unday Bee. NEWS SECTION WEATHER FORECAST. For Nebraska Fair and wiu'inrr. For Iowa Fair. For weather report eo pne.o 3. PACES I TO VOI XXXIX-NO. 12. OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 5, 1X)9-SIX SECTIONS Till RTY-SIX PAGES. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. STEAMING TEST FOUCltUISEKS Eight Shipi of Pacific Fleet Will Begin Long: Endurance Ran u Today. Death Pact Is Executed In Cemetery Hoboken Man Kills Wife and Self at TAFT CABLES MESSAGET0 COOK President Congratulates Explorer on His World-Baffling Feat. EXPLOItEtt COOK IN COPENHAGEN Discoverer of North Pcle is Given Great Reception on Arrival at Danish Capital. cc A ev' Grave of Woman's First Husband. FIRST STOP AT HONOLULU PRIDE OF AMERICANS STIRRED AUDIENCE WITH THE KING Fhe Omaha Run from San Francisco to Be Made at Eighteen Knots. SLOWER TRIP TO ADMIRALTY After Coaling, Fast Schedule Will Be Resumed to Manila. EXPECT TO MAKE RECORDS Vfiifli Are to lie Tested from Kverr Naval Standpoint Month's Ilattle Prartlre Off the Philippines. t AN FRANCISCO. Cal.. Sept. 4 In full war paint, dull grey, the first squadron of the Pacific fleet, .fomprlning eight of the fastest armored cruisers In the Ameri can navy, will steam through the Goldei Cate tomorrow on the first leu of a six months' cruise to the far east. With two exceptions each warship Is equipped with eighteen guns, ancj Is of 13.M0 tons burden. Two, tho Tennessee and the Washington, have twenty guns each and are of 14,500 tons burden. Kvery ship has 23,000 horsepower. The object of the voyage Is to test the efficiency of the vessels. According to Rear Admiral Uriel Beboree. who will command the squadron, the cruisers will steam to Honolulu at eighteen knots an hour. After remaining at the Islands for three weeks they will proceed to the Admiralty Islands at twelve and one-half knots, take on, 12.000 tons of coal, and resume the elghteen-knot speed to Manila. Month's Ilattle Practice. They are due In the I'hilipplnes Novem ber 1, when they will begin a month's battle practice. The third aquadron of five protected cruisers and seven gunboats, In command of Hear Admiral Giles B. Harbor, will Join them there. On December 1 the first squadron will be separated Into four parts. The Tennessee (Sebree'a flagship) and the Washington will go to Shanghai, and two each of the others to Kobe, Hong Kong and Yoko hama. At the tnei of two weeks the ves sels will exchange positions remaining in Chinese and Japanese waters until Janu ary, when they will reassemble at Manila for the return trip. After Afw Steaming; Rrcord. An effort will be made to establish new long distance steaming records and the squadron will be tested from every naval standpoint, ' Excluding the North Carolina, the Mon tana, the Brooklyn, the squadron under Se bree's command represents tha entire ar mored cruiser strength of the navy and Is the fleet that would be assembled for a swift service cruise In case of war. Conse quently lis achievements on tha coming voyage will be watched with great Interest by the naval experts. The vtasels are the Tennessee, Washing ton, California, South Dakota, West Vir ginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania and Colo rado. INCREASED REVENUE FOR THE MILWAUKEE ROAD Annniil Heport Indicates Four Per Cent Advance In Karnlna-s from , Freight Traffic. MILWAUKEE, Wis., Sept 4.-The forty fifth annual report of the Chicago, Mil waukee Sk St. Paul Railway company, given out today by Secretary K. W. Adams In this city, and which la for the fiscal year ending June 30, I'M), shows the total operating revenues of the company for the year to have been 169.897,463.49; total tiperaltng expenses, J38,731.23S.60, which ex cludes taxes, leaving the net operating revenue. S21.liSfi.244.89. The total fixed charges, Interests on bonds, etc.. paid during the year ending June 30, 1909. amounted to 16,805,717.60. leav ing on that date a balance' of $12,881,831.78 as the clear profit for the year, as against H1.MT.02SI 67 as the balance vfor the yAr ending June 30. 1Mb, after paying fixed charges amounting to (5.916,760. The total revenue from freight traffic last year was H2,S41,6."i0.62. as against $40, 4K.879.64 for UKJ8, an Increase of 11,914,770.98. r 4.74 per cent; the revenue from passen ger traffic was $12,774,861.53, as again $11. tfc3.3m.iM for I'm. an Increase of 31,497.27. CHICAGO, S pt. 4. Increasing Industrial, agricultural and mining activity is Indi cated by advance sheets of the fortnightly statement of car surpluses and shortages compiled by President Hale of the Ameri can Railway association. The statement shows that on September 1 the surplus of cars had been reduced more than 40.000, bringing the surplus down to a little more than 100,00 cars of all kinds. This Is the smallest surplus since last October. MORE PAY OR WILL STRIKE V Inflow Glass Workers Ordered to Stop Work Inlrsa Increase Is Granted. PITTSBURG. Sept. 4. A strike of win dow glass cutters and flatteners of the country has been ordered by President Shinn of the National union, effective today unless the new scale advancing wages 20 per cent is accepted by the American window glass company. Six plants in dif ferent parts of the country, employing 5,000 men when In full operation will be af fected by the order, but it is understood that only about 1,40 men are at work at present WESTERN MATTERS AT CAPITAL lecretary of the Interior Decides Two ebrn.ka I.aad Cases. (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON, Sept. 4. (Special.) The secretary of the interior has affirmed the decision oi the land office In the appeal of Wi'liam W. Armstrong In holding for cancellation his homestead entry upon the contest of Elsie Surber, In the Alliance district In Nebraska. He also rejected tbe appeal of Phillip K. IHinn to make a soldier additional homestead entry to the Uucoln land district NEW YORK, Pept. 4. Charles A. Orla munder, a musician, B5 years old, "hot his crippled wife dead tonight and then killed himself with the same revolver at the grave of the woman's first husband. The bodies were found In the Hoboken cemetery In such a position that It is thought the wlfs must have been leaning forward on her crutches over the grave when her husband shot her. After she fell he evidently wiped the blood from her head, as a handkerchief stll! wet with blood was found In his coat pocket At the sound of the two shots the super Intendent of the cemetery hurried toward the direction of the reports. He found the woman dead at the feet of thp man, who was sitting; on a bench, still brnthln-? faintly. He died before he could be taken to a hospital. A curt letter to an undertaker founl Iri Mrs. Orlamunder's handbag pointed straight to an agreement between wife and husband to die together. "Bury us and whatever the expense you will be paid," It declared. A card In Orlamunder's pocket gave the name of a friend, who, an endorsement stated, would provide money for the funeral. Orlamunder had married the widow of his employer, the owner of a Jersey Citv beer garden, where for many years he had led the orchestra. A deed of title from the first husband to the burial plot where the twb chose to die was found In the wife's handbag. Clyde Fitch Dies in France American Playwright Passes Away Following an Operation for Appendicitis. CHALON8-SUR-MARNE, Sept. 4. Clyde Fitch, the American playwright died at 9:0 this evening. He had been unconscious since 3 o'clock In the afternoon. The doc tors and his friend, Eugene Uauthler, were present at 'the bedside. Death was due to appendicitis, following an operation, Mr, Fitch was stricken with an acute attack while traveling from Ger many, and upon his arrival here under went an operation at the hands of Dr. Alquler. The patient rallied somewhat after the operation, and yesterday showed some signs of Improvement He suffered a relapse last night, however, and al though he was fully conscious during the early hours today the improvement in his condition was not - maintained. After marked delerlum ha lapsed Into uncon sciousness about S o'clock In the afternoon, at which time tha attending physicians gave up hope of his recovery. NEW YORK, Sept. 4. Clyde Fitch, easily the most prolific of younger American dra matists, was born at Elmlra, N. Y., In lHti8 of English ancerters, who settled In Con necticut early m the seventeenth century and left descendants who have been prom inent In the religious and political life of the country ever since. After an early education under private instruction at home, he was fitted for college at Holder ness, N. II., and was graduated from Am herst in 11 Among the best known of his plays are: Nathan Hale the Cowboy and the Lady, Barbara Frletschle, Sappho (from the French), the Climbers, The Girl and the Judge, The Last of the Dandles, The Girl With the Green Eyes. Her Own Way, Her Great Match and latterly The Girl Who Has Everything. GlrlB, The Blue Mouse (from the German), and The Happy Mar- i rlage. Place Asked for Sadilck Bohemian Societies Request Wilbur Man Be Given a Foreign Mission. MILWAUKEE. Wis.. Sept. 4-Speclal Telegram.) The National Association of Bohemian-Slavonian Benevolent Societies wants one of the representatives of that race honored by the United States government. The association in this city, which closed its session today, voted by a large majority as the president to send F. J. Sadllek of Wilbur, Ne., to some foreign country as the American minister. The resolution prefers that he be sent to some country in southern Europe and urges strongly that Bohemian-Americans be given this recognition for they are of the belief that their people have always been given the butt of ridicule, rather than that of re spectful recognition at the hands of America. ur i uouu government vs. Special Privileges" LOS ANGELES. Cal.. Sept. 4 In an address before the City club today, Glf ford Plnc,hot, chief of the forestry bu reau, said he did not desire to talk about conservation of natural resources, which, he said, was one of the greatest move ments of the times. "The lines In tills country are being pretty closely drawn between those who stand for good government unci those who aland for special privileges." he said. ''The square deal Is what we seek as a weapon in the controversy between the people and the money Interests. I feel that the time has come for men to stand up and be counted. "There la a big fight coming up In the next congress and it will be on the question of water power rights. The men who control water power in the end. unless the government controls them, will control Industry. W. shall como to see that this con servation movemenils not entirely con cerned with the monopoly on resources. The men who control the natural re sources of the country should be con trolled by the whole people. Success is Due to Intelligent Effort and Wonderful Endurance. KEEN INTEREST IN DISCOVERY Minister Egan's Message to State Department Regarded as Official. NO COMMENT UNTIL SATURDAY President Had Nothing: to Bay Regarding; Discovery I'ntll He Received Personal Cable cram from Dr. Cook. BEVERLY, Mass.; Sept. 4. President Taft today made hi first official comment upon the reported discovery of the North pole by Dr. Frederick A. Cook. In answering a cablegram sent to him by Dr. Cook, reporting that he nnd reached the coveted point, Mr. Taft cabled back his warmest congratulations, declaring that the prldo of all Americans had been stirred by the news and the report that the world baffling feat had been accomplished by an American citizen. The exchange of cable grams was as follows: ' "COPENHAGEN, Sept. 4. 1909 President the White House, Washington: I have the honor to report to the chief magistrate of the United States that I have returned after having reached the North pole. "FREDERICK A. COOK." "BEVERLY, Mass., Sept. 4, 1909 Fred erick A. Cook, Copenhagen, Denmark: Your dispatch received. Your report that you have reached the North pole calls for my heart iest congratulations and stirs tha pride of all Americans that this feat, which has so long baffled tho world, has been ac complished by the Intelligent energy and wonderful endurance of a fellow country man. "WILLIAM H. TAFT." President Taft has taken the keenest interest In the news regarding the dlsoovery ever since the brief bulletin was received on Wednesday afternoon. Always A great newspaper reader, he has taken a deep Interest In the controversy which Dr. Cook's feat has aroused among the Arctic experts. Minister Egan's cablegram of last Thurs day to the State departrmsit announcing that Dr. Cook's accomplishment had been confirmed by the Danish commissioner for Greenland was repeated to the president, but he withheld any comment until re ceiving today the personal cablegram which Dr. Cook evidently filed as soon as lie reached the Danish capital. The secretary of the interior, Mr. Ball lnger, Is expected in Beverly on Monday anil doubtless will bring with him the reports called for by the president from various officials of the Interior depart ment. Mr. Balllnger after scanning these reports in Washington, yesterday an nounced that the department had nothing to fear as to the course of any of Its officials. President Taft's slight attack of sciatica had so far disappeared today that he re sumed his golf playing on the links of the Myopia club. Twenty-Five Men Buried by Cave-in Two Killed and Six Badly Hurt by Accident in Sewer at East Chicago. CHICAGO, Sept. 4. Two men were killed and six Injured at East Chicago, Ind., to day when the walls of a sewer ditch ten feet high caved In on twenty-five work men. One hundred men Immediately formed a rescuing party, but at first it ap peared as if it would be impossible to reach the burled men before they would be suf focated. The first two bodies taken out were those of the dead men. After another hour of digging It was found that all the others were alive. The boards at the end of the ditch had fallen over them In such a manner that they were protected from the crushing sand and given enough air to keep them alive. MRS. ROOSEVELT TO AWAIT HUSBAND IN KHARTOUM Has Bnsrased House There Where She Will Stay Until F.arly romlni Year. BERLIN, Sept. 4. Adolf Mayer, a kins man of King Menelik of Abyssinia, who Is in Berlin with a commission from the Abyssinian government to purchase sup piles, said today that Mrs. Theodore Roosevelt had engaged a house at Khar toum, where she would meet her hus band when he came out of the Jungle. Mrs. Roosevelt Intends to spend a couple of months In Khartoum early In 1910. Mr. Itnchot said that the same point of view which made It appear that for ests should be preserved also makes it clear that coal waste should be stopped, water power developed and lands irri gated this same point of view goes straight on and applies to the great total of national efficiency. Continuing Mr. Plnchot said: "One thing president Taft Is solemnly pledged to, with all his administration, and that is to carry out these Roosevelt policies; but what in more Important is that they have been adopted Into the minds of American people. "Suppose the present tendency should go on. We have seen great trusts build ing up. Suppose the utilities fall into the same category as the railroads. It Is a pretty picture to suppose that all these resources will fall into the hands of a little group of men to decide what parts of the country should be devel oped. I am an optimist and do r.ci o -lleve we ever shall reach that condi tion, but unless our people take the rtlon I think they will take we shall racu it very soon.' Copyrighted 1909 by the New York Mall and BRYAN LABOR DAY ORATOR Peerless Leader Will Make Address at Courtland Beach. MANY OUTINGS FOR TOMORROW Sons of Toll Will Have Blgr Time on Their Annual Day Set Apart to Honor Honest Labor. Labor's annual holiday will be celebrated tomorrow at a number of picnics to be held around about Omaha. There will be no parade as in other years, the working men being allowed to go to the various amusement parks and resorts without first being tired out by a long march, through the streets. Picnics will be held at Courtland Beach, Seymour Lake, Pries Lake, Fairmont park In Council Bluffs, Nielsen's park at Forty ninth and Leavenworth street; Lake Man awa, Benson, Hibbler's park and at Ben nington. The Courtland Beach and Ben nington picnics will take front rank, that at Courtland Beach to be for all laboring men who care to attend, and that at Ben nington being for employes for Swift and Company. The Courtland Beach plcnio will be under the auspices of the Central Labor union and a big time Is planned. This picnic Is to last three days, beginning on Labor day and continuing through Tuesday and Wednesday. William Jennings Bryan will be the lead ing attraction at the Beach, the three-time presidential candidate having accepted an Invitation to address the laboring men dur ing the afternoon. The speaking program will begin at 2 o'clock with an address of welcome by Mayor Dahlman. United States Senator Norris Brown and Constan tlne J. Smyth are also on the program for addresses during the afternoon. Long Proirram of Sports. Following the speaking a long program of sports will be given. The sborts will begin at 3 o'clock and the following la the list of events: One hundred-yard dash (union men only): Prize, ca.se Blue Ribbon beer, donated by U ay ma n & F.nigan. Misses' race (under 18 years): Cash prize of 2. Married women's race, fifty yards, for wives of union men only: Prise, pair union made shoes. One hundred-yard dash, free for all: Prise, box union made cigars. Boys' race, under 12 years: Prise, base ball mask. Fat men's race, 200 pounds: Prize, union made hat. Standing broad Jump: Prize, pair union made shoes. Putting the shot: Cash prize. Prize waltz, 4 o'clock sharp: Best Woman waltzer. prize silk unbrella: best gentle man waltzer, prize gold cuff buttons. The committee having charge of arrange ments for the picnic Is composed of A. J. Donahue. William Brltton, Ray Dougherty, J. J. Ferron, A. H, Schroeder, J. J. Kerri gan, Louis V. Guye, J. J. Lannihan and P. J. Ford. In addition there will also be a reception committee on the grounds, con sisting of thirty-six members, one from each of the affiliated labor organizations, swift's Men at Bennington. The third annual outing of the Swift & (Continued on Second Page.) Why do you pay rent when you can buy a home in Omaha with only a small payment down and balance same as rent ? Head the Real Estate col umn from day to day and you will find a borne offered for sale within your means. The Bee has found homes for hun dreds of others and can find .ijiome for you. Have you yet, today T read tbe want ads. SLUMP IN WALL STREET. Express Company. Militia and Civilians in Fierce Riot Brawl in Saloon at Frankfort, Ky., Results in Two Deaths . and Fatal Injury to Three. FRANKFORT, Ky Sept. 4.-In one of the fiercest riots ever known In this city between mtlltla and civilians, Sergeant In gram Tate of Somerset, Ky., a member of Company G, Kentucky state guards, and Jeff Cook, a civilian, were killed tonight while William Nichols, Joe Conway and Alex McNally were fatally shot. The riot began. In a tenderloin saloon following a brawl. Privates William Phlllpps and C. E. Toadevlne, members of Company O, who were standing near Tate when he was killed, Indentlfled Joe Nichols as the man Who fired the fatal shot. Nichols and eighteen others were arrested. The house was almost shot to pieces by the troops In their efforts to gain an en trance apparently to lynch the men who they thought had killed their comrade. For more than an hour the eighteen men held the fort against the regiment and the resi dents of that section of the city fled to their houses, ratting out the lights and re treitlng to the cellars for safety. All over the district any person who at tempted to leave was halted at the point of a bayonet and every waton was searched hoping to find the men who had started the riot Finally after a conference Colonel J. E. Allen, commanding the Sec ond regiment, County Judge James H. Polxgrove and Chief of Police Mangan, ac companied by other soldiers searched tho building and In the top story found the men huddled together. .They were all placed under ariet and taken o Jail, which is being guarded tonight by the coldlers to prevent the guilty people from being lynched. W.J. Bryan Has Narrow Escape Motor Car Almost Goes Over Steep Embankment at Springfield, Due to Broken Brake. SPRINGFIELD, Sept. 4. William J. Bryan narrowly escaped injury here last night when a motor car In which he was being taken to Doling park to make an address got beyond control going down a steep hill In the park. The brake broke, but the car was stopped Just on the edge of an embankment by R. P. Dlckerson, the driver. LABOR'S RIGHTS PUT TO TEST Pennsylvania Town Authorities Issue Order to Prevent Celebration on Monday. WASHINGTON, Sept. 4. The labor authorities purpose testing the right of the municipality of Vandergrlft. Pa., to forbid their holding of Labor day serv ices In that town. Vandergrlft Is the seat of a strike by the iron and steel workers. They de cided - a week ago to have a Labor day meeting Monday next, but Secretary Morrison of the American Federation of Labor was notified today that the af fair had been prohibited by the town authorities. Japanese Entertainment in Truly Oriental Style SEATTLE. Wash.. Sept. 4 The entertain ment of the Japanese commercial commis sioners today was largely In the hands of local Jananese. who for months had been preparing for the celebration of Japan day at the Alaska-Yukon-Paclflo exposition. All Japanere in the Pacific northwest who could conveniently come to Seattle to tee 'be commls.-loiie s anl the exposition did so. The thoroughfares of the exposition were hung with bo OoO Japanese lanterns and the Japanese, bflng gi anted a free hand In the matter of arranging flowers, etc., gave the fair a ttenulne oriental aspect. The day begun with a parade led by a picturesque Samurai horseman to armor. Then fol -C. JIMS SPURN SnALLENBERGER Refuse to Adopt Report Commending Governor's Administration. JEFFERSON STILL PATRON SAINT Founder of Democrncy Wins by a Nose In Race with Dahlman as the Greatest Man of the Party. Turning down a minority report whlcn commended the administration of Governor Shallenberger and passing a resolution to Insist upon each nominee signing the plat form, the Jlmocrats, Saturday ofternoon held a stormy mestlng and ended In adopt- lna a county platform over the protest of an appointee of the governor. The mayor was not present. , Tom O'Connor, deputy state oil Inspec tor, objected to the platform as presented and voted against It, but no attention was puld to his objection and It was adopted with a whoop and a cheer for Mayor Dahl man. Joe Butler, who at a previous meeting wished to substitute the name of the mayor for that of "this man Jefferson" was not present and the patron saint of the democracy was given the credit for being the promulgator of the foundation principles of the party. Teat of Platform. The platform, as adopted, is as follows: We declare our devotion to all the es sential principles of human liberty enun ciated by Thomas Jefferson and approved by democracy since the formation of our national government We denounce the Aldrlch tariff bill as not recponlve to party pledges or the d- mands of the peopia tor relief from un just burdens. We leiieiate our oerunna tor me i emu lation ot the liquor traffic by local author ities as has been the rule under the Slo- cumb law for twenty-eight years as against the impracticable experiment oi proniomun which has proved a dismal failure where ever tried in this country, for more than fifty years; we are likewise opposed to county option and regard It as the first step towards prohibition. We disapprove the governor's action In signing the spurious so-cailed daylight bill contrary to the state democratic platform fur home rule on which he was elected, and contrary to his repeated assurances given our home people dunng the cam paign. We endorse the splendid business ad ministration of the Honorable James C. Dahlman, mayor of Omaha. W'e are opposed to life tenure In public office. The majority of the candidates on the republican ticket named by Kosewaler have been feeding at the publlo crib dur ing their residence in Douglas county. Chairman Reagan made an Impassioned speech to the crowd of the faithful in which he scored Governor Shallenberget as a traitor to his party and declared that "the only safe way to get democratic candidates to stand by their promises is to make them sign those promises before they are elected." He counselled the party to take issue this fall on the liquor ques tion and not to wait until next year, telling his hearers that the Anti-Saloon league, "backed by 85 per cent of the republican party," is now organizing Uie county. The chairman appointed as members of the execJtlve committee: Thomas J. Flynn, Jeff.- W. Bedford, Charles A. Tracy. C. M. Blum. W. T. Canada, Frank Riha. Charles E. Fanning, Maurice Yost and J. J. Ryan. To this committee was delegated the authority to fill vacancies In the tickul. Vollva Mast Stay In Jail. CHICAGO. Sept. 4. Wilbur Glenn Voliva, who succeeded the late John Alexander Dowle as head of the re ligious cult at Zlon City and who has been serving a six months' Jail sentence for failure to pay a llu.000 Judgment ob tained by a former parishioner on a libel charge, was denied his freedom on a writ of habeas corpus here today. lowed 100 or more automobiles, carrying the commissioners and the Seattle business men. The four Japanese women with tiie visitors wore native dress. At the exposition gate a national pageant was funned which absorbed the automo biles. F.fty Sumaral In ancient armor were followed by loll flower girls In native dress. Then rime 2utt merchants In native costume and after them SOU Japanese representing the various trades and professions of Japun with the garb appropriate to each. Two beautiful girls, riding on a temple float and representing the Goddesses of Wealth and Beauty, threw 80,000 Japanese cofis to tbe crowds as they passed. American is Introduced to His Majesty by Minister Egan. FLAG AND BOX AT THE POLE Further Details of the Trip to the Farthest North. BANQUET AT MUNICIPAL HALL Dr. Cook, In Modest Uprrrh, Attributes Much of Ilia fiiiiTin to (.mill Work of Knklinos and Hogs. COPENHAGEN. Sept. 4. Dr. Frederick A. Cook stepped from the steamer llanse Gcde In Copenhagen harbor on the arm of thp rrnwi prince of Denmark at 10 o'clock thli morning, unshorn and looking like a sailor before tho mast. He t down to dinner at f o'clock this evening In the city hall, the guest of a brllllawt company of the cnpltnl's must dlstlnaiilshcd nvn and women, arrayed In evening dress provided by the king's tailor. The hours between these events were the busiest of his life. Polar exploration never afforded anything half so crowded with variety nnd excitement. They were hours of spptchmaklitg, handshaking, bowing to clamoring crowds, and then, after address ing the people, who almost to"e him to pieces In their eagerness to see tho dis coverer of the pole, Dr. Cook was the recipient of formal welcomes at the hotel where he Is tho government's guest. Thero he passed through the hands ot tailors, outfitters and barbers. Later he lunehed with Dr. Maurice F. Euan, the American minister, being piled Incessantly for an hour with questions. He went through hundreds of telegrams, including congratu lations from geographical societies of several nations, explorers and friends, of fers of exploitation ranging from books to music hall engagements, and then hurried to the palace and gave the king and other members of the royal family a long account of his adventure. Tnlks to Correspondents. Returning to his hotel, he received a battalion of correspondents, who subjected him for another hour to a merciless cross examination, demanding explanations of all the criticisms that have been levelled against his clulms. These questions Dr. Cook answered frankly and fully. What ever may be thought of Dr. Coiik else where, he has impressed all who talked with him here as u modest, straight forward and able man. Danish explorers and Denmark Is the home of many were the first to endorse Cook's claims to the discovery of the pole and his methods of getting to the goal. Their opinions were based primarily on personal knowledge of Dr. Cook's character and former achieve ments. Only after consulting them con fidentially and receiving the fullest pro nouncement of their belief In the genuine ness of his feat did the Danish government give It Its official seal by today's reception to Dr. Cook's good faith. llnnquet ut Municipal Hall. The banquet this evening was held In the magnificent municipal building. Four hundred persons, many of them women, attended, while thousands congregated In the streets In a drenching rain storm to catch sight of the explorer when he en tered. 1 There was a preliminary reception In the lofty and spacious entrance hall. The spectators, with so many of the men wearing orders, must have Impressed the explorer by contrast with his recent ex periences. The company marched upstairs to the air of the "Star Spangled Banner." After all had been seated the minister of commerce, Johan Hansen, escorted Dr. Cook to the chair of honor amid a demon stration which caused htm to color deeply. Minister Kgan sat at Dr. Cook's right with the mayor of Copenhagen and Miss Egan beyond. Mis. Garnet, a wealthy Copen hagen woman, who has contributed exten sively to Arctic exploration and has been closely Identified with It. was at the chair man's left. The menu card was an ex ample of enterprise with a lithograph of the crown prince greeting Dr. Cook and a map of the Arctic circle giving Dr. Cook's route and a fac simile of his auto graph, with the date, which was a repro duction of a souvenir he gave Miss Egan, The speeches teemed with compliments of Dr. Cook. Tho mayor of Copenhagen said that the name was once more en rolled among the great explorers. Min ister Kgan proposed a toast to the king of -Denmark and the corporation president In proposing a toast to the president ot tho United Stall's spoko of the pride that must be felt by the nation which could boast that it was her son who first planted the flag where no human being had ever be fore set foot. Toast to the Kxplorer, The minister of commerce, in proposing the health of Dr. Cook, paid a warm tri bute to "his noble deed." He thanked ulm for spending a little time In Denmark, and said that tin privations of the explorer were appreciated most by the men of Den mark there, tonight, whose names are writ ten with honor on the Ice rocks of Den mark's northern colony. When tiie nation was first thrilled with the news of Cook's exploit lie said he must confess there was somo skepticism, but afterward it was confirmed and he hoped that Dr. Cook would try for the South pole with the same success. When the minister raUed his glass to "our nohlo guest" there were nine hur rahs. Commodore lluvuard spoke from the standpoint of an expert explorer and com mended Cook's methods. Speech of Dr. Cook. Dr. Cook replied ill a few words, mod estly saying: "I thank you very much for the warm and eloquent words, but I am unable to express myself properly. It was a lather hard day for me, but I never enjoyed a day better. The Danes have taken, not only an acilve part fn polar explorations, but they have been of much Importance as silent partners in almost all Arctic ex peditions in recent years. The most im portant factor in my expedition was tho Eklmo and 'dog, and I cannot bo too thankful to the Dams for their care of the Eskimo, and now they also have Ln- I t