T1IE BKE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, """"""HMe9 SEPTEMBER 3. W09. V i I- (.RAIN AND PMDUCE MARKET Wheat Boosted on Buying by Trader Who Turn Ball. ACTUATED BY LIGHT RECEIPTS I that Farmer Are Stacking Wknt nnd ftrcet ta Hald It lor Better rrlrra Than Ikmt at Preet. horta, 113 124; clear ribs. ill 124; short clnr. SI3.SK. Poi L'i RY-Stedy; chicken. llc; Spring. 154c; tuikeya, 17c; dock. 1V. S'-e,e, 5c. Flour, bhls. Wheat, bu. Corn, bu. .. Oils, bu. .. Receipts. Shipment. ..11." ,.28 Sun ..43 ' M.7K) 7901 15 1 47.6O0 NEWYORK STOCKS ASDBONDS Market is Narrow and Little Interest is Shown in It. OMAHA. Sept. T. j Wheal value were boosted today on ulng by traders who turned bullish be-uiii-r of tha light receipt. New was K' t oiil that fnrmeri are stacking wheal itnil expect to hold it tor better price. iiAin a reported in the northwest and damage in the mocked grain la predicted. ..asn wi.tAt waa higher, in good demand, uiii( io lighter offering. Com wa Strong ana nlgher en heavy buying by shot is, w ho bava been seiling l.eavuy (or lure week. If the lower ci up estimates are confirmed, buying whi. k general. tVi.eai u I surprise al the opening and KOod buying planed an advance. . News v as considered bullish and cash values v re higher on an Improved demand. Re ceipt aie very light and with the present nipping demand values should work higher. 1 . orn started trong; and howed oonsld erabla strength, with wheat. Cash houses .re cood oiiyere early, but orders were s on Called and values eased back to about vrsteid.i:.' close. The 1st msrket was (lull and without feature. Primary wh-at receipts were .25 000 bu. and shipment wsre JTT.irtO bu.. asalnst re u Ip . 't vrar of 8C2.00O bu. and sntpments oi 481 008 bu. Prlmaiv corn receipts were 443,000 bu. and shlpmenis wet rOS.OVO bu.. against receipt la -ear of S'5.000 bu. and shipments of 1 bu. ( lour nice were 17.000 bu. of corn. 4 000 bu o' oats and wheat and flour equal to SM.OjO bu. Liverpool rinsed l'ifilMid lower on wheat and 44 higher on corn, Local ,.u:u ot op;i ne. WEATHKR. I. Tlin GRAM SF.1.T Continued t'naettled. with Hkswers FrMit and Slightly Warmer. OMAHA, Kept i. Italns were general wlihln the last twenty-four bourn throughout the northwest and over the Mlssouil and upper Missis sippi valleys, and continue fnlllng generally over those sections this morning. The rains were generally heavy In Nebraska and were well distributed over the state. The following heavy falls occurred during the twenty-four hours ending this morning, vis: Columbus, i ll Inches; Hastings, 2.06 Inches; Fall bury, 1.94 Inches. Falls ex ceeding one Inch were quits general over the state. The total fall at Omaha was 1.47 Inches. STEEL SHARES ARE HIGHER Ills Dae to Active Demand for Iron and Steel Prod arts tri Condition Causes Some Aaalety. Gold coin. $es.i.sw: silver dollars. $417. K'.nno; ni' tr dollars of W0, M.U1 HO; sliver certificate outstanding. l4S7.2fi9.Ono. Ueneial Fund S'sndnrd silver dollars. In general fund. $4.269. 3-tf. entrant liabllllles, l'C..4 is1, w orking balance In treasury offices. X1 te.706. In banks to credit Of United Statoe treasurer, 137.773,814: sub sidiary silver coin. SZTi.il.VT; minor coin, ll.'"1 Total balance In general fund, Vi'7.9l.fiy8. Articles.; Open Hlgh. Low. Close. Tes'y. Vliesi- Sopt. Dee. Corn Sept. Dec. Osis Sept. Dec. ;! M 31 V 7Vs. cih' " 64 ,sr."r.' 9041 364 1 IS; 4 87'! It4 6141 f.04 64 i U Prtrea. Omaha Cash WHKAT-NO. i hard, 94Ji7c; No. hard. SB4Hc; No. 4 hai-d, WAc; No. 3 sprint,, tUiMc: no srade. MfiYic. t tRX av,tlW,e; No. 3. ?4iS'c; No. 4. R2V.(Bfl2c: No. I vellow. 6ic: No. S yel low, 62c; No. 2 white, No. 8 white 64'4C. OATP No. 8 mixed, Mfi'Stc; No. low. S7l4Ke: No. S white. S71I3c; white. SCVtljrc; standard. S'ic RYE No. 2. 67c; No. 8, Q'iMc. Csrlot Reeelsl. Wheat. Corn. Oflts ........... t J83 iSt ie 15 2S 2t ' 8S 8 yel- No. 4 Chicago M nnespolls ,.. Omaha ................. Iuluih ' CHICACiO CiRAlV AND PnOVISIOX Feat a res vf the Tradlna; and Closln PrlefS an Board of Trade. CHICAGO. Sept. 3. Wet weather In tha northwrat drove chorts to cover in the wheat market here today, which resulted In material Advances In all deliveries. At the close prices Wera Hc to Sc above vesterdRV's final flguf-es. Corn and oats fif.aa.1 frm hut ttrovlslona ware easy. Momentary weakness -vas' manifested fn tha wheal pit at the.. opening of the mar kst. owina to.a decline.' of Id to 1H1 at Liverpool, but a strong tone soon deval oDed. and during the remainder of the dar aoiitlmcnt continued bullish. At the high point of the day prices were from IKo to lT4(aju above the low marks, several re cessions occurred during tha day because of profit-making by lucal holders, but at the close prices were less than hie below tha high point. .Weather conditions In the northwest were the' chief factor In the sit uatlon. Rains were reported In various seetlonk of the'spTtrur wheat belt, and the official forecast predicted additional ahow ers thronffhout MUihasota and the Dakotas during the next thlrty-alx hours. The movement of new' wheat continued on a liberal scale, and demand for the cash grain was strong In the northwest and aouthwest but slow here. Thera were no export Inquiries noted -here. During the day December sold between Wo and M74 VRc and closed at 94c. Possibility of damage to the new crop by cold weather induced considerable buy lug of coin by shorts, which resulted tn a strong market the greater part of tha day. At ilia close prices were 'c lower to Vto higher,' ' Oata were firm nearly all day. Oats closed rirm. with prices He to c higher. Provisions showed moderate strength during the first half of the day. but senti ment In the pit a bearish late In tha session. At the close prices were 6c higher to THo lower. The leading futures ranged aa follows: NEW YORK, Pept. 2. -The slock market tnrisv m-sa ntrrnti sn,4 lltll Interest was Slid I shown In It. The cointna three daya' closet. Interval, from Krioav evening to the fol lowing Tuesday morning, emphasised the I tendency to quietude In the market. Newsj of the day had little influence on the trading. Innu was an abundance of testimony to the vital Improvement aolna on in the iron The cool weather hae extended nd leel trade contained In the reports of over the Atlantic and gulf state, and while temperatures are slightly higher in the lake region, the upper Mississippi and Mis souri valleys, the weather eontlnuea oool In those sections. Light frosts occurred last night In the lake region and Ohio val ley. The weather will continue unsettled, with showers and slightly warmer. In this vicinity tonight and Frldsy. Record of temperature ann precipitation compared with the corresponding day of the last three years: 1KW. 1 1T0C. ITOfi Minimum temperature.... 5i 6 M Precipitation .00 .00 .fli Noimal temperature for today, 70 decree. L. A. WELSH. Local Forecaster. Corn add Wk, Rea-toa Balletln. For Omaha. Neb., for the twenty-four hours endlnst at 8 a. m., 71th meridian time, Thursday. September 2. 190i: OMAHA JjIeTRICT. Temp. Raln Rlstlons. Max. Mil., fall. Skv. Ashland, Neb S2 50 1.24 Cloudy Auburn, Neb 70 67 M Raining Hiokrn How. Neb. 6 fa 1.2b Foesv Columbus, Neb... 60 - 64 2.11 - Cloudv ICulbertson. Neb. 64 60 . 8 Korsv Falrbury, Neb.... 71 69 1 91 Cloudv Fairmont, Neb... M 66 .M Cloudv Island. Neh.. 70 51 1.04 Cloudv Hartlngton, Neb. 67 6? Cloudv Hstlngs, Neb.... 6.1 68 2.0n Cloudv Holdrege, Neb... fi! Kl .tO CMoudy Onkdnle. Neb BT 64 1.10 Cloudy Omaha, Neb K2 63 1.47 Rilning Tekarnah, Neb... 67 64 .S5 Ralnltln Ata. la... 70 62 ,19 Raining irroll. la 64 46 .00 Cloudy Clarlnda. Ia 67 66 .80 Raining Slblev, la 60 44 .04 Cloudv Sioux City, la... 62 64 .38 Raining Minimum tamnera.ture for teive-hour period ending at 8 a. m. Not Included in averages. DISTRICT AVERAGES. Central. No. .r Stations. Tmp. Rain. Chlcaro, 111 21 Columbus. 0 17 lies Moines, la.... 14 Indianapolla, Ind.. 13 Kansas City, Mo. 21 t-ouisvllle. Ky Is Minneapolis, Minn. 2a Omsha. Neb 18 St. Ivouls. Mo 13 The weather continues cool throughout the corn and wheat region. Light frosts occurred In the Ohio valley and lake region. Rains were general In the western portion since tha last report. . L. A. WELSH, Local Forecaster, Weather Bureau. XKW YORK GENERAL MARKET Max. Mill. Inches 6S 4? .00 6 40 .00 6 4S ' .01 73 42 .00 81 4 .23 . 7ii . ' HI .00 I 46 ,08 64 i, 61 .f . 7tl ' - 52 ,. T ((notations n Varloas autive demand for Iron and fr piaotloally all grade of the finished product- Not the current trade returna, but the prospects for the future, are what must be sougni in the prlie fluctuations of seiuntles, and art what doubtless p.ayed a part in the rise of the puce of I nited Siaies Steal to day to within a small fraction of Its high est record price. The small effect produivd i.ti the cotun market by the appcaiance of the government report of the condition of that crop on Auuxt 25 deprived It of In fluence In the stock market to some ex tent. The severe deterioration In the con dlilon of the crop is modified In Us effect on the position of the industries depending on a supply ot cotton by the large acreage planted, and even mere so by the after etculs of last year's crop, which Is shown by the computation Just finished by Secre tary Hester of the New Orleans Cotton ex cliaiiue to be the largest crop ever marketed In the history of me country. There was a note of anxiety manifested In the grain murKrts also today, the attention paid to the drouth In the corn belt shifting some what to tbo reported rams in m. n.f.n- wesi, which It was feared might hurt the quality of the spring wheat harvest. Tne Increase in the dividend by the Calu met and llccla Mining company was of more Influence on Ihe market for coppm shares than was the news of trade condi tions. The statistical position of copper In leparded as unsatisfactory on the whole, the piling up of stocks abroad Indicating that ihe rate of production of the metal Is still ahead of the Consumption, with small promise in this condition of early betterment of prices for the metal. The general dullness of the market movements In industrial specialties continues to stand out conspicuously. The American Hi'lu ami I. earner stoi ks responded to a highly favorable annua' report. American Loco motive suffered no apparent harm from a showing of a year's earnings Insufficient to pay the full dividend on even the ore fened stoofc. The failure to hold the entire advance in prices up to the end of the d was regarded us corroborative of Ihe bfliei that professional covering operations made up a large part of the buying. Bonds were firm. Total sales, par value, $2,270,000. United States bonds were uii inanged on calL .Niiiniei o: ku.os and lending quotations on. stoks today were as follows: 9lM High. Los fit York Money Market. NKW YORK, Sept." J MONEY On fall, firm; 22 per tent; ruling rate, 2l- per ceni; closli g bid, Jl4 per cent; bffered t 2' per cent. Time loans, steady; sixty flsvs. ifc3 per cent; ninety days. S3 per cent, ninety days. 3''3S per cant; six months. 374T)4 per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER 4i1T4 per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Firmer with actual business In bankera' bills at 14 8.M0 T 4.8R15 for sixty-day bills, and at $4iS5 t.StW for demand. -Commercial Mils, MM G4MV SILVER Rar, 51c; Mexican dollars, 44o. BuN DS Government, eteady; railroads, firm. The following are the closing quotations on stocks and bonds: U. t. r( Is. re. 1st. MM. 4ti , , IS H Int. w. M. 4S.... K'14 Maan .... ..... '61 H t H - ''ax. r. m. ist u... tl U S 4k. U till.. SU AJJ. unl. 4s ... I0IM , K. AT 1st s fM i, ,.n H Vn. fsclfU' 4 1IH. .. It. st M. 4H kS 'SN. T. C. (. Hs 1 a coupon V. 8 3. reg to cSupon V. 8. 4i re( do coupon Alllt-Chal. lit is.. Am. At t Am. T A T. ct. Am. Tobacco 4s.. d i Armour a- To. 4Mj,. .. . IK Atrhlenn gen: 4s do eT. 4 lu CT. Ml At. C. L. 1st ts Bl. A Oblo 4s... do 3Wa Jo S. W. Brk. Tr. ot. I"" do ab 4s l TWst. T, N. H. A .117H ct. Da l N. A W. lt e. 4i 4a iron do pt. 4a .'H No rai-lflo 4s li r do 4 7 O. 8. L. rft. 4s Cen. ot Oa. S 10rann. cv. !. Cen. Lthr Sa l1lt an esn. 4s r.. nf N. J t 5. .137 Reading gen. 4a . Chra. A Ohio 4Hl....in( g,. L A B T. fg. do rT. aa ao gn. M , Chliato A A. 3Ht... TSTaSt. t,. . W a. 4a.. r , B. A Q. 1 4a.... 'S do 1M golt 4a.... do gan. swseaaard A. L. 4a C. M. t i r. I IHa fl So. rarlhr col. 4s.. C, R. I. A P. a. 4a.. :iV do ct. 4a do eol. (a 1 so lat rat. 4s do rfdg 4a 'H So. Rallwar ta Colo. Ind. oa k! do gen 4a Colo. Mid. 4s. M fritoii Patlflo 4a.. C. A P r. A a. 4t do . 4 D. A H. D A R. O. 4a to fDf Ss niatllleiV 6a Bris p. I. 4a do gen. 4m., do ct. 4s str. A. do series B Oan. Klee. ct. It :. 111. Con. lat rat. 4a. Bid. "Aaket. 1414; do lal A rsV. 8. Robber ts. rSU. t. Steal Id ts 15 A Va -caro. Cham, ts, Wabaiih tSt 6s to lat A at. 4a . . MttWavtarn Md. 4a la aat. Klec. ev. 6a.. l.W Wis. Ctntrsl 4a M ... lot n ...HH ... ...1" ...imt ... 14H ... mh ... : ...1M 4s t"K ..t s ...71 ..1034 .. 1414 ..uis . .114) .. It ..KKVt aH 111 7ST Mtt Altta-r.halmara pfd Amalghmaied Copper .... Anusrtcan Agricultural .. A:n. Heat Siiajar Am. ran pM Am. O. A f Am. Cotton OH Am. H. A U pfd Am. Ico Sei'uritlea Ameiioas Llnaeed American Lvomouva .... Am. 8. A R ,., Am. 8. A R. pfd Am. Sugar Raflnlnf Am. T. A T A m. Tobacco pfd ........ . American Woolen Anaconda Mining Co..., Atchison v AtcRUon pfd Atlantic Coast Line Baltlmora A Ohio Ual. A Ohio pfd bathlahem Btael Brooklyn Rapid Tr...... Canadian Pacific cantral Leather I rural Leather prt Central of Near Jaraer... Chcaapoaka A Ohio t hlcago A Alton cbluago Great Western. Chicago A N. W C. M. ti St. V C. C, C A 8t. L Colorado P. A I Colorado A go ; Articlea.l Open. High. I Low. Clo. Ye y. Wheat Sept. lieo. May lec. May Oata Sept. Dec. May Poik Sept. Jan. Ijt.nl Oct. Sept. Nov. Jan. Rlba- Sspt. Oct. Jan. it7HTl 8HI 7i37j n, mti i 6U! 7 1 C7V1 .66H67 t&l 7 W ttSkl6'tf;UHi3i68idttl6rAo 3'k 87 I I Wkl 64 1 i S7Sr i 34 M OH I I 7t. r1 IT lb 17 60 I 13 SO 12 SiW 11 to 10 66 Vt 86 13 86 tt (0 ) 23 17 I7HI K S 1 3741 0HI 23 86 22 80 7l 17 7fl S7 87 mi 1 KVfcl 11 22 11 2 11 f2W 10 60 It 60 It 87H 11 87HI 11 75 11 76 I 11 75 11 60 t 43 I I 4S I 85 13 KW 13 22 11 62 '-J 1 13 274 13 25 11 S7Vi 1 60 11 76 I 11 83H 11 Vk 11 70 I 36 374 Cash auolatlona were a follow:. FLOUR Steady: winter patents, 34 60 J r, 00; stralghu. t:3Ot0.13; spring patents, Wu6.T0; straights, t.Cirt.t0; baker. 13.15 tJ4.Tt. RYE-No. t, 737tc, BARLEY Feed or mixing, gt0c; fair to choice malting, 0&6c SKEDS Flax. No. 1 aouthweatern, 31. 86; No. 1 northwestern, 11.41. Timothy, $1 2xlf I M. Clover, fllOa PROVISIONS Mesa pork, per bbl.. 32180 22 85. Lard, per 100 lbs., $12 274. Short fibs, sides (loose!, $1160-311.80. Short ileal ides (boxed), $11874913 M. Total clearances of wheat flour .were anal to 864.0O0 bu. Primary receipt wer fcj&.ouO bit,, compared with 863,000 bu. the corresponding day a year age. Kstlmated receipts for tomorrow; Wheat, 64 cars; corn, 'i31 cars; oats, 3il car; hogs, .' 0U head- , Bl'l'i ., Steady;, crtamerle. 344a29e, dairies. 2!i26c,. . KOUS iUAly: tecelpu, 7,714 cases; at mark, cases Included. Wc; firsts, tOo; prim firsts. tiv..c CllEKbE-Strong; daisies. 16fUc; twins, 16tAi'4Cf yottnr Americas, lc; long horn. POTATOES Firm: choice to fancy.' K toe, fair to good, eStjUc. . POULTRY Steady; turkey. l"o; chick ens. He i springs. ITc. VEAL Swady; 60 le fsVaound weights, 9 4c; te to 15 pound weight, 4't10.i to UO-poun weight, WvtUe. t. Lols Uaaaisl Market. ST. l-Ot'IS. Sept. 8 WHEAT Hlghar; track. No. 2 red, cash, tl.Of&lK; Nd 2 hard. $1010107; Septeitiber, toc; Decem ber. 4c. COKN-Firm; track. No. 3 cash. r-4o; Sepuinhrr. st.sc; December. U4c; No. 2 whfe. iati4owc. I ATS Higher; track. No. 3 caah. J9c: September. 874c; December, 374c; No. 3 while, t4c. H V F Firm at 74e. FIXl"R tJteady; red winter patent. $4 SO tV3.20; eatra fancy and straight, $40046, hard winter cieara, 84 16W4 60. SEE1 Timothy. ISOOnjJtO. . .VlRNMKAL IS.80. T hit AN Steady; sacked, east track, 36 USc. , AY-Steady; timothy, $l0.0Oa'15.O8; pral ile. 9 Ov-011 AO IRON' COTTON' TIES 80c. PAfWIN G 7Cc HEMP TWIN K 7c. f in Higher at lS't. I T'i h r . .morv. 33(I40 PROVISION S-Pork. higher; Jobbing, $'"7o LarA lower; prime steam. Ill o ti,. ..ill meata steady; boxed extra ai . s' urin, M.MIi; Clear ni. -- .Icara IU.2B. Bacon, aleady; boxd extra of the' Day Commodities, NEW YORK, Sept. 1 FLOUR-Recelpta, 3.200 bu.: exports. 6 000 bu. Market aulet. with prices quoiably unchanged. Winter patents, $i. 10t6.40; winter straights, 4.6o 6.00; winter extras, $4.20ia4.6o; winter low ui sdcs. It l(Ka4..Vi; Kansas sttalghts. $4 76' 4.90. Rye flour, firm; fair to good, $4.16 (aa.ifo: inoic to rancy, si..un4.4b. COHNMEAL Firm; fine white and yellow, tl. 601.06; coarse, $).SlrJl.o6: khn dried, $3.76. RYE Thill; No. 2 western hew, 76c, f. o. b.. New York ' ' RARLEY quiet; feeding, 61534e, f, o. b. eMow.York.i ' . .. - ,t, WHEAT Receipts. 39.000 bu. Spot mar- kef irregular. No. 2 red, $1,044, nominal. elevator; No. 2 red, $1.0fckf. f t. b. afloa-U najomi rwortnern umtri7i" ll.Vf.-eAiiontmai.T I.- tj. d. arioat; no. 2 hatd winter. $1,10 4, nominal, f. o. b. afloat. Bears were unsuc cessful in an early effort to break wheat nn the wealr r h I u v mnA .-... vigorously all the forenoon, advanclnirl P; , ,n- - pW nrl,. . - i, .!... f ltall!lera" Recur " j .. ii ,i uui.mv luai nulls, uiJiuulk ing receipts ana rains in the nortnwest. The late market was a shade easier, hut still closed Vc to He net higher. Septem ber ' closed at fl.0i4; necember( Jl.Oli 1.021, closed at $1,034; May cloaed at $1.04V CORN Itecelpts, 21,700 bu. ; exports, t.Ui bu. Spot market steady. No. 2 old, 774c, nominal, elevator, and 78c, nominal, de livered; No. 2 new, 63c, winter shipment. Option market was without transactions, closing Vic to Sc net higher. September closed at 76c and December at 67c. OATS Receipts. 85.400 bu.; export, 1.100 du. spot market steady. Mixed. 40c, nom-' LoulaTins inai; natural white, iifcifltOc; clipped white, 4Jf)47o. HAY-Steady No. 3, 76330c; choice, sC-ituc. HOPS Quiet ; state, common to choice. WK. 16P19c; 1d07, nominal; P.?:fic ooasu 1906, I4'il7; 19U7, llifjUo. HIDES-Steady; Bogola, VOflac; Central Amerlcn 2!e. PROVISIONS Beef, steady; family. 814.60 C14.S0; mess, $11.00'8ll.6O; beef hams, ISt.OVJ North American 26.00; ps.kt. tli.iAi'iliaO; cliy exf a India I .Northeru facific meetn, sdu.Diniii.w. 'ui meat, stead v: nick- rciuo nu led bellies u.ts.4i2.H); pu-kkd hsnv. $12 D 4 12.50. - Lard, firm; western, tl2.60tu"l2.70' refined stesdy; cintlnent. $n.0O: son'h America, $13.50; compound, $7.6247. 874. Pork, firm; fmlly. 22.iM.80; short clear. $21.00C.23.60; mess, $3.2612.76. TALLOW Quiet; city, 5,c; country 6c. ' RICK Steady ; domestic. l44e: Japan ' " ' RITTTKR Creamery extras, 374c; firsts 26'ic; seconds. H4c; packing stork, '.' EGG:-Extra. 2f.c; first. 22c; seconds and duties. 12c; southern, loss off 14c POULTRY Alive. stesdy; western chickens, 18ifc'18p; fowls, 174 j l4o; turkeys 15c; dressed, irregular; western chickens, broilers. 154s20c; fowls, 160174c. 20-) Si 63 11, MO 4Vi M4 4lt 44 1 40S 4a 1'tO M 83 1J') t't ma, 7IW 74 14 4.1' 61 4K4 2tH) SJH :i. 1.801) 7l ltf l.0 ) 61 ld.auu :u- ti "i.m is ii .!') Wtt 141 102 Itlllt 7011 t:0 boo VD l 1U0 10.) j0 1.400 J,tt"0 700 i0 I.KN) in 4'S ! 104', U 11714 32i 7S H2'i 44 111 111' It 82 81W 414 ll:,S 14 134 .1I7W HVk S2 7 U1', 41 l'.U tuk Close. KS 4SH 4S 81 Vi 7a 74", 411 . MS 17S ts ll:4 )- 141 loiti sdS 4S 11H4 104 Mi Hi 1I7S, M London C'loalna; Ktock LONDON', Sept. 8. American seeurltle opened quiet and about unchanged today During the first hour of trading prices ad vanced fractionally and at noon the mar. ket was steady and from 4$ higher than yesterday s New lor closing, London closing stocks Coo tola, money. ri' account.... Amsl. Chopper..! Anaconda Ao-blton do pfd.. Baltimore Canadian Clieaapeake A O... Chicago O. W Chi., Mil. A St. P. lie neera Denver A RIs O. .. do pfd Erin dn let pfel do id pfd Clrand Funk. 4 l-ltLouia'tlle A .. I4S4M., k. A T .. I7SN. X. central.. fNorfcl A W... 121 do pfd 1074 Ontario A W.., A Ohio.... not PennjTlTanle .. Pacific. ...IS Rand Mlnea 14 Reeding 1! Southern ky..., 11 do pfd is Southern Par trie 4itVnion rsclfle.., M04 do pfd t C 8. Htel , H to pft , 4f Vt abash 24 do pfd Illinois Central IMugpanleh 4e SILVER Har, steady at 2J;d MOMS-hr per cent. The ralo of discount In the open market tor short bill Is 14 per cent; for three months' bills, 17-16 per. cent. . . ,!EV, . 44S .142 . MVi . tl . 4, . It . u . Il . 72V, lot inui 1S lit w H per ounce. OMAHA LITE STOCK MARKET General Hun of Cattle Steady to Strong in Spots. LITTLE CHANGE 15 HOG PRICES Fat Umbi I arrralr Lower, While Fat Hheesi aat All Kinds of Feed er Remain Aboot teady, bat Slow Trade. SOUTH OMAHA. Neb., Sept. 3. Receipts were: Official Monday .... Official Tua-day ... Official Wednesday , Ksilmat ihursday Cattle. Hogs. s.462 5.. '.20 9.327 4.2UI) 2.4-1 7.ll t,; 8.800 1909. Sheep. ll.Sft 17.862 13.'.' 17.0W ...27.JW ...29.8 2S.4.M 2i).M 21.220 l9r.2 18,060 21,96 7J.5M 60.8.6 tK.fiO1! S7.M4 40 93.181 the receipts Four day this week. Fame days last week. Same daya 2 weeks a..J2 6"H Pame days 3 weeks ago. .18.279 Same davs t weeks ao.. 18.063 Same days last year 27,126 Tha fe.11ewfna taHla shows of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Oman for the year to date, compared with last year: 1909. 1901 In'- l-'c- Cattle 626.660 596.907 30,761 Hog .., 1.700.S.M 18.1t.JT3 l Sheep 1.019,697 1.046.668 The following table shows the averagt price of hoga at South Omaha for the last several days, with comparison: .1112 . Rl 81 cows rio U. ds 40 steers. ...1! ?9 steer. ...1273 86 Steers .12 -5 7C8 81, 1 eows M( $ TR 8 cow....., 819 A. L. Itlnghsm S. D. It cow KM 3 80 10 calves 23 Stret. ... 97H 4 30 16 cows William Kottermsn S I). 21 feeders. .U . i SO 16 feeders. .1040 14 eons M Sit W.F. Vy1t-. D. 48 cows. r 'J I ia M feeders. S5 f eedi t J. 5X7 4 4.'. 18 cows..., C. Meln-S. D. I sters. ...1021 J isi 3 cows... i cows 63.1 2 TO T. T. Ixng-S. D. C4) steers.. ..1048 4 ts It rows... t cow sis 2 iS O W. Flsher-S. P. 8t feeders.. 1H2 1 96 2 heifera. 8 6. 12 helf rs. S. Hamilton V yo 6 40 25 steers. ...1?J 6 40 SI steers ...llSi 6 40 8 cowh 1022 Antlers Cattle Company Wyo. 25 feeders.. W4 4 CO II Meer. ...1118 6 cow 824 3 36 Uunti dt K. v yo. 30 teer....1107 6 00 7 cows.... F. S Bull-Wyo. 23 steers.. ..105 4 65 16 feeders. It) feeders.. 8f7 8 70 11 eows ... 2i cows S74 2 75 16 cslves.. 8 hfifers... 5. 3 05 .1. R. Kendrlck Wvo. 18 steers . ..12..1 6 65 20 steers. ...1200 C. II Ttex Wyo. (7 steers. ...1060 4 80 28 cows 910 L. 8. Howes Wvo. 10 steer.. ..10i7 4 86 67 steers. ...17 149 COWS.... 8S2 3 15 SI cows S09 J. D. Orleve Co. Wyo. 4 COWS...., till I 7S 88 cow s 908 ) 85 11 teer....104 4 66 21 steer.. -12SS 6 40 3 20 1 a 3 70 4 33 4 90 3 05 660 3 70 883 3 M 3 60 3 15 6 4fl 4 60 3 2. 4 2) 971 3 fO 616 274 Date, I 198. il90.1907.ilO8.18O6.1904. 11908. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. 29. Aug. 80.. Aug. 31.. 8ept. 1.. Sept 3.. 28. 24. 36. 26. 37. 2S. 7 34 I I 88 7 6141 8 82 t 87 7 7VUI t 34 I 7 69.; 6 38, 3 77 7 63 I 41 t 77 7 8841 46, 6 76 47 a 63 7 7841 1 8 711 7 764! 6 63 6 731 7 81S 46 I 43 1 6 37 t 651 8 931 081 6 86 I V2 I 04 I tt 8 8DI I 861 90! 1 70 6 661 6 78 a ei Sli , o 16 St 6 El B 80 1 6 33 6 K3, 6 6 K t 77 6 37! 6 7! 6 II, 5 M t S5I 6 61l 5 13 (32 t 17 6 27, e il 'Sunday. Receipt and disposition of live stock at the Union stock yards, South Omaha for twenty-four hour ending at 3 o'clock p. m. September 1: RECEIPTS CARS. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H'r C, M. A St, P 3 Missouri Pacific 6 Union Pacific 11 C. aV N. W., east C. ft N. W., west.. 78 C, St. P. M. ft O C, U. ft Q., east.'... 1 C, R. ft west.... 68 C, R. I. ft P.. west.. .. Illinois Central J C. Q. W 4 3 17 7 30 8 6 19 1 8 1 37 48 13 Total receipts 166 DlerOSITIO. HEAD. Cattle. Hogs 67 Loeal letiniin ' Haetattoaae Quotation furnished ' By Samuel Burns, Ir., 614 New York Lit , building, Omaha Bid. Aakad. Armour A Co. 4HS, lie Cudao; l-acatng 10 S2" ! Columbua, Neb.. B. L. ea lUt. good to i'olu. A go. let pfd... 4 olo. A ko,. Id Wt-.. T'onaolklated Oas ... O.rn Products lelawar A Hudaon. Dearer A R. O I liars' securities ..... Erie let pfd Brie 2d pfd .' General Klertnc lireat Nortliern pfd Great Northern Ore ctfa. .. llllnoia Central lnterbnrough Met Int. Met. pfd International Harreater .. int. Marine pfd International Paper International Pump Iowa central Kanees City So 1 K. c. so. pfd A N Minn. A St. L M . St. P. A 8. 8. M Mleaourt Faetfle M . K. A M . K. A . pfd National Ulacult National Lead N. tt. R. ol M. lat pfd... New Tork Central N. Y.. O. A W Norfolk A '. 700 124 1 1S 700 '16' 1!W I.S00 L74, 1684 i.ioii u 'u ...... '.i.'.l. i.'ieL X kukt. IM 5.? 9 14. S HW 1924 iis S00 48 4; 3") S8S lit 404 Mli SH l.4 m :ni4 ill, 63 no jot ism, t'O L'is, i:,s U5 ltJ i4 14 '4 900 47S 4dV Kansas City Grain and erewlaloa. KANSAS CITT, Mo., Sept. 1 WHEAT Cloie: Sapteinbsr, 924c; December, 894e; May, 9S4c. Csh, unchanged; No. 8 hard 99c 11.01; No. 3 hard. 94vic; No. 8 rd $1 01. No. 8 red. BScfltl 02. CORN September,. 62e; December. (44c; May, 674c. Cash, nominally unchanged; Nn. 2 mixed. tHVtfteSe; No. $ mixed, 6449 44c; No. 8 white, 6t9S4o; No. 3 white, StstfSo. OATS unchanged ; Ne. 3 white, 41t3c; No. 2 mixed, 89a40c. RTE 7CK7So. H ATT Unchanged; choice tlmethv. 21100- choloe prairie, $7.751.40; choice alfalfa. $116014 60. ktL 1 1 B.IV r irm; creamery soectata. 90 SOWc; extra. 294c. ElKJS ljulet, unchanged. Wheat, bu. Corn, bu. . Oats, bu. . Receipts. Shipments ....132.000 121. 00 .... 11.000 40.000 .000 6,000 Pennsylvania Peopie'a Gaa P . c, o. a St. L Preeied Steal Car Pullman Palaoe Car Railway bteel Splng Reading KtpuulK gteel Republic steal pft.... ktwk laiand Co Rock lalsnd C. pfd it. Lal V. id pft St. Lou ia a. W tt. L. 8. W. pfd Sloaa Sheffield . a I ceuthern Parifie southern Railway o. Railway pfd Tennoeare IVipper Tesaa A Pacific T , It. U A W T.. St. LAW. pfd Union Paeifle I'nlon paelfla pfd I'. S. Realty U. 8. Rueber t. 8. Steel V. . Steel pft Ink dapper Vs. -arolina CkenJoaJ Va.-i'smllna (iieml al ... Wahaah tVabaah pfd Weeiero Maryland Weatiiishouee Ktactric .., Weetern t slon Wheeling A U E Wleclnain Central r iral asmaanient paid. Total sales tor the day, ') 6,4'W M 600 .JO 5.V ) 2O0 1V l.uo t-v 100 in) 1.A0 10.6 JO 100 1UV 1,'JO) 100 I,i0i 5t i.ioo i"i 191. 600 100 4,000 2.600 HO 1.200 Al 20,100 , i.tuu HJ lot . !. luu too . 41,3,.) . 1,490 1H4 4t luS 73S 162 MV 114 71 43 .) 107 tl 130 4il4 ' II' le 1 SI 140T, li:, S 4eS ;i'i, 7, lUu4 ' 6i . 1' t6tt 14 I.MS e:- 8', 14 7v J 104 . 8.406 'is" .lia.i.to tss l.auii lit 104 41 41 '4 lft4 4 4"S. 71 1M 64 S 141 7S tH 17 tlH 6-14 lit 41 S, lift m , 14oH 115S tiia is " LI4 3.S M, 74-4 61 . ts M4 12S l" I0ti 6.S 70S mos 1Mb 14 'ti" 7.tt 12ov4 60S "v, 4ls U- 6J4 tt till) 1,t 1.0 - M) 6M,6I 1 ?6S los IS DS I4S :t-S 4'4 11S lo . US MS H"e , IMS 117 1 7J S 61 . us . 7V ls l'.'l 47S WS 8 S5'4 61 S 41 1 IMS 1, lii4T, HS 4S tC' 1H 1H 474 H 4S 73S IMS 63 4 luS 7.1 107 S 91 S 64 131 41 S U 16,S J1S lite 1U Sk IV 41 11 J.4 lOoS ' K'S US t MS . t s 14 1 al 7 S7 J. 61S 70S 'n 0S 11 61 71 S 111 60S 44 4S M 6 t' 7.. 14 64 1f Omaha Fire Engine 4a, m Omaha r.enewala. 4S, 1M4. ...... Int. Con. Co., ICtnsaa Cltx.,.,.... Kanaaa City Ry. 6a. 1111 Kanaaa City Ry.. p'd Morris A Co. 4S. l3l....v.r.. Neb. Tel. Stock. .. Omaha flea 6s, 117. . . Oman, B. L. A ft la, llal.'V-......, Omaha G. L. A P. pfd. r ., Omaha A C B. St. Ry. 6a, '1914. Omaha & C. t. St. Ry. Sa. tstt. Omaha A 0. B St. Rr.(pfil aulre. , Omaha A C. B. St. Ry. eotu 4::.', Omaha A C. B. Ry. A B. pfj 1. Omaha Water Co 6e, 111. ........... r. . . Swift A Co. te, lM.....J.H.-.f. , 60. Omaha Bawer 4S 12. A. ........... Sioux City Stock Ttrda pfd t Sioux City Stock Tarda eomi.e- 1.., Unloo Stock Tarda. Omaha. 1. ,x-ttv. IIS M N4 ltoii 4S tt 100s 1004 101 I0KS tl us 174 MS II It IIS 134 OTS 10OS tl tS MS 100S I.' 14 106 101 s io-) 84 14 S 71) ' IIS 64s 4S M lot 101s iots i" lb go ' M It s Bank ot' Engrlana Statement. I-ONHOV, Sept. 2-The weekly ttev ment of the Rank of England shew the following changes: Total reserve, de creased, 821.000; circulation. Increased. 241,000; bullion, decreased. 80,24.1; other securities, ..Increased, 670,000;, other de posits. Increased, 1.223.000; publlo deposits, decreased, 824.000; notes reserve, decreased, ;01.0U0; government securities, decreased, 27.000. The proportloft of the bank's reserve to liability this week 1 62.36 per cent; last week It waa 6311 per cent Bank of France' statement. PARIS, Sept. 2 The weekly statement of the Rank of France shows the follow ing changes: Notes in circulation. In creased, 149,050.000 franca; treasury de posits, decreaaed, 26.000.000 franca; general deposits, decreased, 72.200.000 franca; gold In hand, decreased. 14,973,000 francs; silver In hand, decreased, 1,425.000 francs; bills discounted, Increased, 166.676.000 franc; advances, increased, 1,426.000 franc. Omaha J v Ing Co.. Bwlft ana mmpsny.. Cudahy Packing Co.. Armour ft Co Schwarti-Rolen Co Krey Packing Co Cudahy Bros St. Douls Ind. Pack. Co.. Rchwartsrhlld ft Sul.... Cudahy Co S. ft Co W. B. Vansant Co Benton Vansant ft Lush. Stephens Bros Hill ft Bon P. B. Lewis Huston ft Co J. B. Root ft Co J. H. Bulla L.. F. Hus li. Wolf McCreary ft Carey 8. Werthelmer H. F. Hamilton M. Hagerty Sullivan Rroa Smith A Polsley G. Clin ft Co Other buyer 896 .1.200 .1.314 .1,171 84 672 U In 18 149 64 42 121 124 62 75 306 77 20 59 35 16 27 683 710 1.211 1.542 1,627 123 232 414 5M 95 Sheep. 1,292 1,606 606 8.763 81 com. 4 cows. .. 42 calve. 9K calves. 9;V) 9?4 90S 198 8 75 3 60 4 76 ( 10 3 60 4 r, 8 65 8 3 J") 4 (0 6 00 Robert Wilson Wyo 10 Steers.. ..im 4 90 10 vows 1014 3 55 J. D. Collins Wyo. 13 Steers.. ..101S 8 60 1 'steers.. ..1230 4 90 John oshorn wyo. I cow 1012 3 60 3 cons 920 2 90 COIAJRADO. $ cow 781 3 65 3 bulls 1106 3 15 calve.... 136 6 75 3 c'ves... 120 3 00 S feeders.. 928 8 90 103 heifers... &2 3 30 4 feeders.. 615 3 60 HOGS Receipts wer very disappointing this morning, th early estimate of 1i cars being cut down to ninety-four car. Tha market was In good shape, being gen erally about 6c higher than yesterday s close, or about steady with the best time yesterday. The early trade was reasonably active and the big bulk of the receipts changed hands In good season in the morn ing. Kales ranged largely from $7.70 up to $7.90 and as high as $810 for the best light weights. Some very choloe pigs, weighing 137 pounds, sold up to $8.00. Toward th close the market was not quite so active. Representative sales: Dank of t.ermany statement. bKRLIN. Sept. 2. The weekly statement of the Imperial Rank of Germany shows the following changeBt Cash In hand, de creased. 64.103,000 marks; loans. Increased, 23 933.000 marks; discounts, Increased, 43. (K.5 ouo marks; treasury bills, Increased. 63.04.000 marks; notes In circulation. In 124.064,00 marks; deposits. St.b.ono marks; gold in hand, 55,917.000 marks. creased, creased, creased, de-de- Forrlgn Flnnnelal. the RERI.IN. Sept. 3 The tendency on Bourse today wa rirm. PARIS. Sept. 3 Price on th Bourse to day wore firm. Bank Clearing-. OMAHA. Sept. 2 Bsnk clearings for today were 82.462,819.46 and for th corre sponding date last yar $1,913,784.42. Boston .Stocks anil Bunds. BOSTON. Sept. 2.-Money, call loan. vt .-riii, uiiiu loans, 4'(i Closing quotations u.r.: pi r Kansas City option were as follows: Article. 'Open. High. Lew. Cloe. Wheat I I 'I September ... (34! 4! 82'' 9214 Iiecember ... W'sl SOU WSl 'SB May 93-1 934 SU4I 93HA Corn . I . September ... 614 42 61, rB December .... 544! (54 6441 64SH May 674l 57-s ii 674B A aakad. B bid. st tnarnnell Grata Market. MINNEAPOLIS. 6ept. 3. WHEA1W Close: September, 96c; December, 934c; Msy, 974c. Caah: No. 1 hard, $1 0v44 t.004: No. 1 northern, 9941&c; No. 2 northern, 97489;c; No. 3 northern, 9443 S6V.C. FLAX If. tt- B RAN In 100 lb. sacks, IJ9 58. FLOUR First patents, $5 26o6.T6: second patents. r166iio; first clears, $4 4534 65; second eleara, $3 i.3.t Mllsvaake Grata Market. MILWAl'KEE, Wis Sept I WHEAT No. 1 northern. $1 0&ftl 06; No. I northern, 1104: December, SH'sc, bid. OATS 8$33!4c BARLEY Sample. (6tt8c. Tnlede See Market. TOLKI0. O.. Sept. tSf. EDS Clover, cash. $; 10; October. $7-6: December, 1766; March. 37 6: No. !, $6 All rejected. 86 46. 1-rim timothy. 1W. Prime alstke, 17 .76. Atchison adj. 4a.. te 4 Atchison R A 4o pld Poeioa A Albany. . Boeion A Maine... Boetoa CISTated .. Pluchburg ptd N. V., N. H A H I'nlon Pacific Am. Arge. Cheoi . do pft Am. Paeu. Tubs . Amer. Sugar Aa. T. A T Amer. Woolen .. do pfd , Pom. I. A S Edison E'er. Ills Msia. tlectrle ... do pfd Slau Oas t'nlied Fruit t'nit.d S. M do pft V. S Steel do pfd Adventure Alto-tea Ea-dlTldend. . Amalgamated .... ..1O0S Anions Coin. ... . nil Atlantic . .lOtsbtrtie coelltiun . ..is." Csl. A Arlna.. ..It-) Cel. A Hecla ..ilHS Centennial .130 lonper Kange ... ..170 Daly Weat ... . . t-is Punklln . 41 Oranby ..1 (iretne Cananea' .. S Hie R.iyale ..134 Mu aliuing ... ..lsiSMichUjar, .. 39V Mont. C. A O....; ..1-.6V Nevada .. etsoid liumliooa ... 24 Oeceola 14 I'arrit .. T7 tulncy . . tt fc'i.annon H'VTrliilty tt Cuh . .. Victoria .. iV n,i. 'l'A'-W Wolrerine .... N.irth Bu-.le it-. 4 cent. . I4S .. 4JS .. 10',, ,. a ..lot' . .tl.'. 4 S .. IS .. I .. II .. Ml .. S .. as .. is .. 1 .. 15 .. 14 . . 61 ..141 .. ,li . . I .. U .. .. 44S S' .. f.s ..164 .. SI New lurk Mil NEW TORK. Sept. 2. wer as folios . Alias 1H 1. ItryllfWl.'S t'OO I Com. Tunue) stock... ft uo bonds lug Storks. Closing quotaiions Con t-al A Horn Silver Inn Silver . Offered. Va l-eodvlll C1.11. i.'-i ic Chief . .' Mexican tlmarto Ovhlr .-ifniianl Vellow Ja ket S . 7 1I .mo 1 .1! .lie) Trenaary Stat rmrut. WASHINGTON. Sept. 2 The conditio of the treasury at th- ti. v 1 11:111; i.f h. s Urrs today teas aa follu.. Trust Kund.i- Cottoa Market. NEW YORK, Sept. 2 COTTON Th market opened stesdy art an advance of k tn 9 point on better cables and reports of a belter business and covering. Wall street houses seemed to be selling long cotton, however, ana tne orrerlng, rrom this source were heavy enohgh to send prices off to within 8 or t points of last night's finals during the early trading with the rgtarket nervous and unaettled, pending the publication of the government condition figures expected at midday. Future opened stesdy; September, 12.43c; October. 12.44c; November, 13 438:12 4,'c; December, 12.63c; January, 12.47o; May, 12.r.8c. Futures clotted steady September, 13 38o; October, 12 4'ic; N'ovsmber. 12 42c; Decem ber. 12.47c: January, 12 4'c; February. 12.47c; Murch. 12.61c; April. 12 52c: May. 12.6itc Spot closed quiet; 10 points higher; mid dling uplands. 12.80c; middling gulf. 13.06c; ssles. 30 bales. GALVESTON, Sept. 8 COTTON Steady at 12c. ST LOCIS. Sept. 2. COTTON Steady; m dilllng. 2c; sales, none; receipts. 91 bsle,; shipments. 99 bales; stock, 10,633 balrs NEW ORLKANS, Sept. 3 COTTON-Spot mm ket stoidy and unchanged: middling. 12 7-lt'.c; sales on the pot, 2o7 bales; to ar rive, none; for deferred deliveries. iOO bale. Total 5.363 1,837 13,111 CATTLE Receipts ot caul Wei quite liberal for a Thursday, 148 care being re ported In a against 116 cars the same day last week. For the week to date receipts foot up 27.2 heed, showing a falling off of about 2,500 head as compared with last week' heavy run. The demand for beef steer was very fair again today and In spite ot the fact that receipts were quite liberal, there was a fair movement of desirable kinds of kill ers. The supply consisted almost entirely of ranger, there being yery few cornfed In' sight. - - " Cow and heifer did not show very much change, being generally figured as about steady with yesterday. Canners have been pretty good seller all the week and are commanding good, firm prlcea. The same Is true of choloe fat row. Good feeders wer strong sellers, the market being active, especially when It Is considered thst the week Is drswlng toward a close. Blockers and trashy cattle were not strong sellers, but were generally quoted about steady with yesterday. Quotation on cattl: flood to choice corn fed steers. $7.0037.66, fair to good cornfed steer, $6 40 J. 00; common to fair cornfed tears, $4 6046.40; good to cholc rang steers. 86.0tMT6 60; fair to good range steers. $4.60 8 6.00; common to fair range steers, 33.7ffT;4 ,0; good to choice cornfed cows and heifers. $3.906.00; fair to good corn fed cow and heifer. $3.00 3 3.90; common to flr cornfed cow and heifers, 1.75J 3 06; good to choice range cews and heifers. $3.60UM.OO: fair to good range cons and heifer. I:. 00-33.40; common to fair rang cow and heifers, $2.632 80; good to choice tockers and feeders. $4.00dTr 50: fair to gcod stockera and feedera, $3 2694 00; com mon to fair stookers and feeders. 82.75,ffl.36; stock heifer, l2.Wff3.2u; veal calves, $3,609 6. CO; bull. Blags, etc.. 33 5094.60. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. N. ,11... 7... 11... 9... At. 1.61 N A. Pr. t II COWS. m iu t 9ns 1 11 HO 8 80 12 90t I it ta I II tt! I 36 HEIFERS. Ill I It 4 70 I 10 CALVES. lit I 10 I tan I 04 ...... 104 4 76 8 210 t 10 Ill 6 00 t 170 t 60 8TOCKERS AND FEEDERS. Ill 1 ot It 101 t to t,t I It 1 100 t 70 Mt I tS WESTERNS NEBRASKA. 1038 698 400 413 7(3 843 216 318 tn .. 200 .. 609 .1311 .. 113 ,. til 2 940 820 A. 69 feeders.. 1204 L. A, . 171 . 610 J. 23 Bteers....l040 10 steers... I feeder.. 6 calves ... 6 heifer... 8 cow..... I cow 4 calve.... 8 cow 44 helfsrs. 4 cslves. 9 heifers. 6 bulls.... 41 heifer. 42 heifer. 83 calve.... 60 heifers... 16 eows 9 feeders, t calves.. t 10 3 60 4 00 3 71 3 76 3 10 4 0 8 26 3 26 4 6 3 8 10 3 60 8 60 4 76 4 40 3 60 15 feeders.. 461 ( calves.... 263 4 bull 1162 5 heifer... boo 1 bull 12V) 9 001 766 I cow 796 I heifer... 6(0 16 calve.... 166 6 cows 736 8 eows... 47 heifers... 916 24 cows. S calves... 12 calves.. 40 heifers.. 11 cows.... -Neb. T. Davis- 4 64) Kolterman Neb. 3 60 6 cows 26 3 heifers... Dllfelder-Neb. 4 60 23 cows..... 902 JI-2 3F.3 99 700 828 643 11 cows. 18 cows 972 J. 23 steer. ...1140 7 cow 921 20 i s. ft hs. 964 . 309 1006 . t of fen Market. NKW YORK. Sept. 2. COFFEE Future clofert quiet, net unchanged to 6 points lower. Sales were Z' .:') bags. Including September ot 6.10c. Dec-ember at 6 2."c. March at 5.::0c and Mav and July at 5.&C. The w orld's vielble increased 1 670 2i4 bags for the month of August to 16 3.'9,M1 bags. Spot. iiio; No. 7 Rio 7'ic; No. 4 Santos, eu!c. Mild, quiet; Cordova. ISflUc. Alice Ranch Neb. 71-0 3 60 11 calves. Hud Seerest Neb. 3' steers. ...1122 4 60 II eows . I 26 Herman Neb. 4 90 10 sttrs....i:09 $ lie 34 steers.. ..1.-23 3 7i 9 steers... .1166 George O'Keefe Neb. IS 2 90 2u oe s 96t 3 25 27 steers.. 10u 8 16 OrahamarMont. 15 cows.. 17 cows.. 16 cows.. .. H41 ..1009 J. ..1046 1470 8 60 3 00 3 10 3 06 3 75 3 65 3 86 3 70 I 60 I (0 3 40 3 6t 3 40 S 60 3 76 4 40 3 85 3 75 3 00 3 21 4 00 3 75 4 35 4 K 4 35 3 2) 4 40 10 steers 4 s ers 11 cows 601 U feeders.. H4 in steers.. ..lor7 8 o.lv, s 29 cows., 143 667 8 90 I 0 2 65 8 : 4 00 6 2.1 2 14 I feeders.. 4 cows 6 heifer. .. 16 heifers... 17 calves... 10 cows 608 910 61 ISi Sol 8.6 I steers.. 12 CoHS... 14S Si' H I. 9 cow s. . . V, steers. , .6 cows. . . J. W. t liapman Mont. . 926 3 7 5 6 heifers... 723 . '.'M 3 20 15 ;ecr....llej . 9n7 4 Mi U steers. ...1069 ,. .:D 3 06 32 rows 7 .1.11) 4 iKi 16 steers..., mit ,. !4 3 10 G. P. Moorhead Mont. 28 St. ft lis. I. 1 ( M Collins Osborn Mont. 3 91 3 10 3 Oi 3 0 4 60 3 10 8 25 4 10 3 li 3 60 3 .6 I Iverpool Grain and Provisions. LIVERPOOL. Sept.' t WHEAT Spot quiet; No. 2 red western winter, 7s fd, futures quiet; September, 7s 8-vl; Dec e tu be. . 7s 4'i; Match. 7s 4.d. CORN Spo' steady; - new American mixed, via Galveston. Is 64d; old Amer lean mixed. 6s 6d; futures steady; October, fs 6'i1: December. Is 6d Oils and Itoala. OIL CITY, Pa., Sept. I. OH, Credit bal arces. 11 5; runs August 31. 14e.7oti bbls ; in Ree, l'l 124 bbl.; snlyuients, September 1. HC.Ji.7 bbU l-4 ..1A." ..1075 a ..1047 .. 9.6 Jud 7 steers. ...1 41 steers. 42 St- era. I', sleet s. 9 steers. 6 steers. 6 16 16 steers.. ..K'0'i t IS 6 15 8 st-ers....Lll3 6 16 6 i: C Hall-Mont 90 I cows 9J3 3 80 t A McKelvey Mont. 6 SI 7 steer.. ..Utt I 26 John Krsft Wont. 37 t-r.... 9t3 t 5 I), c. Keity-Mont. 13 ster....lo68 6 00 12 steers.. ..10,'m 100 7 cewa 10i.i 3 NO 3 steers. ...ll.'j 6 ... Goodman Hager Mont. 6 steers. ...1U'4 6 25 17 steers. ...UfS 100 Grant Dunning Mont lcow M 3 7. Icohs 918 3 20 hslfets. ITIOlVf5 60; bulla. HWit 60; calves UMkh on. MOOS-Recei-rtts, .0fJ head; market fn hi slur; top,, vl.4: bulk of ssl.-s. 7 sO, 8 06; heavy. $7 9u6k 0.'; psikers an, I butPl-rrs. 7 9fK.t.i;n; Unlit. $" 4Ow.0n; pigs, ti. UV,7 60. SHEEP AND T.AMPS-Recelpts 6 oon head; market strong; lambs. $: (Ktf7 SO; earllngs. 14 6 ti.i wethers. $4 I u 5 00 ; ewes. $4 14.76; Blockers and feeders, 13.25 (MOOO. St. Ionia I. Ire tnrk Market. ST. LOCIS. Sept. 12-CATTLH ReeelplB. 2.000 head. Including 1.900 Texans; matkst Itk- hlRher; nstive shlppiiia and export steers, r. 's;7 NO; dressi-d beef nnd Vtiti-ht-r strrrs. 5.2.M6 SO; steer under 1.000 lbs. ll.O0ti.V60; stock!- -trul feeders. $1.trfi 4 .'-0; ro's and heifers $"1 TrAln.60: canners, 82. luff 3 0i; bulls, Jl Omi 4 tf ; calves. S6iSi 2.' : Ttxns ami Imllsp steers, 83 6vru'i.l5; cows and heifots, $'J 4C(f I PO. 1 K MIS Receipts, 6.000 ' head; ' marker strong; pigs and lights. t6.V0A.i 10; psckeis. 7v.t ta.isj; hutc'iers and best tiravy, 30j Hi S 25. SHKF.r AND LA V RS Receipts. 3 300 head, sheep steady, lamh lower: native muttons, l.l .Wit M; lambs, ti 7ffP7 25 ; culls and bucks. $2.267i4 50; Blocker. 3.0iV 3.tT,. Stork In Slabt. Receipts of live stork at the sis principal western markets yestrdy were: Cattle Hops Sheep. South Omaha - 4.2"0 6.300 17.000 Sioux Cltv 2.200 6,iO) St. Jos ph ' 3.000 4.SV l.M Kansas City 6.0un 6.000 6 Of St. Louis ,....1 Snoo B.OflO S,4 ChitAKO 6.000 15.000 15,000 Totdls 21.400 40.800 41,c04 tto. ' IS M 61 to to 37 t 61 H 67 14 61 17 tt 51 61 e: 61 7t 66 J 60 71 r 70 5t 61 71 17 61 t: t3 64 64 .. 77. ... tt 71 61 71 66 'I AT. ..! . .tun ..:u ..106 , tn .. ,.1-M) .lit . J4 ..2M ,.4t . S.6 ..t77 ..276 ..2.S4 . ,S4 ..SSI ..MH . .IfO ,.St7 ..8J7 ..144 ..941 ..tn ..140 ..KH ..let ..lit ..111 ..161 ..t:o ..tt . Ml ..:m ..147 ..161 .117 ..214 ...tt ..Vt ..IM Sh. 240 Pr. 7 10 t 60 7 66 1 7 40 T tt 1 tl 7 65 7 70 t 70 1 70 1 70 7 76 7 71S 7 76 t 75 7 74 T 71 7 75 7 76 1 7S I 76 T 71 7 71 7 II 7 TS 7 75 7 7S 1 76 7 76 7 76 7 75 7 71 7 75 T 76 7 16 7 10 T to T to 7 10 7 10 No 17 ... II tt 61.... tl.... II i tt... 67.... tt... Tl ... 64.... 86... 70.... 64.... t4.... 17.... I.... t:.... 84.... 71. ... tt.... 67.... 67.... 44 ... 71.... II.... 45.... 71.... tl.... 74. .. 44 . . . 76.... .... II.... 91.... 64. ... 21... 77.... At. ...Jit ...114 ...a .. .1411 ...fct .. .too ...141 ...Mt .. ."t .. J44 ...-.w ...9s) ...1114 ...fit ...: ...144 ,..147 ...144 ...Ist .. ,17 ...it ,...611 ...-a ...mt ...ijj ...;w ...tto ... 4 . . .1"! ...US . . . AMI ...SIS ,. . .1.11 . ...111 ...lot ...m ...IDS ... 1ST 217 8h. ISO 40 120 10 to 40 10 190 40 160 Pr. 7 10 7 10 7 SO T to 7 s:s 7 US 7 IC 7 86 7 S 7 M 7 16 7 It T U 7 15 7 16 7 tt 7 15 7 16 T M T 16 7 IS 7 16 I at 7 la 7 It 7 to 7 90 7 90 7 so 7 to 7 0 1 to 7 15 7 96 7 16 7 i 7 fk 7 M I 00 I 19 SHEEP The fat lamb trade literally went to pieces yesterday. Before the close ot the session the lower tendency of valuei that waa noticeable early developed into a decline that was fully a quarter In spots. ihe late market on young killers OMAHA GF.fCKItAL MARKETS. Staple and Fancy Prndar Prices Fnr nlshed by Borer and Wholesaler. BUTTER Creamery. No. 1, delivered to the retail trade In t-lb. carton. 274c; No. 1, in 60-lb. tubs, 27c: No. 2. In i-ib. car tons, 26c: in 00-lb. tuhs, 24c; packing stock, 19Va204c; fancy dairy, tubs, ti-tc; com mon roll, fresh made. 1X-U1&4C. Market changes every Tuesday. . EGGS Fresh Belling rtock. candled. 33a CHEESE Finest Wlsoonsla full cream twins, 16c; Young America, t in hoop, 15V.c; favorite, 8 in hoop, loc; daisle. 20 In hoop, 154c; cream brick, full case, 16c block Swiss, 16c; full orram Umbuiger, loc, PODLTRY Ilrollera. Itic; alive, springs, 16c; hens, 10c; cocks, 7c; ducks. 10c; geese, 8c; turkeys, 16c; pigeons. . per dos., 66c; guinea fowls, per do., 12 50; squabs, per don. 12. Dressed hens, lie) springs, lii-jl 2lc; cocks, C4a; ducks, 11c; geeese. 114a; turkeys, 22c. FISH -Fresh, caught, almost all art dressed: Halibut, 3c; buffalo, 9r; trout, 12c; bullheads, 14c: catfish, 17c; crappies, sunfish, Cfj Sc; black bass. 26c: whlteflsh, 13c; pike, 12c; salmon, 14c; pickerel, 10c; frog legs. 36c. Fresh froxan: Whlteflsh, No. 1, 10c; round, 9c) pickerel, dressed, and headless, 7c; round, 6c; pike, dressed, 10c; round, 9c; red snappers, 12c: Spanish mackerel, 18c; native mackerel, S6r each. FRESH FRUITS-Florida pineapples. IRi to 48s, $2.76 per crate; grap fruits. 61; size, per box. 15; 46 slse. $i.0; 54 tire. $1.; ba nanas, fancy select, $1.5OV(2.0o; apple, home grown, per bu. basket. 7o((i4)l.ti; market basket. 46c. BEEF CUTS-Rlbs: No. 1. 17c; No. I. 13c No. 8. 8c. Loin: No. 1. 184; No. . 134c: No. 3, 9n Chuck: No. 1. 6c; No. 3, 44c; No. 3. 4c. Ruund: No. 1. Ic; No. t. 14c: No. 3, 6c. Plate: No. 1, 64c; No, .3, 4c; No. 3, 34c. VEGETABLES Kansas sweet potatoes, $2.75 per bbl. Celery, Michigan, (Oo bunch. Cabbage, home grown, lV: per lb. Wis consin Red Globe onion,. 2c per lb. Cali fornia cauliflower, $3.00 per crate. Toma toes, home grown, market basket, 60c; crate, 4.00 Lettuce, per do., 80c. Par snip, turnips, carrots, 75c per dos. Flor ida new beet, carrots, parsnip, turnips, etc.. per dog., 76c. "POTATOES New. 65c per bu. HIDES-No. 1 green. 10c; No, 1 cured, 11c. "Wool Market. BOSTON, Sept. 2. WOOL Depleted was 1 stocks have resulted In Increasing strength safely quotable at 15iQ2ac lower. Feeders, li' the local wool market. Business has and fat sheep held about steady until tnaliaiien off from the recent largo vulumV. hut close. The big end of supplies changed hands and only a few bunches were car ried over until today. Today's market was largely a repetition of yesterday's at the opening. Receipts were comparatively liberal, mostly feeders, Is fair for the season. The leading do mestic quotations are as follows: Domestic, Ohio and Pennsylvania fleeces, XX. 86fl" Stic; X, Sltfl'c; No. 1 washed, 408741c; No. 3 washed. 404 11c; fine unwashed, 27(f2!,c; half blood comhmft 3o4i3to; three-eighths blood ana tnere was very nine activity in any combing. 3T.C(r 3".o ; quarter blood combing, 34 uioiK.il oi ilia umic. mo ouriins "itl IV: Dels tie WAKheri 9jn'. On: I lee In lm.. and dodge-gate were kept pretty busy, of course, and are In a measure responsible for the -apparently glow condition of the market. , There was a very fair Inquiry for good handywelght fat sheep and anything in killing muttons that looked good to buyers brought just about steady prlcea. In fact, the bulk of supplies were weighed up on this basis after the market was once un der way. While the trade was not par ticularly active, It was by no means un satisfactory to selling interests. Ewes brought $4.10 and wethers sold at $4 60. Fat lamb were slow and unevenly lower. Salesmen a a rule did not care to commit themselves on the extent of the decline, owing to sluggish condition ot trade. Such offerings as were sold early were about 16c lower than yesterday, with prospects of the bulk of supplies suffering similar declines. One string of young rangers sola carry at o 96. washed. itfSf.Wc. Michigan. Wisconsin. Nw York fleeces, fine .unv.juiied. StVtfittc; De laine, unwaxhed, 91i'3c; tialf blood, un washed, 34(ti35c; three-eighth Mood, un washed, 84-ii.tf.o; quarter blood, 33&&4C. Ken. tucky. Indiana and Missouri, three-eighths 1 blood. 84c; quarter blood, 30tt.13c. Georgia. diriTUc. ncoured values: Territory, Cine staple. 77(ifH0c; fine indium staple. ?Jfi7.'c; fine clothing, 70(lS72c; fine medium clothlnn. G7j6Sc; half blood. T.lruiiic; throe-tirthths blond, 6sit70c; quarter blood, ff7'a"Wtc; pulled extra, 72750; fine A, 634itit;c; A , supers, ."io'O 'Uc. v ST. LOUIS, Mo.. Sept. 2 WOOL Un changed; territory nnd western mediums, 232Sc; fine mediums. 22fj24c; fine. 134,19c. Market. 2. METALS tin was firm today, with pot cloning at 130 3744,; 3?.f2'. The Iondon market, wa (1 higher. Metal NEW YORK. Sept. feeder trade maintained a very stable .with spot quoted at 138 7 6d and future poise, ss far as prices were concerned. at 189 7s 6d. The market Tor standard cop Th Inquiry ws brisk nd values ex- per was easy and aulet. lake heins- mtoieil perieneed no material change. One string or reeaer yearlings sold at st.it. Quotations on fat sheep nii i.mhs: Good to choice lambs, $1.60.7 00; fair to good lambs, I6.00nj6.60; good to choice yearlings, $600415.36: fair to good yeaning. 44.tt.11ij.01i. good to choice wethers, $4 40g.4.76; fair to good wethers, M. 100-4.40; good to choice sues. $4.O0Q4.4O; fair to good ewe. $3 65 64.00. quotations on feeder stock: fair to choloo lambs, $6.76!36.60; fair to choice yearlings, $4.6035.80; fair to cholc wethers, $3.504.2&. Representative sale: No. ....... 2us Idaho lamb ,.. 61 Idaho lamb, culls 202 Idaho ewes, feeders 1H0 Wyoming lambs 142 Wyoming lambs 297 Wyoming lambs, feeder 173 Wyoming lsmbs, feeder 67 Wyoming lamb, feeder 338 Wyoming lamb, feeder 330 South Dakota lamb feeder, 4t South Dakota ewe, feeder. 60 South' Dakota ewea 726 South Dakota ewea, feeder, 177 Wyoming wethers 60 Wyoming wethers ft ylgs.. 318 Wyoming yearling, feeders a-e v yoming lamoa, reeders 167 Wyoming lambs,, feeder 187 W yoming lamb, 865 Wyoming lamba, iw Wyoming ewe 840 Wyoming lambs, feeders.... 618 Wyoming lambs, feeders.... 366 Wyoming lambs, feeders.... 837 Wyoming lambs, feeders.... 106 Wyoming lambs, cull 279 Wyoming lambs, feeder.... 817 Wyoming ewes, feeders 20 South Dakota ewes, culls.. feeders. feeders. . Av. Pr. . 66 6 20 .61 I 00 .96 8 36 . 70 8 75 .71 6 75 .61 6 20 .93 6 20 .96 6 20 .47 I 25 .49 4 60 .48 10 .62 I 30 .86 3 00 .106 4 00 .93 3 10 .106 4 50 .. 94 4 66 ..86 (20 .. 69 6 26 . . 69 I 2r ..68 I 25 .. 68 6 26 ..106 4 10 ..63 6 65 ..62 6 66 . . 60 6 81 ..61 6 86 ..47 6 76 . . 61 6 r, ..91 8 55 ..83 125 CHICAGO LIVH STOCK MARKET Cattl Steady to Strong; Hogs Five to Ten Cent Higher. CHICAGO, Sept. 3. CATTLE Receipts, estimated at 6.O0O head: market steady in s.rolig, steers, $6. ;,; oows. I8.60'u6 25; heifer', l3.Mrti6.00; bulls. 6 OOrt4 W.; cilves, $3 00V19 00; slockers and fefd r., $3 7r.i66.1."). HOG tt Receipts, estimated at 15.000 head: market frit 10c higher; choice heavy, IX.IOq I -6. butohers. .0O'a8 26; llxht mixed, $7.Oi2 8 00; choice light, $SuV(i8 25; packing, $7.f'5 7 75; pigs, .t'4i7.!)0; bulk of sales, $7.70n SHEEP AND LA MBS-Receipts. esti mated at 15.0tA head; market steady; sheep llOOtftSOO; lamba, $6.7607.66; yearling, $5.(X3 (.64). at $13.00'ol8.37"4; electrolytic. $12.R74713.12'; casting, $12.76'S'13 00. The London market clos- d steady, with spot quoted at 69 6s and futures at 60 2s fid Lead was easy, with spot quoted at $4.30-714.374, New York, and at $4.2034.30, East St. IaiuIs delivery. The London market waa a-shade higher at 12 13s 91. Spelter closed easy at ..f.V?J 5.75. New York, and at ?5.60it6.fi0, Eat St. Louis. The London market was higher at 122 l'j 6d. Iron was unchanged at 61s 441 for Cleveland warrants In Loudon. The lo cal market was steady. No. 1 foundry, northern, being quoted at tl8.2T.fi 18.76; No. 2 foundry,-northern. No. 1 foundry, south ern and No. I foundry, southern, soft, $17 60(118 26. ST. LOUIS, 8 pt. 2.-"-METAL8-Leao dull. $4.25. Spelter, lower. $6.66. Saa-ar and Molasaea. NEW YORK, Sept. 2,-SUOAR-Raw, strong: fair refinlti-, 3.67c; centrifugal, 96 trst, 4 17e. Molasses sugar. 8.42c. Refined, steady; No. 6, 4 45c; No. 7, 4..rp0c; No. 8, 4.46c; No. 9. 4 40c; No. 10, 4 85c; No. 11, 4.Wc; No. 12. 4.2V-; No. 18, 4.20c; No. 14. 4 20c; confectioner' A, 48oc; mould A, 6 40o; cut loaf, 186c; ei'Uehed, 5.76c; powdered, 6.16c; granulated, 5.85c; cubes, 6.30c. Dulnth Grata Market. DULU0H. Sept. I.-WSEAT-Sptember, 984c; December, 93Vc; May, rc; No. 1 l.orthern, leiVc; No. 2 northern, 974c; Sep tember. 9(i4c: October, 964c; December, 9r.4c; Mav, 97"V,r. OATS-S444i:;64c. Prorln Market. PEORIA. Ill, Sept. 2-CORN-nigher: No 3 white. 684c; No. 3 white. 6H0; No. I yellow. AStSr: No. 8 yellow, 681:1 No. 8. CV: No 4. e7-Bi'74c: no grade, ,664c. OATS Steady ; No. 8 white, 37fi37'4e; standard, 81-a: No. 4 white. 860. St. Joseph Live Stock Market. SOUTH ST. JOSEPH. Mo.. Sept. 2 CATTLE Receipts. 3 4)00 head; market. leadr: steers, 14 6097 60; cow and heifers $2 50-76 00; calves. 3.o01tl.fM. HOGS Receipts. 4.5uO head; market, strong to fie higher; top, $115; bulk of sales. $7 6(j 8 00. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. l.tOO head; market, steady; lamba, $4.iiO'j7 2"i. Ions City Live Stork Market. SIOUX CITY, la., Sept. i-SDelal Tele- gism.) CATTLE-itecelpts. 600 head; mar- Chevr Snvcd III Lite. August Walters, a park policeman, at logansport, Ind., was almost killed by electricity Tuesday while assisting a line man who was repairing an arc light in Riverside park. Th lineman requested Walters to let down the arc light, and he grasped the wire cable which ia used to lower the lamp. Instantly fire flashed from Walters' body, and after spinning around In the air he fell, but waa unable to releaa his hold on the cable, and was pitched and thrown about with great rapidity.' . It was several hour before Walter re. gained consciousness. He received A cur rent of 2.300 volts. Physicians attribute Walters' escape from a tragic death to the fact that when he first Kra.iped the cable Ihe shock cauied hlrn io swallow a big quid of tobacco. This tobacco In the stomsch acted as a stimu lant and kept up heart action. Dr. Abernelhy. the great Knalleh physi cian, said, "Watch your kidney When they are affected, life Is In danuer." Foley' Kidney Remedy makes b-althy kldneva. ket steady; beeves. $4O0j-7.5O, cows. $30l'a corrects ur narv Irregularities, and tones un 1 . vj " 1 m. e - iifv.'w , iiiii, e id (i uo. HOGS Receipts. 2.200 hesd; market higher; ranre of prlcea, $7.66Jj9 90; bulk sales, $7. GO a 7 76. Kansas City Mr Stock Market. KANSAS CITY, Sept 3 CATTLE Re ceipts. 8,000 head. Including 900 southerns; market stesdy to 10c higher; choice it port and dressed beef steers. $6 5047 7.: fair to good. $4 50-(6 25; Western steers. $3.75(16 75; dockers nd feedrH. tl.T.i: ".5). soutnem stier. $30u,4ATi; southern costs. $2.003 75; native cows, $2 004 40; native the whole y-uem. Herbert E. Gooch.Co. Prokers and Dealers ' tnr, jarYiTOns stoozi On.aaa OfUei 810 at. T. I;fe BtAg. Hal'. Telephone. Ootiglas S21. todtpesdont. A-2)? tui A-Tlaa. Old, so-1 largest .'lo-, la tu S'(a