Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 18, 1909, Page 5, Image 5

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.itUJIA.JAXLlilX!.X". . 1 J. jifa-n
Council Bluffs
Council Bluffs
The New Fall and
Acceptance! Coming in from Invita
tion Sent Out.
n n n n
New York Committee Hears What
Iowa Editors Have to Say.
Minor Mention
Tba Council Blnffa Office of tba
Omaha Baa la at 15 Boott Street.
Both 'Pbonea 43.
WATCHES has enabled more people in this vi
cinity to buy fine Timepieces than any other watch
sale ever given.
Look at These Prices
Ladles' O-slxa Watoh, fin ElsIn mon-
mailt, fold band and fancy dial; beau- a mm gy
tlftuly engraved gold fUled caaee; guar- If kil
antaad tba boat watch mada for tUa a.aUVi
monay .
males' O-else Watch, handsomely an- mt mm ft f
raved fold fUlad caaa, floe IB-jeweled I k II II
Bwlsa movement) an exceptionally food I UlUU
tadlaa' beantlfal little )ewel-alze Watoh, n gm f
band engraved fold caaa, with flna roby J 1 I ill
jeweled movement; heavy ropa necklace (.VlaUU
Gentlemen'e 18-slze 18-Jeweled Ball Com-, mm mm n n
merolal Standard Movement, In SO-yaar, II II II
hand engraved, fold filled, duat proof I 11 II
caaa a watoh aafe and raUabla
Oantlaman'a 18-alia, opan faoa, flna Jaw- f f
alad Elfin movamant, fancy dial and 111 II II
fold bands. In SO-yaar fold filled caaai IU.UU
f aarantaed w
Oantlaman'a 19-elie, flna 15-1ewoled H11-
aola nickel moramant, beautiful dial. In a mm mm
brlfbt flnlahed golJ filled caaa, for mon. I I U
ogram; a suitable watoh for tba profea- I J
alonal man
Oantlaman'a ia-elie, 17-jeweled. Elfin or t 'lf
Welthain movement, In heavy dust proof III Mil
sllTaiina caaai a watoh for heavy work. I UaUU
Council Bluffs
of MutliDihtrr
A.alaat Him.
The preliminary haarlng of P. C. Kea
sey, the engineer' nf a switch engine held
by the coroner's jury responsible for the
death of Robert W. Jones, who was
crushed between two cars while making
it coupling In tha local yards of the ltock
Island Hallway company Inst Friday
night, , was continued yesterday In the
i'ii. i t 'of Justice Cooper until September t.
The continuance wra at the request of
County Attorney Hess, who stated thut
he desired to present the matter directly
to the grand Jury. An Information charg
ing Engineer keasey with manslaughter
was filed by the cotlnty attorney.
Keasey was on hand 'with his attorney.
State Henator C. O. Saunders, when the
c'hsh was railed yesterday morning by
Justice Cooper, and offered no objection
to the contlnuani-e. Keasey Is at liberty
nn a bond In the sum of 11.0U0, with Attor
ney Saunders as surety, Keasey'g home Is
in Valley Junction, la.
Mrs. Lulu L. VanCamp filed sutt for dl
oiee from Stephen W. VanCamn, to whom
im was married In this city on Novem
t 21, 1KS9 and from whom she separated
'.- .ember 11, 1900 on account, as she al
leges, of his cruel and Inhuman treatment
of her. In addition to the decree of divorce
Mrs. VanCamp asks for the custody of
their four minor children.
Mis. Belle Broslus seeks a divorce from
Lcfiert. Lenses!
era Ceattari bm Waaran af CliejU
' 'I a T- mm?
- P It 1 , A Sara
a ICST Utm iJJ mm Iwfl I
b.i rrTExrrs
BLI iv
aaa eootewas
m-nornx San.
eauwQa. ewirre, as
Twenty Veara of
R?nm uavs and Broadway, ovek ameiucan express
Nn oonnertlrm with tha firm
ovui ravnui ill.
-rmillllllllllllBIII II I ITTTrWIIBIIIIIIIMMlpaaiiia auei siiur
Our product and reputation are the
best advertisement we can offer
A. I Root, taaw 1S10-12IS
' Xa tha knowledge ef where and how
la Baying lor toe aoasehola. Bar yoa
a aivao below ereak for themaeleea.
uli Spring Chicken per lb SOo
k reeh Dressed Hens per lb ISo
Pot Roast per lb so
New Potatoea per bushel
24th and Farnam.
Phone: UeU. houl-x 1511; IndeMntlent, A-2A11.
Council Bluffs, la.
Council Bluffs
M. C, Broslus to whixn she was married
In this city on July 20, 1S92. She charges
cruel and Inhuman treatment and allege
that on July 3, of this year, her husband
struck and beat her.
Mrs. Sophia Goodwin has commenced
action for divorce from Leltoy Goodwin,
to whom she was married December 21,
la03. In addition to the decree of divorce.
Mrs. Goodwin asks the court to award her
the custody of their two minor children
and to Issue an Injunction restraining' the
defendant from Interfering with her oaje
und control of the children.
George Deeds has Instituted suit against
A. A. Clark & Co., for the cancellation of
a promissory note and mortgage, which he
claims to have paid off and asks for Judg
ment for 125, 1100 for alleged excess pay
ments and 25 penalty for alleged failure
to satisfy the mortgage of record.
LIQUOR CO., 519 8. Main. I'hones 3323.
Sues Railroad for Damages.
A. J. Van Allhtiue filed suit in the district
court yosterduy against the Rock Islund
Railway company to recover damages
placed at J25.000 for alleged Injury to his
left eye. In his petition Van Allstlne
states that on September 17 of last year
he purchased a ticket at Avoca for Coun
cil Bluffs and that he "entered a car com
monly called a caboose, and that said car
was attached to what Is commonly called
a freight train." On arriving at Council
Bluffs the train, so Van Allstlne states,
did not stop at the local passenger depot,
but was run Into the yards. As he was
about to alight from the caboose, other
cars were bumped Into the train and the
force of the collision threw Van Allstlne
off the platform of the caboose to the
ground. As a result of the fall the eye
sight of his left eye. Van Allstlne alleges.
Is permanently injured.
SncceaefuJ Boalneaa.
tHamaalva Tub I'l.rk Mon
1 Ha Ular Mortgage Co.
J AO. P. TlNLKi, Mgr.
Howare) St- Oases
i mir mi iaatoajvan
to eowblae tuality aod reasonable prloe
always rat tha bast of quality, aaa tha
Sirloin Steak, par lb ia
l'orterhouae Steak per lb lie
No. 1 llama per lb.
No. 1 Bacon per lb. ..
. .;ve
.f 1.43
OOc No. 1 Flour baa;
' H
General Meeting of Committee to
Ho Held Friday to Complete
Arranaemen te for the
Mayor Maloney, chairman of the com
mittee on speakers for the reception and
banquet to be tendered Congressman
Smith, l receiving replies to the invita
tions which he recently sent out to mem
bers of the Iowa delegation In congress
and state officers. In his reply accepting
the Invitation, Congressman J. P. Conner
of Ienison writes:
I note that on the afternoon and evening
of August 27. the Commercial club of
Council Rluffs will give a nonpartisan re
ception and welcome to Judge Smith, and
that it Is the denlre nf the cluli that 1
: attend and make one of the addresses on
i that occasion. I assure you that I appre
I elate very much the Invitation and will
' be on hand if possible. I am In hearty
sympathy ith the movement, as 1 have
always been a great admirer of Judge
Hon. Kila M. Weaver of lies Moines,
'chief justlcof the Iowa supreme court.
In his reply pays this tribute to Congress-
I man Smith:
I In at comparatively short career. In eon-
press. Congressman Smith has Impressed
himself upon the attention of the nation
i as a representative of a high order of
I ahlllty, and a legislator of exceptional ca
ipaclty; and should he remain in public
life other and higher honors no doubt
await htm.
State Auditor John L. Bleakley in ac
cepting the Invitation writes as follows:
! It would afford me great pleasure to be
! present and assist In the reception to our
Iowa congressman who was not afraid to
i stand for true republicanism during fhe
recent session of congress; but I must not
enter Into a discussion of the merits of
the case. Inasmuch as your Invitation as
' sures me this is to be a "nonpartisan"
E. II. Doollttle, chairman of the execu
tive committee of the Commercial club.
said yesterday that he expected to Issue
a call for a general meeting of all the
committees for Friday.
Your Health
Would seem to demand that you read what
Ambrose L. Ranney, A. M., M. D., late pro
fessor of anatomy, New York hospital, says:
My method of examlng the eyes and fit
ting lenses Instantly relieves eye strain.
"Let rne give you relief."
DR. W. W. MAOARRELL, Optometrist.
106-208 City National Bank Bldg.
Tnkea a Look at the Plaice Where
lie Was Fleeced.
James Webber of Shamokln, Pa., visited
Council Bluffs during July, 1907. His visit
at that time was a costly one, as the J. C
Mavbray gang of "big store" swindlers
succeeded In separating him from $3,000.
Webber was "Miked" by means of a fake
prize fight between a white man and a
negro. The fight took place on July b In
a then empty building at the southwest
corner of Broadway and Sixteenth street.
After the fight, when one of the prin
cipal was supposed to have been fatally
Injured and the usual stampede took place,
Webber was hustled to Avenue A, one block
north from the scene of the fight, where
he was put aboard a car for Omaiia with
strict Injunction to get away from tho
lurisdlctlon of the Iowa authorities. Web
ber did as he was told and got.
Mr. Webber arrived In Council Bluffs for
another visit yesterday enroute to the
Yukon-Alaska exposition at Seattle. Ha de
elded to stop over and visit the scene of
his former experience so as to refresh his
memory as to location, etc., of the prlxe
fight which cost him so dearly. Mr. Web
ber is one of the many "Mikes" who have
brought suit In an effort to recover their
money, and In company with his local at
torney visited the building at Sixteenth and
Broadway where the alleged prize fight was
pulled off for his special edification and
Mr. Webber had no difficulty In locating
the building, but found It now occupied as
a residence. At his request the occupants
permitted hftn fo take a look at the in
terior. When here in l:07 Mr. Webber
stopped at the Goodrich hotel on Broad
way and yesterday he decided to register at
the same hostelry. He expects to leava to
day for Seattle, but will return to Council
Bluffs when his case against Maybray and
the others Is brought up tof trial In tha
district court.
Mr. Webber said he bore no hard feellnss
against the "friend" who "steered" him up
against the Muybray crowd, as he is still
convinced that this friend was as much of
a dupe as he was.
I do first-class work reasonable. I make
suits for $15, skirts. $5. I also do altering to
suit. Would you give me a trial? The
! VuKhion ladies' tailoring. R. 11. Emleln.
proprietor. Late fitter Orkln Bios. S3 S.
Main St.
Ileal r.slile Tranafera.
These tianbfers were reported to Tha Bca
August 17 by the Pottawattamie County
Abstract company of Council Bluffs:
Julia Keellne and husband et al. to
W. A. Maiuer. lot S, block 13, Riddles'
subd. In Council Bluffs, la, q. c. d . S 1
Frank H."kidle to Mary E. Richard
son, part se' neV. 17-75-43, w. d 3..XK)
Mary McMenomy to Thomas Kelley,
lot 8. block Jii. Heers subd. in coun
cil Bluffs, la., w. U
Woman's Christian association to Dom-
Inick Sulluzzu. lots ii and 7, block 7,
in rear range men l of blocks 5. and
7, Ciatt ford s add. to Council Uiurfs,
la., w. d 175
Total S3.07K
Fralt Kihlblt front Mezlro.
At a meeting of the directors of the Na
tional Horticultural congress last evening
f lip, rlntendent Reed announcrd that
through the kindly efforts of General Pag
setitier Agent Lomax nf the I'nlon Pacific
lalltoad an exhibit of seml-tropleitl fruiu
and vegetables from the wast const of Old
M.xioo had been secured for the fruit ex
position. The meeting last evening was
for the purpose of deldlng-the distribution
of the many liundsom trophies djiut'd
for the approaching exposition, but this
was not finally ttled.
N. Y. Pluir.blii v u 'iii. w. N ght, F-170:
Marriage l.lreaaea.
Licenses to ed were issued yesterday to
the following:
Name and Residence Age
Clarence E. Moian. Omaha 22
Marie 11 Sprren. Omaha 2:
A. W. Vough. Clarks. Neb is
Rattle Erdelt. Ellendale. N. D i-i
Robert Wilktne, Cook Nrh . 3S
Carua WbiUiaiu. CVuk. Nab 11
Davis, drugs.
CORRIGAN3, undertakers. 'Phone W.
For rent, modern house, 723 th avenue.
Woodrlng Undertaking company. Tel. 33S.
Lewis Cutler, funeral director. 'Phone 17.
When you want reliable want ad adver
tising, use The Bee.
Deerlng binders and mowers. Sperling
Triplett, 32i Broadway.
FALL TERM Western Iowa college
opens August 30. Send for catalog.
Undertakers. Phone 122, N. Main street.
Dr. W. W. Magarell, optometrist, moved
to 20U-2UB City National bank building.
Former Sheriff Ed Canning left last
evening for Alberta. Can., with a party of
sixty-five landseekers.
A. W. Vough of Clarks. Neb., and Hattle
Erdelt of Ellendale, N. D., were married in
this city yesterday by Justice Cooper.
Dr. V. L. Treynor. county coroner, will
leave today for a trip to Colorado and will
probably, continue the trip to the Pacific
coast before returning.
Sister Mary Herbert and Sister Mary
Klona of Chicago arrived yesterday on a
visit to the parents of the former, Mr. and
Mrs. E. Rogers of Willow avenue.
Sister Mary Leocrepla and Sister Mary
Ambroslne of Elgin, 111., are visiting Sister
Mary Leocrepla's parents. Mr. and Mrs.
M. Ryan, and her sister, Mrs. J. P. Terry.
The meeting of the Board of Education
called for last night was postponed until
next Monday evening on account of the ab
sence from the city of Superintendent Bev
erldge. The West Side Christian church will hold
its annual picnic Thursday at Lake Man
awa. The start will be made from the
church building at Broadway and Thirty
fifth street at 11 a. m.
Dr. Charlotte McCuskey of First avenue
left last evening for Minneapolis to attend
the national convention of osteopaths. Dr.
McCuskey will visit relatives in Minnesota
before returning. She expects to be away
about ten days.
The contract for the new book stacks for
the public library was awarded yesterday
by the committee of which President Dean
of the Board of Trustees was chairman to
the Art Metal company of Jamestown, N.
., on us Did oi 4,44&.
Mrs. Kelrsteln Marie Chrlstlanson. ared
91 years, died yesterday afternoon at the
home of her daughter, Mrs. B. Nelson, 831
tast Broadway. Two daughters and three
sons survive her. The funeral will be held
Thursday afternoon at o'clook and Inter
ment will be In Walnut Hill cemeterv.
Rev. G. W. Snyder, pastor of St. John's
English Lutheran church, will conduct tho
At a conference held last evenlna- In the
office of City Solicitor Kimball between a
number of proprieters of dry cleaning es
tablishments and a committee from the olty
council consisting of Councilman Younker-
man. Morgan and Jensen, the ordinance re
cently introduced by Mr. Younkerman pro-
viuing ror strict regulations tor dry clean
ing establishments was discussed. Another
conference will be necessary before an or
dinance agreeable to all will be agreed
Mrs. Catherine Skinner. aert 82 vears
died yesterday afternoon at Mercy hospital
irom me inrirmities attendant on old age.
Five sons and three daughters survive her.
The body was toJcen to the undertaking es
tablishment of Baird, Longenecker & Bol
and and this morning will be removed to
the residence of her son, C. W. Skinner. 15
North Twenty-first street, where services
will be held this afternoon at 3:30. Thurs
day morning the body will be taken to
Clarinda, la., for burial.
Testimony Practically . JSauue aa at
Coroner's Inqoeat.
George Pride, the negro who shot and
killed Louis Francis, also colored, on
Wednesday "of last week, was yesterday
bound over to the district grand Jury by
Judge Snyder after a preliminary hearing
In police court. Pride's bond was placed
at 14,000 In default of which he was com
mitted to the county Jail.
Nine witnesses were Introduced by the
state, but the defense did not offer any
testimony. Tho witnesses for the state
were City Physician Tubbs, Mr. and Mrs.
Ray Skalth, John Turner, C. Ehrlg.
County Surveyor J. H. Mayne, Detective
Callaghan, Deputy Sheriff Sherman Hum
phrey and Police Sergeant J. M. O'Nell.
The testimony was substantially the
same as was introduced at the coroner's
Inquest. Attorney C. M. Harl, counsel for
Pride, objected to City Physician Tubbs
testifying as to the ante mortem state
ment of Francis, made after he had been
taken to the hospital, but Judge Snyder
decided that It be admitted.
John Turner, a bartender In the Davis
saloon at the corner of Broadway and
r-ieventn street, who did not testify at
the Inquest, was a new witness at the pre
Ilmlnary hearing yesterday. He testified
that Pride on the morning of the shoot
ing left his revolver at the saloon, saying
he was going to Omaha. Pride returned
iu me saioon later ann me- witness re
turned the revolver to him. Francis was
In the saloon at the time and Francis
left the place Just after Pride did.
Blow from Flat May Be Fatal.
CRESTON, la.. Aug. 17. (Special. -An
gered because the report was circulated
at the Bedford Chautauqua Saturday,
where Carrie Nation lectured, that she had
struck a cigar from his mouth, William
McCoun attacked James S. Hanshaw, a
prominent citizen and alderman of Bed
ford, whom McCoun believed had helped
circulate the report about him, and dealt
him a terrific blow on the side of the
head, felling him to the cement walk with
such force that the Injury Hanshaw suf
fered Is likely to prove fatal. He has been
unconscious for forty-eight hours. Mc
Coun has been arrested and placed under
11,000 bonds, which his father furnished.
Hanshaw Is about 50 years of age, while
McCoun is about 46.
Attempt to Dlxhnr Attorney,
DENISON. la.. Aug. 17-iSpeclal.)-Pro-ceedintj-s
begin here Wednesday morning
looking to the disbarment from practice
of P. W. Harding, who has been a promi
nent attorney In this county for many
years. Judge Wright of the Fort Dodi
district will preside. The prosecution Is
In the hands by appolntnviit of court of !
Jacob Sims and P. E. C. Lally of the
Dennlson bar. and the defense Is In the
hands of ex-Judge Ellwood of Sac City and
Ren Sellinger of Carroll. There are ten
distinct charges against Mr. Harding. The
witnesses will largely be former clients,
from whom It Is charged he has demanded
exceslve feea or purposely misinformed
them as to the action ml the court In their
Antolata Dlareaard Warnlnaj.
CEDAR FALLS. Ia., Aug. 17-tSpiclal
Telegram ) Dr. and Mrs. K. M Eullerlun
were victims of an automobile accident last
evening. West of the city they met u
threshing outfit that motioned for them to
stop, but he went ahead and ran aeross an
open ditch. The car overturned ami
wrecked. Mrs. Fullerton was seriously
1 urt and tha doctor not quite so badly.
Ilaaajeroaa Nursery
In the abdominal region Is prevented by
the use of Dr King's New Life Pills, the
painless purifiers. 2c. Sold by Reatun
Dru Co.
Indlratlona There May He Some Frle
tlon Over the Arranajemeata for
Talt Reception to lie Held
In Dea Melnn.
(From a Staff Correspondent )
DE3 MOINES, la., Aug. 17.-l8peciRl Tel
egram.) All the members of the New York
legislative committee to Investigate pri
mary laws met In the lieutenant governor's
room at the" etata house today except Sen
ator McCarren and Assemblyman Julian
Scott. During the morning session Editor
Lufe Young of the Capitol told the com
mittee Iowa's law generally was good and
he wouldn't go back to the old caucus sys
tem, but that there should be strict regis
tration to prevent democrats voting at re
publican primaries. He said the system
was a big improvement In the cities, but
had wrought no change whatever In tha
rural districts. Editor Harvey Ingham of
the Register and Leader told them the
law was till right, but that some of the
minor state officers should be eliminated
from the primary and nominated by the
convention. Ha said the law made polit
ical leadership appealing to the intelli
gence of the people mora possible and
machine manipulation less possible. This
afternoon the committee listened to Sec
retary of State Hayward, Railroad Com
missioner Eaton and called upon Governor
Carroll and Senator Cummna.
Friction on Taft Arrangements.
Friction Is likely In the arrangement for
entertaining President Taft in this city
unless soma one backs up. A self appointed
committee of cittzeiiH has gone ahead with
urrangements. Mack Olsen, president of
the League of Republican clubs, lias In
structions from John Hays Hammond,
president of the National Federation of
Republican clubs, to make the arrange
ments, as the president's trip Is being ar
ranged by the league. President Olsen has
asked the local committee for suggestions
us to tho preparations. They have already
announced their arrangements as being
Historic Iluildlna- Goes.
IOWA CITY, la., Aug. 17.-(Speclal.)
Workmen are now engaged In tearing
down the building In this city in whloh
the first territorial legislature of Iowa
met In the early winter of 1841. The build
ing Is being removed In order that a sa
loon may be built on the ground It now
To spare the feelings of tha sentimental,
however, It should be said that the build
ing does not now stand where It did when
Iowa's first solons gathered In It to do
their legislating. That ground Is now
covered by a building used bb a music
and Jewelry store. The old legislative hall
formerly occupied a site on East Wash
ington street, but many years ago was re
moved to Dubuque street, where It has
long stood. It was built in 1840 by Walter
Butler for the purposes of housing the
legislators. It was two stories In height,
long and narrow like a lodge hall. In
those days It was one of the very pre
tentious buildings In Iowa City and Its
construction, as revealed by the workmen
who are now tearing it down, was of oak
Iowa Notes.
CRESTON Business men of Creston are
to be asked to close three afternoons next
week during the race meet and ball tour
nament to be held under the auspices of
the Creston City Driving club.
CRESTON Charles M. Ashby, son of
former Surveyor Matt Ashby of this city,
and Miss Iona Worlhington, also of this
I j
I w "" ' mmMmU,T-irr''ilUVmmmiM
-- - --- --- -----"--'-' ! -i i r i '
"The Glorious Harvest Days Are Here"
Throughout the barley growing belt of the great northwest the fanner is now
gathering the golden grain. The cream of the northern crop is always selected by our
expert grain buyers, shipped to St. Louis and forms the basis of our world famous
The King of All Bottled Beers
The product of the best barley and hops grown in the world. Budweiser has brought
the glow of health to many and has helped to make our country a nation of strong
men and women. N
The Most Popular Beer in the World
Bottled Only at tha
Anheuser-Busch Brewery
St. Louis, U. S. A.
Winter Clothes
for Men and Boys
Are now awaiting your irupgction. An J, in spite
of the magnitude f former displays, w have
simply outdone ourselves this year.
We have tafen great care to secure nene but the
very choicest ereations from the foremost makers
in America.
There's neither man nor boy in Omaha who can
fail to be pleased with the splendid array of
fabrics and patterns thet are included in this
collection. Consequently we feel justified in as
serting that this is a Clothes Exhibit of rare in
terest to every careful dresser, be he young or old.
As ever, we are prepared to meet the limitation
of every purse and to suit ever 4 taste.
"Tha House of High Merit."
city, stole a march on their friends here
Monday and were quietly married in
CRESTON Roy Armstrong, who or the
last nine years has held a responsible po
sition In the Creston National bank, has
accepted the position as cashier In the
Iowa Siate bank of Osceola, and takes up
his new duties at once.
LOGAN According to a telegram re
ceived at Logan this morning It Is thought
that the body of the late Charles s.
Brown, killed In the railroad wreck In
Colorado Saturday, will reach Logan this
evening. The funeral will be held In the
Methodist church of Logan tomorrow at
W a. m. Interment In Logan cemetery.
CRESTON Reports from Charlton and
Osceola are to the effect that a severe
electrical storm passed over those places
Sunday night and considerable damage Is
reported as the result of hall In the vicin
ity of Chariton. A heavy shower would
be heartily welcomed here, as pastures are
drying up and corn will soon begin to suf
fer from the severe heat that has pre
vailed here steadily for almost three
LOGAN The following Instructors have
been employed In the Normal Institute,
which bean here yesterday with a re-
forted enrollment of li!5: H. H. Hahn.
ihilr. Neb., arithmetic, grammar, history
and reading; J. G. Rusmlscl, St. Joseph,
Mo., geography, penmanship and drawing;
F. E. Bolton. Iowa City, child study and
psychology: E. R. Jackson, Council Bluffs,
didactic and orthogruphy : May Long, Ma
son City, physical culture; Blanche Goudy,
Marion, primary methods and music.
Nobody la Too Old
to learn that the sure way to cure coush
or cold Is with Dr. King's New Discovery.
50c and 11.00. Sold by Beaton Drug Co.
Latter Are
Smta to Re Union
Bombardment Con
tinues. for
MADRID, Aug. 17. Advices received here
from Penon De La Oomera, on the coast
of Morocco, set forth that the Moors again
have cut telegraph wires and Isolated the
Spanish garrison there. The bombarding
at Penon 'De La Oomera x Constant and
there have been many casualties among
is liiirwflTi In if sat
the Moors. The Kahyles are K
near Alhueemiis. pr-.-paralory to marcliiu ;
on Melllla. , . , f
PARIS. Aug. 17. Tbe correspondent i. .
Melilla of I. a l.lliiiiu today says he uniln
stands Spain ha oe 11. d peace tie KOtlutU'tn
with the Mhois. It Is reported that (S'li
eral Marina, nut wishing to assume inc.
responsibility of the projected Spanish ml
vance, has asked to be recalled on account
of 111 health.
CECTA, Morocco, Aug. 17. Spanish gun
boats yesterday captured a Moorish bail
with contraband, off I'olnte lies Pi-clu-nrs
Moors on Hie bench fired on tho Spatll:-,
vessels, but there were no casnnltics.
Bank Official Mart I ti vel In n I lim
and Find Churtnuc fif Ten
Thousand Dollars.
LITTLE ROCK. Ark., Aim. 17. "Slim t."
This vus the word R. E. Steienson, cashier
of the Rose City bunk, who was stricken
with paralysis Inst Tuesday, scribbled o i
a piece of paper. The paper was plcKoil
up by Stevenson's wife and by her IihiiiI. I
to the bank officials, who siurled an . i
vestljiution. Today It was announced Stevenson f
shortage will amount to $10.10.'. St. -v. us i
has not yet i -ei;ain d speuch.
Household Itcineillen
which have stood the lent of t..n. il i
a place In the medicine chest or . .
family. Mothers are today admhM.-l r ,i ;
to their children the remedies the r f.n o
mothers used.
For thirty years Lydla E. I'l:i:h.i ..'.i
Vegetable Compound, nunle from rnn;s .m l
herbs, has been curli g the women of t..i.i
country from the worst forms of fe.n i e
Ills, and merit alone could have stood such
a test of time and won such an cuviul.l.i
AnheuserBuch Co. of Nebraska
TIxm DeoaUa Mt-Aatoasatie 'Pbeae A-13M