Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 16, 1909, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
The Omaha dee
a clu, reiUbla) ifptr that It
uSmltted to earfc and every horn.
For Nebraska Oenomlly fair.
For Iowa - Generally fair.
For wrnthr-r report see iage 3.
Armed Peasant! Occupy Fortress,
but Later Are Expelled by
Power Are Sending; Warships to
Island to Preserve Order.
Chinatown is
in Ferment Over
Death of Woman
President Issues Stringent Orders to
the Secretary and Director
Government Weather Bureau Says
Whole Region Will Get Precip
itation by Middle of Week.
One of Most Beautiful Women in .the
Section is Found Murdered
in Her Rooms.
Conditions in . ' Greatly Com
plicate '
Greek GnTfrinnrnt Advls
n Submit Peaeefallr I.
DrmiPili of the
CANEA. Crete. Auk. 16. A band of
t armed peagftnt.1 entered Canea late last
night and occupied the fortress erected
to prevent the carrying out of the powers'
command for the removal of the Greek
Number of deputies arrived In Canea
during the evening to- attend Parliament.
The British battleship Swiftsure arrived
today In Puda Bay In the western portion
of the lalnnd.
Th Cretan government haa resigned and
the administration of the Island haa been
Intrusted to provisional committer. The
committees have had the armed peasants
expelled from the fortress, which they oc
cupied Saturday nlcht. Intending to resist
the order of the powers that the Oreek
flag be lowered. The committees, however,
have not had the flag hauled down.
LONDON, Aug. 15. A peaceful solution
of the Cretan situation appeared practi
cally to have been secured last week
through the Intervention of ttjet four pro
tecting powers, and the scrupulously cor
rect attitude adopted by the Greek gov
ernment In Its diplomatic Intercourse with
Turkey, and despite the fact that the Tur
kish government, undr the pressure of
national agitation, handled the diplomatic
difficulty In an unskilled manner In de
manding ficsh guarantees from Greece.
The VounK Tnuiliey pm-ty plainly mis
trusts the present ' Turkish ministry and
f'ars that Turke will lone suzerainty of
Crete, as It has that of Bulgaria. This
feeling has led to a strong movement
among Albanian!' against the Turkish
government and In a serious boycott
atfuliiHt Greek tiode.
At I lie fcdinu I line the population of Crete
hus shown imch atrjn.i Greek sympathies
as in Ind.::e dor to d.fy the order of
thu p: o ec : pu t i ra-Cir; at Britain,
Fi- ncer Hal a:id IliKsia-to haul down
thy Greek i'lag. wMiii vti raised when
the lioopr, of th po...: recently evacu
ated hi Island. As: a t or this lattur
difficulty, rho iltuatlmi ax.iln nas become
acut'fhe--pim hcv ordered warn hips
to Ci-te and probably will reoccupy the
Hlsnil In order to force compliance with
their wishes. In this event It is not unlikely
that fresh negotiations will ensue with a
viev- to pluclng the Cretan question on a
more a. tiled basis and to prevent a re
cur, ence if the disturbing events.
Pel feet confidence still Is felt that the
peace between Turkey and Greece will not
be broken.
Cruisers for Crete.
HOME, Aug. 15. The Italian cruisers
Francesco Ferruclo,, Giuseppe,
Garibaldi and Govannl Bausan sailed to
day for Crete and will be followed late to
night by the battleships Reglna Elena,
Napoli and Vlttorlo Emmanuels III.
TOULON, Aug. 15. The armored cruiser
Jules Firry has been ordered to coal In
readiness to sail for Crete. It Is stated
that similar orders have been given to the
commanders of battleships Jaureguiberry,
Bouvet and Suffren.
ish fleet remains at Smyrna, the govern
ment on the advices of the powers having
postponed sending It to Crate. The boy
cott and demonstrations against the
Greeks continue to spread.
ATM UN'S. Aug. 15. The entire press In
Gitcce advises the Cretans to lower the
Greek flak over th fortress at Canea and
not show deftance to the protecting powers.
Bllnlater of Islaad Republic Has aa
Interview with President
BEVERLY. Mass., Aug. 16.-Presldent
Taft talked over the Cuban situation for
an hour this afternoon with Carlos Garcia
' Vales, the Island's minister to Washington
Mr. Veles sought the appointment with
the president nearly a week ago and It
waa arranged for today. From S until 4
o'clock the diplomat and the president sat
in earnest conversation on the veranda
of the Taft cottage. Mr. Vcles declared
after the Interview that he had found
Freeatdent Taft most cordial and deeply
(interested In Cuba and thoroughly ac
quainted with the Ideals and ambitions
of the people. Ha declared it fortunate
for Cuba that such a man as Mr. Taft
la president of the United Stales. Mr. Taft
.expressed to the Cuban minister the hope
, that the Island's second attempt at self-
. government would prove successful.
Minister Telea emphatically shook his
Ihead and said, "No, no, no," when asked
If ha thought It ever would bo necessary
for the United States again to Intervene to
t the republic's house In order.
tnldeatlfled Traveler Fall from
Brtde at gloax FnlU sad
Die Soon Afterward.
SIOUX FALLS, 8. D.. Aug. 15. (Special I
The local authorities have been able to
secure but slight Information In reference
to a stranger, whose name Is supposed to
1 have been J. Bacon, who died In a local
. hospital as the result of falling off th
I Omaha brtdg Into the Big Sioux river. He
waa watching a number of boys who were
V fci swimming, and, leaning too far over the
side of the bridge, lost his balance and fell
Into the water about fifteen feet below.
He waa drawn from the river by some of
those whe had witnessed the accident, and.
being In an unconscious condition, was
taLan to the hospital. He regained con
sciousness and apparently waa fully re
covering, when he suddenly became worse
and continued sinking rapidly until his
death. It would appear that his death was
ci.used by fright resulting from the fall
Into the river. Nothing la known of th
taaJiar4 at aa to w here ha cam from.
NEW YORK, Aug. IS. Chinatown boiled
over again early today on the discovery
of the murder of the most beautiful of
the Chinese women In New York. Bow
Kim, 21 years old, who came here from
San Francisco about a year ago with an
Americanized Chinaman, Chin Len, SI
years old.
It was about 1 o'clock this morning, just
as the usual Saturday night revelry was
quieting down, that Chin Len dashed out
of a tenement house at 17 Mott street,
crying: "My woman been murdered." The
street, filled with loitering Chinamen and
parties of American "sight seers," all of
whom quickly recalled the sensational
raurder of Elsie Slgel, the missionary girl,
was thrown Into excitement A policeman
and a detective hurried Into the house
under Len s direction, through dark hall
ways, to a rear room on the second floor.
The door was locked and the officers
were about to break It In when Len
pushed them aside and unlocked It him
self. In a little room the murdered
woman lay on the floor, stabbed In half
a dozen places. Her slender neck was
ringed with bloody finger marks. Indi
cating a struggle with her assailant, and
beside her lay a bloody hunting knife.
It was evident that the woman had been
dead for two or three hours. On the
stairs were found traces of blood and
also on a door leading to the store of
Yuen Chin & Co.. on the ground floor.
Three Chinamen there were arrested, al
though they deny any knowledge of the
murder. Six American women, who de
clared themselves to be the wives of
Chinamen, were found In the house and
arrested, but none would admit any knowl
edge of how Kim's death occurred. In
the murdered woman's room were found
many letters In Chinese, but none that
gave a clue. Len declared that he had no
Idea who killed his wife, unless "maybe
Zee Sing kill her. Zee Sing say she owe
him money and he try to get It."
Sing, too, had been In love with Bow
Kim, he said. As to Sing's whereabouts
he knew nothing.
Len's account of himself was that he
had spent the early evening until 7 o'clock
with his wife and then he had gone to
No. 22 Mott street. Returning at 2 o'clock
In the morning he found the body on the
floor. In touching It he had soiled his
hands with blood which. In turn, had
smeared the door and stairway, as he
hurried to the street. No formal charge
has been preferred against Len. but he Is
held In Sfi.OOO ball as a "material witness."
First Moves Made
in the War Game
Defending: Army at Boston
Destroy Number of .
BOSTON. Mass.. Aug. 1B.-A bridge de-
stroylng expedition to hamper the move'
ments of the army of the "red" and the
capture of a private of the Invading army,
were the most warlike features today In
the work of the army of the "blue," In
camp near Brldgewater, defending Boston
from an attack from the south by the
"red" army In the war game. The orig
inal plans for a strenuous Sunday, which
had been laid by Governor Eben 8. Dra
per and Brigadier General William A. Pew,
were of no avail, because of the postpone
ment of hostilities last night.
Every regimental headquarters, however,
tonight received marching orders and the
Indications pointed to a general advance
before morning.
The first real move of the army of blue
was taken early In the day when two bat
talions of the Eighth Infantry under Major
Graves was sent to "destroy" the impor
tant bridges along the Taunton and Mln
neuxet rivers. The detachment returned at
S o'clock this afternoon, tired and dJisty,
but reporting their work well done. The
red army, when it advances, w!!! be thrown
on its own resources m crossing the sev
eral streams that He between It and Bos
ton. Accompanied by several of the ref
erees the detachment, upon coming to a
bridge, would place under it packages sup
posed to contain enough dynamite to de
stroy the structure. Then a giant fire
cracker was exploded and a placard was
placed on the bridge announcing that It
had been "destroyed."
Major Graves' men caught the first
glimpse of the Invaders at the Blrkley
bridge on the west side of the Taunton
river. The men of blue had Just "de
stroyed" the structure when a detachment
of red cavalry clattered up on the oppo
site side of the river. There waa no
clash between the two forces, however,
and It la believed that the cavalry was
merely one of the enemy's scouting de
tachments sent out to "feel" the posi
tion of the blue army.
Considerable excitement waa caused In
the blue camp tonight when one of the
outposts brought In a scout of the red
aAny. The man refused to tell his name,
but admitted he belonged to company H
of the Seventh New York regiment. As
he was the first prisoner to be taken by
either side, there waa much Interest dis
played In him, when he was conducted
through the camp. His capture was ef
fected by Major Percy Atherton, judge
advocate general of the Second brigade,
who waa doing provost duty In his auto
mobile. Genera) Pew, It was learned tonight,
haa aent an Invitation to President Taft
at Beverley to visit the camp.
Cardinal Gibbons and Archbishop
' ttleaaon Participate la
6ALT LA ICE CITY. Utah, Aug. 15. -The
Cathedral of St. Mary Magdalen, a splendid
edifice erected In this city by the Cathollo
diocese of Utah, was dedicated today with
Imposing' ceremonies. Cardinal Gibbons
made an address and an elaborate musical
program waa rendered.
The ad drees waa. delivered by Archbishop
J. J. Olennoa of St, Lou La.
Cardinal Glbbona read a letter from the
pope authorising Use pontlflcial blessing
upon th new structure.
The building haa been In progress for
ten years and coat about touQ.OUQ,
Violation of Order Will Subject Party
to Dismissal.
Four Supervisors for Nebraska and
Three in Iowa.
Few Are Held tp on Account of
Protests and Others Have Not
Been Reached In Making;
Oat the Papers.
The following superrteore were
namd for srebraska and Zowai
Tlrst Slstrlot Fran B. Kelvey.
Second District Charles L. Saun
ders. Third District Joseph Albert Kays.
Fourth District Philip T. Bros.
First District John W. Rowley.
Beeond District Asa A. Hall.
Seventh District Cambridge Cul
bertson. BEVERLEY. Mass., Aug. 16 In a letter
addressed today to Secretary Nagel of the
Department of Commerce and Labor, Presi
dent Taft served notice that any man
engaged In the taking of the thirteenth cen
sus of the United States who engages in
politics In any vJay will Immediately be
dismissed from the Bervlce. Outside of
casting their votes the president believes
that census supervisors and enumerators
should keep clear of anything that savors
of politics, national, state or local.
The president orders that the secretary
of commerce and labor and the director
of the census embody In the regulations
governing the taking of the census the
rule so forcibly laid down In his letter.
Mr. Taft says that In appointing census
supervisors It has been found necessary
to select men recommended by senators
and congressmen In their districts. He
says he realizes that this method of se
lection might easily be perverted to po
litical purposes and It Is to take the census
out of politics, so far as the actual work
Is concerned, that he has explicitly ex
pressed his desires as to the regulations.
President Taft has told the representa
tives and senators who have urged vari
ous men for census places that he would
Insist that no active politicians should be
named and that no attempts should be
made to build up a political machine In
any state or district through the distribu
tion of the census patronage. '
Letter of President.
The president's letter in full follows:
BEVERLEY, Mass., Aug. 15". "My Dear
Mr. Secretary: The taking of the census
Involves the appointment of some 800 super
visors, who, In turn are to appoint many
times that number of enumerators. The
supervisors are given complete discretion
In the selection of enumerators respectively
to act under them. The success of the
census will depend on the efficiency and
strict attention to duty of the supervisors
and on the Intelligence of the enumerators
and their faithful application to the busi
ness In hand.
'Generally, there is a supervisor for each
congressional district. It has been found
to be the quickest and best means of se
lecting suitable supervisors to consult the
congressmen and senators as to competent
candidates from their respective districts
and states.
'This system can easily be perverted to
political purposes If the supervisors are not
forbidden to use It as an Instrument for
Influencing local and general elections and
primaries In the interest of particular
candidates or parties. It Is not an un
reasonable requirement that anyone who
accepts an appointment aa supervisor or as
enumerator shall, during the term of his
employment and service avoid an active
participation In politics.
Draws the Line.
"I therefore order that in the prepara
tion of regulations for the taking of the
census, you and the director of the census
embody therein provision that any super
visor or enumerator who uses his influence
with his subordinates or colleagues to as
sist any party, or any candidate In a pri
mary or general election or who takes any
part, other than merely casting his vote. In
politics, national, state or local, either by
service upon a political committee, by pub
lic addresses, by the solicitation of votes,
or otherwise, shall at once be dismissed
from the service.
"I wiih to make this regulation as broad
as possible, and wish It enforced without
exception. It is of the highest Importance
that the census should be taken by men
having only the single purpose of reaching
a just and right result, and that the large
amount of money to be expended In the
employment of so vast a machine as the
census shall not be made to serve the po
litical purposes of any one.
"Sincerely Yours,
"Secretary of Commerce and Labor."
Mr. Taft's task la a little more than half
oompleted. Practically all of the appoint
ments have been agreed upon, but some
are being held up temporarily on account of
Some Appointments.
The census supervisors announced today
Coloi ado First district, Albert B. McGaf
fey; Second district, Charlea F. Hamllu.
Idaho Joseph Perrault, Jr.
Kansas First district, Reese Van Sant;
Second district, William H. bnmh. Third
district, Charles Yoe,
North Dakota First district, Carl N.
Bar Drowns In River.
YANKTON, 8. D., Aug. 16.-(6pclal Tele
gram.) Carl McCoun, aged IS, waa drowned
In the Missouri river here Saturday night.
The body has not been recovered. He was
a son of Joaph McCoun.
Two Boys Drown.
BERESFORD, S. D.. Aug. IS.-Arthur
Peterson of this city and George Robertson,
son of a farmer near town, were taken
with cramps while bathing In Vermilion
river and were drowned today.
From the Washington Star.
Prices Beach Almost to Top Level of
Nineteen Hundred and Six.
Another Enrourmarlnsr Featnre la the
Disposal of th fcnrplos Stock
. f Copper, jwttva Coed
Demand, v
NEW YORK. Aug. 15. The develop
ments bearing on the financial outlook
were of sufficient Importance last week
to keep the stock market valuations In a
constant state of flux In the attempt to
gauge the situation. The professional at
titude was one of constant suspicion and
watchfulness for reaction. The freedom
with which this suspicion was acted on
in the way of selling stocks short, only to
be compelled to buy them In at higher
prices accounted for part of the recurrent
strength of the whole market. The skepti
cism manifested by the professional op
erators In the market was not due to any
unsatisfactory news affecting values, but
solely to the technical position. The close
approximation of the price level to the
highest record of New York Stock ex
change prices, made In 1906, was itself an
often cited reason for being on guard.
The present level of prices, while still
somewhat below the average for the picked
active stocks touched In 1906, Is held to
represent a higher absolute range than
ever before touched. The former averages
included the inflated prices touched by
several of the great northwestern railroad
systems In connection with valuable sub
scription rights to new stock Issues and
the distribution of the Great Northern's
iron mine properties to Its stockholders.
Another ground for the opposition of the
habitual traders to the advance la the
number of Important happenings which
have come to pass after having long served
purposes as factors in the speculation. It
was this element In the speculation which
attacked the market when the tariff bill
was paaaed, arguing that it was not pos
sible for results following the bill to be
brighter than speculators had been tak
ing for granted while buying stocks. The
same procedure was followed after the
publication of the government crop re
port. Influence of Crops.
While there waa some momentary dis
appointment over the sharp deterioration
In the condition of the corn crop, the gov
ernment crop report on maturer considera
tion, served to clinch the conviction that
agricultural prosperity was assured for the
season. The decline In the corn condition
left the crop estimate still at a record
figure, and the oats crop, practically gar
nered, also stands at a record. The wheat
crop Is regarded as made at the date of
the August crop report, and here, In place
(Continued on Second Page.)
Do you want a
girl for housework?
Phone Douglas
238 and get one.
That Is the "Want-ad Num
ber." If you are without help,
go do it now. No use dradgj
ing this hot weatheT when you
can get help so easily.
Girls looking for work know that
Th Bee publish practically a com
plete list of people who want help,
o they look to the Baa Want-ads
when looking for a place.
Better step to th phone and
put in the ad.'
Big Cunardcr
Badly Damaged
at Its Dock
Fire Gains Such Headway in Lucania
that Steamer is Flooded and
LIVERPOOL. Aug. 15. -.The Cunard line
steamer. JLucania lies submerged tonight at
the Huskisson dock, seriously damaged,
having been almost gutted from Its fun
nels forward by the fire which broke out
on board the liner Saturday evening. The
flames are supposed to have originated
In the salon kitchen.
The fire brigade of the vessel with two
powerful motor engines turned out im
medlatly at the first alarm and found the
first salon burning fiercely from end to
end. Despite all their efforts the flames
gradually worked forward until they
reached the steerage consuming every par
ticle of the woodwork there and then
played havoc with the forehold.
At this time the heat was tremendous
and the flames, shooting high from the
vessel attracted thousands of persons to the
side of the river, where they remained
throughout the night.
At 2 o'clock this afternoon It was de
cided to flood the vessel by admittance of
water Into It from the deck. So it keeled
over and its funnels came In contact with
thu cranes on the dock and were badly
damaged. A half dozen firemen, who were
on the gangway at this time were thrown
Into the water, but all were rescued. A
fleet of tugs wa then brought Into requi
sition and pulled the liner upright and held
It until It settled firmly on the mud bottom.
It was 10 o'clock this morning before the
fire was under control and noon before
the fire brigade waa able to relinquish
their task. The second-class quarters and
the whole after part of the boat, Including
the engine room, escaped Injury from the
flames and comparatively little damage
was done to the exterior of the vessel.
Its upper part Is considerably above water.
The first salon skylights were destroyed
and the docks forward are badly buckled.
Some of the plates of the hull were warped
by the heat
Late tonight the Lucania was refloated
with the aid of salvage tugs and power
ful pumps. It will be dry-docked and
towed to Glasgow for repairs.
According to some reports the fire first
broke out In the starboard galley, but
was quickly extinguished by the ship's
officers. A half hour later there was
another outbreak in the port kitchen, and
while the fire brigade was dealing with
this a fierce blase burst out in the stor
age and fore peak.
Will Refuse to Report and Force
8tate to Coinmrnoe Pro
ceedings. ST. LOUIS. Aug. 15. A contest between
the Wholesale Liquor Dealers' association
and the state authorities Is presaged by
the attitude of each on the new merchants'
tax which goes Into effect tomorrow. The
wholesalers have announced that they will
contest the graduated license scheme on
the ground that it la unconstitutional.
Excisu Commissioner Caulfleld stated to
night that all liquor merchant who do
not file the required reports "within a
reasonable time," will be cited to the cir
cuit attorney. This is In line with the
known plans of the wholesalers, who, In
declaring their opposition to the tax, stated
that they would not initiate court pro
ceedings, but would resist attempts to
The tax runs 1100 and upwards, those
dealing In 5,000 gallons or less each year
paying the minimum. The smaller dealers
are not expected to take part In the fight
over the constitutionality of the measure.
Not Nerves, ant Malaria.
ST. LOI'IS. Aug. 15.-Judge Harris of Tlp
tonvUle, Tenn , president of the company
which owns Reelfoot lake In Obion county,
that state, and whose coming here a fort
night ago caused a report that he had
broken down because of threats of night
riders, left today for his home. Mr. Harris
has been In a local hospital undergoing
treatment for malaria.
Prof. J. W. Crook of Amherst Talks
of Chautauqua Audiences.
Ability to Eulogise Abraham Lincoln
Supreme Test of Eloquence, 9as
New Englnnder Lecturing In
',, ... - . . Mldillo Vnl,
"Yea Chautauqua audiences are some
what different from collegiate," said Prof.
J. W. Crook of the chair of economics at
Amherst. Prof. Crook spent Saturday and
Sunday In Omaha as (ho guest of C. C.
"1 find that Chautauqua audiences," he
declared, "are made up of maturer people
than those In an academic hall, and are not
so likely, either, to have had a surfeit of
"There are three points upon which they
can be quickly readied the home, patriot
ism and temperance. A man who can bi
eloquent upon theso themes will be de
cidedly popular. The supreme test Is his
ability to speak with regard to Abraham
Lincoln. By a lecturer's eulogy of Lincoln
hla measure Is taken."
Asked what he concljered the burning
question in his field oi work, Prof. Crook
answered: "The control of corporations."
This answer he Immediately amended by
coupling with It, "the i elation between
capital and labor."
Of the two proolema he thought the
former would be the :ivier to adjust. "Pub
licity is the remedy," said he. "Public opin
ion, when well Informed, Is the great sol
vent of the questions Involved."
With regard to the labor problem, Prof.
Crook thinks that the question or adequate
pay will be pretty general1)- fairly ad
Justed, but that the element of personal
relations will be more cifficul'. "Such t.
question as the I'ecoKit'.lon of the union
the law is powerless at piei.en.' to touch."
Prof. Crook Is a gradual. of Oberlln col
lege. He spent his first gradubte year at
the University of W ivco'iuln, lie next iU
the University of Berlin Did he last at
Columbia, where be took bis drctorate. He
Is lecturing at Red Oak, It., this week.
Woman Killed
Under an Auto
Her Companion Has a Leg Broken
Al&a When Machine Turns
PIERRE, S. D., Aug. 15. (Special Tele
gram.) The first serious automobile acci
dent In this part of the country occurred
about five o'clock this evening In Sully
county, northwest of Okebojl, where the
machine driven by K. A. West, a real es
tate dealer of this city, balked on" a steep
hill, and running back down turned turtle,
pinning Miss Helen Kllngman under the
machine and crushing her to death.
Mr. West suffered a broken leg, but the
other members of the car escaped by Jump
Tells Paresis of Tragedy Which
liappena While Plalnss
SIOUX FALLS. 8. U., Aug. 15. (Special.)
"I shot Leah, and she Is dead." These
words, spokn by Emma Falrchlld. aged 9,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Falrchlld.
who reside on a homestead near Topbar,
Stanley county, was the first Inkling the
parents had of the tragic death of another
little daughter, Leah, aged 4. While the
father and mother were In a field stacking
grain the two children got down a shotgun
and rifle and commenced playing "Indian."
Evidently without realizing the danger,
Emma loaded the sl ogan, pointed It at
her little sister and pulled the trigger. Th
charge of buckshot struck th little girl in
th stomach, causing instant death.
Day of Rest Comes Opportunely to
Gasping Thousands.
Concessionaires at Beaches Early Run
Out of Available Costumes.
Jefferson Park Killed at Mht with
People Sleeping; on (.reus, and
Even Sidewalks Hnuaht In
Home Sections.
Belief from the drouth and heat la
In sight. Th following dispatch was
sent out from Washington last even
lug to all weather bureaus I
Present conditions Indicate that th
drouth In th oorn growing ssotlons
of Kansas, Missouri, central and
sonthern Illinois will be broken about
the middle of th present week and
that th rains of that period will
extend ovr th entire oorn and spring
wheat section."
A merciless sun agam warmed things up
in Omaha yesterday and when night fell a
gasping, sweating population felt thankful
for a ew degrees less heat.
The maximum temperature of the day
was !m, attained at 2 p. m. That It was
two degrees less than the highest of the
season made not much difference, for when
the mercury climbs past tfie 0 mark, one
or two degrees cither way makes little dif
ference to victims of the heat.
Five Deaths Due to Heat.
Last night Coroner Heafey reported five
deaths an due directly to the Intense heat.
In some of fhe cases those affected had
been ailing, but the immediate cause In
each case was attributed to the debilitating
effect of the continuous high temperature.
James F. Wit ton, a foreman for Smeuton
& Brown, died early Sunday night at h's
room, 60" North Eighteenth street. He vj
overcome by the heat Saturday and was
sick during Sunday. Early In the evening
groans were heard from his room, but no
attention was paid to the matter at ft: ft
as the door was locked. After a while the
sounds ceased and the door was Kicked l:t.
Wilton was found dead and the coroner
was called. He was 31 years old and has
a hlster In South Omaha. His roommalu
was J. T. McClaren, a ticket seller lor the
Burlington railway.
August l'alnilsano, an Italian, died Sun
day after an Illness of two days, and the
death Is attributed to the heat, tie lived
at 1308 Mason street. He was So years old.
The funeral will be held at 4 o'clock i'ue
day afternoon from the neW At.'PnMouieiu'g
church, Tenth and William streets.
Mrs. Barbara Kasal, 67 years old, dl id
Sunday suddenly before any of her friends
knew she was sick. She had no family and
had been living with friends. The cor
oner was notified and made an Investiga
tion and reported the death as due directly
to extreme heat.
Mrs. Bridget Qulnlan, 67 years of age,
died Saturday morning at her home, 1231
South Sixteenth street, after a short Ill
ness. Prostration due to the heat is given
as the Immediate cause of death.
Another death repotted as due to the heat
Is that of Mrs. Mary Collins, who died Sat
urday at her residence, 2005 Maple street.
The funeral will be held at 8:30 o'clock this
Hastens Other Deaths,
Other deaths not reported as directly due
to the heat, but probably hastened by the
severe weather, were those of Harry
Walker, sr., 1707 Leavenworth street, who
died of heart trouble early Sunday morn
ing, aged 68 years. The body will be sent
to Villa Ridge, 111., for burial. Another wad
F. G. Maus, 5S years of age. who died at
4 o'clock Sunday morning at hla residency,
2118 Howard street. The funeral will bu
held Tuesday morning at 9 o'clock.
During the heated term no more funeral
will be held during the hot hours of tiu
day, as proprietors of livery barns have
refused to send out their teams. All fu
nerals are now scheduled for early In the
forenoon or late In the afternoon, aa the
loss of horses among team owners naj be
come great. It Is estimated that at least
forty horses, otherwise sound, have died of
heat lu Omaha during the last three days.
The Met brewery stables have lost four,
the Palace stables four, Heafey t Heafey
one, the Hull and Sunderland companies
have had losses and there have been many
others not reported.
Coroner Heafey is an ardeit advocate
of night funerals during spells of extreme
warm weather. He points out that there
Is no good reason sgainst them, and that
the danger to teams and to the persons who
make the long trips to the various ceme
teries of the city warrants a departure In
the customary hours for such services.
Maur Sleep Ont-of -Doors.
As few clothes as the law allows waa the
general rule and In Jefferson park In par
titular a decidedly negligee effect was
achieved by men and women lolling on the
benches. Many slept here during the night
and in otner sections of the city people
slept out of doors, hastily improvising some
sort of couch, people ware ey-en to be seen
sleeping on the sidewalks.,
The many parks In tnd around Omaha
were havens of refuge for thousands of
people who sought reltef from the sun's
ru, which beat down with unabated fury
throughout the long day.
Not only were the parks thronged, but
open cars on the street car lines were
eagerly sought and street car conductors
reported that hundreds of people rode back
and forth from one terminal to the other
simply to cool off, the cars creating a
breeze when there was nif natural wind
Late in the afternoon and well along in
the evening automobiles raced madly
through the streets, the Joy riders being
bound to i:ool off even though luckless
pedestrians were made to sweat In stepping
lively to keep out of the way.
The amusement parks of Manawa and
Courtland Beach did a thriving business
and the water was alive with bathers. At
Courtland Beach the crowd of bathers soon
appropriated every available bathing suit
and the management later refused to rent
suits for as luiii; as the wearer wished, but
limited the lime to one hour per bather.
Boats at these two resorts aa well as at
Seymour Lake park and on the lake In Levi
Carter fark wue busy throughout th day