Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 28, 1909, NEWS SECTION, Page 2, Image 2

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''.!-- U'l-JL 1-
A Ran,tf ff
X-W.iJMLJ-.l- U
in the Season's End Sale
Tomorrow, the last Saturday of August, will witness ono of the liveliest clearings of Summer Merchandise that has ever been attempted by this
O Get here early and we will do the rest give you quick service in all the departments, BO you can get around quickly to the other things you
J here will be many bargains that are not advertised.
are Interested in
Season's End Sale of Women's Hosiery
Women's fancy hone In all the popular plain colors,
also lace effect, regular price 60c pair, Saturday at, A
pair, 26c.
Women's plain black and brown mercerized hose, rem
lar ISo quality, all sizes, Saturday, a pair, 15c.
Children' 25c half hose, Saturday, a pair' 15c.
Special Sale of Men's Fancy Half -Hose Saturday
at the Bargain Square.
Men's fancy embroidered half hose, most all colors,
regular 25c value, Saturday, at. a pair, 12V4-.
Men's plain black and tan half hose, regular lSftO
valuo, Saturday on sale at, a pair,, 8 Vic. On sale at a. in.
On sale at 9 A. M.
Season's End Bargains in Our Cloak and Suit
Department Saturday, Commencing at 9 A. M.
A special lot of woman's white cotton Crepe waists that
sold regular at 111.10. l 0 and MHO; your choice, each, $2.8.
Hundreds of ether dainty waists at half price and lees.
Two Ions white linen coats, regular price 113.60; Satur
day, eitch, 1118.
Three white serge coats, hip length, regular price $12.50;
Saturday, each, J.9.
One black fancy silk coat, hip length, rerular price
115.00; Saturday at $7.50.
Four white dotted Swiss long kimonos, regular price $1.00;
8aturday, each, $2.R0.
Suit, flults IS cloth milts, regular prices US. 00. 135 00
and $40.00- to close the line quickly, your choice (Saturday,
at. each. $7 50.
No alterations on any of these gondii. Second floor.
Special Sale of Separate Skirts Saturday
at the Bargain Square in Basement -
17.00 talues, at, each, $4.08.
200 new and choice styles In separate skirts; thee
are absolutely all wool and come In pretty shades of blue,
brown, gray and cardinal, also plain black. During Ulg
great sale of skirts we beg to say that there will b &o
alterations made. On sale Saturday at A. M.
. Great Sale of Ribbons Saturday Main Floor
Commencing at 9 A. M.
All silk ribbons, four and five Inches wide, beautiful
plaids, dainty floral designs, brocades and moire effect,
also a few plain colors, regular price 25c ft ard, Satur
day, a yard, 10c
A Urai Sale of Belts Saturday
We have gathered all the odd leather belts for a
quick clearance Saturday, Included are about 5 dosen
leather belts In brown, navy and gray, worth from 60c
to f 1.50, your choice, at, each 25c,
All the 50c wash belts, Saturday, each, 39c.
All the 75c wash belts. Saturday, each. 48c
- All the $1.00 wash belts, Saturday, each 69c
Main floor.
Great Sale of Long Cloth Saturday,
Economy Basement f
1,000 yards 20c long cloth, 40 Inches wide, Saturday
only 16c yard or $1.50 bolt. Limit 1 bolt to a customer
A Season's End Clearing of Shirts and Underwear
Come early Saturday if you expect to share in this sals.
All of the men's colored negligee shirts in madras and
percale with plain and pleated fronts that sold regular at
$1.00, $1.50 and $1.75, In one grand clearing sale, Satur
day, at. each, 59c
All alsea to begin with.
Greatly Reduced Prices on All of Our Men's
Summer Union Suits
All the odd and broken lota of men's summer under
wear that sold regular at 50o and 76c, In Saturday's sals,
at, a garment, 2 Be.
All of the men's 60c belts, Saturday, each, 25c.
Main floor, south aisle.
Saturday Candy Specials.
Thompson. Beldeu A Co's special chocolates, regu
lar price oOo a pound, Saturday, at, a pound, 26c.
Bslduff's delicious maple nut goodies, regular price
40c a pound, all day Saturday and evening, pound. 20e.
Basement stairway.
Special Sale of Hand Embroidered Scarfs
At halt price. Main floor.' All $2.50 band embroid
ered scarfs, Saturday, each, $1.36.
Special Sale of Lace Scarfs and Center Pieces
All $1.60. $2.00 and $2.25 lace scarfs and center
pieces, choice, $1.00 each.
Special sale of Japanese drawn work linens at reduced
prices.. ( N
Drapery Department
Remnants of !5c Scrim. Remnants of 10c Silkollne.
Remnants of 15c Swisses. Remnants of 20c Cretonne.
On sale Saturday at 5c a yard.
0 h i 1 d r e n's Colored
Wash Dres3es at Hail
We have aliout 18 children's
waah drawee la color and
white, to gu In Saturday's aale
at half price. . .
See Sunday's papers lor
particulars of one of the
most thorough sweeping
clearing sales of black
dress goods remuantg we
ever had.
Saturday Toilet Goods Specials
25c Aluminum soap boxes, Saturday, each 7c
25c hand brushes, Saturday,-each 10c
Violet talcum, Saturday, two for 25c
Palm Olive Soap, Saturday, three cakea for 25c
Nail files, Saturday for 7 Vie
50c Perfumes, Saturday, an ounce 29o
Sale of Tooth Picks Saturday Only
1,000 boxes of the Improved World's Fair polished
wood tooth picks. Regular price 5c a bexx. On sale Satur
day, two boxes for 5c. Main floor.
Wash Materials in the Final Clearing Sale
25c Tissues ...... i
40c Linens ) Remnants 2 to 12 Yards
25o Madras , . , . . S
30c Ginghams ( Length, at lOo a Yard,
40c Suitings I
20c Ginghams ,
i8c suitings I Renmants 2 to 12 Yards
16c Madras S
15c Batistes ' t in Length, at 5c a Yard,
80c Poplins
Bell Von. 18 IOTB MOKES REACH AX Si DBPTR Ind. A.-1B41
attempt to launch hts machine Into the
the air before It had acquired sufficient
peed. The blplans left . the ground in
response to the horlsontal rudder, but it
encountered a strong puff of wind on the
beam, heeled over and was forced bsok
to the earth. The planes on the left side
Crumpled up like cardboard. Peulhan ex
plained that the real cause of his mishap
wa a dctuur he made to avoid lie La
Orange, who a coming toward him. He
aid he e xpocteti te I able to make an
other start later la ths day.
Bhorily after Ui .nlshap Blertot. In his
He. 22, went up and rounded the sours,
four times. His time, however, was much
slower than that made n hie No. 23. being
by lops 0::tflS, 6:1:H. 0:30:12 and 0:40:Sft.
Three Wrlpht models, each equipped with
a tank carrying nliuty 11. ere of .gasoline,
will fly this afternoon In the eniiuran "e
test. Count He Lambert, who flew, tn a
Wright model last night, sad he enuld
have continued for 2vQ kilometers OM.i
miles) had It not been that his tank be
came empty.
Acting on behalf of Cllfferd Harmon of
New Tork, Cortlandt F. Biabop Is nego
tiating for the purchase outright of the
dirigible balloon Zodiac for Immediate
shipment t New Tork. The Bodlac has
been entered for the dirigible rscee to be
held tn connection with the Hudson-Fulton
celebration. The owners asked 214.0W
for the airship.
The Benson & Thome Co., is
Emerging From Recent
Hurried Removal.
Brilliant Exposition of Fall
Stocks, of an Exclusive, Ex
ceptional Nature.
."the "first" Saturday at a new loca
tion, means much te an ambitious busl
sess bouse.
The Benson Thorns Co., wbo have
ust tsken possession - ef the quarters
formerly occupied by 'Ballduff" at 1512
187.6 rarnam street, will have Ks new
tore In good shape for the inevitable
flood of Saturday ' shoppers.
Of course little final delays cannot be
avoided a bit of fixture here or there
may be Incomplete a piece of gluing
or decorating might be required at an
other point but there will be plenty of
evidence ef future activity at a location
thai cannot beaoms otherwise than popu-'
This is going to be an absolute shop
pers headquarters In the very "heart of
the Shopping district" end tomorrow
ens gains an Insight to lines of goods
hitherto rare in Omaha.
' New goods only new goods every bit
of stock refreshingly recent from mak
ers who pride themselves on what they
turn out Unquestioned proper attire for
"small women. misses, girls. Infanta,
boys and youth hoe that call forth
the edAilrlng eommeat ef critics ell this
awaits yon at this sew rarnam street
msec for shoppers-
lie in ths vanguard en style matters
choose TOUR attire early choose while
the style W authoritative. There Is more
credit to c Jerlved from wearing soms-
- lill It Ik new than to take
.viiu' else Is wearing it.
ii ft Thome Co. etore
tii way; It will offer
lues in the future as
i every reason to
.. . i what the "new
f it i. . . .
rn ' .i iv !. iino whether
111 lit "r-
.. ..t,
4' "
1- llr
mti h mm co
1518-1520 tan S!f5S!.
' lalUuirs old LovaUen.)- '
Aviator Aaaoaaea that Ha WIU
- . Reach Berlin oa Time.
BERLIN, Aug. 97. Count Zeppelin alone
occupies the minds ef the population of
Berlin tonight and a welcome has been
prepared for bis coming tomorrow In his
big airship suoh as has never been equalled
slnce Prince Blamslrck's return from Ver
sailles after the coronation in 111 of Wil
liam I, as emperor of Germany. Moat of
the factories and offices and all of the
schools will be closed, snd the mayor has
ordered all publie buildings decorated, as
is done on tfie occasion of the emperor's
birthday. lie also has requested that the
occupants of private dwelling bouses make
displays of bunting and flags from their
Early this morning a thrill of joy went
through the people, thousands of whom
gathered, in front of -the newHpaper of
fices, when It was announced that the
Zeppeltp III had departed at 4:S0 o'clock
from Frledrlchshafen for Berlin, a distance
of about CO miles Thrqughout the day
throngs crowded the bulletin boards eagerly
reading the rapidly arriving bulletins an
nouncing the progress qt the dirigible over
various cities. When ths news came, how
ever, that a broken propeller and. a defec
tive motor hud necessitated an unurranged
fur lunding at Osthelm. near Nuremburg.
the faces of ths ptople fell. They waked
on. neverthoiefs, thruugh a drenching rain
In the expectation of better tidings, and
When tho dlupatches arrived atinuuncinu
the re-ascension of the , balloor. and lis
departure for Nuremburg Ihey greeted
them will) shouts of Joy. '
ApRln. when the bulletins said that tho
dirigible had been brought to land at Nur
emberg, 150 miles on Its Journey, and
there repairs would be made to the propel
lers and cylinders of the forward motor,
the disappointment was renewed, and was
only relieved when a telegram waa re
ceived from Count Zeppelin saying that
It was his confident belief that the voyage
would be continued during the night and
that the airship probably would arrive at
its destination on suhedule time.
The nevuifcton ef feeling In favor of
Count Zeppelin, as compared with that
existing three or four years sgo, la moat
remarkable Then he was regarded as s
visionary, throwing the family fortune to
ths winds. Now he Is honored as no living
German la. It la generally reported, but
without confirmation, that he will be cre
ated a prince by Emperor William, who
arrived In Berlin' tonight to be present at
the landing of the dirigible tomorrow.
rler; Effle M. Ashmead, substitute. Rem
brandt, route 1, Carl Rlsvold, carrier) no
substitute. Yetter, route 1, William Kraft,
carrier; Richard ' II. Yetter. substitute.
South Dakota. Lennoi. route X John M.
Schutjer, carrier; no substitute.
(Continued from First Page.)
Koraiev C'eaarreaaaaaa Boyd la the
(itr oa D sines Ileiere ths
Depart meats.
I From a Staff Correspor.uer.t.)
WASHINGTON. Aug. x7.-8peclal.-Cjn-gressman
Boyd, who ha been here for
some days on matters before departments,
leaves for horns tomorrew.
Captain James 8. Parker, Fourth earalry.
In addition te his other duties, will assume
charge of construction work et Fort
Heads, relieving Captain Louis C. Scherer,
Fourth cavalry. '
C. V. O Leary of Hastings. H. E. Mills
of Roseland, Roy E. Thompson of Normal,
E. J. Meek of Hooper and Ray Arnold
of Blue Hill,' Neb., have been appointed
railway mall clerks.
Postmasters annotated: Nebraska, Herd
vllle, Hamilton county, Cyrus T. Hill vice
J. R. Comstock. resigned. lows. Hickory,
Monroe county.' Thomas L. Evans vice E.
Judxon. rerlgiird: McClelland, Pottawatta
mie county. Mathlas Meigrr vice 1 H.
Holton. rt signed.
Kuml curriers appointed: Nebraska,
Bui I i' id. roule t. James C. Sedam. jr.,
tan , A. W. He-ron, suostltute. Iowa,
Uber.'ttUt,' "revis 1, JV'P, 'Ahtne4(; car
slclans, none but the family knows, for
neither would tell who they were.
About S o'clock a special train, consisting
of an engine, with a combination baggage
and smoker and one passenger coach,
ruNhed through Turner and t was after
ward learned, stopped at Goshen, fifteen
miles west of here. About the eame time,
Mr. Gerry came down the mountain in his
automobile . and was last -seen beaded'
toward Goshen. In about an hour he re
turned with three men in the car. The
machine ascended the steep wind ng road
to the Harrlman residence without stop
ping and the Identity of Mr. Garry's pas
sengers could not be learned These three
strangers, besides the two who arrived
earlier In the day makes five who were
brought to the Harrlman house, with
every evidence of haste. Whether or not
they were surgeons or nurses could not
be ascertained, but evoiything Indicates
that the world's greatest man is about to
undergo an operation. ,
Dr. C'rile Summoned.
CLEVELAND. O., Aug. 11. las summuu
Ing of Dr. G. W. Cille, who is on a vaca
tion In ths White mountains, to attend H
H. Harrlman, lends strength to a theory ad
vanced by Dr. II. E. Blggar, John D. Rock
efeller's physician, that Mr. Harrlman is
suffering from cancer of the stomaoh. Dr.
Ulg gar bases his belief on the treatments
reported to have been taken by Mr. Harrl
man abroad. Dr. Crile's specialty Is abdom
inal surgery. t
KilKht Improvement ta Stacks.
NEW YORK. Aug. 27.-A decidedly better
tone than was felt yesterday prevailed at
the opening of the stock market today.
The London market sent over a higher
range ef prices than at yesterday's closing,
and there was evidence of strong support
at the opening In New York. Union Pa
cific was the feature, with an opening sale
of i.l'A shares at a gain of 1 V, points over
yest. rday's closing, while Southern Pacific
on smalUr operations advauoed IV There
were gains of a poln' In Heading, Atchison,
Erie and United S atea Steel preftrted. wlui
substantial fractional louses In other active
Issues. The market sold off from ths
higher prices soon after the opening, but
showed a firm undertone.
Following these fit ft declines there ware
recoveries which lifted some stocks above
opening prices, with especial strength in
Union pacific and Southern Pacific. This
was followed bv r fresh selling movement
In which much of the gains were lout. The
market was again governed entirely by
rumors and reports concerning Mr. Harrl
mans health.
Ths market grew dull after the first
hour, with the bear faction still on the
watch for vulnerable points of attack, but
playing warily. Much of the early buying
on the market was attributed to strong
financial Interests.
Just before noon the bear party concen
trated Its attack upon United States Steel
common, which broke to below 74. yester
day's low price, and the balance of the
list waa Immediately effected ad .rifely,
Union Paa'flc selling within fraction -f
yetttrday's close.
During the noun hour the marUei . ecmnc
very dull sud the tono was less f rra.
United Elates Steel was ons of ths active
features and recovered some of its loss
txtpre noon, but was subject to consider
able pressure. Later ths market sold of t
several points, but during ths last five
tuluutes there u a rally and Union
Paelflo practically regained all It had
lot earlier In Hie duy.
(Continued from First Page,)
end aid immediately or everybody will VS
"The steamships Humboldt and Rupert
City, of the McKsnsle Brothers pteatrishlp
company, happened to be near at the Urns
and they both called the Ohio, asking for
Its latitude. Eooles gave it Immediately
and the Rupert City flashed back that It
would changa Its course and stand by ths
Ohio, as soon as possible.
"In ths meantime Eccles sent another
message, saying: 'Ohio sinking f wt
cannot hold out. Passengers being taken
off in. small boats. Captain and crew will
stick to the last.'
"The Humboldt and Rupert Cfty both
replied that they .were headed for the Ohio
snd would pluk the passengers up. Then
came the final message from the stricken
vessel. It was never finished:
" 'Passengers all off and adrift In small
boats,' It said, 'Captain and erew going
off. in the last boat, waiting (or me now.
Good bye."
' I was unable te get him-' again." con
cludes Booth, "and I knew be had gone
down with his ship."
assisted tq and from the court room.
Crab tree will be bsld at Fort Crook for
the present under heavy guard surd par
ticular sains win be taken to prevent bis
committing suicide.
Judge Parsons has announced that In the
event of a death sentence he will carry
the matter up to the president, but that In
tl) event of a prison sentence only, he
will not (see further action.
(Continued from First PegeO
death penalty, from the nature of his
crime. It may be that if this Is ths cajie
President Twft will be prevailed upon to
commute It to life Imprisonment, Presli
dent McKinley would never approve "the
death sentence during his term, but Presi
dent Roosevelt did In the case of the col
ored man, Taylor, who killed Lieutenant
Calvert In the Philippines and was hung
Mrs. Beyer, mother of Crabtree, suf
fered a collapse yesterday and had to be
WUlUas B. Wkss.
CHICAGO. Aug. 7.-Wllllam B. Wrenn,
secretary of the Chloage Htoek exchsAgs.
died at his residence at Highland Perk
todsy after a twe months' mnsss. JDeevth
was due te tissrt disease, Mr. Wrena ws
for many years a member of (be brokerage
firm of J. H. Wrenn 4 Ce,
Thomas (loach.
ALBION, Neb., Aug. 17. (Special.! Th
funeral of Thomas Roach, an early pioneer
pf this county, was held from the Catholic
church this morning. He cams to this
county in 1880, and was In his vSd year
when he died.
Geary sfcpvllle fenm.
LONDON, Aug. 7.T death Is an
nounced here today of George ManvlU
Ftnn, the novelist. He was bore la lm.
Iowa Finn Gets the South Dafcota
PIERRE, g. P-, Aug. n.r-(Speclal.) The
Stats Capitol commission, has let ths eon
tract for - decorative work In the new
capital tp the William O, Andrews Decora
tive company ef CUnton, la. The contract
calls for mural paintings by Biaisflcld,
Simmons and other noted mural arUsts.
Tort. Arrives, Stl4.
KPW TORK Mttcka ....I lamias.
NSW tORK...., f ir Or
KTW TOK,.,,l ,. M 1'UU.
rhERBOt HQ..,, K. r. llll
LIVEMFOOIt. ..... MSKlf.
LIVRKFOOL,..,,.. .r TuuUao,
BALTIMOAB.... rhsmnlti
Moon Open Fire on Spanish Camp m
Kasi it Being Slid.
la On Cams) ras t Trllinaia e4
Their Wamea Is Slews
Pfese larad Plata
is Killed.
MELILLA, Moroees, Aug. 17. A solemn
requiem mae for the re pons of the aoule
of ths lsrgs number . of Cpanlsh officer
snd snen killed tn the sanguinary battle
with ths Moors inly tt mi dramatically
celebrated this morning. It was attended
by the survivors of the brigade of General
Ptntoe, ertie tree VHIed In trie engagement,
and by officers and delegwttceie of tnea
from all Berrien of the army.
The altar waa Aeooreted Ks flewere
and surrounded by tour rannoa, gwtHne;
gun and stacked rifle. At the enoenent
of the elevation of the ht the Meors
opened a fire from a distaste an Hie
guns on Fort CameireS reared e respene.
Notwithstanding ths attack, however, Mte
religious ceremony waa completed, aftet
whlch a defile of troops and artillery did
considerable damage te the amps of the
enemy. In one ( them, blowing to piece
a group ef tribesmen and thete women.
The engagement of July If was a fiercely
contested one, bat It cost the Spanish
forces more fhan W0 dead end wounded,
their elaln Including Ger Pinto, twe
lieutenant eienl eentmandmc naval con
tingents end a targe number ef other
Iron Caere ea Camel's Back.
FEZ, Morocco, Tuesday, August 21 Con
fined In an Iron oags strapped to ths bac't
ef a swaying cemel, El Rohgl, the rebel
lious subject of ths sultan of Morocco, who
was eaptured- recenUy by Imperial troops,
was marched through . the streets of Fes
today, escorted by a strong guard. Ths
picturesque pretenfler to the throne sat
erect In his moving prison end calmly
ignored the Jeers of the populace at his
heels. He was led te the sultan, wbo, seated
under a pavilion, questioned him closely.
Ater the Interview El Roght, still in his
cage, was taken within the palace walls.
Maore Wta CJewttaee TTar.
MAD AID. Aug. UDlepateh frees ilf
lllla, Morocco, say tfeo Moeriea ektefa, after
further oaneidsrsuUon ef ths mUo'e eora
munlcetion requesting tnens te eee hostili
ties sgslnst sHiaatards, finally gsotdad a
continue the. war uetil the flpsnJerd are
driven from all their eoattioB feeyoad Vie
One Hast Killed isd MmT Injared
tn the Wrack.
CEDAR FALLS. Is,. Auet 37.-(Spclal.)
.-Th Kelly Canning company plant of
Waverly was entirely . destroyed by fire
Friday afternoon. The Jlre started from
the exploit on of a vaseline tank used en
the soldering machinery. One fnaa was
killed, and one woman Jumped from the
third story nd had both legs broken. Ten
men were seriously 4njvred.
Three hundred employes started i work
Monday canning cprsv' The building was
valued at fioorpoo aval was insured for
f 2SXX). Twe QJllitaa . cans tt cero was
burned. Just twenty --fire mlnuts after the
explosion the fiant eras in ruins. Manager
Klly en to Csdar Fall this evening to
Arrange with the Cedar. Falls , Caflning
company to take charge pf the eorn con
trasted for by farmers la this vleislty, .
good crowd AT Tm nBUJfsON
Addrses Mad to Teteraas y P.ropi
f am,t " Ma. ;
WESPINO WATKR, Neb., Aug. .-0?P-flal
Tiegrgm,) The, Oread Ary of tle
Republic reunion olowd . tonight The as
tir three day big crowds were Is at
tendance, judge J, B. Bemsg pf Lincoln.
Hon. E. M. PoUard ef Nshewke and Hon,
Judg-ee Jesse L, Reet.aita JPeweett were
present and spofce-
The bail game tetea WanWy and
Weeping Water resulted in e vlptory tor
the home team, by the score pf 6 to 4
Weeping Water defeated Plettemsuth yes
terday, T te i, and ware victor la gjj three
' If you have anything to sell or trad a
and want quick action, elvertwe It In The
Use-Want Ad. columns
uiisof ill
e Better Sort
Women's tailored suits of the newest styles procurable
from New York's Fifth avepue tailors. Suits of the better
sort better styles, better tailoring, better materials, better
linings. This is what we mean by suits of the better sort,
and they are specially priced, too, at $25, $35 and $45.
Silk Petticoats at 04.95
i ' Ilundredi of new petticoats, with deep all silk under
ruffle, also extra sizes. These petticoats are priced else
where at $7.50, $8.75 and $10.00. Saturday tbey are special
at $4.95.
Have You Been Down to
They have the beat bar galas ewer
offered la Omaha, prices hare been
cut lower tbau ver before 16 make
3 Cutloura Soap , , 20
2 Be Packers' Tar Soap 154
3 big cakes Soap (Oat Meal, Witch
IUzel or Buttermilk) IQj
JOc Ivory Boap ,.,.,.., ..,7e
tee La Trifle Tale. Pewder ....15
25c Banjtol Bath Powder. 15g
25c fcanitol race Crean
10e Roli TolUt Paper 5g
)3 Whirling 6pray Syringe ..Sl.bO
11.76 rounfaiB Syrluxe ,..:.5l,25
76 Hard Rubber Comb 4l
JOc Robert Burns, Uni. Club, Orlgl
PAtor and Hpffman House, fvr 2Q
6 Little ChaueeUpHo'tnaaette. La
Amnio, e fpr .,...,, lO
Chewing Gum pegrmint, Yexataa.
Jslcy rrjsit. 3 tor .5r
The ooobMt room la Omaha, the
eooleet coda waUr.
Howell Drug Co,
W-JD fto. lth BU HoUJ Ijral.,
Knowlcs Denied
Pauper's Oath
Socialist Editor't Eftort to Free Him
self from Prion Stopped by
DF.AIYtVOOn, B. r., Auir. ST. A ItnpM
CHr United States CommlxBioner Blselow
Isst nlsht dnnled the prayer of Freeman
Knowles of llils city, socialist editor snd
former congressman, that ho be permit levV
to take the pauper' oath end be relwasfc.f
from the Innlngton county jail.
Knowles was convicted In the fnltJ
Ptates court of sending olmcene mstlet
throuKU the mull and rerused to pay hi
fine of 500. for wMch he was committed
to Jail.
The Weather.
"WASHINGTON, Aug;. tf.Tctfrni f ttn
westher for Haturdny and 8uii1h.v:
For Nebrsska and the Ilskotas Fall
Saturday, oixilerMn aaet and central por
tlor s; Sunday fair.
For Iown Fair and cooler Saturday
Sunday fair,
For Kaneas Fair end cooler ftslurdej
and Sunday.
For Wyoming and Montana Fair Satur-
Oar and Vunday. "
Fer Missearl Generally fahr m4 eoelet
Saturday and Pundsy.
Temperature at Omaha yerterflay:
JJCaZ . e a. m 74
grslL tn' i- 4 a. m 72
J v T a. m H
Ci I ' m ii
iNrVfeL t t. m. M
a J-ijjBll V- n M
hTTrtl '" 8T
hr ?ftS::E::ES
. p. m as
mmm " 9 p. r. .. 86
lal nrearS,
OMAHA. Aug. i7. Official record of tem-
Kreture and precipitation, compared with
-corresponding period of the last three
9r' . urn. isWisxKi.
MaKlmum temperatura..., W 1 T 78
Minimum temperatui.... 72 1 H !'
Mean temperature St 72 74 SR
preclpltatlen 06 .00 .40 .00
Temperature and precipitation departares
from the normal at Omaha since March 1,
and compared with the last two years i
Nerwial temperatur. 72
Exaeaa for the gay u
Total deficiency alno March 1.., ts
Normal precipitation .11 Inch
tefietency for the flay l Inch
Tatal rainfaU alnr March 1 Il.Mlnch
Ieflotncy noe Mattra 1 Inches
Deficiency for eor. period in 1908. .1 iarh
pf latency for cor. period In 1907. 61 inches
Reports from Station at
Station end State Tom.
of Weather. f p. ta.
plmrclfc clear.. ... 74
t'heyenne, rain. ............. m
Ch4eat, chrady 72
nerenport, clear.. , s
Denver, cloudy, , ;
Helena, clear 2
Huron, part cloudy W
Kansas City, aloudy.....,.. M
)MrtJi Platte. ;ouiy.... W
Omahs. clear 92
Itepl CKy, dear 70
et. Innate, elaar SI
St. Pftl cloudy M
Halt eke City, clear...,..., M
ValMtlne, part cloudy. T
Wtluaten. eioadv u S
, T indicates trace of DreeiDttatlan.
UA. WELSH, Local Forecaster.
T P. M.
Max. Rain
Onr PasturUed Buttermilk If
refreshing. f
181S ram am BV lee Dangles M. I
WVtfSBT1 1 " JISBsaiwaesv
onirsj Bzoxr&AB bzabostI
grxcux KATzaxa tvsisa j
abto otsb xaxs a wo or:
rrtoaswiae, gSe and
Advanced Vaiuy
giuuuwr risy. tu u.
SeatgM an4 aslssss
.'TliLad of th
Ciisns ef play and Pl
Cumisy snd Tliursdsys. The!
th Am XtQMM is a "hl."
Courtland i
2soatlf. 9l
Bailees Aaeeaate
free Moving picture; 1) Klif
rniiMrit ni iii?ircCATi!DnAY aiipji
vvuil vim VliUt m. J Vftiwitattti nuuutfi
-gy..-iwwr5ssv Trf... .,v..t lMtfhnewm& marm
Lincola, Aur. 30 Fairmont Aug. 3X Hastinffa Sept. 1
Kearney Seat. 2 Columbus Sept. 3 Fremont Sept. 4J
OmahoLabor Doy-Scpt.