Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 28, 1909, EDITORIAL, Image 9

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
Extraordinary Bargains Saturday-Prices Forced to Lowest Point of Entire Season
An Exceptionally Low Price
on an Early Showing of
New Fall Fashions Women's
Rarely do you find right at the opening of a new season new suits so inexpen
sirely priced. These are the most advanced and authoritative modes with
long 40-inch silk lined coats and new foot pleated skirts, made 1 K
from hard twisted self-stripe worsteds colors, navy, green, ?k I -J
brown, red, gray, also black
MISSES' SCHOOL SUITS Beautifully tailored, black and white shepherd
checks, and plain navy and gray effects; stylish, dressy garments, ffC
13 to 17 year sizes; prices formerly $15.00 to $22.50 while they last VJ
Lot of about thirty i Summer Apparel at Half Don't overlook, tne
best bargans In all Omaha In the garment
section. Here's what we offer:
Any wash dress, any lingerie dreas, rajah silk
dresses, silk and linen coat, 1 DnSon
wash skirts and suit 2
Tailored Madras Waists New fall garments,
plain white or stripe styles, pleated with at
tached self cuffs and linen collar, with
pocket ' 81.23
A Pay for Dollar Gowns New shipment of
splendid muBlin gowns with long sleeves,
high and shaped neck, all embroidery inser
tion trimmed, some of the finsst values we
bare had, at $1.00
Infants' Lawn Caps and SunbonneU Odds
and ends that were 50o 39c and 2 5c, now,
at 10
Ome-riwe Hilk Pressei
late styles, plain inessallne, figured foulard
and shepherd's check taffeta, that sold up
to $22.60, now $10
Otie-l'lece Fall Wash Dresses of striped per
cale in medium and light colorings, neatly
made and trimmed with self straps, excellent
values $1.35
Children's Dresses, Clearing. Dresses for
schoo. Now is the time to buy them if you
would save. All the prettiest percale dresses
that sold to $2.60 in sizes 6 to 14 yrs. 9S
Children's Dresse of lawn and percale, any
one in stock, 3 to 6 years, that sold up to
, $1.60, now on tables, at T5?
Children's Iteefers of plain and fancy cloths,
2 to 6 years sizes; for early fall; values up
to $5.00, at $1.95
Children's Hampers Plain and stripe ging
ham, were 76o and $1. 2 to 6 years 50
mm m
t i If
I 1 I
i v i
f M
Metal Pictured Frames All new stock
and cabinet size
Hosiery and Underwear
Women's Plain Black Lisle
Stockings, a very nice 85c in
ported quality for 25
Gauze Llle Stockings A com
plete line of colors in a splen
did 50c grade, blue, pink, gray,
hello, bronze, tan, also white
and black. .3 pairs for $1.00
Colored Gauze IJslo Stockings,
garter tops, worth double, at,
pair 10
Women's black and tan cotton
19c stockings, pair.... 12 H
Women's Vests, two whole cases
on Bale secured from N. Y.
Jobbers at half value, sleeve
less vests, full taped, every
where 15c, our price now. 7
Women's Vets Mercerized Hale
very fine 3uc quality, closing
out Saturday, at 19
Women's Pants Light weight
knit pants, wide lace trimmed
knee, 50c garments 33
Cldldren's luion Suits Lace
trimmed, wide knee, sizes 8 to
14 years, regular 35c values
clearing at 15
American Beauty Corsets
Fall Models
Ask to see them, No. 1356 at $1.00 and No. 273 at $1.50. They are
representative of the best In today's high class corset making, either
in coutll or batiste. Strong garters front and side. American
Beauty Corsets are pre-eminently the leading styles. $1 & $1.50
New $1.50 Corsets, 89c
First for Saturday. Two models for tall and well developed figures;
high bust effect. Imported batiste, embroidery trimmed, white
only. All sizes; garters attached 89
Not a Trace of Men's Summer Clothing Can Remain
We Now Begin Clearing
Small Lots Men's Suits
Here's a price low enough to tempt you to buy another
suit. You'll find them just right for wear until snow flios,
then to lay away for the first warm days of next spring.
Odds and ends, of course, and broken lines, but our best
styles. We have sold heaps of them at $20.00 $r RP
this season. Now, just to clean up the stock 14 1
they are
Your Boy's New
School Suit
Doesn't cost much to send your boy to school looking trim and neat if
you come here Saturday. Here's a suit sale few mothers will care t
miss. Knickerbocker suits with double breasted coats for boys 8 to 17
years old. Snappy, up-to-dat patterns, too.
S3.00 Suits
60c and 75c hats; take any of
these for 10
Boys' Wash Mouses All sizes
were 76c and $1.00. In tomor
row's sale, at 50
Men's Dollar Shirts Quite a nlrn
assortment of patterns, clearing
them at 59
$5.00 Suits cf) Pin
Men's Neckwear Three gross
new stylish four-in-hands, worth
60c, will be 25
Finest Shlrta for men, stylish pat
terns $2.00 and $2.60 shirts
at $1.50
Straw Flats All gone but a few
Toilet Articles, Drug Sundries and Photo Supplies
Manicure Sets fiv
gea Salt, ten-pound Qe
Lazall's Vio Talcum, 7Q
for .AWC
Eastman's Vio Cold
Banltol Face Cream,
Colgate's Perfumes, per 25c
ounce wt
Colgate's Tooth Paste, lO
for -v'
Prices in America on Standard
Swift's, Hearts and
Flowers Soap, per box...
Paraffins, per
Peternian's DIbcoy- e.
ery, for bed bugs...1""'
Whirling Spray Syringe
for ,
Rubber Qloves, per
Beef, Iron and Wise.
Llthla Tablets.
Rubber Set Shaving
Brushes, for .
Cramer Plates, 4xS-lnch, tr
dozen JJC
Crumur Platen, 3'x4' An
inch, per dozen UC
Stanley Plates. 4xKVt tl in
inch, per dozen P.IU
Diniiify r iaie, oxiu
Inch, per dozen . . . .
Folding llawko-y
Camera, No. 3A....
Premo Junior No. 8
Sliding Tripod, for" " 7C
camera up to 5x7 JC
Bono, veiox, Aito
Kastman Papers.
and other
Odds and Ends In China and Glass
Bait and Pepper 6 ha kern, rooster shape.... 2
Brass Fern Dishes with lining, each 49
Fancy China decorated Cuspidors, to close. 15
Rooster Creamers, fancy shaped M, value.. 5
Cup, 8aucer and Plate, dcrated, 3 pieces.. p
Plain white Cups and Baucerrs, pair .7
Olans Candle Sticks, 8 styles,' each 10
Horseshoe Tumblers, per dozen ........ 18
Glass Sugar Shakers, Saturday, for...... 10
Bennett's China Cement, has great merit.
Week End Candy Day
Delicious sweets, attractively boxed, fresh for
th usual Saturday sale. Take a- box home with
you tomorrow.
Bennett's Special Chocolate Creams, made by
Balduff Candy Co.. regular 60c quality, lb.25
Woodland Goodies High grade goods from Bal
duff Candy Co.; always 40c a lb. Saturday 20
Galvanized Tubs and Palls
On sale in
sharply reduced prices for Saturday,
basement hardware section.
Wash Tubs, usually 69c, special. .. .390
Wash Tubs, unually 79c, special ... .490
WaKh Tubs, usually 89c, special. .. .Bo
Water Palls, usually 20c, special. .. .loo
Water Palls, usually 23o, special. .. .170
Water Falls, usually 30c, special .... 19o
Garbage Cans, usually $1.75. special 1.85
Garbage Cans, unually $1.60, special. 980
Cotton Covered Ql ff
Garden Hose O 2C 1U
To close out balance of stock we will sell our
usual 12c quality at 8c foot. Comes in 50 ft.
colls. Pays you to buy for next season.
25c Potato . or Fruit
Press 17o
80c Potato or Fruit
Press 90o
8Dc Flour Bins, 50 lb.,
for 68o
Tin ' Fruit Cans, quart.
dozen '. 330
Sealing Wax. lb Co
Folding Lunch Boxes. 190
25c Silk Strainers. . .130
26c Bread Toasters.. ISo
Hammocks Final Cut
Quantity is limited. Be early.
Choice of 15.00 Hammocks
Choice of 13.00 Hammocks
Choice of 12.60 Hammocks
Choice of $2.00 Hammocks
Bennett's Best Coffee, S lbs.... 91.00 and 100 stamps
Bennett's Best Coffee. 1 lb 3Bo and SO stamps
Bennett's Teas, assorted, 1 lb....68o and
Bennett's Challenge Coffee. 1 lb.. ISO and
Bennett's Tea Silftlngs, 1 lb ISo and
Bennett's Capitol Pepper, per can.,10o and
Bennett's Pickling Spices, pkg.,10o and
Diamond Crystal Salt, per sack,.10o and
Japan Rice, four lbs 6o and
Marshall's Kippered Herring, can.BOo and
Nutlet Peanut Butter, large Jar.. 30o and
Galllard's Olive Oil, large bottle. 70o and
Bnlder's Tomato Soup, large can.BOo and
Eddy's Salad Mustard, Jar lOo and
Rub-No-More Soap, 9 bars 95o
niiili siu sals Mexican Chill Beans, lb.
Peas, I
75 stamps
20 stamps
20 stamps
10 stamps
5 stamps
10 stamps
20 (tamp!)
10 stamps
30 stamps
75 stamps
20 stamps
10 stampB
Sterling Corn Starch,
package 40
Cane and Maple Sugar,
per pound Bo
Kamo Cataup, large bot
tles, for 930
ana so stamps.
and 10 stamps.
Salmon Salo, Batavla
Salmon, tall can, usu
al price 22c, special
qSjen Cider Vinegar! large bottle . 86o end 20 stamps
H. Miiir larire can lOo and 10 stamps
Sauce Special. Haarmann'a Worcester
J?.?.ttfAJi rhe lb": " " " " ind 10 stamp.
Cocoanut Bars Cookies, special, lb
I 1 I "
Pride of Bennett's Flour
at -..41.60
and 60 stamps.
Bennett's Capitol Flour,
sack l-63
and 60 stamps.
Fresh from ths country,
special price, do..S4o
Buttermilk server free
Saturday in Butter Department.
Bennett's Market
Tie to the store that gives choice, wholesome
meats. Select your Sunday dinner from the largest,
best preserved stock of meats In town. Freshness
and ticAnllneas are problems in most meat stores
these hot days. Bennett's give both In addition
to lowest prices.
Fresh dressed,
per pound .
Fresh dressed,
per pound
Fall Lamb Legs, per
pound OH
Prime Rib Roast, bones
removed, rolled.. 10
Choice Pot Roast, per
lb., 8c, 7c and... .
Lamb Chops, shoulder,
pound 10
Veal Chops, rib, lb.lO
Sirloin Hteaw per
pound 12H
Porterhouse Steak, per
pound 12H
Veal Roast, per pound,
9c and 7
Mutton Roast per '
pound ...... . . 7W
Mutton Stew, special
lbs. for 25
Veal Stew, lb 5
Calumet Hams, sugar
cured, lb 14 H
Herring Imported Hol
land Herring, 1909
catch, per keg. .75
Histories of All Nations
Important Book Bargain
Our wideawake book man has another surprise,
for you. Hundreds of volumus published by Collier &
Hons. Histories that have been sold In Omaha for
$2.00, cloth binding, gilt top, fine paper, good clear
type, memoes nisiorirs or
United States,
A nitria,
Turk y,
Spanish America.
Fruits and Vegetables
Watermelons, large
and sweet. . . SOc, 25o
Cal. Peaches, bk't.UOc
Grapes, homegrown
basket 25c
Nectarines, dozen. .15c
Seedless Grapes, lb. 10a
Cantaloupes, doz. .40c
Wild Plums, basket.2."c
Cooking Apples pk . 15c
Dry Onions, peck. .23c
Tomatoes, basket. ..10c
Bweet.Corn, doz. . .lOc
Sweet Potatoe. lb.loc
Red Beets, 4 bunches
for Be
Radishes, 4 bunches. So
Young Onions Three
bunches Be
Mich, celery, 2 stks.Ba
Green Peppers, doz. 10c
Carrots, 2 bunches. 60
CtiTsnlantl RitMlT F&llt in AffftC-
. 1 CUV WIAw
THwnros Seekers.
VU V smrw-w
Vvp Uud Frontier Town ti in
KaYatora Fashion and Scoops la
; a Million m Taar at E"t- .
ra Wealth.
Tho pofcpulatlon and social lire or neno,
Nev., arAi undergoing a great ensng.
Where iU year or so ao the optimistic
, mining- pr omoter, In his corduroy or khaki
and his hiVh russet shoes, was wont to dis
port hlmnuilf, today may be seen men of
the east tV, ashing by In high-powered auto
mobiles. Vvhere Washoe squaws would a
year ago sl't and play cards at the corners
of the pub Vie squares may be seen today
handsome omcn In Paris gowns, saunter
ing in the tlfternoon sun. On tho veranda
ot tho lee.' ling hotel where a year ago
Were the tt.Vnee and desolation that- the
panlo of 190T produced, idly sit and fight
with onnul . (rtoups of men and women,
, who look forvtrkrd. In mental vision, to ths
time when th ry will be able to forsake this
frontier po'2 of civilisation and whirl an
eager flight I back to their homes In the
art. I
But they m ara looking for divorces at 1
present. anJnjso they must stay hero for
at least '' Anonths from date of arrival
to satisfy U U requirements of tho Nevada
divorce latfwlth Yegard to residence.
For Ren has succeeded to the eminence
formerly ccupled by Sloua Falls as ths
, divorce dfmter of America. Some far-
sighted lakvyer got into tho Nevada legis
lature sovi ral years ago, and when ho got
out again Hither was a divorce law among
.the statutve ot Nevada that for length,
breadth, ht lght. elasticity and all other
qualities trt commend themselves to the
seeker af Jf er easy matrimonial freedom
could nof be surpassed anywhere In ths
xinlon. was equaled by tho South Da
kota laW. though, and so Nevada and the
Nevadaf lawyer secured no resalt from It
for the, time being.
But '.sveryUatna- eomes to htm that waits,
and frheti the people of South Pakota
arose J In their wrath last November, and,
by tl; referendum vote, declared that any
one jAho eslred to get a divorce In South
Xak nta would have to live there a year
lnat ,'.-ad of six months, aa had been tho
ref .'ilreuirnt previously, tho seeker of relief
a present matrimonial ties began to
the long journey westward to Nevada.
1 re It takes oui a six mourns residence
tol , j a position to go before ths courts
,pt ,e state as plaintiff In a divorce suit.
j(;,e charms of Nevada as a divorce
I ir nave oniy jui ws w kv-vi
the consciousness of ire outside world
bile there are about fifty-four oases
1 00 the docket of tho aismct oourt.
ire are In Reno today over 160 Individuals
abllshlng residence for. dlToro pep.
sea Kksjarrt ot wnem axe weosea,
Reno has no objection to the present
status of affairs. It Is estimated that the
revenue of the town from tho dlvoroe
colony at present Is close to $1,000,100 a
year, and that It will rapidly Increase from
this on. To a community of but IS.flOO
population this Is no small consideration.
Why Reno Is preferred to ary other com
munity In the state as a place of residence
by those seeking divorces Is because of
the manifold advantages f the town over
any other In ths state. Nevada Is primarily
a raining state and nature usually hides
her - precious metals In difficult placos.
Reno is not a mining camp, and Is not
only centrally situated from a railroad
point of view, but has scento attractions
arely to bo found In any American com
munity. It is located In the heart of a rich agri
cultural region, and through '.he center of
the town runs a beautiful mountain stream,
the Truckee river. Surrounding the town,
at a brief distance, are snow-capped moun
ts Ins, and the winds coming from over
their summits keep the air cool on summer
nights. It Is never very warm In iteno.
On the other hand, the winters are com
paratively mild.
An altitude of 4.500 feet makes the atmos
phere somewhat trying on nerves that are
not robust to begin with, but nervous af
fections are the only complaints to which
the climate Is unfavorable
For ths euro of other ailments hot
mineral water springs abound In the vicin
ity of Reno. Twelve miles away are the
famous Steamboat springs which Comstock
millionaires were wont to patronize forty
years ago. Three miles from Reno Is
Moana springs. Five miles from Reno, to
the west, la another famous medicinal re
sort. Laughton's springs, the road to which
runs along the Truckee' river, making a
beautiful driving boulevard. Half way to
Laughton's on this road Is a magnificent
edifice known aa "Kick's," which Is the
local Monte Carlo. Rick's hss all the con
veniences for those who desire to make a
slay, and frequently parlies who go there
to spend a few hours forget to come back
for several days.
It might be mentioned in this connection
that the divorce colony has brought to
Reno over 100 motor cars.
The leading hotels are always crowded
and the rents for cottages have appreciated
on the average to the extent ot 50 per cent
In the last six months. In some Instance
the Increase has been much greater. One
cottags that rested for 0 a month In
January last now returns its owner a
rental of J100 a month.
Biased somewhat by the financial seduc
tions of tho situation, and yet to learn
tho leesoa that such a state of affairs can
only result In tho moral degradation of
iho youth of the community a lesson
which caused South Dakota to reform Its
divorce laws Reno appears to be perfectly
contented with things as they are.
But Nevada la busily engaged In clean
Ing house, and It Is felt by the most re
flective observers that the divorce laws of
Nevada as now written will be a thing of
tho past la the near future. Not In the
very near future for the next legislature
dee not BBOet until January f IXLL There
are ethers ws geiat, 1 the Mperrsao of
South Dakota, which for twenty years
fought the evils of lax divorce laws before
a repeal was secured, and say that the
moralists of Nevada have an equally stub
born task before them. But Nevada Is
cleaning house. In the last session of the
legislature, after gaming being permitted
for forty years with cognizance of law, a
bill abolishing gambling was passed the
act to take effect In November of 1910
nd It Is believed that if that could be
done, the slack divorce laws can be more
easily repealed.
In tne meantime the hotel men and cot
tage renters of Reno and the divorce law
yers will continue to flourish. Parisian
toilettes and sixty-horse power automobiles
will flash and dash through the quiet
thoroughfares at all sorts of hours. Men
and women will continue to become "citi
zens" of Nevada on a six months residence
and leave the state forever after securing
their divorce decrees. New York Times.
Indian Office Concludes Its Inquiry
Into Subject.
Red Men Take the Staff in Connec
tion with Alleged Rellaloas Cer
emonial and Object to
Its Abolition.
Influence of the Typewriter In Social
aa Well as Easiness
The typewriter was invented as a mere
machine for printing the letters of the
alphabet faster and more legibly than they
could be transcribed by hand. But aa soon
as he saw Its possibilities that frisky little
sprite who meddles with the affairs of men
In so many ways turned it into a machine
for making matches. As soon as woman
found that a pretty girl In a trim shirt
waist sitting at a typewriter was one of
the most attractive things In the whole
exhibit of humanity, she took to the ma
chine like a prima donna takes to tho spot
light on the stage. In a season or two the
business world began to blossom as the
rose. The typist sprang up everywhere,
and the man who didn't have one In the
front office felt like an o!d fogy on a back
Pretty girls found this the best pasture
In the business field, and they flocked Into
It. They soon discovered that as an aid
to matrimony the typewriter was forty
lapfc ahead of the mandolin, six bars In
advance of the piano and was only sur
passed by the rowboat and the moonlight
walk. They began to dress for the type
writer, and the handsome young business
men who bad managed to elude the snares
of the ball room, the sociable and the house
party succumbed by thousands. Old men
of millions who guarded their hearts with
the steel door and portcullis found that
the castle had bten Invaded by Cupld, the
typewriter, and surrendered.
She Is a wonder, the typewriter girl, and
she has come to nay to stay, that Is, until
she U ready to get married.
The typewriter has revolutionized a lot
of things. The development of the shirt
waist Is In no small degree to be laid to
Us credit, as Is the formation of tho chew
ing gum trust, the growth af the soda
water traffic and the enormous business
In puffs, rolls and bck hair. It has caused
more bad spelling, family disturbances and
marriages than aiy other Invention of
modern times. It las scattered millions
of letters, lovo stories, plays and husbands
over our fair land. "And on it Cupld sits
and smiles, so wily, cute and debonair;
while the machine holds out to click, tto
WASHINGTON, Aug. 26. (Special.) For
a yeai- past the Indian office has been en
deavoring to bring to an end the sale of the
peyota, otherwise known as the mescal or
bean, which has obtained extensive use
among some of the Indian tribes.
It la produced from a cactus that grows
in the southwest, particularly In Texas, not
far from Laredo, and In Mexico, about
forty miles west of that town. The cactus
grows In the form of a radish or parsnip,
rounded at the top, with Indented center.
About an Inch or more of the top Is cut off
and when dried In the sun the blossom
becomes cottony iu appearance, and resul's
In the Spanish name for the caterpillar,
peyote, being applied to the product.
It has no connection with the brewed
liquor from the agave or century plant,
known as mescal; neither Is It to be con
founded with the other larger cascus grow
Ing in the form of a beet, known as mescal,
which Is eaten by the Apache Indians, who
are called from their us; of It, the Me
caleros. The botanical name of the cactus
from which the peyote la produced Is lop
hophora. The peyote has powerful narcotic proper
ties and is used In two forms the dried
product chewed and swallowed, or distilled
in water and the Infusion drank. The time which It takes to effect is dependent
on the amount used.
Ceases Wonderfal Visions,
Taken In large quantities the effect Is al
most immediate. In most instances produc
ing nausea followed by stupor, in which all
sorts of beautiful visions are experienced.
It Is accompanied by great elevation of
spirit and a feeliug of good will toward U
As used by tho Indians, they become
wholly unconscious, but a gentleman who
recently experimented 00 himself, and who,
apparently, did not take as much of the
narcotic as la usual, at no time completely
lost consciousness, and was cognizant of
his surroundings. lie said that all ordinary
colors were greatly heightened In Intensity
and beauty, and that' when he closed his
eyes a procession of Chinese pagodas with
beautiful colored trimmings, pleading geo
metrical designs, and peacocks of brilliant
plumage seeing! to float In endless proces
sion before htm.
While this Is the usual experience of users
of the peyote, a case where the contrary
effect was produced has been brought to
the attention of the Indian office. An In
dlan of the Sac and Fox reservation, Iowa,
while under the Influence had a vision In
which he went to the place of torment
where everything la hot, saying that he
stepped on th floor and that burned his
feeti he put his hand en th wall, U was
burned there, and that he sat down on a
chair and was burned again.
Part ot a Ceremonial.
In nearly all th Indian tribes the use
of peyote has been accompanied by the es
tablishment of a sort of religious cult, but
the so-called religious services are accom
panied by various heathenish practices. It
is claimed by the Indian devotees that the
white man cannot obtain the benefits from
the use of the narcgtlo that come to the
Indians because God sent into the world
for the benefits ot the white man the Holy
Spirit as his comforter, a blessing which
never came to the Indian, but that the
peyote performs the same office for the
Indian that the Holy Spirit does for the
white man, and through this medium the
Indian Is able to commune with Ood.
At a recent assembly among the Poncas
In Oklahoma, where the Indians were
gathered together In a tent, it was claimed
that out of the "bean" lying on the crescent-shaped
altar In the center there would
emerge the body of the Savior, visible only
In this form to those members who partook
of a sufficient number of peyotes to ob
tain this concession from th Deity. To the
tune of weird songs and the continuous
beating of the tom-tom was added the nar
cotic Influence of the peyotes, as all eyes
remained Intensely fixed upon the altar.
At times Incense was thrown upon the
altar fire and the frangrance wafted by
the leader over the "bean." A cigarette
was passed to represent the pipe of peace.
At midnight a cup, like that used In com
munion services, was passed with a large
pail in which peyotes had been steeped and
the water sprinkled over the heads of the
participants, who also took draughts of the
concoction. The ceremony was continued
until morning, and two or three days
elapsed before the participants wholly re
covered from its effects. Some of the In
dians describe the effects of the use of
peyotes as producing the sight of gold
clouds floating around great suns rising at
t Scientific Verdict.
Dr. S. Weir Mitchell made a study of the
peyote and experimented by taking some
of It himself, and has described the sen
sations produced. A number of other ex
perimenters have done the same thing,
but they all lacked a knowledge of the
effect of long continued use.
In the Smithsonian institute pub
lished a paper on the subject of Havelock
Kills entitled, "Mescal, a New Artificial
Paradise." The Bureau of Chemistry of
the Agricultural department analyzed the
article and found that it contained four
alkaloldal constituents: anhalonlne, mes
caline, anhalonidlne and lophoporine; aside
from these two other elements were Iso
lated called pellotlne and anhalamlne. The
analyses that have been made, the ele
ments above described being taken Into
consideration, do not explain th effect
produced on the user, but this Is also
true of other substances. The Indians pro
test against any Interference with the sup
ply of the narcotic because of Its use In
connection with religious ceremonies, and
many of them Insist that It has valuable
medicinal qualities, being a specific for
forms of disease. Physicians who have had
it under observation, say the peyote has no
medicinal properties whatever, and that In
dians who, for a period, used It for all
sorts jt allmenta, hav abandoned U and
Street Railway Rests Easy About
Council Bluffs Franchise.
Ascribes Visit of Attorney General
to Aftltatlon Worked Up br
Improvement Club In the
Iowa City.
returned to other drugs and medicines.
The action on the nerves Is so Intense,
that In some Instanoes, persons who wire in
poor physical condition and Indulged to a
considerable extent, died as a result of the
Indulgence Only one case has been re
ported to the Indian office where an ap
parently healthy person died as a result of
Its use. The effects of Indulgence last
longer than In the use of alcohol, th tak
ing of a small amount lasting for not less
than thirty-six hours afterward. The mind
apparently becomes clear after the visions
have departed, but lassitude continues fur
quite a long period. The continued use or
peyotes deprives the user of both menial
and physical vigor; It Is not accompanied
by violence as is th us of alcohol, and
for that reason some well-meaning men
have suggested that Its use be not Inter
dicted because of Its removing the appetite
for alcoholic liquors In those who becomu
addicted to its use, resulting In many In
stances, In a turbulent, riotous drunkard
becoming a quiet and Inoffensive person.
However, sine It Is so Injurious to the
mind and bodily strength, and even will
cause death, the Indian office does not feel
justified In permitting such a practice to
continue If It be possible to bring it to au
A physician who has had considerable
opportunity to observe the Influence of the
drug on the Wlnnebagoea, reports that li
dulls the Intellect and provokes an appetite
for more of the drug. Injures the digestive
organs, depresses th heart action, and
causes th development of a monomania, so
that the habitual user becomes so devoted
to this all-absorbing Intoxicant that he has
no time and very little Inclination for olhur
forms of dissipation, or any industrial ac
tivity whatever.
A special officer of the Indian office vis
ited Laredo, Tex., the source from which
the supply of peyotes has been furnished
to the Indiana of this cuUntry, bought up
the entire supply In the market, which he
destroyed, and obtained from the whole
salers agreements that they would no
lunger continue In the traffic. The pressure
that Is being brought to bear on members
of congress to obtain a modification of the
attitude of the Indian office Is apparently
on account of the inability of the Indiana
In nhlaln thfti, tint., .Its ixt Hu
- I 1 . . w. -
nr iiinno sin iutIaii ii.ii-! " " n lire rrotectlon
nr. rvl.UKVO IIU NMIIUIM UNCI tost us at Present.
When the mass meeting to talk over with
The Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Rail
way company is not worried over ths
Council T'luffs franchise situation. In
fact, according to the street car company's
point of view, there Is no "situation," al
though Attorney General Byers of Iowa
was In Council Bluffs conferring with City
Solicitor Kimball.
"We have a clear enough franchise In
Council Bluffs," said R. A. I.euorler. as
sistant general manager of th street rail
way company.
"The history of the matter Is like this:
They have a West End Improvement club
over In Council Bluffs, which has been
meeting regularly for a long time and pass
ing many resolutions. These resolutions
they read over In the paper th next morn
ing and feel quite Important.
"They started before th Interstate Com
merce commission an Inquiry as to th far
between Omaha and Council Bluffs, which
was asserted by them at present to be ex
cessive. Next In order was th 'free
bridKe' agitation, and now has com th
franchise matter.
"I understand that Attorney General
Byers was In Council Bluffs in response
to an appeal. What he discovered I do
not know, but one thing Is certain, and
that la that we have a perfectly valid
"But, stretch your Imagination a little
and suppoiie we should be shown not to.
What good would It do them?"
Der Irhsdge Soaks 'En, Whether
They Be Italian, Dutch, Ameri
can or FIJI.
"If he Is an Italian or a Dutchman, 11
don't make no difference mid me," declared
"Schudge" Alstadt, alias "Little Blsmark,"
temporary chef In the Judicial cuisine of
the Jail hotel.
He was preparing to dish out a ladelful
of properly seasoned bench sauce to Maleiiu
Golltti, an Italian popcorn man who wa
arrested for carrying a revolver. Maletto
received a $5 fine as his part of the morn
ing's bill of fare, although "Judge" Cooley,
who Interested himself In the court cooking
with the hop of keeping the lemon flav-
tesldents of suburban cities the advisability
of consolidating with Omaha is held, W. F.
Wapplch, member of the Board of Firs and
Police CommlHsioners,' Intends to point out
to the neighbors the Increasing benefits to
be derived from fire and police protection
by consolidation.
The commissioner will, In a measure, try
to sham the neighbors a little by remind
ing them ot the unfairness of their expect
ing Omaha to furnish fire and police pro
tection when they do not pay for the sup
port of these departments.
"We could hardly sit her Idl and see
one of these neighboring cities burn or be
devastated by a riot," said Mr. Wapplch,
"but. on the other hand, should the rest
oring out ot his client's food and getting dents of these suburban cities sit Idly by
him Just gravy, declared that Golltti had
been robbed a couple of times and was
going armed whan arrested because hu
feared another meeting with hold-up men.
Quick Action for Your Money Tou get
that by using Vb Be advertising columns.
and pay no taxes and look to Omaha tor
fire and police protection? It certainly li
not fair to th people of Omaha who pay
th taxes to keep up those departments, to
have them weakened at times by sending
assistance to th suburbs where u wf.
port tut maintenance Is derived,'