TIT?: BEK: OMAHA. TUKKDAY, AU0UST .11. 190 GRAIN AND PMDUCE MARKET Wrifat Continue! to Decline nd C&ih Value Slump. OFFIBIXGS FOR THE SAY DRAG Halite Arwi I ' I l In Ikrrt 4a I'rrsenl frostier! - tn Ad Tun it or (In frlces. OMAHA. Neb.. Aug. I W V'.. M-.-tn vuntiaues to decline and 1 ' 1 1. r .minx i registered tn casu values. Ne is 111 king, but the light demand arid r receipts' make Ilia offerings d.at. 'iradi-it ruuld not find any bullish news, Kr Wa there anything In the pieseiit n nloik lu advance nr sustain prices. urn' wan easy and price declined on u-.Hf selling hy tarce rash Interests. It .) lijr geiicial belief nf the moment tliat an s.iiasU' r-rfir trill tnatuie, regardless of .rt.',iaa reported. t.nisl kit ' decidedly rak under free i.U.i.g. Heavy letelrua and poor demand tjed fill titer slump, and ax the spring ..'eat 'rrt .vemcrit increases, buyers are u.- ,ni.H more backward In taking the lai'Ke inuring tilth are being prtsacd upon tup i. MrKet. - c.ili V.a"k and sold lower on Ihe ' x ilnM In hat. Caen imuiu tan.; free . I.I url there ivai Mow demand for 4.1 f: gdo., - ylrti the exception of vellnw. ilu'ii held fairly firm. lt-ceipts are Im 1 i o 1 1 i K and further decline are proiii.ble. i".mnrv wheat receipts were 1.4.M.UI") bu. . ;t.l . Iiiprnenis a-ere 81 . bu.. aemmst i i p s i.st var of LiWi.OuO bu. and uh.p i ?it Tr t,U.KD bu: -inini.iy ruin ric-lpta ere flOR.ofiO bu. end 1 1 1. 1 ti a Mere Svi.CniO bu., against r.celptj ..ft ' t-.'r -uf St.flu bH. and shipment of . on bu. . . il iiiaiu-'o evcte none of corn, none or ..i A ai d wheat and flour eoual to 31.0 0 bu. t-lv puol clewed IHtfciiiVtd lower on wnaat "tuVv lower on corn, w.ut ana ol uoUod. (. tlclea..rioso. High. Low. I Clear. Hat ,y. . hi it. -I , I I I t...l Dec.'-,! i. sept.;.: i '. ... s. pi. ; i - , Uuiafra Caaa Price. UHWATN. I hard. Mii'-Wc; No. 1 hard, tv.lini; AO. 4 hard, hnMM.io; .-io. i spring, y...e.c; lui glade, bOUttA1'- (.UhA'-Ni). t, uio; Nov . tfy)io; No. 4, tiii.o, ..o. - yeJiuw, rt.V,l'c; No. I yet I.. . i. .i). J jiiiite, ".c; No.- white, u.w r."'V. ' inlxtrt,' J."i'tJ.t".He: No. 3 S'el- I , . . . j wi.t.. 3Tvt,o; No. 4 . . w ,;,.i...ld. No. II. ti4,tMl5c. .. mil t.e fii'l , . i. UhH. " - -j - " , vv -" i.. Uti4...i,t 0 ... ' " I lL.4t.t: I... t t AMI I'Ktl VthllliNa Kratnee vl .tke IrKIng ! CloaluK Vrloe un Hoard of Trade. CHICACXJ, Ain,. j.,r-irk cables und tnjneiMiinr ' ini Vhcl Ill'llHi iiurin Artt. ..,. x. ntat ludi. .. -toi.it. td ,..!' . . t Ul II . Mil i. iauiy i.tabj, ilia ..... t'J.i weak all day, ow ing tu kvtii.u. un. a on bearish linwa -uf v.vnoi. . .T. .jiLiu.i, chief among ,nlon . wma oii....i.u a. I me leading Kuropean mam. iiuiuaing Lilverpooi, where piice htn. un iiiU to ld. The tirkliaMi ot t n u.i e.nu inarketa nave I lie tnaraet her a vittt utarl, from which only alight recevery uhh, made early In the elevator; No. I red. (I f o. b . afloat. No. 1 ri.Tilv-i n, Huluth. $1 '. f. o b.. afloat; No. 1 hard, winter, fl 0" "4. f. o. b . afloat. Hear did about a they pleaeed with the wheat market here, for the nwa was all on way. Including; big receipt, weak cables, fine northwestern weatner and crop advloti and a poor export de mnnd. I'rlrea broke over le per buehei and only rallied near the clone on a little room coveripg. Iet prlcee w-re Tlllc net lower. HeptetulM r. II. doped. $1 "f-S; Iecem b.r, clnlHd. tl.Dlt.; May, oloecd. II. WS, j t'O'K.V Hereipta, 6 boil hu.; epot market eay: .No. I old. TJc, nominal, and ic, noitiiiial. delivered; pew No. 2. 62c, X. o. b.. nfli.nl. winter elliment. Option market wbp without traneactlona. doping Pt un-cliang-d. Sofit ember cloaed, i4u; lJecem ber. cinsrd. toVc OATH - llerelpia, 104 00 bu. ; apot market Unlet , mixed oate. c. nominal; natural white. a-SMc: cllped white, 41Sri7c. I IIA Y SieaUy ; No. S, 7b'aCi good to I choir. , tL':0c. UofS-vulet; mate, common to choice, l!n. l.Mtlitc; 1907, nominal; l'aciflo coaat, i:ei. 14.J17; 1U7. lltiUc. M1HKS Quiet; Hogota. ff31c; Central America, 21c. l.KATHEH-Steady; acid. 3Sno. I'ltOVlSlON'! Beef ateady; family, 14 o5 ftl4.iu. tneK. til vjuii bu. beef name, $24 Ow-J WO); paoket. til '-Arts IS Ou; city extra India I mes. t20..Vyal!l."0. Cut meeta firm, pick led beilllea, $!2.7nS.(W; pickled hama. 112 00 4M2.M. lird. firm; weatern, 11250212 60; reTined ateadv; continent, 112 ..; rluuth AinrrlrH. 113 SO; compound, 7.SiijT.i"4. Pork I firm; family. .2 " Si SO; abort clear, IU1.00 ".2;.jii; niessi. $j2,iriia. T A 1.1 v Kii in, city, B -10c; country, D :.-u; f s l'-ir.c. I:li K Steady; domeallc, 2tf4''c; Japan,, Mi He. jtl'TTKfl firmer; rreamery apeclal. 23S4 tiSc; rreamery exlraa, 2nr; . western fao t i x. W'ji'-o; weatern Imitation crtamery, 2:ic. t UKIOr'K l'npetlled; atate. full cream spiclalp, l.'i'tJl'Se. liiKIS- Irregular; wesiern extra, firata, ZVn l!Kc; W i'Kiern flmte, ?l'g23c; weatern aec onda. 20'n2lc. FOt" lTRY Alive, firm: western chlck ene. IhJillic: fowla. IT'jn'c; turkeya, 14c. IreRP.cd. alendy; weetern lirollers, 1KJ2UC; fuwlH, liSjl7Ho. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS .. hiub.ldlary ellver coin, $25 404 130. Minor coin, tl M5 2.'.4. Total balance in general fund.- t:.4O2.0fl. Market OeU Orer Its Fright Canted by Harriman'i Condition. TJ5I0N PACinC LEADS ADVANCE Fin tire I. let Rlaea and A mother Rail? t'oaaea at C'loae on Aoaearaiare of Ktatetaent Dictated ar Mr. Ilarrlnsaa. .91'., 81'il 90'al VK1 W'H Mill fer: M'a . , ". I I fcV MH4! M4 S'.i4 .. :yv! " V 5'4 t ... '.! Wi: 8S' iMuvemeiu of new n..iiK'Uiaily In the ,. u.cnuea In the iiial (Uoiatloiln . it to K(tvc. id provialona .4'.:-' ' Auburn. Neb . broken llus". . Nib. fu Columbus. Neb... 7 aesamn and wiiicli waa followed by a siiiMt'ulbertsou, Neb., sa WKATIIEH IN TUB CHAIN BKI.T Kalr Taeaday, with Teanperatore Mlahtly oa the Rlaa. OMAHA. Aug. 30, The cool w ave that apt cad over the cen tral valleys Catuiaay, lias extended east ward, uiiu generally cool weaiher now pre vails Iroin the Kocky mountains, east ovh the central valleys and H,ak region to th Atlaniio coast. I'einpei aturea are rising in the west and northwt, and the weather will be warmer in this vicinity tonight and 'i'uesiiay. Home very light and Nvattersd showers occurred tn southern Nebraska ilurlng Saturday, but so far as our ivpurta ehow. no precipitation has occurred in thu M sHouri caliey within the last twenty-four hours. Showers occurred In the southwest wlihln the paat twenty-four hours, and ruins are fuhlug in southern Colorado and northern Arizona, ihia morning, iiittns are quiet general along the ' Atlantic coast and continue on the Florida coat this morning. The weather la generally 1 liar in the central valleys and the north wtst. and It will continue fair in this vi cinity tonight and Tuesday. Kecoid of temperature and preclptatlon rtuiipart d' with the corresponding day of I lie last thrre years: 1909. 1908. 1907. 1906. Minimum temperature.... in Ti 73 69 Precipitation 00 .00 .00 .00 Kiirmnl I emilf rat lire foe InDiiV. TI (letrraeu iieflciency In precipitation since March 1, s. iz mcnes. lioflclency corresponding period in 1908, .24 of an inch. Deficiency corresponding period in 1907, S.0t ini hea. L. A. WELSH, local Forecaster.. Corn and Marat lieglon Balletln. For Omaha, Neb., for the twenty-four hours ending at 8 a. m , 75th meridian time, Monday, August 30, IH09: OMAHA DISTKICT.' Temp. Raln Stations. lax. .Mln. fall. ky. Ashiand, Nrb 83 S3 .00 Clear further decline during ihe first half of me oy. riehtlmant continued bearish througi out the entire aeselun, although a surpris ingly small decrease -of iiU.uuo busheia lit luv vlsltiie supply 0 wheal in Hie LrUii tvatw inled' losteady the inarket Ul Uje tuial half. The liberal movement of v. lust i.. ...la oountry -waa again an important laLtor in the situation, 'total primary re vt ips, were considerably in excess of the Mintj Kit the corresponding day a year k.ii, parte of Hie gain, being reported at v..iu.i-iJotia. Large quantities of wheat Vtii iipoittd en route to the latter point, 4v..u aJ.i.a Mt wheat there tomorrow. It til. is.iinaicd, would be much more lib it al. Aa a result af these predictions, can wnvai at all northwestern centers Van twreiae-.y heavy. Continued reluo tante 01 loreignera to purchase Amorloun wn. iso nau depressing effect. Great aeiung pritiie was en the September de livery am that option manifested the gieauet 1. vakuesa. Aoui. o.ta. rains In Iowa, Kansas and Nvi..usi.t uur.ng the laat forty-eight hours brouw .t vU. ilovral aalea of corn, which re k...... 1.1 loiibiiierable weakness the greater par. u. ,.,e day.' Mar "displayed relative -i....,i. and eioaed at a gain of fyc, li.. u.u.v options were unchanged to c lot.r. 11481: In oata was quiet. The market v i .i with prices unchanged to 40 higher. 1 lOvlaior.s closed 6c higher to 7Vo lower. The leading fulurea ranged aa follows; AiUt lea.) Close. I Hlgh. Low. Close. 8at'y. heal I I .'ep.. 7-1,J it. MVlStT Slay - iKJ'tu-ni t 01 n . .'.i. i 4l .1 71wi I 1 bl .1 114 i. 1 . .IV.iSI 6 4r,j 'Wj'J 3i s..4l rwpt. ti,c. May 04 is rept. i' c. May loik VIII. ! Jan. 1 Lard I fc-pt. .17 IT",, 1J 2U U 15 11 16 1 II 20 II 10 It 7B. I il 77l U 72 3 '4 8.,'4 iViH 664 8H it SO 1 22 25 I 22 M 21 62 22 43 11 & (17 6 17 U 1J 60 I 17 02 .,.-...-.. .... I Uei. Nov. Jan. Hot. Jan. 10 47, 11 75 U 70 11 10 III 17 It 171 12 0 11 77Vkl 11 774 tu 4.1 1U ju !, 10 60 11 m 11 70 So 11 T?; 11 76 U 82 11 1. 11 ti5 I 11 70 t 37 I HO 1 t 36 Fall blll'V. Nrb.... M Falrrnoiit, Neb... 7K Or. Inland. Neb.. 7S Hai tiiiKton, Neb. 78 HafjilngSr Neb. 71 Uoldrege, Neb.,. 81 (akdale. Neb 7 ' Omaha, Neb 78 Tehamah, Neb... 81 74 77 SO 75 74 Alta. la Carroll, la Clarinda, la.... Hibley, la Sioux City, la. 44 62 44 65 , 4K 67 52 5J 6 i4 48 W 44 r.2 47 4i J 58 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear . J't. cloudy Clear Clear Clear Pt. cloudy 1 lear Clar Clear Clear . Minimum temperature for twelve-hour period ending at 8 a. m. DISTRICT AVERAGES. No. vi . Temp. Rain. Central. Stations. Max. Mtn. Inches. Chicago, III to Columbus. 0 17 lies Moines, la.... 14 Indianapolis, lnd.. 12 Kansas City, Mo.. 19 Iioulsvllle. Ky 1 Minneapolis. Minn. 2D Omaha, Neb 19 fcl. Louis. Mo 13 The cool wave has extended over the en tire corn and wheat region. Light showers occurred In the Chicago, Columbus, Louis ville and 8t. Louis districts. No precipita tion worthy of note haa occurred in tho western or central portions of the rorn belt during the last twenty-four hours. L. A. WEL8II. Local Furecastter. Weuther a mean. ' IK) 64 .02 78 54 .04 7 4S .00 S2 ."4 .00 80 W. .00 M 5$ .02 74 60 T 80 o0 .00 96 80 .01 St. l.oals General Market. 8T. LOUIS. Aur. 80. WHEAT Lower; track, No. 1 red. cash, 1.03i 1.06- No. 3 hard, DHctitL06; .September, 9iic; Decem ber. c. CORN Weak; track, No. 1 cash, 8(M8c: Bepteinher. 6ic; liecember, 54c; No. I white, fio. - OATS-VYeak; track. No. 1 rash, M4o; September, 36c; December, Wliesiitke; No. 2 white. ic. RYF. Firm at 73c. FLOPR Steady; red winter patenta. 14.90 ai6.20; extra fancy and straights, t4.tr4.&6; hard w inter clears, f 4 l.ru4 60. S1SKD Timothy, W.10&i.4v. ' CORNMEAL-tlJO. P RAN Weak; sacked, east track, SSc'ff tl.u). t HAY null; timothy. tlO.OOrtf 15.00; prairie, ty.UKg 11.00. . IRON COTTON TIES 80c, HAOOINO 7c. UKMP TWINE 7o. PROVISIONS Pork, steady: ' tobblns-. Cash quotations were as follows' ' 122 'iri. Lard, steady: prime steam. $11 87V.f FLOt'lt 10c lower: wlniee ni.i,i. 11 uut ll W1. Dry ealt meats (boxed, firm: extra 6.uu; eiralgnts, 46 In. pprtng palenLs ! shorts, $12 U'n; clear ribs. 612.12; short iS.7U, aiialghts, 14 5oif,.io, bakers 13 16 i clear. $12.25. Bacon (boxed), steady; extra 4.. shorts, 113 12; clear ribs, 113.12; short clears. 113 . I'OL'LTKV Quiet; chickens. 13c; springs, l4c: turkeys, 17c; ducks. 10c: geene, 6c. Hl'TTKR Higher; creamery, iitjiio. EGUB Higher at 18a Receipts. Shipments. 12 IH.luO lal.UHi ltt.ono 7.1i0 ' 2S.M0 92.80O lutuOJ UARLKY Feed or mixing. 47ii.".Oc: fair to Choice malting. .i'i4. SEEDS F.ax. iNu. 1 southuvxtei 11, 61. S7; No, I northwestern. Il ea. Tliuothv. li.bO: Clover. $1180. " PROVJmUuNS Mess pork, per bbi., WihO j :2.61V laid. Jeer 1W lbs 12.i,. ttupi t lib, aides t ISO), 111 60q U. 7J; short ciear d. HhiiUi, lUritUUlO. Total Clearances of wheat and flour wera eual Id 34v,0U0 bu. Primary receipts were I UVJ0 bu., compare with l,226.ouo bu. the cm rponding day a year ago. The vlslbla eupply ul wheat In Ike I'mted tltatea de miH ZII.UUB bu. toy the week. The amount t! breadstuff tut. ocean passage de i reased ,1.7.JQ bu. Ksllmated recalpta for tomurronr. Wheat. 144 cue;, corn, X) eara; oais, lis ears; hogs, Lt.uua head. Ui'TTKK-r-Nteady; . eieameries UtOc; ilairlea. ll26o. i KUti-vOtrady; receipt I.64S rases; at mark, cases Included, lar; first. Sue, prime lirPls. lo. ' ' HKKcl--rfiirgng; dglaJea. l.4ittliio; tln, 14Ul; auug Aiuareuas. Isc: lung horns, let. ... POTATOKS-Sisady; choice to fancy, U9? 'lr to oo. "'Wk- ' HOI LTRY-Hteady; lurkeya. 17c; chlck- EAL-tSttsdy, u , gg-ib. weight. 9 liil-lb. weights. njij, U(U SEW VOKlCOKSlCHAl. MARKET tleetnt'.eae - ml the nay a Varloa f fteaeaaadltua. 1VX'.TORK- Au' r'R-Kecelpt., IK.Oirt bbla.; eaperia, . 14. O0 bbls; market 4MUtat and auuitnaJly Kiwer; Minnesota iialenls. 6.'.1(( uO; Minoneota bakers. 16 161 W; aid winter patents, I aVtM M; new wli!- er straiglhP.- 64 ipp6. K); nw waiter extras 14Dou4 7k, winter low grades, 64.2o,j.,: Ivaiuas PtialK(iiB. K7"i:.ou. Rye fioui' Maudy; fair n. good. 64.144.26; wholes to f-i c, ft t'4.f0. "V 1 ol;.W a. A U Marker steady; fine white d eiiow. tl.auVl !; cuarse, l..Alf l.U"; '' I' I'lled. 83.75. . ,f .. .. ..ii... Su I Western. Ilk, nominal, .ew York."-- , li.4KI.KV-julel; feeding. 61f2o, new, f . Nsw Vurk. i HrA T-u- 14.es., 4O0 bu.; exporU, 47 'j bu. Upoi nirn e ; Ni. I red. fl.tM. Flour, bbls. Wheat, bu.. Corn, bu.... Oata, bu.... NEW YORK, Aug. JO The elnarlng up of the atmosphere of gloomy apprehension regarding the condition of E. H. Harrl man was manifest In financial circle well In advance of the opening of the stock market today. In fact the fright which seised the tock market community on Saturday might have been dissipated be fore the. market eloped had the session extended to the afternoon hour usual on week davs As It was. the afternoon period on Haturday and the Sunday Inter val saw a steady growth of concldence thai the danger of Mr. Harrlman' condi tion had been exaggerated. The franknesa of friends and memner of the family of the financier in contrast with the mystery whlrh had been wrapped about the subject plnee the return from Kurone and ihe dlsannearance from pub lic view, took the ground from under the feet of the alarmists and rumor mongers. The rfiiiseniienra tn the over-extended Phort Interest was rather seriou as the first prices quoted at the stock exenange this mnrnlni showed an Instantaneous cancellation of a great part of the heavy losses suffered In the sharp oernne 01 Saturdav. The aborts themselves contri buted to this, showing by their scramble to obtain stocks, warned by the tenor cf the news from Arden. and the preliminary advance establlnhed in the London mar ket before trading had been resumen in New York. The Harrlman stork were naturally most affected, but the buoyant tone was com mon to the whole list. Opening gains 01 1 to more than & points over the closing price of Saturday were general throughout. The sale of the first 12.000 shares of Cnlon Pacific were at 2.0'2.00'. t'nlon i-aci-fic was a dominant Influence on the mar ket throughout the dav. Cnlon Pacific touched $2.024 and closed only c below that The Riistatneil ptrenmn 01 innen States Pteel completed Ihe reassurance of sneenlat ve sent ment. The fresh irengm shown by steel and It late advance to with n a nnlnt nr the toD once or recorn quieted this apprehension and left the ad vancing tendency Wltnout a einme maiermi obstacle. There was no new feature In the news to explain the recovery In prices aside from the changed vfw of B. H. Harrlman physical condition. The sea sonable tightening of the money market which continues and the unstable level to which prices had advanced are Klven their due Influence In the reaction. With covering of large lines of shorts the keen ness of the later demand abated consider ably. The appearance of Mr. Harrlman dictated statement was coincident with a final r.llv tn a ptrnne tinrlslng Convertible and speculative bonds were steady. Total sales. n.z.-iO.uoo. iinuea c a , knnila unchnntred on call. Number of sales and leading quotation on atoks todoy were as rouows: B.lP.-nlxn. w" ,.i". Alile-rh.lm.rs tr Amalgamated Copper Amsrloan Agrli y llural .... Am. Beot Sugar Am. ran pfd Am. C. V Am. Totton OH Am H. A L. ptfl Am. Is RecurltlM Amarlean l.lnaaed American Lwoiaotlve Am. . A R Am. H. R. p'd Am. sugar Kenning Am. T. T Am. Tobacco pfd American W-jolen Anawnda Mining Co Atchlaon An-hlaon pM Atlantln Cnaat Lin. Baltimore A Ohio Hal. A Ohio pM.. nlhlheia Steel BreoHyn Rapid Tr ( Indian pacific Central Lath.r Central Leather ptt Central of N. J Cheaapeake Ohio Chicago Alton Chicago lit. W Chicago A M W. ., :'...;.. l. M. 8t. F; C, C, L A St. L Colorado F. t 1 Colorado A So. Colo. A Bo. tat pld Colo. A 80. Id ptdi Conatilldalad Oaa Com Produeta Uelawara a H.. ex-d Lnvr A Rio Grand 1). A R- O. pfd IjlatlllaiV Securities Erie Erie lat pfd Eli. M pfd O.neral Klectrlo Ureal North.rn pfd tirsaL North.rn Ois ctfa... lnterbomugh Mat Iliinula Lemr&l Int. Met. pfd International Harvester ... Int. Marin, pfd International raper International Pump loss Central K. C. Southern 1. K. C. 80. pfd Louiavlll A N Minn. A 81. L M.. t P A 8. . M Mueoarl Pacific M., K. A T M . K. A T. pfd National Blauuil National Lead N. R. R. of M. lat pfd ... New York ('antral N. T., O. A W Norfolk A W North American Northern Paulllc .' Pacific Mall Pennayltanta People's Oal P.. C. r at L., offered Presaed gt.el Car Pullman Palaes Car Railway t.l Spring. RMidlng R.publlc glaal R.publlo Blr.l pfd HiKik island co Rock laland Co. pfd... 81. L. A 8. P M p(d. gi. Lou la 8 W tU. L. 8. W. pfd Sliia.-Ph.rri.ld 8. ft I.' Southern Pacific Southern hallway .... sa. Hallway pin T.nniuiaM fnpror T.iaa st Pacific T., t. L. A W T . 81. LiW. pfd.. t'nlon Parlhc tliloa Pacific pfd f. 8. Realty I'. 8. Rubber t;. . gieul V. . Steal pld I'Uh Copper Va. -Carolina Chemical Wuaan Wabaah pfd Waaatn Meryland Wiauughouaa allactrlc Waat.m t'nlon Wheeling & L. 8 Wiaconairt Central Klrat aaeaaament pald; Total aalea lor ihe day, Jm.sno thi.-ea. Kaaaaa City Orala aad Proelalaaa. Kansas city. Aug. ao -wjikat-scu- teiuber, larttC; Decepiber, SsJc; May. 2Vr. Cash: lJ)2o lower; No. I hard, SiictfiJlCo; No. I haid. 4tU97c; No- t rvd. i o3, ,nu. a red, $100. COHX-September, UO'ic; lecembcr, &3X,e; May. ooSc. Cash: I 'nciianged to c higlier; No. I mixed. tSIM'rlo: No. S inlxfd, ijio4c; No. 2 white. bltKiv; Kg. 2 white, b4'4 ue4'c. OATS-l'nchanged to c lower; No. I White. 42c; No. X mixed, 37kJIo. RYE-7tir3c . HAY I nchanged; fbolce timothy. $1100; chute pi an 10, S7.75u ou; chulce alfalfa. i3gl4fO . liL'TTEU Creamery extra. 17c; flrta, 2k', seconda. Zic; packing stock. 2uc. EOOS Extra. 26c; firsts. Sic; seconda and dlrlita, 12o: southern, loss off, 14c. Receipts. Shipments Whfat, bu ,.414.0uO 214, OUO Corn bu RA)o 13,000 Oata. bu. . 17,000 ' 4 OuO Kansas City option closed a follow: Article. I Opvn. I High. I Lw. Close. Wheat -September I moemi bar Hay Corn Sr 04 ember Deitmber May V 81 RT! i, 6S 44- . 6i 0f wWA kN S 82 ' MA 59'J fB A a-iked. B bid. ( . . Sill4.ani.ea r.i-alu Market. M1LWAUKEB. Wis, Aug. WIIEAT No. 1, tiorlharn. fl On: No. I, northern, 61 02 (1 1(0. Ieeuibcr. lJ'u'J3C. HATS-i bALLEV Samdlas, C.i) . , 100 S 5S M"4 8.4IM) "444 14 '414 7.10 4 48S 4IH4 7iXI Ii4 4S t i0 4 4 4v 0() 814 H 81 00 t 47 6S J.TTn) 7ii 71 " tun 4 I 4H THO !!', 3'4 3't 100 if n is 1.811) 42 80 " al.jno 101 KiO nm'4 lOrt 114H H4H U4H 100 HI 131 131 l.j'w 11 ;j 140 i i(n lui lOiw (no 39 S4 '' 8m) m 47 4h4 lt.400 lit 117 11 .K lit ll4 W 2.8UO 11744 H444 M74 .l 100 1: 11 i:h t.XKI 7 7S " l.lrn) 1M44 lHri m . I,. 00 40 1M4 sui 1"8 !()0 3' soa 310 14. 81 81 1 ;t 11 Kl thU, W14 4114 l,7H) 11 11 12 -400 144 - !4 W l.dKO liM 1 l.'iD 114 $-) 7 73 '(4 l,iu 4o 4444 44 , 61 81 an 8.100 147 Uii 147 kl) 21 24 24 1,600 Ul ' 188 ll CIW I8V4 47 174 1.4O0 86 8f, 701) 98 38 88S ISO 84 3t li 1,100 62 82 4 (I II 41 43 1.IPH1 188 mi i; .) I6i n: l.tuo II 7 4 i 61MI 14T4 14 1 1.0m) IV! UJ 00 4l 4t 4Vt 87 10 3.700 li 18 18 l.fiaaj ' 14 H 43 4: 700 2 lev, no l,7il 47-, 47 47 00 - 73 71 71 MOO 16H4 lN)i4 V,V i0 84 M ti 400 1 43 US 111 1,4.8) 71 U ta 41 41 4u 800 74 73 71 00 ll7 111? 1(16 LOOP 112 14 41 tl'4 800 l.li, 3 ' U 14.400 18i4 187 1 ;', 1.0O0 48 48 4 1.8 0 84 3Va, pal 84 81 8.1 8. SUA) Ida 16A I164 8 $ 'I 31 4.4O0 14m 1MB 1 Vj too 1 4' ne ii . 2 l.tnO hi) lilt 4914 1(8) ltt 181 184 .' e Ytrrbi Meaty Market. NEW YORK. Aug. 30 MONEY On call. fiim at 202 per cent; ruling rate. I per c-nt; closing bid, 2 per cent; offered at 2 per cent. Time loan, strong; sixty days. 2ti3 per cent; ninety day, .Tg3 per cent, six months. 4 per cent. 1'RIMK MKHCANT1LK rArr. R 4f 4 per cent. STKRI.INO EXCHANOK Weaker, with actual business In bankers' bill at 14 9f.2unT 4.k."i.o for sixty-day bills and at $1 :0 for demand; commercial bills, $4 84Stl4 64. HI LV EH Bar, Dle; Mexican dollars. 44c. BONDS Qovernment, steady; railroad. Irregular. The following are the closing Quotation on stocks and bonds: V. . rat Is. rag . ..IOC Int. Met 14 81 4 eeaaon f 8. 8a. rag dn emipoa ....... t'. 8. 4a rag do coupon Allla-t hal. 1st 6. Am. Ag. 8b. Am. T A T. e. .10 tut. M " M. 44 48 '4 ...H'l Vapaa 4a 'H ... 01 do 4e ...1lK, C. lat la IIS ...111 L A 4.8 4s IHI... ... H L AN. aal. 4a 4 ...101M . K. A T. let 4a . bO ..lou do m. 4a Am. Tnbaote 4a wMMo. Paalfle 4a 81 da 4. 111HN R. It. of M. 41.. 44 Armour , Co. 41.. KN. T. C. tt i At'hiion gen. 4a lo da 4el. 4 86 do cr. 4s 117H M.. T., N. H. A H. do rv. 3a 117V. c.- 4 H At. r. L. lat 4s f'4t N. A tv. let e. 4s.. HI Bal. A Ohio 4s 1W do r. ..-. ...lols do 8e '4to. Paclfle 4s do . W. 84a to do l J4 Prk Tr. r. 4a....... 840 . L rfdg. 4a M Can. of Oa ie lntPenfi. tv. Is . 7 Can. Leather ta I("4 do eon. 4a ld C. ef N. J. g. (4. ..137 Reading gen. 4s ' Chra. gt Ohio 4e...1i4 lt.' L t I. P. fg. 4a 88 do ret. ta ton do gas. 6a o Chicago a A. SVaa... 11!. L. 8. W e. 4a. 78 C, B Q J la ... 7V4 a tat gold ta 8414 do gen. 4a 14 Seaboard A. L. 4a.. i (.'. M. A a P. ! 80 8n. Pacltlo 4. 4a....:. HI C, R. I. a P. C. 4a.. TV OO c. 44 rii) rol. ft. Mat do let eef. 4a do rfdg. '4e v.. H,f. ttallway 4s.. ' olo. lnd. oa t da gen. 4a Colo. Mid. 4s 814 Uahw Paclfle 4a. c e r. a s. 4a.. s eu.cr. D. A H. cr. 4a. D. A R. Q. 4... do ref. ta Dl.i 11 lor.' Is Erie p. I. 4a do gea. 4e dn cv. Ie eer. A. tlo perlea B..:.. Oen. Klec. CT. Is. Ill Cen. iet ref. I Bid. Aaked. 4 111 8144 )0 .114 ..10 ! lat A ref. 4s... 8i .. 87 V. g. Kubbar la 14 .. 4'T- 8. Sieel td fa 107 .,78' Va.-Caro. Chera. (at .. 844 '. ba.h lat ta: Ul ., 7H do let A ax. 4a.... 74 .. Id Weatern Md. 4a 84 .'. 74 W est. BTtse. ef. a... 84S4 ..1(3 Ala. Ceatral 4s Kit .. ( London Closing Stocks LONDON, Aug. ' 30. American securities opened firm and above barity today. Later the market further strengthened under tho lead of the Harrlman Issues, and at noon prices ranged from to 8 point over bat urday's New York closing. London closing stocks:. Comola. money 84 4-ltLoulevllle A N 8i M., K A T. . . eN T Central.. I Norfolk A W.. IXC do, pfd lol Ontario A W.. 11M4 penneylranla do account Amal. copper Anaconda ... Atchiaon .... do pfd Baltimore A Ohio Canadian Pacific led Rand Mines. II Heading U4 Southern Hy.... 110 da pfd It4 Southern Pacific 4814 Union Pacific. SI do pfd 8t'. 8. Steel 84 ' dn pfd 44 Wabaah ZC do pfd... Iu7 Soanlah 4e... ... SILVKIt Mar, steady at 237t,d per ounce MONKl-Wa. Per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills is 1 per cent; for three months bills, 1 per cent. t'heaapeake A O. Chicago O. W Chi., Mil. A 81. P. be Beers Denver A Rio O ... de pfd Erie '. do lat pfd do 2d pfd Grnnd Truok lllinola Central. ...154 ... 42 ...141 ... HI ... l ... 4 ... TI ... I4 ... 61 ... II ... 73 ...13 ...to ...101 ... II ...irr ...li ... 84 18 84 II 140 S4 4 M 100 100 108 41 ; 61 83 ll li 18 IJ Local gecarlttea Haotatlaaaa Quotation furnished By Samuel Burns, Jr., 614 New York Life building, Omaha. aid Asked, Armour A Co. 4s, 188 Cudaby Paoklng Co Collimbue, Neb., . L. la 138 ... Omaha Fire Engine 4a, 1881....... Omaha Renewale. 48, li4. Int. Cob. Co., Ksnaaa City.,.'. Kanaaa City Ry. as. 1811 Kanaaa City Ry., pfd Morris A Co. 4 Ha. IKit 1...... Neb. Tel. Block, 8 f.. Omaha Use ta, 1117 Omaha B. L. A P. ta,- 1138.....;.. Omaha E. L. A P. pfd....:'. Omaha A C B. t. Ry. 5a,' 1(14... Omaha A C. B. BL Ry. 4a. 19'JI... Omaha a C. B. Ht. Ry pfd 5 ... Omaha A C. B. 8L Ry. com .. Omaha C. B. Ry. A B. pdr 4. Omaha Water Co. la, 1844. .nr.,.,. Swift A Co. Ka. 1914 ....... So. Omaha Sewer 4s, UN Sioux City Stock Yarda pld ,.- sioux Lity uioca varas com ltS4 10US4 87 II 101 ai H Union glock larde, Oaiaha ' S . 41-41. 1U0 lol 68 101) It 70 43 84 101 MOV. 101 to 80 It at 84 4 84 11 18 New York MtAfag; Stocks. NEW YORK, Aug. JfJii-Closing Quotations u. i. mm f,illr.aia. ' k Alice ,,.18 LeidTllle Con. Brunawlok Con.'..,.;, 1 eTAUl Chief .. Com. Tunnel stock.'.. 15 Met tear) ...... do honde.. vi. II Ostarlo , Cob. tel. 44 Va...i'..180 Opklr Horn. Silver r t) apiandard Iron Silver lli Tel low Jacket offered , . . .. 4 .. 7 .100 :.8ns ..111 ..178 ..100 Liverpool Exchange Open Late. LIVERPOOL, Aug. SO.-The cotton ex change here will remain in sesnlon until 8 p. m.. on Thursday, September 1. the day when the United Siateg Department of Agriculture win issue a report on the con uition of the American crop. Forelgra Financial. BERLIN, Aug. SO. Trading on the Bourse today waa inactive and hesitating on go count of the settlement. PARIS. Aug. 30. Trading on the Botirge touuy was turn. Bank Clearing; OMAHA, Aug. tt.-Bank clearing for touay were li.oju.svktu, and for the cor reupvnding date last year $1.57u,6l.tj. Metal Market. NEW YORK. Aug. 80.-METALS Tbe market for standard copper waa quiet and no sales were reported. Local dealer quoted lake copper at lU.OOift 13.S;: electro lytic, l2.8i''aU.12. and casting. 111.769 13.00. The London market closed firm, At b'j 15s ad for spot, and at m 12 id fur futures. Tin was stronger and higher, 'with spot and August eloalng, 63O.7Oiiill.00 1 Sf ntetnher. UO.MKti 41 00: Oclnlier ti fc.Ui.Tii 1-ej 4s 4 l;:l,uu; November, jO.S5(a 31.00; December, 10, to Pin 18 1M tm.K7Uti31.l2U. The UnJon tnarlial -I,,-.,! ?) uX lolli lu!S I f,, m' wltn "Pot " l38 17s M- and '"lore 12,0(10 ,-nv jiii4 at tlw 10s- teaa was ateaay locally. (Spot tH. 78 ju margei cioseu ai HJixueto ivew ygrk, and a; , fl..Wlf 1.IW f I I LIUUIO UVIIV.I7, J 1 1 f I.011U011 niatari cninau ai trs iis oa. npeiter was quiet, at $.S.7u-ieu New York, and at $.r. I'.'ru j.7o East Si. Loul delivery. The London market ctosid' at 122 10a. The London Iron market closed 61 ld for Cleveland wurratua; almuly locally; No. I f jiimiry northern. $17,505(18.00: No. t, $17.00 t)17 60: No. 1 aout hern and No. 1 southern aofl. $17.7.Wil8 25. v . KT. IIIIS. Allir. Sd-UETil.R-l... .,vv ."ni rnm iiniaQuii at llo. opener, weag at .).8&Tf6.t(7 , OMAHA LITE STOCK MARKET Receipt! of Cattle Lai-geit of the Set- ion to Date. HOGS SHOW VERY LITTLE CHAUQE Fat Ikerp Ktrongj to Ten reals lllgker III Iaaba and Feeders Fatly gteady. lth All Kind Aetltre. SOITH OMAHA. Neb.. Aug. , 180. Kecelpia acre: Cattle. Horra. BheeO. Estlmste Monsy .") li.tA) Bam day last w eek 7.728 I 42S 18 .181 Bame day t week ago.. 7 AM l.M U.K4 Bam day I weeks ago.. 7.284 2.66 8.11 Bame day 4 week ago.. 6 .402 1671 10 l.M Bam Hay last year.... 6.8-'4 I.S04 28.18t The following table ahow the receipt of cattle, hogs and sheep at Booth Omaha fur the year to data, compared with last year: ihioj. inc. un. Cattle 07.6fU 671 611 84,048 Hog l,rT78.4t5 1.M8.04I 186.I4X Bheep 963,646 867,688 4.004 The following table show the average price of hoga at tjoutli Oiriaha for the laat several day, with comparison; Dt. I 1906. 1180. 11607. !180.105. 104. '1803. Aug. 16.. Aug Aug. 10.. Aug. 21., Aug. 22., Aug. 23., Aug. 24., Aug. 25.. Aug. 81. Aug. 27. Aug. 28. Aug. 29. Aug. 30. 7 TI ! 7 Wf 7 62! 7 js. 7 '' ii 7 7te,l 7 69; 7 88 I T 8e 7 78Vi 41 I Hi t 37 139: I 32 J 176 6 f 031 I 63 6 6 66: 6 91i I 66 6 86 6 67 1 6 S6, 6 89 V1 6 771 I 3 64 38. 41 46; 6 471 I 6 71 6 6u I St 6 M 6 2, I I 6 TJ I 6i 6 76; 6 80! 6 68, 70 6 4 4 9 6 17 6 89i 6 101 6 12 $ U I 16 I 6 H4 5 03 6 V) 6 0S 6 82i 6 04 , 6 M 6 J 6 U 6 4i 6 aii 6 12. 6 31 I 6 24 b 28 6 rOi ' 6 W 6 22, 6 S3 6 77 I 2i iiurday. Receipt and disposition of live stock at the Union slock yaras, south Omaha, for twenty-four hour endltig at 6 1. m., Au gust 80: 1tKi.11.1na. C. M. St. P 1 l'nln lelfle 411 C. 4 N. W., eat....! 4 C. at N. W., west.... 168 C., rlt. P.. M. 6V O C. B. . y., east f u m o wmi toa C, K. 1. et P.. east.. .. C, K. 1. A f., west., s lllinoi Central Total recglpts 325 t 6 46 6 I 12 K 3 1 .. 1 1 8 22 1 i 1 84 61 27 Omaha Packing Co.... swirt or co Cudahy Packing Co Armour A Co Schnfcrts-Bolon Co Krey Packing Co Cudahy Bros., country.. 8. & 8 lit. Clair Packing Co Roth Packing Co W. B. Vtnsant Co Benton, Vaneant 4k Lush Stephen Bros Hill St Hon F. B. Lewi Hcuston Co J. B. Root A Co J. H. Bulla L. I' Hue L. Wolf McCreary & Cary 8. Werlhelmer 11. F. Hamilton M. Hagerty Sullivan Bros Lehmer Bio T. J. Inghrtm Lee Kolhrchild Smith & Poleley Christie 4 Clin Other buyer Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. 883 Hi'l Ui4 668 147 nO 19 218 228 lull IM 38 12 894 1) b9 82 10 227 64 1W 2 Rl 26 S3 62o 2 tr. iaj Mt S.ltM HIS 1.69.1 748 8.630 1JL lli.1 T rrl e III at l-i ... t 8 tl ...... lit la f re T7. ...... .Ill 8 6 ti ..in 4 t re rtUe a-r 1 he week opened with libera' run, apptoslmatel; seventy double deck ill all. ruiiy haif were feeder eheep and lamb. "I'esplte heavy receipt the trade displayed a fair degree of activity from the opening Good handy weight killing aneep were es pecially favored and commanded prices an much as a dime higher than last week's close, i he advance, uf course, on fair and medium gradea was not as noticeable a on the more deeheble kinds, but practically everything realised strong prices, loduy's gtneiai market on fat sheep la quotable at strong to a dime higher. Wethers that sold at It.iiO last week brought 640 today. Really choice killer would perhaps sell aa high a 64.79u4.i6. 1 here were only a few loads of fat lamb included In the receipt Early trade was rather quiet, hut a girnd inquiry bolstered competition and valuee aa a rule remained about steady. A airing of good lamb sold on the early market at $7 IS. There was little change worthy of note In the feeder branch of the trade. Heavy supplies were none too IsrK for the de mand; buyers were plentiful and thin stock moved readily at quotably firm prices. hue the demand for feeder stock lately ha been of a broad Volume and anything but sluggish, recent rain In many sections haa given a brighter appearance to prospects and a market of falling valuee I very Im probable. Quotations on fat sheep and lambs: Quod to choice lambs, $7.1.V?i.G8; fair to good lambs, $o.7u4i7.1.r; good to choice yearlings, $6tp8U6.l6; fulr la good yearlings, ItAuV'OO. good to choice wether. $4 40ki4.76; fair to good wethers, $4 10o4 .40; fair to good ewes. $3 tif.e4.00. Quotations on feeder stock: fair to choice laniba, $6.760; fair to choice yearlings. $4(0ti6 60: fair to choice wether. 616034 16. Representative sales: No. Av. 2m Montana wether Ill 80 native lambs, culls 66 18 native ewes, cull aj 48 native ewes, culls 106 243 VV yoming ewes 8 2o Wyoming wethers, feeders.. 91 425 Wyoming wethers, feeder. 88 Wyoming ewe 64 Idaho ewe 4ft Idaho ewe 24 Idaho ewe, feeder 80 Idaho wethers 694 Idaho lambs 60 Idaho lamb (24 Idaho lambs, feeder 718 rtah weihrt; 7b2 Idaho lambs, feeder . il . f.2 .. 92 ..110 .. 80 ..127 .. till .. 04 .. 67 ..112 .. 49 Pr. 4 80 7 00 I 60 4 20 i1 4 10 4 80 4 36 I 05 4 10 i 15 1 60 7 S6 7 a 6 3 4 BO I 90 CHICAGO LIVE ITOCK MARKET Cattle Strong: for Best, Others Weak Hogs Iwutvrr to Steady. CHICAGO, Aug. fX) CATTLE Receipts, 22.000 head; rnaiket for best stei rs strong to 10c higher; others, wenk; steers. $6 i.0u 7.i; cows, $3.60t5.2u; heifers. la.CiOnjO.wf. bulls. 3 0014 86; ( Rives, $.0o.j9.00; Blockers and feeders, 63.7n4rS.lfi. HOUM-Receipts, M.O00 head; market 5c lower eirly but steady at the close; choice heavy, J,So08 1u; butchers, i'.48.20; light mixed, $7.70128.10; choice light, $7.85(ii,10; packing, $7.tKVp7.;6; pigs. 66 00 7.90; bulk of aalcs, 7.6Wi 8.00. SHEliP AN U IAMBS-Recelpta, 2T,000 head; market steady to 10c lower; sheep, $4.004! r.,00; lambs, $8.7iil7.eO; yearling, 66.00 4j6oJ. 9.790 lift ' 5 85 II 84 ! M.loo lz 1.1114 12;' 8.K4 II'! 4.2'8) 1.5 (0 mi 7o Si Vw IV .137.8-) 802 JoO 81 71 38 37 II 7n'4 l.loO M4 52H W UI.IJO 71 I6I4 7.V 1.1 L! 13144 )( "0 41 M tl 47 84 4 87 74 10 too 1.3i"l 140 I. .00 l 4'8) a i :ou 41 1 1 8114 f' ai-4 T4 47 iiM4 74 It Boston Stock and Uanda. BOSTON, Aug. 30.-Mi.ney, call oas pShi per cent; lime loans, 3(uo lwr cent Closing quotations vera: Alchisun. adj. 4e 8414 Atlantic ..U" Butte Coallilen. .118 cel. 4 An. na. ..lMCal. Me.la... ..2-H( entennlsl ..143 Copper Hangs . .138 Daly A'eat ..181 f ranklin ... ..14Oranty . .10 i urrene Cananea .. 48"4Me Koyala ..101 alaaa. Mining . .. 8wUchlgen ....... ..irs it.iiis.k ..ViMmil. C. gt C . . M Kevaila .'. ..Pr old l.ominlon . . . 4IS Oa.'eois . . . . 8.4 Parrot .. ItSaWuincy .. 74 Shannon . . a."S Taaiarack ..14 Trinity .. 4 t S Mining... .. f a. on .. 74 I'lah .1.4 Viuoria . .. ... 1 Winona . . IH Wolverine .. 84St Nonk buna .. .. 4jt do 4a AtcJtisoa R- H ... da pld ...i Doaton A Albany.. H.luu a Maine... Biaten Klevated .. Kltchfturg pfd . N Y. N. H AH t'nlon Paelfle Am. Argc. Ckem., do pfd Am. Pneu. Tuba.. Amer. Sugar Am. A. A T Amer V. oolen ... do pfd Pom I. A I Kfllien. Klec. lllu. JMaaa. Electric .... du pld Maaa. liae I niled Fruit I'nlled 8. M do pfd V. 8. Steal de pfd Adventure Aliou-a Aaiaigamated Ariaona Com. .. V) .. ts ..1(H . 4tl) .. li! .. 81 .. 8 .. 14 .. t . .. i;., .. 7'4 . . 8 . . I-' 3: '4 Coffee Market. NEW YORK. Aug. 80. COFFEE Fu tures closed net unchanged to 6 point higher. Bale were reported of 9.000- bags, Including September at $n.60; March at $6.3fi&:Y40; May. $6 46 and July, 86.46. Spot, quiet; No. 7 Rio 7e; No. 4. ttanloa, 87y 9c. Mild, dull; Cordova, 8U.iftl2c. ST. LOC1M. Mo., Aug. 30. COTTON Merket unchanged; middling. 12c; sales, none; receipt. 66 bales; shipment, 489 bales: stoclt. 11.042 bale. NEW ORLEANS. La.. Aug. 80. CQTTON Spot f.rm. unchanged; middling. 12c. Salc.-i on tne spot, 90 bale; to arrive, 150 bait. Sugar and Molaaaea. NEW YORK. Aug. 30-Bl'UAR-Raw. ationg; fair refining, .Sic; centrifugal. 98 test, 4.11c; molasses sugar, S.aac; refined, steady; No. ti. 4.46c; No. 7, 4.50c; No. 8, i.ti.c; No. 9 4 40c; No. 10, 4S6e; No. 11, 4.30c; No. 12. 4.25c; No. 13, 4.20c; No. 14, 4 20c; eonfectloncrs A, 4E6e; mould A, 6.40c; cut loaf. 6. -6c; crushed, 6.75c; powdered, 616c; granulated. 6 06c; cubes, 6.30c, . MOLAKSErt Dull; New Orleans open kettle, good to choice, 2&842C PHILADELPHIA, Aug. JO. BUTT ER Market firm; tMia western creamery, iio, liiarbv prints, 82o. EtlOS Market firm; Pennsylvania and . i4 ntln r ntarby firsts, free rases, 2 at li'niaiK: current receipts in returnable 17 . il . si 41 . 4 . I .1.8 Treasury Italrniral, WASHINC.TON. Aug. 30-The condition of tbe in aaii i y at the beginning of buai neaa today waa as follows: Truft Funds tluid coin. $V.S.407 Mi9 Silver dollars, $4iJ.S.ouO. s,U(.y dollara uf IsaO. l4.lHiO.8j. Silver certificates outaland U.ti. i 8"i.u0. t.enrrul Fund Btandurd ailver dol lara. In gential fund. 64 708 '.i. t'uireiil liabillllra, $I'1 71.0 I Wot kil.rf balunc in ireaxury offue.-. $ 0.642 9" 8). In banks to irtdil of Viuud S-taits innturer, 5j.ti2;,. carcM, 24c at mark; weatern first, free cases, 2oc at mark; current receipts, fie - casep. 2,'tniSc at mark. CIIKII-J Market firm; fair New York full creams, choice, tall' tu good, l.'(jl6c. demand; l.'.ijluc; 'Peoria Market. PKORIA. Aug. 30. CORN -Steady; No. i yellow. s;Viic; No. I yellow, (7o; No. I 67c: No. 4. 0c; no grade, e7c. OATii-Lower; No. I white. 363Wc. Ualatk tiraln Market. I l'LT'TH. Aug. 90.-WHEAT-Heptember, 94c; Ikteember. 92c; May, 9HC; No. 1 noithirn. ec; No. 1 northern, 8c OATS 88c. Predare Kirksag In ('loan. 7;v' YORK. Aug. ). The produce eg cha'ine here will be closed Saturday, eiep-Hmui-r 4, nd Iabor Day. Beptemher f. Total 6,625 t.m 18.110 CATT LIS Receipt of cattle thi morn ing were very liberal, Ijo cars being re ported in, aa against 26 cars On week ago and 808 cars two week ago. It was, in tact, the large t run of the season to aate. owing to tne sharp break in prices last week it would not have been surprising had receipt been somewhat smaller to day, but It would appear that the cattle were either on the road or ready to ooma auu shipper did not think best to hold tnem back. At the same luno other selling point ' were reporting ' large- receipt, So that there was A general unuertpne of weakness to the trade. Salesmen were S little slow about getting started, teeling apparently tnat with so many cattle in sight, thura waa no need for tiaat lor fill lug order. when buyer And sellers finally got to gether, there was no great change, the mar ket being generally quoted about sitady on tair to good kinaa ol killer. Inferior stork wa naturally alow, and the feeling if any thing a lime weak on that kind. Uood outside buying order helped out the demand lor cow stuff very materially this morning, and although receipt were large, the market as a wnole waa In lair condition. Desirable kinds commanded about steady prices, with the trade naturally a little dull on the off kinds. tiood feeders sold freely at fully steady prices, and tbe bulk of the cattle cotnlug under that head changed hands In good aeaaon. Light Blocker and Inferior feeder were alow sal. Quotations on cattle: Good to choice corn fed stars, l7.ova-i.40, fair to good coinfed steers, $tt.40ii.ou; common, to fair cornled steers, 84.6ouo.40; good to choice rang steers, Sb.ootgiD.60; fair to good range aiecra, $4-uoi0t.Ou; common to fair range steers, $3.764f4.DO; good to choice conned cow and belters, 44.90jr6.00; tair to good coin fed cow and haifers, $3.00tf3.9u; common to fair cornfed cows and neifers, $l.it'tf l.vO; good to choice range cow and heifers, 6J.6i8y4.ou; fair to good range cows and belter, $2.ooj3.40, common to fair rang cows and hellers, $2.26nj2.0; good to choice tocker and feeders, $4.uoit5.ov; fair lo good stockers and feeders, 8J.2fry4.00; coin inon to tair stockers and feeders, $2.76414 26; lock heifers, 62.ikyav3.2t; veal calves, $3.60 k.pO; buns, slags, etc., $2.6intf4.60. Representative sale: BEEF UTKERS. Ne. Av. Pr. Bo. Av. Pr. I UmJ 1 60 WKBTKRNB NEBRASKA. 23 feeders.. 904 8 0 5 cows 910 i 60 8 feeaera.. 7oe bvi 17 feeders.. W 4 16 8 lecders.. 6ol 3 35 la feeoers. .lo.'J 8 96 6 !eeaers..ltiii 3 vo 10 feeoel ..lo.l2 8 70 4d COW 93U 8 10 31 COWS 927 3 00 hirers... Uil 4 to 14 steer.... loao 5" 89 hteu-(....lLta 4 76 6 Sleera.... K40 4 00 64 steers.... 91 4 W a heituis... 7nJ $ 00 4 alters.... ou2 i 15 4 calves.... 2.i7 4 2e 22 ateeiH.... W Pl 21 heiieis... io 3 30 43 steers.. ..lluti 4 oa a belters... 7u8 U ts) 8 heifers. 7 hallos. 43 steer... 12 steer.., . 4o4 3 uu .6(2 I 86 .877 8 90 . 748 3 86 A. K. Hill, Nebraska,. 11 feeder.. low 4 so MUidale Cattle Co., Nebraska 1 oow H al 3 09 la eows ej a no 90 l 60 mo 3 ov m oo Hi S 90 46 eows 943 8 60 22 cows 10U8 8 60 1 cow giO 8 60 1 cow... 1 cow Jo 2 no 1 cow . WIOM1NU. 23 cows 1044 8 6u 10 calves. 6 calves. ... 234 4 t0 19 cows.. Tolland A Co., Vv yoming. 60 heifers... 040 1 40 M. O. Co., Wyoming. 60 feeders., tail 4 60 7 feedei.. 004 i SO W esiern Ranches, Bouih Dakota. 18 atera....l230 4 6 9 steers. ...I3j0 4 90 j. H. Faulkner, boutn Dakota. 21 steers... 121 6 06 William Allen, South Dakota. IS feeders.. lou 4 10 O Connor Bros., South Dakota. 10 feeder.. Hi 4w Perry Sickle, South Dakota. 19 feeder.. 8X9 4 30 I cowa 'JJ3 3 90 14 heifer... 7u6 t 00 - O. VV. uarat, Montana. Ill steer.. ..1394 6 46 1-lUUO kaceijis luu. wv.v . v. w .'e.'-. only thirty-three cars being reported In, which was nut enough to make a very thorough lest of the market. The prtcee paid ware rather uneven as compared with baluiday, sum aalea looking a lull higher and other a little lower, thus buyer re ported that in aome care they bought heavy pacaei a little lower and, on tne other hand, good heavy hogs in some cases looked higner. The general run of light hogs were none too strong, but still tn best lights, weighing 115 pounds, sold up to 6. which was ao higher than any tiling brought on Saturday. Taking th market a a whole It waa prgbauiy lot very much different from last week'a clone. While the trade wa not activ. practically every thing changed hand In good aeaaon. Representative aalea: Kansas City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. Mo., Aug. SO.-CATTLB-Rcoeipta, 88.009 head, including 4.000 south ems; market steady to loc lower; cholco export and dressed beef steers, 60.60rS7.tiO; fair to good, 4.60'6.40; western steers, $3 7;.i4.76; stockers and feeders, $2.764i5.3."; southern sleers. $3.00ii 4.M; foil I her n cow. $2.40(i3 75; native cowa. $30tij:4 40; native heifei. 63.0UJ5.76; bulls, $2.76u3.&0; calves. $3.50(i;7.fiO. HOUS-Rrctpt, 6.000 head; market steady; top, I,. 96; bulk or sale. I7.?6ii7.90; li-avy, l7.Mrii7.90; packers and buicliera, V-MP.'-Sk "a"1' "36jj7.92; pigs, $i.267.40. BliKKP Receipts. 7,000 head; market steady; Iftmbe, $d.00if,7.o0; yearlings, $4.r)i, 5 2o; wethers, $4.004 6.00; ewes, 3.654.7i; stockers and feeder, $3.2661 6.26. St. Lonla Live Stock Market. ST. LOUIS. Mo.. Am. 80. CATT l.M He. celpta, ,2O0 head. Including 5,100 Texan; niarnei sitany; native ahlpplng and export leer, $8.5oiu7.46; drecsed beef and butcher Steers, len'titi 96: steers undr 1 nrMI nn.mrf. $4 00j4.fi0; stockers and feeders. $8 00 d4i0; cow and hetfer. $S. 366.60; eanner. 2.2:x3) 3.00; bull. I3.0t4r4.60; ealves. $6.608.2,; Texas and Initial, u I am IV 11LI.1 HA. . . . j hfcjfers, $2.25(64.76.. HOLiS-Kecelpts, 1,700 head: market Jtiotig; pig and lights, 66.00(88.10; packers, $i.8oiiJ.00; butchers and best heavy, 68 Oi 638.24). bHfcJKP AND LAMBB Receipts, 8,800 head: market lower: nallva innttun. t'l r. '""'"a, $o.76y7.S5; culls and buck. $2 60.84. 7o; stockers, $3.gl,66. St. Joseph Lire Stork Market. BT. JOStr.PH A n9 9n pi u n.. eelpts. 8,000 head. Market steadv; steers $4.60ij7.2S: rows and heifers, iL'.Mroti.OO, calves, $3 00!68.00. nous Receipts, 4,000 head. Market 5o lower; top, 7.M; bulk of sales. $7. 70(.7.80. SHKEP AND LA M B 8 Repel pt . 2,500 head. Market Iteady; lambs, $4.0O(a7.D0. Slonsi Cltr Live Stock Market. SIOUX CITY. Ia., Aug. JO. (Hpeclal Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts, 4.700 head. Market steady to weak; beeves. $4.00(tr7.rVO cows,. $3 0(8(14.25; feeders, li.Q&M.W; year ling. $2.76(34.00. HOGS-Receipt, 1.000 head. Msrket steady; range of prices, $7.407.66; bulk of sales, $7.4t7.60. pupplv nf wheat In (' ' "l Batiiedg . ass 7TI nOO r.ti..Mrl.-, a -nf ilAW bushels. OMAHA (.HXEltAI. IAftKFT. , taatle and Fancy Pr4e Prloes Far nlahed hy Itnyere and Wholesalers. BfTTKR-Creamery. .No. V delivered tu the retail trade in 1-lb cartons, 270; No. L in t)0-lb. tubs. J7c; No. X In 1-lh. car tons. 2T.c; In 8il-lh. tubs. 14: parking stork. 19V i(jor; fancy dairy, tubs. 'fi4R'; o.m mon roll, fresh made. lUliG. Market chnnjes every Tuesday. KtlOti Fresh et!inn rtock. candled. IV. CHKKSH Finest W Istvnsln full cream twins, 16c; Young Americas, I In hoop. Uc; favorite. $ In hoop, luc; dalMen. to In hoop, 16c; cream brick, full eae. lc; block Swiss, c: full erem llmburger, lc. IXIULTRY nrollets. 16c; alive, spring. IKe; hens, 10c; cock. 7c; ducks. 10c; gevse. 8c; turkey, lye;, pigeon, per dm, 66c; guinea fowls, per do., $2 W; piTimbs, per do., fl. lrespcd liens, He; springs. lt9 21c: cocks. 6y.c; ducks. 11c; geeese, UVc; turkeys, t!c. FISH-Fresh. caughL almost all ara dressed: Halibut. 8c; buffalo, c: trout. 12c; bullheads. 14c; cntflsh, 17o; erappies. sunflsh. 8.:c; black bnss. fe; wMtefieh, 1.1c; pike, 13c; salmon, lec; piekerel. 10c; frog legs. 30 o. Fresh froien: Whltefish. No. I. 10c; round. 8c: pickerel, dressed, and headless, )C; round, 6c; pike, dressed, 10c; round. c; red snapper, lie: Spanish mackerel, lSe; native mackerel, S6e- each. FHKSH FltL'lTS-Florlda pineapple. 18 to 4Ss. I2.7R per crate; grape fruits, W slee. per box. 6; 46 else, $Sh0; 64 shre. 6': ba nanas, fancy select, $16oulW; apples, home grown, per bu. basket. Vtutloo; market basket, 45c. BFKF CUTS-Ribs: No. 1. 17c; No. I. l!k ;' No. 3. 8c. lxiln: No. 1, 18e; No. I, 11V; No. 8. 9 Chuck! No. I. 4WX No. t. 4c; No. 8. 4c. Round: No. 1, ; No. I. 4c: No. 3. c. Plate: No. L 6c; No. t 4o; No. 8. 3c. V EGETABLKft Kansas sweet restate, $2.76 per bbl. Celery, Mlahlgan, 60a bunch. Cabbage, home grown, IV-c per lb, Wla roiiNiu Red (Jlnlie onions, to per lb. Cali fornia cauliflower, $3.00 per orate. Toma toes, home grown, market basket, 60c; crate, $4 00. Lettuce, per doe., SO. Par snips, turnips, carrots, 76o per do. Flor ida new beet, carrots, parsnip, turnips,' to., per do., 7Re. POl ATOKS New. 6o per U. HIDES- No. 1 green, 10c; No. 1 cured. 11c. Cotton Market. NEW YORK, Aug. 30 The cotton market opened steady at unchanged price to a decline of 4 point in response to disap pointing cables, but soon recovered on bullish crop reports and covering of shorts, encouraged by talk of a bullish official condition report next Thursday. After ll-. lug I to 6 points net higher, demand be came a little less active and subsequent fluctuations were somewhat irregular, but the tone was steady during the middle of the morning with price holding a net gain' of 2 or 8 point. Futures opened steady; Augtiet, 12 IV; October. 12.39c; November, 12 4"o offered;, December, 12.42c; January, 12 40c; March,' .(, May, I3.,t.c. Futures closed steady; August," 12.4"c; September, 12.30c; October, 12.46c; Novem ber,' 12.40c; December, 12.61c; January, J2.51c; February, 12.52c; March, 12.60c; April, 12o0c; May, 12.67c. Spot closed steady; middling uplands, 12.70c: middling guir, 13.Kc; sales, 400 bales. GALVESTON, Teg., Aug. 30. COTTON Steady at U'Sc. Liverpool Grain Market. LIVERPOOL. Aug. 30.-WHEAT-Spnt, quiet; No. I red western winter. 7s lid; futures, steady; September. 7s 7; Decem ber, 7s lluti; March, 7s 6d. CORN Steady ; new American mixed, Bs 6d; old, lis 8d; futures, quiet; September, 6 4d; October, 6s 4d. PEAS Canadian, steady, Is llVxd. FLOUR, Winter patenta. dull; 33 61. HOPS In London, Pacific coast, firm; 8i3, 15fJ5. Wool Market. HT. LOUIS. Aug. 30.-WOOL Firm; ter rltory and weatern mediums, 23(ij28c; fine mediums, 22rj24c; fine. 134rl9c. Elgin Batter Market. ELUIN. Hi.. Aug. 80 BUTTER Firm, 80c. Bale for the week. 791,800 lbs. Stock la Slgbt. Receipt of live stook at th six prlncl- Cattl. Hogs. Sheep. South Omaha 8.300 I.30O 17,500 Bloux City 4.700 1.000 St. Joseph 8.000 4,000 2.500 Kansas City 2fi,ono 6,000 7.000 St. Louis 9.200 8.700 S.sOO Chicago 22,000 82,000 8,000 Total...., 73,200 49,000 66,800 Mlaneapnlla Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Aug. 80. WH EAT Sep tember, 9J4i99r; December. B2r; May, 8c. Cash: No. 1 hard, 9fiS,(fJwc; No. J northern, OT4fr98e; No. 2 northern. 86V18 9c; No. I northern, 9340. FLAX Closed at $1.40. BRAN In 100 pound sacks. $19 Sovrj20 00 FI.OUR First patents, 6T1.RO1ijfi.7rn- second patents, $5.40vr4S ; first clears, $4. 604. 86: second clears, $3 tO'uS.'id. Visible Supply of Grain. NEW YORK, Aug. 80-The visible sup. ply of grain In the United States Saturday, August 28. as compiled by the New York produce exchange, was a follows: Wheal, 8.8i'3iAJ bunhels; decrease. 222.000 buehels. Corn, 1,774. OuO bushels; decrease, 4fln,0') buphels. Oals, T..1S4.O00 bushel; Increase, 1,771 000 bushel. Rye, 202 000 buehels; In crease, 29,000 bushels. Barley, 217,000 bush els; Increase, 109,000 bushels. Th visible CIGAR JOBBERS FOR OMAHA New Wholesale Plant Una Located at 3iil Soa tk. Fourteenth Street. A new cigar jobbing house has located In Omaha to do an exclusive wholesale busines. The firm Is Ounnoudo & Zuhr mtielln company and the place of busines is 821 South Fourteenth street. The of' fleers of the firm are K. Ounnnude, presi dent; L. Zurmuch. vice president! and manager, and H. Z. Haas,, secretary and treasurer. This firm Iras been located in Council Bluffs, from which point 'it has been doing a business In Iowa, but has never had men west of the river. Five men will be put to work at once in Ne braska and the territory west of the Mis-, rotirl river. The firm also manufactures humidors. For the present the Council Bluffs house will also be. maintained. Another Implement house la locating In Omaha. It Is the Independent Harvester company of Piano, III., with offices at 1116-17 Farnam street. W. W. Owen is gen eral agent and a full line of samples will be carried and the stock handled for the present through a transfer house. ' Plan Tone V-rlit Prom. Take advantage of the low JC-day ummer tourist fare to New York City, New Jereiiy sea shore. -New England and Canadian rtsort In effect dally via th ' 'CHICAGO ' , ' ' ', MILWAUKEE A T. PAUL RAILWAY) ' .; Folders and' Information free. ' tt us AN range all the details of your trip,., , City Ticket Of flee r- 1624 Fat nam street, Omaha. 1 ' Herbert L Cooch Co. Brokers and Dealers oAUf, ranvisiovsi stooksj. Ouiaua Offloei 810 3f. Y. I.U aids. " Belt Xelepboae. Oouglaa Ul, ladepeadeaa, 'A-8111 aad A-118. Old, an1 trfirgaat Boom o tb grata. iiarnvi.nrrm 1 No Av. 8I1. Pr. No. At 6h. rr. 41 l'.l 191 18 It II lli 7 It ar, 4 VI IM 41 IM ... t ilts m N 1 II M Jl 8t8J T Tl II lil (8I u 74 181 . . 1 II 41 215 H 111 M il 8) 1 lu la la 14V T ID lu am I mi 180 tt . ko T J 71 Il lev 1 M II Zil 61 14- lu 231 ... 112 II Ml llu 1 14 14 314 J I kit 44 Ill ... 1 el 14 III 4" T 84 III 134 l 1 ai Tl t.l rOU 1 14 ta 8ta 1 e ' II 11. ... 1 tu lo tit ... 1 Hi 1 171 an in r 2-8 ... IN 11 Ill 44 1 13 $2 PI 1 1 Tt 191 17 13 LINCOLN and RETURN FOR STATE FAIR SEPTEMBER Otti to lOtti, Inclusive Tickets bearing admission coupons to Tair Grounds, $2.15, Local trains Lincoln to Fair Grounds will be run at few minute intervals Fare five cents each way. TRAINS FROM OMAHA Stopping at Fair Grounds leave at 8:20 a. m., 9:15 a. m. and 1:20 p. m. ' RETURN TRAINS From Lincoln at 7:20 a. nr., 10:45 a. m., 2:10 p. m., 4:30 p. m., 6:00 p. m., also special train stopping at all points Lincoln to Omaha and Plattsmouth at 7:Q0 p. m., Wednes day September 8 and Thursday September 9. Get Tickets at Burlington Station, City Ticket Office, 10th and Mason Sts. 1502 Farnam St. ipifjfe 3 7