f Till: TIKE: OMAHA. WEDNESDAY. AUG TNT 25. 11)00. 'Hie Omaha Daily He FOT'NOFD I1V KtiWARII ItOSEWATKR. VICTOR HoSKWATKR, EDITOR. r,n tared at Onthl postof flee Bcoud- lara matter. TERMS OF 81'HHCRIPTION. l'ellv Nee (without Sunday) ona year. $4 00 i 'ally Bee and inday. ana year I'KLlVEHi.1) BV CARRIER. I 'ally He (Including Runday), par werk. IS; Iialiv Mee iwlthom Sundayi. per week..iuc r.venlng Bee (without Sunday), par week Kvetimg H, lth tfundayi. pr week..loc Sunday Bee, ona yaar i.Si Saturday Bee. ona year 11 Addreea all complaints of Irregularities 1.1 i.cilery to City Circulation Department. OFFICES. Omaha The Baa Building. ivMiih Omaha Twanty-fuiirlh and N. Coiinrli Bluffe II rk-ott Street. LincolnMa I.lttla Hull-ling. i hlraao 1641 Marquette building. ,f York Roonia UOl-lXtt No. M West 1 hlrty-thtid Street. " S aahlngton W Kourteenth Street. N. W. CORR 8810 N DKNC E. Communications relating to news and edi torial matter should ba addressed: Omaha lc. Editorial Tevertinent. REMITTANCES. Remit by draft. ' express or postal order payable to The' Wee Publishing Company, only 2-eent atampa received In payment of mall accounts. . Terminal check, except on Omaha ar eastern exchanges, not accepted. 6TATEMENT OF CIRCULATION. State of Nebraaka. Douglas County, aa.: (eorge B. Tsaahuck. treasurer of The Bee Publishing Company, being duly aworn. saye that the actual number of full and complete copies of The Dally, Morning. Evening and tfundey Bee printed during the month of July, IttM. vii as follow: .41.T40 ..4X.TSQ 17 41,910 It.... II.... 20. . .. tl.... 40,300 41,140 41,730 43,430 41,690 . .40, 00 . .40JM ..4a, ISO ' . .41.M0 . .41.0M . .4MT0 . .41,810 . .41.70 ..40.0M 12. 21 41,110 H. 41,800 26 40,160 if 41,170 IT 41,680 21 41,840 II 41.840 30..... I 41,890 21 41,830 10... 11... It ..40,030 II 41,740 14 41,710 It 4170 II.. 41,740 Total....... Returned cople Nat total 1,393,040 ." 1.883,413 Dally average . 41,S8 GEORGE B. TZ8CHUCK. Treasurer. Subscribed In my presence and aworn to before me this 2d day of August, 1909. (Seal) M. P. W ALKER. Notary rubllc. Ssbserlbore leaving the city tem porarily akoald have The Bee utile tkeaa. Address will be chanced! m often aa reqaeated. A million Manila cigars Imported In a few week throws soma doubt on the Improvement of matters by the tariff. With Nebraska's ' unprecedented crops behind It the State fair at Lin coln next month ought to be a record breaker. Lincoln papers contain an account of the successful raid of an opium joint. Evidently dry towns may have other troubles. And bow our superintendent of school buildings Is to have an automo bile runabout paid for ' out of J the school funi.-"-Next - The grand rifle contest of the year is about to open. Toe Massachusetts militiamen' are not eligible under the rules of preliminary exhibition. Glenn Curtlss and Charles Wllllard, aviators, are forcing their names up toward the who's-who class. The world moWttT the earth level doesn't. ' Just because they kill them off reck lessly In Indianapolis is no good reason why the list of automobile victims should be needlessly lengthened in Omaha. Because Hammersteln , has landed twenty-five of his opera singers In New York, Chicago acts as if Paris and Milan had been dropped out of the wagon. ;. The hiy fever season Is below the average level In complatnta recorded. It must so because travel In the grain belt and the hills of the northwest has been greater than ever. Spanish' commanders believe that they can demolish the Riffs with rough ridsrs.' U Is an Idea worth try ing, but the Riffs are reputed some rough riders themselves. lu a few days the goddess of peace will cross the' RIo Grande with the president of the United States. Even the 6cnorltas will not notice her un less she wears a tourist coat. i McKees Rocks Is doing what It au to ruin the American reputation, which waa, Just beginning to start a new record of prosperity. There Is al ways somebody to spoil a good thing. t Art Is now free and we shall be up lifted high as old masters push and shove on our culture. We have not had time to pick out the spurious every time, but we are feeling the up lift. ; . Mr. Taft aends word to China that its Independence Is the first and last thought of the American government At the satus time It la suggested that we are offerng the best brand of rail road Iron in the world. The democratic World-Herald tries .to take consolation that the name of 'Judge Sullivan does not appear of rec ord as one of the attorneys bringing the suit to nullify the corporation tax law. He nas been la the case just the .same. I . . Champ Clark stopped over In Omaha between 1 Chautauqua dates long enough to say: I If the people don't elect a democratic vongreae next time it will ba the strangest thing that ever happened in American politics. Still, a lot of strange things are con atantly happening in American poll ties. Controlling- Corporation!. If the loglo of the forceful address delivered by President Lehrnsnn of the American Usr association appears In the press dispatches he takes th ground that there are evils aud Inequi ties In the organization of corpora tions and that the'tax enacted at the recent session or congress introduces powers which the federal government can use to enforce publicity and reach real remedies. In passing, It Is Interesting for the western public to know that this bril liant lawyer was an. Iowa boy who won his first laurels before the courts of his native state. Mr. Lehmann'e address outlines the status of corporation law. The trust has served Its purpose of enlarging the scope of corporations and la no longer worth organising. It Is obso lete. If It were permitted, the Inven tion would not be used. ' The next step Is the holding company, an im proved, perfected form of the trust, which does and waa designed to do what was done by "the truBt and does It more efficiently. Dut the holding j company I not the full and final de-1 velopment of Industrial combination. J This Is reached In the single corpora tion with unlimited power of capitally- atlon and direct ownership of the j business. Here Is eliminated the dis turbing element of minority Interests In constituent companies. No state can deal with the problem singly and master It. There Is not and cannot be effective concert of action among the states. In the federal constitution production Is not within the commerce clause, but something of regulation and supervision can be effected under the taxing power. We have never been without a federal law for the encour agement and support of manufactures. What may be aided may be regulated. There ls.no more stretch of federal authority In the control of our In dustries than in extending to them a constant fostering care. The investor in corporate securities needs the pro tection that comes from supervision and publicity. The corporation tax just put In legal form offers the pro tection, or at least the entering wedge to a comprehensive control of corpor ate operations, Insuring the rights of the shareholders and of the public. The bar association , address goes straight Into the great questions be fore the country. It strikes the lay man as forecasting the course otde bate In the regular session of con gress. Every lawyer must read It and most men In politics will be Inclined to study It carefully. Marooned. Our amiable democratic contem porary, the World-Herald, Is Indulg ing In a debate with the Fremont Tribune in defense of its own' con sistency on the subject of direct pri mary legislation. The World-Herald iias been denouncing the open Primary ballot. Inflicted on the voters'" of, Ne-' braska by the late deroocratlo legisla ture, as "vicious," and tries ta square itself for going back on this demo cratic masterpiece by contending that It was opposed to It all the time. We submit, however, that the World-Herald does not make out a good case. The platform declaration put out by Nebraska ' democrats in 1908 reads as follows: We favor the present primary law, but favor Ha amendment so aa to enable the voter to more clearly and easily expre.ua hla choice. To vindicate its claim to faithful and conscientious performance ' of every platform pledge the late demo cratic legislature enacted the open pri mary as redemption of this promise, and now in convention assembled for 1909 Nebraska democrat have Incor porated into their platform this decla ration: We commend the governor and the leg islature for the enactment of specific democratic platform pledgee Into law. Isn't this a party endorsement of the open prlmaryt If not, what is ltT The editor of the World-Herald was member of the committee that framed and promulgated this plat form, i More than that, he is right now a candidate who is running for office on this very platform. If he Is not in h'onor bound to uphold and defend the open primary, which he says is "vicious," what can these platform declarations mean? Once more we ask, Are platforms binding? College Illiterates. President Faunce of Brown univer sity says that the colleges are turning out illiterates. If there Is anything in the criticism It is one of those half truths which are so attractive to col lege speakers of our day. Graduates of our time are not illiterate, though they may not be precise in speech or bookish in the habitual mental atti tude toward the pursuits of life. Every historian who haa atudled the habits of the colonies and the first half century of the republic has noted that a college education In those periods meant the line of study con ventlonally supposed to suit the preacher, doctor and lawyer. Traces of the custom can still be found all through the south where higher edu cation is taken to belong to the three, professional classes. It may be true that the relatively small numbers of college men "before the war" In all sections observed literary forms, quoted books and wrote letters with more care than la now In evidence That they are now more illiterate la impossible, except that more of them are not good and . honest students,-a moral rather than a literary defect. Fifty years ago a college man was more conscious of the difference be tween himself and the noncollegian and maintained the Impression of knowing about "belles-lettres," a term then common and now almost discarded on account of Its tinge of affectation. More college men now understand subjects, move about and have grasped the meaning of books. Whether men talk books as much or not Is another matter. Whether they quote standard books and assist In handing down the phrases and contents of convention ally established books to the same ex tent probably calls for a negative an swer, because women bave taken com mand of book talk In society and the prig has nearly retired from activity. President Faunce has noted some changVa from the New England view of college accomplishments fifty years ago, and that la the extent of bis diag nosis of illiteracy. Sweetening Businesi. A New York banker who has spent more than twenty years In Latin American republics states the reasons why, even with perfection of the Mis sissippi channel and completion of the Panama canal, the United States will still have a comparatively small share of trade In those countries. Among other drawbacks, he names uncouth traveling representatives, nonaccoramodation of customers and refusal of credit facilities. Another is imperfect knowledge of the lan guage. A Frenchman who knew no English would do little business in New York. An American knows this. and yet New York houses often ex hibit blind confidence in the luck of Ignorant representatives" "getting along." One very large corporation decided to open branch houses In Mexico and Panama. The two managers appointed had never been in a Spanish-American country and could not speak Spanish. The house suffered severe losses and the two men had to be replaced. That sort of blunder will be many times re peated, yet It la certain that with effi cient management and an Intelligent policy an American bank in Latin America would nearly always be profitable. The Latin-American of standing in variably possesses a certain amount of personal refinement and culture. Nat urally he Is not favorably Impressed by a person of uncouth manners. The German and English exporting firms' understand this and make a point of sending out men who not only know the language, but are accustomed to dealing with cultivated society. They are cordially received anywhere from Mexico to Argentina, in one sense these countries are not "practical." but they Insist on the usages of good society. The writer referred to tells of an instance in Panama where an American offlcal appeared at a func tion attired in a sack, suit and tan shoes, the only man present so dressed. The bad impression has not yet worn off. He asserts that the Latin-American trader is as honest as any other and as sure to pay, but he has his customs and not to observe the cus toms Is discourtesy. The Panama canal will be of but partial advantage to the United States, except in coast-to-coast home trade unless such frictions are removed from Intercourse with the Latin Americans. Even if there were no money in it, a development of the courtesies and refinements of Spanish- American life would be a valuable education among Americans. To an extent it is humbug, but all formal society must have its ingredient of po lite humbug. Slow Up. The Bee has been giving Omaha au- tomoblllsts the warning signal to slow up In season and out of season. We have preached the obvious admonition that overspeedlng through crowded city thoroughfares is dangerous to life and limb. We have urged that the ordinary precautions be taken before the accident occurs rather than pro ceeding wildly in the expectation of mending the pieces after the smash-up. Omaha is not alone in marking the map with automobile fatalities, but be cause automobilists in other cities are sowing the wind and reaping the whirlwind affords no valid excuse for Omaha speeders doing likewise. It would be a great credit for Omaha to be known as the city with the saneat automobilists and the fewest automo bile accidents. Therefore, we repeat the warnlug: Blow up. Is no one to be permitted to call' himself a republican In Nebraaka any more unless he allows Taft to think for him, Aldrlch to act for him and Victor Rosewater to lead him around by his calloused nose? World-Herald. We object. We realize that some of our friends have gotten into the habit, when short of argument, of In dulging In invective against our de fenseless nose, but we Insist that. In spite of an occasional sneezing cold, it is not calloused. Postmaster Ueneral Hitchcock has not been In Chicago since the steam roller was sent back to the Taft garage In June, VjOS. Saturday'a Chicago Tribune. Such Is fame In Chicago. After all those gibes about the peregrinations of the republican national chairman on the Twentieth Century Flyer be tween New York and Chicago through out the campaign, and even after elec tion. They tell us that trust companies must stop trying to do too much be fore other Moses and Thomases get our Investments tousled again. It sounds like sound finance. Keep the brakes on the trust funds. Numerous candidates in various counties throughout Nebraska have been nominated on the face of the re tuids by pluralities of three or four votes, and the defeated naturally ac cuse th democrats of making good their boast that they would sneak through the party fence and select the opposition candidates. The open pri mary is an invitation te fraud and an encouragement to contests. Ex-Governors Campbell of Ohio and Folk of Missouri unite In the Informa tion that the tariff Is the issue. The supplementary bulletin Is that anybody whose heart baa ever been untrue to tariff for revenue deserves banging. When they get around to this last re mark their look is in the direction of Falrview. Such Interviews belong un der the general classification of demo cratic harmony. Halley's comet approaches at a speed of a million miles a day. What's the comet and what's the speed? We cannot put a fence around the comet nor kill spectators with the speed around a racetrack. The comet Is su perfluous for our ways of enjoying It. Montreal has examined into the vi tality of the rake-off system and finds that there is none in New York or Philadelphia more plunderous than that of the St. Lawrence city. Move on, muck-rake brigade, and tell the world some tales on Canada. Two million acres In the Dakota reservations would make a wonderful sanatorium site, but nobody has con sumption In that country. The com mon variety of settler Is invited to fill up the vacant lands. The government edict Is that blondined flour is not so bad, but it must tell the truth. There is no fed eral objection to anything blonde, the blondining being the feature under disapproval. Herrr Haw Keeralti. ' Brooklyn Eagle. The horrible fate of Boston shows how foolish It Is to oppose a mye mllltla gen eral to a couple of - able regulars fresh from1 the War college. ' 1'eace Ouaranteea. Washington Poat. ' To show how en rapport the United Btates Is with the prevailing peace senti ment, there are to be two peace guaran tors of the 20,000 ton type. Screw Down the I. Id. ' Cleveland Plain Dealer. Free trade between the states Is, of course all right, but a prohibitive duty upon Beverly golf stories would appeal to many outBide Massachusetts. An' Example of Consistency. St. Paul Pioneer Press. James Dahlman, the "cowboy" mayor of Omaha, Is a candidate for the democratic nomination for governor on an antl-pro-hlbltton platform. Dahlman Is consistent, at least, in his refusal to take water. Value of VbIoij Roles. Philadelphia Press. Besides being a model of courtesy and comfort this war game is also strictly up to the minute In being fought on union lines. Boston was only saved from ca'p ture Tueaday by . ibV invaders throwing down their guns whn the eight-hour whistle blew. , ... . If This la Lecw, Dan It. Pittsburg Dispatch. To deprive of his adapted nationality a Chinaman who served In the navy during the Civil war, waa wounded five ttmea in the service of the country, aud has held oitlienshlp papers for thirty-five years, must be In accord with the law, since the courts say ao. But It leaves a liberty of opinion aa to what sort of law It ta that inflicts such results. - rreparlna- for the Beat Ever. Buffalo Express. Chairman Knapp of the Interstate Com merce commission, proclaims in cheerful tones that prosperity is upon the country, and more than that the railroads are pre pared for it. The scarcity of cars suffered in 1907, he saya, la not likely to occur thla year. The railroads have seen the boom approaching and have made their plana accordingly, i SYNDICATING EDITORIALS. Sample of Methods of Dlatrlbatlnc Boiler riate Opinion. Flason Thompson, manager of a rail road newa bureau In Chicago .and an ex pert in syndicating statistics favorable to the railroad view, relates how editorials are syndicated, among a class of alleged newspapers of the yellow variety. The revelation was provoked by a critluUm of the statistics of Mr. Thompson, who retorts In a circular, from which these paragraphs are taken: On Monday, June Stlth last, an Identical attack on the rallwaya of the United Statea was printed In seven or more dally newspapers In cities as widely separattd as Atlanta, Oa., and Superior, Wis. 8jbto quently the editorial appeared in at leant five other papers; so that to date the Hat, thereby convicted of palming off the "car bon copy" thoughts of aa VN KNOWN as thoae of their own edltora, includes the following well known Journals: Name of paper Date Editorial Appeared Atlanta (Ua.) Journal June U, Superior (Wis.) Telegram June 2S, 14)9 Grand Rapids (Mich.) Evening Press June ai, WXi Jackson (Mich.) Press Jure in, 1M)9 Muskegon (Mich.) News-Chronicle A June 2S. l'JOS Danville (111.) Commerclul-News.. , June 28. lm Erie iPa.) Herald June in, Lottansport (lnd.) Reporter ....June 2D, 1'JOj Omaha (Neb.) News June 30, 19 -U Minneapolis (Minn.) News July 1, VM Dec roll (Mich.) Times July 5, 19 Beverly (Maa.) Times July U. 19 0 In only one instance did the exitfuiicy of editorial space necessitate the curtail ment of this weird screed by a single line, and then the blue pencil merely operated on the last two paragraphs. Had it fceun applied In altering the opening sentence the journalistic humbug of twelve inde pendent editors, with but a slngla quill to think, though, might bave pawed und tected. But the local edltora were to la, or too secure In the belief that the circle of their respective nudera did not overlap, to dot an I, or cross a t, much le.a sup press an uutiuth or correct a false con clusion. In conclusion it may be said (hat an examination of some UM of the 3.400 daily newspapera printed in every section of the United States, makea It evident that not per cent is Infected with the syndi cated editorial virus. In the light of this exposure the disease la not likely to spread, aa it la not In the nature of the edilocj of American newspaper to let any man or syndicate think their thoughts for them, much leas utter or publish them for what they are n JIMJAMS. Wlnslde Tribune: When Jim lahlman run for governor, his Republican opponent can move to Lincoln without awaiting the election returns. Fnlrhury News: Mayor Jim Dahlman of Omaha professes to enjoy his chautaugua antl-prnhlbltlon d bales. He always did entertain a radically different opinion of things from other men. Fremont lieraUl: The Dnlilmen democ racy has had an election of officers, and has a long siring of vice presidents se lected from all over Nebraska. Dodge county failed to furnish a prg to fit one of the holoH. we are pleased to remark. Columbus Journal: Mayor Jim Dahlman alludes to Governor Shallenberger anj friends as "a bunch of four-flushers." and demands that they "put all their chips In the center of the table." And thus the war between the two factions of the dem ocratic party goes on with the mayor of Omaha slightly In the lead. Albion News: Dahiman Insists that there shall be no sentiment, but just prac tical business principles applied to the set tlement of the saloon question. That's why the railroads and all great business Interests have Insisted that their employes shall "cut out" booie or leave their em ploy. There are no practical business principles connected with the sale or con sumption of booze. It's all graft. Blair Pilot: Governor 8hallenbergpr aald recently that "democracy and de cency have Joined hands in Nebraska," and If they have then Dahlman democracy must not be representative of the true democracy of the state. And all good men hope It Is not. But Dahlman will make a strong fight for the democratic nomina tion just the same, and we understand that Governor Shallenberger will not be In the content against Mm, but will make the race for senator. This Information comes from a high source and may be re lied upon. PERSONAL NOTES. The 8-year-old son and heir of the Ciar Nicholas Is Insured for $2,600,000. and Is said to pay the highest premium in the world. President Ellot has now achieved the distinction of delivering an address on religion which the pope has ordered to be translated Into Italian for his own perusal. A new use waa promptly found for tho new Lincoln pennies. It seems, according to a Washington account, that they are In great demand by congressmen to present to babies In their districts, as the first issue will become In time rare coins. The Austrian vice consul at Cleveland has officially denied that the Palnesvlllo machinist who claimed to be the missing Archduke John of Austria Is a fake. The machinist may now have hla whisker trimmed and pass the rest of the summer in comparative comfort. Miss Chrlstobel Pankh'irst of London ta coming to the United States to show us how a real, live, fighting suffragette looks. She wilt be hospitably received, but must not j think that American prisons will be open j to her. In this country people seldom are imprisoned for practical Joking. Hay fever cases take the right-of-way with a Judge in Jersey City who, on the application of counsel, consented to post pone argument on a certain ctlon until late In September. The attorney aald that, on or about August 23, he expected to be attacked by hay fever, aa ha had been each year for thirty years, so, realising that sneexlng Is Incompatible with oratory and necessarily takes precedence of It, the judge granted an adjournment until the goldenrod and similar provocations have gone "out of commission. SPELLS OB" A WIMJ-JAMMUm.. Awfal Thiers w Hear Of, bat Never See. Des Moines Capital. Capital never, In all the world's history, wrung sweat and blood and teara and tribute from a scourged humanity In Sreater aecurlty, with more perfect free om from molestation, than It does today. Omaha World-Herald. Isn't It awful! Nebraska farmers Increasing their bank deposits at the rate of two million dollars per month; reducing their mortgages at a livelier rate than ever before In the history of the state; wheat, corn and oata, and cattle and hogs, and butter and eggs all selling at top-notch prices. Isn't it awful! Omaha newspapera, like thoae in Dea Moines, filled with advertteementa for help; mechanics of every kind naming their wages; automobllea so thick upon the streets they cannot be counted. Isn't It awful! Railway shops running day and night In an efort to turn out cars sufficient to move the mighlest crop that ever sprang from American soil. And yet thla Omaha calamity howling organ whose editor holds down a. con gressional seat at Washington at an in creased salary can see nothing but sweat and blood and tears and tribute! Such a case of perverted vision would be pathetto if it were not so ridiculous. BATTLE OF B0ST0NT0WN. W. D. Nesbit in ChicaKO Post. Constructively to right of them, Allrgorically to left of them, , Metaphorically In front of them The imaginary instruments of war con structively thundered. It was theirs to comitate upon the reason Why, So that they mlKht differentiate between those who should constructively die And those who, constructively over whelmed, should fly Otherwise, some resrioiiHitile head might have blundered. ' i Into supposed jaws of death. Into the for-thtt-sake-of-ai jument jaws of perdition, Stormed at with theoretical shot and shell. Hode the metaphysical six hundred. Bridges succumbed to metaphorical stress. The constructive heroes perished appar ently at the moment of success Fatally wounded -Jn the subliminal con sclounnesH, While, constructively, all the world won dered. Honor, mathematically, the cha'-ge they ir.ade. Euclid's theorems for the pint they played, While the differential calculus and I ;Karl thms In mines constructively laid Detonated and left the ranks con structively sundered Subtracted from Ihe constructive jaws of death. i 1 ettlng "x" equil thi? theoretical juws of,; peruition, The problem Is to solve the. equation t rlfconnmetrlcally. And we shall have the lrmHiniler of the six hundred constructively. IMPORTED a!iJ AMERICAN MIXK1ML WATKHH. Obtained as direct shipments from the springs as Imp. iter. l y-gal!'ns Boro-LllhU Water, for -X West Haden Spanil! Water, case of a Id BO " dole 11 uuurts R-irallon Juk Crystid Llthia Water.. $3 (-gallon Jug Salt-Sulphur water Buy at either store. Wo sell ovr 100 kinds mineral water, . Sherman & McCo.ineil Dm? Go. Kivt-entli ami IMmIko hits. Owl Drug Co. bixtrt-uth and Harney hU. Mianinn remarks. "Flrea." said she, rnquettlahly. "are the wlmlnwe of the soul " "I'erhapn." he answered abstractedly, "that'a the reason whv many of them are eo glaasy." VN ashlngton 8tar. "Naggua. tell nie candidly If there la anything to admire In mv latest hook." "There Is. Horn, there Is 1 am filled wun aomuatinn when I think of your aa- toundlng aurces In finding a publisher for it " I'hlcaan Tribune it. -t. nirago ' ripune. Wife What kind of seats did you get for Hie musical comedy Huh Near enough to hear the mualc. and far enough bark not to hear the Jokes. Uoaton Transcript. "Madam, you nearly Jabbed your hatpin Into my eve." "Wall, don't flatter yourself that I meant any personal attention. I do the same thing to everybody." Philadelphia Ledger. "Lucky dog, that man Bosworth." "Has he come Into a fortune?" "No: he has secured a rertlfeate from hla doctor shorn Ing that he hae organlo Schools AND TO ColloO3 .j ji in . L.iii ilrownel 1 For Yountf Women And Girls rjollege preparatory, academic and collegiate courses. Native FYeneh and 'Oer man teachr- Experienced Instructors In mualo, tall educated in Europe. Ex cellent advantages In Fine Arte. Thorough course In domestic economy Pew lng, Cooking, etc. Well equipped gymnnsium and outdoor sports under profes sional supervision. Illustrated year hook sent on application Pointers on Choosing a business College Pointer No. 2 on Bookkeeping. SOtB. Oentary Bookkeeping Is the method of teaohlng thla subject that makes practical bookkeepers In the leaat possible time, because It Is shorn of time-consuming, theoretical, red-tape methods. It la the happy combination of theory and practice that Interests the student and Insures rapid progress and thorough work. THE MOSHER-LAMPMAN BUSINESS COLLEGE has secured from the Publishers the exclusive right to use this up-to-date system In the city of Omaha. Thla makea the Mosher-Lampman College the best place in the city to secure a thorough knowledge of this all-Jmportant subject. Send today for our free book entitled '"GUARANTEED STATEMENTS," and you will find reason after reason why you should learn Bookkeeping In the MOSHER-LAMPMAN COLLEGE. We also have thorough courses In SHORTHAND. BUSINESS ENGLISH and PENMANSHIP. FALL TERM begins September 1st. MOSHER & LAMPMAN, 17th and Farnam Streets, Omaha, Nebraska. jKBSlIPffiey AcaJe A place where manly boys are made Into manly men. Home life combined With seminllltary discipline. Prepares for ail collegea and '"J.?""'"""'' Location healthful and building fire proof. All athletics, and all carefully supervised. Write for Illustrated catalogue. HARRY N. RUSSELL, Head Master, : : Kearney, Nebraska. RTTT T WITTr1 HOT T TTflll! 'With a beautiful campus and elevating aur DZtltltliV UK, UUJjliiUXi POUndlnt,, B )arfo and able faculty, mean and successful athletics, offers at a low expense the following courses: OOLLian Degrees in Classical, Scientific and Philosophical Courses. AOADBKIO Preapratlon for any College or University. stOMHAb SOaOOXiBV Elementary and -advanced oouraes. State certificates ,ra"coirg3!Ta.TOtT Theory of muslo. piano, voice, violin, elocution and art Modrra dormitories for both men and women. ASdreaa FBSS. B. W. BTOOKBT, BCX.X.STT7X, SIB. IVentworth KlUitary Academy Oldest aod Largest In Middle West. Government Supervision. Highest ratme by war Department. Infantry, Artillery and Cavalry Drills. Courses of study prepare tor Universities, Government Academies or for Business Life. Accredited by North Central Association of Schools and Colleges. Manual Training. Separate Department for Small Boys. For catalogue, address The Scrlry, Bo A. Leglnffton. Mo. Western Military Acaaemy ".Vitoi. Ideal location near St. Louia. tlx modern buildings. Fire proof Barraeks. Excep tionally atrong academic and military departmenta. Highest accredited college rela tlona Rated Class "A" by War Department. Athletics encouraged. Wnltlng llt annu ally. Immediate application advisable. OOI ALBIKI M. JAOKSOH. A. at., upt UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME NOTRE AME. IND. TBTB OOLLiail Collage of Arts and betters t lcparlmenis of Classics, Lettters, History, Political Economy, Soci ology. College of Slotoaeei lepartmenta of Biology, Chemistry, I'harmacy. College of Xaglxeerlngi Departmenta of Civil, Electrical. Mechanical, Chemical, Mining Kngi- ueerlng. . College of Architecture. College of Ltw, txb rxxrABATOBT ecHOOi. enrol la students from every state In the L'nlon. Till BCHOOZ. TOM MUriMB la unequaled for the care and devel opment of younger boya. Situated at tfouth Band, Indiana. Two hours by rail from Chicago. Board, Tultloa asa Laundry, 9400. A PRACTICAL SCHOOL OF HIGHER EDUCATION or Yeung Wesson TDrerairjrr0Bas ' 1,1 . yr-. . Piirteki. Ekwrtag. RrflM. PUrtWlnc. Wuilc. ' OruiMMtl PauuUia. Taw at usin;ii; B,ouia tloaul CerraetlT, kUdUa! aa Artistic Gjoinaa tlc. ate. The demanS fer competent, cultured rkra leal Dtroetore far exceeds the supply. The work la most healthful, pltaaant and remu nerative. Our graduates are Phyaleal Dlreetere la the leading Brnlnarle, Young Women" Christian Aaaoclatlona. Cellegee and Univer sities of practically every atate In the Union. Illustrated catalog upon requeat. THE CHICAGO SCHOOL Or PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND EXPRESSION 311 Wabeeht Avanut, Chloarfo, STOP STAMMERING I cur quickly, cmltlr and prmncnily must stubborn o f aiamnwrlaf. I CAN CURE YOU Mr ptilty t oU- and pcli dfrt Sich otbtn fill i cur. Mr mitu4 u th n ut tulul In Ik url4. Ul.ur In H Use. Wril at nr lor particulars. J K. Vm,n. rraa . illluL lor ilaraoiarar.. lb.U nana l Otaaka. Nak. Send For Ourj Big Free Book COleJ KkiAbltsWesd IIM. W-J Wudsmts las j tf. las-ldtkaUtM Ukal ft. tftkartt rsU). Nu tatltaavta) , hiwr svit aautajra Asm txLttSki aua - aavwfccr. lurf aVAtty tT)iaf kltfh liMrtci tW ur well trioaJ sjrstefu. atV WrtM Stat ftta) t) imohiu. I ..lh IStt ., tsstsMklit, M heart trouble When an Insutance nireiit attack him hereafter he aill merely have to show his certificate." Chtcnao Herurd Herald. Ho you think .you'll go to tlra mountain nent vear" "Yes; too much breeie at the aeashere. Alwavs blotting the cards off the brldgs tables." lAmlavllle Courier-Journal. I tan't eve anything. What T want I . . V .J-. - ni' !, . 1 ? I 1J fron, n e j?rv f,,,r,v vt lope away rrom me ever Patuniav i,i;ht and hand me lunch money every dsv. "What you want la a wife." Kansas City Journal. Nell Harry had such a masterful war about his proposing; that I liked. Helle Old yout That'a queer, for It exactly what made most of us other cu.s turn hi in down. Baltimore American. Homer Say. la It true that thev horse meat In Parts? Trotter Tea. Homer And how la It served? Trotter A la cart, of course. Chicago Newa. at. 11 gjrav Omm ha. ,Nbrmsk HI. Rev. ArtiJur- L. Williams, L I. D. President of Trustees. kiss MAJttsair, mnrcrFAi. Certificate) admits without ox ammatlon te WelUaloy, Smith. Vassar. University of Chloago and other eastern institutions. R WHAT SCHOOL Information concerning the ad vantages, ratea, extent of cur riculum and other data about the best schools and collegea can be ' obtained from the School and College Information Bureau ol tae Cm aha Dee All ' information abaolutelv free and Imparl laL Catalogue of any particular school cneerfuliy fur nished upon request. -York College Strong, First Claaa, Zjoweat Bates Collegiate, Normal, Business, Music, Expression and Art Departmenta. Issues all grades cf state certifi cates. Year opens September 13th. VTBL B. SJOHEI.I.. Pres., York, Ben. ATTEND Tabor College Tabor, Iowa. 1200 STUDENTS YF1RLY Traokaa aJl commanetaj p,.p..rtBirnt. lOOJ Wrlet..uayf..rle 01 (l. Kt i-,l.m.k H a Mnylaa Pt A bin frtda 4Mbol eon1kurtJ f t t rout I' ulijr aad prtpaiing (of tfc ? poll tt urn. Ueal louatloa. h aloena In Lincoln, Kail O pant a 4 flU4. 1. WrUa for btMutlful eai ais.... UJ M aa. . a LtM GOOD rOSlTlONS await ois- GIADfJATES It:: O Blraab Uncnln. Nak. Equal to a Course in an Agricul tural College. Read the Twentieth Crnlury Farmer from week to week-en up-to-date agrlj cultural journal that keeps In touch wttTi the moat ai-lenllfit- methods and laleal experlmenta. Addreaa TwrwTnTst czvTTJmT raJtKxm, Omaha. Web. It I VI Mm Sranraaa, nooaKavemc. .n.,tihuJ. Ty.aiUUif . Unirllih. Ol'll HWTlra. Tel ,ilht. Urflrtal TraillUia k -li.Mtl V V. H. H. Talaarat-E Only One Dollar a Tsar ( s