1HF. BKK: OMAHA. WKDXKSDAY. ALUlNT l. i:to:. hRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET yjieftt Lower auid Uruteady. with All iryinfc- to btii. 11' 7' Baron, hoxed extra shorts. (13 TS. cles' ribs. 112 75; short clears, ftf 874. Receipts end shipments of flour and grain re a follow : Receipt Shipments i; ii l.X) ?4il wi 108. 7) R3.910 116 200 KIiiiii. bill Wheat, hu ''urn bu.. Oats, bii.. V4 3nt 99.&O0 CORN PRICE FALLS OFF A CENT oler Weather, with Rain, Krndl Ball to laaere aloes t Lower. I'rnmlu of Inter nad Range OMAHA. Auk 17. !! Th late decline of ymtfilar wi fol lowed by lower prices again today. Early hi, -A were sellers lain In the session, im there wsa no featut. tha general riling eased value mill lower. With prediction of rain and cooler weather in the corn belt, prii s slumped off a cent for tha cash am ft anil tha op tion were weak. Wheat was unsteady, with cable lower and selling general. Unfavorable report regaidlng damage In the northwest trom blighting owing to the eitreme hot weather during harvesting firmed value slmhtly a I tha close. Corn wan weak on heavy Relllng on the aeather prediction for rain In Hie corn bell. Receipt are good, but baldly equal to tha local demand, which Im active. If good raina should fall there I n large mount of reserve cum that ahould move to primary polntp. ' Primary wheat rei elpt were 890 000 bu. and ahlpmenta war 563. 0"0 bu.. against re ce,lpt laat year of T71.W1 bu., and ship- V -I. ra of LkM.OipO bu Mrmnt were fjfJc 000 bu.. acalnst receipts li year of 461. Out bu., and shipments of 271 000 bu. Clearance were 830 bu. of coin, none of oaia and wheat and flour equal to l: .Of"1 bu Liverpool closed HS'd lower on and Vf4dd lower on corn. Local range of option HtUTHKR IN THIi liHAIN BKLT Larraaltely talnty t'er- frimarr corn receipt were 4.9 ono bu. and w heat Article. Open.) lilgli.l bow. Close. Hal'y. Wheat-I I Sept... 9NI Iec,.. M'-ji Corn- I Kept...! KV Dec... !W. Oat- 1 I Sept.. I 3,,, Dec... I I 9?v .vi 53 V i 864 I 92.l S94i l 52 i I J,'.',' 3441 97V tNi I R9V 6!l, 524 Kl'a V.'4I 358 8441 if.-. Omaha Caati PrTcea, WHEAT-No. 2 hard. 9otl 00; No. hard. Wa9Tr.; No. 4 hard, 9l4f94e: No. (.'Ofils No. 2." S14trffic; No.' 2. dlljHkU .o. 4, 6lolc: no grane. oi'd'tx:; .-no. yellow, S84c; No. 2 yellow, 634c; white. 84c; No. I white. Mc. OATS-No. S mixed, 3'lirTc; No. low, 37tfSSc; No. I while, 37'a39c; white. S74tt384c. RYE No. 2. Kfl70c; No. 3. 876lc. . Carloi Receipts. Wheat. Corn Chicago '..278 403 Minneapolis 7fi mmha U Iniluth 3 Hot Moilii, vrltk of (ooler y Mbt. OMAHA. Aug 17. lW. The ueaihr cuiiiiiHieu eaoeeiveiy warm uut.ng tne pat iweniy-fur hour over the icihiii Miiea anil foutneei, and tem perature hiitner than on any previoua nay thla summer prevailed throughout Ne inatki II l i iik m Ashiand: ll at Fair- I bin y . 1(4 at (.'ulberiaoii; i at Auburnj 102 I at Columbus; IU1 at Hastings and aJr nmnt. and Wi at ilrand Island aad Te- tcamiih. i he higneat temperature or tne season eie also reported throughout Kan oas. Missouri and Oklahoma. U I much cooler this morning In the upper MlHSourl vallev atid a eat Into the mountains. aid It will he cooler In thla vicinity tonight. No rain wot thy of mention occurred In N. htaska during the laat twenty-four hour Shower wcufted In the upper Mle alsHlppI valley thla morning, and were quiet general oer the Ohio valley and lake region within the last twenty-four ho-tre. Moderately heavy lain were general in (lie i astern and southern states during Monday and coniirfue In the eastern atate this morning An exceive rainfall la re ported In New Tork City, a fall of 6.04 Im he bring recorded. The weather I generally rlear in the upper Missouri valley and throughout the northwest this morn ing, and iU be fair In thla vicinity tonight arid Wednesday, possibly preceded by showers tnda. Itecnrd o( tempetature and pi eclpitation compared with the corresponding day of the last three yrara: 1K. ions. ir7. ljntl Minimum temperature 7R m - 7U Precipitation 00 .00 .00 .00 Normal temperature f"r today, 7S dearec riefictencv in precipitation since March 1. 1 l Inches. Ksces corresponding period in IM. .11 of an Inch fieflc'ency corresponding period In 1!W. 4 09 Inches. A. WELCH laical Forcaater. urn mi Wheat Rrgloa flalletla. For Omaha. Neb., foi the twenty-four home ending at g a. m.. 7fith meridian time, Tuesday August 17. IOTP. OMAHA PISTr.ICT. Temp Raln- Btatinns Max. Mln NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Reactionary Tendency in Wall Street Market Becomes More Pronounced. OPENING IRREGULAR AND HEAVY llarrlraan anal Steel tsmrana (rater f Bear Attaelt Freeh Raying of t'aloa raelflc tarta t p ward Moreaaeal Later. 3 3 i No. 2 3 vel No. 4 Oat 4;ll in. r IIK AGO UitAI AM) FH()( ISION I l-'eatore of Ike Tradlag and CloalnH Prlcea un Hoard of Trade. CHICAGO. . Aug. 17. Uaniu.se reptrt from North Oakota offset weak cables and caused a steady tune io ,th wheal market hi re at the close today. Coin closed weak, oala eaay auU pi'ovitona Irregular. The wheat market opened weak, with prices unchanged to Ho lower, owing to a decline of Hifl Id at Liverpool. During the gieater part of the day aentltuent . was inclined to tht bear side, o fthe market, but In the final hour a firmer feeling de veloped becauae of confirmation of re jtvrt of wet weather and damage to the neat crop In tha northwestern part of North Dakota. A slump In corn and an easier tone in the- market for the cash gialn were additional factor that prompted considerable selling. Trade in general was of light ton. The close was Ktrndy. wltn prices a shade to H&'c higher, compared with tha previous close. An official forecast of unsettled weather over the greater part of the corn belt for tonight and tomorrow Inspired liberal realising sales In the corn market, which resulted in declines of approximately lo In tne price of all deliveries. Kreah reports ot,dama-e .by .hul. aiealUaK avere received and, at time the advices caused slight ral lies. Decline of Ma In the better grades of cash corn and 2u In lower grades wan a bearish faotor. The market closed weak with September delivery at the bottom and tne future options only a trille above thi low mark. Oats Were Inclined to ba weak nearly all day owing to aelllng brought out by Im proved weather for narventing and thresh ing The market was bearlahly affected by the slump In corn. Th close was easy with price a shade to we lower than vesterday laat quotations. Provisions manifested ' considerable strength. At the close prlcea were 10c lower to tOc higher, the latter advance being In September pork. The leading futures ranged as follows; fall. Sky. Ashland. Neb 10S 70 .00 Clear Auburn. Neh 103 t ffl Clear llfken Hon. Neb. W 70 .03 Clear Columbus. Neb.. .102 70 T Cloudy Culbertson. Neb.. 104 76 .10 Clear Kalrhury. Neb,...IOS 72 .00 Clear Fairmont. Neb. ..101 71 .00 Pt. floudv Mr. Island. Nrh. .100 70 . 00 Pt . cloudv Hartlngton. Neb.! 72 00 Pt. cloudv Hasting. Neh.. ..101 74 .( Clear Holdrege, Neh...!i 72 .00 Pt. cloudy Oakdale. Neb M, 70 . 00 Pt. cloudy Omaha. Neb 9 75 .00 Cloudy Teknmah, Neb... 100 73 . 00 Pt. cloudv Alia, la fiH .02 Raining Carroll, la 94 4 .nfl Clear Clarlnda. Is 100 H8 .00 Clear Sibley. la SO 0 .(if, Clear Sioux City, la... ;R 72 .02 Kalnlng Minimum temperature for twelve-hour period ending at 8 a. m. In average. DISTRICT AVERAGES NKW YORK. Aug. 17 The reactionary tendency manifested In the tfivck exchange yestetdsy be-ame more pronounced today, with early decline In a majority of the standard iue. Sentiment appeared to have switched around very decidedly, al though surface conditions weie for the most part unchanged There was a recur rence of rumors regarding the health of a prominent financier now abroad and the long continued drouth In the Nebraska corn belt excited some spprehetialon. An other factor which militated against a re sumption of bullish operstlons wss the be lief prevalent in conservative circles that the matket had been going forward much too rapidly. From the very outset the merket was Ir regular, chiefly owing to a aerie of beat attack, which converged largely arour.d the Harrlman Issue. The only prominent stocks to display steadiness were New York Central and Atchison. Transactions were again very laige. with London a re potted reller here to the extent of 36.000 shares, chleflv the Harrlinans and I. nlted States 8teel common. There wss general Isle recovery from the early heaviness, which had Its Inception In a fresu buying movement in t'nlon Pacific The balance of the active list moved along in sym pathy, the net result being galna wnicn ranged from fractions In the Harrlman Issues to I points In Chicago North-w.-etern, and a point or more in Atchison, New York Central and the steel Issues. Illinois Central and Ixjuisvllle at Nashville did not participate In the recovery and some of the less active Mocks, Including American Cotton Oil, registered material losses. fchich general news a cme to hand later In th day was largely favoiable. including the succeful conclusion of the Chinese loan, with equal participation by our bank ets, and further Improvement in the atcel and Iron trade. There was also a state ment from a representative of the Inter state Commerce commission predicting a revival of the enormous railroad traffic of 1907. In International banking circles there waa talk of a resumption of gold export to Argentina. The money market was very strong, with further indications of a stif fening of sale. Some call loans were again made at 2H per cent, but this was the maximum figures. Hoik) were Irregular. Total sales, par value. ta.HMj.000. United States bonds were unchanged. The following were the closing quota tions on stocks: coin. I24.1M.1; minor coin. IJ130MS Total balance In general fund. Iina,1).!. do coupon V S. la. do oenpon . . . V g 4 re dn coupon . kS Not Included Article. Open. H!gh. Low, Close. Ycs'y. May 1 00 te, if Dec. M Q May j57 tfVsi oats Sept. SS4rW Dec. 3t";sUi May Poik I I Sept. J 20 SO I Jan. 17 40 I Lard- tepl. Oct. I Nov. Jan. I J' b.- 7 Sept Oct Jan oo'i I evv , 99'a 9lrVhV V1 I WVil otjti I A5; I 1 00 Central. Chicago. Ill ( oltimhiis, O lies Moines, la... Indianapolis, ind. Kansas City. Mo Txiuisville. Ky Minneapolis. Minn Omaha. Neb t. Louis, Mo No of Stations. 2fi Temp. Max Mln. CO Rain. Inches. .04 17 14 12 IS Ifi 29 17 12 K4 HI 70 K 70 M .18 00 .00 .00 .01 8S 9J 90 111" 90 4 100 70 T 9 ftx 00 Light showers occurred thl morning in northweste'-n Iowa and Minnesota and fairly good rain occurred In the eastern portion of the corn belt since the preceding report. The weather is cooler In the upper Missouri valley this morning and tempera tures are slightly lower over the lake region and Ohio vallev. L. A. WELSH. Local Forecaster. Weather Bureau. New lark Moaer Market. NKW YORK. Aug 17. MONK Y On call, suadv at 2Vij:W Pr cent; ruling rate. 2 per cent; c'oauig bid. 2 per cent, offered at !'4 Per rent. TI M K LOANS Very strong; sixty days. 2 par cent; ninety dsys. SSSS per cent; six month. 4 per rent. PKIMK MERCANTILE PAPER 44j4Hi per cent. flTF.KLINO KXCH A X ME Stead v. with ctuni buslnes In bankers' hill at 14 K V5 4 8.1.-. for slxtv-day bill and at 14 for demnd: commercial bills. $4 .M?4.M'd. SILVKH Bar. 1V; Mexican dollar. 44c. BONDS-Uovernment. steady; railroad. Irregular. The following are the cloaing quotations on stock and bond: l' S ref ta. re . . . ion. (nt'l let rf. 4 10 winter. Met. 4H . n 101 Inter. Mtre M. 4l . Tn 101 Htipn 4.... I1 d 4a in K C. So. Irt . Allln-Crialniert 1 la M I. S. db 4. 1I1. Am. Aa 6 10'il. N. lint. 4 .... Am. T. T. . 4a.nw'i M . R T IK a i Am Tib. 4a l 'do n 44 l do (a 111S M". flclflc 4 . Kt Armour Co 4W . M S. H H of M 4, Alrhlsnn (n. 4l . T. Cen'l IV 4 do c 4a l'.a1 do deb tM do c I N V.. N H I Un e.llS Atlantic: t'. L. ll 4 4 N A W. lt ton. 4a. 10" D. O 4 I'S do tr. 102 do !' So. Paeiflc 4 int dn 8. w. lite si do In 14 H Rrmiklyn T. c. 4... f.iOion 9 I. rfrts 4 Mi 'nlrtl ot Oi f ..11 Penn rv. !. 1915 Teniral Loather 6 imm do ron 4 . w t"n l of N J . 6a . 1E7 Reading en 4 liK- diet. L O 4ta 14 St I. P fg. 4f dn rof. fia 'Oil, do gen. f I""l t'Mrago A JS . T t L, 8 W con 4 T C. B g It. 4a... do lat told 4a 1j do gi. 4a Seah'iard A I.. 4a . Hv, C , M A 81. P ( 'a l Se Paclfle col. 4a ! , C. R. I. P. c. 4 W"t do r. 4 do eol. 5a . . l4 o lat ret 4. . do rig 4a . ar'So. Rallwaa 5a . cVlo. Ind. 6a do tpin. 4a colo. Midland 4s. .. 14 I Dion Pa -lie 4a Colorado & Routbatn do ct. raf and ett . "", du lat and rr. 4a. ' 11. oV Hudann er, 4a. 1ei, t1. Rubber da in:. i) n. a. 4 a s1'- 8 imi id .., . do ref is .ss V -c aro t hem. is. , Plallllera' a H4tahath lat 6 Ill En prior lien 4a ... g4 do lat and out. 4. '4 do gen. 4 7lnWtarn Md. 4a ski, do ct. 4a. aerloa A Waatirg. Elec cy. la S4w do rv. 4. aertoa B. T84j A"I. Central 4a M Oenoral Klae. c. ia.164 Bid. "Allied l.oadoa Stock Market. IjONDON, Aug. 17. -American securities opened quiet and at parity. I'nlon Pacific snare were steady, but hardened and at noon the general list ranged from i to t. of a point above yesterday's New York closing. I'nion Pacific was H lower. London closing stocks Allla-Ohalmera eld.... Amalgamated Copper., Am. Agricultural Beet Sugar Can pfd Car aV foundry.. Cotton Oil Hid & Leather Pa gernrltiee hlnaeed Liocomotlvo 8rrltlng St Ref pfd Sugar Refining. Tel. Tal Tobacco pfd . . , . Woolen Mining Co NKW lOHk HKMSHAL UARUIJ'l Aootatloua - 1 arlaas sS;3'-&"i 3s . -us iirt.40',,.(.'( . 4ir),.i)-va) 21 60 12 44) I 20 86 17 21 60 i; M I 20 80 17 40 11 bl U 70 11 ."i2'-,i II 85 I i 11 6.ii 11 70 ll 07', I 11 4,-T.t It lb 11 11 20 I U 11 10 I 11 -U 1 11 10 KV1 W if?v, W 10 20 1 lu I'll, I I I I I 11 SO I 11 45 11 90 U 40 I 11 35 I 11 06 I 11 174 11 UU I 11 lJ'.i 11 OJi. I 8 lit 1 2iVti Ulr 20 I 8 22' t No. 2. 1 Cash giiotations were a folloaa: FIAJFH Finn; winter patents. S4.90u .J0; Siraighta, 47i(f0.1j; spring paiems. l.-.iOtiu.atj; tralghis, )4.jVu6.tx; bakers, U.36 Mi.D. BARLEY Feed or mixing, 4i3c; fair lo choice milling, 67t(Mc. SttlDS Flax. No. I southwestern. I IS; No. I north aestem. 1 i6. Timothy, l.sO. t lover, iiLiO. PKOVlBlONS Mesa pork, per bbl., 21 46 43 21 W. lrd. per loo lbs.. 111. 7.,. Mhot t ribs, s des tloosel. Ill SOjU 45, short clear sides (iroxed). U.62'aH.;o. Total clearatu ra of wheal and flour were eciusl to 162.UU0 bu. Primary receipts were fcnteai bu.. compared with 771.0uu bu. the eoi responding day a year ago. The world's visible supply, as shown, by Bradatreet k l. ,r eased 114.000 bu.- tvalltnatad IM-eipte for tomorrow: Wheat, 1 car; corn, lis car; oata, 147 cars; hogs' 32.lia) head. BUTTtcft Flrtn; creameries. x3.tjSc; daisies, iV-Oo. KUO .steady; receipt. 8.148 casoa. at mark, rasea incluJeU, (lists. 2oc; prime firai 21S,o. V . I'll tKSB Strong; daieitrs. . i7AajlS'tC, twins, HSJl4c; young Americas, lfi'itf' lic; long horns, 16'.0 16c. I'DTATOEH-Usy, choice tw f BO . ' 4ff fv, fair 10 good, 4J4bc.. - Pul'I.TUT Hteady ; tprkeya, lie; chick ens. I4ljc; aprlng. lc. VEAL Steady. eO to 80-lb. weights. 8(11 8'c; 60 to bi-lb. weights. ftvV; a l 110 lb weight, vtHUHc. .1 St l.aale Oeatral Market. kT LOU'S. Aug. 17 -WHEAT-Weak; . No. J red, cash. 11 OS'fl! 08,: No 2 hi'rd. 1 1 '!- 1.041,; 5eptember. Sit'i'ir.'c: De cember. V, o. ' CORN- Lower; track. Nr.. . S cash. 7c; September, tic; December, iJSc; No. 2 lute. a,3'1c. OATS-ijwer; track. No. cash. 38c. Sep tember. 37e; December, 7jc. No. t whit. 0'c. RYF-7l'a;iVc. nominal. . ' FLO. I U -Steady, red winter patent J5 00 S.to; extra fancy and sn sight, $4 ;cfS 00, hard winter clears. 1. 94 i.V SFJfcf riiiich. U2i4(3 . Ci (R!lfc;AI-J-JO HISAN--elaadf, aaoked.- eat rraek It flsor 1 at tl A Y Mtrsely: timothy, IJO.Oiki'i lj On. pri. rle. 8 Ottft 't' (!''" ipo'x t tnfi'kX Tics-soc. ' HPiiNc,--;c - . , IIFMl' TlvfNM Tc- "' '.'"' pol l TRTii-ady; chicken. Uc: spnn. K,icr Inraeys 17c, ducka g-ee. Sc. Hl'TTF.R - Firm; creamery. 23o27r k FI(IMHlgtirr at U',c. ' PP-'iVHIoNH- fork. higher: Jobhlne. t: Oil l-ru tng.Vi ; prtmr steam. Ill 4oi) I'rr ae.lt meats dirtier: boxe.1 extra s. tlLfb. clear rib. Ill 76. ahou dnti of the Day oa t oiumodlllea. NKW YORK, Aug. 17.-FLOUK-KeceipW, 45.60" bbls. ; exports. 12.700 bbla. Market wa Hiuaii out. quiui; M iiun-tio.a painw, oo.JUty b.Jfi; Miniimoia bakurs. .i.lugj.v0. o.d; winter putuiua. ,,i(i j. mi, c.Ui, v, nicer siraights, patents, ist.3ixao.iiU, old; winter extras, 14 50 lit W. new ; winter straights, H.SsJim.lO. new ; winter patents. 4.4iu4.oO, ne ; win.er low giades. a4.4O'4.70, new; Kaunas straights, 4.9WI&.10, new, Kye tlour, qultl; ia.r to good, i4.3ftcii4.uU; choice to fancy, 4.B6'ut.S0. COit.s Ai ijA U S.eutly ; fine uiu.c ..u yel low. fl.tiik)l.iii; coarse, ii.uumi1.o6; kiln aned. 13.75. ME-Dull; No. 2 wesiern, 7c, nominal, f. o. b. New York. HAKLtV-Firm; feeding. 57c, c. I. f. New York. VV H KAT Receipts, 36.CO0 bu. Spot markei sieaay. No. 2 lea. l.lu. no.iilnai, iluvalor, and II IH4. f. o. ti. arioat; .no. 1 nonhrrn Duluth. oid, 11 il a. no.iunal, f. o. b. afloat, No. 2 haul winter, new. 11.12 g, nominal, 1. o. o. Bin. at. rraaa in wnca. waa vei ciulct touay. Pi oleMcionala were beailsh, but afraid to hammer me market, owing lo damage reports from Nonh Dakota, an.i It averaged ait-auy nil Ua, cli sing Iici higher. Mrplemht r closed at II. Oo1, Decem ber 111 i.ud anu .May at i.oc.at. CO UN Receipts, ,.Kou bu. : cxpor.s. M0 bit. Spot market easy. No. 2 mixed, 2c, win ter Hhlpuieiu. options market aa withoui transactloiiB, cloning itc io c net lower. September closed at ,J,c and Deceinbci at 6k'. OA I S Receipts. Sii.icju bu. Spot market slcady. Mixta. 2ii to oJ lbs.. 4ec, nominal; nutuial wlule. Jii to 2 lua 4ivxB!i"c', clipped while. 62j6!ic. HAY r 11 111; No. 3, ,iu)lc, good to choice. Scj1.10. Hi ni-.h yulet ; Uogola, JtMyu.jlc; Cen tral America, 1 1 1 o. LKATIlh.ll Jieudy, acid. 23i.4m. PROVISIONS Bref, sicacly; family. 114 00 it 14.60; men. II 1 On',1 1 1 ..Vl . oe, f hams," 24.0Ut 2600; packet, Jl2.io.i l.i.0U; city enira India mews, U06ii21.uU Cui meats. 11 11 let; Mckled bellies, 112 60,17 13 00; pickled hams. 'T 5cif,il 13 0U. Lard, firm; western. 111 Ai 12.06; re fined, firm; continent, 112 30; South Amer ica. 112.8.1. cuuipound. 17.60)1 .'6. Fork, firm; family. $21.&u'(i 22,t; short clear, 21.0inQ 23.60; mess. l21.;'ijlT-'.2o. TALI OA yuiet, city i2 per packaxei. 5 5-1'ic; country (package free). 6 5-ici 6 13-lw. KICK Steady: domestic, fair to extia. 1 ft lc: Jinan, iiominal BI'TTKR Flrm creamery thirds to firsts, !.. ISc. CM KKSK Steadx : unchanged; state full ci eam, speelals. l'ti lf'c; state, full cieaiu, small or large, colored or white, fancy. 14-io; state, full cream, common to 'good, liV'ili'V; skims, full cream to specials, 3Vnllc. V.i IMS Kasv; um banged, western extra fliatH. IVil'C; ve'-lern fliata. Jl j 23.: ; western second. 2ii21c, I'Ol'LTK Y Alive, steady': thickens. 1'V': fow ls, Iti'g Iii'.gc; turkeys. 14c; dressed, dull: but steady; hroHers. western. 14ii2tio; fowls, weletn. liVai'C Kaaiai f lt Grain and Provisions. KANSAS CITY, Mo., Aug. 17 WHEAT September) SJV; December "ic; May. SmartlnV sellers: rasn uiicnunged to 1c lower; No. 2 hard. Il.ottll 10; No. 3 haid 1 .pl OS; No. 2 red. 97fcl UP. No. i red. W4 II. u& CtlKN September. Wftiil'a sellera; He' temper. o2tlv4t'. bid. May. il'iti.'i bid; cash. 'yuJc Irtwer; No. i tn!xd 83c, No. 3 mixed. '."-i'. No. 2 white. hot'Tinc. No. I white, Wr. . . OATS I'm harmed Ui Ic lower,' No 2 white, 4:-'t44c ; No. 2 mixed, 340c. RYK J.l'o.Tic. II A Y-l'iichanged. ff ! I OU; choice prairl falfa, 12 imil4 00. Bl'TT K K - Ci ea m ry extras. 18c; firsts 23c; se,'onds. 21c; packing stork 13e. , Wlt'.S Kxlr. S': f n-sts. - Jlc. current receipts. lc: second and dirtle. I2c, southeriis, loss off 14c. Receipts and shipments of grtln were as follow: Receipts. Shipments VI' heal, bu I0ot lcj yl Corn, bu J1 " 181.000 Oat, ba ' li"0 . Kansss City option cloaed as follows: Articles. I Open. High. Low. Clos. Am. Am Am. Am. Am. Hlda & leather pfd. Am. Am. Am. Am. do Am. Am. Am. Am. Anaconda Atrhlaon do pfd Atlantic Coast Una ... b. a o do pfd Rethleham 81 Ml Brooklyn R T Canadian Pacific Central Laather do pfd Central of N. i t:ha. 4V Ohio Chicago A Alton Chicago Oraat Weaurn C. A N. W C, M. A 81. P C. C, C. St Sc. L. . . .. Oolo. Pual A I run Colo. A Southern do lat pfd do id pfd Con. Oaa Corn Products Palawar A Hudeon D. A R. O do pfd Diallllera' gacuiitiea ... Erla do lat pfd do Id pfd General Klactrlc Groat Northern pfd do Oregon ctra Illlnola (antral. Intar. Mel do pfd Intar. liarveaiar Iniar. Marino pfd inlcr. Puper Inter. Pump Iowa ('antral K. c. Southarn do pfu I. A N Minn. A 81 L. Minn.. St. P. A 8. St M. Mlaaourt Pacific M.. K A T do pfd I National Blei-ult National used National R. R. M. lat pfd ! N. Y. Central I N. Y . Ont. A W I Norfolk A Waiters j North American. Northern Paclfle Pacific Mail ( Poiiti Ivanla Pcople'a Uaa 1 P.. V.. C. A St. L I Pleased Steal Car ' Pullman Kalar car ! Railwar Steel HcjOnj I Heading I Republic Steel do rfd Rock tciland Co do pfd St. U A 8 r. Id pfd si. lauis a. w 00 pfd 8loa-Sherrild 8. A I So. Parlilc So. Railway.... io ptd Tenn. copper Texas A Pacific Toledo, St. L. A W do pfd Inlon Pacific do pfd I. 8. Reallv ' I. 8. Rubber I'. 8 Steel do pfd t'tab Copper Va -c'aro. Chemical 'abe:i do pfd Weetera Maryland W'watlnghoUM Kieclrlc... Western Colon Vi . A Lake En. w lacooeiu tnnal Total aalea for the a. saiee lul 27.70H 40) 2 "0 l.SOO .t"0 .oft act) 1.900 . i.2ix) M.400 71 K) m i.ino 400 Lad 1.700 "ion I. boo "iti 1. 400 501 l.l'.O 1U0 High. 861, 4V, k 81 74 tW' M4, a-'.- 10: US' in 1411, ion, ss 1J0S 118 ii 7k 116 '87 10?', Low. Cloae. 6nj M 4" 44 ' :j. 4s 32 t, 1iV" IMS 11 1 140 '4 101 S I71 4S ni'w 11m in, v 7 18SH 3tH 10' 14.100 s.H II '1 4 SOO S.400 JJI.OoO i.oni 100 100 '4V0 700 S. St Il ' i'.ojn J, inn no i:.700 I 700 6.1 'I 1.1m l.ooo in) 1.000 MKI TO I .VO l. l.:tn.) 100 I '10 ? "l 4..WV) 100 6.4 0 6.0 M.ea) l.S'W 1. 01 1.1 1. Jw) 15.200 W. Tim i.tv ii 45 4 54', 82 144 MS 186 M ;, j;h r6-, 441 149', W, II 1SI US 47', 8"S !-"4 II 41', IIS 4S 74 1. 9i4 14 144 7 42 7SS 2S hi 147 60 . I.'IS IMS Ul 1I7S 2S 'SIS 44S 54', 82 114', . 144 V, 4K', SIS i S4'i 41S in IMS I4S 15.'' 14 41 as 40, n 47', n. il 64 144 74 41 71S 1S ,U', 14f , mi, hi ltV 4 I4t', 1171, 1.S10 6", 49 700 .150.500 . l.tUO . I..-U0 . 27....M , 3,t .i0 loo . 102) . :.foo 400 . .7'l . 1.000 S'f) Hj.Vv &, 700 ) HUOO 191. iOO . 4,i 1.200 . 1,1011 l(W , 1. 00 f..i 1 "0 41 WAS ir 41 'i 10 s 7 1 fS 1:1; 14 S2S 7.t till, 4b 6-'S 71 '4 :11S I iS it 6J' 7S 128', s-'S 4 21 6SS 5S s 7J 41 lttl', ti lo:s ir. ;7 v, ""S 1,S 2S 72 s 16 IS :i l'S 11-", r.S Oil 7S U'-'S 52 4 2'S 641, 5S W '4 7:'S l0 5S 1. 11-. 100 ,h,r.. .S 6' 4S 44, 14 sS 73S 6" 34 1 S 10 IS 11.1 IH14 141 '4 101 t tn 41 lt.'L, l'MS lafS 1IS 3 12 7914 181S 19 IS 315 82'k fS 3, 11-1 isS 7IS 46', 6S 81 S m 14 14.. , 3 19'l4 4S 87 V, aS 7 S U S IM 164 s lis 14 us 47W M ti'4 S 41 31 41 74 15M4 04 144 74S 4114 74 m -s &24 l4ci', 4 S 4S K'S 16a US 142H 11m 's 60 ItH 4 IMS .US 10414 S 7 s 1'7S s r.'s 'S ltt 61V, 7-iH 1S 1I2-, -S u3 ' lit. 62 .4 4 S "a u, c,', 86 '4 . sr.'4 .110, ',S lcl'u, in Coreol. money 84 R-18 boulatlle A V 183 do account 8s M , K. A T 414 Amal. ('of per 88 N. T. central loOi, Anaconda I04 Norfolk A W t7'4 Atrhtsnn 1H " P'8 l do pfd 107 14 Ontario A w 6114 Baltimore A Ohio .. .121 V, PennayWatila H, Canadian Pacific IK' S Rand Minea f', c heaaoeak A O 4, Reading 84S Chicago O. W 3"4 Southern Rv 33s Chi . Ml!. A 8t. P.. .184 14 do pfd 74 D Becra 15S Southern Pacific 144 Dener A Rio G MS I nlon Pacific 8 0S do pfd 0 do ptd 116V, Erie HV4 V. 8. Steel 7 do 1t pfd liV do pfd 12SS do 2d pfd 46 Wabaah 22 Grand Trunk 2S oti II14 Illlnola Central IM Spanlah 4a is SILVKH Bar. quiet at 2a-ltld per 01. MONEY Wltxi c', The rate of discount In thl open market for short bills Is IS" Pr cent; for tnree months' bills, I7-16'1H per cent. Local Securities iaiota tlnnas QuoUtlona fumlahed by gamuel Burna, Jr.. 114 Bid. Aaked. 10 . . . S lo'i ass ar, ... S44 M . . I00V4 100 Vj ...104 1HS 108 s as IOC New Tork Life building. Omaha: Alma. Neb., Municipal aa Cnaahr Packing Co Armour Packing Co 4Sal828 Columbus. Neb.. B. ! ie 128 Omaha Fir f "gin 4a lift Omaha Renewala 4Sa 19S4 Oat City Malt Co Kanaaa City Ry. la llll Kanaaa Cltr Ry. pfd Sebbraaka T. A P. 4a 1831 Neb. Tel. Stock Omaha Oaa ia 181', Omaha E. LAP. 1931 Omaha B. U A P. ptd Omaha A C. B. St. Kr, 5a 1814......... Onaha A C. B. 81. Re. ia Omaha A C. R. St. Ry. pfd i Omaha A C B. St. Hy. com. 4 Omaha A C. fk. St. Ry A B. ptd 4. Omaha Water Co. ia 1148 ..... Swift A Co. la 1114 1... So. Omaha Sewer 4St 1124 iioux CI Stock Yarda pld s I'nlon Stock Yarda, Omaha. I....u Foreign f'lqanrlai. LONDON, Aug. 17. Money was plenti ful and easy tin the market today and discount were dull. On the .stock ex change tne markets. With the exception of the American section, were Idle and occa sionally Irregular. Uilt edged securities maintained their flrmn'SM on cheap money, but kaffirs and home rails were neglected, and with Paris re-opening quiet there was little business In foreign securities. Amer ican shares opened quiet and about parity, i'nlon racific was weak, but hardened later, and at noon the general list ranged from to "a of a point above yesterday' New York closing, while I'nlon I'aolflo led in the decline and the heavy liquida tion on Wall Street yesterday Induced a similar operation here. Later support from New York caused a fair recovery, but un certain movements followed and the mar ket closed Irregular. . 97', . 64 , , Wt UK' , 47 S MS . MS 1"V, , 12 84 . 10) lot , MS IM . I3S 84 10 II . H 44 S , MS 181 101 S bus "'I U ft . MS 8714 OMAHA LITE STOCK MARKET Cattle Tree Seller, at Steady to Strong Prioei. HOGS FIVE TO TEN CENTS HIQHEE Feeder and Fat ee. ftteadr la .had Lower, While Pat l.amha Are Tew to rile l eal Lower. POCTH OMAHA. Neb. Aug 17. 1 908. Receipts wer: Cattle. Hogs. 81 eep Official Monday 1 .84 .m H.i4 Estimate Tueiday a.OU 4.400 10.0UU Two dr this week... 10 SS4 Same days last week... 11.84.1 earns days 2 week ago.. J.782 Same day t week ago.. Same days 4 week ago.. T.I8H Sam day laat year.,..14.Jj5 The following table ahow th receipt of caul, hog and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date, compared with last year: 1808. lwH Inc. lec. Cattle UA.m 6.o"l lo.Sit Hogs 1,12.. 1.7S8.S83 Sheep 83.847 872.871 The fnllnwlna table shows price of hoga at South Omaha for the last several days, wun comparisons: 5.76 2S.2MI 8 428 2.0h3 B.C49 Il 18.S18 10.278 808 ll.?S S.Cr.aJ 23.078 146.T07 8.034 the average Date. I 1908. llSOg.llSOT.ilWti.llrOe.llSOI.sOS. 7 47 7 47S Aug. 7... 7 W t 8 t 77 t 21 j 6 78, 1604 Aug. 8... iw 741 8 11, I 84, 5 11 6 12 Aug. 8... 7 4M 6 801 08 8 M I 07 Aug. 10... T 414 IS 4 0 BO j 1 vs. so 1 0 Ui a ir Aug. 11. ..I 7 34Vt W I I 8 t TO, 4 84 6 26 Aua. 12... 7 42S.I 411 5 8t I 6 84 4 81 8 24 Apg. 11.. Apg. 14.. Aug. In.. Ana. 18.. Aug. 17.. Sunday. Receipts and disposition of live stock at th Union Stock Yards, South Omaha, Neb., for twenty-four hours ending at 8 p. in. August 17. RECEIPTS. C'attle.Mogs.Sheep.H'r's ... 1 5 22 i 5 83 & 9J I 4 84; 6 15 6 17 5 74 6 M i 95, I 5 21 6 30 5 "2. 5 Mi 6 88, 6 01, 6 lb 7 MS j 6 78 1 6 88 1 6 Kii 6 02, 7 6b 6 44 74, 5 80, 6 88 4 98 1 6 21 C, M. rV St. P.. Wabash Missouri Pacific 3 I'nlon I'aolflo 4H C. & N. W. (east).. 1 C. U N. W. (west I.... 58 C. St. P M. & O C. B. . (east).... 2 C, H. & Q. (west).... t2 C, H. I. & V. (east).. 2 C. R. I. P. (west 1.. 3 Illionols Centra! C, O. W 1 1 1 11 iti 1 12 1 42 Total receipts ....lt 81 (2 DISPOSITION. Cattle. Hogs. Omaha Packing Co. Swift and Company. Cudahy I'kg. Co Armour & Co Schwarts-Holen Co Krey I'kg. Co St. I.ouis Ind. Co Schwartzchild & S L,ayton Schneider Meat Co Kox & Co VV. B. Vansant Co.... J. Lobman Stephens Bros Hill A Son F. B. Lewis J. H. Hoot & Co J. H. Bulla I,. F. Hum I,. Wolf I.. Wolf McCreary ft Carey 8. Werthelmer II F. Hamilton Sullivan Bros Lea Rothschild 1 Klein & Smith Smith A Halsey Other buyer bank Clearings. OMAHA. Aug. 17. Bank clearings for to day were 81,9o6.12l.21 and for the correspond ing dale last year l,4cB.i)M.59. Boeioa Stocka aad Bond. BOSTON. Aug. U.-e Money, rail K.-.n. .1 f5 Per cent. cent; time 4Uotatiuiis adj. 4a.. rho'i-e timothy. tlO.SO , ; 5(r97.7a; choice a,- 'cj3 per Closing A(hlenn do 4 . Aichlaon R R do aid Beaton A Albany.. I fcoai'in Klevated , ritchburg prd S V., N H. A H I'nlon Pacific Am. -Arge. them... do prd Ana. Pneu Tube.... Am Sugar do pfd... Ani. Woolen do pfd.. Pomlnlrn I A 8. Kulnun Rlec III . Maaa. Klec do prd Mara (; I nlied Prutt Inltrd Shoe ataih. do pfj I' 8 Sieel do r'd Adve.iture . ,. ... AHouz Amalagtmated . toa tlM, were: Wheat-, el'irtember lecemtier . May i 'e n set tetnber I ecemher Ma.' I I 1- qju- UW I 81H 'J1' I 86S.1 86-Y I o2' i-" o1 cJ "S iv 8' I iHl 95H 18, 14 HI 1 81 A M'ai S2SH 52;4 MSB' &n A Asked B Bid. 8-;S Arlr. Commercial loos Atlantic HI'S Ruti Coalition . . . 1 S calumet A Ar,t.in .! cl Columel A Hecla .... 1 4'j ' 'entenntal iJO t cipher luitg ' 17 S I'M. W rei. . . S.'S rSanklin 4SIJrer,e Canaae 04 I. la R.Kale Man. Mining . ... 131 Montana c. A C 4 , Ne acta MS Old iiumlnlun , l4 , ')e. aula . . i 44. Parrot -41 cuinci .... 111 shannon 74 '1 llaany i T'tni;, ltt't I oiled C.ipper 4iS l S Mining...."" t S I S Oil . . 77S 1 'eh .128 Vtcieiia 7 4 Winona .... . ' . 44 Write 1 ! ie . . , M Xc.rth Ilut'e !, r,1a 1 a tao 18 13 s 1', s : 1 u :iS i 144, 3314 12 n;s 70 l"S llll 44S t 4i,S 4S Sen York Yllnlnu locka. NKW YORK, .Vis. 17. --4'lming c(ii,.tanons were as follows: 8 lira . . .Hi Itrouaw k , ul ... C-m. Tunnel at 1 k i do Sonde t . Com Val A Vs . MO Hern Slleer 10 Isoa Silver ie Ottered I e.oi.pe . M'tte 1 h'e: Mcai.411 . .. t'far.i; I'ctnr , . . S'ar.laid oiloer Ja'ket ' 0 . 141 I" . Treaaary llalrairal. WASHINGTON. Aug 17 -Tne ditlc.n of the treasury At 11,0 beginning ,,f p,,,i maa tiHlay a as aa follows. 'J rust lunds (told coin. $4.;9 4.9; diver doll-.ia y, yrri . nut). llver dolu.s of v;. $4.ui,. ti,.Prfl. fund: Standard sliver doliais 111 g.tieial fund. 5.17a.4A. Current liabiiines. ... .! :., working balance in treasury off cea. f.n.3,1 . 57J; In banks to credit c,f tre-"i;rer of n,, fnlted States, M.ali.rti, subetdiai aiUci Wool Markei. , BOSTON. Aug. 17. WOOL The move ment 10 the mills In the local wool market continued very heavy, with no recession of prices. Manufacturers were not quib bling as to rules, but are taking on sup-plh-H with apparent haste. The largest dealings are still In territory stocks, al though a good demand Is reported In other lines, while good sales are reported In pulled lambs' wool and the foreign product. The week's business was near the record and the largest In three yearn. The lead- ! tng domestic guotatlons range as follow: I Domestic wool: Ohio and Pennsylvania fleeces, XX, 35tt3ctc; X, 3Sfj4c; No. 1 washed, 40'g41c; No. 2 washed, 4"(f41c; fine unwashed, S7'(i2ic; fine unmerchantable. M ii.llc; half blood combing. S5a:tKc, three rights blood, combing, 3Mi3c; quarter I blood, combing. 34iiic; delaine, washed, .THulUc; delaine, unwashed, ;Ua 34c. , Michl Igau. Wisconsin and New York fleeces: I Fine unwashed. &,i2ic; delaine, unwashed, Ulvi:cc; hlaf blood, unn ashed, 340Ajc; three eights blood, unwashed, i!4fr,;4af; quarier I blood. 3j(i Kentucky. Indiana and Ml.i ibouiI: Three-eights blood, 34c; quarter blood, 3;"ii3Jc. Scoured values: Texas, flnu, twelve months. 73cy7uc; fine six to eight ! months, tWiiTOo; fine fail, .leJitWe. Callfoi nla, j northern. tif)'u;7; middle county, 634jtiGc; fall, frfe. 50unJc. Oregon, eastern, No. 1 staple, 7at74c; eastern cleaning, oixafiac: vallev. No. I. ''(11180. Territory, fine staple, 7TxjV7Kc; I fine medium staple, v(i72c: fine clothing, I tUwiriOc; fine medium clothing, 641)60; half I blood. 674t9c; three-eighths blood, 64&,7c; quarter blood. tSVutujc. Pulled, extra. 7ti& 1 74c: fine A. tWu-btic; A supers, 56c; A, 62c. i. LUl.18, Aug. 17. WOOL Steady; tinltoiy and western mediums. 2'u2jic; fine mediums, 2cb24c; fine, l&si Inc. Metal Market. NKW YORK. Aug. 17. MKTA L8 Th tin market was firm In tone, with sales re ported of live ton for August delivery at 138 80 and five tons of spot 011 dock at 2 .!). closing quotations follow; Spot and August, a.8(rf,ao ). October. JSv.Ooy.'W 10; December, :i.(i; 7.-,. The Ixindon mar ket closed steady, with spot quote 1 at 113 l'.s. and futures at 137. sales being re ported of 170 tons spot and 330 ton futures. The market for standard copper on the metal exchange was quiet and no sales were reported Closing quotations follow: Spot. At:xust Slid Selilembei I, ' fif, ! Hi- 'October, November and December. l.'.7:4r ! I.LoO. London market closed quiet, with spoi quoted at .9 7 6d. and futures at t'W ! 7s od. There were sales of SOD tons spot lnii wJ tons futures. Local dealers quoted pake at J13. U'Vn 13.37',-j; electrolvllc at 113 00 t 'ti 13 and casting at l2.7.'ij 12 87S. Lead as quiet, but steady, with spot closing 1 at HJTVrfM 41. New York, and at 4.2.',n. 4STi. Kaat St. Louis delivery. The L011 idoti market closed at 12 lis Sd (Spelter closed firm, with spot quoted at Sti6Bo.8o, I New lor, and at (n tVi4i5.80, Enat Si. Ixiuis delivery. The London market was un 1 changed st LT2 The Knglish Iron market j was hiher at Mr i,d tor Cleveland war i rants, locally no change was reported in j iron. No. 1 fouudrv northern. llT So'iiKuu No. 2. flT.OVlii;.:: No 1 aout hern and No. 1 I southern eoft at $17.7.rJp 18 25 ! ST. LOI'IS. Aug 17 -METALfs-Lrad I quiet at 84.30. Speller, firm at IS 8.',. I Kllnaukff I. rain Market. -nil. ai iKr: Aug 17. WHEAT No 1 noitt.ern, 11 ,n 2 notthein. 11.24. Sep. I trmber. I'iiWo j DATS-fic I CiiliN nt,",c bid I BAULKY- Samples hlinMc Peoria .Market. I PF'.iiRIA. Aug I7.--CORV H'gher, No 2 lell,,vt hUfiac; No 2. V: N. 2. SAUc. , No 4 'to: it" grade. OATS Lour;. No. ) white .'l,c. No ! wluie No 4 while, i'ti-. stand atd. 271 772 95 600 44 41 18 7 8H 147 2011 33 84 84 135 210 l.W 63 44 18 23 315 498 902 541 1.332 1R3 82 303 "237 ?4 9t 11 Sheep. 648 1,928 2. 80S 1.564 7.965 Total 4.542 4.248 14.403 CATTLE Receipts of cattle looked very small this morning as compared with yer terday's large run. The arrivals consisted mostly of rangers, but with a small sprink ling of cornfeds. The market as a whole was ill very satisfactory condition snd pretty much everything In sight changed hands in good season in the morning. Beef steers of desirable quality were In demand, and khey sold freely at price that were steady to strong, as compared with vesterdav. Thus, good cornfeds sold up as high as 17.25. with good westerns bringing $f.75. On the other hand. Inferior caul were a little slow, but no more so than might hav been expected. The market on cows and heifers did not show very much 'change. The demand was very fair, and the offerings, as a rule, were disposed of In good season In the morning. Thera was a good demand for feeders end tha desirable kinds of weighty cattle were strong, as high as $5.24 being paid for quite a bunch of westerns. Light cattle and Inferior and rough grades of all kinds were a lttle slow, but still prices remained abt,ut steady. (quotation 011 cattle: Oood to cholc cornfed steers. t6.90&'7.25; fair to good corn fed steer, $,i.3ti;.0; common to fair corn fed steers, $6.0iij .30; good to choice range steers, $3.00(35.50; fair to good range steers, 14 &cjta6.00; common to fair range steers, f l.75i2'4.50; good to choice cow and heifers, $4.0uci5.2ui fair to good oow and heifers, $3.254.00; common to fair cow and heif er. 8 1.75civ3.26; good to choice Blockers and feeders, 4.25i&5.55: fair to good etockers and feeders, 13.7cxU4.26: common to fair stocker and feeders, S3.OO01.75; stock heifers, 82.71x3 1.50; vea! calve. t3.5OlU7.00; bull, stag, etc.. t2.75Q4.75. Representative sales: BK1SF STEERS. At. Pr No. A. Pr. ...14S0 1 li COWS. ... ill I 70 4 ...Ill X 71 II ... 137 8 00 HEIFERS. ... ti t 80 C3 ... 51 I 00 4 ...640 lu ii ...781 i II BULLS. ... 81.0 1 78 1 10 I 80 CALVES. 75 cow . 95 steers H. t cows.. 23 cow I! row 871 1 40 Tim Hyde. 8 cow :j 2 80 Land A- Weaver, 78 feeder.. 1193 5 00 1 steer 1130 88. steers.. .1844 44 steers. ..1320 E. H. 8 steer.. .1140 5 heifer... 534 South T'Skot 21 steers. ...1121 H Whit. . ens I 88 111 4 7 M. Brlndley. South Dakota .... 823 I fO 3 steer. ...IK 966 S 50 Uuv Caple. South Dakota 13 cows Sl South Dakota 7 cow liM Pouth Dakota. 5 steers.. ..1184 4 !S 1 feeder... 1110 WYOMINU. 8 V 11 steers. ...1310 5 75 Ionian, Wyoming 4 70 7 steers.... 7?5 1 15 S calves. ... 473 The Tolland Co., Wyoming. 86 cows 812 I 85 16 cows V. T. Wolfe. Wyoming. 122 steer. . 1178 4 80 A. J. Covington. Wyoming 4 t 8 JO J 40 3 3o South Omaha 2 mm 4 aJ ie oal 40 St. Joseph son stiarj 8om a 00 Sioux city l.rvv 2 8il Kansas City K.i8 5 t1 7 0"t t 7."i St Louts 7.'.1 I.IKrt 1.te Chicago 4,0111 8.000 88.018I S 5 Totals 36.400 33 XU 6S.IM1 8 2. 12 cows.., 88 steers. 13 cows., t steers. 4 steer. 8 cows. . J.0 3 00 ,. 907 .1376 835 858 8t"J 870 4 ST, 2 7T. 8 40 880 S 25 915 8 80 8 cows A Johnson, Wyoming, .lift 4 85 104 steers . ..1074 8 40 17 cow. . 4 5 2 cow. . COIORAIxy 8 70 8 corns. . S 25 HOUR Receipts of hog were disappoint ingly small for a Tuesday. In fact. It seemed more like a Monday's market than anything else, as the run waa so small. The quality was cyitt different from yes terday. thre being a much larger per centage of heavy hog on the packing order today, where, yesterday it will be remembered ther was only about one load of heavy packers In the yards, all the rest being 011 the .light or butcher weight order. The demand.' both sl ipping and packing, was good this morning, and with such light receipts, pretty much everything changed hands early In the forenoon. The prices raid were fviilOc higher and the trade active. Iiuyer did not appear very anxious for rough heavy packer and undesirable load of that description were rnther hard to move and It was late before all of these were cleaned up Oood light hogs sold all the wav from 17.70 to 17.90, the latter price belnr the ton for the dav. the highest since August 7. Heavy hogs sold on down a low 1 as 17. 4 for those on tne pacsing oroer Thus the bulk of all the nogs soici st 1 ifiT 75. Representative sales: cow. $1 (v,,4 no. feed' r. ilrtfl."', ear ling. t.toryM on 1UR1S -Receipt. 2.400 head Mgrkat V: higher, rang of pure, t; i)jf7.4; bulk of 17 4cvti7 ii vales. Stork In lghl. Receipts of live stock st the six principal western market yesterday were a follows. Cattle '.80 I Na. At. 88 Pr. No At 8h. Tr 10 888 41 7 2 g tn . . 7 m M I 1 ' 8S n 28 11 1 n i ill 10 7 45 ;i it I2H 7 ! 44 14 ... 7 8U to C"l ' 7 54 815 ... 7 hi n jo; n 1H il US ... IMt M 240 40 7 10 i 177 ... 1 MS 71 SI4 ... J 2'4 SI S47 ... 1 8 S 74 Jl . 7 1 M 184 '88 58 T ... 1 " 4 itil 12 7 74 ?ll ... 7 5 4h 171 80 7 W 10 J?0 . . 7 8 M 287 M 2 88 J .ill 0 1 n 4 7 0 7 8f 411 11 K lid tr. 271 t(W 1 W 64 281 180 1 i7', m 21 ... 1 88 11 11 40 7 m 47 J"4 80 J 57 S 41 880 ... 7 71 140 40 7 10 M 24 . 7 fl 3b 1 ... 7 70 lid 27 10 7 4.1 71 U7 80 7 70 71 :m 4'l 7 (tn 88. 748 120 7 70 M 234 140 7 40 10.77. 41 . . 7 70 71 248 10 1 tl 8 141 188 .2 W SO 244 ... ISO ( M SO 7 7t'4 ! 172 140 7 ! 70 208 84 7 15 .11 201 110 7 an ii SH ... 1 78 44 iol 1.0 7 ! 71 209 ... 7 78 il 874 40 7 1 7F. '8 130 7 7i l 8.11 . 7 4 , 4 141 10 7 76 41 244 UK) 7 86 27 i.11 4,) 1 75 74 247 11 2 70 tO Ill 40 7 76 10 18 80 1 76 77 PIT al 1 l a 871 80 7 71 M) Ml ... 7 W 78 81i 181 111 77 1W M 7 SO No. 84... 4 ., I... I... I . I... I .. I... SHEEP The bulk of yesterday's liberal supplies changed hands before the close of the afternoon session at prices noted In yesterday's report. Only about five or six loads were held over until today and these writ moatly yearlings. Today s receipts were normal, about foity-one double-decks In all. The offer ings consisted of both feeding stock and killers, with only a small percentage of lambs. Supplies were about evenly divided b'tween thin and fat sheep. Influenced by lower eastern advices, pack ers started out ratner bearlahly this murn nlng. Most bids, except on particularly de sirable killers, were right around lOffl.Vc lower. Salesmen ware slow In granting concessions and It was well along In the morning before anything of consequence had clisnged hands. Feeder sheep, as well, did not appear to command as strong prices this morning as they have lately. Valui-s 1 011 some of th best grades her were Just about steady, but medium quality stuff I was not in very good demand and prices on several sale were shaded. The general I'.naiket on both feeding and killing sheep is quotable at steady to a snaos lower. One string of Montana wethers sold to a fiacker for 14.45 and western yearlings real zed $4-90. Early rat lambs sales Indicated a HKffloC lower market, but receipts were rather limited and, of course, the actual condi tion of the trade under normal supplies Is Impossible to determine, one band of young rangers brought 87.35. (quotations on lat sheep and lambs: (looil to choice cut lambs. 17.354! 7.85: fair to good cut lambs, t6.7547.35; good to choice yearlings, 85. Wgb.Jb; fair to good yearlings, 84 Sfvjjfi.lO; good to choice wethers, J4.26'j4.i0; fair ti good wethers, 84. 0004. 26; good to choice ewes, H.l.Jj4 40; fair to good ewes, 83.85ie4.15. Quotations on feeder stock: Fair to choice lambs, f5.50tj6.40; fair to choice year lings, 84.otra5.3b; fair to choice wethers, )i.M (4.25. Representative sales: 28 Wyoming ewes 148 Western lambs, feeders ... 18 I'tah yearlings 24 I'tah ewes 303 Utah lambs, feeder 6ti2 Idaho lambs 332 Idaho lambs, feeders . 108 Idaho lambs, culls 71 Idaho wether, feeder .... 85 Idaho ewe 126 Wyoming wethers 247 Wyoming wether, feeder 636 Wyoming lamb 191 Wyoming laitiba, cull 36 Idaho awe 96 Idaho ewes, wethers 249 Wyoming yearlings, feeder 513 Wyoming yearling 248 Idaho yearling lu (3 1:1 110 1 00 3 30 I li i i 38 I 85 4 80 110 244 STOCIvEKS i I 80 Ml 1 80 i7i I 10 m I 76 WESTERNS I ... 8.. AND 8... 111.. I . 185 too i 15 6 76 FEEDERS 883 S 71 I 86 121 IU) -NEBRASKA. 10 row 846 2 70 lo heifers... MS 3 50 19 feeder.. 103T 4 40 10 heifers... 737 8 25 21 cows 922 8 25 6 calves.... 1h0 5 50 26 calves.... 256 3 75 21 feeders.. 952 4 15 18 cows 792 J 20 26 cows W7 J riO 9 cows 913 t 35 4 calves.... 162 5 7.". 30 heifer... 626 3 40 16 cows 517 3 35 16 cow 964 8 30 9 cows 3IC 2 85 12 cows 9S2 2 36 13 cows 994 3 25 13 cow 935 2 55 33 cow 903 S 30 27 cow 911 I 10 10 heifers... 628 3 00 13 cows 1010 I 15 12 heifers... 821 15 44 feeders. .1165 5 20 44 feeders.. 1147 6 20 4 cows 1145 S 40 1 bull 12I0 SOU 8 heifers... 728 S 30 heifers... 527 3 26 f calves.... 23 4 50 10 feeders.. 9U6 4 10 17 feeder.. 831 2 90 32 heifers... 562 3 16 5 feeders. . 430 3 50 11 cows 844 2 60 19 feeders.. 66 8 35 10 calves. ... 187 5 25 2 calve.... ITS 4 00 15 cow s 858 06 F.ggleston - Hill. Nebraska 30 heifers... 952 S 75 A. Preston, Nebraska. 7 feeders. .1079 4 70 10 cows 912 3 2i J. A. Thompson. Nebraska 21 heifers. . 803 3 60 8 helfors... 9'.'9 3 20 H. Ormesher, Nebraska 23 cow s 932 3 30 42 teers. ...1017 4 60 W. Merchan'., Nebraska. 75 calves.... 193 5 25 6 heifers... 350 3 50 15 calves ... 2.',S 4 2n George Stewart. Nebraska 19 heifers... 60 3 15 19 feeders. . 91 130 C. B. West. Nebraska. 25 cows. . ..926 J 50 J. W. Boyle Co., Nebraska 24 cows 921 3 30 3 calves.... 21 3 25 58 heifers... 20 3 ?0 26 cows H",7 2 75 7 cows 865 3 30 6 heifer... ) P. A. Yeast. Nebraska 48 cows 925 3 0 Ti steers ...U iO 4 60 24 steers.. .1240 4 35 7. (ioodwin. Nebraska. 14 feeders.. 1123 6 11 1 steer 1140 4 75 1 steers... 1201 3 'A 1 feeders. . sr. 8 V) 1 steer 1040 2 li- 1 steer 9n0 3 20 1 ralf l'lO 5 25 1 feeder... 610 3 35 .1 r Sibbit;. Nebraska 23 cows 80 2 40 I. Iletisn. Nebrssk 14 rows 9i 3 35 17 steers. ...1H47 4 Vi 2 cows 940 2 51) f. cows.... 1024 2 V, 3 steers ... M6 3 10 H Hier. Nebraska 3 steer.... 823 3 2.". 17 steers ...Ct, y) SfU'TH DAKtiTA 65 steers ...1105 45 59 cow c. . t' 3 57 Hen Harrison. S.iu'h Dakota - heif-r . l 3 l 2 H-i Ti. . 1 K 15 cow ij, 3 kl 1 cow sj i 10 228 Idaho yearling ,. 179 Montana wethers . 2S5 Montana wether 2X8 Montana wethers 342 Wyoming wethers ..112 .. 61 .. 89 ..102 .. 60 .. 65 .. 64 .. 48 ..114 ..104 .. 93 .. 93 .. 67 .. 59 ..102 ..108 .. 87 .. 86 .. 92 .. 93 . 112 . 118 . 113 . Ill 4 16 6 26 4 00 3 7: 6 6o 7 25 6 80 6 66 4 40 4 10 4 25 4 20 7 40 6 35 4 00 4 00 4 90 6 15 4 80 4 60 4 45 4 45 4 45 4 00 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK. MARKET t'attlei Steady to Itrong Hoga llrong to Tea testa Higher. CHICAGO, Aug. 17. CATTLE Receipt, 4.000 head; market steady to etrong, steers, 85(iO'g7.ti5: cows. I3.60u.2d; heifers. 13 60(3 6.00; bulls. 871.00104 85; calves, 83.014. 75; stocker and feeders, f3.7bcU6.16. HOOS Receipts, S.0O0 head; market strong to loo higher; heavy, f7.6o'08O6; choice to light, f7.7yii8.00; light mixed. 17.50 67.80; butchers, 7.75uS.OO; packing. f7.2ta 7.60: pigs. fo.liOtf7.65; bulk of Sales, f7 50i 7.90. SHEEP AND TA MBS Receipts 25.008 head; market, 10ft 2io lower; sheep, 14 3J 5.25; lambs, t6.2Cjj7.66; yearlings, fi.0OU5o0. OM4IIA UEXKrlAL MARKKT8. Staple and Fancy I'rndara Price rr. titeaedl By Rarer aad W beleealer. RL'TTER- Creamery, No. I. delivered to the retail trade in 1-lb. carton. 27c, No. L in 60-lb. tutis. 2,c; No. 2. In 1-lb. car tone, 25o, In 60-lb. tubs, 240; packing stock 19c: fancy dairy, tubs, ilfyJiY; common roll, fresh made, 18Q13VC. Market changes every Toeeday. EOOS rieah selling atock, candled, 21c No stot sg' slock In Omaha markei. CHEESE-"'neat Wisconsin full cream twins. 15c; Young Americaa, 4 In hoop. 15Hc; favorite, 8 it hoop, 16c: dalsiaa, 20 In hoop. loVic, crra.it brick, full caa. 15c '. block Swiss. 16c; full cream Umburger, 18c l'Ol'LTUY Broiler. 16c; alive, spring l:lc. hens. 10Sc; cocks, vjc; duck. 8c: geest, 8c; tuikeys, 18c; pigeon, per do. 66c; guinea few Is. per dos.. 82.80; squab wr dos, 82. Dressed hen. 11c; springe, 18ii20c: cock. 6Sc, duck. 11c; ge. Utfrc; turkeys. 22c FISH Fresh caught, altnoet all are dressed: Halibut, tic: buffalo. 8c; trout. 12c; bullheads. 14c; catfish, l7o; crapples. siinfih. 6tic, black bass. 25c; whlteflah 13c; pike. l'.V; salmon. 14c; pickerel. 10c: frog lege. S5c Fte-h fvoxen: Whlteflah, No 1. 10c; round 9c. pickerel, dressed nd hesdless. 7c, round. 6c; pike, dressed. 10c; round. 9c; red snapper. 12c: Spanish mck erel, 18c; tis'lv mackerel 85o each FRESH FRI ITS-Florlds pineapples. ! to 4Ks, f2.75 per ctate: grape fruit, 88 six, per box. fS; 46 slie. $510, 64 le, $8; IS nana, fancy select, fl 15it2 00; apple, home grown, per bu. basket. 90c; market baa k't 4..C. BEEF CI'TS-Rlhs: No. I. lHe; No. I 12'tc. No. 3. He. Loin: No. 1. 18c: No. 2. 1:!Hc; No. 3. 9c. Chock: No. I. c; No. 2. 1'io; No. S. 4c. Round: No 1. c: No t 7'o: No. 3. 7c. I'laie: No. 1. 8c. No. 2. 4c; Nil ". 34c VEGETABLES-Kansas sweet potatoes f2 75 per bbl. Celery. Mlchlgsn. 25c bunch: smaller, fine Cabbage, home grown, 114e . per lb. Wisconsin Red Globe onions, t per lb. California entillflow er, 83 00 p' crate. Tomatoes. Tennessee. 4 baskets. 8M COc; crste. ft .00. Lettuce, per dot.. 30c Par snips, turnips, carrots. 75c per dox Flor Ida new beets, carrots, parsnips, lurnlpi. etc . per dox.. 75o. POTATOES New, 85c per bu. HIDES No. 1 green, Kc: No I cured. l!c 8vallahle Supplies of trsln. NEW YORK. Aug K.-Specis! csble anil telegraphic cotiimunlcutlon recped bi Uradst reels show the following changes In avnilahle supplies. as compared with previous accounts: Available supplies: Wheat. I'nited Stales, east of Rockies. In creased. 1,112,0110 bushels: Canada. Incr-ased. 174.0DO bushels: tot il 1'nttc d Stales end Canada. Inerea-eil 1.2V8. 090 bushels; sflont for and In Europe, decreased. 1.400.000 bushels; total American and European sup plies, decreased. 114.000 bushels. Coin I'nited Slates and Canada, decreased. 2;2 0 0 bushels. Oats. I'nlt'd State jui'l Canada decreased. 108.000 bushels. The leading de creases and lncreae reiMirted this week lollow : Increases: Chicago, private ele vators. 47,OH0 bushels; UniisvMlo. Il8.(ki bushels; Nashville. fifi.Ono bushels: Ice land. 64.000 bushels; Richmond. W 0 0 bushels; Newport News. 62.O0O bushrl.a. De crease: Manitoba, ,'i9,iKiO bushels. i Cotton Market. NEW YORK, Aug. 17. -COTTON - Sp . market quiet, 5 points higher: uiid.tii.it; lands, 12.80c; iniddllng gulf, 1 :.c.,c. mi ;19 bales. Futures closed similar: Auaiisi. 1 ' :. . September, 12.;4i:; (ictobcr, 12.2ic; No. in Per, 12.28,': December. 12.2c; anli.t . ' 12.26c; Februarv. 12.25c: .Ma.cn , .. April, 12.27c; May, 12.28c. GALVESTON, Tex., Aug. 17.-COTTO.N Steady; lic. NEW ORLEANS. Aug 17. COTTON Spot firm, unchanged; middling. I2h-lc sales on the spot, Uri bales; to arrive, lion ST. lXJl'IS, Aug. 17.-CUTT(I.-Iu,i middling. l2Sc; sales, none; receipt. I bales; shipments, 205 bales; utocii i3 .o bale. Pblladelpbln Produce Markei. PHILADELPHIA. Aug. 17. BI'TTEl! rlrm; extra wtstein crcumei t, 2s a. nearby prints, 30c. EGGS- Firm ; Pennsylvania and ol.'n-t nfarbv firsts, fee pnf,y i!.o u, current recclnt In rinrnni,iA, ..a.,.. at mark; wesleru firsts, trie cases'. 2., al mark; current receipts, free cases 2... 24c at mark. I'll K l-'.M I,'. irli-r,,- V....L, ..II .. - . - - - . . . " i vi n ll.il eillll- clcjlce, 16Sc; fair to good. M''(j 1414c. Minneapolis Grain Markei. MINNEAPOLIS, Aug. 17. VVllEvt September. 9tc; December. 96Sc; M, fl.Oo'8; No. 1 hard, new, fl.lo; No. I n r.n ern, new, $1.3tMal.40; No. 2 northern, it .ui 1.33; No. 3 northern, fl.20ijl.23. SEED Flax. tl.44. BRAN In 100-pound sacks, tiu.iVu. FLOUR First patents, f6O0'u'6.20; s-10110 patent, 85.906.10; first clears. 14 9.KU-..2. , second clears, J3.35'a3.u6. Liverpool Grain Market. LIVERPOOL," Aug. 17 -WHEAT-Spoi . No. 2 red western, winter, nominal. Fu tures, steady; September, 8 2d; Decem ber, 7 8Ad; March, 7s 7Vi1 CORN Spot, new American mixed (vis Galveston), steady at 6s S'td. Future steady; September. 6s 3Sd; OcSber, 6s 44d Coffee Markei. VITVV TARlf 4hf IT rn war lets .... .. - . ' , . - , . . , 1. u ui r- closed quiet, net unchanged to 6 points lower, bales were reported of 1.600 hag Including September, 6.56c; December. 5.25c; July, 6 40c. Spot quiet; R,,, No. 7, 7'j74r; No. 4 Santos. 8ti9c; rn'IJ quiet; Cordova, IV4612c. llnlnlh Grain Market. DULUTH, Minn., Aug. 17 WHEAT September. il.OUW: IW-emher luti,.. fl.OOS; No. 1 northern, fl.tfcis,' No. J nonh vrii, fi.to'a. OATS 40c, nominal. Kansas Cltr Lira Stork Market. KANSAS C1TT, Aug. 17 CATTLE-Receipts, 17,000 head, Including 2.000 head southerns; market steady to 10c higher; top, 27.60; feeders, weak; choice export and dressed beef steer. 8cl.7iia7.tiO; fair to good, J4 Hia6 50, western steer. fi.2&6 60; Block ers and feeders, f3.0tyy6.0i); southern steer, t'l.26M:70; southern cows, f2 5033.90; native cows, f2.0O4t4 50; native heifers. J 2j( .V 25 ; bull. t.l.lMi-.1 6:,, calves, 14 OOJfT.00. HOOSRccelpl. 5,0(X) head; market atrong to 5c higher; closed weak; top, f7.9v4; bulk of sales. 7. 7017. ; heavy, f7.764y7.W; pack ers and butcher. f7. 707 924; light, $7.9W0 7 90: pigj. f6. 25 7.00. SHEEP AND LAMBS-Receipt. 7.000 he.td; market steady to 10c lower; lambs, In iH-iiT H6. yearlings. 4 75-yC 25; wethets. $4 2u'e6.10; ew es. fJ.754.75; stockei s and feeders, f2.76'j5.0O. 8l. I.ools Live Stork Markei. ST. LOUIS, Aug 17. CATTLE Receipt. 7.900. Iiirludiiig 1,600 Texans. Market lower; native shipping and export steers. fi Wit 7.3.',; dressed beef and butchers' steers., fr : 'ai 'M. steers under 1 0n0 lbs., I4.2i't Jti; stuckers and feeders, f.1 50fi4 90; cows and heifers. f3.2.Vii 60; canners. f1.7nCa2.25; hulls, t2.2.Vu4 60; calves. f5 Z5'iii.50; Texas snd In dian steers. f3.4njj 25; cows and heifers, 82 60(74 90. HOGS Receipt. 7 0f0 head Market waa stesdv; pig and lights. f6.2Va8 00. packer. J7 7 ,1(7 'j; butchers and best heavy. f7 Wj 8 05 SHEEP AND LA M BS Receipts. 10.000 head. Market lower; native mutton. 13.50 & 4 4Hi ; lambs, fii Dot 7.50; culls nd bucks. f2.noii4.75; sd.ckers, f3 00'r3 76. Si. Joseph Lire Stork Markei. f-T. JOSEPH. Mo., Aug. 17. CATTLE -Receipts 3 One head, matket steady; steierr t4 5Va7.i: low s and heifers, ,f2.5tsuuOU' calves, f.1 flto7.00 I fi'jGS Receipts 6. 000 hesd. markei active, strong 'o 6c higher; lop. f7 90. bulk of sales 17 70GC SO SHEEP AND LA MPS - lieceipts 3 000 head markei 10- lower; lanihs. I4"ii7 7ri lloni City l.lrr So-k Market Siul'.V CITY. la.. Aug I7--Ineci4l Tele gram 1 CATTLE Receipt I Vl head. Maiket steailv . becxts, f4 tl7 li, grar- KUGEL AFTER -MESSENGERS Alderman from the Tentk Want lo Make Maaagrra Keapoaalble lo Patron. Councilman Kugel 1 working on an n dinanre which la Intended to compel pei ons In the messenger service business to put up bond In th sum of f 1.000 to gnai antee lose of article delivered. The coun cilman believe that ther are a number of Irresponsible peisons in th builness and ha been Informed that several val uable package have been lost. He con tends that a man unabl to secure an In demnlfylng bond In the sum of tl.ooQ should not be allowed to operate a messenger ser vice business. BANK IS NOT BUYING BUILDING Oiuauna .Sallonal Bolldlagj Company la Healing; for the Sew 1 ork Life. Th Omaha National-New York Lid deal remains as It was. The protpet-tu e purchasers have put II October I to clo on the option, and hav been giving II. 1 project little thought lately. "If It should go through," ssid Vice Pii Went C. F. McGrew, "pleaae be tarefu, not to say that It is tha bank, which ir buying the building. Th bank mill not The Omaha National Building compani will be the purchaser if Ihe deal goes through." WON FIGHT F0RNEW JERSEY Post Department Commander Haaa of Ibe 44. 8. R. lall II I Staler. I K. F 1 1 a ri 1 1 , pait department command ; of the Grand Army of the Republic; for the 'state of New Jersey, who ha been attend ing the national encampment at Halt Iake, Is Ihe guest of hi sister, Mrs. R 11. Bonn Mr. Hann headed the New Jerean ho ! fought to get the nrxi m, ainuui, ,,1 si At- laniic i'il.v and In fe. ling; Juhtlanl im-i ( , oil c earful Ie UiL