L THE BEE: OMAHA, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 0. 10M. S v ' - - - - - - V A i 4 'ft 'END your boy to ' the best school. Begin your investiga tion now; take plenty of time; ask plenty of questions. Select the school that will do most to make a manly boy of him and send him to that school. Itacine College has a record that is hard to beat. We shall be glad to submit to you the great advantages we offer your boy. Write for our little book, "The right school for your boy." We send it and our catalogue free. Racine College s Kacine, Wis. TUB University of Illinois OrrBHI THROUGH ITS College of Dentistry aplendld opportunity to men and women to pursue a coune of Instruction leading to the Doctor' Degree. The college building te modern end com. modiously equipped. Clinic rooms large and wall appointed. Technical, Physical anil Chemical Laboratories complete In every de tail. - Dentistry preneata an of the beat opport aaltlra for the- aretlee "h few dvatlata In Momparlanm to tbe nnmnvra onarawrel In other nrofea. alone. The folloirlna; atatlatlra from the natloaal ( OMMMMOMCI1 OF fcll CATION will show the timbtr of pir nna to each mcnbrr of tlio nroles alonsi Population to on physician and surgeon .... 376 Population to on itwver... 665 Population to on donllit 2.363 for paarlrnlan rrlitlro to the antranre ranutre menu and to the nrvt ronrae of Inatrncttoa. which uens OCT. 8th. 100ft. eddrees G. W. COOK. B. $ D. D. S., D-n SIS W. Xarrlsoa, Corner Xoaore, Chicago. UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME NOTRE DAME. IND. tx ooLLimi Oollege of Arts and Letters I Departments ot Cleaslos, Lottters, History, Political Kconomy, Soot' ology. Oollege of eleneet ltepartmenls of Biology, Chemistry, I'harmacy. Oollege of Engineer lag i Departments of Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, Chemical, Mining Engi neering. Oollege of Arohlteotnr. Oollege of taw. TBI niriBATOaT CXOO& enrolls atudents from every state In the Union. ' tsx school rom watmtn la unequaled for the care and devel opment of younger boys. Situated at South Bend. Indiana, Two hours by rail from Chicago. Board, Tuition' and X.aandry, $409. Belmont College WOK YOUNO LADIES NASHVILLE. TENN. The most keautlful an Boat tan. lata Is the Unite State. Aa Idaal wiatrr hobm far young indies froa tha North. B.A. an M.A. degrees. Prapareafor II coliagea an aaiveraHlea. Twelve schools. Music, Art, Eisreaaloa, Phyakal Culture, Madera Lanrua gas Dematllc Selene. Outdoor sports. Larr grousaa. Early ra. glatratloa 4vlae4, as enly a llnltad auaiaar of aa atuaanta caa aa ra calve. Beautifully II I u strata cats loguas. Aaaree Boa I IRA.LANDRITH. D.D..LL.D., PreaiaW NlunuUUlUMIN tlLKUN, i rViaaaaaJs , ASK us about a school Ws will aaad yen eatalagaaa and aaol In. m ... mi an kiad which von eaaaat . obtaiBsaaallTiaeTerwr. Thoaaiilcn la ABSOLUT ELY kL&. N. char saw ea st any other ttsae. Educational Information Bureau Kialock Building. St. Leal. Me. GRAND ISLAND COLLEGE Regular college preparatory courses. Music, Art. and Commercial courses of fered, tieaiiniui location. u.v. erate. Catalogue ssnt on request. Ak us about the school. Address, XI. Oeorge Sutherland, presides. GEAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA Lincoln. Nebraska. A klh rae acbaot sadaets ay - atroe ttcnur aa siaoarln tar GOOD PatlTlnV. aa aoaiilona. laaal loeatlaa. We AWAIT Oil Wrlta tar kaaullfltl W Adtraaa W. CIADUATES M. aryaal, rroa laJi O Ua. LUwnlU. Na. STOP STAMMERING I cunt ylckty. omplctfllf b4 j rmiaUir lb gutt Blub burn c ol luierirlbf. I CAN CURE YOU My sractaltjr ta voloa an spsarh eefast welo vsib.ra hra fall to curs. a.r waiaoa is in aaaas aaa- t In tha vuria. Na wiiura la la vaara' eraa- Writa at aaoa tor particulars. K. Vauiha, rraa.. laauiata lor unaMtara, tlv-all aauiaa vaalt, h.a. ACADEMY V, MACON, MIGOOURI. W TAZ.Z, TIVM SKOOrg WITT. S3, ISO. SCnOOL AND COLLEGE WORK Educational Institution! Opening . Their Door, Everywhere. THRESHOLD OF A BUSY YEAE Derelopmeat of tko Modern School la Haral Sections Revival of 014 Tlme Spelllag Bees .. Edacntlonal Note. Chancellor and Mrs. Avery have returned from a trip to the ooaat. Dr. Avery rep repented the University of Nebraska at a meeting of the Associated Agricultural Col leges and Etpeiiment Station, and visited the universities of Idaho, Washington, Ore gon and Minnesota, and the Agricultural college of Oregon. The university extension lectures given at Orleans and Wllsonvllle last week were Very successful. A large attendance from the town and community at each pi so greeted every speaker. The people at both of these town were loud In their praise of this feature of university work. The University of Idaho has conferred upon Chancellor Avery the degree of doctor of laws. This Is not only a graceful recog nition of the university by a sister univer sity, but Is a tribute to the high esteem In which Dr. Avery Is held personally from hla connection with the University of Idaho. Word has been received from Chancellor and Mrs. Andrews that they have left Don don for Capetown, South Africa. Dr. An drew le much Improved In health. After pending considerable time in Cape Colony he expects to undertake a trip to Aus tralia to study the government of that In teresting colony. Dr. A. T. Peters has been offered the position of director of the state biological laboratory of Springfield, 111. Director J. L. McBrien was at Beatrice Saturday, where he addressed the city teachers. Ho Inspected the new 180,000 high ohoul while there and pronounces It the most modern and well equipped schol building In the state. Beatrice Is counting on 400 high school student next year. They have a faculty of twelve teachers and the principal. NOTES FROM KEARNEY NORMAL Art and Manual Training Depart ment at State Pair. Prof. Mercer i In Lincoln attending the state fair with an exhibit from the State Normal school. The exhibit consists of work from the art and manual training departments especially. The strong line of Industrial work offered by the normal last summer proved exceedingly popular. The present trend of education Is toward the industrialisation of school work. A cottage near the normal ha been se cured and will be fitted Up and equipped for a domestlo science department. It 1 the purpose of this movement to give teacher some preparation for handling the element of this subject , in school work. , , ...-. The outlook for athletic this year Is quite enoouraglng. A large number of experienced foot ball men have written their Intention to come to Kearney and are anxious for a strong team. The nor mal had a winning base ball team last eason, and many of the old players will be on hand for the coming year. In basket ball the boys' team ha seldom been de feated and several of the old player In basket ball, will also return. The girls' team In basket ball will also be strong. A card announcing the marriage of Mr. Henry E. Goodrich and Mis Ida M. Bos aerman, county superintendent of Nuckolls county, has Just been received at the of fice. Miss Bosserman Is a graduate of the State Normal school and Is making a splendid mark for herself In educational work. Prof. Neale and Mrs. Grace Greves Truax. member of the normal faculty. assisted her In her Institute, which Is- Just closed. President Thomas will address the Jef ferson county old settler and neighbor plcnio at Endlcott on .September U. MUSIC SCHOOL HAS MAN V ri'PILg I'nlvcraltr School of Mnele at Lincoln On of Foremost In Country, To those who are seeking an Institution for the study of muslo It seems quite un necessary to look beyond the borders of the stats. Although It may not be generally known, the University of Music, Lincoln, Neb., 1 one of the stanoheat school of muslo In the country, having a very large and efficient faculty and a body of 600 student. Th plan are completed for the extension of the school building, which Include thirty practice room and an ad dition to th faculty, now more than thirty teacher. Th numerous Inquiries received during th summer Indicate an increase of attendance for the coming year over any previous one, and the advantage exceed those of any former year. It la a pleasure to know that the study of muslo may be pursued by young people of this and adjoining states with the feel Wig that no greater opportunities are of fered In any of the larger eastern schools, and Ita clos proximity to the home of Nebraska people make It highly advan tageous and should be patronised by all who desire a complete course In any prin cipal branch of music A PROSPEROUS IXSTITl'TIO. Notable Development of Western Normal at Shenandoah. Western Normal oollege, .Shenandoah, la., I one of the leading school of th west and ha students from many states. A srrall city la the best location for a college. There student enjoy th advantage of home life and social acquaintance with the beat people. Instead of being Isolated stranger, a tbey are In a large city. It la also more economical. No other r'.hool In the west ha such a low rate of ex pens to students, and besides It pays their railroad far. The college is more pros perous than ever before, and In seeking new students specially desire those who want to prepare for buslnesa positions and for teaching. The president, J. M. Hussey, Is a worker and an Induoer of work, and will send a complete bulletin of the college to anyone who ask for it. Iowa Stat Collage. a Ames I to have a harvest home excur sion again this year, and la making plan to give a royal reception to the people of the state who will take that opportunity to vlait the college. These excursion days have aim ays proven very popular and considerable regret was expressed In all parts of the slat when they were dis continued three years ago. Th date set for th harvest home fes tival are Friday and Saturday, October 1 and 1 Every department at th eollcgt will be open to Inspection. The visitors will be given an opportunity to see stu dents at work In the various laboratories, so that they can form an Idea of how the college Is making use of this method of education. Guide will be at hand to ex plain and answer questions. The visitor cannot fail to go away with a much clearer Idea of the kind of work the state college Is doing In teaching the applica tion of sclenoe to the problem of every day life. A number of new building have been erected since the last excursions were held. Chief among these is the new agri cultural hall, which will be In use for the first time this fall. This magnificent building, which Is the finest building In the world for the teschlng of agriculture. Is occupied by the departments of animal husbandry, farm crops, horticulture and forestry, chemistry soils, agricultural Jour nalism and the extension department. The new central building has been com pleted since the last excursion, the new engineering annex and shops have been built and a large number of other minor Improvements have been made. Not the least of these recent additions to the col lege equipment Is the new JOO-aere dairy and poultry farm. The buildings on this farm embody all the latest Ideas in their construction. The record-breaking cows and hens will be on exhibition and at tendants will explain how they are handled to produce these records. The new electric line ha replaced the old steam "dinkey" that In former years transported the people from town to the oolllege, and the crowds will be handled safely and without delay. NEW COl'NTRY SCHOOL. Improved Educational Facilities In Rural Sectlona. The Department of Agriculture has Just Issued a a bulletin a paper by Prof. Wlllnt M. Hay which deal with the question of education for country life. In It he touches upon educational matter and tendenclea In a general way. It I the Idea of Prof. Hays that the schools must turn their at tention to- the practical training of children for the vocations they are to follow. His Idoas on this are summarised as follow: "The school must bend their energies more clearly to training for all the spe cific vocations. A few will perceive the ad vantage and meet the requirements of this j new development unaided; all must have the opportunity to do so. Our Industries have reached the trme of close specialisa tion and our schools must follow, l.iey should lead. In our great manufacturing Industries the need of trained artisan and the wisdom of giving to our American youth the opportunities of the higher paid technical trades, Instead of reserving this work for foreigners trained in schools abroad, ar leading to the establishment of trade schools, often with funds supplied by employers." Prof. Hays Is working to extend the op portunities for the education of the boys and girl In the country ao a the better to fit them for farm life. At the same time, he feels that the high school in the Cities and towns should recognise the fact that this Is an age demanding more technical knowledge and should train the boy and young men in field In which they will have to earn a livelihood and should train tha girl and young women In tha art apper talnlng to the management of the home. Prof. Hays thinks that part of the Amer ican educational system which la of col legiate grade is sufficiently well organized to warrant the belief that It development by easy evolutionary steps Is assured What he Is giving attention to Is secon dary education, In the grades below the oollege, and education In the rural schools. He says: "The plan of establishing a sys tern of large agricultural high schools Is gaining popular favor. There Is good rea son to expect that we shallj have a class of high-grade secondary school providing vocational finishing courses for those who expecting to live on farms, will close their school life with from two to four years of vocational high school work. The wonder ful success of the Minnesota, Nebraska. Wisconsin and other agricultural high Achools In receiving, In preparing for coun try life and In returning to the farms rural youth of both sexes, and th success of their graduates In becoming better farmers, home-makers and cltlsens, give assurance that such schools will receive extensive practical trial and use. That these schools are adapted to fit Into our system between the rural school and the agricultural col lege I an established achievement In state where the effort ha been made. "In short, a movement I well begun to organise better, a a part of our great American school system, the secondary schools so s to meet especially the needs of country life. This movement contem plate that, below and leading to our more than sixty state colleges of agriculture al ready established, we shall have S00 to MO agricultural finishing schools practically one In each country congressional district of ten or more counties, either separate or as a strong department of an existing In stitution:" SCHOOLS FOR RAILWAY HE!t, System of Special Education la Capo Colony. A railway school system ha been In operation In Cape Colony, South Africa, for several year, and affords distinct ad vantages. American consular reports fur nish statistics of these echools for 1903. showing forty-two In operation, with an enrollment of 1,135 pupils. Many of these children would have no educational ad vantage if It were not for the railway schools established especially for them, the expense to the Cape government rail ways for these schools was $2X 3fi7 for the year 1907. Whenever railway employes in Isolated places can guarantee an average attend ance of ten children or more, not other wise provided for by the railway schools, tha railway department and the education department, acting conjointly and each furnishing half the expense, provide suit able premises and a certified teacher at a salury of T90 to $487 a year and quarters. Children of railway employes are car ried to and rom these schools free of charge, and are charged slightly lower fees than In the regular government pub lic schools; they must also provide their own books and stationery. No objection la raised to th attendance of the children of farmer who also may be living be yond th convenience of any government publlo school. An official of the railway, known a th education officer, act aa manager of all th railway schools, and where there are a sufficient number of parent they form local committee to as sist him In managing th affair of the schOAil. He 1 alaays more or less guided by th opinion of th sLatlun master ot head officials of the railway. The school? are Inspected regularly by the Inspector of the education department, and the chil dren are advanced according to the stand ard of the public school system. Children attending these railway schools range In age from 5 to IS years, over 20 per cent of the children being over 15. They are taken as far as the seventh standard, which comprises a knowledge of the following subjects: Arithmetic, Euclid, algebra, grammar, history, dictation, com position, writing, reading, botany, geog raphy, sewing, Dutch, French and Latin. The schools are supplied with libraries, furnished by railway and educational de partments. There are as many as 1,606 Industrial ar. SSI mercantile continuation schools, Of which 1,611 Industrial and 222 mercantile receive support from the state. The Industrial continuation schools have f!W,7 pupils, the mercantile schools 4S.100 male and 4.821 female pupils. At all but sixty-eight of the Industrial and fifty-four of the mercantile schools attendance is compulsory. In addition mere are 402 training schools, with 22,168 pupils, sup ported by guilds and associations, i. e., barbers, smiths, painters, etc., and 120 training and continuation schools for the female sex, assisted by special appropria tions from the state. "SPELLING BEES" IN INDIANA. RcvlTal of Contests rianned by State Saperlntendent. The old-time "spelling bee" Is to be re vlved In Indiana schools this year, with the hope that school children will thereby attain that perfection of spelling which Is boasted by the product of the schools of the "good old days." Furthermore, the uncles and aunts and the fathers and mother of the present-day pupil will be Invited to spell down the school children and determine If they have a right to con demn present systems of teaching. This is one of the point brought out In the new course of study which has been prepared by R. J. Alejf, superintendent ol publlo Instruction, and which has been dis tributed among the 18.000 teachers of the state. "The charge Is frequently made," says Dr. Aley, "perhaps with much good reason, that pupils nowadays do not spell as well as their fathers and mothers did In the -good old days.' The spelling school was an Institution that undoubtedly was an aid n gaining efficiency. A revival of the old time 'spelling bee' mlRht prove to be both profitable and enjoyable. Why not call In the fathers and mothers, uncles and aunts and settle tfie question in Indiana whether our boys and girls are deficient In this Important branch of study, as some would have us believe they are? It would In crease the community Interest, aid in mak ing the school the social center, and bring parent and teacher Intd closer relation ship and help In making better spellers." Educational Note. Henry Wade Rogers, reports that more than two-thirds of the .new law schools of th United States are now on a three year basiS. ).!'): Seventy thousand -oUUdraa desiring o attend the publlo schpols. of New York City will have to attend on "part time or no time ' this fall. ,. . Eleven thousand pupils will be on part time In Philadelphia this fall, owing to lack of accommodations constituting just 11.000 reasons why the city should be ashamed of Itself. ) As a tribute to Its value to the commu nity, the Boston Trade School for Girls has been formally taken, over by the city and v.111 hereafter bo run under the regu lar scnooi system, rive years ago the boston 'trade school was started as a pri vate venture. Mrs. A. D. Wlnshlp of Racine, Wis., at the age of 78 has returned to take a sec ond courts of study at the Iowa State unl vi rally's summer school. It was Mrs. VY lnship who endowed the John Davis fuest chamber at the Abraham Lincoln enter, Chicago. She plans next year to take a course at the Tower Hill summer school. Prof. Daniel Evans of the Andover sem inary at Harvard university, who has been studying at Marburg university since spring, Is reported as having taken up his abode in Berlin with his family. He will remain there studying In the university, under Harmack and other eminent Kihllcal experts, until he returns to Cambridge during th second semester of the semin ary year. J. II. Needling and A. C. Faure, from. Pretoria. Transvaal, have registered as agricultural students at Cornell university. The young men are government students, and recently won scholarships awarded by the Transvaal department of agriculture. Kight scholarships were competed for and the young men who won them are all being sent to I Ms country to be educated In different agricultural colleges. The degree of doctor of philosophy con ferred by the University of Lei pule at its rcent quincentenary Celebration upon hYof. A. A. Michelson of the University of Chicago adds to the academlo honors of one of the most eminent of. American scientists, whose Investigations and dis coveries In light have made him world renowned. He was on Owen Wlster's list of five Americans with an International reputation. Though born In Germany and educated at the universities of Berlin and Heidelberg and at the College de France and the Ecole Polytechnlque In Paris. It mutt not be forgotten that Prof. Mlchael son ban his career In the United States navy and aa a student at Annapolis. Waratua. Do not be persuaded into taking any thing but Foley's Honey and Tar for chronic cough, bronchitis. hay fever, asthma and lung trouble, as It stops the cough and heals the lungd. Sold by all druggists. COPPERS AT AN EATING MATCH MrCnbe Wins, with Nichols a Close Second, In Gastranomlo Con troversy. Most of the member of the present night shift of police had planned on large hunting and fishing trip last week and were to wind up the day with a banquet, but the big rain prevented It. The good things had been prepared and it was decided that a long standing con troversy as to who could eat the largest meal, should be settled by several candi dates for the honor, who had gained a reputation as Judges of good thing to eat Accordingly the "big feed" waa sent out to the country home of Patrolman C. M. Flotta on Thirty-sixth avenue, and the spread occurred under the branches of several large trees after the shower had blown over. After a hard contest, Patrol man K. L. McCabe was declared the wln 'ner. with W. O. Nichols, representing the preceding shift, a close second. Acoord-) Ing to Patrolman Nichols, McCabe ate ! I four chickens, five plates of potato salad. I thre quarts of spaghetti, anod the "trlm mln's," and won without exerting himself' to the limit. A evidence of this he li j said to have carried off three "springs' ' and a can of chill in his pocket. When last seen he was devastating thai crabapple crop In a neighboring orchard Counterfeit Dollars buy trouble, but genuine quarter buys Dr. King's New I.lfe Pills; for constipa tion, malaria a! jaur.dica. Sold, by Beaton Drug C f IVaiiMHaLipy A place where manly boys are made into manly men. Our system of training com bines the refinement of home life with semi-military discipline. Our academic standards are high, but wo aim specially to de velop and build up character and create habits of order, neat- 1 ness, promptness,, industry and apreciation of responsibility. We also aim to build up a sound body and a love of fairness In sport. Our f athletlo facilities are extensive, and all athletics are carefully supervised. 1 Gymnasium instruction for all. Our Classical and Scientific courses prepare for all colleges, and our Com mercial course for business life. Tbe location ot tbe school Is healthful and beautiful, and tha building is fireproof. Write for jUuMratedL Catalogue. HARRY N. RUSSELL. Head Natter, Kearney. Neb. BRIEF CITY NEWS 1909 SEPTEMBER 1909 5UN MON TU WED THU fRl SAT 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 It 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 aTav Boot Frlnt IX. Schllta Cafes now open. Blnehart, photographer, ;sth & Farnam. Seven Oak Egg are guaranteed to be strictly fresh. No egg more than 24 hours old when delivered. Sommer Bros., sole agenta, 28th and Farnam Sts. Tel. Harney 1329. Thre Seeker, bat Hot Belatd Three travelers of the same name, but in no way related to one another, are guest at the Koine. All registered on different days. Their name I Decker. One is C. R. Decker of Milwaukee. The other two are registered from New York City. They are J. Newton Decker and John Deck-. Jr. ' Passes Worthless Check Fred C. Martin, a painter living at 1720 Dodgo, Is under arrest on the charge of pass ing worthless check. He ha been Identified by a number of saloonmen and others a the man who passed the worth ies paper and a large number of cases are said to be involved. The police are holding him to let him sober up, after which he may be given a chance to pay up. i Who Own th Watch The police are anxious to become acquainted with the woman who Is thought to own a woman's watch taken from Harry Jacobs of Ok lahoma City when he was arrested Sat urday. Detective Mitchell took Jacob to jail as a suspicious character and the watch, engraved with the initial "B," waa found on his person. He was sus pected of having stolen it, as he failed to explain hofcv it got Into his possession. Old Book for Heirloom Mr. and Mrs. p. A. Well have Just returned from an extended eastern trip. They spent about a month at Mr. Wells' old home on the east end of Long Island, on the Atlantic seashore, stopping a few days In New York City on their return trip and the balance of the time In Pennsylvania at the old home of Mrs. Wells, where a family reunion was held. They report a most enjoyable summer and a delightful trip. Mr. Well brought a number of old heirloom from home in New York of considerable historical Interest, among them being a number of very choice old books, which were printed in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, and have always belonged to the family and been handed down from generation to generation. y BUSINESS COLLIEGE THOUSANDS of our A. Graduates (establish ed 1S84) are filling- highest positions ot trust and profit. W e put young men and women In th way of true success in life. Ours Is a thoroughly equipped, working school with a school atmosphere and advan tages second to no other. Practical, thorough. All courses. 900 students. No saloons. Write for prospectus. LINCOLN BUSINK COLLICg SO Marl Ilia Slraal Llaaala, Mak. Vt Winona Seminary WINONA, MINNESOTA FOR YOUNG WOMEN Conducted by the Sisters of fct. Frauds. Academic Department, Con servatory of Music, Department of Voice, Dramatic Expression, Art, Household Economics. Home life of the student is Ideal. Indoor and Out door Athletics. Literary, Musical. Dramatic Mclenve. Catalogue, book let of Information, department bulle tins mailed on application. Semin ary Is accredited to the University of Minnesota. WHAT SCHOOL Information concerning th ad vantages, ratox. extent if cur riculum and other data about th , beat schools t.id eo!lae can be obtained from the Scbool sod College Information Bureau of tt Croatia Dee All Information absolutely free and impartial. Cla.loue nf y particular aclionl rneerfuily fur blahed upon Itttuasl X. a I t I f ril j I , I" KEBKASKA MILITARY MiVjtMi LINCOLN A boarding school for boys desiring educational work from sixth to twelfth grades inclusive. - New Illustrated catalogue telling the whole story of military school life sent free for tbe asking. Number of cadets limited to 100. Enrollment now In progress For Information address t. B. D. HAY WARD, Sueprlnt-ndent. Phones: Bell, 1722, Auto, 8500. Lincoln, Nebraska. a?o"W3cie ForYounif Women And uirla Episcopal school accredited to Eastern Women's Colleges, Universities of Chicago, Nebraska, Etc -iHlhrtf fWALh-ri I IT) fully supervised by experienced house EDITH D. MARSDEN.. 5. A.. Principal. TABOR COLLEGE The College of Southwest Iowa ? Splendid Faculty. Choice of Course of Btudy. Special Preparatory Work for Professional Training In Law, Medicine, Teaching, Journalism, Theology, Engineering, Forestry and Agriculture. Conservatory of Mnslo Four-year course In Piano, Pip Organ, Voice, Violin, Harmony, Theory. All Conervatory students who take two full subject re entitled to any two studies they may wish to choose In th college or academy, free of charge. Fall Term Open September 13th, 1909. BEND FOR CATALOGUE. FKEDERICK W. LONG, 88SE THE UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MUSIC Lincoln, Nebp. A truly groat institution, commanding the recognition of the entire west. THE FALL TERM STARTS SEPT. 6th, with a faculty of thirty-five artist instructors in ull branches and sixty-five practice rooms and studios. Before you definitely arrange to go elsewhere apply to us for catalogue "BM and illustrated booklet. BELLEVUE. COLLEGE Wltn beautiful oampus and novating sur " rounding, a larK and able faculty, clean and uct'esrul athletics, offers at a low exponee the follmlng oui-.ea: COLLEul Degrees In Classical, Scientific and Philosophical Courses. ACaDtMJO Preapratlnn for any College or L'nlverfclty MOSaUIi BCKOOI.s Elementary and advanced couraea Ktato certificate granieo COSSIITATOKT Theory of music, Mouern dormitories lor bntn men Address Fill. Western Military Academy IUpIr;l,tJon Idaal location near 6t. Lajuis. tlx modern building, rir proof ba-racis. l.irrp. tlunally tlrong academic and military departments HiK'ieal uc r-o'.t'H cutleKS rela. tlnne. Hated Class "A" by War D:;iartmeiit Atliletli s -nqura re I V,i ilng 1 1 1 anno, ally. Immediate ppllctloo advisable. COL. aVLIiXK? X Ja.Ca.tiOM, Ju at-, Mufc Jt a er J l C u "ft 11 CSTB. J Nebrmsks F ACULTY composed of col lege graduates, ull exper ienced teachers. Native French and German Instructors. Thorough courses offered In Music, Art and Domestic Economy. Well equipped gymnaalum. Out-door sports, tennis, field hockey, etc., under competent Instructor. Attractive boms life care mothers. . For catalogue, address, President, Tabor, la. Mosh&r-Lampman Business College HAS BEGUN ITS THIRD YEAR with an attendance, that makes It the second largest business college in Otnnlia. It has overtaken and passed schools that are twenty-five years old. , Expert Teachers and Vp to-Sat Conraa of Study have made this school a S'lccesa by giving Mosbar Lampman stadant a training that they could not get elsewhere. It will pay you to attend this school. BAT AND KIQHT SJESIXOSTB Oet our catalogue, investigate, and enter School a soon a possible. M0SHER & LAMPMAN, 17th and rarnam Eta. Omaha, Nebraska. S9B aaXESESi? certificate I Ion and art. I B, sTZO. I piano, voice, violin, elocutlor md women. B. W. ITOOXET, BZZ.Z.ZVTTE. 1 4 i i