Fhe Omaha Daily Bee TlIE OMAIIA DEE a clean, reliable newspaper tbt la admitted, to each and very home. LEATHER FORECAST. For I'ebraska Showere; cooler. For low, Probably ehowera. For neither rrport aee page 2. 1 VOL. XXXIX NO. 59. OMAHA, TUESDAY MORNING, AUQUST 24, 1W9-TEN PAGES. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. ."WARM ROAST FOR SPEAKER CANNON Congressman Fowler Addresses an Open Letter to the Statesman ?f from Danville. Omaha Night Brings Out a Full House Many Old Timers Pay Tribute to King and Hear the Beautiful Oprey Sung. Preparing to Retire? TAFT SPENDS DAY IN RECREATION Executive Disposes of Few Business Matters and Takes to Golf and Automobile. REVIEWS FINANCIAL RECORD ALDRICH COMES ON THURS0AY !- I 4 4 yi Speaker Has Voted Wrong on Every Monetary Measure. JSSLDE HISTORY OP LATE? " VA . -f Uncle Joe Accused of Hooting a f"L of anio in 1907. SPEAKER'S POWER IS TOO GEE. t , tffpm Chairman Makes Appeal tot i New Hons that Will Iaalst laoa Revlsloa at the Stales. ELIZABETH. N. J.. Aug. tS.-The fol- Mawtng la In part an open letter addreesed to Speaker Cannon which a given out ,here today by Congressman Charles N. Fowler of New Jereey, former chairman of the houM committee on banking and cur rency: ELIZABETH. N. J-. Aug. 2J, 1900 Hon. Joseph O. Cannon, Danville. 111.: My Dear Sir During- the last two or three months J have observed from time to time In the fjiress of the country certain news Items , Disparaging my ability In certain directions which I have every reason to believe have emanated from you. I desired the chairmanship of the bank ing and currency committee and have used sill self-respecting and hoaorable means to retain It, simply because-It would enable tne to advance right thought and possibly prevent the passage of bad legislation. However, chairmanships do not make men. but men make chairmanships. It was therefore wholly Immaterial to ma person ally whether you appointed me to the chairmanship or another. ' The fact then has been fairly established i that you knew that I would get agree ( tnenta, but what you were afraid of was j that those agreements would not serve yjrour purposes. Cauos'i Flaaaclal Reeord. Now, what has been your record for the last thlrty-slx years upon the financial and currency question that you should assume to dictate the -legislation of the United f J States upon this all Important question. Upon the 14th of April, 1874, you voted for a bill which Is described by John Sher man In these words; "It provided for an expansion of an Irredeemable currency." When this- bill passed both houses, Presi dent Grant vetoed It. It was the so-called greenback bill." January 17, UTS, the act for the resump tion of specie payments passed by the re publican bouse by a vote of US to (8, but rou did act rota fotn;"" - . On October , 1877, you Introduced a trill "To repeal the time clause of the re sumption act." . , On November 14, U77, you made a speech declaring that it was as much repudiation to pay in gold alone as in Irredeemable paper. Tou had much to say about "gold repudlatlonlsts." On November 23. 1177. yea voted for a bill to repeal all that part of the resumption act which authorised the secretary of the treasury to dispose of United States bonds and cancel greenbacks. On November S, you voted for a bill for the remonetlsatlon of silver (Bland bill) and on February 28 voted to pass it over ltt.e veto of President Hayes. On August 28, 1893, you voted against the repeal of the silver purchase act, and voted against It, as amended In the senate, on November 1. l&at. Now, I desire to recur to the bill to which I have already alluded as having been prepared by the fifteen bankers, who were appointed by my urgent request, and by myself, in the fall of 1904. After that bill had been reported by the banking and currency committee to the bouse, I went to you. as was necessary, disgraceful as the necessity may seem, under the circum stances, to ask whether I could call up the bill for consideration, telling you we were then facing a financial crisis, and that something ahould be done to meet It, and that this bill had been drawn for that , specif io purpoee. Hooted at Paale. . Tou literally hooted the Idea of a panic. and Inquired, "What In h does this howl ing In Wall street amount to. The coun try don't care what happens to those d peculators. Everything la all right out west and around Danville. The country don't need any legislation. Then. I don't take any stock In your d d asset cur rency." As usual, your Ignorance and prejudice were all sufficient then. But the pants came, as every man who had any Intelligence upon this subject knew It would. Now, Sir, mark this the bill prepared by these representative bankers, which met only with yoar sneers and contempt, and known as the "bankers' bill," provided for i about $260,000,000 of credit currency, called In that bill "national . bank guaranteed credit notes. " If that bill bad been upon the statute books when the pressure same, there would . have been no general suspension of banks throughout the country, no general break Ing down of the exchanges, as ail the banks could have more than met the de mand tor currency. a again, air, when I became chairman of the bank Ids' and currency eommlttee of the Sixtieth congress X advertised broadly that , the banking and currency committee would : bear any one wbe wanted to be heard; . and, upon dosing these general hearings. i I caused to be seat out special Invitations j to many of the leading banking economists, ! bankers and prominent merchant of the country te oome before us and give their views. Having closed these special hear- Es,' our committee prooeded to prepare lslatlon upon all the best information we could (ft and reported to the house what la now commonly known as the "Fowler bUL" "Aldrteh BiU Nethlas;. I appealed to you. as was necessary, for the privilege of bringing the bill up before the bouse for discussion, only to receive your contemptuous refusal, with the added (Ooatlneed oa Second P-V Omaha night at the den proved potent te draw a full house to hear the oprey "Paprika Schnltsel" and to see the hero ine kidnapped by a lot of hungry pirates. Orand Mufti Herring announced that the present membership 1s 1,1 IS, shewing a large increase over last week and also over the corresponding week last Year The faot that President Taft Ir to be iltiated at the den September 30 and that . -j. iy paid members can gain admission to .building Is bringing out many knights - have been a little backward In com- V. Wward. ough -several star members of the ere missing last night, the oprey . off like It was greased and Ben Cot ton and 8. 8. Hamilton and Ous Rente and others filled in the missing parts till it was not noticeable that anyone was missing. John Brennan in the title role and C. L. Vance" with his milk leg are two of Vhi hits of the show and divide the stellar honors with William Wapplch. who shakes the windows of the historic building with his magnificent voice, which could be eas ily rented out for a Claxton horn. Next Monday night will be another double header, when the good citizens from the north and from the south. West Point and Plattsmouth, will take' Samson by storm. Plattsmouth already has 250 clti ens signed up, who say they will be on hand with their hair In a braid, and West Point does not propose to be left behind. September 4 will be Omaha day at the Cass county fair, when King Ak-8ar-Ben 111 reciprocate and send a large dele gation to Plattsmouth. A special train will leave Omaha at 4:30 on that date and return at 10 p. m. More horsemen that la the cry of Samson, who says that he must have them for the parades. The beautiful floats are nearing completion, but horsemen must be had. for the horses cannot find their way through the streets alone. "The business men of Omaha who have not Joined this Institution of Ak-Sar-Ben should reach right down , in their socks and loosen up to the extent of S10," said Mayor Dahlman. "We owe It to the work ing crew and to the board of governors who do such an Immense amount of good. Everywhere I go the people ask about Ak-Sar-Ben, which draws more people to Omaha to join hands with our people in good fellowship than any other thing. We expect to build the big metropolitan city of the, west but we must keep moving. We have the natural gateway but we must work together." Clement Chase said he had the figures compiled by Assistant Postmaster Wood- ard, which showed that Omaha now had a population of 165.000. Evidences of growth are to be seen on all sides and Ak-Sar- Ben should not hide Its head under a bushel but should advertise to all corners of the country. John T. Yates, sovereign clerk of the Woodmen of the World wants all to boost for Omaha as a convention City, saying that conventions are the best advertise ments a city can have. He aald that the new Woodmen of the World building will have a large convention hall on the top floor, suitable for the holding of big con ventions. Wheat Breaks In Minneapolis Price Drops Twenty-fire Cents on Unusually Large Eeceipts. MINNEAPOLIS, Minn.. Aug. 23.-Cash wheat broke 26 cents a bushel today dur ing one of the greatest one-day declines on record. New No. 1 northern sold a week ago at $1.48. Saturday's price was $1.S5. Today it sold early at 11.25, but when It was found that there were MS cirs of wheat received, of which 106 con tainted old wheat, 180 new crop winter and .180 new crop spring wheat the market broke wide open. Old crop No. northern went down 20 cents, selling at (1.05, compared with $1.25 Saturday. DIRIGIBLE DROPS INTO RIVER Blsr Setae, PARIS, Aug. 23. The Bayard-Clement dirigible balloon, after making a flight here today fell Into the Seine. The aviators were saved. The Bayard-Clement dirigible balloon was built In Paris last fall. It Is about 180 feet long and has a capacity of J.500 cubic metera The car Is built of steel tubea The airship Is fitted with a steel-covered engine bouse and a shelter for the pilot and passengers. The motor is attached to the frame by strings so aa to prevent the vibration from being transmitted to the framework. The balloon Is driven by a wooden propellor about fifteen feet in diameter, which has a speed of 350 re vol u tlona a minute. Ballooa Lost ta the bat Aviators Are Saved. Department Store at Jones and Sixteenth, Possibly The deed has been recorded transferring the South Sixteenth street property at the head of Jones street to A. J. Beaton from Otto Mueller of San Francisco. The con sideration given Is $36,000, The sale was announced by The Bee last week, Mr. Beaton Intends to put up a business building on the property, but Its sise ta dependent upon the Woodmen building going up a block north. It Is re ported on good authority that a department store will occupy Mr. Beaton's new build ing and J.' E. Beum Is said to be interested in the project. Borne difference In their plans will be made by the upshot of the controversy ever the lot on the southeast corner of Jackson and Sixteenth, which Is la dispute between Baum and the Ken nedya 1 be business of Miller, Stewart 4k Beaton PITCHED BATTLE WITHTROOPS Eight Persons Were Killed and More Than a Dozen Critically Injured at McKee's Rocks. DEATH LIST IS INCOMPLETE At Least Two Dead Men Were Carried Away by Friends. HEAVY DAMAGE TO PE0PEETY Street Cars Are Wrecked and Many Vehicles Smashed. ORIGIN OF THE TROUBLE Pressed Steel Car Works Employee Strike te Abolish Percentage Fool tes; System Alleed te be Ia.adeo.aate. PITTSBURG. Aug. 23--The McKees Rocks city council late tonight at a special meet In called for the purpore appointed a com mittee to go at once to Harrlsburg and ask Governor Stuart to call the state con stabulary from the plant of the Pressed Kteel Car company, whose S.W0 employes are on strike. Neither the car company nor the strikers were criticlxed at the coun cil meeting, the purpose being slmptay to protect the cltltens of McKees Rocks and Schoenvllle The death list resulting from last night's wild rioting was swelled to night, when Mike Desoski. one of the striking men living In McKees Rocks, died at Mercy hospital from gunshot wounds in the lungs and abdomen. This brings the death list 4 up to seven. AH of the seriousiey wounaeo are showing slight Improvement. Three columns of smoke rises from the chimneys Of the Pressed Steel Car com panys plant In Schoenvllle tonight, the plant being still In operation despite the ef forta of mobs to scare off , the Imported worklngmen. v Tonight the striking men seemed to real ize for the first time that the company could do without them. Forty state police are on their woy here tonight to augment the company of mounted constabulary now on duty "at the car plant. The strikers realise that the mounted troopers are more than a match for them. Tet all during; the day these troopers have been subjected to abuse from doors when ever they chanced to pass a strike sym pathiser's home. In retaliation every striker or sympathiser who- left his door step today was searched. Besides the searching the troopers Insisted on examin ing the bodies of the strikers, and If they bore bruises or traces of being clubbed they were promptly arrested, as the troop ers considered such evidence proof that the men had participated in last wight's rioting. The strikers wives were viewed with dis favor by the troopers today. 'Several of them, carrying large baskets, were made to turn over the contents to see that they were carrying nothing- contraband Into the houses. ' Twenty .men were arrested and put Into the boxcar Jails before nightfall. The men who resisted were manacled to the troopers horses and dragged through the streets to the plant entrance. At noon the great bells of the Catholic cathedral In McKees Recks began tolling. This was kept up for over two houra Then the bells were ordered silenced by staU troopers, as it was pointed out that such demonstration at the present time only went toward agl- j tating the -strikers. Late todsy strikers wives beselged Lieu tenant Smith of the state constabulary for news of their missing husbands. The lieutenant had ten hats gathered from "bloody comer" after the conflict last night. Several of the women claimed that the hats belonged to their husbands or sons and wept copiously over the head gear. The strikers seem awed and bloomy to night at the extent of last night's fatali ties. The gloom over the little car com pany village is also attributed to the fact that tomorrow a funeral has been planned for the strikers who were victims of the rioting. So far as plans for the funeral have been made, the strikers bodies will He in state at the Catholic cathedral In McKees Rocks during tomorrow morning and escorted by strikers and their sym pathisers, will be intered in the little ceme tery Just outside of Schoenvllle. The news that additional state consta bulary were on their way from Wllkes barre and a-ould be in the strike sone be fore morning, seemed to act as a quietus upon those few strike sympathlxers who gathered in doorways during the evening and discussed the situation. , A meeting of the striking employes of the car plant scheduled for the late after noon was not allowed to take place. The announcement was made late today that the United States government will heed the peonage charge against Presi dent F. N. Hoffstot end foreman Samuel Copen of the Pressed Steel Car compony to the extent of making a thorough in vestigation of the allegations made by Albert Vamos. who swore to the charges before United States Commissioner Lin 4 sey on Saturday. Aside from the human sacrifice, prop erty was damaged to the extent of thous ands of dollars. Three street car lines (Continued on Second Page.) will, under no consideration, be moved to the new building, for the firm haa a ten year lease on Its present quarters in the Webster-Sunderland block. More space In that building will soon be occupied, for the Miller, Stewart ft Beaton business Is to be enlarged. A line of stoves will be added and the oriental rug department en larged. The Woodmen of the World have not gone ahead with their tests of the ground at Sixteenth and Jackson. There Is said to be a difference on the price to be paid for the boring. It now seems likely that the session of the executive council, due September , will be held in Omaha Instead of Chicago as announced. J. C Root Is In Denver at present attend ing a meeting of Insurance cumml toners of a number of stales. But You May Depend From the Minneapolis Journal. TWO NEW AEROPLANE MARKS Curtiss Circles Eheinu -Course in Less Than Nine Minutes. PAULHAM MAXES HIGH FLIGHT Frenehmaa Bnters the Coateet fe' ... Prta.Be Vm Clu, jr -; fered by tfce cHf et - Rhelms. t RHEIMS. France, Aug. 23. Glenn II. Curtiss, the American aviator, and M. Paulham. representing France, , divided the honors of the second day of Aviation week, the former with a thrilling flight Just before dusk In which he lowered the speed for the course, which measures t 1-E miles, te 8 minutes. 35 2-5 seconds: the latter making two impressive high altitude flights of WH and 56 kilometers respectively in the endeavor test for the prlxe da la champagne. This event car ries prizes amounting to $30,000, the first being $10,000. The money will be given to the six aeroplanes traveling the greatest distance without touching the ground or replenishing their supplies of fuel and oil. Curtiss' performance began Just as the time limit for the start of the prlx de la champagne waa expiring, when the Ameri can enthusiasts had abandoned hope of seeing their representative take the field. Amid the unbounded Jubilation of the French spectators, Bleriot only a few minutes before had clipped sixteen seconds off Lefebre's record made yesterday with his powerful eighty horse-power mono plane. Suddenly at one end of the field went up the cry: 'The American is starting." All eyes were strained to that .particular point, where Corlandt Field Bishop, president of the Aero club of America, and a crowd of other admirers surrounded Curtfcs. With a preliminary run along the ground of one hundred yards the machine rose lightly and shot by the tribunes at a height of sixty feet. It was going at a terrific pace, with the flngs level as a the mistaken impression that the finish plain. Curtiss made the last turn under line was closer. He descended so close to the earth that many thought he touched but, perceiving his error, he mounted quickly and easily, crossing the line ma jestically. An Instant later the signal was hoisted that he had made a record. Curtiss said that he had not pushed hie machine to the limit of its speed and laughingly declined to -say more, adding that the most Interesting Incident of hii flight waa the view he got of his fallen rivals strewn around the course. It is the Intention of the American avia tor now to await patiently the Interna tional event for the Gordon Bennett cup Saturday, for which he is again the favor (Continued on Second Page.) Do you want a girl for housework? Phone Douglas 238 and get one. That is the '.'Want-ad Num ber." If you are without help, go do it now. No use drudg ing this hot weather when you can get help so easily. Glrle looking for work knew that The Bee publishes practically a com plete Hat of people who want help, o they look to the Bee Want-ads when locking for a place. Better step" to the phone and put in the ad. Upon It Uncle Joe Hasn't Neglected to Hammond Wants Trust Stock He Gave to Employes Typewriter Man Sues for Shares He Gave in Expectation of : --.Death...-.'.. -.. , . NEW YORK, Aug. 21 An attempt by James B. Hammond, head of the Hammond Typewriter company,, to revoke a trust agreement by which he virtually gave 520 shares of the stock of that company to the employes of the company, was argued in court today. , Mr. Hammond's counsel Informed the court that in February last, believing that he was about to die. Mr. Hammond ap pointed trustees to distribute the stock among those of his employes whose length of service warranted It. A few months later an attempt was made to show that Mr. Hammond was mentally unsound, but he was twice adjudged sane. In June he visited Europe and recovered his health, but while absent learned that the stock was being distributed. He bad expected this to take place only after hi death. Mr. Hammond then returned to America and recovered most of the stock. The courts are now asked to enjoin the beneficiaries of Mr. Hammond's gift from appropriating the entire stock of the com pany. Mr. Hammond's counsel said the stock in question was worth $1,000,000 and that the agreement under which Mr. Hammond had made it over to his employes Included a provision that the company should pay Mr. Hammond $60,000 a year for five years. He now desirea to hold the gift In abey ance. Decision was reserved. St Joseph Banks Are Swindled Two Crooks Get $4,000 from Eight Institutions by Means of Bogus Checks. ST. J06EPH, Mo.. Aug. 13 Eight banks here were swindled out of $4,000 today by two crooks who presented what purported to be certified checks In a St. Louis bank, but which proved to be bojrua The swind lers escaped. Their scheme was to de posit the bogua checks and draw a part of the amount of their face In cash. Another Court Order in Incubator Baby Case KANSAS CITT. Mo.. Aug. 23. Another habeas corpus order in the case oT Mar ian Bleakley. the Incubator baby of St. Louis World's fair fama Judge Porterfleld ordered Chief of Po lice Snow to appear with the child In court Wednesday. At thiB time the court will decide who shall have the child her mother. Mrs. J. J. Bleakley, of To peka. Kan., or the woman who adopted her and now Is being held on a charge of kidnaping Mrs. James Q. Barclay of Buf falo, N. T. Attorneys for Mrs. Barclay secured the order late today. They declared to the court that Mrs. Barclay was the legally adopted mother of the child, and that the motherhood of Mrs. Bleakley had not been proven conclusively. This latest fight for custody of the Child la entirely aiert from the kidnaping Wind Up the Alarm Clock. CRABTREE TRIED FOR LIFE Cavalryman Denies Charge of Mur dering Captain Raymond. PROSECUTION OPENS ITS CASE MBBers ef Seeoad Cavalry Give . rotr versions el the Kill In ' " ' ' art Fart Dee Molaea Last ' Jane. Dramatic waa the story told by First Sergeant James H. Washburn, Troop B. Second United States cavalry, before the court-martial which Is trying Private Lisle B. Crabtree, of the same organisa tion, for killing Captain John C. Ray mond, Second cavalry, his commanding officer,' Sunday, June 13, at Fort Des Molncs. Sergeant Washburn tcld of how he had pursued the Infuriated Crabtree about the company office on the fateful day, even though himself seriously wounded. The first shot had lodged In the palm of hla hand and the second had broken his Jaw, near the chin, cut out three teeth and then almost severed his tongue from the roof of his mouth. Such was his condi tion when he at last succeeded In driving Crabtree Into a corner, where he was overpowered. Private Crabtree, who was a corporal at the time of the shooting, alts pale and agitated while the grueeome details of his crime are brought one by one. He Is young and haa a clean-cut appearance. He sits near his counsel, heavily guarded and with a sentinel with a loaded rifle Just outside the court room door. He la brought from the guard house shackled to a non-commissioned officer of the guard, for he Is regarded as being a des perate character. Judge J. M. Parsons is the counsel for the accuaed and he la assisted by First Lieutenant D. E. Shean, Sixteenth in fantry. The Judge advocate. Captain' F. E., Buchan, is the prosecuting officer for the government. In time of peace no per son may be tried for murder by a mili tary tribunal, but offenders can be brought to trial under the twenty-first Article of War, which Is as follows: Any officer or soldier who, on any pre tense whatever, strikes his superior of ficer, or draws or lifts up sny weapon, or offers any violence against him, be ing in the execution of his office, or dis obeys any lawful command of hla su perior officer, shall suffer death, or such other punishment as the court-martial may direct. In recent years there have been no such serious offenses tried before , military (Continued on Second Page.) charge. Mrs. Barclay declares all she wanted was to get the child Into Missouri so as to get action from the Missouri courta No matter what the outcome of the kidnaping case, Mrs. Barclay her at torneys say, will continue her fight for the child. Hearing of a habeas corpus writ which restrained the extradition of Mrs. Barclay and J. N. Gentry to Topeka for trial is also set for Wednesday. Meanahlle the police retain charge of little Marian. Her mother. Mrs. Bleakley, waa not permitted to remain with her to night. She left the police station weep ing but expressing confidence that her child would be restored to her. Mra. Bleaklpy, while demurring at the pending court proceedings, declared today that she was confident of retaining posses sion o flhe child. "I am baby's mother." she said, "and no honest Judge will take her front o Proposed Report of Monetary Commis sion Will Be Considered. WILL DEFEND THE TARIFF BILL Announcement that President Will Discuss It in Speeches. Ttrm TO VISIT BEVERLY Ambassador te Great Britain Will Talk Over For is Affaire With Mr. Taft oa Friday. BEVERLY. Mass., Aug. tS.-Presldent Taffs grasp on the shaft of the golf club and the success of the automobile was considerable firmer today than on the reins of government, although he found time to glance over his morning msil, dlsouss a few questions of state with his secretary of the treasury and pass smilingly and unscathed through the bi weekly Inquisition of the newspaper men. He saw no visitors of Importance, not even an anxious delegation from Dallas, Tex., which made a long Journey to ob tain the president's consent to lengthen his stay In that city until the morning light should break. The most Important news Items of the day waa the announcement that Editor Frank A.. Musgrove of Hanover, N. H.. would be appointed census supervisor for that state and the atatement there would be no diplomatic changee until after con gress convened, the expected arrival on Thursday of Senator Nelson W. Aidrich of Rhode Island, to discuss the report of the money commission and the Intimation that the administration was prepared to defend to the last ditch or the last back platform speech Its record on the recant tariff legislation. Held Comes Friday. The appointment of Mr. Musgrove, who Is the editor Qf the Hanover Qaaette, la regarded as conciliating that faction of the party In the Granite state which is op posed to Editor Oeorge H. Mosea, who re cently waa made minister to Greece. No other appointment was announced. Any report of Immediate changes In some of the .foreign embassies Is discouraged, although Ambassador Rt-.ld will see the president Friday and probably will have a few words to say regarding the attitude of the British government toward this coun try at the present time and Its wishes as to the next American to report to the court of SU James. - -i. - - . .. ',.- -- "Mr. Reid desired to visit Beverlr Thurs- day, but that day already waa set for the ' coming of Senator Aidrich, who will go over with the president and Secretary Mac Veagh a portion of the report on the monetary commission. It Is understood that the report la In a more complete form than even the president expected and It Is possible that It will be in ahape by the time Senator Aidrich returns from hla four weeks' trip to Europe. He will sail from New York Saturday. It Is probable that the senate leader also will discuss other financial matters with the president and the secretary of the treasury. Will Talk Tariff. If the western opponents of the new tariff bill expect silence from the presi dent or a reluctance on his part to dis cuss different provisions, they wlU be dis appointed. The administration has burned Its bridges and is ready and willing to debate any and all the schedules. Returning to the census appointments, the president has selected 130 supervisors and haa 134 more to discover. He hopes to find most of them before he leaves for the west, as well aa the members of the so-called foreign tariff commission. The Dallas delegation, composed of Mayor Hay, Judge J. M. McCormlck and Henry D. Lindsay, reached Beverly Just after the president had left for Myopia and were compelled to confer with Sec retary Carpenter. They asked that the ' stop in Dallas, which is scheduled for a few hours In the evening, be prolonged until the next morning, In order that the people might have a good view of the chief magistrate. The delegation found, however, that even such a brief delay would completely upset the Itinerary and could not be regarded as advisable. The persistent report of a reduction of the standing army waa again brought to the president's attention and once more emphatically denied. It waa learned, how ever, that while the full strength of the army Is 88.000, It numbers 90,000, which the president and the secretary of war deems sufficient. Any formal order for a reduo tlon must come from the commaader-ln-chlef and no such order bas been issued or contemplated. Agreeable outdoor recreation again oc cupied the greater portion of the presi dent's time today. He defeated Editor Ogden of the New York Evening; Post, at golf, two up and one to play, on the Myopia course. The president thinks the tenth bole at Myopia the hardest golfing proposition he has yet tackled, Trip la Aatosaehile. This afternoon after Captain Butt had spent an hour In map studying, the big automobile started on another exploration tour of northeastern Massachusetts. This time Captain Butt knsw the road and brought the party back before dark. Yes terday the presidential party was lost for a couple of hours In the highways of Ar lington, Cambridge and SomervlUe, In an effort to follow the route of the British retreat from Lexington. It Is scarcely twenty-five miles in a fairly straight Una from Beverly to Lexington, but the rec ord on tbe presidential automobile marked 84 miles, which It waa finally stopped In front of the Taft mansion at I p. m., after a five-hour run. The president looked the Ideal type of a contented man as he leaned beak In a big easy chair this afternoon and chatted and laughed with half a dozen news gatherers. It did not seem as If he knew what the word "care" meant, Of had given way a moment to worry or anxiety. The dally tramps over the hills and dalee of two golf links are putting the presi dent In fine condition for his long; west, ern trip this faU- i' r ' .