4 THE BEE: OMAHA. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1000. Tmt Omaha Daily Uly FOUNDED BT EDWARD ftOSEWATKR VICTOR ROSE WATER, EDITOR. Krtered at Cimihi poetofflce as secKid ; cla. matter. TERMS or SUHHCIUPTION. i Dally Bee (without Sunday) on year. .14 W j Ialljr Uf ahd Kunday. ona year DELIVERED BT CARRIER. I Dally Bee (Including Funday). per wank. .15: Dally Hee (without Sundsv). per rk..W- Kvenlng Baa (without "Hinday). per week , Kvenlng Hee. (with Kundaj), pr wck.tOc (Sunday Bee, ona year "'' Saturday Br, on year 1 J Address ail complaints oC Irif C ularitlee l.i delivery to City Circulation Department. OFFICES Omaha Th Bee Building. South Omaha Twenty-fourth and N. Council Rluff 15 Scott Street. Lincoln 618 Little Building, i Chicago IMS Marquette Huildlng. New Vork-Itnoma 1101-llOi No. U Weac t thirty-third Street. Washington 726 Fourteenth Street. N. W. CORRESPONDENCE. Communications relating to newa and edl ; torial matter ahowld be addi eased: Oniahl Bee, Editorial Department. .REMITTANCES. 1 Remit by draft, express or postal order payable to The Bee Publishing Company, only t-cent stamps received In payment of ' mall account. ' Personal check, except nn Omaha, or caatarn exchanges, not accepted. STATEMENT OF CIRCULATION. Slate of Nebraska. Douglas County, ss.i George B. Txachuck. treaaurer of The Bee - Publishing 'Company, being duly worn, say that the actual number of full and complete coplea of The Dally. Morning. Evening and Sunday Bee printed during the month of August, 109, waa an followa: 1 39.S00 IT i 41,780 1 1,00 I!..' 43,850 41,470 1 41.B90 4 41,30 10 41.S10 t 41.7T0 tl 41,630 .. 41,640 J2 40,000 T...'.....,.,T0 , 28 48,860 ( , .. ,m,00 14 41,770 1.....V. ...M.S30 25 48,080 19 41,t90 2( 41,700 11 41,840 . 17 41,730 12 4170 '21.... 48,170 11 ,-.48,030 ! 40,000 14. ........... 41,430 30 41,810 IS.......;.. 40,000 11.. 48.190 11. . f. i r. it i-41,660 Total . 1,888,410 Returned eofif 10,381 Ket total 1,878,089 Dally average....... '41,889 GEO. B TZ8CHI7CK. Treaaurer. Subscribed in my preesnee and sworn to before ma thla lit Aay of September, 109. M. P. WALKKR. Notary Public, Sabaerlber leaving; t city tem porarily ah avid kara Tk Bee all t taean. Are -will b chatretf aa of tern mm reqaested. At any rate, tbe governor's deputy oil Inspector for the Omaha district Is still faithful. In the -days of its wlldness and wool In eat was the frontier ever as bad as Atlantic City and the environs of Pittsburg T The World-Herald's Labor day ser ,mon preaches the gospel of discontent. Calamity howling is the democratic stock-in-trade. The Dahlmtrn- i Democracy seems willing to root for the democratic ticket,, but it balks on wearing the nonpartisan mask. Might have expected this sort of weather when Buffalo Bill announced his Intention of pitching an open air bow here on Labor day. Have Ton- invited your friends to visit you whom you expect to enter tain during the Ak-Sar-Ben festivities? If not, don't delay longer. To cause a subsidence of the typhoid , scare the Baltimore Sun has started a siren trick of singing in verse and 'rhetoric the praises of the oyster. Conservatism is given out as the prevailing tone in business. It is the best boom wa will have ever had if people! go through it without spending money-like dranken sailors. Tha-,-country's markets are short of bogs and cattle but the movement of grain, coal and iron ore is abundant. The situation on tha whole looks like .money for Nebraska and Iowa. .1 A Magazine essayist says that the English) bar a wearied look. If we lost . a muck sleep over the German navy as they do and ate five meals a day the fatigue 'would show on us, too. rrm Japanese statesmen offer to go ca hoots with the United States in devel oping the orient. Baron Shlburawa frankly says that America has the money and they the experience. Naive Baron. Speaker Cannon's latest short speech about the tariff is that when majorities in the senate and house talk a thing lover and agree it can't be far wrong. Tha idea is at least worthy of consid eration. Science has been "suspending Judg ment" on Dr. Cook for several days. It does not hurt Cook, as long as he is being entertained, as Mrs. Jarley would have said, by tha (frowned beads aad nobility. Certain naval cadets have been "sep arated from the service" on account of "Inaptitude." We used to call it "fired tor incompetence," but the new lan tuaga covers more ground and is really note stylish. Impatient thinkers complain that tha world will learn nothing important until it gets over the North pole ob session. It will learn whether the ipltball is played opt and whether Tyrus Cobb is tha greatest batter in '.he American league. . The University of Nebraska is los ing another of lta mnet valued faculty members to the University of Illinois. The narrowness of tbe Bryanlte legis lator that would handicap our uni versity by barring Its professors from Aop of retirement pensions is not Helping us to bold the men most in demand. Queer Politic in Iowa, To an onlooker the factional conten tion already precipitated In lowa over the eligibility of Congressman Walter I. Smith to the succession of spefckerr ship In the event 8peaker Cannon should fall by the wayside appears to be queer politics, to say nothing of being decidedly premature. Judge Smith Is conceded to be right now the leading member of the Iowa delega tion In the house, a delegation which has always included, and still Includes, some of the ablest and most Influential of our national law-makers. If the speakership were to go to Iowa with its delegation as at present consti tuted Judge Smith would be the one upon whom the distinction would nat urally fall. The ambition to be speaker, if Judge Smith cherishes it, would be a worthy one and quite In line with the purpose to increase his usefulness to his own constituency and state as well as to the' nation. But Judge Smith has been suspected of being on not hostile terms with Speaker Cannon, and tbis suspicion has been confirmed by bis retention of the very Important committee as signments which he holds by virtue of the speaker's appointment. It is ap parently On this account that the sug gestion at his home-coming reception that Judge Smith might prove of speakership timber has raised up a protest, or rather a backfire, from the ultra progressive organs, which de clare that rather than have Judge Smith occupy the speaker's chair they would preter to see it filled from some other state. The Des Moines Register and Leader practically concedes that, If the next house chooses a republican successor to Speaker Can tint tie must have the support of CanaonH friends, yet insists that if Judge' Strhlih should happen to be the logical man, rather than have him made by such help Iowa 'would forego the honor. Just where thlB logic would lead presents a peculiar political puzzle. The Regis ter and Leader agrees that ' a repub lican speaker cannot be made without the assistance of Mr. Cannon's friends. It would be against Judge Smith, or any man. If the , Cannon Influence favored him of its own accord, but would greet him with acclaim If the Cannon influence could be forced to support him against its will. The next speakership contest is still almost two years ahead. The speaker ship Is the second highest place in our public life. If the house Is republican The Bee will be for a western man If there is any chance to get a western man qualified to fill the place. He will have to be made by a union of all the republican forces, and for the Iowa progressives to say, at this stage, that no one will be acceptable who has affiliated with the stand-patters is just as unwarranted as would be an an nouncement by the stand-patters that they would accept no one but Uncle Joe Cannon. The next speaker, if a republican, should be, and will be, in accord with the policies of the admin istration and in harmony with the sen timent of the republican majority in and out of congress. If Iowa has tbe chance to furnish the speaker in the person of Judge Smith, as it did when It made Speaker Henderson, it will hardly be so foolish as to throw away such a rare opportunity. Haskell'i Real Object. Governor Haskell's protest to the president has the appearance of the two-century-old strategy, 4,000 years old in fact, of carrying the war Into Africa. It is not strange that he tries to involve the president of the United States in an altercation. It is not strange that he seeks to carry in public the standard of home rights against federal officials. It is not strange that he poses as a martyr whose body is thrown across the path to repel centralizing , invaders. It would not be strange If he should do almost anything to distract public at tention from the criminal proceedings against Charles N. Haskell. The governor charges the president with encouraging contempt for the revenue laws of the United .State J 'and the prohibition laws of Oklahoma. The president is asked to sel laslde the federal law and to make new federal laws for Oklahoma different from the federal laws that apply to other states. There is a short answer. If Gov ernor Haskell wished to find one. It is that it the state of Oklahoma has laws which are not being enforced, some deficiency exists, in the state government. If the commander-in-chief of the national army should begin to interfere with the operations of state officials he would be open to severe criticism, unless peace and order were in positive danger and the state were unequal to the emergency Even then the governor would have to be specific. Governor Haskell does not expect the president to Involve himself In these issues, though he asks it on official paper. He wants a wordy rumpus of any kind, that will raise noise and smoke. The merits of the incident are tbe least of Haskell's burdens. H will be more than pleased if be can persuade or provoke the president into opening a sequence of controversy with some questionable phrase. It is not Ilka .Mr. Taft to be caught with tbe transparent political attempt. - ' Giving aid to violators of the pro hibition laws, the substance of Has kell's charge, Is discredited before hand, in the sen Be that there Is a purpose among the federal- govern ment's important officials to iaterfere with prohibition. In the Indian Terri tory part of Oklahoma the United States itself had prohibition laws and undertook to enforce them for sixty years. The regulation of the liquor traffic devolved on the atate authorities as soon as Oklahoma was admitted into the union. There might be a broad question of morals or hygiene In the government's policy of Internal revenue taxation, but that is not on Governor Haskell's mind. He is put ting a piece of obscuratlonal,' diver sional, political trickery into tbe papers and can make no showing of any other object.' Germany'! Naval Advance. Not as the reBu.lt of close study or strained interest, but as a matter of good sense and Instinct America com prehends Britain's anxiety over the naval situation, both as it affects the solidarity of the scattered empire and as it beari on home defense. In the event of hostilities with another power the attitude of the United States would be that of strict neutrality, whether the sympathy of the people veered to one side or the other. We have no share in any cause which is likely to produce hostilities. Our opinions are, therefore, officially those of a disin terested outsider. Yet there is a slight shock of sur prise In learning that Germany and not Great Britain Is in one way of measurement the first and not the sec ond or third power in the world. Tak ing as the basis the money spent for new construction Germany is first, Great Britain second and the United States third, with France a bad fourth. For 1909-10 Germany has appropri ated $53,767,340, Great Britain $51,- 280,970 and the United 8tates $50,- 075,505. Of course, Great Britain's navy Is vastly superior to that of Germany or that of the United States, as the dis patches presenting the facts above point out, but the figures of new con struction contain the obvious logic that the same rate of new building will cause Germany sooner or later to out rank Great Britain in total strength. More than that, England's two most probable allies, France and Japan, are spending relatively small sums. Japan seems to have from financial fatigue abandoned the hope of being a great naval power. A third point is that ships nowadays are soon outranked and rendered obsolete. Just at present that la in England's favor, with her number of ships of the Dreadnought-or-better class. But it makes the over shadowing of her total strength a quicker task if Germany spends more per annum. It is not to be supposed that Great Britain will tamely let Germany push construction to the first rank in statis tical total power. Yet it is serious that the first in new construction should have been reached, Germany's colonies are not burdens. Her ability to con centrate her whole navy at one spot is not impeded. The English scare is not unreasonable. The United, States, a nation of pretty good Judgment of naval affairs and vital concern over the control of the ocean, will watch the programs of English parliament ary parties with more than usual at tention. ' The Dahlmanltes alur the candidates on the republican ticket, most of whom are renominated for a second term, for "feeding at the public crib." Here la the crib record of Mayor Jim, who Is the patron saint of this bunch of democratic pie-biters: Mayor of Chadron. Sheriff of Dawes county. Secretary State Railway board. Mayor of .Omaha. Fifteen years at the public crib is a pretty good exhibit. It was said of the old Roman soothsayers that no two of them Could meet In the street without laughing outright in one an other's faces. . They must have been Dahlmanltes. Havelock Ellis, the British expert on genius, declares that the reason for the paucity of the artists In America is the blood-chaos caused by the radi cal mixture of races. Let the blood chaos rage. If we must get genius by putting a limit on population we can go without. Wlllian Randolph Hearst, Dr. Cook and the Wrights will fill the demand for genlua for the present. Chinese students, when they disa gree with teachers strike. As a na tional custom it will not prevail in this country. The improved and benevo lent order of American parents have rules about the showing a boy makes for the money his education costs. When a warship is out of date In ten or twelve years it is good policy to keep it on the go and under the tests. For the first time in the history of any nation at peace the United States is making its whole navy come up to service standards. John L. Sullivan Is going to raise chickens. It would be interesting to see John taking biddies off the nest and recall tbe day when he was paint ing towns along the Union Pacific and raising that voice of his at mid night. The-democratic editors who belittled and denounced Judge Dean for accept ing an appointment from Governor Sheldon rejected by Judge Sullivan are now urging it as the one thing in his favor. Funny, funny politics. When a Mexican foollahly declared that he would not vote for Dias a de tachment of rurales put him where he would never vote at all The Diaz campaigns are naturally successful under that system. The Flufeser and the Narwhal have kindled as of yore the fire in Uncle Jim Hill's breast. The speed competi tion proves that revival In the money market starts the sporting blood. Judging from the drafts on the minor leagues there is going to be In the spring a cephallo shrinkage that will cause old-timers to put their dia monds In storage. The has-beens will look as they did before they left the farm. At last comes tbe suggestion that Montauk be the western end of the combination of which Fishguard is the eastern. , With this thought goes the other, that the regular rate to Europe remains the same. We look In vain for Mayor Jim s name In the list of delegates appointed by Governor Shallenberger to rep resent Nebraska in the Dry Farming congress. Wouldn't that have been a great joke? Pure food experts should learn how the North pole Eskimo live on gum drops and lard while keeping their metabolism in working order. Is their metabolism better than that of a food squad? - ' ' ' Knocka e Persimmon. St. Paul Dispatch. Dr. Cook has been offered trAMO for 2M) lectures on his trip to the north pole. The doctor seems to have gotten hold of the right pole with which to remove the per simmon. Obscuration of the Flyers. Cleveland Plain Dealer. Just at present the fame of all the avia tors drops back Into the shadow while the spotlight playa up the man who merely used his legs, some dogs and a sled or two, and walked to the north pole. Color Dvea Not Coaat. Philadelphia Record. In a municipal convention in Montreal one of tha oratora apoke of the white and black aheep In municipal affairs. It is not a question so much of white and black aheep as of the wolvea and other predatory ani mals in sheep's clothing. Hopeless Quest. Baltimore American. The West Polht cadeta dismissed for hazing are seeking reinstatement. Evi dently they do not take the president's decision seriously, but If they are pardoned it will end efforts to suppress the prac tice, which has become In its exposures, Investigations and consequences a national nuisance. Tha government owes it to the authorities of the .war college to uphold them in their maintenance of discipline. Aa aCivloded Mystery. Springfield Republican. There are many who will part from the north pole with regret. All their lives It has seemed the one unconquerable salient of nature's fortress, the very synonym of the impossible goat of human endeavor. With the pole Itself succumbing, the world Is no longer the same, and everything seems within the realm of mortal achieve ment. We must now think of talking with Mara with more respect. The professor's mirrors may prove any day a reality. Where la the Flaar Kowl New York Sun. The discussion about' tha ownership of the north pole, where Dr. Frederick A. Cook saya that he raised the stars and stripes on April 21, 1908, la not carried on by government officials at Washington with muoh warmth. . Tha flag must have been blown down, torn Into shreds In fact. and every thread of .It lost in the polar Ice or tha Aretlo current long ago. The Melville-Bryant cask ent adrift In 1899 is supposed to have i-ben swept past the north pole, within ,100 .miles of ltr and the cask waa peeked up . thousands of miles away. There is no knowing where the re mains of a flag planted at the north pole may be in a winter or two, perhaps on Uie coasts of half a score of countries. SEKKl.NO new taxes. Maalrlpal Officiate Heading; In the Wrong; Direction. Washington Post. All the governments of the earth seem to be seeking new objects on which they can levy a tax in order that their revenue will meet their expenses. Even cities and tha smaller towns are engaged in this search. 1 Congress spent weeks and months In discussing ways and means; the English Parliament has been undergoing a like siege; France rs at her wits' end, and and Germany la ready to despair. Looking over the list of taxable subjecta, It would seem that about every object under the aun had been nosed out and a levy placed on It. Tha League of American Municipalities has just closed its annual meeting In Montreal. Tha whble time of the meet ing waa taken up In discussing some new way of . raising revenue. It waa unan imously agreed to recommend a vehicle tax, aimed especially at automobiles; and apecial taxea on encroachments on the streets, such as outside stairways, over hanging windowa, and sub-sidewalk areaa. Tbe proposed special tax on vehicles Is In tha nature of a double tax, for ir the returns of personal property are honestly made, tha vehicles are Included therein. In addition to thia tax aa personal prop arty In many cltlaa tha owners are re quired to take out a license, especially if tha machines are used for transportation purposes or are kept for hire. Aa to overhanging windowa. aub-aldewaik areas, etc,. If they are on the owner's own ground they pay the real eetate tax, and if they are on public ground they anoum be ordered removed. Owning property of any kind la fast becoming a heavy burden. Many who are able to afford It now have an automobile, either for use or for pleas ure, Just as others have their horaea and carrlagea, and within a few yeara many men doubtleaa will have airships of their own, in which to go off on pleasure Jaunts, or to convey them to and rrom tneir places of bualnaaa. When that day comes, municlpallUea will be seeking to levy a special tax oa them. Diamonds and pearls are muoh more In the nature of luxuries than automobiles or other vehlclea, but no one has yet propoaed to place a apa- clal tax on diamonds. A costly conaerva tory, where the owner Indulges hla pench ant for expensive orchidB, or rosea, or car nations, la a luxury, but not subject to spe cial taxation. A H.OuO watch may not keep ny better time than one costing $10. If a man can anora me mur intu n uu., and If ha pays taxea on the value of hla watch Just aa ,the other man pays on hla 10 timepiece, why ahould he be called upon to pay a double tax? Would It not be well for the Lague of American MuniclpallUea to turn it attention to the problem of carrying on their municipal governments on more economical methods? Increased subjecta of taxation will be apt to result only In increased Items of expenditure. Run Do wn ? Ak gmtdaetotmO miout Ayer'i Sartapa rill. Entirely sat J 'torn alcohol. A arong a eW Wt. tZArtiZ: PERSONAL N0IE3. While the doctors profess to know what ails Mr. Harrlman, no lman would even presume to pronounce the name of tb malady. With Dis De Bar In vaudeville, why not also David Plnney KarleT Catchy songa, all new costumes, beauty chorus of melo dlus affinities. Mrs. Sarah E. Thompson, the only woman carried on the rolls of the pension office aa a soldier of the Union army, died re cently In Washington. An English baron, recently killed In ad automobile accident, seems to be chiefly remembered through the fact that he mar ried a "show girl" after a five days' court ship. diaries Rowelt, the long-distance run ner, died In London recently. He was In poor circumstances, although he had won a fortune in America, where he created many records In running. Mlts Evelyn Mitchell, one of the young est women scientists in the United States, who la now doing Important work for the government at the Smithsonian Institu tion, Is preparing to write a book on gnats. Colonel John B. Rodman, retired, son of General Rodman, Inventor of the Rodman gun, died In San Francisco of a wound re ceived at Santiago while serving aa cap tain of the Twentieth United States regi ment. A number of New York policemen are to be armed with paddles, for Instant use on boys caught leaping on cars In motion. The remedy may be applied In like casea In other cities with aasurances that It reaches ths spot. Apparently Judge Fuller of WllkesBarre, Pa., believes In an age limit for persons seeking divorce. In refusing Jane Ashton Jones a divorce from her fourth husband, he explained that legal separation might be granted to a youthful applicant when it would be dented an older plaintiff. Sir Edward Hobart Seymour, admiral of the fleet. G. O. B.. O. M.. O. E. C. Q. O.. K. C. B.. will be sent to this country by King Edward In command of the British squadron that will take part in the Hudson-Fulton celebration. Admiral Seymour witnessed the battle of Manila bay. Governor Joseph M. Brown continues to surprise and perplex the old-fashioned Georgia politicians and edltore. He has appointed to desirable offices men who fought him In the democratic primary, and his only explanation Is that he's controlled In his appointments by a regard for the public Interests. STANDARD OIL, SQI KEZE. Operations of the Ortopna In Kanaaa and Oklahoma. Topeka Capital. The government certainly has a difficult f.ut to crack In undertaking to get for the Indian lessors In Oklahoma a remunerative price for their oil. Recently the Standard monopoly reduced the price to the hereto fore unheard-of figure of 35 cents for the best grade. It is paying $1.68 In Pennsyl vania. The government officials, after In vestigating, think that $1 would be a rea sonable price for Oklahoma oil, which Is the best quality and in the greatest exist ing oil field. The manner In which the Standard Oil company has appropriated the Kansas and Oklahoma oil field and prevented the peo ple of this region from enjoying the wealth which Providence placed here and which these people discovered and developed t a scandal to civilized society. It Is a far greater provocation to a bloody revolution than the mild taxes levied on the American colonies by England, since It Is an ex propriation such as no government wculd think of perpetrating, and the only reason why there Is not an armed revolt against It Is because the government Is sincerely seeking to remedy It and Is unable to do ao only because of the Ineffectivener.s of Its legal machinery. When the great oil field was discovered here the Standard sent out its scouts, who inspected the ground and estimated Its ca pacity. The price was then put up to 81.26 and $1.50 a barrel to stimulate development. At these figures the profit was large and development was as rapid as the Standard could wish. Within a period of months the development was complete, opening a vast new field for the oil monopoly, whereupon the price for crude oil was pinched down to "5 cents, M) cents, 50 and 41 and now to 35 and S3 cents. The output has thus been shut off to the requirements of the Stan dard, the greater part of the Kansas field being closed down. Only the best wells can afford to produce. Meantime the price of gasoline, kerosene and other refined produots of the Standard Oil company have not been reduced, but the "ultimate consumer" pays the same price aa when orude oil brought $1 a barrel and upwards. ' In a word, Kansas and Oklahoma have discovered, developed and are producing oil as agenta for the Standard Oil company, which In effect owns the wells .as muoh aa if it had actually paid for them. There are said to be several waya In which the federal authorities can handle this problem In Oklahoma. As the owners of the lands are Indian wards of the gov ernment. It Can order the wells closed and stop production. It can refuse Its consent to production except at satisfactory roy alties. The government can contend with the problem In Oklahoma, not through its laws against monopoly, which might as well not be on the statute books, but through Its authority aa guardian for the lessors of the land. OVER COLD'S ETERNAL. BARRIER Patriotic Thrills Over the Achieve ment at an American. St. Louis Republic. The pulse of every true American will beat quicker at the tidings that a citizen of this republic, has been first to solve the mystery, hidden for age "behind the eternal barrlera of the cold." te look upon the face of the Spirit of the North and live. And In view of the charge that the great ness of thia age la wholly mechanical he will rejoice that the conquest of the pole was made, not with airship, automobile or power sledge; not by an expedition lavishly equipped, carrying Into the wilds of the Arctic the exotlo comforts of twentieth century civilization, but by the victory of physical endurance, dauntless courage and trained Intelligence over the darkness, the Icy aea, the llmltlesa desolation of the north. This man had not even a ship. He took with him on the final march no com panion of hla own race. One white man, with the smallest party of Eskimo who ever went north from Cape Hubbard, l.a achieved the prize. It Is the triumph of a man, not of gasoline or aluminum or rubber tires. Dr. Cook la a New Yorker by birth, of German descent (the name waa originally Koch). He waa educated in the University of New York. He waa surgeon to the Peary expedition of 1891-92 and again to the Belgian Antarctic expedition of 1x97-99. He Is 44 yeara old. Ayer's Sarsaparilla is a tonic. It docs not stimulate. It does not make you feel better one dsy, then as bad as ever the next. There is not a drop of alcohol in it. You have the steady, even gain that comes from a strong tonic. Ask your doctor all about this. A Bank Whose Loans Are Largely confined to business houses handling marketable merchan dise. It has always been the policy of this bank to support Omaha merchants in every way con sistent with the safe handling of Its depositors' funds. We particularly solicit the accounts of merchants. First National Bank of Omaha A COSTLY LOTTERY. Expensive Methods of Opening; 1 n- Indlnn Reservation. Portland (Ore.) Journal. In railroad fare and other rin.n.M IS 00(1 - 000 waa paid out by those who recently pmyra nanas in the gigantic land lottery conducted by the government on northwest Indian reservations. The same authority estimates that an additional U. 000 000 will be similarly expended by those who drew prise, farther information Is that In many cases, the lands drawn are of little value aa an asset for remunerative en deavor. The upshot ef the whole Incident is a wide conviction that a colossal blun der has been made by those who wer In charge of affairs for the government. It nas met, as it ought to, with condemnation by the press throughout the country. The enormous sum extracted from the people makes of the process one of the moat glgantio games of history. Eight million dollars as a part of the stakes, and more than 300,000 people In the list of the players, puts this government lottery In a class by Itself, and places tha government officials who sat as "dealers" at the head of the class In any known game of chance. It Is a proceedings of which all those who represented the government ous-ht tn h ashamed.- The government of the United mates should be in better business. Pri vate citizens accessory to a lottery of one thousandth the magnitude would he sent tn Jail, or be made to pay a heavy fine, or Dotn. wnat or the statesmanship that perpetrated thia business upon the coun try? What of the officialdom that Insists that the only way to equitably distribute Indian lands la to entice the people Into piaying a game or chance for them? ARB YANKEES DECADENT! Statistics na-geat a Melancholy Thonsrht or Two. Philadelphia Record. In the business of multiplying and re plenishing the population of the country, our native Americans fall far behind the enterprising and industrious Europeans who cast their lot amongst us. Pome sig nificant figures bearing upon this matter are reported In the school registration of Schuylkill county.' The registry In Potts- vllle shows a total of l,2T school children. In Shenandoah, a town of nearly equal population, there ate 6.JT7 children regis tered. In Pottavllle, the county seat, na tives predominate; In Shenandoah for eigners. This Is a natal showing not un common In other parts of the country, as demonstrated by birth-rate statistics. In good times the pushing and swarming aliens promise to overrun and possess the land by virtue of numerclal weight and supremacy. Is this to be deemed a new demonstration of the theory of the sur vival of the fittest? Has the Yankee be come decadent? Must he, In his turn, give way to the more masterful outsider whom he haughtily condemns and looks down upon? CHEEKY CHAFF. "Our dressmaker Is an Unusually good woman. She la a perfect example." "That's on account of her business." "On account of her buslneasl What are you talking about?" "A dressmaker has to lead a pattern life." Baltimore American. . "If human beings were aa correct In their diet as a horse Is, ma'am," said the den tist, "yon could tell their agea by simply looking at their teeth." "Mercy!" exclaimed the elderly, but well preserved matron In the chair, "how per- (S2 ti$$Sh m w m m m . bbbbbIBbw mm j mt-zM y'ixiliaOTgS Watch for the grocer's dcr. FoYlow crow'd KidT" tr. r"",, Packa8e TaUy.Ho Co7... When 7l T'U .re ' better understanding of the r X o i f u,,c ranee quality." f'Uy-Ho Cofftm is a choice blend of finest erown coffeea "J-1? ,or th' drinking qualifies M? c! ll I t rluT Ci C- F; B1nkeTea and Coffee Co ?Lt!:, 11 J "e most experienced coffee expert in the HnTS r li -bFA Iy in,,PecU- testa and superintends the w l rof-o Coff: and guarantees it to be the best cofiee that can be produced at the price. mm mid cam 19 DLSSUB a On account of its superior quality, full strength and fine flavor, Tally-Ho Cofftt goea iartner in in making than other 25c coffee. Costs less than half cent a cut) to make. Th Tally. Ho Sign hangs in front of fint-cbu grocery stores only. They are the stores where only th best of every thing can be found where prices are right where the service is Droraot. efficient and courteous. Such stores deserve patronage. iney are the only where Blank' Tally. Ho Coff y uuniucu, t cr.Bu obtained. C r. BLANKE TEA AND COFFEE St. Loala. V. S. A. 1 mm ill fiSHi 4 fectly horrible and uncenventlonRl!"Ohl L cago Tribune. "Your political antagonist Is (ailing von 1 every name he can think of," said the 1 agitated friend. "Don't Interrupt him." answered Senator Sorghum. ,-It is better to have a msn searching the dictionary for epithets than going after your record for facta." Wash ington -Star. "Brother Hardeaty, how does our new usher, the young aalesman In th candy store, perform his duties?" -, "Pretty well, but 1 thought he acte.l rather queer the first time he passed the basket. When a coin mas dropped In li he turned around and made a motion s If he was punching a cash register." Chi cago Tribune. Lawyer What Is your occupation? , Witness I'm a piano finisher. Lawyer He a little more definite. lo 1 you polish tbem or move them? Algernon looked at Cholly with an awe struck gaze, "(holly," he murmured, "Augustus must oe awiui ricn. "Why?" axked Cholly. with wide won der in his baby blue eyes. . "I saw him yesterday lending a msn $5, and he's Just home from his vacation!'' Baltimore American. THE POLE rDUJER. Cleveland Plain Dealer. Hooray! They say The Pole Is found! O'er frosen bay, and atralt, and sound, Where ice tldea roll That long sought goal la pinched. And cinched, And run to ground! A wealth of prfilsc In cheers and lays Greet Cook I By hook and crook The way he took, Mid Ice and snows O'er bergs and floes. Until at last he proudly hIimkI Up where there Is no latitude! Hooray for Cook! In the great book Of fame His name In ink of gold shall now be writ: "He trailed tha Pole and cornered It !" Where hosts have failed he found thespot- inat a wnat: All Who Would ;Effoy good health, with its blessings, must un derstand, quit cUaxiy, that it Involve tbe questicn of right living with aU tbe term implies. With proper knowledge of what is beat, each hour of recreation, of enjoy ment, of oontampUtion and of effort may be made to contribute to living aright; Then the use of medicines may be dis pensed with to advantage, but under or dinary conditions in many instances a simple, wholesome remedy may be invalu able if taken at tbe proper time and the California Fig Syrup Co. holds that it is alike important to present the' subject truthfully and to supply the one porfert laxative to those desiring it. Consequently, the Company's Syrup rf Figs and Elixir of Senna gives genen ' satisfaction. To get its beneficial effect California Fig Syrup Co. onJy, and for aal i by all leading druggist. Lb. Package Net Weight i-DC any onc- f your st can stores be CO. i m ivmmmnip'l A X. i J ., . . - 1 n i cm- m f.