J 6' THE BEE: OMAHA. MONDAY, AUGUST 16. 1009. : i i I- I i i! 1 ! : I! si lil u !; ! I i Want - Ads Advertlaemnta for tfce want ad rnlimna will be tikri mill 12 m. (or the rifnln edition mid antll Si30 p. n. for the moraine aad Sander edi tions. , t ank mill aec.mpnar all orders for reat dn and a iJtUiiiI will lie accepted far less taaa SO cull for first Insertion. Rain apply rltkcr' Te Pally or Feeder Bee. A I war a eoaat als wr to Una. C1I RATES rOIt WAST AD. RRGI'LtR rLAMIFlt'TIO 9e Insertion, 1 1-2 -eats par word ad 1 rant par word far cork snbaeqnenl Insertion. Kark Insertion mada on odd dara. I 1-2 rrnti par word I l.uO ar laa par month. . Want ada for Tae Baa may be left at aay of the following dm stores one la yoar "rorner drolal" thry ere all branch offlraa for The Rae and yoar ad will ha Inaarted Joat aa promptly and on Ike ssnie rataa aa at the main offlra In The Rae Rolldlnal, eTenteenth and Fnrnam atraatai 'hark. W. C. 40th and Farnam. Jleranek. 8. A . 140. S. IMh St Tv-cht Phnrmacy, Benson. Nob. J!m' Park Pharmacy, 33d and Cnmtng. . lake's Pharmacy, 215 Sherman Ave. roughlln. C. P... ih and rierce Fts. Clifton Hill Pharmacy, I3U Military ve. Tonta, J. B., list Ave. and Farnam St. Crlseey Pharmacy. 14th and Lake Sts. Cermak, Emll,.124- 8. 13th St. Ehler. P. H.. 2S0J Leavenworth St. router at A mold I, 219 N. 15th St. Freytag, John J.. H14 N. 24th St. Florence Drug Co., Florence Neb. Ureenough. Q. A., 1624 8. Wh St. Hanscom Park Pharmacy, 1401 8. 29th St. Jlayden, William C, 3020 Farnam St. llolst. John, 624 N. lth St. Huff. A. I. Z4 Leavenworth St King. R. 8., 2S Farnam St. " J:oi ntze Place Pharmacy, 2601 N. 24th 6t Lathrop. Charlea E., 1324 N. 24th St. Patrick Drug Co., 1601 N. 24th SU Snyder Pharmacy, 20th and Lake Sts. ANNOUNCEMENTS ROD AND GUN CAFE OPEN ALL DAY AND EVENING. Tel. Reservations. 1. H. BECK, formerly mtr. of the Herzog Tailoring Co, now at lit So. lfith St. BETTER TAILORED CLOTHES. CLEANING AND DYEING The best ever. Twin City Dye Worka, 407 8. 15th St. W. J. MURPHT makea cement aldewalks, Heps and baaement floor constructions. Phone Douglaa 6397. 1516 Davenport St. "COLBRIX," new pkg., keepa Waterloo brick lea oream, hard, 1 hours, 1U17 Howard j. D. EULOER. painter and paperhanger; paints and oils. 1447 ti. 12th Doug. 6650. ABOUT LIQUOR. We Invite the most critical inspection of rur method of handling the liquor business. If whisky or other liquor shall he sold for Medical ute. It should he sold WHEN THE PEOPLE NBKi) IT. i nis means we sen luiuois for medicine only, to grown people only, any hour, day or night, week day or t unday FOR MEDICINE, mind you, and every purchaser Is required to REGISTER EVERY SALE and give us their statement tnat it Is FOR MEDICINE. SCHAEFERS CUT PRICE DRUG STORES. J a me H. Craddock. architect, room 8 Wead Bldg.. 18th and Farnam. Red &374V. RUGS and everything cleaned with the lmntley vacuum cleaner. Lagerslrom, S11S Leavenworth, 'Phone H, COMBS. 1&20 Douglas, expert eye fitting. DEPOSITIONS, V. J. Sutcllffe. 628 Bee bldg HAVING had my entire herd of milk cows examined and kept free from tuber culosis and improved my dairy, I am more aule to supply all my customers with the best, most pure fresh milk; NOT PAS TEURIZED FROM DISEASED CATTLE. Price, 10 cents per quart; customers limited to those wishing the best milk that can be produced. THE SPANGGARD DAIRY, J. M. SPANGGARD, Prop. OMAHA EleoU-lo Works repairs electric elevators, 108 N. 11th St.. D. 1181. A-1648. IF YOU want any dirt call on C. M. Bachmann, 436 Paxton block. RED 61J The Omaha House and Win dow Cleaning Co.; any kind of cleaning. Vinlin Tpapiim- PUNO tuner. vioim xeacner, Charles j.lan 19U Burdette St. Tel. Webster 12GC OMAHA Mirror and Art Glass Co.. art glass, miter cutting, beveling mirrors of all kinds, resllvering and framing. Office and factory 1614 Cuming St. Both phones. OMAHA Safe and Iron Worka mskes a specialty ox lire escapes, shutters, doors and safes. O. Andreen, Prop., 102 S. 10th. REMOVAL SALE monuments. 1417 S. 11th. PLUMBING A. W. McVea. 8U N. 40tbl recent city plumbing Inspector. A-U07. HULSE RIEPEN, funeral directors. Eucceasors ta Harry B. Davis, 704 S. 16th. SIGN PAIN TIN OeJ. H. Colo, 1302 Douglas DAVID CO LB Creamery Co, SHOES ealled for and delivered freo. Standard Shoe Repair Co., 1MM Farnam. Douglas Printing Co. Tel. Douglas 644. k'ova C. R. Heflln, ISIS Douglas St., over 1UJ3 Lindsay's. Tel. D. ift)74; A-4265. LAWN MOWERS sharpened by special machine, $1; oalled for and delivered. A. Jenson A Son. 2XX) N. 24lh. Both 'phonos. AMATEUR PHOTO FINISHING; EX PERT WORK; PROMPT DELIVERY LEAVE ORDERS AT MILLARD HOTEL PHARMACY. OMAHA FURNITURE REPAIR WORKS removed from 2201 Farnam St to 915 S. 13th St. Phone Douglaa 248L ANCHOR FENCE CO. Iron and wire fences cheaper than wood. Last a Life Time. $07 N. 17th. Phone Red M4. HATS cleaned and rmMocked. Schmarae's Hat Factory, 606 N. 16th St. Tel. Doug. &40. 1.83S COUPLES have been married by Rev. C. W. Savidge; he is praying to marry t.urt. If you want him to marry you, call Web. 444 or B-1430. Write for booklet. "Have You Found Your Running Male?" GRAVEL ROOFING. J. R. Stevenson Roofing Co., gravel and composition roofing, 538 Paxton Blk., 16th and Farnam Sts., Omaha. Tels. Douglas 1175, A-1792; Km., Web. 294. OMAHA Pasta Co. now located at 718 So. 13 St. Douglas 3760. FOR watches and Jewelry repairs, see Gustafson & Henrlckson, 201 N. 16lh JBt. HINDOO TABLETS will build, brace, Strengthen. 60c box. BELL DRUG CO. f he Quality Press. Printing. 1218 Harney, HAY RACK PARTIES Call us up. Are prepared at any time, ROSENBLATT. Both 'Phones. 1223 Nicholas St. Special prices on all pictures framed this month. Megeatb Sta. Co., lulh & Farnam. Missouri filters made a," 4 sold. 1310 How. WOOJD. Dr. Ov 8.. 521 N. Y. L. Homeopath PANAMAS bleached, new Stetsons $2 SO. $3. RAl.Ht. practical hatter. 220 8. 14th. BIDS for school building at Ralston will be received up to Saturday, August II. Plana .and specifications can be seen at Architect M. R. Cole's office. Ralston; es timated cost about $6,000. By order of Board of School Directors. FOR new and up-to-date things in the drug Uric see HCH A KFklt'S windows at 15th and Douglas streets. WHEN RETURNING FROM YOUR VACATION TELEPHONE ALAM1TO SANITARY" DAIRY. DOUGLAS ,11, FOR YOUR MILK SUPPLY. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE t-cy Under,' ti h. p. Buick, In good coaeUuoa. Douglas 117, AUTOMOBILES. (Continued ) SENP for our Met of second hand oars. DER1GHT AITOMOHILE CO., 1814 Farnam St. STORAGE, centrally located, opposite library. IBIS Harney St. Brick P. Kuhn. RAMBLERS New, 4 and l-cyltnders, 80 per cent discount. Rambler Auto. Co., 2044 I'artum Ft. BARTER AND EXCHANGE 3-Room Strictly Modern house. North end. 7-Room, Modern Every Way. corner. North nd. 10-Room Modern House, coiner. N'ei,r Hanacom park. Will take smaller house and lot or va cant lot as part payment. NOWATA LAND A.M) lri Suite 624 N. Y. Life Bldg. 'Phone Red 13W. Omaha. Neb. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE One of the best ll-room modern resi dences In Omaha, complete, with half a block of ground and new stable and located In a flrst-claas district. Price: IM.OfiO cash; owner will take $10,000 to $30,000 In good land, balance long time. It's some farm er's chance to trade his surplus land Into a fine city home. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., 1st Floor N. T. Life Bldg. Tel Doug 1781 A-1188. FOR TRADE Fine 60-barrel water power flouring mill. located In good Nebraska town. Address, Y 381, care Bee. f'OH EXCHANGE Fine modern home, 10 rooms, best residence district In Omaha; owner Is a rrerchnnt now out of business; wants to excharne for stock of mdse. near Omaha. Address E 2U. Bee. BUSINESS CHANCES TO GET in or out of business call on GANOESTAD, 404 Bee Bing. lei. FOR SALE Hardware and undertaker hiisinnu' hent location In town of 400; best part of Iowa; store and fixtures, heaise and set tinner s tools: cneap iui mm, nv trade. C. T. Eatinger, Administrator, Bag ley, Iowa. WESTERGARD can help you get In or out of business. 401 Be Bldg. Tel. D. a FOR SALE or would consider an ex change for good land well located. One of the best sixty barrell flouring mills in the state with fine water power. The mill Is runnlnK steady and will pay twenty per cent on the Investment above all operating expenses. Has good house and barn Willi plenty of storage room for both flour and grain. Is equipped with best and latest machinery. Owner has other business and cannot give It his attention. This Is no run down property. Address T 276. Care Omaha Bee. FOR SALE The best located hundred barrel FLOUR MILL and grain elevator In the stale, present owner being In business 26 years and wants to retire. Address I Ma, ca.-e of Bee. FOR SALE A good livery stock In Su perior, Neb. Best location In the state Frank Abbott. FOR SALE. Concrete block plant, well established and doing good, profitable business. Must sell. Reabonable. If taken at once. Ad dress, A 20S. Bee. DRUG STORE for sale In good business town In northeastern Neb. Population 1.000 No dead stock. Write O. R. Heltibrldle, Decatur, Neb. FOR SALE An ll-room house, all filled with 18 boarders. In the best location In the city. Must sell on account of poor health. 2308 Douglas St. Bell Phone Doug las 60,i6. TEN-room modern rooming house; will sacrifice for quick sale. 1701 Davenport St. COAL and feed business cheap; other business reason for selling. G. 249, Bee. FOR BALE A stock of general merchan dise; located center of town. Miller & W aeker. Ioveland. Colo. GOOD lumber and coal yard. Good proposition. . Good territory. Good rearon for selling. Good residence at Grand Island taken tn part payment. Good thing at $14,000 If It looks GOOD, here's the goods. Write J. Cleve Scott. Platte Valley State Bank, Central City. Neb. FOR PALE AT A BARGAIN. $700 equity In new t-room cottage, nicely located, one block from car; fruit trees, strawberries, large garden, city water, elec tric lichls. Will make an attractive price on this 'if sold quickly. If desired, will ac cept a six months lease at a liberal fig ure as part payment. L 270, Bee. FOR RENT Meat market at David City, with full set of tools and other equipment; been running for over 20 years. For further particulars address A. Yanlke, Bellwood, Neb. FOR SALE The best nd largest plumb ing, heating, pump and windmill business of southwestern Iowa. Have several con tract Jobs on hand now. will sell at in voice. Address Y 181 cars Bsa. GRAIN elevator for sale In southern Ne braska, account onner going west; oceans of grain. Price, $3,000. Do not answer un less you mean business. Address C 228, Bee. WANT business opening for $.,000 or $10,000 and services In Omaha. N 2J8, Bee. SILENT partner with 2,000 cash can clear $500 yearly In established business. D-280 Bee. FOR SALE Restaurant: live town: good Dusmess; ti.iuu. leroy iross, Alliance, Neb. YOUNG man with $50. half Interest in good paying proposition; worth $20 per ween. Aanress rt fciu, care Bee, CHIROPODISTS J. W. Scott, at Neb. barber shop. 1202 Far, CONSULTING ENGINEERS W. J. ROSS. CONSULTING ENGINEER. CIVIL. ELECTRICAL. MECHANICAL, Street lallway, w.ter works, street im provements; business propositions financed, especially Interurban railways. Consult me. R. 13-24. Patterson Bldg., 1623 Farnam St. E. M. FITT, drawings, designings and estimates. 616 Bee Bldg. Tele. Doug. 69i. DETECTIVES A. J. ADLER. 517 Karbach Blk. D. 2X31 EDUCATIONAL. BOYLES COLLEGE. FALL TERM OPENS SEPT. L DAY AND NIGHT SESSIONS. Send for a FREE copy of the now famous book, "Bnad und Butter Sciences." Also prepare to start your training for success In Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Typewriting. Telegraphy. Civil Service, Railway Mail Service and all Government Grade Sub jects. Otflelal Training School for Union Pacific R. R. Address it. a. lioylea. Presi dent. Omaha, Neb. Y. M C. A. NIGHT SCHOOL OPENS SEPT. 11 TWENTY" SUBJECTS SCHEDULED. OTHERS ON DEMAND. Sixteen teachers business and professional men. Thorough. Practical. Moderate fees. Call, Write or Phone J. W. MILLER, Educational Director. OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, 19th and Fnrnam M G. ROHKHUl'OH, Pres. E. A ZAHTMAN, Vice Pres. SUMMER .SCHOOL NOW OPEN. COI'RKS; All mercantile. SESSIONS: Day and night. FALL TERM: Opens September 1 to 6. Inclusive. TELEGRAPH FOLDER: Sent free. CATALOGUE: pagts full of Interest-free. 'Phone D. 1169 or A 2-69. Address U. U. Rohrboufh, Pres DENTISTS BAILET A MACK. Sd floor, Paxton. D.lOSi. DR. FICKE8, 217 Board of Trade, doesn't hurl, like others." He TAFT'8 Dental Rooms. 1517 Douglas St. DRESSMAKERS MISS STURDY, 2427 Dodge. Tel. Ind. A2677. TERRY College 20th and Farnam Sta. McDowell Dressmaking School. 123 Far. EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN LADIES w lulling to obtain the latest dress cu'ting system. Learn cutting. Call 2412 Dodge St. 'Phone Douglas 7U2. FRENCH DRY CLEANING WK3. Both Tel.. Btsi work; prompt service. CHINA decorating; order work" a specialty. Lessons Tuesday, Thursday and Satur days. Firing dally. Children's classes Saturday morning. Mrs. C. C. Hungate, KH Brandels Bldg. Tel. Red 5486. CLEANING and dyeing; biggest and best. Only one office. IM3 Jones St. THE PANTOR1UM. nTT V TWO MORE DAYS OF THE BIG JlUl w, pKR CENT DISCOUNT SALE on hair goods; Monday the last day. Hair dressing department is In operation during repairs. Hobson s Beauty e-nop, iws uou last St. FIRST-CLASS DRESSMAKING In fam ines by the day. Call after 7 p. m. for ap pointment. Web. 3206. 2202 Grand Ave. CAKES THREE LAYER WHITE) 3QC Groceries and Meats. Bottom Prices. JOHNSON & OOODLETT. 20th and Lake. A FAMILY remedy for every 111; every one guaranteed to suit or your money re funded. We refer to A. D. S. remedies at SCHAF.FERS CUT PRICE DRUG STORES. LACE CURTAINS nicely done and wash ing to take home. Telephone Harney 1360. BUNDLE washings wanted. Douglas 4H $1 La Tresis perfume, os ciOn Haines Drug Co., 1810 Farnam. CANDY Good candy is good In summer as well ss winter. If you get the rluht kind and know It Is PURE and FRESH. Schaefer's Cut Price Drug Stored carry only fresh candy and recommend Balduft's 'cause It Is always good and made In Omaha. If you want the GENUINE get It at Schaefer's. "VIA VI" A drugless home treatment for women; 400 page book free. 812 Brandels Bldg. INSTRUCTIONS In China and water col ors at SPECIAL RATES during the sum mer months. M. R. Emlg Studio, 936 N. Y. L. J. HOUSKA, Pioneer Meat Market, 2623 Sherman Ave. Our Increased facilities, com bined with our usual good service, makes shopping easy here. Meats and fish fresh daily. CLEANLINESS OUR MOTTO. PTTT?i Select now; PAT WHEN r Jivo NEEDED. Larger selection and REDUCED PRICES now. HUBERMANN. Continental Rlk., 15th and Douglas. LADIES' switches, puffs, made from combings; switches II, puffs 15c. Mrs. H. unrner, Z126 N. 16th. Webster 1363. IF you drink' soda water ret the COLD EST and PUREST and most wholesome at SCHAEFER'S CUT PRICE DRUG STORES. THE Old-way (hand) Laundry. 1424 N. 22d. Web. 4760. FLOhlSTS BRANDEIS' CUT FLOWER DEPART MENT South side of new store. BENNETT'S cut flower deDartment. leth street entrance. Bennett's store. HESS 4SWOBODA, 1415 Farnam. HENDERSON'S fresh cut flower, dallv from our hothouses for weddings and dec orations. Douglas 1258. 1519 Farnam. FURNACE REPAIRING WHY not make up your mind now and get your heating plant set In good condi tion for winter. The most expensive thing is a poor working lurnace; it consumes coal fast, without heat result. Get our Ideas of repairing and remodeling. New furnaces we carry stands the highest test. Both phones. Omaha Stove Repair Works, 1200-8 Douglaa St. NOW is the time to have your FURNACE CLEANED AND PUT IN ORDER. We re pair all makes of furnaces. Estimates Kladly furnished. MILTON ROGERS Ac SONS CO., 14th and Farnam. Both phones. HELP WANTED FEMALE Factory sat Trades. EXPERIENCED cholocate dippers. Apply Balduff Pure Candy Co.. lilt arnam nu easily earn $16 to $25 weekly; full course taught. Brandels lialrdresslng Dept. HELP WANTED IN ALL DEPARTMENTS EVANS LAUNDRY, CO., Z07 S. 11TH. EXPERIENCED body lroner and starch girls. Truax Laundry. EXPERIENCED seamstress wanted for alteration work. 2907 Leavenworth St. lloasekeepera a ad Domestics. WANTED A cook. 41 Dewey Ave. WANTED Competent girl for general housework; no washing; good wages. 2424 A, South Omaha. , WANTED Girl for general housework; small family; no cooking. Apply at once. 1509 Ijouth 29th St, near Park School. WANTED A cook and laundress in a small family where a second girl Is kept: good wages. Apply, 1046 8. 29th St. WANTED Woman as housekeeper by widower, on farm; work easy; two children. William Murray, White Clay, Neb. YOUNG girl 'to assist with housework. 1732- S. 17th St. WANTED A housemaid. Apply 201 8. 33d St. COMPETENT girl for general housework, family of two; good wages; no washing. HO N. 49th Ave. GIRL WANTED-607 3. th 8t. Harney 2569. Tel. SMALL girl to assist with general house work. 1105 Park Ave. Harney 3308. GIRL for housework. 170S Dodge St. GIRL for general housework. 8707 Jones St. U1RL for general housework. Small fam ily. No washing. 3564 Howard. Call after 6 p. m. GIRL for general housework. Small fam ity. No washing. Good wages. 616 S. 2Mh. Harney 162. W A NT E I", Girl for general housework. L W. Kennard, 1822 Dodge. Douglas 6044. SERVANT Riri. neat, clean and can cook; good room, with separate bath and toilet. 13o0 S. 35th St. Tel. Harney 413. WANTED Girl for general housework Small family; moderate sized houxe, with modern conveniences. Apply before noon. tbJb Farnam St GOOD second girl wanted. 203 Dodge St. GIRL for housework. 914 8. $3d St. GIRL for general housework: no washing. 117 N. 40th St. Tel. Harney 348. W A NT EI Good girl for general house work: wages $5 per week; no washing: references rtu.uirea. Apply at Sii 8. 3it St. All kinds of live stock: and poul try can be sold by advertising it. Try using a Dee want ad. HELP WANTED FEMALE Honeekeepera and Dameatlca Cs. GOOD laundress fir Mondays and Tues days. 2ifA Manderson St. GOOD second plrl wanted. 3S66 Farnam St. Tel. Harney 3181. GIRL for general hoseworkT No washing. 2S08 Capitol Ave. A NO. 1 housemaid: no washing nor Iron ing. 2211 St. Mary's Ave. WANTED Competent laundress by Mrs. E. F. Howe, 1063 Georgia Ave. GIRL for general housework. 3027 Chl csgo St. GIRL for general housework. 2226 Mason St. WANTED Experienced cook. 3210 Far nam St. EXPERIENCED girl for general house work; small house and family. References required; good wages for good girl. Mrs. Plttelkow, 3103 Dorcas 8L GIRL for general housework. Inquire 213S S. 33d St. Mlacellaaeoas. TWO ladles to travel, demonstrate and sell dealers. Call or address at once Good rich Drug Co.. Omaha, Neb. WANTED For the Rorell's Amusement Co., young lady for serpentine dance in Electric Theater. Requires no experience. Send photo. HEIGHT OF Y'OURELF AND AGE. Will furnish tent, banner, every thing complete for old plantation people. Information on request. F. A.' Rozell, Crete, Neb. HELP WANTED MALE A gent a, Solicitor, and Salesmen. THREE high class salesmen. 540 Bee Bldg. Call after 3. Write. WANTED Expert canvassers for Omaha and vicinity. At ones. None but hustlers need apply. Call for H. C. Berns tein. 1901 California between 6:30 and 7:30 p. m. FOR RENT 6-room, cottage style flat, all modern; oak finish; fine, light baae ment; walking distance; rents for $27.50; possession Sept. 1; call 201 S. 30th St. WANTED A solicitor with horse and buggy to drive through the country and solicit subscriptions. Call and see circu lation manager. The Bee Publishing Co. SALESMEN to call on merchants In Omaha; salary, $2S per week. Apply F. J. Kogers, manager Harran ft Stewart Mfg. Co., ground floor. N. Y. Life Bldg. WANTED GENERAL AGENTS and lo cal agents for Nebraska and South Da kota. Have you a contract with the com pany you represent? Address James A. Keith, supervisor Hartford Life Insurance Company, 523 Bee Bldg., Omaha. Neb. VEGA, TEXAS, offers the best invest ment opportunity in the West; 36 miles West of Amarlllo. will be County Seat of Oldham County, and will soon have a pop ulation of 6,000. Write for booklet and special agency offer. Sales are easy and you can make big money. Address, Pool Land Co., Amarlllo. Texas. AGENTS Earn $1 hourly; sample free. James M. Cody, 2710 Dickson St., St. Louis, Mo. CIGAR salesman wanted; experience un necessary; good pay. Globe Cigar Co., Cleveland, Ohio. A GOOD LIVE SALESMAN to sell our New Dry Cleaning and Dyeing Machines In Omaha and surrounding territory. Re liable Foundry, and. Machine Co., Fort Madison, Iowa. . , 1 AGENTS Make more money, sell our reody-made waists, latest, nobbiest, most exclusive designs In silk, satin, net, linen, Swiss, etc.; this Is a splendid chance to earn big money; write us today. Society Queen Co., Dept. 32, St. Louis, Mo. WANTED Several experienced road salesmen, fine proposition, $3,000 to $o,000 a year to hustlers; staple specialty line for general trade; old reliable Jobbing house. Address 1112 Lumber Exchange, Minne apolis, Minn. WANTED: Live solicitors to take sub scrlptlons in Nebraska, Oklahoma and Mis sourl for my popular publications. Our proposition is i big winner. Guaranteed salaries to first class men or women. ARTHUR CAPPER. Publisher, Topeka, Kansas. Clerical aa Office. AN exceptional opportunity for bright, energetic young man as treasurer in Brok erage Corporation. Must furnish bonds and purchase small amounts of stock In com pany, drawing account, $1,600. Box 768, Kansas City, Mo. FOR south side coal office, energetic live, steady boy or young man; good writer; salary. $40. Reply with references. Ad dress L, 236 Bee. Factory and Trades. DRUG store and jobs. Knlest. Bea Bldg. WANTED Men to learn barber trade; practice furnished by free work; careful Instructions by experts; few weeks com pletes; tools given; board secured: experi ence in shops before completing. Call or write Moler Barber College, 110 S. 14th St WANTED Good, all round blacksmith: steady work, $16 per week. Nels P. Brown, Atianuo, ia- WANTED Four first class carpenters at North Platte; steady work; others need not apply. R. P. Basta, Contractor. TAILOR wanted at once. Must be first class on coat, vest and pants. Address Joseph Orchowskl, Alliance, Neb. WANTED Experienced brick wheelers: steady work, good wages. The Barber Asphalt Paving Company, Dea Moines, la, preferred; law book work, $18 a week. 8tate journal, jaaaison, wis. MUeeUaseosa. WANTED Government clerks at Wash ington; $76.00 monthly. Examinations in Omahfc, September 21- Coaching free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 116 Y, Rochester, N. X. desirable for young people; full informa tion and questions recently used by the voiiiiiiisniuii ir. ioiumuian i-orreapona eii';c course, asfiingion, u. i. WANTED Railway mall clerks, postof- nce cierxs, carriers. examinations in Omaha Nov. 17. Preparation free. Frank lln Institute, dept. 1843. Rochester, N. Y. A CHICAGO FIRM wants a few men de slrlous of earning money during spare time. No canvassing. Can double salary. National Dist. Co., 1023 Wellington St.. Chicago. YOUNG man with $."00 can secure posi tion and learn engineering. Address, G-2el. Bee. WE SELL COBS-Not the kind you burn in a stove, but the kind a good smoker burns in his mouth. Nine for 16c, and every one is as good or better than muny clKara for which you pay 5c and even 10c each. NOT A CHEAP SMOKE, but a good smoke cheap. Schaefer Drug Stores. TRUSS fitting experts, big stock, every known variety at RESPECTABLE, not HOLD-UP. prices; everything In the surg ical appliance at SCHAEFER'S CUT PRICE DRUG STORES. FREE Employment Dept. Business Men's Ass n.; no fees. Call 327 B. of T. Bldg. WANTED Competent soda water dia- fenser; references required; steady Job larley Drug Co., Liuculu, Neb. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Harm and Vehicles. M'CRART buys and sells all kinds of horses. Blue bam rear Millard hotel. D. 4006 ELEGANT Cabriolet carriage. Stannous and harness slightly soiled. If you want one or all now at less than half price see Johnson-Danforth Co., 10th and Jones Sts. AUTOMOBILE ano. wagon repairing. painting, trimming and rubber tires. New and second hand wagons; bargains. A. J. Simpson & Son, 1409 Dodge street. WANTED TO BUY Horse and Buggy. Address H 24, care Bee. NEW AND SECONDHAND WAGONS for sale. A. J. JEWELL. 1724 N. 24th St. GOOD candy wagon, painted, $06. Glaas side station wagon, $90. Baker electric car, bargain, $650. DRUMMOND, 13th and Harney. STILL in the wag-on business; charges reasonable. Harry Froet, 14th and Leav. FOR SALE A beautiful little dark bay Shetland pony. A. E. Hecker, Hooper, Neb. Cows, Birds, Dears and Pets. FOR SALE Good young cow. Just freeh. 4023 Chsrles St. LOST AND FOUND LOST Masonic watch fob. Reward. W. G. Fuller. 708 Brandels Bldg. FOUND A plsce to buy good glasses. Globe Optical Co., 218 S. 16th St. LOST A large male pug dog. Answers to the name of Jack. Liberal reward. Return to 909 Capitol avenue. LOST On Lake or 24th Sts.. between 27th and Binney, ladies' open-face gold watch; liberal reward. Address C 279, Bee. GREEK letter fraternity pin, set with pearls, between 14th and 15th, on Farnam, or on Manawa car. Return to 108 Board of Trade Bldg., and receive reward. MEDICAL BEST nerve brace for man. Gray's Nerve Food Pills, $1 a box. postpaid. Sherman 4k McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. CONSUMPTION I can cure or stop any acute disease In one day. Prof. Johnson. 14th and P Sts., South Omaha. FREE MEDICAL and surgical treatment at Crelghton s Medical college. 14th and Davenport Sts.; special attention paid to confinement cases; all treatment super vised by college professors. 'Phone Doug las 1167. Calls answered, day or night. OUT-OF-TOWN neoole can aet the bene fit of our prices by sending us mall orders. Freight paid on all orders of $10 or over. BCHAEFER H CUT PRICE DRUU STORES. MONEY TO LOAN SALARY AND CHATTELS - moWey. The OLDEST and LARGEST COMPANY In the west. Our VOLUME of BUSINESS guarantees you GENERAL SATISFAC TION. If you can use any MONEY now or in the future it will pay you to call and see us. We are at your service at any time and insure you courteous treatment whether we do business with you or not. We are BUSINESS PEOPLE and do busl- ness on BUSINESS PRINCIPLES. Any of your friends sent to our office will receive the same prompt attention and same will be appreciated by us. OUT SOUTH OMAHA DEPARTMI5M IS now open for business, which gives the peo ple of SOUTH OMAHA an opportunity to BORROW MONEY on our regular RATES nd TERMS. We loan on FURNITURE. PIANOS. HORSE8. CATTLE, WAGONS, BUGGIES. REAL ESTATE or ANY OTHER SECURITY. DON'T FORGET . OUR ADDRESS. DON'T FORGET US. We want your busi ness. We are prepared to handle IT ANY TIME. We can give you LOW RATES, SMALL PAYMENTS and EASY TERMS. ALL BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDEN TIAL. We trust you. You can trust us. CALL, WRITE or TELEPHONE. NEBRASKA LOAN CO., Opposite postofflce. Suite 7, Crounse Blk., liith and CapitoL 'Phones: Douglas 1356, ina., a-1366. OUR PLAN Makes It easier for you to get out of debt than in because you can pay us when you get it. We do not charge extension or application fees. Omaha Mortgage Loan Co., 119 Board of Trade. 'Phone Doug, 2295. 306 8. 16th St. HERE SINCE 1892. LOANS on salary, furniture and live stock; lowest rates, easiest payments. See us first. PEOPLES LOAN CO., Room 4 Patterson Blk., 1628 Farnam St Tels: Douglas 7477. Ind. A-1477. MONEY loaned salaried people and others without security; easy payments. Offices In ft principal cities. Tolman, Room 611, New York Life Bldg. LOANS, half rates. 329 Board of Trade. Salary and Furniture Loans At the VERY LOWE8T RATES. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., Sd Floor, 307-8 Paxton Blk., Northeast corner 16th and Farnam Sts. Phones Doug las 1411 and Auto. A 1411. CONFIDENTIAL QUICK LOANS. A HOME LOAN COMPANY. LOANS on FURNITURE, PIANOS Or salaries, LOANS on your plain note.. LOWEST PAYMENTS IN CITY. OMAHA CHATTEL BANK, 1401 FARNAM. LOANS on everything of value; rate, Western Loan Co.. 331 Neville Blk. LOANS of $C to $-5 on salary or chattel security; private party; no red tape; hours 10 to Z and 4 to 6. Call 620 Paxton Block MONF1Y on furniture, pianos, live stock w'i,AJ'1 or any security. Before mak ing a loan aee us. Both phones 1361 Busi ness strictly confidential. Low rates; small payments. Nebraska Loan Co., 16th and Capitol Ave., opposite postofflce. 6 on DIAMONDS. W. FLATAU, 1514 Dodge. MOVING AND STORING ' EXP. Delivery Co., office 16th and Daven port is., warehouse 2207-09 Ixard St ALL kinds of HEAVY HOISTING and HANDLING SAFES A 8PECIALT Y.-E. J Dals, 1818 Farnam. Telephone, Doug. 353. Residence Douglas 6702. MUSIC AND LANGUAGES KINDERGARTEN music teacher's outfit for sale cheap; cash or time. A-ldress Miss A. C. Cassidy, care General Delivery, Omaha, N.b. OUS TURNER, graduate of Lelpslc, Ger many, Conservatory of Music; piano lessons cheap. Tel H-d 6036 or drop inu a postal at 2574 Harney St. and 1 will call on you. OFFERED FOR RENT Boarding? and Rooms. DEWEY European Hotel, 13th and Farnam. LARGE south room, to permanent mar ried couple, also single rooms to gentle men. In modern home; references. IMS Cass. 'Phone Douglas 1476. TABLE board, first-class, home cooking; with or without room. 1818 Capitol Ave. ST. JAMES HOTEL, 41 8 13th. Am. plan; $125 day; $5 week up. Big me. Is. THE GEORGIA. 1042 Georgia Ave. H 661. THE ALDEEN. 26rh and Farnam. H ZiU. DODGE HOTfcL, modern; steam t"at. OFFERED FOR RENT Boar atlaaed. DESIRABLE south front furnished room with boaid; summer home; fine lawn. 124 S. 25th Ave. THE ROSE. J030 Harney, rooms; good board; rates reasonable; meal tickets. COOL, airy rooms, modern, fine shade, with or without board, to two gentlemen or man and wife. 2404 Capitol Ave. ROOM and board In private family; modern home, also large south room, with alcove. Tei. Harney 4761. TABLE board, first class, home cooking, with or without room. 1S11 Capitol Ave. GOOD board closs In; large south room; suitable for two; also single room. 114 8. 19th St. 'Phone Red 403. Fwrnl.hesl Rooms. GOOD rooms, $ per week; free bath. Ogden Hotel. Co. Bluffs. CLEAN, cool, modern, large, front; also smaller room. 611 N. 23d. FURNISHED room by the week; ele vator, bath, hot and cold water; rent rea sonable. Oraa Hotel, 16th and Jackson Sts. ONE south furnished room, $1.7$ per week. 216 N. 22d. APPLICATION fot- rooms In The Bel mont, 1518 Dodge St., are now bring re ceived; gentlemen only; everything newly furnished and decorated throughout. Ap ply to R. T. Ver Mehren. Mgr. Doug. 157L VERY desirable room; fine location; walking distance, 218 8. 26th St. ROOMS for transients, 1707 Dodge. D. 7830 TWO south rooms, private- family. 2045 Dodge. FURNISHED rooms, house new, plenty oi not water, ue in. I3tn su NICELY furnished front room In new modern flat. All conveniences; walking dls tance. 2405 Harney. SALVATION ARMY Worklngmen's hotel, 418 S. lPth St. 'Phone Red 3348. VERY desirable large room; newly furn Ished; also smaller room; fine location. 201 S. 25th Ave, TWO furnished south rooms, bath, two blocks west of Rome Hotel, 1116 Jackson St. DELIGHTFUL rooms at 712 Park Ave.; newly decorated; fine' floors; telephone service, airy and pleasant; close to car line. Telephone Harney 1241. ELEGANTLY furnished rooms with pii' vate family at 3017 Pacific St. FOR RENT Furnished room for gentle man and wife; $20. Flat 8, Davldge block. PLEA8ANT front room, best location In Hanscom park district, to gentleman: breakfasts if desired; private family of two; one block from car. Address K 23d, care Bee. TWO nice south front rooms. 4940 Cap itol Ave., trunaee. TWO connecting rooms, newly furnished, 2047 Dodge. FRONT room; private family. 2403 Har ney. CENTRAL, modern room, 220 N. 23d. FOR RENT Splendid newly furnished room, strictly modern, walking distance for one or two gentlemen. Call 2308 Dewey. Tel. Doug. 6401. HOTEL COLONIAL, formerly the Vien na, bet. 10th and 11th. Newly furnished. NICE new strictly modern front rooms, also two unfurnished or housekeeping rooms. 612 N. 21st St. Apartments and Flats. THREE and 6-room flats, Scargo Bldg., 616 N. 24th St. South Omaha. Hall, 433 Ramge Bldg. Both 'phones. 1 4-R. Apt mod. 816 So. 22d. AT 30TH AND FARNAM, new 6-room flat modern and strictly up to date, $30 pei month. Telephone Harney 2029. SIX room, modern St. Louis flat, upper floor. 611 South 26th Ave. 'Phone Doug. Ial2. FOR RENT Six-room, strictly modern, cottage style, one-story flat, oak (lnlsh, combination fixtures, gas water heater, good furnace, large, light basement, gas stove and window ahades, walking distance. 201 South 30th St.; rents $27.50; possession September 1. LOW PRICED APARTMENT8 NOW READY FOR TENANTS. 635-639 So. 31st St., neat 4 and 6 room apartments, with new open plumbing, elec tric light, newly decorated throughout, cistern, fine shade and only $16 to $18 each. PAYNE BOSTWICK CO.. Sole Agents, Main Floor, N. Y. Life. ELEGANT 6-rootn apartment in flrst clsss apartment house. Call Tel. A-37s, Web. 715. WE have three very desirable flats In fine location that will connect and make Into one building for a high-class family hotel; 30 rooms. For particulars, address M237, Bea. FOR RENT Cheapest 6-room lower flat In city, all modern, close In, to small family soon. Inquire at 607 N. ltth Et HANSCOM PARK, opposite main en trance, six-room St. Louis flat; fine home; Investigate. Dr. Clark, 1602 S. 29th St. Tel. Harney 283. Housekeeping Roams. TWO, three or four nicely furnished rooms complete for housekeeping. 2018 Davenport TWO housekeeping rooms, all modern; two nice sleeping rooms. 216 N. 19th St THREE unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping, modern. 2564 Manderson. 'Phone Webster 2626. Untarnished Rooms. I ROOMS. 1120 N. 17th 8t THREE unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping in Dundee. Phone H 94X Famished Hoaeea. CHOICE four room furnished apartment In "The Btrehlow" with piano, after Aug. 28d. for two or threa months. 'Phone, Web ster 4457. Uoases aad Co 8 ROOMS, modern, close In, rent reason able. 821 8. 20th. Phone Harney 2863. OMAHA Van & Storage Co., pack, move, store, H. H. goods; storehouse, 1120-24 N. 19th; office 1609 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 1553. FOR RENT 8-room, all modern house, electrio lights. 1451 8. 11th; $35 per month. C. M. Bachmann, 436 Paxton block. 1967 PACIFIC 8T., 8-room thoroughly modern house, oak finish. $40. A. G. Elllck, Ml lite Bldg. 2524 Dewey Ave., -r., H modern, $26 00. 2221 So. 29th St., T-r., mod, ex, heat, $26.00. 210 Seward St., 8-r.. all modern, $29.00. 639 So. 27th St., 7-room. all modern, $36.00. 665 So. 25th Ave., e-r.. all modern, $35 00. 1607 Lothrop St., t-r., all mod. flat, $1900. 2611 No. 20th St., 4-r.. mod. ex. heat, $15.00. Blkett and Tebblns. 423 Bee Bldg. Both 'Phones. Free Rent to September 1, 1909. .27th and Howard, 8-room, modern, $30. 4610 Fowler. 2-r.. $. (Grand Ave. car.) 2 houses, 38th and P Sts., South Omaha, one a 3-room and one a 4-rooin, $6 to $4. Ten minutes' walk to packing house. 3-room, 6 acres, south of Florence, party who rents at once will have benefit of crop. $12.00. REAL ESTATE TITLE-TRUST CO. Ground Floor, 1201 Farnam. FOR RENT 8-room modern house, one block from South 24th St. ear, $. Tel. Red 6100. GOOD, young light team and good heavy team; cash or time. 43d snd Center ALL modern; six rooms and large recep tion hall. 2406 Burt St.. $30. Apply to H. B. Boyles. Boyles College. Both phones. FOR RENT 7 rooms, large reception hail, all modern; combination fixtures $40 and water rent. 704 No. 13d. C. M. Bachmann, 4:M Paxton Blk. ELEGANT 6-room flat, located at 610 8. 27th. all modwn nrli ! Keinls. Brandels "bld OFFERED FOR RENT Menses aa Cotea--t ontlnaed. rtvr hm. at 710 Park Ave , nesr thre car lines; all modern; newly decorated; ele gant floors; best furnace; hot water and bath attachments to nouer; "irni.ru,,,,, In kitchen. Call 712 Park Ave. rnone Harney 1241. 2411 Parker St., rooms, $17. 8 W. 2Mh and Manderson. modem, $3... 2M8 Douglas St., 8 rooms, $17. f JOHN N. FRENZER. Both 'Phones. 1304 N. Wth, -r , bath. $1- Benson. 7-r.. fruit and 3 lots. $18. 135 Davenport St., 8-r., all mod., on cor ner lot. $.. 2824 Leavenworth. 8-r. all mod . $35. OKKKFE REAL ESTATE CO. 1001 N. Y. Life. Doug, or A 2152 Best Rooming House. Location In Omaha at the 12 ROOMS MODERN price. 411 Dnrtra t NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO.. Suite 824. N. Y. Life Bldg. 'Phone Red 1999, Omaha Neb. TWO, 5-room, for rent. 836 R. 23d St. MODERN 6-room brick house, N 23d St., $26.00 per month. 'Phone Harney 960. OMAHA Truck, Van and Storage Co., Doug. 1498, Ind., B-242S. Office 17ll Web ster street FOR RENT Brick house at 1SH 8. th St, one block east of Park avenue car line; modern In every respect, with 4 bed rooms on second floor; large parlor, dining room, kitchen, buttery, large hall and ves tibule on first floor. Inquire at 1609 6. 29th St. Tel. Harney 1509. FOR RENT Storeroom and basement, P. E. cor. 12th and Dodge. Tel. Douglas 6539. 1 and 4 4-room modern flats, nil S. 11th. MODERN 6-room brick house, 1113 N. 2".d St., $26 per month. Phone Harney 980. HOUSES, Insurance. Ringwalt. Barker Blk. HOUSES, flats. Garvin Bros., 318 N. X. L. 2554 SPENCER ST., 7 rooms, all modem oak finish, $33. Inquire 2612 Spencer St. CENTRAL, no equal for solid comfort, all modern, 4 or i-rootii flats. Apply 2:o N. 2Sd. HOUSES 11 parts of the cli relgh Sons & Co.. Bee Bldi;. MAGGARD Van .-'torase Co. Tel. Doug. 1496. We guarantee moving, pianos, house hold goods. HOUSEHOLD GOODS parked, forwarded: cheap freight rates; moving and storing Expressmen's Delivery Co. Tel. Dong. 4.i4. FOR RENT: 5-room modern m,. I,,iih flat, ifCfplioi hall, combination fU.ui.s; 71.' N. :'.d St - $30. 9-room modern brick house; 2009-2011 Wil lis Ave. t2j. C. M. BACHMANN, 436 Paxton Blk. 11-ROOM house, $30; modern; one block from 14th street cat. 2611 Pierce St. ln qulre 1301 8. 16th Ave. J. G. Alehouse. HOUSES Peters Trust Co.. N. Y. L. Bids 6-ROOM house, nice cellar, at No. 411'! Browne St., two block from street car. Rent $12 per month. Bemis, Brandels Bids. OMAHA EXPRESS CO., furniture and piano moving. 416 N. 17th. D. S364. 6-ROOM house, modern except heat. l"M Maple St., $18. 6 rooms, modern -c pi heat, 409 William, $1... 6 rooms 2d f lo r toilet, 1906 N. 26th St.. $13. 3-room house, toilet, 2124 N. 27th Ave, H0. CHRIS BOYI-.K. 22d and Cumltxt sts. iinlldliisYN. THAT fine young bullOinrr. 3-.-to:y i.nl basement, cement floor, clctrl.- el Asters, Is still fo- rem, inh and l . I, uack.-. Barker, Douglas ID. Offices. OFFICES FOR RENT Offices in the V. S. National U'.dg. for rent. $8.26 up. REAL ESTATE TITLE-TRUST CO. Ground Floor, 12ul Fnrnam. Stores. SCARGO Blk., South Omaha. ,V0 N. 24ih Hall. 433 Ramge Bldg.; both 'phon.s. STORE ROOM for rent at ICI S. 14th St.; ready for occupancy An;. Apply at once. Palace Clothing Co., coiner Htii'ami Douglas. FOR RENT Modern store room in Daw son, Neb. Brick and concrete. 40x70 ft . corner building, east front, to a ni od mer chant. Will rent cheap. Splerdid locatl m Address E. L. Sanduskv. Falls Citv. Ne!i. GOOD store room. 312 S. 18th St. Fine office In Wead Bids. F D. WEAD, IsOl FARNAM. FOR RENT-HO5-1407 Hai n. v nr. et, 4 story brick, fi.r,xl20. or will leae part; no--session Oct. 15. GARVIN BROS., 31S X Y. Life Bldg. 1902 N. 24th, corner, brick, $30 JOHN N. FRENZER Both Phoies OFFERED FOR SALE Forntlare. 3x5 CARD CASE. Solid oak case, made by the Library Bu reau Furniture Co. This is xt ep.lonuily well constructed office furniture and will last a lifetime. Call Hie office. 17th anl Farnam. BRASS bed and screen. Room I, the Far nam. Typewriter. TYPEWRITERS Any make, all prices, sold and rented, rent applied; easy terms; shipped anywhere for examination. Wn'o for large bargain list and offer. B. F. Swanson Co., 417 S. ICth S... Oinana. N-b. Mlacellaneoas. DRUGS at cut prices, freipht pa'd on all $10 orders; catalogue frte. Si, imu.i ,u McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. N'b. ICE FOR SALE Good reservoir Ice In carlosd lot" Kelrle Ice Co., 652 Brandels Bldg., Omaha. FOR SALE Cash register and safe. Ad dress, J-679 care Bee. BARGAINS 2d-hand pulleys. Bhsfllnw, hangers, belting, rip saw, forge, boxing ma chine, blacksmith tools. A. Murphy & Son.-i. Scholarship If you Intend taking a course In business college, see us about a cholarsiiip. We will sell you one at a saving to yuu. Aa dress O 85, care Bee. FOR SALE New and 2d-hand blllard and pool tables. We lead the world in cheap bar fixtures, easy payments. Bruiib-wlck-Balks Cellender, 407 H. 10th St. WE HAVE on hand a number of Ink barrels w hich we will sell at 60c each. They are fine for rain water or ashes. Call at pressroom Bee Publiahlng Co. For sale, a hot water heating plant, good condition and new Inlaid linoleum for store. Call at Leffert's, 408 Broadway, Council Bluffs. ELECTRIC pianos and banjos, $160. Con tinental Novelty Co., Omaha, Neb. FOR SALE OR TRADE Two portable poatcard photo galleries. Paul Larenxeu, Lake Manawa. FOR SALE Black Shetland stallion; sound; perfectly gentle; broke to ride and drive. -m Have 160 a. In Dickey Co., N. D., th'l will trade for store or dwelling If dea' bla and priced right. L. C. Hull, Winter set, la. WE SELL COBS Not the kind you burn to a stove, but the kind a good smoker burns In his mouth. Nine for 15c, snd every one Is as good or better than many clgats for which you pay 6e and even luo each. NOT A CHEAP SMOKE, but a good smoks. chesp. Schaefcr Drug Stores. FOR SALE Nesrly new famlly size ller- iics rei rigeraior. .uoui m iu, ..p,l-;llv solid oak. enamel lim-d I.e,, '.-Ml, . 1.' w stli ut 1-a.lf i-iKC 201 r. :, n 4