Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 05, 1909, NEWS SECTION, Page 2, Image 2

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Bon. ponf. din
to; Aii3imm Dress (Goods audi Silks
of Beauly, Style and Disflnction Now Ready .
More bonufiful than Anything before realized in dress poods nnd silks. The very choic
est pick of the markets of the world. Many new colors with delicate nnd varied shades.
Stripe so woven in as to be suggested rather than plainly visible. Stylish, pretty shades
of grays, subdued browns and new olives and sage shades. Wonderfully attractive and at
prices any woman can afford.
T 1. ii The New Models of Man-Tailored Skirts
LllipUriclIll! We Are Making Are Ready for Monday
Of first importance, make sure of three essentials correct style, good quality, thorough
tailoring. You are sure of those here, even in the least expensive, for we put style, quality
and tailoring first. Choose any material you like, we make it to your special measure.
Special Sale of Filet Scarfs and Shams
Monday we will place on sale $1.00 Filet Scarfs
and Shams, at 5.9c each.
Take Advantage of the Greatly Reduced Prices in Our Grand
and Comforters.
GCc Cotton Illankets, in this sale 48c a pair.
70c Cotton Blankets, In this sale 58c a pair.
60c Cottoft Blankets, in this sale 73c a pair.
$1.00 Cotton Blankets, In this salo 87c a pair.
Beautiful plaid Blankets, regular $2.50, In this
sale $2.19 a pair.
$3.50 White WOol Blankets, in this sale $2.88 a
New, Choice Flannelettes
Beautiful new design in the
The variety Is greatest' now, and
as ever '10c, 12 He, 16c and 18c
Wq have offered many sensational values in Hair (Joods this season but this surpasses
all previous offerings. We have located a line of very fine, well made puffs, pompadours
And switches, which we will offer way down in price call and examine our specials.
"Yvette" Wavy Switches
20-lnrh natural wavy switches value $3.00, at $1.9$.
24-loek natural wavy switches value $1.00, at $2.89.
Sanitary Hair Rolls
I4-inch extra heavy hair rolls, value $1.50, very
special 76c.
24-Inch grey hair rolls, extra heavy, value $1.50,
special 75c.
"Tvette" Auto Net the largest size, special 25c.
"Tvette" Tourist Nets large alse 15c each two
for 25c.
Coronet Puffs,
special, 59c.
Coronet Puffs,
special, 98a
4 to a set,
6 to a set,
8 to a set,
special, $1.49.
Psyche Puffs, 3 to set, special 89c
stunted a mlaslon at Cape York. Hadl
not met with the right Ksklmas and the
rlKht dons and the rlht -provisions I could
nevnT have reached the pole. I owe much
0 to the Danlh nation for my nuooeaa."
A telegram ' read conveying the con
gratulations of the King of Sweden, for
"a brilliant deed of which the American
people may rightly ba proud."
Toaata to Mr. Cook and to the Knltlmos
of Iho party were drunk. , Two hundred
students In uniform marched In when the
company returned to the grand hall and
gave Ir. Cuok a - rousing cheer. They In
flated upon a speech and sang autigs. A
noteworthy feature of the banquet after
DU Cook's acceptance In the morning wus
that the application for seals reached into
the thousand. . .
Tarosgs. Pally w Diaeoverer to Meteo-
, rulogisal JuatKute. .
COPICXHAOEK, Sept. 4.-Klng Frederick
reaeiveO Vr. Frederick A. Cook, the Amer
ican explorer, who reached Copenhagen to
day from Urecnlatid, In private audience
at 1.30 e'clock this afternoon. The audi
ence lasted half an hour. The queen and
, her three daughters,. Princess . Ingeborg,
Thyra and lagmar, were present. . In-.
Cook waa presented to tils majesty by
Maurice F. Egan, the American minister.
Vr. Frederick A.' Cook, the American ex
plorer, returning to civilisation from his
discovery of the north pole, came Into
Copenhagen harbor at 10 o'clock this morn
ing' on bo id the steamer Hans Kgede
from Greenland. Pr. Cook waa ataadlug on
the bridge of the vessel, whJch flew the
Amerldan flag at Its mliien mast.
' Crowai Prlnee Christian of Denmark,
Maurice F. Kgan, the American minister;
the ianlsh minister of commerce, and oom
Mltte representing various public bodies
hoarded the tlana Egede and welcomed Dr.
Cook in Uie name of the nation and the
Dr. Cook was escorted ashore by Prince
Christian. The explorer Was cheered bv
great crowds as he came ashore. An im
mense throng followed through the streets
to the Meteorological Institute, where he
made a brief speech.
Mac aad Box at Pole.
Speaking to the representative of the As
sociated Hi ess. Dr. Cook aald he left at the
rorth pule an American flag and a box
containing documents, Including a brief
account of hi trip and certain observa
tions and the data to bear out lite claim.
Captain -1. lemon of the Hans Egeda
"A 'Most Unique
Farnam St.
eoiH moir.i reach all deft
Special Sale of
15 Poten $2.00
ale, $1.00 each.
$4.50 Grey or White Wool Blankets, in this salo
$3.69 a pair.
$5.00 Orey, White or Beautiful Plaid Wool Blan
kets, in this sale $4.29 a pair.
$7.00 Orey or White Wool Blankets, In thin sale
$5.98 a pair.
Full Size Sllkollne Comforts, In this sale 79c each.
All Wool Orey or Plaid Blankets that would he con
sidered a bnrjtain at $4.00, In this sale $3.29 a pair.
See our Howard street windows.
Are Here
latest colorings.
the prices as low
per yard.
In IlRht and dark effects, in the choicest stylos of
ti e season. Colors absolutely fast In washing. Prices
12c, 15c, ISc and 20o per yard.
Hair Goods
"Yvette" Straight Hair Switches
16 and 10-inch all long hair switches value $2.50,
at 98c.
20-lnch all long hair switches value $2.50, at $1.49.
24-inch all long hair switches value $3.50, at $1.9S.
Pompadours and Transformations
Pompadours, suitable for mountains anM seashore,
natural wavy hair, very special on wire or not up
from 4 9c.
Transformations for all around the head to be
worn underneath or on the outside, very special, $5.98.
Extra Fine Hair Puffs.
.Cluster Puffs, (10 and .12 puffa
in each, set) special, $1.98.
Triangle Puffs, lor thia sale
only, $2.98.
Single Puffs, for this sale
large line, at 76c.
----- .
said he had examined Dr. Cook's records
and believed them to be perfectly correct.
In the course of the Interview with the
Associated Press representative on board
the Hans Egede, Dr. Cook (declared with
great emphasis:
"I 'hive been to the north pole and I
have brought back the most exact ob
servations, absolutely proving my state
ment. I have kept a diary throughout my
entire expedition, . In which I record the
most minute details."
Continuing the conversation, Dr. Cook
"It was not my Intention at the start to
proceed to the pole; I was merely on an
Arctic excursion, but as' I found conditions
favorable, I continued on my way to the
pole. I discovered two hitherto unknown
"We missed the depots which previously
had been established, but we came acci
dentally upon one of Melville's depots,
where we found provisions and Instruments
In an excellent state of preservation.
"Owing to the smallneee of my expedi
tion, our requirements were not large. For
the same reason, we were able to proceed
quickly. On some days we covered as high
aa twelve miles, whloh la an extraordinary
"As I approached the pole, the Eskimos
with me were frightened at the meteor
ological Conditions.
Three Dare Wltfcoat Food.
"On the return trip our provisions be
came exhausted. No animal life was visi
ble, and far three days we had nothing to
eat.' Then in a crevice of the ice we caught
sight of several walruses. (
"I had only a few cartridges left. I crept
along the ice on my stomach, approaohlng
the animals slowly so as not to scare thein.
I expended all my cartridges and. aa a re
sult, killed two of the walruses. Our lives
were saved. '
"We then broke up our only sledge and
made bows and arrows of the wood, as do
the Eskimos, and we obtained game with
these arms.
"Again near Cape York we were on the
point of starvation, when we found a
young seal sleeping on the ice.
"At Cape York we found traces of musk
oxen, which we tracked and killed.
"From Vpernavik to Egedesmlnde I
sailed on the same ship that carried the
MacClintock and Franklin relief expeditions-It
was a weatherbeaten and shabby but
elated hero who was welcomed this morn
ing by the Danish capital at the same offi
Young People's OutliUinu
Own towc
ma. a-i-i
Cluny Lace Center Pieces
Cluny Lace Center Pieces, In tela
Opening Sale of Blankets
New Percales
Single Puffs, grey; for this sale
' large-line, -at' $1.00. 1
Free Our illustrated catalogue
shows all the latest styles in hair
d T6sfiiri etc
Third Floor.
See Our Black
and White Mil
linery Window,
16th Street.
cial pier and with the same honors that
are customarily used in the greeting of
visiting members of royal families.
Dr. Cook Btood on the bridge of the Hans
Egode, wearing a shabby brown suit that
had beecn loaned to him by a Seaman. On
his head was a disreputable old cap, and
his feet were clad In leather moccasins.
His blonde hair was long sml shaggy and
his mustache rough and straggling. His
complexion was sallow, but his face was
He was a strange figure for the center of
such a brilliant scene as greeted his re
turn to civilization.
A bright sun lit up the blue waters of
Copenhagen harbor. Ships and yachts on
every side were gay with flags, and the
shore and piers wWe crowded with people.
Two big American flngs flanked tha land
ing stage where Crown Prince Chris
tian and other notable personages
waited for ona hour the appear
ance of the Hans Egede. Hundreds
of small boats, containing , sightseers,
swarmed over the waters of the harbor.
Many of these boats were filled e.tli
American tourists, waving the stars and
Greeted by Crown Prince.
"When Uio Hans Kgedo was a mile away,
slowly coming In, with an enthusiastic fol
lowing of small craft In Its wake, Crown
Prince Christian and the members of his
staff embarked on a launch which took
them to the side of the steamer bearing the
explorer. The moment the anchor was
dropped the crown prince sprang up the
gangway. Dr. Cook at the same time ap
peared at the head of the ladder. The peo
ple In the surrounding boats, who had ex
pected from the newspaper pictures to see
a bearded man, recognized the explorer for
the first time and aent up a loud cheer.
Prince Christian, who Is a tail and hand
some young man, was dressed in a silk hat
and frock coat. He grasped the hands of
the shabby explorer and congratulated
htm on his achievement, and welcomed him
warmly in the name of the Danish nation
and the geographical society, of which the
prince Is president.
Prince Yaldemar, brother of Klpg Fred
eilck, in an admiral's uniform, accompanied
by a party of naval officials, city officials,
delegates from societies and the minister
of commerce, followed the crown prince up
the side of the steamer and the explorer
was almost smothered in the friendly group
of uniforms and officials in black coats
and silk hats.
"Dkl you reach the North pole. Dr.
Dalduffs C
Location ?
V. F 1 ffTIW
Cook?- the corrf spondent of the Associated
I'ifSs nskd.
llearrirma Ilia Kaplolt.
"Yes, I iIM," replied Pr. Cook.
After much hnmlshnklng Crown Prince
Christian said to the explorer: "Come
ashore with me, pleas ', tho people are wall
ing to see you.
Pr. Cook FRhl something about his bsg
eage. "My people wi 1Mik after your bag
Kane," the crown prince snM. and took Pr.
Cook to the royal launch. When the launch
approached the pier with Prince Christian
and Pr. Cook by his side, a tremendous
roar of cheers burst out from the people on
Shore, and from the assemblage of small
craft, Including yachts, moiorboats. land
ing boats from tho Russian warship In the
harbor and racing shells, clustered thick
about the ph r.
Pr. Cook stepped ashore and In an Instant
the police were powerless to make a way
for the party. Pr. Cook and. those about
him were engulfr-d and swept along by a
clamorous crowd. Maurice F. Kgan, the
Amirlcan minister, and the Panlsh offi
cials liteially clung to Pr. Cook. Together
the 'party fought lis w ay desperately to a
point near the Meteorological building. Pr.
Conk wad bruised and capless and part of
hi sleeve was torn off.
Crowd Morse Thnn Foot Ball.
"I Used to be a foot ball player, but this
Is the worst I ever saw," he panted.
Pr. Cook and Mr. Kgan finally succeeded
reaching a balcony of the Institute. The
people crowding the streets and adjoining
park Jelled frantically when they appeared.'
Mr. Kgan waved his hand to warn Pr.
Cook as an Introduction, whereupon the
explorer niude a brief address In English.
"My friends," he said, "I have had too
hard a time getting here to make a speecll.
I can only say that I consider it an honor
to be able to put my foot first on Danish
After more cheering Commodore Ilov
gaard took Dr. Cook In a carriage and drove
with hlrh through the crowded streets to
the Phoenix hotel, ' where he will be the
guest of the (leugraplilcal society. The
hallways of tho hotel were decorated with
American flags' and masses of flowers.
Johan Hansen, the minister of commerce,
and a committee of the Geographical so
oiety gave a reception to Pr. Cook at the
hotel. The minister made a speech of
welcome, In which he said:
Ilanquet at Town Hall.
"Uefore retiring to your much needed
rest, Pr. Cook, 1 hope you will give Us an
opportunity of bidding you welcome to
Denmark. I thank you on behalf of my
countrymen for the noble deeds which you
so successfully have performed."
The minister then invited Dr, Cook on'
behalf of the government, the municipality
and the Oeographlchal society, "as our
honored guest," to a banquet today at the
town hall.
Dr. Cook thanked the minister briefly
"for the very kind reception you already
have granted In Denmark and with which
I feel most delighted. "
Minister Hansen, over a bottlo of cham
pagne, then led in "three cheers and a long
life for Dr. Cook."
The members of the reception committee
withdrew and were succeded by a numer
ous delegation of tailors, bootmakers and
barbers. The explorer placed himself In
their hands and several tradesmen were at
work on him at the same time.
At the end of an hour Dr. Cook emerged
with his hair neatly trimmed; his mous
tache cropped close and a new suit, hat
and boots. He then went to the American
legation and had luncheon with Minister
Dr. Cook will stay In Copenhagen for a
few days as the guet of tlie government,
waiting the arrival of his wife. He Will
then go to Itelglum.
Captain Cag-n! Relieves.
ftOMB. Sept. 4.The entire Italian press
Is extending an ' enthusiastic Welcome to
Frederick A. Cook, the American explorer,
who reached Copenhagen today. Kven
Captain Umberto Cagnl, who accompanied
the duke of the Abruzxl to the polar re
gions In moo. now that fuller reports have
been received of the time It took Dr. Cook
to travel from the eighty-second parallel
to the pole admits that Dr. Cook Is the
first person to reaoh the North pole.
Explorer Talks at length to Large
llol- of Correspondents.
COPENHAGEN, Sept. 4.-The most de
tailed account of his polai Journey as yet
given by Dr. Cook was gained from him
by a large body of newspaper correspond
ents whom he met this evening at the Ho
tel Phoenix. Dr. Cook, at the request of
tho correspondents, consented to answer all
questions. First he was asked whether or
not the first account of his discovery of
the pole could be accepted as entirely hii
own work. He replied In the affirmative,
except for the obvious errors In transmis
sion. He then explained the doubt about
tho 30.00U square miles discovered, saying
that he meant that they were able to see
fifteen miles on each side during their
Journey to the pole, and that therefore a
hitherto Unknown territory of 30,000 square
miles was now discovered.
Dr. Cook proceeded to show that he was
fully competent to take all observations,
saying that on previous exploring expedi
tions he did very little observation work,
which usually was divided among the mem
bers of the party. "This time," he Con
tinued, "we bad started out to reach the
pole and everything else was of secondary
consideration. It waa not possible to carry
certain apparatus, and It was Impossible
also to study the deep aea or take sound
ings. Plenty of Modern Instruments.
"We carried all necessary simple instru
ments for astronomical observations and
we were lucky to obtain observations vir
tually every day. The positions noted most
have Been nearly correct. We had three
chronometers, one watch, compass and ped
ometera. All were carefully controlled by
each oilier from time to time. The watch,
however, got out of order.
"We had all the modern Instruments
which other explorers have had, Includ
ing thermometers, barometers and sex
tants of the latest models. It Is pos
sible that our observations were bclier
than those of earlier days, but I do not
assert that. I um perfectly familiar with
making astronomical observations, espe
cially in the polar regions. I think that
all explorers will be satisfied with my
"Why should I sit down and Invent ob
servations?" he exclaimed. "1 aid not dd
this thing fur anything but aport, and be
cause I take a real interest In the prob
lem. It would not do me any good to
Invent these things. The only witnesses
l had were two Hsklmos, certainly, but
In all polar expeditions observations have
been made by one man. I regard the
Kakluio as much more Intelligent in find
ing positions than the white mao In the
Arctic. These veip)u as a rule are not
absolutely ignorant. They know that the
earth is round. They have a name for
the pole, which they call the 'big nail.'
They appreciato the work of explorers
when participating therein.
"I think lUHinussen has obtained some
information regarding my expeditions from
the Kskimos. who have learned It from the
two men. ltaitumssen was there much
later and his information will be published
shortly, possibly tomorrow.
Polar Ice Moving.
"Concerning the Ice around the pole, aa
far aa I could seo, it Was aMghtly more
active there than at one or two derrees
south. It drifted somewhat more to the
south and east. Its general character Is
not very different from that of other places.
W staved around the pole for two days
making many ubscr ntiona. t do not claim
to have put my fin sir on the exact spot:
I dr not claim to have put my foot on it.
but personally I think we have been at the
spot. When the observations have been
figured out aualn It Is possible that there
will be found slight errors and differences,
but I am certain tint a potshot fired from
whre we were would bave passed over tho
"We planted the Stars and Ptrlpes at
what We believed to be the pole, but did
not leave the fU wlh a staff., Instead I
Plated a small silk flag In a cvllnder with
ray card and the record of the .tourney with
the date. The dtift Ice may carry the flan
away, but to m that Is a matter of Indif
ference. I should have been very glad to
have found land there.
"I am quite prepared to plare my ob
servations before any geographic! society
In the world. 1 think there Is no 1oubt
about my obtaining authorltlve recognition
I have already received telegrams from the
j geographical societies of Sweden, Norway,
Denmark, Belgium and other countries,
Which congratulate me. while" Amundsen.
NordenskJoH, fa grit and I.eopinte have ac
knowledged my wo'k. t offer my observa
tions to scientists the same as other men
have done and I accept the responsibility.
"As to the temperature at the polo. It
was minus 3X. I took about 4f0 photograph.
one of which shows the American flag
flying. These an yet have not been de
speed Not I'nnannl.
Questioned regarding hip great speed, Dr.
Cook said:
"The dally distance covered on the
northward trip was slightly less than fif
teen miles, on the southward trip It was
ten miles. This Is not an abnormal dis
tance for Ksklmos on the- Ice. They ofen
travel fifty or slty miles with dogs. One
of the greatest advantages of our trip
was that I did not take a famine route.
We had game for a long time, perhaps
for 100 miles. We fed our dogs well
throughout the winter In Greeland and
ran them 400 miles, giving them fresh
meat every day. Thus we brought them
to the Polar aea fui and well. We had
the host men and best dogs.
"We lived entirely on drlef meat and
beef tallow, reducing the food problem
to a science. The last trace of animals
we saw, was a bear track at S3 degrees.
Afterwards we did not even see life In
the water, except alRne. The drift of the
Ice during the entire Southern trip was
slightly south of cart; the direction of the
wind was generally south of west. We
found several of Sverdrup's old camps.
The reason we utilised silk tents on some
occasions was that we were so exhausted
that we had not strength to build a snow
shed. We had Carefully figured and
planned everything so that there was no
surplus welsht t6 carry. We did not run
short except when we went astray.
"During the expedition we ate all kinds
of meats. I like musk ox best, but we
would eat bear or fox If the other was
not obtainable. Everything tastes good
when one is starving. We brought ten
flngs back with us, the others having been
eaten by their companions. We used the
lasso, traps and bows and arrows to catch
game. It took two months to learn how
to trap a moose. One of the men shot an
Elderj duck with arrows."
Dr. Cook concluded his observations with
a reference to the kind way he had been
treated by the king, who was greatly in
terested In bis adventures. He stated
that he waa going to New York as soon
as possible. He will remain here for a
few days and then, will proceed to Brus
sells, where he Is a member of the Polar
club. Ho assured Ills hearers that he did
not waut to go to the pole again, cither
north or south.
(Continued from First Page.)
Company Employes' Benefit association
will be held at Hennlngton tomorrow. The
picnickers will go to the neighboring
In a special train over the Northwestern,
leaving tho t'nlon station at 8:30 and
arriving home at 8 o'clock In the evening.
Music will be furnished by Greene's band.
There will be free ice cream, candy, pop
corn and swings for the children; a game
of . baseball and a number of other sports.
These sports will Include the following
events: ' 50-yard dash for boys under 7
years of age, 50-yard dash for girls under
7 years of age, 76-yard dash for boys
under 18 years of age, 75-yard race for
fat meh weighing W0 pounds or more, W
yard dash for girls under 16 years of age,
CO-yard dash for married women, 60-yard
dash for unmarried women, 100-yard free-for-all
race, sack race for boys under VI
year of age, three-legged race, tug-of-war,
greased pole climb, flour contest,
pie-eating contest, horseshoe throwing con
test. Prizes are offered for the winners
In liiblance.
The ball game will be between the fats
and the leans, With the following line-up:
I'.its. Ieans.
John Kennedy lb B. G. Hurson
Joe Hilt 2b Tom Smith
F. A. Shaw 3li i Haze
C. p. Tracey ss T. Alton
H. A. Hansen rf Jos. Volz
Fred Mower If.. I,. B. S liiimarsn
J. H. Ashe cf J. C. V. Flshe-
ThoH. Wagner c S. Capon
K. Faulkner ,. p A. L,. Miller
Oeorge itahn p ....II J. Fenner
empires Charles Farley and Amos
The game will be called at 9:30 and each
member of the winning team whl secure
a box of 26 cigars.
Koclaliats at Turner Kail.
The Socialists of Douglas county have
prepared for a celebration at Bohemian
Tuuifr hall and , park, Thirteenth and
Doreas streets. Senator Carl D. Thomp
son of Wisconsin will deliver an address
on the work accomplished by the socialists
in the Wisconsin legislature. J. J. Krai!
of Chicago, editor of the largest Bohemian
socialist paper In the world, will speak
in the Bohemian language. One of the
features of the celebration will be a tug-cf-war
between Omaha and South Omaha.
The Bricklayers' union. No. 1, 0 strong,
will picnic at Plies lake, north of Florence.
A brass bund will furnish music and cash
prizes are offered the winners of a gamo
of baseball and In running races, Jumping
matches and other sports. Caroalls will
convey the picnickers from the Florence
terminal of the street car line to the lake.
The cm pesters w ill picnic at Council
Bluffs, the Eureka club at iiibbler's parK,
the plasterers will picnic at Nielsen's park
and others at Manawa and Benson, an
all day shoot to be held by the gun club
at the latter place.
KEARNEY. Neb.. Sept. 1 (Special.)
Thursday evening at the home of I'rof.
A. J. Mercer in this city occurred the
wedding of Miss Virginia Mercer and Mr.
Howard W. Hand of Spokane. Wash. Bev,
K. M. Johnson of the Christian church,
assisted by Bev. Mr. McEwan of the Pres.
byterlan church, performed the ceremony,
which was very Impressive,
CHICAGO, 111., Sept. 4. (Special Tele
grain.) Uewla Austin of Beatrice, Neb.,
was licensed here to WvJ Jennie Hall of
Evanston, V
Active Search for Men Who Ditched
Royal Blue Flyer.
Satchel Containing 4 4.floo M Cash
nnd Srenrltlea Itrloaatnf to
Injured Man Fonnd by
NEWCASTLE. Pa., Pept. 4 Over a
hundred detectives are here tonight
straightening out a mi' of bewildering
clues that may lead to the discovery of
the person or persons who are responsible
for ditching the Udyal Bind flyer en route
from New York to Chicago at Chewton.
But one definite fact was established.
The train ditchers, after they had" made
the derailing of the flyer a certainty, Made
across the marshy field's Irt the gonernl
direction of Wampum, a lohely foreign
settlement three miles from the railroad
and as many more from h-e. Blood
hounds, used by railroad detectives, fol
lowed a trail from the scene Of the wreck,
but after bringing up abruptly at a
slaughtering pen used by Newcastle butch
ers, at Wampum, the animals lost the
seemingly fresh scent and refused to be
goaded on any further.
Tonight the consensus of opinion was
expressed by one of the Baltimore tt, Ohio
police, when he said: i
"The train wreckers are In the vlolnlty
of Newcastle. They have not attempted
to fly, nor will they. They left the scene
of their dastardly work, and, taking a
round-about way, cams right back to the
place they started from."
On this theory the many officers here
are working. No little rivalry exists on
account of the large reward offered by
the railway company for the apprehension
of the criminals.
It is generally believed that the work
was that of either experienced railway
men or at least persons familiar with
the operation of . the railway and its
train schedules. The finding of a
sledge hammer and a crowbar near the
w reck further supports the theory, . as
the tools were branded with the railway
company's initials .and had been evi
dently taken from a maintenance of way
car stationed here. All of the Injured
at the local hospitals . will recover.
Seventeen persons are being cared for at
the railway company's expense.
Date today $14,000 was deposited at a
local bank by railway secret service
men to the credit of Henry Millard of
Lafarge, Wis., who lies injured at the
'Shenango sanitarium. Millard carried
a grip from New York City containing
this amount in negotiable bond, securi
ties and cash and had placed the satchel
under a seat In the day coach. When the
train was ditched the satchel was
lost for a time, but was recovered by
railway employes. 1
The body of lnglnper O. A. Dill wa
taken to his home In Chicago Junction
tonight, accompanied by his widow. Dill
never had a chance for Ills life, as be
Jumped the wrong way arid Was" Caught
beneath the rolling locomotive and his
life crushed out.
Two Killed, Konr Injored.
PITTSBVP.a, Pa., Sept. 4 In the wreck
of tho Hoyal Blue limited train on the
Baltimore & Ohid railroad neaf Chewton,
Pa., at 12:25 o'clock, the following -persons
were killed and Injured, the list being given
out by the railroad officials:
The dead:
CHARLES A. DILL, Chicago junction,
ga gem aster, Chicago Junction, O.
The Injured: . r ,
E. P. Cavanaugh, chief boiler Inspector
Baltimore & Ohio railroad, Baltimore.
Henry C. Millard, passenger, 64 years
old, at Bhenango Valley hospital, New
castle. The two latter Were the more
seriously injured. A score of others were
considerably bruised.
According to Ceneral Superintendent B.
Finney, It was a deliberate case of train
wrecking. A rail on the right side was
cut and the spikes pulled on both aides
nearly the entire length of tha rail. The
spikes were pulled by a bar. The bolts
and nuts of the Joint showed they had been
removed with a wrench. One Splice bar
was placed between the rails to keep them
from going together. The motive for the
act, whether revenge or robbery has not
been determined.
Officials of the United States Express
company here stated today that no money
was aboard the train No. 5, known as the
Boyal Bluo limited, wrecked at Newcastle
early today. The statement of the express
company officials, It is believed, ellntnateg
the robbery motive of the train wreckers.
Bl Reward Offered.
BALTIMORE. Md.', Sept. 4. Vice Presi
dent and General Manager George L. Pot
ter of the Baltimore & Ohio railroad today
telegraphed General Superintendent Finney
of that road at Pittsburg to offer a reward
of t25,000 for the arrest and conviction of
the persons guilty of wrecking the Haiti
more & Ohio flyer at Chewton, Pa., last
night. Bloodhounds have been put on the
trail of supposed perpetrators.
i Banker Commits Suicide.
IRON WOOI i, Mich. Sept. t-Fotmrr Tre
! Idi nt lernmn P. Jahn. of the First NSt
lo'.al bank ef Iron wood, committed suicide
this afternoon by hoot inn hliuself through
the hvart. The bank failed In June and
toe president and other orriclals were to
have been tried In the federal court at
Marquette next week on crlmiual charges.
P'.rt '
NEW tllKK.;
k. t TliAMPTON..
Arrlrd. '
L PrornM....
K. A. Victoria.
N. A mat.rdt m
. . Hararford.
.. Duoa irabruaal.
.. Luiarhlai4.
.Car outs
. Lauraatua.
A beer juet rajted to quaff at home
a night-cap for the sociable evening
a refreshing dranght for the late
supper a delightful glass to eip under
the evening lamp. Stats and Stripes
is a foaming, eparkiing beverage for
the keen palate for th connoissieur.
Hava a casa delivered to your mi
Willow Springs Browing Co.
effiea, 1407 Banker St
raoae Dou. 1304.
Tho Tailor
Young Men
Th tailor who hold th young
men's patronage Is undoubted lender.
For they demand the most expert cnt
ting, the newest patterns and tha fin
est workmanship.
It Is a fact that most well
dressed men are our patrons.
Our force of experts and ,
superb line of woolens are
the secret.
Prices: Suits $25 up1
1213 FetxTuniSt.Onuih4
If5a.I2thSt. Lincoln
Open evenings too busy making
clothes to close.
He Demand
For Loans
by members of this Association,
who are building or buying
homos, is so great that we now
need more snvcra. If you becomo
a saver with us your money is
loaned to your fellow members
and secured by their homes.
Our nJnn offers a wife and prof
itable investment for systematic
saving. We add dividends every
six months.
You may withdraw any time
on thirty days' notice.
Our literature is free for the
8. K. Cor. 16th and Dodge Ht.
O. W. Loomls, Ireldeut; G. M. Sat
tlnger, Becretary-Treasurerj W. It.
Adair, Alstant Secretary.
Asset. $2,800,000 Itoaervo, $(rO,000
Gentle Dentistry
Very frequently I am asked
liow 1 can work so rapidly and
yet ao thoroughly.
I'm able to do this princi
pally because I first allay the
pain In the teeth. The aver
age peron does not hilnd the
pulllnfr and pushing of Instru
mentation so lung as Urn re
Is no acute pain. On the other
hand nothing retards the work
o much aa a patient made
fretful by pain.
Killings 11.00 and up.
Dr. J. B. Fickes
210-217 Hoard of Trade.
Itoth I'houcs.
1 0th and Farnam St., 8. Vf.
Work While
You Sleep
Millions of people have CAS
CARETS do Health work for
them. If you have never tried
this gnat health maker Get a 10a .
box-and you will never nse any
other bowel medicine. su
-CASCAftKTA bn for a week's
treatment, all drujjtma Bipe acliet
In Ih woruL MIlUou boseaa mouth.
We make ill we tell
Omaha Trunk Factory
vrm alao awrry a fine lis of leather gooat
Sottff. 106B iJM9 rai-naiu St.- Ind. A.-10&S
Call Us
by 'Phone
Whenever you wnt
something call 'yhone
Douglas 238 and malt
tt known tnrougb a
Bee Want Ad.
Trailing Stamps
l.M la ftauitis tlt
cin witn each tare
doren case of email
wa ii as u
bottles. 4e
ilvered In
he elty fur.
B3.00 If stamps
aivn With .b twe
doiam case of larsa
bottias. do- pr) nr
the elty for. .V
Oat of town eue
tomers arid ll.Zt tut
rase and bottln
Brewery. Hlefcery.
Than Doug. leak.
ajajajm in tmmi in um wwwwr 1 1 i'iih am 1 1
bftiar-ii. rat. M..i' m...4
Em. m. i Mi ii mil sin auinr m l u i
ii a i . .J . I