iHE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, AUUUST 28, ( I I H,MMBW.1 .1 . 'I . f i! W t'W ..ww TIIF RRAWFIFIQ QTHR R Q Ml? AW TH VHII T1 KTeat modern store 13 opefated entirely for your comfort to give you better merchandise for the price you fllJL 1 VIVJLO i'llLf .ttri JU Jt U U. pay-to give you every comfoii and provide for your safety while shopping and to assure you of the very best services Our broad, liberal guarantee stands back of every purchase. We maintain a Paris and New York office and are continually in the greatest markets for the newest styles and materials. These are the reasons for your service. Our broad, liberal guarantee stands back of e . ESSSggJ s s s randeis Omalia's Greatest fi Oulfillers (or Men and Boys Fall Styles ft eSfe- 1 w S v teTT.3. r 1 1 l 1 i for I9C9 I0 are ready for your inspection The clothing at Brandeis specially designed and con structed to fullfil the expectations of men who know pood clothes. Our clothes for the fall comprise the latest ideas in correct attire. The fabrics are of the newest importa tions. Young men preparing for college can find the real college clothes in our vast assortment, both extreme and conservative styles. Rogers. Peat a Co'm New Tall Clothes. $21 to $3 11 1 rich Wick wire Ce'i FvValombte Clothes. $20 to $55 Renwiok System & Co Serviceable Clothes. $10 to $23 . miimmm )l'sweji Wn ""Hw tn Win nsmsni mmmlmwm wmiwn nimnm ejmw i n'- mmtmt i mi n esrinm sn-mir , CV. n.mmm m , , - $35-$30-$25 Liflhl Weight Summer Suits About 100 of our finest summer suits are left which we offer them Saturday at a tremendous rf '"j)50 sacniice, nnesi nana-ianorea suns, worth $35, $30 and $25, at 12 Schod Clothes for Boys Specially Low Priced Brandeis has long established a great reputation by the great lndestructablo school suits, made of strong mater 750 lals. Well sewed. We guarantee every suit a new W one for eTery one that goes wrong. You get an extra pants free with every suit, 6 to 17 years, at. . , SALE OF PATTERN HATS LICIfTENSTEIN & WATERS SWELL 5TH AVE. Many Actually Worth S25.00 PATTERN HATS The exclusive styles created by this house place nil of their models In a class by themselves. They are decidedly classy and carry with them an air o distinction. On sale Saturday, your unrestricted choice J r f k - I'll' ft isnav t"blv '. A LLC GmJ Sale of WaSste All our $10 and $12.60 Summer Suits, 1 and 3 piece, at- $3.98 Men's Bummer rants, $S and $4 values, at $1.98 $1.00 knicker bocker school pants, special at $3 school suits with kni- k erbocker pants, at .98 S S GREAT VALUES IN JEWELRY DEPT. ( 1,000 Women's belt pins, finished in green gold and set J with fancy stones, worth up to 7 oo, on front 1 bargain sauare. at. each Jv w bargain square, at, each . 2,000 sample stick pins, an Immense assortment to select from, worth to 25 Cents, your ft choice, at 1UC Women's elastic belts. In blue, brown, black, white and gray, latest styles n pucklea, If?, at, each , 30 10 inch all solid leather bags, rlvited frams, lined With leather with Inside purse, worth C $1.60, at 600 all solid leather bags with inside purse, green, blue, grey, brown, red and tan, spe clal, at DVC New mesh bags Just received, specially priced for Satur day, at, each $3 $3.08 and 93 50c school shirt waist blouses, sateen, blue cambrics, etc basement. $2.50 school suits, straight or Knickerbock er pants, basement K. & E. Shirt waist blouses, the best for school wear, SATURDAY SPECIALS IN SHOE DEPT. Women 's patent colt and gun metal $ 1 95 oxfords, worth up to $3.50, at All the women's sample oxfords, sam- Q pie sizes, worth up to $3.50, at jC Men '8 patent colt, box calf and velour calf shoes, splendid style and extra- $50 good qaulity, at ...,. Remember that your money will buy better school shoes for boys and girls at Brandeis than anywhere else. $1.50 MEN'S SHIRTS AT 75c Manufacturers sample high grade shirts all new fall pat ternsin plaited and plain bosom, coat styles, also white plaited and imported madras regular $1.50 values, at Men's Sample Shirts In negligee and golf styles all sizes, in madras and percale, $1.00 values, at MEN'S UNDERWEAR Men's Summer Underwear, shirts and drawers, Porosknlt, lisle and Otis mercerised cotton, worth up to $1.00, at 75c 50c 25c MEN'S UNION SUITS Men's $1.50 Lisle ' and Balbriggan Union Suits, at. . . 75c NEW FALL HATS FOR. MEN Brandeis Special Hats are the beat hat values ever sold at the price, all the newest blocks in both soft and stiff shapes, blacks, browns, tans, blue and the new "Cadet gray," at Strictly high grade hats made of the finest selected -felts, im ported sweat bands and best silk trimmings, every shape and shade that's new and nobby, at $2.50 and $2 $3 STETSON HATS Style and quality Is always found In Stetson hats. Soft and derby, In all the new fall styles, at $3.50 and up to $10 BOYS' HATS In the new college styles telescope, trooper and soft crushed crown novel ties, at 98c Silk and Net Waists $2.9$ A purchase of 500 manufacturer's 1 samples and stock on hand of n New York manufacturer who need ed ready cash and so closed out to us at a great sacrifice. Correct 1909 style features nets and laces, taffetas, crepe de chine, PTQQ . to sell up to $10.00 at SILK RAINCOAT SPECIAL "Women's silk rubberized raincoats good, practical garments for traveling, auto or rain coats various sizo , SOSS stripes, button and strap trimmed; worth $15.00 0 WASH WAISTS ON MAIN FLOOR BARGAIN SQUARE Women's waists in Dutch neck style, also fine lingerie and tail ored waists white, black and colors long and short sleeves, aU slses many worth as high as $2j Saturday special 69c SOFA PILLOW SLIPS BOUGHT REMARKABLY CHEAP WILL BE SOLD SATURDAY AT PRICES NEVER HEARD OF BEFORE Three hundred handsome hand embroidered sofa pillow slips, many with silk ruffle or cord, work- C 1 CO ed with silk, coronation cord, wall achian V 1 1 DZJ , i and repousse. Actually worth up to $10, Saturday, for , SLIPS WORTH TO $1.00 AT 25c Hundreds of handsome slips in a big var iety of styles and colors, never sold less than 50c, 75o and $1.00, Saturday at, each AMERICAN PRINTING COS FINE WASH FABRICS By special appointment of the mak ers we are granted the agency for these exquisite wash "fabrics that are wash able." They make fall and winter dresses for women and the most practical and ' economical of all wash der6ses for children's school Ask for the new patterns in rich, dark colors. Ask at our pattern counter for the standard patterns, suitable to make up in 24-inch wash fabrics. Note this very special price per yard wenr. BRANDEIS STORES, OMAHA DRAW DEIS STORES BRANDEIS STORES, OEUlAHi EVERY 6WP I1AS A MASCOT Character of Animal Depends on Taito of Captain. GOATS ABE THE HOST POPULAR Bsm, Plsra, Keaapuroe Farrvta Ave Comma All Are SfcUlSed from ! Darta m Battle. ' "Haacots en tha ahtps In th United Stales navy are a aource of great enjoy ment for tha man abroad," related Lieu tenant P. B. Eungan, who la In charge of the Omaha reorultlng station for tha nary. "Every ahlp la provided, with aome kind of a pet Usually these 'are pressnted to tha sailors by frtsnds or someone Inter ested In the navy, - They range from a email bird to a big bear. "The kind of a maaoot that a ship has depends a great deal en tha captain, for nothmg of that kind can be taken aboard without the commanding officer's consent. Some of the officers are stricter than others and object to certain specimens that are permitted on other ships. "The biggest mascot I ever heard of was a bear tha Columbia had last year. That fellow was jio small Teddy bear, but a full-grown brown one, "He met a peculiar fate, though. Last fal when the Columbia was In New York barber people were allewed to vlatt the ship. One Sunday afternoon when the gang plank was down tor visitors the big bear strolled off Iho boat and down the plank toward the shore. The sentinels had been cantloned to keep him on the ship. When he started down the plank, though, they could do nothing with him and had to flee. Crowds of people on ahore raa as If for their Uvea when they saw the bear going toward them. "The big fellow was soon captured ead taken baolc to the ship. The captain d fi elded, however, that the animal would better be left In New Tork. se he was turned ever to some men In that city. Bears sal Kaasrarooa. Wbn tha fleet made the trip around the world last year every ship was pre sented with a bear at Seattle and with a kangaroo at a port In Australia. Most of the kangaroos died on the voyea:. "The main trouble with bears on a ship la that they grow too fat and many of them die of fatty degeneration of the heart The Connecticut had a bear a few years ago whloh rrew so fat he waa given to a soologleal garden In Manila. The bear waa broken-hearted at having to leave the ship and a day after he was put In the garden he died. "Probably the most popular mascot with hips Is the goat. This animal Is easy to take oare of and la never In the way. The men get lots of fun out of them. "Some ships have parrots and others pigs. The latter are always kept olean and are waahed regularly once a day. The Monongahela, which was used as a sta tion ship, used to have a pig that wan the cleanest one I have ever seen. His back waa actually' white, and he never seemed to get Into dirt. "During the recent war with Spain I don't believe a single mascot was killed. In the battles at Manila bay and Santiago the pets were placed In the lower decks and they did not kn-nw there was any trouble going on. The mascots are al ways put below during battles or target practice. DESDUNE'S BAND MAKEVEM DANCE IF IT DOES LOSE PRIZE Omaha Maslelana Elicit Praia with Poaalar Atr, Walle Otaera Get Bewerd. Hard-hearted Judgea preferred "II Trove tore" to "Missouri Mass" at the oolorcd band concert at Kannaa City and voted to give Chicago first plaoe and Omaha sec one. The audience wanted It the other way round. Dan Deadune's aggregation went from the Oate City to Kawvllle to attend the convention of colored Knights of Pythias and compete In the band contest. The Chtcagoans, the band of the Eighth Illinois National Guard, played first, and while they stirred the steel girders of the Collseem. did not make the feet of the (.000 auditors grow uneasy. But when Dan Deadune's artlata swept Into the syncopations of "Missouri Mesa" tout pair of feet began a shuffling and a Jumping. ' ' Although, the Omahans did not win tha first prise, they grabbed off a large quan- THE BEST DIARRHOEA REMEDY 1 ! t In selecting a remedy (or Diarrhoea. Dysentery, Cholera Morbus or Choi, era Infantum. ou should use great cars. There are many remedies on the market for these diseases. Borne are good, some should be carefully avoided. Others depend upon habit formlni drags (or their cures. Wakefield's Blackberry Balaam Is the one remedy that U always sate, sure and does not constipate. In years, this medicine has Sees used In Millions of cases of bowel trouble and never has one single case been reported where It has failed to cure when the simple directions were followed. Wakefield's Blsckberr7 Balsam stops the Diarrhoea, removes the cause and leaves the stomach and bowels In their nstursl and regular state, lie or B bottles 1.00 everywhere. f iasaaia 4jm. m tainwua'watvi Vnaiw-.a tlty of popular favor and had a nice little notice In the Kansas City Starr whloh de clared that "Dan Desdune's band la One of the crack negro organisations in the United States and likes band contests bet ter than fried chloken or corn on tha cob." Old.John L. Will Mix With Eagles Sullivan Writes to Tom O'Brien that He Will Be Here with Bol ton Birds, John L. Sullivan, ex-champion heavy weight prlseflghter. Is coming te Omaha for the national convention of the Eagles In Heptember. He has written to T. J. O'Brien, proprietor of the Henshaw hotel, ' asking that a room be reserved for him. ' In his letter 'John L. sent a note lotro- ) dueing Edward C. Hlgglns, president of ' the Boston Eagles, to air. O Brian. Mr. Hlgglns and hla wife have arrived at the Henshaw and will remain here until the 1 close of the convention. Mr. Hlgglns Is one of the executive officers of the Kagles and will aid In preparing for the business meetings of. the organisation here. From Boston and the other large cities of the east Sullivan Informs the Proprietor of the Henshaw that hundreds of Eagles will flock to this olty. He says many of them have never been west before and they are going te accept this opportunity tot out bare. Ail the large cities will run speoiai trains to Omaha. Sullivan will come with the Boston Eagles, who will probably ar rive here the Bunday before the conven tion opens. THIRTY STUDENTS TO START THE UNIVERSITY OF OMAHA These Will Be oa Hand September 14 and Redlek Home Is Belngr ; Patataaed for Taem. The University ot Omaha la taking poe sesslon of the O. C. Redlek residence on North Twenty-fourth and Installing fur niture preparatory to opening September 11 "About thirty atndents will matriculate this fall," said Prof. Waiter M. Halaey, who will teach Latin and mathematics. "Tha work will be that of the freshman year, though some special classes will be formed. There la a large number to come next year." It is an open secret that the University of Omaha, onre started may come In for some good siaed benefactions from John D. Rockefeller's general education fund and there Is hope that the Carnegie light ning may stilke here also. Neither of these sources of golden lubricant will oil any wheels which are not actually turning and the start this fall Is regarded as auspicious for this reason among others. Brakeman Loses Leg Under Great Western Freight Charles 0. Jones, Employe of Union Pacific, is Ban Over in tie Yards. While working in the freight yards under the Eleventh street viaduct at 8:30 Friday morning; Charles O. Jones, a brakeman oq Union Pacific freight No. 57, was run down by a Great Western freight and severely Injured. His right leg was out off Just above the ankle and his left arm and head were badly bruised. He was taken to St Joseph's hospital, where he was operated upon. The doctor held out hope for his recovery. The accident oocurred while Jones waa Switching some cars on hla train. He ran around a car en the Union faclflo train and on to a track on which a Great West ern freight was switching. The Great Western freight waa backing up and knocked Jones dowa on the track. He fell with, his rig hr leg across the rail and the wheels of the car passed over It Jones Uvea - at the Punsaney flats on South Tenth street, and la believed to be a single man. He has been In the employ of the Union Paclfio for fou- or five years. WOMAN. WILL SURVIVE SHOTS Mrs, Raemasaea, Weaaded By Ad mirer, Haa Coed Chance to Live. "There is no question that Mrs. Martha Racmuasen, whom Andrew Madsen tried to murder at East Omaha, will recover from her wounds. If infection does not set In," sayt tha attending physician. Ad operation has been performed and the two bullets removed. One was found flat tened against the skcll and the other In tha left arm. The skull was not fraotured. A third bullet passed out through her neok. "8he stood the operation well," said the doctor afterward. "It Is marvellous the way she has kept up under the shock and excitement." party are M. R. Murphy, J. A. McNaughton, J. H. Robertson, J. W. Ruf, C. O. Corn well, J. W. Robb, B. Gray. T. A. Hetxsl, B. R Bheeky, W. Wilson, John MoOrath, C. Reney, F. J. Zeette, James Allen, R Rankin and 8. A. Patterson. Two railroad representatives, W, E. Ward of Chicago, and H. C. Prucellel of Omaha accompany the party. Too Busy to Take Trade Tour Now That it the Decision of Omaha Manu facturers and Jobbers for This Fall. Omaha manufacturers and Jobbers are too busy with plied up orders te get away for another trade excursion this fall. This was the decision reached at a meet ing of the trade extension committee of the Commercial olub held Friday noon. It waa announced a taolt understanding was reached at the end of the six-day ex cursion into iowa that no more would be held this year and this with the faot that the heads of business houses have an enor mous fall business on and caused the nega tive decision. Omaha will nevertheless be well repre sented at the Big Horn County fair at Basin, Wyo., September T-10. Every Job bing house has been asked to send one or more representatives and a number have declared that they will so act. Chairman D. B. Fuller presided at the committee meeting, whloh was attended by every member. A Baratas is not to have Bucklen's Arnica Balva to cure barns, sorea, sUea, evta, vewnds aad uicars. 153. ft b Bsatest XXag Ce CUDAHY FORCE TO WICHITA Officers aad Degartmeat Heads Ga to Opealas; of Beef KUllagT Part of Plaat. The general manager and superintendent of the Cudahy Packing company, with the heads of the departments and their as sistants, will leave this afternoon on T.ock Island train No. 17 to a special car for Wichita, Kan., to attend the opening ot a beef killing department In the company's plant at that place. The department will be opened this afternoon and In the evening the Omaha' visitors will be the guests of the Wichita Commercial club at a aanejaet. The Cudahy people who compose the MAN WHO PASSES BOGUS PAPER AT HOTELS CAUGHT K. M. Straaaa, tf Net Coavteted ta ttaasas City, Will Bo Trted la Omaha. The way of the transgressor Is hard. E. M. Strauss, who defrauded the Hen shaw hotel out of $100 last month, has been arrested In Kansas City for working the same trick on the Coates house of that city. Strauss was a representative of the Dun lap Bonding company of Kansas lty and while In Omaha passed two pieces of worth less paper on the Henshaw, each being for the sum ot SM. One was a draft drawn on a Kansas City bank and the other was a check on his company, to which he forged the signature of the firm's secretary. After cashing the worthless paper here be paid his hotel bill with the money he secured from the manager and went to Council Bluffs. From there be went to Kansas City. At ths Coatea bote! he cashed some more worthless paper; left that , hotel and registered at a cheaper house In the same city. A bill from the Henshaw hotel waa found In his room at the Coates which led the management of that house to wire to i Omaha about Strauss. When the Coates manager learned what Strauss had done here he started a aearch for the crook and had him arrested. He Is now In Jail await ing trial. If the Coates management Is unable to convict him he will be brought to Omaha to stand trial for hla work here. ROAD GOES DIRECT TO FARMER Barllnston Abandons Exhibit Car and Will Make Displays at Coaaty Fairs Instead. The Burlington's exhibit oar which In past years has run over the several lines In this state to show agricultural - prog ress to the people In the various towns has been abandoned. Instead this year the company will have exhibits at ail the county fairs and at the National Corn ex position In Omaha. This change waa made beoause it waa decided piat more could be accomplished with the displays at tha fairs than by trying to get the farmers to call at the oar at their home towns. KING INVITES THE AD Ak-Sar-Ben Sends Bid to the Co tlen at Louisville to Com to Omaha. King Ak-Sar-Ben has extended Invitation to the advertising men te Omaha In 1910 and has sent tha Ing telegram to them at Loulsvilf King Ak-Sar-Ban sends rreetli. Associated Aaverusing ciuos oi and will give them royal welcof St Omaha, the uata city, uuri be theirs and our knights at ti BT OUD LOHU H1UH LHA SAMSON. Charier and Ills H "Toe aay your husband ooca suits a peimistT ' ' V . ansa rA vounv "Tou see ChsrleV plays cards ' nut ne isn i so supermini' h sin foretell his luck?" I "No. He takes It for gr luck will be bad. But he the money to have somebod has a hand worh looking atl star. Orchard & Willi tUH.tb.lS S. 16th Street, Saturday Specialsv ROCKER (Ilka ut) Made of oak, comes in a very pretty brown fumed finish or weathered finish. 'Seat is upholstered in imi tation Spanish leather. Has broad arms built on mission lines, is sub stantial and comfoTtable; regular selling price $4.85; -for Saturday only,each $2.00 Japanese Gup San In blue and white, and irreen white fancy Satsuma desiam. i ished "bdfre. earar shell china: regularly at 25c eaohi Saturr necial. six cnrM and BannAi-a. TA Portieres, made from rep, in red, green and brown, with i inch border of tapestry; sell regularly at $4.75 a pair special Saturday, per pair Ji5.i Mla t In th Pissmsnl Bread Knives, or Kitchen Slicers These knives are hit grade, made of the best quality steel and finished perft in every particular. Length of entire knife 13V$ inchc This knife sella regularly for 50c each; Saturday only, 25