8 Tin: REE: OMAHA. FRIDAY. ATTtUST CO. lf0r. Want" Ads Adrertleetneata for h waat ad entaaina will he takra amll 13 m. for the rifilni edltloa anal until AiilO . m. for the mnrilai nil "nndif edl tlone. f'aah mast accompany all urdere for want aila and nn rlttfnift will hr accepted for lra than ttO run for first Insertion. Ritn apply to rlthrr Thr Da Hp or ftnnriar Bra. tlwirt ronnt ail nordi to line. C'll H TF. KOH T !. H r.l.l I. AR CI.."IKI TIO One laarrtlon, I 1-2 reals per word anil I rent r waril for earn anbeeejurtit luaertlnn. Kara Innrrtlon anad on odd dare, I l2 rrnla prr word I $l.Bf per liar prr month. Want ada for The Bee Hay Be left at a.a of the following; drug atorea one la roar "corner dragarlet' thejr are all hraarh offices for The Bee and ronr ad will be laaerted Joat aft promptly and on the aame ratra aa at the mala offlre la The Bee Ralldlng, rreoteenth and Farnam atreetai Albaeri. W. C, 40th and Farnam. Beranek. S. A . S. I6th HI. 1 Baeht Pharmacy, Benson. Neh. Femls Park Pharmacy, 33d and Cuming. Rlakea Pharmacy. 235 Sherman Ave. fni.ghlln. C. R. 6th and Pierre Sts. Clifton Hill Pharmacy, 2313 Military Ave. ' Cnnte. J. B., .Mat Ave. and Farnam St. Crissev Pharmacy. 24th and Lake Sis. cermak. Emll. 1204-6 S. nth ft. Elders, P. H.. 2S02 Iavenworth St. , Foster Arnoldl. 21" N. 20th St. Freytag. John J., 1914 N. 24(h St. Florence Dri g Co., Florence, Neh. Oreenough, O. A.. 16l'4 S. Kt.!i St llansnom Park Pharmacy. 1401 S. Jth Ft. Ilavden. William C, 3020 Farnam St. Hoist. John, 624 N. 11th ft. Huff. A. L.. 2924 Leavenworth St. King. R. 8., 2Ut Farnam SI. Kountio Place Pharmacy. 2W1 N. 24th St. Lathrop, Charles B.. 1324 N. 24th St. f Patrick rrug Co., 102 N. "Mln St. Snyder Pharmacy, 20th and Lake Sts. BIRTHS AMU UK A Ills. Birtha Alfred Scherer, KB Davenport, street, girl; Alexander Gobel. Wise Mem final hospital, girl; A. G. Ptnkerion. Ill North Forty-first atrect, girl; Samuel Gcn us. 114 Chicago atreel, hoy; Ernest Ghtimin, 1263 South Sixteenth street, girl; Ike Kohn, 161 North Twenty-second street, boy; Roy Flynn, Zf37 South Tenth alreet, girl; Karl Klplinger. Forly-lhlrd and Hodge streets, bov; George MrElrov, 1412 South Fourth atreet. boy; Joseph Jamin, Omaha General hospital, boy; John Frollch. 1:07 Hickory street, toy; Edoatd.A. Leonard, 1206 South Mixta street, girL Deaths Mary Botisa, 102 William alreet, ."2; Louts t'ahl, St. Joseph's hospital, MS; .Maty Gnsstjtt, 628 North Twenty-eight n atieet, 26; Herman Huran, 3720 South Twenty-eighth street, 3; Mary Kelley. 277? v cbHter atreet, M; Oorge M. Nelson, 30 urfis avenue, 19; Jamea T. Whltton, oOi North Eighteenth atreet, 31. SI A RTt I AGE l,ll i; SES, The following marriage license has been g muted. ,me and Residence. Age. Cnarlea F'utnam, Omalta K Aiarguerlte Fetedoux, Ne Votk City ,. & Mlliam P. B. Davis, Omaha M bmma G. Shugard, i'liilauelphia 4o Willia.n Hamilton, Osceola, la 27 liaiel Barr, Omaha U .icnle McQueen, South Omaha & Anna Brephutiy, South Omaha 2d William K. Chadduck, Omalia 3 t.oia Norvel, unialia -1 C harles H. Tllbon, Omaha :i Airna O. Van wave, omana 'M CARD OP THAN KS. We wish to thank thn many friends who were ao kind to ua during our husband a and 1 Miner a sickness. L-fprciany die Aludi-in Woodmeniof America and noitini of uiikv amp, also employes of the Singer Sewing .Machine Co. at Omaha and Chicago. MKS. F. G. MAI S ArtH SON. ANNOUNCEMENTS ROD AND GUN OA K OPEN ALL. LAY AND KVisiNlNG. Xel. Ke.ervationa. U. H. BKCK, formerly mgr. of the Henog latioilua Co., now at 1U oo. lotn au btiflu-H 'lAlLORfciJ CLlO'lilt;6,. CLEANING AND DYEING Tha beat ever. 1ia City Dya Vvoiaa. 407 o. loth St. W. J. MURPHY makaa camenl aidawalks, etopa and baaemont floor ootkatruottona. t-nune uouglaa k7. Via uavanport at. "COLBRIX," new pkg., keepa Watailoo biick ic eiearo. iiaid. uuiu a, i17 ttowia J. D. BULGER, painter and paparhanger; painia and oiii. i4l b. utn uou. ouou. ABOUT LIQUOR. W Invito tne moat crntcii Inspection of our method of handling the liquor busineaa. ir ntnivay or otner liquor ahail oa aoia lor n.edical Ufa, It anotud D sold WHEN THE 1 tui LL Iv ktu i i. i tils means - sell )iluoit for medicine only, to grown peopie oni.v, auy hour, aay or night, ween oay or hunuav FOR jtf.uii.lNt,. mind you. and eveiy purchaser is required to KtiGiSl e.t KVM.R1' BALJ and give ua tnelr staiernvnt mat it la OK MEDICINE. SCliAfc. Ji.lt a CCl fluCE DRUt JJTOREfl Jamea H. Craddock. arohltect, room i W1 Bldg., UtA aud rarnam. Rd -374. KI.OS and evarythlng cleaned wlin tha Dunne)' vaciua ulaur. LagmaUuui, 3U Leaveuaorla. 'Fhuna H. COMBS, liM DougiaM. uiwl lilting. DiLpOtflTIONO, r. J. ButcUfto. tkX ties bug HAVING bad my einila Itcid of milk i.ovts examined a no kept ire from tuoei culosis and unproved my dairy, 1 am more aoie to supply all my customeia with tne best, moat pure fresh I11U. .MIT PAa I'F.LKIUU FROM DHsEaSKD CATiLE. Price, 10 cents per quart; cusiuiuets limited to tnoae wishing tha beat milk that can be produced. THfc. SPANGGaKjJ DAIRY, J. jl SPAN GUARD. Prop. OMAHA Electrio Works repairs eleetrle e.evatora, 108 N. 11th St.. D. Hal. A-164A. IF YOU want any dirt call vn U. M. Bxchmann. 43 Faxton block. RED (12 The Omaha House and Yli iov Cleaning Co.; any kind of cleaning. Violin TtiJH'her rUNO tuner. 1UUU itotUtl, Chailes U Fub, 14 Buidatte St- Tel. W abater IXi. OMAHA Mirror and Art Glass o., art glare, miter cutting, beveling mirrors of ail kinds, resllvering and framing. Office and factory 1B14 Cuming St. Both phones. CONCESSIONS wanted for the Merchants Carnival ai Platteinouiu. .Neb. from .Sep tember 1 to i Address, j. p. Falter, Plaus muuih, Nth. OMAHA Safe and Iron Works makes a specially of fire escapes, shut ters, doors and safes. G. Andreeu. Prop., 1M 8. lotn. REMOVAL SALE monuments. 1411 8. 11th. PLUMBING A. W. McVea, Sit N. 40 h recent my plumbing Inspector. A-3107. HL'UB RIEPEN. funeral director utcMora 1 Harry B. Davis, ,0i 6. lith. SIGN FAINTING U. H. Colo. 1AU Douglas Duuglaa Printing Co. Tel. Douglaa Ml. SHOCS called for and delivered fra. fctaridaid Shoe Repair Co., Iau4 Farnam. CllAS. II. THATCHER, piano moving, repkiimg. D. uult. V'fi xiriiin. ioi Luugiaa ei.. over J 0 Lindsay's. Tel. D. 2S74; A -CSS. LAWN MOWERS sharpened by spMlaJ ma. bine, $1, called fot and delivered. A, ieaiva ft Son. N. 24m. Uoih pbonoa. DAVID COLE Creamery Co. When returning fiom your vacation tel ephone A LA M I TO SAN iTA R I DA1RT Douglas 411. FOR YOl R MILK SUPPLY. AMATEUR PHOTO FINISHING; expert wo'-k. prompt delivery. lave orders at Mll.I.aUH B&llU l'HAkM 1 ANNOUNCEMENTS tConUnued-l OMAHA FURNITURE REPAIR WORKS removed from 2J01 Farnam St. to 91b 8. 13th St. Phone Douglas 24DL GRAVEL ROOFING. J. R. fltevenaon Roof inn Co.. gravel and composition roofing. 636 Paxton Blk.. 16h and Farnam Sta., Omaha Telj. Douglas 2176. A-1792; Rea., Web. 2M. 1 tail COUPLES have been married by Kv. C W, Savtdge; he la praying to marry : If you want him lo marrv you. a1l Weh .1444 of R-HTO. Write for booklet, "Have Ion Found Your Running Mate?" ANCHOR FENCE CO. linn and wire fences cheaper than wood. Lust a Life Time. !:'7 X. 17. Phone Red M4. OMAHA Paste Co.. now located at 71S S. Kith Si. Phone Douglas S7M). FOR watches and Jewelry repair", see Gusiafsoii & H-nrlckson, 201 N. lth St. HINDOO TABLETS will build, brace. etiength'-n. 6V' bo. BKLL DRUG CO. The Quality Preas. Trlntlng. 1218 Harney. Special prices on all pt'turea framed this month. Megeath 8ta. t:o.. 16th Farnam. WOOD, Dr. O. 8., 621 N. Y. L. Homeopath t. RAMSER, practical hatter, tlO 8. 14th! BIDS for school building at Ralaton w.ll be received up to Saturday, August 31. Plans and spe Iflcatlona can be seen at Architect M. R. Coles office. Ralston; estimated i oat about . 000. By order of Board of School Directors. FOR new and up-to-date things In the drug line see SCHAEFER'S windows at 16th and Douglas Sta. PIANO REPAIR FACTORY. Smith-Stelnfold Co. announce the opening of their store, fully equipped to handle expert piano repairing, rebuilding and tun ing; also a high grade line of new and slightly used pianos. 2219 Cuming St. D. 374. MCLTIORAPH S7.7 Biandels Itldg. DUPLICATING Tel. Harney 4!11. CO., MISSOURI filters made and sold. 1310 How. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 2-cy Under, 22 h. p. Bulck. In good condition. Douglas L157. SECOND-HAND Baker Electric, new bat teries, Four Fish castings, size 34x4, with Inner tubes, complete, each $10. One second-hand. Pantaaote touting top for $20. 4 Diummnnd Carriage Co.. 18th and Harney. SEND for our list of second-hand care. DER1GHT AUTOMOBILE CO., 1M4 Faniam St. STORAGE, centrallv located, opposite library. 1M2 Harney St. Brick P. Kuhn. RAMBLERS New. 4 and 2-cyllndera, 30 per cent discount. Rambler Auto. Co., 3044 Farnam St. BARTER AND EXCHANGE FOR TRADE Fine 80-barrel water power flouring mill, located In good Nebraska town. Address. Y :1, care Bee. 320 ACRF.S good land In Hayra Co., Neb., to trade for small farm near good town; all fenced except HO acrea; 70 acres In cultivation; 1 mile to school. 1V4 miles to church. 10 miles to railroad town. For par ticulars, address Mrs. A. A. Ford, McCook, Neb. BUSINESS CHANCES WESTERGARD can help you get In or out of business. 403 Bee Bldg.. Tel. D. 3449. FOR SALE Hardware and undertaker business; best location In town of 400; best part of Iowa; store and fixtures, hearse and set tinner's, tools; cheap for cash; no trade. C. T. Eatlnger, Administrator. Bag ley, la. RESTAURANT for sale; nico llttla place. Price $275. GtVNGESTAD, 404 Bee Bldg. PARTNER WANTED Bright. active man to pay $1,200 for half Interest in $1000 business and manage same; handle your own .money; owner has other busineaa; in vestigate. Addresa Y 3&S, care Bee. FOR 8ALE The best located hundred barrel FLOUR MILL and grain elevator In the state; present owner being In business 26 years and wants to retire. Addresa Y-346, care of Bee. WISH to correspond with a reliable party who can sell the treasury stock for a coin puny owning some of the best known gold mines in Arizona. P. O. Box (3, Kingman, Arlsona. FOR SALE. Concrete block plant, well established and doing good, profitable business. Must ell. Reasonable, if taken at once. Ad dress, A-208, Bee. FOR SALE Small stock of ladles' stills, furnishing Roods, stationery, notions, etc., in the largest town in the Rosebud coun try; best location; splendid business tor lady. Address Box 146, Gregory, S. l. COAL and feed business oheap; other business reason for selling. G-S49. Bee. FOR SALE A atock of general merchan dise; located center of town. Miller as V acker, Loveland, Colo. FOR SALE The best and largest plumb ing, heating, pump and windmill business ut southwestern Iowa. Have several con tract Jobs on hand now. Will sell at in voice. Address Y -11 care Bea. TO GET In or out of business call oil GANGES'!' A D, 404 Bee Bldg. Tel. D-3367. H A I R DRESSING and manicuring busi nrss for sal cheap. Owner leaving city. Se GANGESTAD. 404 Bee Bldg. FOR SA LE Restaurant ; live town; good business-; $1 100. Leroy Cios. Alliance, Neb. FOR SALE CHEAP HY OVNER-$8,000 stock of general merchandise, AJ condition: modern fixtures; live town: splendid terri tory. True reasons for selling. Traders, dvn't answer. H. 41oldberg, Lttgh, Neb. FOR SALE AT BIG DISCOUNT. $00 interest in small new cottage, 4 rooms, soulh front; large, well drained lot; city water, electric lights: one block from car line. Will allow a llhvral discount If sold within the next ten days. Address W i69. Bee. CHIROPODISTS J. W. Seol, at Neb. barber shop. 1J02 Far. CONSULTING ENGINEERS W. J ROSS, CONSULTING ENGINEER. CIVIL ELECTRICAL. MECHANICAL Street railway, water works, street Im provements; business propositions financed, especially interui ban railways. Consult me. R. 12-J4. Patterson Bldg.. Wit Farnam St. K. M. FITT. drawings, designings and esilmatea 61 Bee Bldg Tele. Doug. DENTISTS BAILEY A MACH. 3d floor. Pax ton. D 10SS. TAFT'8 Dentul Rooms. 117 Douglas 8t. DETECTIVES A. 31 ADLER, 117 Karbach Blk. D. SSJ2. DRESSMAKERS MISS bTL RD Y. 2C7 Dodge. Tel. Ind. Jka677. TERRY College ivth and Farruun Bta McDowe.l Dressmaking School. 121 Far EDUCATIONAL BOTLK8 COUJDGt FALL TERM OPENS SEPT. L DAY AND NIGHT SESSIONS Send for a FREE copy of the now famous book. tfieaJ and Butter Sciences." Also prepare 10 start your training for aucoesa In Bookkeeping Shorthand. Typewriting Telegraphy, civil Service, Railway Mali Service and all Government Grade Sub jects Official Training cchool for Vnion Pacific R. R Addreu U. U. Boi'lea. Pr.i. deal. Omaha, jNeb. . .. til iV'ii'i! a.iH.H. 1 : 1: EDUCATIONAL tContlnued ) FALL TEH M OF THE Mosher-Lampman Business College liULNb bEl'TEMUEii i. Our couje in 2iili Cenui.y Bookseping ana geueial LutiiuerS mui.' m "l u lur a mm duns nuiinnt pojuioii. A touise in Mocrie.il onUitriiAMJ A.nD iouCH I tt 1 k .v Rl'l i.su will Pi late )ou 10 huid me veiy uejl an.il usiaphic positions in NebraaKa. lliorougn cnuiars in bUBintss, English ami pe.ial i'enmansn.p. Pleuiy ot good posu.ons for giaduatts Our teacnitig is not oone by sovanced stuaents. hut Dy the most experienced aim skilled culpa 01 insiruciois in the west. Our little booklet, entitled "i.CAKA.N TEED S I ATEM KN'lS" la brim full of val uable Information. lo'i should get one right awa. It contains some, ot the finest specimens of penmanship ever puolihed. Cut out this ad and mail It to us and we will send you "GUARANTEED STATE MENTS" free. If ou do thn at once we will credit your account with $U payable to you In books and stationery when you enter otlr school. Jt will pay you to read this booklet btlore you decide what school to attend. $$$$$$$$$$$ $ Work for Board. $ $ Plai-es Furnished Stu- $ I dents From a 1'is- $ . . $ tance to Work for $ Board. $ !$$$$$$$$$ Address, MOSHER & LAMPMAN. 17th and Farnam Sts. OMAHA, Neb. OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. 13th and Farnam. M. G. ROHRBOUGH. Pres. E A. ZARTMAN. Vice Pres SUMMER SCHOOL NOW OPEN. COURES: All mercantile. SESSIONS. Pay and night. FALL TERM: Opens September 1 to , inclusive. TELEGRAPH FOLDER: Sent free. CATALOGUE: S pages full of Interest free. 'Phone D. 1289 or A 213. Address M. Q. Rohrbough. Prea. THE PRACTICAL SCHOOL You, Not Your Money our chief Interest. Separate classes for men and boys. Male teachers. Begins Sep tember 13. J. . MILLER, Educational Director. Y. M. C. A. EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN LA Dl ES wishing to obtain Ihe latest drepg cutting system, learn cutting. Call 311 No. 25th Ht. 'Phone Douglas 7ul2. FRENCH DRY CLEANTNG WKS. Both Tels. Best work; prompt service. CHINA decorating; order work a special ty. Lesaons Tuesday, Thursday and Sat urdays. Firing dally. Children's classes Saturday morning. Mrs. C. C. ilungate, 894 Brandeis Bldg. Tel. Red 646. CLEANING and dyeing; biggest and best. Only one office. 1513 Jones St. THE PANTORIUM. nTI V'TWO MORE DATS OF THE BIG V U 1 20 PER CENT DISCOUNT SALE on hair goods; Monday, the last day. Hair dressing department Is In operation during repairs. Hobson'a Beauty Shop, 1&0S Doug las St. FIRST-CLASS DRESSM AKINO In fam ilies by the day. Call after 7 p. m. for ap pointment. Web. 8206. 2202 Grand Ave. A FAMILY remedy for every ill; every one guaranteed to suit or your money re funded. We refer to A. D. 8. remedies at SCHAEFER'S CUT PRICE DRUG STORES. LACE CURTAINS nicely done and wash ing to take homo. Telephone Harney 1360. Bundle washings wanted. Douglas 4894. $1 La Tresle perfume, oi km , Haines Drug Co., 110 Farnam. "VIA VI" A drugless home treatment for women; 400 page book free. 612 Branded Bldg. INSTRUCTIONS in China and water col ore at SPECIAL RATES during the aum mer months. M. R. Emtg Studio, MS N. Y. L. J. HOUSKA, Pioneer Meat Market, 262H Snerman Ave. Our Increased facilities, com bined with our usual good service, malt shopping easy heie. Meals and 'fish frtih dally. CLEANLINESS OUR MOTTO. Pelect now; PAY WHEN L U1IO NEEDED. Larger selection and REDUCED PRICES now. HUBERMANN, Continental Blk., 15 ill and Douglas. LADIES' switches, puffs, made from combings: switches 1. puffs 16c. Mrs. H. Barner, 2126 N. lth. Webster 1363. IF you drink soda water get the COLD EST and PUREST and most wholesome at S C II A F F E R ' S CUT PRICK DRUG STORES. I VOX LA DIES' TAILOR Finest of i ' workmanship guaranteed. 29.'3 ! ieavenwortn St. Phone Harney 663. THE ARTISTS' MODEL CORSET SHOP, With L. Kneeter. Ladies' Tailor, out S. 16th St. Tel. Doug. 6ot6. FLORISTS- HENDERSON'S fresh rut flowers dally from our hothouses for weddings and dec orations. Douglas 1258. lblS Farnam. BRANDEIS' CUT FLOWER DEPART MENT South side of new store. BENNETT'S cut flower department, 16lh street entrance, Bennett's store. 4 HESS SXVOBODA. 1415 Farnam St. FURNACE REPAIRING WHY not maka up your mind now and get your heating plant set tn good condi tion for winter. The most exrktnslve thing is a poor working furnace: it consumes coal fast, without heat result. Get our Ideas of, repairing and remodeling. New furnaces we carry stands the highest lest. Both phones. Omaha Stove Repair Works, 1J06-8 Douglas SI. NOW Is the lime to have your FURNACE CLEANED AND PUT IN ORDER. We re pair all makes of furnares. Estimates gladly furnished. M II. TON ROGERS SONS Co., 14th and Farnam. Both phones. .HELP WANTED FEMALE Ageata and salesladies. WANTED Five energetic lady solicitors. Excellent proposition; reference" requited J. E. Bailey, ill Bee Bldg.. Omaha. Neb. Clerical aad Office. BOOKKEEPER stenogi apher. $.'. Stenographer afirt bookkeeper. $.. Stenographer. Y. Stetiographet . lio WESTERN RE I-'. & Hi N I ASSN. INC.. 721-22 N. Y. Life Bldg BOOKKEEPER, who can rive dictation $75. BOOKKFFPF.R ajlo. supplies. W BOOKKEEPER. who1e-a!e. BOOKKEEPER gTO. net. V' STENOGRAPHER. 1 'nderw ood Il'i STENOGRAPHER wholesale. $i CASHIER, experienced. $? and board RES1 LT3 count, wr gel RF.S1 LTS CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO.. rrt-77 Uig.-ideU Bl-it 1.. Read the Live Stock . ads if you are looking for a bargain HELP WANTED FEMALE (Continued ) Factory and Trades. LEARN hairdrcfSTg; I' pavs; you ran fa?iiv (air. $!. to i:.", wrl.lv; full courw taught Hrandela H.tlrdrrsslnB Dept. GIRLS to work in rind' factotv. Hal duff Pttte Candy Co., 1H Farnam. HELP WANTED IN ALL DKPARTM TS. EVANS LAUNDRY CO., 2"7 S. 11TH. Hoaaekeepera and Domeatlca. WANTED Woman or gltl to do plum rooking in the college; fine chance for woman with son or daughter lo educate. Western Normal College. Shenandoah, la. COMPETENT girl for general house work. S-23 S. 25th Ave (ilRL or woman to assist with house work. S710 Cass. Phone llfrney GIRLS for housework, small familtood watres. Ill N. SSth Ave. WANTED A good reliable woman for feni ral housewoik. In a small family rf hree, grown people; good wages paid. 701 S. 37th St., Cot. Jones St. GOOD girl for general housework: no washing. 4012 Farnam St. Tel. Harney 1336. WANTED Nurse girl. 3003 Mason. Tel. H-3441. WANTED Girl for general housework. Mrs. Lahm, 2622 Dodge St. A COMPETENT girl for housework and plain cooking; small family. Mrs. Hadra, OO S. 22d St. D-4430. I GIRL for general housewoik. 22d St. 218 North GIRL for housework; family of four. Ap ply 2602 Poppleton Ave. WAKTF.n At nnr nr.t rnlnrM lrl tnf general housework; no washing or ironing. urns rv. lfctn St. WANTED Good girl for general house work; wages $5 per week; no washing; references required. Apply at 315 S. 3lst St. WANTED A cook. S4H Dewey Ave. WANTED Girl for general housework; small family: no cooking. Apply at once. 1609 South 29th St., near Park School. JOOD sorond girl wanted. 2025 Dodge St. GIRL for general housework. 222S Mason St. WANTED girl for general housework; family rrf three. Call 3112 Leavenworth Si. WANTED Girl for general housework; good wages; transportation furnished. G. E. Hall. Waterloo, Neb. Mlscellaneooa. TWO ladles to travel, demonstrate and Bell dealers. Call or address at once Good rich Drug Co.. Omaha, Neb. WANTED For the Rozell a Amusement Co.. young lady for serpentine dance In Electrio Theater. Requires no experience. Send photo. HEIGHT OF TOURELF AND AGE. Will furniph tent, banner, every thing complete for old plantation people. Information on request. F. A. Ruxell, Crete, Neb. WANTED Experienced chambermard. Merchants Hotel. SEAMSTRESS for alteration; good wages; steady work. 2307 Leaven worth St. 20 GIRLS for catalogue work. Nebraska Clothing Co. HELP WANTED MALE Ageata, Sollcltara and Salesmea. THREE high c!ass salesmen. 640 Bee Bldg. Call alter 3. Write. WANTED Expert canvassers for Omaha and vicinity. At once. None but hustlers need apply. Call for H. C Berns tein. 1901 California between 6. CO and 7;30 p. m. W ANTED A solicitor with horse and buggy to drive through the country and solicit subsorlpUons. Call and ae die il lation manager. The Bee Publishing Co. WANTED GENERAL AGENTS and lo cal agents for Nebraska and Soulh Da kota. Have you a contract with the com pany you represent? Address James A. ieiih, aupervisor Hartford Life Insurance Company, 623 Bee Bldg., Omaha. Neb. VEGA, TEXAS, offers the best invest ment opportunity In the Wert; 26 miles West of Amartllo, will be County Seat of Oldham County, and will soon have a pop ulation of 6,000. Write (or booklet and special agency offer. Sales are easy and you can make big money. Address, Pool Land Co., Amarillo, Texas. WANTED-Several canvaaarra or solici tors for good proposition. Apply Rome Hotel, Room 7, between ! and io a. m. or t and 7 p. m. WANTED Ten first-class salesmen for Iowa and Nebraska. Excellent propo sition; references required. J. E. Bailey, 617 Beo Bldg., Omaha, Neb. AGENTS Earn $1 hourly; sample free. James M. Cody, 2710 Dicksun St., St. Louis, Mo. CIGAR salesman wanted; experience un necessary; good pay. Globe Cigar Co., Cleveland, Ohio. EXPERIENCED xalesman, familiar with mill and power plant supplies, to travel In Nebraska. Give references as to ability, character and experience. Addrebs, M 264, rare Bee. WANTED Experienced glove salesman for state of Nebraska, by large Chicago manufacturer having established trade. Ad dress Y 284, care Bee. Jerlcal aad Office. BOOKKEEPER, $60. BOOK KEEPER and CASHIER, who can do typewriting, $oo. HOTEL CLERK, good salary. COLLECTER. STENOGRAPHER. $60. STENO. young man. $60 If you want a POSITION.' see the CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO. 676-77 Brandeis Bldg. WANTED Stenographer (male).- Address F. B. Southard, A. P. A., U. P. R. R., Omaha. Neb. Boys. WANTED Good, live office boy; must be not under 16 years old and nm afraid of work; good chance for advancement. N 255, rare Bee. WANTED A boy. Moyer Stationery Co., 1616 Farnam St. DRUG atore and Joba. Knlest. Bea Bldg. WANTED At once, a first class shoe re- I pairer; $12 a week, steady work: no booxets i need apply. Gus Pelet son. Grand island, Neb. ! WANTED Man who undeisianda manu i faciure of sausage and Is w illing to make : himaelf generall.v useful in atiibll packing plant. Good chance for adv anceuieni . Ad ; drets X 33. Bee. Mlacrllaaeeaa. WANTED Government clerks at Wash ' ington, $.6 00 monthly. Exmina'ioiie In Oman.. September 21. 'vgchirg free Fianklin Insllluie. Dept. 116 V, Rochester. ; n v. WANTED Young man about y yeais of ; ate for helper. 12j0 Ja.kxn. ' i WANTED 30 laborers f.r cement factorv I Iwork. wager 16 cents per i.atir; stea.1v ein p!ovment. Apply Sandusky Portland Ce ment Co , Uixon. ill. FRF.F Emplovment Dept Bj1neaa U a Aaa o ; no fea. Call 527 B of T. RMi ILL- HELP WANTED MALE Mlae ellaneona Continued. CIVIL SERVICE POSITIONS are very deelrahle for young people, full tnforma t'on and queatione recently used bv the commission free. Columbian Correspond ence College, Washington. D. C. WANTED All aiound clothing man. ab'.e lo manage, and If suitable get an Interest in old business, no capital required, cltv of 12,1.0ii0. Address Y 36, care Omaha Hee. WANTED Dental student wants place to work for board and room; 3 years' experi ence In driig business. Address . 371, Bee. WANTED Railway mall clerks, poatof fke clerks, carriers. Examinations in Omaha Nov. !7. Preparation free. Frik lln Institute, dept. 143. Rochrater, N. Y. WANTED To hire three good teams lo haul Ice; good wages. Omaha Ice and I old Storage Co.. 423 S. 16th St. TRUSS fitting experts, big slock, everv known variety at RESPECTABLE, not HOLD-UP, prices; everything In the surg ical appliance at SCHAEFER'S CUT PRICK DRUG STORES. MEN wanted at Ice houses at Cut-Off lake; good wages, steady work and good board cheap. Apply at houses. Omaha Ice and Cold Storage Co. IF you have $,",00 cash and want to learn engineering and draw salary while learn ing see v, J. Ross, room 24. 16J3 Farnam St.. Omaha. WA NTED Teams tn haul kindling. Omaha Box Co., East Omaha. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horaea and Vehlclea. Men ART buys and sells all kinds of horses. Blue barn rear Millard hotel. D. 409 ELEGANT Cabriolet carriage. Stanhope and harness slightly soiled. If you want one or all now at less than half price ace Johnson-Danforth Co., lOlh and Jones Sts. IIOR.sK, harness and spring wagon. 142 N. ;i7tli St. AUTOMOBILE an6 wagon repairing, painting, trimming -and rubber tires. New and second hand wagons; bargains. A. J. Simpson & Son, 1403 I odge street. WANTED TO RUT Horse and Buggy. Address H 24, care Bee. NEW AND SEi OND-HAND WAGONS for SRle. A. J. JEWELL, 1721 N. 24th St. STILL In the wagon business; charges reasonable. Harry Front, 14th and Leav. LOST AND FOUND LOST Brown mare. 8 years old, weight 1.100 lbs. Johnson-Rowe Plumbing Co., Tel. Doug. X..S. FOUND A place to buy good glasses. Globe Opllcal Co., 218 S. 16th St. LOST Silver link purse Monday, south of Leavenworth on Twentieth St. Reward. Phone Harney 20!)9. MEDICAL BEST nerve brace for man. Gray'a Nerve Food Fills, $1 a box. postpaid. Sherman McConnell Drug Co. Omaha. CONSUMPTION I can cure or stop any acute disease In one day. Prof. Johnson, 14th and P Sts., South Omaha. FREE MEDICAL and surgical treatment at Crelghton'a Medical college, 14th and Davenport Sta; apecal attention paid ta confinement cases; all treatment super vised by college professors. 'Phone Doug las 1167. Calls answered, day or night. OUT-OF-TOWN people can get the bene fit of our prices by sending us mail orders. Freight paid on all orders of $to or over. SCHAEFER'S CUT PRICE) DRUG STORES. MONEY TG LOAN SALARY AMI CHATTELS MONEY. The OLDEST and LARGEST COMPANY In the wcat. Our VOLUME of BUSINESS guarantees you GENERAL SATISFAC TION. If you can use any MONEY now or en the future It will pay you to call and see us. We are at your service at any time and insure you courteous treatment whether we do rpisinese with vou or not. We are BUSINESS PEOPLE and do busi ness on BUSINESS PRINCIPLES. Any of your Iriends sent to our (iff Ice will receive the same piompt attention and same will be appreciated bv us. Our SOUTH OMAHA DEPARTMENT Is now open lor bui-ltiess. which gives the peo ple of SOUTH OMAHA an opportunity to BORROW MONEY on our regular RATES and TERMS. We loan on ( U K-N'ITURE, PIANOS. HORSES, CAT I'LL. WAGONS. BUGGIES, REAL ESTATE or ANY OTHER SECURITY. DON'T FORGET OUR ADDRESS. DON T FORGET US. e want your busi ness. We are prepared to handlo IT ANY TIME. Wa can Kive you Low' RATES, SMALL PAYMENTS and EASY TERMS. ALL BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDEN TIAL. We trust you. You can trust us. CALL, WHITE or TELEPHONE. NEBRASKA LOAN CO., Opposite poatoffice. Suite 7, Crounse Blk., iiUi and v'apitul. 'Phones: Douglas 1J56, Ind.. A-136. MONEY TO LOAN. FROM $10 lo $100 on falarj. furniture, pianos, eic.; no publicity, lowest rales, weekly or monthly payment's. THE J. A. HUT TON" CO., 614-15 Paxton Blk. Tel. Doug. 1607. OUR PLAN Makes It easier for you to get ..Jt of debt tr.sn in because you can pay u when you get it. W e do not charge extension or application lets. Omaha Mortgage Loan Co., 119 Board of Trade. Phone Doug. 2295. 306 S. 16th St. . HERE 61NCE LS92. LOANS on saiary, furniiute and live stock; lowebt rates, easiest payments. Sea us first. PEOPLES LOAN CO . Room 4 Pattei son Blk.. 1623 Farnam St. Tela: Douglas .477. Ind. A-1477. MONET loaned salaried people and otheis without security; easy payments. Offices In 46 principal cities. Tulman, Room 613. New York Life bldg. LOANS of $5 to -" on salary or chattel security; private party; no red tape; hours 10 to 2 and 4 lo 6. Call 620 Paxton Block. LOANS, half rates. 329 Board of Tra 7 Salary aud Furniture Loans At the VERY LOWEST RATES. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., 3d Floor, J07-8 Paxton Blk., Northeast corner 16th and Farnam Sts. Phones Doug las 1411 and Auto. A 1411. flVl'V on furniture, planoa. live slock u a or any security I'.efore mak ing a loan see us. Both phones 1366. Busi ness strictly confidential. Low raiea; small paymenta. Nebraska Loan Co., 16th and Capitol Ave., opposite poatoffice. CONFIDENTIAL QUICK LOANS. A III IM K I IAN COMPANY LOANS on FURNITURE, PIANOS or SALARIES. LOANS on 'our plain note.. 1iWEST PAYMENTS IN CITY. OMAHA CHATTEL RANK. H04 FARNAM LOAKS on everything of value; rate. Western Loan Co , 231 Neville Blk. 57 on DIAMONDS W. F L A T A u7li 1 4 Dodge MOVING AND STORING EXP. Deliver:- Co. office 16th an-l l a . en port warehouse Z20; 6) Izard Si. ALL kinds of HEAVY HOI ;T1NG and HANDLING SAFES A SPECIALTY E J I n'i. 1"14 Farnam telephone, Doug 4o3 fvcj;dnc 1'uuala IT02 MUSIC AND LANGUAGES Of Tt'RNF.R. ftrartunt of ..'puir. nr many. l'oinvvrior nf M 1 1 1 ; p'umo loni r'llp 1 K"d t" fltnp Mle a pOfljl at 74 HH'iifv nnd I will iatl on on. OFFERED FOR RENT Hoarding and Rnnraa. C'EWET Kuropeaa Hotel, nth aad Farnam. LARGE outh loom, to peimanrnt mar ried couple, also single rooms to gentle, men. In modern home, irfercnrrs. liix Cass. Phone Douglas 14,6. ST. JAMES HOTEL, 41( 8 12 th. Am. plan; $126 day; $6 week up. Big meaia. Jba. THE GEORGIA, 1W2 Georgia Ave. H. 61. THE AI.DKEN. 2fith and Fat nam. H 25.14. DODGE HOTEL; modern; steam heat. DESIRABLE south front furnished room with board; summer home; tine lawn. S. 25th Ave. COOL, airy rooms, modern, fine ehac. with or without board, to Iwo gentlemen oi man and wife. 3404 Capitol Ave. THE ROSE. 2030 Harney, rooms, good board; rates reasonable; meal tickets. ROOM and board In private family; modem home, also large south room, with alcove. Tel. Harne 4.oa. TABLE board, first class, home cooking, with or without room. 1S18 Capitol Ave. Fnrnlahra) Roema. GOOD roome. $j prr week; free biih. Ogden Hotel. Co. Bluffs. FURNISHED room bv the week; ele vator, bath, hot and cold water; rent rea sonable. Oma Hotel, 15th and Jackson Sts. ONE south furnished room, $1 76 per week. !6 N. 22d. 216 NICELY furnished front room In new modern flat. All conveniences; walking dis tance. 2406 Harney. VERY desirable room; fine location walking distance. 218 S. 25th St. ROOMS for transients. 1707 Dodge. D 730 TWO rooms for man and wife. 2219 Doug las. ONE room, east front, $1.50. 616 S. 22d. 1S1 CASS-One nicely furnished room, suitable for two; modern; reasonable. SOUTH front parlor with piano: 1 sleep ing room, $8 month. 2116 Chicago. BEAUTIFXM. front room with alcove with piano, only $20; two or more gentlemen. 1 room, $10; cool place. 2663 St. Mary's Ave. LARGE south bark parlor, modern. 2v19 St. Mary' Ave. NICELY furnished rooms; hew house. 213 Chicago. FRONT parlor, alcove; reasonable. 2423 Dodge. Call evenings. TWO furnished rooms in new modern house, block from car. 2230 Emmet St. DESIRABLE southeast furnished room with board. 123 S. 25th Ave." y BIG front parlor; also 1 light housekeep ing room. 201g St. Mary a Ave. FURNISHED room, $5 per month. 1547n" 17th. MODERN front room. 2007 St. Mary's Ave. ONE newly furnished single room; very reasonable. SIS N. 23d St, ELEGANTLY fnrnlahed rooms, with pri vate family. 3017 Pacific St. LARGE front room, main floor, private family; $2.50 per week. 2642 Capitol Ave. i SOUTH rooms, private family. 3045 Dodge. TWO south rooms, private family. 3046 Dodge. FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms In modern house, price reasonable. SOS North 18th atreet. FURNISHED rooms, house new, plenty of hot water. 316 N. lith 8L SALVATION ARMY Worklngmena hotel, 418 8. 13th St. 'Phone Red 3S4S. VERY desirable large room; newly furn ished; also smaller room; fine location. 201 8. 26th Ave. ELEGANTLY furnished rooms with pri vate family at 3017 Pacific St. TWO nice south front rooms. 4P40 Cap itol Ave., Dundee. CENTRAL, modern room, 220 N. 23d. HOTEL COLONIAL, formerly the Vien na, bet. 10th and 11th. Newly furnished. NICE, new, strictly modern front rooms, also two unfurnished or housekeeping rooms. 613 N. 21st St. Aparlmeata aad Plata. THREE and 6-room flata. Scargo Bldg., 6164 N. 24th St., South Omaha. Hall, 4J3 Ramge Bldg. Both 'phones, i 3 A. 4-R. Apt. mod. 816 So. 22d. HANSCOM PARK, opposite the main entrance, 6-rnom St. Louis flat; fine home investigate. Dr. Clark, 1502 8. 29tn 8t. Tel Harney 2S3. ONE 6-room modern flat, UU 8. 11th. rOR REN r Cheapest -room lower flat In city, all modern, close in, to small family soon. Inquire at 607 N. 18th Ut. 4-ROOM flat partly modern, $13. Phone Harney S500. Ask for Mia. Huff. Heasekeealoa; Rooms. TWO, three or four nlcelv furnished rooms complete for housekeeping. yOJ$ Davenport. SUITE front rooms, alcove; reasonable. 2425 Dodge. Call evenings. CLEAN. cool. modern housekeeping rooms. 620 N. lSth St. TWO nice housekeeping rooms, all mod ern. 2ld N. lth St. THREE furnished housekeeping rooms, modern and clean. Call Webaler JiSl or Webster 3744. 201$ N. 16th. t to I furnished houaekeeping. 1301 8. 11th. TWO rooms, everything furnished; re frigerator, $4 week. 616 S. 23d. TWO light housekeeping rooms. 211 N. 181 h. TU'O rrinnni'tln f.nm . . . , . ......... u . - ...... . . . . n . ' "in , xj i . 1 1 , n iui maiirii complete for housekeeping. ;i09 N. 25th St. TWO complete furnished light housekeep ing rooms on 1st floor, $5 per week. M3 N. 21st St. EXCELLENT completely fui nished mod ern frunl rooms, suite for housekeeping. Telephone In house. 2574 Harney St. TWO newly furnished rooms, suitable for two ladies employed or two students. 316 N. 27,d St. FURNISHED rooms for houaekeeping, first floor. 412 N. lSih. FURNISHED rooms for housekeeping; gas for cooking. 1544 N. 18th St. TWO cool southeast rooms for light housekeeping. 9"1 S. 20th. Gas range. THREE elegant half-basement room?, modern. 320 N. 20th. FOR RENT-Foul rooma furnished for housekeeping, $15 00 per month. MW Spring St. TWO housekeeping rooms In modern flat; large back porch; use of telephone and be box; cheap. Call mornings or he fore $ p. m. 410 N. 16th St., Ihird floor. Tel. Douglaa 5617. lafaralataed Rooma. 4 LARGE looivii. modem. 6.'4 S lh Ave. FOUR nirtlv ventilated. unfurl. ished room", modern evrept heat, teajonable rent Call 2617 N l h si. Refeicinee re quired hen wrlung to adteitise.e ; tm"tvbr It on! take; a uroke or two of the pen to mention the fact ihai ou saw the ad In The be. . , ... VP, OFFERED FOR RENT tContlnued ) Faralaaed Hoveee. FOR REN'T-Fuinlsher? or unfumtehad: new. a-room. strlrtlv modern, lip-te-deta dwelling 3.16 N. 24th St. i24ih and Man dersom. For particulars Inquire at HTls N. 24th Si. Hoaaea aad Cattagea. Low-Priccil Apartment? v.vss s. :it.t St . neat 4 and 6-room apart ments, with new open plumbing, eleetrte IlKht. neTvly decorated throughout, cistern, line shade and onlv $!. snd $! each PAYNE. LOST WICK & CO., Sole Agents. Main Floor N. T. Life. SIX rooms, modern, close inr23 S. 30th, $: Hve rooma. modern, i8 t.ocvisl, $20. Seven rooms, 210 N. 2Jd. $J3. Five rooms, cly water, S lo's, t.M S. H'h, $10. Six roon,a. modern. 1ios Corbv, $16 RUSSELL Sc. McKITRICK CO, 4.12 Ramge Bldg. 16th and Harney Sta. OMAHA Van Storage Co.. pack, move, Ktoie, 11. H. aoods; storehouse, 11?0-S4 N l!ih; office 1609 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 16M. FOR RENT- 8-room, all modern htntae. electrio lights. 14M S. 11th; $. per month C. M. Bachmann, f.!6 Paxton block. E;7 PACIFIC ST. -room therougNv modern lioue oak finish. $40. A. O. Ellick. 3 Rooms, $6 On .. nloi k to car line. NOWATA LAND AND LrVT CO. Suite 24 N. T. Life Rldg Phone Red l. Omaha. Neb ALL modern; six rooma and large recep tion hall. 240t Burt St . $,m. Apply to H. R Boyles. Boyles College. Both phones. FOR RENT 7 rooms, large reception hail all modern; combination fixtures $40 and water rent. 704 No. 23d. C. U. Bachmann. i:.6 Paxton Blk. KLF.O A NT -room flat, located at 610 ! ,'7th, all modern, price $35. BemJs, Brandeis Bldg. OMAHA Truck. Van and Storage Co., Doug. 14", Ind., B-2428. Office 1713 Wab ster street. 1 6 and 4 4-room modrn flata, 1112 8. Uth. 5-r. houee; bath, gas and grata, 1411 N. 41m St.. $lx. 8-r, modern furnished houe $35 H UTCH 1 N SO N BULLA R D l O. , 1623 Farnam St. FOR RENT Brl. k hou.e at IM1 8. lih St.. one block east of Park avenue car line; modern In every respect, with bed rooma on second floor; large parlor, dining room, kitchen, buttery, large, hall and ve libtite on first floor. Inquire at VM S. &lh St. Tel. Hnrney 1509 HOUSES, Insurance. Ringwalt. Barker Blk HOUSES, flats. Garvin Bros., 318 N. Y. L. CENTRAL, no equal for solid comfort. aU modern, 4 or 6-room flats. Apply J26 N. 2od. New 'St. Ijouis" Apartments for Small Families The latesl thing in rpnuif. Delightful, new. strictly modern 1 toon? 1:1 artnv nts at popular prices mid onlj four blocks from court house. Each ninr. merit is whollv separate, with line iiaenienl, furnace, laundry. largr living louni. fine plumbing, combination lights, pollhhrd flours, juat what many small families have long sought In vain. Window shade., curtain rods, gas range, hot waier healer, etc. will be fur nished, and the rent has been fixed at onlv $27.,,;0 to $: each, it .vou want something very choice, close hi, sen us at once about these apnrlments at 21st and Howard Sta. PANErBOSTWlCK & CO., Sole Agents Main Floor N". T. Life. HOUSES "" par,s of ,n e" HUUOiiO Creigh Sons & Co., Bee Bldg MAGGARD Van Storage Co. Tel. Doug 14'."6. We guarantee moving, pianoo, house hold goods. HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed, forwarded, cheep freight rates; moving and storing ExpreRsmcn'a Delivery Co. Tel. Doug. S4 FOR RENT; 5-room model ii si. Louis flat, reception hall, combination iiviiirra- ',12 V -.'-,i : $ro. -room modern brick house; 200R-2011 Wil lis Avc.-$25. C. M. BACHMANN, 4K6 Paxton Blk. 11ROOM house, $30; modern; one block from 24th atreet car. 2611 Pierce St. In quire 1301 S. 26th Ave. J. G. Althouae. HOUSES Pet era Trust Co., N. Y. L. Bldg 6-ROOM house, nice cellar, at No. 41)'. Browne St.. two block from alreet car Rent $12 per month. Remls, Brandeis Bldg OMAHA EXPRESS CO., furnilure and piano moving. 416 N. 17th. D. 3364. FOR RENT A dealrsble house, northeast corner Leavenworth St. and 2ith Ave.; ' roomst besides baih and laundry; hot water heating, modern plumbing; rent. $50. Also, October 1, a very desirable house southeast corner Jones and 26ih Sts : 4 rooms besides baih and laundry; new blumbing. combination lighiing and ho' water heating: rent. V'l. .1 1. Kmp. 2512 Leavenworth St. Tel. D ;c FIVE large rooms, nearly ne. ; first floot modyrn excepi heat, half block from car Tel. Douglas 4Si!l. F-ROOM house, modern except heat. WM Maple St., $H. b rooms, modern e.vcep; heat, 4t William. $16. 6 rooma 3d flojr, toilet. 1P06 N. 26th St., IU. CHRIS BOY ER. 22d and Cumlog Sta. 12"4 . 26th St.. 6-r. mod. ex. hsat, $11 Hi i.:in, 3 blocka north of end of car line. ,-l. $11. :.'4 Lrai er.worth, n. . cor. Georgia Ave , vr.. f.,5. 3 J.'. Davenport, P E corner JKth, 8-r I i KKEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 1001 V Y. Life. I-Kiug. or A 212 stores. STORE ROOM for rent at 106 S. 14th 6L ready for occupancy Aug. 15. Apply a' once. Palace Cloihing Co.. corner 14th anf. Douglaa. FOR RENT-Modern store room In Daw son, Ni h Brick and concrete, 40x70 ft. corner building, east front, lo a good mer chant. Will rent cheap. Splendid location Address E. L. Sanduskv. Falls City. Neb SCARGO Blk., South Omaha. M0 V. 24th Hall. 433 Ramge Bldg.; both 'phones. GOOD si ore room. 812 S. 18th Bt. Fine office in Wead Bldg. F D. WEAD, 1801 FARNAM. OFFERED FOR SALE Typewriters. TYPEWRITER? -Any maka. all price sold and rented, rent applied; eaav tarmi, shipped anvwhere for examination. Write for large bargain list and offer. B. F. Sv anion Co.. 4H S. 16ih St., Omaha. Nb. Miscellaneous. DRUGS at rut prices, freight paid en al $10 orders; ratalogue free. Sherman St McConnell Ding Co., Omaha. Neb. FOR SA LE Cash register and safe. Ad dress. J -579 care Bee. BARGAINS-2d-hand pulleys, shafting, hangers, belting, rip saw. forge, boxing ma cbine, hlackbnuth tools. A. Murpb St Sob. Scholarship If vou Intend taking a course In buslnesr college, see us about a acholarshlp. W will sell you one at a saving to you. Ad- areas kj care oca. FOR SA LE N t w and M-hand bllaid and pool tables. We lead Die world in cheap bar fixtures, eaav payments Brunt- wicK-itaike ioiienaer, 407 b. loth Bt. WE HAVE on hand a number of Ink barrela which we will aell at 0c each. They are fine for rain waier or ashes. Call at j.ret.-vroom Bee Publishing Co Foi ta!. a hot water heating plant, good condition and ne- Inlaid I inula urn for note, t all at L'-ffert . 4"J Broadway, Council Lruffs. cadft lT- "h- ?! oner, $ fet, T hi'.U's Ad'iic- 1 ,1, Lea.,