THR BEE: OMAHA, AVEPNTSDAV. AlTOt'ST 2". MM. OFFERED FOR RENT II a nee an CltM-CMIIiil, TEN ROOMS KTIUCTLY MODERN JIM roppleton At., NEAR FIELD CLUB Get kef lit 1114 Poppleton Ave.. Ni)n Land Lot Co., ttilte fc24 N. y. LIT P.ldg.. llone Red Itsw. Omaha, Neb. txri PACIFIC ST., 8-room thoroughly modern nous, oak finish. $40. A." u. Eulok, HOUK-PMn Trust Co., N. T. L. Bldg. vrin RicNT T rnnmi tsrira rmnii.. k.ii all modern; eombtnatloo fixtures. $0 and k.ater rent. 74 o. Ud. C. M. Birhtnann, ' Pa ton Big. ELEUANT -room flat, located at 610 ft. $7th. all modem, prlo Mi. Be mis. Brandels I'ldg. OMAHA Truck. Van and Stamsa Cn. Doug. 14M, Ind.. B-2428. Office 17U V ab ater street. FOR RENT Brick house at 161 1 B. 29tn St.. n block east o( Park avenue car line; modern In every respect, with 4 bed roomi on seoond floor; large parlor, dining room, kitchen, buttery, large hail and ve tlbule an first (loor. inquire at IfcOv H. njitx m. imu Harney lbo. HOUSE", Iniurance. Rlngwalt. Barker Blk. MOUSES, flats. OxiVin Bros., 211 N. T. L. " ar WT'IB A T j m. a... . I vs.a nil' KAmArt HU mod-ara,- 4 or -3 . .ixjtar flats. Apply 20 .r (ki .a OFFERED FOR RENT 1 1 w m STORK ROOM for rent at V 8. 14th Pt.s ready for ocopancy Aug. IV Apply at once Falaee Clothing Co.. romeT 14th and Douglas. W1LI.AKD EPI'T. reststertd practlonr In U. , Patent Office. N. T. L Bldg. L. X FOR RENT-Modern atore room In Taw eon, Nob. Krlck and concrete. 40x70 ft., corner building, east front, to a good ner chent. Will rent cheap. Pplendld location. Address E. L. Sandusky, Falls City. Neb. BUT row. wear nest eummer. Vollmer'a $30 mi He for III. 107 M. tilth St. FOR RENT Large Mora room, 1T1B Leav. FOR RENT-Basemenl. 1T1S Leav. OFFERED FOR SALE THE SALVATION ARMY eollrlta eastoff clothing; in fact, anything you do not need. we collect, repair and aeil at 134 N. lltn St., for coat of collection the worthy poor. Call phone Douglas 41ii and wagou will caU. Farattnra. RTUDENT lamp, sideboard, hat rack, high hook shelves. 1W9 Webeter St, f AnVr.TTn treatment SACRIFICE sale of household goods; everything must be sold by Saturday. Ulnno VCK 1K4. PRIVATE confinement home. Mrl Dr. Ring, 1324 N. 24th. Tel. Web. W9, lnd. Pfaaoe aad Maeleal laalrameal.1 STANDARD upright piano. Phon Web ter J728. A HOME for women during confinement. We find homee for babiea where moihera cannot care for them. Babiea boarded For terms, address Mrs. Martha A. Lee, eft) tfanrrort St,, Omaha, Neb. Phone Doug laa 1921. Type writers. TYPEWRITERS Any make, all prices, old and tented, rent applied: easy Urine: shipped anywhere for examination. Write for large Dargatn hsi ana otter, a. f. Swaneon Co., 417 8. 15th 8U, Omaha. Neb, Mleeellameoaa. DRUOS at cut PHces. freight paid on all flO orders; catalogue free. Sherman tfcconneii orug to, Omaha. Neb. DR. EGGF.RS. Orll U.16 Marthat. Tel ttnTTQVCJ ,B all parte of the city. "UUOXO Cretgn Sofia A Co., bee bldg. FOR RENT: e-room modern et. leuis flat, reception all, combination fixtures; TU N. 2d St. e-room modern, brick, house; 8)09-3011 Wll Us Ave.-U&, C. M. BACHMANN, 4M Paxton Blk. " DO YOU want to rent that houeeT We have people' that - wanl it. Better let eoineone elae tret you a good tenant rather than loee more than enough by vacancy to pay agent's commission for a year. We need the following to auppiy otif demanda for September 1: Fourteen -room cottagea, partly modern. Eleven i or 4-r. apartmenta. One i-r, apartment; money no object. Seven &-r. apartmenta; prloe limited. Forty i-r. cottages, modern and partly modern. - Thirty-two I-r. cottagea, mod. and partly mod. Seventeen ?-f, cottages, modern. Five -r. houeea, modern. Four i-r. houeee. mod. Two 10 to 1-r. houeee, HASTINO HETDEN, lftl4 Harney St. - Evening 'phone Har. 1823. FOR RENT A desirable house, northeast corner Leavenworth St. and 26th Ave.; 7 roomat besides bath and laundry; hot water heating, modern plumbing; rest, 150, Also, October L very desirable house, toutheaat corner Jones and 16th Sts. ; I eooma besides bath and laundry; new blumblnn, combination UgTulng and hot water heating: rent, tt'0. J. 1. Kemp, 3ai3 Leavenworth 8U Tel. U. B8S. Schx)larship 1 If you Intend taking a course in business college, see us sbout a scholarship. We will tell you one at 4 saving to you. Ad dress O fc, cars Bee. FOR SALE New and Jd-hand blllard and pool tables. We lead the world in cheap bar fixtures, easy payments. Bruns- wicK-uaiK uonecaer, n a. lotn bu Hot-En-Tot Twins are coming. ICE FOR SALE Good reservoir Ice In carload lots. Ketrls Ice Co., IV.2 Brandels Bldg., Omaha. VR HAVE on hand a number ef Ink barrels which we will sell at 60o each. They are fine for rain water or ashes. Call at pressroom Bea Publishing Co. FOR SALE Cash register and safe. Ad dress, J -671 cars Be. NEW i-roofn cottare; modern except heat. X.-li. Herdllnger, 4104 N. 24th St. Webster 4SSB. LEASK. 1513 N. JOth St.; 8 large rooms, fully mod ern, large cellar, new furnace; built for nice home. Bea owner, 1101 N. lain St., 8 to t o'olock 7-ROOM modern house, good neighbor hood, steam heat. Interior nicely decorated, $20.00. 1417 Caldwell 6L 5-ROOM house, modern except heat, rot Maple St., Ill 6 rooms, modern exoept heat. n William, (16. 6 rooraa Id floor, toilet, lie N. Hth St,. ,918. 7-room modern. TIT N. tn St., I2S. CHRIS BOYKR, - sm and Cuming Sts. FIVE LARGE ROOMS Nearly new; first floor modern sxoept heat, '' Half block Yrom car, . Tel. Douglas 4S29. GOOD stora room. HI S. 18th 8L Fin -oUlo In Weed Bldg. If' L. WEAD. 1801 . FAR! AIL STOREROOM 'and basement' In Scargo Vook, S. O., 63 N. 34th. Hall, 423 Rainge bldg., both phones. Second Hand Boilers Wa will sell two boilers that have been In use at the Bee building-. They are eaoh l7K.hfir,,rtAA, ,.ti,pn tltktila. knil.. 1 Inch diameter by 18 feet long. They nave ise v. i. tunes, s incnet Dyu reet. work ing pressure ir6 sound nnr sauara Inch. Heat surface U.00S square feet. Grate area square reel, W are very anxious to dispose of these Doners immediately ana win eell at a bar gain, ir taken at onee. THB BEE HUILDINd COMPANT. 17th and Farnam Sis.. Omaha. Neb. TELL YOT.'R FRIENDS. $30 SUITS AT lift. VULLUGRs, 107 8. 16T11 ST, FOR SALE Family slie, Herrlck refrig erator. IK) nound capacity, almost new party leaving town, will sll cheap. 201 So. juin He, For sale, a hot water heating plant, good condition and new Inlaid linoleum fur store. Call at Leffert's, 40 Broadway, council xiiurrs. i BRICK For sale, 100.000 light red brick at $4 per tnousnna: also 5UU.(kk good Al hard brio at KM) per thousand. Livesey Brick Co. ist ana eancrott hi. 8HEATINO at $18 per M. O. O. Dim ihuck ac oune. nouin omana. FOR SALE Two newly box ball alleys sell separately. C. V. Parker, Arnolds Pnrlr la OSTEOPATHY u r I JOHNSON. INS.. 413 N. T. L. Tel. D. 16fl4. Dr. Katheryn Nlckolas, 60S N. Y. L. Bldg- Quick Action for Your Money You get that by using The Bee advertising columns. This Story Won a Prize in the Want Ad Story Contest Last Week. RESTORED TO HEALTH BY THE HELP OF THE BEE. liy Ruth dinger, aged 11 years, daughter of Mr. L. A. dinger, Overton, Neb. Passed to seventh grade. Last teacher was Miss Polntevln, T6a SALE A beau'ilfurriuledarkbay pony. Apply, Hooper, Neb. "I fear our little Philip will be sick again If something Is not don Immed 'lately," said Mr. Clifton to his wife on evening after their two children had gone to bed. Little Philip had Just recovered from a . sever attack of typhoid fever. Before his sickness he had been a healthy, strong, robust boy. Now he was a small, thin . child, with a pal, wan face, which was a sad contrast to what it had been before. "Yes, I know," answered Mrs. Clifton with a sigh, then her face brightened as eh said, "I have an Idea John, let us get him a pony, the rides In the fresh air Would do him good. "That would ba alright," answered her husband, "but where could I get oner "Well, you might ro up to th livery barns and see," answered Mrs. Clifton. They agreed that would be th best way, and after talking a little more on th sub . Ject. retired. - Th next day Mr. Clifton went to all th places there would likely be a pony, but , all In vain. On his way home, as he was walking along wondering what could be done, on Of his neighbor called to him and gav him a dlah of cookies for Philip. He took It home and after unwrapping It, found that an Omaha Bee was wrapped , around them. As he was glancing carelessly through - th paper his attention was drawn to th above ad. "That's Just th thing." he exclaimed to himself, and sat down to writ a letter to th man who had advertised. When th letter was finished he posted It at one. H soon got an answer, which said for him to com and sea th pony. So th next day h went, and found that It wa a pretty, gentle, little thing. So ha bought It and brought It horn with him. . Th next day Philip was agreeably aur prised by th pony, and his Joy knew no bounds when he found It was his own. Ills slater. May, was none th leas happy, and they had many fin rides. Sometimes he would go In th saddle, and sometimes they would go together in the pretty little cart, which their father bought for them. Philip soon was restored to his former health by th help of th pony. But he always said h owed his health to Th .. Omaha Be. , I CAN. YOU WRITE AS GOOD A STORY AS THIS TRY IT THIS WEEK. PATENTS O. BARNELL. Taxton Bla. Tel Red TU?, HUFFMAN. 818 Neville Bldg. Rook free. PERSONAL Mme. Smith. 16th St.. third doer. REAL ESTATE CITY fROI'KH IV FOR (Continued ) AI.B. BOULEVARD HOUSE, ru North lWn St., l-roome. modern, only $1,WA Thomas Brennan. Room 1. New York L:f Bldg. REAL ESTATE FARM AND HA.KH LAUD roft ALB Colorado. COtORAnO Irrigated lands adjoining. Denver. Now Is the time to buy; before prices advance. OKO. W. HOLBROOK. ISO Railway Exchange Bidg., Denver, Colo. Formerly of Omaha.. Iowa. Over Six Hundred Acres, The Kelsey Farm, Monona County. Castana. la. Full particulars and terms. Howard D. Gordon, Hazardvllle, Conn. OMAHA Stammerers Ins., Ramge Bldg. HALL'S aafes, new. Id-hand. 1811 Farnam, PRIVATE home durlns confinement: stiles adopted. The Oood Samaritan Sani tarium, 740 1st Ave., Council Bluffs, la. Nerth Dakota. OUT THEY GO TO HATNES ANT) unTT iiiiMt ivn HETTimnrP COUNTIES, NORTH DAKOTA, to buy our low-priced land and see the big crops or Dollar Wheat: new railroads building and new towns, where new hotels and business houses are needed. See Wm. H. Brown Co., Haynea. Adams County, Nurth Dakota, lor mapa and facta rival confinement homa Douglas &40. WANTED Name and address of reliable collection Agency for private accounts. Ad- rens M , car Bea Hot-En-Tot Twins are coming. WE will call for. clean and adjust your phonograph for $1.S0. ' NKHRASKA CYCLE COMPANY. Cor. 15th and Harney. Doug. I A-1S6J. Slawtaaa. U. S. GOVERNMENT LAND OPENINU UNDER CAREY ACT. Conrad-Valler project, Montana. 70.000 I acres of fine, grassy prairie under irrlga Ivron. Drawing October 7, 1!09. Must reg register by mail. For Information and blanks writ W. M. WAV MAN, Valler. Montana, or 1150 Security Bank Bldg., Min neapolis, Minn. Aug. JO. After being Prof. Johnson my SOUTH OMAHA, cured of Dropsy by nerves have come back regular. MRS. BLA N DA SMITH. 170 & 19 ill St.. South Omaha. Prof. Johnson, 14th and P Sts., South Omaha. A FAMILY remedy for every 111: every on gxiarsnteed to milt or your money re funded. We refer to A. D. S. remedies at WHAFFER'S CUT PRICE DRUG STORES. DON'T forget to gat In on the $15 suit sale. Vollmer's. 107 8. 16th St. Brott. 2318 S. 16th St. Doug. 61S. PRINTING YAFFE Printing Co., 307 Boston St. Bldg. PHONE IND. A-2-i20 for xood orlntlns Liyngsiaat rrinung co., utn & capitoi Ave, HOLLAND Printing Co.. 110 a 17th St, WATERS Printing Co.. 623 S. llth St. HYATT & LONGACRE. PRINTERS, 1703 Leavenworth 8U Tel. Doug. 2547. RICH PICKINGS. 110 STflTS AT !l VOLLMER'S, 107 8. 16TH ST. REAL ESTATE Real Estate Dealers. REED ABSTRACT CO.. Est, 18S8: prompt service; get our prices. 1710 Farnam Ht Nebraatta. FARM FOR SALE. A half section (320 acre) Incorporated un der the town Rockvlll. Sherman county Neb; ISO acres in cultivation, with XI acres of alfalfa, 130 acres pasture and balance hay land; good, new buildings; one-half mil from church and school; can he sold for $10 per acre if sold before November L Inquire of owner, Jens Raamuesen, Rock- vine. Neb. SARPY COUNTY FARM BARGAINS 140 acres, 2'-j miles fiiin Sprlngf lelJ. a tillable, well Improved. Thls Is a good one ana a nargain at iuu per acre; term. 80 acres, 24 miles from Sprlnef leld, 80 acres In crop, balance oak timber, pas. ture; fair improvements. A snap at $.4 per acre. 127 acres, T miles south of Gretna: rolling up land; iu acres in crop: fair imurove ments, and the cheapest farm in the state, at 1.16 per acre. These are all fcood farms and every one a bargain. Call on or write Dean-Andrews Co., 422 N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE or STOCKHOLDERS MEETINO To the Stockholders of Omaha Belt Rall way Company: You are hereby notified that by resolu tions of th posrd of Directors of the Omaha Pell Railway Company. amy adopted at a meeting of said Board on the 17th day of Aucust. 1!9. a special meeting of the stockholders of Omaha Belt Railway Company has been called lo b held atr-ltie general offices and principal nueinesa oinc of said company, at the office of C. E. Wagar, at the southeast corner of 15th street and Farnam street, In the city oi Omaha. Nebraska, on the frd day of Octo ber, 190, at nine o'clock In th forenoon. for the followlnr purposes: n To consider the sale, conveyance ana transfer by this Company of th whole and very part of Its line of railroad and branches, constructed or to ba constructed, together with all the real estate and other assets and property, real. personal or mixed. rights. privileges. franchises, powers and Immunities of this Company, and all Interests therein, to Th Missouri Pacific Railway Company. consolidated corporation of th states of Missouri, Kan sas and Nebraska, formed Tmaer a certain Contract and Articles of Consolidation dated the Iflth day of May. 11W9; and to determine whether such sale, conveyance and transfer, and the terms thereof, shall be consented to. ratified, assented to, ap proved and adopted; and. (2) If It shall be determined py irw Stockholders that such sale, conveyance and transfer be corsented to. ratified, a- sented to, approved and adopted, then to authorise and direct the proper orneers or thla Covipnay from time to time to ex ecute and deliver any and all deeds and other Instruments of whatever nature, and to take all further ol other action, neces sary or proper to carry such sale, convey ance and transfer fully into eriect; ana. (3) To ratify ard confirm nil action taken and authorized by the Board of Di rectors of this Company, and to take any other action In the premises, and to transact any other business that may prop erly come before the meeting. For the purpose of this meeting the stock transfer books of this Company will be closed at the close of business on the 12th day of October, 1W8. and remain closed until the opening of business on the 2ath day of October, 1"0!. Dated August 17th, 1909. C. 8. CLARKE, President of Omaha Belt Railway Com pany. V. XV. IRLAND. Secretary of Omaha Belt Railway Com pany. AuglS-Dit GOVERNMENT NOTICES CHIFF VJUARTKRMASTER S OFH'K Omaha. Nebraska, A us net M, .sat. Sealed proposals. In triplicate. III he re ceived here until 10 a. m , central standard time. hepteailxT 4. It, for furnishing Wood, oats and Har -at Military Tourna ment Grounds. Iea Moines, loss, dm in he period from September 10 to October 1. 10. ami at Kurt Omaha, Nebraska, diiriix the period from (September 16 lo October . IKS. Proposals fir delivery at oilier places will nut be enterla.ned. United Mates reserves rght to reject or accept any or ail proposals or any part thereof. lhioTmauon luimehed on application here. Envelopes containing proposals should be marked "Propoeals for N od, Ueis and Hay," and addressed to Major D. K. MC CARTHY, C. g. M. Xtb-6-21 8 13-$. RAILWAY TIME CARD oath Dakota. SOUTH Dakota farm, ranch, mineral and timber land for sale or trade. 1.S00 acres, part Irrigated farm, fin Improvements, on mile erst of Rapid City In Rapid River valley for sale or trade. Bargain. Tell us fully what you wish '.o buy, sell or trade. Come west; make money in land. Rep resentatives wanted, farmers preferred. Farrar A Jepsen, Rapid City. S. D. REAL ESTATE LOANS $100 to $Tfl,000 made promptly. F. D. Wead, Wead Bldg., 18tb and Farnam. GANOESTAD. 404 Bee Bldg. Tel. D. $387. PAYNE INV. CO., first floor N. Y. Life. BENJAMIN R. E. CO., 477 Brandels Bldg. REAL ESTATE TITLE-TRUST CO. '.HAH. E. WILLIAMSON. President. C1TT PROPERTY FOR AI,B He Makes Money who buys In advance of great development. We offer excellent rUht-room house with t lots on Rood residence corner. Street to be paved this year and handsome homes going up In this new district. Only two squaroa from Farnam car. Phone us now and aak to see this. , O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO,. 1001 N. Y. Life. Doug, or A-2132. -$9,500 INVESTMENT Two new flats; 4 apartments; corner lot: excellent location; paving paid both sts.; block to car. Rent $102 a month; $1,224 a year. Could handle with $3,600 cash. Might sell separately. Oentlemen, thla Is what you call a bargain. mover Healty Syndicate, Ground Floor, N. , T. Life. 1 18 Per Cent Net TO YOU This is what you would call a real snap, $9,000, $5,000 Cash Balance 5 per cent. Let us tell vou about It. It Is worth while. Nowata Land Si Lot Co.. Suite (4 N. Y. Life Bide. 'Phona lanS. Omaha, Neb. HOT WATER IJEAT In the fine, new, modern home at 2424 Brown St.; 7 living roome, small barn, fine south front lot. half block west of 21th St.; Brown St. Is E blocks north of Ames Ave House was built by carpenter-owner for a home, but must be sold at once. Price re duced to $3.6u0; reasonable terms; or small property considered in exchange. Posses sion at once. See a bargain at once. J. W. Rasp Co. BRANDEI8 BLDG. $900.00 Buys Laborin-rman's Home Five rooms and summer kitchen: located at 2t0 Martha St, WALKUPSpSr Douglas 28S1 $75-77-78 Brandels Bldg. Worth Your Consideratioa A new 7-room strictly modern house, on th south side of the city, one bluck from Farnam car. This can be bought for U.'M. Most desirable; no renters around. No paving to pay, as It Is on boulevard. Another s-room house, on south Bide: It has gas, electric light and water, nice lawn with shad trees, a block and a half from two cax lines yours for $-,3.i0. Gallagher & Nelson, 490 Brandels Bldg. Omaha. Neb. SIUMER CHASE CO, New location. 309 S. 17th tL W m have moved I n h.t i.r nnari... , . . - " m- Jm around the corner. BlUMtK CHASE CO., Both Phones. South Omaha Home Modern T-room house; hot water heat, large, airy rooms, newly paved sireot and garage. Call at KU E. St., South Omaha, or 'phone 8outh 4V4. C. H. HENDERSON. (It Board of Trade. 'Phone Douglas 1163. Omaha City Real Estate. Keith County Land. North 33d Street EAST FRONT. T rooms, modern; 4 rooms down stairs. $ rooms sod bath up; hard wood finish, furnace heat, paved aireet, ce ment walks, shade and fruit trees; first class neighborhood. TERMS. $t.5u0. WALKUPcE:,r Dtaaflas IVX to $o.000 on homes In Omaha. O'Keef Real Estate Co., 1001 N. Y. Life. Doug, oi A-2152. MONET TO LOAN Payne Invesment Co. FIVE PER CENT MONEY to loan on Omaha Business Property. THOMAS BHENNAN. Room L New York Life Bldg. GARVIN BROS., 318 N- Y. Life. $500 $300,000 on Improved property. No delay. lo WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith 4k Co., 1320 Farnam Si. WANTED City loansv, Pster Trust Co. PAYNE, BOSTWICKiA CO.. N. Y. Lite Private money, $600 to $5,000; low -rat. WE CAN FIT YOU, $$0 SUITS AT $15. VOLLMER'S, 107 S. 16TH ST. SECOND MORTGAGE loans negotiated. Apply Rooms 417-11 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Bell 'Phone, Douglas 2314. LOWEST RATES Bemts. Brandels Bldg. WANTED TO BUY WANTED Several carloads of fresh milk cows or springers. Dealers in state, let us hear from you. Alamlto Sanitary Dairy Co., 1313 Farnam St, BEST price paid for second-hand furni ture, carpets, clothes and shoes. Tel. Doug. $971. MONEY SAVED HERE. $30 SUITS AT $15. VOLLMER'S, 107 S. lfiTH ST. BALTIMORE Zd-hand stors pays best price 3d-hand furniture, clothes, etc. D. 4265. BE8T price paid for Id-hand furniture, stoves, clothing. W. Rosenblatt. Tel. D. 6401, WANTED TO RENT WANTED By gentleman, two large un furnished front rooms In private family or suite In flat; must be In good location and modern In every way. Address Y 3V3, Bee. WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED By young man, place to work for boai, while attending Boyles college. Both phones. SITUATION WANTED by an all around good farm iand. with references; would like steady job. Address Y 720, Bee. TAKE away all Vollmer's cleanup suits, worth JJO. now $15. 1U7 b. Uth St. LEGAL NOTICES $75-77-71 Brandels Bldg. FOR quick returns, list your rval estate for sale and exchange with me, no !. no pay. W. W. Mucboll, fioaiti of Trad B.dg , Omaha, Neo. NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING To the "Stockholders of th Omaha Southern Railway Company: . You aie hereby notified that by resoltv tlons of the Board of Directors of Omaha Southern Railway Company, duly adopted at a meeting of said board on the 17th day of August, IM), a special meeting of the stockholders of Omaha Southern Railway Company has been called to be held al the general offices snd principal business of fice ot s.iid company, ai ttie oince of c m. Vt aitar. at the southeast corner of i' lfieentn street and Farnam street, in the city of per, IM), at y o clock in tu forenoon, for me loiioning purposes: (1 J lo consider the sale, conveyance and transfer by this Company of the whole and every part of Its line of railroad and tranches, constructed or to be constructed, ton ether with all th real estate and other assets and property, real, personal or mixed, rights, privileges, franchise, poweis and Immunities of this company, and all Interests therein, to 1 he Missouri Pacific Hallway Company, a consolidated corpora tion of the States of Missouri, Kansas and Nebraska, formed under a certain Con tract and Articles ot Consolidation rimed the "fc-tn day of May, l:03; and to deter mine whether such sale, conveyance and transfer, and the terms thereof, shall be consented to, ratified, assented to, approved and adopted; and (2.) If it shall be determined by the stockholders that such sale, conveyance and transfer be consented to, ratified, as sented to, approved and adopted, then to authorise and direct the properof ficere of this company from time to tim4 to execute and deliver any and all deeds and other Instruments of whatever nature, and to lake all further or other action, necessary or proper to carry such sale, conveyance and tranafer fully Into effect; and (3) To ratify and confirm all action taken and authorized by the Board of Di rectors of this Company, and to take any otner action in tne premises, and to trans act any other that may properly come before th meeting. For the purpose of this meeting the stock transter books of this Company will be closed at the close of bus'ness on th ;th day of October, lit, and remain closed until the opening of business On th 25th day of October, II. Dated Auguat 17. 1009. S. a. BCHUTLER, President ot Omaha Southern Railway Company. F. W. IRLAND. -Secretary of Omaha toUlueru lUHnay , Compai AUM2U NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING To the Stockholders of th Nebraska South ern Ra'lway Company: You are hereby notified that by resolu tion of ihe Hoard of Directors of Th Ne- bi'dska Southern Railway Company; duly adopted at a meeting of said board on th 17th day of August, lfof. a special meeting of the stockholders of The Nebraska South ern Hallway Company has been called to be held at the general ortlces ana principal business office ot said company at th of fice of C. E. Wagar, at the southeast cor ner of Fifteenth street and Farnam street. In th city of Omaha, Nebraska, on the 23d day of October, 1909, at 9 o'clock In the forenoon, for the following purposes: l. To consider the sale, conveyance and transfer by thin Company of the whole and every part of its line of railroad and branches, constructed or to be constructed, together with all the real estate and other assets and property, real, personal or mixed, rights, privileges, franchises, powers and Immunities of this Company, and all Interests therein, to The Missouri . Pacific Railway Company, a consolidated corpora tion ot tne states or Missouri. Kansas ana Nebraska, formed under a certain contract and Articles of Consolidation dated th 23th day of May, 1909; and to determine whether such sale, conveyance and transfer, and the terms thereof, shall be consented to. ratified, assented to, approved and adopted: and (-' ) If It shall be determined by the stockholders that auch sale, conveyance and transfer be consented to, ratified, as sented to, approved and adopted, then to authorise and direct th proper officers of mis company irom time to time to execute and deliver any and all deeds and other In strument of whatever nature, and to take all further or other action, necessary or proper to carry such sale, conveyance and transfer fully Into effect; and t3.) To ratify and confirm all action taken and authorised by the Board ot Di rector of this company, and to take any other action In the premises, and to trans act any other business that may properly come before th meeting. . j For the purpose of this meeting the stock transfer books of this Company will be closed at the close of business on the 12th day of October. iap9, and remain closed until the opening of business on ths 20tli day of October, 1909. Dated August 17, 1903.' C. S. CLARKE, President of Th Nebraska Southern Rail way Company. r. W. IRLAND, Secretary of The Nebraska Bouthern Rail way Company. Altdllt CM ION l l ATiUM tt 114 A M.VSO.M tilts Paerlfla Leave. Arrive, overland Limited"".... 7 JU am 11.40 pm ""Colorado "express $.50 pm 6:00 pm Atianiio Kxpiese I.6v am "Oregon Jk V ashlngton Limited 1:00 am 6:45 am 1as Angeles Limited.. 11:56 pm 8:iO pin "Portland Special 12 o6 m 8:50 pm "Fast Mall M am 6:46 pm "China 4k Japan Mall. 4.00 pm 6 4u pm "Colorado (Special 11.5o pm 7:a0 am tUeatrlo & Stromsburg Local 12:40 pm 1:20 pm ".North Platte Local... 6.29 pm 10:30 am Local passengers not carried on Over land Limned. "Dally. IDaily except Sun day. t kleaga at ItartTa western NORTHWESTERN LINE-EAST. IjftV. Arrive. Omaha-Chlraan Sne'l. a s ui nm a 7:40 am Colorado-Chicago a 6:30 pm a 4 2S Dm Pacific Coast-Chicago.. a :06 nm a 8.2) pm Chloaso Davllffht SDe'l.a 7:40 am allium Omaha-Chicago Local.. aU. 05 am all. 35 pin uos Anscics i-oriiana Limited a t 10 nm a1l tS nm Overland Limited all:50 pm a 7:15 am Fast Mail a ;04 am r ast Local, Cedar Raolds-Omaha a S .tE Dm umana-iarror. L.ocai...a 3 40 pm a :w am NORTHWESTERN LINE NORTH. Twin City and Dakota Daylight a T 48 am alO:30 pm iii,i,(.oi biiu L'lHuia.s t.w pm j out v.ny iiimiiea ....a :uu pm a 7:05 am Sioux City Local a 1:46 pro a 1:2 pm Dakota-Sioux City Omaha a 9:30 am auunesoia-Hioux city- Omaha mii:oo am NORTHWESTERN LINE-WEST. Norfolk-Bone"el a 7:M am a 10:80 pm Lincoln-Long Pin ....a 7:50 am all.00 am Norfolk-South Platte. ..b 2:i Dm bS JOmn Hastinxs-Huperlor b 2 15 pm b 6:20 pm DeadwoOd-Hot Snrlnss.a ID nm a K Ml nn Csspcr Lander t l:: pm all uo am Fremont-Albion b 6:30 pm b 1:35 pm Chicago, Rack Island fact fla ir iot Rooky Mountain Ltd. ...a 1:10 am all OS pm Iaui T nrn 1 ft U i mm i u The Mountaineer a 7:42 am a 1:55 am Ics Moines Local a 4:00 pm a 12 30 nm owa Local blO:3S am h a -.v. r.m Chicago-Eastern Ex. ...a 4:40 pm a 1:10 pm Chicago-Nebraska Ltd. .a 1:03 pm a 1:05 am WF.ST. Th Mountaineer a 8 .00 am a T:1S am Chicago-Nebraska Ltd. for Lincoln; r.a 8:30 am a 11:47 pm Colo, and Cal. Ex al:2(tom a4 :lAn,r Okla. and Texas Ex. ...a 4:40 pm a 1:00 nm Rocky Mountain Ltd. ..aim pm a 8.0a am Western .a 8:15 am .a 8:16 am ,a 3:30 pm .a 9:00 pni e nt. P rklls timm cimvkiv iiiiiiieu ...... iwin iny Liniuea ... Chicago Express I I T I V. I.I UUl .1 ......... Twin City Express ... i piriD( jniiirsBSfi, 4C TO. I Chloago and Colo. Spec. a 7 '38 am Cal. and Oregon Ex. ...a 8:00 pm Overland Limited ..aU:4H pm Perry Local b 6:16 pm iiiiaoie lentra ..a 7:15 am ..a 8:00 pm ..b 7:16 am Mlnn.-St. Paul Ltd a 8:00 pm umtM-n DOdg lxo.b 4:15 pm WanaaR St Louis Ex St. Louis Local Council Bluffs). Stanberry Local Council Bluffs). REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Eva M. Plnkett to H. J. Plnkett, part ' lots 1 and 2, block 3. Patrick's ad dition $ 1,800 L. I. Abbott and wife to W. R. Wall, lot 7, Catalpa second addition 1 Otto Pfelffer and wife to Henry Pfelffer, 6 acres In ss. nw. "jt, 12-15-10 1,000 Daniel Westergard and wife to Wes ley Lett and wife, lot 23, block L Military addition -100 Same to Mary T. Moxlngo, lot Uf block 1, Bame 223 J. J. Daly and Julia A. Daly to C. O. Cole, south 40 feet lot 2, block 10, South Omaha 1,600 J. M. Cook and wife to M. L.-Golden-berg, lot 8, block 71, South Omaha.. 3,600 P. J. Gentleman to Mary A. Gentle man, lot 14, block 1, Denlae's addi tion l J. L. Kubat and wife to Fred Kavan, lot 14, block 10. first addition to South Omaha, and lot 9, block 6, Brown Park 1 Bessie Kavan and husband to same, lota 2 and 7, block 4, Van Camp addition; iota 8 and 9. block 9, Park Forest, and lota 1 to 10, block 4, Melia's first addition 1 Fred Kavan to Jos Kavan, lot 14, block 10, first addition to South .Omaha; lot S, block 6, brown Park; lots 1 to 10, block 4. Melia's first addition; lot 2 to 7. Van Camp's ad dition, and lot 8. and 9, block 9, Park Forest i S. J. Firestone and wife to Grace Dunn, lot 68, Firestone's subdi vision fn Beatrice D. Olmstead and husband to B. H. Goodman, part lots 4. 6 and 6, block 12. West End addition.. 1 C. V. Graft and wife to I'. M. Graff, various lots In block 1 and 2, Ar mcur place, and In block 1, 2, 3 and 4. Harris & P.'s annex 1 Elslnore Place Co. to Ove C. Olsen, lot 11, block 4, Grant place 150 Arthur Rood to C. W. Hull it Co., lot 10, block 1, Orchard Hill J Louisa Floersch, et al., to Lena Ken ney, lot 14. J. E. Riley's subdivision 2,200 Elizabeth Kountze Real Estate Co. to O, A. Scott, lot (, block 22, Kountze place , loo O. A. Scott and wife to Grace T. Ross, same 1,20 J. II. Hut ten and wife to Lizzie R. Stewart, lots 10. 11 and 12. block 14; lots 1 and 11. block 17, and lot 13, block is, Omaha View l.aoo A. C. Reed, et al., to H. J. Peterson, i lot 3. block 4. Hazel Terrace 70 Anna Corriuan to W. A. Flook, lot L block 7, Logan place 450 Martha J. Patterson and husband to" W. 8. Poppleton, lot 15, block 20, Poppleton Park j Total ... tu.:a RAILWAY TIME CA'D ruT,vu Mlsaoarl rn.lfle K. V. and M U ,.x ...r. 9 M sm a 1M Stft K . C. anil M. 1 Kx (I.'. Sat. U p. m all lil pm a t. bo pm tlHLi.M.rut a 1 a null nou.1 Rarllnsjtaa Lesve. Denver snd California ..a 4. in pm Puxet Sound Kx a 4 in pro Black Hills a 4 pm Northwest Ex ...ail .' pm Nebraska points a k iOsm Lincoln Kat Mall b I 'M pin Nebraska Kx. a li am Lincoln Local Lincoln Local a T ?6 pm Schn ler-Plattsmouth OKpm plaltsmonth-Iowa a 91H am Hellevue-Plattemouth ..all 30 pm Coloiado Limited all M pm Chicago Limited a 7 2.". am Chlcaco Fx a 4 - pm Chicago Flyer a I . pm Iowa Local a i. am St. Ixiuls Ex a 4:40 pm Kansas City and St. Jo. S10 4A pm Kansas City and St. Jo. a S:Um Kansas City snd St. Jo. a 4:40 pm Arilve. a 3 4.1 pm a 8:10 pm a 6:10 put 1 1 ilia a $ 10 pm a 12 . l. pm a 10 pm b ( am a T W pm blO so am a 1 5o am a 140 pm a 7 Or. am all pm a 16c pm a $ 90 am all .to am ail am a 6 45 am a 8:10 pm WFBSTEIl UTA I0TII WEniTGH t hlraaro. O ma ba- Ht. Paal, Mlnaeapolle A Ploux City Express... Omaha Local Sioux City Passenger Twin City Passenger. Ploux City Local Emerson Local Misaonrt Paelfle Auburn Local a Dallv day only. Leave. ..b 2:00 pm Arrive, hi 1:45 am c 6:to pm b 9:20 pm ..b 6:30 am ,.e 8 38 am ..b 8:66 pin b 9:10 am ..b 8:80 pm bll:30 ant b Dally except Sunday, o Sun 4 Daily except Saturday. Ol H4N (TIUMKlt). CLAHK'N CHUISES OF Til K "CLEVbLAND" (Hamburg-American Line) R 18,000 tons, brand new, nrn, superbly fitted. S B OUND the WORLU Fiem New York October 1$, 109; front Han Fanclsoo Feb. 6, 1910, nearly four months, costing only 6j0 AND UP, In eluding ill exvense sfloat snd ashore. ITXCIAZ. rCATtTKrSi -Madeira, TgTPw ta'lla, Oejlon. Burma, ava, Borneo, 3hl" tpplnea Japan, An nnusnal ebano t eislt tinneually attractive plaoe. 18th Annual Oilent Cruise, Tab. S, 10 v North German Liuyd e. H. "Grosser Kurfuerst, 7$ daya. Including $4 day teypt and Palestine, $400 ap. t-ftA-sTK O. 02.ARC. TTMEB BX.D0.. . T, W. E. Book, 1894 rarnsm Sit., Omaha. CANADIAN PAClrlP N a 6:30 pm (from ...'....a 8:00 am (from b 6:00 pro a 8:30 pm a 8:30 pm a 9:00 am aal all:40 pm a 8:35 pm a 7:15 am bU:56 am a 1:45 pm a 7:15 am a 7:15' am bU:80 am a 9:25 am all:li pm bl0:16 am WEEKLY 8ATI.1NC13 BETWUKN VONTREAu, Ql'KBEO AMD I.iVKItrouL. KotMnf bettsr en tke Atlantis than our Empresses, lreUm on all steamers: CBS. BENJAMIN. 0. A. 181 60. CUrk It.. Chloso, 111. PBHH SAILING JANUARY 20,1910 toMikirapainJi(ditrranean.Orntnt Costing only400andupfot73days. Cruiw Pept. White Strliro. .NY.f asynt- Call Us by 'Phone WbenaYer you wnt gomethlnj cgU ."hona Douglas 118 and mak It known i'tbrongb v Be Want Ad. s l GOVERNMENT NOTICES CEMENT WALKS WAR DEPARTMENT. office of the constructing quartermaster. Fort Crook, Nebraska, AuKust 24, Uu9. Sealed proposals. In triplicate, will be re ceived at this office until 11 ou a. m., Sep-leinb- r 22. VMM. and then publicly opened, for th construction of 12, Sou square feet, more or less, of cement walks at Fort Crook, Nebraska. Certified check or Surely company's guarantee for I5O0O0 must ac company eath lid. Proposala must be made on the forms to be obtained at thla office. , Plans and . specifications may be seen by Intending bidders at the office of the Chief Quartermaster, Department of th Missouri, Omal.a, Neb., and at this offioe. Necessary blank forms and full Inform ation furnished upon application her. Certified check for $5 00 lo guarantee re turn on or before September Zi, 1!a, will be required before plans and specifications will be sent to prospective bidders. Th United States reserves the right to reject any or ail bids. Envelope containing proposals must be Indorsed "Proposals for Cement Walks, Fort Crook. Neb.," and addressed to Captain JOSEPH F. GO UN. construct ing (luartermaater. A. 24-3 26-27 8. 21-22. c r0 Vehicle and stable arc e so lies are selling fast, but not fast enough room U being created, but not room enough. 12,000 feet vf spare Is the amount that must b added to this building by the middle of next month not a FOOT less. If YOU had to purchase these .vehicles from the makers you would KNOW the scope of reductions If YOU tvere to pay the bills you would know that these selling prices are C08T and LESS. Think compare price around examine. Own a vehicle now a good one for ridlculonaly small sum of money. Station Brough- Victoria Phaetons Wagon - ham good one Several (used) (used) (used) (used) $90 $300 $200 $40 Delivery A Run- Fine Storm Wagon about Stanhope Buggy (new) (new) (new) (new) '$88 $55 $115 $90 Governess Whips Bridles All Acces- Cart to go to go sories at (new) less than less than less than $85 COST COST COST If you've lived in Omaha for any length of time, and if you've used a buggy, carriage r delivery wagen from "Drummend," you know the quality. If yeu haven't, aak the first person yu meet. Make a note of it all vehicles and stable needfuls at eost. M JUL UUli rn 18th aud Harpoy Stroet