THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: AUGUST 29. VI AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA S AND--ENDS AND SAMPLE SALEA REAL BARGAIN SALE Commercial Club Completes Organiza tion and Beady for Work. Olfe ting yeu a saving from one-fourth to ont-half. These offerings comprise nvmerout impl lines, discontinued patterns and odds and ends. We warvt eterjr one of our old patrons and as many new cvstorners es possible to participate in this great money-saving event. ( ID COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN NAMED ODD ii ISM i i y I v s I t r I) j I Y m' It f i 4. (vj M if r IV if r V - 1 ' jo; 1' . Tsn. mil 11 Cnina Closets This solid quartered tawed Oak China i a f f cabinet, heavy III 1 1 bent glass ende iijf$p Terms to Suit Your u Conven ience PEDESTAL EXTENSIOX TABLES The greatest pedestal extension ta ble ralue ever offered. It It made of the finest oak, thoroughly seasoned, beautifully finished, the entre sur face rubbed and polished to a piano brilliancy. Price g m k ; ....10.50 rooms Furnishsd Complete N fur , S15 f DRESOERS This dresser, like Illustration, solid oak, large French plate glass, highly ft polished, 1 V nrlH W W IRON DEDS . This bed just as you see In the Illus tration, a heary, massive bed with brass top rails, substantial Iron tubing In any of the popular col ors. A 16.60 value, price dur ing thlf sale, BIO SALE OV CARPETS AND IU'flS 9x9 Wool Rug . .$4.73 9x10-6 Seamless Reversible Rug. $3.30 9x12 Brusselette Rug $8.83 8-3x10.6 Axmlnster Rug $19.R0 9x12 Axmlnster Rug $23.50 Felt Mattresses This sanitary felt mattress, extra quality guaranteed cotton felt sheets, which are laid separately, a protec tion 'against hnmps m nn and hollows. Price H during this sale fcJeeVr 2,95 Romombor, It Pays to Trado at tho Central Ons Block Out of the High Rent District West of Thompson & Belden's Mission Rockers This oak leather ette seat mission rocker, 2.25 SB Cabinet Declines ; To Arbitrate Labor Dispute Swedish Government Returns Shew that Over Two Hundred Thou sand Are Still on Strike. STOCKHOLM. Auff. 28. -At a cabinet j meeting today It was decided to refuse to arbitrate the labor disputes which resulted In the teneral atrlke. The governor has ' lMued a proclamation notifying all em ployer who desire protection lor nonunion labor that tiiey will be supplied with po lice and military guards. Nine hundred ex tra policemen have been appointed for this purpose. " TliiS4Jv.lloiuAtrov the duffei. Ing In the lttm of .the laborers who-went on strike la pitiable.' Many of the men have pawned moat of their belongings and their families are either without food or subsisting on one meager meal dally. They also fear that the landlords will turn them out because of back pay in the rent. The strikers do not dare appeal to the poor relief fund, but are applying to the Sal vation Army, which is preventing actual starvation. Government return show that 201,089 pert sons are still on strike. Some few malic loua acts on the part of the strikers are reported. Iron bolts have been placed n the sawmills at Gefle, doing some damage to the machines, and . sheetlron studded i with nails had been placed in streets In ' Stockholm with the object ot damaging the motors and Injuring horses. Otherwise com. plfle order reigns in Sweden. the laws of the Vnlon Postal Universal, ot which the United States Is a member. The officers of the society, Just re elected, are: President H. V. Mudge, Chicago, 111. Secretary H. E. Adair, Columbus, U. Treasurer Dr. W, P. Wherry, Omaha, Neb. At Last Council Holds a Meeting City Officials Finally Get Together and Pus the Appropriation Sheet. - At last a meeting of the city council has been held and the appropriation shoet passed enabling the city employes' to draw their pay. Councilman Bridges returned to the city at noon yeaterday and a meeting was called for 3 o'clock. " Councllmen Bur mester, Sheldon, Schroeder, Hummel, Mo Govero and Kurd answered to roll call. Councllmen Bridges and Johnson were ab sent and the police department was called upon, and they were hustled to th coun cil chamber. The meeting then proceeded, but nothing was done other than to pass the appropriation ordinance and a reso lu.lon giving the Omaha Southern & In tsrurban permission to run Its cars over the tracks ot the Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway company in Omaha during the week ot the Bellevue Four of the councllmen were absent at one or more of the five meetings held, or attempted to be held, this week with out excuses, and they will be subject to fine. City Clerk Butler has addressed a letter to City Comptroller Lobeck, calling his attention to this fact. Councilman Johnson was absent at two roll calls and is subject to a fin of -, while Couh- Official Vote of Nebraska Count of Votes Cast for Candidate! for Supreme Judge at the Primary Election on August 17, 1809 Three Small Countiei Are Not Included in This Table oilmen McQovern, Schroeder and Bridges were absent from one meeting each and will be subjected each to a fine ot tlO. Councilman Schroeder was In the coun cil chamber before the body was called together, and, seeing a quorum was not present, went to the city engineer's office to look up some city affaire, and while be was gone the roll was called and he was declared absent. Omaha Man Gets an Office Dr. W. P. Wherry ii Elected Treas. urer of the National Phila telio Society. PHILADELPHIA. Aug. 28.-The Phila telic society met here today and decided to petition the postmaster general to re issue 1 and 1 cent stamps with the Arablo numerals on them. ' The society la oom posed of about 1.M0 stamp collectors. The members asserted that the 1 and t cent stamps are issued without the Arabia numerals, contrary to - "I BELIEVE PE-RU-NA SAVED MY LIFE." n o o Adams X,lfi0 Antelope Harner 124 Wain 2IH Boone , L4tjg Box Butte 4n Boyd !K Brown 4H3 Buffalo 2.2X1 Burt 530 Butler tnog it '5 n v LAs-sMtiiTSsTea -sMfcav.'-aV-vn. 4. ft ALL RUN DOWN I Was - u:t Miserable When I Began Taking Peruni. To be all run down tn health Is worse than to be poor. To be strong and well, fall ot courage Tid vitality, la better than to be rich. Parana has converted a multitude of discouraged people to prosperity. For Instance, take the case Mrs. Charles Anspaugh. of Pierceton. Ind. In a few words she tells a wonderful story. Eh says: "Parana has beea a Kodsend to me. I can feel aafe In saying that it saved mr life, as I waa all run down and was just mUerable when I commenced taking your Peruna. but am u the road to recovery w. 1 cannot thank jrou loo much." Casa Cedar Chase Cherry Cheyenne Clay Colfas Cuming Curler , Dakota Dawes ...a Dawson Deuel , Dixon Dodse Douglas Dtrdy Fillmore Franklin .. Frontier I Furnas iGase ! Garfield ........ uosper Grant Greeley Hall Hamilton Marian Hayes Hitchcock Holt Hooker i .. . j I Jefferson I Johnson Kearney Keith Keva Paha Kimball Knox Lancaster Lincoln l-ogan Loup McPherson Madison Merrirk Morrill Nance Nemaha Nuckolls Otoe Pawnee ,, Pnrklna 801 4M 84 in 910 5S2 Lisa S.0M 44 1,090 BIS 2 1S7 Democratic 9 9 1 995 14fl 1 32 477 ltxi HI 114 4ti7 104 m M 375 M? ITS 305 : ftW 244 1M 212 116 675 P 0 K -Republican- 9 "9 P 3 9!t W 1 30 4H 142 218 100 -ii 101 7K0 S10 246 120 18 1A1 1H0 18 za 119 1J2 iii R28 137 1 2S M 140 124 101 423 105 8S9 tH 34 H 17 1M 1S AtV 2'fl 125 liW 112 617 1.47S 77 830 1.321 8.417 329 612 in 1.067 1.W8 l,S2l 813 2 r0 6 l. 18 1.733 1,01 t 4f7 212. 214 04f 1.343 74 135 3;a aos im 1,134 544 ttt8 1.122 M Phelpa 1 121 8,383 1,670 L60J 1.763 6. 3 40 41 275 126 2 , 36 197 13 123 y 724 73 113 87 71 55 & 68 112 67 49 6.M 78 i.S0 Zi 74 ?36 181 124 7 81 130 ir, 113 82 245 79 78 74 17 36 107 83 ill to 210 61 134 179 '70 2.11 123 88 ID 32 119 22 136 HO 254 85 ti7 63 48 119 IS 101 47 40 2.10 28 7'J 104 1 "6 2?5 223 34 68 2L0 69 218 101 500 182 218 442 1.5 6S 152 47 ro 107 1O0 50? 2 Hi 271 129 4:2 140 43 64 18 28 131 84 856 68 113 302 79 67 151 23 irv 75 69 405 27 81 248 1?3 300 35 63 2M 38 234 125 4i3 Ui9 193 380 1.10 157 25 43 195 127 113 m 6 106 145 88 . 60 235 33 137 78 341 m 91 217 68 128 146 12 172 84 64 66 174 103 1.154 1 603 4 1.27S L210 4W M 4 tr72 67 1371 Pieice Platte Polk Red Willow.... Richardson .... Fork Saline Sarpy eatnders Scott's Bluff... Reward Sheridan Sherman Blous Stanton Thayer ..... Thomas .... Thurtton .. Vallev V ashlngton Wayne Webster .... Wheeler .. York L8 34 t 656 J.SK5 81 680 618 07 i.m 519 271 85 330 50! 44 83 SO 679 37J 278 W0 8S 114 224 t 4fl 2'8 217 2lfi 80 47 12 4H 114 44 61 1"S 17 M 236 270 88 T9 64 W 61 460 7f.J 14 IM 45 11 Jil 205 41,-9 SS 131 '46 m 128 M 23 1 44 179 79 192 682 " 825 44 Ml 25 577 3".t 310 ltl 38 116 VI 0 50J 2',2 217 197 66 49 U 46 8nM 43 4 55 17 179 50 20 276 0 ?f2 81 64 2 4.tJ 778 210 M 4 301 520 Kl "i 79 20 23 10 46 l H 1KI 615 S47 526 44 S 7 !22 384 21 156 39 172 244 t i 277 240 2.M 80 49 11 46 416 114 40 4 80 i0 60 IM 2 84 284 61 61 447 0-i8 1 : 4"4 11 rj 2"6 484 34 360 44 85 133 k4 11 176 51 179 78 107 1.6M t.00.5 1,9110 l.i8 133 107 89 17 69 84 77 347 124 79 175 142 761 72 4 47 23 1.11 111 206 42 173 79 36 66 304 214 163 141 88 38 112 f.194 263 11 14 47 213 lol t JM 161 88 114 238 23 36 68 191 140 70 HI 87 J4T 121 318 74 83 66 197 14 TS 321 68 71 149 78 97 s l'l 6:2 iSt 67 IS 18 M) 154 l,i2 30 16 46 88 61 fi V1 8! 102 33 22 96 912 239 5 8 64 ! 114 25 179 117 68 i:r7 iM 22 192 51 21 46 4 1M KO 95 3 156 1 153 ' 35 70 176 69 148 68 49 110 64 75 75 1ST 293 46 40 17 17 84 117 138 41 149 42 20 46 1"0 147 83 88 y 36 87 310 KS 194 l.f'S 58 82 29 21 190 375 120 72 2" '3 104 ' 28 138 4' 9 306 64 65 U 170 161 505 03 1,964 1,882 in us 127 2 8 118 294 211 894 68 54 20 2- l-0 278 104 64 148 1 ' 21 13 2H1 20U 44 15i 1'8 171 157 '. 604 41 68 11 21 124 Jllu 115 77 136 118 IS 7 376 158 164 34 85 54 Hi 5t 216 173 110 ?2l 159 637 39 69 16 21 US 214 M 49 i:-2 mo 30 71 26 276 129 28 34 43 1 '137 144 26 64 196 35 102 2.17 95 110 84 80 W. 15.1 39 160 Ti 07 840 67 134 170 '91 274 104 20". 175 155 2o;t liii 53 61 1 21 98 7il 101 5R 119 Si' 84 87 418 301 1 10 41 36 41 11 Will Retaliate Against Canada Provision Directed Against Taxes on Pulp Exports to United States . to Be Enforced. WASHINGTON, Aug. 28. Several ruling on ths administration of the Retaliatory provisions ot the Payne tariff law, di rected at ths wood pulp and print paper Industry ot Canada, wars issued by the Treasury department today. One of the provisions prescribes that it any province forbids ths exportation of pulp wood for us in the manufacture of wood pulp and print paper, an additional duty of one-tenth ot 1 cent a pound should be levied on print paper valued at I cents per pound or less, which comes from that province, and that a duty of one-twelfth of a cents per pound should be aasesssd upon meohanlcally ground wood pulp com ing from such a province and which would otherwise be admitted free of duty under this general provision ot the law. As the province of Ontario prohibits the exporta tion ot pulp wood cut on crown lands, the higher rate will apply upon all print pa per valued at 3 cents or less, and all me chanically ground wood pulp cut from crown lands In that province. The additional one-tenth of a cent a pound, together with a countervailing duty equal to th export duty of 23 cents per pound Imposed by the province of Quebec upon pulp wood shall be added to the reg ular duty on print paper which is manu factured from pulp wood cut from the crown lands in that province. Tho lettei of Instruction 10 the collectors of customs Issued by Acting (secretary lley nolds states that the countervailing duty will equal 35 cents a ton on the print pa per, as lc takes approximately one and four tenth cords of pulp wood to produce a ion of paper. If you have anything to sell or trade and want qluck action, advertise It In The Bee Want Ad. Columns. T1S 3.V-3 19 1.533 1.740 1.545 163 4 23 23 150 93 20 124 112 42 77 115 31 179 24 It 42 V 64 8' 85 49 103 99 134 'ii 34 V. 114 10 67 139 70 80 m 2 36 63 381 224 60 25J 8t5 1V5 243 42a 44 354 214 77 197 153 2.9 189 258 79 387 M 485 49 9 J47 415 19 81 3 I'll 170 22 309 28 81 2i0 154 38 158 154 113 12 34 197 183 88 122 253 Si 114 171 36 194 124 231 44 34 68 303 11 4 179 64 142 147 356 S 48 77 658 300 68 259 215 JK 2-7 417 26 312 96 117 115 : 276 172 2.1 82 310 Si 5.5 48 14S S62 15 101 2H 73 179 2v8 244 11 31 34 368 189 44 215 lo 141 218 SM 13 22 60 80 SO 370 147 TS 173 77 288 1;.2 242 'si 31 44 183 - 14 7 in 124 144 tn 3r x 8 3-l J:10 6i 21 1:'8 rw 107 324 25 242 'ii 1? 2 JL-t 72 21 67 19 n 253 '65 to "2 S60 16 S3 21 91 74 14 443 473 4fS 147 l 164 944 4J2 514 360 ' 276 Totals 91.354 31,345 H,1K 23.03 M Using. 13,131 10.031 22.1S7 13,97ti 31,310 17,078 13.112 MOTEaCKBTS Or OCEAH STSAkXSKIPB Port. Arrltod. SMIwI. LIVERPOOL, ttil'p. of DrlUln. H A v R K ...Lanrtnno BOSTON LiRO'trlsn. SOUTHAMPTON. Artf stlo aOTTKHDAM.... Rynitam SOUTHAMPTON K A. Viclorl... Vital Strength comet from proper fo)d. If you want to be reevdy for opportuni ties, food that is quickly absorbed by the blood and stored up in the brain, nerves and muscles as vital erery, must be made a part of your regu lar Mjulirve. Suppose you try GRAPE. TUTS withcrcam for breakfast. Eat slowly arid note ths comfortable feeling of vitality that "stays with you" till neon. ravine Bids Are Tabulated, kewlg I.ora! Mem Are l.n on Karat of the Yarloaa Kinds ( Material. 4 The directors' meeting "f the Pouth Omaha Commercial club was held at the Routh Omaha Country club pavilion this week. The directors of the club meet each wetk st the lunch hour snd with thrlr spread discuss Its affairs After the lunch eon. If any affairs of business demand at tention, the members go Into a regular business session. This is a general plan of the organisation. At the regular session held Thursday 'he heads of the various committees formally accepted their appoint ments and the club Is on a working basis. Th following are the heads of the com. mlttees, to which sre to be sdded two to each from the lay membership of the club: Manufactures snd trade, J. T. O'Nell; railways and transportation, W. B. Cheek; public service, C. M. FcMndel; ways and means, O. F. Glbbs; membership, M. Culkln; conventions snd entertainment, J. O. Martin; employment and labor, O. IT. Brewer; promotion of industries. J. B. Watklns; statistics and publication, F. A. Cressey; Insurance and fire protection. J. II. Koplets; federal snd state relations, F. A. Braadwey; municipal affairs, W. P. Adklns; auditing and club property, V, H Mann. The club Is preparing a booster In the shape of a small pamphlet retting forth the advantages of South Omaha and fur nishing the usual Information contained In publications for the special Interest of municipalities. Tabulating Pavlngr Bids. The city engineer will have completed the tabulation of paving bids by the close of today. He has been working for sev eral days getting the bids in order and calculating ths extensions on all the prop ositions. Th local contractors are found to be low on all classes. Offerman Plumb ing, Heating and Construction company Is lowest on asphaltlc concrete, the Natlonaal Construction company ou creosote wood blocks and Pan Hannon la low on brick block knd concrete. The city council will probably meet In committee of the whole Monday and have ths report ready for Monday evening. Awarding the contracts will not follow for twenty days. John li. Grlcs Dead. Word has been received of the sudden death ot Attorney John R. Qrioe, formerly of South Omaha, but who bad been a resi dent of Butte, Mont, for a number of years. He died of paralysis. He was one of the first residents of South Omaha and was elected the first justice of the peaca and acted as the first city attorney after th Incorporation. At the time ot his death he was justice of ths peace In Butte, Mont, He was well known In both Omaha and South Omaha. Mr. Orlce is survived by his wife and three children, who are residents of South Omaha, They are, Mrs. Emma Orlce. his wife; William Orlce, Charles Orics and Mrs. Mabla Doty, bis grandchildren, Bervlees. Rev. F. T. Ray, who has spent th week in Lincoln, will be In South Omaha to eonduet tha regular church services at ths First Christian church. He returned Fri day night. ''The New Commandment" is tha topis of Rev. George Van Winkle's Sunday morning sermon. The English Lutheran church has begun tha construction of ths new church edifies at Twenty-fifth and K atreeta. Tha old ehuroh has been raised, but will still be used until ths new church Is completed. The church service will follow th regular order this week. Ths last service by tha Presbyterian con gregation w ill be observed Sunday morn-1 I Inr Ths holv rnmmnnlnn vlll ha nh. I 1 served. The young people will meet In ths evening. For Sunday, August 29, ths congregations of St. Clement's and St. Edward's mis sions will unite with St. Martin's Episcopal church in a farewell service to Rev. James Wise. This service will be held at 10 a. m. Rev. Jamca Wine has accepted a call In St. Louis, where he will soon take up hla ministry in tha new field. Rev. J. J. Ralston will preach Sunday morning at the United Presbyterian church. Magic City Gossip. Mrs. Catherine Mangle of Kansas City Is the guest of Mrs. 11. C. Murphy. Miss Lillian Dlmock is visiting her sis ter. Mvs. W. H. Mulliken, at Mckerson, Nub. Guy Abunntliy was sentenced to thirty days in the county Jail yesterdsy for va- i graucy. Fred L. Lang la taking his annual va-' cation and paying a visit to relatives near i lorence. j The death of James O. Huston, aged 71, I occurred Friday morning at his home, I 2&04 L street. I The Hi'adWy Transfer company reported I someone had stolen a pony from the pre id- i nee juurtuuy mum. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cockrell of Valley were guests of former friends In South j Omaha during the week. Rubsell Barclay has returned from a va cation Biiit at Mount Heaxai'i. la. lie hus been g-mc two weeks. MIbs Stella McCunnon gave a party In honor of her cousin, Mies Jessie Floran of Pubuquo, la., Wednesday evening. The South Omaha Country club base ball team will play a game with tha Field club ;lils afternoon on the local grounds. Two special cars will take a load of Cudahy Packing rompuny's employea to Wichita today to bo present at the formal opening of the new packing plant at that city. ' The Pouth Omaha police department has j been provided with neat new hadjies. They , are ellwr with Kold letters on the shield. Hunk Klsfelder received badge No. 1. I'hii'f John linKiXH uava out the hadei's ut . roil call laHt evening. P11.MO Long enough your family has waited (or that piano, Soraetlross th ob jection has been price. Other times it has been the terms. And, perhaps, you have never found the Piano that suited you In quality and in price. But the opportunity Is here for HIX DAYS MOIIK. During this time you may Secure a SLIGHTLY VSED OR KK.NTED PIANO AND SAVE FJVOM $100 TO S)ilOO. Positively this week witnesses the close of this tale. A sale where you will secure the greatest Value in a high jrade Piano and at the lowest possiblo price. Some of the great bargains that will go during the remaining six days of Ibis sale are given herewith. Others like them may be seen when you call. Story & Camp Upright 9 ftK.OO fi:i2ft.00 Ivers A Pond 125.00 $3flO.OO J. A C. Fischer 150.00 9450.00 Knnbo 1TS.OO $400.00 Schubert 1S3.00 $A50.00 Ilallct Davis 1H5.00 $830.00 Kurtzman 225.00 $375.00 Sieger C5O.0O $275.00 f 11 ton : $ I tS.OO f 400.OO Adam Srhaff 30.00 $575.00 Merrtflrtd BSS.OO $300.00 Hardman C73.00 $430.00 Chlckerlng S50.00 $350.00 Stclnway . . . 825.00 $730.00 Sieger Grand 425.00 $800.00 nardinan Grand 400.00 TERMS Well, there is no Piano house that has as yet dared to meet tho terms granted during this sale. Here they ar liberal are they not? There Is surely now no obstacle to your Securing the long desired Piano when No Money Down, Thirty Days Free Trial, Tree Stool, Tree Scarf, Free Delivery, Freight Prepaid, and Then One Dollar a Week will bring to your home a beautiful guaranteed Piano. - Schmoller fh Mueller Piano Co. 1311-13 FARNAM STREET Est. 1859 Authorized representatives for the following world famous pianos: Steinway, Weber, Steger, Hardman, Emerson, Mehlin, A. B. Chase, McPhail, Stuyvesant, Steck, Wheelook, the hand made Schmoller & Mueller. MAXZi THIS COUPOW XT TOU OAJTVOT CAM Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co.- Oiraha. taoh. Gentlemen: I am Interested In the following named Piano sire Catalogue and full Information concerning your Special Bala. ' and de- Nam 1 Address .in aifcti 'PEN! KG- U. S. GOVERNMENT LAND In the FAMOUS SNAKE RIVER VALLEY, IDAHO EIGHTY THOUSAND ACRES Choice agricultural land, under the Carey Act. will be open to entry and settlement, in the BIO LOST RIVER TRACT. DRAWING AT ARCO, IDAHO Tuesday, September 14, 19C3. You Must Register Between September 0th and 14th If you do not take land after your number la drawn it costs you nothing. Title Acquired With Thirty Day$ Eesidence Water Ready for Dulisery, May 1010. Homeseekers' rates on all railroads and special rates from all northwestern 'points. For illustrated booklet and all desired information, call on or address C. D. Hurtt, oioniruou Dept. Boise, Idaho TKire'$ a Reason." Read "The Road Wcllville." m Dks. to Horseman Kills Race Starter William Ball of Henderson, Ky., Shoots Ed Duke of Los Aneles. HENDERSON, Ky.. Aug. 2S.-Vllllam Call, owner of several horses being raced at the meeting in progress In till c.t), shot and killed Ed l'uke. the oftlulul starter. I ui. Ik lit. lie fired four shot. taking effect and the last three betiitf pumped into puku's body as It lay la Uiu sireet. It is rumored that the cause of the mur der whs Duke's U' ciii-tttloii that I'all aa the cause of a w arrant being hi rved upo ) the p:omoiers of the rav.i.g here. Uuk. Is a native of Ixia Antilles. Cui., and l-u a wife in Innvtr. Hall Is a Henderson man. The marrams tervtd yesterday the Albuquer jue fl.icirg asoei organization styles itself, ul. race meet without Ilia sjnc'nin ot th Ftate Itaclnf conimilon n oftni; unuei the Kentucky statute PRIZE WINNERS IN THIS WEEK'S WANT AD. STORY CONTEST: First Prize Letha Larkin, So. Cth St., Norfolk, Neb. St.'cond Prize Holon Hester, Olenwood, la. Third Prize Marjorie White, Honey Creek, la. Fourth Prize Anna Mnlier, 3024 Emmet St., Omaha. Fifth Prize Mildred Titzel, Benson, Neb. Sixth Prize Pearl Wilson, Worland, Wyo. Seventh Prize Mary White, Honey Creek, la. HONORABLE MENTION. Alia Wilkfn, Wsco, Neb. Grate Tucker, Council Iiluffs, la. Jlertha ;lck.'oy, Missouri Vallsy, Ib. Emily Wolj.l, Xthavko, Neb. Marguerite htidlg, OiuaLa. Neb. Gt'crfe Hoi per, Gninha, Neb. Claire Logjam, On. aha, Ne;. Eningi-ne Uarr, Ovahn, I.'c b. Ad. lairte L'lai.', l.Int ' , b. rday charevd I p j elation, as the ' ' 1 Il.'i hulilln a t-Cl Gr org;a II': r f, Ov sf h. tnnoa iet-if r.l .Vcb. til. pVarif- V i.uO. f ,n:e Nel . Gv. euiH 1; n V.'t bsi ,irn Uy.v Hr.nrr. On Tbt Howard lot . in JT Eihe! 1 mi' ' '. (n , Elhe! 1 mi G;rtiu.k i y, Xeb. t '. J, 1 it (