THK BEK: OMAHA, SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 4, 1D09. 17 UAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET at Traders Stand Back After Ad- YUice of Thursday. steadv: boxed ribs. $13 1."; chickens, 17c; ducks. WAIT FOR FEATURE TO PLAY ON fteeelpte at All Point Cnnttnae to Hun F.eee1lnaly Llaut and Thl Clve Strona Tone to Ik Cash Market. rlmr, 112 SI Bsoon, short; 111 11; clear Clear. 113 n. n ii ri Hv steady; spring, 16'c; turkeys H I'T'I KR- Firm ; creamery M.nn-iiihfr: inc. Receipts. Flour, bbls 7.400 heat, bu 79,000 Corn, bu 44.125 Oats, bu 62.900 extra short 1!He; W c; Shipments IM.) 14 0 36 500 NEW YORK STOCKS ASDBOSDS Pricei Continue to Advance, Demand it Irregular. but OMAHA. Sept. I. 1908. The whrat tnarkei was a very quiet af fair ti-,,y. Aftei (lie advance of yesterday lra,i. were Inclined u Bland uack and for ome feature lo piay on before putting out any larger linen. Receipt at all polms continue to run exceedingly light, which gives a strong tone to the cash markelH. The corn market, while some firmer, arted slow and trading wan only moderate. The rash stuff la m fine demand and values are steadily working higher. Wheat vii not active, but held firm, with little selling pressure In evldnnce Receipts are very moderate and the light WEATHER 1 THK UR4.I BELT Continued I kettles', with Probably Shower for Saturday. OMAHA. Sept. S, 1909. llatns are general this morning In the upper Mississippi valley and upper lake re gloti, and shower occurred within the lat twenty-four hour In the northwest end in cughout the central valley. The wealhar is ei.erally cloudy ard unsettled over all except the southern portion of tha country, and it will continue unsettled In this vicin ity tonight and Saturday and furrtier show ers are prohanie STEEL COMMON THE FEATURE It Ooea Above Clatity for First Time and Report la Circulated tbat It Will Rise Tea Points More. NEW YORK. Kent. I Prices continued to advance today In the stock market, with a rather desultory demand. The transaction In t'nlted States Steel dominated the whole market, enormous blocks of that security changing hands throughout the day. 1 he opening sales were of 13.600 shaies, the a .nt. n.Ai ri I orders beinar executed at 787 and 79, thus connection with the forthcoming loans. American securities opened slightly higher. I Hiring the first hour trading was limited and at noon the market was quiet and from S lo S higher than yesterday a New York closing. I'ncertalnty and Irregular movements followed. New Tork bid up Its specialties, but later the market eased again and closed quiet. Southern Pacific was weak. Offerines from countrv ahlnnera ! keenina day cash wheat at a Dremlum. It looks like a! Record steady, unchanging market for some time, unless receipts increase. Corn was higher and showed good strength on buying, particularly the near future, which followed the bulge In cash corn, the light receipts and the much Improve'! demand belg the feature for an il. herwlec slow market. 1 Primary hent receipts were 1.007,000 bu. JTt Milpinents were 644 000 bu., sralnrt IS C' Ipt MM iar of 874,009 bu. and shipments of 5i,0O0 bu. ITImsry corn receipts were f69.000 bu. and si Ir inrnts were M7.000 bu.. aga'n receipts lest year of 407,000 bu. and shipments of :C. tX4i bu. Clearances were 4 000 bu. of corn, 8.000 bu. of cam and wheat and flour equal to 366.00) hu, L'veipool closed "d lower lo Vtd higher on v. heat and VatiVl higher on corn. ttcai ,.., ot upttoua. In temneraiure has occurred everywhere eait of I he Rocky mountains since the pre ceding report, but slightly cooler weather prevulls throughout the mountains and weet to the Pacific coast. Conditions do not Indicate any Important change In lem- P-rature in tins vicinity tonignt or satur- Artli'les.. Oren. Hlgh.i Low. Close.) Tes'y. 'iini-. : i I Sept. ..I DeC... 4. cpt... tec... 0- , 8ept... Dec... of temperature and precipitation compared with the corresponding day of t lie last three years: 1909. 1H0S. 1907. 1906. Minimum temperature ... 62 61 66 M 1 r'Cipltiitlon 00 .00 .00 .00 Noimil temperature for today, 70 degrees. I'eftrl ncy In precipitation since March 1, 1.4S Inches. Iipilclei cy corresponding period In 190(1, 0.32 of an Inch. I ief iclcncy corresponding period In 1907, 5.43 Inches. Corn sat) Wheat Regloa Dalletla. For Omaha, Neb., for the twenty-four houra ending at S a m , 7r'h meridian time, Friday, Peptember S, 1909: OMAHA DISTRICT. Temp Rain- Max. Mir,, fall. 1 91HI Pl', 91H! 1 '4! 91S ;( 7Wl 7',ii , 87V) k7H mj m' ttii m'i em: 64 1 54 1 !V'k 61 3d S 3 1 34 ' 3 Caak hard. Prices. 94 (?!. c; No. No. Omsha WHEAT No. I Hard. Wji4o; No. 4 hard, kvu9lc; Hprtng, iM'fissc; bo grade, .Mic . CORN No. 2. 6.Tc; No. :i, 3V4o; No. 4. i!Sc! No. 2 yellow, Mc; No. 3 yeiiow, b4Vo; No, 2 white, 64c; No. 3 white, 64o. OATH No. a mixed, XtfMic; No. S yellow, 87S7Hc; No. 3 white, S?Vi4c; No. 4 white. .TH'itfU'c; standard oats, ,1Sc. RYE No. 3. 66c; No. S, My :6c. Carlot Receipts. Wheat. Corn. Oats Chicago fc3 277 277 Minn spoils 3.V) Omaha 17 27 20 KUluth 194 CHICAGO QpTil.V AND PROVISIONS Feat a res of the Trading; and Closing; Prices on Hoard of Trade. CHICAGO. Sept. 1 Wet weather In the Stations. Ashland, Neb SI Auburn. Neb 79 Uroken Bow, Neb. 90 Columbus, Neb... 72 Culhrrtsoi). Neb.. K9 Fslrbury, Neb.... sn Fnlrmont. Neb... 76 Or lland Neb.. 71 IH'tlngton. Neb.. 65 Hastings, Neb.... 73 Holdrege, Neb... Oakdaln, Neb i! f)maha. Neh 77 Trkamah. Neb... 68 Alta. In AO Carroll, la 60 flarlnda. Ia 79 Hlhley, la S7 Sioux City. Ia... 64 Minimum temperature period ending at I a. m. In averages. DISTRICT AVERAGES, No. .f Temp. Central. Stations. Max. Mln. Chicago. Ill 26 Columbus. 0 16 Ies Moines. Ia 14 Indianapolis. Ind.. 12 Kansas City, Mo.. 21 Louisville, Ky 18 Minneapolis, Minn. 2X Omaha. Neb 17 St. Louis, Mo 13 Showers corn and K7 Rl P6 63 1 67 69 62 00 61 59 6S 60 62 62 M 63 68 .01 .24 .00 .00 .02 .04 .00 .00 T .00 .00 .00 .15 P .11 .30 .27 .47 .08 for I Sky. Cloudy Cloudy Clear Cloudy Clear Pt. cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Clear Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudv Cloudy Cloudy twnve-hour Not Included Quotations northwest was reflected In a firm market for wheat on the Board of Trade here to day. Realising sales, however, caused a loss of part of the gain, but at the close prices were c lower to HftHc higher, com pared with yesterday'! final figures. Corn, oats and provisions also displayed con siderable strength. Interest of trader! In the wheat market centertd In weather condition! In the spring wneat country, and as scattered rains had been reported In various aeotlons sentlmeni 1 19.SO0 bbls In the pit when trading began was quit steady and bullish. An orriclal forecast or showers generally over Minnesota and the Dakota dining the next twenty-four hours streugthnrd the belief that the movement of the new crop would be delayed by the unfavorable weather. As a result the mar- Rain. Inches .42 T 6 .02 .22 .08 .22 occurred In all portions of the wheat region within the last 7i 60 74 60 00 62 78 62 m Ot 90 62 66 60 74 68 7 56 establishing the stock on a new tecorn basis. A market In which I'nited Stales Steel rose for the first time above SO, as It did late In the day, cannot be called en tirely uninteresting, yet the comparison or the sales of United States Steel wl.h the aggregate of all stocks shoas how largely that stock overshadowed everything else. The news on stell continued encouraging, but the movement In Cnlted Slates Steel was accompanied also by signs of a highly speculative origin. Pains ere taken to employ the cable to report that predictions were current In London that the price of the stock was to go to 90. Chicago sent a report that an Increase In the dividend to 4 per cent was In contemplation at the next annual meeting and to 5 per cent soon thereafter. Longer range predictions fig ured nevt year's business at an aggregate of a round 1 1.000. 000. 0U0. The failure of a stock exchange firm of minor importance passed almost without nilre, coming. aeeminlv. without areat sururise. Special strength In the Rm k Island Btorks was acrompanled by rumors or an eany resumption of dividends on Rock Island pre ferred and on St. Louis & San r ranc.sco 2d preferrtd. The copper stocks hung back and reselling of refined copper by second hands kept up the unfavorable impression of market conditions for that metal. Pre liminary estimates of the week's currency movement complied by the banks them selves indicated the balance of the move ment still In favor of New York, but for a less amount than last meek. New Turk exchange at Chicago today fell to 46 cents discount per 100 level, calling for free shipments to that point. On subtreasury operations the banks have lost to the gov ernment since the previous bank atatenient over 13,000,000. government disbursements here having been light during that period. The quiet tone of the money market seemed to leave no room for uneasiness on the part of the speculative borrowers. Honds were steadv. Total sales, par value, $3,220,000. nlted States 3s. regis tered, have declined and the coupon 4a per cent on rail since last week. Number of sales and leading quotations on stoks today were as follows: SalM.HIfh. REPORT Or THK CI.E r.I HOI KR Transactions of Ik associated Banks for the Week. NEW TORK. Sept. 8-Bradstreefa bank clearings report for the week ending Sep tember 2 shows an aggregate of $ 1.063.OM).000, ns against 12. VM. 2U5.IM) last week and I2.M4, frfifi.Ooo In the corresponding week last year. following is a list of the cities: CITIES. Amount. ! Inc. I Dec. twenty-four hours. Slightly warmer weather prevails throughout the entire region. Ij a. welsh. Local Forecaster, Weather Bureau. Pi KW TORK GENERAL MARKET on Various of tk Day Commodities. NEW TORK, Sept. 8.-FLOTmRece1pts, exports, 28.200 bbls. Market fairly active: Minnesota pat ents, 86.106.00: Minnesota bakers, tfi.l&rtj! 6.50; winter patents, tn.10tun.40; winter straights, l4.Miab.00; winter extras, f4.20rjj 4.6o; winter low grades. J41Mj4.56; Kansas straights. t4 4. :K). live flour, aulnt: fair to good, 14 15(1426; choice to fancy, 14.80 ket early in the day manifested a fair do- j ft 4 45 gree of strength. There was no leadership! CORNMEAL Steady; fine1 white and in the trade, however, demand coming1 yellow. 11.6001.66; coarse, $1.50(61.66; kiln chiefly from small brol.ers. A cnntinueil i dried. $3.60. fie movement of wheat at MlnneapolUi RY Fl Steady; No. 1 western, 66c, f. o. b., and Duluth caused the trade to hesitate in New York. following the advance, and In consequence, i BA RLFY Steady; feeding, 61OT52yc, 0. I. demand soon dropped off materially, which resulted In recessions from the high points. The market was Inclined to drag during thu greater part ot the day and prices fluc tuated over comparatively narrow raige. A brisk demand for the rash grain In the northwest and southwest helped to hold firm the price of options here. The range1 for the day on December was between 94 c and 'Mlsc and final quotations were at 94i Uncertainty concerning the exact amount of Injury Inflicted on the growing crop of corn by the recent drouth led o renewed buying of that grain by shorts, which caustd a firm market nearly all day. At the close the September delivery waa up He Dtvember was unchanged and May feu lower, oats were firm throughout the entire session and at the close prices were a made to He above the previous close. Provisions were firm all day and closed ZSfcC to Uo higher. 'iiu leaning t mures ranged as follows: A Ills-Chalmers pfd ... Amalgamated Copper . Amarlcnn Airtcultural Am. bet Sugar , Am. Can Bid Am. C. F 46 Am. H L pfd .16 Am. Ic Serurltle. . . . Americas Llnned .... Americas Locomotive Am. a. V Am. 8. ft R pfd Am. Sugar Raflnlng Am. T. A T Am Tr Lji'i Ci pfd American Woolen AT4ionda Mining Oo A'hi"iii Alrhiaot' pfd Atlantic Coast Ulna hi iiii.ore a Ohio Hal. Jk Ohio pfd Bethlehem Steal Brooklyn .Rapid Tr Canadian Pacific Central Leather (an. Leather pfd, ai-dW.. central of New Jun-y (heaapeaks Ohio ChicAgo a. Alton Chicago Oraat Waatern.. Chicago aV N. W C, M. A 8t. P C C. St. L Colorado F. A I C"l"rado a So irolo. A So. let pfd Colo, a go. M pfd Conaolldated Qaa Corn Produate Delaware aV Hudson Denver 4V Rio Grande. .... . D. A R. 0. pfd Ulatlllera' securities trie Krla lat pfd Kris 2d pfd General Electric, ea-dir ... Great Northern pfd Oreat Northern Ore ctfa.... Illinois Central Interbomugh Mat Intt.l Met. pfd Inlernattlnnai Hanreeter .. Int. Miirlna pM International Paper International Pump Iowa Canlral Kanaaa City So Low. Cloaa. It, 4ft) t4 M ) 4KH 48 f.00 41 454 no IS t:i 1,100 4S 74 2i)0 i4t 74 l,7l)i) W4 60 7J 334, SI 4. 111 1174 4.100 Ml 4 it R g.ltOO 100 Dat .U 114' 114V4 1 ,0tK 13HS M0 4,K) 142 1414k l.'-W 11)14 l'H'a 100 ) 4(1 44 44 56,600 1S lUta I'M) l'4 M- 100 1.16 134 4,1X0 114, I.IH 'i'.noo 'isH 's3i 6,100 74 O 18:'i 182' . 400 44 4 43 H 10844 lll '45'jb "us y0 US 64 4 soo 114 n 2n i4 1W4 1100 1514 1S74 r ii 744 1,600 4 444 "ioo 'tivi iii Articles. I Open. High. Low. Close. Yes y. Wheat VSept. Deo. May Corn , Sept. Dec. May Dec. Mav Pork Sept. Jan' ' Sept. f)ct. Nov. a Jan. . Ribs ' Stpt. Oct. Jan. H4 99Vi 944 98).. 686 Ti61eW 8x4 It 40W4 22 0 i7.7m 12 2ft 11 7H 10 671 11 77H 11 66 9 87W! S!"Si 40 22 90 17 8ZH 12 17H (Vol, 994r 94W 1 64 67 94H5S 97 PS 67 68458Va 38'. I 88Va 87'4l 38 22 87H! 17 72 12 25 11 27WJ 12 26 11 izy,) 11 87H 10 60 I 10 57W II 82H 11 77U 11 67S 11 K2ld 42m 37 W 22 87H 17 10 11 17Hl 11 27H 11 W 10 60 11 87H 11 s7 I 40 94, 64 67 H k ' 38 8714 4tHk 22 85 17 7H 12 22H 12 22V4, 11 824 10 62 11 75 It 621 I 36 No. 2. Cash quotations were as follows: FLOCK Steady; winter patents, $4,603 $5 00; straights. $4.30(6 15; spring patents. .6Of)5.70; straights, $45kS440; bakers. $3.16 tv4 70. RYE-No. 2. TltT73e. BARLET Feed or mixing, 46HJC0O; fair to Choice malting, o"i8oc. SEEDS Flax, No. 1 southwestern, $1.86; No. 1 northwestern, $1.41. Timothy, $2.5ii 8.. Clover. $11 16. TROVISIONS-Mess pork, per hhl., $22 87t ((122.90. iJird. per 100 lhs., $12.32V. IShort Vribs, sides (looseV 11.66ltll.8i. Short clear Guides tboxed). $ll.$;sul2 60. llt'TTKlt steady; creameries, 2444i29c: dairies. tttttc. EOOS Steady ; receipts, 8.609 cases; at niaik. rasss Included. Ike: firsts. 20c; prime firsts. 214o. t'HEF'SE Strong; daisies. 15JJ16; twins 15Hi4c; young Americas. 10c; lung horns Vcc. POTATOES Firm; choice to fancy, 60-ffl oT.c; fnlr to good. 6V8We. POCLTRY-Steadv; turkeys, 17c; chick ens 15c; springs, 16c. ' VEAIv Steady: 60 to 60 lbs.. 9tT9Uc; 60 to 86 lhs.. Vttloc; 86 to 110 lbs.. 10Vfl2c. X Total clearances of wheat flour were equal to 3t5.tU bu. Exports for the week. ' as shown by Riadstreet's. were equal to I.1KS.O0O bu. Primary receipts were 1.0O7.000 bu., compared With 874,000 bu. the corre sponding day a year ago. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 8v 'art; corn, 30 cars; oats, 245 cars; hogs. .0w) head. f.. New Tork WH EAT Receipts, 36.400 bu. Spof mar ket firm; No. 2 red, $1.07H tun elevator; No. 2 red, $1.08H prompt, f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth, $1.07, nominal, f. o. b., afloat; No. 2 hard winter, $1.104. nominal, f. o. b., afloat. The crowd stand out to bull wheat on runs In the north- I west this morning, but lost heart when receipts prevented, being heavier than ex- I pected, and In the afternoon unloaded 1 their wheat, causing a sharp exception, I especially as private cables said the Ar- genuna nrouin nun neen Drosen; rseptem- k. c. So. pfd ber closed lc higher on covering and other 1 Loularllie A N. months unchanged: September closed at : Mlun. A Ht. L. $1.07'4; December. $, May. $1.0414. J M , stt. p. A S. CORN Receipts, 4 500 bu.; exports, .50 Miaaourl Paolflc bu. Spot market firm: No. 2 (old). 79o 'a In elevator and 71'Ho. f. o. b., afloat; No. 2 (new). C3c, winter shipment. Ootlon market was without transactions, closing ".itiHc net higher; September closed at 76'4o: December closed at 674c. OATS Receipts. 61,860 bu. ; exports, 1.750 bu. Spot market stesdy; mixed, 40c, nomi nal; natural white, 38 42c; clipped white, 41347e. HAT Quiet; No. S. 76 80c; good to choice. 8510o. HIDES Easy: Bogota, 19i4(3J0Hc; Cen tral America, lSc. LEATHER Steady at WffSOe. PROVISIONS Reef, steady; family, $14.00 E 14.60; Mensan. $10 001311 M; beef hams, 4.00-626 00; packet, $12 00912.50; city, extra mess. $.5tKiiil 0. Cut meats, steady; pick led bellies, tia.76ifflS.00; pickled hams, $12.00 ih1250. I Ard, refined, steady; continent, $13.00; South America, $1150; compound, $7 6207.87V. Pork, firm; family. $22 0O 22 60; short Clear. $21.0tX32t.50; mess. $22 25 J22.7S. TALLOW Firm; city, t 11-1; country. 6 7-lii I-I60. RICE Steady; domestic, 2Vfl4c; Japan, 5S6o. BUTTER Firm; creamery, third to first, 24i MHO. . M POITLTRT Alive, stesdy; western chickens. lSl; fowls. l"V4,ai84c: turkeys, 15c; dressed, steadv; western chickens, 14 tjJOc: fowls, 164fflRc. jr;(jOfl Extrss, 26c: firsts, 21c; seconds and dirties, tic: southern, logs off. 14c. J. 4 0 4.400 1,4)0 700 100 1.100 1,400 8-0 loO 44) I.4.N) 4,400 SOO 1.8 K) 1.700 210 600 I.. ) 400 T"0 14 4 m 4S 87 X) "4 6.1 4144 147 4 1544 U4 14S 47 844 214 l'.4 IK'S 484 14414 44 1?4 4 87 M I6 i4 U4 1M4 82 1544 14 4 S 884 14 l 4:4 S4 48 700 U24 vn . It. I.onla Utaeral Market. ST. LOUIS. Sept. $. WHEAT Higher; track. No. 1 red, oaah, $1 06v,o 1 OSS ; No. 2 hard. $1 03Htvl.07; September, ll.OO; Decem ber. 9iie. CORX-Hlgher; track. No. cash. 69o; September. 7e; December, ioSflMVio; No. 2 white. 93o. OATS Higher; track. No. 1 cash, 8S4c; September, Mc; December, $7440; No. 2 while. 41c. RYE 74c. nominal. FLOUH Steady; red winter patents. $4 90 41 Vi; extra lanoy and straight, $4(034 86 I MP: extra fanoy sod strslgl J,d I winter clears, $4 154 M. Jrgl Timothy. $J.0u140. east track. 94 pral- ("OkNMEAL eJ. JO. RRAN Higher; sacked . . '--Steady; timothy, $10 OOff 15.00 1'-. noofiiioo. KH)V COTTON TIES 80c. btAOOINO 7o. HKW TWINE 7o. PltOVISK)NS Pork. Steady; jobbing. V! y. Lard, higher; prime steam. $U.a5d Dry silt meats, steady: boxed extra clear ribs, mini: snort I Dry silt lr , $12 12',; Kansas Cllr Grain and Provisions. KANSAS CITT. Pept. $.-WHEAT-Sep-tember, M4e; December. 90c; Msy, 934o; cash, unchanged; No. 1 hard, 9c!$1.06; No. $ hard, 9'ic'6$l 00; No. 8 red. fLOUffLOBH; No. S red. $1 021.04. CORN September, 82Hc: December, 64Hc; May, 57Vc: cash, unchanged to Ho lower; No. 1 mixed, 64c; No. t mixed, 64"4ttWc; No. 2 white, 64V No. S white. 64c. OATS Unchanged; No. 1 white, 42,c; No. 2 mixed. $633io. RYI"-T0T3c. HA Y Unchanged to 25c higher; oholce timothy. $U.0tv?,U.ll6. Hi 'TTER Creamery extras, I7He; firsts, ,-(; teeonds. 23v,c: packing stock, 20 4 o. K(!U,k'-Extrss, 26c; firsts, 21c; seconds a 11.I dir'.lee. 12c; southerns, loss off, 14c. neceipts. rinipments. Wheat, bu. Corn, bu. Oats. bu. ., ..170.D0O .. 60 tX .. 10.000 123.010 17.000 1,000 Kansas C'v options were as follows: Artioles. Open. I High. Low. Close. Whest September December , May Corn September December , May MB 98 2S I2HB 90'4jl 90H tW'fci JOB 94 I 94St 3Vi 934 j I I 62'i! 62SI 62V4 62HA 64, 6ft ',1 64H: 54S 67V.I 67 67 j 67 4 A A asked. B bid. Minneapolis Orala Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Mlrn.. Sept. 1. WHEAT September. SKW6Sc; December. M, SVc; May. 97c; cash: No. 1 hard. $1 GtH4 41101; No. 1 northern, 948$1 00; No. i northern. 97H(Wc; No. 1 northern, 964'J6e. FI-AXSEED Closed at 1 41V BKAN In 100-lb. sacks. $19 00. FI.OUR First patents. $. Iiyu5.38: second patents. $6 00f$25: first clears, $4 3f34 55; second clears, $3 10ft J. SO. Mllwaakee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE. Sept. 8. W H EAT No. 1 northern. $1 OtiW; No 2 northern, $1044 104W; Derember, 94094Se. OATS Rtj:",c. BARLEY Samples, 1W7Vic. 8. M. K National Biscuit Nattional Lead N. H. R. ot M. lat pfd. New York Central N. Y 0. A W. Norfolk A W North American Northern Paclfia Paclfle Mall Pennaylvanla People' Oae P., C. C. A Bt. L Praaaed Bieel car.., Pullman l'elaoe Ckr Hallway Steal Spring... Reading Rauubllc euawl Ropubllc Steal pfd Rock Island Co Hock Inland Co. pfd St. L A 8. F. Id pfd... St. Loula 8. W St. L. a. w. pfd Bloae-Sheffleld S. A I... Southern Pactfle southern Railway Bo. Rallwar pfd annaaaea Copper Teiaa A Pacific T., St. L. A W T , 81. L. A W. pfd Pacific Psclflc pfd Rualty , . , .. Rubber Steel Bieel pfd cll I hemloal Union Vnlon V. 8. U. 8. V. S. L. 8 tub Vs. -Carolina Wabaah Waiah pfd Waatern Maryland ... Weaiinghoua Klectrle W'eatern l'nlon Wheeling A L. E Wlaoonaln Central ... Klret uiiiinuiit paid. Tout sales fur tha dar. 4S0.M0 aharaa. 300 . l.'.W '. '"ioo K 100 . t.ltO . 1.IO0 410 200 . 7.00 . 1.000 . 1.7"0 . 1.700 100 . 1,400 '. " io . H.jno , 4, too . 1.004 . 10.100 . 7,400 . 4. SO '. ' 1. 7 0 . l.fiO . 14.300 t.400 .00 . i!io . i i") . 1. 10) . 4 SO . M . .)0 .204.00 . 13.700 400 . 1.000 0 . 1.6') 144 !4 7S4 v t 644 1314 44 44 84 1M74 "4 1424 114 I 61 'iott 13 14 14 H 404 784 U4 "ii" in 4 llt 314 TH ' 524 7H, 27 '4 107 I.-44 ;.J4 404 117 4 404 444 II S3 4. l.I'W roo 400 4 ;s4 104 14444 734, ioi 914 54 1344 484 44 B34 l.V4 434 141 1154 41 604 'ill' ' 1614 37S 106 3D 4 744 64 66 4 t4 1284 404 71 '4 u 70 1014 14 4144 i4 7: 114 ()44 48 :l 634 '454 7S4 10 44 444 4644 81 4 6744 744 60 13 174 yj4 4 114 1:104 141, Ml 4 K4 44 12.. Ml 13 l.4 l si 784 1IU4 I 44 '.1444 1)3 424 11 1S6 74 4i4 t: 41 784 MS 314 1V3 48 14 3844 - i64a 02 4 lu 1..4 81 4 i:o 144 44 84 31 il4 4a 30 43 73 1624 444 114S 73 744 lo; i (44 las v, 484, 414 81 4 154 334 1414, U64 41 604 1WI Ml4 1M44 38 4 10444 4 774 BK'4 344 444 81 .12U44 31 71 384 1444 (1 H4 ins 1144 83 61 80 127 4 5044 44 " 634 4 44 764 104 61 New York Chicago Boston I htladelphla St. Louis Pittsburg Kaifas City San Francisco , Baltimore , Cincinnati Mli.neapolls , New Orleans , Cltveland Omsha Detroit Iiuisville Milwaukee Fort W orth Los Angeles St. Paul Seattle 1 Denver Buffalo Indianapolis Spokane Providence Portland. Ore Richmond Albany Washington St. Joseph Salt Lnke City Columbus Mtmphls Atlanta Tacoma Kavannali Toledo Rochester HaTlford Nashville Des MolneB Peoria New Haven Sioux City Norfolk Grand Rapids Syracuse Kvansvtlle Birmingham Springfield. Mass.. Portland. Me. Augusta, (la Dayton Oakland, Cal Worcester Jacksonville, Fla.. Wichita Wheeling Knoxvllle Little Rock Chattanooga Charleston Mobile Wilmington Lincoln, Neb.. .... Wllkesbarre Topeka Davenport Oklahoma City Fall River Kalamaitoo Sacramento Springfield, 111 Helena Fort Wayne Cedar Rapids New Bedford Columbia. S. C Macon YoungHtown Lexington Fargo , Akron Rockford , Erie Sioux Falls......... Canton Quincy , Bloomlngton , Lowell Blnghamton Cluster. Pa South Bend , Decatur. Ill Springfield, O Vlcksburg Fremont, Neb Mansfield. O , Jacksonville. III... Jackson, Miss... Houston (ialveiiton Duluth 25.3 13.5 9 2 18.6 11.0 26.9 1.2 43 4 6.8 Boston Stork and Bonds. BOSTON. Sept. 3.-Moncy. call io; C4 per cent; time loans, 4$j5 per Closing quotations were: Auhisoa ad, 4a. do 4a Alchlaon R. R ... do pfd Rnatoa A Albany. Boat on A Maine. . boetos Elevated . rttchburg pfd N. V.. N. II. A h t'nloa Paolflc m. Arge. Cbem. 4o pfd Am. Pnau. Tube. Amer. Sugar do pfd Am. T. A T Amer. Wuolen ... do pfd Dom. I. A 8 Maae Flectrte ... 4o pfd Mae. Gaa t'niled fruit Vntlad 8. M ... . do pfd I'. 8. St pal do pfd Adventure Allouet Amalgamated .... Ki-dlrldend. . . 43 Arlaona Com. , ..KO Atlantic ..120 Butt coalman .. ..1044 Cal. A Ari.ona ..i !. A Hacla.... . 1! Centennial . .1S4 l upper Range ... . ;M Duly Vm . .170 rranklln . 2 I'afircmi cananea . . . 41 lall Royale ..;ui Ma a M.nlng .." .. 14 41 ih ..1) Mitchell ; . . !x4 l''ii' 1'. at C ..1414 Nevada ... .. 34 Old 1) min,on".'.!'. . .1 '-v. Osceo!a .... .. 4,4 Pi.-rit .. K Quincy . . 774 Shannon . . 46 Tamarack . .1414 Trinlijr ' .. 444 I'llllad Ciifipep .' .. V. 8. Oil .. ko I'tah " ..1274 Victoria .. 4 Winona .. 644 Woie-erln .. Il W Nortth Outi .... ns, 3 cent. .. 444, .... 11 .. 354 ..104 ..4S0 .. 444 ... 824 .. 84 .. II . '.. 14 .. 84 .. 74, .. I: .. 16 .144 ... 43 .. II ... 14 ...70 ... 114 ...67 .11 .. . 44 ... St, ... 44, ... ;4 York Mining Blocks. NEW YORK, Sept. 8 Closing quotailunn were as fol,ows: $ 243.iMD.OMO; 136.8it8.0w0; 1.48,4S2.0Ul 61.936,000; 42.912.000 44,.V)7,000 36.661. OU0; 24.700.0t w 12.248.01 0 15.805. OuO; 14.29a. 01 ) 18.017.000 13,6O,0O4 ta g 13.464.OU0 33.0! 10. 004.0001 10.767,000, 4.917, 0X 11.544,0t'i0 9.243.0001 10.329.000 7,333,0m.) 7.7'8.fl'X) c.y i9.isj) ' 4.0U.I8IO 6.72J.O(ini .4Jf7.lXSl 6.814. 00O 6.761.04)1 6.0f.9 IW 5.672.018) 5.877.001)1 6.918.0001 3.166. 000 6.766,000 6.146.0O0I 4.751,000! 4.324.0IX)! 8.90t.ie4) a.i.u.i8 3.4M.OTO 3.2t:i.OuO 2.6;.oot: 2.437.0001 2.342.00O 1.2t3.000 2.0l4.0)O l.Tlfi.OiW1 l.7.0no 1.796.0i) 1.669.01 10 1,922.000: 1.46 om 2.181,000. 984,000 1,585.000 1.432,000 2.6M4.0UO 1.868,0001 1.657.0001 1, 130.000 1,168. 0U0 848.0D0 1,129.0001 1.138.0001 1,241.0O0 1.148.0001 1.246,000 1.134.0001 11.2 1.414. 0f0 56.4 772 0001 1.144,0001 986, OOO; 929.000 6XS.0C10I . 824 4Xi 802, 000 : 915.0001 62H.000I 676.0001 . R82.(00 579.000' 534.0001 694,O0O 627.0001 670,0001 7.000 708,000, 61 7.000 443,0001 887,000! BIO. 000) 460.0001 415.000 391. 000) 422 000 140.000. 353.0001 626.0001 2..000 3O3.O0rJ . 23.073.000 11.057.000 .. 2,414,Oi)0!.... 9 1 2.2 .1 OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Not Enough Cattle Here to Hake a Market. HOGS C0NTISTJE ON THE UP GRADE Only a Very Few ke and Lamas Here and tonality Tery roar, Walle Prices Reasala Aboat Steady. BOUTH OMAHA. Bept. I. 1909. Receipts were: Cattle. Official Mondav 8.462 Official Tuesday i 620 Offlelsl Wedneertay 9.227 Official Thirradsy 4.163 Estimated Friday 3o0 liogs. Sheep. 2 49H Ie.V.4 17,Rnl 19.70 18 408 S.80S 10.41... 14.0 ... 41.71... 17.41... 40.71... 8.41... .9... .1... 42. 3... 11.4... 8 II... 14. 9... 27.71... 22.21... 16.41... 21.41. .. 27.41... 4.5 ... 82.41... 29.31... 65.9!... 6.7j... 21.6;... 1S.8... 22 8 ... 38. 0... 10.01... 28. S... 22.3 ... 34 1 ... 3.9 ... 17.3 ... S.0I... 41.01... 'u'.v'". hl.fll... Five days this week... 27064 29.504 78.136 Same days last week.... 80. 975 80.460 87.212 Same days 2 weeks ego.. 28.8? 29.27 4 62.612 Same days I weeks sgo.. 19.417 22 6 43.1.8 Same days 4 weeks ago.. 14.0 JlT 41 I.I 8ame days last year.... 28.846 15,366 . The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date, compared with last year: 190D. 1908. Inc. Dec. Cattle mm 698.644 2A.281 Hogs 1,706 6.18 LI38.03 IS Sheep 1.024 200 l,0r 761 1 he follow. iia! I40ie shows the Averagw price of hoga at Bouth Omaha for the last several dsys. with comparisons: most Impossible to clear up all the pens, and several loads, mostly young thin stock, were carried over until today. Closing sales on several bunches of feeder lambs appeared to be about KtfVio lower. Prso tlcally everything else was sold before the close of the session at value levels noted In yesterday's report, despite liberal re ceipts. Today's supplies were light, consisting of about thirteen double deoks, or l. head. Opening trade was slow and there were very few early sales with which to test values. The quality on an average was not very good and. of course, current top quotations on all grades ar not de duced from actual trading. After buyers once got down to business, the big end of the offerings In both fat and feeder stock changed hands In reasonably good season at generally steady prices. Quotations on fat sheep and lambs: Good to choice lambs, 1660-97.16; fair to good lambs, 6.00-ai.60; good to choice yearlings, t50rvff6.36; fair to good yearlings. I4.ifT6.00; Uood to choice wethers. Moni4.5; fair to good wethers. I4O04U4.30; sTood to choice ewe. 13.66(64.10. Quotations on feeder choice lambs, 15606.40; yearlings. 44 006.10; fair era. 13 .504M 25. Representative sales; No. stock: Fair to fair to choice to choice weth Data j 1908. l08.l)W.19.l4.IL0.ilW. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Sept. Sept. Bept. 7 6944 T 61 T 6W 7 7314 7 70S, 7 81S 6 86' I 86 6 91 6 04 I 46 I 88! I 891 I HI S - . n-ri a aii a ei D SI V " ' 6 24 1 6 28 6 80 2 I Mi 6 S2 ft 33 .fi.faUg a. 41 8 13i 5 S2 I...I 7 80WI 6 431 6 67! I ft 47 ft I?l " I... 7 874l 53 6 66 ft I5 i 6 Si " 24.. 26.. 2.. 17.. 28.. 29.. 30.. II.. 1... 7 614! Ml 5 67 T 701 S I 6 38, 6 77 I 411 ft 77! 6 46 ft 75i I 80: ft 47 I 68' 6 701 1 6 71 6 66 63 ft 711 ft 78 ft 461 I ft 86 Surds. Receipts and disposition of Hve stock at the Union stock yards. South Omaha, for twenty-four hours ending at I o'clock p. m. September I: RECEIPTS CAR8. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. 29.9 31. 7 25. 6 109.1 7.4 12.0. 28.7 8.3i 23.8 .Si 10.2 34.4 6.71 29.61 19 25.5 15.7 9.1 .... 24.2 20.8 21 2 81.9 11.1 83.6 19.1 1.0 33.5 12.81, 27'?- 17.1 M.0! 6.71 1.0' 20 H 27.8 10.5! 1-9! 5 91 10.1 6.4 48.1 8.0 17.7 11.4 'itM C. M. A St. P Wabash Union Paclflo C. 4t N. W., west C. St. P. M. A O C U. 4 Q., east C, B. & Q., west C. U. I. A P., east C, R. I. A P., west Illinois Central C. U. W Total receipts 14 DISPOSITION-H EAD. 1 27 27 14 2 97 14 Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. ... 60 1.2'w 1,106 ,.. 88 1,401 1.421 ... 106 1.406 1,878 ... 81 1,71)9 ' 1,061 S54 183 ... 81 ... 13 ... 86 ... 84 4 ... 16 ... 6 ... 12 ... 80 20,682 ... 678 6,108 25,f.S6 Not Included In totals because containing oilier Items than clearings. Nut Included In totals because comoarl- sons are Incomplete. New Tork Money Market. NEW YORK, Bept. S.-MONEY-On call, firm; 22 per cent; ruling rate. 214 per cent; closing bid, 24i per cent; offered at 2 per cent. Time loans, quiet, active: sixty days, 2V&3 Per cent; ninety days, 3, por cent; six months, 4 per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER -44 4 per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Steady, with actual business in bankers' bills at t4.8610ij2 4.6515 for sixty-day bills and at $4.8664 for demand. Commercial bills, 84.844; 34.844,,. SILVER Rar, 61Vc; Mexican dollars, 44o. ROND8 Government, weak; railroads. The following are the closing ououulona on stocks and bonds: II. 8. ret. Bs, rag.... 14044 int. Met. 44a.. do coupon 10 44 Int. M. M. 44s V 8. 3a, rag 101 4 japan 4a do coupon I. 8. 4a. rc do coupon Am. Ag. s An I A r tr. 4 Am. Tobacco 4a de as Ari.i'Mil A Coo. 444. ACrhlon gen. 4a..,. Oo ci. 4a 1 . r l. . . Att. C. U lat 4a.... Dal. A Ohio 4s do 14a do u. w. 84a II k. r. cr. 4. " 11. ot tia. 4a. .. 'n. Leather &e... 1 . t,r N. J. g ii, Ines. St Ohio 44a do ref Ha Chicago A A. 14a t... U. A g. J. 4a. do gen. 4a C. M. A I P. g C, H 1. A P. a do col. fta do rldg. 4a lolo. Ind 6a. 1014 do 44a . 116 K. . 80. lat 3a .1TV, U. 8. deb. 4a 1441.. 101 LAN. unl. 4a... M.. K. A T. let 4a 1044 do gen. 44a Ill Mo. Pacific 4s N. K. R. of M. 44s.. ..ia'. r. u. g. 14a S "do deh. 4a . lit S. Y., N. H. A H. .. ev. 4s ..1004 N. A W. let e. 4a. .. 434 do rv. 4a ., .. 4. ., No. Pacific 4a...... .. 17 do U . . t !44 O 8. L. rfdg. 4a. . , . t Tenn. c. 14a )u I2' do eon. 4a 104 Heeding gn. 4a Mid. 4a 4.V do gen. 4a r. A . 44a Vnlon Pacine 4a... 4a. 1 elo. C. A 8 I). A H. c O. A R. O. do ret. la Mstlllera' 4e ... Brie p. I. 4a... do gan. 4a... du ev. 4a. aer. do aeries B... Cen. Elec. cv. &a 111. Can. lat ref. 4a. i'4 8t. L A 8. y. tg. 4a. it do gen. 6a 'i '.t. L. 8. W. a. 4a., .... a d sold 4e 344 4rabcrd A. L. 4a... 4a.. ,o. Pacific eol. 4a... M2-14 ao cr. 4a in, do lat ref. 4e.. 12 "80. Railway 5s A., .104 do cr. 4a . i:4 do lat A ref. 4a.. . M4U. 8. Rubber 4i... , li V. 8. Steel Id 6s . ... , u4 Va -Cam. Diem. 6a . Vet4Wabaah lat 4a . 7 do lat A al. 4s... , 14 W'eactrn Md. 4a. U34'eet. Elec. c. 6a.. .4 Wla Central 4.... 48 v 4'4 H 7444 4H 1144 10044 04 824 44 1V 44 144 . 44 .102 .104 . 74 . 4H 44 .104 100 84 404 74 44 . 4944 . eiTi .1IM4, . 4444 lit . a. .1024 .116 . H .l'4 .1074 . 44 .113 . 764 . S64 . 44 . K44 Omaha Packing Co... Swift and Company... Cudahy Packing Co... Armour aV Co... Krey Packing Co St. Louis Independent. Cudahy, from K. C... Stephens Bros F. 11. Lewis J. B. Root et Co J. H. Bulla McCreary A Carey ... H. F. Hamilton Sullivan Bros Other buyers Total ,. CATTLE Receipts ot cattle this morning were extremely light, only twelve cars db Ing reported In, which was not enough to make any snowing wnaiever. as com pared with yesterday, prices were nom inally steady. For the five days this weea receipts have been liberal In spite of the fact that they show a tailing otf of 1,300 head as compared with the heavy run of last week and of about 1.0IW head as com pared with a week ago. Corn-fed steers have been In very light supply all the week and prices have been firm from dav to day. being safely 10415c higher at the close of the week. Good grass beeves have also been In demand and have sold freely all the week In spite of the fact that recelpts on some days have been pretty large. ' At the close of the week they are generally quoted around 2c hicner than one week ago. Cows and heifers have sold pretty well all the week.. This is especially true of the best beef grades and of the common canners, which are now 1015o higher than last week. On the other hand, the fair to good kinds of cows are selling now about where they were a week ftao. The rains this week have given promise of good fall pasturage, which has had a beneficial effect upon the Blocker and feeder trade, with the result that heavy cattle have shown an advance of 16jt26c, and light cattle, which were very low at the close ot last week, have advanced Ami Vic. wuotatlons on cattle: Good to choice tornfed steers. I7.0ota7.50: fair to good corn fed steers, 16.407.00; common to fair corn fed steers, 34 76tf4.40; good to choice range steers, ;..oo'a'; ratr to gooa range steers, S4.50ti6.Ou; common to fair range steers, V3.764.50; good to oholce cornfed cows and heifers, tt.0Oj3S.00-, fair to good cornfed cows and heifers, S3.OLKti4.00 common to fair cornfed cows and heifers, S2.6Otft2.00; good to choice range cows and heifers, S3. boy 4 00; fair to good range cows and heifers, J2.0oii3.40; common to fair rauge cows and heifers, 82.252. M; good to 1 holes stockers ar.d feeders, $4.00xii5.60; fair to good stockers and feeders, 42.;&3.2; stock heifers, 13.50 &3.26; veal calves, S3. 606 4.60; bulls, stags, etc., S2.50tf4.50. Representative sales: COWS. Ae. Pr. No. At. Pr. . 474 I 40 U 471 I M 440 8 70 1 101 S 08 HEIFERS. 390 I 74 10 404 8 10 404 1 74 14 134 1 Ii 644 1 44 BULLS. 10 1 10 1 1470 I 15 CALVES. ;t4 4 60 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 416 I 46 I Ill 4 H 721 1 1 1164 4 40 WESTERNS NEBRASKA. feeders.. 1022 4 40 3 cows 1078 2 75 11 cows 1030 I 60 I bulls 1213 I 10 14 steers.... 811 4 06 9 oows 86 8 16 2 cows 860 1 66 C. R. Lancomer, Nebraska. 22 feeders . 1148 4 90 Mike Qulnn. South Dakota. 60 steers.. ..1214 4 90 J. A. Rsrr C. Co, South Dakota. London Closing; Stewke. LONDON, Sept. 1 American Securities opened slightly higher today. Trading was limited during the first hour and at the nuou hour the market was quiet and from li'jH higher than yesterday s New York closing. London closing stocks Av. 401 Idaho lambs 6? 6H3 Idaho lambs, feeders 80 802 Idaho lambs, feeders 61 8:10 Idano lambs, culls 69 Jk Wyoming ewes 193 72 Wyoming ewes, feeders 94 1."4S Wyoming ewes, feeders 91 80 W yomlng feeders, culls lo 135 Wyoming wethers 108 230 Wyoming wethers, feeders... 102 170 Wyoming yearlings, fdrs 77 16 native lambs ia It native ewes, feeders 90 6 Wyoming wethers 90 21 Wyoming ewes 89 461 Wyoming ewe, feeders 91 61 Wyoming yearlings, feeders.. ! 46 Idaho 268 Idaho 601 Idaho lambs, lambs lambs feeders. 87 70 Pr. 66 25 ( 10 ft 66 4 10 I 29 I 10 1 80 4 60 4 26 10 6 60 2 46 4 16 I 26 I 16 4 85 6 00 ft 90 6 90 CHICAGO LIVB STOCK MARKET Cattle and Sheep Steady -Hog; rive Cent Higher. CHICAGO, Sept. I CATTLE Receipts sbout 1,000 head; market steady: steers, ST. .60.(18.06: Cows and heifers. S3.60ffr8.0O; stockers and feeders, 12.7605.16; calves, 83.00 00; bulls, 8.1 0044.86. HOGS Receipts, about 11.000 head; mar ket 6e hlsrher: choice heavy. I8 2M&8.35 light. 17.fH"u 30: Pics. I6.2tva7.00; bulk of sales, f7.96fr8.86. SHEKP AND LAMBS Sheen receipts about 10.000 head: market stesdy, 2 50uT.Ou; yearlings, f4.0tkti6.50; lambs, 4 bOTjT.oo. Kansas City Live Stork Market. KANSAS CITY. Mo., Sept. I. CATTLE KecelDts. 2.600 head. Including 600 south er'ns; market steady; choice export and dressed beef steers, S6.fWfl7.Tt; fair to good, 84 60i 6.40: western steers, I3.7Mj6.75; stock ers and feeders, 12.7646.50; southern steers, S3.0lKu4 60; southern cows, S2.2nl3.80; native cows, I2.00ii24.2r.; native heifers, t3.0OS.5O; bulls, S2.50fc3.75; calves, J3.6OR8.00. HOGS Receipts. 4,000 heart; market strong to 6c higher; top, 18.15: bulk of sales, S7.S5ijS.10; heavy, f7.94Xa8.l6; packers and butchers, 87.1X8.151 light, f7.Boiii8.uu; pigs. IS.BOSlT.ZlS. SHEEP AND LAMPS Receipts, 8.C09 head: market steadv: Colorado yearlings S5 60: lambs. f6.0047.60: yearlings, H.76tt6.HO: wethers, ft. 2545.00; ewes, S4.004J 4.76; stock ers and feeders, 13.otwjio.00. Sloox City Lire Stock Market. SIOUX CITY, Ia., Sept. S (Special Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts, 400 head; mar ket steady; beeves, $4 0067.50; cows, 18 00t 4.00; feeders, t3.00tS5.75; yearlings, S3. 00 Slim. HOGS Receipts, 1.800 head; market steady to 6c higher; range of prices, S7.5&tf 7.96; bulk ot sales. f7.6W7.76. St. Joseph Lira Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. Mo Sept. 3. CATTLE Receipts, 500 head; market steady; s leers. f5.6Ofi7 70; cows and heifers, f2.&06.00; cal ves, f3. 008. 00. HOGS Receipts, 4.000 head; market 5c higher; top, 88. 15; bulk of sales, 87.1)02,8.00. SHEEP AND LANDS None on sale. Stock In Sight Receipts of live stock at the six principal western markets yesterday were: Cattle Hogs. Sheen South Omaha 800 6.700 1,200 Sioux City 400 2.800 PL Joseph 600 4.000 Kansas City 2.600 4.000 6,000 St. Louis 8.700 6.100 700 Chicago 1.000 11,0)0 10,000 Totals 8,400 12,600 19,906 DUN'S REVIEW OF TRADE Volume of Business ii Unusually Heavy for August, IRON AND STEEL ACTIVE Dallneaa la Footwear Market Con tinues Cnabated, Bayers Hold Ins Off to Await Changes la Market. NEW TORIC. Sept. I R. Q. Dun Co. a Weekly Review of Trade tomortow will say: Expansion In volume of business and contraction In business disasters charac terised the month of August, usually one of the must Inactive of the year, and this marks the situation on the eve of the fall season. Reports for the current week confirm reports for the whole of last month. Heavy buying, both for Immediate and for 1D10 consumption, continues In the Iron and steel trsde. Advices from the leading cities continue to speak of business Im provement and In some cases the Augunt trade was in excess of all former records for the month. Wholesale dry goods houses hsvs had a very substantial volume of business of late. Woolen end worsted mills show linie charge from the recently noted Improved conditions. Retailers are still operating conservatively, but steadily, and mills are not accumulating goods. An extraordinary publio sale of broadcloths was successful. Fcrmer dullness noted in me root wear market continues unabated, buyers hold' Ina- off. Country hides remain quiet, but some light cows have been worked off at one-quarter to one-half cent below tha prices asked by dealers ror best orrertngs. The leather market continues In a waiting; position. No. 6... I... 4.. 1.. 12.. 1.. 14.. r" 85 steers.. ..1141 4) 96 63 steers.. ..1242 4 96 21 steers.. ..1141 4 96 H. A. Dawson, 11 steers.. ..1179 ft 28 96 steers.. ..1127 4 96 24 steer.. ..1176 4 85 26 steers... .1188 4 86 C. Hetskew 86 feeders.. 1146 4 90 21 feeders.. 11:3 4 00 28 cows 864 I 10 86 steers. 68 steers. ..1139 .1146 Bouth Dakota. 66 steers.. ..1193 8 steers.. ..1188 15 steers. ...1213 16 steers.. ..1221 , Wyoming. 69 feeders.. 1017 6 feeders.. 921 117 cows Mb 4 9(1 4 95 4 96 4 86 4 85 4 86 4 40 5 25 S 60 HOGS Butcher weight hogs sold largely at an advance of 6c over yesterday, the trade on that kind being quite active at the Improved prices noted. On the other hand light hogs sold fully steady with yes terday and were In veTy fair demand. Heavy packing hogs were a little slow and did not show any Improvement. The big bulk of all the nogs brought It.7aj7 .', Toledo Seed Market. TOLEDO. Sept. 1 SEEDS Clover, 87 20: September. 87 70; December. March. 17 66; No. J. I so; .no. . r (H; re jected. So 50; no established grade. (4 80. Timothy, prime, fl.tO. Alsike, prime, f7.79. cash. S7.46; Alice HruiiiwKS Cos. . .. Coin. Tunnel clock t. Crn. Cal. A Horn Silver Iron Sileer . Olferad. Va. .146 . 1 . 36 . 40 .16 7i .14o I.etrivIHe Con. t.U'le Chief . Mellcan Ontario Ovhir standard Yellow Jacket 44 . 1 H .) 1:0 . 16 .110 Foreign Financial. LONDON. Sept. S -Money w as easily ob tainabls on the market today and dis counts were quiet. Trading on the Stock exchange continued Us quietly steady course without freah features. Cneup money and investment buying improved gilt edged securities, while Mexican rail and Argentine Issues were occasionally desred Kaffirs and foreigners, however, were easy on Pari sales supposed lo be tii 84 1 lauouieville A N .. 444 M.. K. A T 8N. T. Central ... 4Norfolk A W.... 1-1 do pfd 107 4 Ontario A W 131.4, Pennaylvanla .... 1114 Rand Mlnea 144 Heading 11 Southern Rv 1414 uo pfd .. l4Soulhern Pacific. .. 44lnioa Pacific... . . 8 du pfd . . la it'. 8. Steal . . 604 do pfd . . 44"lWabeh . . t4 4 Jo pfd . Ii4 8panl8h 4a steady at 234d per ounce. per cent. The rato of discount In the ODen market tor short bills is IS per cent; for three months' bills, 1 7-lrt per cent. Conaola. money . do account Anal. Copper Anaconda Atrhlaon do pfd Ha.tlmL.ra A Ohio. . Canadian Pacific Cl.eaapeeke A O... Chicago O. W Chi., Mil. A Bt. P. be boere lenver A Rio O .. do pfd Kne do lit pM du -'J .I4 Grand Trunk ,.. IHiiMia Central Si l.VKlt-uar. MONEY ,a(64t ...166 ... 444 ...143 ... V4 ... 41 ... 444 ... 7244 ... 44 ... U4 ... 1:4 ... T3 ...13244 ...h . . . loa ... 314 ...ll ... 314 ...64 4544 Treasury Statement. WASHINGTON. Sept. I The condition of the treasury at the beginning of busi ness today was as follows: Trust funds Gold coin, 8..f.778.6t&; silver dollars, Sist. 913.OU0; silver dollar of l-'M 14.118 00); esll vii certificates outstanding. S4wi.si8.O00. General fund Standard silver dollars, in pei eral fund. 84 fOI.M"; current liabilities. $10! f ?;,6O0; working balance In treasury office. f2l.K.jl6: in bunks, to credit of I'tiitrd Slates treasurer. $l117, 391; aubsl diarv silver coin. $2i.luf..iX0, coin. W 7?l. Total balance In general fund. tsn.'tiS.iK with the best loads selling on as $8.10. Representative sales: 63. NO. 74.. 41.. ). . 44.. 14.. 4.. 64.. 44 . 16. . II.. 14 . .. 14.. 44.. 71. . 61.. 7) . 16 . II.. !.. 71.. 43 . 71. 44. . 43 . 64.. 74.. 74.. 44.. 44 . 61 . 71.. 14 . 74 . 46.. .243 Av. ...141 ...tl4 .... 47 ...131 .,.'. ...136 ...241 ...241 ...m ...nt ...tM ...ii4 . . . ) ...lal ...I74 ...ill ...847 ...337 ...t8 ... 346 ...:l .. .41 ...IM ...163 ...8)1 ...IM ..447 .. 3..I .. .114 ...I2 ...Ml ...I4 0 8h 40 140 80 40 160 'id 40 40 40 40 40 iio 120 4J 40 i 1) 1J0 1M 1.0 to 40 140 7 70 Pr. 7 76 t 76 1 71 1 40 1 40 7 80 7 40 1 10 t 71 7 75 t 44 t 80 7 40 7 I V, 7 46 1 16 T 16 '7 16 7 46 7 46 I 44 T 41 7 46 7 IJ 7 15 T 44 I 16 7 174 t ait T 10 i i"i T 40 t 40 7 40 7 40 NO. 74... 44... 44... 77 .. 11... 44 .. 71... 47... 127.. 74... 74 .. HI... 71... 44... 16... 13... 70. ., al .. 77 . . . 17... ... IS... 71... TO... 71... 40... 71. .. 71... 40... II . 44... 13... ii .. It .. 61... At. ...6 ...lis ...217 ...111 ...140 ...122 ...I 0 ...:it ...161 ...m ...Ml ...421 ..2o3 ...114 ...121 ...14 ...ill ...314 ...14 ...134 ...: .. ! ...241 ...137 ...117 ...171 ...141 .. jr.l ...m ...l4 ...2.10 ..iw ...Ml ...) up 8h. IM lo 1 0 40 40 ltn 10 140 1.0 140 '46 140 40 40 40 10 40 40 140 80 high Pr 1 44 7 w t 40 1 t 40 7 40 1 40 T 44 7 0 T 40 7 40 7 40 7 44 1 46 7 43 1 44 7 44 1 5 1 II 7 II 1 49 1 II 7 43 7 44 00 I uo 00 I uo I I 00 I on I 06 10 10 I 10 OMAHA GENERAL MARKETS. Staple aad Fancy Prodnee Price Fur nished hy Bayers and Wholesaler. BUTTER Creamery, No. 1, delivered to the retail trade In 1-lb. cartons, 27 '4c; No. 1, In 60-lb. tubs, I7o; No. 2, In 1-lh. car tons. 26c: In 00-lb. tubs, 24o ; packing stock, 19V,204e; fanoy dairy, tubs, 22$2lc; com mon roll, fresh made, I&&ISV40. Market changes every Tuesday. EGGS Fresh selling stock, candled, 2.1c. CHEESEFlnest Wisconsin full cream twins, 15c; Young Americas, 4 In hoop, 16V,c; favorite, ft In hoop, 16c; daisies, 20 In hoop, 15HC1 cream brick, full case. 15o: block Swiss, 16c; full oream llmburger, 16c. POULTRY--Broller, 10c; alive, springs, 16o; hens, lOo; cocks, To; ducUs. lOo; geese, lo; turkeys, 16c; pigeons, per dux., 66c; guinea fowls, per du., $2.60; squabs, per dok $1. Dressed hens, He; springs, 1DQ llo; cocks, Clio; ducks, Uo; geeese, llfec; turkeys, 22c. FISH--Fresh, caught, almost all are dressed: Halibut, 601 buffalo, 9c; trout, 12c; bullheads, 14c; catfish, 17a; crapptes, sunflsh, 6i9o; black bass, 260 : whlteflsh, 13c; pike, 12o; salmon, 140; pickerel, lOo; frog legs, I60. Fresh frosen: Whlteflsh, No. 1, lOo; round, 9c; pickerel, dressed, and headless, 7c; round, 60; pike, dressed, 10c; round. 9o; red snappers, 12c; Spanish mackerel, 18c; native mackerel, S5c each. FRESH FRUITS-Florlda pineapples, 18s to 48s, $2.7$ per crste; grape fruits, 34 size, per box, $0; 48 slse, $6.60; 64 size. $6: ba nanas, fancy select, $1.5&2.0O; apples, home grown, per bu. basket, 76$l.O0; market basket, 46o. BEEF CUTS Ribs: No. 1, 17c; No. I, ISc; No. S. fc. Loin: No. 1, 18ttc; No. . 13Sc; No. S, 9c. Chucki No. 1. 6c; No. I. 4c; No. I, 4c. Round: No. 1, 9c; No. I. (He; No. S. a Plats: No. 1, 6e; No. I. 4c; No. J, BR A USTHEHT'S REVIEW OF TRADE Production and Distribution Expand ns Season Advance. NEW YORK, Sept. I Bradstreefg to morrow will say: As the season advances trade tends to show further expansion and Industrial lines are becoming more active. Outputs are being Increased by- plants already In opera tion and frequent reports come to hand of resumptions by concerns that have been shut down for some time past. Under the circumstances employment Is more general, payrolls are larger and mora money available for spending. In a nut shell, trade Is good; Industry, particularly Iron and steel, Is active, outputs are close to normal, and prospects are pleasant, the, most notable drawbacks being reduced yields of cotton and a smaller than earlier expected corn crop. Within the week house trade has expanded In marked de gree, special activity being noticed In de mand for dry goods and millinery. Buyers have been In the markets in large num bers. There Is apparently little disposition to load up with expensive goods, espe cially in sections where cotton and corn have not maintained early promise. In some Instances shipping departments of jobbing houses are working overtime In order to get goods out promptly. The flour trade Is looking up, full time Is more general and demand for staplo groceries Is better. Business failures In the United States for the week ending with September 2 were 160, against 201 last week, 210 In the like week of 1108, 130 In 1907, 221 In 1906 and 137 In 1905. Wheat, Including flour, exports from the United States and Canada for the week ending September 2. aggregate bushels, against 2,934.643 bushels last week and 6,396,026 bushels this week last year. Local Securities aiaoiattoas Quotations furnished By Samuel Burns, 1r . 614 New York Life building, Omaha. J ! Asked. Armour A Co. 44a. 1438 Cudabr Parking 5o. Colombua. Neb., K. L. la 1425 Omaha Kir Kngln 4a. 1M4 Omaha r.enewele, 44a. 1134 Int. Co. Co., Kanaaa City Kanaaa City Ry. 6a, 1811 Kanaaa City Ry., p' Morris A Co. 440. 13 Nab. Tel. sHock, 4..., Omaha Oaa 6a, 111. Omaha a. 1 A P. 6a, 1431 Omaha K. L. A P. pfd Omaha AC B It. Rr- 6a. 1914 Omaha A C. B. St. Ry. 6a, 1MI Omaha A C. B. St. Ry pld 1 Omaha A C. B. St. Ry. com 4 Omaha A C. B. Ry. A B. pfd 4 Omaha Water Co 6s, 1444 Swift A Co. 6. 1114 80. Omaha Sewer 44a. 19!4 City Stock Tarda pld static Cite Stock Yarda com- Union Stock Yarda. Omaha. 4, aa-div EG ETABLES Kansas sweet potatoes. 12 76 per bbl. Celery, Michigan, 60o bunch, Cabbage, home grown. 1M0 per lb. Wis consin Red Globe onions. 2o per lb. Cali fornia cauliflower, $3.00 per crate. Toma toes, home grown, market basket, 60c; crate, $4.00. Lettuca, per dog., SOo. Par snips, turnips, carrots, 76o per doz. Flor ida new beets, carrots, parsnips, turnips, etc., per dog., 75a, POTATOES New, 660 per bu. HIDE8-N0. 1 green, 10c; No. 1 cured, lie. Cotton Market. NEW YORK, Sept. I.-COTTON-Fu-tures opened steady; September, 12 45c; October, 12.47c; December, 12.51c; January, 12 48c; March, 12.66c; May, 12.67c; July, 11.66011 68o. Spot cotton closed quiet, ft points higher; middling uplands, 12.86c; middling gulf, 13.10c; sales. 1.2o0 bales. GALVESTON, Tex., Sept. I.-COTTON Steady; U'H.o. Futures closed firpi; September, 12.46c; October, 1260c; November, 12 61c; Decem ber, 12.59c; January, 12 65c; February, 12.52c; March, 12.62c; April, 12.63c; May, 12 6Sc. NEW ORLEANS, Sept. 3.-COTTON Spot market steady and unchanged; mid dling, 12 7-lOc. Sales on the spot. 234 bales; to arrive, 560 bales; for deferred delivery, 100 bales. ST. LOUIS, Sept. I -COTTON-Market was steady; middling, 124i,c. Sales and re ceipts, none; shipments, 20 bale; stock, 10,612 bales. 4344 44 4344 lvu 444 43 1004 1004 104 . l'4 41 4i4 41 4 41 83 424 4244 IS 4 10" 4 474 4s 4 444 1004 I:' 41 100 in ' 444 loo 64 444 70 414 414 144 86 101 I0I4 14 101 lo 0 44 81 w st 4 Rank Ocarina. OMAHA. Sept. S. Bank clearings for to day were 12,700,031.18 and for the corre sponding date last year $2,003,919.23. Oil and Rosin.. NEW YORK, Sept. 8 OILS Cottonseed, prime crude. $4.60; yellow, $5.854i5.95; Oa tober, $5,824(5.85. Petroleum, steady; re fined New York, $8.26; Philadelphia and Baltimore, $8.20; In bulk, $1.70. Turpentine, easy, 6:i'jC ROSIN Quiet; strained, common to good, $3.40. OIL CITY Sept. I. OIL Credit balances, $1.58; runs, September 1, 186.619 barrels; shipments. September 2, 143.523 barrels; average, 156,865 barrels. SAVANNAH. Ga., Sept. I. OIL Turpen tine, f rm. 56c. ROSIN-FIrm; B. $3 80: D, $3 40; F, $4.05; O. $4 10; H, $4.26; I. $f 40; M. $6.60: N. $5.75; WG. $6.00; WW, E. $3.85; K. $4.40; $6.25. Sagrar and Molasses, NEVV YORK, Sept. S. SUGAR Raw, firm; fair refining, 8.07c; centrifugal 96 test, 4.17c; molasses sugar, 3.42c; refined, steady; No. 6, 4.65c; No, 7. 4.50o; No. 8. 4 45c; No. 9, 4.40c; No. 10, 4.35c; No. 11, 4 30c; No. 12, 2.25o; No. 18. 4.20c; No. 14. 4.20c; confec tioners A, 4.85c; mould A, 6 40c; cut loaf, 6. 85c; crushed, 6.7Tc; powdered, 6.15c; granu lated, ft. 06c; cubes, 6.30c. MOLASSES Quiet; New Orleans, open kettle, good to choice, 28Q42c. Liverpool Grain and Provision. LIVERPOOL, Sept. S.-WHEAT-Spot. quiet; No. 1 red western, winter. 7s 8d; futures, steady; September. 7s TH1; De cember. 7s 4id: March, 7s 6d. CORN Spot steady; new American mixed, via Galveston, s 6',4jd; old Amer ican mixed. 6s 61; futures steady; October, 5s December, 6s 6HL Peoria Market. PEORIA. III.. Sept. I.-CORN-Hlgher; No. 2 yellow, 68ViigS9e; No. I yellow, 68V4c; No. 1. 684c: No. 4, 67'4.c; no grade, (6c. OATS Higher; standttrd. 18c; No. I white, 17437'4C; No. 4 white, 3V"a 5o.0. Metal Market. ST. LOUIS. Sept. 8.-METAT.S-Tarl.. firmer at $4.27H. Spelter, stronger; I5.62V4 bid. SHEEP Late rounds In the sheep barn yesterday were not prxd'iciive of very much trading In the feeder lamb braucn of the trade. The brisk Inquiry that has characterized feeder tiad lately seemed to have settled considerably; In fact, me sticky condition of the market mads It al Waul Market. BOSTON, Sept. 1 -WOOI-The Com mercial Bulletin of Boston will say of the wool market Saturday: Sales of the week are about 4.500.000 lbs., most territory wo..l, whloli Is steadily becoming firmer In price. Mills are beginning to bid for fine and coarse fleece wools, after a perlud of quietness. The market is exceptionally strong, with a stiffening tendency. Tha shipments of wool from Boston to Septem ber 2, Inclusive, were 176 to J. 172 lbs., against 116.316.880 lbs. for the same lime last year. The receipts to September 2. inclusive, were 826.175.461 lhs.. against lJ0.4:il.KU lb, the same neriod last year. ST. LOUIS. Sept. t WOOL Unchanged ; territory and western mediums, itigiso; fine mediums, 22j24c; fine, KvirlDc. toffee Market. NEW YORK, Sept, 1-COFFEK-Futures clostd steady, net unchanged to 10 pol:its higher. Sales were reiorid of 16.500 including liecniher at 6 25c; March, 6 MCt 5 45c; July, 6:tp5.46c; spot quiet; No 7 ILu. 'c. ,No. 4 Santos, 8Vu9c; mild quiet; Cm- j dova, 4Wt12C. EXPORTERS GAIN CASH BY RUSHINGPRODUCTS OVER Figure Show Ilia Increase In liasU neaa Rrfore Payne Rill Be. came Law. WASHINGTON. Sept. I. During the few months prior to August 6. when President Taft signed the new tariff law, exp-irters to this country almost doubled their ship ments on many articles on which a rise In duty was anticipated under the' Payne bill. The Imports of principal articles for the seven months, ending July, 1909, Is shown In detail In a statement Issued by the bureau of statistics, embracing also com parisons with figures of the corresponding months of last year. The largest Importations which were rushid In to profit by the operation of the old Dlngley law, comprised hides, raw silk, unmanufactured wool, cotton laces, linens, crude India rubber and copper. The value of the principal articles Imported during the seven months period on which figures were lompiled were: Sugar. $08 OnOOOO; hides and skins. $7.3 Ma) 000; coffee. $44oo.0O0; raw silk, $42 300 000; crude India rubber. $39,800,000; unmanufactured wools, $36.100 000; cotton laces, f21.0On.0O0; diamond. $19 6O0Oi0; ropper. pigs, bars, etc., 117,. $00.00): furs. $ 400 4; silk Igres, $3.600 000. Chief among the Increases over the lima period last year were: Hides and skins, $2."..0O0.0O0; unmanufactured wool. 123 000. OHO; diamonds. $16,000 000; India rubber. $17.000,. r-; raw silk. $14.oo0.0uo; cultun lacs. $:,-000.000.