Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 01, 1909, Page 3, Image 3

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&4 jyw?
&udwiser's a friend of mine" 7 J
; S) g m
L J"MjTM'3r--"'"W" """""'"lalaMia'liTsi ii awiiiiiii i ' i inn i r - -r "
A type of manhood all of us are proud to acclaim "A countryman of mine."
No matter if touring our own glorious country or the countries across the seas every
where he awakens respect and admiration as a sportsman and a gentleman
Every American automobilist knows that
The King of All Bottled Beers
is a superb brew of malt and hops of unsurpassed excellence. It is brewed from the
finest barley American soil gives forth, and from the rarest hops grown in the district
of Saaz, Bohemia.
The Most Popular Beer in the World
Bottled Only at the
Anheuser-Busch Brewery
St. Louis, U. S. A.
Ear is Torn Off in
Runaway Wreck
Woman Terribly Mutilated and Four
Children " Badly Hurt ' in
NEBRASKA CITV. Neb., Aug. 3t. (Spe
cial.) Mra. Kd Boyd, who resides on the
east Hide of the river near here was ter
ribly mutilated in a runaway accident yes
terday. She was dragged over the roui;h
ground and her left ear completely torn
off. her scalp badly lacerated and her left
houlder broken. It in feared she cannot
recover and, if she does, she will be a
cripple for life. Mr. and Mrs. F.oyd ami
their four children were out driving when
the accident occurred.
The horse ran Into a barn wire fence.
Besides Mrs. Boyd's injuries Mr. Hoyd was
dragged some distance and Injuried. One
jf the boys had a four inch wound in his
One had Face Covered with Itching
Eruption Eyesight was Affected
r- Raw, Itching Humor Spread
Over the Other from Head to Feet
In a Single Day Dreadful"
'In 1007 rny face broke out in a mini
of itching sore which finally affected
my eyesight. I tried
several highly recom
mended salves that
cost onn dollar an
ounce, but to no avail.
A friend of mine urged
me to trv (uticura
Soap and Cuticura
Ointment as tie was
sure of good results
from his own oxperi
enca. I used tha
Cuticura Ointment for
about six wocks, after
wahln thoroughly with the Cuticura
SoapMr face is in perfect heait h now
which I owa to the Cuticura KeiiM-dics.
I shall aiwars stand by them as ne ol
tha greatest blessing! to the suffering
thousands. Arthur l. Grirlley. M2 IVau
St.. Brooklyn. N. V.. Ai-r. 9, lilt)"."
" In tha middle c f the nlpht of March
SOth I woke up with a burning itch in
my two hands and I felt as if I could
full them apart. In the morning tha
tching had got to inv cheat and during
that day it spread all over my body. I
waa red and raw from tha top of my
head to the aolea of my feet and I waa
In continual agony from tha itching. I
could neither lie down nor sit up. I
happened to tee about Cutioura Reme
dies and I thought I would give them
trial. I took a good bath with the Cuti
oura Soap and used the Cuticura Oint
ment, I put it on from my head down
to my feet and then went to bed. On
tha first of April I flt like a new man.
The Itching was almost gone. I con
tinued with tha Cuticura Knap and Oint
ment and during tlist day the itching
coropletoly left me. Frank Gridley, 32A
E. 43rd St.. New York City, Apr. 27. '0.M
Onsiptote Kittrnal ana latamal Tnatmeal toi
Bvory Humor ol ialawu rinklrvn ana Adulta mo
lau of Cuu.ura Boao l!k i vr riaaiua u. Baio,
Cuticura ' VIC I to Hl th Skin joe i t
ntra Hr4nt tS 1. oc In lUa Irm o (V.
wrt Put., ait. V i of "'
mld UiroJl.ul tl Poller lr:i 4 I
Curv r.B., I ll Oi umhmAv; Hoau Van
V MaiirS rr. D-tml'iili 'iiri ma aulbuf-
a; as Ucaiuutl ut blui ana .aip Lincaanv
scalp and his left foot almost severed by
barb wire. The other children had serious
Oriental Military Academy f'ondncted
on Farm.
KEARNEV, Neb., Aug. 81. (Special.)
People in this city were not aware of the
existence of a Corean military school until
It was learned a few days ago that about
one mile west from the court houpe one
had been '.n operation all summer and wad
Just clustnig the summer term. Thirteen
students from Lincoln were attending be
sides those living in this city.
J. II. Kim is the commandant and the
school is located on a farm belonging to
1. S. Llm. The hours for study in tho
school are very long, school opening in
the morning at 9 and running until noon,
then starting at 1:30 and running until o
At 7:30 the study hour opens again and me
day's work is over at 9 o'clock. The course
In military work consists of command in
in drill, gymnastic exercises, Infantry
strategy, duties in corps and salutation of
army. The following studies are taught:
Corean mother tongue, Corean history and
geography, Chinese composition and litera
ture, KngllKh. geometry, algebra, arith
metic. English grammar and reading, and
other si lences. The school will open again
next year.
(r Valuations Decrease
BEATRICE, Neb., Aug. 81. (Special.)
The total property valuation of Gage
county for this year la tU.OsS.Zfcl. This in
cludes real personal, railroad, telegiaph
and telephone properties. This Is a de
crease of 153.028 In tha county's total valua
tion as compared with that of last year,
which was $11,138,309. This decrease Is due
to the fact that railroad property valua
tions In Uge county have taken a slump
since last year to the extent of S126.042. The
railroad valuation returned last year was
1.6,SS, while this year the figures have
been hammered down to J1.WO.K47. Last
year the real estate valuations In Gage
county slood at $7,545.5Ji, wtiile 'this yea:
the assessors' books show $7,501,772, an In
crease of $43,2&
About $t.iS9 of the increase Is credited j
to BeutrK'e, where real estate properties!
have risen this year to $S77.2 from Is52.2"7
last year, over one-half the total lncrbasy
of the entire county. This year's county
total In Die matter of property valuations i
stands at 0&2.&X, while that of last year
was $2.064. Sa6. In Beatrice the increase has
been from $44S,3Ti6 last year to 8M0,4y3 thn
KKAltNEY. Neb., Aug. 81. (Special.)
Albert Mount, a farmer living north of
ijwii, got mixed up on his dales badly and
ilrove Into town Sunday morning with a
toad of oats and et:gs and other produce,
lie tried to get into a grocery store and
was at a los to understand why the mill
office was closed. When someone tnforniei
him that it was Sunday he climbed baiK
in his wagon and drove homeward, ad
mitting that he had lost the day of the
week entirely, lie had worked hard all
Cay Saturday, thinking It was Friday, and
then he and his wife came to town on what
they thought to be Saturday.
Millers Confer on Bleached Hoar,
KEARNEY, Neb.. Aug. 81. (Speclal.)
A number of millers, whose names could
not be learned by the press, were closeted
In the office of tha Kearney Milling com
pany Monday morning. They were mostly
men from the western part of the state anl
were holding a consultation regarding the
matter of fighting Secretary Wilson's order
that flour must not be bleached.
Una Plant la Sold.
BEATRICE. Neb.. Aug. U. Speclal Tel
egram.) H. V. RJeean, receiver of tha
Oil City Gaa company, today sold the
i plant of the company with all Its ejulp-
I ment, together with the franchise, to John
J F. Stout of Omaha, representing the bond
I holders, for 8t4N. The plant at one time
1 ':'-;CN
Anheuser-Busch Co. of Nebraska
Ball 'Phone Douglas 369 Automatic 'Phone A-1369
was valued at 840,000. The sale waa made
by order of the Omaha division of the
circuit court to satisfy a Judgment ren
dered In favor of the Farmers' Loan and
Trust company of New York.
ctt Htjfh School and a Ward School
to Be Erected.
LEXINGTON, Neb., Aug. 31. (Special
Telegram.) The election of $50,000 In bonds
for the erection of two new school build
ings for the city of Lexington carried
yesterday. Forty thousand dollars Is to be
Invested In a high school building and
810.000 for a grade school on the south
According to the plans submitted the
high school building is to be equipped In
addition to class rooms and every modern
convenience, with a very large gymnasium,
assembly room, domestic science and man
ual training. The site for the high school
building has been changed from Its pres
ent location to Washington street, two
blocks north of the court house. The lo
cation of the south side school will also
be changed to one block north of Its pres
ent location and within the city's corporato
limits. The need of thebe buildings has
long been felt, the attendance being so
large, especially In the high school, that it
has been managed with difficulty.
A special election will be held October 1
for the purpose of voting 8100,000 bonds for
the erection of a new court house for
Dawson county, the present one having
been standing thirty-six years. As It
stands It is In a very dangerous condition,
the foundation having given away in sev
eral places.
.Nrhraika News Notes.
BEATRICE An additional centrifugal
pump Is being Installed In the second test
well the ciiy Is putting down north of
town. Those In charge feel certain that
enough water has been secured to supply
the city.
1'LATTSMOUTH After a strenuous ca
rter of eighteen years, the Nehnwka Regis
ter has ceased publication. Editor Thomas
Jefferson O'Oay will remove the plant K
MaUlun, Wash., a new town on the Mil
waukee's pacific coast line.
BEATRICE Tha Meiinoiilte hospital for
Beatrice Is a certainty, and actual ouera-
tions will soon be started on the building,
which Is to cost 840.000. The structure will
be erected on a tract of land In the north
east part of the city which was donated
for the good of the cause by Peter Jansen.
NEBRASKA CITY A son of Walker
Neely was kicked In the left eye by a colt
yesterday and it Is feared that he may
Io.-e the siBht of his eye. A long gash was
cut in the face above and below the oye
and the frontal bone was all that saved
I he eye from being knocked out of the
I'LATTSMOL'TH Ourlng a meeting of
the board of directors last evening I'rof.
1. A. Barrows was selected as editor and
msrager of the I'lattsmoiith News-Herald
and assumed the duties today. Mr. Bar
rows has resided Ir. this state for thirty
years and for most of 4iat time has been
em-'BKtd In newspaper work, but for the
last four years has been employed in the
land ccmmlHsioner's office In Lincoln.
BEATRICE Chairman C. J. McClelland
of the republican county central commit
tee yesterday appointed the following as
members of the executive committee- L
H. Millen. Beatrice; C. A. Burbank Fil
ley; G. L. Miimford. Pickrell: H. F. Mun
stcrman. Odnll; A. D. Spencer. B.irnestou.
The committee will meet soon anil - -in-
me ror ine coming campaign. Th . -licans
are confident of electing thr . v
ticket and they will work to ihf.t did
from now until election day.
NEBRASKA CITY The Chautauqua
which dosed Sunday night, a as a success
In every way and a neat sum was netted
over expenses. Already arrangements are
being made for a biuger program for next
year. The Overland theater Is being over
hauled and refitted and will be opened on
Seotember 17. The Otoe Countv Slock show
and parade will be held In this city on Sep
tember 21-23. A big list of premiums has
been hung up. and already manv entries
hava been made. The big floral parade will
be held on September 22-23. and will be
larger than In previous years.
Tike Haralac.
Ion't let stomach. Ilvsr nor kidnay
trouble down you. hn you can quick I v
down them with Klectric Bitters. 60c. Sold
by Beaton L ug Co.
Not Thought There ii Much Which
Will Be Covered Into Treasury.
Dnwa from Trtuirr aaal Plaeeol
in Haada of Lavad t'onanalaaloner
to Be Empadel a Work
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Aug. Jl (Special Telegram.)
That portion of the appropriation of the
legislature of 1907 wrfch hss not been spent
lapsed today Into the state treasury. It Is
believed the sum that lapsed will be very
small, though the auditor will not hava It
figured until tomorrow.
The State Board of Vublle Lands and
Building! laved the unexpended balance
for the buildings at the Norfolk asylum
by appointing Land Commissioner Cowles
Its trustee to draw the voucher for the
warrants for the con.pletion of the build-
It gs. The amount Is 817.918.82 and warrants
wir. be drawn as the work progresses, the
entire amount having been placed subject
to Ms order.
The board Is divided whether money for
wr.rk contracted for before today Is still
available, though a case along similar lines
was so decided by the supreme court some
time ago.
I'nlon Depot Proposal.
The Burlington railroad has made a
proposition to the city council In effect
that It will construct a union depot for the
use of all roads If It can make the proper
terms. It wants nothing from the city
except the ordinance now pending provid
ing for a depot to be constructed by a local
Politics at State Fair.
The republican state committee will havei
a headquarters on the state fair ground
during the state fair and probably the dem
ocrats will also take advantage of the
opportunity to get close to the people.
Secretary Mellor today mailed to the secre
taries of the two committees an invitation
to use space In fraternity row free of
charge for the maintenance of headquar
ters. The republican! accepted, but as yet
nothing has been heard from the demo
cratic committee official!.
The republican headquarters will be lo
cated between the Ancient Order of United
Workmen and Modern Woodmen of Amer
ica buildings and will be In personal charge
of Secretary Clyde Barnard, an old-time
horticulturist, who for years has looked
after a department on the grounds.
Secretary Mellor will remove his office
to the fair grounds in time to open up
for business Friday morning.
- Road Complains of Shipper.
For the second time before the railway
commission a shipper has been complained
against by a railroad. The State Railway
commission listens to complaints against
the railroads every day, but as the law Is
one-sided andt hits the railroads without
hitting the shipper for the same offense
there Is very little complaint from the
other sld.. Today tha uoir.mlsslon received
the following letter from the Superintend
ent of the Burlington:
LINCOLN, Aug. 30 Dr. H. J. Wlnnett.
Chairman State Railway Commission Pear
Sir: It seems proper that some Informa
tion, which came to my office accidentally
and which shows such a gross attempt at
dishonesty on the part of some shipper,
should be given to your board.
You receive all kinds of complaints about
the work of the railroads, as shippers are
very prompt to lay thslr 'troubles before
you, and consequently. , It, seems equally
appropriate that we give you information
showing what was attempted with us to
get some freight carried for nothing.
The facts referred to are as follows:
Chicago, Burlington A Quincy car lOlWfi
was loaded at the Lincoln Brick works
about August 24 or 25 and billed to C. M.
Robinson of Mlnatare, Neb, It was dis
covered later that the car contained, In
addition to the brick, about thirty rolls of
building paper, and a shipping slip waa
found in this building paper.
Mr. Thorp, the superintendent, Included
In his letter to the commission a copy of
the shipping slip.
Work of Railway Commission.
H. J. Wlnnett, member of the Nebraska
State Railway commission, who Is prepar
ing a report Involving the work of the
state commission and of commissions of
neighboring states to be presented to the
national meeting of commissioners next
November, has completed his work In-so
far as Nebraska is concerned. One' of tha
principal features of the work of the Ne
braska commission, Dr. Wlnnett says, has
been the assistance It has given the legal
department of the state In defending the
laws passed by the legislature of 1907, In
tended to regulate the common carriers In
Nebraska. At the time of making his report
Dr. Winnett said there had been filed with
the commission 889 Informal complaints
and seventy-seven formal complaints. Of
the formal complaints thirty-three are still
pending while 136 of the Informal com
plaints are pending.
State Treasurer's Report.
The monthly report of State Treasurer
Brian for the month of August carries a
new item, fire commissioner fund. This
fund, which now has a balance of 87.248.30,
was created by a tax on fire Insurance
companies by an act of the late legisla
ture which created the office of fire com
missioner, whose duty It Is to Investigate
fires. The commissioner, his deputy and his
expanses are to be paid out of this fund.
The total balances on hand the first of
Hie month amounted to $7i(3,O83.07; the re
ceipts amounted to 8-3.S6.57; payments
J240.36-l.eO; leaving a balance on hand of
Both the permanent and the temporary
school funds are large at this time, due
to the fact that a lot of bonds bought have
not yet been delivered. The treasurer has
on depojlt 8600,600 and on hand In cash
and cash Items, 8178.2S5.94.
Following Is the report:
Aug. l. ujr 21
General 2.-,;t.!ih t HK.473.1;
Temporary school l.M'.OM.iM 176.!mi.4K
Tempotary university 33. si 12 24 31!IM
Redemption U.24C.76 . 4"
Hospital for Insane I.l."il0
Permanent school 37ti.04S.oo P19.81S.1
Permanent university 3i,14.iV7 .1S.iM4.10
Agricultural college en
dowment 2,003 41 3.SS4 71
Normal endowment til M .',s
Normal interest 1.72MM 1,7" is
Peru Normal library 2s Mi '
State library 1.9 14 l.9.14
Agricultural and mechan
ical arts 40.000.01 40.000.01
I'nlud Slates experiment
station 5.0a."..:,8 z v.4 l
l niverslty cash 3i,00 12 34.477.04
Penitentiary 14 59 14 F9
Kearney Normal library 312 02 3)202
Orthopedic hospital S7 94 3".9
Interest, cash t".9x!.is 1H,72". .
I'niversity income Hi.l2tt.iiT Im.MX .
Fire commission 5.3ti1.8l 7,248 36
Totals $7W.0s3.7 I778.7S.V
Permanent school , $7.4KOK?S69
Permanent university lhd.SOS 3,1
Agricultursl college endowment.. fi.V0el.7
Normal endowment 77.757.35
I'niversity fund warrants.
I i 7;: ki
Total IS.lSi.27 1
CUiiens Slate. Arapahoe f S floo
Ashland National & oi
J First National, Albloa , ,0ut
Knickerbocker Soils $2.50
All medium weight boya" knlcker
bock?r suits left from this spring
and summer: your choice of any of
these 85.00, $4.50 and q f"A
84.00 suits jZedU
75c and $1.00 Knicker
bocker pants, well made,
strong for AQf
school wear, at. . mtS
50c shirt waist blouses
collar attached, dark
and light colors baso-
Citizens State. Albion H-00"
Citizens etate. Alnsworth
German-American Auburn 4.00
Battle Creek Valley 4.000
German National, Beatrice 5.000
ITnlon State. Beatrice R.000
First National, Bazlle Mills LITO
Cltlrens State, Blair 5.000
Heemer State ".ono
BloominKton State. S.OnO
CusUr National, Br Urn Bow 5.000
Security State, Brok Bow 2.0W
First National Blue itlll 5,no
Farmers and Merchants, Benson 4.000
8. S. Hadley Co., Cedar Rapids 15.000
First National. Cedsr Rapids fi.OOrt
Central City National S.ono
Cornlea State S.009
CralK State 2.
Farmers State, Craig- 2.500
Curtis State 4.000
First National, Campbell 3.000
Farmers (State, Clarkson 4.0U
First National, Crawford 4.000
Killer State 4. or)
Dannebrosr State 1.000
First National, Dodge 6.0)
ElKin State 4.000
Erlcson State 1000
Kwlng- State 4,n00
Pioneer, Kwlnir 2.000
Pioneer, Eustls 2.000
Farmers and Merchants. Fremont.... 10.000
First National, Fremont 7.M0
Bank ot Glenville 1.600
Citizens National, Gothenburg....... 4.000
Oreelev State B.OOt)
First National, Greeley B.O00
Union State, Harvard 4.000
Harvard State 2.5O0
Farmers and Mechanics, Havelock... 4.600
First National, HoldreRe 6.000
Bank of Commerce. Hastings ; 9,000
State Bank' of Jansea. 2,000
Central National, Kearney 6.000
Farmers, Kearney 10.000
LxlnKton bank 2.000
City National. Lincoln 25.0"0
Farmers and Merchants, Lincoln 16.000
National Hank of Commerce, Lincoln 25.001
Central National, Lincoln 20.000
Commercial, Long Pine 2,000
First National, Lawrence S.iSVl
First National. Loomls S.000
Loup City bank 2.000
Security, Meadow Grove 2,000
Madrid Exchange 3,000
McConk National 3.000
Citizens, McCook 3X0"
Fltst National. Newman Grove 5.0n0
Newman Grove State 6.000
Norfolk 5.000
Nebraska National. Norfolk 7.000
First National. North Bend V000
Antelope County. Oakdale 4.000
Citizens State. Ogalalla S.000
Bank of Ohlt-wa 4 sno
Farmers State, Orchard 3,000
O'Neill National 5.003
Psnk of Petersburg .000
Citizens Stite. PettrHburg 3.000
Pierce State R.O00
Rising City bank 3.000
South Omaha National 100. noo
Live Stock National, South Omaha... 10,000
Fust Ftate. St. Paul 4.000
Silver Creek State 2,600
First National, Spalding 6.000
Spalding City 8.000
First National. Scott's Bluff 2.600
I'irst National. Superior 5.000
Sutton National 4.0TO
Hank of Syracuse S.600
First National, Tllden S.OnO
First National, Valentine S.OiKl
Fiist National, Walthlll 5.000
Valentine State 7.500
Saunders County National, Wahoo.. B.OnO
Farmers and Traders, Wakefield.... 6.000
First National. Wayne 4.000
West Point National 5.000
Wisner State 7.500
First National, Wisner 4.000
First National, Wolbach 2. '.00
First National, Weeping Water 5.0H0
City National, York 5.0U0
Total K00,500
Minor Matter at Capital.
Harvey E. Newbranch, nominee for regent
to fill the vacancy, today filed his ex
pense account with the secretary of state.
Mr. Newbranch admitted he secured the
nomination at the primaries without spend
ing a cent.
The Pullman company paid $50 to the
state treasurer today, and In exchange the
state permitted the company to name
William Lucas of Omaha its agent In this
state to sue and be sued.
Governor Shallenberger filed his bill to
day for expenses to the Seattle exposition.
The governor made affidavit that he spent
Frauds Ipsa the Public"
is what some physicians have called patent
medicines, and It is undeniably true that
some are frauds ajid some are even worse,
because they are injurious. On the othtr
hand, there are many patent medicines such
as Lydla K. Plnkham's Vegetable Com
pound, and others, which are of real worth,
and are recommended by physicians of rec
ognized standing.
York College
Strong, First Class, Lowest Kates
Collegiate, Normal, Business, Music,
Expression and Art Departments.
Issues all grades of state certifi
cates. Tear opens September 13th.
Wat. B. SCBELL, rree., York. Be.
Tcbaa all CosmrrrlJ
Bracbi, BoohkorDtUai
EittflUh. OlrU ftrvir. Tl
rfephv. OMrimi Trftlfting
I eVboo. U P. tV t. 1VriE
Dprtelnt. Mar work for
OM4H4 NEBRASKA frT.hV.k n VtZfJ."
The Home of Good Boys Clothes
for School Wear
If you haven't soon thoso suits nsk your neighbors nil
Omahn talks about them. No boy 'a suit has ever been shown
to equal ours for the price. A suit that's made for real school
wear, reinforced seams they cannot rip the fabrics are
A new suit if yours goes wrong is our guar
antee. See the best school suit with extra
pair of knickerbocker pants, at
Boya Strictly All Wool Blue Sorga Stilta With Extra Pair
Knickerbocker Panta at S3. 00
A blue serge suit is a little more dressy and is the boys' fav
orite suits. The materials nre strictly all wool
serge, reinforced seams, knickerbocker pants are
well lined throughout with extra pair of pants
to match all for
Boys S3 School Suits at$1.9&
Our buyer secured on his eastern trip 500 knickerbocker
suits for fall wear at a big sacrifice. You pay $fj 98
anywhere else for suits not as good as these jj
from $3 to $3.50 special school opening offering. . . .
Boya K. E. Shirt Walat Blouses
cambric, black sateen, Kahkl cloth.
ote worth 75c. at
Open Vntll 6 r. M. Saturdays 10.
For You ntf Women ,
And Girls
rtolla preparatory, academic and collegiate ooursea. Native French and Oar
v man teachers. Experienced instructors In muelo. all educated In Europe. Ex
cellent advantages In Fine Arts. Thorough courses In domoetlo aoonomy Saw
ing, Cooking, etc Well equipped gymnasium and outdoor sports under srofas
aional supervision. Illustrated year book sent on application.
Ttie College of Southwest Iowa
Splendid Faculty. Choice of Courses of Study.
Special Preparatory Work for Professional Training In Law, Medicine,
Teaching, Journalism, Theology. Engineering, Forestry and Agriculture.
Conservatory of Muslo Four-year courses In Pis no, Pipe Organ, Voice,
Violin, Harmony, Theory.
All Conservatory students who take two full subjects are entitled to any
two studies they niay wish to choose In the college or academy, free of
Tall Term Opens September 13th, 1909. SEND FOR CATALOGUE.
A nlace where manly boye are made Into manly men. Home life combined
with seml-mllltary discipline Prepares for all colleges and for business life,
cation healthful and building fire proof. All athletlca. and all carefully supervised.
Write for Illustrated catalogue.
HARRY N. RUSSELL, Head Master, : : Kearney, Nebraska.
niu mnA I ortre;t in
Highest rating by war Department. Infantry, Artillery and Cavalry
Drills. Courses ol Btudy prepare for Universities, Government
Academies or for Business Life. Accredited by North Central
Association of Schools and Colleges. Manual Training. Separata
Department for Small Boys. For catalogue, address
Tl Sa-cretajy. Box A. If P,0,jlg:
TTT T PTTTTT' ffJ T TTl'P With a beautiful campus and elevating sur
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