Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 25, 1909, Page 6, Image 6

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Omaha Team Rained Out at Pueblo While Rivals Win; Detroit Downs Philadelphia Bunch
Jump on Bij Pat Bohannan for Four
Runs Off the Bed.
Dm Molars Twlrler U Alsej Favored
with Roma Sensational Sapport,
While Hli Tram Mates Hit
the Dall Hard.
DENVER, Colo., Auk. 14 Miller was o
effective today that when that la Raid, the
whole haa been told. Ha pitched grand ball
and waa given wonderful aupport. Bert
Niehoff, at third for Dea Molnea, waa the
star of tha day in fielding, though Hart
man of Denver puahed him close. The one
error for De Molnea waa a bad throw to,
third by Mattlck, and the one for Denver
a bad throw to second by Haas.
Des Moines opened savagely on Bohan
non In the first Inning, sending him to
the bench . after three runa were made
with, none out. Waeaen did better, but
Des Motnes kept touohlng him pretty
lively at times. Denver's runs same when
hits were bunched on Miller, whleh was
only after the contest was surely lost.
AB. R. H. O. A. E.
Maag lb t 0 1 t 0 0
Belden. If I0J00
Cassady. rf 4 1110 0
Jones, cf M t 0 0 1 0 0
Lindner, lb I 0 a 12 1 0
Stankard, lb 4 0 0 0 1 0
Haaa. c 1 0 0 6 1 1
Haley 1110 0 0
Bohannon, p 0 I 0 0 j
WiKwm, p 1 1 1 1 6 0
Adams 10 10 0 0
Totals 34 1 I 17 14 1
AB. K. H. O. A. E.
Dalton, rf 4 1110 0
Colllgan, as 1 1 0 0 4 0
Mattlck. cf 5 114 0 1
Dwyer, lb 1 1 0 13 0 0
Melioff. 3b 4 0 1 1 b 0
Kerner, If.... 1 0 1 1 0 0
William, lb 4 0 0 1 0 0
McManus, c 4 0 0-2 0 0
Mltier, p 4 110 10
' oTtals 33 T 10 27 11 1
Batted for Haas In ninth.
Batted for Wasson In ninth.
Denver 0 010001 1-1
Dee Moines 4 0 0 1 1 0 0 1-7
Two-baae hit: Lindsay. Three-base hit:
Mattlck. Stolen bases: Dalton, 1; Mattlck,
1; Niehoff. 2; Ketxier, 1. Sacrifices, Was
son, Dalton, Colllgan, Niehoff. Base on
balls: Off Bohannon, 1; off Waason, 1; off
Miller, 2. Struck out: By Wasson, 1; by
Miller, 3. Left on bases: Denver, 2; Des
Moines, 7. Hit by pitched bull: Dwyer.
Tims: 1:40.
Com with Men oa Bases an Pile
l' Bl Score. -TOPEKA.
. Aug. 14. Topeka trimmed
Lincoln, I to 1, today, with two bome
runu. two doubles and a triple when hits
counted runs. . They got to both Nagle
and McGrath when runners were on
through passes. Boles, pitched a steady
game, keeping the hits well scattered,
AB. R. H. PO. A. E.
Waldron, rf.. 10 110 0
Oagnler. ss 4 1110 0
Jude, If 1.0 0 1 0 0
Thomas, lb.. 4 0 1 12 0 0
Davidson, cf 4 0 0 1 0 0
Cockman, lb 1 0 0 0 1 1
Hog reiver, lb 4 0 0 0 1 0
Mason, C ,v 4 ' 0 1 1 0
Nag Is, p t 0 0 0 2 1
McUrath, p 1 0 0 0 1 0
Totals., S3 1 "l 24 10 1
, , ; AB. R. H. PO. A. E.
Wooley, cf 40210
Rellly, ss 11110
Anderson, ss 0 0 0 0 1 1
Geler. rf. 11 i o 0
Kunkle, lb.; 4' 0 0 10 0
Landreth, If 4 11 4 1 0
Abbott, lb 4 117 0 0
Kahl. lb 11114 0
Henry, c 4 117 10
Boles,, p , 1110 10
Totals SI 8 10 27 16 1
Lincoln .....1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01
Topeka 0 1110110-
Home runs: Boles, Kahl. Three base
hit: Oeler. Two base hits: Abbott, Geler.
Sacrifice hit: Kahl. Hits: Off Nagle,
In five Innings. Bases on balls: Off Boles,
3; off Nagle, 2; off McOrath, 2. Struck
out: By Boles, 4; by Nagle, 2; by Mc
Orath, 1. Double play: Anderson to Kahl
to Abbott. Stolen bases: Oagnler, David
son, Cockman, Landreth, Abbott, Henry.
Left on bases: Topeka, 6; Lincoln. 8.
lime: 1:40. Umpire: Glenalvin. Attend
ance: 3U0.
Bis; Indian Refasoa to Be Hit Wbti
tt Would Hart.
WICHITA, Kan.. Aug. 84. It was a case
of too much Johnson for Wichita today and
Sioux City won easily, 6 to 0. Hunt, Hol
land's Kansas State league recruit, was
pounded for thirteen hits, though many of
them were scratchy. . In no Inning did
Johnson allow more than one hit. Several
tlmea Wlohlta had men on third, but the
necessary hit was not furthcoming. Two
singles and an overthrow of horns by
Hughes gave ths visitors their first run.
Three singles yielded the second. Two sin
gles and two wild pitches gave them one
In the sixth and three singles and a sac-
titit.w WflsF P'lnnnsllrils, fn a U ..tW a
the last came when Edmondaon hit the ball
wrrr in ivucci. encore;
AH. R TT rk A v
Miignes, ID 4 0 0 8 4
Mlddleton. rf
Petttgrew, cf
Westersll, lb
Pennell, If
White, ss
Weaver, Jb
Joktrst, e
Ifunt. p
Armstrong ,
Totals..'. 30 0 27 14 J
AB. R. II. O. A. E.
Smith, ss , 4 116 4 0
Campbell. If ............ 6 0 0 0 0
Andreas. 2b 4 1114 0
Towne, o 10 13 0 0
Welch, lb 1 I I i i o
Hunter lb 4 1 1 14 1 0
EUmondeon, cf 11 1 2 o o
triumph Rnnirn nrra
Brewed from th finest western
barley malt. Imported Bobamian
Hops and sparkling artesian
water. Aged from four to six
month in tlasa enameled
l tank. We Guarantee its H
puritjf, htaubftilneM and 3
rut irious. mrnnw iiavtir m.m
djki a 4 m f t ;x
I I i t aT'fl
11 V-V
. t
Standing of the Teams
WL-Prt! W.LPct.
Pes Molnea.. 7 44 .0 Milwaukee .70 M .5(4
Sioux City. .87 45 .6:' Minneapolis 71 67 .
Omaha 83 SO Louisville .. 83 .518
Denver 67 84 .813 Columbus ..82 87 . 41
Topeka 8ft 54 ..VSj Kansas City 80 86 .40
Wichita 53 80 Kt. Paul ..SO 88 .478
Pueblo 46 84 .4" Indianapolis 80 89 .V
Lincoln 40 74 .351) Toledo 80 68 .
W.I Pet I W.LPct.
Pittsburg ...80 81 .721 Philadelphia 71 43 821
Chicago 75 35 .682 1 Detroit 71 41 .8C3
New York ...67 41 .821Boston 70 47 .6M
Cincinnati ..64 58 .4 Cleveland ..58 58 .800
Philadelphia 48 61 .44fiirhlcago 58 68 . 487
St. Louis ...46 66 . 408 New York ...52 61 .41
Brooklyn ...41 68 . 373 St. Louis ...47 84 . 424
Boston 20 81 .258, Washington 12 82 .281
Western League Omaha at Wichita, Lin
coln at Denver; Bloux City at Pueblo; Dea
Moines at Topeka.
National League Pittsburg at New York,
Cincinnati at Brooklyn, Chicago at Phila
delphia, St. Louis at Boston.
American League Washington at Cleve
land, Philadelphia at Detroit, New York
at St. Loula, Boston at Chicago.
American Association Columbus at
Louisville. Indianapolis at Toledo, Kansas
City at St. Paul, Milwaukee at Minne
apolis. Stovall. rf
.. 4
.. t
Johnson, p.......
Totals 38 6 1 17 IS
Brannan batted for Whit In ninth.
Armstrong batted for Wearer In ninth.
Wichita - -4)
Stoux City 1 1 1 1 1
Struck out: By Hunt, ; by Johnson. 1.
Bases on balls: Off Hun:. 1; off Johnson,
2. Hit with pitched ball: By Hunt Smith;
by Johnson, Pettlgrew, Westerill. Wild
Ditches: Hunt. 8. Stolen base: weicn. rsao-
rlflce hlta: White. Towne. Edmondson,
Johnson. Two-baae hlta: Pennell (2), Mld
dleton, Wsstersll, Smith. Home run: Ed
mondson. Double plays: White to Hugnes;
Smith to Andreas to Hunter. JLert on
bases: Wichita, 8; Sioux City, T. Time:
l:6u. Umpires: Clarke and Derrick. At
tendance: 600.
Postponed Game.
At Pueblo Omaha-Pueblo game post
poned on uccount of rain.
GAMES 1 ...... bull A. ASSOCIATION
Minneapolis Wins In Twelfth Inning;
from St. Pool.
MINNEAPOLIS, Minn.. Aug. 24. Downs
stole home with the winning run In the
twelfth Inning of an exciting game today,
and Minneapolis went back Into first place.
Block was struck In the face by a thrown
ball and Olll was Injured In trying to
steal home In the tenth. Score:
B.H.O.A.B. B.H.O.A.B.
O. Collins, ot 4 I I 0 ftDsTls, ef 6 1 I 8 0
Oyler, ss 8 1 4 4 1 Bouchsr, M..I I 8 1
Downs, as.... 6 16 4 I Lies. It 6
Clymar, rf.... 4 3 Urmb'itir, rf I I 6 0 6
Cravats, If... 4 0 1 1 OCarlach, lb... 4 0 11 8
J. Colllna. lb 4 0 1 I CO' Brian, lb.. I I t 1
Olll, lb 8 0 11 1 USpancar, C....4 119 1
Altrack, lb... 0 1 6 0Wrl(lay, 8b. . 4 6 1 T 0
Block, e 1 8 8 1 lLaxor, .-.. 6 8 0 8 4
llspp, t 8110
Fausnwa, p.. 4 1 1 6 6 Totals 41 1114 18 8
Totals IT 6 88 83 6
One out when winning run scored.
Minneapolis 1 000010000 1-4
St. Paul 0000110000-1
Home run: Downs. Two-baas hit: Pat
terson. Stolen bases: Downs (2), Oyler, Olll,
Curlsch. Sacrifice hits: Clymer, Bouoher,
ispencer, Wrigley. Left on bases: Minne
apolis, 1; St. Paul, . Doubts plays: Block
to Downs; Oyler to Olll; Cravath to Oyler
to Olll; Wrigley to Carlsch. Struck out:
By Patterson, 3; by Leroy, 5. Bases on
balls: Off Patterson, 2; off Leroy, 2. Time:
2:30. Umpires: Owens and Guthrie.
Toledo Steals Tea Bases.
TOLEDO, Aug. 24. Each of the Toledo
players had a stolen base today, and Lynch
had two. Columbus made eight errors and
used three pitchers and two catchers, and
Toledo won, 7 to 3. Booles pitched his
first game sines his acquisition from Cleve
land, and allowed but four hits. Score:
B.H.O.A.B. B.H.O.A.E.
Rafturr. el... I 13 8 OKruscr, ef.... 4 186
H Inch man, lb 4 13 1 0Odw.ll. lb.... 4 16 4 6
Fraaman, lb. 3 V II 1 OoonoHon, rf I 0 1 1 l
Hiiknun, It.. 4 1 3 OFohl. a 3 6 6 1 1
McCarthy, rf. 4 1 6 1 OJaniaa. e 8 0 1 1 1
Klwart, lb.... 4 18 1 OClarka. If 1 6 I 6
Abbott, a 4 0 10 OMorlarlty, as. 4 1 1 I 1
Lrich, M.... 4 3 4 6 OWrmttan, lb.. I 13 11
boolaa. p- 3 1 4 OFTIel, lb 3 1 1 II
Oejrer, p 6 0 0 1 1
Totals II 6 37 16 1 Kalar. p 6 0 0 0
flckatt, p.... 6 0 6 1 0
Totals 17 418 8 I
Hickman out for Interference.
Toledo 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 7
Columbus 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 13
Two-base hit: Kaftery. Three-base hit:
Odwell. Left on bases: Toledo, 8; Colum
bus, 2. Bases on balls: Off Booles, 1; off
Oeyer, 1; off Kaler, 2. Stolen bases: Raf
tery, Hlnchman, Freeman, Hickman, Mo
Carthy, Elwert, Abbott, Lynch (2), Booles.
Struck out: By Booles, 3; by Oeyer, 1; by
Kaler, 3. Wild pitch: Oeyer. Time; 1:35.
Umpire: Hayes.
Hooalers and Distillers Tlo.
LOUISVILLE. Ky., Aug. 24. The final
game of the series between Indianapolis
and Louisville ended In a 7 to 7 tie score,
the game being called at the end of ths
ninth inning to allow the visitors to caL-k
a train for Toledo. Score:
B.H.O.A.E. B.H.O.A.E.
Dun leery, rf. 4 I 1 1 Chad b' ma, II. 4 I I 6 1
Woodruff, at. 4 8 4 6 6Hay4aa, rf... I 3 1 0 e
SulllTan, lb.. 4 1 1 3 8panoar. cf... 6 3 I 1
t anion If..,. I 3 4 0 JCarr, lb 4 U 4 6
B'"". lb 180 0 Bursa. b., 4108
Olaan. Sb 6 1 6 3 Howl.,, o.... 3 14 4 0
Qulnlan, ss... 3 13 OWIIltajsa. Ik.ll 1 I I
Kuihas. O....I 1 4 3 6Hopss, as.... 4 1116
Belbr. p.... 1 6 6 loraiiajn, p.... 3 8 8 8 0
HotS. P 1 0 6 6 OKssppar, p... 0 6 6 0 0
ruusiann .. 1 o 0 0 Ouiaae, p 8 8 0 3 0
Totals 81 13 17 11 t Totals .86 W M "l
Batted for Balm In ninth.
Louisville 0 1 1 0 1 l o 1 e 7
ludlanapolls 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 07
Stolen bases: Spencer, Woodruff How
ley, Williams. Sacrifice hits: Fenlon, Salm
Helby, Dunleavy. Sacrifice fly; Fenlon.
Two-base hit: Hayden. Three-base hlta
Dunleavy, Spencer, Hughes. Struck out"
By Ulaze. I; by Selby, 1; . by Qraham, 1;
by Hogg, 1 Base on balls; Off Selby, i
on uranam. a; orr Mogg, 3; off Kuepper.
1. Wild pitches: Olase. Hogg. Hlta: Off
Graham, I in eight innings; off Kuepper.
0 in one Inning. Left on bases: Louisville
7; Indianapolis, 4. Time, 1:08. Umpires:
Conahan and Sullivan.
Tlo Game at Kaasas City,
KANSAS CITT. Aug. 14. Kansas City
and Milwaukee played a tie game hers
today, 3 to r The game was called at the
end of the eighth to allow the vialtors to
catch a train. Score:
B.H.O.A.B. B.H.O.A.B.
Shannon, ef.. 4 1 I 4 Rsndall. rf.. 4 1 0 0
Shajr. aa 4 6 6 I 1 Bai-rau, If.... 4 1 4 0
farllala. If. . 4 6 8 6 OBarry, lb ... 4 4 6.1
Hallmaa, rf..4 8 16 iinto. at.... 4 0 10 0
Loto. Is 4 6 1 1 Hotiaaon, as. I 0 1 3 1
Hetilns. 3s... 6 16 3 a Clara. 10 3 1
Hraal.aax. Ik. 8 1 6 3 SMoOonn'k. U t a 1 .
Rittar. a 3 6 4 4 4Warsar, a.... I 6 6 10
Eaalts. p 6 0 11 0 Waokar. p.... 10 0 10
Totals 31 6 84 IS 3 Totals Jl 4 M 11 4
Kansas City 0 0 1 1
Milwaukee 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 3
Two-base hits: Barrett, Randall. Three
base hit: Clark. Left on basse: Kansas
City, 6; Milwaukee, 6. Stolen bases: Shan
non, 2; (Struck. 3. Struck out: By Kasick,
4; by Wacker, t Base 011 balls. Off
Wacker, 1. Time, 1:36. Umpire: King.
Snperlor Sooroa a Shatoat.
SUPERIOR, Neb., Aug. 24. (Special. )
ouotnur squi out (oriuuia, 11 to 0, by
Kraiberg's pitching, which shut out Red
Cloud three times. Superior now has the
full lineup for the first time. They play
Hastings all next week. Atchison Septem
ber 6th and 6th. Clarlnda, la., 8th, th
and 10th, St, Joseph, 11th and 12th. They
are playing the fastest teams of ths west.
taatoa Wins at Wayne.
WATNE. Neb.. Aug. 14. (Special Tele
gram.) This afternoon another large crowd
assembled at the Wayne ball park to wit
ness another fins game between Staoton
and Wayne, the former winning by the
xcore of 1 to 1. Score 1
Stanton 1 1 1 1
W.syne 1 4 i i-1
naileries: n ayne. Mason and Bahs
Stanton, Cooper and Hartmaa.
Bahles Strangled
by croup, coughs or colds are Instantly re
lieved and oulckly cured with Dr. King's
New Discovery. tOo and 11 00. Sold by
Beaton Drug Co.
New York Wins the First Game by
Score of Four to Three.
Visitors Made Flevea Robs oa Flevea
Hits la Seeoad Contest Scores
of Other National leafs
NEW TORK, Aug. 24. New Tork and
Pittsburg divided a double-header today,
the home team victory being by a 4 to 1
score and the visitors winning, 11 to 8. In
both games Pittsburg hit ham. Raymond
getting a particular severe dnroblng. Pitts
burg probably would have taken both
game but for the fine relief work of
Mathewson In tha ninth inning of the first
game. This game had a sensational finish.
The visitors entered the ninth three runs
behind. Wagner hit the ball Into the left
field bleachers for a home run and Miller,
Abstela and Wilson followed with singles,
netting another tally. Mathewson relieved
WUtae, with no one out and two men on
bases and halted the scoring. Gibson hit
Into a double play and Hyatt, batting for
Leaver, struck out.
Willis, who started to pitch for Pitts
burg, lasted only one inning. New Tork
getting throe runs on Doyae's triple, Sey
mour's sacrifice fly, bases on balls to Mo-
Cormlck and Devlin and Brldwell's double.
The winning run was scored In the eighth
Inning on Seymour's two-bagger and Mc-
Cormlck's single, Leever tnen being the
Pittsburg pitcher.
In the second game Pittsburg batted Ray
mond almost at will, six of their eleven
hits being long ones. Score, first gams:
B.H.O.A.E. B.H.O.A.E.
Doris, H.... 4 10 6 OBrrne. lb.... 4 13 3 0
Seymour, of.. I 1 I 0 0 Leach, ef I 0 I 0 0
McCorm'k, If. I 3 1 4 Oriarke, It.... 4 14 6 0
O'Hara. rf...3 0 6 0 OWssner, as... 4 14 0 0
Devlin, lb... 3 6 4 4 0 M lller, lb ... 4 3 0 0 0
BrMwell. as.. 3 1 1 8 OAhateln. lb.. I 3 3 1 0
Merkle. lb... I 1 11 0 Owilaoo, rf.... 4 13 16
Bchlel, e 10 16 Ooiheon, s 4 14 8 1
Wlltaa. p 8 6 0 3 OVMIIta, p 0 0 0 0 6
Mathewaon, pO 0 0 6 0 O'Connor ...1 6 6 0 6
Adama, p.... 10 0 10
Totals 38 6 37 11 0A'tlohJo ..1 0 6 6 6
Leaver, p 8 0 0 0 6
- Hratt 1 6 0 0 0
Totals M 10 34 7 t
Batted for Willis in second.
Batted for Adams In seventh.
Batted for Leever In ninth.
Pittsburg 0 0 0 0 9 0 1 0 21
New York 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 4
Two-bass hits: Brldwell. Merkle. Sey
mour. Three-base hits: Dovla. Miller. Hnnu
run: Wagner. Sacrifice hit: Leach. Sacri-
nce riy: beymour. Left on bases: Pitts
burg, 6; New Tork. i. Double Dlava: Brld
well to Devlin; Devlin to Merkle. Struck
put: By Willis, 1; by Wlltse. 6; by Adams,
1; by Mathewson, 1. Bases on balls: Off
Willis, 1; off Wlltse, 1; off Adams, 1. Hits:
Off Willis, 1 In one inning; off Adams, 1
In flvs Innings; off Leever, 1 In two In
nings; off Wlltse, 10 In eight innings (no
one Out In ninth); off Mathewson. 0 In
one Inning. Time: 1:43. Umpires: O'Day
and Emslle.
Score, second game;
fH.O.A.E. B.H.O.A.E.
Byrne, lb.... 3 0 0 1 4 Dor I a. 3b I 114 1
Leach, ef 6 14 6 OSvrmour, et.. 4 14 6 6
Clarke. If.... 4 8 16 ODavore. of.... 0 0 10 0
wasner, aa. .. 4 0 8 8 OMeOoroVk. If. 4 1 1 0 0
Millar. 9b.... 4 3 8 1 60'llara, rf... 13 16
Abstain, lb.. 4 1 10 0 ODevlln. lb.... 4.1 0 0 0
Wllsoa. rf . 4 8 I 0 OBrldwall, as.. 4 0 8 8 0
Olbaon, e 4 1(0 0 Merkle. lb... I 1001
Camnlts. p. . 8 0 0 3 0 8. hi. I. 0 6 16 6
. . A. Wllaon s.. 1 1 3 1 6
Totals 36 11 IT 10 ORarmono. p.. I 0 0 6 I
Mjrars 0 0 0 0 0
Totals...... 64 8 17 114
Batted for Ravmnnil In ninth '
Plttshllra iakaaj...
x v a 9 v m v V II
New York 1 0100000 13
iwo-base hit: MUler. Three-base hits:
McCormlck, Miller, Seymour, Olbson. Home
runs: J Wilson, Clarke. Sacrifice hit:
Byrne. Sacrifice flies: Wagner, Miller My
ers. Stolen bases: Brldwell, Clarke, Wag
ner. Left on bases: Pittsburg, 1; New
York. 7. Rbm, a . t.i . 1 .
Struck out: By Camnlts. 4; by Raymond. 2.
Rosas An k. 1 t . MM n a. ...
, v.. ua-MB ; ui i tRmniu. 2 ; orr Ray
mond. A Tims. 1Ni TTri . 1. - ' .
A1T: - - w. uihhii oo. .tiJBUf ana
o aUay.
Beaneatera Defeat Cardinals.
BOSTON. Antr 9A Tim,. AM
Louis In a well played game today. Brown
Ditched Well Until tha ninth 1 v.
the first three batters passes. Mattern re
lieved him and the nsxt three went out in
order. Score:
B.H.O.A.E. B H O A E
Thomas, If... 4 14 6 ORsrbaaa. lb.. 4 6 110
Backer, rf.... I I I 0 OFIIIa, It 0 6 16
8hean. 3b.... 4 6 6 4 OBraenahan, a. I I 1 I a
Beaumont, ef 3 1 6 6 OKcnatchr, lb 6 1 16 0 6
OweaneT. lb.. 3 14 3 OK van, rf 4 1 I 1 0
Anu-ar. lb... I 0 10 I ODalabantr, Jb 4 1 6 3 1
Graham, s.,,.8 3 3 0 OMurphy, of.. .4 1 I 1 0
Coffer. SS....3 1 1 3 OStorta. .:::J 13 4 4
?"". 10 3 1 OLueh. p 3 16 8 6
Mattern. p...O 6 0 0 6
Totals 64 6 84 IT 1
Totals 90 f T 11 s
St. T-nnle aaaia.....
- ........... ,V V v v V V V V 1 1
Bo"tn 0 1001000 I
TWO-bssat ht n..h.M ITt , . . rmm
8 in eight innings (none out when relieved
" " n nintni. eacrllloe f y. Bres
nah'kn. Rariri. hi,., d 1 .?llr
Stolen bases: Lush, Btorke. Double play,:
ttuiwion,. jeii on eases: St.
Louis, 11; Boston, 1 Bass on balls: Off
V of.f 1tUBh' Ba"e on rrors:
Boston, 1. Struck out: By Lush. 1: by
Brown, L Wild pitch: Lush. Time: 1:41.
Umpire: Rlgler.
nperbaa ghat Oat Reds.
BROOKLYN, Aug. 34,-Rucker outpltched
Ewlng today and Brooklyn won over Cln
c nnati. 1 tn O. Pwln e.n. -i,. .
Score: 0'""1 men-
. h . fiA; B.H.O.A.E.
Burch. ef 3 0 4 1 0 Millar, ef...,4 0 10 0
Clamant, If... 1110 OPaakert, If... 4 0 6 0 0
Lannoi. lb... 4 3 1 1 OHoblUael. lb. I 0 11 6 0
Hi'nter, rf.... 4 110 OMItohell. rf... 1 0 0 0
Alpermaa. 8b 4 1 4 4 0 Efan, 3b I Olll
Hummel, lb.. 4 0 t 0 OLobert. It).... I 10 16
MrElvaan. as. I 0 1 4 OCharlas. as... I I 1 3 0, o I 1 I 0 Roth, e 8 1 0 6
Rucker, p.,..l 0 0 0 4twln(, p 0 14 1
'Hufflne 1 0 0 0 0
ToUla 31 487U4 "
Totala 60 6 34 14 3
Batted for Ewlnar in ninth
Cincinnati 0 00000000-0
Brooklyn 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 2
oa.cruit.-e. mis: nucKer, 3; Clement. Stolen
base: Burch. Left on bases: Cincinnati, 2:
Base on errors: Brooklyn, 8. 8truck out: By
R tti-vlr aas at 1T.4 - o iifii .
""'a pitcn: Kwlng.
Time: 1:16. Uniplre: Johnstone.
Cnbe Blank Phillies.
' PHILADELPHIA. Aug. 14 -Chlcago shut
mil Phllail.lnkl. I. . ..T.-i l , IIUl
. ,., iiiiiikh uaitie nere
today, one to nothing. Chicago scored In
I K- Alnhlh Innln - . I . i . . . .
" wim oiis out iiorr-
-v. ,u umivi aim came nome on
Tinkers grounder, which Ward fumbled
btiv uainan out, core:
B.H.O.A.E. B.H.O.A.E
Evara, lb I 1 I 1 6 Grant, lb 4 t 0 8 0
6heokai4, It, 6 8 8 6 61aanln(ar, rf 4 0 1 0 6
61uiu, rf... 3 I l 6 6Tuua. rf I 0 I l t
Chanoa. lb... I 6 6 6 l Magea. If 4 l J 0 ti
Slalnfeldt, lb I 6 I 1 tbr'naftald, lb 4 111 0 a
Hrfmaa. ef... I 13 6 IWarS. tb 4 till
Tinker, as,... I 6 8 4 6 Dooian. sa... 4 6440
Archer, a.... 6 16 4 OPoola. a I lilt
Overall, p.... 3 6 6 6 1 Mcquillan, p. I 6 6 0 6
Crriaon. p.. 6 0 0 0 0
Totals 38 6 87 10 3Bates ....... 1 10 6 6
Totals M I 37 14 11
Batted for McQuillan In eighth.
Philadelphia 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 00
Chicago 0 4 0 0 0 0 1 01
Two-baae hit: Bates. Three-base hit:
Hofman. Hlta: Off MoQulllan. 6 In eighth
InnUSga. Sacrtftoe hit: Sheckard. Stolen
baaes: Ward. Magee. Double plavs: Titus
and Branafleld: Ward and Bransfield. Left
on baaes: Philadelphia, 7; Chicago, 1.
Base on balls: Off McQuillan. 1; off
Overall, 1; off Corrtdon. L base on errors
Philadelphia, L Struck out: By McQuil
lan. 3; by Overall. 7. Wild pitch: Overall.
Time: 1 36. Umpires: Kane and Talm.
Worth Bead Wlas a Hot One.
SCRIBNER. Nsb.. Aug. 14.-8peclal.)
Tbe fast eat game of base ball ever played
on the home let took place Sunday when
North Bend ahut the local boys out by a
score of 1 to 1 Both Brown and Hoff
man pitched fine bail. Huffman having s
little the better of It. striking out ten and
allowed but three bits. Brown was found
for seven. Jensen, the Hooper catcher,
did the backstop work for North nend.
Although he had a bum finger he caught
and threw like a Kllrtg. Score:
R. H. K.
Prrlbner 00000 00 1
North Bend 00000001 01 7 1
Hatterlos Scrlbner. Brown end Ilughan;
North Bend, Hoffman and Jensen. Struck
out: By Brown, 10; by Hoffman, 10. Two
bass hit. Clay. Umpire, Cromer.
Cleveland ghats Oat Washington
After Losing Fonr Straight.
CLEVELAND. Aug. H.-Aftcr losing four
straight Cleveland beat Washington, 7 to
0, Ka I ken berg holding his former team
mates to three hits. I'errlng made a einxlr,
a double and a triple and drove in four of
Cleveland's runs. Score:
B.H.O.A.E. B.H.O.A.E.
rilrk. rf. 8 4 6 4 6 Browne, rf ..4 0 0 1 6
BraiUar, lb.. 6 6 4 I 6Schaefer, lb.. I 0 8 3 4
ferrlne;, lb... I 10 4 OVnilaub, lb.. I 1 1 1 6
Stovall, lb... 4 1 It I a, cf... I 16 14
Lajole. lb.... 8 8 6 6 OConmr. lb... 8 0 18 6
Eaatarlj, o... I 13 1 OKIIIIfer, if... 8 6 16 4
Hlnchman. It 4 8 I 6 6 McBrlae, as.. I 6 8 4 6
Blrm'sam, ef 4 0 1 0 OStreet, e 6 0 3 3 0
Ball, aa I 1 0 I OWitherup, p.. 16 0 16
Faikenberg, pill (I'glatt.rv ....1 0 0 0 4
'Miller 1 1 0 0
ToUla M 11 37 11 0
Totals 87 I 34 16 0
Batted for Street In ninth.
Batted for Wltherup In ninth.
Cleveland .... 0 6 10 111 7
Washington 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00
Two base-hit: Perring. Three-base hits:
Lajole, Perring, Easterly. Sacrifice hit:
Easterly. Stolen bases: Flick, Hlnchman,
Ball. Double plays: MoBrlde, Sohaefer
and Unglaub; Ball, Lajole and Stovall.
Base on balls: Off Faikenberg, 1; off
Wltherup, 3. Struck out: By Faikenberg,
1; by Wltherup, 1. Left on bases. Cleve
land, 1; Washington, 1. Time: 1:20. Um
pire: Evans.
Browns Blank Highlanders,
8T. LOUIS. Auir. 24 St. Louis defeated
New York, 1 to 0, today. Felly allowed but
two nits. Bcore:
B.H.O.A.E. B.H.O.A.E.
Hartaell, as. . 4 1 3 8 ODemmltt, ef,. 4 0 10 6
Stone. If 4 12 6 0 Heater, rf.... 4 10 0 6
Hoffman, et.. 1 0 1 0 tKnsle, It I 0 16 6
Orlma, lb.... 4 0 16 0 Ursa, aa 4 4 14 1
Bcbwailiar, rf 4 1 1 6 OLaporte. 3b... I 0 18 1
Farrla, lb.... 4 16 1 6Knlthl, lb... I 13 6 8
Williams, lb. 8 6 1 3 OAauun. lb.... I 16 4 1
Crlger, e 4 116 OSweener, a... I 0 6 0 4
Fell', p 3 1 1 3 OLaka, p I 6 U 1 4
Totals II 7 37 14 1 Totals t 8 31 13 3
St. Louis 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 3
tsew York 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0
Two-base hit: Stone. Base on bolls: Off
Ptlly. 1: off Lake. 1. Struck out: By Lake,
4; by Pelty, 3. Time: 1:40. Umpires: i'ei-
rine ana enenaan.
Bostons Bo acta Hits.
CHICAGO. Auir. 24. Boston lilt Bums op
portunely and defeated Chicago, 6 to a,
today. Score:
B.H.O.A.E. B.H.O.A.E.
Altlaer. lb... 4 vli . ONIIes. If 4 14 0 0
P. rant, as.... 4 4 14 OLord, lb 4 1113
IhI. cf I 0 10 OBpaaker. ct...l 0 16 0
Dougherty, It I 10 0 OUeaaiar, rf.... I 1 1 0 1
Hahn. rf 4 0 10 OVvasiier, aa... 4 3 116
Tannehtll. lb 3 0 1 1, lb 3 110 6 0
Ata, lb 4 113 lM Csnall, lb 1 0 0 1 1
Sullivan, ... 1 0 6 0 Ol'arrtsan, o... 4 16 16
Ibell 1 1 0 0 OHall. p 1 1 0 3 4
Burnt, p 1 0 0 1 OArellanee, p. 3 0 0 4 0
8utor, p 10000 1 0 V W 4 Touts 31 3 17 13 4
Totals II 6 17 14 1
Batted for Sullivan In the ninth. ,
Batted for Sutor In the ninth.
Boston 0 1 1 0 1 2 0 0 05
Chicago 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 02
Two-base hits: Waarner. Stahl. Gessler.
Ate. Him: Off Hall, 1 In five and two
thirds Innings; off Arellanes, 4 In three and
one-third Innings; off Burns, 8 in six in
nings, sacrifice nits: nan, Btani. Mcuon
nell. Stolen base: Oessler. Double play:
At to Altlzer to Sullivan. Left on bases:
Chicago, 6; Boston, 4. Base on balls: Off
riiitnp i u.ii a. .e luit.n.. i n ,
by pitched ball: By Burns, Oessler; 'by' Hall,
iraugneriy. struck out: By Burns, l; by
Sutor, S: by Hall, 1; by Arellanes, 1. wild
pitch: Burns. Balk: Burns. Time: 1:42.
Umpires: O Lougnlln and Kgan.
Tigers Wla from Athletics.
DETROIT, Aug. 24.After Philadelphia
apparently had the game won today, scor
ing four runs before Detroit counted, the
locals knocked Krauso ; off the slab, dou
bles by Cobb and Delehanty and a single
by Crawford coming after an error and
a base on balls, and resulting In four runs.
The game ended 7 to 6 in Detroit's favor,
and was a free hitting contest, with con
siderable looss play on both sides. The
batting of Hartsel and the timely hitting
of Crawford, Cobb and Murphy, were no
ticeable features. Delehanty made one
wonderful stop and throw that cut off a
run. Score;
B.H.O.A.E. B.H.O.A.B.
D. Jonas. If.. I 8 3 4 OHartial, If... 6 4 4 0 6
Buah, sa..,,.. 1 6 3 3 lMurphr, rf... 6 3 3 0 0
Cobb, rf I 10 0 lOolhna, lb... 4 3 18 6
Crawford, of. 8 3 8 0 0 Baker, lb.... 4 0 111
Delehanty, 3b 4 1 3 6 Davie, lb 6 1 3 0 0
MorlaxUr. lb. 8 1 1 1 0 Barry, sa I 1 1 3 0
T. Jonaa, lb. 4 1 II 0 OOl.lrtng, cf... 3 1 1 6 0
Stanaga, a.... 8 111 OLIvingatone, e I 0130
(Summers, p., 3 0 0 3 OKrauae, p.... 8 0 0 8 0
.'onovan, p.. 0 0 6 6 ODygert, p 6 6 6 1 6
Oanler 1 6 6 6 0
ToUla 37 10 37 18 3Haltmullar .1 16 0 0
Totals 84 13 34 11 8
Batted for Livingstone in ninth.
Batted for Dygert in ninth.
Detroit 0 0 0 2 1 0 4 0 7
Philadelphia 2 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 16
Two base hits: Cobb, Delehanty, Mur
phy (2). Hits: Off Summers, 12 In eight
and one-third innings; off Krause, 9 in
six and two-thirds innings; off Dygert, 1
in one and one-third innings. Sacrifice
hits: D. Jones (2), Bush, Stanage, Sum
mers, Baker, Oldrlng (2). Sacrifice flies:
Bush, Morlarity. Stolen bases: Cobb,
Crawford, Davis. Left on bases: Detroit,
6; Philadelphia, 8. Bases on balls: Oft
Summers, 1; off Donovan, 1; off Krause,
2. Bases on errors: Detroit, 1; Philadel
phia, 1. Struck out: By Summers, 4; by
Donovan, 1; by Krause, 1; by Dygert, 2.
Time: 2:05. Umpires: Connolly and
Omaha Team Plays First Class Ball
at Tournament.
The Colts of Omaha won their first srame
of the series In the Thurman (la.) tourn
ament by a score of 6 to 3. The game was
fast and snappy throughout. Elnharst was
Invincible until the ninth, when a hit bat
ter, two bases on bails and a two-base hit
netted three runs. The batting of Tuttle
and Sherer was praiseworthy., Score:
B.H.O.A.E. B.H.O.A.E.
Mavflold, ss. 6 3 8 0 OH. Cole. 3b. . 4 0 U 1 0
Dow, rf 6 1 3 0 0C. Cola. aa... I 0 8 I I
8herer, If 6 8 10 ODaaghertv. lb I 1 1 6 I 1 0 11, lb... 4 0 13 1 0
AKenneor. cl 116 I (Fletcher, p... 10 14
Tuttle. b....4 10 0 OJenktna. If... I 6 0 0 6
Tbaur, lb.... I 0 I 0 OHnllowar, e.. 4 I I 1 1
Csughlon, ef. 0 0 3 0 OF.umonson, of 4 0 0 0 0
Eleanharat, p4 0 0 1 OPaul, rf I 0 0 0 0
Totala 80 8 17 4 0 Tolala to 4 84 11 l
Colts 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 16
inurman o o 0 0 0 0 0 0 81
Two-base hits: Sherer, Mayfleld, Dough
erty. Stolen bases: Dowe, Mayfleld, P.
Kennedy, Coughlan. Sacrifice hits: Cough
Ian (2), P. Kennedy. Bears on balls: off
Fletecher, 6; off Elsenhart, 4. Struck out:
By Fletcher, 4; by Elsenhart, 16. Time:
l:aS. Umpire: Dowllng.
Start Oat
CRESTON. Ia.. Au. 24. (Special Tele
gram.) The Townnend Oun Company
train of Omaha defeated the locals
here today in the first game of
the big .r,00 tournament. The game
was clore and Interesting and the acore
was 1 to 1. Gibson's hitting was a feature.
Both twirlers, Hlrsch of the Townsends
and Butcher for Creston, pitched splendid
ball. Tomorrow the Townsends play Hop
kins Brothers of Des Moines and Creston
plays Fontanelle. Hopkins Brothers de
ft ated Foniarielle In the second game to
cay by the score of 4 to 1. Score: R. H E.
Creston 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 8 0
Townsends 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 01 S 0
Batteries: Townsends, Hlrsch and Olb
ton; Creston. Butcher and Townsend.
Score, second game: RUE
Hopkins Bros... 4 6 0 0 0 0 0 04 10 2
Konianelle 03046000 03 3
Batteries: Hopkins Brothers. Johnson and
l eieison; Fontanelle, Cook and Hlatt.
Good thicken Bhootlasr.
Reports from all over the state Indicate
that the chicken shooting will be splendid
this fali when the season opens October 1.
I-sst year there were few young birds, but
this year It Is different, and large flocks of
young birds have been seen all over the
stale. One farmer near Norfolk In cutting
his oats, avaisd up four different flocks
of young chickens aad each flock was a
large ous.
Happy Hollow Wants to Entertain
Nebraska Association This Time.
Fifth Annual Tonranment Will Be
gin Early Wednesday Moraine
and Players Are Asked to
Register on Arrival.
Happy Hollow club has entered the field
as a contender for the honor of entertain
ing the Nebraska Oolf association and for
that reason has ,sent In more entries than
any other club to date. Happy Hollow's
list Is a long one and many mors are ex
pected. Although about ninety entries are
now In, the list Is but about one-half what
the directors expect It will be when the
qualifying round starts, because post en
tries are accepted.
Play In the fifth annual tournament of
ths Nebraska Oolf association will begin
this morning at 7 o'clock at the
Field club and the 'first day's play will
consist of the qualifying round with
ninety-six to qualify In three flights of
tblrty-two each. The play will be thirty
six holes at medal play and the last pair
must get away from the first tee by II
Thursday morning the first round of the
amateur championship will be played,
eighteen holes at match play and the
beaten sixteen will play for the consola
tion prise. The first round of the direct
ors will start at 8 o'clock and the beaten
sixteen will play for the solace prize. The
first round of the secretaire will start at
8:30 and the beaten sixteen will play In the
consolation handicap.
Contestants are asked to register as
soon as they arrive, even before they don
their golf garb, that the pairings may be
made and the players sent away as fast
as possible. The play will continue for the
rest of the week. Frank J. Hoel,. secre
tary and treasurer has arranged a splendid
program and players will be able to be
busy all week, some flight being arranged
for all beaten players and if more flights
are needed they will be added.
A medal Is offered for the low. score in
the . qualifying round and a cup - to the
winner of the amateur championship with
a cup to the runner-up. Suitable prises ars
offered to the winners and runners-up In
the consolation, director's, solace and sec
retary's class and In the handicaps.
List of fcntrles.
The entries up to Tuesday morning were:
Abbott, J. A, Parish, John W.
Adams, J. Q. Pcrlerfleld, H. L.
Brando, E. E. Porter, J. B.
Cahn, Albert. Robbins, John W.
Conrad, J. H. Russell, R. R.
Dougherty, U. L. Rahm, J. B.
Dunn, I. J. Schalek, Alfred
Hamilton, Fed. Sholes, D. V.
Holllster, R. R. Sharp, Jack
Hill, J. W., Jr. Shields, George W.
Hughes, Jack. Steel, Harry V.
Llndsey, John B. Scribner, A. W.
Merrlam, R. B. Sumney, H. C.
McCoy, Frank L. Townsend, H. C.
Palmatler, W. E. Thomas, J. W.
Austin, De Roy , McClure, A. A.
Austin, T. W. Nordstrom, E. A,
Bruenlng, E. H. Nason, A. W.
Bartlett, John T. Nedd, L. J.
Benson, Newman Polcar, Joseph,
Burnam, Harry E. Shafer, W. E.
Crelgh, A. I. Slbbernsen, Drexel
Clark, A. W. Selby, W. L.
Oarvln, V. H. Shepard, W. E.
George, J. E. Tandy, B. W.
itay ward, R. W. Thompson, Bob
Johannes, Chas. . E. I'hl, Mel.
Kimberly, E. E. Wyman, Crosby
Liggett, Guy WellB. A. R.
Lemere, H. B. Webster, John R.
Bancker, W. IX Hoel, F. J.
Deuel, C. L. Lemlst, H. F.
Davis, T. L. Morsman, F. S.
Fairfield, K.''M. Morsman, E. M., Jr.
Foye, W. J. Scoble, James H.
Gaines, F. H. Sprague, E. H.
Gaines, Francis
Allan, Donald B. Wilson, E. R.
Tracy, E. M.
Morey, C. F.
Hammond, Lucius It.
Smith, A. J.
Bulla, C. J. Laverty, R. M.
Cox, "Chuck" Mann, Charles F.
Cox, Dr. W. A. Sherwood, Floyd M.
Fitzgerald. James J. Wtppner, Joe
Calkins. C. W. Oooch, Herbert E.
Crsncer, Ooorge A. Meadows. J. S.
Cowgill, W. H. Storey, L. C.
Elgus, Charles R. Thomas, W. O.
Oreen, R. J.
Clothier Plays Bandy and McLaugh
lin TouchardA
NEWPORT, R. I., Aug. 24. The east will
meet the west in the semi-finals of the
National lawn tennis tournament on the
Newport courts tomorrow. From today's
play In the sixth round there emerged vic
torious William J. Clothier of Philadelphia,
winner of the National title In l'JOS; Thomss
C. Bundy of Los Angeles, M. E. McLough
lln of San Francisco, holder with O. F.
Janes of the Pacific coast doubles cham
pionship, and G. F. Touchard of New York.
Tomorrow Clothier will meet Bundy and
McLoughlln will oppose Touchard.
All but one of t Quay's matches were de
cided In straight sets, Clothier disposing of
E. H. Whitney, the young Longwood
player and Harvard Interscholastlc cham
pion, Bundy d'-featlng W. B. Craigln, Jr.,
the New York militiaman who yesterday
surprised the gallery by winning from T.
R. Pell, and McLoughlln putting II. H.
Jyi Rcmcmtrcr the
itftorp fie&& imm cOr mxnuti
tnm $0 (tea? cMMiia
Palmer, the New Jersey champion, out of
the tournament. The fourth match, be
tween Touchard and F. C. lnman of New
York, the Metropolitan champion, was well
contested and went full five sets. Among
the followers of thn gsme the chief Inter
est In the came today was the triumphal
progress through the various rounds of
McLotiKhlln, the speedy young CsllfornUn.
In only one of the five matches he has
plaved In this event hss he failed to win
In straight sets, the exception being his
five-set match agRlnst his fellow Callfor
nlsn. Melville S. Long, which stands out
as the best contest of the tournament thus
All-comers tournament, sixth round: W.
J. Clothier defeated E. H. Whitney. 6-1,
7- B. 8-1. . A
T. i Bundy defeated W. B. Cragln. Jr..
6-1. 7-5. 6-2. '
M. K. Mclaughlin defeated R. II. Tal
mer, 7-6, 6-4. 8-2.
O. F. Tout-hard defeated F. C. Inman,
8- 4, 4-6, 4-6, 8-8.
Peoria and Rork Island Divide a
PEORIA. III., Aug. 24 Peoria divided
two games with Rock Island today. The
visitors won the first game In the elev
enth Inning after a tight siiueese. The sec
ond game was called at the end of the sev
enth by agreement. tcore, first game:
R. H E
Rock Island 1010000010 15 10 0
Peoria 2001000000 08 4
Batteries: Neal and Starke, Walsh and
Score, second game:
Peoria 0 0 4 0 0 01-6 8 1
Rock Island 0 2 0 1 0 0 04 1 1
Batteries: Mercer and Hlgglns, Webster
and Eng.
DECATUR. 111.. Aug. 14. Cowell let down
the bars momentarily in the sixth today
and Davenport made three runs, winning a
close game I to 1 Bcore:
Davenport 00000100 03 4 i
Decatur 20000000 0-2 6 1
Butteries: Smith and Smith, Cowell and
SPRINO FIELD, 111., Aug. 24.-The home
team nearly wore Itself out today hitting
and running, while Bell allowed the visitors
only one more hit than they made errors.
Score: t
Springfield ...10502211 12 14 1
Cedar Rapids. 000040000041
Batteries: Bell and Kelley, Copeck y and
BLOOMINGTON. Iil., Aug. 24. Dubuque
today knocked Lemrlc out of the box In
the second inning and defeated Blooming
ton 7 to 6. although the home team scored
In the third and ninth almost enough runs
to tie the score. Score:
Dubuque 0 4 0 0 0 0 1 1 1-7 10 1
Bloomington .. 101000002690
Batteries: Feber and Nunnemacher, Lem
rlc, Clarke and Croft.
Three Games Played In First Roand
In Doableo.
KANSAS CITY, Mo., Aug. 24. The first
round of doubles in the Missouri Valley
Tennis tournament was completed today.
A feature was the work of Warfleld and
Gardner of Chicago and R. Hoerr of St,
The afternoon scores:
Preliminary round doubles Trltle aTHl
Sherman, Kansas City; defeated Thomp
son and Forrester. Kansas City, 6-0; 7-5.
First round doubles Williams and Dal
ton, Kansas City, defeated Sellers and
Sellers, Lexington, 6-3; 5-7; 8-4.
Warfleld and Gardner. Chicago, defeated
Cannon and Tyner. Kansas CJty, 6-4; 6-4.
Jones, Kansas City, and Junes, St. Louts,
defeated Welhener and Lannlng, Kansas
City, 6-2; 6-1.
Second round singles, Al Welhener, Kan
sas City, defeated James Chandler, Kansas
City, 7-6; 6-8.
Third round singles. H V. Jones. Kan
sas City, defeated H. Copeland, Kansas
City, 6-4; 6-L
First round consolidation' singles R.
Hoern, St. Louis, defeated James Chandler,
Kansas City, 4-6; 6-4; 6-2.
Results In the morning play;
W. A. Penleyy Augusta, Kan., defeated
W.. L. Lannlng, Kansas City, 6-1; 6-S.
Drummond Jones, St. Louis, defeated O.
R. Sellers, Lexington, Mo., 6-2; 6-S.
Paul Gardner, Chicago, defeated "Jack"
Cannon, Kansas City, 0-2; 6-2.
Ross K Wins the 2iSO Pace la Fast
JOLIET, 111., Aug.. 24 -rOood time today
marked the opening of the Jollet meeting
of the Great Western circuit races at In
galls park. Summaries:
2:20 pace: Ross K. won, W. D. 8. sec
ond. Mary K. third. Time: 2:08",.
2:21 trot: Dulce Jay won, Bertha C.
second, Ashland Clay third. Time: 2:12H.
2:07 pace: Governor Sartes won, ' Spill
second, Picnic Patrick thrd. Time: 2:07Vi-
Opening of Creston Race Meet.
CRESTON,' la., Aug. 24. (Special.) A
fair crowd marked the opening day of the
race meet. Following are the results ot
the race card:
2:22 pace, purse 1300: Thad Sumner, b. h.,
first; Harry C, b.- g., second; Early Frost,
b. m., third. Time: 2:17. 2:174, 2:16.
2:30 trot, purse 1300: Canora Belle, b. m.,
first; Josephine D b. m., Becond; Pros
pero, b. g., third. . Time: 2:25Vs. 2:23',
Three-year-old pace, purse 1200: Dr.
B. P., bl. h., first; second and third places
split between Beauty Bells, bl. m., and
Dr. Burns, bl. h. Time: l:22Vi, 2:22.
Junior Tennis Postponed.
The Junior City Tennis tournament
which was scheduled to open Tuesday
morning at the Field club has been post
poned for a week because of the Nebraska
Golf tournament which will be held this
week at the Field -club. Play In the
Junior tournament will start next Monday
morning. The entry lists have been re
opened and entries will be received until
Olymplo Team Trophy.
The golf associations of the world have
been Invited to send teams of four players
to compete for the Olympic Team trophy,
the competition for which will be held at
the Chicago Oolf club at Wheaton, 111.,
Saturday, September 4. The competition
Is thirty-six holes medal play, the total
scores of each team to count. There Is
no entrance fee. Address, Trigg Waller,
Bet. Want Ads are Business Boosters.
at, vansssaaaav jannaanaassssaamaana ennaawaBalan,
Team Has Total of 2,202 at End of
1,000 Yards Itang-e Firing. '
Iowa Drops from Fifth lo Eighth,
Place and Ohio Mores Irons
Math to Fifth
Plaeo. '
CAMP PERRY, O.. Aug. 34. At the oVose
of today's firing in ths national trophy eon
test on the Camp Perry rifle range, the
United States navy team aUU led with a
grand total of 2.202 points. Massachusetts
was second, four points behind the navy.
The United States Infantry, whloh was
sixth last night, Is now third; New Tork
fell frorl third to fourth; Ohio pullod up
from ninth to fifth; the United Slates
Naval academy fell from fourth to sixth;
Iowa was driven from fifth to eighth.
The day's scores of the leaders, together
with their totals for yesterday and today,
follow I
800 1,000
Tarda Yards. Tptal.
United States navy .......... 675 546 2. SB
Massachusetts ... 50 643 l.lsg
United Slates Infantry. 670 m 2.1G8
New York
a. if.7
U. S. Naval academy....... 677
Wisconsin 670
Iowa .... 6(0
Pennsylvania ffil
United States marines ..... 664
Interest In rifle shooting hss spread to
the Panama canal sons. Colonel George
Ooethals, the chlpf engineer, haa written
to Lieutenant Albert 8. Jones, secretary of
the rifle association, that a rifle club ia be
ing formed there. .
Ansley Shots Ont Broken Bow,
ANSLEY, Neb., Aug. 24. (Special.)
Ansley, 10; Broken Bow, 8. Batteries:
Ansley, Carothers and HulllRlet; Broken
Bow, Hullflst and Smith. This makes
three out of five won by Ansley,
Funeral of Rev. Arthur K. Myatt
way Takes - Plaoe at
TABOR. Ia..' Aug. M.-(Ppec!s.l.)-The
funeral of Rev. Arthur K. Myattway, a
Navajo Indian of Tabor, was held at the
horns hers at 7 o'clock this morning. The
surviving family and friends convoying
the remains to Clarlnda for burial besldo
those of his first wife and child. '
Mr. Myattway was widely known as a
preacher and more especially of late years
as a leoturer, who spoke of tbe habits and
customs of his people. A large part of his
time last year was devoted to lecturing
In various parts of Nebraska and Iowa. As
a Baptist minister, he held various pastor
ates prior to going onto the lecture plat
form. An old time friend. Rev., B. H. Harri
son, of Sidney, officiated at ths funeral.
He was about 62 years of age and came to
America when 19 years of ago, taking a
college course at Hamilton college, Canada
and a full course In the seminary. . His
death - occurred from tubercular trouble
at Akron, Ind., August 16. The widow and
two children survive him, Francis, aged 10,
and Arthur, aged 4 years.
Completes Fond Necessary to Secaro
SIOUX City, Ia.. Aug. 24. Mornlngslds
college today received from James J. Hill,
president of the Great Northern road, a
check for 11,000, which eompletes the $150,-
000 whloh It was necessary for the college
to raise In order to get the 150.000 which
had been granted conditionally by ths
American Education hoard. This now
gives Mornlngslde an endowment of 8100,-
000. Rev. Dr. W. T. McDonald, pastor of
Grace M. E. church, presented the mat
ter to Mr. Hill, In writing, and after a
brief correspondence Mr. Hill sent tha
Bis; Paving- Contract.
GRINNELL, Ia., Aug. 24.-(Speclal.) J
Contractor William Horrabln began work
this morning on one of the biggest pav
ing contracts ever let in the state of Iowa.
It comprises 92.000 square yards and will
cover all ths business portion and several
of the finest residence streets of the city.
The paving is to a bltullthlc on a five-inch
concrete base. The contract price Is ti ll
per square yard. Telephone wires are b-
lna nls-cerl iinrlerarnnnrl a II v.m.r van
water and steam heating pipes and con
nections are being made in advance of tha
paving. Tha general width on residence
streets is thirty feet, and In the business
rmrta tnrtv In fnrlv.alvht .t Tha antlr.
'- - 'j . ..-j ------ ...v -..., .
contract Is to be completed by October,
The Longest Conttnauna Donbla Track
I Railway In the World
under one management Is ths Grand Trunk
Railway System from Chicago to Montreal
and to Niagara Falls. Ths Grand Trunk
Lehigh Valley double track routs via
Niagara Falls reached from Chicago to
New Tork.
Descriptive literature, time tables, eto.,
will be mailed free on application to W. S.
Cooks.. n, A. O. P. A., Grand Trunk Rail
way System, US Adams street, Chlaago. III.
Haaglas aal
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