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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 25, 1909)
2 TTTE r.EE: OMATTA, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 25, 1009. I W UXomm it I I. K Sarttf Aagnet, August Clearing Sale of Women's Underwear It will pay you to buy for future needs at "Wednesday's prices. ' I Women's umbrella pants, 50c values, at, each. ...... .25c Women's union suits, low neck and sleeveless, umbrella knee, 50c Mid C5c values, at, a suit .3Dc Women's fancy umbrella pants, $1.00 quality, Wednesday, each ......V. ..G9C Women's fancy umbrella pants, 75c quality, at, each, 40c ' Main Floor B - 8 Bell. Hour- SIS MOTM MORI and I guess the publlo and th press ere convinced now that I ail not a pculator. Turing too four year It i difficult to con vitjc ny associate; they wer a hard three year. I wish I could wlp them ouUi butI am through with that now." Will Balla New Line. Mr. Harrlman would not ey Juet what new undertakings he proposed. "But," said he, "It Is In my mind to open up new tcrr.tory and to Tiulld new tributary line. Thli insane new ettlment and mor peo ple." ' . . Thli attitude b emphasised throughout hlii talk on railroad matters, leaving the Infucnre that h contemplated Improv nens uihrr than In&ressed dividend. i this connection the action of the directors of th L'nlon l'v.-lflc and Southern Pacltlo ruliroadk today 1 significant. Both met, but dclaid only the regular dividend. Touching on tile railroads In Mexico, Mr. Harrlman said he had no Immediate Im provement in mind at any rate not until titw equipment wa needed. At thl point hi attention wa directed to a recent magazine article which eald there waa a feeling In the west against him because of . having short haul rates. "It Is alleged that you exact more to haul from New York to Salt Lake City than from New York to Ban Francisco," someone suggested. '1 don't want to go Into rates at this time," was the brief reply. "My method Is to serve the public arid have them get ' what they pay for.' It Is like ouylng a hew suit of clothes you want to get the most for your money. The publlo gets Us money's worth. I give them the best equip ment, the best track and regular time." With 'this lie sank back on the couch and the Interview was'at an end. Mrs. Har rlman, the financier's wire; the Misses Mary and Carol Harrlman, daughters, and Iioland, Son,' accompanied him to and re turned with him tuda? from Europe. Many members of the fa-took sxohange were oh board th Kaiser and they kept a watchful eye on Mr. Harrlman sonatantly during the trip. Soma of the passengers who had made the trip over with him said .that he seemed somewhat stronger than when he. went away; others Insisted that h .wa a very' ill man and commented on his pallid face. Former .Governor ..Benjamin B. Odell, ijr.i . , -i Vof NewfVorlf', otos.'frfn of" afrv Harrl man, was a f alios voyager. He called on t 'Mc Harrlmait .evfiry la,ln his tteaomt "Mr. -Harrlman it 'as suajnd as : dollar said Mr. Odell,. "and Impressed me as , not t 111 as many ' people think." CRABTREE: DEFENSE STARTS ' (Continued from First Page.) finished eating his dinner, when he lay down. (Suddenly h jumped up and caught hold of the bars of his cell and looked at In sentry, who at one called tn cor oral "of th guard, but before he came Crabtree had retired to th other end of his C(Ul,and had rvshed'' at th bar and butteX his head against them -repeatedly. The sentry had tried .'to stop this' by put ting his' li audit through' the bars',' but Crab tic had tried to bite his hand. Just before this Crabtree had 'asked If th sentry had seen ths'paper and had said: ""I suppose th- lellows up there think pretty badly- Of mat don't theyf" Captain Johnson, the" surgeon, Vil called to dress fh wounds,'' and asked Crabtre why he-had-done thl.-' Crabtre replied that he couid not stand having Oaptatn Raymond's death oa'hn hands. Private "tubus.. 'was called and told of - th am action as th. other men. He also had 'been on ' ths post In . front of Crabtree's clL H waa on this post tit day after, th ahooting. Orabtree wanted to know 'It to had seen th papers and later In-the 4sy aeked again. Thwltneas told hkn Oaptaln.' Raymond waa better, and he said that A hoped would get well. '. l "; '. i r. , The defense' Intimated. It will close today. The prosecution oocupled th morning ses sion yesterdsy, closing Its oaae In chief with th' understanding that It may call Private Hoff, who has been sent for from Pes Moines. Hwyinond Asked for Baby. Quartermaster Sergeant Oalski told a pa thetic j tle of Captain Raymond's death. He first, said that Crabtre tried to kick Captain Raymond while he waa lying on th floor. Then he told of b coming of Major ratton. th post surgeon, fcnd of how Captain Raymond had aaked him It he was -going to die. , and had said that If he was he wanted to e his wit and baby. He also, said that as .th captain waa be ing carried out he had told him to look after tk: money belonging to th troop fund whiAh was on his desk. . Other testimony for the prosecution was by Stu-geant Rlcker, Corporal Beck and Corpora! Hayne. Corporal Beck also told of th enault vn Raymond. Beck said that b was wystolr. when. lh firing started. The Midwest Life The Midwest Life Issued Its first annuity policy last week. Ths premium paid was H.Uiii the annuitantls slxtylnine year old and the company 1 to pay him fa.0( quarterly, commencing on November 13, VM), and continuing a long as be Uvea. There la no safer way to mak absolute provision for old ag than through an annuity policy tn a reputable old line company. No medical examination 1 re quired of on applying for aa annuity. Bist's Insurance Reports, Ufa, IMS edi tion, says of The Midwest Life: "Its policy contracts are liberal and fair. It write both participating and non-partlolpatlng policies. Th cost of management la -tremely moderate for a new company, and th net oust of Insurance la low. Th Investments ar of good character and yield a good return.".. The Midwest Life offer good commls- . , lua oa-uaota. .to. . local representatives anywhere In Nebraska. Write th com- . ya&y at Lincoln fur a agency. Bacon attar. re at M F. S.- - 14 - 1 MIOM A1.I. PT.--1. A-1S41 but that hs ran down and saw th troop office door, open and went In. He saw Captain Raymond fall and saw Crabtree with a 'revolver In his hand. H caught him with others and threw him to the floor. Then ha was sitting on Crabtree while the others went to look after the captain. Crabtre JumpedN up, threw htm off and started to kick at Captain Ray mond, who was on the floor. Crabtree does not give tho Impression of being insan and converses with his mother and counsel with ease. lis objeota to being photographed and covers bis faoe with his hands when cameras ars turned his way. VICTOR TRIAL UNDER WAY Murderer of Foar People Is Denied Chan of at Aberdeen. ABERDEEN, 8. D., Aug. (Special Telegram.) When district oourt convened this morning to try Emit Victor for the murder of Michael Ronayne, the first of four murders charged against him, C. R. Jorgenson of Blsseton appeared as attor ney employed by the Victor family and took active charge of the eaa In place of the lawyers previously appointed by th court. Jorgenson moved for a change of venue, alleging local prejudice against his client and quoting from newspapers ; to prove the point. Judge McNulty denied th motion and the work of securing the jury then began. GETTING JURY IN VICTOR CASK Three Secured When Coart Adjourn for th Nlstht. ABERDEEN, S. D., Aug. K (Special Telegram.) When circuit court adjourned today three talesmen had been acoepted as Jurors by both state and defense In the Victor murder case and the panel of fifty talesmen was exhausted. A new panel of fifty will be summoned tonight. Th main battle between mate's Attorney Van. Slyok and Attorney Jorgenson arose over th question of capital punishment, the defense objecting when a talesman said he was not opposed to capital punishment and the stat when h said h -was, Th defense used seven' peremptory chal lenges and th stat two today; Each' side has seven. A larg crowd to attending the 'trial. ' " ' ' ' '- WORKMAN UtRpJR; .;Jtf.lfjJW s4 Twenty Tears.' 8errtco Ended, by in . r . Health. ..t . . j,-., YANKTON, B. D., Au- 3. (Special Tel egram.) Grand Master Qlo Nalson of this city of the BoUth .Dakota Anolent Order United Workmen received . Tuesday - tho resignation of J. D. Lavln, for twenty years the grand recorder of th order. . The resignation takes effect September 1. ..Ill ness In his family la th cause. Henry Nelll of Madison has been named by Nel son to fill th vacancy. SHEEP SHIT OUT Or HESBI7VE1 Allegation They Destroy th ' Vonns; ''"'' Timber. '"..''' DEADWOOD, S. D Aug. M. Bneepmen cannot rang their herd along the llme stori country on th South Pakota-Wyoming boundary line,' a part of th Blauk Hills national forest reserve. This was th decision of Chief Forester CM f ford PlilchoU Th entrance of sheep, h declaimed, would endanger th young growth Of fh forest. DEATH RECORD Mrs. Anirelln Wnlttnarsh Dad. Mrs. Angelina Whltmarsh, a resident of Omaha for twrtty-ftv years, passed away in Denver, Colo., Monday, August 14. She wa 67 years old, born la -Putnam county, New York, coming to Omaha In IS.), and resided her until four years ago, when she - moved the ' Bell Fourth, S. D., after a saver attack of penumonla. Mrs. Whltmarsh "was Very prominent" In Masonlo work, having been past grand ' matron of the Order of Eastern Stan of Nebraska. 8h also ha been an ardent worker In th Women's Re lief corps, being a past department offi cer of the stats. 6h la survived by two sons. Charles A. and Lauranc B. Whlt marsh, also an aged father, Peter Bogue, two brother and on sister. Funeral- ser vice will be held Thursday, August 2, at I p. m., from her son' rsldnoa, SSU North Twenty-third trt. Vsta Chapter No. , Order of Eastsrn Star, will conduct th sorvlcss at Forest Lawn Cemetery. Mra. rredrlka Blrktnmtrsr. LYONS, Neb., Aug. t4. (Special.) Mrs, 'Fredrtka Bh-kenmeyar' died here. about midnight Saturday morning at' th ag of nearly tl years. 8h wa born on July 18. 182S, In Freiburg. Germany. Sh 1 the mother of Mr. R. A. McHail, of Lyons, who accompanied th body to Chilton, Wis., whr tt will be Interred. . Killed ay Fall from Wlndoow.- SH08HONI, Wyo., Aug. 4.-8pclal.) lora s. Johnson, a contractor, Is dead from" Injuries' sustained when he plunged from a second story window In th Hlnes A Metcalf building. Jonnson roomed in the second story and during th night un dertook to leave by a rear exit. Mistak ing an open window for th door In th darkness, h plunged to th ground, a dis tance of twenty feet, and died a short time later. Good Rain mt Croat. CRE3TON, la., Aug. . (ripeolal Tele gram.) This section waa visited by a long, drenching rain Sunday, lasting from early morning until lata In th afternoon. For four week th earth parched under a blistering sun. Lawn and pastures were dry and brown, corn waa shrivelling up and vegetation of all kinds fast being parched. With Sunday' rain, the farming community la several degree less blue. koTBsKsUITS OV OOBAJf aTTaAJfSXXn rrt NSW YORK.. KtW YORK.. NSW YOSK... MONTREAL.. SIOVILI K .... h Mill KG.... ArrlT Sail, . Ptid&a .Minnaionka .u.-MMr Ksrtamt. . Uoalrol . Jumatt ..f siius jrltaale .'. ... rrv- - RUtKN. -.... lolTHH AMPTOXesllssU. Ul KKNSTUWN SQi.llll Preatssot Onutt RISE TO FOIL KIDNAPERS Chauffeurs Made Mrs. Barclay Be lieve Auto Had Broken Down. CASE BEFORE COITBT WEDNESDAY Dismissal of Writs of Habeas Cor pt Means Connie Most Oo Book t Kansas to Stand Trial. KANBA8 CITY,' Mo., Aug. M.-All th principals In the kidnaping of s-year-old MarlanBleakley. the "Incubator baby," who wa stolen from her home In Topeka Saturday, awaited today th decision of Judre E. E. Portarfleld. before whom th hearing on writs of habeas corpus to pre vent th return of th child to Its mother, Mrs. J. J. Blrakley, andth prisoner to Topeka. will b heard tomorrow. Should Judge Porterfleld dismiss th writs, nothing but a recall of ths requisi tion paper granted by the governor of Missouri can prevent th taking of Mrs. James O. Barclay of Buffalo, N. T., and J. N. Oentry of Kansas City to Topeka to stand trial. James Q. Barclay, n automobile doaler of Buffalo, husband of Mrs. Barclay, Is on his way to Kansas City to assist his wife. "Roxey" Ross and Will Buoy, two boyish looking chauffeurs, employed by a local automobile livery company, and who car ried th kidnaping party from Topeka to Valley Falls, where th machine broke down, today told Inspector of Petectlves B',d Boyle the entire story of their engage ment for the trip. "Mrs. Barclay, Mr. Oentry alld Mother man engaged the car at Kansas City early Saturday morning," said Ross today. "We drove them to Topeka. , They told us to stop at the old hospital, near the out skirts of town. W were there hardly an hour when a horse and buggy, containing Oentry, Mr. Barclay and a child, dashed up. Gentry pushed Mrs. Barclay Into the machine and, Jumping In himself, ordered us to drive north as fast as possible. I began to suspect aomethlng. "Between Valley Falls and Atohlson the car broke down. We got out and began tinkering with It. I said to Bucy, 'Never find a piece of this machine.' W un screwed a number of parts and scattered them In the dust. When the car wouldn't run any more Oentry got out and left uf. Th party had scarcely been gone ten minutes when a ear loaded with Topeka people, In search of -the kidnapers, came along. But they were too late. Wb went to a farm house and had dinner and then cam back to Kansas City." The police are looking for a second man who accompanied Oentry and Mrs. Bar clay from Kansas City to Topeka. Hs Is known and Inspeotor Boyle believes he will be captured by night. Jlro. Barclay Tells of Plot. Today for th first time slnoe her arrest. Mrs. Barclay made, a statement. She had, she said, gone to Topeka five weeks ago to see the baby that she later kidnaped. She talked with her whil she played In the street. "Right then," continued Mrs. Barclay, "waa when the kidnaping plot wa evolved and with th making of that plot I determined that nothing mould stop ms. "I want back to New York and mad my plans." ' , After detailing the history of th entire esse and telling the story of the actual kidnaping, as previously related In the pa pers, .Mis. Barclay continued: "I have fought for Marian and. will con tinue , to. fight as .long as there Is blood in my. ;veln;, as loDg as there la an atom of trenth to- carry me, through . th Strug- "I love her. betler ' than my. life; better than .anything else on earth.. And I'll have her. I know that I will bs successful, for I am right." - .. Hadley Reopen Cos. Late tonight Mr. Barclay was notified that Oovernor Hadley had granted a re hearing on the requisition secured by the Kansas police. The matter was set for hearing at Jefferson City next Friday morning. If the governor decides to re call the requisition, Mrs. Barclay and Mr. Gentry, who helped her bring the child to Missouri, will go free. Whatever trans action the . governor may take,, however, the contest for the child In th Missouri court will go on. RAILROADS WIN RIYER RATE CASE (Continued from First Page.) bound by th sanctity of their oaths should congress deslr t6 leave It In the hand of unbridled corporations T "It congress cannot constitutionally make a general declaration that th rates shall be reasonable, ' Judge Baker con tinues, "and not unjustly discriminatory, and then trust an executive body to hear evidence, th power of congress over rate would be worthless, for It would b ut terly Impracticable for congress Itself to mak enactments to cover th specific Instances." - The dissenting Judge state that com plaint against th commission' orders are mad on two groundsthat th rates are confiscatory and that they are discrimin ating. Th former he dismiss with a brief comparison of rates. As to discrim ination he states that If this be th case th railroads have no complaint, but rather th shipper. Railroad Interested. Th parties which petitioned for th In junction were the Chicago, nock Island A Paclflo Railroad company, th Chicago, Burlington & Qulncy Railroad company, th Chicago, Milwaukee A St.- Paul Rail way company, th Chicago A Northwest ern Railroad company and th receivers of th Chicago Great Western Railroad com pany, t al. Th Illinois - Central, th Santa Fa, th Alton, th Missouri Pacific and ths Frisco Railroad companies and a number of Important shipping lnterssts in tervened as co-complalnants. "Th question raised," said Judge Gross cup In rendering his opinion, "in Its larger aspect, is not so much a question of be tween th shippers and the railroads as beiwu Ihv uumiiieit4l and manufactur ing Interest of Denver and of the territory east of th Mississippi river on the one side, and th commercial and manufactur ing Interests of the Mississippi river cities on the other." Besides granting th permanent Injunc tion I In th Missouri river rate case, the court also granted a preliminary Injunc tion In th Denver rata case which Is based on similar principles aa th Missouri river case, Flsht on Lower Rates. Th railroads In th Missouri river rat case sought to have the Interstate Com meres commission enjoined permanently from enforcing at. order of th commission uiad June 21, IVU, relating to Joint rates from th Atlantic seaboard to Missouri rtver cities. This order sought to create a system of through rates from th At lantlo seaboard to the Missouri river that were a reduction from the sums of the local ratta. This, according to western roads,- threw the burden upon them. The Joint rate now In foroe from th At lantic seaboard to th Missouri river on .ilrst-claas lustier la H.17 par 1UQ pounds. The reduced rate proposed fey th commis sion waa 11. M. Th through rat now In fore on th sam matter from th Atlantl seiboard to th Mississippi river IS (7 cents, which plus the through rat from ths Mis sissippi rlvr to th Missouri river eonts) makes th same total of $1.T per 100 pounds as th Joint rat from the Atlantlo seaboard to the Missouri river. The commission's defeated purpose would have allowed the Atlantic seaboard to de liver goods to' Missouri river cities on a Joint rat S cents lees than could have been don If the shipments were Sent first to th Mississippi liver and then re-sent to the Missouri river. Coart Limits fonssntealon'a Power. Today's decision, if sustained, will, it Is said, limit th power of th interstate Cora- mere j commission settlement of ca.j of rat discrimination. In th present case the railroads maintain that th prlnolple laid down by th inter state Commerce commission would be pro per If hppllsd to on road, but that Its application to mora than on would work a hardship because of th expens of oper ation of terminals by eaoh road. Th railroads also contended that the reductions ordered by the commission meant discrimination against western man ufacturers and merchant. In favor of th Atlantlo seaboard shippers. Speaking of th power of th commission th opinion says: "W ar not prepared id ur that th commission has th power1, to enter upon a plan looking toward a system of rates whsr th rate, 'for lonrer and shorter hauls, will taper downward aocording to distance, providing such tapering In both comprehensively and ' Symmetrically ap pliedapplied with a design of carrying out what may be th economic fact that, on th whole, It la worth something less per mil to carry freight long distances than short distances. "But It does not follow that power of that character Includes power, by the us of differentials, to artificially divide th country Into trade nones, tributary to glvon trad and manufacturing canter, the com mission, in such cases, having as a result. to pr-determln what th trad and man ufacturing centers shall be; for suoh power, vaster than any on body of men baa heretofore exercised, though wisely ex erted In specific instance would be putting In th hands of th commission ths gen eral power of life and death over every trade and manufacturing center In the United States." Tn opinion holds that th commission In attempting to enforce Its order sought to exercls this collosal power. Jnstle of Rat Not Considered. The opinion states that much testimony was heard from various sections of the country to show th affect th proposed new rat would have. "But in the case here," Judge Orosscup Continued, "th qeustlon Involved Is not a question of fact, but a qeustlon of power th question is not whether, by the appli cation of correct principles, a given rat ha been decided by. the commission to be unreasonable, but whether th prin ciples applied are themselves within the power uf the commission; for congress did not intend to confer upon th commission power to do by Indirection what It oould not directly do did not Intend to Include within th word 'reasonably' every power over the trade and manufacturing country that th commission should determine It wa reasonable that It' (th commission) should possess.,: . "Again It Is urged that though th ef fect of the order Itj ,th . Missouri rtver rate case is to discriminate tn favor of the Atlantic seaboard and the Missouri river cities against 'th central Irafflo territory, and in, th Denver ca ip favor of Denver and th .eastern -MlsptoMppI river-country against the Missouri river cities, th dis crimination is not "undue" with th mean ing of th . Interstate commerce act, and that therefore th court have no power to enjoin. The. difficulty with thl argu ment Is that It drawi no . distinction be tween th power that th commission Is actually given and a power that the commission I usurping." Judge Orosscup' opinion concludes; "It must b understood, however, that these two orders of the oom mission ar enjoined solely because, In our Judgment, they lay upon the commerce and manufao-i turlng of the localities affected an arti ficial hand that congress never Intended should be put forth and therefore are out side th power conferred upon the com mission by congress, for with the question of a reduction In rate or a readjustment of rates, from which such artificial results have been eliminated, w are not now dealing." Th "Missouri rtver rat oas," a It Is popularly called, was formally begun be fore the Interstate Commerce commission February 1 190T, when a complaint was drawn up and signed by a large number of Kansas City,. St. Joseph and Omaha whole salers. " Th commission held a meeting, granted in part the request of the Missouri river Jobber, and th railroad took th matter Into the courts, where It ha now been finally decided by' th lssuanoe of a per ma nant Injunction. Th result Is a defeat for th complainants and a victory tor ths railroads. Th original petition waa directed against St. Paul and Minneapolis, the Job ber of which town enjoy th Mississippi river basing rates. Ths effort waa to throw out th Mississippi liver aa a baaing point on shipments coming to th Missouri from th Atlantlo seaboard. Omaha Jobbers are not all discomfited by th decision Borne of them have figured that th wiping out of th Mississippi river as a basing point would be -quickly followed by similar action with regard to th Mis souri, and ths advantage which SL Paul and Minneapolis have with regard to Kan sas City and Omaha now Is equalised In a measure by relations between Omaha' and Denver. The general prlndpl that th through rat should be less than th sum of th local rate will continue, however, to be fought for by the Interstate Commerce commission. Th case waa argued on behalf of Omaha by John L. Webster. Ail expression of the decision of the oourt was sought from him. but he was not In his offioe. 'FRISCO TO NEW ORLEANS Railroad Will Vsa Lonlslnnn Tracks Until Sneh Tint na It Own Rails Are Laid. NEW ORLEANS, Aug. 14. After many delay and much difficulty In securing an entrance to New Orleans. It was poaitlvsly announced by 'Frisco railroad officials to day that th trains of that system would be run Into th city on September L It is planned ths road shall vntually run Into New Orleans on Its own tracks. In th meantime th track of th Louisiana Railway and Navigation company will be used between New Orleans and Batou Rouge. Proarrlbed by Doctors. Lydia E. Plnkbam's Vegetable Com pound, an honest, tried and true remedy for feminine Ills, holds the record for the largest number of actual cures of any similar remedy, and is prescribed and recommended by hundreds of fair minded doctors who do not tear to recommended a worthy inedloln vn though It 1 advertised. HIGH FLIGHT BY PAILHAM Frenchman Beaches Ileight of S00 Feet in Eighteen-Mile Trip. HEW EEC0ED MADE BY BLEKI0T Man Who f'roese-d th Channel Travels Ten Kilometer at Rat of Ftirtr-Mx Miles an Honr. RHEIMS, Aug. 14. A marvelotisly pro longed high flight of thirty kilometers eighteen and one-half miles In a twenty knot breete by Paulham and the establish ment of a new world's record for ten kilometer at the rat of 74 318 meters (forty-six miles) an hour by Uleilot were th features of aerial race meeting today. Owing to the high wind there would have been no flight except for the visit thl afternoon of President Fallerles and hla cabinet. The president was accom panied also by distinguished officers of the French and British army. Hla pres ence stimulated the sky pilots, and a dosen machines wers brought out on the field, but a majority of them were unable to battle against th wind. Young nunau-Varilla, however, with his machine plunging like a ship In a stormy sea, managed to navigate tbe turbulent air currents for one round. Then Paul ham, who already had won a reputation for courage and endurance, began his thrilling flight. He made the first two rounds at an altitude of 2ffl feet, but as cending In front of th tribune for th third circuit, he reached a height of be tween 400 and 600 feet Horror and Admiration. , The spectators gaxed aloft In admiration mingled with horror, and as they watched, the biplane struck what seemed a danger ous angle. The machine swayed In the wind, but each time righted itself. Paul ham completed his exploit with a wonder ful exhibition of maneuvering. His achievement has mad him th unrivalled hero of the meeting. Paulham had nothing to gain by th risks he took, as his flight was not counted In the endurance test and It Is probable that a much higher rat of speed-will be reached by ths contestants in th prlx De La Vitepse. Paulhams' time today was six minutes slower than yesterday for thirty kilometers. Blerlot Break Record. Blerlot'a rfcord-maklng lap was accom plished with his elghty-horse-power ma chine at a low level. He made th ciroult of six and one-fifth miles In 8 minutes 4H seconds. The best previous record was mado yesterday by Glenn H. Curtlss, ths American aviator, I minutes 16 seconds. Latham put two machines out of com mission in an attempt to start. Finally, Just at dusk, he got away and mad a superb flight of thre rounds at an average height of 100 feet This was Latham's second try for the prlx D La Vitesse, and to th actual time of 30 minutes 2 seconds, one-twentieth must be added as penalisation. The management of th Wright machines declined to take any chances, explaining that they had nothing at stake, a thess maohlnes .are at present olasslfled a first, second and third In th prlx La Vitesse. EXCISE TAX IS fOetoteusts (Continued from First Pag.) practice that we know in the organisation of corporations with capital stocks not per haps entirely within th bounds of th figures that have been annexed, to th money valu of the property. Never was more serious charge conveyed In softer phrase, and never waa father confessor more gentle In rebuke. Stripped of It eu phemism, the charge la that falsehood uni versally prevails In the capitalisation of Corporations and the utmost extent of the remedy proposed Is silence. A watered share having an announced par value is a positive misrepresentation, a share Issued as an aliquot part Is an equivocation) it gives no Information and It crlVs caution only to the Initiated. Why not have, it peak and speak th trutflT Th speaker gave a review of the enact ment of congress, and th various states, aqd said: "We find In our legislation some enactments that ar crude, auperfluoua and the misdirected, and some that may wear the mask of false pretense, but In ths main It Is well Intended and measurably efficient of Its purpose. The striving manifested Is for a purer publlo life, a more perfect administration of Justice, a kindlier dealing with the unfortunate and the erring, a more general eduoatlon of the people, the protection of every man In the earnings of his labor, the betterment of material conditions, the conservation -of health, the promotion of morals and mote equal opportunities for all In the struggle of life. In an effort of this kind, we may expect some mistakes and can well afford to bear with them." ALL FOOD WILL BE PURE (Continued from First Pags.) "I don't quite know what you mean," said Mr. Wilson. "Well, Mr. Secretary, I have your letter In my pocket," retorted Mr. Emery. "In It you recommend that our request be not granted." "Will you allowe me another wordT" In terposed the secretary. "If you will recol lect, gentlemen. Just prior to that time, at your convention at Maklnac, you con demned all of us down In Washington, and I did not think you were the right ma terial to make a supreme court out of." Secretary Wilson, who described himself as "an Interested spectator" and not a delegate, was Invited to speak by A. H. Jones, food commissioner of Illinois. Address of th Secretary. In hi address Secretary Wilson said: From President Emery' report you might Infer we have don nothing down In Washington. We are endeavoring to operat th law with as little friction as possible, showing leniency where honest mistakes are made. We have Instituted many criminal prosecutions and seised a great quantity of Impure stuffs. We have Investigated th milk supply of Chicago, Kansas City, St. Louis and Cincinnati; hare denied entry Into this country of im ported foods found to be Impure and all the time we are devising means of mak ing the Ian more perfeot. We hope to have our department co-operate with the various state departments. I am convinced that It will be only a short time before the adulteration of foods In this country shall cess altogether." The delegates from many states prom ised on-oners t Ion. It Is expected the ben oat of soda question will com up again on Wednesday when four members of the referee board will speak. These are Dr. Remsen, Dr. Russell 11. Chittenden of New I Haven, Conn.; Dr. John H. Long of Evans- ton. III., and Dr. Christian H. Herter of New York City. I A committee of eleven composed of agrl J cultural college professors and stat fwod Elite I For women have a stamp of individuality about them that wearers of good clothes im mediately recognize and purchase. Scores of tailored suits direct from New York's Fifth Avenue tailors arriving daily by express. Will be pleased to show them whether you look with a view of buyiug now or later. New tailored waists of lingerie . (O) fT and madras materials, at VP L. ATRIP TO SEATTLE Via UNION PACIFIC "THE SAFE ROAD TO TRAVEL" Will take you through "The Lrfxnd xf Opportun ity," in which your brains, brawn and capital will bring to you success and large dividends. MAKE THE TRIP NOW You will never find a better opportunity for pleas ure and profit. The route lies through the heart of the most interesting and beautiful part of the west. I For literature and information relative to rateB, routes, etc., call on or address, , CITY TICKET OFFICE 1324 Farnam Street, : : : Omaha, Nebraska PBOHUSI Bell, Douglas 1838, had Xn&, A-8S31. experts, will then submit a report m bodying th results of th Investigation of th referee board. Dr. W. A. Bcovlll of Lexington, Ky., -la chairman of th latter commlttoex t -.: It Is expected that an agreement .will b reaohed btwen th two factions, on of whloh favor the adoption of th fed eral law by the state and the other the framing of a "model" state law, Independ ent of the federak law. Secretary Wilson Is here to defend the federal law. DENIES HASKELL SCANDAL Dlsclplnnarlnn Say Story of Traffic In Indian Girls 1 Withont Foundation. LAWRENCE, Kan., Aug. J4. J. O. Mllll ken, disciplinarian of Haskell institute here, today dolard to the Associated Press that th story of alleged traffic In Indian girl attending thl school Is abso lutely untrue. Mr. MUliken Insisted that there waa no basis for any such story. He stated further that there wa no thought of asking th federal authorities to mak an Investigation, as there wa nothing to lnveslgate. No Fortnne far Messerlys. FORT DO DOE, la., Aug. K-(Speclal Telegram). Instead ' of receiving 150,000 each from the estate of a recently deceased uncle, Lewis Messefly, of Sioux City and Jack Measerly of Fort Dodge will receive $826 each after th death of the unci' widow, so says Miss Ella Messerly, a nlec of th deceased, who lives here. A Sioux City dispatch brought the news of th first good fortune her, but investigation proves It to be exaggerated. A i Sm$tl Affair Toothache Gum The only remedy that stops sootaaclie tnifeni'y. Tbsealy toothache gsm that cleans to oavlty an prsvsoW csy. Imitations so sot So the work. So tost Joa f X !' Tm1imsi 6mm. At all rssfisM, W Mats, w bi BisU. Dent's Corn Cum C;"T C. I. DENT CO.. Drtrstt. Mich. Business Men & Women. THE BOSTON LUNCH I the One Flac for Men and women. Yon get a meal and have I lliusa Boior a waiter oaa get xo r AXWAYS OrKBT ISIS yarnanu lo Douglas.) Wi miki ill wi tell Omaha Trunk Factory W also carry a fin lla of tosthor goods Song, 106S 120 farnam nt A-1CSS FOOD FOR wbsfln4 th"?r powr U KIFP VFC work and youthful vlgot llLftv f noo as a result of evera werK r ntf esortloa should tan UKAT'n NH.HVU FVOU PILLS. Ikoy WIU saane you est sod Sleep and b a ion aa .4 a. SU HaWSS ILi. usua SJCJ, Cor. lata aa Doag rLroeta, Cat. Itvfe aA Ssistf Its. kjsnaAs. afc FARNAM ST. irats Gentle Dentistry Should th gsntlertiah, fr'p'tn1.', Wyoming read these line. I'm sure he ll not mind my refer- : ring to his case. He had three teeth extracted, ' ' three nerves removed and a seven-tooth bridge inserted, all In two sitting. "They can't i do It In our country, Doo," aald he. Th only reaaon I could do o much for him in so short' time Is that I did not hurt him. Oentl Dentistry Fays. Dr. J. B. Fickes 210-217 Hoard of Trade). Doth Phones. 10th and Farnam St, 8. W. AMUSEMENTS. Grocers' nd Butchers9 OUTING: Thursday. Aug. 26 Courtland Beach Stores Closed at rJooa ...Everybody Wolcomo... BOYD'S THEATRE onm BaorncAs bxasost fscVsT." SUNDAY, AUG. 29. srxcxAX. KiTini ttxbpay THE: ALASKAN At I. LIUOITKX RICHARD I CARROLL and QUS. WEINBERG aits otx KAX.F a 100 oraiM. SAT SALE OPXNSJ TODAY. ' sss,saVaMs' Tiioos loo, BSo and Soo. Advanced Vaudeville SEASON OPENS ! SUNDAY MATINEE AUO. 2a HATS STOW OaT SJAXBJ . is si m -mw w l0Oi tSo T TOWIOHT MATIJTM TODAY, AsTY BAT as The Cowboy and ThB Thiel cosenro THUUoiTiavsfaix. Air Domk BmaoxAaTBisaa stock oo. Tonight Tn OroaUst of Union Xbor Play a "For Humanity 'b. Sake" Admission 10 and SOt Change of plsy and spsclaltles eveii Sunday and Thursdays. The new show a ths AIS SOUS Is a "hit" tf Omaha Only Summer Novelty. jjy I lain bo Duo. I'eart DaVbtei mllFifc l'ly HlKKins. Careless hrln Sr Icon. Illustiaiod bongs. .t,. T-lVVb 1 iiij . . J. III. -.Ill, VTLLE New Hhow Thursday auv, Cam as time. ta lb