'.HE BEE: OMAHA. THURSDAY. AUGUST 1!. 1P03. Want - Ads Alrfrllaimti for rate wea ad ralinii will He takes 13 a. fr lie rrrnlic edltloa aad aallt "i80 a. m. for tar moral aad toader- edL tlone. Caea man arromaaar all firders want ads n dTttlml e accepted for leaa taea ,or fir laeertlo. Mates apply fa ltkr Tlie nall Sander Rrr, Alrrare rntal els ward" o a llae. CASH Rtm FOR WT AT. REr.fMR CUMIFirTinU Oaa Insertion, 1 1-2 eae f ward aad 1 rfl per word far aaca nWit Insertion. Kara iaeartlsm dd dare, 1 1-9 rriti per ward I it. BO per Ine per aeoata. Want ada for Tae Bra aaar e at aay of tne followlaa; dra stores are all branch offices for Te Bra and yoar ad will a Inserted aat aa promptly aad aa taa aama retea aa at the tnala office la Taa Bra Balldla, Seventeenth aad Paraam atraatai AlWk. W. C. 44h anfl rarnam. i P-rane. fl . A . 1408 " lh t. p.rht Pharmacy. Benson, Neb. perrA Park Pharmacy, 33d and Coming. Blake's Pharmacy. 236 Sherman Ave. Cnughlln. C. K . th and Pierce Sis. riifion Hill Phsrmaoy. r313 Military Ave. f'ntila, J. R.. Slat Ave. and Fa mam Ft. Crlsfey Fhanrisry. I4lh and Lake Sts. Crmak, F.mtl, 1204-6 8. 13th ft. F.hlers, P. -!.. ?802 Leavenworth St. Foster A Arnoldl. 218 N. r.th St Fru'tag, John J., 1114 N. 24th St. 1 Florence Drug Co., Florence Neb. ' Greenough. O. A.. 1624 fl. l!h St. , Hanarom Park Pharmary, 1401 8. 29th St. Hayden, William C. 3020 Farnam St. Hoist, John, K24 N. lth St. . Huff. A. L., 294 t,eavenworth 8t. Klnir. R- 8.. 2H8 Farram fit. 'Kovntie Place Pharmacy, lni N 24th fit. 1 l.athrop. Charlee K . 1324 N. 24th 81. . J'atrlrk Drug Co.. jm N. 24th 81. Snyder Pharmacy. 20h and I.ae ?tr. DEATH AD riNERAL NOTICES. K ELLKT Margaret. ag-d 8 ars. at the residence of her son. P. F. Kelley. Funeral Thursday from the residence at .30 o'clock to St. John's church at 1 o'clock. Interment at Holy Sepuh;her. Davenport, la., papers please copy. NELSON George M., ace 19 yeara. Funeral Thursday afternoon at 1 p. m. from the residence of hie parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Nelson, 30.T& Curtis avenue. Frlenda Invited. Interment Laurel Hill. The funeral of Mr. Clinton H. BrlgKs tvIII be held at Si. Barnabas' church at inth and California streets, at 10 o'clock Thursday morning. Father Williams, offi ciating. All friends Invited. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Births Boys: Alois Vanontrvne. 101 North Twenty-sixth; Giovanni Tranylsko, 2JJ7 Pierce; Charles Potter. Fifteenth and Corby. Girls: Edwaid Moravec, 1.316 South Twelfth; Abe Frashman, !U'2 North Twen tieth. Deathe M. M. Rosecrans. v;; Charles Hulihackir. Fortieth and PoppU'ton; Re glna Mulligan. !. 703 North Twentieth; K.lla Allen. JK!0. Old People's Home; Chris Heirlng, Metropolitan hotel; James Fox. St. Joseph's hospital; Mary Collins, 2H03 Maple; Anna Johr.son. iSM. '"'M North Twenty-ninth, Mary Jeesen, Ifci", 27!;". North Twentieth; Mabel Fox, 1W9, Fourth and liancroft; Harriet Burr, 506 Bryan. MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following marriage license has been granted. Name and Residence. Age. Peter Anderson, South Omaha 2S Margaret Hanson, Omaha 2$ Ioren Mac-Donald, Clinton, la 41 Florence Doty, Clinton, la 4'J Jfinies A. Washington, Omaha 29 Hlrdie Wtgglngton, Omaha 23 Thomaa H. Amerine, Vermont, III 2H ; Kiln Maishell. Omaha 23 I 1 m LODGE NOTICE. Attention, F.aglea. Tlease be present at our maetlng ' Thurs day evening. Matters of Importance per fuming to tne National Convention. CHARLES CALLAHAN, Worth) Secretary. Omaha Alio No. 38, Fraternal order Eagles. ANNOUNCEMENTS ROD AND GUN CAFE OPEN ALL DAY AND EVENING. Tel. Reaervation.-i. 1 1. H. BECKt formerly mgr. of the Herzog Tailoring Co., now at 111 oo. litli St. bhT'i tiR TAILORED CLOTHES. CLEANING AND DYEING The best ever. Twin City Dya Works, 4V7 S. 16th St. W. J. MURPHY makes cement sidewalks. Meps and basement floor constructions, i i.uiia Dougla w7. lla Davenport St. "COLBRIX." new pkg., keeps Waterloo brick Ice cream, bard, i liouia, 111 Howard J. D. lil'LGER, painter and paperhanger; pHima and oils. H4i h. l-tn i-'ug. oo6v. ABOUT LIQUOR We Invite lh most ir, ileal Inspection of our meihod of handling the liquor bualnens. H voilbky or otner liquor ehail be aulil los ined:cul use. H should be sold WnH.N Tniv fLOt'Lh NEED 11'. This means e sen lniioa for nieulclne only, to grovn peopie only, any hour, day or night. wek uay oi r u. may FoK .Jr.i'ltiN h. mii.d you. anil teiy purcnasnr is requirevl to ttEGiSlr.u h till CvALE and tiive uh their sialemr'Mi tnut It IS Foil MEDICINE. 6C11AE.FEU a CI '1' I'lllCE DHL'O , tTOREM James H. Craddock. architect, room Wead lilag., Ittu and Farnam. Red o374. RUGS and everything cleaned with the l'untiay vacuum cleaner, Lagei stroiii, JH l.'-vnworUi. Phone 11 -tv. VOMiiS, lio Douglas, expert eye fitting. l'i:POSITIONS, V. J. Sutcllffe. blk Bee bldg HAVING nad my entire herd of ml IK rui.i exaiulnva ana kepi tree from tuber cul jeix and improved my dally, 1 am inoie 1 ai.m io MHp,y ail my cusioniers with the In st. most pure freah milk; NOT PAM 'ii.l lililvU r'KOM DISEAE CATTLE, pi ice. lo cenis pel quart ; customers limite.l to trine wi.htng the best milk that can be produced THE Sl'A NGtJARD HAIRY, J. jl tii'ANGGA fiD, Piop. OMAHA Electric Work repairs electric eltvaiora, 1U N. Ilia St,, D. list. A 1..4. IF YOU want any dlit call on C l'atlitnaiin. 4& Paxton block. M. RED 61 The Ornvha Douse and Wli do Cleaning Co.; anv kind of cleantns Violin TpHfllPr PUNO TUNER. ISuideite Si. Tel. WeLbler 1J65. OMAHA Minor and Art Glass Co.. rt glass, inner cutting, beveling mirrors of all kinds, resllvering and framing. Office and factory lt14 Cuming ft. liotli phonr CONCESSIONS wanted for the Merchan.s Carnival mi I'laitsmouih. .veh . from Sep tember 1 to i. Address, J. p. Falter, FlaiU liiuuilu Neb. OMAHA Safe and Iron Works makee a specialty of fire rscapea. khuiiers. dourt and aafea. G. Andieen. Prop., 1WJ 6. lOin. REMOVAL SALE monuments 1417 S. Uth. PLUMBING A. W. McVea. Kit s7ioh. recent city plumbing inspector. A-3iu7. HULSE & R1EPEN. funeral dlrecto7s Succeeevrt to Harry B. Daib, ;0j ri. li,n. SIGN FAINTING-.. H Colo, 1J02 Douglas 1'o'ifla Printing Co. Tel. Doug. as Hi. SHoUS called for and delivered fret. Standard Suo Ke ai.- I o . lftot Farnam. L'va C. R. Heflin. lMd Douglai "J 8 Lindsay's. Tel. D. 2;4; i St . over A-42S6. LAWN MOW ER8 sharpened by special machine, tx. called foi and dellviu. A. Jaaau 4k ftoo, UJ M. Mia. Bold 'phones. ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued.) DAVID COLE Creamery Cox Whn returning from your racsttnn tel ephone. A LA MI TO PAN1TARY DAIRY, Dotiglas 411. FOR TOUR MILK SUPPLY. AMATEUR PHOTO FINISHING: expert ork. prompt delivery. I,eve order at MILLARD HOTEL rilARMAl'Y. o'maILA fTTr MTl'RE REPAIR WoKKS removed from 221 Farnam St. to CIS S 1.1th Ft. Phone Douglas 241. ANCHOR FENCE CO Iron and wire fences cheaper than wood. I .est a Life Tlnie. jr7 K I'.th. 'Phone Red M4. 1 ft36 COUPLES have been married by Ilev. C W. 8avide; he la prayln to marry 2 mm If you wanl him to marry you. call Weh. 3'4I or B-1430 Write for booklet, "Have You Found Your Running Mate?- GRAVEL ROOFING. J R Ptevenafin Roofing Co.. gravel and composition roofing. H8 Paxton Blk.. lth and Farnam Sis., Omaha. Tela. Douglas 175. A-17S2; Rea.. Web. 294. OMAHA Paste t'o. now located at 718 So. 13 St. Douglas STfiO. FOR atchea and Jewelry repairs, era (Sitptafson A Henrlckson, 201 N. 18th St. HINDOO TABLETS will build, braca, strengthen. Mo box. BELL DRUG CO. Press, Printing. 121 Harnay. Special prices on all pictures framed this month. Megeath Sta. Co., loth Farnam. WOOD. Dr. O. 8.. 521 N. Y. L. Homeopath PANAMAS bleached, new Stetsons $2 fiO, 3. RAMSER. practical hatter. 2.-0 8. 14th. BIDS for school building at Ralston will be received up to Saturday. August 21. Plans and specifications can be seen at Architect M. R. Cole's office. Ralston; es timated cost about 15,000. By order of Board of School Directors. FOR new and up-to-date things In ttaa drug line see SCHAKFER'S windows at 16th and Douglas streets. T1ANO REPAIR FACTORY. Smith-Stelnfeld Co. announce the opening of their store, fully equipped to handle expert piano repairing, rebuilding and tun ing: also a hlxh grade line of new and slightly used pianos. 2219 Cuming fU. D.3748. AUTOMOBILES FOR PALE 2-cy Under, 22 h. In good condition. Douglas 1957. p. Bulck, SECONDHAND Baker Electric, new bat ter-les. rtM). Four Flsk casings. s7.e 34x4, with Inner t'ibes. complete, each $10. one secondhand Pantasote touring top for :n. Drummond Carriage Co., 18th and Harnay, SEND for our list of second hand cars. DER1GHT AUTOMOBILE CO., 1814 Farnam S. STORAGE, centrally located, opposite library. 1S12 Harney St. Brick P. Kuhn. RAMBLERS New, 4 and S-cyllnders. per cent discount. Rambler Auto. Co., 3044 Farnam St. BARTER AND EXCHANGE FOR TRADE Fine SO-barrel water power flooring mill, located In good Nebraska town. Address. X 381, care te. .3:0 ACRES good land In Hayes Co., Neb. lo trade for small farm near good town all fenced except 60 acres; 70 acrea In cultivation; 1 mile to school, 1 milea to church. 10 miles to railroad town. For par tlculars, address Mrs. A. A. Ford, McCook Neb. BUSINESS CHANCES WE6TERGARX can help you get 1 et In or out of buainesa. to fee "lag. Tel. u. ROOMING houses for sale from fcioO to $700. Lathrop &. Tobln. 415 Bee Bidg. FOR SALE Hardware and undertaker business; best location in town of 400; best part of Iowa; store and fixtures, bears and set tinner's tools; cheap for cash: no trade. C. T. Eatinger, Administrator, Bag- ley, Iowa. FOR SALE The best located hundred barrel FLOCK MILL and grain elevator In the state, present owner being in business 26 years and wants to retire. Address X 34o, ca.-e of He: FOR SALE. Concrete block plant, well established and doing good, profitable busineas. Muat sell. Reasonable, II taken at once. AO dress, A 2uS, bee. FOR SALE Small stock of ladles' suits furnishing goods, stationery, notlona, etc in the largest town in the Rosebud coun try; best location; splendid business for lady. Address Box 14ti. Gregory, a. T. COAL and feed busineas cheap; other business reason for selling. G. aw. Bee. FOR SALEA stock of general mercban dlse; located center of town. Miller a acker. Loveland. Colo. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN. $700 equity In new 4-room cottage, nicely located, one block from car; fruit trees. strawberries, large, garden, city water, elec tric lights. Will make an attractive price on thla it hold quickly, ir desired, will ac cept a KlxMnunths lease at a liberal fig ure aa part payment. L 270, Bee. FOR PALE The best and largest plumb Ing. healing, pump and windmill business of southwestern Iowa. Have several con tract Jobs on hand now. Will sell at iu voice. Address i 181 care Bee, GRAIN elevator for sale In southern Ne braska. account uu tier uoing west; oceans or grain. Price. H.ono. Do not answer un uf! you mean business. Address C 2. be. TO GET in or out of bualnecs call on GANGESTAD, 404 Bee Bldg. Tel. D-J367. FOR SALE Restaurant ; live town; good business; tl.iuo. l.eioy Cross, Alliance, ,eb -FOR SALE CHEAP BY UV N ER s,000 stock of general merchandise, Al condition modern fixtures; live town; splendid lerrl lory. True reasons for selling. Traders don't answer. H. Goldberg. Leigh, Neb. WELL established halrdresalng and manicuring business In Omaha; excelien location: cheap rent. Address P 26' tMna ha Bee. NICELY furnished 12-room rooming house; close in. Price, $700. Will trade for good restaurant or city lots. Address, S 2fv Omaha Bee. GROCERY nnd confectionery store, with living rooms. Price, $'250 GANGESTAD, 404 Bee Bldg. FOR SALE Cheap, hotel; two feed stores; restauraht ; grocery store; genta' furnish ing goods store; coal yard; all are In the best location In Omaha, bee Fleishman A Shears. 5:6 Be Bldg. FACTORY FOR PALE OK RENT FOR A SHORT TIME ONLY. Broom factory, modern, sieam heated. 100 I dczen capacity per day. 20 yrars' established buMiieKx. Located in ihe ben town In Ne braska, wl'h excellent railroad connections. I'letuy of broom corn on hand to run the balance of the oeason. Heal eslate owned by factory and located on trackage. Com municate with Henry Allen. Manager, Grand lxland. Neb. FOR SALE AT BIG DISCOUNT. $i00 Interest In s-nall new cottage. 4 rooms, south front, larce. well drained lot; city water, electric liRhts: one block from cur line. Will allow a llheral discount if sold within the next ten daya. Address W i9 Bee. CHIROPODISTS J. W. Scott, at Neb. barber shop LKB Far. CONSULTING ENGINEERS W. J. ROSS, CONSULTING ENGINEER CIMU ELECTKICAU MECHANICAL. Street iaiiay, water woika, street im provements; business proportions financed especially Interurban railways. Consult me! R- 12-24. Patterson Bldg.. Ih23 Farnam St E. M FITT. drawings, designings and estimates 516 Bee Bldg Tele. Doug 1. DENTISTS BAILEY ar MACH. Id floor, Paxton. D IMS. TAFT'8 Dantal Roooia, 1517 Douglas St, DRESSMAKERS MIPS STURDY, 2427 Dodge. Tel. Ind. A2S77. TERRY College 2ttth and Farnam Sta. McDowell Dressmaking School. 1123 Far. EDUCATIONAL. BOYLES COLLEGE. FALL TERM OPENS SEPT. 1. DAY AND NIGHT SESSIONS. Send for a FREE copy of the now famous book, "Bread and Butter sciences. Also prepare to start your training for success In Bookkeeping, Shorthand. Typewriting, Telegraphy. Civil Service. Railway Mall Service and all Government Grade Sub- iecH. Official Training escnooi tor union adflo R. R. Address H. B. Hoyles. Presi dent. Omaha, ixeo. OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, 19th and Farnam. M. G. ROHR BOUGH, Pres. E A. ZARTMAN, Vice Pres. SUMMER SCHOOL NOW OPEN. COURES: All mercantile. PFSSIONS: Dav and night. FALL TERM: Opens September 1 to S, Inclusive. TELEGRAPH FOLDER: Sent free, lataijoiu: is pages full of Interest free. 'Phone D. 128 or A 218S. Address M. O. Rohrboush. Pres. DETECTIVES A. J. ADLER, 617 Karbach Blk. D. 2832. EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN LADIES wishing to obtain Hie latest dresa cuulng syatom. Learn cutting. Call 2411 Dodge tt. "Phone Douglas 7012. FRENCH DRY CLEANING WKS. Both Telt,.-' Best work; prompt service. CHINA decorating; order work a npeclalty. Lessons Tuesday. Thursday ana oaiur- daya. Firing dally. Children's classes Saturday morning, wis. ... riuinn, m Brandela Bldg. Tel. Red 6486. CLEANING and dyeing; biggest and beau Only one office. 1513 Jones St. in Hi rAniumuu. avr v TWO MORE DAYS Or THE Bit ViLdl 20 PER CENT DISCOUNT SALE on hair goods; Monday the last day. Halr dresalng department is In operation during repairs. Hobson s Beauty snop, iws uoug- last St. FIRST-CLASS DRESSMAKING in fam- lltea bv the dav. Call after I D. m. for ap pointment. Web. 3206. 2202 Grand Ave. CAKES THREB LAYER WHITE 3QC Groceries and Meats. Bottom Prices. JOHNSON & OOODLETT. 20th and Lake. A FA MILT remedy for every 111; every one guaranteed to suit or your money re funded. We refer to A. D. s. remeoies at SCHAEFERS CUT PRICE DRUG STORES. LACE CURTAINS nicely done and wash ing to take home. Telephone Harney 13IV0. BUNDLE washings wanted. Douglas 4S4. II La Tresis perfume, or "iQr Haines Drug Co.. 1610 Fsrnam. 'VIATV1" A drusless home treatment for women; 400 page book free. 812 Brandels tsiag. INSTRUCTIONS In China and water col ors at SPECIAL RATES during the sum mer months. M. R. Emig Studio, M N. Y. L. J. HOUSKA, Pioneer Meat Market, 2623 Sherman Ave. Our Increased facilities, com bined with our usual good service, makes shopping easy here. Meats and fish fresh daily. CLEANLINESS OUR MOTTO. TPTTRl Select now; PAY WHEN ruiwNliEDED, Larger selection and REDUCED PRICES now. HUBERMANN, Continental Blk., 15th and Douglas. LADIES' switches, puffs, made from combings; switches $1, puffs 15c Mrs. H. Barner, 2128 N. 16th. Webster 1363. IF you drink soda water get the COLD EST and PUREST and most wholesome at SCHAEFERS CUT PRICE DRUG BTOllES. FLORISTS HENDERSON'S fresh cut flowers dally from our hothouses for weddings and dec orations. Douglas 1258. 1510 Farnam. BRANDEIS' CUT FLOWER DEPART MENT South side of new atore. BENNETT'S cut flower department, 16th Street entrance, Bennett's atore. HESS A 8WOBODA, 141ft Farnam. FURNACE REPAIRING WHY not make up your mind now and get your heating plant set In good condi tion for winter. The most expenalve thing la a poor working furnace; It consumes coal fast, without het Result. Get our Ideas of repairing and remodeling. New furnaces we carry stands the 'highest test. Both phones. Omaha Stove Repair Works, 1214-8 Douglas St. NOW Is the time to have your FURNACE CLEANED AND PUT LN ORDER We re pair all makes of furnaces. Estimates Kladly furnlahed. MILTON ROGERS at SONS CO., 14th and Farnam. Bom phonos. HELP WANTEDFEMALE Agent aad Salesladies. WANTED Five energetic lady solici tors. Excellent proposition; references re quired. J. E. Bailey, 517 Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Factory and Tradea. LEARN halrdressing; It pays; you can easily earn flS to !?D weekly; full course taught. Brandels i-tairnrebsing i.ept. GIRLS to work In candy factory, Ba.1' duff Pure Candy Co., 1116 Farnam. HELP WANTED IN ALL DEPARTM ENT8 EVANS LAUNDRY CO.. 207 8. UTH. Hoaaekeepera aad Domestics. WANTED Woman or girl to do plain cooking In the college; fine chance for woman with son or daughter to educate. Western Normal College, Shenandoah. la COMPETENT girl for general housework, 23 S. 2oth Ar. GIRL or woman to assist 1th house work. 3710 Cass. 'Phone Harney 2W GOOD wags and hoard and room In ex change for housework in tamily of 3: ref erences required. 3:'4 N. 26th St. 'Phone Dougla? 4.T GIRLS for housework, small family, wages. Ill N. Ssth Ave. good WANTED A good reliable woman for general housework. In a small family of three grown people; good wages paid. 701 S. 37th St.. Cor. Jones St. GOOD girl for general housework: no washing. 4012 Farnam St. Tel. Harney 1335. WANTED Nurse girl. H-3441. 3003 Mason. Tel. WANTED Girl for general housework. Mrs. Lahm. 2622 Dodge St A COMPETENT girl for housework nnd plain cooking; small family. Mrs. Hadra, 610 S. 22d St. D-4430. ' GIRL for general housework. 2M St. 21 North GIRL for housework; family of fom. Ap ply 2602 Popplrton Ave. WANTED At once, neat colored girl for general housework; no waehlng oi Ironing. 1551 N. 16i h Si. WAr. TED A cook. S416 Dewey Ave. WANTED Girl for general housework, small family: no cooking Applv at oner IMW Sou'h 28th St.. near Park School GOOD second girl wanted. 3026 Podge St A practically complete list of tho vacant rooms in Omaha will be found on this page HELP WANTED FEMALE Ilnnsekeepere aad Domrstlra Csa. YOUNG girl to assist with housework. 1732 S. 17th St. WANTED A housematd. Apply 101 8. XVI St. WANTED Girl for general house work. I!1? N. 24th. upstairs. GIRL W ANTE D 07 8. 23th St. Tel. Harney 2T9. SMALL girl to assist with general house work. 1105 Park Ave. Harney 3308. GIRL for housework. 1708 Dodge St. GIRL for general housework. S707 Jones St. GIRL for general housework. Small fam ily. No washing. 3M4 Howard. Call after 5 p. m. GIRL for general housework. Small fam ily. No washing. Good wages. 616 8. 28th. Harney WANTED Girl for general housework. L, f Kennard, 1822 Dodge. Douglas 6048. SERVANT girl, neat, clean and can cook; good room, wl'h separate bath and toilet. 13C0 S. 35th St. Tel. Harney 413. GIRL for housework. 914 S. 33d St. GIRL for general housework; no washing. 117 N. 40th St. Tel. Harney 848. GOOD laundress fr Mondays and Tues daya. 2554 Manderson St. GOOD second girl wanted. 3SR6 Farnam St. Tel. Harney 31S1. GIRL for general hosework. No washing. 2SOS Capitol Ave. WANTED Good girl for general house work; wages $5 per week; no washing references required. Apply at 316 S. 31st St A NO. 1 housemaid; no washing nor Iron ing. 2211 St. Mary's Ave. WANTED Competent laundress by Mrs. E. F. Howe, 1053 Georgia Ave. GIRL for general housework. 3027 Chi cago St. GIRL for general housework. 2226 Mason St. WANTED girl for general honsework family of three. Call 8112 Leavenworth St WANTED Glrr for general housework; good wages; transportation furnished. G, E. Hall, Waterloo, Neb. Mlaoellaneoas. TWO ladles to travel, demonstrate and sell dealers. Call or address at once Good rich Drug Co.. Omaha. Neb. WANTED For the Roiell's Amusement Co.. young lady for serpentine dance In Electric Theater. Rertulres no experience. Send photo. HEIGHT OF YOURELF AND AUK. win rurnlsh tent, banner, every thing complete for old plantation people Information on request. F. A. Rozell, Crete, Neb. WANTED Experienced chambermaid. Merchants Hotel. SEAMSTRESS for alteration; good wages; steady work. 2907 liven orth St. HELP WANTED MALE Agents, Sollcltore and Salesmen. THREE high c'ass salesmen. 640 Bee Bldg. Call after 3. Write. WANTED Expert canvassers for Omaha and vicinity. . At once. None but hustlers need apply. Call for H. C. Kerns teln. 1W1 California between 6:30 and 7:30 P- m. WANTED A solicitor with horse and buggy to drive through the country and solicit subscriptions, call and see clrcu latlon manager, The Bern Publishing Co. ' WANTED GENERAL AGENTS and lo cal agents for Nebraska and South Da kota. Have you a contract with the com pany you represent? Address James A Keith, supervisor Hartford Life Insurance Company, 623 Bee Bidg., Omaha. Neb. VEGA, TEXAS, offers the best Invest ment opportunity in the West; 36 miles West of Amarlllu. will be County Seat of Oldham County, and will soon have a pop ulation of 6.000. Write for booklet and special agency offer. Salea ate easy and you can make big money. Address. Pool Land Co., Amariilo, Texas. WANTED-Several canvassers or solici tors for good proposition. Apply Rome Hotel, Room 7, between a and 10 a. in. or 6 and 7 p. m. WANTED Ten first-class salesmen for Iowa and Nebraska. Excellent propo sition; references required. J. 1C. Railey. 617 Bee Bldg.. Omaha, Neb. AGENTS Earn $1 hourly; sample free. James M. Cody, 27 1U Dickvon St., &t. Louis, Mo. CIGAR salesman wanted; experience un necessary; good pay. Globe Cljar Co., Cleveland, Ohio. EXPERIENCED salesman, familiar with mill and power plant supplies, to travel In Nebraska. Give references as to ability, character and experience. Address, M 254, rare Bee, Clerical aad vOf fire. WANTED Stenographer (male). Address F. B. Southard, A. i'. A., L. P. H. R., omaha. Neb. WANTED-By old established wholesale house, sober, reliable, energetic young man as bill clerk and shipping clerk; must be good penman and accurate 'In figures, one who )ias had experience with express companies preferred; permanent place for right party. , Address in own handwriting, stating are, experience and salary wanted. Address K 232, Bee. Boys. WANTED Good, live office boy; must be not tinder 16 years old and not afraid of work; good chance for advancement. N 255, care Bee. WANTED A boy. Moyer Stationery Co., 11116 Farnam St. Factory and Tradea, DRUG store and Jobs. Knleat. Bee Bldg. WANTED-Two or three good Job print ers. Steady work, union office Deltoh & Lamar Co., Sioux City, Iowa. WANTED At once, a first class shoe-re-palter; J12 a week, steady work; no boozers need appey. Gus Peterson, Grand Island. Ner. WANTKD-jMan who understands manu facture of sausage and is willing to make himself generally useful In small packing plant. Good chance for advancement. Ad dress X 33, Bee. WANTED Good, all round blacksmith; ateady work, 15 per week. Nets P. Brown, Atlantic, la. 3d larellaneoas. WANTED Government clerks at Wash ington; ?5 00 monthly. Examinations in (iniaht. September 21. Coaching free. Franklin Inatltute. Dept. Hi t. Kochealar. N. Y. WANTED -30 laborers for cement factory work; wages ir. cents p-r hour; siea.lv eni ' pioyment. Apply Kandueky Portland Ce- inent Co.. Dixon. III. I CIVIL SERVICE POSITIONS are very : dr'fjrab'e for .noting people; full Irfoi ma lt on and questions recently u-ed bv the commission free. Columbian Correspond ence College, Washington, D. C. ANTE! -Dental student wants place to work for board and room; 3 vears experi ence In drug business. Address X ::71. Rev. WANTED Railway mail clerks, poatof fic clerks, camera Kxamlnatione In Omaha Nov. 17. Preparation free. Frank llu Institute, dept. 1M3. Hocbasler, N. Y. HELP WANTED MALE Mlecellaneoaa Poa llnnyit. WANTED To hire three good teams to haul Ice. good wages. Omaha Ice and Cold Storage Co., 423 S. 15th St. TDPBQ flMtnff v n On Kl. tAs.l, known variety at RESPECT A RLE, not HOLD-UP. prices; everything In the surg ical appliance at SCHAKr BK IT T t'KHK DRUG STORES. FREE Employment rept. Ruslnesa Men s Ass n.; no fees. Call 327 B. of T. Bldg. MEN wanted at ice houses at Cut-Off lake; good wages, steady work and good board cheap. Apply at houses. Omaha ice and . old storage -o. IF you have tano cash and want to learn engineering and draw salary while learn ing see W . J. Ross, room 24. 1623 Farnam St.. Omaha. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses and Vehicles, M'CRARY buys and sella all kinds of horses. Blue barn rear Millard hotel. D. 4096 FOR SALE Black mare, driving horse, pacer, weight 950. Price reasonable. J16 .S. 16th St. ELEGANT Cabriolet carriage. Stanhope and harness slightly soiled. If you want one or all now at less than half price see Johnson-DaHforth Co., 10th and Jones Sts. AUTOMOBILE anA wagon repairing, nalntlng. trimming and rubber tires. New and second hand wagons; bargalna. A. J. Simpson & Sou. 1403 Dodge street. WANTED TO BUY Horse and Buggy. Address II 2S4, care Bee. NEW AND SECOND-HAND WAGONS for sale. A. J. JEWELL, 1724 N. 24th St. STILL In the wagon busineas; charges reasonable. Harry Frost, 14th and Leav. LOST AND FOUND FOUND A place to buy good glasses. Globe Optical Co.. 218 S. 16th St. LOST Silver link purse Monday, south of Ieavenworth on Twentieth St. Reward. Phone Harnry 2099. MEDICAL BEST nerve brace for man. Gray's Nerre Food Pills, $1 a box, postpaid. Sherman A McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. CONSUMPTION 1 can cure or stop any acute disease in one day. Prof. Johnson, 14th and P Sts., South Omaha. FREE MEDICAL and surgical treatment at Crelghton's Medical college. 14th and Davenport Sts.; special attention paid to confinement cases; all treatment super vised by college professors. 'Phone Doug las 1167. Calls answered, day or night. OUT-OF-TOWN people can get the bene fit of our prices by sending us mall orders. Freight paid on all orders of 110 or over. SCHAEFER S CUT PRICE DRUG . STORES. MONEY TO LOAN SALARY AND CHATTELS MONEY, The OLDEST and LARGEST COMPANY in the west. Our VOLUME of BUSINESS guarantees you GENERAL SATISFAC TION. If you can use any MONEY now or In the future It will pay yo;i to call and see us. e are at your service at any time and iiisine you courteous treatment whether we do business with you or not. We aro BUS1.nF.SN PEOPLE and do busi ness on BUSINESS PRINCIPLES. Any of your lriemla sent to our office will receive the same prompt attention and same will be appreciated by us. Our SOUTH OMAHA DEPARTMENT is now open for business, which gives the peo ple of SOUTH OMAHA an opportunity to BORROW MONEY on our regular RATES and TERMS. Wo loan on FURNITURE. PIANOS. HORSES, CATTLE. WAGONS. BUGGIES. REAL ESTATE or ANY OTHER SECURITY. DON'T FORGET OUR ADDRES8. DOiVT FORGET US. V a want your busi ness. We are prepared to handle IT ANY TIME. We can give you LOW RATES, SMALL PAYMENTS Rnd EASY TERMS. ALL BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDEN TIAL We trust you. Yon can trust us. CALL, WRITE or TELEPHONE. NEBRASKA LOAN CO., Opposite postofflce. Suite 7, Crounse Blk., liitli and Capitol. 'Phones: Douglas 1808, Ind., A-1356. MONEY TO LOAN. FROM $10 to ll'jn on salary, furniture, pianos, etc.; no publicity, lowest rates, weekly or monthly payments. TUB J. A. HUTTON CO. 614-15 Paxton Blk. Tel. Doug. 1607. OUR PLAN Makes it easier for you to fc-et Uut of debt than In because you can pay Ub when you get it. V e do not charge extension or application fees. Omaha Mortgage Loaii Co., 119 Board of Tiade. 'Phone Doug. 2295. 306 S. 16th Si. HERE iSiNCE 1S92. LOANS on salary, furniture and live stock; lowest rates, easiest payments. See us first. PEOPLES LOAN CO.. Room 4 Patterson Blk.. 1623 Fa mam St. Tela: Douglas 7477. Ind. A-1477. MONEY loaned salaried people and others without security; easy payments. Offices In f6 principal cities, 'iolmao. Room 613. New York Life Bldg. LOANS of 15 to $-5 on alary or chattel security; private party; no red tape; hours 10 to 2 and 4 to 6. ( all 620 Paxton Block. LOANS, half rates. 329 Board of Trade. Salary and Furniture Loans At the VERY LOWEST RATES. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., Sd Floor, 307-8 Paxton Blk , Northeast corner 16th and Farnam Sts. Phones Doug las 1411 and Auto. A 1411. CONFIDENTIAL QUICK LOANS. A HUM r, 1OA.N COMPANY. LOANS on FURNITURE. PIANOS or SALARIES, LOAN'S on vour plastr note.. lowest payments in city, omaha chattel bank, 1404 farnam AIDVKY on furniture, pianos, live stock ,AV-'-'' -1 or any security, before mak ing a loan see us. Both phones 135i. Busi ness strictly confidential. l.ow rates; amail payments. Nebraska Loan Co., ltiih and Capitol Ave., opposite postofflce. LOANS on everything of value; Vj rate. Western Loan Co., 531 Neville Blk. 6 on DIAMONDS.W.'fLATAU, 1M4 Dodge. MOVINli AND STORING EXP. Delivery Co.. office 16th and Daven port ats.. warehouse 2417-09 Izard St. ALL kinds of HEAVY HOISTING and HANDLING SAFES A SPECIALTY. E. J l'avih, IMS Farnam. Telephone, Doug. 353 Residence Douglas J702. MUSIC AND LANGUAGES OI'S TURNER, graduate of Lelpsic. Ger many. Conservatory of Music; piano lessons cheap. Tel Ked Win or drop me a postal at 2574 Harney St. aud 1 will call on you. OFFERED FOR RENT Hoarding aad Hooass. DEWEY Kuropeaa Hotel. Uth and Famsm. IRiiE tou'h room, to peimanent mar ried couple, also single rooms to gentle men, in modern honn ; references. laifc Cass Phone IkMitias 1476. , j A ME HOTEL, iil 8 Uth. Am. .; Uw uay; 16 week uja. Big; weals Ja OFFERED FOR RENT Beiardlna: and Rooms fin. THE GEORGIA. 1042 Georgia Ave. H. Wtt. THE ALDEEN. 26th and Farnam. H 2534. DODGE HOTEL; modern; steam heat. DESIRABLE south front furnished room with board; summer home; fine linn. U3 S. 2f.th Ave. l"OOL, airy rooms, modern, fine shade, with or without board, to two gentlemen ot man and wife. 2404 Capitol Ave. THE ROSE, 2020 Harney, rooms; good board; rates reasonable; meal tickets. RoOM and board In private family; modern home; also large south room, with alcove. Tel. Harney 47o4. TABLE board, first class, home cooking, with or without room. 1VB Capitol Ave. Faralshed Roams. GOOD rooms, Vt per week; free bath. Ogden Hotel. Co. Bluffs. FURNISHED room by the week; ele vator, bath, hot and cold water; rent rea sonable. Oma Hotel, Uth and Jackson Sts. ONE south furnished room, 11.76 per week. 21 N. 22d. NICELY furnished front room In new modern flat. All conveniences; walking dis tance. 2406 Harney. VERY desirable room; fine location; walking distance. 218 S. 2Sth St. ROOMS for transients. 1707 Dodge. D. 7330 TWO rooms for mM .. tr nl i ti T . - las. ' ONE room, east front. $1.50. 616 S. 22d. 1919 CASS-One nicely furnished room, suitable for two; modern; reasonable. SOUTH front parlor with piano: 1 sleep ing room, iS month. 2116 Chicago. RRAITTIS'TTI. fynt ... - - - w ...... .uu.,. iui nirove wtin piano, only 130; two or more gentlemen 1 ...... Hit. n I . - ft-1 iiruni, ,iv, vuui yiKvc, oi. Aiary ft Ave. LARGE south bark narlor mnAm n-i. St. Mary's Ave. NICELY furnished rooms; new house. 2013 Chicago. FRONT parlor, alcove; reasonable. 2425 Dodge. Call evenings. TWO furnished rooms In new modern house, V, block from car. 3220 Emmet Bt. DESIRABLE southeast furnished room, with board. 123 S. 25th Ave. i BIG front parlor; also 1 light housekeep ing room. H)19 St. Mary's Ave. FURNISHED room, tb per month. 1547 N 17th. , MODERN front room. 2007 St. Mary's Ave. ONE newly furnished single room; very reasonable. 316 N. 23d .St. ELEGANTLY furnished rooms, with prl vate family, 3017 Pacific St. LARGE front room, main floor, private family; 2.60 per week. 2642 Capitol Ave. 2 SOUTH rooms, prirate family. 2045 Dodge. TWO south rooms, private family. 2015 Dodge. FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms In modern house, price reasonable. 614 North 18th street. FURNISHED rooms, house new, plenty of hot water. 316 N. Uth 8U ,,SAQLY J10N ARMY Worklngmen'a hotel, 418 8. 13th St. 'Phone Red S34S. VERY desirable large room; newly furn ished; also smaller room; fine location. 201 S. 26th Ave, ELEGANTLY furnished rooms with pri vate family at 3017 Pacific St. TWO nice south front rooms. 4040 Cap itol Ave., Dundee. FRONT room; private family. 2403 Har ney. CENTRAL, modern room. 220 N. I3d. HOTEL COLONIAL, formerly the Vien na, bet. 10th and Uth. Newly furnished. NICE, new, strictly modern front rooms, also two unfurnished or housekeeping rooms. 612 N. 21st St. Apartments and Flats. THREE and 8-room flats, Scarco Bldg.. 616H N. 24th St., South Omaha. Hall, 433 Ramge Bldg. Both 'phones. 3 & :-R. Apt. mod. 816 8o. 22d. SIX room, modern St. Ixuls flat, upper floor. 611 South 26th Ave, 'Phone Doug. 1612. 'OR RENT Cheapest -room lower flat In city, all modern, close In, to small family soon. Inquire at 607 N. 19lh St. 4-ROOM flat partly modern, $15. Phone Harney 3500. Ask for Mrs. Huff. Hoateketplag Roams. TWO, three or four nicely furnished rooms complete for housekeeping. 2018 Davenport. SUITE front rooms, alcove; reasonable. 2425 Dodge. Call evenings. CLEAN. cool. modern housekeeping rooms. 620 N. lih St. TWO nice housekeeping rooms, all mod ern. 216 N. 19th 8t. THREE furnished housekeeping moms, modern and clean. Call Webster 2191 or Webster 3744. 2010 K. 18th. 2 to 3 furnished housekeeping. 1201 8. Uth. TWO rooms, everything furnished; re frigerator. 14 week. 61 S. 23d. TWO light housekeeping rooms. 211 N. 1st h. TWO connecting front rooms furnished complete for housekeeping. 809 N. 26th SL TWO complete furnished light housekeep ing rooms on 1st floor, $5 per week. 613 N. 21st St. E ELLEN T completely furnished mod ern front rooms, suite for housekeeping. Telephone In house. 2674 Harney St. TWO newly furnished rooms, suitable for to ladles employed or two students. 316 N. 23d St FOR RENT Four rooms furnished for housekeeping, $15.00 per month. 2o30 Spring FURNISHED rooms for housekeeping, fut floor. 413 N. 18th. FURNISHED rooms for housekeeping; gas for cooking. 1644 N. 1Mb St. TWO cool southeast rooms for light housekeeping. 901 s. 30th. Gas range. THREE elegant half-basement rooms. modern. 320 N. 20th. Uaf arnlaard 4 Ronme. 4 LARGE rooms; modern. 624 S. 26th Ave. Faralaaed Houses. I-ROOM, modern house, furnished or psrtly furnished, to lease for year. Phone Harney 1269. FOR RENT Furnished or unfurnished; new. 8-room, strictly modern, up-to-date dwelling. 37U N. J4th St. (24th and Man derson). For particulars inquire at 3716 N. 24th Su Hoasea aad Cottaes. Ix)w-Priced Apartments M6 39 P. Slat St.. neat 4 and 6-room apart ments, with new open plumbing, electric light, newly decorated throughout, cistern, fine shade and onlv $16 and $l each. I'AVNK, HONTWICK k CO., Sole Agents. Main Floor N. Y. Life. SIX rooms, modern, close in, 822 8. 2Mh. Five rooms, modern. 10i Lorust. $30. Seven rooms, 210 N. 22d. $;2 Five rooms, my water. lots, 2ln S. 8th, $10 Six roorr.e modern 1o Corby. il.V KlEi.i. & McKITRlCK CO. 432 Ramge Bldg. iath and Harney 8ts. OFFERED fOrRENT Honaee and VMaeel aatiaaed. RimMf, mrvfern. close in. rn,t rrasnn able. K.T S. 20th. Phone Harney rjrj. OMAHA Van Storage Co.. park mm store. H. II. goods; storehouse, lltl-N N 19th: office lfio9 Farnam. Tel. Doug. l.,.. FOR RENT -roorn. all modern h-u electric lights. KM P. 11th; $V per month C. M. Bachtnann, 6 Paxton block 2967 PACIFIC ST. 8-room thorcMgnl modern house, oak finish. $40. A. G. Lllick ,'r Her Bids. 3 Rooms, $6 One-half Mock to rar line. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO.. Suite 634 N. Y. Life Bids Thone Red 1909. Omaha, Neh ALL modern; six rooms and large recep tlon hall. 2408 Hurt St.. $30. Apply to H. B Boyles. Royles College. Both phones. FOR RENT 7 rooms, large reception hstl. all modern; combination fixtures- $40 and water rent. 74 No. 23d. C. M. Bachtnann. 436 Paxton Blk. ELEGANT S-room flat, located at 610 S 27th, all modern, price $35. Bemts, Brandels Bldg. TWO. 6-room. for rent. 825 8. 23d St. OMAHA Truck, Van and Storage ; Dong. 1498, Ind.. B-2428. Office 171a :. ster street. 1 8 and 4 4-room modern flaU, 1112 S. Uth, R-r. house: bath, gas and rrate. 1411 N 4Jsl St.. $18. $-r, modern furnished house. $.1S H (JTCH1 N SON-BOLL A RD CO., 1623 Farnam St. FOR RENT Brick house at 1611 8. 29tt, St., ono block east of Park avenue u" line; modern In every respect, with 4 bed rooms on second floor; large parlor, dtnln room, kitchen, buttery, latge hall and ve tlbule on first floor. Inquire at 150 S. St. Tel. Harney 1609. HOUSES, Insurance. Ringnalt. Barker B!l.. HOUSES, Tats. Garvin Bros., 318 N. Y. L. CENTRAL, no equal for solid comfort, all modern, 4 or 6-room flats. Apply 2:u N. 23d. New "St. Louis" Apartments for Small Families The latest thing In rentals. Delightful, new. strictly modern 4-room apartment m popular prices and only four blocks frou court house. Each apartment Is n.ll' separate, 1th fine basement. furnace, laundry, large living room fine plumbing, combination lights, polishrd ''iii.ns nisi what many small families liac long sotunt In vain. Window shades, curtain rods, rh. range, hot water heater, eic, will be fur nlshed, and Ihe rent has been fixed at oitl $27.50 to $.10 each. If you want somethm very choice, close in. sec us at onc abon. these apartments at 21st and Howard Sts. PAYNE, BUST WICK & CO.. Sole Agents Main Floor Y. Life HOUSES pir,a of th" U"UOJO Creigh Sons A Co., be city bios MAGGARD Van & Storage Co. T I Doui; 14S6. We guarantee mo1ng. planus, hourt hold goods. HOUSEHOLD rjOODX na,L. f , . ,4,'t cheap freight rates: m.ivliig atul "Knins axpressmen a ieilvei y Co. Tel. Dot's. n. I'Olt RENT: 6-room modern St. Louis flat, i,..,?jyj, hall, combination fixiuics; 12 .v St. room modern brick house, 20W .Vil lis Ave.-$2S C. M. RACHMANN. 436 Paxton Blk. 11-ROOM house, $30; modern; one tine. irom iitn street car. 2oll Fierce S. quire 1301 S. 25th Ave. J. G. Althouse. In HOUSES Peters Trust Co., N. Y. L. Bids 5-ROOM house, nice cellar, at No. 411S Browne St., two block from street car Rent $12 per month. Bemls. Brandeis HMg OMA VTA rVPPI'M m. : ... ....... . w., iwi niiurfl alio piano moving. 416 N. JTlh. D. 33.'4. K-ROlkYr linnae n. . .. . . . 1 . Maple St.. $1S. 5 rooms, modern exo'.p. u-i, to- r iiiiMiii, riu. rooms ia f looi toilet, 1906 N. 26th St... $13. CHRIS BOYER. 22d and Cumins Sta. 1204 N. 26th, 6-r., bath. $18. Bensort, 7-r.. fruit and 3 lots. 1S. 3625 Davenport St., -r all mod., on ci.. ner lot, $30. 2S24 Leavenworth, 8-r.. all nvd.. $:::. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 1001 N. Y. Life. Doug, or A-:i .'. FOR RENT 8230 Charles St., 4 rooms, '. 8018 8. 19th St., 6-r.. pirtl' m 21H Grsce, 7-r.. modern. ,;i. fx. VI. 2022 N. 22d St.. 6 rooms, in i i, , c W. G. SH RIVER. 10:,i .s. I. , l Stores. STORE ROOM for rent at 20., 3. Mtli .-: . ready for occupancy Aug. IS. Apply et once. Palace Clothing Co., corner 14th and Douglas. FOR RENT Store room and basement, s K. cor. 13th and Dodge. Tel. Douglas 5639 FOR RENT Modern store room In Daw son, Neb. Brick and concrete. 407O ft , corner building, east front, to a good mer chant. Will rent cheap. Splendid location. Address K. L. Sandusky. Falls 'lt Neb. st'AKiK) Blk.. South Omaha. 620 N. 24th. nan, od rtamge tiiog. ; both phones. GOOD store room. 312 S. 18th St. Fine office In Weed Bldg. n 1 F D. WEAD. 1801 FARNAM. OFFERED FOR SALE Farnttore. HOUSEHOLD furniture partlv tt. fo sale at 801 Military Ave.. Benson. Typewriters. TYPEWRITERS Any make, all prices aold and rented, rent applied; easy :rihi, shipped anywhere for examination. re for large bargain list and offer. H I Swanson Co., 417 8. 16th St., Omaha. N-h Miscellaneous. DRUGS at cut prlcea. freight paid on all $10 orders; catalogue free. Sherman McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. Nb. ICR FOR SALE Good reflerVAtr irm til ra.lniJ Inla Ice Co.. 653 Brandels Bldg., Omaha. FOR SALE Cash dress, J-579 care Be register and safe. A1- BA RGA1NS 2d-hand pulleys, shaft'nu. hangers, belting, rip saw. forge, boxing rna chine, blacksmith tools. A. Murphy A Sot;.-- Scholarship If you Intend taking a count.. In bulnea college, ace us about a scholarship. w will aell you one at a saving to you. Ad dress O 65, care Bee. FOR SALE New and 2d-hand blllar.l and pool tables. We lead the world In cheap bar futures, easy payments. Bruns wlrk-Balke Collender, 407 8. 10th St. WE HAVE on hand a number of In I, barrela which we will sell at 50c each. The. are fine for rain water or aahea. Call at pressroom Bee Publishing Co. For sale, a hot water heating plant good condition and new Inlaid linoleum fm store, call at Leffert'a, 409 Broad. a;. Council Bluffs. Second Hand Boilers We will sell two boilers that have been ir use si tne sw building.- They are eacn HJJl ft ni-norspoer return tubular boilers. I Inch diameter by 18 feet long. They ha 18 . I. tubes. 1 inches bvt3 feet. Wor. ing pressure 156 pounds per square Inci. Heat surface 19.009 louiri feat. Grata are square feet. We are very anxious to dispose of these boilers Immediately and will e.u .t a bar gain. If taken at onee. THE BEE BUILDING COMPANJ. 17th and Fecjiam Sts . Omaha. Neb. ' OSTEOPATHY JOHNKON. INS.. 4H N. Y. L. Tel. D. 16(4 Dr. Kathtryu Mckolas. eOK N. V. U Bldg