Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 18, 1909, Page 10, Image 10

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Little Damage Done to the Crop in
Eastern Nebraska.
Reports from All erlnns Mar Rain
la XrrAriX, 1nt fooler Air la
llrlplnir thr (nip
Corn In e.tem Nebraska Is rtlll In fine
condition unci ha not been damaged to
rials by want of rain, but In many other
Kprtlon of the ante the want of rain
ho been felt anil only time can tell how
much damage ban been done. There has
been practically no damage east of Hast
ings and Red Cloud. South of Hastings
and around Holdrege and from that point
nest the damage has been considerable.
W. W. Johnson, assistant KenerRl freight
agfnt of the Burlington, has made an ex
tensive trip over a largj portion of Ne
braska to look Into crop conditions. He
says that It Is a hard matter to estimate
the damage.
"We saw fields on one side of the road
which were In fine condition, while on
the other side the corn seemed to be dry
ing up," said Mr. Johnson, who traveled
hundred of milts In automobile. "A rain
coming at the present tltno will do an In
estimable amount of go d. The lack of
wind during this hot spell is all that has
dived Nebraska. If these hot day had
been accompanied by a wind the corn
would surtly have been parched."
Mht Rain Help Some.
A llghi rain fell Monday night from
Valley to Central City and while it was not
heavy enough to wet the ground much It
Kerved to cool the atmoipheie. Agent
along the Union Pacific report the corn In
fine shape damaged very little from
t:ie hot weather. The St. Joseph & Grand
Island road reported a temperature of
from 78 to 102 along that line Monday. The
com near Marysvllle, Kan., Is damaged
about 30 per cent In the upland fields and
10 per cent on the lowlands. was a sprinkle of rain around
Powell Monday night and a hard rain be
tween Sidney and Col ton, with a light
rain from Col ton to Cheyenne. No dam
age was nported along the Union Pacific
lint Monday, although the corn was dried
up about 20 per cent near Paxton Sunday.
Kansa has hid no rain to break the
hot spell, but there has been a lack of
wind which has saved the corn, If the
ralu will come goon.
Clinton Bnggs
Dies at St. Paul
President of Alamito Dairy Company j
Succumbs After Long Siege j
in Hospital. .
Cllntcn Hriggs, president of the Alamito
1'aiiy company, who has been In a hos
pital at St. Paul, Minn., for some ilir.u
and has been subjected to several opera
tions, died at St. Paul Monday night. Mr.
Hriggs waa 38 year old and waa married
eight years ago. He 1 survived by his
wife, but they have no children.
Mr. Urlfc-gs was born In Omaha, his
futher waa a prominent member of the
Omaha bar and was at one time on the
district bench. Mr. Brlggs went through
the public schools of Omaha, and after
wards was graduated from Oberlla college.
While a' college he was famous as a
sprinter and all around athlete and con
tinued to keep up, his Interest In outdoor
sports as long as ha kept his health. He
at one time had a splendid string of heists,
and owned a fine farm on West Dodgj
street. Besides his Interest In the Alamito
dairy, Mr. Brlggs had large real estate
The body will probably be brought to
Omaha fur burial, although no word has
yet been had from Mrs. Bilggs as to
bar intentions in the matter.
Store aaBsBas!ssassasssaBeBna
1 0 p. m, naaasinjnnasjaBjnBnBajsjspjmjpjs
n P- hi.
tin j
lO p.m.
Wednesday's Specials
These lmruain re remarkable. You sate fully one-half
when you buy these extra special. It Is alway cool and com
fortable In Hrnnriefn afore, with it modern cold air blast..
Women's Light Weight Lawn
Dressing Sacqucs
Worth up
to 35c, at
Hundreds of light weight dress
ing sacques and combing jack
ets, made of fine lawns with
scalloped edges; rings, dots and
floral designs
always sell up
up to .'33c each,
O "
NEW SILKS It llll 59c Yard
New fall silks oG-inch satin Rajahs, 40-inch silk diagonals,
40-inch silk poplins, 44-inch cashmere de soie, f (
27-inch Ottomans, 27-inch natural Shantungs
ovorv I'olnr na woll no hlnil'' vuinoa tn !it vrl." '
-o- 1
American Printing Co.'s
Beautiful Wash Fabrics
Those are "the wash fabrics, are wash
able." Practical and economical for
women's fall dresses and children's
school dresses. Ask at pattern counter
for Standard patterns
suitable to make
up 2 4-inch fabrics
at, yard
25c Wide Embroideries at 15c yard
18-inch nainsook and cambric flouncings, skirtings and cor
set cover widths medium and wide edges, inser-
tions and headings; values up to 25c, at, yard
25c All Silk Ribbons at 10c 15c yd.
Moire and brilliant all silk taffeta black, white and all col
ors, up to 5 inches wide, and worth to 25c, yd., IOC, 15c
Low Rates for
the Corn Show
i'wlroads Will Make Concessions on
Passenger Fares During the
When Your Head Aches
don't take chances with your heart by dosino-
with headache cures. It's caused by upset
stomach or inactive liver.
will settle the 6tomach and make your liver act with
out violence but effectively. It will remove the
cause and cure the headache.
Get a 25c. Box
Bchsefer's Cut-Fries Draff Stores 16th and Douglas Bts., 16th and ChloafO
Boutli Omaha Btoiss 3. W. Cor. 24th and K, If. W. Cor. 34th and N.
Director of the National Corn exposi
tion, which I to be held at Omaha Dei-ember
9 to 19. have received word that the
Western Passenger association has granted
rates from all points within its Jurlsdlo
tion east of the Missouri river to Omaha
during the corn show. Tickets will not be
old every day, but will be sold on five
different dates to be announced later, with
a return any time to the limit, which Is
I'fceniber 20.
No decision has been reached as to the
rale to be put In west of the Missouri
liver, but tha directors are not worrying,
because they have the assurance of the
railroad officials that Omaha will get these
rates. East of the river the rates apply
from as far east aa Chicago and St. Luul.
. Best equipped dental office in the middle west.
HiKhest trade dentistry at reasonable prices.
'? .Z. Port-Plain fillincB. just like the tooth. All instru-
. S - ' .'J aopChIIv atori1l7ar1 attar pafh rtntient.
- i , . t - J llir 1 l.i . i l" i.i . . . ... . .-.-- - " - - ,
1 it i
Cor 16th and Furnaui Kts.
Close I p Store and Start l'r Hlver
ob steamboat for Tlirlr An
nual Plrnlr.
Between SOfl and 4(10 employe of the Ben
nett company enloyed the seoond annual
picnic of the company Tuesday afternoon.
The store closed at 1 o'clock and at 3
the employes emnarkeu on the steamer
Peoria for trip up the Missouri to Flor
ence, the boat being chartered for the
afternoon by the compsny officers.
Returning from Florence the picnickers
landed at Oak park, by the Illinois Central '
F.ast Omaha bridge, where rare and va- !
nous athletio sports mere had, prizes being
given by tha department managers. Pano
lng was had In the grove, music being fur
nished by the Kauffman orchestra.
Si .j E
Deeds Pat , an lleeurd Show Males
from Ost Company to .in
The deed Is recorded or a sal of a half
section at Ilalstun by the United Invest
ment company to the Halston Townslte
company for $15.0X1. Another deed an
nounces the sale of sixty acres of the same
property by the Townslte company to the
1-alnlon Realty company for lt.OOO.
We are still selling good Oxfords
without profit In this big clean-up
Sale. Its never to late to buy a
good pair of Oxfords.
S3.50 Oxford' J)
,4noo: ox:.o:d: $2.85
5no rd' $3.65
$2.60 Oxfords fi1 AT
now sjlstfw
Balldiua Penults.
Peter Duhsmel, Thirty-fifth avenue and
Jackson strert. frame dwelling. 3.EmiO; I.
M Horton. Twenty-fourth and Saratoga
streets, frame bin:ulow, JJOOU; t". tj. 8om-
rs. TT. South Twelfth street, frame dwell
ing. 1 On: Mm. H. 11. I'u.'l. Thirty-seventh
and Saratoga stirets. frame collate, SI. MX);
Htanlry VVtesarek. Thirtieth and Bxulevarl
streets, frame dwelling. ), Paxton, lial
laghsr Co.. Ninth and Jons stre. ts, brick
building. Ifd0: Mrs. M. B. Field. Forty
stxtb ao4 jtutukry avenue, frams awslllng,
16th and Douglas Sts.
Victor $2S
Please don't compare this per
fected Victor with tho scratchy,
screechy things you have heard. If
it isn't pet feet, return and get yout
Pay one dollar dow n and take
home SiMisu'B entire band, tiOc.
Hailn's IJi.nitel, ;i.".c and rtOc. A
dozi-11 famous humorists and .s'neer.
at from :i."ic to T.'C and hear them ai
your pleasure ror years itluiut rur
Now. don't smile. Is It not so
What would you call the man wlie
pays from $" to $10 for tickets, carriage
or carfare It lake his fumilv to heai
Sousa's iand or some noted (? sint;ei
not to speak of the trouhle for his
wife to dress md the strain on hi
own patience, e.-pecially if lier waist
buttons up the back, when he could
sit In his own parlar and for about
1- listen to a program of his own
elioi slug not once but a thousand
We don't sav. "cut out the theater."
but In tlu niin.e of Hie commonest
kind of common sense don t wail
longer for a Yivlor. liollar down. I
and dollar a week, or A a month.
Piano Player Co.,
Old Boston Store, Ssoond Floor.
V1CTROLAS, (IIS, S30O, $350.
lust in. tiet one.
All Our Prelliest Lingerie Dresses
are Re-Priced & Reduced (o Close
Marktlowns that arc sharp and decisive made with a
determination that will assure active selling. These are ex
quisite new styles. Charming effects for street wear now
and for party frocks later.
Choice of white and delicate shades.
$8.50 Dresses for. . . .5.00 $13.50 Dresses for. . .$8.95
$10.00 Dresses for. . .$6.95 $17.50 Dresses for. .$10.00
Notion Day
Sanitary Hair Rolls, B0c kind....39o
Shopping lings, doc kind lOo
Hair pins, wire, pkg lo
P.lack Silk Thread, 10f)-yard spool.. 60
Machine Thread, 200-yardn, black or
white, at two spools for So
Women's 25c Hose Supporters ... 100
Lawn Tape, all widths; bolt 12 yds.,
for 100
rarnlng rot ton. per box ISo
Ironing Wax, two for 60
Surprising Offer
Oar 93.60 Model for 91-35
These are 'iew, fresh goods and abso
lutely perfect. They are light
weight, cool, comfortable French ba
tiste corsets, with medium high bust
ami extra long
skirt, embroidery
trimmed, two pairs
of hose supporters,
lum nigh oust
The August Furniture Sale
All thin week la notable aa Bennett's best effort. The new ship
ments specially purchaaed for this event were secured at greatly les
sened prides, enabling us to turn them over to you at more alluring
reductions than we have seen in many a day.
I Double S. ft E. Green Stamps Wednesday with rurnltur Purchases. I
185.00 Brass Bed, box spring and
pair down pillows, for 63
All Kred (Jo-Cart at Half.
AH Collapsible Go-Carts, worth up
to $12. fiO. at SS.50
$25.00 China Closets reduced
to $19.50
Mission Mantel Clock, $5.00 value,
for $1.98
Solid Oak Dressers, worth $15.00,
for $9.98
$20.00 Parlor Suites, three pieces, for $10.75
Bennett's Big Grocery
Fiei.nett's Golden Coffee, pound 26o and
P.ennett'8 ChiillcnKo t offee, pound 180 and
Hennctl's Tens, assorted, pound 4SO and
C'orslcun Lllend Tea, for Iced tea 480 and
Hartley's red and black Currant Jam 30o and
Kddy's Mustard, two bottles lOo and
Assorted Pickles, bottle lOo and
Large yueen Olives, pint '. ..85o and
lieauty Paked Beans, per can 60
Klce, fine lno quality, 4 lbs 25o
Uayles' Boneless HerrinB. Jar 13o and
Bennett's Capitol Buckwheat Flour 11c and
Ice Cream Powder, sssorted, 3 pkgs 25o and
Mignonette Marrowfat Peas, cen Bo
(laniard's Olive Oil, large bottle 70o and
Ice Cream Salt, pound lo
Chicken Feed, lb 3o Oyster Shells, lb lo Bone
30 green
10 preen
60 fcreen
30 green
10 green
10 green
10 green
10 green
10 green
80 green
Meal, lb..
I Shieago
NW 1044
There are seven trains a day to Chicago
from Omaha and Council Bluffs, via
The North Western Line
Train No. 22, electric lighted, leaving Union
Station at 6 p. m., daily, arriving Chicago
7:30 a. m.; and westbound, Train No. 5,
leaving Chicago 6 p. m., arriving Omaha 7:40
a. m., provide service especially adapted to
the conveniences of Omaha travel.
The electric lighted Los Angeles Limited
leaves at 9:10 p.m., arriving Chicago 11:59 a.m.
The electric lighted Overland Limited leaves
at 11:50 p. m., and other fast trains leave at
7:40 a. m., 12:05 p. m., 5:20 p. m. and
6:05 p. m.
For the westbound journey there are five
excellent trains from Chicago, over
The Only Double Track, Automatic
Safety Signal Line Between the Mis
souri River and Chicago,
Splendid train equipment. The best of
cining car service.
For sleeping tar reservations, ratet
etc., apply to
Ticket Offices
1401-140.1 Farnam Street
Omaha, Ktb,
HAYDEfls 50 ,B 75 Sa MYDENs
ntuuiutlTMM to YfiU fin IMMIMIU ITMt
Thousands of Articlos from tho
ouncil Bluffs Stock
Immense quantities of elean' high elass merchnndise xvill he
sacrificed to make room for our immense regular stock. In spite
of the extremely warm weather every day sees crowds of enthus
iastic buyers in the store anxious for their share of the wonderful .
bargain offerings. "
Hundreds of others will be shown on every hand; new ones
in every department.
Cut Glass and
Cut Glass Berry Bowls; great
snaps at $2.75
Cut Glass Sugars and Creamers;
matchless $2.98
Comb, Brush and Mirror Seta
regular values to $4.00, $1.50
$1.00 Comb and Brush Sets
choice, at 48c
Smoking Sets and Jars, values to
$1.50; on sale at 69c and 75c
30c Fancy Ink "Wells 15c
$4.00 Gilt Clocks, at $2.00
$2.00 Gilt Clocks at 98c
$1.00 Rhine Stone Hat Pins; on
sale at 48c
Jabot Belt and Scarf i'ins, Bar
rettes and Cuff Links; regular
50c values, at 25c
Books and Stationery
School nooks, go at JJ
Teddy Hear llooks, each Uaf
Hpnty Books, each . . 15
76c Copywrlght Pnoks V.TiC
$1.00 Copywrlght llooks :t!0
$1.60 Copywrlght Books 7TC
All 35c books at lOO
All 50c books nt Iil
lllMes nt Half l'li.r.
Post Card Albnrr.r. r from ... 71
Vhito Hotisp CocVr I'.ooa r0
Webster's Dlrtionnry -Full siioop
binding, rcpulBr value, at $t.;jy
EnryclorKKlnes Oo ntij 25r rolinm.
Carter's Ink. ier bottle 2l-i'
Carter's Mucilage, at UVaO
Carter's Library Paste, at . . . .
Writing Tablets, worth to 2vk', on sale
at Hf, 2H. 5c "d T 1 -i
Memo llooks Values to 26c
3S 5S 7WS 10S 15c1
Ledpers, Journals, Day Hooka at
half price.
Fancy Stationery at hnlf. Pencils .... 2(
Crepe Paper Itoll He
Playing Cards, package
Post cards. 10 for Jf
Envelopes, per package Xe?
High Grade Dressmaking Department
"We have now opened up our New Tailoring department and
are making skirts and suits to order. Skirts from any material
you choose. "We use less cloth than the average cutter. Tailor
Suits at medium prices; high grade Novelty Suits of the best
workmanship and best material. We guarantee a perfect fit on
anything we make. Come in to Dress Goods department and ex
amine our goods, styles and prices.
Drapery and Curtain
A mixed lot of figured, dotted and
barred Swisses, 36 Inches wide, 25c
values; to close, yard 15
Fringed Mousselines, pretty styles, a
few left sold at 18c a yard; will
close at, yard , 12 H
Figured Burlaps, neat new 1909 pat
terns, up-to-date designs, for dining
room or ball decorations; per yard,
at 15
Clearing Sale of Odd Pairs of Curtains
and Samples at Greatly Reduced
Some a little soiled Nottlnghams,
Irish Points, Cable Nets, etc
$4.00 Curtains, now 2.50
$5.00 Curtains, now $2.08
$1.75 Curtains at 9g
All 3 Va yards long, flno material
and patterns.
Extra Specials for Wednesday
in Our Famous Domestic R:cm
We will sell a $1.00 Cotton Blankot
r 75 c
$1.60 fine Cotton Blankets 98c
A 20c fine Ticking 15
Thistledown, an 8 Vic bleached Muslin,
yard wide, at 6ltC
A 9c unbleached Muslin, Lawrence LI,.
at, yard 6'
Avalver's Shaker, worth 7Vc...5
Ease's Shaker, worth 10c 7'C
R. A. Canton, worth 7V4c 5
L. E. Canton, bleached, wor'.h 10c
at 7Ht
39c Mercerized Table Cloth, fine pat
terns, full bleached 27a
We have a full line of Anioakeas
Apron Checks and a full line of Lan
caster Checks always on hand.
Snaps in Open Stock Dinner Sets from the J. D.
Crockwell Stock
Dinner Plates, each 5c
Soup Plates, each 5c
Covered Vegetable Dishes, 15c
Fruit Saucers- each lc
Handle Cups- 3 for 10c
All sizes in Decorated Bowls' 5c
Odd Creamers, each 5;
Sugar Bowls, each 5c
Can Your Peaches, Pears and Grabapples Now
Bushel box extra fancy California Bartlett Pears, for this sala $2.25
This will be the last week for California Bartletts.
Large boxes extra fancy California Elberta Freestone Peaches 81.10
Large market basket, extra fancy Whitney Crabs, for Jelly, per basket. 25
Twenty pounds best pure cane Granulated Sugar $1.00
raznr la a comfort these warm dayi. Only takts flv or
six minutes to shave. No IvinlnK or stropping. Wo sell
thorn for $5.00. Look for the nuuie.
S. VV. Lindsay, Jeweler
Have THE BEE follow
you on your vacation
Notify us before you
leave and there will
be no Interruption in
service between your
city and out-of-town
address. ::
Write or Telephone the Circu
lation leiartnu'nt THK lif.K.
I00D FOR rKe",1'?a,h"r"":.T!
MFRVF1 work and youthful gii
muiiu gona result or star,
rk or mental trtlon mould ts
uisk you cat and steep sua be lus
! sseln.
1 Boi 3 boxes S2.50 by mslL
I lEISMiJI fe klcCQr!I.Ii DIU8 OO,
Cor. 16th and Dodge Btreeu,
Cor. lata d Harney Sis- Uuiaaa. Bfea,
Persistent Advertising is
the Road to Big Returns.
-Tha Bea Reaches All Classes.
(Successor to rr. H. L. Ramavdottl.)
Of floe 4 Hospital, 8810 Mtasoa ,
I Call PrompOy Antwr1 at All Honrs.
T Sirs O f Clue Btaxuey S7.
Call Us
by 'Phono
Whenever you want
aometblng call '."how
Douglas 2S8 and mak
It known throufB
Bea Want Xi,
Special low Summer Excursion Fares on sale daily via the Illinois Ontral to Koston, New York and
many other points In Now Kngland States and Canada. Liberal stopovers. Diverse routeb permitted ou tkk
ets to Boston and New York.
For tickets and detailed Information call at City Ticket Office. 1402 Farnam Street, or write,
SAMUKL, NORTH, District Passenger Aoenl, Omaha, Neb.
XIic Twentieth Century Farmer
Is the best medium through which the advertiser can reach the live stock v- J f-r-T-rs
throughout the central west country. i v