Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 07, 1909, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
For Nebraska Probably showers.
For Iowa Slfowers, warmer.
For weather report see paRe 3.
Register Today
Registrars Sit 8 A. M. to 9 P. M.
Cold Bain Falli Throughout Most of
the Say, Marring All Cele
Preparations Made for Many Festiv
itiei Dun"- He Day.
Charge of
Central Labor Un
This Affair a
Commoner Kail to t ttt the
Senator Wae oa Hand ad Ready
to Mneak Had Klements
A'ot Prevented.
Inclement weather .merfered materially
with the celebration of labor's annual holi
day, and the cold, drizzling rain which
continued throuKliout moat of the day Mon
day, necessitated the postponement of vari
ous picnics and festivities planned.
While the rain was a source of disap
pointment to all working; men. It was es
pecially disappointing to tha main body
which had planned to picnic at Courtland
Utach. This picnic, planned to run three
days with Monday as the opening day.
was under tha auspices of the Central La
bor union, with which all the unions In the
city affiliate. This central body had In
viied William J. Brya and United States
Senator Norrls Brown to come and deliver
addresses and both had accepted, thereby
Insuring a crowd at th picnics had the
weather man only kept taut his draw
strings on the storm clouds.
The rain kept Mr. Bryan from coming
to Omaha, but Senator Brown arrived In
the city the night before, before the rain
began, and was on hand to speak If there
was any one to speak to. The senator and
Mayor Dahlman went to the beach In the
afternoon and It was hoped that enough
people would turn out to hear them, there
being a temporary cessation In the rain
late in the afternoon. But the would-be
picnickers were still afraid of the clouds
and the speaking was postponed until even
ing in the hope more would go to the
Everything; Off For Day.
The evening attendance was no larger
than during tha afternoon and It was
definitely decided to postpone everything
until today. Senator Brown is still in the
city and may speak this afternoon, to
gether with Senator Burkett, who Is on the
program for an address.
Ten picnics were planned for the day,
the principal ones at Courtland Beach,
where Mr. Bryan and Senator Brown
were to speak and at Bennington, where
the Swift Employes' .Benefit association
, Was to. picnic. , Mot of these were . post
poned oir account of the rain. At p. m.
.. the Courtland Beach celebration got to
gether to hear Senator Brown, but the
attendance was small. The ' others
were to have been held at Sey
mour Lake park. Pries lake, Fairmont park
In Council Bluffs, Walnut Grove In East
Omaha, Nellsen's park. Lake Manawa,
Hibbeler's park and in Benson.
The Omaha Oun club refused to be de
terred from Its shoot at' Krug park, and
It came off as scheduled, with a good list
of entries.
The employes of Swift and Company
postponed Indefinitely their third annual
plcnlo, which was to have been held at
Bennington. A special train had been
scheduled to leave the Union station at
8:30 o'clock In the morning, but the order
for this special was canceled.
At Hlbbelers para, en West Center street
the Eureka club, a pleasure organisation
of colored people, held their plcnlo In the
afternoon. A program of sports was partly
carried out and Indoor amusements sub
saluted lor athletic events.
Ote brittlona Are General Throsihoat
the Country.
PEORIA. 111., Sept. (.Central park this
adoinoon was the scene of one of the big
gcst labor demonstrations in the history
of Peoiia. All factories and business
bouses closed to allow employes to par
tUipate in the parade this morning, when
between t,UU) and 10,000 men and women
marched through the principal streets of
the city.
ST. JOSEPH. Sept. (.Labor day was
observed here by the closing of factories.
shops and business houses and L600 union
men paraded the streets in rain which
lad been falling since last night.
mula in I, ept . LADor day was
veil observed here, business being prao
tlcally suspended. With a light rain fall
'ng. the labor organisations marched
.hrough the principal streets this morning.
LINCOLN, Sept. . Rain which began
failing here shortly before midnight last
night had amounted to 1.11 inches at noon
today and made it necessary to call off ths
Lubor day celebration which ' had been
planned. The rain was general over the
itate. ,
BAN FRANCISCO. Sept. .-Flfty thou
sand union men participated today In the
parades In this city and Oakland, Inaug
urating the ceremonies and festivities of
Labor day. The orator of the day at a
joint oelebratlon this afternoon was Clar
ence S. Darrow, who defended the miner
leaders, Haywood, Moyer and Pettlbone, In
ih-lr trials at Boise City.
PIERRE, S. 1., Sept t (Special Tele
gram.) With no general labor organisation
lu this city the Labor day observance con
slsled of a general closing of business
houses for the aft. moon and giving em
ployrs a half holiday.
o Labor Day Speech
Chicago Editor.
The socialist organisations of Omaha and
South Omaha held a Iabor day celebration
at Turner hall. Thirteenth and Dorcas
sir ots, yesterday afternoon and list night
Carl D. Thompson, a socialist member of
the Wisconsin legislature, and J. J. Kraal,
editor of The Sprevedlnoat a Chicago so
cialist organ, made speeches both after
noon and evening. The program was inter-
ipersed 1th musical numbers. Teams
rom the organisations of the two Omahaa
tngaied In a tug of war. Dancing until
luldiiifl S completed the celebration.
The affair was under the direction ef
J., N. Carter, chairman of the socialist
county central commute
Business Man
Shoots Another in
West Virginia
Machination! of One with Respect to
Daughter of Other Lead to
HUNTINGTON. W. Va.. Sept. 6.-One of
the most sensational tragedies in the his
tory of Huntington occurred early today
when I. N. Chapman, supervisor of the
Huntington division of the Chesapeake &
Ohio railroad, was shot down and fatally
wounded by Earle Duddlng, a leading
business man of this city.
Some time ago Chapman's daughter, who
was employed In a department store owned
by Duddlng, was arrested on a charge of
theft. After the arrest of the young girl
Duddlng refused to proseoute her. It was
alleged by the friends of the girl that the
charges were preferred by Duddlng as the
result of' her refusal to listen to his at
tentions and a damage suit against Dud-
ding was threatened.
Today Duddlng went to the office of
Supervisor Chapman to endeavor to settle
the affair. He alleges that Chapman at
tempted to kill him with a hatchet and he
pulled his pistol and fired In self-defense.
Chapman died a few hours after being
Harriman May
Have a Relapse
Report that He is Worse Fails to
Bring Either Confirmation or
Denial at Arden.
NEW YORK. Sept. . An afternoon
paper gives currency to the statement
today that E. H. Harriman suffered a re
lapse late last night and that for a time
his condition was very serious. Inquiry
was made at Mr. Harrlman's home In
Arden as to the truth of the report without
result, the inquirers being referred to the
Union Pacific offices in this city. These
offices were closed. Judge Lovett, who Is
in close touch with Mr. Harrlman's af
fairs, was not In the city, and at his
home Information was refused as to
whether he had gone to Arden to Bee Mr.
On Monday last the newspaper men at
Arden were withdrawn arter the Issuance
of Mr. Harrlman's statement to the news
papers, In which he said, "If there was
or should be anything serious I will let the
press know, and as I have never deceived
them, I ask that the press now withdraw
its representatives and rely upon me."
Defeat of Shamyl
is Duly Observed
Russians Celebrate Anniversary of
Gunib Fight with Patriotio Fer
vor at That Fortress.
8T. PETERSBURG, Sept. 1 An Inter
esting military spectacle commemorating
the fiftieth anniversary of the storming of
the fortress of Ounlb, in the Caucasus,
which brpke the power of Shamyl, the
great Circassian leader and established
Russian authority in the Caucasus, was
presented today at Ounlb. In the presence
of the viceroy of the Caucasus, some of
the survivors of the battle and many dis
tinguished persons, the assault was faith
fully reproduced In all its historic details
by the regiments engaged In the original
campaign against Shamyl. The defenders
of the fortress, who perished almost to a
man, were represented by Cossacks cor
rectly costumed.
Two Men Lost in
Arizona Ice Caves
Enter Them to Explore Depths and
Suddenly Cease Calling to
Their Friends.
FLAGSTAFF, Arls., Sept. John Moh-
lenhap of Newark. O.. and J. S. Price of
Flagstaff are lost In the Ice caves at Lake
Mary, ten miles south of here. They en
tered the caves last night For some time
they kept calling to friends outside and
then suddenly ceased. Searching parties
sought them all night
The Ice caves have never been thoroughly
explored. Ice Is continually forming, melt
ing and slipping out of place, making It
dangerous for Inexperienced persons to go
far Into the depths.
Federal Veterinarian Says
Milkmen Can't Fool Him
"The government will not be fooled
with and there will be no private testing
of dairy cows In herds on which we have
begun or no retestlng of cows already con
demned as being Infected with tubercu
losis." This Is the ultimatum of Dr. Thompson,
federal veterinarian in charge of the tuber
culin tests being made by the government
on dairy herds In and about Omaha.
Several dairymen have refused to dis
pose of cows condemned and tagged as
being diseased on the theory that a test In
coole( weather would show Uiera to be
healthy. With this view some had taken
steps to have private testa made by pri
vate veterinarians, but in this they have
run against a snag in the person of the
government veterinarian.
Aooording to Dr. Thompson cow in
fected with tuberculosis In the summer Is
Infected Just the same In the winter. But
to prove the assertion he retested thr
condemned cows belonging to a dairyman
by the name of Chrtatenaen living on th
West Dodge street road. The cows were
first tested during the beat of August Tke
reteet was made the latter part of the
week. The result was the same and the
dalrysnaa sent the cows to South Omaha
to be killed andar government superrtulon.
Health Inspectors Daemon and Scully re
port tbat Barney Lnndholt baa agreed not
Discoverer of North Pole Says He
Hopes Commander Succeeded
in Reaching Ooal.
"His Reports on that Region Will
Confirm Mine."
Little Prospect that Dr. Cook Will
Enter Any Controversy.
Kl and Danish Geosrraphlcal
Society Will Present Gold Medals
to Explorer He Is Still
Lion of the Honr.
COPENHAGEN, Sept. (.-Copenhagen
was electrified tonight by the report of
Commander Peary's announcement that he
had reached the North Pole. Dr. Cook was
immensely Interested and said: "That is
good news. I hope Peary did get to the
pole. His observations and reports on that
region will confirm mine."
Asked If there was an probability of
Peary's having found the tuba containing
his records. Dr. Cook replied: "1 hope so,
but that Is doubtful, on account of the
drift." Dr. Cook added: "Commander Peary
would have reached the pole this year.
probably while I was In the Arctic region
last year his route was several hundred
miles east of mine. We are rivals of course.
but the pole Is good enough for two. That
two men get to the pole along different
paths," continued the explorer, "should
furnish large additions to scientific know!
edege. Probably other parties will reach It
In the next ten years, since every explorer
Is helped by the experiences of his pre
decessors, Just as Sverdrup'a observations
and reports were of immeasurable help to
me. I can say nothing further without de
tails, except that I am glad of it"
So Controversy with Peary.
When Dr. Cook was conversing casually
this morning with American friends, the
possibility of the denouncement which elec
trified the world was laughingly suggested.
Dr. Cook remarked, "It Is quite possible
that Peary will turn up now. He Is about
due to get back, if he carries out his plans.
We have always been friends, while of
course, we are rivals in the attempt U.
find the pole, but we have been friendly
Those who have the better opportuni
ties to become acquainted with Dr. Cook
here believe he la not likely to enter into
a controversy with Commander Peary.
Sverdrup who came here for the purpose
of congratulating Dr. Cook was most in
terested in the news that Peary had
reached thp pole. Sverdrup Is a remarkably
taciturn and careful man. He said;
"There. Is nothing I cap say about this
particularly, except that It most Important
and wonderful. It seems to me that
America Is doing wondefully If two Ameri
cans are the first men to get to the pole
after such long struggles by so many men
of different nationalities."
Dr. Cook Llou of Honr.
Dr. Frederick A. Cook today spent the
nearest approach to a quiet day that he
Is likely to experience In Copenhagen, A
correspondent saw him In his apartments
at the Phoenix hotel, which are gaily be
decked with flowers and flags. 'The ex
plorer was In the hands of the barber.
He was trying to talk and read a tele
gram at the same time. Outside the door
a German count and the president of a
geographical society waited for an audi
ence. Many women had comfortably en
sconced themselves In the halls and about
the stairways. A secretary from the
American legation Jumped constantly to
answer telephone calls and In the inter
vals attempted to cope with a mall bigger
than that of presidential candidates.
In the meantime a string of messengers
came hopping In with cards.
"Are you getting tired of this?" the cor
respondent Inquired.
"No man could honestly say he was
tired of such attentions after so short an
experience," Dr. Cook replied, scanning a
note from the German minister, "but I do
feel that I am getting more attention than
my share. Now what shall I do about
this?" he said, picking up an Invitation
from Prince Adolphe Frederic of Mecklen-
berg-Schwerln to address the Berlin Co
lonial society.
"I shoul like to do that of course, but
I want to get to America."
"I suspect there are a few people there
who would like to see you?" was sug
"I know of that," said Dr. Cook, smil
ing. Then the telephone bell rang and It
was a message from Mrs. Rasmussen, the
(Continued on Second Page.)
to sell any more milk until all difficulties
anent the milk situation as far as he Is
concerned are settled. Landholt Is the
dairyman on the West Dodge street road
who secured the restraining order agalmri
Dr. Connell, commissioner of health, after
the Inspectors on the commissioner's order
had confiscated fifty gallons of his milk.
The commissioner Is obeying the court
order, but Sunday caused the arrest of
the dairyman on the charge of selling
diseased and poisoned milk. It was after
this arrest that the dairyman, according
to the Inspectors, agreed not to attempt
to sell more milk at present
Association Formed for Purpose of
Blacklisting Irresponsible Onea
Fix Limit of Age.
WASHINGTON. Sept 6. Blacklisting
Joy-rldlng and declaring for IS years as
the minimum age limit In the Issuance of
licenses to automobile drivers, most of
the chauffeurs of Washington have organ
ised a "chauffeur's protective association"
and affiliated as a union with the Knights
of Labor. The new organisation has sick
benefit provisions and Its policy will be
to expel from Its rsnks any chauffeur con
victed of Joy-riding. The action of the
chauffeurs is In Une with a movement al
ready launched In several other cities.
From the Chicago News.
Torso of Woman Found Floating in
Ecorse Creek.
Limbs and Head ..' Had. Been
Skilfully Cat from Body
Police and Coroner at
DETROIT. Mich.,, vt. ft. All day long
Sheriff Gaston and .Ala deputies . have
dragged Ecorse creek and questioning resi
dents in the down river district In hopes
of finding some' clue as to the Identity of
the decapitated, armless and legless body
of the young woman found In the stream
early this morning, but their efforts have
as yet been In vain. It Is thought that the
torso which was securely sewn In a gunny
sack have been thrown In the water at
Detroit and carried down the river by the
current until it reached the creek, which
Is only a few miles below the city. Conse
quently officers are scouring the city docks
tonight In hopes of finding some tangible
The one clue in the possession of the
police at noon today has been shattered by
the finding of Hattle Hochstadt. She had
been missing from her home for a week
and circumstances led the officials to be
lieve that she might have been the vic
tim. Tonight the authorities are endeav
oring to find some trace of Mrs. Jessie
Weber, who was reported missing from
her home on Second street, Aug. IS. Mrs.
Weber came here during the summer from
Minneapolis and her husband has since
been in the city searching for her.
The county physicians feel certain that
the body had only been In the water a few
days and the age of the victim Is estimated
to be between 20 and 32 yea. When
shown the trunk the medical men were
visibly surprised at the skill with which
the limbs and head were cut off.
The flesh Is little marked and the cut
ting shows the work of an expert. After
examining the body both physicians gave
It as their opinion that the torso Is that
of a married woman whose height was
about five feet, six Inches.
Tha. officers learned this afternoon that
a similar sack was found containing a
dead dog In Ecorse creek a few days ago.
The dog was sewn in the sack and
weighted down in the same manner as the
woman's body. The oflclals believe both
sacks were thrown in the creek by the
same person and that the dog was used
for experimental purposes.
ennte Irrigation Body Will Visit
Projects of West to Ascertain
Their Needs.
CHEYENNE. Wyo.. Sept. 1 The Irriga
tion committee of the United States sen
ate, which held a session here today, has
planned an extensive tour of Irrigation
projects over the western states to begin
October 1. The committee will complete Us
work and return to Chicago on Novem
ber SO.
Before shopping,
look over our class
ification " Every
thing for Women"
on the Want Ad
Women will find it the most
interesting column in the pa
per. From it you can make
your list and save'much of the
worry and running around you
usually do when shopping.
Have you read the want ads yet
Design for a Safety Auto
Steamer Runs
Ashore and is
Total Wreck
Laurentian of Allan Line Ashore in
Fog Near Cape Race Sixty
Passengers Saved.
ST. JOHN'S N. F., Sept. 6. The Allan
line steamer Laurentian, Boston for Glas
gow, ran ashore near Cape Race at day
light today during a. dense tog. - The Mo. S
and No. S holds are full of water and It
Is feared that the steamer will be a total
wreck. The passengers, nunroerlng about
sixty, were safely landed.
The Laurentian belongs to the Allan Line
Steamship company, limited, of Glasgow
and ran regularly between Boston and
Glasgow. The steamer is 400 feet long,
forty-two feet beam and has a tonnage of
2,837. It was built at Greenock In 1872.
NEW YORK, Sept. 6 A dlBpatch re
ceived here from Cape Race reported that
the Laurentian haa oroken In two. The
steamer was loaded with flour in sacks
and corn in nulk.
Stranded Boat's
Crew Murdered
Natives of Australian Islands Murder
Unfortunate Men in Spite of
SIDNEY, N. S. W., Sept. 4. The captain
and crew of the French schooner Quallte,
engaged In recruiting laborers, have been
murdered by natives of Malllcollo Islands,
In the New Hebrides. The vessel was
driven ashore by a storm and while
stranded It was attacked. In spite of stub
born defense all of the crew were maasa
cred. A British warship Is investigating
the occurrence.
Trips of Peary and Cook
Compared by Their Friends
PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 6. Admiral Mel
ville, when Informed of the text of the
Associated Press dispatch from Lieutenant
Peary said:
"If Peary has telegraphed the Associated
Press that he haa found the pole I believe
It and say bully for him."
"Good for Peary," continued the admiral.
"I have known Peary personally for a long
time and as he was well equipped for an
expedition I think he had at least a much
chance as Dr. Cook had for discovering the
pole. Peary was within 200 miles of the
pole In his last expedition and was pre
vented from going there by the opening of
the Ice packs. He has been gone long
enough to have reached there."
"It was the crasy dispatches purporting
to have come from Dr. Cook about the
conditions he found there and other things
that caused a doubt In my mind about
Cook having found the pole. The dis
patches of yesterday and today are more
sane and more favorable to Dr. Cook.
"The developments of the last few days
and the Associated Press dispatch from
Peary made the situation most Interesting."
Dr. Henry Skinner, one of the founders
of the Geographical society of Philadelphia,
said that the Peary dispatch Indicates that
Peary himself had reached the pole and
placed the flag there. By the time Peary
reached there every vestige of the flag left
by Dr. Cook would have disappeared. Dr.
Skinner said that It was wonderful that
two American explorers should have re
ported the discovery of the pole almost
simultaneously and that he firmly believed
both reached there.
WASHINGTON. Sept. eWI believe in
holding the whole matter of the claim of
discovery of the North pole in abeyance
until adequate proof Is submitted," de
clared Prof. Henry Gannett today. Prof.
Gannett has a worldwide fame as a
geographer and author of scientific- works
Secretary Brings Papers Relative to
Cunningham Land Case.
He Rare Department Officials
Have Nothing; to Fear from
Charges of Inspector
BEVERLY. Mass., Sept 1 Secretary
Balllnger of the Interior department came
to Beverly this afternoon, armed with
three portfolios filled with reports re
garding the Cunningham coal land entry
cases In Alaska which have been the sub
ject of serious charges preferred by Louis
R. Glavls, an Inspector, against higher of
ficials of the general land office, and the
Interior department. Mr. Balllnger In
tended also to take up with the president,
the controversy between the Interior de
partment and the Forestry division of the
Department of Agrlcuture, headed by
Glfford Ptnchot
The president has accepted an Invita
tion to attend and present the cup at the
horse show of the Myopia Hunt club this
afternoon, however, and while Secretary
Balllnger lunched with him at the club,
there was no opportunity to talk over of
ficial matters. Mr. Balllnger will remain
In Boston for two days more, seeing the
president there tomorrow and In Beverly
again on Wednesday. It is expected that
the matters In controversy will be settled
before Mr. Balllnger return to Washington
on Thursday or Friday.
Mr. Balllnger could not be drawn Into a
discussion of the Plnchot matter over the
polloy of the Interior department regardirg
the Roosevelt conservation plans or the
Glavls charges.
The secretary repeated what he had said
In Washington after a hasty perusal of
several reports which were laid before him,
that the Interior department had nothing
(Continued on Second Page.)
and Is a member of the National Geo
graphic society, Scottish Geographic so
ciety, Philadelphia, Geographlo society,
American Statistical association, American
Economy association, Washington Acad
emy of Sciences, Geological Society of
America, secretary of the eighth Interna
tional Geographic congress and other scien
tific bodies. Prof. Gannett said today:
Cook and Peary went at the same time
of the year. Peary reached the "farthest
north" at almost the very day that Cook
says he reached the pole. Peary left
Greenland at about the same time that
Cook says he left Grantland.
"The two Journeys thosa of Cook and
Peary were made at almost Identical
times of the year, varying from one an
other by not over a week.
"I see nothing in Cook's narrative to
make me suspicious except for this and
except for the stories about his being
pursued by a polar bear and musk ox
and what he had to say about the float
ing Ice. I never heard of a polar bear
attacking a man except In self-defense.
Polar bears are about as dangerous as
the ordinary black bear of this part of
the world. The musk ox Is a harmless
animal. The floating ice story struck
me as a funny yarn to tell.
"An explorer can determine the latitude
by a sentth telescope, the most accurate
means, and by a sextant. Dr. Cook did not
have a zenith telescope, as that Is too
heavy an Instrument. He carried a sex
tant You can tell you are at the pole by see
ing the stars or the sun circling at th
same distance above the horizon. The sun
comes above the horlson on the 20th of
March and goes around and around In a
spiral until the 20th or 2M of June, when
It reaches its highest point Then ths sun
goes lower and lower until the 20th of
September and sinks out of sight"
Another American Explorer An
nounces that He Has Made
the Discovery,
Expedition Reached Top of Eartl
April 6, This Year.
Commander Started for the North in
July Last Year.
.Naval Officer Arrives at Coveted
Goal Year Later Than Dr.
Cook Lacking Fifteen
Da ya.
HEW TOBE, Sept. .The following
dispatch was reoelTed fcere today I
Indian Harbor (Via Oape Vay, jr. P.),
Sept. 6. To Associated Press, Haw Torkl
Stars and Stripes nailed to Xorth Pole.
A telegram was reoelTed here today
for Herbert L. Bridgeman, secretary ot
the Arctlo Club of Amerloa. It read as
"Herbert X.. Bridgeman, Brooklyn, H.
Y. Pole reached. Booaerelt safe.
Commander Peary announces April as
the date of his reaching the Worth pole
In a dispatch to the Mew Tork Times
reading as follows i
"Indian Harbor (Tla Oape Hay, H P.),
Sept. To The' Mew Tork Times, Mew
Yorkt I have the pole April 6th. Sxpeot
to arrive Chateau Bay September T. Se
cure oontrol wire for me there and
arrange expedite transmission. Big story.
"Peary has succeeded."
"Stars and Stripes nailed to tha North
From out the Arctic darkness today there
was flashed theee messages, which stunned
the scientific world and thrilled the heart
of every layman. From the bleak coast of
Labrador Peary gave to the world the
news that he had attained his goal In the
far north, while at the same moment in
far off Denmark, Dr. Frederick A. Cook
of Brooklyn was being dined and lionised
by royalty for the same achievement.
Undeniably Yankee grit has conquered
the frozen north and there has been oreated
a coincidence suoh as the world will never
see again. Two Americans have planted
the flag of their country In the land of
Ice, which man has sought to penetrate
for four centuries and each Ignorant of the
other's conquest has flashed within a
period of five days a laconic message ot
success to the waiting world.
Brief, bnt Specific.
Cook In his first message to his country
men was brief, but noncommittal; Peary
was even briefer, but specific
"Stars and Stripes nailed to the North
Pole," he said.
That was all, but never before have
so few words conveyed to a people a
greater meaning or a greater satisfaction.
Five days ago on September 1 Dr. Cook
sent out from the Shetland Inlands the first
message of his success a message which
has aroused a storm of controversy around
the world. Today Itobert E. Peary, lost
from view In the land of Ice and unheard
from since August, 1U08, startled the world
by a similar message sent from Indian
Harbor, Labrador. There wts no qualifi
cation; It left no doubt. It announced un
equivocally that he had reached the top
of the world. Thus two flags with the
stars and stripes of the United States are
floating in the Ice packs proving the cour
age of the Intrepid Americans.
With but a word from Peary the world
waits breathlessly for details, but until
tomorrow, when he should arrive at Cha
teau Hay, Labrador, waiting must suffice.
First word of Peary's success reached
New York at 12:39 o'clock this afternoon in
a dispatch to the Associated Press. It
contained the bare announcement of his
finding the pole. Almost simultaneously
be had transmitted the news to London,
repeating dramatically and simply: "Stars
and Stripes nailed to the north pole." At
the same time he similarly advised the gov- ;
ernor of Newfoundland.
World Eager for Details.
Both the old and the new world were
thus appraised of his great achievement
practically at the same moment and the
excitement which followed attests to the
high pitch of Interest aroused over this
climax of man's perseverance. Newspaper
extras were rushed from the press and
those who read marveled at the twist of
the universe which had snatched the loe
mask from the north In so Strang S
Like Dr. Cook's first message, Peary's
was tantalizing In its briefness and the
waiting public 'stimulated by Dr. Cook's
success was left unsatisfied. For, as did
Dr. Cook, Peary resumed his homeward
voyage Immediately after filing the curt
news of discovery.
A few words were added to this meager
Information at 1:60 p. m., when there was
made public this additional Information,
sent to Herbert L. Brldgman of Brooklyn,
secretary of the Peary Arctlo olubl
"Pole reached. Roosevelt safe. Peary."
Title gave assurance that the vessel In
which Peary had departed had passed
through the Ice unscathed, but details of
his homecoming and the date of the dis
covery of the p"le were still lacking. It
was not until the New York Times had
received a dispatch later in the afternoon
that these vital points were cleared up.
The message said, "I have the pole April
6. Expect arrive Chateau bay Septem
ber T."
With this Information at hand it was a
comparatively simple matter to ascertain
that the April 6 referred to was April of
the present yai. as his expedlflon did
not Btart from New York until July 7, 1S08.
April 6. 1909 the date that Peary planted
the flag at the pole and April 21. 19W. tha
date that Dr. Cook unfurled the Stars and
Stripes, a year before, consequently be
come the cardinal dates upon which ex
ploration of the far north will rest here
after. Though separated by nearly a year,
the same feat was accomplished by two
Americans, neither of whom was aware of
the movements of the other
WASHINGTON. Sept. 8. "That dispatch
from Peary means that he had finally
achieved what he has so long been after,"
said Henry Gannett an old friend ef Peary,