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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 14, 1909)
THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY. AUGUST 14. W09. Omaha Defeats Sioux City Team and Des Moines in First Place; Cubs Get Another Set Back 8 OMAHA W1SS A SWAIFEST Each Side Uoet Three Pitchen Before Game it Oyer. FOUR DOUBLES COME IN ROW rmnii la Then Sent Clnbhons and From Fares 1.111 Better Ltwtr Wikm l Seventh. HIOIX CITT. Am. 13. Slerux City and Omaha engeged In a ewatfeet here today, the Rourkes winning. 8 to . Freeman iiirtcd on the mound for tha "champions and lasted only three Innings. In the third ha passed Cadrhan and Fox. King. Kane and Welch then doubled In suecee lon. four men reentering at tha plate. Irom, who succeeded Freeman, pitched little better ball, the Rourkes garnering four run off him In a many Innings. The champlona made a bid for the gam In the seventh. Lower passed Smith and hit Andrea. Campbell. She and Welch then rapped out safeties, acoring four rune, llollenbeck went to the slab In the eighth and bid fall to give the Champa the con test. He Issued two pauses and then kicked himself out of the game. Keeley. who relieved him, shut off further acor ing. Score: SIOUX CITT. AB. R. M. O. A. B. H. 0 0 0 Hmlth. ss Campbell, If Andreas, 2b .... Town, e- fries, c H. Welch. 3b . Hunter, lb Kdmondson, cf Ptovall. rf freeman, p .... From, p Clarke, p Holmes 2 11110 1 : 8 8 2 1 1 10 : o o l 0 0 Totals M S OMAHA. An. r. 27 10 H. 2 0 2 1 0 0 A. 0 2 2 0 0 0 1 1 I 0 0 Fisher. If Fox. 2b ... King, ss .. Kane, lb rr. Welch, Pendry, 3b ... 4 ... 4 ... 6 ... 6 ... 3 ... 4 ... S ... I ... 2 ... 1 ... rf I av Id son cf . Cadinan, e ... Lower, p Hollenbeck, P Keeley, p Totals .23 8 U ' 27 10 nattprf for Shea la ninth. Sioux City 1 00O0140 0 Omaha 0 0 4 1 1 2 0 0 0-8 Two-base hits: Kune (J). Dr. Welch, King; Fisher, Fox. Three-base hit. H, w.i-h' SonifUe hits: Kdmondson. Lower, orfm.n stolen bane: Andreas. First w. . An h.iia. cut 1Trpman. 2: off From, 2; off Lower. 4; off Hollenbeck, 3. Struck out: By Freeman, 4; by From, 2; by Clarke. 2, by Lower, 4. Wild pitch: Free man. Passed ball: Town. Hit by pitched ball: Dr. Welch, Andreas. Time: 2;32. Umpires: Clarke and Derrick. Attend ance, 2,200. HENVEiVS HITS IN BUNCHES . Wins. DENVER, Aug. 18. Two bases on balls, Cassady's single and Jones' home run gave Denver four runs In the first Inning before anyone was out. In the second half Clark's hit and Olmstead's bad throw to first gave Pueblo a run. Savage and long hitting by Miller, Cor han. Locke and Mltxe gave Pueblo three runs In the fourth, and Swift's home run put that team In the lead In the seventh. Seven- hits In the eighth Inning gave Denver the game. Catuady opened with a three-bagger and Jones sacrificed him home, tying the score. Bohannon made a two-bagger into center and Stankard. Hart man and Haley followed with singles. Olmstend struck out and Maag and Bel den made singles. While Cassady was at bat Belden and Maag tried the delayed steal, Maag scoring when Clark dropped the ball. Belden was put out. It was a hitting game. In the first Inning Jones made a home run Into deep center and Stankard sent a ball to the same place, but Walters was playing far out, so with Miller the fleloers played out for them. The score: DENVER. AB. R H. 0 O. 12 0 A. 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 3 Maag, 3b Belden, If Cassady, rf... Jones, cf Bohannon, lb. Stankard, zb.. Hartman, ss. Haley, c Olmatead, p.. Totals 3 .......81 10 PUEBLO. AB. R. 13 17 H. O. A. Curtis, If Pritchett. 2b. Clark, lb Miller, rf Corhan, ss... Walters, cf.. Locke, 3b Mitze, c bwlft, p . Totals 37 6 11 24 15 1 Denver 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 I'ueblu 1 0 0 3 0 A 1 0 0-S Two-base hits: Corhan. Mltze, Bohannon. Three-base hits: Locke, Casaady. Home runs: Jones. Swift. Stolen bases: Maag, Miller, Walters. Sacrifice hlta: Jones, Olmstead, Curtis. Base on balls: Off Olmstead, 2; ft Swift, 4. Sturck out: By Olmstead, 11; by Swift, 6. Left on basea: Denver, 4; Pueblo. 9. Double play: Haley to Stank ard. Time: 8:07. Umpire: Mullen. TOPEKA MAKE ITS HITS COUNT Defeats Wltchlta by a Bcora of Foar te Xothlaar. TOPEKA. Aug. 13 Topeka shut out the Wichita s by tha score of 4 to 0 today by batting long hits when men were on bases and ths result of errors. Burnum kept the hits well scattered, and although he got Into trouble aeveral times, pitched him fcelf out of danger. Score: WICHITA. AB. R. H. O. A. R. Cole, lb-ef Middleton. If... Hughes. 2b , Pettigrew, rf..., Pennell. lb , Shaner. cf Westersil, 8b... White, sa Armstrong, e... AWrhtson, P.... bhackleford. p. Totals .. 4 0 1 4 0 0 ... 4 ... 4 38 TOPEKA. . AB. R. 24 O. 10 A. 11 Worley. cf Geler, rf Kunkle, 3b , 6 6 6 Fenlon. If I Kahl. :b 4 Kerns, c... Abbott, lb.. Anderson, s Burnum, p. 4 .. 4 .. 3 .. t Totala 34 4 Wichita 0 0 0 Topeka 0 10 10 27 00 t 1 0 00 0 4 Three-base hit: Fenlon. Two-base Hits: Kunkle. Kahl (3). Anderson. Sacrifice hits Anderson. Westersil. Stolen base: Kenlon First baas on balls: Off Burnum, 1; oft Altchlson, 1; off Shackleford, 3. Struck out: By Burnum, 4; by Altchlson. 8; by Shackle ford, 8. Double play: Anderson to Kahl to Abbott. Left on baaes: Topeka. 12; Wichita, 8. Passed ball: Armstrong. Hit with pitched ball: Altchlson. Hits: Off Altchlson. 8 In seven Innings. Time: 1:46. Umpire: Olenalvln. Attendance, 808. LINCOLN HAS PATCHED UP TBAM At that It Give Dea Maine a Hard Game. LINCOLN, Aug. 13.-Tb Links presented anotner patcrjed lineup today, with an am teur In left field and a catcher al firsc despite which they gave the pennant chasing I a Moines elub a battle roal for lue swnora, lbs visitors were victors by a Standing of the Teama WEST. LEAGUE . AMER. AWN. W.L.Pct. ...ST t .y .. 82 .W-9 W.UPot. Pea Moines. M 40 .to Mlnneap's Sioux City.. .41 41 . Milwaukee Omaha M 14 .MS t-nnUvllle M .621 Denver . Wichita Topeka . Pueblo . Lincoln ..II 47 .Mfl Columbus ...SO 8 .60 .SJ .48 St. Paul 64 0 .43 ..48 W .afOIKansaa City. 63 t .( ..40 01 .JM Toledo 64 S3 .4K2 ..38 08 .340 Indlanp's ...53 07.442 NAT. LEAGUE I AMER. LEAGUE. W.L.Ppt.l W.L.Pct. Plttaburg . Chicago .... New York. Cincinnati Phila St. Ijouis... Brooklyn . Boston .... .73 28 .71 Detroit 4 41 .010 .7 34 .SMiPhlla 64 41 .610 . 00 37 .li Boston 04 44 .53 .60 SO .rVW Cleveland ...63 63 .fitO .40 68 .4lChlcago 60 64 .41 .41 60 .421 New York... .40 66 . 471 .80 03 .22 St. Louts 48 67 . 441 .20 76 . 265 Wash 31 75 . 202 OAME8 TODAY. Western League Omaha at Sioux City, Dea Moines at Lincoln, Wichita at Topeka, Pueblo at Denver. National League Boston at Cincinnati, Brooklyn at St. Louis. New York at Chi cago. Philadelphia at Pittsburg. American League Chicago at ,ew Yorx, St. Louis at Philadelphia, Cleveland at Boston, Detroit at Washington. American Association Columbus at Kan sas City. Toledo at Milwaukee,-Indianapolis at St. Paul. Louisville at Minneapolis. to f score. Poor fielding behind Forrester cost the game when the Lincoln twirler i entitled to the victory. Louis Durham, the Indianapolis star of last season, started pitching for Dea Moines and was in ao many tight holes that Manager Dwyer re tired him In the sixth In tavor of Miller. The Links sprinted in the ninth Inning, when a single by Nagle, Gagnier's tilpie and an error by Williams scored two runs after two were out. Davidson, who had tripled off Miller on his previous effort at bat, drove the ball straight at Miller for the third out. A catch and a perfect throw to the plate by Davidson for a double play was the stellar fielding performance. J'iic visitors played perfect ball behind their pitchers and their only error of the after noon was by Williams In the ninth. Score: LINCOLN. AB. R. H. O. A. E Waldron, rf 4 0 110 0 Nagle 1110 0 0 Oagnler, ss S 2 2 I 4 1 Hogriever, 3b 8 0 0 0 8 3 Thomas, 2b 4 0 16 2V Davidson, cf 6 12 2 10 Hulllvau, lb 8 0 1 12 0 0 tkhlucter, if 8 1110 0 Alason, c 4 0 0 4 0 1 Forrester, p 4 0 0 1 4 0 Totals ... i 6 DES MOINES. t 27 14 AU. R. H O. 1 0 10 10 0 0 A. 0 2 0 0 0 4 0 0 1 3 Dalton, If Coillgao, sa Bader, rf Mattlck, cf Dwyer, lb Nlenoff, 3b Williams, 2b McManus, c Durham, p. Miller, p 2 3 4 4 . 6 . 4 . 4 . 6 . 3 ,. 1 Totals 36 8 27 1 Des Moines 2 1 0 0 2 0 1 0 0-0 Lincoln 0'2 0 0 1 0 0 0 2-6 Three-base hits: Davidson. Gagnler. Two base hits: Gagnler, Schlucter, Dwyer (2;, Dallon. Double play: Davidson to Mason, ruolen bases: bullivan, Matiick, Dwyer, Niehoff. Sacrifice hlta: Schlucter. Colll- gan (2), Niehoff. Struck out: ay Forrester, a; by Ournam, t; by Miller, 6. Bases on balls: Off Forrester, 6, off Durham, 2; oir Miller, 2. Wild pitch: Forrester. Left on bases: Lincoln, ; Des Moines, 10. Tlins: 2:iu. Umpire: Haskell. GAMES IN AMERICAN ASSOCIATION Distillers Make One Ran In Sixth and Defeat Millers. MINNEAPOLIS, Aug. 13.-ln a drizzling rain today Louisville defeated Minneapolis. 1 to 0. A base on balls, a flelder'a choice. a sacrifice and Sullivan's single gave the visitors one run ana the game in the sixth. Score: liOUISVILtlC. M1NNEAPOU8. B.H.O.A.B. B.H.O.A.E. Dunlearr, rf. 4 1 3 0 OOylar, as I 0 1 1 Woodruff, ef. I Mlllvan. lb.. 4 Balm, lb 4 Uleon, tb 4 Dalehamr, if. I Siulnlas, aa... I Pelti, e I salbr, p 2 0 4 0 0O. Osllina. eft 0 I t o t 0 1 ODowna, 2b.... 4 1 I I 10 OCraTatb, II... 110 0 4 11 0 Olll. lb 4 004 0 1 J. Colllna, Kill 1 I I I 1 OQulllln, rf..., 1110 0 111 0 Block, e 1 0 7 I 0 0 0 1 Olmatead, p.. I 1 0 I 0 Totals DO 4 17 4 0 ToUla W I 17 14 Minneapolis 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 Louisville 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 01 Two-base hit: Qulllln. Sacrifice hits: Quillln, Oyier. Woodruff. Double play: O. Collins to Block. Left on bases: Minneap olis, 8; Louisville, 3. Struck out: By Olm sted. 6: by Selby, 2. Bases on bails: Off Olmsted, 1; off Selby, 2. Time: 1:30. Um pires: Guthrie and Sullivan. (olombaa Wins on Errors, KANSAS CITY, Aug. 13 An error by Shay and one by Beckley In the fifth in ning today gave Columbus four runs and allowed the visitors to win a 6 to 4 game. Score: KANSAS CTTT. COMJMBrg. B.H.O.A.E B.H.O.A.E. Shannon, ef.. 4 0 3 0 OO'ltotiraa, tb. 1 1 I Shay, aa I 0 S 1 SClarka, It. ... 1110 Berkley, lb.. I 111 1 Knjar. cf ... 1 1 1 0 o Hallroan. rf.. 0 1 t OSrbreck. .... 4 0 6 0 0 Ixva. If I 4 0 OContalton. rf 4 I 3 0 0 Hotllnf, 3b . 4 1 A, lb.... 4 4 II Brarhaar, lb. I I I 6 OWratten. aa.. I 1 1 I Sulllran, C...I 1 1 0 Trial, lb I 1 1 0 Roatrk. p till OOarar, p 4 0 4 Carllale ....10000 Totals 84 I 17 11 0 Totala a It? I 1 Batted for Essick In the ninth. Ksnsas City 000031000-4 Columbus 000140000 5 Two-base hits: Essick, Brashear, Wrat ten, Congalton (2). Left on bases: Kansas City, 6; Columbus. 4. Sacrifice hlta: Shay, Mailman. Sullivan. Kruger. FrleL 8tolen bases: Hallman, Love, Clarke, Kruger, Odwell. Double play:' 8hay to Brecklev. Struck out: By Eaalrk. 6; by Geyor, 6. First base on errors: Columbus. 2. First base on balls: Off Essick. 2: off Gever. fL Time: 1:4$. Umpire: Owens. Hoaalera Blank RaJats. 8T. PAUL, Aug. 11 Laroy and Slarla engaged in a heated pitchers' duel today and the latter got the belter of the argu ment ana inaianapolls won a sensational gains, 1 to 0. .Score: INDIANAPOLIS. BT. rxVU B.H.O.A.E. B.H.O.A.E. Chadb'raa. if. I 1 I OLIeaa, if 4 0 o Hayaan. rf. - 4 I 1 Boucher, lb.. 4 1 0 Smltk. ef 4 t I ODarla. ef t 1 4 Carr. lb. ..I 111 I OArmh'ater. lb I 110 Burka. Ib 4 0 0 0 OMurray. rf... 4 0O' Brian, aa... I 1 0 I Howl.y. ... 4 4 Williams, 2b. 4 4 1 1 OCartaoh. a.... 8 1 OWrlaJey, 2b.. I T tlm, p 8 1 4 0 8 1 0 Hoaka. as.... 18 1 Slafle. p 4 - finor .... 1 I 17 14 0 Totala 31 Totals M 4 17 II 1 'Batted for Laroy In the ninth. St. Paul 0000000000 Indianapolis 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 01 Two-base hlta: Smith (2), Carr. Honke. Stolen bases: Hay den, Hopke. First base on balls: Off Laroy, 3; off Slagle. 1. Struck out: By Laroy, 4; by Slagle, 3. Left on bases: St. Paul, 2: Indianapolis, 8. Time. 2:17. Umpire: King. Brewers Mlaa n tTsutnce. MILWAUKEE. Aug. 18. Milwaukee missed a chance to crawl up on the lead ers today by losing to Toledo. 4 to 3. The home club had several chances to win, but Owens waa invincible except In the eighth, when three singles and a double by Barrett gave the home club two runs. Toledo won in the ninth on errors by Bar rett and Smith and Elwert's single. Score: MrLWAiKgE. D.i.O.VL. B.H.OA.B. McCarthy, cf. 4 1 I straak, ef.... 4 1 o Smeot, rf ... I 0 10 0 Barry. If 4 110 0 rraaman, lb.. 4 13 OMcOann. lb., 4 4 T 4 Hickman. If.. 113 1 Randall, rf... 4 110 HlnchBsaa, lb 4 1 3 lOUrk. lb 4 1 I l'a Iwen. tk.,,.1 I 1 1 1 Barrett, aa . 4 1 1 I 1 Abbott, a 4 8 1 MrOinB'k, 8b 4 I Lynch, aa I I 1 Smith, e I 11 I 1 Owaoa, p 314 OSchnelbarc. p 1 1 1 0 Douherty .. 1 0 0 Tatals H 11114 1 " Totals II 4 31 1 I Batted for Schneiberg In ninth. Milwaukee 00001002 0-4 Toledo 0 0 0 1 0 0 14 Two-base hlta: Barry, Barrett. Sacri fice hlta: Elwert, SmooL Stolen bases' Hlnchman, Hockman. Double plays: Clark to McUann. Hickman to Abbott. Left on basea: Milwaukee. 8; Toledo. I. First base on balls: Off Owens, 8. Hit by pitched ball: Smith. Hickman. Struck out By Schneiberg, 10; by Owens. 4. Time: 1.45. Umpires: Conahan and Hayes. New Ihortstep) (or Pirates. HUNTINGTON. W. Va . Aug. 13-Kemper J. Shelton, shortstop of the Mountain State base ball team, was signed today by the Pittsburg Nationals, to report at ones. PIRATES WIN IN TWELFTH Clarke Scorei from Second on Wild Fitch by McQuillen. VISITORS 0UTBAT THE VICTORS LeeTer Allow Eleven Hits, bat Is St rone with Men on Bsm and and Phillies Score Bat Once. PITTSBURG. Aug. 13-Pittsburg won from Philadelphia here In twelve innings, 2 to L McQuillen pitched a splendid game, but was responsible for the winning run, making a wild pitch which allowed Clarke to score from second base. The visitors secured more hit- than the locals, but Leever was strong with men ""on bases and was backed by brilliant fielding. Score: FITT8BVRO. PHILADELPHIA. B.H.O.A.E. B.H.O.A.K Barbeao, lb. Leich, It.... Clarke, If... Wagner, m. . Miller, 3b..., Abitsln, lb. Wilton, rf... Olbaon, e... Ltever, s... 0 0 I Orjrant. tb... 4 11 0 o 1 0 Ollatea, rf.... 4 OTitue, rf. .. ,18 2 ill 4 0 1 0 0 6 OMMt-e. 1 ODr'nafleld. lb t I 14 1 OKnabe, 3b.... til 0 ODoolan. at.... 6 0 I 0 ODootn. c 6 1 4 1 OMcllulllen, p. I 1 1 1 17 Totals It 4 94 II Totals 48 113S 17 1 Two out when winning run was scored. Pittsburg 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 Philadelphia 0 00 1 0000000 01 Two-base hits: Titus, ur.-nt. Stolen bases: Bransfleld, Bates. Double plays: H at'iier to Absteln; Knabe to Doolan to Bransfleld; Miller to Wagner to Absteln. Left on bases: Pittsburg, 2; Philadelphia, 11. Bases on balls: Off Leever, 2. Struck out: By McQuillen, 5. Wild pltoh: McQuil len. Time: 2:05. Umpires: Rlgler and ODay. Cuba Easy for Giants. CHICAGO, Aug. 13. New York batted Kroh, Hlgglnbotham and Hagerman off the rubber today at the start and made five runs. Overall took the box in the third with runners on second and third and none out. One hit was made off him In this Inning, scoring the laat of New York's six runs. A single and Tinker's terrific drive gave Chicago two runs In the sec ond. Raymond was saved twice by two spectacular double plays. Tinker made a single, two doubles and a home run In four times at bat. Score: NEW YORK. CHICAOO. B.H.O.A.E. B.H.O.A.E Doyle. Ib I 3 4 2 I OErers, Eb 3 OZimarman, tb 2 OHheokard, If.. I OSchulta, rf... I Cbance. lb... 4 OBtalnfcldt, lb 4 1 Hofman, cf. .. 4 OTinkar, aa.... 4 OMoran. o 4 Paymour, cf.. 6 McCorm'k. If. I Murray, rf... 4 Drvlln, Ib... 4 Brldwall, aa.. I Merkle, lb... 4 Srhlat. e 4 Raymond, p. . 4 1 1 1 I 0 I I 0 II 1 s 0 1 Kroh, p 0 Totals II 13 87 16 lHlR'botham, p Hafermao, p. Orerall, p... 1 Totals U T 27 1 Chicago 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 02 New York o o l o v v v v v s Two-base hits: Seymour, Tinker (2), Dev lin. Home run: Tinker. Hits: off Kroh, 3 In one-third Inning; off Higginbotham, 2 (none out); eff Hagerman, 2 in one and one-third Inning; off Overall. 4 In seven In nings. Sacrifice hit: Brldwell. Stolen base: Devlin. Double plays: Brldwell to Doyle; Devlin to Doyle to Merkle. Left on bases: Chicago. 7; New York. 6. Bases on balls: Off Overall, 1; off Raymond, 8. Bases on errors: Chicago. 1. Struck out: By Kroh, 1; by Hagerman, 1; by Overall, 4; by Raymond, 2. Time: 1:58. Umpires: Klein and Kane. Cardinals Beat Sapcrbas, ST. LOUIS, Mo., Aug. 13. St. Louis de feated Brooklyn In the second game of the series here today, 6 to 4. Bell was hit hard In the fourth for three runs. Mc Elveen's error, Konetchy's triple and a passed ball by Marshall netted two In the eighth for St. Louis. Score: ST. LOUIS. BROOKLYN. B.H.O.A.E. B.R.O.A.E Byrne, lb.... 4 Ellla, if I Bllaa. e I Konatcby, lb 4 Evana, rf 4 Dalehantjr, lb 4 Murphy, cf . .. 1 Charlea, aa... I Beehft, p I Shaw, cf 1 12 1 OBtirrh. cf 4 I 0 0 0 Oil OCIemsnt. If... I 1 I 00 0 1 lLannox, lb... I 1 I 1 0 1 T 3 OMcEWeen, lb. 4 0 8 0 1 1 1 1 OAlparman, lb I 1 4 I 0 11 Hummel, rf.. I 0 1 0 4 10 McMillan, aa. 4 2 I I 0 1 1 2 0 Bergen, c... 2 0 2 8 0 0 14 ORcll. p I 0 8 0 111 OManhall. ... 81100 Totala 21 7 It 14 8 Totale 11 8 04 II 1 St. Loula 0 0 0 0 3 0 8 0 Brooklyn 0 100101104 Two-base hits: McMillan, Clement, Burch. Three-base hit: Konetchy. Sacri fice hits: Hummel, Charles. Double play: Ellis to BUss. Passed balls: By Bergen, 1; by Marshall. 1. Stolon base: McMillan. Hit by pitched ball: By Beebe, Alperman. natie on bails: urt Beene. i: ort Ben. 4. Struck out: Bv Beebe. 7: by Bell. 8. Left on bases: St. Louis, 4; Brooklyn, 4- Time: 1:44. umpire: Johnstone. Game Postponed. At Cincinnati Cincinnati-Boston game postponed; rain. GAMES IN THREE-I LEAGUE Peoria Wlna Twice from Blooming ton by Superior Batting;. PEORIA, 111.. Aug. 19. Peoria won two games from Bloomlngton today, the first 7 to 1 and the second i to 0. ' Both games were won by superior batting. Score, first game: R.H.E. Peoria 0 t 0 0 1 1 0 2 7 9 2 Bloomlngton... 0 000000 1121 Batteries: Peoria, Wash and Hlggina; Bloomlngton, Clarke and Smith. Score, second game: R.H.E. Peoria 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 2 7 2 Bloomlngton... 000000000052 Batteries: Peoria, Gilbert and Hlgglns; Bloomlngton, Llmrec and Smith. DUBUQUE, la., Aug. li Dubuque took both ends of a double-header with Cedar Rapids today In easy fashion, the first 7 to 1 and the second 8 to 2. The locals made hits at proper times In each game. The second game went seven innings by agreement Score, first game: R.H.E. Dubuque 2 1 0 4 0 0 0 0 7 10 2 Cedar Rapids. 010000000110 Batteries: Dubuque, Gurney and Nunnn macher; Cedar Rapids, Nye, Klssell and Kelly. Scoro, second game: R.H.E. Dubuque 2 0 t 4 0 8 0 2 Cedar Raptda 0011000284 Batteries: Dubuque, Errlaa and Nunne macher; Cedar Rapids, Jaeger and Rohrfer. DECATUR, 111., Aug. 13 Decatur won today's game by heavy batting and the errors of Springfield. Score: R.H.E. Decatur 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 4 3 0 Springfield ...100000000144 Batteries: Decatur, Loomls and McNa mara; Springfield, Patrick, Stelger' and Kelly. ROCK ISLAND, 111., Aug. 13. Rock Is land batted two pitchers out of the box and won today from Davenport, 6 to i. Score: R.H.E. Rock Island... 08001001 6 10 1 Davenport ....100000000171 Batteries: Rock Island. Lakaff and Starke; Davenport, Spencer, Hielnrlchcn and Smith. SOLDIERS LOSS A HOT CONTEST Nebraska City Forced to Go Soma to Tnrn Trick. NEBRASKA CITY. Neb.. Aug. 13. (Spe cial Telegram.) The hottest game of ball played In this city this season was between the Boosters of this city and the Sixteenth United States infantry team of Fort Crook. A big crowd was present and great excite ment prevailed. The features ef the gsma were a home run by Schnltsen of the Boosters and a three-bagger by Von Gillen of the home team in the fifth Inning, tle Ing the score. Score: Sixteenth 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0-3 Boosters 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 03 Batteries: For Sixteenth Infantry, Smith and Waller; for Boosters, Smith and Thom&a. Umpires: Baker and C. W. Uth ers. BREsK AHA SUSPENDED St. Loata Miaairr Given Three) Dsn Off by Hrydler. NEW YORK. Aug. 11 Roger Bresnahan. manager of the St. Louis National league base ball team, was today auspended for three days by President Heydler of that league as an outgrowth of trouble on the field during the game between New York and St. Louis, in St. Louis, on Wednesday last. Cleveland Bays Catcher Higgles. PEORIA. 111.. Aug 13. Robert Hlgglns. considered the best catcher In the Three-I league, was today sold by the Peoria base ball club to the Cleveland Americans for I2..tO0. Jim McGulre. scout" for the Naps, after w-atehlng Hlgglns work during the Springfield series last week, declared htm the best catcher In minor league base ball today. Hlgrln will not report to Cleveland until the end of the season. ATHLETICS Wl FROM BROWNS Both Wo4dell and Dysrert Are Driven from the Box. PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 13 In a hard hitting game here today, In which both Waddell and Dvgert were knocked out of the box, Philadelphia defeated St. Louis, 8 to 6. Hartzell of St. Louis made a record for the park by driving out five singles ln as many times at bat. President Ban John son of the American league denied that Tim Hurst had been dismissed as umpire. He said he would investigate tne case fully wruie nere before taking action, score: PHILADELPHIA. ST. LOUIS B.H.O.A.E. B.H.O.A.E Heltm'ller, If I 110 OHartrall, rt... t 1 0 1 O'nrlng, cf. .. 4 Colllna, Ib... 4 Bakar. Ib 4 Davla. lb I Murphy, rf . .. 3 Barry, aa 4 LlTlntatona, c 4 Dyg'rt. p I Coomba, p.... 1 0 10 Optone. If I 0 1 0 0 111 OMcAleeae, If. 1 1 0 1 0 III OHofrman. rf . 4 1 I 0 14 0 Wallace, as . I I 0 4 0 lit OJonaa. lb I 0 10 0 I I 1 OW llllama. lb. S 0 4 1 1 14 1 OFerrla. lb ... 4 1 8 I 0 0 0 1 CRterhrna. e l 0 I I 0 0 0 0 OWaddoll, p... 0 0 0 Dlneen, p 1 1 0 3 II 13 27 10 0 Totals .14 11 34 13 I TotaJa. Philadelphia 8 0013010 8 St. LOUIS 0 0 0 3 0 0 S 0 O 6 Hits: Off Wsddell, 8 In four Innings; off Dlneen, 7 In four innings; off Dygert, 10 in six and two-thirds Innings; off Coombs, 2 In two snd one-third Innings. Three-base hit: Hettmuller. Sacrifice hits: Dygert, Murphy (2). Sacrifice fly: Heltmuller. Douulo plav: Baker to Davis. Struck out: By Waddell, 3; by Dygert, 8; by Coombs, 1. Left on banes: St. Louis. 10; Philadel phia, 9. Base on balls: Off Waddell. 2; off Dygert. 2; off Dlneen, 2: off Coombs, 3. Base on error: Philadelphia. 1. Hit by pitched ball: By Dygert, Stephens. Passed ball: Livingstone. Time: 1:47.. Umpires: Evans and Perrlne. Donovan Pussies Senators. WASHINGTON. Aug. 13. Donovan was a big puzzle to Washington today, especially when runners got on first, and as a result Detroit won handily by the score of 6 to 0. Blankensliip, with a broken finger, was a big handicap to the locals, and the runs ot the visitors were chiefly made through his wild throwing. Score; DETROIT. WASH I PtOTON. B.H.O.A.E. B.H.O.A.E. Bunh. aa 1 Jonea, If 4 Cobb, rf 4 Crawford, cf. 8 Roaaman, lb. 6 Delehantx, 2b 4 Mortaruy. 3b. 4 Schmidt, c... 4 Donoyan, p. .. 4 0 18 Onrnwne, rf... I BOO OBrhaefer. 2b.. 3 10 0 Ol'nglaub, lb.. I 110 ODonohue, lb.. S 8 11 0 lLellvolt, cf.. 4 110 aconroy, Ib... 4 117 OMIIan, If 8 2 T I OMcBrlda, as.. 4 1 10 1 0 Blank' ahlp, el 8 Kllllter. e.... 1 0 Totals H 14 27 14 lOberlln, p.... 8 1 Smith, p 1 0 . Totals 21 4 E7 14 4 Washington 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 Detroit 2 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 0-4 Two-base hits: Schmidt, Browne. Hits: Off Oberlln, 10 in seven innings; off Smith, 4 In two Innings. Sacrifice hits: Browne. Schaefer, Bush. Stolen bases: Bush, Jones (2), Cobb, Rossman, Delehanty. Double plays: Schaefer to McBrlde to Unglaub. Moriarlty to Bush, Schmidt to Bush. Left on bases: Washington, 7; Detroit, 10. Bases on balls: Off Oberlln. 3; off Smith, 1; off Donovan, 3. Base on error: Washington, 1. Hit by pitched ball: By Oberlln, 1. Struck out: By Oberlln, 1; by Smith, 1; by Dono van, 6. Time: 1:35. Umpires: Kerln and Lgan. Victory for White Sox. NEW YORK, Aug. 13 Chicago defeated New York, 4 to 3, today m an uninterest ing game and took possession of fifth place In the American league race. Walsh, who has been laid up lor some time with a sore arm, pitched for the visitors and was effective after the first inning. Three of the Chioago runs were the result of field ing and battery misplaya. Score: CHICAGO. NEW YORK. B.H.O.A.E. B.H.O.A.E. Altlter, rf...l 111 ODeramttt, cf..,4 0 4 4 1 Parent, aa.... 4 3 14 Hemphill, rf.. 4 Uball. cf 4 10 0 lF.nale. If I Dougherty, if 4 0 0 0 OF.Iberfelt. sa. I rya. lb 4 1 14 I OOrth. 2b 3 Tannehtll, Ib 4 1 0 0 OKnliht, lb... 4 Ata. lb I 1 1 7 OAuatln, lb.... 4 Owena, e 4 14 1 lgweeney, o... I Walab, p 4 111 OWarhop, p.... I 0 0 1 0 Totals If 10 17 II 8 Totala. II 7 27 11 4 Chicago 1 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 0-1 New York 2 0000100 03 Two-base hit: Hemphill. Three-base hit: iKbell. Sacrifice hits: Isbell, Davis. Stolon bases: Engle, Elberfeld, Orth, Davis. Lett on bases: Chicago, 10; New York, 4, First base on error: Chicago, 1. Double plays: Davis to Parent to Davis, Engle to Knight Struck out: By Walsh, 6; by Warhop, 6. Bases on balls: Off Warhop, 2; off Walsh, L Wild Pitch: Walsh. Passed ball: Sweeney. Time: 2:00. Umpire: Connolly. Eight Straight for Bookworms. BOSTON, Aug. 13.-Boston hit two Cleve land pitchers hard today, winning, 7 to 2. Clcotte was a puzzle at all times to the visitors. It was the eighth consecutive victory for the locals. Score: BOSTON. CLEVELAND. B.H.O.A.E. B.H.O.A.B. Nllea. If 6 1 i 0 B. Lord. rf.. 4 0 3 0 H. Lord, 3b.. 4 113 0 Bradley, lb.. 4 1110 Speaker, cf..l 0 1 0 OStovall, lb... 3 Oil 0 0 Oeaaler. rf... 4 0 10 OLajole, 2b.... 3 0 18 0 Watner, aa... I 1 I 1 1 Eaaiarly. c...4 0 4 1 1 BtaJil, lb 4 0 11 0 0 Hlnchman, If 4 1 0 0 0 M'C'dmII, Ib I 3 0 4 OBIrm'ham. at 4 1 1 0 Carrlaan, c. .. I 1 4 1 OBaJI, aa 4 I 4 I 0 Clootte, p 110 1 OBerfer. p... 1 0 0 I a Rr.oedes. p. 2011 Totals. . ..33 10 XI 10 lFllck ....... 1 10 0 0 Totals M 7 84 U 2 Batted for Rhoades In ninth. Cleveland 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 12 Boston 2 2 0 0 0 1 0 2 7 Two-base hits: Wagner, Carrlgan. H. Lord. Three-base hit: Hlnchman. Home run: Nllea. Hits: Off Berger, 8 In two In nings; otf Rhoades, 7 In Blx Innings. Sac rifice hits: Carrlgan (2), Wagner. Sacrifice flies: Stovall, Bradley, Speaker, Nlles (2). Left on basea: BoBton, 8; Cleveland, 8. Base on balls: Off Clcotte, 2; off Berger, 8; off Rhoades, 2. Base on error: Cleveland, 1. Struck out: By Clcotte, i: by Berger, 1; by Rhoadea. 2. Time: 1:36. Umpires: O'Lough llu and Sheridan. FOUR PLAYERS FOR WHITE SOX Comiakey Gets Yosag, Block, Gfll and Olmstead from Millers. CHICAGO. Aug. 13.-Presldent Charles Comlskey ot the Chicago American league team today announced a trade with the Minneapolis team of the American associa tion by which the Chicago team will get four new players for next year. The men are: "Young Cy Young," formerly with the Boston and Pittsburg National teams, who was sold to Minneapolis for 12.500. Catcher Block, formerly with the Wash ington team of the American league. Pitcher Olmstead, who went from the Chicago Americans to the Minneapolis team. First Baseman Gill, who went to Minne apolis from the Pittsburg National team at a price of 82.500. These men will remain with the Minne apolis team until the close of the American association season on September 29. Mr. Comlskey refused to state what the players cost him, but admitted that the terms in cluded both cash and players. Atrhleon Wins In Ninth. AUBURN. Neb., Aug. 9 tSpeclal Tele gram.) Atchison defeated the Auburn base ball team on the local diamond this after noon, by a acore ot 6 to 3. The game was a good one from start to finish. The score stood 3 to 1 in favor of Auburn up to the first half of the ninth Inning, when Atch ison got busy and ran In four scores. A large crowd was In attendance. Score:- R- H E Atchison 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 46 8 Auburn ,2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 03 7 t Batteries: Auburn, Swisher and Hawk ins; Atchison, Bright, Reynolds and Cope land. IOWA SQUAD TRAINS BY MAIL Foot Ball Men Are Receiving; Instruc tion bp Correspondence. IOWA CITY, la., Aug. 13. -(Special.) Members of the State university foot ball squad are atudylng the game "in absentia" thin summer through a scheme of Coach John O. Griffith. The men are receiving periodic lessons as to what will be expected of them when the season opens, and are not allowed to forget that they have a strenuous series of games to play. The following is Iowa's schedule: October 2, Minnesota at Minneapolis. October 8. Cornell at Iowa City. October 23. Nebraska at Lincoln. October 30, Missouri at Iowa City. November 4, Drake at Dea Moines. November It, Ames at Iowa City. November Ji, Kansas at Lawrence, Kan, ATI1LETES AT SEATTLE SHOW A. A. U. Crtcki Start Contest in Stadium Friday. LOOK FOB BROKEN RECORDS Champlona of Enat and West Will Come Together In One of the Biggest Events of Kind Ever Held. SEATTLE, Wash . Aug. 11 Athletes, fa mous the country over, gathered at the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific exposition stadium this afternoon for the first day of the Amateur Athletic union's annual champion ship track and field games. With the pick of the east competing against the pick of the west, the games promised to be the greatest ever neld. certainly the greatest ever held on this coast. The meet started at 2:30 o'clock. Pacific coast time. In the Amateur Athletic union rating, juniors are those who have never won an Amateur Athletic union, Intercollegiate, cross country or Canadian championship. This restriction removed from competition today half of the New York and Chicago teams, but has little effect on the others. Sensational performances are looked for throughout the meet, and even the veteran Amateur Athletic union officials who have come from other cities, are expecting world's records to be broken at the stadium. , In the 100-yari dash, the 230-yard dash and the three-duarter-mlle runs, especially keen contests are looked for. In the WOvyard dash the flyers of the east met practically untried but fleet men from thp west. W. F. Dawbarn, the Prtncetsn crack, was pitted against E. E. Nelson of Boston; C. Forllne, the champion of the Mississippi valley; Oliver Huston, the undefeated University of Oregon cap tain; Ralph Capron of Minneapolis, and Courtney and Jack Nelson of Seattle. The running high Jump was expected to de velop a new celebrity In sports. Egon Erickson of the Mott Haven Athletic club. New York, has beaten Harry Porter, the Olympic champion, four times In competi tion. He will have to Jump against Johnny Nicholson of the Missouri Athletic club, and a number of lesser lights Scores Made by Janlora. Today's program was given over entirely to the Juniors, the team entered under the colors of the Seattle Athletic club carry ing off the honors with eaBe. One new American record was established. This was In the Javelin throw, B. Glsh of the Seattle Athletic club hurling the spear a distance of 144 feet, eclipsing the previous American record made by Pratt Adams at Philadelphia June 6, 1908, when he threw the Javelin 121 feet 6 Inches. Two Amateur Athletic union Junior records were made, but only one waa al lowed to stand. The valid one waa made In the mile run, when J. Ballard of the Boston Athletic association made the four laps in 4:24. The one that was not al lowed to stand waa made by W. Donald of the Seattle Athletic club tn the 120-yard high hurdles. His time was 0:15. but he upset two hurdles. The team score fol lows: Seattle Athletic club, 81; Multonlanh Athletic club, Portland, Ore., 13; Missouri Athletic, club, St. Louis, 11; Vancouver (B. C.) Athletlo club, 6; Boston Athletic club, 6! Mott Haven Athletic club. New York, (; Swedish-American, San Francisco, 3; unattached, 8. One hundred-yard dash: First heat, I. Courtney, Seattle Athletic club, won; W. F. Sawbam, New york Atnietio ciuo, sec ond. Time: 0:10. Second heat, J. Nelson, Boston Athletic club, won; W. C. Forllne, Mii-sourl Athletic club, second. Time: 0:10. One hundred-yard aan, rinai: J ixenson, Seattle Athletic club, won; I. Courtney, Seattle Athletlo club, second; W. F. Daw barn. New York Athletic club, third. Time: Eight hundred and eignty-yara run: u. C. Cooil, Seattle Athletic club, won; W. Miller Multnomah Athletic club, second. Time: 2:01. Sixteen-pound shot put: R. J. Lawrence, New York Athletic club, won; H. McKin ney, Multnomah Athletic club, second. Dis tance: 47 feet 6 Inches. Pole vault: Holdman won; Humes, sec ond; Paulding, third. Height: 11 feet. One hundred and twenty-yard high hur dle: W. Donald.' Seattle Athletic club, won; W. Edwards, Seattle Athletic club, second; M. Hawkins, Multnomah Athletic club, third. Time: 0:15. One-mile run: J. Ballerd. Boston Athletic association, won; D. V. Noble, New York Athletic club, second: H. Klsden, Seattle Athletic club, third. Time: 4:24. A new Junior record. Four hundred and forty-yard run: J. J. McEntee, New York Athletic club, won; W. Stoll, Seattle Athletic club, second; C. Warren, Seattle Athletic club, third. Time: 0:51 flat. Twelve-pound hammer throw: M. Mc Klnney, Multnomah Athletic club, won; G. Hug. Seattle Athletlo club, second; C. An derson, Seattle Athletic club, third. Dis tance: 129.6 feet. Running high Jump: Egon Erickson, Mott Haven Athletic club, won; John Nicholson, Missouri Athletic club, second; A. K. Chapman, Multnomah Athletic club, third. Height: 6 feet 11 Inches. Two hundred and twenty-yard run, final: W. Martin, Seattle Athletlo club, won; C. Forllne, MiSHourl Athletic club, second; lie Council. Vancouver (B. C.) Athletic club, third. Time: 0:22. Two hundred and twenty-yard hurdles: Malcomson. Seattle Athletic club, won; W. Edwards, Seattle Athletic club, second: W. Coyte, Seattle Athletic club, third. Time: 0:2f.. Discus throw: B. Bantz, Seattle Athletic oiub, won; G. Hug, Seattle Athletic club, second. No other entries. Distance; 122 feet 8 Inches. Trowing f lfty-slx-pound weight: J. Hug, Seattle Athletlo club, won. Distance: 20 fe?t 3 inches. Other entries disqualified for having previously won first place In Junior events. Running broad Jump: N. McConnelf, Van couver Athletic club, won: F. Brokaw, Seattle Athletic club, second; B. Glsh, Scuttle Athletic rlub, third. Distance: 21 feet Inch. Running hop, step and Jump: John Nicholson, Missouri Athletic c'ub, won; B. ... Ulsli, heat tie Athletic club, second: J. Hu ber. Seattle Athletlo, club, third. Distance: 40 feel Wn inches. in rowing the Javelin: B. Dish. Seattle Athletic club, won ; N. B. Robertson, un attached, second; W. W. King. New York Athletlo club, third. Distance: 144 feet. New Atrlerlcan record. Five-mile run: A. 8. Smith, unattached, won; C. Hubert. Swedish-American Ath-1 letlc club, second. Time: 33:22. Only two; entries. EVANS AND COPELAXD WIN Take Seml-Flnnla on Onwentsla Clnb Links. ONWENSTSIA CLUB. FOREST. III., Aug. 13 Western Champion Charles Evans. Jr.. of Edgewater. and Gordon Copeland of Skol'.le were the winners In the semi-finals of the annual open tournament of the Onwentsla club today and will meet In the finals for the Mayflower eup tomorrow. Evans won by defeating Ralph Hoagland of Riverside, by 8 up and 2 to play, and Copeland won from Boswell F. Mundy of Exmoor, by 3 up. Evans played the best golf of any of the semi-finals by negotiating the eighteen holes In 36-3673. JACK JOHXSOX PAYS FIXE Heavyweight Paoillst Assessed SIS In Chicago Police Conrt. CHICAGO. Aug. 13 Jack Johnson, heavy weight pugilist champion of the world, was fined $15 and costs todav in police court for exceeding the speed limit In his auto mobile. Pacing Team Record Broken. GRAND RAPIDS, Mich.. Aug. IS Hedgewood Boy and Lady Maud C broke the world s record to pole here today by pacing a mile In 2.02. The former record was 2 tot, msde by Trlnca Direct and Di rect Hal In ISHir GOTCH WILL GO O THE STAOK Champion Wrestler Ilaa Flattering Offer for Winter. Frank Ootch. world's champion wrestler, who Is In Omaha for a day or two. probably will go back on the stage when the season oprns. He has a flattering offer from the Empire circuit and thinks he will accept It. There Is little encouragement for him to devote his time to wrestling, as he has beaten all the men who are able to make a showing against him and Is ashamed to take any more easy money. Of course there Isn't anv dtie necessity for his going on the stage, for he still has half a doaen of those farms left and his lV0O0 In the Humboldt bank with a few pocket pennies. . Ootch has at last been thrown- The man from Humboldt, la., who has besten the best men of everv country, can no longer say he Is unbeatable. But It look an auto mobile to do It. Ootch and a party of friends were on their way from his home In Humboldt yesterdsv In an automobile, with llotch as chauffeur. When between Dunlnn and Jefferson the machine went Into the creek and the riders came near being seriously hurt. In the partv were: Ootch. E. K. Slnne, Dr. Bert K. Keltz, R. C. Oarber and D. E. Stearns. Uotch will remain In Omaha until Sunday, Visiting Farmer rtiirns Ho baa but re cently returned from Hot Springs, Ark., "iii-re, ne ana Kmll Klank enjoyed them selves on some of the proceeds of their recent lemon crop. FINALS IX IOWA GOLF TOURNEY Sheehan and Rider Will Play for Championship Teeny. OTTUMWA. la., Aug. 13-Wllllam Shee han of the Hyperion club, Des Moines, and Ralph Rider of Waveland club. Des Moines, will play thirty-six holes tomorrow for the golf championship of Iowa. Sheehan de feated DwlKht U. Baker of Ottumwa In the semi-finals. 6 up and 4 to play, while Rider eliminated Roy C. Smith of Ottumwa, 3 up and 3 to play. The Ultumwa players could not keep up the fast play necessary to defeat the more experienced Des Moines players, although both losers were In the lead at times during the first part of the thlrty-slx-hole round. For the first time. In the directors cup, C. W. Carley of the Des Moines Country and Golf club will play W. B. Swan of Ottumwa. For the Ottumwa cup, George Kraetch of Hyperion club will play with A. J. McLaughlin of Sioux City tomorrow. Albert McKee of Grand View will con tend tomorrow with H. E. Brandll of Ot tumwa for the consolation cup. Aa McKee was gold medalist In the qualifying round of the tournament a lively contest Is ex pected. A. V. Steck today won the veterans' eup, which Is offered annually by the Iowa State Golf association. SEMI-FINALS AT EKWANOK Herrrsrhoff and Held Snrvlve and Will Meet In Finals Today. MANCHESTER, Vt.. Aug. 12-In the semi-final round of the golf tournament lor the tlrst president s cup on the links of Ekwanok Country club today, Frederick Heireschoff of Lkwanok defeated C. W Ii'flre. Wykugyl and Archie M. Held, St. Andrews, defeated Wr. L. West, Philadel phia, so that Herreschoff and Reld will meet tomorrow In the final contest at 86 holes. Herreschoff won handily by 6 up and 6 to play from Inslee, who 111 the morning round had defeated Walter J. Travia. The strain of putting out the noted amateur apparently affected the game of the Wyk- agyl golfer. Herreschoff was out in 36, while Inslee required 41. The match ended on the thirteenth green. The match between. Reld and West went an extra hole before the St. Andrew man won. Scores: Semi-finals, first president's cup: Frederick Herreschoff, Ekwanok, de feated C. W. Inslee, Wykagyl, 6 up and 5 to piay. A. M. Reld. St. Andrews, defeated W. L. West, Philadelphia, 1 up In 19 holes. TE.MMS PLAY AT GRAND FORKS Batter Lavmb and Dr. Bates Meet In Flnala Today. GRAND FORKS, S. D., Aug. 13. Butler Lamb of Towner and Dr. W. H. Bates of Grsnd Forks are the finalists In the state championship slrgles of the North Dakota tennis .tournament which comes to a close tomorrow. In the semi-final round today Lamb defeated T. B. Elton of Grand Forks 10-2, 6-3, 6-4, while Dr. Bates defeated George Sunburg of Willow City 6-3 6-1. The final match will decide the state championship, as C. H. Oldfather, who Is now at Kansas City, Is not present to de fend his title. Miss Mann of Fargo Is state woman champion, defeating Miss Morse of Minot, present tltleholder In the challenge round. 8-6, 7-9, 4-0. OFFICIALS PLAY FOR CHARITY Pottawattamie and Donglaa County Officer Piny Ball This Afternoon. For the benefit of the Child Saving In stitute the Pottawattamie Indians of Coun cil Bluffs will meet the Douglas County Cliff Dwellers at Vinton street park Satur day afternoon. Tickets at 26 cents are on vale al the Meyers-Dillon drug store. The Cliff Dwellers' lineup will be: Pitcher, Fraser; catcher, Tracy; leftfleld, Mahoney; second, Piimeau; first. Marrow; third, Rehschuh; centerfleld, Swanson; shortstop, Westergaard; rlghtfleld, Burnett. SOLDIERS ARRANGE TWO GAMES Will Play Bnae Ball at Fort Crook Snnday and Wednesday. The Thurston Rifles and the Sixteenth Infantry will play a game of base ball at Fort Crook Sunday afternoon at 2:30 and on Wednesday afternoon the Sixteenth In fantry and the Signal Corps team from Fort Omaha will play at Fort Crook. This game Mill also be called at 2:30. The Six teenth Infantry band will play both after noons and civilians are especially Invited to witness the soldier games. NEW MANAGER FOR LINCOLN William Smith of Atlanta, . Ga., Tendered Position. LINCOLN. Aug. 13. Owners of the Lin coln base ball team today proffered the management of the Lincoln club to Wil liam Smith, for several seasons manager of the Atlanta, Ga., team In the Southern association. Acceptance of the tender has not been received. Fletcher Pitches One-Hit Game. Kennedy's South Omaha Boosters de feated Glenwood at Glen wood today. 8 to 1. Fletcher, for South Omaha, allowed only one lilt. Fagan, Clark and Mayfteld excelled in fielding. Fagan knocked the ball over the fence with two men on bases. Batteries: South Omaha, Fletcher and Hochter; Glenwood. Albee and Me Clenathan. Hlta: Glenwood, 1; South Omaha, -0. Errors: Glenwood, S; South Omaha, 1. . Concerning Those 95c Shirts We start alterations Monday, it is your last opportunity. We need the room you need the shirts our loss your gain. 50c Socks, all 6izes, 29c 17c at 25c Socks, all sizes, at Underwear Odds prices cut in half. ALBERT COUNTRY JAY BREAKS RECORD Old Hone Troti Kile Under Saddle ai Cleveland in 2:101-2. RIDDEN BY SON OF OUS MACE7 Former Record of 81I8 lt-4 Wna Maria by Charlie Mack, Rlddea by C. K. G. Billings at Glen vllle In lf)0 4. CLEVELAND, Aug. 13. -Country .Isy re. duced the world's record of 2 13 for trot ting a mile under sadrile to 2 104 at tke last day of the meeting at North Randall today. Ramsey Macey. son of Ous Macey, the dilver. rode Country Jay. The record until today waa 2:12. held by Charlie Mack, ridden by C. K. O. Billings at Glen vllle. In 1904. Ran Francisco's attempt to break the stallion record of 2:03, held by CresctHs, was a failure. Ed Geera drove the stallion a mile In 2 :M The free-for-all pacing race proved thi best one of the day. Alleen Wilson sold at 32S to $10 against the field at the opening and friends of Citation took considerable money at this price. Baron G. drew tha pole, but soon gave way to the favorite. At ha half Citation waa fourth, but spurted to second In the next quarter, and entered the stretch In the lead, to com home a winner by four lengthe, Aileen Wilson taking third. The betting then shifted to 23!i to on Citation against the field. Citation led away fast, sulked In the stretch and lost by two lengths to Alleen Wilson In 2:034 In the second heat- Alleen Wilson sold at 1100 to $15 against the field before the third heat. She won by half a length from Reproachless In a hot finish. Star Patchen won the $1,500 stake for 2:17 pacers In straight heats. The Harvester, who has not lost a heat In two years. Jogged home In every heat of the 2:00 trot. Hilda B. was a disappoint ment In the 2:17 trot, Telemachus winning with little trouble. Summaries: 2:17 trot, purse $1,000 Tetcmnchus, b. s. (McDonald) Hilda It., ch. m. (Burch) Almaden, br. s. (Durfee) Estell Boy. h. g. (Lasell) Ethel Mc blk. m. t.Murphy) Naoma, blk. m. (Burgess) Time: 2:11. 2:12, 2:11. 2:17 pace, purse $1,500 Star Patchen, blk. s. (Snow) The Bo' sun. b. g. (Cox) Annabelle Lee, br. m. (Geers) King Col, b. s. (Dodge) Onfield. b. s. (Walker) Argot Hal, b. s. (Benyon) Fred Pitcher, b. g. (McDevitt) .. 1 .. 2 .. 4 .. 2 .. 5 .. 8 1 1 2 3 3 4 4 2 6 dr 8 Bdr 6 dr Hazel West, ch. m. (Valentine) 7 dr 'time: 2.04. 2:06'4. 2:07. 2:09 trot, purse $1,200: The Harvester, br. s. (Geers) El Victress, b. m Carlokin, br. s. (Durfee) Genteel H., br. s. (Snow)...' Beatrice Bellini, b. m. (Dlckerson) Miss Adbell, b. m. (McDonald).... omalta, b. m. (Walker) Time:. 2:08. 2:06. Free-for-all pace, purse I1.2SO Aileen Wilson, blk. m. (Cox) Citation, b. m. (McMahon) Reproaohless, blk. m. (Shank) Baron Grattan, b. g. (Geers) Dan 8., b. g. (Shular) Time; 2.06. 2ttW. liOVU. 5dr . 3 , 1 . 2 4 1 1 2 3 3 2 d ds Special exhibition events Country Jay (Resmey Macey) to beat the world'e trotting record of 2:13 under saddle. Time by quarters: 0.J3H. l:Wl, 1:33, 2:10. San Francisco tGeeia) to beat the trotting stallion record of 2:02. Time by quarters: 0:32. 1:04, l:ja. 2.04. GOOD CROWD AT HASTINGS RACES Competition Close and Good Time . Mode. HASTINGS, Neb., Aug. 13 (Special,) A much larger crowd attended the state cir cuit races yesterday than on the opening day. Competition was close - in all the events and excellent time was made. Sum maries: Pacing, 2:17 class, purse $400: Carter G, s. h., by Carter H, Wil liam Jeffries, McCook (Peel 3 111 Orange Hal, b. h., by Du Dal. J. H. Tltler. Greeley, Colo. (Tltler..2 2 2 2 Chorister, b. s., by Taconnet, John Brown, Laird, Colo. (J. Brown).. 1 4 4 3 Delia Dalton, b. m., by Beroal, W. C. Southwlck, Friend, Neb. (M. Smith) 4 3 3 4 Time: 2:17, 2:14, 2:16, 2:17. Trotting, 2:20 class, purse $400: Big Chief, br. g., by Klrmln, W. L. Hill. Arapahoe, Neb. (Hill) 1 1 1 George G. Hill, b. g., by Retrieve, Beard mo re A Thompson (Beard more) 2 I 3 Jimmle, a. g., by Competition, A. L. Cushman, Pender (Cushman) 8 2 2 Time: 2:21. 2:21. 2:23. Trotting, 2:36 class, purse $400: Kitty Dillon, b. m, unknown. Cox 4k Robinson, Carroll, Neb. (Cox) 1 1 S 2 I Lady Numero, s. m., by Mono gram, W. E. Round, Grand Island (Round) 2 4 4 6 1 Count Direct, b. h., by Redirect, W. R. Peel. McCook (Peel....3 8 3 3 4 Edna H, b. m., by Greenlander, V. B. Storts, St. Joseph (Beard- more) 4 1 1 1 1 1 III! 1:26. $100: Bob Little Pac. rh. m.. by Pactolua. Wheeler (Wheeler) S Kirk. b. g , 119. second; Time: 1:04. 119. won; Chan tills Young Molo, b. g , b, .. 117. third. GREAT WESTERN CIRCUIT RACES Sonoma Girl Falls to Lower Track Reerd at GaJeabargr. OALESBURG. III., Aug. 18. Sanoma Girl failed today to beat the track record of 2:03 at the closing day of the Great Western circuit meet. Her time was 2:04. Summaries: Pacing. 2:08 class: Tony Swift won, Gov ernor Searles second. Haael Simmons, third. Best time: 2:06. Trotting. 2:09 class: Braeeglrdle won, Kenyon W second. Miss Prophet third. Best time: 1:08. $1.00 Neckwear, summer styles, at": 5c 20 Reduction an all Golf Trousers. CAHN,,