Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 19, 1909, Page 3, Image 3

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Judge Koe Hands Down Decision
f j Declaring it Invalid.
Tijorlty of ' nrt Finds Un Hurt on
Several Fundamental Points, and
DUarntrr y It I
tFrom a Staff Correspondent
LISCOLiN. Aug. IS. tSpeclal.l-The opin
ion In th non-partisan Judicial y ease
which was decided nomii wk gn. was
filed today In the upreme court. It was
written by Judge. W. B. Uoee. with all the
rourt awncurrlnn eiccept Judge len. who
dissents, and Chief, Justlc M H. Reese,
who wa out of the, city when the eae
in heard. Judge. Dean filed a dissenting
The unit wm atartcd by John M. Ragan
of Hastings, who brought proceedings In
the district court of Lancaster for a man
damus to compel the secretary nf state to
(put his name on the primary ballot a a
republican candidate for supreme Judg".
The district court held the law unconsil-l
ILLI 1.1.
mal and Mlsa Bll Thorngate of the Ft
Paul Normal Reside th direct 1ntrvic
tlon a series of lectures have hen r
ranged for Th firs' was given this even
Ira: by Champ Clark, the democratic floor
leader In rmgfes.
ORT" Lorl physician are treating a
large number of cases of poisoning, supposedly-
caused either from poison In th
wsrer or on the balk of the river, as al
most all of the rases are people who have
been In the hnhlt of bathlna- In the Ixiup
river. One case of "Tar'et fevr was quar
antined this morning.
FAIRRI'RT The Falrhurv Chautauqua,
which has been In session here since fast
Friday, ha been drawing large crowds
In spite nf the extremely hot weather. The
program this year embrace talent with,
national reputations and this Is the mag
net which brings the crowds dav after dav.
Judas I,ee Kstelle of Omaha talked to a
good-siied audience of women and children
yesterday on the work that Is being done
In the Juvenile cmirt of Omaha.
KA IRHIRY Twent v-flve families living
on K street, between Ninth and Kleven'h
streets. In Falrbtiry. have, formed them
selves Into a home Improvement club.
They will hold regila'- rieetlngs on the
lawns of members, when matters pertain
ing to beatntfvlng the section In which
they live will be talked over.
dollars as the neit fellow. Edwards re
lics a lio j t six miles from here and. It Is
said, lies about J1.200 worth of crops and
tutlonal and the daclaloo was affirmed b.y iin u his place. The sheriff took eight
the aupreme court In the opinion filed
In holding Told that portion of the pri
mary law which made It Illegal for a po
litical convention to endorse candidates
or In any way criticise candidates for
school or Judicial office. Judge Hose fald:
Published criticisms of candidates, of
ficers and pollcie are potent factors In
th atrungle for ctvlo virtue ami cannot
be suppressed by legislative enact merit.
Tha privilege of speaking and publishing
the truth with good motlvea and for Jus
tifiable ends was not Inserted In the bill
of rights by accident. The doctrine that
the truth as to man's conduct Ik no Justi
fication for publishing It In the press
originated In the star chamber and was
In high favor In that tribunal when prim
ing became, as effective means of dis
seminating what honest men said about
abuse of official pnwi and the conduct
and policies of public men. The hostility
to such a restriction of free speech nnd
of a free press resulted in the adoption
of aectlon 6 of tlva bill of rights.
ftvllabna of Opinion.
The ayllabus of the opinion Is:
1. The legislative enactment in sections
head of horses from the place which are
mortgaged to a Rroken Bow bank.
Frontier Pay at Or and Island.
cial.) A repel ition of the Cheyenne Fron
tier celebration has been acheduled here
for August 25. M and 27. A Irart of land
three miles north of the city has been se
cured upon which the wild west events
will take place. Twenty thousand people
can he accommodated In the grandstand
which ha tun erected.
Among ihe features to be imported from
the Wr fhevenne carnival are 200 Indiana,
cotio. and cowgirls.
Depot For Central City.
(TNTKAIi t'lTY. Neb.. Au. IS (Spe
cial i -The I'nlon Pacific ha mapped out
the site of a new $2.7,000 depot, work on
which will shortly begin. It will be 125 feet
In length and conmructed of pressed brick,
"vlih stone facings, and will he completed
Omaha Autoists
on Reliability Run
Forty Cars Start for Two Days' Trip
and Iett Over the Ne
braska Eoads.
b November 1. according to present plana.
1 and 10. chapter 63. session laws of IM, VVork nn it will begin as soon as the force
that candldt for Judicial and educational j tnai is tinisntng the depot at .1 olumbus ar
office shall not be "nominated, endorsed. .rives.
recommended, censured, criticised or re- .
ferred to In any manner by any political
party, or any political convention or pri
mary, or at any primary election." Is a
violation of seotlon 5 of the bill of rights,
declaring that "every person may freely
speak, write and pufcliah on all subjects,
being responsible for the abuse nf that
liberty; and in all trials for libel, both civil
and criminal, the truth when published
with good motives, and for Justifiable ends,
shall he a sufficient defense." and of sec
tion 19 of the bill of rights, declaring that
"the right of the people, peaceably, to
assemble to consult foT the common good,
and to petition the government, or any de
partment thereof, shall never be abridged "
2 A political convention is an assemblage
within the meaning of the constitutional
provision that the lights of the people to
assemble to consult for the common good
shall never be abridged
lonnty Division In Caster,
ANSLKV. Neb.. Aug. 18. -I special.)
Petitions requesting that the dividing of
Ouster county be voted on at the general
election in No ember have been filed, and
the County Board of Supervisors will act
upon the petitions Thursday The peti
tions have over i.TOO f-ignature.
Nomination In Madison.
MADISON, Neb., Aug. IS (Special Tele-giain.i-C.
s. Smith of Madison waa nomi
nated for Kherlff on the republican ticket
ffnd .lohn K. Klynn of Norfolk on the
uu.uoci atlc.
rhrsnka ewa .Notes,
NV.RH VSKA CITTThe Wilson Re-lCn.
S. In prescribing -a form of official hal lot . f,,. r'nnci-ete comoanv have derided to
which limits the printed names of cnud i nmve their headquarter from Omaha to
dates for Judicial and educational offic. this city
warL",. HKATrtlfK-Enrl' an old Beatrice
e! iSm ch ..o.Tf , w"" considerable fame aa a
cept oOO in tarn county of the riRnt to take m . ,. . , ,
part In nominating a particular candidate. ! mu" r' Vori
chapter 23. aeasion laws of 1909. violates see-' ,n ,ne t"-' H lh" ln New York
tlon 22 of the bill of rights, declaring that UKATUICK Beatrice Pearl, the daugh
' all electlona ahall be free, and theie shall ""i of Mr. and Mrs. George H. Coons of
be no hindrance or Impediment to the i iglit , ' kalousa. Kan., died last evening at the
of a auallfled voter to exercise the elective ! ' Mrs Coons' parents ln this city
franchlae." ' . i i cholera infantum.
4. Where It appears on the face of a lecl.;- R PATRICK Mrs. Tlta W. Leners. wife
latlve act that an Inducement for lis pas- of Uankln J. Lieners. died yesterday mom
sage waa a void provision, the entire act ing at her home, twelve miles northeast
falls. I of hcatrlce. of tuberculosis. She was 23
6. Where valid and Invalid parts of a years of ae and Is survived by her hua
1egisxtle act are so Intermingled that they j band and three children,
cannot b sepaj-ated In auch a manner as XKBKAKKA CITY The Missouri Pa
to leave an enforceable statute expressing l.,nc ialwav nauling. in a lar, amount
the legislative will, no part of the enact- of w ,, mg wh)cn thev lay
ment ran be enforced. ,1,, niail, 1lle between Wyoming and Oll-
IImU for lllaaent. more. They will also put a large force
In his dissenting opinion Judge j nth; "P nd t,alht-
holda U.e nonpartisan Judiciary law to he, NOKTH nTTf-RUchanan A Patt4
but an expansion of the atate-wide primary Bn of this city has closed two Urge real
law. aad that It "doea not ome wllhin ihei estate deals, selling to Mr. Carpenter, who
inhibitory provisions of the fundamental l,v,, H' the eastern part of the state. 00
. . . , . ,., ,, ,, .acres of the Mylandor ranch and SM acres
laws that hava been Invoked to destroy It. of lh(l U,01.K, A vValker piR,. Hoth ,r
southwest of town. The price paid waa
RROKK.N MCW I'pott information from
ttie sheriff of Rox Rutte county. Marshal
TowFley enthusiastically welcomed John
McDow (.-nloi'fdi usr as he stepped from
a frjipht Sunday niKht. McDow Is charged
with stealing $"f0 worth of furniture at
Alliance. Sheriff WHks arrived yesterday
and deparrerl with his pilsoner last night.
F.KATRli'i; Tiie stockholders of the Jong company held s mcelins last evening
and voted lo increase the capital stork
and take In th- Keatrli I .awn Mower The articles of Inrorpcailon
were amended, increasirig the authorired
capital from i-tioiin to irY).twi n' which
$;,".) will be paid up before the company
Tiegins business ucd'r the new charter.
Tb.owaa.ada f Vlaltora Watch Frontier
Per Events.
CENTRAL C.ITT, Neb.. Aug. 18.-tPpe-c.ial.
I Thousand of visitors are taking
poesesslon of the cltyi drawn by the
Frontier Days eventa. Although Wednes
da and Thursday were advertised as the
big daya and the whole of the program
was reserved for them; the management
found It neoessary to deviate from the
arrangements made and put on a riding
contest .waaterday, for the benefit of the
r,y .mi.,.. .t-,b n,,. ....... HK.. T KICK - C. G. I,ivenR..od. young
herd of wild horsea, eight expert riders n)an Vjn near U v more, was arrested
ronteated fur the honors First honors yeatenlav and lodged In Jail on a com
weie won
Hoagland of
and fourth by Hunter from Wolbach. An- tirpuse of doing him bodily hai-m Th
other conteat was held today, and l.imnr- defendant was arraigned, but no one ap
, .... n Ipearen to prosecute him. and ! was placed
tow the winner In the two contests w ill , ,,,,,.,. htnd He was placd in jail in
fight It out ln the finals. The Texas Kid j default 'f ball to await his pr.-dimmai y
and Oklahoma Kid gave exciting cxh'hl hrarlng.
tlon of steer riding. I NKHRASKA C1TV-A series of accidents
, iiccurrcil in ilus citi . the rirst w hen Al-
" ,, .-.. I bort Herman, a farmer residing south of
Thought Stolen aide Were Ulrays. thrown from hs hiirrv hv
BRilKKN BOW. Neb.. Aug IS. ( Spe- H runaway lenm anil fractured his ankle.
e!al. Will Edwards, charged with steal
ing a bunch of cattle belonging to A. C.
Vlslrop and sailing them to R .1. Tlerncy
of Analey, who has been in hiding for a
aeek past, was arrested yesterday by
Sheriff Kennedy, thirty miles southeast of
town, and brought to Jail. Fdwards had
by Charles raren. second by j P 'i or"" her. ; V
. , . . . . . r, rngnod. The elder Livelihood charg-d
of Texas, third by L. A. I ullen j h(sl soll w(n, oarrving a revolver for the
Under moist auspicious conditions, with
the eun shining brightly and a ccol breeze
bearing down from the norlh, the t o days'
reliability endurance run of the Omaha
Automobile club stalled at o o'clock Tues
day morning, the pilot car with Captain
Buchan leaving the Kitnbal! garage on Far
nam street at that time. The contestants In
the race began leaving at B :3t and by I
o'clocl; all had made Their getaway and were
bowling along the Dodge road at a fast
gait to reach Columbus, where they were
due at noon.
Reports fiom along the selected route are
to the effect that all toads are in excellent
condition, and It is expected that all sched
uled pulnts would be reached wtihout de
lay. The first day s run take the Omaha tour
ist to Hastings, where they are booked to
check early this evening. Columbus is (he
noon control, and Central City Is an aftei
noun checking station. Fiemont, Schuyler
and Grand Island, all will be favored by
short stops from the tars. The second day
calls for a run from Hastings through
Lincoln lu Omaha.
Forty caib started In the race, represent
ing ail the Omaha dealers and several out-of-town
enthusiasts. The leading cup foi
the race is offered by the Omaha Automo
bile club, o.her prizes wiil be given by
several Omaha merchants.
This contest Is the longest ever under
taken by Omaha autnista and is attracting
great Interest out in the state. A big re
ception has been planned for the tourists at
Orand Island and Hasting. The entrlee:
Pierce-Arrow. Frank Colpetrser; Packard
runabout. Elmer Redlck; Stevens-Duryea.
J. C. Robinson. Waterloo; White steamer,
K. E. Mockett. Lincoln: Rambler, E. K
Mockett. Lincoln; Rambler. C. D. Bogue.
Jr.. Apperson. Apperson-Baker agency;
stevens-i uryea. H. II. Kiinuali; Midland,
Freeland Uros. -Ashley company; Mitchell,
Colt Auto company; Rambler, Colt Auto
nmiiaiM' Veil John T leere Plow comtianv:
ri.UlunH rtr..nt w A Walla.,' Two RoleW I
H. E. Sidle. Lincoln; Cadillac "M," R. R.
Kimball; Cadillac. F. H: Sprague: Chalm-ers-Detrolt.
J. Joera: Mason. Freeland
Bros. & Ashley; Interstate touring. Fred C.
Hill; Chalmers, L. C. Olbson, South Omaha;
Intemtate. A. L. Huffmnn; Duer delivery
wagon, Brick Kuhn; Stanley steamer. It. R.
Kimball; Hudson, W. vA . Sherwood, and
other. a
HASTINGS. Neb., yAug. 18. (Special. I
Tbe day's drive of the Omaha Auto club
reliability run was completed at 5 p. m.
this afternoon. Thirty-one cars made the
first le in good form and the chart shows
only a small number of penalisations, none
of which will be carried out In points
until the tourists get back to the metrop
olis tomorrow. The iccently formed Hast
ings Automobile ciub look the tourist In
charge tonight and gave them a "seeing
Hastings'' rid" In about forty of the best
motor cars hei.
Tomorrow the tour will be resumed at
8:80 a. m., and every man In the competi
tion la willing lo wager a l of tires
against a pair of gogxles that he will get
Into Omaha on schedule time. There are
eighty automobiles In Hastings, but the re
liability cars the inhabitants a new
thrill as they chugged into tot.n. each
bearing a burden of dust-covered riders.
The farmers only open hitch yard has
been converted Into a nlglrf control, and
lonipht both member of the night police
will be on duty to see lhat the tire are
not punctured. Captain Buchan, In the
pilot car. arrived at 2.4n and the other
be;an coming at r; . ;o. Tire trouble and
dunt were Hie onlv bad thlns of the day.
We can say positively that we never in all our experience held a sale
which, for rousing buying; mthttglggrn, quit equaled this on. Our store- h been th bunleM spot In all Omaha since the hour this stor
oppnctl it door cn Monday morning. Nor Is it In the numbers that attend and the enthusiasm with which they buy is this an unusual sale. No.
Indeed, for never in all our business history wer we able to give values that would quite measure tip
of the values is the point which Interest! yon.
jf C 3
to these. And, after all. the eitent
The Grand Rapids Furniture Company found It necessary to closp out their business and to convert their goods Into cash in the quickest,
pospible time. They wishad to dispose of the stock in its entirely, and so it was perfectly natural they should tome lo Harlman s. it being
the one concern that is big enough to handle any sire stock that might be offered them. We took this Grand Rapids furniture slock complete
every piece of furniture, every stove, every rug. every yard of carpet and every article contained in their big retail establtshement. We se
cured the coodts at practically our own figures, and now we re putting those goods Into the homes of the people at such prices as they never
heard of before. Absolutely the lowest prices that were ever marked on goods of equal character prices that will make you exclaim that you
neer saw anything like them before in all your born days.
This most sennatinnal close-out sale Is t 'continue at our big Omaha
stoie until every article In the entire stork Is swept away. Every article
is marked with a big red Is, which tells Its own story tells the sttory or
one man's loss and another man's gain ycur gain. These red tags beat
prices that will make you open your eyes. If von don't admit that vnu
never before In all your born days saw such bargains 8CCH GREAT Bit
BARGAINS then we have missed our guess.
This event Is of wonderful Importance to every family needing a home
outfit We douht If there was ever an equal opportunity 1n the history of
Omaha to furnish up a home so eonpletely and nicely at such a remark
ably low sum nf monev At the prices quoted on this Grand Rapids stock
vou can furnish an entire home at the usual cost of a few rooms, lou can
secure handsomer goods and moil of them at ny given price than was
ever before possible in any sle of home outfits ever held In the city ot
Special Easy Terms of Payment During This Sale
J-J0 Hookers
Ill) Hookers
171 Morris Chairs. .
100 Morris Chairs. .
211 Parlor Chairs. .
43 Parlor Chairs. .
300 Dining Chairs.
O K.F Co.
...70 $1.90
82 Dressers
42 Dressers
105 Dressers logr
(S4 Chiffoniers . . .
45 Chiffoniers. . . .
G.R F.Co.'
,$14.00 $ 7.85
. 10.00
. 14.25
69 Steel Davenports 4.75
93 of These Handsome Brass Beds $13.75
IT I I inn 1Q 7G
; I I
They re Just aa Illustrated, heavy 2-Inch posts, heav
ily lacquered In the satin or bright brass finish. These
beds have never been offered to the public for less
than 120 This Is simply an Illustration of.
tne possininie savings nrrereo you at tins
tl It F t O. S S-Alc
Quantitv Price Price
224 Iron Metis $ :5.55 $2.35
197 Iron Beds 5.75 3.45
8.5 Iron Beds 14. :..') 7.45
161 Iron Beds 18.00 9.G5
102 Brass Beds 35.7 j 18.75
80 Brass Beds.... 48.25 24.95
30 Brass Beds 67.75 34.50
O R F Co.
101 Sideboards.
47 Sideboards
60 Dining Tables. 11.00
40 Dining Tables. 18.50
30 Dining Tables. 32.00
.$20.50 $11.75
10..i0 1
1414-16-18 t
ii jrj i i i i :e 1 a vi f i i i ( i i f
Declares Decision is Not Based on
Legal Evidence.
Join Son In C alllna" Anion
Court f Defeat of Justice
Hiscnsses A lice Thaw'
dangerous lunatics, and general privation
should ruin my health. Justice Mill will
be responsible for sending me there, for
his decision I not supported by lawful evi
dence. "This same judge a year ago stated In
this same court that he believed the time
would come when Mr. Thaw should have a
trial by jury.' "
Mr. Tbavw'a Statement.
Mrs. Mary Copley Thaw gave out the fol
lowing statement today:
"The only request made for my dn was
that he be transferred to the Blooming
ton asylum, although as an acquitted man
he should have been liberated.
"There waa no suggestion of bonds or any
Long List of Fatalities on Last Day
of Torrid Spell.
Fall In Temperature I Also Soted
Throughout Kansas Manx Vic
tim Ar Still ln the
WHITE PLAINS. N. T.. Aug 1.-Harry
K. Thaw was taken back to Matteawan
this afternoon. He bad good bye to his
mother In the consultation room of the
Jail, waved to some of tha Jail attendants
and left the jail ln custody of Pr. Baker
and two attendants. Thaw appeared to be j pcna.! appeal e as made to hint. Gladly
KANSAS PITT. Mo.. Aug. IS With ten
of the other fantastic feature mentioned. It deaths In Kansas City from heat in the
was simply the argument that an acquitted J twelve hour up to thl morning- tho torrid
man ought not to be placed in a criminal ! Pdl In this part of the southwest had
Institution. been broken.
"The thought waa suggested that the I At ' o'clock this morning th temperature
Judge would surely order this change If a ! "corded at the weather bureau here wa?
Sirs. Heirung. an aged woman. was
knot ked down by rw end severely
cored. I. V Hudpnn was peri'uiv injured
h a runawr. . M-s W. Srhneid- r fell
and broke her rht limb at the ankle.
W ll'ism t'us.sett. employed st the elevator
at Paul, was overcome by the heat and
Is In a serious condition.
ST. imi L. I ne rniri v-rirst srimial es-
The Weather.
WASHINGTON, Aug. IS. -Forecast
the weather fur Thursday and Friday:
For Nebraska. Kansas. Montana and the
Dakuias- Fair Thursday and Friday.
For Iowa and Missouri Uenei ally fair j anylhlng lr
Thurfday nnd Friday.
blid himself out aa a laboiei and was i moil of th Howard County Tea-hera' In-
buslly working when arrested. The prls-
I slit ule opi pert vesterdav u oinug in the
! high srhi iit building nude tl'e led of
... t ii
oner saya he wa not aware ar me time j , lniiv upei iiitenrlent Fd 1. Vogt. w ith
that the catU belonged to anvone in i i attendance or about WO teaeher. T !-. ;
n.nieolsr- he thonrht thev were sirs.- Institm- will onllnua all of the present'
' . ., . . , : n-ofk. The Instructors are I r F. P. Sher- i
nd might Just as well bring him in a few man Mi!., Kleanor Lally of the Peru Nor-
Terrperature at Omaha vesterdaj ;
Ii a. m
fc.'JI X I - 'I .- -'f II. m.
1 leg.
.... 8
A-"JV tov'ia
J w t it Some prqfef roffee made in the o'd- Si
fashioned cotrce pot. Some preter v
it made in a prrolator. But which
ever mtihivl yot prefer you will
always get the same results if you use
i a. m.
S a. in.
r 'v :' m-
' S- ' A-a 12 n1
7ls- I P- m
I S p. m.
1 : p in
fairly cheerful. His mother bore up well
She will move o Matteatvan on Friday to
return her residence near the asylum.
Before departing Thaw mada tha follow
ing statement:
"I don't question Justice Mills' honesty,
but surely his opinion is noi as good aa
that of Tr. Adolph Meyers or Pr. Schmidt
and all other alienists who examined me.
or the Judges or laymen who know me
well. The Judge was wrong In relying on
Dr. Baker as Impartial, when out of 3?"
clippings he produced tw enty-even con
nected with Sianford White mounted on
pasteboard, but completely left out 20
others containing quotations from Lincoln'
speeches, articles by Prof. Brashear. etc.
"Also the Judge was tmstaken in trusting
Baker sal'l after he had
sworn ha had 'foigotten' that he told L'r.
Pilgrim and Mr. Peabody and me at the
end of eleven week of careful examina
tion that he and Dr. Iambert were posi-
live I IIB'J no Main in iMianuia, no Kiau
(J7 swore he told Mr. (iraharo that he and
7t rr. I.mb had founr" traces of It after, as
78 i told bv his own testimony. I had fully
I answered all their questions. Did the Judge
-t forget that Mr. Jerome was afraid to let
79 Dr. Baker testify as an eipert?
V) "I wish to express my appreciation of th
" i respect and courtesy shown my mother.
my daughter offered to go.
"It was not until Sunday night tfiat ha
could be located. Twice she communicated
with us here, the last message telling how
fruitless th hard journey had been. She
cannot be back before her brother leaves
for Matteawan thl afternoon.
Orleans, hiO; fhreveport, I. a.. Ill: Fort
Worth. Tex.. il3; Shtrntan, Tex.. 10T; Pales
tine. Tex., 107.
There la prcmisp from the weaili"i- Inrei i
of abatement within Ihe next fori -:;.t
t. Joseph la Cooler.
ST. JOSF.PH. Mo.. Aug. Ifr.-ft'.. Jos-'p'.
is enjoying a respite from ihe cxi-e.-sive
heal of the last ten day with Ihe rnei
cury ten degrees lower than yesterdiiy. It
is cloudy and rain Is expected el any Iimi -Rain
at this time would save tin- miu i-i-np.
which Is suffering from drouth.
Trust Company
in Hcinze Deal
Broker Kaufman Says Official Sanc
tioned Loan to Fcrsch on
Copper Stock,
but if mother breaks down or the bad
m conditions
vi I
at Matteawan. surrounded by
K IIowDoYoa
h Hake Coffee?
ltal lleeord.
I OMAHA, Aug. IS. Official leco.d of tem-Iperaiin-e
arid prclptta : ion. omareO wmi
I ihe corresponding period of the last three
i v ears:
' .Ma (imum iemper,-u Ui e
I M 'milium ten-pi lature
I Mean tempi i ai ure
i"9. !'.. l'M7. UOi
. 'O ?4 ft
uv ' 72 70
7t ;i vi s:
I'reclpltation Hi T .) .!
Temperature and ion d"psrture
fnnn ihe normal at timalia Klnee March 1,
For All
79. six degree below the recotd at the same
hour Tuesday, and a cool east breeze was
blowing. At Topeka. and generally through-
out Kansas, a similar fall in temperature.
Is reported. j
Most of the deaths In Kansas City oc-1
rurred late last night and &:! today atoflv ,n th lnvestlgai i..f
the hospitals, where the victims had been copper stock loan eas.
taken Half a dr.zen or her nersima n li..;ltH, of testimony h'.- tl'el.
"He goes with courage undaunted by this . had pn1 yesterday, were aii.l'ond Leonard J. Fi-I.M I
N'KW YORK. Aug. IV t
outrageou decision, and w all look for
ward confidently to tha action of the courv
of appeal. It oannot be that this illegal
restraint of an acquitted man, known by
everybody to b abaolutely sane, can last
much longer, no matter how vindictive
those who Would attampt to defeat Justice
may be.
"Allow me to correct some gross mis
takes regarding this brave, devoted sister
and daughter. Alice Thaw made no stipu
lations, nor did the family of the marquis
of Hertford, at the time of her marriage
such as are published in some of the morn
ing paper, tin the coniiary. her entire
estat remained iu this country, absolute1)
under her own control. The Hertford fam
ily always paid hr the utmost respect, for
good and sufficient reasons, aside from her
own personality. When she annulled her
marriage a year and a half ago the bad a
perfect right under the English laws to
hold the title. She was urged to do so by
her friend and her legal adviser, but she
preferred to be rid of It altogetber. She
had a host of warm friends in Fngland.
and her own quiet home off St. James rark,
like my own. have been kept open air these
months hoping always for justice. '
under treatment today, but It was believed i n1 the statement ri
al I would recover.
The dead:
CHARLES K. ROWK. aged SO years,
reiiied cabinet maker. 1
MR. 11A ALTSCHAFFKL. aged 12. pr1-cepted and furnished for him
Continued Decrease oted In
nmber of Hogs Coming; In
vate nurse.
K. A KOLFE. Hged 40, engineer.
GEOKtSB LOKSt'H. aged tt. blacksmith.
M. I'.' ALLEN, aged 37. wttchman.
WILLIAM ADAMS, aged 3J. switchman.
JOHN HALL, aged 46, packing house
JOHN HOFFMAN, aged 40. cab driver.
CARL NITSCHE. aged W, Janitor.
K AM EC HO MARCIIINO. aged b months
In Oklahoma there was a decided fall In
the temperature during the night and at
8 o'clock this morning Sd degrees was re
corded at Muskogee. '
High Temperature In'ionth.
MEMPHIS. Aug- IS -From Vlcksburg.
Miss., with W degrees, to lallaa, Tex., with
114, that section of the nation bounded bv
the Mississippi river from Arkansas to the
rulf. and f r -m the mouth of the Missis
sippi to the mouth of the Rio Grande, suf
fered iu second day cf intense heiil today.
Yel In the reports received tonight ther
are records of lurl four deaths, and prostra
tions were few.
Some of the temperature readings are:
Natclie. Miss.. 10T.. LHtle Rock. Ark., 101,
Jaekson. Mies.. 10.'.; Mobile. Ala.. 101. New
aitorn- y f,,r A. I F. Ad.. :i . - . .
ithat Mr. Adams would he r... . -. m
a 'either tomorrow or Friday. ml iimt i. had
been agreed that $12,000 ball m.uM ! nr
Mr. Ada-i
is charged wllh grand larceny In a loan
or) Eclipse oil stock owned by J. M
Everett of Bnxton.
Kaufman, the note broker, had prevloui'v
told Assistant Insi.riot Attorney Nntt that
he asked John A. Young, president of the
Windsor Trust company, to allow that com
pany to act as an agent In mskltig
JuO.OOO loan to Persch on the topper stock.
Kaufman ald Mr. Young consented mid
gave him a written acceptance of the prop
nultion. Thl statement was considered .in
important a showing the attitude of the
trust company in the ti .iscllon.
Twenty Cash and Mn Case He-
celred from Roosevelt
NEW YORK. Aug. H -Twenty risk and
nine case containing trophle of th hunt,
collectfd by the Roosevelt expedition In
Routh Africa, were brought here today on
the ai earner Provlnela. from Marseilles
The speelmens. representing twenty differ
ent kinds of animals, will be forwarded to
the Smithsonian Institution at Washington.
If msde sfre rrav every time every
f up of Old Ciolden Cortec will he like every
other cup, because tM (iolden is jl.vayj
imitorin in ijtialiiy. Skillful bleiuling of fire
"Old Crop" corTeei. pror aging, expert
roasting, and tatetul packing in air-tight
package, prewrves intact the f ull-tKxlied
rtrhnesa, tbe delightful bouquet and reiresh
ing flavor of Old Golden Cortee. TRY IT.
At Croc' 25 Canf a Pound.
Tested by Tattm
TONE BROS., Des Moines, low.
tilUr, of Ik fammmmt Tm Brm. 5c
A tonic of general and genuine value
r i '-n Hie normal at timalia Mnce Mari-h 1,' "ccu iiuinc. hiicis i
and compared with the la:U two years: ! to maintain Complete Vigorous i 1 r'cr current sas: I here is a
Normal temperature 74 health, which is the foundation of 1 am'' ot ,he "m"" ml,v,'m,nl of
all success.
Iefii lencv for tbe day
Total deficiency since March I
Normal pi e. ipltat on 11 tm n
f'eflclency for tne dav u Inch
Total rainfall einee March 1 1'i.ii.i inuiies
deficiency since March 1 I V4 hichea
Oeficiencv for cor. ! rod.l lg . 11 Inch
l f u lency for cot. period. lrr., 4 inches
Hepnrt From Station al T I". M.
Station and Slate Teni. Mix. Kawi
of Weai her 7 p. in
Ripmarck. clear
Cheyenne, pan iloudv ...
Chicago, clear
l'avenport. part cloudy ..
1 'enver. raining
Havre, clear
Helena, clear
Huron, clear
Kansas City, pan cloudy.
North Platte, clear
Omaha i lear
Rapid City, clear
St. I .outs, part cloudy...
St. Paul, clear
Salt Li k City, cloudy .
Vlentlne. clear
Wlillston. clear
"X" Ir.a'.cato trace of precipitation.
. .1., .WELSH. Local rorctr.
ri riTi.
guard the health of the whole
household. . ft is accented bv ohv
o 1 sicians everywhere as an eminently
'IJi ' dependable tonic. No other remedy
i i approaches its value for convales
u I cence. anaemia, nervousness, in-
j , somnia, dyspepsia and nursing
1 inouiers.
IS. i Special . i -
hogs to
market renters. Total western packing
was "4.7000 head, compared with iO.(i) the
preceding week, and 430 000 head last yeai
Since March 1, the total is ll.iffi.OjO head,
against II.ISO.OOO a vear ago Prominent compare as fo'lows:
ivn OT
uN Ufon It Binf Pmlrt
t Chicago
I Kansas city .
I Omaha
1 St. Louts
St. Joseph
i Indianapolis .
I Milwaukee . . .
I Cedar Rspide
fiiou City ...
St Paul
Cleveland ....
..2.2-iVflO" 2.4..'IH
. .1.41.000 Ln'tooeo
. . I O-.'O 000 l.(KT.."'i
., 2"i.0lO !'4.: I"'
. . 7-wlO l.llf..', if i
.. ?,M.ItO K7..0.I
71 -v
y,n tv.i
4 ii Oat
C71 OO
2i 0i)
470 nno
ZS Oii
DoYou Feel This Way?
Order a
Dozen from Your
Local DrugfUt
Slashed with ptaaor
wounded with gir. oi pierced by a rustv
"WVKJ j nail. Bueklen Amir Salve he! the
"Sjt ! wound Guaranteed Sc. Sold by Beaton j
I Drug Ca.
Do you feel all tired out P Do you sometime
think you utt can t work away at your proles
ion or trade any longer P Do you have poor ape
tite, and lay awake at nijht unable lo deep P Are
your nerve all gone, end your etomsch loo ? Ha m.
bition to forge ahead in ihe world left you P If o, you
might as well put top to your misery. You can do it if
you will. Dr. Pierce' Golden Medical Discovery will
make you a different individual. It will set your laiy liver
lo work. It will set things right in your stomach, and
our appetite will come back. It will purify your blond.
If there is any tendency in your family toward consumption,
it will keep that dread destroyer wy. Even alter con
sumption bat almost gained a foothold in the form of
lingering cough, bronchitis, or bleeding at Ihe lungs, it will bring about
eure in 9H per cent, of all case. It i remedy prepared by Dr. R. V. Pierce,
of Buffalo, N. Y., whose mdvic it fivtn frtt to all who with lo write him. Hal
great tuccett hat come from his wide experience and varied practice.
Don't he wheedled by penny-grabbing dealer into taking inferior tubtti.
tulet for Dr. Pierce' medicine, recommended to be "jutt at good." Dr.
Pierce' medicine re op inown cooition. 1 heir every ingredient printed
on their wrapper. Made from root without alcohol. Contain no htbit
(orining d'ugt. World' Iirntry Medical Attociation, Buffalo, N. Y.