30 2AE REE: r S I ... J g OMAHA, TUESDAY, AUGUST 17. 1909. LATEST JOKE FROM DENVER Bailroad Men Laugh at Pipe Dream of "ProgTesiive Journal." EFFORT TO STEAL MOFFATT LINE Krattarlnltt, Mohler, Park aaa 0krs Bald Be Going: Aboat la float Cnantr la Heavy Dlacalae. Railroad officials ar laughing out loud ovot the latent dope which has been handed out by Home writer for the Denver Times In which he has Julius Krutt srhnltt, A. L. Mohler and W. L. Park running: around the country In disguise. This bright youth has conceived the Idea that the Union Pacific Is threatening to parallel tha Moffatt Una. In Colorado and he Imagined, he saw the leading Harrlman lieutenants sneak Into Steamboat Springs, register under assumed names and then stsrt on a tour of Inspection. Hera Is on bright paragraph: "Mr. Kruttarhnltt and Mr. Mohler are ac companied by John D. Isaacs, consulting engineer for all the Harrlman lines and the man who reports on new projects, and W. I Park, general superintendent of the Union Pacific. Mr.. Mohler registered at steamboat Springs hotel as Jack Braitsh, Mr. Park as E. O. Gallant. Mr. Krutt schnltt as Eugene De Long and Mr. Iaaea aa Bam I. Hess, all of Wichita, Kan." Think of It. Some of the best known men In the United States trying to dis guise themselves. The truth of the matter was that each man named In the wonderful dream of the bright youth was nearly hal. way across tha continent from the place where he has them In disguise. A. It. Mohler, general manager of the Union Pacific was In Omaha Friday, the day when the wonderful discovery was made. W. L. Park, general superintendent of the Union Pacific was In southern Cali fornia aa was also Julius Kruttschnltt and Mr. Isaacs was In Mexico. Marias Plctarea at Frontier Day. Robert Smith manager of the advertising department of the Union Pacific, has gone to Cheyenna and token with him a number of photographers and moving picture ma chine men to take some views of the sIxhtH during tha Frontier day celebration, which will continue this week. K. Buckingham will head a party of twenty-five cattlemen from South Omaha and Oeneral Charles Morton and Major McCarthy will accom pany the party. Milwaakee to the Coast. The Milwaukee has inaugurated Its Pacific coast extension from Chicago to Seattle and Tacoma. Sleepera will be run aa far as Butte, Mont., from Chicago and from Butte to Seattle day coaches will be run. The distance between Chicago and Seattle Is J. 177 miles and one train a day will make tha through trip. Omaha Showa a Sarplaa. Tha annual report of the Chicago St. Paul. MlnneaDolla & Omaha road will show a surplus over all expenses of about 1250,000. This Is an increase over 1M8 of (320,437. The total operating revenue of the road waa $13,5HM. of which freight traffic contributed about M.O0O.OO0, and passenger about $4,000,000. The balance of the earnings came from Incidental resources. The operat ing expenses of tha company were JS,S31,22J. Milwaakee Cats Rate. Tha Milwaukee ha entered Into active contest with older roads for the traffic of the Orient to the eastern part of this country, and for freight to the Orient. An Indication of what the road Intends to do Is shown by one of Its first tariffs Issued, which shows that tha rate on machinery from Chicago to tha Orient Is $1 per hun dred, whereas tha Canadian Pacific rate for tha same haul ia $1.40. Tha cut was met at one. Railroad Tfetes. A. I Mohler, general manager of the Union Pacific, has gone to Chicago. E. Lt. Lomai, general passenger agent of tha Union Pacific, is in Halt Lake. The McKeen Motor Car company haa sent three new cars west for use on the Oregon Short Line. It Is reported that one of the first moves made by S. M. Felton, the newly elected president of the Great Western, will be to move tha headquarters from St. Paul to Chicago.. STORE CLOSES AT 5 P. M. SATURDAYS AT 10 P. M. I BEANBEIS i NINTH WEEKLY j Magnet 'SaJej Up-lo- k Watch Good. fl mm Kc t . Vill 11 Green n ' lit Pf Cards. 0fte- Pi' M Look IIalf uiij -m for Price 11 I the or X y Mag- Less 'rL -J r-i nets i ru B Tnv aV 'afaB"" gwajas""gffl ill i I 1 i U i'e Oive 8. & II. Green Stamps with all pur chase In all department, all the time. Store Closes at 1 O'clock Tuesday The Bennett Company have chartered the steamer City of Peoria, for the 2D ANNUAL OUTING OF THE EMPLOYES OF THE STORE AT OAK GROVE PARK, TUESDAY. Shop early, please. Morning purchases delivered same day, as usual. i i'i mo A Tuesday Morning Clearing MEN'S AND WOMEN'S COMFORTABLE HOUSE SLIPPERS I7AD ItllTiV a ful1 R!(r,nient of 8lzeB ,n Boft h f TUK ilLi hand-turned black and tan kid f I a I RomeoB, regularly selling at $1.75, pair. ..... PAD IVfllirW one Btrap slippers, with "IV If UlIlEill soft hand-turned soles and common sense heels, cool and comfortable, our $1.76 line, at, pair r ahk. -Ml w m W 77ie 55c Misses', Children's and Boys' lOc Hosiery for . , This ia good, serviceable hosiery for vacation and school wear fine and heavy ribbed all sizes. Men's Hosiery Silk finished mercer ized lisle, black and colored, 25c quality, at. 124 c Dutch Collars Also Stocks, Jabots, Sailors, fifty styles. worth 25c- at, each Black Silks 75c black soft Chiffon Taffeta and black Satin Messallne; mag net price, tQ yard JZC WOMEN'S 20c UNDERVESTS at 9c Woman's Lisle Finished Vests Plain and with wing sleeves- medium and extra sizes, worth 20c, at 9c Monday Busy Bargain Da in Real Estate SeYeral Important Dealt Involving Many Thousands of Dollars Are Recorded. John M. Damherty has boufht of Thomas D. Tomb of Kansas City the southwest cor ner of Nineteenth and Harney (or $31,000. Mr. Daufharty already owned two lots ad Joining, and the purchase elves him a holding of 161 feet on Harney by 141 on Nineteenth street. Tha deed la made out to C. D. Armstrong. . vice president of tha D. V. hole company, but he is under stood to be acting (or Daugherty. The let ter intends to improve tha property at a later data. Tha D. V. Sfcolas company haa bought for H. O. Learnt from C W. Megeath a piece of property. 100x300, in Marietta place. The old Megeath residence stands on the prop arty. .which (aces Hanacom park and ex tends back to Thirty-third street Another real aetata deal Is tha sale by Mary Andrews to E. T. Rector of two lots In Bemia park (actng Hawthorne avenue. The consideration Is $10,000. The Byron Reed company has sold the Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway company a strip at the foot of Jones street. adjoining the company's power house. The company haa bought seventy-six feet and an option on seventy more, which will un doubtedly be dosed. The price (or the whole is $14.00. . Tha company will need te enlarge tbe power houee at a not vary dlatant date, and tha land ia bought with this In view. C. H. Lane has sold to O. F. Loo nils, lot 10, block lt In Kountie place (or $8,000 The lot ta oa Wirt street east of Twentieth. - Dr. Lyon's PERFECT Tooth Powder Cleanses, beautifies and preserves the teeth and ' 'purifies the breath Used by people of refinement for almost Half a Century Women's Hose- Lisle and fine cotton, black, white and fancy colors, full fashioned, worth 35c at, pair 176 d Women's Handkerchiefs All pure linen, sheer with cross bars, worth 10c at 5 Insertions and Laces in Vals., torchons, cluny and fancy wash laces, worth to 10c at, yard 3 Embroidery, Inserting, Galloons, Bands, Etc. Fine quality In medium and wide, all kinds, worth 15c yard at, yard 7H Windsor Ties Silk In all colors, samples, worth to 25o at, each. 7 H Afte-dinner Cream rattle All flavors at, lb 15 2Ac Pillow Ribbon, yard 25 25 Bark and Side Combs. . . IQ0 50c Prinreos Chic Hose Supporters. .25? 15c Skeleton Waists 7tt 80c Wool Dress Good In all colors, both plain and mixture magnet price, yard 15 Men's BOc Balbriggan, Porousknit and Lisle Underwear Shirts and drawers, at -. 25a? Boys' and Children's Hats and Caps Regular price 50c magnet prloe Sl.tVr) and $2 Children's Wash Suits 60c Boys' Shirt Waist, Blouses Boys' fl. SO Knickerbocker Pants. . -75 ax $400 Men's $3 Pants A BRANDEIS STORES OPENING I f" 19 I Vfl 4 250 I 250 a ffi $1.50 I K awsass) in 370 I I D D C D C B D 0 C U, & GOVERNMENT LAND In the FAMOUS SNAKE RIVER VALLEY, IDAHO EIGHTY THOUSAND ACRES Choice airicultural land, under the Carey Act, will be open to entry and settlement, in the BIO LOST RIVER TRACT. DRAWING AT ARCO, IDAHO Tuesday, September 14, 1909. You Must Register Between September 9th and 14th If you do not take land after your number la drawn it costs you nothing:. Title Acquired With Thirty Days Residence Water Ready for DeUyery, May 1910. Homeseekers rates on all railroads and special rates from all northwestern points. For Illustrated booklet and all desired Information, call on or address C. B. Hu'rtt, coionS Dept. Boise, Idaho Take No Stock , in Crop Damage Omaha Grain lien Not Inclined to Give Much Credence to Bumon. ,-: Members of tha Omaha Grain txchangs ara Incllnad to dlsmlse aa untrue stories of damace dona to corn and wheat in Ne braska by the recent hot wave. The range of prices Monday bore out their assertions. It waa admitted that rain will be exceed ingly beneficial and that there la dancer If tha broiling; heat should . be-too pro longed, but that much harm - haa already been dona Is pretty thoroughly denied. Reports indicate that occasional farmers have suffered somewhat, but that , is all so far. Niobrara, Neb., for a number of years, as well as being later In command of the military school at Fort Leavenworth. General Townsend was a first cousin of Captain Charlea H. Townsend, chief clerk In the office of the chief quartermaster, Department of the Missouri. He will be buried Tuesday with military honors in the national cemetery at Arlington. DEAD SOLDIER SERVED HERE Brlaraeier Graeral Tswnirsd, "Who Died Saadar, at Fart Omaha ta ' Karly Seveattea. Brigadier General Edwin F. Townsend, U. 8. A., retired, died Sunday of apoplexy In Washington, D. C. He waa born In VSi In New Tork and waa a graduate of the daaa of at West Point, of which the lata General Jamea. B. UcPherson and General O. O. Howard wars class members. Ha served throughout the civil war with distinction and waa breveted a brigadier general for bravery at the battle of Shtloh. General Townsend waa well known to older Omahana. having beea stationed In the early 7us at old Fort Omaha. He was commandant of the post at Fort Laramie during tha disastrous Custer oamphlgn of UTt, and was al oommaadant at Fort Flan Voir Trip Naw. Take advantage of the low M-day sumrr.er tourist fares to New Tork City. New Jersey sea shore. New England and Canadian reaorta In effect daily via the CHICAGO MILWAUKEE & 6T. PAUL RAILWAY. Folders and Information free. Let ua ar range all the details of your trip. City Ticket Of flee 1524 Farnara street, Omaha. F. A. Nash. General Western Agent. NEW PRIUCESS THEATRE SOOX TO HE OPENED. Watrh for Announcement of OPENING DAY A suggestion from our great assortment of beautiful "Dwothy DorJd" Oxford Tie. A profusion of the moft faihkmablo fiyle m all leather. Taa mad Black, and all saoderatdy priced. Is not that what you want? BENNETT'S BIG GROCERY All orders left before la o'clock Tuesday delivered same day. We close at 1 o'clock. Bennetts Rollabale Coffee, pound 30o and 30 green stamps Bennett s Teas assorted, pound 6o and 60 green stamps Bennett's Capitol Pepper, pound 1X and 5 green stamps sweei i-icmea reacnej, j' j " ..r.v ,.B6o and 10 green stamps ,.60o and 25 green stamps , .800 and 20 green stamps , ,16o and 10 green stamps Council Bluffs Stock Sale Continues Tuesday and all week. Yes, it's warm but the weather is not nearly so warm as the bargains you'll find in the great sale at There's a Cool Saving of from 50 7o to 75 on Nearly Everything. PJI fu AYIEKTs THE RELIABLE STORE New Lots Brought Forward Every Day. Plenty for All. Bennett's Capitol Oatmeal or Wheat, package r . -. I Y. 1 umi)D jumv, yi uum, Grape Jalce, per bottle (quart) Cube Pineapple, per can Charm Table Syrup, bottle Bennett's Capitol Pancake Flour, package Btollwerck's Cocoa, can Stollwerck's Chocolate, V, pound cake .... Unpolished Rloe, 3 pound sack Eua-ene Tomatoes, 3 cans for T M. Pumnkln. Der can Horse Radish Muetard, bottle Grand Book and Stationery Sale From the Council Bluffs Stock Tuesday Books and Stationery was one of the chief deportments in this stock and contained only first class, high grade merchandise. All the stock goes on sale Tuesday at the most wonderful bargain prices ever known on staple goods. STATIONERY. Carter's Ink, per bottle UH Carter's Mucilage, at 2 1st Carter's Library Paste, at 13 Hr Writing Tablets, worth to 20c. on sale Vf id 7H V BOOKS School Books, go at 5 Teddy Bear Books, each 2H Henty Books, each 15c 75c Copywrlght Books 3o $1.00 Copy-wright Rooks .' 39 f 1 .50 Copywrlght Books 75 All 35c books at 10a All 50c books at 1J) Bibles at Half Price. Post Card Albums, up from ...7H White House Cook Book. 59t Webster's Dictionary Full sheep blndlnr, regular $5 value, at $1.39 Encyclopedaes 10c and 2rtc volume. Hand Bans from the Council Bluffs Stock. Regular 75c to $2.25 values 25c, 49c and 98c 3S 5f. 7 Ha. 10S 15 Ledgers. Journals, Day Books at Juat half price. ' Fancy Stationery at half. Iead Pencils .... l. 2 "n1 SH Crepe Paper Roll 3 Playing Cards, package "'7C Post cards, 10 for 5 Envelopes, per package 1 Fancy Work Boxes from the Council Bluffs Stock. Toilet Sets, Manicure Sets. Shav ing Sets, etc., at Just Half Price. . ' ' ' Scores of New and Superior Bargains in Jewelry, Cut Glass, Fine China, Crockery, Silverware, Pictures, etc. On Sale and Display Tuesday. . . . Bargain Day In Cloak Department It's such matchless values as these that makes this depart- -4 ment one of the busiest spots in Omaha every Tuesday. 100 Dainty Lingerie Dresses that sold to $7.50, all colors, lace and Inser tion trimmed, at $2.95 $10.00 Summer Coat In length tan and blue wash materials, a de lightful bargain, at 83.95 ntmwt4m XT . . . V, a.- t BO Linen and Rep Suits that sold to $20, handsome nw styles, greatest values ever $5.00 Pretty Lawn Waists -Lace'losertlon and embroidery trimmed, big assort ment, $1.50 values, choice . . . . flfr lie and 10 green stamps Mm ,n.l in ffrn stamDS ,.B3o and 10 green stamps ,.30o and 10 green stamps . .S5o ..10o and 5 green stamps iaV4o and 10 green stampi Horse. Kamsn mumaru, uuuio ii , in ... ', V. u.. t. sinnn run 30o and 20 green stamps - 0.u.. - r. Quality Is Our Guide rlf FLOUR ffC I UPDIKEMIUIKGCg OMAHA ,NEB. PLEASES THE MOST CRITICAL At all grocers UPPIKB MILLINO COMPACT. OMiHi SPECIAL For Tuesday AT DREXEL'S Roliablo Dentistry AT Tafi's Dental Rooms TVe have taken 200 pairs of Men's Oxfords broken lots, but a good variety of sizes. Patent colt blucher, Russia calf, both blucher and button. These are all fresh goods. Regular values $3.50 and and $4.00; on sale Tuesday $2.00 Infant; Hat, Caps and Bonnets that sold to $1.00, at Yfit ,VW aitvi aaaot liurj MDUlilUCUt 1UI BC"1.Ul.U, Extra Specials for Tuesday In Our Famous Domestic Room 12V2C nice fluffy striped Outing Flannel, light colors for night shirts, etc., in 5 to 20 yards in piece shorts of the English out ins 7V2c Extra fine woven corded flannenettes, 32 inches wide, always sells at 12i2o to 15c a yard; Persian designs for wrappers, kimonos, waists, etc 1l0c 81x90 sheets, made of Utlca sheetings. They are seconds, but you cannot find any imperfection. They sell regularly at 85c each. We have a limited quantity at ...,..... fis 72x90, same as above ' 10 specials for 30 minutes each on Tuesday. p High Grade Wool Dress Goods We are now ready to take orders in our New Tailor Dept. for Skirts, "Waists, Suits, Coats, Capes, etc. Inquire at Dress Goods Dept. Broadcloths, per yard $7.50. S5.0O. $4.00. $3.00. S2.0O. Ul.OO Novelties $4. $3. 81 All Wool Serges, $2. $1.50. $1.25 and $1.00 P yard. All Wool Serges. 75., 59, a yard. The greatest variety of all wool dress goods in the west. High Grade Wash Goods 39c fine poplins, reduced to .25? 25c fine poplins, reduced to'. . . . 10( Arnold's 36-lnch floe flannelettes the best In the world, worth 18c on sale Tuesday, -at, yard... 12 Genuine French percales, , made ex pressly for fine .shirts ' and shirt waists, fast colors, worth 18c, will so at ' 12tt Five specials in Lace Curtains, new novelties Just 'In, On sale at, per pair H.95. $8.96. 14.95, $5.05 See our new line of X, XX and XXX satlnes for fine draperies. ' Peach, Pear, Crab Apple Sale Tuesday One carload of extra Fancy California Elberta Freeatone Peaches. These are the finest kind grown for canning. Tomorrow, Tuesday, per box: .$1.10 One carload of extra Fancy California Bartlett Pears, nothing finer grown. Pearb have advanced 50c a box for this sale only we will continue to sell them, per bushel box v ......... .$2.25 CRAB APPLES FOR JELLY Large market basket , fancy Whitney Crab Apples, while they last,- per basket 25 20 lbs. best Pure Cane Granulated Sugar .$1.00 Monday's prices in all groceries, butter, cheese, crackers, fruit and veg etables. TRY MYDEN'S FIRST ?AY0 Your Choice of any white canvas or genu ine white buck oxfords, $3.50, $4.00 and $5.00 values S2.00 Drexel Shoe Co. 1119 Faroam Street 1 TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Oa DaUu a Kcar, OWN A HOME in IDAHO The Big Lost River Tract Will Be Opened for Entry Sept. 151b', 1909. It contains eighty thousand acres of land that is noted for Its wonderful crops and for the largest returns, per acre, of any locality in the deciduous fruit belt of the United States. This is a Carey Act project the state guarantees everything contracted for. Water will be ready for delivery in May, 1910. The price of water is $40.00 per acre, plus 60 cents for the land. The first payment will be $4.25 per acre. Ten years time will, be allowed to pay the balance of purchase price. It Vill Pay You to nvestigalte this Proposition This Land Can Reached VIA UuDiioin) FaeflHe "The Safe Read to Travel" Ask for information relative to this land, fares, routes, eta. Call on or address i s CITY TICKET OFFICE, 1324 FARNAM STREET OMAHA, NEBRASKA. Phones: Bell, Douglas 1828, and Independent, A-3231 s i k k m i