8 TITE BEE: 0MA1TA, FRIDAY, AUGUST 27. 1009. Want - Ads CAM! H4TE FOR WANT ADS. RROVI.AR (LAIPIiriCATIOI Ol lunllm, 1 1-1 feats pr woH and t e-e-mt per word for each nhMqirnt Ina-ertlnau Kuk laarrtloa mad ea odd 4iTit 1 1-2 rent! per worl f 1.60 per II ae xer aailk. Wt ads for Taa Bra Mar B left at uf ef the following Irag itorn na la year "refiw drag'sTlst" they arc all breach office for The Bee and roar a4 will ha laaerted Jaat as promptly oa tke aaane ratea aa at the mala office la Tke Bee Balldlnaj, feveateentk aad Faraam atreetai Albarh. W. C, 40ih and Farnam. Reranek, B. A.. 14 8. lth St. TlecM Pharmacy, Benson, Neb. ftemts Fsrk Pharmacy, KM and Cuming, flake's Pharmacy, 2836 Sherman Ave. Conghlln. O. R., 4th and Pierce Sta. Cltftoo Hill Pharmacy, 1311 Mllltarr Ave. Conte, J. n., fist Ave. and Fa mam St. Criseey pharmacy, T4th and Lake Sta. Cermak. Em 11, lifH-4 H. 11th St. Fillers, P. H.. 1802 Leavenworth St. Foster At Arnoldl, lis N. Eth St. Freytag, John J.. N. 24th Rt Florence Drrg Co., Florence, Neb. Oreenough. O. A., 1624 8. 16th St. Hanscom Park Pharmacy, 1401 S. 29th St. Hiytlfo, William C, 8020 Farnam St. Hoist, John, 114 N. J 6th St. Huff. A. L.. 29J4 Leavenworth St. King. R. S, JXJ8 Farnam St. . Kountxe Place Pharmacy, 2OTI N. 24th St Lathrop, Charlea E., 1SJ4 N. 14th St. Patrick Drue Co., 1601 N. 24th St Bnyder Pharmacy, 20th and Lake Bta. DEATH AND FCHERAL NOTICES. JIERNGREN Aaron, aged 47 years. Funeral Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the family resulencu, 230 Dorcas street. Friends Invited. Interment Forest Lawn. HOLMES Catherine, Mra., aged S5 years; Wednesday, Aug. 26. 1909, at Mercy hos pital. Council Bluffs. Funeral from the residence of her son, George Holmes, 401 South Twenty-ninth Street. Saturday morning, 8 80. to St. Peter s church at 8 a. nu Interment St. Majy'S cemetery, ItHINE-Jtfrs. Edith Hahn, died at her residence, 2623 Dodge. Funeral notice later. Nebraska City papers please copy. P.RIRCO Mrs. Eva Logan, aged 92 years, died August 26. 1309. Funeral Friday, 1 p. m.. at home of her daughter, 6010 California street. Private. Burial at Springfield, Neb. Friends will pleas not send flowers. mmmaaemsamMn BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Births Charles Bothwell, 1810 South Thirtieth avenue, girl; C. S. Gretslnger, 2604 Saratoga street, girl; Frank Foieet, south i wenuatn street, Doy. Deaths Klise 8. Dower, 2603 Pierce street, N; 1 nomas Koach, 2619 South Fifteenth street. 94: Mary McLaughlin. 1831 North Twenty-second street. 11; Mrs. Annie Wlrtz, 2332 Pierce street, 43; Matt Mouser, Omaha Ueneral hospital, 28; Swynd Voske, E321 Hickory street, 14 days. UARKUGE LICENSES. Permits to wed have been granted the following couples: Name and Residence. Age, Leonard C. Stroup, Chicago 21 Zulabelle H. Hlbner, North Platte 18 George J. Gross, Omaha 21 Margaret 1. Dempsey, Omaha 23 Gulseppe Berratora, Omaha 21 Rosa Terio, Omaha 17 Name and Residence. Age. George Adslt. Yuian 21 Mu.be! Bailey, Ashland 11 George E. Glenn, Maysvlile, Ky 42 Anna Frost, lndianola, la C. Floyd Howard, Omaha 22 Pansy M. West, South Omaha 19 James Logsdon, Baxter, la 82 Ethel Rose, Baxter, la is ANNOUNCEMENTS TAYLOR THifl TAILOR. 4th Floor Paxton Bia., Tel. Douglas 1383. D. H. BECK, formerly mgr. of the Heriog Tailoring Co., now at ua bo. ioui ou BETTER TAILORED CLOTHES. CLEANING AND DYEING Tha beat var. Twin City Dye Works, 407 S. Uth bu w J MURPUT makes oamant aldawalka steps and basement floor eons txuo lions. phone Douglaa mil. 1616 Davenport ot. "COLBRLK." new pkg., keeps Waterloo ABOUT LIQUOR. W Invite Uie moat critical inspection of our method of handling the llyuor business. If whisky or other liquor shall be sold for medical use, it should be sold WHEN THE PEOPLE NEED IT. This means we sell liquors for medicine only, to grown people only, any hour, day or night, week day or klunday FOR MEDICINE, mind you, and every purchaser is required to KEUUJTEK EVERY SALE and give us their statement that It is i OB MED1U1JNE. SCHAEFEH'B CUT PRICE DRUG STORES. Jainea II. Craddock. arohlteot, room 9 Wead Bid, UUl ana arnam. xiea Mil uitna n A ...rvrhin. AlAAnurf with tha PumUy vacuum cleaner. Lagerstroin, tiU Aeavenworin. rauu a- Hot-En-Tot Twlna are coming. COMBS, 1620 Douglaa,' expert eye fitting. DEPOSITIONS. F. J. SulcliXfe, &3 Bee bldg WANTED Bids on exclusive dancing and roller skating concession at Eagles' Car nival, to be held at Eagles' baae ball park at Benson, Neb., during the week of the lii and Aerie convention, September IZ-ls. Also bids on Hamburger lunch and hot maals concessions. Blua will be accepted for these as a whole or separate. Call Ben on buu, or write. riilLUP P. MERGEN, Benson, Nab. OMAHA Elactrlo Works repairs electrlo levators, lua M. utn dl, u. ji&l, a-imi. IF YOU want any dirt call on C. Bachmann, at Pax Ion block. OMAHA Mirror and Art Glass co art claM, miter cutting, beveling mirrors of all kinds, resllverlng and framing. Office and factory 1(14 Cuming bL. Both phones. MOllAND'8 DANCING SCHOOL for dulta, opp. the Burwood theater, will re ooen on Tueaday. August U, I p. m. Buy your ticket on or before opening night and you win secure it at nail reg ular ratea. Succeea guaranteed. Call, ular ratea. succeea gu Open all day until p. m. Doug. 1041. Or telephon WE CALL FOR and deliver prescription! promptly and can save you money Just as sure as you try us. SCHAEFFER S CUT PRICE DRUG STORES. AUilll n r mnA Iran Wnrk m k, mm . peclalty of fire .escapes, shutters, doors ud sales, u. ADurtcu. rrup., um a. mux. REMOVAL SALE monuments. 1417 S. 11th. utM KIT M. WIEPKN. funeral itlrrtnra Buuceaaors to Harry U. Da via, 70s d. lain. SIGN PAINTING (4. H. Cola. 1101 Douglas Douglaa Printing Co. Tel. Douglas M4. . - r i SHOES called tor and delivered fret. tandaxa ctnoe v. v., tmn rwuiui, Keys C. R- Heflln, 161 Douglaa St., over Lindsay a, Tei. l. zk.4; a-43. tVhen returning from your vacation tel cphone ALAM1TO SANITARY DAIRY Douglaa ill. OR YOU 14 MILK. SUPPLY Developing and finishing. Best work and Quickest delivery. Deinpater. U15 Farnam. WOOD, Dr. O. 8.. 1.1 N. Y. L Homeopath OMAHA FURNITURE REPAIR WOKK3 removed from 2J01 Farnam St. to 116 8. Uth St. Phone Douglas MiO. Idonumenta, J. F. Bloom at Co.. 1815 Farnam 1 S3S COUPLES have been married by R'v. C. W. Savidge; he Is praying to marry t it you want him to marry you. call V'ab. $444 or B-1430. Writs for booklet, liva Yavi Found Your Running Mater' ANNOUNCEMENTS (CuntlQuad DAVID COLB Creamery Co. GRAVEL ROOFING. J. R. Btevenson Roofing Co., travel and composition roofing, ill Ho. 10th 1st., Omaha. Tela. Douglaa 1119; A-1792; Res.. Wab. 24. FOR new and up-to-date things In the drug line see ROHAEFEH 8 windows at loth and Douglaa Sta. ANCHOR FENCE CO. Iron and wire fences cheaper than wood. Last a Lira Tim". 307 N. 17. Phone Red 814. OMAHA Paste Co.. now located at 718 8. Uth St. Phone Douglas 17M. FOR watches and Jewelry repairs, sea Gustafson A Honrlckson. 201 N. 16th St. The Quality Press. Printing. 1211 Harney. Special prices on all pi 'lures framed this month. Megeath Sta. Co., 16th & Farnam. A MATKVR PHOTO FINISHING: expert work, prompt delivery. Leave orders at MILLARD HOTEL PHARMACY. PANAMAS bleached, new Stetsons 1150. $3. RAMBKR. practical hatter, 220 8. Uth. BIDS for school bulMlna at Ralston will be received up to Saturday, August L fians and specifications can be seen at Architect M. R. Cole's office, Ralston; estimated cost about $6,000. By order of Board of School Directors. PIANO REPAIR FACTORY. Smlth-Steinfeld Co. announce the opening of their at ore, fully equipped to handle expert piann repairing, rebuilding and tun- ma;; aiso a nign grade line oi new ana ugniiy useq pianos. 1219 Cuming bt. v. MULTIGRAPHED DUPLICATING CO., (71 Brandeis Bldg. Tel. Douglaa 4911. MISSOURI filters made and sold. 1110 How. CHA8. H. THATCHER, piano tuning. D.6019 HINDOO TABLETS will build, brace. strengthen. 60c box. BELL DRUG CO. PEERLESS restaurant. 617 No. 16th St., now runnlna- under new manaaement. Yee Lee. AUTOMOBILES 6END for our list of second-hand cars. DERIGHT AUTOMOBILE CO.. 1814 Farnam St. RAMBLERS New. 4 and 2-cylindera. per cent discount. Rambler Auto. Co., 2044 Farnam St. FOR SALE 6-riHKsen:er automobile; per fect condition; $4,000 coat when new; fully equipped; will sell cheap. Pertect conai tlon. 30-horse power. Address J 830, Bee. BARTER AND EXCHANGE 5-R00M MODERN One block to Sherman Ave., car. UP-TO-THE-MINUTE Want vacant lot In Omaha. 10-ROOM MODERN house. Pays good Income. NEAR IIANSCOM PARK Want chean land or vacant lot In Omaha, Nowata Lot ft Land Co., Suite 624 N. Y. Llf, Bldg., 'Phone Red-1399. Omaha, Neb. FOR SALE or trade. even line wiuidih corner lota, 120x160 good tenants; lots front foot. Owner located on two fine feet; all renting to alone worth $126 per wants clear land, or merchandise. What have you 7 Get busy we want to deal Dean-Andrews Co., mess, write or call 422 N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha. BUSINESS CHANCES TO GET In or out of business call on GANGESTAD, 404 Bee Bldg. Tel. D-8367. WESTERGARD can help you get In or out of business. 401 Bee Bldg., Tel. V. 8449. GROCERY for aaie cheap; by owner. 23d and Broadway, Co. Blulta. ' FOR SALE Meat market ' In first class locality; doing good all cash business and locality; doing ail casn buatneas ana nicely equipped, lw N. 24U1. FOR SALE. Concrete block plant, well established and doing good, profitable business. Must sell. Reasonable, u taken al once. A dress, A-2US, Bee. tf A T . mA amA Vii.alnii.a nUmmn nlha. sJ4mm awu " " 1 '-mm v.uv. buslneaa reason for selling. G-249, Bsa. FOR SALE The best and largest plumb' Ing, heating, pump and windmill business of southwestern lowa. tiave several con tract Jobs on hand now. Will sell at In voice. Address Y-181 care Bee. FOR SALE CHEAP BY OWNER $8,000 stock of general merchandise, Al condition; modern fixtures; live town; splendid terri tory. True reasons for selling. Traders, don't answer. H. Goldberg, Leigh, Neb. TO RENT Livery bam (new) In town of 6,000; only one other barn In town; good opening lor an up-to-date liveryman. Ad' dress J. W. Long. Red Oak, la. FOR SALE AT BIG DISCOUNT. $ti00 Interect In small new cottage, 4 rooms. south front; large, well drained lot; city water, electrlo lights; one block from car line. Will allow a liberal discount If sold within tha next ten days. Address W 269, Baa. . FOR SALE Good printing office, doing a nice business, downtown location; cheap rent. Reason for selling, going out of city. Address O 290. Bee. FOR SALE The best Implement business In South Dakota; small stock; new goods line location; cneap rent; good trade. Ad dress Box 6t9, Canton, S. D. $6,500 STOCK of General Mdse. and fix tures, located In good live town In Mer rick County, Neb. Good reasons for sell Ing. Address X-I&5 Bee. $2,400 BUYS the best paying meat market In Nebraska. Market 30x130 feet; 1 fine ice boxes, 2 horses, 2 wagons. 2 acres of land and MODERN SLAUGHTER HOUSE Sales $60 to $t5 per day. Terms. Lathrop ec luuin. fnone u. mvoo. aiD tee. FOR SALE Millinery, notions, etc.. In eluding fixtures; Invoice $360. Address Box 1. lioHklns. Neb. FOR HAI.K Brnnm flat miwtarti furnished, centrally located. Address F 110, tee. FOR 8ALE 21-roora rooming house: 12 rooms are compltely furnished, new fur nlture; cheap. 5l N. 16th St. CHIROPODISTS J. W. Scott, at Neb. barber shop. 1202 Far. CONSULTING ENGINEERS W. J. ROSS, CONSULTING ENGINEER. CIVIL. ELECTRICAL. MECHANICAL. Street railway, water works, street Im provements; business propositions financed, especially interurban railways. Consult me. R. 12-24. Patterson Bldg.. lus Farnam St. E. M. PITT, drawings, designings and estimates. 616 Bee Bldg. Tele. Doug. 6926. DENTISTS BAILEY MACH. U flooi. Pa x ton. D.lOaa. TAFT'8 Dental Rootna. 1617 Douglas St. DR. FICKES. 217 Board or Trade. ' He doesn't hurt like others." DETECTIVES A. J. ADLER. 617 Karbach Blk. D. 1832. When writing to advertisers remember It only takea a atroka or two of the pen to mention the fact tnat you saw me ao In The Bee. DRESSMAKERS MISS STURDY, 24Z7 Dodge. Tel. Ind. A2677. TERRY College loth and Faraam Sta. UoDowell Preaamaklns School. lOi Far. Lu.JataT4 EDUCATIONAL tti- LADIES' TAILOR Finest of T workmanship guaranteed. mbU Leavenworth St. 'Phone Harney 661. OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. 19th and Farnam. M. O. ROHRBOUGH, Pies. E. A. ZARTMAN. Vice Pres. SUMMER SCHOOL NOW OPEN. Dav mil nlaht. FALL TERM opens Sep tember 1 to 6. Inclusive. TEI.KURAPH FOLDER: Sent free, uataloul c: pngea full of Interest free. 'Phones D. 12Ut or A-21S9. Address M. G. Rohrbough, Pres. BOTLE8 COLLEGE. FALL TERM OPENS SEPT. L DAY AND NIGHT SESSIONS. Send for a FREE copy of the now famous book, "Bread and Butter Bclencea." Also firepare to start your training tor success n Hookkeenina-. Shorthand. Typewriting. Telegraphy, Civil Service, Railway Mall 6ervice and all Government Grade Sub jects. Official Training School for Union Padflo R. R. Address H. B. Hoy lea. Praai dent. Omaha. Neb. THE PRACTICAL SCHOOLS You, Not Your Money our chief Interest Separate classes for men and boys. Male teachers. Begins Sep tember 13. J. W. MILLER, Educational Director. Y. M. C. A. EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN i?tju-Mrii nv r-I.E". a WINfl W w S. Both Tels. Best work; prompt service. CHINA decorating: order work a special ty. Lessons Tuesday, Thursday and Sat urdays. Firing dally. Children's clauses Snurdav morntne-. Mrs. C. C. Hungate. 894 Brandeis Bldg. Tel. Red 646. CLEANING and dyeing; biggest and beat. Only one office. 1613 Jones St. itia rAfliuiuuu. CAKES THE-ER WHITE, 3QC Groceries and Meats. Bottom Prices. JOHNSON & GOODLETT, 20th and Lake. FIRST-CLASS DRESSMAKING In fam ilies by the day. Call after 7 p. m. for ap pointment. Web. 1206. 2202 Grand Ave. VIAVI" A drugless home treatment for women; 400 page book free. 811 Brandeis Bldg. INSTRUCTIONS In China and water col or at SPECIAL RATES during the sum mer months. M. R. Emlg Studio, 936 N. Y. L. J. HOUSKA. Pioneer Meat Market. 223 Sherman Ave. Our Increased facilities, com bined with our usual good service, make shopping easy here. Meats and fish fresh dally. iJiEAiNLiiiMaiaa uuk ntrnu 'TTTJQ Belect now; PAY WHEN UXVO NEEDED. Larger selactlon and REDUCED PRICES now. HUBERMANN. Continental Blk., 16th and Douglas. THE ARTISTS' MODEL CORSET SHOP, Wl'h L. Kneeter, Dadlea' Tailor. 606 S. 16th St. Tel. Doug. 6Uto6. IF you drink soda water get the COLD EST and PUREST and most wholesome at 8CHAEFERS CUT PRICE v DRUG "SWEETNESS" absolutely destroys odor of perspiration. Z6o pkg. Haines Drug Co. PHOTOGRAPHIC INSTRUCTION Amateur finishing home photography by appointment. Harney 1339. Lulu Bell Hunt. 4202 Cuming. LACE curtains, nicely done and wash ing to take home. Telephone Harney 13t0. FLORISTS- HENDERSON'S fresh cut flowers dally from our hothouses for weddings and dec orations. Douglas IZ08. 1619 Farnam. BRANDEIS' CUT FLOWER DEPART' MEN T South side of new store. BENNETT'S cut flower department, 16th street entrance, Bennett a store. HESS A 8WOBODA. 1416 Farnam St. FURNACE REPAIRING NOW Is the time to have your FURNACE CLEANED AND PUT IN ORDER We re pair all makes of furnaces. Estimates gladly furnished. MILTON ROGERS A SONS CO., 14th and farnam. iiotn phones. WHY not make up your mind now and ret your heating plant set In good condi tion for winter. The most expensive thing la a poor working furnace; It consumes coal fast, without hoat result. Get our Ideas of repairing and remodeling. Nw furnaces we carry stands tne nighest test. Both phones. Omaha Stove Repair W orks, 1208-8 Douglas ttt. HELP WANTED FEMALE Ageats anal SalealaaUea. SALESMEN SALESWOMEN, secure per manent traveling positions; $20 weekly commission: expenses. Inquire 2264 North Twentieth. a a T Ira T.AnTlT.ci wanted ut nnne Annlv F. W. Woolworth & Co., 114-116 8. 16th St. Clerical and Office. WANTED Lady bookkeeper; one who understands typewriting. Address G-3H, care Bee. WANTED Lady bookkeeper, one who understands typewriting. Raphael-Fred. Co., corner 12th and Howard sis. Factory and Trades. T TT T VT k.lrP.l.lnff' it Vl.Va1 VAI1 mmm easily earn $16 to $26 weekly; full course taught Brandeis Halrdreselng Dept. HELP WANTED IN ALL DEPARTM T3 EVANS LAUNDRY CO., 207 8. UTH. WANTED Seamstresses to sew drap eries. Apply at Miller, Stewart at Beaton, fifth floor. Iloaaekeepers and Domestics. WANTED At once, good girl for general housework; good home and good wsges to right party. Mrs. J. J. Gollord, 1U24 M. s2d St. WANTED A oooK. Mlt Dewey Ave. Hot-En-Tot Twins are coming. Wi WTrn nirl fn, u.nsral knliMVnrk' small ittmiiy; no wukiub. a" vuv 1609 ttouin am bi., near x-ara ocnoui. GOOD girl for general housework, small family; good wages. 1029 N. 34th St. Tsl. Harney lt94. WANTED Girl for general housework 1 In family. 112 N. SMh Ave. WANTED Woman to come to house to do sweeping and dusting; experienced. Mrs. Cleer, 710 N. 16th. WANTED A white washer woman. Call 1602 N. 20th. FIRST-CIASS kitchen glrL Mrs. T. J O'Brien. 2618 Harney St. WANTED A laundress on Mondaya. 8002 Poppleton Ave. Mrs. B. L. Hamper. 'Phone Hsrney KS. GIRL for general hoimework. 2010 Bin ney St. Tel. Webster 32i9; no washing nor ironing; wages, K. WANTED Good girl for gen. housework good wage paid. 3204 Sherman Ave. Tel Webster 41M WANTED Girl to assist In housework, no washing, good wages, sua S. Sbtn St. GOOD, strong girl, best of wages paid. 1617 Chicago. WANTED Middle-aged housekeeper, with references. 2714 N. 16th St. V ANTF D A second girl at IU 8. 4th St.; small family. All klntlM of live stoclc and poul try can be sold by advertising It. Try using a Dee want ad. HELP WANTED FEMALE Iloaaekeepers and Doaaeatlea t oa. WANTED Young rlrl to do work for her board. 2211 Douglas St. FIRST-CLASS washer woman. 1024 Park Ave. Mrs. B. W. Christie. GIRL to assist In housework; no wash ing. J016 8. 30th Ave. WANTED Experienced second girl; sal ary $6.00 a week. 614 Park ave. WANTED Cook, also nurse girl who will assist with second work. Tel. Harney 3W2. WANTED Olrl for general housework In small family where second girl is kept. good wages 1043 S. 30th Ave. NEAT, capable girl for general house work; no washing. Mrs. John Haskell, 1321 S. 36tlt Ave. Take west Side Hanscom park car to Wool worth. WANTED Girl for general housework. Mrs. J. Im Baker, 624 Park avenue. WANTED Housekeeper; small family; good wages. J. A. Smith, Box 401, Missouri Valley, la. GIRL for general housework: good wages. Apply at once, 1111 S. 31st St. GIRL for general housework, family of three; good wages. 1409 California St. Phone Harney 1766. WANTED Woman for housework In small family. Address J 313, Bee. GIRL for srenerol housework: famllv of two. Tel. Douglas 4870. 1414 S. loth St. BEST wages paid to competent girl for general housework; 4819 Cass St. Call or telephone Harney 1061 after 7 p. m. GOOD girl: two In family: must have references; at 208 8. $3d St. Mlscetlaaeeaa. TWO ladles to travel, demonstrate and sell dealers. Call or address at once Good rich Drug Co.. Omaha, Nab. EXPERIENCED bundle wranDer and de livery clerk. Apply at office Nebraska Clothing Co. GIRL for general housework: no wash ing. Tel. Harney 341. Apply 117 No. 40th St. WANTED By colored lady, good work ing colored ladles to work In hand laundry; good pay. Address Hattle Booker, Sho shonl, Wyo. HELP WANTED MALE Ageate, Solicitors sal Saleaxaaa. THREE high class salesmen. 640 Bee Bldg. Call after 3. Write. PRINTING SALESMAN, must be ex perienced; A-l salary to a good man. standard Printing Co., 310 W. 9th St., Kansas City, Mo. WANTED Expert canvassers for Omaha and vicinity. At once. None but hustlers neod apply. Call for H. C. Berns tein, 1901 California between 6:30 and 7:30 m. WANTED A solicitor with horse and buggy to drive through the country and solicit subscriptions. Call and see circu lation manager. The Bee Publishing Co. WANTED GENERAL AGENTS and lo cal agents for Nebraska and South Da kota. Have you a contract with the com pany you represent? Address James A. Keith, supervisor Hartford Lite Insurance Company, 623 Bee Bldg., Omaha. Neb. A CLOTHING salesman wanted. "Ger man preferred," one' who is able to do a little trimming, and can come well recom mended; to right ..party will pay good wages and a permanent' position. Sam Hexter, Grand Island, Neb. VEGA TEXAS, offers tha best Invest ment opportunity In Uie west; 20 miles west of Amailllo; will be county seat of Old ham county, and will soon have a popula tion of 6,000. Write for booklet and special agency offer. Sales are easy and you can make big money. . Address Pool Land Co., Amarlllo, Tex. WANTEDA first class experienced Piano salesman by an old established concern; good position and splendid chance for ad vancement for a hustler. Address Y 394, Bee. WANTED One experienced carpet sales man and one experienced drapery sales man, accustomed to handling fine trade. References required. Apply at Miller. Stew art & Beaton. .GENTS Earn 11 hourly: samDle frea. Juraes M. Cody, 2710 Dickson St., St. Louis, AJO. Boys. BOY to aet type and run job press, print Ing cards, tags, ato. Give age, experience and wages expected ; good chance for right boy. Address W 293, care Bee. BOY WANTED Apply Capital Decorat ing Co., ltill Howard St. BOY, 16 years old, with wheel, to deliver packages. Apply at office Nebraska Cloth Ing Co. BRIGHT, energetic boy, 16 years old. for office boy. Apply at office Nebraska Cloth ing Co. Clerical aad Office. RAILROAD CLERK, $40. INEXPERIENCED bookkeeper, $40-$16. STENOGRAPHERS. $40-$46. FIRST claaa grocery clerk. South Dakota. CLERK typewriter, no shorthand, $46. STENOGRAPHER and bookkeeper; in experienced. INSURANCE Solicitors. OFFICE BOY. $35. Y. M. C. A. Employment Dept. FIRST-CLASS male stenographer, with olerlcal ability ar.d railroad experience Graham or Pitman writer preferred. Ad' dress E 309, Bee. Factory aad Trades. DRUG stores and Jobs. Knlest, Bee Bldg. WANTED A good shoemaker; a good Job for a good man; steady work; good wanes for tne riant man. to neei ana put on soles for machine work. Rapid Shoe Repairing Shop, 2U6 4th St., Sioux City, la, WANTED Good all around blacksmith. 1724 N. 24th St. WANTED Contractors on the Milwau kee R. R. In South Dakota. Inquire of PHEIAN-SHIRLKY COMPANY. 1009 N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha. WANTED Harnessmaker and furniture man to open up a store In good little town; no competition. Write Lock Box 11, Hordvllle. Neb. PRINTER WANTED Competent fore man for country office; young man with country experience preferred; good salary up-to-date equipment. Send references when you write. H. G. Taylor, Central City, Neb. ' WANTED An all around laundryman at the Plattsmouth steam laundry. George Ballance, proprietor, Plattsmouth, Neb. M lseellaaeoaa. WANTED TEAMS WITH SCRAPERS AT 17TH AND DOUGLAS STS. THOMP SON-STARRETT CO. ptvti. HirRVirii! POSITIONS are very desirable for young people; full Informa tion and uueatlona recently used by the oommlKalon free. Columbian Correspond ence College, Washington, D. C. WANTED Railway mail clerka. postof flce clerks, carriers. Examinations In Omaha Nov. 17. Preparation free. Frank lin Institute, dept. 1M1, Rochester. N. Y TRUSS fitting experta, big atock. every known variety at RESPECTABLE, not HOLD-1'P. prices; everything in the sugi cal appliance at SCHAEFER 8 CUT PRICE DRUO STORES. II X II IF rVAit tAHIII II FV 'K II V- I t II It -ra W JIC a I1 - 4 HELP WANTED MALE Miscellaneous 1 oatlnaed one Coatlnaed. FREE Employment Dept. Bustnesa Men s Ass n.; no f.es. Call 127 B. of T. Bldg BRICK wheelers wanted to load cars, Hie per thousand, steaily work. Apply Llieeey Buck Co.. 1st and Bancroft Pis. WANTED At once, good steel tank builders; piece work; big wages. Bushnell Tank Works, Bushnell, III. WANTED Experienced brick wheelers: steady work; good wanes. THE BARBER AHPHAI.T PAVING CO.. les Moines, la. WANTED Competent pharmacist fnr prescription work only. Sherman aV Mc- Connell Drug Co., 16th and Dodge. WANTED Experienced collector for In- tallment business. Address H 312, Be. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses aad Vehicles. AUTOMOBILE ano. wagon repairing, painting, trimming and rubber tires. New and second hand wagons; bargains. A. J. Simpson & Son, 1409 Dodge street. ELEGANT Cabriolet carriage. Stanhope and harness sllahtly soiled. If you want one or all now at less than half price see Johnson-Danforth Co., 10th and Jones Sta, McCRARY buys, sells all kinds of horses. Blue brick barn, back Millard hotel. D-4096. WANTED 8TOCK TO PASTURE. J. M. SFANOOAARD, 24th and city limits. Web ster 8t0. LOST AND FOUND $60.00 REWARD. For arreat and cnnvlntlon of rtartv who stole a horse and buggy from Ralph Oar man on Aua-ust 16. 1909. Horse in a bright bay, star In forehead, weight about 1,000 pounds, heavy mane and tall, wire cut under fetlock on right front foot, shod all aroound. Carries head well up when driven. Buggy Ohio Valley make, red running gear, quick detachable top. This outfit was rented from Uarinan a livery barn at North Platte, Neb., on the above date by a man about five feet six Inches high, weight about lt'iO pounds, smooth face, light coat and pants and light colored hat. wire in formation at our expense. I. L. Mllton berger, Sheriff, Lincoln County, North Platte, Neb. FOUND A place to buy good glasses. Globe Optical Co.. 218 8. 16th St. Hot-En-Tot Twins are coming. LOST Phi Rho Sigma fraternity Din. Re- ward for return to Bee office. L08T In ladles' rest room. Boston Store. lady's sliver watch, gold trimmed, with silver and gold plated chain. Reward, If returned to Exchange Department, Boston Store. MED1CAL BEST nerve brace for man. Gray's Nerve Food PUla, $1 a box. postpaid. Sherman a McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. CONSUMPTION I can cure or stop any acute disease in one day. Prof. Johnson, 14th and P Sta., South Omaha. FREE MEDICAL and surgical treatment at Crelgbton's Medloal college. 14th and Davenport Sta; special attention paid to conrinement cases; au treatment super vised by college professors. 'Phone Doug, las 1167. Calla answered, day or night OUT-OF-TOWN people can get the bene fit of our prices by sending us mall or ders. Freight paid on all orders of $10 or over. SCHAEFER'S CVT PRICE DRUG STORES. MONEY TG LOAN SALARY AND CHATTELS MONEY The OLDEST and LARGEST COMPANY In the west. Our VOLUME of BUSINESS guarantees you GENERAL SATISFAC TION. If you can use any MONEY now or In the future It will pay you to call and see us. We are at your service at any time and insure you courteous treatment whether we do business with you or not. We are BUSINESS PEOPLE and do busi ness on BUSINESS PRINCIPLES. Any of your friends sunt to our office will receive the same prompt attention and same will be appreciated by us. Our SOUTH OMAHA DEPARTMENT IS now open for business, which gives the peo ple of SOUTH OMAHA an opportunity to BORROW MONEY on our regular RATES and TERMS. We loan on FURNITURE. PIANOS, HORSES, CATTLE, WAGONS. BUUG1ES. REAL ESTATE, or ANY OTHER SECURITY. . DON'T FORGET OUR ADDRESS. DON'T FORGET US. We want your busi ness. We aYo prepared to handle IT ANY TIME. We can give you LOW RATES. SMALL PAYMENTS and EASY TERMS. ALL BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDEN TIAL. We trust you. You can trust us. CALL, WRITE or TELEPHONE. NEBRASKA LOAN CO., Opposite postoffloe. Suite 7, Crounse Block, pith and capitoi. i-nones: Douglas 136, Independent A-1366. 6 on DIAMONDS. W. FLATAU. 1614 Dodge. CONFIDENTIAL QUICK LOANS. A HOME LOAN COMPANY. LOANS on FURNITURE. PIANOS or SALARIES, LOANS on your plain note.. LOWEST PAYMENTS IN CITY. OMAHA CHATTEL BANK, 1404 FARNAM MONEY TO LOAN. FROM $10 to $100 on salary, furniture. pianos, etc.; no publicity, lowest ratea, weekly or monthly payments. THE J. A. HUTTON CO.. 614-16 Paxton Blk. Tel. Doug. 1607. LOANS of $3 to $20 on salary or chattel security; private party; no red tape; hours 10 to 1 and 4 to 6. Call 20 Paxton Block. OUR PLaAN Makes it easier for. you to get out of febt than In because you can pay us when you get It. We do not charge extension or application fees. Omaha Mortgage Loan Uo., 119 Board ot Trade. 'Phone Doug. 2295. 106 8. lblh St. HERE SINCE 1891 LOANS, half rates. 129 Board of Trade. Salary and Furniture Loans At the VERY LOWEST RATES. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., Id Floor. 307-1 Paxton Blk.. Northeast corner 16th and Farnam Sts. Phones Doug las 1411 and Auto. A 1411. MONEY loaned salaried people and others without security; easy payments. Offices In f4 principal cities. Tolman, Room 613. New York Llfs Bldg. LOANS on everything ot value; hi rate. Western Loan Co.. 331 Neville Blk. MOVING AND STORING EXP. Delivery Co., office 16th and Daven port Sta. warehouse 2207-09 Ixard Su ALL klnda of HEAVY HOISTING and HANDLING SAFES A SPECIALTY. Fl J Davis. 1818 Farnam. Telephone, Doug. 161. Reaidence Douglaa 4701 MUSIC AND LANGUAGES Gl'S TURNER, graduate of Lelpslo. Ger many, Conservatory of Music; piano leaaons cheap Tel Red oOJB or drop me a poaiat ai 2674 Harney Ait. and I will call on you. OFFERED FOR RENT Boardlac aad Raoaaa. DEWEY Europeaa Hotel 13th aad Farnam. TABLE board, flrat class, home cooking, with or without room. li Capitol Ave. OFFERED FOR RENT oarilat aad Hooma t'oatlaaed. I A ROE south room, to permanent Blar ed couple, also single rooms to gentle- en. In modern home; reterencra. 19 in ass. 'Phona lougias 14, a. 1 HE GEORGIA, 1041 Georgia Ave. H. frU. DEPIRABLB south front furnished room with board; summer borne; fine lawn. 123 B. 16th Ave. COOL, airy rooms, modern, fine shade, with or without board, to two gentlemen ot man and wife. 1404 Capitol Ave. ROOM and board In private family; 'idern home; also large south room, with -ive. Tel. Harney 4b. HNTED Lady boarder; small private fan v. Tel. Webster S55. Faralaaed Rooma. frea bath, Ogden H..I. Co. Bluff a FURN'T&rirn mnnt niitslrla rnnmn eult- able for gsrriernen. 411 N. 16th St., Id floor. Lruugias tan. NICE Southn.t room- modern. 1919 Chi cago St. CLEAN, cool Dod.. rooms, reasonable. 1814 t-.T outh rooms, private family. Dodge Rt, r 2046 26UiL6t?ANTLT furnl,lh rooms. 116 THRB plcs,nt rooms. 2610 Davenport. 25th1 AvT fUrM"ne1 roomi; modern. 630 S. NF19thNISnED rV"n8 for entlm,M' ns o1nnableHICAa 8t" ,,lr Mrnlshed, rea- .iCLEA,N out,.r ,n. suitable for two gentlemen. 1811 Chlca., EAST front room, suitable twn 404 N. 23d. r tW' ' J PLEASANT furnished rooms for wo per manently employed, $6 a month eaci, r1L a 26th Ave. NEWLY papered front south room t,)r gentlemen; modern. 2702 Farnam. BEAUTIFULLY furnished rooms, new electrlo lighted flat 212 N. 24th. Tel. D. 4707. FURNISHED room, modern, with pri vate family. 210 S. 80th St. FURNISHED room. $8 .00 per mo. Florence Blvd. Phone W. 4903. 4620 ELEGANTLY furnished rooms, all mod ern; coolest place In city, two blocks from postofflce. 1822 Capitol Ave. WALKING distance; modern room: pri vate family. Tel. Harney 2366. 2G08 Dodge. NICE large room for one or two gentle men; lavatory and 'phone; rent reasonable; strictly modern home. 313 N. 20th St. ONE south furnished room, $1.76 per week. 216 N. 22d. NICELY furnished front room In new modern flat. All conveniences; walking dis tance. 1406 Harney. VERY desirable room; fins location; walking distance. HI S. 26th St. ROOMS for transient. 1707 Dodge. D. 7330 FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms In modern house, price reasonable. 108 North 11th street. f FURNISHED rooms, house new. plenty of hot water. 116 N. 19th St. SALVATION ARMY Worklngmen's hotel. 411 S. Uth St. 'Phona Red 3348. VERY desirable large room; newly furn ished; also smaller room; fine location. 201 B. 26th Ave. CENTRAL, modern room, 220 N. 23d. HOTEL COLONIAL, formerly the Vlen' na, bet. 10th and 11th. Newly furnished. PLEASANT ROOMS, modern! one very large front room, $16; one at $10; one at $8. 620 N. 23d St. NICE, new, strictly modern front rooms: also two unfurnished or housekeeping rooms. 612 N. 21st St. Apartments aad Flats. Apartments Free rent to Sept. 1. The new 4-r. mod ern flats with private bath, gas and elec trlo fixtures and gas range in each apart ment to only small families, $14 to $18. ' T110S. W. HAZEN, 106 8. 16lh. Phone Doug. 1300. THREE and 6-room flats, Scargo Bldg., 516Vi N. 24th St., South Omaha. Hall, 433 Ramge Bldg. Both 'pnones. 6-ROOM modern flat, hardwood, hot water, steam heat. 2d floor, walking dis tance, summer $24. Reference. BEM1S. 480 Brandeis Bldg. BoDsekeeplag; Rooms. TWO, three or four nicely furnished rooms complste for housekeeping. 201 1 Davenport. FOR RENT Foul rooms furnished for housekeeping, $16.00 per month. 2030 Spring Bt. TWO newly furnished rooms, for two. near Hanscom park; light cooking, gaa, bath and use of telephone; one block from car line. 1802 8. list St. LIGHT housekeeping and one sleeping room. 2421 Dodge. NEWLY furnished rooms either for sleeping or housekeeping, modern, 2111 Chicago. FURNISHED and light housekeeping rooms. 2022 St. Mary's Ave. LARGE, clean, furnished room for house keeping, $8 per month; nice neighborhood. 613 N. 19th 8U FURNISHED rooms and housekeeping; no children. 2037 Harney. SUITE of rooms for light housekeeping. Outside and front entrance, 1916 Capitol Ave. Douglaa 4609. SUITE of furnished housekeeping rooms, modern, walking distance. 2680 Harney, 'Phone Red 6866. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms; ref' erences. 2114 Chicago. SUITE of rooms, complete for hoAiekeep tng. 1701 Capitol Ave. NICELY furnished, two south rooms for light housekeeping; gas fur oonking anl light. 3018 Web. Harney 3738; B. aUia, Uafaralsaed Rooms. 4 LARGE rooms; modern. 524 8 . 26th Ave, He ad Cottages. OMAHA Van aV Storage Co , pack, move, store, H. H. goods; storehouse, 1120-24 If. Uth; office 809 So. 17th Bt. Tel. Doug. 1669: MODERN 7-room house. Bemls Park; gas range, gas healer; 135 per month. In quire owner, 1317 Hamilton. MAGGARD Van & etorage Co. Tel. Doug. 1496. We guarantee moving, pianos, house hold goods. HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed, forwarded; cheap freight rates; moving and storing. Expressmen's Delivery Co. Tel. Doug. ttt. 11-ROOM house, $30; modern; one block from 24ih street car. 2611 Pierce St. In quire 13ul S. 26th AVe. J. G. Althouse. NEW cottage, I large rooms, modern, fur nace heat, reasonable rent. 2406 Emmet SL Phone Web. 1009. SEVEN room house; bath, furnace heat. $26. 2811 Woolworth avenue. Telephone, Harney 2167. 136.00 room modern brii k flat. 30U7 Pacific St., for particulars telephone, Har ney 1283. OMAHA EXPRESS CO.. piano moving. 416 N. inh. furniture and D. $304. ELEGANT 4-room Tat, located at 610 8. 27th. all modern, price $16. Bemls, Brandeis Bldg. HOUSES, Insurance. Rlngwalt, Barker Blk. OFFERED FOR RENT Iloasea and Coltagee Caatlawadj TEaV rooms strictly MODERN 1124 Poppleton Ave, NEAR FIELD CLUB Get k-y at 3114 Toppleton Land A Lot Co., Suite 4 N. T. Life Bldf t 'I hone Red 1999. Omaha, Neb. ' r67 PACIFIC ST.. e-rom thoroughly modern house, oak finish. $40- A. O. Elllck. ,1'. ,.t limfc. HOUSES-retets Trust Co., N. Y. I Bldg. OMAHA Truck. Van and ntsraga Co.. Doug. 1496, Ind. B-2431. Office 17li W ster street. f FOR RENT Brick house at 1611 a Ft., ono block east of Park avenue ear line; modern in every reapeot, with 4 bed rooms on second floori large parlor, dining room, kitchen, buttery, laige nail and Tes tlbule on first floor. Inquire at 160B fi. t9la St. Tel. Harney 1609. HOUSES, flats. Garvin Bros., til N. T. 1 CENTRAL, no equal tor solid comfort, all modern, 4 or I room Tata, Apply & N. 23d. IinTTQVQ In all parts of tha city. ."relgh ftons Co., b Bldg. FOR RENTS 6-room modern St. Louis flat, reeeptlon hall, combination fixtures; 712 N. 13d SL ato 9-room modern pricx nouse; .wwi .-. r . .... MM AM. Wt, M Us Ave. $26. . . ' C. M. PACHHANH, V 436 Paxton Blk. DO YOU want to rent that house? We , have people that want It. Better let , someone elwe get you a good tenant , rather than lose more than enough oy vacancy to pay auent s commuwion ior . a year. We need the following to supply our demands for September 1: Fourteen 4-room cottages, parity moaern. viv.n 1 nr 4-r anartments. One 6-r. apartment; money no object. Seven 6-r. apartments: price limited. Forty S-r. cottages, modern and partly modern. , Tlilrty-two 4-r. cottages, mod. and partly mod. Seventeen 7-r. cottage, modern. Five g-r. houses, modern. Four !-r. houses, mod. Two 10 to 12-r. houses. HASTINGS A HETPEN, 114 Harney St. Evening "phone Har. 1S23. FOR RENT A desirable house, northeast oorner leaven orth St. and IMh Ave.; I roomst besides bsth and laundry; hot watarj neaiing, modern ulumhlna: rent. liiO. Also, October 1, a very desirable house,' southeast corner Jones and 25th Sis.; I rooms besides bath and laundry; new blumblng, combination lighting and hot water heating; rent, $0. J. I. Katnp, 1011 Leavenworth St. Tel. D. 9W. NEW 6-room cottage; modern except heat. N. D. Herdllnger, 4104 N. Mtb St. Webster 48A6. 6-ROOM house, modern except heat. CMS Maple St., $18. 6 rooms, modern except heat, 49 William, $16, 4 rooms id floor, toilet, 1106 N. 26th St., $13. 7-room modern. 717 N. 28th St., 2S. Second floor, 4 rooms, toilet, $13.60. and water. 2424 Burt St.; 6- room cottage, 24184 Burt. $16, tenant pays water. CHRIS BOYER, 22d and Curnlng Sta. 7-ROOM modern house, good neighbor bood, steam heat, Interior nicely decorated,! xjo.oo. 2417 Caldwell St. SIX rooms, r;o. Five rooms modern, close In. 122 B. 20th, modern, lflnt Locust, $20. Five rooms, city water, 4 lota, 2306 8. 8th. $10. . , Six rooms, modern, lfiflfl Corty. $15. , IUI.S.SK1.L, & M KITRICK CO., 432 Ramge Bldg. 15th and Harney Sta. FOR RENT-3716 N. 24th St., new 1-1 room, strictly modern house, $36. 3018 S. 19th St., 6-room cottage, $14. 8230 Charles SC. 4 rooms. $12. 2016 N. 22d St., 7 rooms, modern. $20. r.ri N. 22a St.. 6 rooms, modern. $30. 26th and Parker. 6-room cottage, mode except furnace, $20. W. G. FHRrVER, 1023 New York Life Bldg. HOME. 8519 Cuming St.. large seven and bath, gas and electricity. em, nicely decorated, partly furnish desired, nee it or teiepnone Harne FOR RENT 4 rooms, trttv waten ir.23 No. 18th. $12.60 and water reni Bachmann, 436 Paxton Blk. FIVE LARGE ROOMS Nearly new: first floor moder beat. Half block from ctr. Tel. DougH Stores. GOOD store room. 112 S. 18th Fine office In Wead Bldg. F D. WEAD, 1801 FARNj STOREROOM and basement block, S. O., 620 N. 24th. Hall, tfidg., both phones. STORE ROOM for rent at 206 ready for occupancy Aug. 16. once. Palace Clothing Co., corn Douglas. FOR RENT Modern store rq son, Neb. Brick and concrd corner building, east front, to I chant. Will rent cheap. Bplerf Address E. L. Sandusky, Fait FOR RENT Large stors FOR RENT Basement, OFFERED FO Typewrit TYPEWRITERS Any sold and rented, rent a shipped anywhere for for large bargain Hat Swanson Co., 417 8. 16tl Planoa aad Bias FOR SALE, at a sacrl used only six months, office. FOR SALE Washbur new: owner leaving a regular bargain. 201 1 MlacellF DRUGS at cut pric3 $10 orders; catalogul McConnell Drug Co., Scholl If you Intend taking! college, see us about win sell you one at at areas u at, care use. FOR SALE New and pool tablea. We cheap bar fixtures, easy wlck-Balke Cullender, 40.1 Hot-En-Tot Twins are ICE FOR Good reservoir Ice In curt Ice Co.. 662 Brandols Bids' WE HAVE on hand a barrels which we will sell n fine for rain water o pressroom Bee Publlnhlng( FOR SALE Cash reglst dress, J -679 care ue. ONE Howard regulator, 1 1 2 marble-bane showcases. nail m kb. one safe and oil one roll-top desk, etc. IDS N FOR SALE, CHEAP One nV belt-power, condensing hopper! hay DifRS. size 17x22 Inches. AA Hunt, Omaha, Neb. SIIEATING at $18 per M. mock dt Sons. South Omaha. Second Hand B We will sell two boilers that ha) use at the Bee building. They 176-horsepower return tubular I Inch diameter bv 18 feet long. 188 C. I. tubas. 1 Inches bylf f ing pressure 166 pounds per a Heat surface 19 009 square fett 12 auiiar feet. I Wa a-- verv anx loua to dlsp4 boilers irr mediately and will S.-4 In If ...... r . , tWmm j m-.rc BUILDING COM 17th and Faruam HU . ' BUY from the factory. Burkley 4 ! PI 4 i