)3 TUB Hf: OMAHA, SATUltUAY, Amiutrr z, J saw. V A CRMS AND PRODUCE MARKET Wheat Kervou tni Prices Are Er ratio fiidaj. NEAB, FUTVRE OOES UP SHAUPLT aarAenssaeeeeats torn Heidi Steady r Oroatk Reports, nt Klevator Belling ana Ad lfn Take F.dg Off tha Market. omaha. Ann. rr. m. Th" wheat market ess nrveus and prices J.i- errt-r. The t.imnm In Liverpool, lLh ....il,,ia HlllDments nri fwnrrm. u-i : ire no.) m i. ivc-lpt in the northwest market fi ' ' future B'lvani-e Sharply. - ir im k return ihrooghoui th pnriK . i, tat t.lMi-ict are brarli.li, but trie ivMnnt continues light and furtiier ad vance, at ep cted. Corn prices ,-, hl(j sr.Ay by the Irrruth -part, but on any advance elevetos con aeern to hvt plenty ef om to sell xfi ked th edge off the market. Wheat had an advance at tna ir.iirt on nrm cables sntl light receipts. Buying he-eernc- nriai and further fain netted ( trains which war well iiam bv the trongur cn.-h aituation. LIkM rountry hipmenta were the feature. Coin WD dull and allowed o activity and Aid nt.t respond to the. early huvtng and advance In wheat. Tha eesh tnarkit Wan alow and values were unchanged. After boon there waa a rally and th market oloeed In a firmer position. Primary wheat rec. Ipls v. ere $14,009 bushels and shipments were 944,000 bushels, AMftlnnt rereiiila laxt year of 9V7.OU0 bushels nil shipments of tOl.OuO bushel. Primary corn receipt ware M7.000 bush fin and slUpment r 2l4.0oO bushel, aealnnt receipt last yesr of 4.',0.X bush els and ahipmenta of 471,000 buslisls. Clearances were 150 buahela of corn. 3B0 bushels of oata and wheat and flour equal to 2S0.000 bushels. L'vrrpnol clopfd ,, lower to 14 hlghat oil wheat and ltd to Hd lower on corn. l-ori ra.iae o: op'l ,n Article. Open. Hlgh. Low. Cloae. Tea'jr. hort clear. $12 36. Bacon (boxed), stedr; extra ahoria. 11 12'; cleat rlos, $i3.13Vv hort clear, $11J5. I0Li.1i-S k1; chickena. lie; springs, lie; turkeys, 17c; ducks, lflr; gene. 5c. BUTTER Steady ; creamery, UvV'c. t-uuw-rirm, lie. Flour, bbls.... Wheat, bu Cora, bu Oata, bu Receipt. Shipment. 12.4UO It.oorj 14."0 44, or 171 Jl r.vi 73, o ,V eat- ept., Deo... (vi i Kept.. Dec... On. Sept.. Iee... I3H I K tn Kt4 r V t9 P1 SVi etVi tVl ai'a ti K Omaha. Cnsh Prlaaa. WHEAT No. a barfl, MCtao! Mn. I flaf-d, 'azo; ro. 4 hard. 7p:; No. I tprtng, lh(f4c; no grade, k49R7c. CORN-No. t, 2oMe Ntt. I, "Hc: To. 4, 61itnar; No, 1 yellow, Wtao: Mo. 2 yellow, No. I white, &c; No. I white. Mc OATa-No, t rellow. WfWUHc! N. 1 whlt, Hc; No. white. l7HtMc! alamlard, fco. itVD-Nts eTHWc; No. t, MDMc. Carlot Heeelt. Wheat. Corn. Oata Chicago m Mlnneapolla ...,,......,..,,,..3u4 ,. ,. Omaha 6T tt iJUluth I .. U RATHER IX Till: SRAtKI BELT ralr Pmbnhr trar wttfc ralllnaj Off la the Temperatare. OMAHA, AUg. TT, 1909. Bhowern ocenrred within the Inat twenty four houra In tha eiuthweet, the lowr Mla ourl and middle Ml,i aalrpl Valley and are repunwt In eaeiern loea this morning. No i a in occurred In Nebraaka or the upier Uie ourl vulli y lnce the bre edln report, and gencrail clear weather prevails over tha entire valley thin morning. A barometric dleiurbance of conalrlerabla energy la cen tral ov r Manitoba and the extreme upper M.esuurt valley, and there la a potelblilty that thunder ehowera may occur In thin v c.nliy tonight or Saturday. The deprea alon over tha upper valley Is followed hy a vai y decided high pressure In the extreme northwest, and ihla high I accompanied by cooler weatmr, and the nutlook ts tavorable tor cooler in tnla vioinlty by Saturday. nrorrt of temperature and precipitation con pared with the corresponding day of tlit last uiree years: ton. i9. mm. Minimum temperature ... 71 2 M 52 Treclpliatlon 04 .00 .(0 .00 Normal trinpf rature for toil, T2 denrees. Iefn ienoy In precipitation alnca March 1. 2.7V inohoe. 1 Bxcena correapondln; period In 1908, 0.01 of an inch. Iieflc.encr correspondlnf period In 1907. S.40 Ineliee. t. A. WELSH, Local Forecaster. Corw Wheat Reglofl Ralletln. For Omaha, Neb., for the twenty-four hour ending at a a. m , TStn meridian time, Friday, August 27. 1: U hi AH A DISTRICT. 'Semp Ram stations. Max. Mln. fall. Ashland, Neb 100 70 .00 .00 . .00 ,oo .00 .00 Auburn, Neb g 69 Broken How, Neb. HO 82 Columbus., Neb... 97 r Culbertaon, Neb.. 103 73 Falrhury, Net. ...101 70 Fairmont, Neb... 97 M Or. Island, Neb.. 98 7 V .00 Martlngton, Neb. M 68 .00 Hastlnga. Neb.... Ht t7 .00 Holdrege, Web. ..100 e& .00 Oahdale, Neb 91 70 .00 Omaha, Neb S)2 72 .00 Tekamuh, Neb... S 6S .00 Alia, la 2 69 .00 Carrnll. Ia 93 3 .00 Tlarlnda, la 94 .30 libley, 1. 91 65 .00 Hloux City. la... SO 70 .00 24 CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Kea tares e( th Tradlaa; nd Cloelngr Price oat Boavrd el Trade. CHICAGO. Aug. It. Eacellent demand Tor cash wheat here and In the northwest Inspired lively buying of the options in the wheat market here today, resulting In a material rally. Cloning ' figure ahowed net gains of lc to lHctilWc. Coarse grain and provisions also closed strong. Deoldcd strength developed In the wheat market, following alight weakness at the tart, due to declines at the nrlnulnal l.uroptan grain centers. Congestion In the 9Vy. Clear Pt. cloudy Clear Clear Clear Clear Pluar Ft. cloudy clear rt. cloudy Clear Clear Cloar Clear Cl.-af Clear Clear Clear Clear Minimum temperature for twelve-hour periea ending it I I. m. DISTRICT AVERAGES. No. t? Temp. Rain. Central. Stations. Max. Mln. Inches. Chicago, III 26 90 68 .02 Columbus. O IT pes Moines. It. .. 14 Indianapolis, Ind.. II Kansas City, Mo.. IB Minneapolis. Minn. 30 Omaha, Neb 15 t. Louis. Mo 13 90 as 94 90 9 90 90 9(1 SEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Market Uiket Botoe RecoTery, bat Undertone it Uncertain. rnoixssioNALS nols aloof 9 70 70 70 04 CT 72 .01 .OS .12 .frl T .0? .01 Adverse Raimera Regarding; Tlarrl aeaa'e Health Sead Prteeg OeWa- hara Gala la rtaal rive Mlaate. NKV T6RK. Aug. 27.-The atock mar ket made armie recovery today, but tha undertone was hesitating and uncertain. It waa plain that the drastic liquidation of the previous three days had left h number of weak spots, at which the ag gressive bear party might renew Ilk opera tions. Advlcrs dealing with the health of Harrlman were not altogether encourag ing and Wall Street. It must be admitted, la Just row primarily interested in me future course or the Harrlman properties. There appeared to be a feeling of aloof nesa on the part of the professional ele ment, though purchase! of the standard Issues on further recessions were coun soiled. One of the featoree of the dar waa th Persistent pressure brought to bear upon hlted State 6teel. The stock was freely offered, and before nooh went under the prevlou day' low prlC. rirat prlcee were up all th way from l4 In J'nlon Pacific common and preferred to 2Vj in Southern Pacific, with numerous othsr Is sue higher by a point. Trading waa ectlvs, but orderly, and tn buying wa sufficiently Impressive to warrant the be lief that it hd Its origin In responsible quarters. Very heavy covering of ehnrt contraots waa also Indulged In. .Early gains were soon lost, however, with th attack upon United States Steel, and while some recovery waa made, It wa at the expense of diminished operation. During th early afternoon business con tinued very dull. Just before the closing the list sold off abruptly on rumors again associated with Mr. Harrlman. hd for a time the market looked squally, but In the final five minutes this condition under wsnt another change In favor of better price and general net gain for the d' The closing, however, wa decidedly Ir- "Forecaata of the weekly money move ments point to a slight gain by local b"ka from the interior. There were no marked changsa In the general monetary situation, which reflects the greatest ease all over the country and abroad. The report of the Missouri Pacifle railroad company for the fiscal year was rather disappointing, for while total operating? revenues in creased over fWOKio, expense Increased more than It. 209,000, leaving a decrease In net of I7OJ 000. ' . The bond market waa Irregular. With much les business than on tne Prv'"" day. Total eales. par value. 24.747,000 There were no chhngea In government Number of sales and leading quotation on .tock. today wer. J'"; diary silver nln, IX.U.7t; minor coin. l.f7! 194; total balance in general fund. t07.X7.tM). report or mat cittARtitta Hot are rraaaaetloaa Aeenetated Beaks fa the Week, NEW TORK. Aug. 17. Pradstreef bank clearings report for the week ending Au gut 2. shews an aggregate of IftP"), ss sgainst I3.2M.1M 0o last week and 11.1 3'l.ai0 In the corresponding week last year. The following 1 a list of the eltleti CITIES. Clearing. J Inoj Ino.1 Dee. Allls-ClialmSrt pM Amalgasite4 Topser ... Amerlnti Arieultttrsl . Am. Bret Bugsr., Am. fan p't Are. C. A r Am. Cotton Oil.,. Am. H ft h. pli Am. Ice 8curltlM American LluMed Amerlren Locomotive . Am R. A K Am. R. A R. pM Am. ur Rf'ning.... Am. Tohacce pM Amertflrt Wo-iln Aneeonaa Mining Oo ... Atchlwn AichlMn pM Atlantic Cceet Mne Beltlmor A Okie Bel. Ohio pfd Bthlah,m Steel r,ODiHirinee ftnllverv and en iMKl.nt! iii.m r - ' o. tha option was;;;t.fr';fct n eiui e ot me iirsi nour trading, t n ej Mti..7h" ni.r low Shan, advance In the eriee ot tha nee-rbv I ?-?'Jb' .VJ?ltr.- lOW delivery prompted considerable covering by shorts In the December option, result ing In a fair gain In that month. Senti ment waa undeniably bullish nearly all day, and prices at the rlos Were almost t the top notch. A leading elevator Inter est was again an aggressive bidder for September offerings whloh wer meager. Much of today' atrength oen tered In the cash situation. Arrival of eeah whuil hep a r. nnl rrtelnn t tn nr4 . ..... " -' ' -" " - ........... ... - - - ;af,IN VU.I IlltVI HflL IIIVlUtKl, 11U, 1 CU yent-a constant Increas In premiums, M eu. elevator; No. t red, I1.1IP4. f. o. b owing to tho urgency ot the lecai demand. I ailuat; No. 1 northern Duluth, 21.07H, nom At Minneapolis, also, the cash grain was t inal. f. o. b. . afloat: No. 2 hard winter. said to bs in aotlve demand, and liberal lU.itsi. nominal, f. o. b. afloat. Returning Light shower occurred in all districts of the corn and wheat region within the last twenty-four hours. The only rain In the Omaha district occurred at Clarinda, la Very warm Weather continues throughout the corn belt. L. A. WELSH, Local Fnrecaatter, Weather Bureau. NEW YOtltt J EN KRAI. MARKET dhofatlon At the Dar on Varlea Commodities. NEW TORK, Aug. 27 KLOI'R Receipts .11.0tli .bbls. i exoort. 9 IX b-bls.t market about St ady, with quiet trade: Minnesota anmiiiyn Rsplrt Tr litems, Sh.ioin.w; iviinneotR ossers, D.tlw a wpt..M; new win new winter extras. crades, t4 20a4.tkj; 754 5.W. Rve fioui steady; fair to good, $4.154.26; choice to fai:ey, M.Mu4.40. COH.N 41 KAL Market firm; fine white ami yet.ow, ll.til.oS; coarse, 2l.l04fl.66; tiln dried, el 76. Kils. ju.i, Jo. I western, tto. nominal, f. o. h. New York. BARLKV Weak; feeding, Sli&SlVto, e. i. f., New York. WliWAT itecelpU. M.909 ' bu.) export, 30,766 bu.i spot market irregular: No, 2 red, Mr too i.fx) 4 2.90 1.100 1A-0 1.M4 8) 41 4 4lVt 1.510 II M.I00 141V. taD 114 41 l U 47UJ U 'iTV, H lis M tt 4H lit 4f SJ 11 1t l' 114 ale ot flour were alao reverted there. Crop reports from the northwest Were gen erally ot a tavorable nature, but th Im pression that prlcee had deollned further than was warranted by the present situa tion seemed to have gained fresh adher ent. Complaint a of serious damage to the oorfl crop In Nebraska by hot winds brought but a lively demand for oorn by sherts. Th market displayed moderate weakness early in the day. but toward the end of the first hour became firm and continued strong the remainder of the session. Prices at the olose were HVe to H4o higher. There wa considerable trength la th oats market all day. At the close prlee were So to Tee above yesterday's final prices. Trovlslon were firm the entire session. Prices at th olose showed not gain of to to 2240. Tha luad'ng futuree ranged a folloWsi Articles. OPn. High. I Low. Close. Yra f, I Wheat 8pt. isf Dec. Mif1 ay i .Coin I at'vi. Uec. 1 A May it i r'l a "tept. JUu. IaV4- sVpt- oit. Is.v. JV KlbsV S.p Ou I Jai 1 Nt A leeXtiJ V VC 99H, M HI I 9 3T4t tf 91 et g1 St 97 MS isSWi&.ir54UiH'lil n:tO,,iu 4 J't I it'tiii il'ii" U 00 12 IE 12 oo I 11 M 12 10 11 9 n n ii 72 H art 10 10 46 10 11 7tS 11 90 11 7!Ss 11 (5 11 Ml 11 Vi 9 ill 9 Hi t 22' 4Tv4i67 en Canadian Purine Omul Leather Central Leather ptd. sun 11041 13a 1H to 101 101 W 1 0 0H 1.100 41 41H t ll.M 117 1144 VV 40Q IMt, I'M H TO 184 1' ' T 114". tot) tlH 4C li 1 H 1.404 ?14 7ttt 1.4M 111 1M 4,o 40 tt lit 71 116 H us 101 lit bull sentiment found expression In a sharp advance In wheat prices today, the market promptly reflecting a setter caan ana ex port demand and late reports of frost In the Canadian northwest. Short wer good buyeis and last prices showed 14il'4o net lis; September, $1.07!, oloeed at ll OTi,; December, 21.0231.03 11-1S, closed at l.0IH; May. $1.041 1 OiVt, closed at l.U6-. COR.N Kecelpts, 29.18S bu. spot market irregular: No. 2, 77 So asked, elevator, and 7Ku asked, deliveretfl No. 2. t0. t. o. b. afloat, winter shipment! option market was without transactions, closlna partly Vo net higher; etepiembcr closed at 70o; December c'.osed at WWc OATt lleceipts, ft.iw bu.) spot market taady; mixed oata, 40c; natural whits, ibtf 2c: clipped white, 4J4t7o, all new. HAV Steady; No. 2, 7t-Uuo; good to Choice, vbculoO- HOI'S Quiet; state, oommon to ohoice, 190d, Uiuliloi 1907, nominal! Paeme toast, 1908, lVgl7: 19o7, Uil4o. HIDES Quiet; Bogota, Xtt421c; Cen tral Amerioe 210. LKATHisH Steady I deid, 23V0o. PKO ISlO.NS-Beef, ateady, family, 114.00 ft 14 10; mees, IH OOaU 60. beef hams, 34.0u-ji 20.00; packet, ll.6w 11.00; olty extra India mess, $20.6OV2i.0. Cut meats firm, pick led bellies, li.o.lt.00. piokled imK, ,u.t0 12 0. Lard, firm; western, 112 4tto1J.r.0; refined, strong; continent, 113.16: Bovuh America, 12 60: compound. 7.80J1P7.7 Si. Pork, firm; family, 122 0na 21 50; short clear, 1.1. 0u Ch..ceak. A Ohio........ 11.W0 Oh lease ft Alten i.1ilco Great Wcatern. Chlrafo ft N. W C. M. A t. P o.. c, o. ft at. L, Oolerado r. A I Oolorado A Be Cole, ft la. Ut pfd Colo, ft go. 'id pld Consolidated Oas Corn Products Delaware ft Hudaos Danver ft Rid (trends... I), ft R. O. pld ItW niatlllers' aecarntee t,4"0 Brie 1 X Brie Ut ptd I. rla M nM 100 O.n.ral Kictrl 1.10 ltmi ltott pit -. I.Bt" iHt i 400 Hit 44 M 10 1H 10H M tffvi lfl W It. M0 H Vi en 71 ii 5X IP 4Vt 43H H '"ii "it" ti" it f.7B 14441 1441 146H l.Jl tdtt tt V 700 IS! kt 191 i.roe 47 4T II S5 4t 4114 2f 46 i7 a 12 jr 12 10 11 724 10 i2 u to 11 624 9 ittSil 22 40 17 42Vt U 974 11 H 11 W 19W 11 tt 11 to 20 Ca4 tkiuotatlon were a follow: i'L lit Firmj winter patent, $4,909 lfc,-0"iius, 4.su;s oi spring patent. Iot10w.,; straights, HTOtl.to; baksra, UU JS0. 1 RVE-No. f. artJTte. BARLEY reed or mixing, 49Qo; fair to ohoice malting, sptfeao. riiilC'yjH riax. 1 south western. 1 27; No. I korthweetern. II a. Timothy, 22.71. Clovei Mtll.SO. PKlbKN!t Mess pork, per bbl., 222.42 32 51 lArtJ. pr UD lbs., $11.17. Short nts.Ade (loo-), $1100-11.90. Short clear Sides ! , boned). $12.2.4 12 . 17 . tile Tl kilt Strong; creameries, 249220; H.akJS-Attady; receipt. 1112 oas par pkg.). fro, 6 s-pyj markf.. case lualuded. lc: first, hie: arima tirsi 1 II VrC. CI ifei-HE ftrong: daisies. lStfiltc: twins. 16-Skde; youug Ainertcaa, lie; long horns, loo. .. POTATOES Steady; choice to fancy, M Vje-vi; ralr to goue. PtJiL'LTKY Steedy; turkey, 16c; chick ,, ifavi spriu. iiitviMh Vr:AL ririr; 0 to W lbs., ei D t 96 1 b a. . IVulOc; U to 110 lbs., W.viilio. 'i'otal o.earsnces of wheal and l.our wer enua to 2M.O00 bu. Export for the week. a . , town by Biadstreet . were eiual to 2.936.'. AjO bu. Primary recnipu were K14.0U0 bu.., eohipared wltb 9O7.0U0 bu. the oorie- UO' id 1 11 div a veaf S20. ketimaied receipt for lomorrowi Wheat, 4 fears; corn, u cars; oata, 271 ear; hogs. iifc.OtN head. J St. Ideals Geaeral Sfartsat. ' ST. LOUIS, Aug. n. WHEAT Future, 'higher; cash, dell; track. No. I red. cash, . $i.Wjl07; No. 1 bard. HrmLHS; heptem ( tier. Ka; Deoember, 96t,e. CORN-Higher: track, No. t cea. HtJ , c; September, Mc; December, li0l No. 2 whit. 7o. OATS Firm; future, higher; track. No. , I cash. 2fr.aMci September, M1o Decern r br. 27Sei No. I white. aSe J KYE 72672SC. nominal. fi FLOUR Steady; red winter patent. 24 98 d4.lt; extra fanoy and tralght, Ktwtft-; hard winter clear a, $4 16434 etk . fctElV-Timothy, U-itru .. CORN MEAL 42.30. BRAN Steady 1 sacked, east track. 3ao0 $1. HAT steady; timothy, tieootlSOO; prai rie, IV OOtO ll 90. IRON (tlTTON TIE8 89c BAUtJINO 7a HEMP TWINE 70. PmjVIKIONi Pork, steady: Jobbing. $Jl n. Lrd. higher; prim steam, $11 BQ Dry salt meats (boxed), teadr; gU short, $11 Ui "clear rib. $lill4. A2V60; mess. til.2Ni32.lt. TALLOW rirm; city ($3.00 It-lto; country (packaga 1 1S-16C. RICE Quiet; domestia. THIWAc: JaDan. SStMo. BUTTER Steady; first to specials, 2S 36ei western factory, tygao. CHE8B Firm; state, full orearn. good to prime, lA14io. wui Bteaayi weeexrn extra itrst, 14 ir 26c. POULTRY Alive, firm: chickens. 1919o: fowls, 17417Vo: turkeys, 14c: dressed irreg ular; western broilers, I4'rf30c; fowls, letij 17HO. Kanae City (Irals aad Provision. KANSAS CITY. Mo.. Aug. 27. WHEAT Steady; September; 91,e; December, 90Sc; May, 4o; cash, unchanged to lc lower; Mo. I narei, victgti.vi; No. I hard, 94sc; No. 2 red. $l.v441.06; No. t red, $1.0ffl.0l. CORN September. tlliC; December.61So: May, 66T40; cash, unchanged to V,o lower; No. 2 mixed. SWio; No. 9 mixed, Sc; No. 2 white, Sbv; No. $ white, 4V,o. OATS I nchanged; No. 2 white. 4142c: No. 2 mixed. 373o. RYE 70t7Jc, HAY Unchanved: choice timothy. ni oo- choice prairie, $7.7&iffS.OO; choice alfalfa, lis wv 1 w- BUTT KR-creamery extras, 2T7c: firsts. Lc; seconds, 23c; packing stock. lWo. EGOS Extras, r.c; firsts, 21c. seconds ana dirties, uo; soutnerns, loss orr. 14c. Receipts. Slilpments. Wheat, bd 231000 2HO0 Corn, bu 20 0 O JO O1) Oata, bu. lt.000 4,000 Kansas City options closed a follows: Orsat Northern Ortat Kortham Or etts.. llltnote central lnteroorouglt Met Int. Met. ptd international Harvester , Int. Marine pld International Paper International Pa nap Iowa Cantrml f Kansst city e K. o. So. pfd Leulatlll A N , Minn, ft Bo. V M., St. P. ft . . at,,.. MiKourt Pacitlo M ., H. ft T St., K. ft T. ptd.. Nattonal Blacult National Lead K. R. R. 0 si. let pld.. Niw Tork Central N. T.. 0. ft W Norfolk A Weatam Ntrth American ,, Korthera Pseine Pacttla stall Pennarlvenia Paepi a Uaa P. C. C. ft t. U Preasad Steel Car Pullman Palacs Car Railway Stael gprls.... Reading , Republic Steel ,.. Republic Bteel pfd. Roi-k island Co kork Uland Co. pld..,.. Ht. L. ft g. . at pld... St. Loula 8. W at. L 9. W. pld tioae-Rhcrriald 9. A I... southern Pacific , Soethern Railway So. Railwar pi4 Tannaface Coppar Ttiaa ft Pactfl T.. t. L. A W T., St. U A W. pfd.... t'nlon Pactlle Inlos pscifta pld U, S. Really V. I. Rubber U. S. Steel C. S. Staal pfd Utah Coppar Va Cnrollna Chemical . Wasaah Wabash pfd Weatcrn Maryland ...... w eaunshouae aleetris Westarn L'nlos e,helins ft L. Wlacenaln Central 47 s 4t 41 Vt ie MM 7H 10 7IH 40 1M41 UI14 169 100 lit frUt 14V4 gj 41 H 44 H 41 , T M atl let 1.100 II H U-4 lilt I.HM K10 Itli S.9W f 401) lit 1.1 lk. 100 ui 100 14 l.tvO Tt . I, MO 41 WO 16 1 140 41 3 44 ill MM 141 7 74 iwjt 474 41 14 44H 71 lWi HI 4V 71 I0H It 11714 47 T4 ! Article. I Opun. High. Low. Close, Wheat Sept. , Dee. May Corn Sept. Dee Ma 91 l tvS 90S 93'di 4h II 41 6J U 91 hS 0J 91SB 94a 6JSW 66 VA 'i.'ioo 'iiit II I1U. .. II. 1W ul 10 PI S ., t.tte Mtt .. u.too ltvi Hi's uh ,. tuO lit Ii H .. il.Mie it liwt UH .. I.KI0 1U 11 1111 91 4 m 41 1454, 1WX 1CH4 104S 7 as 74 S4 74 H I4H U ttSk th n Its 14 14 1IIH IMS H7H . . , , 10 97 rr 44 4WV4 1W4 114 ms m 91 H .101.HD lit . It 7Vi . 400 tf . 11.400 114 . 4,700 . 1,709 P0 KIO :. . 100 II 4i'i 44 ... 4.y ... LllM ... eo ...m 4 to. 1.. I. tag i 1 3 im ,. 7.T00 UH ..9M,0i1O 11 .. 4.971 l44a 1M re hu bint 47 H K44 H 14 10 2.49 I.P4 1.W4 "itid 4 JO 47 to H av at 74 U4 sM 4714 ' 9l4 at tl 9 t4 New York Boston Chlcato Philadelphia St. Lotus Pittsburg Kansas City.. . San Francisco .. Baltlmor Cincinnati Minneapolis New Orleans Cleveland , etrolt ..' Omaha Louisville Milwaukee Kort Wortlt Los Angeles St. Paul Seattle Denver . Buffalo Indlanapoll ......... Spokane, Wash ... Providence Portland. Ore Richmond Albany washing-ton, u. c... 8t. Joseph - Salt Lake City olumbu Memphis Atlanta Tacom Savgnnah Toledo Rochester Hartford Nashville Dea Moines Peoria New Haven Sioux City - Norfolk Grand Rapid Syracuse Evansvlll Birmingham .- Springfield. Mass..... Portland, Me Augusta Oa Day ton Oakland. Cal Worcester Jacksonville, Fla Wichita Wheeling. W. Va.... Knoxvllle Little Rook Chattanooga Charleston, S. C Mobile Wilmington, Del Lincoln Wllkesbarre Topeka Davenport Oklahoma Fall River Kalamaaoo, Mich... Saoramento Springfield, II Helena Fort Wayne Cedaf Rapid -. New Bedford Columbia, S. .C Macon Youngstown Lexington Fargo, N. D Akron Kookford, III Erie. Pa loux Fall, S. D... Canton, O Uulncy, ill Bloomlngton .......... Lowell '. . Blnghamton Chester, Pa .. South Bend, Ind Springfield O Vlcksourg Decatur, ill Fremont. Neb Mansfield, O Jacksonville, 111 Jao.' ion, Miss ..,. Houston ............ Galveston ........... Duluth Scran ton 1 $l.7.v.n,ie1 13S Ml 000 2M.97!t Ml.OW.OOO. 64.916 000! 434 0tio: 44.622 0"i 94.079.000 25.(210)10 21 1 4.01101 12.1 '.9.OOOI. 12 Kl!.0"0' 14.t04.00tl 12.142.0001 60. T 16.91 26.1 16 2 'ii'il 2 1 "i'i II. 1.4 14.2 1.000, l.0" 1.9001 9 stl,oi $.1,000 U.lftl. 000' lo.M.auo 12.211.000 7.206.0001 . H2.(X 10 , 970. 900 1.911,000. .07.0"0l 6.179.00U1 ,179.000 . t.fiH.OWl 6 t.191.000. 6 974 2.141 6.24S.O0O, 6. 81 4.0oo; 3.22,O0O 4.469.00O' 2.S75.O0OI t 743.0Ci0 2.716.001V 2.3M.OOO 2.611.M 2.084 UW 2H.0iJ0 30.91 2.109.0001 42 7 Z.liPOOiil av.l l.:i9.etd) 1.M9 000 1,679.00") 1.69.000 l.Kel.OOO 1.121.000 1. 4S9.0O0 1,1177,000 19.9 a. 16 l 11 Si 27.0 WO 27.9 M.6 7.4 21.7 9 1 79.9 29.2 19.2 41 c 14 4 II I 23 1 90 1 ...... 19 7 14 1 91.0 $1 J --a 20.4 13 1 66.1 44 a 18.2 8.9 ...... 8 4'.. it ":! 47.7 .. M.t .. 2S.0I. 4.1 OJIAOA LITE STOCK MARKET Most Kinds of Cattle Deeidtdly Lowtt for tha Week. HOGS FRIDAY ARE ABOUT STEADY Sheen I-ambs reatlnae In I.ttveral Sapply, Trad Fairly -Aettve, Prices Oeaeraly Steady oa All Grade. POtTTM OMAHA, Neb.. Ant. 17, 1909. Recetbts were: Official Monday .... Official Tuesday.... Official Wednesday urncial Thursday ., Estimate, Friday ... Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. ... 7.719 UK 1 11 ... M 9 630 16.117 V006 l.onj MM .1;$ .r.n s.t-b ... 730 4.7O0 1.900 Five day this week. .so w 90 .197 M 396 Same day last week....22.l? .74 62.611 Same day I week ago.. 19.417 2?.6' 43179 Same dar 9 week go..l4.'l 22 917 41 Ti 8me day I week ago.. 19 40s js.7i Sam day last year.... 36,279 24,170 66.111 The felloWlnaT table show th receipts of cattle, hoge and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date, compared with last year: 1 190$. In. Dec, Cattle sub 7x Bus.o.i ,av, ..... Hogs l.7l.tsa 1.104.791 Sheep 946,071 96. 067 19,110 The eniiowinat table show In average Brio of hogs at South Omaha for th last several days, with comparisons: , Data I 1909. JlsOt.ll0t.190.1908.lilO4,lS2, Aug. 17... Aug. II.., Aug. 19.., Aug. 10... AUg. II... Aug. 22... Aug. is.., Aug. 24.. Aug. 26... Aug, 36.. Aug. 27.. t 71 144 174 f 41 in to I 27 5 63 l in I 22 6 66 $ 6 ami ( 70M.I 91 69ttl 9 M 111 B T7 t 7 I 991 $ H t 9 I 94 (99 I 96 $ 84 I 91 9 94 tM IH I 98 6 92 I 88 I 99 I 97 t 83 4 99' 4 99 I 10 e 21 6 17 S 12 I 19 I 94 6 90 I or 6 04 6 44 $ IS 1 1 6 14) 9 28 Sunday. rteeeinHi and disnnsltlon ot live eteek at th Union BtooK ra. Boutn vmana, reo. for the twenty-four hour ending at I o'clock p. m. August 27, 1909: ltil.t.S.lJ-1 . 0 ll.H4.0(X) 28. ti l,4O4.0OO 10.41 2.412.0COI 104.9 1.2S".i.OO0 9.2 1.501.000 9.3 l,O4S,0uoi 37.9 i.Otil.0001 7.61 8IO.OO0I 12.9! 1.22,OOOI 84.l Lln2.000 41.9...... l.U,000 10. Bl. l,277,0O0 4.1. l,li.t)UU 14. z; 1,044.000 63 4 1, Mi. 0J, M.si 906.0001 29.91 l.HB.UOOl 49.4 l.O.IS.OOOl 91. $ 1.09.0001 44.81 m,mi ii.t 6Me.t)uu SS.pi 804,0001 7.4 1.019,0001 99.2 42.000 ( 21.1 es8.0COi W.i 922.0001 96. 5( 609.00O 29.9 11. dl 696,0001 9.91 So.t V I... 4CO,000 12. ij bi-,ooui lii.ii 4vW,0oU I 7.1 '462,OJ0 2l.9 ' 284.vOO, 7. Si...... 4?1.00i 41."' t77,000 41.). 4li,vA,f ei.e 602,0001 4. 9 I4i).000 1.1 2fU,00Ol 11.7 3ot,009 lO.Oi 2M),O0O SO. 3 2tS.0w0 20.6 ld.004) 29.11 I1.771.O0IH 4.4 9,74t,OO0 19.9 l,21S,OtlW I. . . cranion 1 n... x,jo4,vuu Not Included lit total beoaus compart ens are Incomplete. Not Included In total because contain ing Other Herns than clearing. flew torn Money ularltet. NEW YORK. Aiur. 27. MONEY On call. firm, 207Vs per cent; ruling rate, 2Si per Cent! closing bid, 2y per cent; offered at 2V4 per cent. - Time loan, easier; sixty dsys, 84iQ per een(rnlnety days, 8V4 per oenti six months, lfc(P4 per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER 4Mfi4tt per cent. STERLINO EXCHANQB Steady, with actual business In bankers' bills at a4.852b7t 4 9630 for sixty-day bills and at for demand; oommerota! bills, $4 24413 4.16. mi.v r;Rtar, iitc; atexioan doners, 44a. BONDS Government, Steady! railroad, lr retular. The following are tn closing quotMlon on stock and bono 0. S. raf. Is, rag.... let int. Met. 4HS.. te eonpon . V. . la. reg. de eoupes .. V. g. 4a r.t.. se eespea.r.. C, M. A St F...... Wabash t'nlon Pacific C. dt N. W.. east C. A N. W., west C St. P., M. A O C, B. A Q., east C, B. A Q , west C IV I. ft P., easl C. R. I. A P., west Chicago Great Western. Cattle. Hog. Sheep. I .. 2 .. 12 .. 1 11 16 12 71 14 reeled toward the common grades, and the market as whole remftlhed ouotahly firm Ith vesterdaf. Wether Brought 94 M lamb sold at 27 fi and a string of yeur llrss realised 9t 2A. Feeder Sioek. both sheep and lasnba, rnel with th seme vigorous Inquiry that has characterised this branch of th trad lately. The movement of offerings wa brisk and values well maintained. Feeder lambs broueht tall. Total uuDile fr the rive nays this Week are about 4,000 head heavier than last week's receipts, and exceed the num ber reeelved for the same period laet year by about 1 ooa head. The market haa been a sort or a sta tionary affair In aU brarirhee ef the trade this week. Feeders or elpelng strong as compared with last week a close, sheep bout steady, with an easier unnerton to th trad in common atuff. and fat lamb are Commending prlcee all the a ay from 16o to higher. Tne aemamt tor tat lamb and feeder has bea brisk and th outlet for anything desirable has been broal. Killing sheep wer somewnat stow t the onenln nf th week, bet once level are not materially hanged. Quotations on fat Sheep nn lamaa: uooa to choice lamka, 17 1647; f" good lemhs 94.7Mr7.16: rood to ehole yearllnrs: 16 004)5.16; fair to good yearling. Mal).i.oO; good to Choice wethers, .mKtf.m; fair 10 good wethers, $4.0004.40) !" Sod ewes, $3 W7T4 0. Quotations on feeder stock: fair to choice lambs, S.7rWt4l 60; fair to photo yearling. $4)U6.0; fair to ehole wethere, $3.6ffi4 3i. Representative sales: No. 29 Wyoming ewe .... S9 Wyoming wethers M Wyoming wethers 172 At 94 loj 101 Wromlne wether 112 194 Wyoming yearling, feeder M 9M Wyoming yearltnr. feeder 9 7 Wyoming yesrllngs 91 99 Wyoming ewe and wether K4 844 Montana wether iUJ CHICAGO 4 Of) 4 60 4 fO 4 60 49S 4 s s w 4 80 4 (0 14 ....! A Int. 14. U. 4 Vie... 4 , 97H , 9RH . 741 ... IM 14 Japan 4 ....141V4 do 4H 1. ....11414 K. C. 80. 1st IS. ...ill b, ak. 4a letl.... t4 Allls-Chal. let la... MtU A N. unl. 4e 9li Aaa. A, as K. A T. 1st 4a. 140 Am. Tobseoe 4s. 'do gan. 4 Ms 94 do ts lll;4sle. Pacific 4a M14 Armour ft 10. ens., n1 r. R. n. or at. tws. n Alctileoa fan. 4s... .1.IH N. Y. C. . IHs 9TH - ev. 4a 11H de dab. 4 9616 do or. a nun I., N. it. ft n, At. C. L. 1st 4s. 14 . Is 1M44 .lOOtf". A w. 4. ut e. 44 "14 . tt ss ev. 4s.. ........ .in . 9oa tie. Paolfla 4s. .......104 . 4.4, do ts 14 W4 0. S. I rM. 4s,... 94- .KW-trenn. ot. isa Jtia... pa .in do con. 4a 104 .lOSUReadlns see. 4a 10 .1144 91 L. A 8. f. f. 4s. 9414 . tin de sen. H. 9 C, D. 4 14. ). 4s.... 97 94; U g. W. e. 4s... tla d tan. 4 pih, -ao lat gold 4a ... P4H C. t. ft P. g IVts f Seaboard A. L. 4s.. 114 C. R. I A P. a, 4a 1'4 . Railway a 4s... 9. do onl. ss n-4 to ev. 4a loiu do rfdg. 4s 91H de let ref. 4a 4' Halo. Int. to 94 e Railway I. Ill Oslo, kUd. 4. ...... II do sen. 4a Ill, C. ft I. t. A s. 4V. 44Vnlea Plclfle 4S lt Bsl. A Ohio 4s.. do I do 9. W. IV4S... hrk. tr. ev. 4s On. of Be. ts Can. Leather la C. u( N. J. g. is. Chee. A Ohio 4He. do raf. le Oh tears A. 9HS 133 173 bOO 2ii M 1.17$ 171 1.909 1.1 w 13 L044 1.837 as2 491 .... 76 .... SOI .... 1.800 89 .... 139 64 11 .... . 1 60 .... at.. lu 6 .... k.i. 41 a... 4 .... M 4 .... .... 1 194 .... 1,927 1,2! E.044 7,160 Total receipt 23 DISPOSITION. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co.. Swift and Company Cudahy Packing Co....... Armour A Co Schwart-Bolen Co Cudahy Bros... St. Louis Independent.... Cudahy, Kansas City.,... Cudahy, from oobntry.... W. B. Vansant Co Hill A Son F. B Lewis Huston A Co J. B. Root A CO J. H. Bulla Mccreary A Carey........ H. F. Hamilton M. Hagarty Lehmer Bros.... Missouri-Kansas C, C. A S Other buyr Totals., CATTLE Receipt of cattl today num bered only about thirty oar, which waa not enough to really make a market. Such cattl as there-were here generally sold befor th olss at price that did not look very mueh different from yesterday. but as usual When tna run le se smau theer waa no particular Ufa or activity to the trade. Corn fed beeves have held up rainy wen. owing to the fact that supplies of that kind have not been overly large. Still th; market ha had an caster tendency ana eould be quoted today 109160 lower tha last weeK. on tne other nana western cattle, which have eonstltuted the bulk of the receipt, have ahown a greater decline, being safely ZOifSOo lower than last week. Th best oornfed cows and heifer and common canners have not ahown much Chang for th week. In fact, cannera have been pretty good sellers all th week at price not materially different from last week. On the other hand the general run of fair to good cow are safely 20tj30c lower than last week. The best heavy feeder hav not deollned o very much, but fair to good eattl are lVii20c lower and th common light Cattle 26440a lower than laet week. Quotation on cattle: Good to ehole eornfed steers, 7.ou7.tO; fair to good oorn fed steers, K.4)t)7.00: common to fair corn ted steers, $4.59-54.40; good to chotoe rang steers, $6. 0006.60; fair to good range steers, $4.603.00; common to talr range steer, $3.7613 4 60; good to choice eow and heifers, 13 90.55 00; fair to good cows and heifers, $10Ol90; common to fair cowa and heifers tl.76S4.00; good to choice stocker and feeder, It.Of'rrS.Odj fair to good atockers and feeders, $35Od4.00; common to fair stock ers and feeders, $3.0092.60; stock hctfera, $2.7533.60; veal Calvea. 13.60ri.s0i bulla bulls, stags, eta., I2.60C4.69. Represent stive tales: WtHlEHMV-ItKllItABItA, L1VH STOCK MARK PIT (Tattle Steady Hoge steady 4a Lower Sheep Strong. CHTCAOO, Aug. r.-CATTLE-lleeerpt, Atatf i rvt B A al vVt. aiaailtti .! Ii.7ft37.10: cow, fc.60a-6.26; heifer, $9 M3 s.w; nuns. I3 0OU4-S; calve. 7.otg,.V atockers and feeders 13 7f,j 16. Hik;8 Receipts, ufiuO head: market steady to 60 lower; choice heavy, $,0i)i! 1.15: butchers, $79owtl0: light mixed. 21.70 41 M: choloe lleht. 17 k)tft 06: Daoklna. 17 00 776; pigs, IA.0(T7.Mi bulk ot sales, $7.99 4)8 00. SHtDEP-Receipts, 7.000 head: market strong. Sheep, $4fVw'00; lamb, $.76i9 7.90; yearlings, $6.0ou.e0. Kanssa City Lira Staek Martret. KANSAS CITY. Aug. 27,-CATTLtB-Re-celpts, 2,400 head, Including 900 head south erns; market steady and weak) choice ex port and dressed beef steer, $4904T7.SCi; fair to good, 94 604K49; western steer, $3 90 tr.80; stockers and feeders, $3.76(96.60; southern eteers, $88,4.9; southern eteers, $2 2t.df4.00; nstiv cows, 13 164 40; natlv heifers, 22.5Ckff.00; bull. $1.60S3.40; eajvea, $S.80ti7.7. HOOS ReeelptB, tMO ' hRd: market strong to 6c higher; top, 17 96; bulk ot tales, r.TOtrrr.90; hesvy. $7.S4r7.ffi; packers and butchers. r.704jrf.96 light, $7.6OJ7.90; pigs, $6 607.28. SHEEP AND LAMBSRecelpts. 4.000 head) market steady; lambs, $1 7MT1 M; yearlings, M7Ve-3; wether. 946 00: ewes. $4.00471; atonknra and feeders, $2.28 474.20. 18 Cows 97- . 974 I heifers... 827 It cows 10'fl 1 cows 775 i cows pto 8 es. A hs. Ht 1 calf 80 5 cows 820 cow 751 1 21 20 IB 90 15 fi ro 70 Mllldal Cattl Co.-Neb, J oalves... 13$ 8 Howe tie) 10 oows 868 6 cows M 10 cs. A hs. 972 1 heifers... 803 4 cows ia-0 13 cs. A hs. 824 I 00 1 cows 107$ 1 40 8 cows 27 eows 971 1 46 M oows..., O. O. Thompson Nb. tn steers.... 996 4 00 4 steers.., 16 cows 978 1 16 27 heifers., It steers.... TOT $ IS 1 eows..., $ eows 970 I 70 B. L. Thornton Neb. 794 1 90 19 cows... 1330 a 00 7 cow., .let d ev. 4e 1U4, Hi, de lat A raf. 4a... to Hit V. 9. Rubber la lti 1414 V. 8. steel 3d 6e....lv4 , laeevs.-Oro. chem. ea TlWWabaah lat is Ill 4 da lat ft as. 4.... tta A asked. B hid. Mlnneavolla Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Aug. 17. WH EAT Sep tember. 6; December. Mtjjmo; May, to; cash. No. 1 hard. I101S; No. 1 north ern, tl.oos; No. 3 nm-thern. 7yvSc; No. $ northern. 9f.4S. FLAX Closed at 11.43V BRAN Iu luu-pound aacke, $19 6043-30.00. FLOUR First Batents. UJOuii.76: second patent. $6.4ou 66; first clears, $4.eei4.6; second clears. $14013364. Peerie Market. PEORIA, I1L, Aug. r.-COR.f Lower; No. 1 yellow, 4c; No. 1 yellow. 4tt-o; No. 1 avei Na t, Na i 7Vc OATS Lower; No. 1 white. 3tte; etaadard. le'! Mil eraekee Ornla Market. MILWAUKEE. Wis.. Aug. 17. WHEAT Ne. 1 northern. $1.05491.08: No. 1 north ern. HftVjiO; fecember, eefiSte. b O AT B 7 r4C BARLEt-eampIca, IStjate, Total sales lor the day, 1,171.100 abarea London Slock Market. LONDON, Aug. 27. American eecurttlea opened generally from Hftk of a noln above yesterday a New York closing. Union Pacific share wer strong and in th early trading advanced 44i. Later values weakened slightly and at noon prioe wer from H to IH point over parity. London closing slocks: Consols, money I4V4 Loulrrllle A N IS do seceufH rltan , K. a A., a Amsl. Cuppar 4N. Y. Central 141 Anai-onda H Norfolk A W. ...... .M Alhlaan li4 de pld..,,..., ft do pfd 107 Ontario A W Baltlmor A Ohio. ...Ill PaareylTaata 71 Canadian Paetft 10H Rand atlnaa au C teaapeske ft O Il, reading tl Chicago O. W te Southern Ry i mi.. Mil. A St. P...ll de pfd 71 t)e Baara 14 Southern Paalflo U1H li.ntar A Rio 0 444 Unio Paolflo i da pfd i:ti de pfd V. trie Il4 U. . Ileal T7 do lat pfd I44 do ptii 11714 da Id pfd ",. a ba.h jr... Orabd Trunk t de pfd..,.. 44 Illinola Cenu-al l!s,,nlh 4. 44 SILVER Bar, ateady at U U-ltd per oa wurMti per cent.. Th rat of discount In th open market fur short bills Is lit per cent; for three month' bill, 1V4 per cent. D. A H. ev I). A R. O. 4a do raf. Is Platlllers Is trio p I. 4a 40 gen. 44 do ci 4. ser. A. de sarlee B TtHWasUrn Ml. 4s teti Oea. U. sv. la.. ..10 Wsaa. Blae. ev. Is.., Iii 111. Ceu. lat ret. 4a.. 19 Wis. Central 4s 144, Boston Stack nnd Bonds. BOSTON, Aug. 27. Money, call loans, M iVt per cent; time loans, 3444 per cent. Closing quotations were: New York Mining Staek. NEW YORK. Aug. 17. Closing quotations wer a lonows: AUre Rrsnawtch Cos 1 Ceia. Tunaet stock... 34 de beads II Coa. Cel. Va 1I Hovs (ilrer tl Iroa 9lWer ......... .144 Olfared. iMdrlll Co. Little Chief .. Meilraa Oaurle Ojhir aadard ..... Valle Jacket :::::: ,H i I!t IM 140 KM Treasary Statement. WA6HINOTON. Aug. T.-The condition of the tressury at th beginning of busi ness today wa ss tolleaai Trust funds: Gold eoln. $417 679 969; diver dolls.-.. 47 . Ii.0u0; silver dollars of 169), 94,124 000; sti ver certificates outstanding. $47.194.00). Oeneral fundi Standard silver dollars In eeneral fund. t4.C1.7M. current liabilities. $.189 66; working balance In treaaury of fices, $30 00 636; In Dank to (redlt of United mete traurr, $38,4,217; subsl- AtchlauA dl de 4a Atchison R. A.... de pfd , Boiton A Albany.. Boatos A Mains... Iltckburg pld .... N. V., N. U. A H t'nlon aalflc Am. Afge. Chan.. da pfd Am. Pnek. Tube.. Amor. Ssser do pfd Am. T. ft T Aroer. Woolen ... do pfd tom. 1. ft i General Bleotrto . Maaa. Rlolrte .... do pfd Msae. Oae Inlted frslt ..... Cnited 9. at 1. do ptd V. 8. Staei de pre Adventure Alloues V . 91 .lat . 1114 . 14 . t . It . : V . 94 . 1H . Wvi .14 . II . HUj . Uw Trtnllr l.u .. 44H'sltad Cepser iu ..141 V. 9. Mining t .. 044 11. a. oil .. II I'lah . . 7444 V Meets . JtiH W isooa .. t Wolverine ., 444 Har k Butte ... . US Amalgamated .... ...1WH Arlaona Cora. ... , ,114k AUantlc ., ...l'Ml Baits Ceelltloa ., ...Ut Cal. A Artaen. ...144 Copper Rensa ... ...11 Fraaklln ...lal Oraoby ...lritaQrccna Canaoes ... 41 lata Rorale ...101 Maaa Mislng .... ... I4enrhltan ...IK Mohawk - ... tlkont. C. A C. ...1144 Narads ... Hold (Mmlsioa .. ...104 Oeoeole ... 4t Parrot ...145 Qulney .. 148nsnnea .. T4 list 44 4 4 lat av Quotation furnished By Samuel Burn, jr., 014 New York Life building, Omaha. .. 1414 4H ,. na iv' . h 14 .. IWt luH .. k'l K14 . 41 Us, .. 97 t4 i. ti tt ,. 944 K Osusa Gas ss, 1117 tfi HI4 Oateee k. L. A P. sa. UJ4 44 lan Omaha b. ft r. pts... fl S4 Csaaee AC... Re- ts, 1114 let lei Oauh A C. a tt. By. as. IMS Omaka 4 C. B ti By ld ti Omaha A C. B. St. By. earn e OaxaSS ft C. B. Rr A R pld 4 Omsk Wkir Co as, 1M4 twllt ft Ce. Is, 1114 la. Omaha tawor 4l,a, lt4... , 9io; oity tioch Tarda ptd 9........, 9ous Ctly 9uks Tare ceas Is tea sHeek tarda, tVeiae, e. e-4it. 19 steer.. 1 bull.... 1 oews... 89 68 T7T Ml 948 918 t 26 !70 90 . l 45 i 00 !00 70 u !05 90 70 7 749 1 90 4 helfsrl... 730 Orant Spalnte-Neb. 19 Steers.... 763 1 64 1 bulls 1440 $ 16 13 cows 164 1 18 12 heifers... 63 1 70 7 eows 9.i0 9 70 S. W. Bent Mont. 9 steers. 14 heifers 6 eows. 4 oows. 1 oows 1(M 1 90 11 cows ltr'4 $ 48 8 oalves... 161 I 2e 8 calves... 160 $ 60 $ rows 1110 $ 10 7 .1018 steers.... 747 S6 $ fO 706 I 80 9J t 70 4 cows.. t steers.. .1247 .1143 1 46 1 : 4 4 1 !70 96 IB 10 steers.. ..Ill 4 9$ steer.. ..1344 4 9 C. L,ubkln Mont. I heifer... 831 1 30 I cows 1140 4 calves... 816 4 26 17 steer.. .1316 j .n .-V 4 an 4 w.. 11 t.wi 1 n. . ..,.vh e . vuii..,, e ao HOUS Receipt of hogs thla morning v.er light and th market did not present any especially new or Interesting feature. Buyer all seemed anxious for a few londs and, as there were not many on sale, It did not take them very long to dispose ot tha offerings. Prices paid as a rule were Inst about steady with yesterdey, that Is, a good share of th hogs sold Inside the range $7.60d3'7.(6. The trade was reason ably active and praotloally everything sold in good season. P.epresentatlv aaleat Armoer ft ca 4a 119 Cudahy Packing Ce CelaSftbuF. Nab.. A L. is 121..,. Gsala Pits Rngin 4a. Hit Omaha kenewale. 4la. 1444 Int. Cut. Co.. Kanaaa Cuy Keaeas Ctly Ry. aa. 111! Raiuea City By.. p(d has Tot. tioek H4t 1) 5. 44 94V4 141 M 101 101 u 1M4 11 91 99 tt t 4 N. 7.... II..., 14 .. II.... 14.... 11... 41.... 71 .... 44 .... 7... I. ... It... II... 44.... It .. 4J... 14 .. 44 .. 44 .. tl.... 74... 41 .. II.., HI .. II .. 41... 71... 41... 10... 17... 44 .. rf... ... Af. tin. Tt: ...174 M 7 M ...114 lat 1 at ...W ... 4 ...lit 9 t 4 .. I"4 IM I 41 ...i74 to 1 a $ ..,.141 ... ... ....tl4 ... H I M) 111 t) in Tl 14 lat 140 t4 ltV 941 14 1 II 1 1ft 7 II ! ... f I7W HI 19 f n 171 ... 71 win 40 t 44 w In 190 I tu tt 1 ii. j" 40 ,94 tt )S t4 I:.. ,941 ..947 J3 Md IM I U No. a. 8b. pr. e ut 4 1 H n 1 1 4t 1 44 74 Ill 44 1 4 SI til 40 1 4 M ...Ml ... 7 44 71 t-4 10 7 44 41 Tl 171 t It II 3t M III 71 14 14 7 41 14. 1 4 ... 1 44 44 t ... T 41 44 la ... 7 41 0 7i let 7 eg 74 in IM t 79 71 .14 44 Tit 77 til ) 7 "4 II IU N 171 47 lit 40 1 74 44 tii te 7 ;i 77 131 Id t TO 4 14 ... 7 71 41 IM 4u 1 tt 71 R4 94 t 71 41 14 M 7 11 ft. .......94 ... t 71 7 M ... 1 Jt ti 111 at f m tt ot ... to 14 tit ... 1 M 94 171 ... fit 41 107 140 I 4 II lit ... in at 11 40 I 44 St. Lftnla Live Stock Market. ST. LOUIS, Aug. S7.-CATTLB-Reoelpts, 1.100 head, Including 5.000 Texans; market, native steady, Teaana lower: native ship ping; and export steers. 1A.KW7.4M dreeeed beef and butcher steerd, 16. if. 26 ; eteers under 1,000 pound. $4.0094.60; stocker and feeders, 11.001.46; cow and halfer. $8 21 $160; canners, $4.26t.0O; bulls, tt.0OfJ4.9vi calve. t6.6OS3.00; Tex and Indian steers, $3 4O75 90; eows and heifers, 11 k4.71. HoOS Receipt, t.loO head market higher: pigs and lights, 36 1X8 06; paokers, $7.l7909; butoher and beat heavy, $7.95 4)8.15. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt, 1,9ft) nead; market steady t native muttons, $3.60 pt.w: lambA 90OT7.90; Oulle and bucks, $2.60134.76; atockers, $3.00218 U. St. Joseph Live Stock Market. ' ST. JOSEPH. Md.. Aug. M. CATTLE Kecelpts. aw head; market staadyi steers. $40097.00; cow and heifers, $z.50t04.00) saives, 3.ooirs.ue, HOOS Receipts. 1.400 head; market Steady; top, 17.90; bulk of sale. 37.t51T7.76 SHEEP AND LAMBS Rclpt, 1,600 neaa; market taay; lamb. $40097.10. Slonx Cltr Mr Steok Market. BTOTJX CITT, la., Ahg. $7.-fflpeclal Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts, 400 head. Mar ket quiet; beeves, 94.O037.6O: cow, $3.0 4.00; feeder. tt.00O6.10: yeartihac. tt.lmi. HOCiS Receipts, lOoO head. Market 6c lower; rah re of priced, $t.$67.00j bulk ot saies, i.euifi-i.oo. Stock la Sight. Iteoelpta of Mve stock at ths six princi pal western markets yesterday! Cattle. Hogs. Sheen South Omaha 790 4.700 6,600 stoux city too 2.000 St. Joseph ............ 904 $.000 1,200 Kansas City 2.400 4.600 4.000 St. Louis $100 1200 1 000 Chicago 2,000 16.000 7.008 Eotals 41,020 $1,200 20.600 OMAHA, 43ISI!ttAL MARMOTS. Stnpl and Panef. Prwdnee frleea rare nlshed fey Bayer and Wboleaalere. BtTTTER Creamery. No. L delivered to the retail trade in 1-lb. cartons, l7Ho; No. 1, In eo-lb. tubs. l7o; No. 2. In 1-lb. car tons. SSe: in 90-lb. tubs. Met packing stock. l9H20Hc; fancy dairy, tubs, ISfato; oom mon roll, fresh made, 18018V4O. Market changes every Tuesday. EGGS Fresh sailing stock, candled, no. CHEES6V-Finest Wisconsin full cream twine, 16c; Young Amerloaa, 4 lit hoop, I6H01 favorite, I in hoop, ltcj daisies, 30 In hoop, lfiHo; oream brick, full case, 18c; block Swiss, ltcj full eream llmburger, 14. POULTRY Broilers, 14o; alive, springs. 16c; hen, 10c; oeks, 7c; duck. 10c; geese, 8c; turkey, 16e; pigeons, par dog., 88e; guinea fowls, per do., $X.Wi aquaba, per do., $1. Droed hens, lie; springs, 190 Jlo; cocks, 4Vc; ducks, lie; geeeee, UV0; turkeys, 22c. , FI8H Fresh, caught, almost all are dressed: Halibut, to; buffalo, 8c : trout. 120: bullheads, l4c catfish, 17: erapplas, sunfish, 6SSc; black bass, 16c; whlieflsh. llci ptks, 12e; salmon, 14c; pickerel, 10c: frog leg, 15c. Fresh froseft: Whlteflsh, No. 1, 10c; round, tot pickerel, dressed. end headless, 7c; round, d; pike, dressed. 10c; round, 9c; red snapper, 12o; Spanish maekerel, Uc; native mackerel, 16 each. FRESH FRUITS Florida pineapples. IS to 48s, $175 per crate; grsps fruits, M site, per box. 96; 4 slse, 16 60; M lra $4; ba nanas, fanoy select, I1.9OU2 0O; apples, home grown, per bu. basket, 76o$l.0o; market basket, 46c. BEEF CUTS-Rlb: No. t 184ot Ho. 1, 12Ho; No. 1. 80; Loin: No. L 18c; No. 1. 13He; N. 2, lc. Chuck: No. 1. 4c; No. 1. 4c; No. $. 4c. Round: Ne. 1, 9c; No. t, 7 He; No. t 7c. Tlate: No. t Se; No. 2. 4c; No. 2, ISo. VEQ ETA BLES Kansas Sweet potatoes, $2.78 per bbl. Celery, Michigan, 60 bunoh. Cabbage, home grown. lWo per lb. Wis consin Red Olobe onions, le per lb, Cali fornia cauliflower, MOt per orate. Toma toes, home grown, market basket, SO: orate, $4.09. Lettuce, per dog., 9.1c. Par snips, turnips, carrots, 76c per dog. Flor ida new beeta, carrota, parsnips, turnips, etc., per do.,' 75o. POTATOKS-New, 6S0 per bu. HIDES No. 1 green, loot Ne. 1 cured, lie. DUN'S REVIEW OF TRADE SncourariiiB; IU porta Come from All Principal Citie. snssaasssaatmeBB, FALL PURCHASES ARE LARGE Seaamteahl Activity Centlnae tat eVkelesal Dry Goods Market Men' Went Fabric Flrnt. NEW TOTAK. Aug. r.-Tt 0. nun'a weekly review of trade tomorrow will y: From th principal Cities ecm tuch re ports a "Ikis fail purchnsee." acllvt) demand," "sales exceed. tig best pravioua years,' "largw number 01 visiting euy ci ' and ' outlook lor every aot.ve i.n tradV A striking proof of stronger business con ditions Is furnished by the large reduced tnlal of buHinees aerauua. frfminiun, sctivltv cohiitiues In the wholesale dry goods mn. ket, special sales wf various kind attracting many buyers. Th trnnU-n-nee of the 4e,'tniber report on rW Cot ton Is a fAotor In th holding bark of filtur order, a the prlo of th raw material la etlll above the level of maatuaetuied merchandise, ... The oiuln- ef rahcy flrssa goods line for spring hav not been attended with th active demand noted when the stapl mill pi iced their lines for the season. Spot silks are m moderate demand, hut many mill are etlll working en eld order and there ar many eubstanlial order booked for silting delivery on Staple fabric, Men's We fabric are firm, i.lhena rule strong KSnev fall knit wear I IA good demand, but heavy underwear I still slow. Staple domeetlo hosiery ha been ordereil well on set miens good and th futl-fah loned mills are making low prore on the spring trade. Business in iootwar la alow, and far as fresh contraots are Concerned trad I nearly at a standstill. Improvement la the demand for hide eitniluuea and le of both domestic and foreign hide are larger. Price on leather ar easy a a rule, but sinn varieties are Steady. Trade la epnamodir, bgt Improvement is confidently looked for before long. BRADSTIlEUT'B RHVltSW OF ThADO iMdejetrU! Tenfeneie Still ta Dtree- tldta ef Isnnreventent. . NEW YORK, Aug. $7.-Bradstreet'a to morrow will yi Trad and Industrial tendencies ar still In the direction of Improvement. Impetus I given these movement by the beginning ef the harvest of the produott Of agrt ultural interests In 'Vsrlbus seotlons of the country, la oommereial lines, jobbing trade etlll ha th center of the stage, and report are practically unanlmoua that buy- era' excursions are atlmulatlng tall demand. aa the close or tne vacation period ap proaches. Retail trad tlll largely deals with the disposal of summer aoods. mainly at concession. In wholesale and Jobbing lines or dry goods there 1 ttlll in evidence oautlou buying. Th prloe situation hold strong, aa a whole. Th wool and leather market are rathetV quieter, bat very strong. The demand for oual I expanding cast and wt Tha building trade are-active. Business fsllures In the United States for the week ending with August M, wer 201, against 14 laet week, 234 In the like week of 1D08. 167 In 1007, 138 In 1904 and 141 in tlx. r anures lor tne week in Canada num bered 31. against 29 last week and 27 In the like week in loot. Wheat, lncludlne flour, exnorta from th Cnited States and Canada for the week ending August tt, aggregate 1,934.463 bush els, aralnat 1,879.414 buahela last week and 4.623.603 bushels this week laet year. corn export ror tne ween are m.aug bush els, against 161.398 bushels laet week ami 39,1 bushels in 1908. Foreign rinanclnl. LONDON, Aug. 17 Money wa plentiful and easier on th market today and die count were weaker. Trading on the stookj xchang wa of quit a holldy character. The fluctuation were narrow. Mexican railroad and foreign bonds wer fairly well supported , at higher price, whll Rhodeslan. mines hardened. Otherwise quotations were Inclined to ease en lack of support. American securities opened generally from to 4 of a point above yesterday's New York closing. Union Pa olflo was Stronger, and In the early trad ing advanoed IS points. Later vatire weakened slightly and at noon prices wer from to 1 points over parity. Crop and trade news and bear coverings wer tesponslbls for this sarly advance, whtah was maintained until the afternoon, when New York advanced the quotations on Union Pacific, Southern Pacific and United States Steel sharply. Wide fluctuation followed and the market finished uncar- . Metal Market. NEW TORK, Aug, 17. METAL No business was reported In tin on th New York Metal exchange today, but th mar ket closed steady, with spot and August quoted at $).30tf M 40, September at 2) 4f) 30.66. October at I30.804ii90.60 and December at $30. 906 30.7$. The London market closer Jteady at il38 7s Rd for spot and 1139 7s 8d or future. Tn market for standard cop per wd steady and sales were reported of 100 ton November at $11 wvrril.90 and 100 tonl Deoember at $12.96. The l.ondori market was firm, with spot dosing Nt 169 7s 6d and futur al iOO 6s Id. Local dealers quoted lake copper at $11.007113.36. electrolytic at $il.s7Ull.m. and casting at $lJ.elViil2.721. Lead closed barely Steady, with spot at $4.8t)ift4.40. New York, and at $4.20, bid. East St. Louis delivery. The London market closed at fit fOs. Spelter was steady at $5.70r(f6.80, New tork, and at $6.0iJ6.70, Fast St. Louis. The London market quoted spot at 122 ts. Iron closed 6s it4d for Cleveland warrants In London. Local market unchanged. Wool Market. BOSTON. Aug. 17.WOpL-The Cnknmer olal Bulletin of Boston will Bay of th wool market Saturday. Business of th Weg I between 4.000,004 and $,000,000 lb,, aa th large manufacturer ar not operating tub stantlally. Th market i steadily tending against buyers, for at least 40 per nt f th lu$ territory clip ha been sold. Th thlpment of wool from Boston to August if,. Inclusive, were 170.014,1)111 lb., against 111.K3.470 for the came time lest year. Th receipt to August M, Inclusive, were tit,-618.03.- lb., against Ultat.tCl the earn nerlnd last year. BT. LUbia, Aug. 11. nwtc-niaanyi territory nnd western mediums, listen; tine mediums, 2 Ho; fine, 13 lo. SHEEP The eheep market preserved an even keel again thl morning Aecctptt were moderate, with about th usual per centage of thin (ook. Uood handy weight fat sheep and young killers moved readily from the opening at about stSS-i,' prloec. On one or two sales the live mutton trade appeared to be trifle aaler, perhaps, but any effort al hading valve was nwr especially 41- Cotten Mnrket. NEW YORK, All., fl. COTTON The merUel opened steady at 8 points lower to 1 points higher, near months being relat ively easy on reports of cheaper southern offerings, while later montha reflected con tinued expectations of a bullish September bureau report, and the whole Hat soon firmed up to a net advance ef about 8 points. Subsequent fluctuations were somewhat Irregular, but the lone was stsady, some 2 to I points above last night, and while a prominent authority reporlbd favorably on the crops of the Carolina, most private advices Indicated further de terioration and a new crop reporting agency claimed the outlook was for a yield of less than Il.07i0.0t0 bale. Futures opened stead-, September UtOc; October. 1217c; November, 13 0-112 20; De cember. - II re; January, 11. Xc; March, 12 3Xc; May, 12 29c. bid. Futures closed very eteady: closing bid: A usual, 13 lor 1 September, 12 Met October, U Ao; November, 13 lie: Deoember. 13 42o: January, U3Sc; February. 13 34s; Harsh, uaici April. 1141c; axay, 11.420. ripot closed quiet; middling uplands ll tf.e: middling gulf. 13.10c. Salsa. 909 bales. NEW ORLEANS. Aug. 27 CO IT N- Spot, firm, unchanged: middling, llHc; sales on the spot, 71 bafss; to arrlv. none. ST. LOl'IS, Mo.. Au. 17. COTTON- Unchanged; middling. 11-4,0; sale, bona; receipts. t bale: sulpineaia, IM bales; teen, U.4I9 bate. I Philadelphia ProCr Market. PHILADELPHIA. Aug. 17. BUTTER- Firm; extra western creamery, lie; extra nearby print, 12o. F.i.WH r inn; rennsyivania ana otner nearby first, free cases. F-t. at mark; Pennsylvania and other nearby currant re ceipt. In returnable case, 2 to, at mark; western lireis, lira c.irn, ai, ev ninn; western current receipts, free cases, 1:1260, at mark. CHEESE Firm: New Torx run cream. tholes, 16iC16c; fair to good, ItJlSHc. Caffe Market. NEW YORK. Aug. iT.-eOFFEK-ru-tures closed stsady, net t points lower td 0 points higher, including about l.o ags; switches, sale aggregating It fm ags. with September selling at $.40; Oc tober, t.4o; December, t.2S: , January, 1 40c; May, 6 4.r.c; July, 6 4636 60c. Spot market, quiet) Rio No. 7. 7c; No. 4 Kanfos, lSc. Mild, quiet; Cordova, lV313o. Liverpool Grain Mnrket. LIVERPOOL. Aug. h.-WHEAT-npot. No. 1 red Western, winter, quiet at 8a. Future, steady; September, 7 rd; De eemhrr, 7 6Vid; March. 7 IHd. CORN Soot, new American mixed (via Galveston, steady at 9 64d; eld. American mixed, ateady at 6 94. Future, quiet; September, 6s Ctd; October, 6 tHd. Dalnlk Grain Market. DULUTH. Aug. 17. WHEAT-Cloeet Sep tember. (Mta; December, 94S4jC; May, 96Hi No. 1 northern, 91 01,; N. I northern, 904,4. OATS 38o. Packlnc Houoo BONDS As Investments The development end scop of th meat packing business and th valu ef Swift, Armour, Morris, Cudshy and "S. A 8" se curities. Aserlcs of artlole beglnnlhg Sat urday, Aug. 24. Boston Commercial 5 cents peu vorx $ rra veah