Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 29, 1909, EDITORIAL, Page 8, Image 16
TITK OMAHA SUNDAY HEK: AUGUST J! 1900. Mi I '. : ? v f r . u ' i , - n ir i - . ...... . , , r 1 . i , . . j n v. a i i . u. , . . , 1 o k 1, . w 1. I " 4"VI " " , 1 g p T7 Ttf 1A endurance contest says To the public: It is just as I have said all along, there is but o?ie test of an automobile that is, the hurry up, on the roadthe sands, the hills Not a slow gait Not a snail's pace But a pace that jostles bolts in a common cat that dismantles seats, breaks springs, damages axles a killing pace a pace in which ordinary cars can not live. With pai'donable pride I commend to your favor the Franklin the winner of the 400-mtle endurance contest the winner over 30 cars all sold in this market, a?id all called good. Guy L. Smith, Far nam Street. Model D, five-passenger, 28-h. p., $2,800. Other four and Bix-cTnder models $1,750 to $5,000. AN ENVIABLE LIST OF RECORDS Do you realize that for the PAST YEAR the FRANKLIN has mide mora perfect scares and won mora contests than any ether one make? And in the majority ef contests the FRANKLIN D has been entered singly and alone. Other makers have usually had two. three and four entries. Just run your eye over the list of FRANKLIN records attached 1908 Glidden Tour: .FRANKLIN Model D and Model II, both won perfect Bcore. Bretton Woods Reliability Run: FRANKLIN Model D won a per fect score. It went through the 1,600-mllo grind without a single adjust ment. N Chicago 1,000-Mile Reliability Test: FRANKLIN Model D won a perfect score. The technical examination after the contest caused the penalization of many entrants. Cleveland Endurance and Economy Contest: FRANKLIN Model D won the highest award. It had a perfect road score and also the lowest gasoline consumption. Worcester Reliability Trial: FRANKLIN Model D won the only . perfect score. The technical examination after the contest eliminated thirteen contestants who had clean road scores. Pittsburg: Endurance Run: FRANKLIN Model D made the run of 460 miles without penalization for repairs or adjustments. Harrisburg Reliability and Endurance Test: FRANKLIN Model D won the Governor's Trophy, the highest award of the contest New York Automobile Trade Associaton One-Gallon Mileage Con test: The FRANKLIN won the grand prize as well as its class prize and established a world's economy record by. carrying the greatest load the greaiesi distance on one gallon ot gasoline, Model G. $ 1,850 Model D. $2.A00 Model H. $3,750 FRANKLIN Model D won a perfect FRANKLIN ''Six" won a perfect Detroit Endurance Run: score. Hartford Endurance Run: score. Baltimore sealed Bonnet uontest: x it am kijIJN Model u won perfect score and was the only regular stock cor which was not penalized lor repairs or adjustments or at the technical examination following tho run. Omaha Endurance Run: FRANKLIN Model I), driven by au owner, made a perfect score. Norristown Endurance Run: FRANKLIN D made perfect road score. Ottawa (Can.) Endurance Contest: FRANKLIN D and G both made perfect scores. Only perfect scores in this event. Catskill-Berkshire Endurance Run: FRANKLIN I) and II both made perfect scores. Denver-Pueblo Endurance Run: FRANKLIN D won second place. Lost first place only by .4. of a pont. Buffalo One-Gallon Mileage Contest: The FRANKLTN G won the Grand Prize as well as its class prize and established a new world's economy record by carrying the greatest load 46.1 miles on one gallon gasoline, thereby beating Its own record made May 10th In New York of 35.8 miles. L. SIVOTIHI ZE CONSERVE INFANTS' HEALTH Hew Haven Conference of Physicians Will Discuss All Phases. BABIEii HAVE MONETARY VALUE baby a chance to grow up Into healthy maturity, than ha ben done for the average calf. But cattle have long been recognised as national assets. They have tlonal vitality recently prepared for National Conservation commission, all humans, big and little, are given a fair showing and a financial rating. In the T" a definite money value, so state and federal , past, the es; I mates of political economists. the reports of Insurance companies and of Industrial concerns have gratified the curiosity of anybody who was Interested In the money value of the grown-up wage At Birth They Are Worth DO Kach, the Valve of the Unman tiradually Increasing with ,tr. All phases of the problem will be con sidered it the Conference on the Preven tion of Infant Mortality which Is to be held at New Haven In November by the American Academy of Medicine.. Special emphasis will be laid on the responsibility of hculth officials for the enforcement of the laws which concern the health of the community In general, but of the babie In particular. In this year of grace. l'.0!, and In these enlightened United States, It is starling to be told that le has been done to give a authorities have enacted and enforce laws In their behalf laws which secure hygienic surroundings, intelligent care In feeding an abundance of fresh air and sunlight, and to a certain extent Immunity from preventable disease. That a baby Is worth anything In dollars and cents to the com munity Is a new Idea. liable Considered National Itesonrre. Hut the babies are coming Into their kingdom at last. On the continent of Europe and in England, royal commissions and other tremendously dignified boards of Investigation have been, appointed to dis cuss ways and means of looking out for their welfare. Here In the United States we are going a step farther. We are be ginning to consider human beings babies among them as a part of our national re- hources. We have even gotten to the point where we count them In with the timber supply, the coal and other mineral re sources und the water supply as worthy of conservation. In Prof. Irving Flsher'a report on na- the i the current fiscal year, not less than 118, 000.000 or $20,000,000 has been expended In the last five years by the federal govern ment to protect animals from disease or deterioration. Of this sum set apart for 1909, $3,000,000 Is for meat inspection alone, and a large slice of the rest goes toward the suppression of bovine tuberculosis and the Improvement of the milk supply pre earner. But it Is slightly different where j ventive measures of incalculable benefit to the baby Is concerned. He has not fig- human kind. But while such expenditure ured extensively in the records. But, ac- conserves public health In the end. it usu- Provc Our Claims. f Mi The P&nh&rd Can; It's Sealed 1 By Trying Panhard Oil in Your Automobile Every cylinder oil manufacturer claims his oil to be free from carbon we prove it. You can quickly satisfy yourself that Panhard oil will not carbonize and that it gives perfect lubrication at all temperatures. PANHARD OIL The Oil In the Checker Board Can. Proves not by color, but; by actual test in your Jnctor that it is free from carbon. If you vnlue the life of your motor, end your lubricat ing difficulties ut once by getting I'anhard Oil. Write today for our book, 44 Lubrication," will recommend the grade suited to your r.votor. GEO. A. HAWS, NEW YORK, U. S. A. Omaha Distributers: POWELL SUPPLY CO., 2020 Tamam Street , cording to the conservation report, his or her value, at birth is $110. By the time he has reached the age ot S years his net worth is $900 and by the time he Is 30 his value is $4,100. After that his net value begins to decline and at E0, It Is $2,900, while at 80 it Is $700. Hjese figures repre sent the capitalization of the earning power of the individual. Iu the case of the baby, the $90 represents the discounted value of his future earnings, taking Into account, also, the rost of the care given him until he Is able to look out for himself, and the cost of the care which may have to be accorded him in old age. Fifteen Per Cent Die in lnfnnpr. It Is estimated that about Z.&00.000 babies were born In the United States last year, and that 375.000, or IB per cent of that num ber died within the year. To find the value In dollars and cents of this appalling lots of human life you "Orily have to mul tiply 90 by 375,000. It amounts to $3,376,000. Add to this an average of $25 a piece spent for medical care and other attention and you pile a few mora millions on to the total loss. Physicians who have gone straight to the heart of the matter, believe that 60 per cent, if not more, of this tremendous waste of life could be prevented. They fix the blame partly on social condiMons and partly on the Indifference or negligence of health officials, Thoy declare that the problem could b solved by the registration of, births, and, in connection with that, the instruction of the mothers In the proper care of the babies; the enforcement of the regulations which prevent the contamina tion of the fond and the water supply and ; of those which secure Improved housing j conditions, with an adequate supply of fresh air and sunlight for rich and poor alike. Theae physicians who work among tho babies say that If a pestilence were to carry off only one-tenth as many babies as die from the "ordinary" illnetaes every year, the entire country would clamor tor remedial measures, liut people are used to seeing the little hearses on the atreet and nobody gets excited over them. Baby's Vitality Greater Than Aaalt'a. There is another feature tnat emphasises the extravagance of this waste of baby life. When an adult recovers from an 111 neh. It usually leaves him with lowered vita'ity. A baby's recuperative powers are much greater. A Imby may be drugged down to ileal h's very iliior liv summer complaint, but the difc-ase leaves no weuk euing hHtulicap. If he rei oven he is likely to be In the iiiiiniiix the next ear for the prize for the plumpest, healthiest youngster in the baby show. I The total amount spent by the United States government to (rotect cattle from disease counts up into the millions, iias- lng the estimate on the $4.47M ap ! proorlated for the bureau of animal indus try of Urn Etopartiuvut of Agriculture for ally has been sanctioned at the beginning because Important commercial interests were at stake. When a public health meas ure was up for discussion in an Indiana legislature recently one of the legislators said that he had been requested over and over again by his constituents to vote for laws to protect hogs from cholera and trees from scale, but he had never before been asked to vote for a measure to pro tect women and children from preventable disease. Since the world began the crop of babies has been fairly constant. The quality of the crop; the diseases that have carried off hundreds of thousands every year have never caused the slightest flutter ot the stock market. Commercially considered, the American chick has loomed up much larger in financial calculations than the American baby. But the baby la a poten tial American citizen. And since he has been officially recognized as a national re source It becomes a national duty to pro tect him from disease and 'deterioration, and to give htm the chance that is tila'due to grow up into hea'Uiy maturity. cayuses of the plains, camels, musically, educated elephants, and other animals, Including- the wild buffalos, are show in the arena, while the feats of the horsemen and the footmen are of the marvelous char acter. For diversity and kaleldescoplc variety in color and In costume, for com plexity and contrast In human character istics, the combined Wild West and Fat East stands without a peer or competitor, because It Is unique, unapproachable. With out the tinsel and glare of the artificial this exhibition gives an entertainment pos sessing value and instructive quality through its simplicity and reality. There is no attempt to Imitate or deceive, for very man, woman and child that marches or rides into the arena is a genuine peci men of their race or class. Kvery day at 11 o'clock and at 6:4C p. m. a free exhibition will be given to the gen eral public by Frenzleo, the Mohammedan uHVBn, who Gives inrotign the air from a high mast to an Inclined platronu with out uny mechanical device or apparuluj whatever. l'uruig the coming week visits will be nittuu to Lincoln, Fairmont, Hastings, Kearney, Columbus and Fremont, cover ing grounds where the old Seoul has hunted, trapped on, scouted and fought over, returning to Omaha on Labor Uay. their lessons and games they always spend an hour or so working at knitting and em broidery. For Christmas they work all sorts of gifts for relatives and friends. Iast year the czar received a kettle holder from one of his daughters with an Inscrip tion worked in cross stitch, "Polly, Put the Kettle On," while two of the other girls went into partnership and knitted him a pair of slippers. The Russian grand duchesses have been brought up with Just the same simplicity which has marked the -childhood of the little Wales children. Indeed, It was only lately that they began to realize their rank. The magnate of the Russian urser Is the young czarovltch. All his sisters bow before him and his will ia law. HADLEY AT THE CHAUTAUQUA Gonrnor of Missouri Speaks at Belle- vne and la Kntertnlned at Omaha Club. Governor Herbert 1-. Hadley of Missouri, arrived In Onraha Saturday morning front Atlantic, la., to deliver an address at tns Belltvue Chautauqua as one of the openln orators. Governor Hadley comes here from three weeks in Colorado, where he declared he had found It cool throughout his uay. Ha was entertnlned at noon at a luncheon at the Omaha club. Bishop J. J. Keane ot Wyoming, who peaks at the Chautauqua Suntlay after noon, also reached Omaha Saturday. g-rr. I ill ill il mini ifnw www ui l llearin BUFFALO BILL WILL BE BUSY SHOWING TO HIS OLD FRIENDS Experts i Spend the Week In Ne braska on Grounds Familiar . to Hint. Colonel Cody, 'Buffalo Bill," has spent years in touring the continents ot America and Europe with success. When one is an accepted prophet in his own country, and when the nations beyond the seas find Instruction and delight In the same ex hibition there must be something excep tionally meritorious in its composition and its features. This is explained by the fact that the exhibition of life In the old now past far west is real, actual and true. Realism here found Its highest type In re flection through the simple and faithful methods that Colonel Cody conceived and executed genuineness of people no tinsel no clap-trap. While bringing this year his Wild West with several new numbers he has added t fresh Interest by forming what is really an epitome of the races nf the world. Tlioueands have seen the Wild West and the Great Far East separately, but now one can renew acquaintance with those wonder ful exhibitions of the human race from throughout the universe together. Colonel W. F. Cody and Major Gordon Llllle have combined their forces In order to give the untraveled a comprehensive understanding and knowledge of the many aspects of tho human race as It, exists In the east, west, south and nortb.for they have collected a great assemblage of ty pes from all quarters, lndlau pi bald pontes, bucklug bronchos, CZAR'S FOUR DAUGHTERS Healthy, Happr Girls' Who Have Been Brouaht l In Sim ple Manner. LONDON, Aug. H.-The four daughters of the czar made a pleasant Impression on those who saw them during the visit of the Russian imperial family at In their short white dresses, biuo l ei IVr coals ! and blue straw hats, triinni'il wnii foitla of white chiffon, all exactly alike. Uie : formed a pretty picture of healthy, hni) childhood. Their first trip of exploration around Cowes was made with two pov and they accomplished a great deal In two hours, buying all sons ol things at the shops post cards, dolls, hou venir spoons, fancy work, und ull the things that girls of from s to 14 like to pos sess, whether they are grand duchesses or Just ordinary youngsters. They chummed with their British royal relations. Princess Mary and Princes Kdward and Albert. Of the four, ulga, the oldest, who is 14, is the cleverest. Tall for her ae, fhe has a graceful rig.irc and a bright smile. Ta tlana, the second daughter. Is really a beautiful girl, with the rose leaf skin, curly daik hair and regular features of an Kng lish child. She was the only delicate one ot the four girls. Mario lr placid, will be haved and obliging. Anahtanle. the youngest, l.-i (l-ic:ived by little pickle." Her name Arajiaxie., which means chain breaker, or prison ener, was gien to her because to celebrjt her birth the czar pardoned and reinstated the stu dents taking part In the ri"ts in Moscow and St. Petersburg in the preceding win ter. All the grand duchess neak Kngllsh. French and soma German, besides Russian. From an early age they have all had les sons In piano playing, drawing and paint ing. All four are excellent riders. After 9 bate oi lie LioM Motorcycle FOIUfeRLY SOLD FOR $175 WILL- BE SOLD NOW FOR $135 These are first class machine in vory respect. Tho manufacturers are making a clearing sale of this particular model and have made the price low enough 1o sell them rapidly. $175.00 is the regular price. $135.00 is the closing out price. This machine is L,;H hore. power, spring fork, double grip control, equipped with Thor motor, carbereter hubs. This is the biggest bargain I have ever seen, and I ex pect to sell my allotment during the next two weeks. If you think of puichahsing a motorcycle do not wait a minute, but come in and inspect this machine. LOUIS FLESCHER 1622 Capitol Avenue.