T1IH KKE: OMAHA. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1. 1900. Tiin Omaha Daily Dei-, FOl'NDKH BY KUWAP.I) HOSEWATKH. VICTOR ROSKWATKR, EDITOK. Entered at Uniaha poetofflce a second class matter. TIlHMS OK SL'UHCKHTION. 1'ally Bea (without Btmdav) one year. 4 W 1'ally Bee and Hunday. ona year W DELIVERED BY CARRIER. 1'ally Bee (Including Sunday), per wek..l5: Dally Hea (without Hundayl, per week..Wc Evening Bee (without Hunday . per week Kvenlng Bee, (wlih Sundays pr week.. 10c Hunday Bee, one year t-.W Haturday bee, one vear Address all complalata of Irregularities la Sellvery to City Circulation Department. OFFICES. Omaha The Bee Building. , South Omaha Twenty-fourth and N. Council Bluffs 15 Scott HtreeL Lincoln MX Little Building. Chicago IMS Marquette Building. New York Ki.oms IHH-tlOi No.- 21 West Ihlrty-thlrd Street. i aihtngton 726 Fourteenth Street, N. W. CORRESPONDENCB. CnmmunU atlona relating to news and edl torial matter should be .addressed: Oniah liee, Editorial Department. REMITTANCES. Remit by draft, express or postal orJer payable to The lice 1'ubllshtng Company. )nly 2-cent stamps received In payment of mail account. Fereonal checks, except on Omaha or eastern exchange, not accepted. STATEMENT OF CIRCULATION. State of Nebraska. Douglas County, ss.: George M. Xssc.htick, treasurer of Tho Hen Publishing Comianv. being duly sworn, says that th actiiB'. number ol full and complete 'oplea of The Dalh, Morning. Evening and Sunday Bee printed during the month of July, limy, was aa follows: 1 41,740 17 41.H0 2 41,700 18 40.300 2 43,090 11 41,940 4 40,330 20 41,730 6.. ...43,150 11 43,430 41,930 22 41,690 7 41,080 28 41,910 8..' 41,970 24 41,800 41,816' '25.'.' 40,160 10 41,760 2 41,970 11 , v..40.0 27. ......... .41,660 12 '.....43,630 28 41,540 12 41,740 2 41,640 14 41,710 20 41,890 15 41,870 21 41,680 16 41,740 Total 1,898,040 Returned copies... 9,638 Nat total 1,383,413 jaily average 41,363 GEORGE B. TZSCHUCK. Treasurer. Subscribed In my prtsence and aworn to before ma tbia 2d day of August, lwa. (Seal) VI. P. WALKER, Notary Buullo. abaeribera leaving- (be city tem porarily ahoaid . have The Bee aaalU to tbeaa. Address will be changed ava ofteat mm reqaeated. While regulating the automobiles the authorities . should not overlook the pesky motorcycles. There is to be a Leigh Hunt cen tenary. Getting down to the short talk place on the program. If Mr. Jerome is elected again in New York as a free lance he will be the true Burbank Wonderberry. That Ad club delegation should be commissioned to represent Omaha at all conventions which we want to cap ture. Gould roads are to spend their earnings In betterments. It's a new departure, but it is better than De Sagans and Castellanes. On their photographs the czar and the prince of Wales look like brothers. If they think alike, people have been telling stories on the Little White Father. When Bleriot cornea over, as he gallantly says he will, to take the cup back to France, Sir Thomas Llpton will whisper In his ear some useful advice. Chinamen are boycotting the Dritlsh along the Yangste-Klang. Secretary Knox might help them out In fhls time of idleness in our own foreign affairs. Diaz had the Reyistas tied and branded before they had the great Mexican joy of a manifesto. For an old man Diaz keeps his speed wonder? fully well. Orvllle Wright is said to have an 11-year-old boy whom he had forgot ten. A man like that will tumble out of an aeroplane sometime In a fit of absent-mindedness. Another discordant dispute is arous ing the east. Does a cat catch rats? The experience of the west is that either a trap or strychnine involves less waiting around. Governor Shallonberger may wear his silk tile on festive occasions, but Mayor "Jim" never relt It necessary to renounce his democracy for this emblem of plutocracy. Kansas City delivers to Omaha the friendly message that $1,000,000 in boats are abqut to plow the white capped channel of the Missouri. Omaha offers to objection. Ak-Sar-Ben Is now trying to corral auine new members by publishing the names on the rosters of previous years hat are not on this year's enrollment. Molasses catches more flies than vine gar. If Governor ShaJlenberger expects to reconvene Judge Shoemaker in extra legislative session, he should, at least, fix the time, so as not to Inter fere with the Impending political campaign. Omaha Is soon to have a succession of visitors coming to attend the State Bankers' association, the Eagles' con vention, Ak-Sar-Ben and the Corn show It la high time to begin to put the house la order. Everybody is presumed to know tho aw exrept a uonpartisan democratic autlldste for supreme Judge, who is privileged to rest in Ignorance of the legal bar to the Issue of a nomination certificate without prior filing of a ano.'u cpeuie account. Harriman'a Specialty, E. H. Harriman has for a long time bern a famous railroad man, but when he became the most conspicuous per son In the world on his return from Europe, few know the transformation In railroads he) had effected by im proving the physical condition and earning power of tho lines under his control. He probably introduced no new conceptions to railroad science in general. Companies like the Pennsyl vania and New York Central had long followed the rule that it is more profitable to spend freely than to let the lines degenerate or fall in the work of leveling grades and cutting out curves. What Harriman did was boldly to put the principles at work on the long, straggling western lines, which had been considered beyond the district of expensive construction. In a recent summary of his career it is pointed out that before Harri man'a entrance on his real work It took seven or eight days to travel from New York to San Francisco, while now the trip is made In four days. On the Uniou, Central and Southern Pacific, the sum spent on construction is put at $20,000,000. He straight ened out curves, tunnelled hills, tore out old bridges and replaced them with steel viaducts, levelled roadbeds and put down heavy rails. He gave a great deal of personal attention to the famous Lucin cut-off at the Salt Lake crossing, by which a trestle and fill of 103 miles, shortens the line by forty-four miles and saves 1,515 feet of grade. The work of building em ployed 3,000 men. It required 38,256 big trees for the piling. The floor of the trestle is asphalt and granite. The structure has no grade and cost $4,500,000. On the Central Pacific he Cut out 360 miles Of curves and built thirty-six steel bridges. The time on the line was reduced seven hours. A great rock wharf created a harbor at Los Angeles. Another great wharf was built at San Pedro. This construction work has been the largest contribution of Harriman to railroad history and the special one with which his name is associated. His friends say that it did far more than his financial operations to wear out his nerves and exhaust his vitality. He has pursued It unlnterinittently and never would permit it to be fin ished because there were always miles of it to do. Whether the remarkable man Is to live Cls ambition out is to be seen. If he is compelled to give it up the policy he established may be counted upon to last for years and be beneficial to the country supplied by his roads. For the railroad busi ness he must be esteemed a great benefactor. War Uses of Airships. It was inevitable that the Rheims event would not be concluded before the military service in every country of Europe would be busily seeking to apply the brilliant feats of Betheny field to imaginary fields of battle. Most of the officers of high rank at once concluded that dirigible balloons and aeroplanes would hereafter, if they had' no other use, be the scouts of the future. Nothing else could compare with them in determining the forces and positions of an enemy. The foremost French general states that at a height of 1,500 metres, suffi cient to avoid damage from artillery fire, the ground can be completely studied. With the two forms of air ships photographs can be made, sig nals displayed and messages trans mitted by wireless and all at an al most inconceivable rapidity. The movements of the aeroplanes, as shown at Rhelni8, are swifter than those of an automobile or railroad train and may be expected to be free from delay or obstructlaui. Other military men have been struck with the availability of the new ma chines in the department of transport. This involves larger and modified dirigibles, but the possibility is plainly indicated. All army departments will at once develop elaborate special corps of aviators. Germany already has drillmaBters to teach the laymen Inclined to learn, and in return for the instruction all who learn will be available at command for army ser vice. Liberal premiums will be offered all over the world for special improve ments in machines Intended for use In war. Governments will encourage field displays like that at Rheims, not only to effect improvements, but to bring out the weak points and dan gers. One great blessing is that no nation will care to declare war for the next few years. The nations wish to "know where they are at" before they undertake the risks of actual conflict. Prophet of the Land Tax. One of the startliug events of a revo lutionary year is the passage by the British House of Commons of a laud tax directly taken in principle from "Progress tnd Poverty," one of the most radical economic works . ever written, which was published only thirty years ago, in 1879, by an un known and abnormally quiet Ameri can. The story of Henry George and his first publication has been published again since the land tax measure iu Parliament produced a sensation in conservative Great Britain. The sev entieth anniversary of George's birth will occur, in some places be cele brated. September 4. In 1879, when be was living In San Francisco, a simple, modest man of about 40 years, be sent the manuscript to the Apple tons, thinking that the publishers cf Herbert Spencer might be willing to consider this new and dry work. They replied that they could not see- any eucuurageuient for undertaking the hook. They declined. Other publish ing houses took the same view. The Harper's and Scribner's each felt that the book would not attract the public Finally the Appletons reconsidered and agreed to bring it out at $2 a copy, the royalty being 15 per cent. George moved to New York almost at the same time, and kept his resi dence there until he was stricken with apoplexy in his second campaign for the mayoralty In 1897. During his New York life he delivered addresses and wrote books and magazine arti cles. The wonder has always been that books absolutely devoid of orna ment and what is called eloquence, should have attained such a vogue, and that a speaker without magnetism should have drawn such audiences. After the first book, which never ex; cited In America more than an aca demic interest, was once noticed In England its audience grew rapidly. George was all his subsequent life in demand over there. His "Protection and Free Trade," people in America remember, fell into a huge circulation through the peculiar trick of Tom Johnson, Jerry Simpson and William Jennings Bryan in having It made a part of the Congressional Record. While personally as far removed from the spectacular as a man could be, his career was crowded with the unex pected. Not the least odd of the oddi ties is his fate in producing a semi revolution in British Internal politics. A Fair Sample. Thla dissenting opinion of Judge Letton 1'oiiflrmn the suspicion that the supreme court might have upheld the Donohoe law If Its nullification had not meant so much In dollars and cents to those who consti tute the court. It Is belittling to the integrity of Judge Letton's opinion to suggest at this time that it will popularize him as a candidate for supreme Judge here after, for that Is but the suggestion that he may have had the sagacity to discern that there Is a popular partiality for Jus tice rather than partisanlsm. One prefers to believe that the Judge handed down this opinion simply because he thought it Just and the law, and without thought nf Its possible agency hereafter In shaping his political weal or woe. Lincoln Star. This is a fair sample of the Bort of hysterical logic that moves the non partisan reformer. He has no com punctions about voicing "a suspicion" that the opinion of the majority judges would have been different "had it not meant so much in dollars and cents to those who constitute the court," but insists that it is "belittling" to the dis senting Judges to suggest that they are animated by a desire to popularize themselves, although that popularity might mean to them the same stake of dollars and cents in their re-election. If "one prefers to believe that the judge handed down this (dissenting opinion) simply because he though, it just and the law, and without thought of its possible agency hereafter in shaping his political weal or woe," why should one not also prefer to be lieve that'- the majority judges who handed down the deciding opinion likewise did bo "simply because they thought it Just and the law, and with out thought of its possible agency hereafter in shaping their political weal or woe?" To be a nonpartisan, must we denounce everyone at vari ance with one view as selfish and cor rupt, and Inspired by bad motives and praise every one who dissents as stand Ing'for integrity and Justice, and being governed by only the purest of motives? The Outspoken Wooster. The redoubtable Charles Wooster, better known to fame when the popu lists were in the saddle as Wooster of Merrick, has a letter in the Lincoln Journal In which he relieves his mind of an accumulated grudge against the direct primary. The substance of the Woosterian epistle Is contained in the following extract: The plain fact Is that our primary laws have been an utter and absolute failure from the first. The theory of primary nominations Is all right enough, but in actual practice the primary has proven to be no earthly good. Not ona aolitary valid point can be urged in Its favor, while all volts of valid objections can be argued against It. It was an experiment that ought not to have been made. Nobody but a few theorists are In favor of It, Rnd the next legislature should wipe out every syllable of our primary lawB, from first to last. That would undoubtedly be done ex cept that neither political party dare go on record in the matter. Both parties are op posed to It equally opposed and yet neither dare say so through feur that the other might take advantage of It to their hurt. Politicians are cowards and aro al ways Influenced from considerations of policy rather than by regard for right, truth and Justice. Whatever else may be said of Wooster, he will be unanimously con ceded bluntness of speech and a com mand of unequlvocating language. The Bee has been printing comment from the state papers suggested by the re cent primary which shows that there is a wide divergence of opinion as to what has been accomplished in Ne braska In the direction of nomination reform. So far as we have been able to observe all but two or three of these papers agree in denouncing the wide open ballot inflicted on the people by the late democratic legislature as in centive to fraud and destructive of re sponsible party government. While a few of the newspapers are ready to condemn the direct primary in toto and advocate return to the convention system, the greater number are con vinced that the open primary is worse than what preceded it, and that what is wanted Is a return to the closed bal lot, with possibly some further modi fications to adapt it to the require ments of practical operation. We have more than a year yet be fore the next legislature meets, with power to amend the laws governing our nominating machinery, and in this time' the 'subject ought to be thor- oughly discussed to bring out all points of strength and weakness and get a consensus of opinion as to what changes should be made. One of the nonpartisan democratic candidates for supreme Judge finds himself in an awkward plight In fall ing to comply with the requirements of the corrupt practices act with ref erence to filing a sworn statement of his campaign expenses, his excuse being that he spent nothing. The law expressly prohibits the canvassing board from issuing a certificate of nomination until after this statement is filed, but. of course, the canvassing board is supposed to be enough of a mind reader to know that a conscien tious nonpartisan democrat, who takes oath that he Is a populist, would not pass out any money to get nominated, when there is no one running against him. President Taft has been thinking it over and the impression among a few is that he has decided to sail straight Into every question be can think of. If he does that while his mad is up it will bo the greatest tour ever made and the public will know that it has been to a show. Good judges, how ever, do not believe that the wisest harmonizer in history is the man to start the gun play in the first year of his term. If the city is about to make a new garbage contract it should stipulate, among other things, that the garbage collectors be required to substitute common decency and politeness for the rudeness and Impertinence of which so much complaint has been coming from the women of the house hold, who have to deal with them. Lord Rosebery's decline in Influence Is a tragedy of British politics, but the head of the Primrose family, like the head of the democratic party on this side, always has with film the thought that there's a good time coming. If it does not come he can at least make a speech. J. Hamilton Lewis admits that it takes time for the idea to Alter through the public mind, but he still insists that lawyers saved the country and kept it saved at all crises. In the collision between the commissions and the courts Colonel Lewis must have an inside with the courts, or wants one. In the contest between Oregon and Nova Scotia over raising apples there is no official tribunal to decide, but Boston is waiting with watering mouth for the 'first run of King pip pins and Jonathans. If Boston does not know, nobody does. Chicago's proposed grand opera house is to seat. 5,000 people and send surplus songsters to St. Louis and Mil waukee every week or so. While, the tuneful uplift is' spreading, drop In on Omaha occasionally.,, We have , the space and the price. Law suits to recover penalties of from $1,000,000 in New York to $65. 000,000 in Arkansas are pending In the federal courts. What would Ar kansas do with $65,000,000. Pension its politicians? Father Phelan proposes that Mis souri shall allow votes to all women whp have babies. Does the measure provide a rebate for the helpful hus band who hustles to pay the bills? Governor Harmon of Ohio Is going west, while his boom is kept alive by his friends. If Taft is renominated, is not Harmon counted out by too much geography in one place? A Common Ambition. Indianapolis Journal. Tiie case of the Louisville man who had a scheme for working off 1,000,000 In coun terfoil Mexican pesos is a very simple one. He admits that ha merely wanted to get rich. Where Moat Men Fall Down. St. Louis Republic. Mr. Harriman owns railroads enough to put a girdle around the earth and have enough left over to tie a clnch-knot of thu munt approved kind, but lie Is unable to organize effectively the department of hD own Interior. Clemency for baboruera. Baltimore American. President Taft lias refused pardon to a man convicted of subornation of perjury. This crime Is one which should be the lust to appeal for clemency. It Is de liberate, cold-blooded und It strikes at the very roots of the law'a power pro perly to protect society from crime and criminal. The sanotlty of the oath Is the fctroiighold in which the law must Intrench Itself. That broken down, no security is left. alor and ftlanghter. BoHton Herald. Old soldiers will have new food for dis cussion In the proposition of a Chicago veteran to erect at Gettysburg a monu ment to "the most remarkable Instance of valor on record." It was In the first day of the battle when the Twenty-fourth Michigan regiment faced the Twenty-sixth North Caroltnu, the former losing 409 of Ha 5ou und the latter 700 of ita S0 men. Judged by the arithmetical test, the Confederates' toys seems to have proved thein the mora valorous, but the greatest slaughter doesn't always prove the greatest valor. It's too late for comparisons of civil war bravery. Aeroplanes Still ovrlle. New York Tribune. The reported determination of the gov ernment to uae a .Wright aeroplane as an "army pilot" appear to need confirmation. An army In time of war cannot await favorable climatic conditions for ita ma neuvers, "or will It be convenient to carry a track uruund from which to speed the flying machine so that It may rise into the air. As a source of amusemt-nt for spectators It fits finely In an age seek ing fur novelties, but that is Just about the extent of the, aeroplane's usefulness at present. Thla la not Intended as discour agement of. the art of flying the heavier-than-alr machine, but aa a auggestion of caution In the acceptance of experiments of a rather crude kind as accomplish-mrnt Pointers on nine Springs Sentinel: When you coma to think of It there waa less than thirty per cent of the total vote of the county cast at the last primary election. When you reallie that only one man out of four voted It makes you sigh for the old method. Kearney Hub: The primary law vm originally the outgrowth of a desire to give the people of all parties voice in tha selection of candidates, but the effect has been to give control to political centers and the advantage to the railroad and liquor Interests. The people have not availed theniselvea of their opportunity. York Republican: The county primary Is a good thing. The candidate who has the votes gets the nomination, and there can be no trickery exercised. Those who do not have the votes are assured that noth ing else kept them out of the nomination. There Is no post mortem, no sore spots to carry away, no neighborhood 111 feeling, no revenges to take and no wrongs to re member. Fremont Tribune: The open primary was born out of a desire to disrupt parties. It cam from a legislature that reveled and rioted In partisan politics. The democrats at their last session did little but to undo safe laws and to reach for political plums. The minority party figured that if It could, by hook or by crook, discourage republic-ana It had some thing to gain and nothing to lose. It made such a mens of It that It la prob able democracy then had Its last chance. Bridgeport News-Blade: It may as well be added all this chatter about purifying politics by means of the direct primary la the veriest rot. The direct primary places In the hands of the politicians In the cities the power to dictate candidates and poli cies far more securely than did the old plan of caucuses and conventions, and this nonsensical talk of purifying politics Is the old cry of "stop thief!" Glva us the old fashioned caucus where neighbors gathered together to discuss matters of local and general Interest, instead of the cut and dried policies prepared for us in Lincoln and Omaha. P.loomlngton Advocate: The democrats have no right to vote for candidates for positions on the republican ticket and they would not be allowed to under the old system, but under the law as passed by the late lamented legislature they are able to dictate who shall run against their candidates, always picking out the weakest member. Up in Banner county at the late primary election the demo crats only cast two votes In the county, the balance of the faithful voting the re publican ticket. This is a rank Injustice and one that will soon disgust the intelli gent voters of this state. Beatrice Express: Returns from the late primary show that most democrats either voted the republican ticket or didn't vote at all. In Hooker county only one demo cratic vote was polled. Out of thirty-seven votes cast at Wlnslde, a town of 600 peo ple, only seven were voted for democrats. The vote for democratic candidates was generally light. Kven the World-Herald, organ of the last legislature, denounces the wide-open feature of the primary law In strong, terms. It recognizes the farce which the system will become by per mitting the members of one party to help nominate the candidates of another party. Albion Argus (pop.): Why should anyone find any fault with the primary ballot? You have the same privilege under It that you used to have In the old caucus, and no more. Parties were always glad to have recruits to their ranks. The only dif ference 1b, in the old caucus you went In personally and voted, while In the new you take your blanker ballot and say noth ing, while 'you vote as you please. Under the old wuy you could only take part in one caucus; the same Is true in the new. So If a nuin bees fit to throw away every thing for the privilege of voting for Jut.t one candidate, that Is his business. It may not look wise to a strict partisan, but to a patriot, more than a partisan, it looks different. We like It fine. Hastings Tribune: As the primary law stands today it Is pretty much of a fares. It permits one to dictate the policy of an other party. For Instance, take the recent primary election and see how easily the democrats had It In their power to say who the republicans should put in nomination against their candidates for supreme Judge. The democrats had succeeded In , killing off the ambition of all but three aspirants SHAM BATTLES. " Boston Herald: The memory of the lead ership of Cleveland which Is recalled makes the cry of Bryan the more pitiful. St. Paul Ploness Press: Mr. Bryan Is charging 1600 a night for his lectures. Mr. Bryan favors downward revision every where except at the box office. Sioux City Tribune: Mr. Bryan Is estopped from now saying what should be done. He did not speak as he should speak when he could speak and even now he does not speak as a real democrat should speak. lJecrylng farther fighting of sham battles he urges on another battle that would be as shameful a sham as was that of 1S92. S. Paul Dispatch: If Mr. Bryan wants to line up the politicians on the tariff ques tion he Is going at it properly In getting back to first principles. If he Is for a tariff for revenue only and believes his party should stand for that principle he la outlining the plans for a real campaign. He may lose some followers, but those he retains will know for what they are fight ing, which is more than can be said for many in the democratic party at present. New York Post; From the day of hla first nomination lie has never stayed the whole political battle upon the historic mission of democracy the eradication of favoritism to particular interests by federal taxation. Hlh belated conversion Is only another proof of his fatal lack of foresight and his total Incapacity as a statesman. If ilncere, it should be followed by Ilia tacit willingness to fight in th ranks. But thire is time left yet before 1912 for him to discover half a doxen other paramount Issues. PERSONAL NOTES. Lillian Russell says that "rats" are going out of fashion. Mrs. Marie Babcock, wife of Dr. Levis Babcock of Bethlehem, has Just eomple'.ej a remarkable Journey from Bethlehem to Moiiongah. W. Va. She traveled alone and averaged thirty miles a day. A recent commentator on Kngllsh Justice declares that the courts of Ureal Britain place a greater value on property than on life. Many a man does the same thing, provide.!, of course, that the property Is his and the life belongs to another. One thousand copper-colortd followers of Chief Joneph, a once powerful leader of the Net Perce tribe in the panhandle of Idaho, will Join the prohibition f'-r;ea in the fight against the ruin shops In Nex Perce county when the campaign la star e l to make the district a part of tha arid (on. Thera recently died In Toledo, O., a si . of tha lata Orrln Kendall, from whoa Initials tha use of "O. K ," meaning all right, la said to have sprung, Tha father during tha elvll war waa the head of the the Primary for tha supreme Judgeship, which was equivalent to tha nomination of thiwe candidates. While on the other hand there were eight aspirants for the honors In the republican party and every man was given a fair show Insofar as the republi cans theniselvea were concerned. But right here Is where the Injustice In the primary law shows itself, for It gave the democrats an opportunity to go to the polls and name the candidates the republicans should place In the field against the democratic ticket, which, as all must admit. Is anything but Just or fair. If the next legislature does not kill, or properly amend, the present pri mary law It will fall to put Into execution a moat popular and Important public de mand. Weeping Water Republican: We believe the primary law la a farce, a useless ex penditure of money without obtaining any practical good. It takes enthusiasm to conduct politics and all tha primary laws that could be passed would not enthuse the people enough to come out and vote. We have a few precincts In Casa county whose five Judges and clerks of election put In the whole day Inscribing on books bought for the occasion, the votes of from eight to twenty voters. Fifteen clerks and Judgea of election In Weeping Water la bored (?) from noon until 9:30 o'clock at night Inscribing and counting a total of about forty votes. There Is some excuse for a farmer who Is busy not attending the primary, but a man In town can go with out loss of time or money. Howell Journal (denv): Since the recent primary election we have heard many ex press the opinion that the old caucus and convention plan was far ahead of the present system of making nominations, that better candidates as a rule were se lected and that, too. at a much less ex pense. We want to concur in the opinion expressed. The primary election law now on the statutes of Nebraska Is a fine-spun theory; it looks well on paper, a good public speaker can make it appear as the model way of securing nominees for of fice, but after all has been said and done, when It comes to a practical test. It Is a failure. Not many newspapers will say so and few politicians will admit it, for at this time It is one of the popular fads. Just tha same the mark of failure Is upon It. Columbus Telegram (dem.): The prin ciple of the pilmary is all right. It would be a etep backward to repeal the primary law. We believe that the present law can be Improved in many ways. We want It Improved. We do not want It repealed. If the editor should consult his personal likes he would want to see again the old county and state nominating conventions. They weit, always to an active party man much like an annual reunion must be to the old soldier boys. At the annual conventions a politician could count every year upon meeting the old friends and workers in the party. He misses the pleasure ' of such meetings now, and sighs because they are rmt. But there Is no use discussing the question as to whether or not the primary plan is an Improvement upon the old con vention plan. We all know It is. The pri mary has come to stay. York Times: From all parts of the state except the metropolitan cities come com plaints of the primary law. Its great ex pense and lack of Interest and the ad ditional burden of an extra campaign and election are the chief causes of complaint. In some precincts It is reported that the expenses of the primary election was over eight dollars for each vote cast and In still other precincts there were only two or three votes polled, which means $10 or $13 jier vote at tha lowest possible outlay of cash. It may be that the old representa tive system adopted by the fathers la not the thing for popular government, but they thought it was and they were won drous wine. Certainly no better system has yet been devised. It has Its faults, as everything that must be executed by fallible man must have, but we are in clined to think It Is the very best that can ever be devised. Demagogues, spell binders and political fineworkers want to get straight at the unsuspecting, busy multitude, but they are tyrants by nature and desire a personal government, In which one man bears sway, without any to Interfere. A primary law may be de vised that will be wiser than tha wisdom of the revolutionary fathers, but It hae not been tried In Nebraska yet. firm of O. Kendall & Bona, bakers, of Chi cago. The firm furnished hard tack for the army, , on which were stamped the Initials "O. K." The esteemed Jim Hill, husky as a young section hand, Is giving Oregon an agree able i'after cure" by building a railroad through parts of tha state untouched by Harriman lines, . Your Uncle Jim Is per niciously active just now. That Mr. Edison is as fertile as ever in suggestions appears In his proposal that the East river, New York City, be filled in and Ita waters provided with a new channel dug across Long Island at a point farther east. The World pronounces the scheme by no means chimerical. The real estate value of the present site of the river would be almost beyond calculation. School Opens Next Week The boy will need a new suit to start the term properly. (A Browning King & Co. suit.) The task of trying to find exactly what you want will end right here. We've fitted out so many boys, and have had so much boys clothing experience, that we have just the kind of clothes the boy wants, and the kind his parents want him to have. Boys' clothing made in the Browning, King & Cc. way, is bound to wear longer than the cheap stuff just tacked together to sell. New fall hats new fall shirts new fall blouses are all here for the boys in a large variety. ;; Store open until 6 p. m. Saturdays 10 p. m. 'BrowninaKing & Cq CLOTHING, w v R. B. WILCOX, Manager. BREEZY TRIFLES. Orlgga Hlrkson wants In borrow nm money of me. Po you know anything about him? - Hclja.,! know him aa well as T d you. I wouldn't let him hava a cent. H Hon Transcript. Stranger Your new city directory eem to be a cn!e of Too Much Johnson, Keeldent Not at all; It's n cae of Nit I Erotigh Smith. Chicago Tribune. "Isn't your husband something of an epi cure?" "Certalnlv not." answered Mrs. Cumrox, with diatilty. "I trust the day will never come when he cannot afford to hire some body to polish his fingernails." Washing ton Star. "Statistics show that Japan has two earthquakes a day." ' "tlee a man might as well be married as to live In Japan!" Houston Tost. Prominent Politician (with massive dig nity) Kir, I am credibly Informeed that you have an article In type making certain charges asalnst me. Can you furnish proofs nf your assertion? Kdltor easily) .Sure. Mike!. I ll aer.d the boy upstairs and get as many proofs as you would like to have. Baltimore American. "Why do you propose to call yourself a king!" A royal flush overspread the brow of the prince of Montenegro. "I have here." be rer-Med, "the cauls of the heads of reigning fainlllos." He shuffled the cards nervously. "Ob serve for yourself that there are too nianv knaves In the pack," he added. Philadel phia Public ledger. A "HONK" FROM THE COAST. I'm coming home to get warm. Brother Welsh: From the Icy-cold winds of the west; The wind bloweth bleak from yon snowy capped peak And I feel a sharp grip on my chest; Benenth the cold stars I shiver and shake. Like a sheep outcast In a storm; So put on a scorcher for me, Brother Welsh, For I'm comln' home to get maim. II. Ml. Hood. Mt. Baker and cold Mt. Halnler. The fog olaw'tires from my view. But I feel their chill presence and know they are near For their Icy breath penetrates through: I can feel their frigidity creep In my bones And extinguish each worthy desire; So boost up your mercury now, Brother Dave, , For I'm comln' home to perspire. III. The sunsets out here may be fair. Brother Welsh. But I can't se at all for the fog; There are great hunks of Ice where my feet used to be, And my throat Is possessed by a frog. My teeth keep a chattering pace with the gales That bellow and bluster about; So shovel It In good and hard. Brother Welsh, For I'm comln' home to. thaw out. IV. Seattle, Tacoma and sunny Spokane Look al right in a railway gasette; But they're built too much on the Ice-boxy plan. And I'm not fit for cold storage yet. So I'll hie me In haste to the land of hot days And hot nlghta where muskeeter bugs swarm; Oh. save out a slxxler for mp, Brother Welsh, For I'm coming home to get warm. BAYOLL NE TRELE. The Midwest Life If In debt, cover your Indebtedness by a life insurance policy in the Midwest Life. That would be the safe and reason able thing to do. The net gain of the Midwest Life in in surance In force for August, 1H03, was near ly 100 per cent over that of August. 190S. This company has made a steady growth ever since, Its organisation in UKsV : Write the president, N. Z. Snell, Lincoln, for an agency. Liberal commissions are paid. A life Insurance company, Ilka an In dividual, establishes a reputation. It stands for certain things and It opposes other things. The Midweat Life haa never used estimates; sold special or board contraots; placed misleading statements on the face of Ita policies or elsewhere aa to how or in what manner Ita policies were secured; or ao'.d atock, bonds or securities of any Insurance or agency company as an In ducement to take Insuranoe with it. The rulings of the Insurance Department, Just did not affect Tha Midwest Life. It be did not effect Tha Midwest Life. It be lieved In "square deal" methods before these things were put under the ban by the Auditor. IMPORTED and AMERICAN MINERAL WATKIIS. nhtalned aa direct Bhlumenta from tha springs aa importer. Case IX -gaiions tioro-iiiinia water, for West Baden Spandel Water, casa of 2 doxen quarta 99.60 5-gallon Jug Crystal Llthla Water. .92 S-gallon Jug Salt-Sulphur water f2.23 Buy at either gtore. We sell over 100 klnda mineral water. Sherman & McConnslI Drug Go. Sixteenth and Dodge fits. Owl Drug Go. Sixteenth and Harney 8t. 1 !-L . FURNISHINGS AND HATS, OMAHA;