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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 14, 1909)
10 THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, AUGUST 14. 1903. i ( i i i i n 1 i ! 2 M i, '' ; APPOINT AFTER PRIMARIES HaaaMSMaaae Eayi They Will Then Name Man for Kennard'i Place. WISE TO CHOOSE SHOUT-TERMER Wast A vol Breeeeeliy AaMkcr theaara Be ITlra "TS Dese crate Art After lyoagj Tara Job Oalr. The republican nominee for the unex pired term of county commissioner from the Flrrt district to fill ths vacancy caused by tha deatb of M. J. Kennard, will doubt less be appointed to fill out tha term be tween tha time of tha primary and elec tion day next November. Ttale la tha opinion of County Judge lyeella, one of tha three official! em powered to make the appointment The other two appointing official! are County Clerk Haverly and County Treasurer Toray. The three official! are republican! and therefore the appointee will be a republi can, especially because the late Incumbent of. tha office waa a republican. Judge Leslie be! levee it would be tha wlaa thing to appoint the nominee for the short term so aa not te necessitate another change after election for the two month! Inter vening before the regularly elected of ficials go Into office In January of next year. The democrat! have no candidate for the abort commissioner term and Tom Flynn, boss of the party locally, says that his party does not expect to secure the appointment for a democrat and, further, mill not ask for It. i "I have not talked to Mr. Haverly or Mr. Furay about the matter said Judge Leslie, "but since It has gone aa long as It has I think we will postpone the appointment another weik until tha primaries are held. It is then more than probable that the re publican nominee will be appointed. We would not think of appointing one of the candidates for the long term, as that would show partiality. Neither do I think It advisable to appoint a man not a candidate for the short term for the reason that he would Just about get accustomed to the office and be In a position to give the county valuable service when the man elected tn November would displace him." County Clerk Haverly and County Treas urer Furay declined to express themselves as to tha probable appointee. ."We are after the long term offices and will not bother . with this short term," said Boss Flynn. "It would take aa much energy to elect a man for the two months of the short term as to elect him for the three years of tha long term, and the game Is not wortfl' the candle." John Qrenfe and N. P. Dodge, Jr., are the republican candidates for the short' com missioner term, with Grant picked for the lead. JUDGE TROUP DENIES PLEA TO RESTORE DINUZZO LICENSE Rejects Apelleatloa to Bet Aside Or aer of Revocation Till -press Ceort Acta. ' Tha application of Frank Dlnusso'a at torneys to have the revoking of his license et aaid until an appeal can be heard was denied by Judge Troup. The request was made on the ground that the aotion of the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners was contrary to the state constitution in punishing a man before an appeal could be heard. A supersedeas was asked overruling the board and Mr. Oilier cited ' tha case of H. C. Rann, a saloon keeper whose license waa revoked In IMS for selling on Sunday.' In that case a sup ersedeas waa granted and the saloonkeeper waa allowed to continue in his business until the appeal could be heard. Judge Troup declined to follow the precedent A motion for a new trial has been filed in the criminal case against Dinusxo. Al though he pleaded guilty, his attorneys as sert In the motion that the facts which he admitted do not properly constitute an offense under the law and for that reason hold tha court In error. The papera for the appeal to the supreme court on this case were to be filed Friday, and as It will be advanced out of Its turn because of Its urgent nature It may get a bearing In October. Deadly rright posseesea sufferers from lung trouble till they learn Dr. King's New Discovery will help them. Wo and 11.00. Bold by Beaton Drug Co. Fry Shoe Go's. C!eamUp Sale of Oxfords Our big Clear-up Sale goes merrily on. For Saturday we will add some more lines that have become broken, and you will find bargains in every department. See the grand display of bargains in our show windows. . Men's Department Johnson ft Murphy't $$.50 and $6.00 patent and tan Russia Oxfords, now $4.45 McDonald ft Klley's $5.00 patent colt and tan , Oxfords, now $3.65 4.00 and $2.85 Howard ft Foster $4.00 and patent Oxfords, now ... Six lines of men's tan and patent Oxfords, our $3.50 staples, go ($t, pair All our boys' $1.50 tan Oxfords- $2.60 $1.95 go at I6th and Douglas Streets. Trunks and MADE RIGHT PRICED RIGHT Prow ths cheapest that is good to tha best made. Our $5.00 suit cases cannot be duplicated In town at this price. FUELING (SI STEINLE (Wbere Trornks Are Made.) 1S03 Farmam St, Telephone Douglas 4095. Opposite City Hall. Nix on the Car With Thirteen Men Friday, 13th Such a Combination i Too Much for This Drummer to Tackle. Would he ride on a street car with eleven passengers, a conductor and a motor mq on Friday the thirteenth? Oh, no; not this traveling man. He would rather walk than ride under those circumstances. It was at the corner of Twenty-fourth and Dodge streets that he boarded a Har ney car. His two sample grips he dropped on the rear platform and kicked them up against the back of the car. From his pocket he drew forth a morning paper and leaned against the rail to read. About the first thing his eyes lit on waa the date line, "Friday, August 13." "Oee, this Is the thirteenth." he ejacu lated with a glance at the conductor. "You bet It la" replied the fare collector, who had been keeping track of the passen gers who boarded the car, "and you make the thirteenth person on this car." "What?" This in the most astonished tone. "Well, here's where your 'Uncle Billy gets off this ear. I don't think I'm superstitious, but I don't want to mix up with anything that ha! thirteen around It. Just stop the car." By that time Twentieth and Dodge was reached and the traveling man climbed off with both his grips. Just as he went to cross the street to take a Dodge car for the rest of his Journey a big automobile, whose driver had not seen the drummer, whined by and barely missed htttlng one of his grips. As the drummer glanced around to look at the car he observed Its number. It was IMi. ' "This surely seems to be my fatal day," he remarked to a short-set man who stood on the curb waiting for a car. "X Just feel that I'm 'going to be bothered all day by this strange combination of Friday and thirteen. I kind of wish I hadn't started out on my trip today. Bet you I don't repeat this stunt No more of it for little Willie." A Dodge car. crowded full, came along then and the drummer had to stand on the ateps of tha rear platform and place his kneea against his grips to keep them from falling off tha car. ENGLISH DOES NOT KNOW THAT BUCKET SHOPS EXIST aBBBsm "Bobbo One Osgkt to Bring- Matter to Oar Office sat Let aa Proae cate,',' Me Bays. The sudden demise of several "bucket shop" concerns has brought attention to the fact that contrary to the law this kind of speculation Is going on In Omaha. "I understand there is some sort of a statute against what they call "bucket hnm ' " hvi County Attorney English. "If they1 exist It seems strange that some one does not start a prosecution against them. If evidence could be collected and a complaint filed I believe some of them could be driven out. "I have no official knowledge that they are operating. Some one of their victims ought to bring It Into my office and ask us to proceed against them. They ought to be brought to trial and punished like other breakers of the law." . BIG BARBECUE FOR. EAGLES Real Ola Boatarra Feaat la Planned for Delegates to the Con vention. Losvea and fishes, with willow twigs for forks for toothpicks, will be the features of a eatffch bake on a mammoth scale, to be brought off on one day during the Eagles' convention in September. . A noted chef has been secured to handle a big barbecue at Cut-Off lake, which will Include oxen and sheep, with all proper accompaniments, as well aa several thou sand catfish served redhot on willow twigs. Chairman Walt Jardtne of the entertain ment committee, with the assistance , of George F. West, will have tha bossing of this unique stunt that they have planned A real barbecue, in true southern style, Is always a winner with picnickers of all ages, and It Is planned to make this Eagle barbecue memorable in local annala. A side features,- not yet fully developed. Is a aeries of fish stories by noted anglers from many parts of the country. For Women Laird, Schober'a $5.00 imported tan Russia and patent mp ?oxr.': S3.75 All our gray and black suede $4.00 Oxfords, go At $2.95 Eight lines of best makes. In tan, es. In tan, $2.95 lords, that Russia Oxfords, that sold for $4, are now only Seven lines of tan Oxfords, that were $3.60, go at $2.45 Six lines ot kid and patent $2.50 tent $2.50 $1.95 Oxfords, to clean up Suit Cases 1 MEN'S CLOTHING Choice of All Our Broken Lois Men's $25 Summer Suits Men's $20 Summer Suits Men's $18 Summer Suits Men's $15 Summer Suits t HIRSH.WICKWIRE CO. IVIEIM'S SUITS Worth $35. $30 and $25. S J$Q in On Great Lot, at ... . This final reduction sale affects hundreds of this season's most de sirable suits for men and young men. Absolutely the greatest cloth ing sensation of the season. Hirsh Wickwire & Co., makers of the fin est ready-to-wear suits, sold to us all of their 2 and 3-piece sum mer suits a less than M ( IJQ half price actual $35, I f. $30 and 25 suits, at Bee them in our window. Clearing sale Men's $10 and $12.50 Outing Suits, at. . . . Clearing; sale ot children's washable suits worth up to 15. at $1.00 Clearing Sale of Boys' $1.00 Knickerbocker pants, e.t.75 KEE'Sr1 Men's Your choice of any of our men's underwear shirts and drawers, silk, silk lisle, linen mesh, B. V. D. and Scrlven's Elastic Seam, worth up to $2.50, at, ner purmpnt Choice of any union suit worth up lisle and Otis balbriggan, worth to $U at 25 and 35 Men's sample leather belts, worth up to 60C, at, each 10 Wometv' s Union Underwear t 29c a.nd 69c Made of lisle and fine cotton silk ribbon and crochet trim mingmade with umbrella knee ?Q I all sizes; worth up to $1.50, at &aC .llel DRANDEIS DRUG SPECIALS 25c Dr. Grave's Tooth Powder 12c 25c Hydrogen Peroxide Oc 26c Sanltol Tooth Powder ...14c 1-lb. Victor's Talcum 25c 60o StlUman' Freckle Olntm't 89c $1.50 Oriental Cream . . . .f 1.09 25c Colgate's Dental Cream 20c 75C Pompeian Massage Cream 60c 60c Satin Skin Cream 89c 25c Sanltol Cream 14c 25c Roger ft Gallet Rice Pwd. 19c 26c Satlnette Rice Powder ..14c 60c Java Rice Powder 25c 60c Locust Blossom Perfume 2c 6 cakes Ivory Soap 19c 3 cakes Colgate's Eng. Process 23c 3 cakes Lana Oil and Buttermilk, for 18c J?ur SHEET MUSIC EZfigSEi Instrumental, 10c "Sollta," "Ivovella-ht." "Junsrle Moon," "To My First Love," "All the Candy." "Memories of Love." -DRANDEIS The Bee for Mil Uib Sporting Nbws P s5 Clearing sale of boys' $1 and $1.50 K. & B. .kl.e M a - A Clearing sale of men's $5 and $4 summer pants, 32.50 blouses. 49j Sample Skirts Thousands of men's high grade sample shirts, made up for early fall wear coat styles, cuffs at tached, plain and plaited bosoms many white plaited shirts worth up to $2.00, at i 50c and 75c Underwear Sale 75c to $1.60, at each 75fr . . 111. YW I.. fnnr.ln-h&nd ties, worth to 75 cents. at. each V82 Men's and boys' 60c negligee and golf shirts, basement, at ! Men's 60o summer underwear, shirts and drawers, basement, at ....Boo 7 cakes Cocoanut Oil 2Bo Cutlcllne, special, per box . . . .10c 25c Roger ft GaUet Violet S'p 19c We sell Patent Medicines at Cat Prices: 50o Milk's Emulsion S9o 50c Syrup of Figs 5c 35o Castorla 83c $1.00 Duffy's Pure Malt . . . .89o $1.00 LydU Plnkham's Vegetable , Compound for Wc $1.00 Abbott Bros. Rheumatic Remedy for 8c PHOTO DEPT. W develop any size fUm this week for 1&0 No matter how large. While Love and Life Shall Last The number of sales of this song proves that it is an instantan eous hit. Hear it sung in our Music Dept. Saturday. J A You can buy it in ItfC three keys ; Saturday ... VOCAL HITS Some Lata Arrival at 19o "I Want to Go to the Ball Game," Now I Love You," I '11 Be With You By e and Bye. ' Kiss Me." 'Be a Bachelor While You Can." STORES- In order to set rid of our Men's Light Colored Suits OQtS and Pants we reduced everything in that line; former prices from $7.50 to $12.50. Your unrestricted choice S r l(ift(TT)l Men's Fine Pants A grand assortment of Men's Fine Pants, tailored by America's foremost pant tailors, correct in fit and style ; an actual saving to you of $1.50 to $2.00 on every pair you may choose; your choice Extra Special Bargain in Men's Underwear including poros knit, in blue and salmon color; fancy stripe that furnishing goods stores ask 75c for; some gray and black mixed ; also muslin drawers with knitted in seams and knitted cuffs that usually sell for 45c. Sale Price GUARANTEE CLOTHING CO. Pennsylvania Lines Chicago to Cleveland WITHOUT CHANGING ' CARS E1eotrto-!!(hted DRAWING ROOM SLEEFINO CAR runs dally over "Fort Wayne Routs" via OmrUle. live, CHICAGO B OO P. M. Are. BARBEKTOtf 6.24 A.M. Are. AKRON 6.87 A.M. Are. CLEVELAND 7.06 A.M. Returning" leave Cleveland 9P.1I. Arrives Chicago In "The Pennsylvania limited at a 46 A. M. Pally Veatlbuled Train with Cafe Library Smok ing Car Bervlce. ' Reserve space In advance by addressing w. M. riowiana, Traveling Passenger Agent, 113 Board ot Trade Building, Omaha. Neb. Have THE BEE follow you on your vacation Notify us befors you leave and there will be no Interruption In service between your city and out-of-town address. 11 :i U Write or Telephone the Circu lation Department THE BEE. Call Us by 'Phone Whenever you wnt ometnlnf call Vhon Douglas 238 and make It known ttrougk Bee Want Ad. D. C. SCOTT, D.V.S. te Dr. H. U. KamacetatU.) Calla Promptly Aaswered at AJI Havre. """-VSrZSffJS:, Rollablo Dontistry AT Taft's Dental Rooms ASsxarrAarr run rmuiuiu Office ama KasFllal MM afiaeaw S)tre JT 7 S n r - . .... ... ... j IU! THC RELIABLE STORE Annual Piano Clearance Sale will continue for one week longer. If you are going to buy a piano in the near future it will pay you to call at our ware room and inspect these beautiful pianos, which are selling at such greatly reduced prices. We Only Hold This Sale Once a Year Space will not allow us to give a full description of every piano, so we just give a list of the prices and the names of these celebrated makes. We have divided them off into four lots and below you will find eight specials selected from each lot. If yon cannot call, write ns and we will jon whatever la forma tion j-ou desire regarding this sale. Every communication la promptly answered and all Piano Mall Orders are taken care of personally by the manager of the deartment. If yon want a piano at a BARGAIN PRICE this 1b your chance. We will be pleased to sell any one of the so pianos on smaU monthly payments if yon cannot pay for It all cash. READ THIS LIST OF BARGAINS: LOT NO. 1 1 Milton 1 Smith & Barnes 1 Gerhard 1 Ivers & Pond 1 Vose & Sons 1 Decker Bros. 1 Wegman 1 Gerhard LOT 1 Fishcher 1 Price & Teeple 1 Chickering Bros 1 Wegman 1 Haines Bros 1 Smith & Barnes 1 Schaeffer lEbersole LOT Price & Teeple Schirmer Rto-pr KJ ICCl Vose Bordman Hardman Baldwin . Gerhard . LOT 1 Schirmer W"T... $132.00 1 Milton ' vl$"y... $185.00 1 Ebersole tly... $188.00 1 Gerhard -vX.7.. $175.00 1 Ivers & Pond J"' $160.00 1 Vose & Sons $140.00 1 Wegman VH&tlj" $230.00 1 Decker Bros. u.ed.11.! $133.00 Organs and Square Pianos. .$5.00, $8.00, $10.00 and $15.00 Two hundred and fifteen (215) Music Rolls from the COUNCIL BLUFFS stock these are on sale at 35c, 38c, 42c, 57c, 65c and 80c apiece. DON'T F0R0ET, if you cannot call, write and we will send you full particulars. HAYDEM' OMAHA'S LEADING PIANO HOUSE . SATURDAY OF DREXEL'S CUT PRICE OXFORD SALE Our great clearance sale has been a great success be cause of the real bargains we are offering on the following high grade oxfords: $4.25 $3.85 For ten lines of Han an. Clapp and Boyden $6 and $6.50 Men's Ox fords. For fifteen lines of Hanan, MacDonald and Klley $5.00 and 15.50 Men's Oxfords. $2.90 For fifteen lines of Howard & Foster and Tilt $4.00 and $4.60 Men's Oxfords. For twenty lines of mlscellaneus makes of $3.50 Men s Oxfords. All of our Misses' $2.55 All of our Misses' Genuine Russia Calf Ankle Strap Pumps. All of our Boys', Youths' and Little QenU Oxfords In the store PER CENT OFF SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY $200 "uca" Tour choice of any white s or genuine wnue Oxford. 1160 to 14 values. ON THE TABLE: 100 pairs of women's low heeled oxfords $2.50 and $3.00 values, at, per pair Brexel Shoe o, 1419 Farnam Otreet EM , Slightly $185.00 $175.00 $185.00 f 165.00 140.00 Slightly ................ uSa. . Slightly 'Used PllghUy 1 "IT.. $138.00 fghuy $230.00 u.'fd"7 $160.00 NO. 2 vxJ&?7... $285.00 KS.".-. $220.00 .v..'dh.u.. $320.00 .u.edUy.. $340.00 fti"" $220.00 ?,"?tIy . $185.00 $227.00 us?"1?.. $200.00 NO. 3 K!5:.. $170.00 Slightly o-s oer er ......... Used. .. .. 9AJ.W Slightly USftd e Used1.'! $155.00 $127.00 used1.1. $200.00 Use'd.. $178.00 Bujhtiy $225.00 u..dt,y $150.00 NO. 4 . . . - - LAST DAY For Fifteen lines ot Ranan, Foster and Wright Peters' $5.00 and $5.50 Women's Oxfords. . . . $3.85 For Twenty lines of the celebrated celebrated $2.90 Armstrong- $4.00 Women's Ox fords , For fifteen lines Kippendorf Belby Shoe Com pany $3.60 Women's Oxfords For ten lines of mis cellaneous makes of $3 $2.55 Women's Oxfords and Child's Oxfords. PER CENT BFF Also Men's white can ras .Oxfords, $3.00 and $3.60 qualities, at..... $2.50 75c $2.25 t i rs i. t i n rr i V HI' i H1l'f