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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 14, 1909)
AUGUST 14, mo. Effs y Kl 0 L HLPF TK THE RELIABLE STORE THE RELIABLE STORE ON SALE DECIMN'G SATURDAY, AUG. 14 ON SALE BEGINN'G SATURDAY, AUG. 14 Mr. Crockwcll was one of the best known merchants in western Iowa, and his stock one of the largest in our sister city. A cleaner, choicer lot of merchandise was never invoiced by any firm, everything beintr un to date and in ncrfect condition. So low was the cash price at which it was offered us that although all orders had been placed for fall it was practically impossible to resist the temptation of offering to our custom ers, the opportunity of securing bargains in High Class Merchandise of Nearly Every Description Never Equaled Oelore in Any Omaha Store So large is the stock and so varied that it ia impossible to show all at any one time and space will admit of the mention of but a very limited quantity of the bargains. None of it will be placed in our regular stock but all will be marked for quick clearance at prices averaging from one-half to one-fourth the actual value of the merchandise. Hundreds of rousing bargains from our own regular stock will greatly add to tho interest of this, Omaha's Greatest August Sale. THE BEE: OMAHA. SATURDAY, n n r rt r v w vi r n A iJ r $1.50 Hand- 49c Bags I From the Council Bluffs Stock Hand Bags, Carriage Bags, Vanity Bags, Purses, etc., all sizes and leathers. .49c $1.00 Hand Bags 25c All shapes, 6izes and colors; the morning hours will clean up this lot so be here early great snap 25c Fancy Goods From the Council Blafts Stock at Vz to Vz Actual Value. 35c Fancy Work Boxes, 19c 50c Fancy Work Boxes, 25c 75c Fancy Handkerchief Boxes .... .39c $1 Fancy Glove Boxes, 49c $1 Handkerchief and Work Boxes and Toilet Sets, on sale at, choice .49c $10 Toilet Sets at $3.98 $6 Toilet Sets' at . . . . .$2.98 All Fancy Toilet Cases, Manicure Sets, Comb and Brush, Sets, fancy Hand Mir rors, etc., at'1 to y$ regular retail prices. Fine Hair Brushes One big lot to close, each 5c Big lot of Tooth Brushes, to close at, choice. ..... .3 V2C Fancy Hand Mirrors, one big lot, cholco -5 fl. Extra Quality Clothes Brushes, to close ................. i49 .Fancy Crepe Paper, in all colore; at, roll ...........3; $2.00 Hand Made Scarfs. . . .f)8l A beautiful line la scarfs aud squares tor selection. fl.OO Scarfs and Squares. . .49 All band made, regular values $1.00, greatest snap of season. 05c lUbbona 12 He Yard Extra wide, all silk taffeta, all colors St m h.. iiitii---1SH( Ladies' Neckwear All ladles' and children's neck wear will be closed regardless of real value. Neckwear that sold at lOo to 60c, In four lots 20 5 7We nd 15 Stationery Loss than Hall Ever, thing must go quickly tablets worth to 25o on sale at Flue Fost Cards 10 COc Boys' Books at 100 Children's Toy Books 2 40 Teddy Bear Books 150 Envelop, per package 10 Copyright Books, each 430 Oxford Bibles at .HALF Memorandum Books at. . . , HALF Muslin Underwear Bargains You Certainly Cannot Afford to Wss Skirts that would sell regularly to $5.00, at 98c, $1.50 and $1.98 Gowns that would sell regularly to $3.00. Many different and beauti ful designs, several hundred dozen in the lot for selection, at. . . .98c Combination Suits Regular values to $2.00; Saturday at 98c Corset Covers and Drawers Regu lar values to $1.00. .49c and 25c Chemises Regular values to $2.00; choice 49c and 98c An lortntnst Sampl lint of Ladles' Hosiery Less Than Half The entire sample lines of New York's largest hosiery importers, bought at a fraction of their actual value; now being closed at less than half the usual retail price. Ladies' Bilk Lisle, Gauze Lisle, Allover Lace, etc., in black and every wanted shade hose that would sell regularly up to 75c; Saturday at ....250 and 150 Complete line of Warner's Proof Cor sets,, the ideal summer corset light weight and rust proof, all styles shown at . .- Ql.OO P Big Special Saturday Summer weight cor sets, In long hip models or girdle top and medium length styles, hose supporters at tached, at 490 Magnificent Bargains in Fine China, Crockery and Lamps from the Council Bluffs Stock All 100-piece Dinner Sets that sold at $12 and $15, go at one price 6.49 All Vases that sold at $4.50 to $10.00; choice 98c Fine China, Berry, Chocolate and Moka Sets, in silk lined cases, that sold at $12.00 to $17.00, at ........$2.00, $3.50, $4.00 and $4.50 All $1.50 to $2.50 Fancy China goes at, choice, 49c Fancy Souvenir China, from 50c to $1.00 values; on sale at 10c, 15c and 25c 75c to $1.50 China Plates Both French and Bavarian, in two lots. .25c and 49c All Fancy Table Lamps, that sold at $5.00 to $15.00 on sale at $1.95 to $5.95 Fancy Jardinieres, that sold at 75c to $1.50 on sale at, each . . .25c and 50c Decorated Toilet Sets, $8.00 to $10.00 values, at $4.25 Delightful Furnishing Goods Bargains Matchless values in Men's Dress and Negligee Shirts. Over 700 dozen fine shirts, made to sell .at $1.00 and $1.25; plain white or fancy pleated bosoms, many coat shirts in the lot, big assortment of new colors and styles, at 59c Men's Fine Neckwear 25o Regular 50c to $1.00 values sev- . eral hundred dozen in the lot choicest versible lined and wide end styles, in silks and satins; choice. n.25c Men's Union Suit Lisle, Maco cotton, porous knit, etc., all sixes, values to $1.60, at .....500 Men's Undershirts and Drawers that sold to 7 Go, garment 250 and 350 75c Half Hose, 25c Entire sample line of Onyx Hosiery, In fine silk, lisle thread and silk pleated Hose, reg. value to 75c, at, choice 150 and 250 Summer Shirts In the pretty, popular soft collar styles, biggest assort ment In Omaha . 080 t0 $3.50 It's Such Shoe Bargains as These That Crowd the Dept. Every Saturday Men's high grade Shoes and Oxfords, actually worth up to $4.00 a pair, in all new, late styles of samples, and in patent colt, vici kid and gun metal leathers, all Ooodyear welt soles, at $1.98 Misses' and Children's wide ankle strap ties, also chocolate vici kid Ox fords, sold all summer at $1.75; while they last 91.00 Infants' and Chllds' ankle straps and Oxfords, worth, $1.00 and $1.25 In two lota . .750 d 500 Women's $$.00 Oxfords, In Russia calf and vici kid turn sole; also about 40 pairs of $3.60 tan calf ankle strap tie, with Ooodyear welt K1" $1.08 Boys' Oxfords and Shoes tan, vici and Russia calf, worth up to $2.50 at $1.50 Boys', Youths' and Little Gents' Satin and Kangaroo Calf Blucher Shoes, actually worth $1.76, at 81.10 For perfect foot comfort this hot weather, use a Grorer Shoe or Oxford. Don't Miss the Great Picture Bargains from the Council Bluffs Stock Etchings, Prints, Oils, Pastels, Water Colors, Engravings, Carbons, etc. at About V4 Original Cost. Nearly every imaginable kind of subjects and styles; prices ranging from.. 5c to $1.25 $4.50 Pastels 98c $2.50 Pastels 75c The greatest opportunity for picture lovers ever offer ed in this city. Come early. C Hammocks iii. r ,;i nr.. ft. cn,L i ftill me vvwiJbii uiiiiia rfivvn Hammocks, full length, clos ing out price 98c, $1.25 and $1.50, worth more than double. Dolls, 5c, 15c, 25c, 35c and 50c each; worth up to $2.00. Doll Carts 25c up to 85c. Boys' Velocipedes $1.26, $1.50 and $1.75 worth double. $3.60 Coaster Wagons, wooden, for $1.96. Extra large Steel Wagons 98c. Smaller 85c each. fill Summer Garments Must Go to Make Room for an Enormous Showing of New Fall Styles. $12.50 and $15.00 Tailor Suits, in serges and other wool fabrics, all colors and sizes, nearly 400 of them to select from, at $4.95 Handsome Tailor Suits, that sold up to $30.00 serges, panamas, etc., . in all choicest summer styles, 250 in the lot-choice ."$9.90 Dainty Wash Dresses, in reps, lin ens, lingeries, etc., 300 of them for selection, values up to $20.00on sale at $5.00 100 Stylish Wash Dresses, that sold regularly to $15; while they last; your choice, at $2.98 Stylish Pongee Coats, values to $20, handsomely trimmed; just '50 in the lot; while they last, at. .$8.90 Your Unrestricted Choice All Child ren's Dresses, both white and col ors, that sold to $4.00; on sale to close, at one price 98c Heatherbloom Underskirts, made to sell to $3.00, plain or embroidered flounces; special Saturday, $1.25 Ladies' Dress Skirts, that would sell regularly to $8.00, good assortment of colors and sizes, all new styles; choice, $2.95 Beautiful Lingerie Waists, in Dutch neck and other popular styles, big assortment, regular values to $4.00; on sale $1.50 See the new Home Made Wrappers at 98c to $1.50 THE NEW TAILOR SUIT STYLES are indeed beauties. "We have an immense advance showing now on display; make it a point to look them over Saturday. Will be pleased to show you. Don't Forget toLeave YourGrocery Orders With Us Saturday ill It means a saving to 70a of from SS per oent to Bo par cant. 10 lbB. best Pure Cane Granulate Sugar for S1.00 10 bars best brands Laundry Soap 26c 6 lbs. choice Japan Klce 25o 7 lbs. best Rolled Oatmeal 25c 48-lb. tack High Patent Flour, made from old wheat, every sack guar anteed, per sack 51.60 10-lb. sacks best white or yellow Cornmeal 15o J-1U. cana Golden Pumpkin, Hominy, Squaw h or Baked Hi arm 7 Vic The beat soda crackert, pretzels or ginger snaps, lb to Large bottle Worcester Sauce, Pick les or Tomato Catsup 8Vo 011 or Mustard Sardines, can .....40 Tall can fancy Alaska Salmon ..1210 The best bulk Laundry Btarch, lb. 6c 2 pkgs Parrafine Wax for sealing fruit Jars ...2 60 Bromangelon. Jellycon or Jello, per package 7t The best Santos Coffee, lb J5o The best Tea Sittings, lb 160 nttar. Cheese ana Fickle Sal . The best Fancy No. 1 Creamery But ter, per pound The best Dairy Table Butter, .280 lb. .230 The best Fancy No. 1 Country But ter, per pound 26c The best Full Cream White or Col ored Cheese, per pound 20c Pill Pickles, per dojsen 15c Fancy Chow Chow, per quart 16c Fancy Sour Pickles, per quart ...,15c Fancy Nudget Sweet Pickles, (it. . ;lSe Fancy Queen Olives, per quart .... Sue Fresh Vegetables at Wholesale Fancy CocJng Apples, per peck..lKc Fancy Sweet Corn, per dosen ....6c 8 bunches fresh Radishes 6a 8 bunches fresh Onions 6e 4 bunches fresh Carrots or Beets... 60 heads fresh Cabbage 60 5 bunches fresh Parsley io 6 Summer Squash for 6c Fancy Wax or Green Beans, lb Egg Plant, each 6c and 7tyo 2 heads fresh Celery he Fresh Peas, per quart 6c reaches Peaches reaches Large crates extra fancy Klberta Peaches, for $1.10 Large crates extra Yellow Crawford Freestone Peaches, for 96c Large baskets, extra fancy Arkansas Elberta Peaches, from 2 to 8 dozen In a basket, per basket 26c Watches- Clocks, Cut Glass, Jewelry and Silverware From the Council Bluffs Stock At to Actual Value Watches at Half All are guaranteed and with 10 to 20 year cases. Big snaps. All $30.00 Watches at . . 915.00 All $20.00 Watches at . .$10.00 All 115.00 Watches at ...87.50 All $10.00 Watches at ...$5.00 All $7.00 Watches at ....$3.50 All $5.00 Watches at . . . .$2.50 All $4.00 Watches at S1.50 82 All $1.00 Watches at 50 Bracelets, LaValliers, Pins, Fobs, Watch Chains, etc. $1.00 Scarf Pins, gold filled, nt 25C German Silver Mesh Bags Values to $8.50, on sale Sat urday at. . .25c to $3.00 $5.00 Men's Watch Chains 15 year gold filled, $1.50 Women's and Misses Brace letsPositive 10 year guar antee, dozens of patterns for selection; $6.00 values, at $1.98 Solid Gold Scarf Pins and Beauty Pin Sets, $4.50 and $5.00 values oh sale at, each 75c and $1.00 $1.00 Gold Filled Cuff Links and Combination Sets, 25c Ladies' Belt Pins, Collar Pins, Jabot Pins, etc.; regu lar $1.00 values 25c 32 Rhine Stone Hat Pins lingular $1.00 values. .25c 50c Jet Hat Pins. .... .10c 50c Lace Pins, each 10c 50c Pearl Cuff Buttons, 15c Cut Glass and Silverware $5.00 Cat (ilass Merry Bowls, while they last 1 08 $10.00 Cut Glass Vases . .$4.50 $2.00 Cut Glass Nappies 85 Cut Glass Sugar and Cream Sets, $6.00 values S3.0O $3.00 Silver Fruit Dishes. $1 OO $10.00 Silver Tea Sets 84 50 $2.00 Silver Candle Sticks. . .75 Fancy Gold Clocks, guaranteed values to $4.00 $1.98 Fancy Metal Clocks, guaranteed values to $8.00 $4.00 Hundreds of other bargains too numerous to mention. ' too Florida Water and Assorted Toilet Waters for aso The beet Brands assorted Boented Talcum Powder, for ...SJio 16o Bleached Chamois, special. .. .10 I0o Fosaonl's or Java Rio Powder, for too bottle Hydrogen Peroxide for ISo 11.00 sla ...3o 10o bunch genuine China Joan Sticks for Bo JOo bet Insect Powder tor TVi 6o cartons high grade Absorbent Cotton at UH lOo Bhlnola Shoe Polish for . ...6o I sheets BUcky Fly Paper for ...fro Drug Department Specials J6c Daisy Fly Killer ror isvt I bars Jap Rose or Palm Olive Boap for ISO 6o assorted 6cented Toilet 8ops, in box, for, per box ,i..,.iee 76o Rubber Gloves, special ....... 8ft No. tl Solitary Fountain By rinse. regular at 7oe l.mnm else Monarch Fountain Syr ette recular 11.60, at Inee. Wellington 6yrlne and bottle, guar anteed for 4 years, res. I J 25. 81.SS Large size all wool Auto Sponges, rula.r 11.00. at Bee 10c assorted Colored Bathing ags Harness Department Specials for Saturday and Monday . . . .. . .4 ,n.t aelio-htfol SBTlus prtoes. It we snow ia ibis aepartmeat completa Unas oz sarness m will always par 70a to flsrure with Xaydens. f So Cans, . each IH 60o Cans, each , 3S I gallon MobilolL the 11.60 regular, at 1.00 .Ho .170 .ao , .15.00 I amass mxtax volui H pint sise for , t6c sle, special, for 60c ftlse, special, for Ill OA KlriA Haddles. for too Sheep Wool Sponge .......... ..6a 10c Raw Hide Whips, for ........ " .,hl".nTon all DMUri'" addles 10 percent reduction for Saturday and all net week. 10 e Pent Bednotlon on all Netts, and on an uuaters. BRASS VETAXi OLlBM In Paste f orm. lOo slxe, special, for ., 16C else, special, for jo 2Sc size, special, for Jo 9F,,. whins. neciai. ror DON'T FORGET TRY HAYDEN'S FIRST IT PAYS Ml the Housefurnisnings and Hardware From Council Bluffs Stock $1.66 Solid Copper Nlckle Plated Tea neme, ror S9o 16c Flour Cana, Japanned, 60 lbs. 4e 65c Bread Boxes. Japanned, only 8SO 7o Steel Mall Boxes, only BSo OBAjriTSWABa SAZ.B 4 quart Pudding Pans, granite ,.10o 4 quart Preserving Kettle, granite 100 It quart Dish pan, granite . ...16o 12 quart Water Pail, granite . ...86o 4 quart covered Berlin Kettle . ,86o S8c Parlor Broom, only .....II 25c Frying Pan, cold handle . ...10 16a Bread Boards, only .IBs $1 25 Food Chopper, Only 76o $1 25 Garbage Cans (1 gal.) for Soo Kxtra strong It gallon wood staves, Garbage Can worth 12 . only Bl.Sg No. 1 Western Washer, only . Sa.TS Round Rotary Washer, worth IS 00, .only M.S L.arge Galvanised Tubs, SOo, small 40e Large uaivamsea Hollers, only TSS - A. ... . ' ' . M. II - . . , mactcdd rrcr nc tfdit ni iiimo i bnn lv tg ur ii.nMiiuii MECCA OP TIIE MISMATED Beno Supplant1 Sioux Falls ia Affeo- tions of DlToroo Beenen. MAIN rSDUSTSY OP HEVADA TOWS Typical Femil Taws Rebels fa Eastern rMa and x a, MUltoa's Yea Baet rm Wealth. The population and social Ufa of Beno, Nev., are undergoing a great change. Where a yer or so ago tha optlmlstlo mining promoter, in his corduroy or khaki and his high russet shoes, was wont to dis port himself, today "may be seen men of the east flashing by in high-powered auto mobiles. Where Washoe squaws would a A,ear ago sit and play cards at the somen Tot the public squares may be seen today handsome women In Paris gowns, saunter ing in the afternoon sun. On the veranda of the leading hotel where a year ago were the silence and desolation that the panic of 1W7 produced, idly sit and fight with ennui groups of men and women, who look forward. In mental vision, to the time when they will be able to forsake this frontier poet of civilisation and whirl an eager flight back to their homes la the cask. i)ut; ihty are looking for divorces at present, and so they must stay hers tor at least six months from date or arrival to satisfy the requirements of tha Nevada dtvoroa law with regard to residence. Vnr Reno has succeeded to the eminence formerly occupied by Slour Falls as the divorce center of America. Some rar irhtsd lawyer cot into the Nevada legis lature several years ago, and when hs got out again there wss a dlvoros law among the statutes of Nevada that for length, breadth, height, elastlolty and all other qualities that commend themselves to the seeker after easy matrimonial freedom could not be surpassed anywhere In the union. It was equaled by the Bouth Da kota law, though, and so Nevada and the Nevsda lawyer secured no results from It for the time being. mm loath Dakota te Nevsda. But everything comes to him that waits, and when the people- of Bouth Dakota rose in their wrath last November, and, by th referendum vote, declared that any on who desired to get a divorce in Bouth Dakota would have ts live there a year Instead of sU months, as had beea the .iimnt Drevlously. the seeker of relief from present matrimonial ties befan to take th long Journey weeiwara to itevaaa. where H takes but a sis montnr residence to be in a position to go before the courts of th stat as plaintiff in a divorce suit. Th charms of Nevada as a dlvorc center hav only. Just begun to prolU Into the consciousness of tr outside world. While there ar about fifty-four cases now on the docket of the district court, there ar In Reno today over 360 Individuals establishing a residence for dlvoroe pur poses, a majority of Whom are women. Reno has no objection to the present status of affairs. It is estimated that the revenue of the town from the divorce cokmy at present is close to $1,000,030 a year, and that It will rapidly increase from this on. To a community of but lt.000 population this is no small consideration. Nataral Attraetieas. Why Reno is preferred to ary other com munity in th state as a place of residence by those seeking divorces is because of the manifold advantages of the town over any other In th state. Nevada Is primarily a mining stat and nature usually hides her precious metals In difficult places. Reno is not a mining camp, and Is, net only centrally situated from a railroad point of view, but has scenic attractions rarely to be found In any American oom n'ur.lty. It is located In the heart of a rich agri cultural region, and through '.he center of th town runs a beautiful mountain stream, the Truckee river. Surrounding the town, at a brief distance, are snow-capped moun tains, aud th winds coming from over their summits keep th air cool on summer nights. It Is never very warm in Reno. On the other hand, th winters are com paratively mild. An altitude of 4500 feet makes the atmos phere somewhat trying on nerves that are not robust to begin with, but nervous af- feotlons are the only complaints to which the ellmate la unfavorable. For the cure of other ailments hot mineral water springs abound in the vicin ity of Reno. Twelve miles away are the famous Bteamboat springs which Comstock millionaires were wont to'patronlie forty years ago. Three miles ' from Is Moana springs. Five miles from Reno, to the west, la another famous medicinal re sort, Laughton's springs, the road to which runs along the Truckee river, making a beautiful driving boulevard. Half way to Laughton's on this road Is a n-.agntflceiit edifice known as "Hick's," which Is the local Monte Carlo. Rick's has all the con veniences for those who desire to make a stay, and frequently parties who go there to spend a few hours forget to come buc for several days. It might be mentioned In this connection that the divorce colony has brought to Reno over 100 motor cars. The leading hotels are always crow. led and the rents for cottages have appreciated on the average to the extent of 60 per cent la the last six months. In some ina'an the increase has been much greater. One cottage that rented for W a month in January last now returns Its owner a rental of 1100 a month. Coateated with Its Lot. Biased somewhat by the financial seduc tions of the situation, and yet to learn the lesson that such a state of affairs can only result in the moral degradation of th youth of th community a lesson which caused Bouth Dakota to reform its divorce laws Reno appears to be perfectly contented with things as they are. But Nevada Is busily engaged In clean ing house, and it Is felt by the most re- flectlve observers that the divorce laws of Nevada as now written will be a thing of the past In the near future. Not In the very near future for the next legislature does not meet until January of 1911. There are others who point to the experience of South lakota. which for twenty years fought the evils of lax divorce laws before a repeal was secured, and say that the moralists of Nevada have an equally stub born task before them. But Nevada Is cleaning house. In the last session of the legislature, after gaming being permitted for forty years with cognizance of law, a bill abolishing gambllug was passed the set to take effect In November of IStIO nd It la believed that if that could be dona, the slack divorce laws can be more easily lepealrd. In tne meantime the hotel men and cot tae renters of Reno and the divorce law yers will continue to flourish. Parlnlan toilettes and sixty-horse power automobiles will flash and dash through the quiet thoroughfares at all suits of hours. Men and women will continue to become "citl xens" of Nevada on a six months' residence and leave the state forever after securing their divorce decrees. New York Times. Skin aed from Head to Heel was Ben Pool, Threet, Ala., when dragged over a gravel roadway, but Bucklen's Ar nica Salve cured him. 26c. Sold by Beaton Drug Co. Mighty Task of Base Ball Reporter la Tenia the Sam Old Story. The bane ball writer, of all the literary men of the present day, works under con ditions most nearly approximating those which have governed the productions of the great masterpieces of the ages. The reason Is apparent at a glance; he tells the same story over and over many times. The strain .for originality Is the brand and weakness of modern literature. Our singers are not content with "the slretch-ed meter of an antique song," or the bur dens which were borne by those who hymned the dawn "w'en 'Oraer smote 'Is bloomln' lyre." They must needs origi nate both poem and subject. Result, Al fred Austin, et Id genus omne.- Our tellers of tales do not find sufficient the great classical plots which sufficed for Virgil and Dante and Milton and Marlow and Shakespeare and Goethe; they must needs Invent new ones. Result. O. B. Me Cutehegn and the Williamsons. Now the ancient Idea of a masterpiece was the Incomparable retelling of an oft-told tale. In this root Idea of art the sporting editor of today Is one with the masters of speech of all the agi-s. Day after day he tells the same story, expounds the same situations and ap portions praise and blame acc ording to the same Inexorable rules. Not more rigid th artistic limitations of the writer of the old eight-part motet or the archlteot of the Doric temple. What Is the result? For a time the bas ball arlters of the country sought In wild and lawless epithet and sentences tricked out in foreign gauds and con Colts to make beautiful their narrow plot of ground. That day Is, however, passing, and the rise of a classlo school Is ap parent to the dlseornlng eye. For ex ample: The Republic's account of a re cent game between the Browns and the Reds contain this passage: "As Honor able Griggs turned second he saw Honor able Btone camped out on third, his tent up and the smoke rising from the fire." (For the benefit of our London sub scribers we hasten to explain that bas runners are unequipped with even th lightest of silk shelter tents snd that no fires are permitted on the diamond save those kindled by the captain and coach between innings). , Here Is a passage embodying a meta phor by no means original. For the tent uf Honorable Stone was but the taber nacle,, of the flesh. Its wind-swung cur tains snd frequent removing have been sung by David snd Paul, by Omar and liafix. The passage Is but the rSamelt ing of old gold, the resetting of an old Jewel. That way lie literature. St. Douls Re public. Coal of Fire. The druggist at the corner drug store had rolled back the woman's eyelid and relieved her of uniold agony by removing several grains of sand Ilia I she had accu mulated at the seashore., Bhe smiled at hlin gratefully. "What do I owe your she asked. "Nothing at all." said he. "o buy nearly all your poetage stamps here, you kfcow." New Tfork Free