Yin; I?: i;: omaiia. mmimv. au.i m' -jk v.w. at HI. INtenwinc Csp'sin Burhsn th oars cam down Fsinam tret to th Smith gsrag until 6 hen th lastcsi s rg-trd in Guy Smith l.ivl tl-" iio"uo tminhs, in nxt yett's I'tark'in and No 1J ism through on schedul um From Ml,, I record time ws roaur lhy wet f r.- rt into th last lonnol lilrly burned up Hie GRAIN ANB PRODUCE MARKET Wheat Tritei Break r,. moat nf ih ir. Ih in ghl b lit end most nf i i.e ii i-eptmbr .)',f. COR.NBKAL-M .3" KRAK-Sirong; racked Under Strong-'is Selling: Pressure. ' ri. MMeitto IRON to! TON TIES i HAGGING-'C stabs TAvr. rniTHAfJE AND RAIDi hemp tymne-;c December. 1W , No I whi; " NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS et 11 i.k, r, ( in 'v,ii , ), pk, Market Declines Still Further Heavy Offerings. on Hl.o silver r 1 1 ific vi!Hnlit t 4H.t.V.I"Vl fnnil fund Ssndmd silver dollar In geneiel fund, fc.tx.su. eutrrnl liabilities I I '7 is" 391 . wotking ba'snre In tiessuiy nf- flees. $."2 09.. VJ5; hi hanks to credit of irea I hit of L nurd States. I S .'59.ti; suhsidiaiv i silver coin. $JS.0S3 MB; minor coin. $.' C7.V2..4 , Total balance In neutral fund, I1np.1i4s.iv;. i OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET M It M I K 'i A t o 9..4 . between Omsh and llsnscnm p4ik K. Aptagu was th f't fiom d-in of mv of th ilrtr and although ii i short a lamp 01 ltd il will not cunt against ht scor. a h icported ihem broken be for h startd 011 the tt'p Tat Mo.nd twg loai a hat and when pirn bird with a ap h lao lost that.. tiri inn sutomoDi"" m-n with great Interest the il. indues. whtch win be given "rotes art figured up. 4 nrn l tifeciert hy 4 nnllnned Pry nrathrr anal Prlre Holds lnH on I B la Baala lr Ina the Oat. ate a w a 1 1 i n t ,lon of tie tun aftei the lC illtig hammering ad- fiOOO CHOUD AT flKTni(F. R (( r,i Thrra Rait of Ike Mltopa (if narra. BEATRICE N'b-. An. lr-tSpei tal i -Today waa r.eattUe d at Hie cncnit; ia';e and th atlendan e i mm h Ib-t . than yesterday. Throe aiclilema o mired. In the 2:22 pac. In the fhM part of lliei third htat. Vrint-e JlrCfiepor fII In fMiut nf the jtrandxtand turning a aomi nil. j f'f Fmtly romlna; tip behind Ml n-r lilm eaueing bad mlmp. Mi. Mont sunin . dilver of Miiirrgor. bad hi roUai tmne hioken and waa otherwise InUtied. In the next heat See F.mily on the third turn fell and Iat At Law and Trlnie Mi 'Jrejor fell over hrr. Max Wagner, the rlvar cf Frlnre McQtegot. s thrown and the hotae flnlahed the heal without a driver. Nobody waa hurt In the mlxup, but tan aulWiea were completely smashed. In the fiflh and last heat on the bark tiett h See Kmlly anain fell, throw Ina; Laat At Law Into the fence, knuikititf several sections doan. Mr. Slialos. dilver of See Kmlly. aa quit badly hurt and was unconscious for soma time. It was thought he will be all right by tomorrow. Summaries. 2.30 trot, pin s'?, ITOO OU DMA II A. Aug. 1 uil mi the n'S. crowd . . ..,.1 t-v were tr.- market spa ,. price, :.,klng a decline a ieT the ndvarce ejicrday. T, f ni'mlKi option " fonjested ,.,;i,i.,,, n a-.erial cl.ange la looked ,i. - th. iniirlers should demand d If er and this would cause a shaip atice. hir torn m eesier on the weakness in nliial theie l illl a strong undertone due to the eMteme dr iwss over the entire h It which is undoubtedly doing some dam- Wheat wke'id steadily nn the weaK cables aid -"niting was general during the enilte heinn. The ctowd continued to l.ammer piles on all bulges and any ad-M'lu-os sie tint sustained With any good ottti r, 8 lllttg rurtner d'Ci ne' are in nrner, i Hiti h id aho it stPBriy, but a Khade nmi.rr iih the dei-line In wtieat. lasn i auics wire hiher owing to eocrt demand. I'he n.s-k't continues to be well supported on the lack of tain and further (limaiie re poi t i I'll ma ry wheat receipts were 771.000 hush and sliipipems were r;2m0 bushels, einst receipts lat ar of 5W.An0 bnshela and hipmenls of HW.nni bushels. Ftlmaiy coin trcoipn were S74.0"0 bushels and shipments were 4M.'iin bushels against receipts last at of .7.0iu buehcls and "hlpinrnts of i'i (HO htisliels. Clraraiiie were lS.cmt) b isheis of corn. 1 000 bushels of oats and wheat and flour eo'ial to 4.opio bitHhela. Liverpool iloRfil 'd lower to '.1 higher on h'at and 'af''4d higher on cotn. t. or nl large or opllonr. i;rara nealanderl 2 2 111 r;dna B S i I J Mtty Dillon . ...a 1 3 s 4 Fiances Htar 4 4 4 12 i;mma R ,., 2 u R S 6 Time: 2:3m. 2:26' 2 24',. 2.25'. 2.29. t'2:' pare, purse, toOO.00. Minnie Onclda , t S 1 1 Soldier Boy ..I 2 f 2 3 Prince MrHlregor n 5 4X2 Last At Iaw 4 1 I d1s Kea F.mllv J 4 2 odla Time: J :!". 2:20. 2:l'i. 2:24',, Running, four and a half furlongs: Mr- Articles ripen.1 High Low. flose.l Taa'r Wheat.- ; , , I Spl... f t a-. !."-, r, rcc.... Mi4 Ji't I K ! !l'i Corn- , i , I t Sept...! S9'4. ' K i SS I 5Ji f)ec..v, &?:, j ii'i j 53'a it I Oam- i I i , --pt... a".-, , X, Si. 'a I K'a I T I.ec 3.V-, 3..H I 4; I 4-, I J.V! FRUVISIONM-I'oia higher; jobbing. Laid, higher' prime sieain. tl .ko 11 7o. Ir salt meata (boxeoi. h.grei . extra snmts. IK 00, clear rltis. IU , sum i c!r. i: racon tboxedi. higher, rxlil lllts. M 'H', clears ribM. 113 0)1: short cleats 11)1 l.'i rO -siteadv; rhickens, li. : apt inas. Itc; turkejs. i.e. out K. , getse. dc bitJ l I t.ti Hteadv ; neamery, 2i'fl27c. KlKl-l0er; I.e. Kceip' Miiptneiiis HARRIMANS LEAD THE DROP Reported III lent Made lead tor Health of Orratlaa Raid -Lower Trlrra In London at Farliir. of ra- Krar r lour. hbls. Whiat. bu. Lcrn, bu Lais. b.i ... k.t .20..'t . In. 70, .llwXI 'l.(.:ni i '. ..' j Sl. Sst I N ElV mark't h b.-ais. pt allfd MOW lOHK GK1ER t L MIKkK I taoiatlaaa on Marions -rieceipts. lime.; unsrt Aiinneota p.n- OUKtl'S. l-. li.tfj 'At. olo , nominal, i. f.. New INOS- waa Sc N4. No. Beppo won. Maid third. RtCM Rob Cult second. Nameless No time announced. AT Bl FTALrt Cl.r!K Defeat of Aanabell Lee In 2iUO Pnre at Great Sarprtse. BFFFALO. Aug. 11). Th cloalng day i? the grand circuit races at the Poll Kitt track brought together the, Canadian pa. ei. 'I he. Cel. and Aileen Wlluon. The two mel In the 2.02 pace and were the only Mat ters. 'I he rl won In straight heats, the bent tltna being made in the deriding heal, when the mile waa made In 2:04. Later I he h.el and Ailen Wilson paced an exhibition mile. The mara got off In front and re tained the lead almost until the finish, Th.? t.el nosing her out at the wire. The mile was made in 2 .OS "4. Th aurprise of the day came In the 2.1) pace. Annabell Le, driven by Ueeia. sold lavotlte In the pool and. Junlfied hit backers by winning the first two heats, in the third heat Annabell Lc got off in front and held the position until 200 yards from th aire, when she Broke, kavoliu u Inning the heat Annabell Lee remained a atrong favorite In the final heats, tfhe go' away In front, but went to a break on the turn Imo the back stretch, and Nellie Par ker assumed the lead. 8he, however, oulrkly overhauled by Kavolln. who went under the wlr winner of the heat and raie. Nellie i'arker got the place a length away, Annabell Lee rinlshlng laat. Uhlan, the unbeaten gelding, won the 2:07 tint easily, fan Francisco broke- In the tirat heat and was distanced. Miinmianet : ;:02 pace, two In three, purse Ii.aoo; The tel. g. a., by Uamboilet -IJelle Uid fcell (!Mciwani 1 1 Alleeo Wilson, b. m. tCog) 2 2 Time: 3.04Vt, 2:04. ' 1 07 trot, two In three, purse $1,200: 1 filan, blk. g', by Blng-tilonde (Proc tor) Lady Jones, blk. m. (Murphy) Merilng McKlnnay, b. a. (Uere... .sapma. b. m. iBuigeaa). .iurige Lee, g. . (Lasell) can Francisco, b. a. (Hodges rime: tm'. ,t:M pace, four heaia, purse 11,000; Kavoiio, g. h., by Kavolil-iiana iCox) , 3 2 Annabell Lee, br. m. (Oecrei i I .vellle Parker, b. m. (Ooodemoie).. 2 2 .Mnla H., blk. h. (Murphy) 4 4 .-uiney K , b. g, (McUarvIn) u dr lime: 2:14', 2:U'. 2:1", 2:14. Omaha I'asta Prices. WHKAT-Ko. 2 hard. Sl.Q04rt.4ei,; hard. Ht.'a:'c; No. 4 haid. 9J,)',c; spring-. si.W'iil.tc; no grade, HbKfJic. I'OHN-.Nu. 2 ."'b?c; No. 3, 2B2'c; No. 4, tUV'l No. 2 yellow, 64Va4c; No. i yellow, M'.c; No. 2 white, (ij'ac; No. 3 white. KUiftmic, OATS-No. 3 mixed. 37'q.ic; No. J KV0. &.4,; Nr. 3 white, 3sX4c; wnite. u.fljac. HKK-No. 2, 9a70c- No. 3, S7G'U9c. C'arlol Itecetpts. Wheal. Corn. Oats. 221 zX 71 Vh 1 Cen- vellow. "No. 4 Chicago .... Minneapolis UiHia UUlUlll 64 1 1 2 ;i o S i 4 4 dts 4.RKAT W KtTBHM CIRC I I I RACES Mlana . All Parse S. Wins Free-for Davenport. DAVENPORT. la.. Aug. 19.-The Davcn pori meeting of the Great W astern Circuit tace rld today, fltsults: r i ea-fof-all pace, purse SS0Q. Uland 8 won Citation second, Tony Swift tnlrtl. best time! 1:0S. facing. 2:13 claaa, purse Il,5o0: Org Jack son won. Sunday Pipes second, Black Douglas third.. Best time: H :',.. I'lottlng, 2.11 claaa, purs to0: Knyon W won. Todd Mao second. Walkover third. Ueel time: 2.11'. Trotting, y-lear-olds, purse Io(i0: Bertha i' won, High Admiral second. Cup Heater third. Beat time: 2:11V,. ' (IIIIAUO ;HA1N 4M) ihoisios Features nf the Tradlna and CIosIbb; Prices on Board of Trade. CHICAGO. Aug. IS. Realising on a liberal acate by leading holders caused weakness m the wneat inatkei today. Mnal quotations snowed net losses of 14io to l vtol'tc Corn and oats also closed weak, bui piovisious wet firm. I tie action of the wheat market' today was the reverse ot thst of the previous stsslon. sentltnerit In the pit being ex ceedingly bearish, with the exception of a abort period at the opening. Tne feature of trading was the selling of the Septem ber an1 December options by the elevator Interests, w hone purchase yesterday caused the Sc bulge In me nearby deliveries. The ofteiiniis Ironi this source were ao liberal that traders foigot all about the congestion in bept. -mhor aim Mold without stint through out the greater part of the day. The situa tion in tne nortnwesi rurLher aggravated the selling fever. First consignments ot new wheat arrived at Minneapolis today, The arrivals' lonnsied of eight carloads and the price ranged from l.()4 for velvet chaff to tl.Jo for No. 1 northern. Klevator Inter. es.s there reported that the yield for Minna anta and th Dakota wouid be unusually heavy. Dispatches from Winnipeg also claimed the yield in western Canada would r.e little short of phenomenal. These dl, patches caused a severe slump In the north western markets, particularly at Minne apolis, anil In turn depressed the market here. The market was beariahly affected early in the day by the poor response made by foreign markets to the upturn her -leiday, Liverpool coming 'id lower to H1 higher. The range on September for l he day was between II.OUN and Sl.O-js, and tot December ts',c and Miac Tne maiket closed heavy, with prices about Vc above th low mark. Private report a claiming that a general rain was working eaaiward from th Rocky mountains through southwest Missouri and parts of Kansas mainly was responsible for a slump in corn prices, although the bieuk in wheal also depressed the corn prices. The close was weak, with prices off st1i4c, compared with the previous close. Profit taking by local longs, prompted by the declines hi wheat and corn, caused weaanesa in the oau market following a strong tone early in th day. Th mamet closed weak, with prices ViVo to ',c below yesterday'a final figures. Provisions were firm all day, owing to a tftVk; advance In live hogs. Final quota tions were 10c lower to 50c higher, the lat ter, gain being Id September pork. The leading futures ranged aa follows. nf the Day Commodities. N ft W YORK. Aug U.-FLOl R If.t'O Phis., expoi.s, li.M't tlr; qulei Joubihg demand. ents ! Utiio.i.), rtimucsoi n.n : k inii uait-nls. ao.Al.(Il.tSl. stiaialiis. ib.Amb.tA!. old: winter em as, 4 A d4.i. new; w liner etiaighis. tt.ouju.iv. new , ..miei pkients, 1.4.u, n ; tinier low graoes. 4.itf;4.1v. new; Kansas suaigiiiB, !SJ?J .10. liew. KVt lloUt. eliad Ian t ' goou. 4iOu4.i, ctiolrt to tancy, .Wu4u. COiLNMr.ALr-Meady; line wnn a,.u jel low. i.tiu l ... cuaiM, $!. l.uo; aim uried. .t.,ft. RiE-liull; No 2 westeti., .dc, f. o. b. New Tork. HAHLbV Dull: feeding. ...C. c VorK. WHEAT-Receipts, 7K.0O0 hit.; expoiis. 124.SDU bu.; spot market weak; Xo. J red. new, i.ini, i.omlnni, elevator, and l.l-"a. L o. b., ailoat, .No. 1 nolinein, Duiutn, olu. 1.4',. nominal, r. o. h., alioat; No hard winter, new. l.U a. t. o. t., afloat. Apart tiom brief opening sl'ddincss wheut was very weak today, loliowing a severe brcaK In the noithweBi. Hears sold aggressively on fine weainer, prospect for heavier northwest ticeipts and a beartsn estimate ol tne wot id s ciop from London, and tne market closed weak at l','(jiic nel ue cline. Ssptemher. l.t, 1 l''i ; closed hi i.i; December, closed ti ot; May, closed CurtN Receipts. l.0O0 bu.; spol market easy; ino. 2 mixed, aoc, nominal, eievaior, ano klc, nominal, aeuvereu, ino. s mixea. new. wic. f. o. il., afloat. Option majRei was quid and irregular, cepiempet lug .c litglur, winie Decemoer lower, Sep.cmuer closed inc. OA i s Receipts. .tAio bu.; exports. i,-tw bu. t'pot market barely steady; mixed oais, M to 61 Ins., 4sc, nominal; natural white, I'D to 3.! lbs., 4iVgtiO"c; clipped wnite, 24 to 42 lbs., olu. eiebdy; No. 3, Tsfl-wc; good 10 choice. HocMt.1.10. iilLe: viuiei; Hogota, 20'.!S 21 'mc ; tral America, 2H4C. i.kathkh uuiet: acid. . PROVISIONS ueef, firm, family. $14.00 (ft 14 60; mes, $1 l.la il n": beer name. SJ4.ISX01 MM; packet, !2.oup 13.00; city extra India ii.es.-., $.oO'ail.00. cut meats, mm; picaiea bellies, $12.tAH U 00; pickled hams, $12.0'si 13.00. Lard, strong; western. su.Asaid.du; re fined, firm; continent, $12.56; South Amer ica. $13.00; compound, ai.txno ...o. Pork, firm, family, S2S.40tS-22.60; short, clear, $2l.lWo.2J.iM; mess, til.ifva! ;1- TALLOW steady ; city t per paiKas.-i. 5 6-ltic; country (packagu tree), 6o-lbft 5 13-lsc. RICK Steady; domestic, lair to extra, t t5.1c: Japan, nominal. bl T J 1.H 2UOIlgi crenineiy v-ii", 2Si,c; official price. 2'c; creamery extras. aT,c; creamery, tntros 10 iu.e, .iw.i..i process, firsts to specials, 232oc; western factory, flrts. 21Vg22c. - I'liEESK Higher; state, full cream ape clals, lutlc; state, small or lame. or white, fancy. 14-v; state, inn common to good, llVilgllc; skims, specials, 3tol2c. V'.lKS Ktesdv. POULTRY Alive, steady; chickens. 17(g lc; fowls, lfkaitt'tc; turkeys. 11c. Dressed, steady; broilers, 148'20c; fowls, lSVj'ffl'c. Kansas City Grain and Prorlslons. KANSAS CITY, Aug. 19-WHKAT-Pp-tember, 4'84c bid; December, l"c bid; May, 5Hc bid. Cash: lo to :ic lower: No i hard, $1.0iSl.lfl; No. 3 hard. 93'4ce $1 06; No. 2 red. $1.07; No. 3 red. SI.OJfri.4i6. CORN September, 62V,c bid, Decerrrhe;-, 62c bid; May. 64H(fi64V bid. Cash: Un changed to Vjo higher, No. 2 mixed. K4c;. No. 3 mixed. S?.c; No. 2 whit. Wc; No. J white. 6W.C. OATS -Lnchangi d; No. t W hite. 4'-''?4".c; No. 2 mixed. 27SC- RYE 72'd7kc. HAY Unchanged; chcic timothy. $10.Vji 11.00; choice prairi. $7.50"gi..9, choice al falfa. $11.00(314.00. BUTTKR l"reamery extras. 2nc: firsts, S3c: seconds, 2lc; packing stock, ltfc. KGGS Extras. Sf.c; firsts, 21c; current re ceipts. 16c; seconds and dirties, 12c; south erns, loss off, 14C. YORK. Aug. ii. Price in ihc stock de, lined further toda on selling Unusual actlvm and excitement at the opening, bu! after ihe first hour the mat kci grew more quid ..u orrtot-U. As on the prexions ds. report, rumor' and conjecture dealt laigdv w ith the physical coiiiiitlon of Mi. Ilairiinsn and iiik possible effect of his reported ill health upon the much discursed pians of the llar timan roads. The ciop news of tli dav was neiihcr good nor bad. Continuance of the severe drought In Ihe corn belt was offset bv the Ideal weatner prevailing In the SDtiiig wheat territory. London gave faevr lark Honey Market. NEW YORK. Aug 1 - M( )N K Y On ca'l. steady: 2Va2 per cent; ruling late. 2 per cent; closing bid. 2' per cent, of fei ed at 2t, per cent Time loans. ery dull, sixty ds. 2if3 per cent; ninety das. 3 b;!1, per cent; six months. 4 per cent. FKlME MERCANTILE PAPER 4i4't per cent. STERLING KXCIIANGK Steady, with actual business in hankers bills si $4 ."(! 4 S'.IO for sixiy-dav bills and at (Min. for demand, comtnerclsl bills, $4 k4',r,i 4 K4-, SI L l-.K Bar. "'c. Mexican dollars. 41c. HoN DS-Go et nment. steady; lailioads, Irregulnr The following are the closing quotations on stocks and bonds Good Killing: Csttle Strdy to Strong. Feeders Lower. HEAVY HOGS FIVE TO TEN LOWER hern and l.emhe In l iberal Receipt. While Prices hor try little I hange in tiny Direction lace nrdartila), 4a colored cream, full to wuutr j (tll, marKet little encouragement, as Inter national stocks weie all mwer tnere. ami ihii renter disposed 01 some 30, 'H0 shares here. ptlncipally Union Pacific. Soinhern Pacific and United States Steel. Union pacific. Southern Pacific. Canadian Pacific. New York Central. Illinois Central and Chicago .Northwestern all fell n point or tnoi at me opening, with very substantial fractional losses 111 numerous other issues. Atchison was one of the few active stocks to ielst the selling pressure. Before the ixpitation of th fiist hour, in which almost ndo.iHst shaies changed hsnrts. Union Pacific was off 2 points and Reading 2. Bv mhidav there was some recovery, but business fll off to a marked degree and the undertone continued feverish and con fusing. '1 he final hour brotignt further re cover!, with especial nalns In the local tractions, Missouri Paiific and Central Leather. The rise In the latter stock was concurrent with an announcement that a plan had been evolved to overcome the op position 10 Its tnetger with the United States Leather company. Reading. Rock Island. New York Central, Pennsylvania and Steel regained all the better part of their early losres, but th Hatrtman group made little headway In that direction. Stocks poured out In enor mous volume and the decline proceeded with little Interruption. Absolutely no news was heard to account for the movement, which was the most sensational of Its kind in several weeks, but the consensus of board room gossip wss that the raid had its or igin In a veiy aggressive bear faction, which chose this particular occasion as th pavchological moment. At th lowest point of the dav Union Pacific, Reading and New York Central recorded maximum losses of over 6 points each, and but very little re covery was shown. The balance of the list was affected to a greater or less degree and th close was not without Its moments of semi-demoralisation. Over 300.000 shares were traded In during the last hour, and of that amount over two-thirds came ont In the final twenty Vninutes. The dav's total was again well above 1.000.000 shares. In the money market call loans opened at 2Vj per cent and held close to that figure. Money1 was in reduced demand without change of rates. The weekly report of ihe Bank of England showed a gain in total reserve nf ahoul Sr..oO0.000. Its dlscouut rate being undisturbed. The exhloit of the Rank of France showed large gains In treasury deposits, with a small Increase of gold In hand and a decrease in advances. So large ia the supply of money in France at this time and small the demand that Paris bankers are offering freely of their sur plus supplies In Berlin and buying Ameri can bills. The bond msrket wss easy. Total sales, par value, $5,000,000. United States bonds were unchanged: 1 The following were lions on stocks: 1 t rr :. do coupon I' . rt do coupon ... . I . g 4s ret . do coupon .... Allll-rhal lit in Am. Ag 6a Am T A T r. Am T'ifcicro 4a. . . . o ta. Armctir A Co. 4'i4. A'.-titaon sen. 4. do cf. 4a do ct. ti M. f. 1. 11 4a ... Hal Ohio 4 do Js do 8. W 3's . . . Brk. Tr ev 4a (". ot 0 la ten. laihar M.... f. nf X. J. g Sa l h. Oh lo 4 do rsf. V . A ,1v, ). 4a.. I'.. P. 4- d-i arn. 4i C. M S P C. K. I A P. do col. pa do rfng 4 . . Colo. lnd. 6b... Colo Mid 4a . r r. e D. a H. rr. 4 U. A R O 4 do ref. 6a Dlattllera' 6i ... Erie p. 1 r ... do sen. 4s..., do cv. 4l aer do aerlea B lien. s:ie r, 6a 111. can. It rat 4a Bid. "Aaked. lO' In. Mai. 4 . ... i-44 int. M at. 4wa 0I jipan 4i . 181 rto 414 .. II K. . So lit J . It u s deb. (a 1M1... I.. N. unl. 1 1" WM K T lit 4a. l"S do sen 4lt ' Mo Paf lfl 4 1 1 Ut N R R. of M. 4H t N. Y. C. ( l'a ' do dab 4 DNx n. .. N. H. H HI aw. ta N W in c 'O'H da ct 41 4 .No. rartlir aa do J 7'o . L. rfda 4 .. nii'i prnn. c. 3.,a m.. l"" do con 4 U. Rrading n 4a .. l'Wsi I.. S r. tg. th t do son. 6a It g'. L. S e. 4a 1 do lit told 4i '4ti board A. I.. 4a t twa s so. Pai lfti: col 4a :. 44.. SOS do ct. 4a H do lat rat 4a ... ft'tgo. Hallway ta . . . tti do gen 4a St t'nlon Pst ltlc 4a . .. do o. It. li'6't do lat rrf. 4B S7H f. Rul.bar . I'. S Steal Id la . Va -Caro. chem. oa 6SS1 Walsiah lat 6a 7 4n lat a ex. 4a . BT Wratarn Md. 4a... 77 Writ. Elee. c. irt I6.tvis. lentral 4a .... A.. MS at S '. ' tss ISO'S in w PI M rS l.tt 1 ,.: i"t 7tS 4S ' 1.4S . i(M;a 4a ''.-, .. W' .. i .. 4S .. S"' . . ess ..l''i . . M ..JlS . . 2 .lit', .. ti . .ii ..1S .. S .111; .. Tas ... os .. lit . w-s London 5toek Market, LONDON. Aug. 13 American securities opened fractionally lower, following Ihe weakness of the New- York market yester day. At noon prices were generally lower to higher, and Canadian Pacific was 1 under the New York closing ot yesterday. London Closing stocks the closing quota H'tn 'I a hie Rock Brats Teenmseh. TABLE ROCK, Neb., Aug.' 1 (Special.) -Tabla Rock made It an even break witn Teeumseh by winning from them on the home grounds here by the score of 4 to 4. Table Rock practically won the game In tha third Inning by adding four scores to the one acquired In the second Teeumseh, however, made affaire look bad In the fourth, but were ahut off after pushing three scores across ihe plate. Score: Fl.H. Table Rock I 4 1 0 A 0 0 Tecumaert 0 4 0 3 1 0 0 0 04 7 Batteries: Table Rock. Parmlntor and Howard; Teeumseh, Sabin and Allen. WtlM Again Winner. WAYNE, Neb, Aug. l. (Special Tele gram.) This afternoon the Watne and Cor rectlonvllle. la., cluba played another ex cellent game of base ball, witnessed bv a 1 large and enthusiastic crowd of fans. I Wav agalo being victorious Score: Wayne 34000000 1 1 Correciionvllle 4001 4)00 0-1 Batteries: Wayne. Skeen and Smith I'orrectlonvilla, Rice and DtHx Time: l:;o! Wayne will hold a baae ball tournament September $ and 1 .411 Star Strike laat. ALLIANCE. Nb.. Aug l.-(spclal Tele gram. tTh Omaha All Stars were defeated threa straight games by the Alliance team, th fit' game by a score of 3 lo 1. vestet day's tame 4 to 1 and today's gsme It to 0 Batteries today: Alliance. Ouerns and Bonner; Omaha, Hlcky and Cassidy. Th Cmgha- plaera assert thst the Alliance hunch makes the best showing in the ata'e go far and are la a class by . themselves, lurpasalng all of the downeasi towns out s' t- f those In the league. Artlcles.'l Open. lligh.l Low. Close. Yes y. Wheat I I I j j Sept.. l 03b-, l 0.V l 00-:l 00VM fKiffi, Dec. 8 fi. 8KS ' SsVaSS'aflH May 1 01V, I OIVIWV-itt'N1 V 1 0IS Corn- I I j 1 I Sept. (vS',,-?- V , lOo'uftbti! ;'a Dec. .Vil.7.".7, S7 , ,",ii t iHtioe'.-iff-a May! 6 tfV M.;i bli,5;W Oats- I . - . j I I Sept. iK'kSV 3V 81 SS'itrii 3 Ptq. is'Vi! : Si'ia'jt . St SSt May !4l'6.s tl',' 0i 40S 41 Pork I I 1 I 1 Sept. I 21 K '-24 2f- I i!l 7S 22 . 76 Jan. I 17 50 i 17 Hi) ; 17 40 I 17 46 I 17 5.". Lard- ! 1 ) 1 Sept.- 1 II Sft M 12 00 I II So 11 I 11 A Oct. ! II M 1 1) f7', II (K 11 o : II SO Nov. fll 37W 11 61i, II ,17 S, 11 U. j 11 W Jan. ( 14 .1 10 30 Ifl 'l,i 1 2S 10 A Ribs- ' 1 Sipt. I II In1,! II 7.V 11 M 1 tl 7S 1 II ,2', Oct. I 11 30 I II Ml I 11 -T', 11 4T, j n 2S Jan. ; 30 I 30 ! 9 30 1 9 22 i,' Si Whest. bu. Corn, bu... Oats, bu.... Receipts. Shipments. ....284.110 lHM.OijO 30.000 20.0is1 .... 10.000 7,000 Kansas City options closed as follows: Articles. Open. I High. Low. Close. Wheat September December May Corn September 1 lecember May WirS'! .1 I'-i,. . 7AI I I . RS'tjl .1 6iS! H3-S 7 I S4h,i944SB 91', 81HH 96, I 961 I tilWI SlhiB MS. 52V,9-a! KSH 66",! . 64'S.;64HiuU A Asked. B Bid. Minneapolis 4rala Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Minn., Aug. 19 WHEAT Saplember, I'v'S'ijWlic; 96Vc-. May. SfUjc; cash: No. 1 northern, $1.35; northern, $1.35; new. northern. $1.26. FLAX-$1.44 BRAN In l'K lb sacks, IM.'M). FLOUR First patents. $ ooji. Jo : second patents. S5.Stkjjf4.14; first cleats. $4.9.W.".2u: aecond clears. $3,2363.46.. I recember. saiMi No. 1 hsrd, $1.3S: new. $1.26; No. 2 $1.21 1.22; No. 3 Seventh Victory far Ord. ORD. Neb. Aug. It (Special ) Ord wou US Miimh consecutive game today, when It heat Aurora by a score ef 4 to 1 Cook of Ord struck out eleven men. Score: Ord 2 0 4 4 3 4 4 1 0 ( Aurora 1 t) 4 2 0 0 4 0 03 Sea riteh.es- AsJRON. O . Au today whereby Richard 1 th local uem of Hie Ohio and anla base ball league, will to n org Americans on September aid $7 600 a as paid for Carroll's far lllghlaadera. la -A deal waa closed noil, pitcher on I 'nnyl tlie New I. It Is release. t aha Ray More Plajris. i'HIi'AGI.-Aug. It 11 was announced al ihe offices of the Chicago National league learn today that Pltclod Cole ot t)av Citv. Mich. and Infielder Fl slier of ihe Dam ihe Va) club had been purchased. Seeial hi dealt are under eoiisiueranon. Baainai Nat U-.r.-y t arils. MrLWAUKEtC, Whs . Aug. U.-Pticher 1 'nff I'urtl of th Mdw sitkee American a eneiatlim haae ball team waa t. d.iv sold 1,1 iha f-.oaion National league thin. He ill laate fog sios) at otia- No. 2 Cash quotations were as follows FLOUR Strong , wimei pateois. $.10, S.40: winter stiaights. $4 S,.'n Vft ; spring p. inn. k).il. 1C: spiing stislghts. $4')0(it66, bakers. $1 io.'Bu.ia. BARLEY Feed or niixu g. 4S4t54r; fair to choice matting, stlrii&e. .SEEDS Flax. No. 1 soul hw estern. $137; No. 1 northwestern. $1.46. Timothv, $3 yo Clover. $11 70. PROVISIONS-Mess pol k, per bbl., $J2.2u Hi-':: ST.. Laid, per 100 Ibv, $12011. Shott vlba sides (loose). tll.5rtnil.7S. SI101 1 clear sides (boxed). $12. Ou-fi 12.12'. Total clearances of wheat and flour were errtial 10 4Vi.0i0 bu. Piimary reesipt, weie 77IOOO bu.. compared with 616 000 ou. the corresponding day a year ago. Fstimst.'d receipts for tomorrow Wheal, U cats: corn. 214 cars, oats 369 can. e-oaa. 11 Om head. BUTTER Steady ; creameries, iSjl'JS'ic; dairies Vic EtKJS bteady ; reielpts. 7 764 caes; at mark, cases tmluded. lc; firsts, 2V. prime tiists. '.'ISc. CHEESE Stiong; daisiej. I6t,rpl6ic; twina. I4sl44c; oitng Ameruaa. 16',tj I64C. long horns. 161,0 l .c POTATOES Easy : choice to fancy. i(J 47c: fair 10 good. 42f43c. POULTRY siead : turkes. 'lot ; chick ens. 14B14H.': springs, 17c. VEAL Steady; 60 to nO-lb. we-gnts. str 8t,c; at) to i-lb weights. sW'vc; 86 to H0lb. neighia. S910,c. g, l.aala Keneral Market. ST. IXUM8. Mo.. Aug 1H vVHF.AT F'uturea. lower: lash, siesdy; trsck. No f red cash. $1 0',itf I OVt,: No. 2 hard. $102-9 1 H: September. $1.00',; December. $74, STijc. ,( RN Lor: track. No. Stash. St'tfeTV; September no'tiUcS''; December. 6Sr, No 2 white, eVa9',c. R V K-Steady. 72. , . FlIUR Sieadv; red . lnier patents. U ia) tfhfh. extra fancy .and straight. $4 70tf4 00; hard winter rlearal $4.2644 AA.. OATS-Lower; track. No. 3 cash. J60sc . Wool Market. BOSTON. Aug. 18. WOOl The move ment to the mills In the local wool market continues very heavy, with no recession of prices. Manufacturers were not quib bling ss to rates, hut are tsklng on sup plies with apparent haste The largest dealings are still in territory slocks, al though a good demand la reported in other linea. while good sales sie reported In pulled lambs' wool and the foreign product. The week's business was near the record an dthe largest In three years. The lead ing donieisic quotations range as follows: Domestic wool: Ohio and Pennsylvania fleeces, XX. 3iaf:;kc; X. 3334c: No. 1 washed. 40(541c; No 2 washed. 4dtt 41 c : fine unwashed. iTfjjSo, fine unmerchantable. 30 jjlc; half blood combing. S-Vflftilc; three Ighlha blood, combing. 3c4:no; quarter blood, combing. :udi.'c. delaine, washed. 8Q40c; delaine, unwashed, Heft 34c. Michi gan. Wisconsin and New ) ork fleeces: Fine unwashed. 26Q'2ir: delaine, unwashed. JIU?.-'c: half blood, unwashed. 34'aiftc: three eighths blood, unwashed. !4fa.kc: quarter blood, .ttg.'te. Kentucky. Indiana and Mis souri: Thi ee-ei(!hths blood, 34c. quarter dlood, S2'0 33c. Scoured values: Texas, fine. tweUe immihs. 7:;1i76c; fine six to eight mouths. 4'4i70c; fine fall. oot0c. t'al.fotnia. northern, ttatti:?; middle county. e2"946c; f.tl.l fr. 60tfi.'c. Oregon, eastern. No. 1 staple, 72v74c; easiern, clear.iug, oxgtitfc; alley, No. l. 57Mi'c. Terrltorj. fine staple. 76W7c: fine medium staple. h.i'aT.V; fine clothing. bt(70c; fine nudiuni cloiiiing. bt'rj Cite: half blood 67-piiSic: t hi ee-eight hs blood. ii43pt7c; quarter blood. iohc. Pulleil, extra, '.t)u74c; fine A. Hiflwc; A supers. fvo: A, 2c. ST. LOUIS. Mo.. Aug. 19. WOOL Steady; territory and western mediums, 2a-c; fine mediums. :':ij.'4c; fine, li'gl&c. Liverpool t.raln nnd Provisions. LIVERPOOL. Aug. 1!) -WHEAT-Spot, No. 2 led western winter, nominal; future stead. S-ptemhei. 8s s6. December, 7s 4,.; Mum. 7s K'4d ri)K.N-epoi, new mericHti mix-d, via Galveston, st.ad hi id . fuiures qu-ei, Scp , ember, js 4H'l- Octobi. . M Milwaukee I. rain Market. MILWAUKEE. Aug. IP-WIIEAT-noitheru. $I.JI4l J6: Nn. 2 1101 thei 11. 1.32; Septembei. Il I el. a.-ktd Allia-Dialraara pld . .' Amalsamatcd Copper.. American Agrl.-iiltural Am. Beat Sugar Am. ran pfd Am. r. r Am. Cotton Oil: Am. H. AV U pfd Am. Ire genariilea , Amarioan Llniecd American IjOcomotlTa.... Am. S a R .r .f ... Am. P. aV R. pfd. . . Am. Sugar Rellolot,,.,. , Am. T T ,..v,i..., Am-. Tobacco pfd.i ........ American Wofllan , Ana.-onda Mining Co-l 1 Ati-biaon , . Atrhiaon pfd Atlantic toast Llnat...... Raltimora a Ohio Hal. Ohio pfd .... Hathlahem Steel Brooklyn Rapid Tr Canadian Pacific Ontral Leather 1 ('antral lathar pfd.', I'antral of New .lanier rheaaDealia aV Ohio.. Chlraso aV Alton rhicagi) Great Western.... Chicago N. W C-, St. 8l. P ... C. (".. V. St. L Colorado r. a 1 Colorado 4k So , Colo. So. lat pfd Colo. So. ad ptd ronqtdetd Ou corn Product! Delaware Hudson Denver a R. O D R O. pfd nietlllera' Becurltlea Erie Erl4 lat pfd gne M pld General glectrlc Great Northern pfd Great Northern Oia cifa... Illlnola Central ttiterborough Met Int. Met. pfd International Itarveater ... Int. Marine pfd Intel national Paper , International Pump '. lose C4ntr4l Kannaa City 80 K. C. So. pfd loulevllle a N Minn, a Ht. L, M . St. P & . . M Missouri Pacific M , K. A T M . K. T. pf( National Blatult National Lead . N. R. R. of M. 1st ptd ... New York Central N Y . O a W Nortiife a w Nurth American Northern Pacific . Piaiflr Mail Pennaylvunta Pei.ple'a Uaa p.. c . c. a t b Preened Steel Car Pullman Palace I ar ... Railway Steal Spring Reading Republic Kirel Republic fileel pfd l.o.'k I plan 4 10 Rock laland Co. pfd ft. L. S. F Jd pfd St. Uaa S W st 1. a w pfd Slosa-Sheffleld S. I Southern Pacific Suulhern hallway So. Hallway p'd Tennaaeee Copper Teiaa A Pa.-lllr T . St. I. W T. . St. K it W. pfd I nlnn p. Ific . . 1 nion Pacific pfd I. S. Realty... I'. Ruktr t S ISieel t S Steel pfd I tah Cojprr Va -Camllna Cliemlial ... Wabaah Wahaan p'd Weatern Maryland WeM inghi.uM Klaclrlc . . Wealern t nlon W heeling a L. E W laconain Cenlrai Total aalea for the da. ftalai. inn 44.2'iO :"0 i MD 7. 3D ;on 1.40 l.WK) ;n.) t.600 2o.6(iO SuO M'a 4 J S4 ISO, 7;t't !. M It t..tS Idl 114', i,(fi ,iai t.H"0 140 100 il I,7'i0 3.3m jno ton 6.000 " 4O0 1.600 l.t") ll.m JiO i6.'4eli no 1. (l !,) 1300 too a. !.') IMI I 4.l 1,111a. ano it. It. 900 2, HUH 1.000 6k. l.lka. 2D. U 1400 4. 40l ton l 7.4110 i i 1.1,10 , HI nun- I HI ..to) 100 101 S 37S 4 ims 104S ia 117', is sic, m 41'4j lots 'lIS (ill', .1 'tc IbIS Low M US 44S 44', 4 ais 14 3.1S I5S 1. tt' 114 n iW'a," 101s S 4S 1 1ts 1I14S lit 117 'tis US ins IIS lot OS 6KS 2S tti 1..HS 46S 4IS I'l t-.S ill 2 ItH-S 4 47 SkS IC, 64 S s Iti IMS s li7S 16S Its "21s l"V 40s 4S 74 S IMS 64 S 144 US 4IS 74 HIS OS --2S 112 4S, MS 37S 6S 64 S 4t DM) 165s il I Ml 14S 4S 'tis ,7S 40 41 74', I6S i.4 14.1 7S 4S 71 t.iuo us xi'i cloia. MS at 41V, 4tS SS-S tn "t 4!S K II. ti fS 114.4 1.11 ui'S 101 S i7j ts 11S 104S UiS l'S't l IIS 7S itiS lS IDS 316 liS MS IS 14 lets 74 44V. 64i, (IS s 142S II2S 4IS fits S7S '.S 64 S 4S ltS I62S l', ii; its 47", a 14 :n, I7S 40 SOS 4IS 741, 164 :..i 14SS 73S 40S 74 10 t'i 14 7-1! Loulaallle A N Its M 7-lt M , K. T 4 . MS N. Y. Central 144 . I . Norlolk A W 17 l.'2S do pfd 51 tOT, Onlsrlo A W. 604 .1 :iS Pennsylvania 71 s .ItnSRand Mlnra tS . MS Heading . S 3S Suulhern Ry lis .lfil do pld 74 . LSBouthern Parlfla IMS . fv'S t'nlon Pacific 214S . S do pfd 11SS . S7S L. S. Steel 7S . 1SS do Ptd US . 4.'. Wabaah IIS . -4S do pfd oa . IKS fremiti 4a t;S steady at 23i-lBd per oz. per cent. The rate of discount in the open msrket for short bills Is ISGrd-S per cenl; for three months' bills. 1', per cent. Boston flocks and Bonds. BOSTON, Aug. 19. Money, call loans. 2', ftS per cent; time loans. 3i85 per cent. Closing quotations were Conmla, money do account Amal. Coppar Anaconda Atchlion do pfd Baltimore aV Ohio. Canadian Pacific, Chesapeake AO.. Chicago Q. W. ... Chi.. Mil. St. P De Beera Denver & Rio G. . do pfd Erie do lal pfd do ad pfd Grand Trunk llltrrela Central. . SILVER Hat. MONEY Vo SOUTH OMAHA Receipts wrte. Official Mi-nda . ... Official Tuesday OfficlHl Wednesday Estimate Thursday Ncli . Am l'v I cam Hog. Sheep 1 ; st I a. . 4 i.m) 4 it;-! io,o; ' ... .;i-'4 tut IJ.. 4 1.1 f.llll t.OtW Four dA.ts mis wk..:JS.W Same ds last wck..lt 1.- !- same days 2 weeks ago.. is. tail la.t-w s"-e" Sam days 3 w eeks ago. lo.H i M.ii; 1. Sune davs 4 weeks ago..l2.72 I2.i4i 21 W Same days last ear ....2US4 51 lso 4.. 415 i'l,. fnllnnloii tahle shows tho receipts of cattle, hogs stid sheep at South Omaha for the rear lo date, compared wun -aat jr.. . 190. liiOS Inc. Deo. r(ii. nfcs.ji .'41.31-: 24. Hogs l.R6:H Sheep S4.iel Tli, frtllnwlns tble price of hogs at South Omaha for seeral days, with comparison. 1.771.M7 145.SM. 900. i"4 Hi. 1 ,4 shows the average the lssi Dt. I 1909. 1908.1!KT7. ,lW)ii. 1906. 1904. 193. 10.. 11.. 12.. 13.. 14.. 16.. ii.. II. . It.. 19.. 1 49.' I 6 HtV 4 0 6 Mi 6 07 7 41 S I'. 40i 6 Co. 7 M- 6 so' ni 7 84' 6 60i I 6 SS 7 4.Si 4l 6 Sh 17 e a 1 .1 s- 6 74 6 72 6 74 5 74 47HI 4 17 I 4 30, 7 MSI I 7 OMal 4 44, 7 72 J 4 411 li 6 9i 1 6 M 5 W; 6 ss, 1 90, 6 9K, 6 s:ii o 94; I B 96 6 c9; 6 fci 4 K4, 4 M 4 94; I 6 01 6 02i i 70; 6 SS) 4 9S 6 841 4 : 6 S9, 6 10 6 19 6 26 6 24 6 16 6 21 6 -5 e 6 21 6 17 6 12 Aug. Aug Aug. Aug. Apg Apg. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Sunday. Receipts and disposition of live stock at tha Union Stock Yards. South Omaha, Nob., for twentv-foiir hours ending al S o clock p m., August 19. 1909: RECEIPTS Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H r s. r M St P R 6 1 W a bash Missouri Pacific Union Pacific 31 17 14 C. & N. W., east.. C. & N. W.. west. C. St. P.. M. Aa O. H A O . eaat.. It O west .Ml :W U 1 R. 1. & P.. east. R. I. AV P.. west Illinois Central Chicago tj. W C. C, c. c. R i 1 2 1 31 17 2 9 i.l .14 1 13 14 I ,'4) '.' 1 2 1 3 1 3 1 4 l7 13S t) Sier, liWT, 4 m . iia 1 i 14 heil" .1 cii w s . 9 -h .t .1 a Aiiftun f'etei Min - So.iih fko.a .Hcinvi.. 9.17 " tl" ..cows . .'.V ,1 ." IK nls The ha 1 p sd 'ti e thst hs tkn plc In the lion n.atkei this week bad th laiuial result of bunging In Iticieasad re c.ipta. 'nils looii'nig 1.'.' rats were reported in. 1 1 1 1 being ti e laigi sl tun for soma little llin... This makes the total for tne week to date 19.700 h. ad. which is only about Vt he nt slioit of the recto d of last week and shout I V 10 head shjert of the same period insi r.ir The feeling st Ihe close yesiei d wss ery wesk. and with laige receipts In right this morning n v as not at all nt prising thai the msikei should hv heo fiitvpr Muppeis picked out a fw hogs on Ihe llclit and hutchei order at prices noi nu'Ch different from those prevailing yea lerdsv on th other hand packers w er te,y vo ahoul getting down f business and when the did it was generally on a basis of iVyltic de.-lin Th best hogs soM on up as high as $. s. the top e1ng tns ean as yeterdsv (in veiv latse piopoition bionglit $7 nf.'fl7 76 the other hand, a of sll the hita Total receipts.. DISPOSITION. Cattle. 11 t i't Adventure , ,1S Allows . MS Amslgamaied .... . 104 S A rl aona Com .at Atlantis HdS Butt Coalition . UdSCal. 4Y Arlnona.. ltosial a Hecla .17.i Centennial .;o Copper Range ... . 48', Daly West ....... .I'M (Iranby . I1, Franklin . laus Greene Cananea .13H', lale Rnval .1404Maia. Mining ... :. 37 Mont. C. A C. . . .104S oaceola . 44 Parrot .'. ,.& g.ilmy .Its Shannon .. 14 Timsrack . 5"S t'nited Copper . . . i 1". S. Mining .14 I' . Oil . 4SUUh . Wis Vittdria . 7nSrVhuiia .1.4 Wolverine .. 1 .. 4SS . It .. 41S . . MS .. 2.V , . .lor. . .lao .. 34 s .. Ii - IS . 1t .. I . to .141 . 2S tl . its . ta . 10 . 63 s . 16 S ..44S . 4 . .17.6 48,300 I mo Jul It 60 ii.ion 2.2HI 4) I'.. . t.liH) to 21.31a) . 4 i TOO SiSl Ml I i'l . 1 1. HW . il ami . 400 I KM ?no . 1 jno 127.400 . U.OnO 00 . 14.100 19 i . t.ino ! ftrt I. so . 1 i .. 601. . lam I'lO ISO 2s) 144S 4S IMS IH 15S 141 S U7S M latS 3S I0us 3S 7S Us tl 47 6 1.13', ;-3 7 is MS 3S 61 S 70S '11 US as L5S 11 4IS !', 66 s t6S -,( oa r:s Its tl -s :&IS tllii IKS 47S 4I.S 1..4-, 57-, :( S 71 64 S S t; MS 133 3IS 7IS JS 36t t'4. 70 Jot H4.S I?S 62 7S 124 S 60 4"S s 64 i l.MS.luo inarea laa Slot-ka. S 6t 1.1944 " is 1,4; It 'a 140S lll HIS s ltd 4K li7 S ' 106 lS .is 64 S JtS s II 133 US 71 S .' o. 70S S 109 US 60 7i. S 124, 61 ;s 10.4 (4 I 6 71 S ta ia. Jr.. tit Bid. Aaked. ion MS f-S It 100 ass (is us ti Ions leos 1114 lo v'S " 64 la V 11N, f.'S I"' 7S tsu, IS 100s 12 It , 1UO Itll . MS 100 , las H 70 7t . US S . 14', M 101 101s 100s loi ii m tS 7S Sew nrk Mli NEW YORK. Aug. 19 -Closing quotation! were as louows. Alice Bi-unawi. k Con. Com. Tunnel et's s de boode . . . ion. t a I a Va . Horn Sliver Iron Sliver . . . 16 146 leadvlle Con. I. Itlla Chief . . Meiltan . .. Ontario . iiplilr Yr-low Jarket.. li.andiid - 4S 7 116 its I.l no 136 Atclilaon ad). 4a. do 4a Atrhiaon R. R ... do pfd Boston A Albany Boston A Maine. Boston Eleveted Fttchburg pfd N. Y . S. H t'nlon Pacific Am. Arge. chem. do pfd Am. Pneu. Tube.. Amer. Sugar do pfd Am T. T Amer. Woolen ... do pfd rvmlhlofl I. A g Kdlaon Filer. Illu. (Kneral Eleetrlc . Mnsa Kleclric ... do pfd Meaa. Gaa .... ... tinned Prnlr t'nited S. M do pfd .- V . Bietl do pfd Local Beearltlea Hnotatlona Quotations furnl,lied by Samuel Bu New York Life building. Omaba: Alma. Neb. municipal oa Armour A Co. 4 Si Kit Bremer Village, Neb. 6a Cudahy Packing Co Columbus. Neb.. E. L (a 1SZ6 Omaha Fire Engine 4a ltJt Omaha Rnewal 4S 1SS4 Katiaae City Ry. 6a 1913 Kanaaa City Ky. pld Nebraska T. A T. 6a 1031 Neo. Tel. Stock i Omaha Gaa ia 1917 Omaha K. L. A P. (a 1131 Omaba K. L A P. pfd Omaba A C. B St. Ity. 6a 1114 Omaha A C. B. St. Re. ts mil Omaha A C: B. gt. Ry pfd 6 Omaha A C. B St. Ky. cool. 4 Omaha C. a) Si. Ky A B. pre 4 Omaba Water Co. it )t4b Swift A Co. 6s 1114 So. Omaha Sewer 4Sa 1I2 gloux City Stock Yaras pfd 6, Lnlun Slock VarJi, Omnia, o'c Rank Cleanups. OMAHA. Aug. 19. Bank closrings for today were $2.2oM,0u.41 and for Ihe cones ponding date last year $1.009,4,16.40. Bank clearings for Wednesday were $2. t4,4b0.Ss and for the. corresponding date last year. $1,897,27.6 23. Metal Market. NEW YORK. Aug. 19 M ETA LS The local tin market was quiet bin firm todaj-, with spot and August closing at $10.ti0g 30.071,; September, October and November $.m0O0r3O.I2H; December. $.i0.otKii:U).2j. No sales were reported on the New Y'otk ex change. The London market waa a shade easier, but closed steady In lone, with spot quoted at U6 2s iid and futuies at 137 10s. Copper was quiet and a shade lower for the New York Metal exchange standard, with spot. August and September closing at $l2 60ml2oO; October. $l2.jOi12.6; November, tl3.cHNril2.lM); December. $l2.9iVn; 13.(10. Sales were reported of 2..0 tons of November st $12 90 and 25 lona of Decem ber at $13.00. The English market was quiet and a little lower, with spot closing at 69 'in lid and futures at fUO 2s td. Local brokers quote lake at $13.12sfil3 37'-; elec trolytic. $12 S7,til3.12',; casting. $'l2.62V 12x74. Lead was steadv, with New York spot quoted at $4 3.Vu4.40 and East St. Louis delivery at $4 26C0 4. 36. The English market declined to 112 8a 9d. Spelter closed ateady with spot quoted at $6.i0ig."..s0. New York, and $..(Zi,i:..7:", East St. Louis. The London market was unchanged at 22. Iron waa lower In the London market, with Cleveland warrants quoted at 60s. Locally no change was reported No. 1 foundry $17.bO& IS ia); No 2. $17.0041-17.170; No. I south ern and No 1 southern soft. $17 latflu 2i ST. LOUIS. Aug. 19,-ME'i ALS-Lejd. quiet; $4.26o4 30. Speller, $;..70. Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Aug. 19 The cotton mar ket opened steady at an advame of Jao points and sold V to 10 points net highar right after the call on better cables man expected, a continuance of dry. hot weather In the southwest, scattering bull support and coveting. The advance was cheeked, however, uv realizing and Wail street sel ling, attributed to tne unsettled condition of the stock msrket and the action of prices seemed unsatiafaclory In iicwnl small hov ers who staried prof it -la king under which t lie markei eased otf to wiliiiu 4 or j points of last night's close ST. lAJI'IS. Aug. 1!) -t'OTTON-Sieady; nnodling. 12Sc; Sales, none, iceipt, none; shipments, none; slock, 12.(i2 bales. Omaha Packing Co Swift and Company CudaHv Packing Co Armour & Co Sen wart 1-Rolen Co Cudahy Bros St. Louis Independent.. Cudahy. Kansas City... W. B. Vansant Co B., V. & L J. Lohman Stephens Bros Hill A Son F. B. Lewis Huston & Co J. B. Root & Co .1. H. Bulla L. Wolf McCreary & Carey S. Wertheimer H. F. Hamilton Sulllvnn Bros Lehmer Bro Other buyers 310 K14 923 MM) S) 202 49 19 97 2.S4 170 14 97 64 16 23.' 79 9 36 6 4S0 32 Hogs. 1 022 2.067 3.31k 2.4(73 2:;fi 270 1.000 Sheep. 1.176 614 74 84 (i6.il Totals 6 317 10.375 8. 840 CATTLE For a Thursday there was a very fair run ot cattle. 172 cars being re ported In. This brings the totsl for the week up lo 22.300 head, or about 4.000 head In excess of a week ago. Still receipts show a few hundred head short of the tame week last year. The market as a whole was In fairly satisfactory condition. Desirable beef cattle were In good de mand and practically everything coming under that head changed hands In fair season In ihn morning at steady prlcws. Oood .cornfed steers sold up as high as $7.45, thus making a new high top for the year. Cows and heifers of good quality were not much different frim yesterday, on the other hand the less desirable kinds were a Utile slow and some salesmen thought they had hard work in securing steady prices. Stocker snd feeders were In pretty large supply and as there were already quit a good many cattle of that description In the yards and as prices were high, there wss s tendency on the part of buyers to shsde prices a little. Thus the trade on that kind or cattle mlrjht be described as slow to generally a little lower. Wuoiatlons on cattle: Good to choice com fed steers. $680x37.60; fair to good corn fed steers, ti',.J0'a'o.0, common to fair corn fed steers, $6.0tQ43.30; good to choice range sleet a. $5.UO&5.76; fair to good range steers, $4.Mra5.0n; common to fair range steers, $:.7fri4.60; good to choice cows and heifers. $4.00o6.26; talr to good -cows and heifers. $3.a'4 00; common to fair cows and heif ers. Sl.i6ffii3.26: good to choice stockers and feeders, $4.2.',:,, 65: fair to good stockers and feeders, $3.76(0,4.26: common to fair stockers and feeders. $3.0033.76; stock heifers. $2.7.' 3.60; veal calves. $3.oOa7.00, bulls, stags. etc.. $2.754.76. . Representative saJes: BEEF STEER?- No. 17... I . 16 .. 6... Av. .1130 . 170 . 117 . tU 6H3 rr. No. 7 DO 17 COHS. '.0 I 06 a 1 la it HEltr.RS. I 10 10. Av. .166 . Mi . 161 . tea Pr 1 46 I Ui I tu I 0 8TUCKKRS AND FEEDERS -Nn 1 $1 31w of Kntland Statement. Ilalnlb t.raln Market. DULUTII. Aug IS.-Wlieat-Sepieuuifi. ' Sl.ODs: December. 8V; Ms.. $ 1 ... noi'hesn. $1 21V No 2 not them, tl 1:1-4 1 I of fee Market. NEW YORK. Aug It. 1 'i il'FLK f-'niui a ' closed steady n.-l unchanged 10 ID pomta I lower. Saies. .'. bags, including Scoie-n- bet at S 15c ard Maich at 5".c tme tij,.u- aand bags of September weir ri iiaim. . . for March at I" poims. Spol ouiet Nn ; Rio, J'tfliV, No 4 Santot. S ,gV. Mill, I quift, Cvrdova, $'v6l-- I Rank LONIKIX. AiK 19 The weeklv siatement of the Bank of England allows the follow ing chnngeii Toijl teserve incrensed, .HW. 1 li dilation. decreased, i.tst Ono; bullion, inci eased, iS"i2.ii; other securities, Increased. !T J.issj. other denosits. increased' ..l7.0ui. public deposits increg ed t18.iga): noies les.-rve. iii-reased l.l'.'i.niai; govern nn nt securities unchanged The piopoition of ihe hank s is-erxe to liahllltv thts week is i" :a per cent; lal week ii um 51.91 per ceni t 424 l 16 a 70 1U 1.3 t l I M4 4 00 is 7ta t tf. WESTERNS NEBRASKA. U heifers.. 77 S 25 4 heifers.. 779 t 26 6 heifers.. 779 2 75 teedet s. .1161 4 bO 41 feeders.. 1129 4 M) 15 cows. ...1077 3 40 heifers.. 7b2 3 40 12 feeders. . Was 4 26 6 heifers.. IsO 3 2o 12 hellers.. sM) 3 20 14 heifers... bdil 3 50 heifeis... 70S 3 5 lti cows 9.17 3 20 t cows S56 2 R0 3 calves.... 206 6 00 6 feeders.. 6M! 3 75 16 feeders.. llod 4 50 21 feeders.. 620 3 60 7 feeders.. 9.0 3 SO 4S feeder. li.-O 3 75 4 feeders.. 6J0 3 ( I bull l;S6H 3 20 7 feeders.. 792 3 6C 10 feeders.. 6'i0 3 60 23 feeders.. 1022 i 75 25 feeders. .1120 4 40 14 feeders.. SOT 3 M) 11 heifers... 75S 3 20 cows 614 3 00 19 cows 862 3 55 1 cowa 1053 3 25 7 Sleeis.... t44 3 40 6 heifeis... 663 3 10 7 steers... S3 1 3 ' 22 feeders.. 615 3 60 10 calves.... 227 6 26 12 heifers... 494 3 (a) 4 calvea.... .'.42 3 bo 4 calves.... 247 4 60 7 cows 97 2 K6 5 cows trit 3 25 4 heifers... 512 3 NO 10 steers ... 654 3 2ft l steers.... 77 9 3 5 11 heifeis... S26 5 l0 11 cows 821 3 60 21 steers.... NSO 3 56 4 steers.... 970 4 Of) 22 s liters.... KWN 4 2.5 14 feeders.. 790 3 76 10 feeder.. 1046 4 16 17 cows 940 2 70 9 cows 9Wt 3 36 13 steers . .1110 41 3 bulls 1225 3 10 2 calves.... Jan 6 25 7 cows 825 2 75 7 steers ... tlx 3 75 15 sleers.... 6(7 3 30 14 heifers... 573 2 Si 73 heifers... 068 3 60 Harry Haythorne Neb. 2 cow M0 3 70 13 cows 943 2 70 7 cows 3 06 39 steers.... 1172 4 85 24) steers. ...lltil 4 U6 , L. Gift. Neb , 12 feeders.. 473 3 30 Scows S'8 3 20 5 heifers. . 4Xi 2 95 2 cows 7.16 2 50 A. Meyer Neb. 11 cows 917 3 40 11 heifers . 644 3 50 Mlldale Callle Co. -Neb 52 heifeis.. 91. 4 15 2 cow ..:.. 9) 415 Searle aV Son Neb. 40 siei rs. ..1265 4 40 Heinle v Bachelor Neb. 24 st. rs. .. 125 row s. . . o2 calves. . 16 cow s .111H . 921 . li,3 1 1. . 1056 37 cows... 67 cows... 4 it'. 2 .15 6 00 M Seats Neb .100!) 2 3 76 3 76 3 .4) 2 cow 1 Andy Tuckson Neb. .1010 3 it) Slock Market. Aug 19 CATTL it. Joseph I. Iva rT. JOSEPH. Mo.t He. eiptf. 2..1U0 head; market steadv to strong; steers. $4 6ou7 25; cows and heifers, $2 -Vlfu .!); calves. $3.tNt7 00 Hi is Receipts. 7.,'ni head. market steady to c higher, top. $.ii, bulk nf sales. $7.7.c7.90 SHEEP AND I.AM US Receipts head; market steadv; lambs. 1 4. 1 art 7.54. f.lXN) Ireaawry Silalemenl. Aslil.ViiTi IN. Aug 19 -The , ondi of the treasui ' ' 'ic hesinning of busii today was a- f'i:'',' S tloui ill, I lie a lock SHil'X CITY. Ia . Aug !.- cum I I A 1 1 l.r. urcijiii. Ti net dollars. fund-.. iJold $4Mi 7,000, i..,n $. suer d .4; So'; ail. e. 'liar, of IMiO. ; inarKet Slow, reeled, ai --"i . 10 i i 1.1 1. to 4 lal. feedeta 14ii..r ss I ,.; t,i 4 no 1 I I. ;.- - F;e elple in i viegdv IO 5c higher, IS1 Be 7 .5, bulk ut sale. $74.(3. Market. -(Special Tfle 4 O-O hea l. 15. 1.1WS. i5. 5 earlin. I, n 11 1 5 feeders . .11: 'I 4 00 14 cowa .... 9iV0 3 3.. 3 rout,.. 9.1) 2 46 3 cows 821 2 0U W ESTERNS MO N 1 A N A . 6 heifers. . 745 ii ("1 i steers.... S2 2 90 36 heifers.. 644 4 00 36 feeders. . 92i 4 85 27 feeders.. S)3 4 ;'.i 30 feeders., i'l 4 r, 32 heifers... Ii ! 4 JO 30 alters ...1015 4 70 43 Meets.... 95 4 55 7 heifers .. Nii5 4 30 .0 sn ei s. ... 9.0 4 40 Spear Bros Wyo 2 cow s 950 3 (St 11 cows mi; 1 24 cons.... 1019 4 20 2 sleei s ...1075 6 25 1 steel. ...1152 6 25 J i Shaw -Wyo. 10 cows 9-i 3 70 7 fleers. ...1160 6 Oil 2 cow a U.A 2 f" 3 sier. . . 1 !H : 4 rows 917 3 3 steers... PM) 6 01 5 -OW S 9-.I, ii li-'i II I'm Will 7 steers.. li'C 4 2. K un.... 77; 3 fi No v Sh Fr. Ne II N " u . w ait' a . n tan : 27 Ill . 7 31 71 ! 14 ; a-, 4 123 r t 0 Ti . . pi It) 1 m ill lai 1 ts 7t to .. Its 30 tog . j j ' 77 ts ... 7 .i, dt . . JSt I 7 to t Tl . 7 50 n. Jai ... 7 to 71, .tt an t 7 to t 7 10 2 t; ti t li . . - tl 11 J i ; tit 40 7 To 14 lit ... 7 as st.. $s.s... t Ji 47 !7t . 7 41 44 341 ... I 70 17 7 1J0 7 Ml tt it ? Tn !M . . 7 to a -. .-.4 i HI to .MS . . M . 7 fit ... 7 7 Oil -74 1-m 7 SO 76 ... tit . 70 14 :tj ! i m a . ' .'ta . J i 6 lo 40 7 a 74.. got f) 7 : 74 T4 1 fl 7 M 7 m ... 7 7 12 2t . ' 1 M 70 . . . . Ja ... $ TV 64 .174 WIS II. , t, . t 7t i 7 . ;u nt aa 7 n 4" 271 so T 34 it .... ,i is) 7 t f smi in 7 is ) ;,a a j :t 71 2t so 7 56 74 t Hi l : Sll 246 to 7 66 1 JiO fl 7 7t fi7 JM o 7 0 l . . . . fTt . 7 73 42 ! 1 M .;. it . 7 TV 267 I' IK 14 ., .;! Ml 7 to 70 2:6 44t 7 10 at -. .; v ; . 6 ..... .213 . .(ii ai- taf ?v i j,v 7? 4 4i' 7 7i jm ; 14 2I .. J ;-, . . .417 as tt 71 3l ... 7 f, ai .'. 1st' to 1 It 7 1 237 ...7 m ti. iso tt 7i a: i . if- 70 . .:' . t ' .. . 2-4 . 1 6 i'l . . i'l? ' 1 ' 241 i 7 cv 7-: ja.1 at 1 67 2t4 1 7 16 l . . .11; 4" 7 to 70 tin no 7 .v an . ,,i 7 ao 7 .. . 2.17 N-l 7 6 2 215 40 7 ti Sll EE P ile.t Ipvs wrr niodeiale, abc and the big end thirty-two Cars in all. consisted of fat stock. Young killers weie the curtain r1s-rs this morning. There was a good, healthy tono to the demand for fat lainhs and opening prices tilled about steady with yesterds.v. I'he trade was fairly active and the hulk nf the offerings In this brunch, of the trade changed hands In ressonahlv" good season at values not materially changed. On unl of westerns sold on the esrlv niaiKft HI $7.25. The trade In fat lambs thus far this w eek has been, rat her peculiar. Packers have managed (o whittle off a few nickels rrom last week s close, but at fhe same time there has been no perceptible abate nient to tha demand. This condition of the markei is not Illogical, however; w hen lat week's exciting lamb market Is taken into consideration, quotation. It will be remem bered, were pegged ud to S7.75 at the week end, but prices have suffered a natural 1- uoiiliu during Hie last fen davs until It takes a pretty good siting of killers in realize $7.40. Eastern weakness is Largely responsible lot the lower I. vcl The d cIImh since lajt Saturdiiy Is right around 25iji40c. The fact that the. large porhoti of today's run consisted of fat sheep, caused pa. Net ' to put on their bear logs As a re-uii Ihe trade was unusually slow and II was well along 111 the 11101 1. inc. beinre ennug 1 sheep hd ctiansid hands lo afford so adequate lest if prices. One lumen of Montana wethers sold early at $16... Sun: about steady with v estei day'. The fsi si,p trade during the week 1 ould not be des cribed as very active. On most davs. Urn market was raiher slow in assuming slian. and the. demand required mote or les nursing. Prices, how ev er, are aoms hai stronger; in fact on or two salesmen were Inclined to pm Ihc advance thin week in date at lOrl.'.c. Quotations on fat shep and iambs: iloul to choir lambs. $Njft i.40;" fail in good lambs, $6.5t'n li.kj; good to choke veailutg-. $4 90'(j5.:.'5; fair to gnod yearlings. I. -.ivt 4..H. good lo choice wethers. $4,2614.(46; fair In good w et hers, f $3 .8041 4 2 1; good to cnoic ewes, $40tr34.3o; fair to goon wes. t'i.ivji 4.00. (Quotations on feeder stock: Fair lo . holes lambs, $6.76iuH 60; fair to choice yearling". $4 fiOi5.25; fair to choice weihcrs, 5u,0jjt Ji. Representative aales: 374 Nevada lambs 296 Nevada la tubs , OH Nevada lambs 1 , 166 Nevada lambs, culls .. 46 Nevada yearlings 109 Nevada yearlings ...... 33 Nevada yearlings 251 Nevada ewes .- 194 Nevada ewes' 10N Idaho lambs 30 Idaho ewea , 119 Idaho lambs 406 Idaho lambs 462 Idaho lamba 238 Idaho lamba NO Idaho lamba 403 Wyoming lambs 86 Wyoming lamba. culls 10J Wyoming ewes 177 Wyoming yearlings .... 63 Western ewes, culls ... 23 Western bucks 144 Nevada wetheis 2'W Nevada ewes, feeders 3o2 Nevada lambs, feeders 816 Nevada lambs, feeders $10 Utah lambs 337 Utah lambs, feeder .... CHICAt.O I.IYK TOt;i")URKKr I asiane.eBB Cattle Steady Hogs Higher hep and Lambs Loafer. . CHICAGO. Aug. I9.-CATTLE-Reeelpi. estimated at 6.000 head. Market steadv . steers, $6.5Oj'7.80; cows,- $1,607)6 26; heifer $3,601)6.00; bulls, lii.OOy-t to; calves. $3.006.76, stockera and feders. $3.757f5.16. HOGS Receipts, estimated at 12.009 head Market 10ii'15e higher: choice heavy. M.I5 Dtitcners. u.iwisa; light mixed, iw; cnolce light, 4W.OOU8 .20; packing. 7. NO; pigs, $5.60778.00; bulk of sales. . 10. SHEEP AND LAMBS-F.eceipts. esti mated at 15.000 head. Market 10915c lower, sheep, $4.0Oij5 0O; lambs. $6.267.60, year lings, $5 0O'u6.6O. .V? ti 1 1) 62'.. 4 I'l 4s It f. .1 " N.i 4 l M IS' si 4 0" 91 3 lit 3 i .67 -6X1 113 '4 15 73 i 6 65 6 90 6 6 4' 57 H 40 41 A 9 I ,2 . 7 S hj H ,.A 11.1 4 26 ....... 89 4 0 4 2 ;. 87 4 (4 102 4 10 100 3 71 ....... 64) 7 IH .1. 54 6 3 1 64 7 2 5H 6 ?5 1-4 ,...84 4 iO $7.76r) r.604i $7.H5iri Kanana City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. Aug. '.9. CATTLE Re ceipts, 7.600 head. Including 2.000 southerns Market ateady to 10c lower; choice export and dressed beef steers. $6 60tM7.60; fstr 10 good. $4.2fK(f.40; western steers. $4 10ft'4.S.V ftrxtkers and feeders, $2904,6.00; southern steers, $3.26444 70; southern cows. $2 3(t4 0f). native cows. $2.2fVo6.00; nstlve heifers $3.2 4j7.00; bulls. $2.!Ka3.60; calves, $40Ofj7.36. HOGS Receipts. 7.000 head. .Market was strong to 5c higher; top, $7 ; bulk of sales $7.75u7.90; heavy. $7 0ff7 90: packers snd butchers. $7 8007.95; light, $7.6(K?f'i.9C141: plsa tt.2tVg7.26. f SHEEP AND LAM BS Receipts 2 500 head. Market strong; lambs, $4 flrt77..sf,, yearlings. $4 M15.26: wether. $4 0096 CO ew es. $3,764)4.75; stockers snd feeders $3 nn ((5.10. l. I.onla Lire Stork Markei. ST. LOUIS. Aug. Ht.-CATTLF.-Rwemie. $000 head. Including 4.800 Trxans; market, loiter; native shipping and expon teis $6.50-oy7.2o; dressed beef and butcher steer. $S.2686.3f.; steers under 1.000 It.., 4.30tV$fl! stockers and feeders, M W1I4 ); row and heifers. $3.25434 30; rauners. $1 75-iV7 ,?5; hulls $3 2MJ4 60; calves. $5 2507.50. Texas and In dian steers, $3 4irrf 20, ron j and heifers $26O&4.90. HOGS-Recelpts, 4 SO) l-ad; market higher; packers. $70(U.00; butchers and bst heavy, $7 9608.10. SHEEP AND LAMBS-Recelpis, 1 200 hesd: market lower: native motion. $3 2f .Q 4 40; lambs. $7.65jn.O0: culls and birkt, fMi i4 50, stockers, $3.0083 76. lock la Sight. . Receipts of live stock at Ihe aix principal I western markets yesterday: Cam Hogs. Sh' South Omaha 4 000 ID.i s run Sioux City 4 oofl .V St Joseph t s 7.500 2 fain Kansas City.. 7 60) ;.(a) 3 Nnn St. Louis SflOO t.Yat ' ' 1 300 Chicago t.OM 12. fo u.oon Tolal tereipis. ...... 30 $0 , 43.3(a) : Ton Peoria Uralai Market. PEORIA. III.. Aug. IS. CORN Steadv: No 2 ellow. TOSc, No. 3 yellow. 70',. No. 2. 70' 4c; No. S. 74" 4c. m! v a Idaho. Dcrbert E. Gooch Co. Brokers and Dealers at A tat. rBTISIOaTB, BTOOKSk Oo.aba Office 1 10 ST. T. Llf Blg. ail Te.ephon. Poarlas 41. tatRrpesUeat. A-8iat t4 aY-Slls. Oldest ana l-isl Uo, 41 la ta SVUt