TOE BEE r OMAHA, TUESDAY! AUGtTSt 17, 19Q9. ' W elM at r. at. mrtf nlf aa Fall Styles Ready "We become enthusiastic when we talk about our Fall styles in xoad-to-wchr. You will feel the name way when you inspect the beautiful new garments now being shown on our Second floor. Every day our stock is being augmented by the addition of the latest models for "My lady's" wear. Come and see the new styles even if you have not the slightest idea of buying. Sec the new Suits in our Sixteenth street windows. B - i - Ufll Doilf. IS OTM riOl street succumbed at Thirteenth and 1avenpurt streets while walking his beet About 4:4t) o'clock Monday after nonn. He n taken to Ills hume in the police nutotiioulle. K1SST JOfllfSON, "615 Martha street, a laborer,' Mlo' on his way to St. Joseph's hospital where he has been ret-rlvlne; frprment. fell at Twelfth an1 Castellnr streets. He waa takan to the hospital and treated by Dr. Si. U. Harris. AST SUB B. BMITH, 1620 Maple street, an employe of the Weir City Coal com pany, went out at Fifteenth and Madi son streets. He wi treated by Dr. Bishop and taken to his home In the pollro automobile. VmOXHTirilD MAX. Weight 2C0 pounds picked up under the Sixteenth atreet viaduct at Many trt.-tt. Taken to St. Joseph's hoHpltiil and treated by Dr. Harris arid Slmunek. Mia condition is serious, but Uo nmy recover. VJUBSHTirlSD MAM, picked up In the Howell Coat company yards at 6:30 o'clock Monday afternoon. Taken to St. Joseph'!- hospital. Will probably recover. O 0. OBVAKl, llvfng art 109 Bloomer street Council Bluffs, wair removed to the Edmundson Memorial - hospital last evening In an ambulance In a delirious condition from the float.- The attending physician- said !he- expected Mr. Orahl would recover. Three Men ( Once, Three men, names not known, were overcome at Thirty-ninth and Ames ave nue while working tor W; L. Hamilton on some new building. All Were taken to their homes. A number of other men employed at the same place stopped work on account of the heat although none of them were overcome. Ire Men Hampered. A feature of the hot weather which made U all the more insufferable has been the Inability of the Ice companies of the city to supply the demands of their customers. This Is not qn account of any acarclty of Ice, but Is brought about through lack of teams to haul the wag ons. So many horses have gone down under the heat that all the companies are badly crippled In thl ,, regard ; and . they Jmw encountered tbe jfuiijier difficulty of being finable to rent or1 hire any as own era refuse to let out their stock while the present heat - wave -continues. There was . much complaint from cus tomers who were unable to get as much of the coolliiK element uh they desired, but the Ice coinpanlea were up against a physical difficulty they eould not over come. ...... HOT WAVE COVERS THE SOUTHWEST (Continued from First yage.) knew . perfectly his condition and made an effort to find his way home, yet being unable to see, he spent the afternoon wan dering about, ,H1 -mother's , cornfield . and that of a neighbor by the name of Blank. PLATTSMOUTH. Neb., Aug. 15. (Spe cial.) William JCrftttliler .'t 6 tlavaloolc. u blaoksmlth In the 'Turlington shop there, died Friday night." from ..the . effect of excessive heat;; , the deceased was born and (raw to inanhvqd, In.' Utls city and had worked for the Burlington many year. Dr. A. A. Handall conducted th funeral services Sunday afternoon and.. Interment ment waa In Oak Hill oemetery. Th Mod ern Woodmen team accompanied the body to this city and to th cemetery. PIEKHU, S. U Aug. 1U. (Special Tele giam.) Th govci niiien; record here today Was 1044. .the hottest record for year. BEATK1CE, Neb., Aug. 16. Spolal Tel egram.) Today was trie hottest of the season, th Umperatur being 100 degrees or over, all day. No rain has fallen here fur nearly six weeks and corn 1 sufferlug fur want of moisture. SIDNEY.- Nb.. Aug. 18 (Hpeclal Tele gram.) A good rain fell here today, stop ping a ball gam. Crop Will be greutly benefited. ' .STANTON, Neb., - August l.-(fipclal Telegram.)-A young man aged 11, son of N. W. Kojv who lives five mile aoutheast of Stanton, vwbll shoveling grain for a tbreaher crew at Henry Andrew' farm this fwrcnocit n overcome by th heat, b was You can examine the fabrics as thoroughly and a long a you please you actually WONT -find made ware the mun that acaldal made to measure for even 25. Nor will you be given a stronger uarrantee anywhere-of PERFECT riT-aud COMPLETE SATISFAC TION than- will give yon here when you order n of these COAT AND PANT SUITS bja,de-to-mature t.ros. $15.00 Better hurry up they're nearly all tone. -,, - HacCarlhy-WIlson . Tailoring Co. 8O4-.nO0 So. lOtti Rt.. Near Itith and J-"rjn Hta. Aafiil Saeept Mnrlars at :M SX, X." lS - J KBAOM AXO. BUTTS A-lSIl carried to a cool place and A doctor a summoned, from .Stanton, but before he got there the young man had died. Tin heat of last week - has been Intense, but, this Ls the first prostration that has beeii reported. Three horses were'kTlhtl by Befnb overcome with heat -her In- the . latt Wee It Mnetr-I'unr at Dea Molars.. .. DKS MOINES, la., Aug, W.-tSpeclal.)-The temperature renched 94 this afleincwti In les Moines. The prolonged heat causeO six persons here to be overcome. A.num ber from outside Dca Moines were brought here for treatment. ' ST. JOSEPH, Mo., Aug. 16. Sunday wu the hottest day In St. Joseph m five yeiw. but the record was broken today,-. mercury registered Ue at 10 o'clock; 1 de-givi above yesterday's record at that time, UAIL. STORM. AT CHARL C1TV v t'haataoqaa Tents Uentrojcd ssd ,ol leaje la Strnck by I.lahtnlnK. .. . CHARLES CITY, la., Aug, la.-pecla Telegram.) High winds accompanied . b, hall and rain did considerable damage hoir Sunday evening. The large Chautauqua tent waa blown down and toru, into shied? by the poles falling. The chautauuJit cloetd Saturday and no one was In tin tent. The canvas fence around the b.i! park was blown down, as wefe also a lars. number of tents used by campers at th. Chautauqua. Lightning struck the' cdlleg' and set the building afire, but It was pu out without much damage being dune. A large amount of corn was flattened to the ground. Aeroplane Drill at College Park lieutenants Lahm and Fonlii Will Be Instructed by Wilbur Wright. WASHINGTON, Aug. 16. Wilbur Wright, the aviator, who 1 to Instruct Lieutenants Lahrn and Foulols, U. S. A,, in the manipu lation of th signal , corps aeroplane, was In Washington for a .few hours today. He consulted with thilstgnal corps of ficer regarding the arrangements for the training flights. The lease for the grounds at College Park, Md., a few miles from Washington, that are to be used for. the flights, has been forwarded to Secretary of War Dickinson at Nashville, Tenn'., for his approval. Mr. Wright left tonight for Dayton, O., but will return to Washington when the preliminary arrangement , for the training flights have been made. FRANCE AND SEW TARIFF LAW fects In the exportation of canned meats, table fruit, dried or pressed truly, com mon wood logs, hops, prepared pork, min eral 611s, lard and Porto Hice'borfe, while France would be hard hit In exportation to the United State of brandies, still, wines arid vermouth, and champagne,-which, form' a large element of It trad with this coun try. France has applld.rbut about twenty-' five articles en It mlnttnum tariff list to th United State and. 'half of these are intended mainly for the benefit of her col onies and do not profit ti because w do not produce them In this country. ( - FVnek Rtlfi on Pork. Undet the French maximum tariff? lard and Its compounds are Increased 'from' 15 francs per 100 kilogram, th minimum rate, to 40 franc maximum. In manu factuied and prepared pork meat, th increase 1 from 60 to 100 franca per 100 kilograms. W hen the reciprocity agreement t with Franca expires on October SI, It exporter will be required ta pay on American Im portation an Increase of from fl.TS to per proof gallon on'. or, other splilts distilled from grain or other mater ial; an Increuao from 16 oents -to -4G etlts' and 60 cents per gallon, respectively, ac cording to alcoholic, strength, tw .t 111 wines and vermouih in casks, an increase of from ll.ij to ll.aft when iuiporld'ltt..cae '.made up of bottle or Jugs, and also, an Increase of from-$ii to IU.60 per', dosen quart, of chumpague and other spiurkjlng' v.lna' Should the maximum rateB be levied, by th president a a result, of discrimination atalnl AmerlcuA pi oducU. ther Woud be an addition to these rate of Zi per cent ad valorem. GREEK FLAG T0 COME . DOWN Cretan Will Lower fcmblem' Aceard In It to London Heport. , LONDON, Aug. 14. -n 1 understood her that the Cretan at last have tieoonie con vinced th power are in earnest, and they have promised that the Greek flai,. raised by them, will bo lowered permanently to. night. In th event that fills ' promise 1 not carried out the International force will tomorrow remove the cause of strife forcibly, and marine and bluejackets of ureat Britain, Russia, Italy and France will again ttTke up th duties laid down July IT, when th Island of C'ret wa vao uated. . ' "" FRATERNALS MEET- IN :B0ST0N Deleamtee Heroaontla '. " ftttr-on eret SuSlotlea Holo Annual (oaveatlea, J " , IMJSTON, Man., AUg. W. Ikslat rap resenting flfty-wa eecfet. socletl of the I'nlted State were gathered In this city today at the opening muuto of fhe 23rd annual eonventton of th Maltonal Fra ternal congress. Two-third of tit mem bers were women. " " ',!",1' ' President Charles K. Plpr of'XrhI,iaKo presided . j' '-' " - .-'." Quick Action fwr Your ..Money Tou get that by unliig The Be advertising columns. Boy Drowned in Rapids of Niagara River August Sporer, Caught in Sweep of Current, Makes Strong Fight for Life. NIAGARA FALLS, N. Y., Aug.-lSElght-een-year-old August Sporer of this Jiity drowned today In the whirlpool rapld. With three companion, Sporer we'nt for a swim In the river at the former Maid Of the Mist lamllng. He struck out at once for the middle of the stream and then turned toward the bridges. . His compan ions called to him to turn back, for tTie current Is very swift at that point, but, he kept on down Btream and was caught In the Kieat sweep, the first break from the smoother" waters to the rapids. The boye-truSBled for a time against the current, but to no avail. Then, realising that he was beyond human help and wa to be carried through the rapid which' took thft life. or Captain Webb, and which re Hlsted every human effort at passage, he deliberately turned down stream and began a (trim flRht for life. Not In nil the history of the river has such a brave effort been witnessed. Al though but a frail boy,- he went Into he rapids swimming strongly and held hi own until he struck" the giant wave, which curl up opplelt the old Battery elevator. ThA ho went under and for a second was lost lo sight of the score of persons who stood mi the lower arch bridge. Agalii and again he disappeared, only to reappear each, time f'shtlng desperately igralnut the terrible current. Then, when within .WO yards -of the whirlpool, his sti'enejtta gave out and he sank and -was 'ust to view. " Kven then he had swam perhapn' 100 ards further than did the great English swimmer, Captam Webb. The body can now be seen In the whirl pool, where river men are awaiting for it i be brought In toward shore far enough o be recovered. I Indiana Plan Is Approved Prison Association Favors Prevention of Propagation of Criminals and Idiots. S RATTLE. Wash.. Aug. 1.-The debate n the Ameriean Prison Association con ,'ress today on the "Indiana plan" for preventing the propagation of criminal md Idiots, developed almost unanlmou .cntlment for . the. . plan. The . discussion 4ecordlng to President Gllmour, . of . Tor, jmo, Canada, was the most profitable he association lias held in year. The report of th oommittee pn preven. Ion and probation, presented by Judge Jen Llndsey of the Denver Juvepile -ourt, said in part: "pur criminal liw, a It came down o ua through feudalism, wa an Instru mentality of government rar from per fect even for the pdrpose for which It w a Intended. Affmltttng that - 0 was neoessary and Justifiable4 as ' system th that-period of social developrnefifaa we mut-ryet. we. mut.qually admlt-lt must do- more harm than good as Ion; as it rest alone .on force, violence, vengeance and punishment. .- "The time may, come, however far In the future It may he or how unprepared we may be for It now, when the state will come to dec with . a criminal much as we now do. with the Insane. "But this treatment of the criminal will be as unlike the extreme methods In vogue, of stripes, Iron cells and .other reminders of degradation as It Is In th treatment ' of the' insane, who within a century were as completely brutallxed and degraded as "convicts are now." Mr. J. Ellen "Foster of ' Washington, spoke on "The Harmonies of Progress" and F,li Brown." of Frankfort, Ky., "on "Pronation 1n the- South."" STEWARD IS NOW CHIEF ChleaKO Aldermen Confirm Appolnf ment of Successor 'to fihlupy. CHICAGO, Aug. lG.-Chleago aldermen 'in special session today confirmed th ap pointment of Colonel LeRoy T. Steward, a chief of police to succeed George M. Bhlppy, resigned. Colonel Steward wa superintendent "of the City' Bell very In the Chrcago postofflc, and resigned that position Saturday.: ' MORE LAND FOR HOMESTEADER Hundred Sixty-three Thonsnnd Acre r Newcastle, Wyo., Desig nated Lnder Mew Aet. WASHINQTOX, Aug. K.-Approxlmately 1G3.600 acres of non-li rlyable land located In the vicinity st Newcastle, Wyo., -were today designated by the secretary of th Interior for " settlement under fhe'"nW homestead act. This make tha total of uch. designations to, data In, .Wyoming, u,.iu,800 acres. Where to Vote Today Today the primary election to nominate candidate for the various offices to be filled at th general election In November will b held. In Omaha and Bouth Omaha th poll will be open it I li m o'clock noon. Poll ar kept open every Doug-las county are; CITY OP OalAUA. First Ward. 1 1208 South 6th. t 0 I'uclfic. S-17U3 South 10th. 4-lil Bancroft. Met-oud Ward. 1 23?2 South 29th. 8 13a Parki'Ave. 2L(j S. 33d. Elhth 1-104 North 21909 CUming 3- 612 worth 17lh. 4 2114 Cuming. Ninth 1 2S79 Cummg. 3 Cj0 Burt. (Barn, rear) ' S 33o4 Davenport. (Barn. i Vinton. t UiU Vinton t lTtit Vinton, t 22U4 South lttth. Third Ward. 1 1K1 Webster. -131 South 10th. J 311 North 15th. 4 4M fcoutb. lath. 6 60s South 13th. ' Voarta Ward. "1 1GU Davenport. I ii Houth Uth. ;is Houth lotn. "rear) 4-3U K. 36th. 624114 Farnara. , Tenth Ward. 1 1018 bouth 10th. , 2 1531 Leavenworth. 3 tli Leavenworth. " ' 4 14:W South ltith. ' 142 South lath. . . BleTealh. Ward. 14108 Hamilton - - -.- 3 3UX Farnara. 5 14 South 34th. (Barn) 4 706 South I7lh. .- - Twelfth Ward. 14411 North 34th. tXii Amu Art. 3 ul6 Corky. (Barn, rear) 4 2no North 34rh. .4 S16 South 20th. . -224 North 13d. Fifth Wnrd. 1 SS04 Sherman Ave. t-Ooi Shermau Ave. J-3nol Sherman Ave. tBarn) 9 rurio loin. Sixth Ward 1-3419 North 24th, 3 North 24th. ' . 3 3U4 N. 2th. (Darn, rear) 4 U23 Military Ave. 'seventh Ward. 1 fn Leavenworth. 2 Idas lieorgu A v. (Barn, ree.rl - BOITU Frt T 1-543 fprth , ui y.i nui. ' Deooad Ward. l-liO Foulh Soth. 3109 North 34th. Union Pacific Txikcs Tumble on - - Selling Orders Common Stock Goes Up. to 219 -And Then Drops Bask Ag-ain to 214. ' NEW TORK. Aug. K-Ttilon Pacific common stock, which has-been- pursuing an upward course steadily for the- last few weeks, experienced - - sharp setback in the stock market this afternoon. After closing Saturday at JlTV tit -tock opened this" morning at 819, but tnl hew high rec ord 'price brought on a flodd of telling order fcnd It ouh went back below Sat urday' closing ' price. v 5n the decline the' market "became In active, but thia' after noon 'various report were circulated ;io depress the "price, and Shortly after J o'clock a sharp selling movement et In.' Thl uncovered a num ber of orders to ell when the decline reached a certain figure and the .price quickly broke to 214, .a' fqs of -five point from the high p)nt of the day and of l from Saturdiu'6 closing price. Reading, New York Central' and South ern Pacific were affected by the decline, but the general macket. waa only slightly Influenced,.. .h .. . . . Montana Man is First at Spokane Allen Newton Draws -N6.-1 in the Lait.iof.the Three' Xad . ' Lotteriei. .SPOKANE,. -Wh , u.,16.-Allen New ton, B.nd 24, of Helena, afont., drew No. 1 ltv the Spokane reservation land drawing todny. v - The winner of the-: highest number In today's -drawing for the kipokane reserva tion Include the following r - No: 1 Alien Newton, Helena, -Mont -No. 2 Mabel D. MoMlckle, Chicago. No. 9-Fay J. Snoddy, Miller, 8. li. No. 14-Pavld "Mentxer,' BprlngVllle, la. No. 87 Clifford C. McCoekey, Piedmont, No. 41-Davld C. Ttalfi! Ord, NJ. COEUR D'ALENK, Mont., Aug. 18.-Th shortest of the three, great Jndlan land drawing took,, plape.her. today.. The Spo kane reserve, , the hilly, 'timbered strip of land lying juet north aad east of the junc tion of the Spokane and Columbia livers, furnished . the prlxe,. and dainty Harriet Post, the 12-year-ohl daughter of Attor ney Frank T.' Post ef Spokane, selected the blue envelope holding the first winner's ham. ' " "' There were In all M.Alt applications. It Is believed that on some of the land to be disposed of today Valuable water rights and choice "frlilt " tracts may be found. It Is possible also that (rood min eral deposits may be' discovered. Superin tendent James W. "WTHen, ha'vlne; decided that only 2C0 names should be drawn for this reservation, the task was an easy one for the trained force, hd 'before tidon the fate' of M.t57"&ppllcaMf ''who failed to get numbers had eenrseola.'- " '? ' Two ' residents fromird, Neb,,' were added"" to 'the" list of afpflcants from that City, wno' have ' beeW successful ' in the drawings' for the 'reWervVrtond, when feavld I.f R.ihr's.r,glvn -190. 4t "ori the rTpokane land nd Hnryflco' was given- 1431 Th other fcucctMfufr-appUeeatS'-. Were-'lf. R. MuUen n( Litvoem.- 8s, and Mi - B. Latnr -man of Humboldt,? Neb.- Sutton Court: ' r : - SighsvVerdict Findings Sealed and Sent to Wash ington for He view by Naval Department. "ANNAPOLIS, "kid., Xug. 1.-The Button CoUrt of Inquiry "closed today after two secret session during which ' th ' testi mony relative to the-death, October 13, VMT. of Lleutknaht' JlCmeS "U. Button, jr., C '8. M. C, was goh'e "over thoroughly. The findings was reached1 and signed to night What they' are the 'members ef the court refused ' to "say, ' as they will " be reviewed by "the "Navy " department at Washington befor being ' mad public. The finding were algfled by the member Of the court and bV Judge Advocate Leon ard, who returned fo ' Annapolis' from Washington ' 'for that purpose. ' Major Leonard, ' guarded' by ' a sergeant of mar ines, then left AnnkpoTls carrying the Court's report with 'him for delivery' to the Navy department1. : WESTERN MATTERS AT CAPITAL nural Carrier 'Annolatted 'for No in ber of -Roate In Sontn Dakota. WASHINGTON, AMg. 16. (Special. -Rural carriers appointed 'for South Dakota routes: Avon, route I, Christ Johnson carrier, John Johnson ub.; Gregory, rout 1, B. L. Lancaster carrier, no sub.; Owanka, rout 1, Robrt E. Legro carrier, no' sub. " i " U 1 la all othr district the poll open at 11 whar until f p. m. The voting places in - " Third War. 1 R. R. Ave. and Madison. 2- Sid and V. Foorth Ward. i-Jil North Uth. t i3 Q. . .' Ffth Ward. 1- 723 North 37th. 2- Dob North 36th. lath Ward 1-1314 North 34th. 3-416 North aUh. (Barn, rear) Ward. 34th. Ward. . (Barn, rear) i'oaatrt r-veclaets. Benson Town hall, Chicago Klkjioru. .Town hall. Clontarf 1111 Blaln.' DouKta 'id Ta 'd welt ing, Wtlt L. Dui.dee t'lty hall,. 40th and Underwood Ave. East Omaha School Dis trict No. ' 49, Anderson's . dwellln house, Klkhqrn Elk City hall. FloreneeCity hall. Jefferson Oottsch carpen ter shop. ' MeArdle-W. O. W. hall. Millard School house, Mil lard, Neb.. plstrl9t No. Platte Valley Town hall. Valley, Neb.' ' ' Union M. W. A. halt, Irvlngton, Neb. Waterloo Town hall, Wat erloo, Neb. OHtHA, War. 30th. H arrirriah Said .to Have Control of New York Central Acquisition of Road Would Give Him ' , line from Coait to ' C'oMt. NEW TORK, Aug. 18.-A report that E. H. Harrlman has obtained an option of a Controlling Ihterest In the Nw Turk Cen tral lltiot., which. If exercised, will give him control of through route frqsit the Atlantic to the Pacific oceans, was cir culated on the stock eachange todny. Such a route ha been the dream of railroad men for year. The option taken by Mr. Harrlman Is said to cover about 300,000,000 wo-th of New York Central stocks, a large part of which was formerly controlled by the Vanderbllt Interests. The price at whioh the stock may -be taken over Is said to be 4)164 a share. tt wan pointed Out that the acquisition of the New York Central would give Mr. Harrlman an oocan-to-ocean route by way of the New York Central, Chicago A North Western, Illinois Central, Union Paclflo and southern Pacific. Electric Line Across Missouri Double Track High Speed Road from St. Louis to Kansas City is Planned. - 8T. LOUI8, Aug. 16. According to an announcement made tonight a double track, high speed electric line, pursuing tho shortest route between Kansas City and (t. Louis la to . be the object of a company which, is to. be Incorporated at Jefferson City tomorrow with a capital of Jl5.000.00t. It Is anpounced that the right-of-way has been obtained, plan worked out for entering Kansa City and St. Louis and options taken on property for ter minals. W. D. Nevln and Harry Insley, Denver; Daniel E. Miller, former head of the Brooklyn Btreet Railway system, several Kansas City bankers and W. it. Chase, B. F. Gray and Edgar D. Tilton, St. Louis, are named as the leaders In the organi sation, t In mapping out the route, tt Is stated, little attention has been paid to cttles and towns, th aim being to construct a short line for through traffic with Branches to the principal communities adjacent to the right of way. Freight a well an passenger traffic, will be handled and the maTn offices will be located- In St. Louts. Ten Are Injured in Gas Explosion Seven Men and Three Women Caught in Accident Two Are Likely to Die. CLEVELAND, O., - Aug. 18 Seven men and three women, two of whom may die, were Injured . early .. today when an ex plosion., of- natural gas wrecked the four story building occupied by the Wlriok Moving and Storage company, kfost of th injured were employe of the storage com pany. . Following the explosion seven buildings In the neighborhood caught fire, but quick work by firemen saved them. The prop erty loss was $100,000. - Son of Founder of Mormon Church Arthur Hale Smith, Third Son of ' Joseph Smith, Dies at Church ; 'Convention.---' ' ! DE8 MOIN'&S, la.. Aug. 16.-Arthur Hal Smith, third son of Joseph Bmtth, who foppded .the Reorganised Church of . Jesus Christ Latter Day Sains, died yesterday at Montrose, 'la., where he was attending the convention .of Latter "Day Balnts. He will be burled at his home, Lamonl, la. NEW CABINET IN VENEZUELA President Clolwe 'Also Appoints Gov ernor's Coencll, tncladltta Several Caotro Member. - CARACAS, Aug. 16. Th new Vne- tuelan cabinet wa announced officially tpday as" follow!" ' ' Minister of the Interior Llnare Alcan- taia, reappointed. Minister of the Exterior General Juan Pletrl. Minister of Finance Dr. Abel Santos. Minister of War General Regulo Oll vates, reappointed. ; Minister of r'atronage (Fbrmento) Rael Cirlbano, reappointed. . Minister of Public Work Dr. J. M. Ortga Alanines. MIniwtrr of rubllc Intructlcm Dr. Mal dano. reappointed. HecrMary-Ueneral Antonio Piemen tel. ' Governor of Caracas, Dr. Carlos Ieon. President Gomes has appointed a gov ernor oouncil a provided for by th hew constitution, consisting of ten members. They Include a number of prominent poli tician and several of the Castro leaders: Ramon Alaya as president and Nicholas Rolando and General Relra, first and sec ond vice, president of the eouhell. These officials act a vice president of th re publlo in (ha 'order named. Congres ad journed today. CABINET CRISIS IS OVER New Ministry Formed la Denmark 'fader Coant Holstela Ledrebord. COPENHAGEN, Aug. 16 The ministerial crisis came to an end today with the for mation of a new. cabinet under the premier ship of Count Holsteln-Ledrebord. J. C. Chrlstensen Is minister of war and sparine; ex-Prraler Neergard minister of finance and Thomas. Larsen, minister of - public work. Count Ahlefteldt-Laurvlg, E. Sor tnsen, F. 8. Doegsbro, A. Nielsen, K. Berntacn, and O. Hasen retain, respect ively, th portfolio of foreign affair, edu cation. Justice, agriculture, Interior and commerce.,, . -, AERO SQUAD IN MISSOURI New Detachment Will Be , , Part ( National Gnard, ...... Mad JEFFERSON CITT. Mo, Aug. 16-Ad-Jutant General Frank M. Rumbold of the National Guard ef Missouri today Issued an order directing th oiganlsatlon of an aero detachment,'" which will be a part of the signal corps, located at l. Louis, fit. Louis balloonist have offered their serv ices and fifteen aeronaut will be enlisted 1517 FARNAM ST. Sale oS Panama Skirts In Black and Gluo, plain gored styles, at... This Skirl Sale Includes Every Final Clearance of Dresses One light blue linen dress specially priced at $7.50- One rasp berry colored linen drees specially priced at $G.2o- Two llKlit blut lingerie dresses, formerly $80, now marked at $7.50- Two navy blue foulard dresses specially priced $17.50. formerly 35. Twb peacock" blue measallne dresses specially priced at $10- ne 135 green rajah silk suit, size 36, now marked at $10- One $35 green mohair suit size 56, now $10 POLITICAL ADVERTISING. NO STRINGS ON ME. If I nm elected county com missioner no special interests will have strings on me. My solo aim will be to see that the coun ty's business is run open and above board and on a business basis, and that everyone having business with the county gets fair and equal treatment. I will not favor specially any interest, or taxpayer, or contractor at the expense of any other or of the county. I will give the merchant the same consideration as the real estate owner, and the home owner and farmer Just as cood treatment au the big corporation. I respectfully solicit your vote. JOHN a. Republican Candidate for County Commissioner, First District, 4th, 7th. 8th and 11th Wards. Primary, August 17th. 1909. Polls open until 9 P. M. 1 TO ATTACK BOSTON FROM BOTH SIDES (Continued from First Page.) to the rear, the ecouts of Captain llyan of the mixed cavalry eabtured about forty nrivatea of tne blue scouting parties ana outposts. These prisoners, however, were later recaptured by the blues and two rea scouts with them. General Pew today forwarded to Major General Wood, chief of umpires, a protest against the alleged aotlon of Brigadier General DIUs of the Invading force In mov ing his force earlier than 5 a. m. today. Th. rnlted States army transport Bum- ner arrived here from Newport News. The Sumner had on board 300 ooast ai'fiiiery men who will reinforce the Bos ton fort. '' PERSCH HELD BY GRAND JURY Note Broker Chnrared with Steallna Copper Stoelt 1 . Indicted. NEW YORK, Aug. 11 Two Indlotments for grand larceny were returned by the grand Jury against Ponald U Persch, the note, broker, under (50,000 ball in the Tombs prison under charges In connec tion with the sale of collateral deposits by M. M. Joyoe, a broker, - for a loan negotiated through the Windsor Trust company. MOTixxn or ocxajt itbabibxxvs Port. NKW VOBK NKW YORK NKW YORK Ql'BENSTOWM Ql'KKNSTOWN OlRHALTAa... MOVII.l.E MVRRPOOL SOL'T HA UPTON.... PHILADELPHIA... AITII.4. Idled. ..Arabic , .X. Amsterdam. . ..X Dretagna,... ..Cdrlo Clllo. Mauretinl. ..rreile ..Columbia csllfornl. . . Mugantle MonfalUa. . Ptitltdalphls... ..ElBsrlta John Says: "My all HAVAJTA smoke at o 1 aet too dry not teo KAW damp aot too pi VajNAX? not tee UtU. It's 1 y Just 10o vorta of cigar alias at a prte saat fit ta memory, " Central Cigar Store 521 Seufft 16(0 Sfreef. The Pacifio & Northern Unit Co., Ltd., of Vancouver, British Columbia want a capable agent to Bell -their timber unit securi ties in Nebraska, Kanuas and Iowa. See Mr. Maher, Her Grand Hotel. BOSTON LUNCll is ALWAYS OPEN AT BOTH 1612 FAJINAM MOO IXHULAjt It Is an Ideal place for alioppera COOL-CLEASi-Ql'IET Worth $0.75, $10 and $12.50 Spring Wool Skirt tit Stock POLITICAL ADVERTISING. 51 li." 1 . SCOTT. OMAHA, Neb.. Aug. IB, I BOD. - To lfie Voters of Douglas County The undersigned attorneys at law La active practice In all the courts, repre senting varied political affiliations, recommend to voters participating in the primary election neat Tuesday, Au gust 17th, 1909, Hon. Elisha C. Cal kins, of Kearney, as one of the three judges of the supreme court to be nom inated by republican votes. , We do this without solicitation on the part of Judge Calkins, because we know him to be an able, upright and learned Judge, an educated gentleman and a citizen of Nebraska since 1873. A$ stats senator, as regent of the univer sity, as Supreme Court Commissioner, and as president of the rjebrska tate Bar association, Judge Calkins baa fitly performed his high duties and has shown himself a man of untarnished reputation, of marked ability, and'ot irreproachable character. . James H. Van Dusen. f. John P. Breen." Byron O. Burbanlu ;-. Matthew A. Hall. J. C. KlnBler. Francis A. Brogan. . . T. W. Blackburn. . r Frank Crawford. Clia8. L. Dundey. Geo. W. Shield. Wi niki ill it tell Omaha Trunk Factory W also carry a fin Una ef leather good Bong. 105S 1209 rarnajn St. lad. A-lOfis AMI SF.tllOSTS. 18o, B5o, 60o, T8 Greatest mysterious story ever written. Shadowed by Three ltv Big Vaudeville Act Quartet. Vntil WsdnasAar Might. Mnitlsr Matinee, An Seat SS Cnt. Hovlng Wotures Tbarsday, rrlday and aaturdar. riv and Ta Cent. OOkCIaTO SUSTSAT The Cowboy and The Thief NEW PRINCESS THEATRE SOON TO UK OPKNEP. Wttfh for Aunvunceitarut of OPENING DAY All Q OME BiECkENRtDCE STOCK CO. IN . "Down Where the Cotton Blos soms Grow' v