10 Tin: BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY. AUGUST 19. 1900. CTea B p. m. 10 p. m. Mtore p. m, I'ntll hrpt. 1st A SPECIAL BARGAIN EVENT THURSDAY Waist Sale Women's Lingerie and Tailored Waists at 50c, Actually . Worth up to $2.00. The waists in this grent group are i l tv.-i.i- neck stvloa and new sailor collar also lingerie and tailored waists including linens some 6lightly ; imperfect various sizes. Actually worth up to $2.00, at " y A REMARKABLE SALE OF Stamped Shirt Waist Patterns Finest washable crepe In dia linon, mercerized pop lin and lingerie waist pat terns with sufficient Royal society embroidery floss to complete; also full size pa per pattern and chart for cutting sold everywhere at $1, $1.25 and $1.50, and when finished are worth from $8 to $12 Thursday Sizes 34, 36, jrt 38, and 40, It 50c irvxMjifMtfira MM 50c EMBROIDERIES "a.1 25c Yard 18 and 27-inch fine swiss, nainsook and cambric embroid ery flouncinsrs and skirtings also corset cover widths new and fresh worth up to 50c extraordinary values, at, per yard , 25c BRANDEIS STORES OPENING- U. S. GOVERNMENT LAND In th FAMOUS SNAKE RIVER VALLEY. IDAHO EIGHTY THOUSAND ACRES Choice asrricujtural land, under the Carey Act. ' will be open to entry and settlement, In the BIG LOST RIVER TRACT. DRAWING AT ARCO, IDAHO Tuesday, September 14, 1909. You Must Register Between September 9th and 14th If you do not take land after your number is drawn it coats you nothing. Title Acquired With Thirty Days' Residence Vter Ready for Delivery, May 1010. Homeseekers' rateB on all railroads and special rates from all northwestern points. For Illustrated booklet and all desired information, call on or, address ' C. B. Hurtt, Colonization Dept. Boise, Idaho xprss In 'tmltert degree only, the tnag-ntfleenoa of the Scenery in the Canadian l:ocklee viewed enroute to the ALASKA-YUKON-PACIFIC EXPOSTION Stopover without extra chars famous raaorta: Banff Iake toulee TtaM OLecler. Tbla "Land of fcUichnulmeut" la reached only by the Canadian Pacific Railway TUrouih trains to beattle from St. J'aul dally at 10:S a. m. X.oir Kaonraloa raiea from all places to brattle and ail Puget Sound cltire aod leturn. ' Alaska and return from Vancouver $. by Can. Paolfks aieamoMi. Tickets for sal by ag-enta of all railways, lend for Uteralur and information. A. C. Shaw,General Agent, Chicago. ' Jif ft 'Ja I I 1 1 l I I I M K .MX . 1 1 w 7 T is y The Fall Quarterly Style Hook of Ladles Home 4001081 Patterns is Just In. Get One. Pick Out a Wash Dress Thursday 500 SaLmples from New York Maker, S3. $6.5 and $8 Dresses for $3.50 Nearly all are show room and travelers' samples, a few are the odds and ends of the maker's lines. There are scores of beautiful styles plain and figured pprcnlpg, lawns, dimities, Swisses and imported madras; high and low nerk, Dutch collar effects and soft collar with tie. Splendid bargains all of them choice l3A9, TWO DOZEN BATHING SITTS TO CLOSE OUT Women's suits of black brilllantine. In a number of clever styles, some with white col lars and soutache trimming. Our best selling lines, but must sell them this season, so now buy any suit worth to $6. BO for. . . .$3.50 SO TAILORED WAISTS. White madras with colored stripe, made after the fashion of a man's shirt, self laundered cuffs, white detached collar, pleated front. with pocket $1.25 VXDEKMVSLIXS. Fine nainsook gowns, regular and slipover effects; also combina tion garments, beautifully trim med with lace or embroidery; special lots $1.25 Hi Si I. I I S4.00JgLS2.00 AT DREXEL'S Has 'em Talking OUR ANNUAL AUGUST SALE BLACK ILIKlS NEXT MONDAY Walt for this. Every year these Black Silk Sales make new sell ing records, for values are always best. We have 200 full bolts for this year's event, Including every kind one wants and. believe us, there never were more alluring prices. Look for the display in the windows. Great Picture Frame Sale The deep cut we made on our $3.50 and $4.00 sale of men's Oxfords, together with the high quality of the Oxfords made the last day of our sale a great success. We will con tinue the sale until 200 pairs are Bold. Mens $3.50 and $4.00 Ox fords at $2-00 100 Pairs of Women's White Canvas Oxfords, hand- turned soles Saturday Included. j at. 1,000 Frames, manufacturers' odds and ends every conceivable kind of a frame will be See Sixteenth street windows. Values up to $5.00 10c to 59c BENNETT'S BIG GROCERY Bennett's BreaJcfaat Coffee, 2-lb. can 480 and B0 frwn stamps Bennett's Tea, assorted, pound 480 and 60 green stamps Ltpton's Tea, pound can too Pickling Spices, per pound 86o and 10 green stamps P.o?-al H"npy, per jnr lOo nnd 5 preen ntampn Bannatt's Capitol Flonr; special Thursday . ..$1.60 Mexican Chill Huns, lb 8c Clam Boullon, bottle So Poppy Milk, can 10c and 8 Diamond Crystal Bait, pkg lOo and 10 Snlder's Tomato Soup, larje can BOo and 20 Red Kidney Beans, 3 pounds 850 and 10 Armour's Chipped Beef, Jar S4c and 10 California Ripe Olives, 60c can 30o Best We Have Cherries, 80c cans BOo Manzanllla Olives, quart Jars 30o and 20 Starling' Staron, 3-pound box B3o and 20 Six-pound box 60o and 40 Home Radish Mustard, 2 bottles SSo and 20 Sweet Pickled Peaches, quart Jar SSo and 20 areen stamps green stamps green stamps green stamps green stamps green stamps green stamps green stamps green stamps green stamps Mens' Shoes with Qualify ' aJl over 'em 1 nn n i a i . 1 1 i 1 1 i U I Drcxcl Shoe Co. 1419 Farnara Street utility Is Our Guide 0 I PPDIKE'SII $2.50 $3.50 Sold Only by the Regent Shoe Co. 205 South 15th Street UPDIKEHIlllKd'tO PLEASES THE MOST CKITICAL At all grocers UPDIB3B MIL, LINO COMPANY, OMAHA. BBS Bee Want Ads Boos t Your Business To Hew York and Boston S i ON BALE DAILY UNTIL SEPT. 30th, Via tha ' CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE & ST. f RAILWAY AOL A delightful 30-day vacation tour with diverse routes east of Chicago, interspersed with lake, river and ocean trips, relieving the monotony of an all rail journey. Liberal stop-overs throughout the east. Let us plan your trip and Arrange all the details. For ratos, routes, eto call at CITY TICKET OFFICE, 1524 Faraam St., or Write. P. A. Nash. Gen. Western Arent. Omaha. Neb. in n1 nn 'I'm of a. cut is not whaA it costs Birtwhfcstyou 3d out of it.We gu&r- ajiieeincquaJiiv BAKER BROS ENOPAVLNGCQ OMAHA. MORE THAN TWO TIMES AS MUCH LIGHT FOR THE SAME MONEY. TUNGSTEN LAMPS MAKE ELECTRIC LIGHT MUCH CHEAPER They have two and one-half times the efficiency of the ordinary carbon lamp hitherto In general use. The filament U made of a rare metal called Tungsten, which yields an intense brilliancy at low cost. In shape and size the bulb Is Just like any other electric Incandescent lamp. Why not try a Tungsten lamp yourself? Get one of the 40-watt and use It Bomewhere In your house In place of one of your carbon lamps. Then observe the great difference. Note the clear white lig-ht, exactly twice as brilliant and costing you one-fifth less lor electricity. Tungsten lamps are destined to displace all others, for both store and house lighting. Omaha Electric Light and Pover Co. Y.M. C. A. Bldg. Tel. Doug 1062-Ind. A-1278 IT KILLS EVERY FLEA This refers to a Llqquid Prepara tion, VICTOR'S FLEA KILLER. Put up in 25c and 50c (Vs gallon) bottle. Kills Fleas In the garret Kills Fleas In the cellar. Kills Fleas on the rug, carpet or bedding. Kills Fleas on the dog or cat. Kills every little or big Flea every where. SHERMAN & MeCOXNTLL TRVa CO. Corner lflth and Dodge Sts. OWL DUl'G CO. 10th and Harney Sts. Thursday, Friday, Saturday Bottled in Bond 90c 85c Penwick Pure Rye, full quarts, at Stillwater, full quarts, t We are agents. for the Calwa Wine Co. of San Francisco. C. SCHLANK 1307 Douglas Street HEW PROCESS THEATER SOOX TO HE OPENED. WaUh for Announcement of OPENING DAY Rollablo Dentistry AT Tali's Dental Rooms Many I!cw Bargains From the Council Bluffs SSoeEt Will make Thursday's sale an event of most exceptional bargain interest We close at 5 P. M. so do your Buying Early. nl THE RXUACLC STORK Save t0 to . 75 r of Your Jewelry, Out Glass and CJiina Purchase Wonderful Jewelry Bargains Thursday From the Countil Bluffs Stock $1.00 solid gold baby rings, in cluding a nice line of signets, choice 50c We do engraving free. Solid Gold Rings Men's or la dies signet or cluster settings, biggest bargains ever, will go at $1.50 and $2.00 Solid Gold Brooches, values up to $10, great snap at $1 to $-4 Solid Gold Scarf Pins, values to $3.50, on sale, will go for, choice 75c to $1.50 Solid Gold Cuff Links, values to $5, on sale $1.08 to $2.50 Solid Gold Necklace, $8.00 value, Thursday .$4.00 $1.50 Solid Gold Beauty Pins, choice Thursday 75c Men's Gold Fobs, values to $G.00 choice Thursday $$.00 Mf n's Gold Clinins, vnlues to $10 will go Thursday, your choice . ... . $1.50 to $3.75 Lockets All latest designs, vnl ues to $3.00, at $1.50 Combination Sets Men's or ladies', consisting of cuff links and pin, regular $1.50 values, in Thursday's sale, choice 75c 50c Laundry Bags at 15c from the Council Bluffs Stock A fine line of flowered, extra large size bags, 50o values, at 15c 35c Fancy Stripe Sateen Laundry Bags, choice 10c All the fancy Drawn Work Scarfs, Center Pieces, Shams, Doilies, etc., at Just Half Price. Our New Ladies' Tailoring Dept. Offers you the best of service, artistic workmanship, moat perfect style and fit, in either suit of skirt at least price. MR. L. UEFF Who is at the head of this depart ment, is one of th best cutters and fitters in the west, and we guarantee perfect fit, ' style and workmanship. Come In and see what style and quality you tan get in a Tailor Suit to Meausure, at $25, $35 or $40. Inquire at Wool Dress Goods Department. Summer Quits nd Dresses At Less Than Value of Materials Alone Wash Suits that sold to $5.00, will go Thurs day, at $1.49 Wash Suits Worth up tp $7.50 Thursday, your choice $2.95 Linen Wash Suits Regular values to $20 over 100 in the lot, at $5.98 75 Long Coats $10 to $12 values, in pongees and linens, Thursday, choice $5.00 Beautiful Silk Dresses, in princess and empire styles, all colors and sizes, values to $20.00, will go at $7.50 and $5.95 Lingerie Waists Values to $2.50, in dutch neck and lace collar style, on sale Thursday, your choice for 95c New Silk Waists An elegant line for se lection, most attractively priced at, from $1.98 to $15 00 See the big showing of new Fall Suit Styles. Early prices are extremely low. Wash Skirts Worth to $4.00, all sizes and styles, white or colors, at 98c Ladies' Silk Kimonas, values to $7.50 choioe $3.98 Summer Furnishings At Sweeping Price Reductions The great muslin underwear Specials for Thursday Selling. Fine nainsook and muslin gowns short or long sleeves, hand somely trimmed, values to $2.50 at, choice 08c Ladies Gowns that sold to $1.50, on sale at 69c Corset Covers and Drawers Big as sortment, values up to $1.60 In 3 lots Thursday 25, 39 and 49 $1.50 Ilathlng HulU, 60o Our entire lot of men's and boys' bathing suits that sold up to $1.50, to close, your choice 50 All sires, but they won't last long at this price. Come early. Baby Bonnets Dainty styles values to $1.50, to close at 19c and 29c Ladies Lawn Wrappers Bro ken lots to close at 39c Extra Specials Thursday in Our Famous Domestic Room 10o Flannelettes, nice bright, snappy styles, for kimonos, wrappers, waists, etc, yd 7ViC 10c dark percales, single or dou ble fold, fast colors 7Vc 10c outing flannels, nice' fluffy light stripes, fast colors.. 7X2C Renfrew Turkey Red Damask, fine patterns 39c B. B. C. Canton Flannel, cheap at ltVic, on sale 7li Delano Fine Cotton Blanket, 10-4, fine gray, worth 7 Be J9 11-4 fine assorted fancies, extra weight, vry fine, worth $1.60, QSf Read This For Grocery Prices The frrahest gorxls, hlgtieet quality cent on your housekeeping expenses. 20 lbs. best Pure Cane Granulated Sugar $1.00 10 bars best brands Laundry Soap 2.V 10 lbs. best white or yellow Corumeal for 2Sc 6 lbs. choice Japan Race 25c 6 lbs. best Pearl Sago, Barley or Tapi oca for Sflc All kinds Corn Flakes Breakfast Food, package 7 He Quaker Puffed Wheat, pkg 7 He 011 or Mustard Sardinia, can....Sltc Tall cans fancy Alaska Salmon. . 12Hc 1-lb. pkg. Feeded Raisins c Closing Out Our Stock of Summer llrinks. Pint bottles Duffy's Grape Juice.. 2c Quart bottles Duffy's Grape Juice. .8c and saving of 25 per rent to 50 per Quart bottles Duffy's Golden Russett Oder 17ao Quart bottles Duffy's Crabapple Cider for 17Hc Quart bottle Duffy's Apple Juice Cider for "He Per dozen, any kind Cider. . . . . $2..00 Freh Vege4able at Wholesale. The best Sweet Corn, dozen Be 4 bunches fresh Beets Be 8 bunches fresh Radishes Be 2 heads fresh Celery Be 5 Summer Squash Be Fancy Ripe Tomatoes, basket. .... .Be Rweet Peppers, per dozen 7Hc Large Egg Plant, each Fx: Fancy Cooking Apples, per peek.. 18c 3 large beads Cabbage...., tOc Can Your Peaches, Pears and Grabapples Now Bushel box ertra fancy California Bartlett Pears, for thls"aale $2.25 7 This will be the last week for California Bartletts. ' Large boxes extra fancy California Elberta Freestone Peaches 81.10 CRAB APPLES FOR JELLY Large market basket, extra fancy Whitney Crabs, for Jelly, per haaket, 25 Twenty pounds bent pure cane Granulated Sugar $1.00 DON'T FORCCT TRY HAYDEU'S FISST IT T