Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 25, 1909, Page 5, Image 5

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Council Bluffs
Institute ii to Continue Throughout
the Entire Week.
Lrtnra mm Art Esfclbtt Are rm
tb rnblle Three Ilangr a ad
Fitly Teaenera RiHrt4
fo Attend.
' Prof. E. R. Jackson, county superintend
eni of ftchooln, ha hit hands" full these
days completing arrangement for the an
nual session of the Pottawattamie County
Normal Institute, which will b held In the
high school building next week. The sea-
slotr of the Institute will open next Mon
day And last over Saturday. An attend
ance of about W teachers la looked for.
The number would be larger but for the
fact that many of. the teachers of the
county- bay Attended other Institutes dur
Ing the summer and this will excuse them
from attending here.
In speaking of the 'Institute Superintend
ent Jackaon said yesterday: "The Insti
tute this year will be of great Intereat,
not wily to tha teachers who are expected
to attend-, but to - the public In general.
We have teen able to secure a splendid
ertea of , afternoon lectures and In addi
tion have arranged with the Turner Art
institute of New- York for an exhibit of
over WO copies of famous paintings. Both
the lectures and art exhibit will be open
to tha public The art exhibit, which I
believe will be one of the beat ever shown
In Council "Bluffs, will be open to the
public every afternoon during the entire
WMk Immediately , after the lectures. I
Council Bluffs
Council Bluffs 1
hope the people will take advantage of the
Faenlty af laetltate.
The following well known educators
have been secured by Prof. Jackson to
comprise the faculty of the Institute this
Prof. O. H. Benson, county superintend
ent of W right county, Iowa, dldacllca and
Prof. Oeorge H. Betts, head of depart
ment of education. Cornell college, pky
chology and lectures.
Prof. J. II. Beverldee. superintendent of
city schools. Council Bluffs, arithmetic
and reading.
Prof. It. Si. Iampman, superintendent of
city schools. Walnut, la., writing and
spelling. j
Miss Charlotte- Reed, supervisor city
schools of Marshalllown, la.. Industrial
Prof. Y- O. Solomon, department of pub
lic school music, trake university, music.
Prof. 8. K Thomas, former principal
Council Bluffs High school, physics and
Miss Ktella Louise Wood, Klndcrcarten
association, Minneapolis, primary and na
ture study.
Prof. W. C. Wilcox. State university of
Iowa. American history lecturer.
Prof. K. IT. Oraff. principal Omaha High
school, lectures. .
Program of I.ectaree.
Following Is the . program of - loctures,
which will be open to the public:
Monday Morning "Henry Clav, the
Leader of the Whig Party," Prof. 'Wilcox.
Monday Afternoon "Birds I Have
Known." Miss Wood. Mtialr. "The Prcs
tnt Industrial Involution." Prof. Wilcox.
Tuesday Morning "Ilanlel Webster, the
Orator of tl.e Constitution," Prof. Wilcox.
Tuesday Afternoon "Kamous Pictures
and Their fctorlca," Prof. Betts. MuhIc.
"The Ksce Problem In America," Prof
Wednesday Morning "Stephen A. Doug
las, the Advocate of Squatter Sovereignty'
Prof. Wilcox.
Wednesday Afternoon "A Ftory Hour,"
(children invited), Miss Wood. Musio.
"The Unwritten Law." Prof. Wilcox.
Thursday Morning "Hoi ace Greeley, the
Prince of American Journalism, lTor.
Thursday Afternoon "Children and Child
Life In Many I-ands," Prof. PeMs. Music.
' The Educated American Girl." prof.
Krlilnv Morning "Pamuel J. Tllton. the
Statesman of the Detrccratlc Pnrtv," Prof.
Friday Afternoon "Selections from
James Whltcomb Riley." Prof Graff
Music. "The Present Crisis In American
History." Prof WS'cnx.
Saturday Mornlne; "James G Plains, the
Statesman of the Republican Party." Prof.
Council Bluffs
Great the
Removal Sale Prices on Silver
Table Ware and Cut Glass
Ms Stock Mas
And Our Prices Will
Move It
Our stock consists of the best known makes of high
grade plated silverware. Patterns and styles are equal
' to' solid silver in beauty and effect, the quality is the
"" kind, that does not wear off. Every piece guaranteed.
15.00 set' beat
plated Knives
and Forks . . .
quality silver
$12,00 4-piece silver
,.Te& Set
$2 set best quality sll
" rer plated Teaspoons
$4.60 Silver Butter
' Dish ....,
$4.00 large sliver
Soup Ladle
$1.00 stiver Cream
.. Ladle ,
$1.60 silver Gravy
.. Ladle..'.'
$2.6.0 silver Butter Knife and
Sugar. I Crt
Spoon, for IV
$LJ25 Cold Meat
, Fork . .
$4. do silver Dessert
. Spoons . . . .
$6.60 12-inch Mirror
$7.60 silver Pie
$20 silver Coftee
$26.00 large silver
Fruit Basket . . . .
$6 sliver Salad
Bowl ..........
$4.00 Cake
Baskets ........
$4 silver Candle
$8 silver Fern
$10 Silver Fruit v
$20 4-plece silver
Tea Set, now . . . .
Inclined to
In a petition presented to the Fioard of
Fire and Tollce commissioners at Its meet
Ins last nlaht the members of the fire de
partment ask for an extension of the
weekly "lay off" from eighteen to twenty
four hours, t'nder the present rule of the
department each fireman Is entitled to a
weeklylay off from 1 p. m. a 7 p. m. of
the day following. This gives each mem
ber of the department eighteen hour a
week to spend with his family. The peti
tion, which wbs sinned by every member
of the department, asks that the "lay o.T'
be from 7 a. m. to 7 a. m. of the day fol
lowing. The commissioners expressed
themselves as In favor of granting the
request but deferred formal action until ITi
return of Chief Nicholson, to whom the
petition will be referred as a matter of
courtesy. It Is understood that Chief
Nicholson Is In favor of granting the re
quest. """
Councilman Younkerman, chairman of
the fire and light committee of the olty
council, appeared before the commission
and discussed the advisability of some rule
bring made as to the regular Inspection
and examination of the fire hydrants. At a
recent meeting of the city council, the
statement was made that a fire hydrant In
the western part of the city during a
blaze at a dry cleaning establishment,
could not be turned on until the firemen
had secured a wrench from a nearby house
as the regular wrench carried by the' fire
men proved useless. The council was of
the opinion that the fire hydrants should
be examined at stated Intervals by the de
partment and Councilman Younkerman
was delegated to confer with the fire and
police commissioners on the matter. The
commissioners asked Mr. Younkerman to
frame his suggestions In a written com
munication and stated they would then
take the matter up with the ohlef of the
department with a view to ordering the
systematic Inspection and examination of
the fire hydrants throughout the city.
The commissioners discussed , the ad
visability of having the new central fire
station, now nearlng completion, at iho
foot of Bryant street, heated by steam
In place of by stoves, as at present con
templated. The board also thought it
would be advisable to have a steel ceiling
In the main room of the new house but no
action was taken on either proposition aa
It was deemed best to consult with tha
contractor before doing so.
Minor Mention
The Ooaaetl Blnff Of flee of the
Omaha Be la at IS Uoott BtreeV
Both 'phone 4a,
$12 set Knives, Forks, Tea and
Dessert 7 Cf)
$10.60 large silver f. (If)
Vegetable Dish UeVl
$9 silver Sandwich
$10 Sheffield
$2 silver Berry Spoon In hand
some floral pat- f 25
terns, now !-
$10.60 silver hollow handle
Knives and Forks, beautuui
patterns; guaran
teed 26 years . . .
Petitions (or Bond Election Being
. Circulated.
The necessary petition for the city coun
cil to aot upon the plan suggested by
Mayor Maloney for the diversion of Indian
creek at soma point northeast of the city
limit will be forthcoming by tha time tha
mayor returns from his trip to Montreal,
where he la attending the annual meeting
of the American League of Municipalities.
These - petitions are being circulated by
members of the Fifth Ward Improvement
club, who are vitally Interested In some
solution of the Indian creek problem, and
they already have secured almost the nec
essary number of signatures of property
The law require the signature of 100
property owner to theae petitions, and
Peter Smith, chairman of the Fifth Ward
Improvement club, stated yesterday that
the five petitions that have been circulated
already bear more .than tha necessary 100
signatures. These petitions, Mr. Smith said,
would probably; be presented to the city
council at the regular meeting on Septem
ber 7.
With the filing of these petition bearing
the requisite number of signatures, the
city council will be In a position to take
the action necessary to form a drainage
district and take steps to issue bond for
the diverting of the creek.
Davla. dniga.
CORR1UAN8. undertaker 'Phone 148.
For rent, modern house. 721 fth avenue.
Wood ring Undertaking company. Tel. 139.
Leiyia Cutler, funeral director. 'Phone 17.
When you want reliable want ad adver
tising, use The Bee. -
Deerlng binders and mowers, Sperling dt
Trlplett, 327 Broadway. a
FALL TERM Western Iowa College
opens August 30. Bend for catalog.
Dr. W. W. Macarall, optometrist, moved
to 20S-S0S City National bank building.
Undertakers. 'Phone 122, N. Main street.
Dr. Donald Macrae ha gone to Des
Moines to attend the encampment of the
Fifty-fourth regiment of the Iowa Na
tional guard of which he Is surgeon gen
eral of the first battalion.
Justice Cooper performed the marriage
ceremony yesterday for George W. ithu-
ney and Marie Emma Blair, both of lo
peua, Kan., and for -A. W. Johnson and
Josephine Russell, both of Omaha.
Notice was received yesterday by H. M.
Brown. cIctk of the district court of the
death at the estate Hospital for the In
sane at Clarlmta. of Mrs. Dora Haydeu,
committed from Council Bluffs last j'jiy.
- George F. Maxwell, aged 84 years, died
yesteraay afternoon at his home, i Bluff
street. He is survived by one daughter.
Miss Etta Maxwell, deputy clerk of the
United States court In this city. Arrange
ments for the funeral have not been com
pleted. Mrs. Ida Johnson. 2X10 Avenue I, died
yesterday from pneumonia, aged 27 years.
Services will be held at the residence
Thursday morning at 10 o'clook, after
which the body will be taken to Btroma
burg, Neb., for burial. Deceased was a
member of the Royal Neighbor of Amer
ica. The condition of Miss In Purdy of
Oakland. Ia., who was seriously Injured
In an automobile aorident near McClel
land late Saturday night, was reported to
be slightly Improved last night, although
the young woman Is still unconscious at
the Edmundson Memorial hospttal In tills
Mabel, the 1-year-old daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. John Konkler, 12oa North Eighth
BTeet, died yesterday afternoon from diph
theria. The funeral will be held this aft
ernoon at t o'clock- from the family resi
dence and will be private. Services at tlw
grave In Falrvlew cemetery will be con
ducted by Rev. 8. J. Carter.
Mrs. Hilda Mary Martin, wife of Fred
L. Martin, 60 Willow avenue, died Mon
day night at Mercy hospital, aged 13
year. Mr. Martin, who was a bride of
only four months, formerly resided In
.Carroll, la., and the body waa taken
there yesterday afternoon for burial.
Denth was due to ureamlc poisoning after
a week' Illness.
H. E. Beach, court reporter at Carroll.
Ia., has written to City Solicitor Clem F.
Kimball, asking the latter to bring a team
of ten golf players to Carroll Saturday of
tnis week. Mr. Kimoan and Attorney
George H. Mayne have accepted the chal
lenge and are now getting a team to
gether to show the Carroll golfer how
the game is played.
Charged with tapping the till at the
confectionery store of W. M. Ward, at the
corner of Sixteenth avenue and Sixth
street for IS, Mark McCoy and Ernest De
mer are to have a hearing In the juven
ile court oerore juage snyaer tni morn
ing. Raymond Longeway. another boy
charged with being Implicated In the theft.
is oeing sougni oy me auinonues.
Pending the determination of the case of
Mrs. Marion Ralrdon. charged with being
insane, ner tnree cnnnren were yesterday
? laced by the authorities In charge of Mrs.
ohnson, the matron at the Associated
Charities' creche, . The commissioner will
take up the case of Mrs. Ralrdon this
morning. Pending the hearing she has
Deen placed in t. Bernard' hospital.
Tha receipts In the general fund of the
Christian home last week were 3119 1. be
ing 180.09 below tha current needs of the
week, wiping out the balance In this fund
and leaving a deficiency of $10 85. In the
manager's - rund the receipt were 313.60,
being 822.60 below the needs of the wwli
and Increasing the deficiency In this fund
to date to 1567.17. The amount needmt in
tha contlgent and Improvement fund fop
13W i r;, . i
$40 handsome 6-piece silver
Tea Set, extra large, beauti
fully decorated, absolutely
best quality made. 30.00
i "'
Fine Brilliant American Cuft Glass, the renowned
nawkes' make, at prices that will tempt the most ex
treme economist.
$6 fine Cut Glass Creamer attd
Sutsar, best cutting I C1
and new shape VeeV
Hawkes' Cut Glass, Vinegar and
Oil Cruets, regular 1 QC
price $3. now
Beautiful Star Cut Glass Tum
blers, Wine Glasses, Sherbet
' Glasses, Cocktail and Cordial
Glasses, 177.1 each, XKf
two for ''
$15 large Salad Bowl, extra
fin Hawkes' Cut f ) QC
$1 Cut Glass, 6-inch
$6.50 Cut Glass, 8-ln.
Salad, now .......
$1$ Cut Glass
Water Set, now
$21.60 large Fruit Comport,
beautiful cutting, jC ))
Hawkes Cut Glass .JasVl
$30 Fruit Cerr Pieces. I8-in.
high, beau til ..I effect and cut
ting, Hawkea'
Cut G!e?8
The Rex washing machine I the latest
and most Improved high speed lever wash
ing machine on the market. Price, 310. P.
C. DeVol Hardware Co.
Water for Y. M. C. A.
Work was bejrun yesterday on a well de
signed to supply water ror the swimming
pool and other needs of the new Toung
Men' Christian association building at the
oorner of First avenue and Seventh street.
Water was reached at a depth of about
thirty-five feet and at ninety feet a food
flow was obtained. The well was sunk
about four feet outside of the building on
the north. Today a test of the well will
be made by pumping, and if tha flow 1
found adequate It will be oaaed and a pip
will be run through the basement wail of
the building and connected with a pump.
The well la expected to aupply tha swim
ming pool and to furnish plenty of water
for all other purposes throughout the build
I Tweatt Teaura vt snaeoaaaraj Bosfns.
No oonnectmn with ta Craa as Blag thwrfvaa The Clark Mrtrsge C.
iwvra etf. iJa to i.T. V af
. mvj . - w-v m - f . j,. . jm
Pleaty ot Water for Park.
With the sinking of a second well near
the one In Falrmount park where water
waa obtained after several unsuccessful at
tempts, President Graham of tha Board
of Park Commissioners announced yester
day that the supply from the two well
would be abundant for tbe needs of the
Excavation has been begun for the foun
dation of tha pump house, which 1 to be
erected near the wells, and a soon as
this is completed electrlo pumps ar to be
Installed In the new building, one for each
pump. Tha aupply will b pumped through
a single pip to a reservoir to be con
structed on the summit of tha hill, and
from this the water will be piped to all
part ot the park.
Marriage Lleeasea.
Licenses to wed were issued yeaterday
to tha following;
Nam and Residence. Age.
George W. Whitney, Toptka, Kan..
Marie Emma Blair. Topeka, Kan
William Curry, Columbus. Neb
Tlllle Piatt, Columbus. Neb
A. W. Johnson, Omaha
Josephine Russell, Omaha
N. T. Plumbing Co. Tel. ISO. Night L-1701
CissjilCisa'srtlLB is Weswal Chul
w a ii Mesksi
sm tan umi m tsea sissin
- LEFFEirrs 1
Local Jeweler Ar Awarded
At a special meeting of the directors of
the National Horticultural congress last
night tha contract for furnishing the silver
trophies to be given at the forthcoming
fruit show was awarded to two local
Jewelers, H. Leffert and George Oerner,
The proposition submitted by Mr. Leffert
and Mr. Oerner were practioally Identical.
Up to data fifteen silver trophies, to be
eleoted and deaigned by the congress, have
been donated by outalde parties and firms,
and this number, it is confidently expected,
will be Increaaed to twenty-five. Tha value
of these silver trophies ranges from 350 to
3500, and will average about 1150.
General Superintendent F. L. Reed of
the fruit show announced last evening that
3.000 copies of the preliminary premium list
had been received from the printer and the
work of mailing them out had been begun.
Great Western Fay for Filinr Ita
Inoorporatlon Fnpert.
Acreage ' Leas Tkss Last Year avad
Yield Will Nat Be Large Mrs.
Reyaelds May Nat Be We-asaa
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DE8 MOINES, la., Aug. 34.-(Spclal.)
Judge George H. Carr, attorney tor tha
Great Western, today paid to Secretary
of State Hayward the personal check ot
J. P. Morgan of Hew York for 3W.000, be
ing the fee for recording the new article
of Incorporation ot the reorganised Chi
cago Great Western railroad. Tha only
change In name Is railroad Instead ot rail
way. Ratlmate of term Crop.
Facts thus far gathered by tha Iowa
crop and weather service Indicate that this
ear' corn orop In Iowa will not amount
to more than 1M.M0.000 bushels, while laat
year It reached nearly 302,000,000 bushel.
There Is nearly 300,000 lees acres planted
to corn this .year, and the crop will be
lighter than for many years.
Mrs. Reynolda May Not Be jnllty.
Dea Molnea police nftay have to give up
attempting to prove that the woman under
arrest her la the on who ha taken
so many hundred of dollars' worth of
diamonds In Dea Moines, Omaha, San
Francisco, Perry and other cities.. That
om woman haa been boldly entering
house and taking diamond is reoogntsed,
but the only thing against the Mr. Rey
nold here 1 that she was twice seen
emerging from houses where diamonds
were afterwards found to be stolen. She
doea not answer closely to tha descrip
tion furnished from Omaha and other
Reason Goes with. Lover.
Agna Hutchison, 20, a South Dea
Moines girl, was tent to Clarlnda by the
Insanity commission today. She was re
cently Jilted by a faithless lover which la
believed to have upset her reaaon. -
tat Home Compsmjr Wins. '
A fruit farm company, In which many
state house employes hold atock and which
located 111 the Osark mountains In
Missouri haa this year harvested sixty car
loads of peaches, which brought on the
the eastern market 336,000. Tha stock la
held In small blocks In whloh state house
employee are largely Interested. The com
pany will pay a big dividend this year.
Lyo Is a Candidate.
C. W. Lyon, assistant attorney general
of Iowa, put to rest tha rumors that he
I not a candidate for county attorney of
Polk county today by announcing that ha
Is In till tha finish.
Arrange for National Orasge,
Ex-Governor C. J. Bell of Vermont, who
I secretary of the executive committee of
the National grange, I In De Moines
arranging for the national meeting to be
held here November 10 to IS. The meet
ings will be held In the auditorium. There
will be a display of agricultural product
and it 1 expeoted that the attendance
will be one of tha largest In tha history of
tha Grange.
Impeach, Dr. Brown of Leon.
Relative of Mia Maud Stone of Leon
for whose death Dr. J. W. Crofford ot
Laraonl, I a., la serving a term in the
penitentiary for criminal operation, filed
with Governor B. F. Carroll yesterday
affidavits of business men and others of
Leon attacking the charaoter of Dr. Arte
mua Brown for truth and veracity. The
State Board of Parol recommended to tha
governor a pardon for Crofford on testl
mony of Dr. Brown, whloh would prove
the man Innocent The relative of the
girl will make a hard fight to Induce Gov
rnor Carroll not to follow tha reoommen
datlon of the board of parole.
Htary W. Fan-ley Dead.
Henry W. Fagley, aged M, a wealthy de
partment store owner of St. Paul, Des
Moines. Sioux City, Cedar Raplda and
other clttea. died here this afternoon after
an Illness of four days, of typhoid pneu
monia. Mr. Fagley' nam haa been con
nected with clothing and department stores
throughout the middle west for thirty
year. HI body will be taken to St. Paul
for burial Wedneaday night.
Iowa News Notes.
LOGAN Magnolia will be the center of
attraction Tnursoay, August W. Old Set
tiers day for Harrison county. Magnolia
is making an extra errort to oare fn
those who attend; a matter of no small
moment, as the attenaance, as a rul
reaches (.000.
FORT DO DOB! As a sequel to the street
car fight that haa been on here for aome
time the city haa started ouster proceed
lugs against the company and asks the
court to cancel the contract between the
city of Fort Dodge and the Fort Dods
Des Molnea A Southern so far aa atreet
railway 1 concerned.
COIN Two prominent farmers, of near
coin. Ixjuis weir ana Ulen Hutchison,
were Instantly killed laat night, when an
automobile In which they were rldlig wa
struck by a passenger train at "dead
man's" crossing, where the Wabash and
Burlington tracks cross each other. Th
automobile was thrown 200 feet away.
CRESTON A a result of over 900 letter
sent out by County Treasurer Sherwood
since the delinquent tax lists were made
up, In Maroh, over 11.700 In back taxes
have been received by the treasurer, com
Ing from outside the olty. In tne surround
Ing townships for this "Jog" to the "for
getrui ciuxens' memory. This little sum
of pin money will go quit a way In th
county expenditure.
CRESTON The refusal to grant a permit
to sell Intoxicant to W. l. Smith, a
Shannon City dru grist, waa the first case
settled by the district court, after it oon
vened here yesterday. The case attracted
a good deal of attention, and a large dele
gation of Shannonites were in attendance
armed with a 2uO-Htgnatut o remonstrance
protesting against granting of the permit
judge Towner respected tha wishes of the
remonstrances ana refused the permit.
CRESTON Because .they regarded th
figures submitted by all contractors for
the new street paving, as exobltant, th
city council, at Ita meeting last night,
turned tnem an aown ana instructed th
city engineer to drew up a new aet ot
specifications and the city clerk to ad
vertlse a second time for bids. They also
refused to grant the use or street for
another atreet carnival, asked for In
petition from the Hawkeye Engine com
pany, but finally compromised by allowln
them the use or hail or the streets sur
rounding some vacant lota, providing the
lots couia be securea ror the shows.
FORT DODGE E. W. Archer, who hold
hit credentials aa a Methodist minister and
has held pastorate in New England, now
manager of tbe Standard Oil company in
r oi t Dodge, performed his first Io
wedding Sunday afternoon when John E
Espe and lola Ethel Lakln, both of Ells
worth, appeared before him and demanded
a marriage ceremony. They aurpiiaed th
one time minister ana win undoubtedi
surprise their friends upon their return
to Ellsworth. Mr. Archer Is In charge of
services, marriages', deaths, receiving of
members and In fact la pastor, pro, tern
of the First Methodist church until a ne
pastor Is appointed to come to Fort Dodge
at the coming cwuiorenc ol tola district.
LIQUOR CO., 61 S. Main. "Phonea 3321
la Taken
Denied. -
BOONE. Ia., Aug. 34. (Special Telegram.)
Announcement from Dea Moines that th
Boone County Telephone company had
been sold to th Iowa Telephone company,
through purchase of 3600,000 In stock by
tha Bell people from the Brenton of Pal
las Center la denied hare. President T
O. Montgomery of tha Boon County
Board of Directors today stated the Boon
County company would still be In busi
ness as at preaent and under th lima
management, and would complete tha
present building for occupancy and that
the Bell plant here would be taken over,
and the two ytm consolidated If th
people showed by the postal card vote
that they wanted It. This means great
things for Boon. Tb Bell people ar
willing to give up th exchange field her
for all the toll connections which they
need with tha Boone County company. Th
latter company I favorable and within a
short time th companies undoubtedly will
b united. In the meantime 3300,000 worth
of outside construction I being held up
by both companle here.
Counterfeit DolUtra
buy trouble, but a genuine quarter buy
Dr. King's New Lit Pills for constipation,
malaria and Jaundice. Sold by Ueatou
Drug Co.
Slender and Beautiful
IIow Stout People Regain m Perfect
When a person la too stout and con
template a special treatment In order to
regain elendernea and beauty of form,
there I on vital recommendation to be
borne In mind: do nothing take nothing
that might possibly ba detrimental to
health and strength. That meaoa, do
not go In for' fasting; avoid violent exer
cising; but take plenty of reat and enjoy
retlonal meals. 1
With tola exordium wa will proceed to
five the full recipe of tha preparation,
or reducing weight to normal and re
storing alenderness and beauty which is
now in vegue everywhere: H os. Mar
mola, tt oa. Fluid Extract Caacara Aro
matic and 3 S oa. Peppermint Water.
Any druiglst will make up this pre
scription or aupply tha Insredlenl to
mix at home. Take one teaspoonful ot
this barm lees mixture after each meal
and at bed lime. This truly scientific
remedy acts beneficially on the whole
organism, restoring vigor, appetite, di
gestive power; renewing the blood i 1
rebeautlrylng the complexion. The re
duction leavea no wrinkles, and there Is
a apleudld redevelopment of muscular
you see on
faink of
Whenever, wherever, however you see an arrow,
let it point the way to a soda fountain, and a
glass of the beverage that is so delicious and so
popular that it and even its advertising are
constant inspiration for imitators.
Arc jrou hot ) 1
Are you bred r
Are you thirsty)
Coca-Cola is cooling.
i Coca-Cola relieves fatigue.
Coca-Cola is thini-quenchm
Do you crave something just to tickle your
palate not too sweet, but alive with
vim and go lxca-ixia is delicious.
5c Everywhere
you tee an
Arrow think
of Coca-Cola.
mcoLN '5pz6&toDV
wonderful displays of m
Splendid Racing
Llberatls Band and
Grand Opera Singers.
PaintfBaille In the Clouds
wilh Airship
AihlellcMeel- Carnival -BascDall
Ibr informant
?in. Prtmium Lftry oaaAj wrtff jA I 1
WR Jttellor. Svy. vA
Our product and reputation are the
best advertisement we can offer
A. L Rant. In, 1S10-131S Hewera ft OaaaU
Best equipped dental office In tbe middle west.
Highest grada dentistry at reasonable prices.
Porcelain fillings, just like the tooth. All Instru
ments carefully sterilised after each patient.
Cor 16th and Famam St.
Aro You Thinking
about fettlng married. If you are let us sell you tb
wedding ring or tha gift to th brld. Spend a few
minute In our etore. Look for tha name.
S. WrXindsay, Jeweler
Rooms for Eagle. Convention
The Eagles Convention Committee desires to secure a
complete list of rooms that will be available for visitors
during the convention week, September 13-18. People hav
ing rooms to rent will fill out blank below and either bring
or mail it to Eagles' Information Bureau, Rotunda of Bee
Building, or Parlor B, Paxton Hotel.
Number of rooms
Prioe ( one t wo ) Tel. No.
ni'jnriiiiM "VMi-11