Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 17, 1909, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
The Omaha dee
rltabt newspaper that U
admitted to each and every bom.
For Nebraska Cloudy: cooW.
For Iowa Fair; cooler.
For neather report ee vt 3.
Amy and Navy Forces Will Make
'Combined Effort to Capture
the Hub Today.
Ak-Sar-Ben Oprey
Forced to Play
Thermometers Register from 100 to
Chinese Conception of July 4
Forecasters Unite in Promise of Reliet
from the Terrifio Heat Wave
by This Evening.
" . v
110 Degrees in Kansas and
Oklahoma Cities.
Official Thermometer at This Point
Rises to 110 Degrees.
Hotel Men end Tennis Players Make
Paprika Schnitzel Go Some
on a Hot Night.
tgk fy i
. I'' -
Contending: Forces Confront Each
Other North of New Bedford.
Tea Cavalry Men and Six In f an try
Men Killed in Outpoit Fight
These) Are Later Retaken and w
Tk Two Red General Pew
rtlea Prnteat with
BOSTON. Mass.. Aug. IB. -The field of
the war game now being played In south
eastern Massachusetts became considerably
enlarged tonight, when It was announced
that a theoretical fleet of battleships and
waller war craft wai on It way to assist
the invading army of the red by a series
of night attacks on the Boston harbor de
fenses. The harbor forts today received re
inforcementa when the transport Sumner
brought tlx companies of ooaat artillery
from New York, a total of 720 men. The
newcomers were distributed among Forts
Heath, Banks. Andrews, Warren and
Strong, and tonight each of the strongholds
was fully manned, to resist an attack by
the fleet of the enemy. The "fleet" will
consist of transports, tugs 'and mine plant
ers, numbering fourteen In all, and each
designated either aa a battlenhlp, cruiser or
torpedo boat. They will carry six pounder
guns and small arms Instead of the big
guns' of the real warships, and the fire
of the guns of the forta will be entirely
sub-calibre. This sea war game will be
umpired by Colonel Cronklte, who is In
general charge of tha naval maneuvers,
and by Major A. M. Hunter of Governor's
Island, N. T.
Arm Irs la Close Toarh.
ROCK STATION. Mass., Aug. 16-For
the first time since the beginning of the
war gams between the army of the red
and the army of tha blue, the two forces
tonight ware In very close touch with each
other. A general engagement seems not
Improbable tomorrow. '
Tha -situation follows a day which proved
eventful aa deciding on which sides of the
group lakes north of New Bedford Gen
eral Tasker H. Bliss, oommandlng the red
army, would make his advance. While he
sent tha Tenth cavalry and tha Fourteenth
New York Infantry towards Myrlcks Sta
tion, on tha extreme west, this movement
was ectly a, feint and tha real advance was
along tha eastern end of the line. Tonight
tha headquarters of the commander-in-
chief ara about four miles southeast of
Mlddleboro, a most strategic position.
Plana ( General Bllaa.
In thls'ponltlon General Bliss Is so situ
ated that he still may have a chance to
move his army qulokly around Assawont
sett lake, past Watch Hill, and then swing
his full strength against Oeneral William
A. Pew's blue forces on the latter's right
wing, or ha might even attempt to turn
the right In upon Itself. Observers here,
however, were inclined to think tonight,
that such a move would be less politic
than a quick swing around to the left
of tha blue army, so as to force a path
for tha invaders between Mlddleboro and
Plypton. That would mean an attempt to
turn the left wing, and would afford the
advantage of more territory for maneuver
ing, plenty of fairly good main and cross
roads and what la theoretically an exceed
ingly strong consideration, would give the
red army an opportunity to work around
to the west if it found itself in a danger
ous position.
Reds Advance Sevea Miles.
The advance of the red army during the
day was over a distance of about seven
miles for tha main body, although aome
of the troops had a much longer "hike"
than that, notably tha Fourteenth New
York regiment, which went with the Tenth
cavalry to the west side of the lakes.
Borne of the men of the Fourteenth cov
ered about fifteen miles during the day,
which, added to a ten-mile march yester
day, made them a tired lot of Infantrymen
As a result of the forward movement,
most of the forces of General Bliss are
concentrated around Rook Station and
Mlddleboro, which was occupied this after
noon. Just before the close of the period
at 1 o'clock General Bliss drew back the
Fourteenth New York and the Tenth cav
alry through East Freetown, the scene of
the Sunday night encampment of the main
body, and hurriedly marched them around
Lakeside park, where they are encamped
tonight. The Fourteenth New York, which
In tha morning constituted the advance
guard of the left wing, is now In the
rear guard of the red army and Is sepa
. rated some distance from the main body.
In the forward movement the scouts of
tha two armies had several brief encoun
ters tn the vicinity of Mlddleboro in the
half hour preceding the close of the day s
maneuver a.
Sixteen Men Killed.
There was a conflict between a mixed
patrol Of cavalrymen from squadron A of
New York and the Essex troop of New
Jersey, und a detachment of District of
Columbia bicycle scouts, representing th
Invaders and a portion of tha Eighth
Massachusetts infantry on outpost duty
for tha defense. This resulted In the
"killing" of ten cavalrymen and six In
fantrymen, according to tha umpire. It
was merely a skirmish, . and at Its close
tha two iscoutlng parties fell back to
their supporting bodies.
Just to the north of this point six blue
scouts were captured by a cavalry ad
vance, a mixed patrol made up of mem
bers of several commands. Without know
ing it this mixed patrol was within a
vary short dlstsnce of a strong force of
f lue Infantry which was marching toward
Mlddleboro. It was' said by one of the
umpires tonight that had the red cavalry
man been sufficiently alert they could
have located this body of blue infantry
and could have sent sn orderly back to
tha main cavalry body, about a mile tn
ths rear and a atrong force would have
been hurried around by way of the green
to out off the blues, a very Important
Before they were ordered to fall back
(CeaUuued an gaooaa Faga.)
Captain Kldd and Taprlka Schntlrel
played a double header at the Den Mon
day night, the double event being the pres
ence of the members of the Northwestern
Hotel Men's association and the players In
the Middle West Tennis tournament. The
Den was fairly well filled and the oprey
went off with eclat.
Samson has received a telegram from Mr.
trpenter, private secretary to President
ft, stating that the Ak-Sar-Bcn pro-
m as laid out wss entirely satisfactory
'is president. President Tsft will be In
a September 20, and will be enter
1 t i dinner at the Omaha club and
ards will be Initiated Into Ak-Sar-
'. Mufti Herring announced that
- V"" I" now 1.073 loyal sublects of the
" against ?S7 at this time laFt year.
..o announced that a week from next
Monday, August 30. will be Plnttsmotith
night at the Den, when the citizens of that
city will move upon Pamson and take him
by storm. A few hundred more horsemen
are needed for the parades, and tho grand
mufti announced that those who would
like to be horsemen In the parade should
report at once to Charles Karbach.
The oprey had several new faces Inst
night, as several of the regulars were out
of the city. The lending roll was enacted
by Sir William Kennedy In the absence of
William Wapplch.
I hnve no sympathy with the spirit
which tries to Incite antagonism between
Omaha and the rural districts," said Judge
Calking of Kearney, supreme court com
missioner and ex-regent of the University
of Nebraska. "Thirty-six years ago I
passed through this city and located nearly
200 miles west of here, and I have watched
both the growth of this fair city and the
transition of the then treeless tract Into
the present long stretch of hnppy homes,
and during all that time I have never en
vied Omaha that growth to which It Is
entitled. Omaha and Nebraska must go
hand in hand. Nebraska should be proud
of the fsct that It has built such a magni
ficent city within Its borders and Is not
like Iowa and Kansas, which have forced
the larger cities into aome adlolntng state.
Omaha gives more to the state than it
takes from It.
"Omaha shows progress in another dlrec
tlon. It is growing handsome and will be
a beautiful city tn a short time. The old
Omaha Is gone, and tha new Omaha is In
your hands."
Words of appreciation for the entertain
ment and of praise for the oprey were
spoken by 8. C. Hoover, president of the
Hotel Men's association, and by J. J. Bonn
of Chicago, publisher of a hotel men's
paper. Colonel Bohn said: "Omaha has
in It everything what Is."
Diaz Arranges
to Meet Taft
President of Mexico Will Ask Con
gress for Permit to Come to
United States.
MEXICO CITY, Aug. 16.-The first of
ficial admission that President Dlax will
meet President Taft next October was
made today by Minister of Foreign Af
fairs Maraacal, who stated that all de
tails had been arranged, granting permis
sion to President Dlax to leave Mexican
The foreign minister added the Mexican
congress would convene on September
15, that Immediately after President Dlax
had read his annual message he would
ask tha necessary permission to visit El
Paso. The minister said there was little
doubt that this would be granted.
According to information received at the
Department of Foreign Affairs, President
Taft will arrive at El Paso at :40 a. m.
October 16. President Dlax will arrive
from Mexico City at Cludad Juarex about
the same time and he will then cross
the frontier and meet President Taft In
El Paso. An hour later the president of
the United States will return the visit
to President Dlas at Cludad Juarex on the
Mexican side.
No Further Deaths Expected aa
Iteiolt of Rio Graade
COLORADO 6PRING3. Colo.. Aug. 16
Hope Is now entertained for the recovery
of all those Injured in the Denver & Rio
Grande wreck at Husted, north of here,
Saturday morning. Hospital authorities say
that with the possible exception of H. K.
Whltsett of Jenoho, Mo., and Emll Kan per
of Chicago, all of the hurt have passed
ths danger point and that recovery Is only
a matter of days.
Coroner David F. Law began an Inquest
Into ths cause of the disaster today. W. C.
Martin of Denver, assistant general man
ager of the road, also began an official In
vestigation of the cause of the accident today.
President Taft Will
Devote Week to Play
BEVERLY. Mass1., Aug. 16-Wlth no
matters of public business to Interfere.
President Taft gave himself over entirely
to vacation Joys today. He plsyed golf
tn a drlizle during ths late forenoon,
lunched with John Hays Hammond at
the latter's villa, and took a long auto
mobile ride up the North shore with Mrs.
Taft. Te president is dally extending bis
late afternoon motor trips. The roads and
scenery are enticing and the Journeys are
selected from road maps of the North
shore and Cape Ann county. One of the
premeut's trips last week showed a dis
tance covered of i3 miles. There Is seldom
a day that the mileage fails below W.
Attorney General Wlckersham, Secretary
MacYaaga ( tha treasury, and Secretary
Highest Temperature of Year is
Recorded at 4 P. M. Monday.
Three Deaths from Heat In Kansas
Cltr and Three at St. Joseph
Six Persons Overcome by heat
In Des Moines.
KANSAS CITY. Mo.. Aug. 18. -Unusually
Intense heat, officially recorded hy the
government weather burear as high as
110 degrees; caused at least three deaths,
numerous prostrations and much damage
to crops today In Missouri, Kansas and
Throughout the southwest, the day was
the most trying since the devastating
drouth of 1901. As the withering winds
swept across the plains, much vegetation
fell. The day was the hottest Topeka
has had for eight years. 102 degrees being
officially recorded. Two prostrations re
ultedv there.
The past eight days In Kansas, each
with a maximum temperature above 90
degrees and a minimum which has not
been below 70, is the hottest period of
that length of time since 1901.
Oklahoma Is Hottest.
In Oklahoma City the government ther
mometer registered 103, while thermometers
in the business district reached 112. It
was the hottest day recorded there In
15 vears. Despatches state Oklahoma
crops have been materially damaged by
the sultry wind.
At Muskogee, the government ther
mometer registered) 410. This was the
highest recorded In the three states.
A hot wind blew all day at McAlester
with the temperature at 108. Vegetation
there is being killed, cotton is materially
Reports from the Panhandle Indicate that
little more than moderate temperature has
prevailed on account of the altltutlde and
prevailing winds. .
Three Dead .at St. Joseph.
ST. JOSEPH, Mo., Aug. 16. Three deaths
Were reported today due to the heat, among
them being William A. Kenyon, a civil war
veteran, aged 74. The heat record of Sun
day was reached when the thermometer
registered 101 shortly after noon.
Becoming Insane with the heat Mary
Keck ran for three blocks through the
shopping district, screaming at the top of
her voice. It required three men to over
power her.
temperature of S6 degrees was recorded
here today. Albert M. Reynolds of Law
rence, Kan., was prostrated and died
shortly afterwards.
Two Die In St. Louis.
ST. LOUIS, Aug. 16. Four men died of
the heat today and nine additional deaths
which occurred Saturday and Sunday, and
which had not been made public, became
known by the burial permits. The govern
ment thermometer registered 90 degrees at
12 o'clock and two degrees higher was
reached later in the day.
Hundred Three at Lincoln.
LINCOLN, Neb., Aug. 16. All local hot
weather records for thlB year were broken
today when the weather bureau reported
a temperature of 103 at 4 o'clock this after
noon. This Is the climax of a hot wave
which has held Lincoln and southern Ne
braska In its grip for two weeks. Suf
fering here yesterday, when 100 was re
corded, and today has been Intense. There
has been no rain In this section for two
weeks and reports from the country are
that the corn crop has already been ser
iously damaged and will suffer much
more seriously If the heat wave and
drouth continues.
LOUP CITY, Neb., Aug. 16.-(Speclal.)
The thermometer here today registered
96, and has been almost if not equally as
high for the past six or seven days, in spite
of several rains at nights during that
TECUMSEH, Neb.. Aug. 15. (Special.)
This has been the hottest day of the season,
the thermometer registering from 100 to
102 degress above In the shade, during the
middle of the day. Rain has not fallen tn
this section for nearly three weeks. The
corn crop Is going to suffer, as well as
the alfalfa and pastures.
CHARLES CITY, la., Aug. 15.-(Speclal.)
Claude Williams was overcome by the
heat yesterday which caused congestion of
the brain. He suffered five convulsions
after being carried to the house. He is
an employe of tha gas company.
MADISON, Neb., Aug. 16. (Speclal.)
Walter Sen mitt, a son of Mrs. Robert
Crossler, residing at Four Corners, west
of Madison, was overcome with the heat
Saturday while at work In the field. Fall
ing to come to dinner, his mother, assisted
by others, searched until 8 p. m., when the
young man was discovered wandering aim
lessly about the cornfield of a neighbor.
He says that he became blinded by the in
tense best and confused and although he
(Continued on Second Page.)
Meyer of the navy, are due In Beverly
later In the week, to talk over government
matters with the president. Meantime.
Mr. Taft will devote himself entirely to
play. V
Today the and Mr. Hammond
defeated General Ames and W. J. Board
man, their old time rivals. In a foursome
on the Essex county links. The score
was one up and the score of matches now
stands at two all. The "rubber" will be
played on Wednesday.
On his forenoon visit to Des Moines la.,
September 30. President Taft will revlsw
a parade of some S.uuO troops of the regu
lar army, and afterward will make a
speech from the reviewing stand. A
military tournament will be in progress
at Lea Meinna at that Uot,
From the Bund Shanghai.
United States Officials Deny Any Dis
crimination Against that Nation.
Reciprocity Treaty with France Ex
plres October 80, a Date Fixed by
evr Law Others Expire at
Date Fixed by Treaties.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 16. If there has
been any discrimination against France in
the application of the provisions of the new
tariff to that country,, officers of this gov
ernment are not aware of it. They are
quite confident that the impression which
rmi to obtain lu some quarters In France
that such Is the case la founded upon a
complete misunderstanding of the facts.
These may be simply stated from the point
of view of the executive of this govern
ment. ,
In the first 'oa Fi'yioe, together with
Switserland and Bulgaria, "had reciprocity
arrangements with tha United States under
the terms of whloh certain of their prod
ucts were admitted to this country at con
siderably reduced rates compared with
those that were paid by countries which
did not enjoy such arrangements. But
other countries, mostly in Europe, seeing
the advantage that the three countries
named were enjoying, entered into similar
reciprocity treaties with the United States.
In their case, however, the precaution was
taken to state In the body of the treaties,
or agreements, the exact period of the
legal notice required to terminate them a
course not followed in' the arrangements
with France, Switzerland and Bulgaria.
Alleged Discrimination Explained.
In enacting the new tariff congress di
rected the president to have regard to the
stipulated periods in' terminating the re
ciprocity arrangements with the various
countries and alto provided that where
there was no stipulated term six months
from April 30 was to be regarded as the
date of termination. This action was duly
communicated by the State department to
France, Switzerland and Bulgaria, the ex
ecutive branch of the government being
absolutely bound by the direction of con
gress in this matter. At the same time it
Is stated that the president Is entirely will
ing to consider carefully any representa
tions In the nature of a protest that may
be made. Indeed there Is reason to believe
that exchanges on the subject already
have taken place.
It may be interesting to know Just what
effect the application of the new tariff
would have upon the commercial relations
between France and the. United States pre
suming the normal course was followed
and also what might be the results of a
tariff war brought about through the ap
plication by both countries of punitive
maximum rates.
Probable Effect of Tariff War.
The balance of trade with France was In
our favor during the fiscal year of 1908,
showing exports of 1116,000,000 as against
Imports of 11.:, 000, 000 a reversal of con
ditions in the previous year, when Frsnch
imports amounted to S12&,000,0u0, as against
exports to that country of JIk.000,000. Each
country will suffer from a tariff war be
tween France and the United States and
reprisals be made by applying the maxi
mum rates of the respctlve tariffs. The
maximum rates of France show large In
creases over the minimum or conventional
rates, while the minimum rates of this
country also show material increases in
the articles covered by the reciprocity
agreement. America would feel the ef-
(Continued on Second Page.)
An almost com
plete directory of
the various rooms
in Omaha will be
found in the want
ad pages of The
The easiest way to find the
kind of a room that you want
is to glance through the large
list of rooms which are offered
for rent.
Have you read tbn want ads,
ret, todajt
w W II' "J 4 -
- - . V . ' 1
South African
Constitution Up
in Commons
Premier Balfour Says Measure is One
of Most Importance in History of
British Empire.
LONDON, August 16. The House of Com
mons unanimously passed the second read
ing of the South African constitution bill
tonight. In the course of the debate ex
Premler Balfour said that the house in
dealing with the question of a constitution
for the federation of Sout African colonies
the Transvaal, Cape Colony, the Orange
River State and Natal was discussing one
of the most important events In the history
of the British empire. The bill, he de
clared, was a most wonderful Issue from
all the controversies, battles, bloodshed and
difficulties to peace, and he believed the
world could not show anything like it.
The race problem, Mr. Balfour said, was
but a fractional part of the great questions
Parliament was now deciding. He strongly
denied that it was Intended to give the
colored races equality with Europeans, de
claring that so far as the government,
society and the higher forms of civilization
were concerned, it would be impossible to
give equal rights to the colored races with
out threatening the whole fabric of civiliza
tion. 1
In the opinion of Mr. Balfour, the best
hope for the solution of this great problem,
was to place absolute and Implicit con
fidence in the representative institutions
the South Africans are now creating and
for the home government not to meddle
with it He added that he desired to do
nothing that would hamper the govern
ment In carrying out a measure so es
sential to the future of South Africa.
Little's Injuries
May Prove Fatal
Lincoln Man Who Jumped Onto Glass
Roof Likely to Die
The condition of George Little, the Lin
coln man who was Injured last night In
Jumping through the glass roof of a train
shed at the Burlington depot, is reported
as critical this morning. He has suffered
a great loss of blood and the physicians at
St. Joseph's hospital fear that he has been
Injured internally, in which .case he is not
likely to recover. Just now, however, the
doctors hold out hope for his recovery,
saying that it will be slow.
Aviator Will Spend Only One Day
In England on the Pres
ent Trip.
LONDON, Aug. 16. Orvllle Wright, who
arrived here today from New York, will
spend only twenty-four hours In England.
He Is going on to Germany tomorrow. He
will not be able to do anything In the fly
lr.g line here; although his aeroplanes are
completed, the motors for them have not
yet been delivered. So far as Mr. Wright
knows the only flying he will do in Europe
will be In Germany. He may possibly re
turn to England on his way home. He has
received no communication from the British
war offices and no arrangements have beer.
made for a meeting between him and Brit
ish officials, as has been reported In some
Heaviest Rail
on Record is Predicted
WASHINGTON. Aug. 16 A heavier busi
ness than has ever been known in a
single year is looked for by Chairman
Knapp on the Interstate Commerce com
mission for American railroads during the
present fiscal year.
The serious situation anticipated not
only by Judge Knapp, but by other offi
cials of the commission, and by operating
railroad men generally is that there may
be a shortage of cars. The crop pros
pects are considered so bright that the
likelihood is the railroads and other
transportation ompanles may be taxed be
yond their capacity to handle the freight
that will be offeied to them.
Already, according to figures submitted
to the Interstate Commerce commission,
Northwestern Association Begins Its
Annual Meeting.
Pleasing; Formalities Followed by a
Series of Papers and Brief
Debates on Work of the
1 The seventh annual convention of the
Northwestern Hotel M.'ti's association,
embracing the states of Nebraska, Iowa,
North and South Dakota. Colorado, Wyom
ing and Minnesota convened at the Rome
hotel Monday afternoon In the women's
parlor, with President 8. C Hoovvr of
Lincoln, presiding.
The session was opened with an tddress
of welcome by Acting Mayor turmelster,
who, in the absence of M-iy jr J. C. Dahl
man, tendered the visitors the freedom of
the city and with It the assurance that
any trouble arising to the delegates would
be promptly and freely adjudlcuted by
the acting mayor. 4
President Hoover responded to the ad
dress of welcome, stating thut the former
record of Omaha's hospitality was a
guarantee that the hotel men of tho
northwest would have pleasurable cause
to remember this occasion. He expressed
his high appreciation of thvS cordial words
of welcome by Acting Mayor Burmeister.
The reading of the mliutes of the last
annual convention was dlHpnnscd nlih,
and were referred to a special committee
with Instructions to report at some later
datu during the ionvcn'io.1.
President Hoover's annual address ro
fcrred briefly to the hotel legislation
enacted by the last generat assembly of
Nebraska, much of which was good, and
the whole in the main beneficial. Tha
better features of the legislation were the
result of co-operation among the hotel
men of the state. Alluding to the benefits
arising from the association of which he
had the honor to be the present head, he
"This association has had the effect of
making ua better business men and bet
ter hotel men. The guest sixes up tha
hotel by Its proprietor. Cordiality la the
prime factor in hotel management. It
has given hotel men a better view of the
question of leakage and how to cut down
expenses, but not at the sacrifice of
efficiency. Success Is not always the
result of action. It quite often comes
from accident. It Is not what we Intend
to do, but what we really do for our
large and growing families that counts
most In hotel work. This association has
given us a deeper Interest in our work.
It shows the benefits of standing to
gether. We represent a business that
Involves the outlay of millions of dollars.
Although I have no further financial Inter
est In actual hotel work, it shall always
be my greatest pleasure to do what I
can for the advancement of the hotel
business of the country and for the
advancement of the Interests of this
e Use of Printer's Ink.
Sam F. Dutton of the Albany hotel, Den
ver, was not able to be present to read his
paper on "Trade Journals and Their Value
to Advertisers." Rome Miller was called
upon to read the paper. Mr. Dutton com
mended the intelligent use of printers' Ink.
He believed in advertising, and then to
saw wood, but at the same time to use
the right kind of a saw. He believed In
strenuous advertising campaign and coun
selled the liberal patronage of the local
(Continued on Third Page.)
the railroads, In considerable number, have
recovered from the low business pressure
of a year and a half ago, and they ar
handling almost as much traffic aa they
handled in the rush months of 107, which
was the banner year in American rail
reading. .
In the view of Chairman Knapp, the
carriers are now in better position to
carry the freight offered than they were
In 1907, and he said today that it would
not surprise him If that year's ireord were
broken this year.
Generally it Is expected, however, that
a shortage of cars will reault this fai
from tha Increased business of the car
rlers and some embarrasment by shippers
may be looked for as a cotiseiucnne.
Conditions Favor Change from the
Long Blast of Steam.
Total of Victims Since Sunday Morn
ing Reaches Nineteen.
Dosen Persous Overcame and Takrn
to Homes or Hospitals After
Treatment Icemen Short
of Teams to Hani.
Six deaths during tha day, dlreotly
ohargsable to the hot wave.
Twelve persons, Including polioemen,
fireman, drivers and laborers, over
come by heat oa streets.
Minimum temperature during Sunday
night and Monday, 74.
Maximum temperature Monday, ts.
rorsoast for Tuesday 1 Partly cloudy
cooler by night.
Cooler weather Is promised for Nebraska
The local forecaster yesterday prognostl
cated possible showers for Nebraska, with
cooler weather In Omaha. The Washington
forecaster last night, taking the state for
his scope, forecasted partly clouder and
cooler lor the state. Rains have prevailed
to the east and west of Omaha since Sun
day, and Indications point to a cessation
of the terrific conditions of heat that have
taken such a heavy toll of human life dur
ing the time since Saturday morning, when
the situation became really serious.
Monday was the third terrible day. Steady
high temperature and a condition of
humidity that amounted almost to satura
tion of the atmosphere turned the air Into
a veritable steam bath, and humanity suf
fered. Also brutes, and the day will long
be recalled as one of the most uncomfort
able and oppressive ever experienced. The
awful day of the simoon, July 26, 101, did
not reap such a harvest as did Sunday and
Monday, although the mercury reached the
record mark of 106 on that day, nine de
grees higher than It touched on either of
the last two. Yesterday the maximum was
again 96.
Reports of yesterday bring the total of
deaths since Sunday morning directly
ascribable to the heat to nineteen, and
twelve caseB of prostration were reported.
for the day.
Deaths for the Day.
Six deaths were reported yesterday as
due almost directly to the heal. The vic
tims were:
FATKICX HUGHES, aged 65 years, a
doorkeeper at the Cudahy packing house
in South Omaha, was found dead in his
bed at Thirty-third and Second streets
Monday morning. When he went to bed
last night he complained of suffering
from the heat.
Paul, Neb., died at St. Joseph's hos
pital Monday morning. She was ex
hausted by the heat, which hastened:
her end. She was 68 years of age.
KAJtHXET BVM, mother of George A.
Burr of enson, died early Monday morn
ing. She was 75 years old and the
heat affected her a great deal Sunday.
CHRIS HXBAZirO), a middle-aged man,
living at the Metropolitan hotel, wax
overcome by the heat Sunday and died
early Monday morning while being
taken to St. Joseph's hospital.
JAMXS3 MAXOZTET, 90 years old, died
Monday xafter suffering a great deal
all day Sunday.
Twenty-ninth street, aged 23 year. Mrs.
Johnson had been ill for aome days,
but the intense heat Is given as a con
tributory cause of her death, which oc
curred at 3:30 o'clock Monday after
The following cases of heat prostration
were reported yesterday:
WILLIAM BAXTER, formerly a member
of the city fire department. He lives
at 121 Grace street, but was overcome
at 111 South Sixteenth street. He was
attended by Dr. Pruner and taken to
St. Joseph's hospital.
AX rBEYEa, laborer, 1311 Burt street.
Freyer was engaged at work at 1016
Farnam when he was overcome. Ho
was attended by Dr. Langdon and sent
to St. Joseph's hospital.
W. B. CsntlBTZH, a member of the school
board, was avercome by the heat about
noon, while in the New York Life build
ing. He was taken to his home at 180
Burdette street, where he waa reported
resting easily.
THOMAS MOuron of 40 Linn avenue,
Council Bluffs, a plumber In the employ
of 8tephan Bros., was conveyed to tho
Edmundson Memorial hospital in the
city ambulance. Last evening hie con
dition was reported to be much im
proved. XXSTBY LOIHIV, an old man, was
overcome at Twelfth and Costellar
streets and waa taken to St. Joseph's
His condition Is not serious.
! 'IKS fell exhausted on Douglas street
and was hurried to St. Joseph's hospi
tal. He will recover.
J OH If TaXDIXXIilg, aged 40 years, was
removed from the Northwestern hotel
at 8 a. m. Monday. The doctor at St.
Joseph's said he was suffering from
the heat.
Ml KB ZiUBXS, 6104 North Seventeenth
street, a driver for the Crystal K-o
company, collapsed at Sixteenth and
Manderson &t reels He was attendsd
by Police Surgeon Shrainek and after
ward taken to his home.
raUK rOUB, 171t South Ninth street,
a driver for the Mets Brewery company,
collapsed at Twentieth and Grace
street. He was treated by Police Sur
geon Shramck and afterward takes
home Aln the police automobile.
HAJITXT COX, a laborer who Uvea at
Gibson and has been employed at the
brick yard at First and Bancroft
streets was overcom while at work.
Dr. Shramck attended htm and sent
hiin to St. Jobt-ptr hospital.
rATHOLMAJT E- EGA of the Omaha
polRo force, i.o il .'6 ;it '.'O;? blond