Ohloaau Cltr r. a
Inu dos. Os.. Kaaaas Cr
Kaat SH. Louie A . Sa 1SU
Kanaaa City Ky., ft
Kaneaa Cltr Rr-. aeaa
Mlchlras luu Tal. Sa.
Nab. Tal. SUM. 6
Omsk Oaa aa, HIT
Oubt K. L. A P. Sa. 1SSS
oub S. I f. t
Oaaaka S C 8 It R. la. 1114
Oiaaba S C. S It Rr. Sa.
Owaka A C. B. St. Rr BIS S4
Oaiahs 0. B. it. Rr. aow 4.
Omaka A C. B. Rf. B pld t
I maka Water Co Sa, 141
Saitt A Co. Sa. 1S14
So. omaha SWear 4s, Uld
Sioui Clcr Stock Tarda pld 1
I'ntoa So-k Tarda, Omasa, 1. es-dlv.
ValUMi Rr. St. U 4a. 1VM
Liverpool Crala Market.
?ulet; No. 8 red western winter, 7s id;
utures steady: September, 7s 6&; Decem
ber, 7s 4d; Warcri. 7s SHd.
PLAH- anadlan steady at 7a llUd.
Hi 1 -in London, lacifio coast, firm at,
CORN Spot steady ; new American
FLOUR Winter patents dull at 83s 6d.
mixed, via Galveston, 6s 6d; old, no stork;
futures ouiet; October. 6s 6Hd: December.
6 ed. '
Stasia i tTaaor Irodaee trleos rsr
alshed hF Bayers aad Wholesalers.
. BUTTETR Creamery. No. t dellTered - to
the retail trade in 1-lb. cartons. 27V4jc; No.
L in 60-lb. tuba, ro; No. 1 In l ib. car
tons, tic;' in o-lb. tuba, S4c: packing stock.
19H420Ho; fancy d try, tuba, 2&2ki; com
mon roll, fresh made, l2jpi8c. Market
Changes every Tuesday.
EGGS Fresh selling stock,' candled, 23c
CHEESE Finest Wisconsin full cream
twins, 15c; Toung A i ericas, 4 In hoop,
16 He; favorite, 8 In hoop; ltc; daisies. 20 In
hoop, 15Hc; cream brick, full east), lAe;
block Swiss, 13c; full areaoi llmburger. 16or-
POULTRT Broilers, lie;;, alive, springs,
ltc; hens, 10c; oocka. 7 diicka, lOo; geese.
3d; turkeys, Uej alireona. per dos., I60;
guinea fowls, per Sua., 38 6; sqiians, per
dog,, 81 pressed hens, lie; springs,' 14
21c; oocka, to; ducks, Uo;,geeese. UHc;
turkeys, 88c '
FI8H--Fresh,' caught, almost all ara
Sresaedt Halibut, 81 buffalo, 8c: (rout,
lie; bullheads, lioi catfish. 174); ereppiea,
sunflsh, 09c black baas. 88c; whltfflsh.
12c; pike, ISo; salmon, 14 1 pickerel, 10c;
frog legs, 860. Fresh frosen: . W'hltaflsh,
No. 1, 10c 1 round, 9e; pickerel, dressed,
and headless, 7c; rouaa. So; pike, dressed,
Ma; round. Sci red snappers, 13o) Spanish
mackerel; 18c; native maokarsl, 86c each.
BEEF CUTS Rlbsi No, L 17o; No. 3. 18c;
No. 3, 8c Loin: No. t 18Ve No. 8, Who ;
No. 8, 80. Chuck: No. 1. Ici No. 8, 4'4c;
No. 2, 4c Round: No. L So; No. t 8Vkc: No.
3, c Plate: No. L 6o; No. sV 4cj No. 3,
VEGETABLES Kansas sweet potatoes,
21 7 per bbl. Celery, Michigan, 80e hunch.
Cabbage, homo grown. lVad pel1 lb. Wis
eonain Red Glob onions, 2c per lb. Cali
fornia cauliflower, 83-00 par crats. Toma
toes, home grown, , market basket, ', 600;
crats, 34.08. Lettuoe, per dag., 80c Par
snip, turnips, carrots, 16o par torn. Flor
ida nsw boat, aarrota, parsnip, turnlpa,
at., per dos., T60.
FRBSH FRUITS Florid plnsapp!, 18a
to 4ft. 32.78 par erat; grap fruits, M six,
par box, 6; M sis. U se; 34-als. 86; ba
nanas, fancy select, Il.604jl.e07 apple, home
grown, per bu. baakat, 7&3fl.Vt markat
basket, 4Sc. ,-
Loadoa Ballloa Market
LONDON. Sent. -OOLD-Bar. 77s lOd:
American aaglea, 76 3d. . .
Cosrsls, onr....H U-lSLotllYlll a K ui
a saeeuDt S4 Si., K. T.. 44-
Aaal. Oosr.. ...... SlU M. T. Cairi lit
Aaaoon SliNertelk A Wj 97
Atchlm 12 do Hi SI
ao ts Mr)Oaukrlo A W 414
Balilmor A Ohie... 1W pMinsrWsnia 71
CahaSlaa rsoltle Ill Rn4 Ml Me. , 144
Chaak 0 St RMtlng M
Cblcaso O. W UHseulhern S... SS
Chi.. Mil. A St. r...l. do bi.....:. ....... n
tsseatnern r' u
4l4SUnloa Saetria.., 80741,
l4 aa pli '...llv
HSlV. S. ileal,.., ISH
SS 4o fit. '. Ill
It irsbus 81
SS do l , SS
rssiBaawi 4 sttc.
Danver Rl O.
da p4
so 1st pt4
ao S ti
Oran Trunk
Illinois Central..
SILVER Bar, steady at 3 13-IM per ea.
monli-wj per cent.
The rat of discount in tb open market
for short bills Is V per cent; for three
month' bills, 1 7-13 per cent-
Prts Cattl froaa Crta,
E. T. Graham of Crest on. Nab., brought
to th South Omaha live stock markat
resterday a prise lot of cattle. He had
Ifty-two head that averaged 1484 pound
and brought 87.70. Th calU were a pretty
a any seen at th yard in many a day.
Wool Market.
ST. LrOL'lB, kept. ( WOOL Steady; ter
ritory and western mediums, 28-gMc; fine
mediums, tfttMda; fin. 13tfuc.
8terd MoamtASsi Feat.
GENEVA. Switzerland, Sept. 1-Walter
8. Bond of New York has climbed Mount
Blanc from Chamonis In pine hour,- He
thus breaks th record of filnfc hours and p
half mad by Morehsad. )' Englishman,
In 1801, '
Llfeleaf BvaAag
to dyspepsia, livr complaint snd kidney
trouble la needles. Electric Bitter I th
guaranteed remedy. 80c. Bold by Beaton
Drug. Co.
Plagra la Calaa-
AMOT, China, Bept. 8. During the fort
night ending lest Saturday there were
ninety-four bubonlo and- thirty. fire eholer
deaths in th city of Amoy, according te
aa official announcement mad today.
Herbert EGooch Co.
Brokers aad Dealer
Oaiaaa OffUal BIO ST. T. Lit Blag.
eU TaUpbcrce, SmU SSt,
laAapaaaaat, eV-Sial aad aV-SlSS,
Oldest en Largest iieese la gae) SXata.
1 ,t
; 1