TIIK I.KK: OMAHA. THURSDAY, AUGUST lf. IPO. 5 f A jjyminTllgMl Solid Silver Knives &id Forks From BROKEN SETS and PAT TERNS DISCONTINUED by us ot EXACTLY COST PRICES; In some instances we can match up a full half dozen set. In others we have only one or two. If you have a son or daughter "going off to college," now is the time to buy the necessary table silver. Some of the Patterns In cluded in This Assortment 2 GRAY ROSE DESSERT KNIVES 5 GRAY ROSE DINNER KNIVES 4 MOTHER'S DESSERT KNIVES I MEDIUM DOUVAINE KNIFE 2 MEDIUM HEPPELWHITE KNIVES 3 MEDIUM FRONTENAC KNIVES 4 DESSERT VIOLET KNIVES 2 DESSERT ORANGE BLOSSOM KNIVES 1 DESSERT SIX FLOWER KNIFE 1 DINNER SIX FLOWER KNIFE 1 DINNER BRIDAL ROSE KNIFE FORKS TO MATCH ALL KNIVES $15.00 for set of six solid silver knives and forks in good staple pat terns, including the Lily of the Val Jey, Roseland, Duchess, Violet, Martha Washington, and others. LEFFERT 409 BROADWAY, Minor Mention . . 0.? li ulli OficS of the ....... ..i ... auott Street. . .;.. undertakers. 'Phone lis. uu.liin Iioumi. 't'Ji Uth avenue. i. 'i.i,, L iiut.'t taking company. Tel. xa. . . , . Ki. lunfral director, 'l'liono Si. i.. . ..i-i.ii AT ilUiJiHS' UL'i'Vii'i. ,i ..,.u.S NiiTiU. DLCi-'l' I i.'l V ,ci, j'l.'U ,a:.i iclluWn wimt aJ .i.lv.-i-tlbltlh'. C Vile llCv. l'uei-liik, binder and mowers. Sperling & liipieit, oj. liuadway. FALL TKKM Western Iowa college opens Ai.Ruf-1 tv. tiend tor catalog. BA il.ii. LUA'UENECKtK & ROLAND. L tiu. t iuK 1.4. 'Phone ll, H. Main street. Dr. W. V . Magarell, optometrist, moved to ati iuj cay Aulioual bank building. llarmoin chapter, Order of the Eastern Mar. win meet in regular session this vvenlt.g. Mni , women w und children's Oxfords, til new guoun, .0 per cent discount. Dun-i-cin rnoe Co. Chiiili s L'-ibuld hs received word of the ii.n Hi' in. oiu Mother. Joseph L.elUolu, a las Imiiie in Lima. Wash. We aie iiiukin a bin reduction on suits l, 'Is ti. until. We ulsu do aluiing and guar antee to t-utiKty every customer. Our new T.i.i main ml.- and styles are all In. The Fashion, M Jvmth Main. Justin1 Cooper p. rtormed the marriage crttiony yc-isriiay for Avery A. Snethen ,.i lln.i el'.y unit Ivla II. Brown of Kapid i uy. 8. 1).. mid tor Rasmus Peterson and I millet draft, both of this city. Li it I Irene, the infant daughter of Mr. and Mis. Chailcs H. Miller, izU Fourth nvcime, iUd yustenlay. aged months. The imnini v. Ill bo held this afternoon at 4:30 o'clock troiii the residence, a (id burial will le in V. alnut Mill. A building permit wns issued yesterday to tv !:. Kerry for a one and a half-story fmme cottage at JoOC Avenue G, to cost fl :im. one was also Issued to Hev. Henry THE DIAMOND THEATER FLA''.U,G THE BEST Now on a circuit where real vaiulcville acts come from. BEGINNING SUNDAY, AUGUST 22D niiil every week thereafter, the bill will he kept up to the standard we now set. FOUR PERFORMANCES DAILY. Ivtnlog-S, continuous, T:30 Matins, continuous, S:30 10:30 4 130 The Diamond Theater, "Where you see all your friends." mother's shapeliness. All of this can be avoided by the use of as.si:..i. r-tZ.A v,r. kk mmut us this liniment prepares the Ibody for the strain upon it, and preserves the symmetry of her form. Mother' Friend makes the danger of childbirth lesand carries her safely through this critical period. Thousands grate fully tell of the benefit and f derived from the use of this remedy. kork milled fw to 11 eii runl siotbars. SUiWLAJPiltLD REGLI.4J.0a CO. J S COUNCIL BLUFFS, IOWA. I DeLong for an addition to his mission l property at ; Hast Broadway, to cost ItWO. ! Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Gardiner of 621 Wash ington avenue left Inst evening for a trip to New York and Canada. Mrs. Gardiner v.!ll visit friends In Canada while Mr. Gard iner will go to the Thousand Islands anil other places of Interest. They expect to return In about three weeks. The federal case against the Alamlto I inivv company, the preliminary hearing In v. hlcli was to have been held yesterday be fore I'nited States Commissioner Crawford, was postponed until September 2 on aecount of the death of Clinton Briggs, president of the company. Val Alh-i ry, a stagehand at the New thenter. while working the windlass last night to raise one of the heavy drop scenes let the handle slip out nf his grasp. Be fore l.e could back' away the rapidly re volving handle struck him a number of times. He was taken In the city ambulant-.-to Mercy hospital, where It was staled hi Injuries were not serious, although painful. The receipts In the generul rund of the Christian Hume last week were flf5.K!, be ing 144.17 below the current needs of the week and decreasing the balance In this fund to $"9.24. In the manager's fund the receipts were $21. being $14 below the needs of the week and Increasing the deficiency In this fund to date to 8M4.67. The amount needed in the Improvement and contingent fund for Is 17,010 11. V. C. Carter, whose wife recently sep arated from him and Is suing him for di vorce, wus fined 110 and costs In police court yesterday morning for disturbing the peace. Carter. It was charged, went to the home of his wife at 22!) North Twelfth street. Tuesday evening, and started a rough house. Mrs. Carter said her husband attempted to drag her off the front porch by the hair of her head and only desisted when she used a rake handle to good effect upon htm. Carter wns unable to pay the fine yesterday and was forced to sojourn at the city bastlle. FOU SALE AT A BARGAIN HOT WATER HEATING PLANT AND NEW INLAID LINOLEUM. INQUIRE AT LEFFERTS. 409 BROADWAY. N. T. numbing Co. Tel. 250. Night, F-1702. TUB COOLEST PLACE IN TOWN, THE DIAMOND THEATER, IN VAUDEVILLE 7-BIQ FEATURE ACTS--7 DON'T VAIIi TO BEE TUB MUSICAL TREMAINS In Wit, Bong- and Music THE BLACK BROTHERS Oontorlonlsts and Acrobats KITTY SHERMAN Tbe Singer and Sanoer JARVIS AND EMMET Tbose Two Boys You all Know. In a Brand Hew Comedy Act. THE KINODROME la the Latest Animated Pictures A Beautiful ILLUSTRATED SONG THE DIAMOND ORCHESTRA SSXK Every woman covets a shape- figure, and many or them deplore the loss of their girl ish forms after marriage. The bearing of children is often destructive to the ALL FOR TEN CENTS J H Council Bluffs FRUIT SHOW ATTRACTIONS Government to Have Moving Picture Shew in a Tent RECLAMATION SERVICE WORK Maryland and Florida Tripartita; to Send l a rate Exhibits of Fruit First Bulletin Ready for Distribution Frman I Heed. general superintendent of the National Horticultural congress, was advised yesterday that the government would contribute to the Instructive fee, tures of thta yrar's fruit show moving picture exhibit descriptive of the national reclamation service. This feature will be housed in a large tent 80x72 feet and will be In charKe of a representative of the government who will deliver Illustrated lectures each afternoon and evening during the week of the fruit exposition. Superintendent Heed is also in receipt of a letter from E. T. Perkins, engineer In charge of the reclamation eervlcs at Chi cago, In which the latter tells of the In teresting and valuable features of this novel exhibit of the national reclamation set vice. Renewed Intereiit In the work of collect Ing a big exhibit from Florida, has led to the appointment of a special commissioner tp asblst the vice presidents of that state After a correspondence with those. Inter ested at Jacksonville and Tampa, James McCombs, manager of the growers' and shippers' department of the Tampa Weekly Tribune hns been appointed a special com- mlHsioner to collect and take care of the Florida exhibit. Mr. McComb promises that the exhibit shall be one of the mos Interesting and novel that will be seen at the exposition. Prof. Close of the Maryland State Hor tlculturul society, who hud charge of Maryland'! exhibit at the exposition here lust year, has written Superintendent Reed that he will be here again this year and that the exhibit from his state will be much larger than that of last year. The preliminary bulletin will be ready for distribution this week. The premium lis will be considerably larger than last year. Lvery manufacturer or firm who donated a premium last year luia done likewise this year. DA yi AH E HITS AGAINST CITY One for Overflow of Creek and Other for Personal Injuries, l he first damage suit against the city resulting from the recent overflow of Indian creek was filed yesterday in the district court. Mrs. Minnie E. Bridget, who resides t 1601 West Broadway, Is the plaintiff, and she wants the city to pay her 11,000 for the alleged damage done her property by the overflow from the creek. The city la also made defendant In a per sonal injury damage suit filed yesterday by Mrs. Hattle Oleson. For Injuries alleged to have been received as a result of a fall caused by a defective sidewalk on the south side of Washington avenue, between Sixth and Seventh streets, Mrs. Oleson asks $10. 0U0. Mrs. Oleson claims that her left ankle was fractured, let leg and hip paralysed and her left eye Irtjured. Mrs. Eva M. Cunningnam filed suit for divorce from Clarence K. Cunningham, to whom she was married on September 14, ls:. at Arlington, la. She alleges that her husband deserted her without cause in July, 1D07. Al Richie has brought suit against D. L. Blue and Anna Blue to recover I1.K00 for alleged breach of contract for the trade uf real estate. In the suit brought by Harry J. Peterson and H. O. Andrews against P. J. White to recover 1700 paid by them for a fcaloon In Neola and for the cancellation of notes given for the balance of the purchase price, the allegation Is made that the contract was void because it was partly for the pur chase of Intoxicating liquors. JOHN II AltDK.lt DEAD IN IIED Heart Disease Is Supposed to Have Ueen the Cause. John Harder, employed as a handy man at the Neumayer hotel, was found dead in bed In his room at the hotel about 6 o'clock yesterday morning. Death is sup posed to hava been caused by heart trou ble, from which Harder is said to have been a sufferer for some time. Harder had not been feeling well for several days, but had continued at his work. He retired about 10:30 o'clock Tues day night. When the clerk passed his room about 3 o'clock Harder was awake and talked with the clerk about the hour, as he Imagined, It was time for him to rise. When the clerk went at 6 o'clock, to call Harder, he found the man dead In bed, and the condition of the body Indi cated that he had been dead at least an hour. Coroner Treynor was notified, and after making an investigation, decided that an Inquest was unnecessary. The body was removed to Woodring's undertaking rooms. Harder was M years of age and unmar ried. Ha came to Council Bluffs from Minden, la., and Is said to have relatives In Nebraska. He had been employed at the Neumayer about a year, and before that worked as a fireman at the WUcos greenhouses. The -Rex washing machine is the latest and most Improved high speed lever wash ing machine on the market. Price, J10. f. C. IWol Hardware Co. FOR MEDICAL AND FAMILY USE BUY YOl'K LIQl'OHS AT ROSENFKLD LIQUOR CO.. 61 6. Main. Phones 333. Expenditures on Parka. The annual report of the Board jf Park Commissioners for the fiscal yesr ending April 1. 1M. which Is now In the hands of the printer, to be Included with the other city reports, shows that the mainten ance of the park system of Council Bluffs for the twelvs months cost the taxpayers 11.243. SI. Of this amount V7.044.1T was ex pended on Fairmount park. The expenditures on the other parks were as follows: Bayllss. 7.'iS.63; Cochrsn, ';3.05, I.akevlew, 11,124.28; Island, $.152; Pn.spect, H6.S7; Cook, M .84; Oraham, 143.6". In addition to these sums the expendi tures Included salaries amounting to $70 and miscellaneous expenses amounting to fr.2. The three members of the board each, receive 2Ti0 a year salary. At the commencement of the fiscal year the balance In the park fund was K610 6 and the receipts during- the year from the Lelfert'i'SSa Lcnxs'j OisjMlCaiisartUsasiiaWsssaasfCaasst fl at a. Mr US salkval TT .. LEFlTLirrS Start the Day Right n and you will be right Start it by eating Shredded Wheat with hot milk or cream and a little fruit If you eat more than the stomach needs you are wasting both money and strength. Overtaxing the stomach impairs digestion, weakens brain power and lays the foundation for disease. Cut out heavy meats arid soggy white flour pastries for. ten days, eat Shredded Wheat and see how much better you will feel then tell your friends about it Your grocer sells it Shredded Wheat is made of the choicest selected white wheat, cleaned, steam-cooked and baked. Try it for breakfast to-morrow with milk or cream. The Biscuit is also delicious for any meal in combination with fresh or preserved fruits. THE ONLY BREAKFAST CEREAL" MADE IN BISCUIT FORM park tax levy and other sources were $12,235.5$. The balance on hand on April 1, 1309, was $7,iO:.43. SEAKTIIIKVKS HAVE BIKV TIMK Secure Considerable Money as Result of Their Raids. While the members of the family of James M. Chrlstensen were enjoying the cool breeze from the north on the back porch of their residence at 626 North Eighth street Tuesday evening, a sneak thief entered the house by the front door, the screen of which was conveniently un latched, and stole a pocketbook contain ing $46. At the residence of William Dvorak, 7)3 Avenue F, the members of the family were entertaining company on the front porch, so the sneak thief who visited this house was forced to go around to the rear, where he removed the screen from a window opening on the back porch. His visit here netted him a pocketbook containing (7.72. K. M.' Johnson, who. conducts a book store at 1007 West Uroadway, reported to the police Tuesday that a sneak thief had tapped his cosh register for $60 while Johnson's attention was engaged In an other part of the store. Mrs. W. Waugh, living at US' Grace street, reported that while she was sit ting on the front poreh of her home a sneak thief entered by the back door and got away with her pocketbook con taining between S3 and !). WEED HXTEKMIV ATI OX CAMPAIGN City Is Busy and Property Owners .Notified. Mayor Maloney has started a weed-cutting campaign and Is sending out notices to owners and agents of property on which the weed,' have been permitted to grow. The notice which the mayor is sending out dally in large (lumbers reads as follows: I wish to call your attention to ordlnace No. 1X5. book A. page 285, regarding cut ting weeds In the city. I wish you would kindly take this matter up at once and see that they are cut down, as we are doing all In our power to have the weeds cut on the streets as fast as we can. If this Is not done In a reasonable length of time, I will be compelled to serve notice on all property owners or agents and have the same done by city men and charged to the property. In addition to sending out these notices. Street Commissioner Flood, acting under orders from the mayor, has a force of about ten men st work cutting weeds. This force Is at present waging a war of extermination on the weeds along the high ways and byways In the Sixth ward, where the growth la particularly rank. After get ting through with the Sixth ward the gang will be put to work In the First and Sec ond ward. STREET RAILWAY ME WASTED Fifth Warders Want an Extension from Avenue A. Residents of the Fifth ward are once more agitating the question of an exten sion of the street railway sytem from Ave nue A to Fifth avenue pn Twenty-first street. The following petition which will be pre sented to the street railway company, is now being circulated for signatures: Gentlemen: We. the undersigned residents of the Fifth waid on Twenty-first street and adjacent thereto, would petition your company for an extension of car lines from Avenue A and Twenty-first street running south on Twenty-first street to and Inter secting with the Fifth avenue line at Firth avenue and Twenty-first street, for the better accommodation of our residents who work and are employed In Omaha. We have to walk now from Fifth avenue to Awnun A, or are coniiielled to go around via Fifth avenue and Pearl street and Broadway, and passengers wishing to set to the Union Transfer depot coming from Omaha have to go to Pearl and Hroadway and take transfers over the Fifth avenue line to get there. whercAs if said line was established a saving of from twenty to thirty mtmStrs would be made In our arriv ing home, and also by passengers for trains from the Union Transfer depot. Diamond Theater I'nder New Man agement. Will Open Sunday August 22 Bigger and Brighter than Ever. Messrs Klein and Rarnhart, proprietors of the Diamond, have placed the theater under the management of Jack Amlck, a well known theatrtial man, who has al ways mads good In all communities where he has had Interests of this chsracter, and the Council Bluffs theatergoers are sure of a hWi-class line of attractions. The theater opens Sunday August 22 under the new management with one of the strongest vaudeville bills ever seen In this city, there are seven big acts slated at the opening Sunday, among them are the great musical Tremalns. sn act of merit, and one that hss pleased thousands every- liscuit where. The Black Brothers, a big novelty feature direct from the European stage; there Is Jarvls and Emmett, IClttle Sher man and others with the Klnnedrom, will make up the biggest and strongest vaude ville bill ever presented in the city. The same prices wilt prevail, and Manager Amlck said last night: "The people of this city want good vaudeville, and I am going to give It to them, and at any time any one visiting the Diamond theater un der my management who Is not thoroughly satisfied with the class of show I am giv ing for the money, will have his money refunded as cheerfully as we take it." Real Estate Transfers. These transfers were reported to The Ree August 18 by the Pottawattamie County Ab stract company of Council Uluffa: Hilda Loftman and husband to Claude F. Smith, lots 1 and ii, Benlamin- Fehr's West End subdlv., w. d f Anton Loftman to Hilda Loftman, w48 feet of outlot D, Mrs. Perry's 2d add., w. d Merchants National bank of Omaha to E. liutler. lots 6 and 7, block 1, Kackett's add., w. d '. Lawrence McCaffery to Resale I. Mc Caffery, lot 7, block 37, Central subdlv., w. d 860 400 800 -vFour transfers, totat $ 1,351 y . Marriage Licenses. Licenses to wed were issued yesterday to the following: Name and Residence. Age. Avery A. Snethen. Council Bluffs 24 Sylvia H. Hrown, Rapid City, K. D 21 Albert W. Shipley, Council Bluffs 2.1 Louise Mlnssen, Council Bluffs 22 Rasmus Peterson, Council Bluffs 24 Harriett Graft, Council Bluffs is 1 CARROLL FOR COADJUTOR Irremovable Rectors of Dnhnqae Diocese Meet to Select Tbree Nominees. DUBUQUE. Ia., Aug. 18. Irremovable rectors of the Dubuque diocese met here today and selected the names of three candidates for coadjutor to Archbishop Keane. The suffragan bishops meet Au gust 20 to select three names. The nomina tions will be sent to Rome, where the ap pointment will be made. It Is said Bishop John P. Carroll of Helena, Mont., is the leading candidate for the place. Made Insane by Heat. ROCK RAPIDS, la.. Aug. 18. (Special.) Peter Rrown, aged 22 years, the son of William Rrown of this place, while tem porarily demented wandered from town and disappeared. After an absence of twenty-four hours, he returned today and attempted to commit suicide by slashing his throat with a raxor. It Is thought that he . will die. His nien'".l derangement Is thought to have -been brought on by over work In the Intense heat of the laundry where he was employed. m IMK iSfa When the WtMil v Ws v Day is XMVi ! Jrp Done tfj irif'' '7fY man u haPPie,t who find' '( plM vj ffr )r Home thoughtful wife, a lEVJ hjllH cordial welcome and a restful, Bj "- f j itmJ refreshing gla., of f h' l fl ' TlmMJJ "Lead, Them All" ZZjM $llM VSSnWiA Theo. Hamm Brewing Co. Hi p ...rr,r. . i 1 j Wit ,'--'4':;V Telepho.. l-. 8975. A S III OLSEN TO INTRODUCE TAFT Prospective Tangle Over Eeception to the President Straightened Out. BREAKFASTS WITH CUMMINS Slaters of I.. J. Carraher Doubt Hoy's CnulrMlnn of Murder and Insist on Continued Investiga tion. (From a Staff Correspondent.) DES MOINKS. In.. Aug. IS. (Special Telegram.) President Mac Olsen of the Iowa League of Republican clubs will ex tend the welcome of President Taft when he arrives at Des Moines for the "army maneuvers with the local committee. Presi dent Taft will take breakfast that morn ing with Senator A. H. Cummins and Presi dent John Bays Hammond of the Natlpnal League of Republican clubs will be the guest of the Iowa club at the Grant club. sisters Are Suspicious. Sisters of L. J. Curraher, who was mur dered near lndlanola, are not satisfied with the evidence that Harry Hutchison committed the deed and they left Des Moines today for lndlanola to insist on a rtfcid Investigation. County Attorney Wilson is also suspicious that the boy 1 not telling the truth when he confessed to the murder. Discrepancies have begun to develop In the story, .rrrorge Prandt, the hired man who Is said to have appeared there the next day after the murder and hired out as a farm hand and four months after married the widow, Is said to have left lndlanola with his new wife today for South Dakota, where they have bought a new farm. CODNTY OFFICERS l COX VE.VTIO.N' fiooi Roads nnd Better Salaries the Chief Toole. SIOUX CITY, la., Aug. lH.-(Speclal Tel egram.) Supervisors, county auditors, county treasure! s, county clerks and county recorders from all over Iowa are In Sioux City for a three days' conven tion, which opened today, (loud roads and better salaries for supervisors were among the tuples in a general meeting at the Auditorium this afternoon. Mayor Sears and George D. Perkins spoke on behalf of the citizens of Sioux City and responses for the visitors were made by T. E. Hauke of Clinton, F. W. Leedham of Clinton, C. A. Hryant of Fort Dodge and George E. Dunlap of Maquoketa. The clerks this afternoon decided to withdraw from the oreanltatton and hold future conventions with the sheriffs and county attorneys. Cedar Rapids, Fort Dodge. M$son City and Spirit Lake are all mentioned In the MmeBEmmcanatiGzaaBSBrmm asSSBBSaaCtfW gossip for the next convention and Le- mnrs Is also expected to put In a bid. The visitors were entertained this evening in an automobile trip around the city. Probably 300 county officers are present. ELECTRIC I.ItillT PLANT WRECKED Fly Wheel Bursts and Engineer Is Instantly Killed. CRTCSTON, la., Aug. 18. (Special Tele gram.) C. F. Ross, assistant engineer of the electric light plant at Red Oak, was Instantly killed yesterday, when a fly wheel burst, partly wrecking the plant. He was married and had three children. As a result of the accident the city Is In darkness and without power. Disbarment Case at Denlaoa. DENISOX, I'. Aug. 18. (Special. ) Judge Wright of Fort Dodgt Is at Denlson presiding In the case where an attempt Is being made to disbar Attorney P. W. Hard ing from practice. Judge Ellwood, for the defense, made a general denial of all charges. In the matter of big fees It was no cause of disbarment that a lawyer ob tained big fees. Men who let their family affairs get in such shape that their wives asked for a divorce should and would pay liberally lo save exposure In court, and big attorney's f.-es were common. Justifica tion for fees taken, honorable conduct in all cases, property obtained legally will be the defense. Brakeman la Killed. WATERLOO, la., Aug. IS. (tj pedal Tel egram.) A. F. Sweeney, an Illinois Cen tral brakeman, was fatally crushed while coupling cars at Jessup Wednesday morn ing. He lived twenty minutes, but never regained consciousness. The body was brought to Waterloo and will be sent to NuBhville, Tenn., for burial. Former Boone Teaeher Advances. UOOKR, la., Aug. 18. (Special Telegram.) Miss Adelaide Smith of Chicago, formerly a Roone High school instructor, also of the university at Johannesburg, South Africa, has been elected assistant profes sor In mathematics at the University ot California at Berkeley at a handsome sal ary. TESTIFIES AGAINST HUSBAND Physician filves Evidence to Connect Emporia Man with Death of Wife. EMPORIA. Kan.. Aug. 18 Testifying st the preliminary hearing here today of W. 11 McMullen, charged with giving his wife morphine, which csused her desth. Dr. H. I. Fuller. Mrs. McMullen's physician, gave it ss his opinion that the morphine which caused Mrs. McMullen's death could have been administered by no one else but her husband, as thire was no one else In the house. .J 1