Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 04, 1909, NEWS SECTION, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
For Nebraska Showers; cooler.
For Iowa l-ocal showprs.
For weather report see Page 2.
PAGES 1 TO 10.
Commercial Bodies of Japan and Fa
cifio Coast Cities Make Informal
Reciprocal Agreement.
Exchange of Business to Be Fostered
by Both Parties.
Effort to Pack and Ship Goods to
Please Purchaser.
thamhrra of Commerce of Six Japan.
ese Cities and Right American
Cltlea Are B epre
aratrd. PRATTLE. Sept. . A treaty of peaeo
and reciprocity entered Into by the busl
nrsii men of Japan and those of the Pacific
const of the United States was ratified
tonight at a banquet given by the associ
ated chambers of commerce of the eight
largest cities of the Paclflo coast to the
representatives of the six (treat commercial
cities of Japan. It Is agreed by the contracting-
parties, without signing any
papers, that they will be friends always;
that they will buy merchandise from one
another; that they will make, pack and
hip tha goods In the manner that pleases
the purchaser, conforming to the usages
of his country.
All the Japanese were present at the.
banquet. They had passed the day looking
through Brattle factories that make goods
which Japan needs but does not produce.
Judge Thomas Burke of this city delivered
the address of welcome. He said:
"In our time wars are not undertaken
against the wishes of the people. And
herein lies the great significance of thin
event, for this delegation Is sent by and
represents the industrial people of Japan.
"Occasionally a person Is met with who
fears that the rise of Japan aa a commer
cial power will result Injuriously to the
trade of other countries. This is a ground
less fear. As the commerce of Japan In
creases Its wealth will Increase, and with
Increase of wealth will come Increased
wants and the means to satisfy those
wants. A poor country Is but an Indiffer
ent customer. Japan, rich and prosperous,
will .bo worth fur more to us as a customer
than if Japan were poor. A new competi
tor for trade who brings to the field skill,
knowledge, Industry and daring enterprise
will call out -those qualities In the other
contestants, and both will be the better
for the earnest competition."
Baron Shlbusawa, speaking In Japaneae,
gave thanks for the friendly reception and
assured his hearers of Japan's affection
for the United States.
Senator Samuol It, Piles proposed the
toast, "The Empire of Japan," and B. Na-
kamo responded.
E. F. Blaine described the experience of
the commission which visited Japan last
year. K. Matsukata, the great shipbuilder
of Kobe, was the only speaker of the night
who needed no Interpreter. He said that
If the merchants of the United States and
Japan understood the demands of each
country , a tremendous increase in ex
changes' of commodities would result.
Rich Directors
Must Pay Trust
Company Losses
Justice Van Kirk Holds Thirteen
Eastern Men Liable for Bad
Loans that Were Made.
SARATOGA, N. Y., Sept. S.-Thlrteen
former directors of the Trust company of
the Hepubllu are held responsible, in a
decision made public today by Justice Van
Kirk, for losses sustained by the Trust
company through loans made In 1D02 by Its
president, Daniel Lelloy Dresser, from the
company's funds on securities of the
United States Shipbuilding company, and
for whloh restitution to the trust company
was asked In a suit brought by Charlea
II. Kavanaugh, a stockholder, against the
Justice Van Kirk holds that the defend
ant directors. Perry Belmont, James 1),
Marvin. Charles l. MoMahon, Thomas
Ciimmlns. Charles W. Wetmure, William
1. Baldwin. Ballard McCall, Charles F.
llrooker. George J. Oould, Elbrldge 8.
Enow, Herbert L. Satterlee, George C.
Boldt and Stuyveaant Pish, failed to per
form properly their dutlea aa directors;
that losses sustained by the trust com
pany were due to negligenoe and that the
Individual directors are liable for the
losses suffered by the company during
their term of office after August IS, Mux
Transport Runs
Down Loaded Boat
Lives of Four Hundred Passengers
Saved in Portsmouth Harbor by
Beaching Boat
PORTSMOUTH. England, Sept. 1-There
was an exciting scene In Portsmouth har
bor this afternoon when the Isle of Wight
steamer Duchess of Kent was run down
by a government transport. There were
400 passengers on board the Duchess of
Kent and immediately after the collision
she began to fill rapidly. The boat, how
ever, was aucceesf ully beached, and all
the passengers got ashore safely.
Cujsaaslsalsa Named by Pop to
Uuuilaa Caadtttea of Walla
KellevflBgr F.arCaauake,
ROME, Sept. S. A commission appointed
by the popa has made aa Investigation and
reports that several of the vatloaa build
ings. Including the Slstlne chapel, were
slightly damaged by the earthquake tliat
stss experienced In Koine on the afternoon
vX August SL
Two More Arrests
in Kidnaping
Case in Topeka
David Gregg, a Lawyer, and Captain
F. H. Tillotson Are Charged
with Complicity.
TOPEKA. Kan., Sept. 8. David Qregg, a
Topeka lawyer, was arrested late today on
the charge of being one of the principals
In the kidnaping of Marian Bleakley, and
an accessory to the assault on Clarence
Belknap, who defended the little girl. He
la In jail without bond.
The police declare he called up Captain
P. H. Tillotson in Kansas City and told
him of the escape of the kidnapers from
this city. The police say he was with the
kidnapers' oarrlage when they arrived with
the child.
Captain Tillotson came here from Kansas
City today, gave himself up and was re
leased on 16,000 ball. Witnesses say he Is
the man who held the horse with which
Mrs. Stella Barclay of Buffalo and J. N.
Gentry, the kidnapers, made the first part
of their journey.
Notwithstanding the statements that Mrs.
Barclay Is to give up the fight for the
child, the attorneys representing Mrs.
Bleakley are preparing for a hard fight.
However, Captain J. Q. Water, attorney
for Mrs. Bleakeley, declared positively to
night that there would be no hearing of
the case in Kansas City next Tuesday, as
Mrs. Barclay would dismiss It.
County Attorney Schenck said today when
asked concerning the statement of Joseph
Gentry that the fight for the child would
be continued:
"The baby will be back In Kansas In a
short time, no matter what Is said to the
Making Plans
ior Campaign
Republican Executive Committee and
Bryan Volunteers Both in
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Neb., Sept. . (Special
Telegram.) The executive committee of
the republican "state committee met
tonight at the headquarters with the
candidates for state officers, and dis
cussed ' the campaign and the best
way to conduct It. Those present of the
committee were, Chairman Hayward, Sec
retary Barnard, Henry Schneider of Platta
mouth, Charles McLeod of Stanton, and
H. O. Thomas of Harvard and Senator
Burkett. All of the candidates were pres
ent 'except Judge Fawcett, who was out
of the city. Various suggestions were
made and numerous reports were read
to the candidates and committeemen from
various parts of the state.
H. H. Hanks, president of the Bryan
volunteers, met tonight with Lee Matthews,
representing Governor Shallenberger and
Judges Dean and Good to discuss the demo
cratic campaign. It Is the Intention of
the Bryan .volunteers to cdnduct a cam
paign In conjunction with the democratic
state committee. It Is probable headquar
ters will be opened In Lincoln.
Sultan Agrees
to Stop Torture
Mulai Hafid Says Moorish Prisoners
Will Not. Be Subjected to
Further Cruelties.
TANGIER, Morocco, Sept !. Mulal
Aafld, the sultan of Morocco, has promised
the French consul at Fex that he will cause
to be discontinued the cruel tortures, such
as recently were 'inflicted by his soldiers
upon rebellious Moors who were led cap
tive Into Fes.
Rochester Thought to HaTe Won Let
ter Carriers' Coaventlon, bat
Lacks l Votes.
ST. PAUL, Minn., Rept. S.-The National
Association of Letter Carriers selected Ro
chester. N. T.. for their 1911 meeting. This
was made known today when the ballots
were counted. The officers elected are:
President, M. E. Kelly, Brooklyn, N. T.;
secretary. Edward J. Cantwell, Brooklyn,
N. V.; treasurer, Charles D. Duffy, Chicago.
A recount this afternoon showed Rochester
had only received TJ6 votes out of l.MQ cast
and that according to the rules Rochester
lacked six votes of having enough to win.
A second ballot resulted In no choice.
American Playwright Undergoes
Operation for Appendicitis
While on Motor Tonr.
CHALON8-8UR-MARNB, France, Sept. 1
Clyde Fitch, the Amerloan playwright,
was suddenly stricken with an acute attack
of appendicitis while traveling from Oer
many in an automobile. Upon arriving
here he was removed to a private hospital
and underwent an operation by Dr. Al
quler, assisted by two other physicians.
Dr. Alquler would not express an opinion
today regarding Mr. Fitch, but it is under
stood that the patient's condition is serious.
Aviation Fever to Rival
Motor Craze in America
. INDIANAPOLIS. Sept. S. Entry blanks
wore sent out today by the management
of the Indianapolis Mjier Speedway for
three days of aviation contests to be held
at the speedway on October U, is and 17.
Events for aeroplane, dirts I'ulee and bal
loena, are scheduled, but ooadtUona as not
yet announced. Cash prises amounting In
all to SlOD.tuO are to be offered.
In a cablegram, dated Parts, received
today Oleun Curtlas finally agree to the
term offered to hlna and he will enter
the aeroplane events here with the biplane
he used In his record-breaking achieve
ment In Rhelme. He Informs the speed
way management else that a pupil of
Louis Blerlot. with a Blerlot monoplane,
will accompany him to the United Htates
American Arctic Explorer Talks with
Danish Reporter, Who Met Him
on Pilot Boat.
Brings to Scientists a Complete His
tory of His Journey.
Attributes His Success Largely to
This Fact.
His Majesty Will Entertain Ir. Cook
at Luncheon and There Will Be
Municipal Banquet
SKAGEN, Denmark, Sept. I. A news
paper correspondent who went on board
the Hans Egcde from the pilot steamer off
here was able to obtain a few words with
Dr. Frederick A. Cook. The explorer
ascribed his success to the Tact that he
made use of the old methods, namely
Eskimos and dogs and that he lived like
Eskimos himself.
The doctor then gave a vivid sketch of
his expedition. In which he said:
"Going northward I struck first a west
erly course from Greenland and then
moved northward.
"I arrived at the north pole, April SI,
1906, as already announced, accompanied
by only two Eskimos.
"We reached the pole at 7 o'clock In the
"I took dally observations for a whole
fortnight before arriving at the pole.
"Returning we were forced to take a
more westerly route and the first ten days
I took observations dally and recorded
them. I was unable to measure the depth
of the sea as I had not the necessary In
struments." "The lowest temperature recorded was
S3 degrees, Centrlgrade, below sero."
"I have ample proof that I reached the
north pole In the observations I took,
which afford a certain means of checking
the truth of my statements.
"Although I am proud of my achieve
ment in planting the American flag on the
north pole. I look with much greater pride
to the fact that I traveled around more
than 30,000 aquare miles of hitherto un
known ground and opened up an entirely
fresh field of exploration."
Eighty-three degrees, centigrade, below
la equal to 117 degrees below xero, Fahren
heit. Denmark Awaiting: Cook.
COPENHAGEN, Sept. J. All Denmark
tonight ' Is awaiting the arrival of Dr.
Frederick A. Cook. A regal welcome
awaits the man whoa announcement from
Lerwick on September 1 that he had dis
covered the North pole startled the entire
civilized world.
The steamer, Hans Egede. on which the1
explorer is returning from the froxen north,
passed Cape Skagen. the northern ex
tremity of Denmark, at I p. m. this after
noon and Is expected to steam into the
sound late tonight and to dock here to
morrow morning. Added Interest has been
lent the occasion by the definite statement
of Dr. Cook in an Interview off Skagen
today that he is able to submit data that
will prove beyond cavil that he has at
tained the goal which for centuries has
been the objective of explorers. He said
he was quite prepared to learn that Jealous
persons were at work endeavoring to cast
doubt upon his work, hut that he stood
ready to give over his figures for a test
by any scientific authority. Dr. Cook told
the correspondent that he had seen noth
ing of the expedition of Commander Peary.
He said there was no land at the pole
only water, the depth of which he could
not gauge.
The Danes will not be alone In welcom
ing Dr. Cook, for Copenhagen Is filled
with visitors. Every hotel Is overcrowded
tonight and all the vehicles In the city
have been engaged to take the people
down to the steamer landing tomorrow.
A committee of the Royal Oeographlcal
society has chartered the steamer M. Cf.
Melchmyer and proceeded out Into the
sound to meet the Hans Egede. Maurice
F. Egan, the American minister, and his
daughter, Miss Carmel Egan, are sleeping
torlght on board W. Oould Brokaw's
yacht Fedorla with the Intention of accom
panying the steamer to port. His majesty
has arranged to entertain Dr. Cook at
luncheon tomorrow.
Public buildings and private houses have
been draped In flags and bunting In honor
of the occasion. At a banquet In the town
ball tomorrow night, at which Dr. Cook
will be the guest of honor. Lord Mayor
Oldenburg will propose a toast to President
Taft and King Frederick, Minister of Com
merce Johan F. C. Hansen will make a
speech In honor of Dr. Cook and Commo
dore Hovgaard, commander of the Danish
Arctio expedition of 1882-83, will greet tne
American and on behalf of the Polar ex
plorers congratulate him upon his success
In finding the pole.
The Danish newspapers are full of praijf
of the American enterprise which made
possible the trip of exploration of Dr. Cook
a d express their deiight at Kin vuccess.
Tnese articles are replen- with sympathetic
references to the frtendtthlp existing be
tween the United States and Denmark
(Continued on Second Poire.)
and will appear In the Indianapolis Aero
nautic carnival. Other aeroplane oper
ators are expected soon to sign entry con
tracts. Two dirigibles are being constructed here
for the contests In their class. Carl Q.
Fisher and G. L. Bumbaugh will pilot
them. Thomas Baldwin will be an en
trant and the field la expected to be large
before the entries close.
It ta hoped that many of the aviators of
different classes that are to participate
In the Hudson-Fulton celebration and the
St. Louis contests will enter the Indlan
( apolla exhibition.
BERLIN, Sept. S.-Orvllle Wrtght will
not fly In his aeroplane at the Tetnplehor
parade grounds today as expected, ou ac
count of the high wluda
From the Washington Star.
Czar's Minister to China is Urging
Claims to Part in Railroad Deal. '
Belief That France Has Increased Its
Demands for Part In Construct
ing the Line Is New
Feat ore.
PEKING, Sept. !. Under instructions
from SL Petersburg, M. Korotovitx, the
Russian minister to China, will tomorrow
for the second time urge the foreign beard
to recognise Russia's claim for representa
tion In the allotment of the loan of $30,000,
000 for the construction of the Hankow-Sxe-Chun
railroad. France Is said to be
supporting Russia in this course. St.
Petersburg does not accept the Chinese
contention that the loan has been con
cluded. The Russian claims will have the effect
In principle of opening competition for
the German share of the loan, as the Ger
mans are the only participants whose po
sition is not protected by the existing con
vention. It is understood here that the
Germans constitute the strongest obstacle
to the signing of a loan agreement by
China and the United States, an essential
to the American equality In participation
and the completion of such an agreement
is the bone of contention. It Is believed
French interests are now seeking a degree
of equality in Chinese financial affairs
equal to that for which American interests
are striving.
Rnsslan Contention Not Good.
WASHINGTON. Sept. J. The persistence
with which Russia Is striving for represent
ation with the other nations In the 130.000,
000 loan for the construction of the Han-kow-Sxe-Chuen
Chinese railroad, it is ad
mitted here, may result in a further delay
In the signing of the agreement. Although
State department officials are reticent on
the subject, it is known that the course
of St. Petersburg in demanding equal
representation In the loan with Great
Britain, Germany, France and the United
States is not favorably regarded, because
the Russians, It is said, have no real basis
for such demand. Some time ago It was
Intimated that Russia's action may have
been Instigated bv outside Interests op
posed to the distribution of the loan.
The statement from Peking that France
Is seeking a degree of equity with the other
three nations In the financial affairs of
China, It is feared, may still further com
plicate matters. According to the agree
ment. Prance was to receive eqcal snare
with the other nations In the loan and
(Continued on Second Page.)
The man who
doesn't advertise is
too old a fogy to be
worth bothering
with. You will find
his goods are apt to
be out of date and
his way of doing
business a mile be
hind the procession.
Make It your motto to deal wi Mi
advertisers, men wbo are up to the
minute, and It will save you much
There are some live busi
ness people wlio advertise un
der the head of "Announce
ments" on the firut want ad
page. Patronize them.
Hav you read th want ada yel
Lone Robber
Is Surrounded
in Mountains
Half Hundred Detectives Expect to
Capture Bandit Who Robbed
Pennsylvania Train.
LEWISTOWN, Pa., Sept. 8 A lone high
wayman, believed to be the man who
robbed the Pennsylvania railroad train
near here several nights ago, held up a
prominent cltuten and his family late this
afternoon on a public road not far from
the place where the train robbery was
committed and it Is believed the capture
of the bandit la a matter of but a -few-
hours. Today's holdup occurred on the
same mountain range as the train rob
bery and tonight more than a half hun
dred detectives have the mountain sur
rounded. All roads are under guard and
the search for the bandit will be resumed
at daybreak.
The man held up today was Robert F.
Little and it occurred while he was driv
ing with his wife and children. Besides
securing $10 and a watch, the robber took
Mr. Little's hat. The hat worn by the
j man who robbed the train Is in the pos
session of detectives and the fact that
the highwayman who committed today's
robbery wore no hat convinces the detec
tives that one man did both Jobs.
It Is reported that a former Pennsyl
vania railroad employe Is under suspicion,
but this cannot be confirmed.
Superintendent Preston of the middle di
vision of the Pennsylvania railroad said
tonight that he is confident that the lone
robber Is Insane and predicted his capture
In a few hours.
Suffragettes to Pay
or Go to Jail
Demand Right to Approach Their
Sovereign and Will Appeal to.
High Court.
LONDON. Sept. I. The etsht suffragists
who ware arrested August IS) in connection
with the picketing of Premier Asquith's
residence were today sentenced to pay
fines of $10 each or spend seven days In the
Bow street Jail. They gave notice of ap
peal on the ground that all subjects of the
king have the right to approach the
sovereign through his ministers and that
In endeavoring to interview the premier
they were merely exercising these lights.
All Misconduct Indieimeats Against
Aetor Are Dismissed by
NEW YORK. Kept. X Raymond Hitch
rock, the comedian,. .was given a clear bill
on the criminal court records today when
ihe court of general sessions dismissed the
remaining four Indictments chaaglng mis
conduct. '
Duty on Aeroplanes Under
New Law Is Forty Per Cent
WASHINGTON, Sept. S. That the Payne
tariff law will subject aeroplanes imported
into this country to a duty of 40 per cenl
advalorem Is Indicated by a reply sent to
day by the customs division of the Treas
ury department to an inquiry from Ernest
Lerue Jones, editor of a New York aero
nautical publication. There Is no specific
.roviulon In the tariff law for the assess
ment of a duty on flying machines, but
the customs officials, assuming that the
motor is the most statuable part of an
aeroplane, express the belief that the
blanket clause of the metal schedule will
govern the duty to be levied upon aero
planes. The Payne law provides that a duty of
46 per cent should be levied on all articles
of which metal is the component material
of chief value. As an aeroplane consists
of the wooden framework, the propeller
Sixteen Miles of Asphalt Will Be Es
pecially Prepared for Him.
City Engineer and Commissioner
Will See to It that So Spot
Mara the Beantr of These
When President Taft visits Omaha Sep
tember 20, he will be given a ride over
sixteen miles of paved streets,- cleaned and
In" excellent repair, aa a part of his enter
tainment. t" The Art v will be made In automobiles
and will cover 197 blocks, the long Itinerary
taking him by several of the finer church
buildings, the high school and a number
of ward schools and Catholic parochial
schools, through Hanscom and Bemls
parka and other places of Interest. The
starting point will be Union station and
the goal will be the Omaha club.
The engineering and street cleaning de
partments of the city have been furnished
with a list of the ntreets to be traversed
by the presidential party, and City En
gineer Craig will see to It that all these
streets are In the best of repair and Street
Commissioner FMynn will put forth an extra
effort to have them so. The engineering de
partment will put two crews, an asphalt
and a brick crew, on these streets Monday
Rente In Detail.
The route marked out through the city
for President Taft is as follows:
Arriving at Union station, the presiden
tial party will be driven north on Tenth
street to Howard street, east on Howard to
Ninth street, north on Ninth through the
wholesale district to Farnam street, and
then west on this principal business street
to Twentieth street. From Twentieth
street the route lies north two blocks to
Dodge street and then west on Dodge past
the High and Central school buildings to
Twenty-second street, thence north on
Twenty-second street to Davenport street
and east on that street past the First
Methodist and the First ' Congregational
churches ta Nineteenth street.
From Nineteenth and Davenport streets
the automobiles will make a long run
straight north on Nineteenth to Lake
street, one block west on Lake to Twentieth
street, one block south on Twentieth to
Willis avenue, another block back east on
Willis avenue to Nineteenth street, thence
south on Nineteenth to Clark, west on
Clark to Twenty-fourth street, south ou
Twenty-fourth to Franklin street, and then
west on Franklin street past the two
buildings belonging to the Long school to
Twenty-sixth street. The party will lure
turn south again on Twenty-sixth stree
to Hamilton, where they will pass the
Calvary Baptist church, thence west to
Thirty-fourth street and then south to
Bemls park and southwest through the
park to Thirty-fifth and Cuming streets.
West on Coming.
On Cuming the party will go west to
Forty-first avenue past the new Methodist
hospital and In sight of the Catholic ca
thedral, kouth to Davenport street, east to
(Continued on Second . Page.)
ard the canvas or balloon fabrlo planes,
In addition to the motor, the latter seems
to be the pert must valuable. The Wrights
hove named a price of t7.Go0 on their ma
chines and the duty on one of the Wright
aeroplanes built at their British or French
factories would therefore be $2,T75. As a
number of American enthusiasts are de
sirous of purchasing aeroplanes beoause the
American manufacturers are not ready to
inaku prompt delivery the cost of a foreign
built machine will be hlfch owing to the
big duty.
Under the new tariff law the customs
officials believe that they will be enabled
to permit the entry free of duty of foreign
flying machines brought to this country
for exhibition purposes and to participate
In contests. A bond, however, will have to
be given by the Importer as a guarantee
that the duty will be paid If the aeroplane
remains la the United Elates.
Secretary of Interior Says to Kill
Snakes is Purpose of Return to
He Also Declines to Discuss Contro
versy Over Power Sites.
When All Are in Matter Will Be Sub
mitted to President.
He Visited Twelve Reclamation Pro
ject and Will Inspect Others
la Southwest I. ate la the
WASHINGTON. Sept. . Incidentally,"
said Secretury Halllngrr at the close of
the first day after his hurried trip from
the Pacific coumI, "Incidentally, I Intend
to kill some snakes."
The remark was made In response to
questions relative to the Ualllnger-Plnchot
controversy regarding water power plants,
the Cunningham-Alaskan coal entries and
other conservation matters, and the Illus
tration used by the secretary was drawn
from an Incident in his own life when some
twenty years ago, at Medicine Lodge, he
found the niKht camp Infested with rat
Unrs. He then said: "Boys, before I
strep I propose to kill some snakes," and
the fact is recorded that he did kill about
a dozen of the venomous reptiles before
stretching his blanket over the buffalo
grass for a night's rest.
Mr. llallinger refused to explain the pur
port of his remark and declined to fur
ther discuss the matters In controversy
between his department and the forestry
"Manifestly," he said, "It would be Im
proper for me to talk on this subject. The
heads of the various divisions of the de
partments which are Involved In this con
troversy have all prepared their reports,
and I expect to submit the whole question
to the president at an early date. I could
not, therefore, properly go Into the sub
ject at this time further than to say my
previous knowledge of the situation, with
the Information I have derived today from
the reports of Messrs. Pierce, Dennet and
Rchwarts, justifies the statement that this
department has nothing to fear from the
closest scrutiny of the conduct of Its of
ficials." Will Prepare Report.
Mr. Balllnger said he did not know Just '
when he would go to Beverly, but pre
sumed he would be there early next week.
He spent much of the day In conference
with Assistant Secretary Pierce, Commis
sioner Dennett, Mr.' HchWarta and Assist
ant Attorney General Lawlor. The re
mainder of the time was given to the read
ing of the reports of his subordinates. Mr.
Balllnger Intimated he might prepare a
report of his own for the purpose, but said
his course in that respect would depend en
tirely upon the wishes of the president.
He had no doubt, however, that a full
statement of the entire matter would be
given to the public at an early date,
Secretary Balllnger has been absent from
the city fur mure than two months, the
greater part of which time has been spent
in a tour of inspection through the west.
He gave careful attention to conditions at
Yellowstone park and went over a large
part of irrigation land, and In the reser
vation. In order to perform those duties
he was compelled to ride much on horse
back and on one occasion covered eighty
miles In one day while Inspecting the Crow
reservation in Montana. After seeing the
president Mr. Balllnger will return to the
west to continue his labor's. He probably
will Join the president at Denver on the
latter's western tour and proceed with, biin.
to Seattle.
Halllngrr Telia of Trig).
Mr. Balllnger gave out the following
statement regarding hla tour:
"With the consent of the president I left
Washington the latter part of June for
the purposu of investigating matters affect
lug the Interior department In the west,
practically the reclamation projecta, In
dian reservations and national parka, as
well as matters pertaining to public lands.
"During my absence I have been almost
constantly in the field and have visited
twelve reclamation projects. I anticipated
the senate committee ou Irrigation on Us
trip through Montana and the state of
Washington. I expect to return to the
west lu the course of two or three weeks,
making further Investigation before finally
returning to Washington, as I bave not
yet covered the southwestern state and
territories. When this work la completed
I will be prepared to report to the presi
dent my views reepecllng the advancement
of the public service insofar Mat the inte
rior department is ounoerned.
"The work of reolalmlng the arid and
semi-arid lands as carried ou by the re
clamation service is of vast Importance
to the west. I have also been studying
with great Interest the conservation of the
natural resources so far aa they are af
fected by the Interior department and It
is my purpose to extend and perfect such
methods as are possible under the law
through the Interior department for the
conservation of the resources of the pub
lic domain."
Object to Export
of Pulp Wood
Owners of Leases on Canadian Crown
Lands Present Petition to
Premier Gouin.
QUEBEC, Sept. S A deputation repre
senting all of the pulp and paper manu
facturers and all of the Canadian owner
of rights to cut limber on crown lands
In the province of Quebec, have called
upon Premier Gouin and asked the gov
ernment to prohibit thu export of pulp
wood to the United Htates. The Americans
having the right to cut timber on crown
lands did not Join. The matter ta to be
submitted to the cabinet and the Indica
tions are that the exportation of pulp
wood will be prohibited throughout the
dominion. The inevitable consequence will
be a sharp advance In print paper through
out the Uulted Blatur