12 THE ' BEE: OMAHA. SATURDAY, AUGUST 2S. 1000. h in i i i i m i i ii . ia. i i ii. ii in ... a..i. a U I. Jg Council Bluffs Council Bluffs Council Bluffs Council Bluffs 'Council Bluffs TRIBUTE TO JUDGE SMITH nonpartisan Reception and Banquet Tendered to Congressman. MAmr GREET HIM IN AFTERNOON Ever? Sent Taken at Banquet la Oraad Hotel la Evenings Speak er All Warmly Euloglsa HI Service. Th citizen of Council Illuffs and many of hi constituents from the Nlnlh Iowa district, paid tribute to Congressman Wal ter I. Kmlth by attending the public In ception held during the afternoon In Bay line park and later In the evening. Vat banquet given In til bonor at the grand hotel. What may have been lacking In numben at the afternoon reception waa made up In the cordiality and enthusiasm with which Judge Smith was greeted by 11, Irrespective of political affiliation. It waa the greeting due a distinguished cltl aen, who has served on the district bencli and In the halls of congress. Every seat In trie banquet hall was oocupled. The reception In Bayllss park In the afternoon was strictly a nonpartisan wel come, such as It had been Intended It should be. The esteem and affection In which Judge Kmlth Is held by the veterans of the civil war was evidenced when the old soldiers gathered at their post head quarters and marched to the congress man's residence and formed his escort to the platform In tli park from which, the brief exercises were held. .The old soldiers were accorded seats on the platform, and Congressman flmith In hr brief address spoke feelingly of the attention paid him by those veterans of the civil war. GirrrluM In tbe Park. Many of the business houses In the Im mediate vicinity of the park and a num ber of private residences In that neighbor hood displayed flags and decorations In honor of the occasslon. The short pro gram of addresses was precrled and fol lowed by a concert by Covalt's orchestra, which waa enjoyed by the large crowd. To Robert B. Wallace, former council man, waa- assigned the honor of presiding at the afternoon exercises, and In his In troductory address Mr. Wallace spoke In part as follows: N Our city has the reputation of being able to throw aside, whenever Uie occasion de mands, any political or personal differ ences, and enter with a sincere spirit Into suoh a celebration as we are enjoying to day. We nhould atand upon the broad and liberal ground that our distinguished fol low cltlxea and congressman has wrought honor and credit to our community, and therefore we are glad. Indeed, of the op portunity to extend to him the right hand of good fellowship. We can aay to him upon this ncvaslon, that, while the Ninth district In the past has often honored him, he has many times over honored his home city and state. Turning to Judge Smith. Mr. Wallace la closlnf said: We come, not as republicans or demo crats; not as of one religious denomina tion or another; we come with our politi cal doctrins hurled and oar personal prejudice forgotten, to extend to you, oar fellow cltixen, a hearty welcome home. Tribute of Judare Deemer. Mr. Wallace then Introduced Hon. Ho race K. Ieemer of Red pa. Judge of the Iowa Phiprem court, who from his ac quaintance of more than twenty-two years with Judge Smith drew material for an eulogy of the congressman's character aa a man, his ability as a lawyer and of Ms public services, aaylng In part: I care not how far Judge Pmlth may be advanced, may he become speaker of the house of representatives, or member of the I'nltecl States senate, he will do as much honor to you in either position as he Is dolr in his present place In the halls of congress. Tou appreciate that fact and. without any suggestion from him you gave him this warm demonstration. I am glad to know that It Is non-partisan and non-po-lltlcal In character. There are many reasons why the people of Council Bluffs should be proud of Judge Smith, In the first place he was born In Council Bluffs and I have no doubt you are proud of It. In the second place he has always been true to your In terests and of that you should be proud. And. farther than that, no member of congress from this district has ever at tained the high position that Judge Smith has. Judge Smith Is no Idealist: he Is not a mere theorist, but he la a finely educated gentleman In all phases. I have seen him In the flush of victory. I have seen him. In the disappointment of defeat and through It all he was strong, honest and courag eous. I saw him take his place at the bar, I aaw him go through the starvation period. before hia talents were recognlxed and he begun to make for himself a place In this community. I saw him take his place on the judicial bench of this dlctrlct and saw his excel lent work In that field and. finally. It became necessary for this people to select a man to go down to Washington and represent the district In the halls of con gress. There was but, one name men tinned and that was Judge Walter I Smith. Me was sent to represent us In the Washington know something of his stand halls of congress and we all know of his record there. Tou who have been to lng and character in that city. Honor Guest Responds. Congressman Smith spoke briefly, open ing his address with the following quota tion from an address of James A. Gar field before the Ohio legislature on the occasion of his election to the United States senate: The flowers that bloom over the garden wall of parry politics are ths sweetest and most fragrant that bloom In the gardens of this world, and. where we can fairly filuck them and enjoy their fragiance. It s manly and delightful to do ao. He emphasised his appreciation of the nonpartisan welcome and expression, of esteem from his fellow townsmen and the people of his district, expressing pride In the fact that he had been born and had lived hia entire life In Council Bluffs. At the banquet, which was a delight fully Informal affair, Hon. Emmet Tin ley presided as toastmaster In his usual felicitous manner. While the menu waa being discussed an orchestra played a number of popular and patriotic airs In which the banqueters Joined With mucin enthusiasm. Charles M. Harl, a life-long friend of Judge Smith, waa the first speaker called upoa by Mr. Tinley, and he took advant age of the opportunity to pay the congress man an eloquent and sincere tribute. Other speakers were John Herrlott, former Con gressman Conner, Hon.. John T. Stone, Judge Green, L. T. Grnung, Robert Hend erson, Oeorge L. Lynch, Willis Stern and Judge Smith. The large banquet hall waa affectively decorated with flags and the national col ors, while roses, palms and feTns were used on the tables and mantels. A large picture of Congressman Smith occupied a prominent position over the speakers' ta ble. Among the guests from out of town at the banquet were: Judge H. E. Deemer, Red Oak; Hon. L. T. Oenung, Olenwood; Hon. John Herrlott, Stuart; Judge E. B. Woodruff, Olenwood; Judge W. R. Green, Audubon; Hon. John T. Stone, Olenwood; Hon. J. P. Conner, Denlson; George H. Darrington, Honey Creek; H. II. lluffaker. Silver City; J. C. Stewart, Marne; J. K. Smith, Stuart; J. G. Bardsley, Neola; George P. Pcarr, Cumberland; Axtel Sea- burg, Macedonia; S. Lincoln Rut I, Casey; Oeorge B. Lynoh, Adair; H. N. Fraaicr, P. R. Chambers. J. H. Lcaoli, F. H. Hanson, James I). Stuart, Magnolia; George V. Coe, B. R. Mills, Adolph Slebels, Lynn Ir win, C. W. Bays, Oeorge Adams, D. M. Klnnls, Woodbine; W. B. Davis, Lewis; Willis L. Stern, A. W. Blackburn, G. W. Atklna, M. B. Pitt, O. O. Rock, D. K. Bralnard, W. M. Johnson, C. W. Hunt, C. Kennedy, Logan, Minor Mention The OoanoU Bluffs Offloe of the Omaha Bee la at l Boot treat. Both pac-es 43. ha been wrought from the time when once th buffalo roamed over the plains of Ne braska, whioh are now dotted with elties and rich farm. Two performance today. PEOPLES DEPT. STORE 315-318 WEST BROADWAY Both 'Phones 152, ' Council Bluffs, Iowa. GROCERY AND MEAT DEPARTMENT SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY. GROCERIES: Fancy Large Oranges, per dozen .20c Fancy Largo Lemons, per dozen 20c Nice Young Sweet Corn, per dozen 7VaC Nice Cooking and Eating Apples, per peck , . 10c Large Watermelons, each 20c Home Grown Plums, in large baskets, each 20c Boiling Beef, per pound .... Prime Rib Roast, per pound 8c Fancy Country Butter, per pound 25c Fresh Soda Crackers, per pound 6c Fresh Ginger Snaps, lb. 6c 12 bars Laundry Soap, for . 25c 48 pound sack of the very best Flour in the market; ever pound warranted, or money refunded, at, per sack $1.45 MEAT DEPARTMENT Fancy Lean Bacon,. per pound HVxC Lnrd in bulk or pails, per pound 10c 3V. Home Dressed Chickons at Very Lowest Prices. f r 71" CENTRAL 'GROCERY AND MEAT EV3ARKET Both Phones, 24. 600-602 BROADWAY. NOTE A FEW OF OUR LOW PRICES THEN CALL 24 AND LEAVE YOUR ORDER. Choice Sirloin Steak, 4 A 1 pr pound 1 4.2 C ..47C GrauUt4 Sugar, (4 nn 19 pounds for ....... w ItUU Apples. 4 ftp per peck lUu Quaker Oats, per package Shredded Wheat Big cults, per package ....Be ...10B U. C. Japan Tea, QO per pound s-OW Soda or Oyster Crackers, Cf per pound Jj Central Flour, per sack Gilt Edge Flour, per sack Choice Porterhouse Steak, per pound . 6-lb. Compound Pall lr&, for Home" Made Bausage, 7 1 a per pound I 2 C Pickled Ox Hearts, 10 In per pound Ii2u Lamb Roast, per pound . 7c 1 $1.45 $1.35 j v OUR SATURDAY trade winnersTwelve and one-half pounds granulated cane sugar, 69 cents; Mason fruit Jars, pints 43 cents, quarts 58 cents, two quarts 63 certs per dosen; copped Jally glasses, dozen, 28 oenta; parraflne jar tops and rubbers, etc; tomatoes, per market basket, 20 cents; sweet potatoes, pound, 1 cents; crab ap ples, peck, 14 oents; graham crackers, three packages for 26 cents, etc. In our meat department: Everything In beef, pork, veal, poultry, etc.; bacon by the strip, pound, 10V cents; regular family hams, pound, 14V cents, etc.. In cur hardware department: Hose reel, 79 cents; three-quarter-inch garden hose, foot, 7 centt; four-foot atepladdof, 38 cents; No. 8 copper bottom wash boiler, 89 cents, etc. J. Zoller Mercantile Company, 100-102-104-106 Broad way. 'Phones 320. PLANS TO BTRAIOHTEW RIVER Palo Alto County People Hare BIS Scheme On. MASON CITY. Ia., Aug. V. (Special. A project to reclaim something like 31,000 acres of land in Palo Alto county and to greatly benefit 18.000 acres more Is now under consideration, and It carried through successfully there the contagion Is likely to spread generally, for the same condition prevails In most counties of the middle west. The project la to straighten the Dei Moines river. At present It la a very crooked stream. ' An engineer has been there to look over the situatloa and his re port la most favorable. About sixty section of land would be affected. From the north and south . boundary of the county there la a fall of about seventy' five feet, according to the geological sur vey. The river has a total length in the county of 61.W miles. The proposed lm provement would reduce this one-half, or, to be accurate, M.S miles. This would give the fall to the proposed new riverbed of about three feet per mile, and this would give abundant watet; power and a splendid opportunity for Irrigation should ever occasion demand. A rough estimate has been secured aa to the cost and the figure has been placed at . $235,000. This would mean a tax of $8.40 per acre on the land redeemed and $250 on the land otherwise benefited, and It Is figured that one good crop would pay all the cost and have a balance left. Davis, drugs. CORFU GAN8, undertakers. Thone 148. For rent, modern house, 723 6th avenue. Wood ring Undertaking company. Tel. 339. Lewis Cutler, funeral director. Thone 37. FAUST BEER AT ROGERS' BUFFET. HAND IflONERS WANTED. BLUFF CITI LAUNDRY. When you want reliable want ad adver- 1 Using, use The Bee. . I Deerlng binders and mowers, Sperling A , Trlplett, 327 Broadway. , FALL TERM Western Iowa College opens August 30. Sena for catalog. Dr. W. W. Magareil, optometrist, moved to 206-2US City National bank building. BA1RD, LONGENECKKft A BOLAND, Undertakers. 'Phone 122. N. Main street. A marring license waa Issued yesterday to John Meyer, aged sH. and Mary Kobe, aged Id, both of Columbus, Neb. Judge O. D. Wheeler will hold a ses sion of district court this morning to at tend to probate and other matters whicU may bo brought before him. City Solicitor Clem F. Kimball has gath ered together a team of eight golf play ers Who will go to Carroll this morning to play a teeun of the Carroll Golf club. Kev. Ed (tar Price, pastor of the First Christian church, will return to Council Bluffs today and conduct the regular str vloea In hia ehurch tomorrow Kev. Mr. Price expected to be home last week, but was prevented by the Illness of one of hia children. Ruth, the Infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Utibaugh of Yorkshire, la., died Thursday evening at the Edmundson Memorial hospital, aed 8 months. The funeral was held yesterday afternoon from Corrigan's undertaking rooms and burial was in St. Joseph's cemetery. The funeral of E. H. Bewell. who while despondent from ill henlth and other troubles committed suicide Thursday morn- ng at ms home. 2481 Elehth avenue, win be held this afternoon at 1 o'clock from fct. Francis Xavlnr's church, and burial will be In St. Joseph's cemetery. Mrs. Ella James was yesterday nfllurtgcd nsane by the commissioners and will be committed temporarily to the state asylum at Clarlnda. The commissioners will take steps to have the Btate Board of Control onjer the transfer of Mrs. Jamea to Chi cago, whioh la said to be her legal residence. In the hope of relieving her condition an operation waa performed at the Edmund son hospital yesterday upon Miss Inea Furdy, who was injured In an automohilo accident last Saturday night near Mc ClellMid. Her condition last night was re ported, however, to show no signs of im provement and she Is still unconscious. Benjamin Marks, who Underwent a se vere surgical operation at the Edmundson hospital several weeks ago. has been obliged to submit to another operation, which was performed at his home on Vine street. Yesterday Mr. Marks was re ported to be exceedingly weak and his condition Is said to be most serious. W. E. Van Tuli. ad KA vears. died ves- terday at Mercy hospital from tubercu losis. He Is survived by a brother and sister, who reside In Omaha. The body was removed to Corrigan's undertaking rooms awaiting arrangements for the fu neral. Deceased waa engaged In the real estate and Insurance business In this city. w. H. James, president of the Pottawat tamie County Association of Rural Mail carriers, Is home from Des Moines, where he attended the annual convention of the lowa Rural Letter Carriers' Rssnnlatlnn. of which organisation he was elected sec ond vice president. Mr. James was also nonorea Dy being elected one of the f ve delegates from this state to attend the national convention of the rural letter car riers which will be held In Rochester, N. Y., Beptember 21 to 24. Latter Day galate' Meetlag. The attendance at tha aampmeetlng f the Reorganised Church of Latter Pay Saints of Jesus Christ In Walnut Orovo In the northwestern part of the city reached over the BOO mark yesterday. The order of services for today will be as follows) rravr meeting at I a. m. In charge af Elders A. Badham and E. Lowe; preach ing at 10 45 a. in. by Elder P. M. Hanson and Joseph Arber; business session at l:M p. m ; preaching at I p. m. by Uldera F. A. fcmlth and Joshua Carllle. The meeting will laat over Sunday. American pan dinner week days, toa; Rundays, 7Sc Six until p. m Grand Hotel. N. Y. Plumbing Co. Tel. HKX. Night L-1701 Man from York Crushed by Cars Rubin Conroy, in Dei Moini with Stats Fair Exhibit, Probably Fatally Hurt. DE9 MOINES, la., Aug. 17.(6pelal Telegram.) Ruben Conroy of York, Neb., waa crushed between two street Cars near the fair grounds at I o'clock this morning and probably will die. His head was crushed and he was Injured Internally. Ha waa here with an exhibit of horses. ra.sag.utJimi When we advertise our Meat at such low prices, don't think that we alter the quality. We want everybody to eat the meat we handle, poor or richr The Highest Quality of Meats at a Low Price Clioice Konst, per pound, from 8c to Gc 6 pounds Choice Beef Boil, for 25c Very Choice Sirloin Steak, per pound 12Vc Very Choice Porterhouse, per pound ". . ,12Vj(? Round Steak, per pound 10c 4 pounds Home Made Sausage, for 25c FLOUR SALE GUARANTEED Up-to Date, per sack $1.30 Seal of Nebraska, per sack $1.30 O. K. Patented, per sack $1.30 MANY OTHER BRANDS AT LOW PRICES C. H. PILL G CO., 601 Main Street,: COUNCIL BLUETS, IA. 'Phones 211 SATURDAY SPKCIALS-Duchess apples. per peck, 15 oents; Colorado freestone peaches, per dozen, 10 cents; Jersey sweet potatoes, per pound, 7V4 cents; cantaloupe melons, 6 and 10 cents each; egg plants, cents each. Last chance for tomatoea 20 cents per basket. Wa have soma fancy Evergreen sweet corn, per dosen, 10 cents. Home grown grapes, nice and ripe, per basket, K cents; bananas, 15 and 20 cents per doien. Just received a load of large Muacatlne watermelons. Have you tried a sack of our flour, $1.45, today? Warranted, L. Greer). 134 Broadway. Telephones 824. Real Estate Transfers. These transfers were reported to Ths Bee August 27 by the Pottawattamie County Abstract Company of Council Bluffs: Thomas II. James and wlfo to Donald Macrae, lots 1 and 4. AUd. SUD. If'A seV, 6-74-43, w. d W.500 Mary B. Compton and husband to Donald Macrae, lota S and 4, Aud. suh.. S-74-4S ineU ifV). lot 1 Aud. sub., nw sw. 6-74-43, w. d... L4M Louise J. Norcross and huaband to J. W. Baldwin, lots 4. 6. S. block 9, and lot . block 4. Oalesburg Add to Council Bluffs, w. d 200 Julia B. Ferris et al. to J. W. Bald win, lots 1 and (, block 4. and lots 1 and ft. block S. QaJesburg add to Council Bluffs, w. d P. R. Fllnn and wbe to Walter M. It k Rackett'S add. to Council Bluffs 1,400 John E. Frost et al. to J. W. Bald win, lots 1 and 7. block . Oalesburg add. to Council Bluffs, w. d 100 C. K. Price and wife to B. C. Sherwin, lots (. 7, 8, block 19, Benson's 1st add. to Council Bluffs, q. e. d. Jessica J. Sldentopf et al. to J. W. Baldwin, lot . block 4, and lot 9, block I, Oalesburg add to Counoll Bluffs, q. o. d Total, eight transfers .7.U2 Tha Rex washing machine la tha latest and most Improved high speed lever wash lng machine on the market. Price, $10. P, C. DeVol Hardware Co. POSKUM and sweet potatoes are mighty fin. We have extra fine sweet potatoes today at 80 cents for one-half peck. Water melon go pretty fine these hot days; they are grown on an Island on the Mississippi, where they plant thousands of acres every year, 15 cents to fO cents each. We still have more of those fine tomatoes, corn and cabbage. Orapes are getting ripe now, S3 Cents per basket; peaches, 2S oents pej aoien; pears, au cents per dozen. Try a pound of our New Tork roasted coffee, 25 oents. Golden Rule flour Is always good, Fl.70 per sack. Bartel & Miller. Telephones 369. CONFER OJf BIO FILIXO FEB State Will Not Posh Cane mi Present Aa-alnst In Ion Pact fie. Attorney Oeneral H. W. Byers while In Council Bluffs Thursday conferred With George U. Wright, local attorney for the t'nlon Paclflo railroad, relative to the tfOO.000 filing fee which Mr. Byers olalms Is due the state of Iowa by that railroad. The claim la made under the law enacted by the Thirty-second general assembly, re quiring the payment of a fee of SI for aaoh $1,000 Increase In capitalisation ef corpora tlons doing business in Iowa, IUi claimed the Union Paolflo has Increased Its capi tal 300,000,000 since the law went Into effect, and therefore tha company should have paid a fee of 1300,000. Attorney General Byers, after talking the matter over with Mr. Wright, agreed not to Institute any action rogklng toward the recovery of this Immense fee until after a case involving similar question which Is now pending in the United States supreme court. Is determined. In any case it is the intention. It Is understood, of the Union Paclflo to resist this claim of the state of Iowa on the grounds that such a fee la extortionate and excessive. Mr. Byers returned to Des Molnrs early yesterday morning. He expects to come to Council Bluffs again next Thursday evening and on Friday will deliver an ad dress at ths county plcnlo In connection with the corn seed experimental station at the poor farm at McClelland. IOWA MAYOR OUSTED BY COURT FOR INTOXICATION Judge Preatoa Suatalna RlSXla lw Making Drunkenness Canse for Removal of Official. DES MOINES, la., Aug. 27. Judge Byron Prtston of Oskaloosa today handed In an opinion ousting A. M. Henderson as mayor of Marengo and upholding the new Cossort law passed b the last legislature, whlcJt provides that officials In Iowa may be re moved from office for certain causes, one of which Is Intoxication. Attorney General Byers, Who prosecuted the case, showed that Mayor Henderson had been seen in toxicated. Henderson attacked the statute as unconstitutional, and that Henderson had never been drunk on duty, Judge Preston sustains the law In toto and rules that a mayor Is always on duty. Effort to Mnaala Newspapers. DEN 1 SON, la., Aug. 27. (Special.) The newspaper editors at Denison have been greatly wrought Up over an attempt of P. W. Harding and his Attorneys to keep the papers from publishing the decision of Judge Wright in the Harding disbar ment ense. A notice from the office of Harding was served on the Bulletin ed itor, Mr. Caswell, notifying him that suit would be brought If his paper published the finding of the court In tha disbar ment proceedings, and Mr. Meyers of the Review had letters from Harding's at torneys of similar Import. Both papers told the facts in the case notwithstanding the threats of Suits. Crowds at I.oaraa Chaataaqna. LOGAN, la., Aug. XI. (Special.) The at tendance at Old Settlers' plcnlo at Mag nolia today was a record breaker, not withstanding a show at Woodbine and the Chautauqua at Missouri Valley. From 8,000 to 10.000 are reported In attendance. Shlrelet Glilllland of Olenwood delivered the address. The band muslo was fur nished by the Magnolia band, and vocaI music by Magnolia and Logan talent. Officers for the ensuing year are: Presl dent. Almor Stern of Logan; vice presi dent, N. B. Lawrence of Magnolia; secre tary) A- M. Fyrando of Magnolia. Wahted A room for light housekeeping or a nice place to room and board. Ad dress Lock BOX 230, City. THE COOLEST PLACE IN TOWN, THE DIAMOND THEATER. FOB. MEDICAL AND FAMILT USE BUT TOUR LIQUORS AT ROSENFELD LIQUOR CO., (19 S. Main. 'Phones U2i. Bnffala Bill Coming; Today. Ths Buffalo Bill Wild West show and the Pawnee Bill Far EaM show oomblned will arrive this morning and pitch its wild west camp on the otrous grounds on West Broadway. These two old showmen United together make a great combination. Indians that In olden days held their counolls of war at Counoll Bluffs and In dians from ths mountains as well as na tives from the far east are being taken round the country by Colonel Cody and Colonel Lily aa an eduoatlonal exhibit to show tha wonderful transformation which Hearing; In Beach Case. Judge Snyder will at I o'clock this morn lng hear the application of the Courtland Beai-h Amusement company for vacation of the order appointing Dell J. Clark re ceiver for the amusement resort at Cut off. At the aame time the application of the company for an order restraining W. R. Oourley and hia associates from Insti tuting any more suits until the mattera In equity now pending are adjudicated. The hearing was to have been held yes terday morrlng but the partlea were not ready and asked for a continuance until this morning. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN - HOT WATER HEATING PLANT AND NEW INLAID LINOLEUM. INQUIRE? AT LEFTERT-B, 409 BR0ADf T DOFT SAT TOV GIFT ATTOms A T ALIOS SCABS SUIT. TOV CAM. ttee me. I'll show you that you c&h. New fall styles i.tland Cheviot, Shan non Tweed and Carse Melton. I turn out only the best work. MilTIg riTESIII, 411 W. Broadway, I CouaoU Blofs. Iowa News Notes. LOGAN Dr. Hansen has begun work on his new building Just south of Freeman's new bank building. The building will be constructed of cement block. OREENFLEID A telegram received by TTenrv Uirhnn. an old resident of Green field, yesterday brought the Intelligence of the suicide of his son, Albert, wno was on visit in relatives at Bar View. Mtlwau kee, after first shooting his cousin, Mabel Brooks, a 15-year-old girU who refused to marry him. LOGAN A. W. Blackburn, clerk, has heen not ified bv Judge Thornell. who Is to preside hers next term of court, set for Beptember 7, that tne Marrison coumjr term of court will not convene until Sep tember 14. Instead of the grana jury ap pearlng on the 7th, aa formerly, It will ap pear Beptember 14. CRESTON The 10-year-old son of Frank Stewart of Afton waa knocked down and run nver bv an automobile In this olty yes terday and sustained serious Injuries. Two strangers occupied tne macnine ana rciunsu to stop when signalled about the aocident, but the number of their machine was taken and it la thought the offenders are Fon tanels parties. The affair Is being Investi gated. nuiKisni Rheriff Cummin gs returned last night from Lexington. Neb., where he want tn hrlno- back Jim McGoff. a barber. who had left here two weeks ago' between two daya. He was charged with taking funds from his employer, Christiansen, and jumping a board bill of a number of weeks' standing at Evers Hotel. He Came with out requisition papers, although these had been asked for from tne governor oi xowa. CRESTON A fellow giving his name ai J. C. Whistler waa arrested at the fair grounds Wednesday, caught in the act of bootlegging, rie was connucur.g nis uui nena under the blind of a lemonade stand, and had a tub of that liquid In plain evi dence, but the officers became suHplvlous that he was also vending something much atrnnaer and. keeping watch, i they finally caught him In the act of selling boose to a party who gave his name as uscar biiuim Whlmlcr was arralaned before the commis sioner and bound over to the Nevember grand Jury. Unable to furnish bail, he will lay out the time In Jail at Red oak, LOQAN Prof. Shlmek of the State unl veraity at Iowa City, made an examination here yesterday of tha "finds" at tha Peck enpaugh limestone quarry by Lester Ad ams ,and pronounced the "finds" to be bones and teeth of the elephant. Both teeth are molara. one of the Columbl elephant, the other Imperator. At the Lester Adams farm near Logan Prof. Shlmek dug up a nart of the skeleton and ths antlers of a large elk, also the skeleton of a buffalo In the bed gravel of a stream about twen ty-five feet down from the natural surface of the ground. Prof. Shlmek regards the cresk bed running through the Adams farm rich with fossils and compares the Adams creek with that at Turin, and will make additional Investigations along the creek In the next few days. CRESTON N. D. Burrlll, an old. gray headed man from Corning, was taken In charse br Dollce offloers Wednesday night when he waa found wandering about the streets In a resident portion or the city with his head cut, nose broken and face and clothing torn and covered with blood and dirt. He was dased and unable to account for himself, but claimed a roll of bills amounting to tM had been taken from him. He was seen to be drinking during th evening and was also noticed In company .urn. alr.n..r. Ha la aald tn h.v. flnur- l.L.J kl. .All V. 1 1 . n Ik. 1 n .. J,ln,n lieu . vii , i , i w u it,., mai and It Is susplcloned his "friend" had some thing to do with the loss of the bank roll The old man waa taken to a hospital and while his Injuries are net necessarily seri ous, yet, owing to his age. they may prove dangerous. His watch was not molested. Ltllcii's ZZZ? Lenses CnaM Gswesrt bma Wtm ef Gnata 1 v A SimHf SiSaMi UsLEirtirrs aa aavavt Fratared 111 Fatal. HURON. B. D Aug. 17 (Special.) Mrs J. B. Carter, aged 7f years, died at the horns of her daughter. Mrs. C. E. Bar rows, Wednesday nlgbt, death resulting from a fractured hip received In a fall few erenlngsi since. Mrs. Carter had lived in Huron for twenty-five years, and waa prominent In Women's Relief corps work. , UUUG1UU YjUUU Etnows vehicle vaflue wvri I never was much of a success selling cheap things, so the man who does not, and will not, realize a difference in workmanship, woodTpaint, trimming, iron work, eto., will not be astounded at the prices I am quoting during my "Sale of every vehicle in the building." ' But the man who fairly drinks in the graceful lines and superb workmanship of a high class vehicle, will go into ecstacies over this selling. He will be pleased as the woman who has just found a $10.00 dress for $4.93 at a bang up bargain sale. I have a building full of real values in vehicles but they are high class vehicles, the sort I have aways been successful in selling, and the only sort I should continue to sell were I to remain in the vehicle business in place of going deeper into auto mobiles and repairing. I am not offering a Stanhope for $25.00, but I am offering a $165.00 Stanhope for $95.00. I am not offering a Runabout for $15.00 but I am offer ing a $175.00 Runabout for $115.00. And, for instance, the Spring Buggy I adver tise at. $135.00 one couldn't begin to duplicate" it under $225.00. Then, too, the Delivery Wagons that are offered here now at $88.00 they're real $125.00 wagons. There may be cheaper kindson the market but yon don't want them and I am sure I don't. - ' I have always been successful selling high class Jobs, so what's the use? The same holds goods on harness, stable ac cessories, eto. I am selling 'em cheap but they are not cheap kinds. You are getting the good kinds cheap here now. So if you know values, or are willing to have them explained to you, you may strike some won derful chances here now. As I have stated on several occasions, "every vehicle must go" I am going to spread in the automobile business soon. n 1 1 JUL 1 I'm selling out vehicles at 18th and Harney Streets j Iowa GRAHL CRAZED BY THE HEAT Former Council Bluffs Kan Jumpi from Window of Home. s BADLY INJURED BY THE FAIL Washington Official Checking Office of Clerk of the Federal Conrt, bat Gives Oat Nothing Cfta ceralag tha HeaaltSt (From a Staff Correspondent.) rE8 MOINES, Aug. 27.-(Speclal Tele gram.) Carl B. Qrahl, manager of the Orahl Metal Construction company and formerly a resident of Council Bluffs, while suffering from ths effects of a sunstroke, jumped from the second story window of his home at 1308 Capitol avenue today, falling head foremost to tha ground, twenty feet below. He waa badly Injured and has been removed to the lowa sanitarium. Woman Appeals front Confereaee. Mrs. Mtnnls Douglas of Adel, who was ousted from the Adel Methodist church after two long, sensational trials, for play ing whist and attending theaters, has de cided to appeal her case to the annual conference, which meets In Ames tn Sep tember. Pair Visitor Robbed. James Haner of Charlton, who came to Des Moines to do the fair, awoke In jail this morning, minus his roll of money. In police eourt he Identified Nettle Turner, a mulatto, as the woman who took his roll. laTeatlarattnar Federal Clerk. 8. W. Finch, chief of the bureau of In vestigation of the Department of Justice at Washington, was In Des Moines today to confer with J. D. Harris, who sloce last spring has been examining the office of the clerk, of tbe United Blat.es court here. After the conference he wired Attorney Oeneral Wickersham of tha progress of the Investi gation, but would glvs out nothing. Fair Bis; la Promise. Th stats fair Is bigger and better this year than ever before, and with good weather the attendance will break all rec ords. There are greater exhibits of all stock except swine and that la kept down to laat year's figures, only by the Capacity of th building for housing them. The workmen completed the horse barns yes terday and today were put to work on th brickwork of the amphilheeier, which was practically completed by night. All the exhibit ar in piao and th crowd for today, th opening . day, 1 vsry much larger than that of last year. Next Tear la Ames. Rural mall carrier selected Am a th meeting place for nasi year' conven tion, elected officer and delegates to th national convention, and then adjourned, 'w. a. Romer of Lyon was lected presi dent, W. S. Hoon of Ames, vice president; W. II. James of Council Muffs, seonnj vie presto ."it; B. U. Chtlds of Nevada, secretary and treasurer. Th deUgate to Iowa 4 J the national convention are 11. 1). Child f of Nevada, Q. I. Jordan of Wlnlersct, W.f Council Bluffs, O. W. Bryant of iiortm and C. M. Adama of Davenport. New Fish In Streams. j T. Van Hynlng, meuseum assistant of. the Historical building, has clUOuveral'. that there are new fish In the sircamsf lowa that have never been seen here 'be fore, lit believes that In each Instance they must have come down from V-1'18 Michigan through the Illinois rlver.On 1 the aplodlnotus grunnlens i&fiiKjuis, known as tha fresh water drum otjt thun der pumper and by other naineF Thl other Is th lilodonterglaus lc h Sueur, kuown as moon-ey or tooth herriii,. CHINEE WASHEE MAN TAKES CASE TO SUPREME U3URT lia( Win la 1'iahtlus; l.n f in IMit Celestlnl Laundry Men I )ul of Business, WASHINGTON, Aug. I7.-Th. j.-matilu tlonal flht of a Stat to enacx'Ws dis criminating against th huml Chtncs6 laundrymen Is to be lnvestlgaj.-d by the supreme court of the United J tales and th test Is to be made by cjuonr Wing of Dewl and Clarke county, Monl,ia. Th Montana law to which QuVnig takes xceptlon provides for A license lee ut J10 per quarter for hand laundrlrJ run by men: It doea not mention the Cliyse race, but It exempt steam laundries lid laun dries conducted by women utiDin more that! two are engaged. If Quong paid his license under pin est ahd then appealed to the courts on th ground that as the laa singles out a ck ,s It is In contravention of the federal mstlfV tion. Professing himself deeply c I icerneA about the maintenance or all rlgh ; i under the fundamental law, he volunliarl y take upon himself the expense of urtn -lng th case to th supreme court betor paying another flO. l4 The Montana suprem court I tttalncd th law. V,. SOLDIERS CAMP AT ST. JOSEPH Twelve Haadred Troop bat Way to Df Molaes fof Mil tary Toaraaatent. i. 1 1 1 It ST. JOSEPH, Mo., Aug. 17.-Tllt hundred federal troops comprising line Thirteenth Infantry, and a company of n glneers, a machine gun platoon and a hi pltal eorp detachment, reached her day and west Into camp at Daka Co trary. Th soldier ar marohlng from Fo Lavenworth to Des Moines, la., to pa tldpaU In th military tournament thei In September. They are tinder command of Colonel It. R. Loughboro. A Pleasant Surprise follows' th first dose of Dr. King' NeJ Lit Pill, th palnlrs regulator th.'i strengthen you. Guaranteed. 260. Bold bj Beaton Drug Co. ' r