Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 25, 1909, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Be
eJan, r1!ebl arwepap that to
fcdmtttad to aack and rrj home.
For Nebraska Generally f&lr.
For low. Unsettled.
For weather report see page 3.
President of Bar Attocia-
tioa Ssys it Has Significance
" Beyond Bevenue Feature.
Bight of Public Supervision at Broad
M Interests Affected. .
Successor of Trusts Eee&l in '-.
Stated and More Effective.
Negro Shoots
atMonroe, La.
Black Han Buns Amuck with
Double-Barreled Shotgun
Killed and Body Burned.
Reduction of Through Tariff from
Seaboard to Missouri Gate
ways it Enjoined.
Majority of Court Holdi Commission
Exceeded Ita Powers.
Says Commission Should Have as
Much Power as Railroads.
Master Builder of Railroads Returns
a Tired, Sick Man, Seeking
Meotopoly BMomaa Mora Nculr Col
plet u( It Operations Cannot
B Reached Throaajh
tat Lawa.
DETROIT, Aug. 24. The excise tax upon
corporation Imposed at the special session
of congress baa a significance far beyond
Ita ravanua features, according to Fred
erick W. Lehmann, prealdant of the Amer
ican Bar association, who delivered bis
annual addraas at the meeting of the or
ganisation today.
"It la of highest Importance aa the open
ing door to regulation which will broaden
with th years." said Mr. Lehmann. 'There
la this mo invasion of merely private
affair. A business oondacted by corporate
methods la not a private bualnesa. Corpor
ate powers are not natural rights and the
general welfare la the only luatflcatlon for
the grant of them. Th right of public
supervision Inheres la them and la aa
broad aa th Interests that may bo af
fected." Mr. Ulusun declared that the trust is
obeolet. "Nobody now la so Ignorant or
o defiant of law as to think of forming
'one." said be. "And It Is very easy to do
much better. Out of the aahea of the truat'
baa sprung the holding oompany, the
trust' In an Improved, perfected form.
The holding company doaa and Is designed
to do exactly what waa dons by the
truat,' and does It more efficiently. la It
tindar the ban of the law? Certainly not
In all of tho at ate." '
Hew "Trast" Is Legalised.
Mr. Lafimann mentioned the prohibition
In Montana againat trust. "Having slain
tho senile and debilitated 'truat,' they made
Invulnerable through legitimacy Its youth
ful and sturdy suooeaaor, the holding com
pear," said he. The speaker said theae
:Aw lawa aland together, with the result
.that any Industry er buslnaa of tho at at
i may bo leigally monopolised. Provided It
J is well and thoroughly dona, and no halt
way measures are employed. This condl
tlon of th law exist In other state, ho
"But th needing oompany la not the
full and final development of industrial
ombinsalon, continued Mr. Lehmann.
This, is reacfeed Jta-IR mgle corporation
With unlimited power of capitalisation and
direct owaorahlp of th biutneaa and pro
perties with, waken K deals. Here to ellm
mated vaa tho disturbing element of min
ority Inter In eonatttuant companie
,,Tet ita Me whk prohibit truat' and as
sume to prohibit monopolies, aet no bounds
lor fix the Umil so high that under It many
'industrial tnay be completely engrossed.
"Th reantt of soon legislation la almply
to prevent combination where the ap
'pearaa of competition la maintained and
to saneti U where tho combination la
pn. avowed and moat effective. That car.
tainry was not th popular purpose. The
, movement against truata' waa againat the
, monopoly of Industry or business, how
1 ; ever aseorapUsbed, and the more
i thoroughly It waa don, tho greatr was
the objection to It. The aaauranca that
tho ooonomle resulting from combination
.would aaaapon produetlon and that this
, would go to the benefit of th consumer
i wis never accepted. Our people have no
: tail in a becervotent despotism. They know
that power tends to abuse. A corporation
' largo enough to eagres an Industry can
! not be trusted to a generous or even a
Just wa of it mastery. A enllgntened
1 elf-lntrt may find Its real and lasting
! advantage In moderation, but eelf-lntereat
does set men olf-nllghtenment. Recent
dsloloswro ahcrv that greed has not ohanged
' Its nature and still grows by what It feeds
upon. Th complete absorption of a rival
Is not beyond it capacity, and tho crumbs
f a tala balance are not beneath its
v Ha an say Between States,
N State ean deal with the problem
singly and master It, and there haa been
, and oaa be ao concert of notion between
th state
"The great Industrial corporation are In
practical affect as ah sgencles of in'
tare late oommosoo a are the great carrier
pomps nie u uie proaucuon or a com
modity is under one control, commerce in
that oornmodlry la vnder the same eon
I trol, hat unfortunately production Is held
not to be within the commerce olauee of
the federal constitution, and so combina
tions t engross production may be of
fee led. because tho general government
oannot prevent them, and the atatea In
which they are located will not. But
Something can be done under the taxing
Mr. Lhmann then referred to the algnlf
icanee of tho federal tax on corporations.
Continuing, the speaker aald: "Almost
the flrat law enacted by tho flrat oongreea
of th United States at ita first seaalun
was on levying duties upon Importa, the
purposes declared by th act blng the
support of government, the discharge of
the debts of the United States, and the en-
Ouuxaeiuat and protection cf !ueDufee
i iurea,' and wo have never been without
sueh a law. What may thus be aided by
tie government may also be regulated,
for there la no more a atratcb of federal
authority In th exercise, of control over
ut kid us tries than in extending to them a
onatant fostering care. 1
aeervlsloa Alda lave tor.
TThe Investor In corporate aecurltlea
needs the protection which cornea from au
pervtaion and publicity. The New Tork
Bar aaeocUUon recently recommended
iw permitting corporation to Uaue shares
without a par value and as represents
only aliquot part of the ownership. Tits
proposition, la was aald. had attracted
great 'deal of sympathetic support from
bualnea men who were looking for a way
of reconciling tho neceaaary methods of
buetaeae with the interests of ethica and
who feci that they have been disturbed by
the apparent conflict and more than an
apparent conflict between tho unlvereal
Continued. 00, eoond iaTa
MONROE, Ala., Aug. 24. Angered, ft la
believed, becauee two of hla friend had
"ecently been ahot by police in thla city,
VII 11am S. Wade, a negro, today ran
murk on the principal bualnesa street of
onroe. With a double-barrelled gun ha
ot first at every white, man he aaw
d then at every object near him. The
0 waa returned and the negro finally
1 dead with a bullet through hla heart,
, not before twenty-nine men, three of
m negroea, bad been wounded. Be
lly wounded: '
JOH BIGGER, policeman, shot In b-
en and thigh; may die.
.H. GRANT, deputy aherlff, ahot In
., and breaat; may die.
SIMON MARKS, merchant. Tuekee. Ala..
ahot In breaat and face; may die.
GEORGE MCORMAO K. ' manajrer of
Ouchlta Lumber Co.. West Monroe, arm
Wade'a body was publicly burned after
It had been cut down from a pole on
which it had been hung for half an hour
or more after he waa killed.
It waa at flrat reported that Wade waa
half erased from cocaine and cheap
whleky, but an inveatlgatlon by the police
showed that when he purchased the ehot-
gun and box of shells a few mlnutee be
fore he flrat opened fire there waa nothing
unusual In hla manner. He had not been
drinking nor did he show any evidence
of having taken cocaine.
Wade came to Monroe recently from
Pine Bluffs, Ark. He waa accompanied by
several other negroes and they began to
make trouble for the local police aoon
after they arrived. It was alleged that
they were members of a sooiety In Ar-
kansaa which had as ita object revenge for
all Injuries done negroea.
Saloon Keepers
After Druggists
Fire and Police Commissioners to
Hear Their Complaint Next
Th saloon men of Omaha have taken
up tho fight againat drug stores which en
gage In tho alleged Illegal sale of liquor.
At the meeting of the Board of Fire and
Police commissioners last night a commu
nication waa received from the' Progressive
Liquor league, an organisation of Omaha
saloon men, requesting a hearing along
this line. Th board set next Tuesday
night, August 81, as tho time when repre
sentatives of th leagu will be heard.
A report was received from the chief of
polio informing the board, of tho com
plaint filed against nine saloon men for
keeping o be tractions in their window and
ot tho aetioa of tho polio court in dis
missing th charge. No action was taken
by th board further than to place the
oommunloatlon on tile.
A request from tho Dee Moines (la.)
polio department that Detective Can
Davis be loaned there during their stale
fain which commenoes August 28, wa or
dered granted on th recommendation of
the chief of police.
The board virtually admitted the liability
of the city for damages incurred by offi
cers of the law In pursuing criminals. The
matter came up on a request of the Mo-Coy-Flnlayaon
Printing oompany for fLO.&O
for a plate glass window shattered at 1312
Dodge street by Detective McDonald, who
waa shooting at an alleged burglar he was
trying to capture, Tho bill was allowed
as presented.
Beoauae ha had been doing tho house
work and taking care of tho children while
hla wife waa oonflned to her bed with a
broken leg Engine Driver Patrick Con
nolly of oompany No. I of tho tiro de
partment was found not guilty of sleeping
while on duty, the board holding that the
facts constituted a valid excuse.
Heavy Rata Yeeterday Assures Satis
factory Yields of Cotton aad
KANSAS CITT, Mo., Aug. M. The long
drouth in Oklahoma, Arkansas and parts
of southern Mlaaouri was broken tonight
by a heavy rain. The heat, which haa
been excaaalve alnce July IS, waa checked.
Satisfactory yields of corn' and cotton are
aaaurad. Reports from Fort Smith. Ark.,
and Muskogee, Okl., say the rain wa gen-
oral and that the crops had been lm
menaely helped.
Wife of Bvaaa-elUt Says She
Hsisoad Met with If
CHICAGO, Aug. St A telephone message
received here today from Mrs. "Billy"
Sunday, wife of tho evangelist, denies that
Mr. and Mrs. Sunday were victims of an
automobile accident near I. porta, Ind.,
Three More Bodies Are
Found at
PITTSBURG, Aug. 14. Gloom covered
the little manufacturing village of McKeee
Hock like a pall today as long funeral
processions proceeded from the Greek
Catholio church to St. Mary's cemetery, a
small burying place just outside Bchoen
vllle. Striking workmen, led by a band of
eight musicians followed to the grave the
bodies of the strikers killed In the recent
rioting. Three more bodies of terribly
beaten strike sympathisers were found to
day by troopers detailed to the work of
searching tor dead and wounded. Two
bodies under a pile ot railroad ties and one
under a culvert on the tracks of tho Pitts
burg and Lake Erie railroad, were pulled
Into sight. Th corpses, hardly recognis
able as those ot human beings, were has
tily piled Into a morgue wagon and turned
over to the county officers. With the
burial ot the dead strikers and the finding
of th additional bodies cama a truce ia
hostilities. Frm dawn to nightfall not a
pistol shot waa heard, neither wa an ar-
. li a i a
Enforcement of Cat froea Cblcaa-o
and St. Loalj to Colorado Alao
Held Up Thla Beneftta
Mleeoarl River Cltiea.
CHICAGO, Aug. U. Manufacturers and
producers generally in the territory be
tween Buffalo, Pittsburg and Parkers
burg, on the east, and the Mississippi river
on the west are regarded aa the greatest
beneficiaries by the majority decision Ot
the, United Statea circuit court here today,
permanently enjoining the Interstate Com
merce commission from enforcing it aea-board-Mlasourl
river through rate In the
famous Missouri river rate case.
The opinion of Judges Qroascup and
Kohlsaat (Judge Baker dissenting), if sus
tained by the supreme oourt of the United
Statea, will greatly curtail the power of
the commisalon over transportation rates,
restricting It to a sort of police court ad
judication of specific cases of alleged dis
crimination. The rate-making power re
mains in tho hands of tho railroads.
Order la Denver Rate Case.
The Missouri river cities, which would
have profited had the commission's order
been allowed to go Into effect, benefit by
the court's ruling in the Denver rate case.
In the latter a temporary restraining order
was issued.
This case and the Missouri river case are
similar in principle, the former concern
ing the commission's order of a new and re
duced through rate between Chicago and
St. Louis to Denver. I
The commission's order of June 24, 1901,
reduced the rate on flrat-claaa freight from
the seaboard (east of Buffalo, Pittsburg
and Parkersburg) to Mlaaouri river points
from 11.48 to Thla order waa issued
upon representation of the Missouri river
Interests manufacturers and . Jobbers
chiefly that the seaboard rate of $1.15 to
Minneapolis and St. Paul was a dlscrimlna
tlon againat them, Inasmucn aa the Twin
Cltiea, using the cheaper water rate from
the Mississippi, were able to undersell them
In their own territory on articles coming
originally . from the seaboard. The sea
board shipper shared In tho profit seen In
th eommlarlon'8 order over- his oonpetl'
tors' in central traffic territory, who would
not share In the reduced rate. According
to sentiment aroused In Chicago, Mllwau
kee, Detroit, St. Louis and other central
trafflo .cities, the order was a discrimina
tion calculated to ruin tnelr industries.
They were not aroused, however, by the
Denver case. This case was the Missouri
river caae over again, save that central
trafflo points and Denver would reap the
benefit of a 23-cent reduction in the
through rate which the Mlaaouri river
points would not enjoy. Missouri river
interests were to be protected against the
middle west and Denver against the Mis
souri river. The seaboard had an advan
tage in both rates.
N Power Over Throah Rates.
In their opinion Judgea Grosscup and
Kohlsaat held' congress In creating the In
terstate commerce act had not Intended
to place a power in the hands of a few
men to build up one community or to ruin
another. They held that In ordering the
through rates at issue the commission bad
greatly exceeded Ita powers. '
In dissenting Judge Baker discussed this
point at length, declaring that the com'
mission In ordering the through rates
had done no more than tho railroads have
always done. A the railroads were ex
tended west, he said, new through rates
were constaptly made and these rates were
less than the Joint rates. When the rail
road from New Tork to Buffalo was ex
tended, say to Syracuse, the through rate
from New Tork to Syracuse wa less
than the sum of tho rates between New
Tork and Buffalo and Buffalo and Syr a
cuse. So rates, had been continued to be
made aa tho railroads worked to the
Mississippi, to the Mlaaouri, and beyond.
The commission, ho said, merely attempted
to make a new rate on tho same time
honored principle, moving the basing line
from the Mississippi to the Missouri river.
He declared that had the commission not
acted the railroads would in time, with
the growing wealth of the trans-Missouri
country, have followed their own pre
cedent and made a through rate from tho
seaboard to tho Missouri.
Jnde Baker Makes Point.
"Surely if the railroads have this power
Judge Baker argued, "the commission like
wise ha it. If this power la too dan
gerous to bo In tho hands of commissioner
(Continued on Second Page.)
McKees Rocks
The strikers and their sympathisers dur
Ing trie day kept to themselvea and even
gave- up a masa meeting planned for tho
late afternoon aa they believed any gath
erlng ot the workmen could do no good at
tills time. Eugene V. Debs, socialistic
orator, waa in McKeea Rocks to address
the atnkera, but even he declared that
worda were of little avail now aa the
strikers- cause was all but lust.
And on every Land tonight it ia con
ceded that the atrlkera have met defeat.
The Pressed Steel Car company's plant
today was In operation with over 1,000 men
at work.
Martial law was supreme In th strike
sons today, more than 160 stats and county
officers patrolling the atreta and the car
company atockade.
The total death list resulting from Sun
day night's disorders now totals eleven,
while two are In hospitals expeoted to die
within tho next twenty-four hours. Tho
leas seriously Injured are all reported to
be Imgr-jring; stowly.
f1 It li fir
V'j MsHK&--r -"
From the Washington 8tar.
Secretary Wilson Makes Prediction
that Adulteration;" Will Stop.
President Emery ef State Dairy avnd
Food Official Makes Sensa
tional Attack I'poa Ita
DENVER, Colo., Aug. S4,-That tho
adulteration of food will soon cease alto
gether In this country, and that -the Rem
sert referee board appointed at the instance
of President. Roowr)yo Investigate tke
use ot bensoat ot aooaw a a preservative.
would be ' sustained by ' hi department.
were assertions of Secretary of Agricul
ture James Wilson at th opening of the
annual convention of the Association of
State and National Food and Dairy de
partments today. ''
Secretary Wilson's remarks followed a
bitter attack by J. Q. Emery, of Madison,
Wis., president of the association.
Pointing his finger at the secretary, Mr.
Emery disputed the report of the referee
board that bensoat had been found to be
not harmful, and then accused the secre
tary of having urged President Roosevelt
to block a re-lnvestlgatlon ot the subject.
Wlleoa Answers Thrust.
'Let me say," declared Secretary Wil
son, Jumping to his feet, that if we had
money enough down there in Washington
to employ Dr. Ira Remsen and tho other
four chemlats on his board we would try
to get them into the Department of agri
culture. I have told the president that
wo want the biggest In the country in the
department or the department will cease
to grow, and when it oeases to grow I
don't want agythlng more to do with It.
"I'm glad to see you have invited Dr.
Remsen and other members of the board
to appear before you. I trust you will
give them a fair hearing."
"Why shouldn't we give them a fair hear
ing?" shouted Mr. Emery., "This Insinua
tion comes with poor grace from th secre
tary, when we recall that it was he who
blocked our request to have benxoato of
soda re-lnvestlgated."
(Continued on Second Page.)
Common sense
leads us to buy from
advertisers. None
of us like to deal
with a dead one."
It is the live busi
ness man; the fellow
that is up on his toes
and after your trade
that uses the great
modern, powerful
business getting
force advertising.
Oyer on the Want Ad pace you
will find that a great many firms
big and small advertise their best
The little fellow in business uses
want ads becaus he can tell his
business story, forcefully, cheaply
and ean talk Just at loud as any
other advertiser.
Th big; stores use them because
they are read by everybody and
they are too shrewd to overlook so
good a chance to Increase their
Have you read the want ads,
yet, today. tx
Ten Nebraska
Banks on the
Roll of Honor
Listed Among Those -with Surplus
and Undivided Profits in
Excess of Capital.
An Interesting "roll of honor," consist
ing of 1,098 national banks of the United
States, with surplus and undivided profits
in excess of capital. Is published by the
New York Financier.
Pennsylvania takes the flrat and the
booby prim, th First National of Unlou -
town "and th? Ylrst '"National" ot Mount
Pleasant, respectively, winning high and
low honors.
Ten Nebraska banks have places In the
list, the Albion National ranking highest
In percentage. The other nine follow in
this order: First, Aurora; First, Grand
Island; First, rtoldrege; First, Omaha;
Packers, South Omaha; South Omaha TTa-
tlonal; First, Stanton; First, Tork, arid
City National, Tork.
Iowa haa twenty-three banka In the roll
of honor; Kansas, sixteen; South Dakota,
six; Wyoming, six; Montana, eight, and
Colorado, eighteen.
Delegates from Every Stat in tbe
Union Gather la Kaaws
KANSAS CITT, Mo., Aug. 24. With a
delegation of 5,000 negro men and women
from every state In the union, the supreme
lodge of negro Knights of Pythias opened
here today for a tour day session. Among
the delegates are doctors, lawyers, bank
ers, merchants, clerks, and those from
every profession, trade and business fol
lowed by negroes. The delegate are quar
tered in a tent city.
The supreme oourt of Calanthe will be
presided over by John W. dtrauther of
Greenville, Miss. In this meeting every
phase of the negro question will be dis
No Alimony Mentioned and Hoa
baad la Not Allowed to
NEW YORK, Aug. M. Mrs. Helen Kelly
Oould obtained a final decree of divorce
from Frank J. Oould today. Tho lnterloo
utory decree was signed on May 20 of this
year. There was no opposition today when
Mrs. Gould's attorneys made a formal ap
plication to Supremo Court Justice Olege
rlch for the final papers.
The decree gives tho custody of the two
children, Helen and Dorothy, to each par
ent for six months In each year. Mr. Qould
is not permitted to remarry In thla state
until after the death of his wife. The
papers did not mention alimony.
Nearly Two Hundred Are
MONTEVIDEO, Aug. Si Between 15
and 200 persons wore drowned or other
wise killed when, in a 'driving rainstorm
about S o'clock this morning the Argentine
excursion steamer Colombia and the North
German Lloyd steamer Schlesien collided
at the entrance of Montevideo harbor.
The Colombia was entering port and the
Schlesien waa outward bound for Bremen.
Tho Colombia's bow was crushed In and
It sank almost Immediately. The Colom
bia carried about 200 passengers and a
crew of forty-eight men. Most of the pas
sengers were asleep and panlo followed the
crash. Almost Immediately small boats
put out to the sinking steamer, but the
work of retcue waa rendered difficult by
the high aea. About seventy persons were
brought ashore. Most of the dead are
women and children. A majority of the
survlvora are men.
The Colombia was carrying excursionists
from Buenos Ay res to a festival at Mon
tevideo and the disaster baa caused the
keenest emotion, Tb I'raguayan govern-
Counsel for Soldier Tells of Belatives
in Asylum.
Two Witnesses for Proaeeatioa Tell
ot Brutal Assault Mad TJpoa
Captain Raymond After
He Had Been Sbot.
Muoh more than a perfunctory defense
Is being put up for Corporal Usle Crab-
tree, on trial for hla life at Fort CrooK.
The defense began its case yesterday alt-
I MWm and lntroduowl onsiderabl taetl
mdny to Show that the accused Is Insane.
More will be Introduced and alienists will
be called to the stand in the somewhat
slender hop of saving Crabtree.
Judge Parsons of Des Moines first out
lined his side of tbs case. He said that
the evidence had clearly shown that this
crime had been committed. That there was
no denying It and that there could be but
one exouee for such a crime. He aald that
Crabtree had been discharged from the
Pennsylvania National guard to go into
the Marine oorps. that at the end of four
years he had come out with an excellent
character as a sergeant. That he was now
but 27 yaers old. That he had been dis
satisfied with the post at Des Mbines ap
parently, that he was insane on June IS
and wa still in that condition.
Relatives in Wiylnm.
Parson said that he would Introduce
evidence to show that there was Insanity
in the family and that two relatives were
now oonflned in asylums in Pennsylvania.
Private Baroff waa then called. He
stated that he had seen Crabtree sitting
In a chair looking out of the window. He
bad seen him walking about the quarters
mumbling to himself. On cross-examina
tlon it was shown that thee actions had
made no Impression upon him at th time
and that Crabtree had no friends in the
troops at this time and was of a solitary
nature and fond of reading,
Private Faber gave evidence along the
lines of that given by Baroff and stated
that this waa a matter of somment In the
Both theae men were In Crabtree's squad
and they both agreed that he had been
patient with his man and had shown no
undue temper.
V. W. Baylor, a mason employed by the
quartermaster at Deo Moines was called
He had seen Crabtree In his cell at tbe
guard house soon after tho shooting while
working there. Ho said ho was excited,
stared and talked to himself.
Tried to Bite Guard
Private Fiynn told of being posted as
a sentinel over Crabtree's cell two daya
after the shooting. Ho said that Crabtree
seemed to be In a sort of daxe at this
time, but was quiet He wa on thla poet
for aome four or five time subsequently,
Just after Captain Raymond had died he
waa similarly engaged. Crabtree had Just
(Continued on Second Pago.)
at Montevideo
ment In conaoquence has postponed the
fetes arranged for the celebration of the
inauguration of the port.
Tho Schlesien was only slightly dam
aged and has been detained here by the
port authorities. Its commander attrib
utes the collision to the wind and the
high seas, which made both steamers at
most unmanageable. The channel Is now
partially obstructed by the wreck of tho
Colombia. Most of tho survivors of that
vessel were taken from the mast and
many of them were injured. While great
numbers of women and children were
drowned almoat every one of the ship's
complement was saved.
Scores of bodlea have been recovered and
are now lying at th custom house, but
many of them have not been identified.
Tho storm still continues, interrupting
telegraph and telephone communication
between Buenos Ayres and Montevideo,
The Colombia was an old steamer of
1,200 tons engaged in the regular passen
ger service between this port and Buenos
Ayres. '
Stock Market Practically Stands Still
as Boat Approaches.
His First Reference is to New Laws
and New Office Holders.
Tributary I.lnea Will lie Extended
Into Jtew Territory Sarplaa
Earning to Be ITaed tor
" This Parnate.
NEW TOHX, Aug. St. Edward H. Harri-
man, -genius of finance, leader of men and
master builder of. railroads, came back to
the United Plates today while the financial
world stood on its tiptoes in anxiety and
expectancy. He came back as he left, on
une 1, last, a sick, 'tired man, seeking
health. Tonight, surrounded by his family
at his magnificent though uncompleted
summer home at Arden on the Hudson, he
has begun the "after cure," which ho
r.eeds after the enervating baths and
dietetic treatment he underwent at the
Austrian resort Had Oasteln. How long
he will remain In seclusion, how long It
will be before he resumes the active di
rection of hla vast railroad Interests de
pends solely upon his health. He arrived
today feeble, face gaunt and voice weak.
And I have come borne," he said, "for a
our and not for work."
Many great Americans hav returned to
their country under extraordinary circum
stances, but never haa there been a more
remarkable homecoming of a private dtl-
sen than E. H. Harrtman's. Great stock
market operators paused aa his ship drew
near, the stock market Itself marked time
and the Industrial world turned its eyes
seaward, as it were, eAger for a glimpse
of the man whose Illness abroad has fur
nished much material for stock market
Landa at Hobokea,
Contrary to expectations the financier
did not leave the Kaiser WUhelm II down
the bay, but remained on board until tho
vessel docked at Hoboken. Then, after'
being aaaiated ashore, ho boarded a South
ern PacLflo tug and was taken to Jersey
City, where he was again assisted to his
private car. From there the trip wa
quickly made up the Hudson to his moun
tain home at Arden.
Although he flashed ashore a brief mes
sage ot optimism at the request ot th
Associated Press and conversed for a time
with interviewers after the Kaiser's ar
rival at quarantine,. It was no until, ho. had
come ashore, been transferred , from Ho
boken to Jersey City and placed comfort
ably In his private oar that Mr, Kafrlman
talked freely about himself hi health and
bis hopes of early recovery. Then, reclin
ing on a couch, pale and enfeebled, but
with his usual optimism and tenacity ot
mind, he talked to an audlenoo of more
than a score of newspaper men before leav
ing for Arden.
Talk to Reporters.
He began by apologising for his recum
bent position while talking, Saying that
while ho had taken his meals regularly all
the way over. Just before he reached
quarantine today he was attacked with
naueea. This, he said, necessitated his
lying down.
Mr. Harrtman discussed things trivial and
pertinent, and spoke lightly , of tho trying
ordeals which physlolana had prescribed
for him abroad.
T am entirely satisfied with my trip
abroad, as far aa my health la oonoerned,"
he said, "and I have nothing on my mind
exoept to oome bom and take the 'after
cure.' I lost ten pounds while over there
and for a little fellow like me that la a
great deal."
Lying back on a pillow, his paid face
seeming even paler In the artificial light
of the car, Mr. Harrtman's quaint humor
and oheerfulness of mind was in marked
contrast to his physloan oonditlon. A be
talked his wife and Judge R. 8. Loveil,
vice president and general counsel of tho
Union Pacific, stood close by and gently
admonished him not to overtax hla
strength. But Mr. Harrlmaa waved them
aside and oontlnued to talk. His voice waa
weak and he asked from time to time if
those farthest from him could hear.
Come Heme to sVest.
"Thai doctors advised mt to oome homo
and reet," he said, "although they In
tended at flrat that I should rest abroad."
Hero he smiled wanly and went on. "Tho
photographing those doctors put mo
through waa worse than upon my
arrival here for they X-raytd me and did
everything they could."
Turning to ' railroad matters en of tho
first questions asked Concerned his adop
tion on a controlling Interest in Mewv
Tork Central stock, an option which would
give him with bis other road, aa un
broken lino of steel east aad west from
cooast to coast.
"That Is an easy one," said th finan
cier smiling, "but I would not tell you if
I had."
Here he took tho lead again himself. "I
expect to find more officeholders than
stockholders now," ho said. "Thert aro
more new lawa and they never seem to
displace the old ones; new laws mean new
officeholders to administer them."
"Do you refer lo Uie corporation tax?"
ho was asked.
"Yes and some state laws," was the
Not a Speculator.
Sitting up and smllllng pleasantly, Mr.
Harrlman Indulged In a few reminiscences.
"Three years ago I was called a specu
lator," he said. 'That was when Union
Paclflo wa placed on a 10 per cent divi
dend baala and Southern Pacific on a 6 per
cent dividend basis. I had a hard time
convincing my associates that the roads
could pay 'dividends, but I had come to
realise that we were building not better
than we knew, but quicker than we knew.
It waa difficult for me to comprehend
that the development and returns which
followed our construction work In the west
were so enormous and so rich."
"Do you mean to put the surplus earn
ings into the roads, rather than to turn
them over tn the tttor.khalderu?" h m-na
"Yes, that's about It," ho said, "that la,
my play i imsaifi lis aad development