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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 14, 1909)
t S 4 r ' -w PATENTS I OBAnNELL. Psxton P.Ik. Tel Red 7117. W11,!R) F.l!r. rerif'ere.1 practtoner In V. S patent office. N '. L I1M4. t Si PEHSONmL OMAHA Stammerer In., Ilatr.jte Bldg. THE SALVATION A KM T so.l its rai-totf clothing, in fact. Hiiytn.i.K juu u 1101 11. eil W cunt (I, leoalr and uni at U4 N. Utli St., for cot of coln-cllon to t.i woitity pour. Cull phone Douglas 4uS ami u(uii will call. DR. EUUERS, private confinement home, L'.lti Martha St. Tel. Dougias f2l. HALL'S safes, new, 2d -hand lis Farnam. WANTED Light housekeeping rooms for couple In north end of city; north of Binncy hi. Address U 232, Bee FR1VATE home during confinement; babies adopted. The Good Samaritan Sahl tarlum. .740 1st Ave., Council Hlulf. la. MA0XETK1 treatment. Mine Smith. ixivjixxiv J5 ,SIh g ,n,rdfloor 1 1 MASSAGE AND BATHS. Mineral baths, elcctile vibrating and Swedish maaaage. 208 Old Boston Store. HALL'S aafea. few. Id-hand. 1818 Fintnv MAGNETIC treatment. Emmelln Brott, fn: 8. 16th. Doug. am. A. D. S. REMEDIES are made from the elected formula or recipes of 12.0UO of the leading retail druggina of the United States. There are forty-nine dru Mores in ummi wno sell A D. S. remert es and every remedy la positively guaianteed to ao an tnai 1 claimed for It. Schsefer's lores are A. u. S. Stores. PRIVATE confinement home. Mrs. Dr. King. 13ii N. 24th. Tel. Web. 3fw9, Itid. U-l&:. PRINTING TAFFE Printing Co., 807 Boaton St. Dldg PHONK INf. A-20 for good prlntln iyngsiaat printing t.o., ifth & Capitol Ave HOLLAND Printing Co., 110 S. 17tli 6t. WATERS Printing Co., 522 8. 11th St. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHERS Steong., notary public. Hotel Loyal. Plenog. H otelH en h a w, pfom pt eer vice REAL ESTATE Real Estate Dearn, REED ABSTRACT CO., Eat. 18T.6; prompt service; get our prices. 1710 Farnam Si. r REAL ESTATE city ruupKHi v rH sai.h (Continued ) REAL ESTATE riTT PBuremt iom ialb (Continued BUY CLOSE IN $10 Cash, $10 a Month ONLY TEN MINUTES' WALK TO THE COURT HOUSE ' SALE NOW ON, COME TODAY In Shull's .11 addition at 20th and Poppleton Avenue. We are selling these choice, close-in lots for $575 to $950 Each Three streets are paved, paving tax paid in full, permanent walks are in, city water, gas and sewer. Within one mile of over $5,000,000 worth of new buildings that are now under way. Close In Real Estate Advances the Fastest Come at once and make your selection. Salesmen on the addi tion until dark today, tomorrow and Sunday. DON'T PUT THIS OFF We will build for you if you pay cash for the lot. HASTINGS & HEYDEN 1614 Harney Street. Conservative Bldg. KOK SALE A four-acre piece of ground with house, barn and ether outbuilding in northeast Nebraska town; very rich noil For terms address Y 279. care Omaha Bee FOR SALE, by owner. strictly modern 10-room residence near Hanscom park; fin shAde. good lawn, cement walks, asphall paving all paid; lot 50x150; convenient foi either east or nl side car; will sell with or without furniture complete, on reason able terma. Addrecs D lhO, Bee OANGESTAD. 404 Bee Bldg. Tel. D. 3307. PATNE INV. CO., first floor N. Y. Life BENJAMIN R. E. CO.. 477 Brandels Bldg. REAL ESTATE TITLE-TRUST CO. CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON, President, C1TT PHOPERTT FOR SAI.K. Brick Home $200 Cash monthly, or to suit. FULL LOT One-half block to oar. . NOWATA LAND ft LOT CO. Suit 24 N. Y. Life Bldg. 'Phono Rod lft. Omaha, Neb. .WEST FARNAM LOT $1,200 This la located on 42d St., just north of -Dodge St.. site KOxUS ' ft.; new house all around it Other lot In this block are ' ' held from II. 50 to 81.800. Non resident owner very anxious to ' ' ' ell, beoco lew price. George & Co 1601 Farnam. 29th and Ames Ave Now S-room cottage located on the south oast corner of th and Ames Ave., modern exoept heat, all ready to move right In. Frio, $3,&ja. Buy term. Payne, BostwickS: Co., Sol genu. Main Floor N. T. Life. INSIDE BARGAIN We are offering th greatest Inside bar gain In Omaha. Just think of a 2-story building covering th full lot 16x132 on Harney St., one block from City Hail, Bee Building, Boyd a Theater, Y. M. C. A. and Court Houaa. Vacant corner one block east held at ftfO.Out. Vacant corner first corner east held at 16, OKU. Thus building is opposite Publle Library and Boylea Col lege. THE INCOME IS OVER 84.000 AND THKRB ARE ENOUGH VACANCIES IN m iLDINO TO BRING A OROSS REN TAL OF 87,000. THE PRICK 18 ONLY $36,000. You couldn't buy the vacant ground for that If moat people owned It. Every real estate agent we have spoken to says the owner ought not. to sell for It will sell for 860,000 In I years and 1100.000 sum day. If you really want an inside bargain and have $10,000 cash, buy this property NOW. Don't be the man who al ways telle us when too lata, "I would havi bought that If I had known It" N. P. DODGE ft CO.. 1714 Farnam St LIST your property with Chris Boyer, 23d nd Cuming St. HANDSOME HOME "WEST FARNAM DISTRICT W have splendid home In th heart of the West ' Farnam district on one of the very nicest streets, built one year ago. This houee was designed and the con struction superintended by one of the best architects In th city and la built on artistic thoroughly modern lines, equtp ped with every comfort and convenience. Ha beautiful quarter sawed oak finish throughout th entire house, two fine prested brick fireplaces, two complete bath room. 6 bedrooms with splendid closet room. Beamed, large living room, outside aleepsng room. The basement Is divided Into fruit room, laundry room, tor room and furnace room. 12-inch walls throughout braemenl. Splendid poroh. All of the wails are canvased and hand dec orated. It la heated with a splendid hot water beating plant, with Therinunuu reg ulator, and also la equipped with Rud'l Instantaneous hot water heater; also with water filter; clothe chute; hcatuiful com bination lighting fixtures; electric lights In all rooms and even In closets; back atair Vou will waat your time In building w hen you can buy this home at cost on account of owner leaving city. The lot la right, the house la nht. the location th very best. Make arrangements with us to go through this house. , HASTINGS HEiDEN. 1614 Harney 6t. $425 Building Lot On Oil Ave. between Uth and lSih Sla.. three blocks outh of Vinton St. Splendid looatlon to build a cottage home. This is th cheapest lot In that part of the city a well 1 oca led. tvee us at once. Payne, Bostwick & Co., Sole Agents, Main Floor N. T. Ufa. SPECIAL BARGAIN LARGE CORNER KOUNTZE f PLACE TWO LOl $1,4:23 Southeast corner of 22d and Ptokney Sis . facing new university site, on paved street, one block from car; sewer, water, gas, sidewalk all around. THIS IS A SNAP. VON'T LET IT GET AWAY. HASTINGS at HEYDEN. 1614 Harney St ' FOR SALE Elegant lot! bxlM fet. southaeat corner nh and Oranl tita. Write for vme and IWUi t F. ii. K.ipo, till- aukew vv i. 9-KOOM HOUSE .$2,850 No. 43n Rurdette St.; has rooms on flrt floor and S rooms on second floor; city water, sewer, cement walks; south front 60-foot lot, one block to Benson car line. Owner has made very low price on this property on account of moving to California. You can go direct to the house and look It over. HASTINGS HEYDEN, 161 Harney St OWN A FINE) LARGE LOT HALF AN ACRE JUST RIGHT Why not raise all your vegetables and fruit and chickens for home use? W bave Just th place, "HOME ACRES" Fine level half acres, equal to three city lots, . $ .blacks west of Fort Omaha, cloas enough to both Ames avenue and Florence car llDea. Some of our best people are buying In this addition. Let ua abow you what w art ottering. PRICES $360 TO $400 EACH. TERMS $10 CASH, $10 A MONTH. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1614 Harney street. Conservative Building Save Your Money By buying that 6-room cottage at MIS Charles St., with bath, toilet, city Water, electric light, fine cistern, lots of fruit; house nearly new, near Harney oar. Prloe $2,200. Reasonable terma. Payne, Bostwick & Co., Sole Agents, Main Floor, N. Y. Life. OWNER LEAVING TOWN WANTS TO SELL HOME $4,800 for 4906 California St., eight-room, two-story house, strictly modern, fine finish throughout, mantel and grate in reception hall, four bed rooms second floor, fruit In yard. Recently reduced for quick sale. Reasonable terma George & Co,, 1G01 Farnam. 30TII AND DAVENPORT STS S. E. CORNER SIX-ROOM MODERN DWELLING Hot water heat, oak finish downatalrs, combination flxturea extra high-grade plumbing, full cemented basement, with laendry, large lot with plenty of space for two St. Louis flats or another large dwel ling on the corner; paving all paid. This Is in easv walking distance, on the boule vard and In a neighborhood where extra good houses have been built and are new building. A desirable residence and first class plec of Investment property when Improved. Price reduced to tS.SOO for Immedlnte anle. MUST BE DISPOSED OF THIS WEEK Owner live In house and will be "ad to show It to prospective purchaser at any time. Set It, then see ua D. V. SIIOLES COMPANY, 111 Bd. Trade Bldg., 16th and Farnam Sta Tel. Doug. 41. Independent A-H $500.00 CASH 8-room modern house desir ably located in fine neighbor hood. A bargain at the price $4,000.00. Terms $500.00 cash, balance very easy. An oppor tunity to get a nice home on very easy terms. BENSON & CARMICHAEL, 642 Paxton Block. South Omaha Snap Houke and three lots near 48th and Q Sts.. South Omaha; small barn; big rave cellar; some fruit. Prtce. $1.i0, on easv terma Will take $luu down from good party. House has new roof, new paint aod paper, only one block from car. N. P. Dodge & Co., 1714 Farnam SC OWNER'S LOSS, YOUR GAIN $3,350 tor a new, all modern house In good loca tion. It has SEVEN LARGE ROOMS in all. Parlor, dining loom, kitchen, two bed rooms and bath, beside front and rear t-estibule on the first floor. Two large well ventilated bedrooms on second floor. First floor finished In oak and hard pine, and It was built by day labor. Materials and construction FIRST CLASS. It la on a corner lot. facing south and eart, one block from a good car line. Favorable terms can be made. Our salesmen will take you to see thla any time. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 11.14 Harney St. 8-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. ' FOR $3,376. Parlor, aittlng room, dining room and library or book room and kitchen: 1 bed rooms and modern bath upstair; large cel lar bricked up and cemented: outside eel larway; large furnace; large new front ana side porcn; house newly patnted and in good order; lot 60x124; shade trees: fruit tree; grapery; cement walks; paved aireet; gooa neighborhood; at 1621 Pinkney; house vacant: owner left th city. W. H. GATES, OT N. Y. Life. Phone. D 1294. Can get key at 161D Lotm-op St. BUY A LOT FOR THE BOY In "HILLSDALE." It only take a dollar flown and then $1 a week, without Interest. Located 7 blocks west of Miller nrk All big lots, high and sightly. The advance of thetu lots la certain. Omaha Is growing the fastest In thla direction. Two years ago Collier Place was a wilderness. One Jur ago last spring Fort View Terrace 14 iiioiks south) was a corn field. Now both are built up with a large number of new homes. Prices on these lots lino to I m nothing higher. $1 cash, $1 a week, without interest. r HASTINGS & HEYDEN. 1614 Harney St. Two Bungalows We hav Just completed two fine bunga low cottages with five rooms each, one located In the south part of the city and me oiner locaiea at xtn and rranklin Sta. Don't fall to see these buncalowa at i,nr aa they are beauties. You can hav easy Payne, Bost wick &Co Sole Axenta, Main Floor, N. T. Life. "-ROOM house. 023 Marcy St.. for sal by Geo. F. Wooley, 06 W. O. W. Bldg. FOR quick returns, list your real estate for sale and exchange with me, no sale, no pay. W. W. Mitchell, Hoard of Trade Bldg., Omaha. Neb. BEMIS PARK lot has sewer, water, gas, paved street; bargain. $700. Must be sold at once. All Ui paid. 112 N. 4th St. FOR SALE Two new l room house at SSd and Charles; strictly modern. Call and see carpenter or 'Phone Douglaa 236S, ven- BOULEVARD HOUSE. 2241 North lsth St.. -rooms, modern, only $2,600. Thomas Brennan. Room L New Tork Life Bldg. FIVE ! room, strictly modern cottage; has .i.u viT-i-inu ugnis; modern plumbing Ave1"" ht' Corn"" ,ot Camden $9,000, $5,000 Cash. Balance $ per cent; close In; always oc cupied, Paya 18 NET TO YOU. Looks awful big, but If you doubt It wino in we win convince you. NOWATA LAND LOT CO Suite 24 N. Y Life Bldg. Phon Red UM. Omaha, Neb. WEST FARNAM Two squares north of Farnam St., one block from new Zhth Mi t-i,t. ji...... $ room, strictly modern, on corner, lot Mi $5,600. Terma O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. W- Y" Ut- A 2151. REAL ESTATE FARM AJiU UAACll LA.Sli FOR BALE Idaho. Idaho Carey Act Lands. Now open for entry In the agricultural ecil,.n of the nonhwtsl The Shake River Valley, Southern luaho. State Government Su;irviMon For free Information on lrilgaie.l Land Write C. B. HurtL Boise. Idaho. OTSk. Over Six Hundred Acres. The Kelsey Farm, Monona County, Camana, la. Full particulars and leinia, Howard D. Gordon, Haaard villa, Corin. kliaaeauia. t20 ACRES well Improved land. Red I .ivf vaj,y Minnesota. Nothing benr uii earth. WJ.'J0 per act e. f. J. McMahou iiimicott. Bu Paul. Minn. Missouri. NO SUCH BARGAINS as in southern juu sourt Arrange to go aim us Autjai 17 La in r op i oDIu, ila Bee. 1 vaat. One-Half Acre With a good t-room house, three blocks from Hth street car. Here Is a bargain for some one who wants to get a nice plec ol grounds close In. Pce $!.3tO. Payne, Bostwick & Co., Sol Agents. Main Floor, N. Y. Life. r ACRES of Improved Texas land. I miles from Alm. lor s.ic- at a bargain price. For particular write to Bo lai Aivtn, Tex j REAL ESTATE FARM AHD RXCM I. A M FOR BALK (Continued.) Msstasa. An Interesting Comparison The best Iowa or Nebraska corn land Is worth from $75 to $150 per acre. What will It produce? Fifty bushels to the arre Is a good yield. At 60c per bushel your return Is &, It costs $10 per acre to grow corn, leaving you a net return of $15 per acre. WHAT WILL IRRIGATED LAND PRODUCE I Out In the Pcolfs Bluff country we are selling land with perpetual water rights for 1,6 per acre. An acre will produce $.0 bushels of potatoes. Let s call it 2M) at 4c per busbel, or a total of lino. It costs $35 per acre to grow a big crop of spuds, leav ing you a net return of $ti5 per acre. Or you (an grow suxar beets. 15 to 20 tons to the acre. Say you have a crop of only 16 tons to the acre, wl $5 per ton you get I). It costs $37 to grow them, leaving you a net return of $13, not Including the tops and trimmings, which are worth fur feed W per acr. We take out another Excursion Tuesday, August 17. Better get ready to go out and see that land. You can grow 80 to 110 bushel of oats to the acre, 12 to 20 tons of cabbage, 46 to 00 bushels of wheat, 5n0 to MM) bushels of onions to the acre. You can grow any vegetable raised In Nebraska or low a. THERE IS NO FRONTIER LIKE IN THE SCOTT'S BLUFF COUNTRY. Good schools, comfortable churches, rural mail routea telephones, fine class of people, lecture courses In all the towns, everything is modern and up-to-date. You can easily prove these things by going w 1th us. We hav 6ur own train, "The Payne Special." You travel In comfort, see the land by automobile, lose no time. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO.. Land Merchants, New York Life Bldg., Omaha, Ntb. U. 8. GOVERNMENT LAM. OPENING UNDER UAKK1 ACT. Conrad-Valler project. Montana. 70.OJU acres of fine, grancy prairie under Irriga tion. Drawing October 7, liK. Must reg ister for drawing before October 7. Can register by mail. For Information and blanks write W. M. WAV. MAN. Valler, Montana, or 441 Security Bank Bldg., Min neapolis, Minn. at Dakota. SOUTH Dakota farm, ranch, mineral and timber land for saje or trade. l.bOU acres, part Irrigated farm, fine improvements, one mile east of Rapid City in Rapid River valley for sale or trade. Bargain. Tell us fully what you wish to buy, sell or trade. Com west; make money In land. Rep resentatives wanted, farmers preferred. Farrar at Jepsen, Rapid City, S. D. FOR SALE 830-acre farm, 160 acres under cultivation; good buildings, good well, on line of new railroad; price, t'M per acre; carry $4,000. W rit W. N. Van Camp, High more, S. D. IF you are looking for an Investment In good cheap farm lands, you cannot afford to buy until you have seen the lands I have for sale in Stanley county, S. D., for 112.60 to $15 per aore; choice farm land and located In a nice country, also have relinquishment. For Information write Hudson Land agency. Midland. S. D. ON account of sickness would like to sell my relinquishment In my homestead, 8. D.; have some Improvements near rail road and good neighbor: if Interested please write. Address A 226, Bee. OUR next excursion to Huron August 17. LATHROP TOBIN, 415 Be. North Dakota. OUT THET OO TO HATNES AND MOTT. ADAMS AND HETTINGER COUNTIES, NORTH DAKOTA, to buy our low-priced land and see the big crops of Dollar Wheat; new railroads building and new towns, where new hotels and business houses are needed. See Win. H. Brown Co., Haynea, Adams County, North Dakota, for maps and facts. rklaxtaaa. Oklahoma One Firm Produced 2,442,478 Bbls. Oil Sold 2,117,482 Bbls. in June in Nowata Co. 4891.040 acres of rich valley land, all amooth and part of same ia In a high sta'e of cultivation. This land is located within three miles of Watuva, okl., and six miles from Nowata, Okl.; DUO acres of It Is prac tically In one body and ZMJ acres U located three miles south. The land is well worm $25 an acre; an exceptionally good bargain at IJ0 per acre. W have land In Nowata Co., In any alz tract you may lieslre from $ acres up at pricee ranging from $10 to $J5 per acre. There are 4.500 flowing oil welts In Nowata Co. Natural gas la sold at to per 1,000 cubic feet. You might get an oil well with your land. Average rainfall In Nowata Co., $6 Inches per annum; average from March 1 to Octo ber 1, 24 Inches, and distributed ust as needed. Prospects for a big crop are in evidence on every hand. Corn stands 10 to 12 feet high; oats just threshed making CO to 100 bu. per acre; wheat, 20 to 40 bu. On account of the seasons being over a month earlier than in the north, wheat sold for $L$7 per buahel, aa against sue this year. Good water la found from 20 to 40 feet. Find Nowata county on your map. Th Oklahoma 4k Cherokee Central R. R ast and west through this county ia a certainty. Land will probably double In value within two years. You can't afford to miss thla opportunity. Let ua tell you why we can sell this land so cheap. Ask Missouri l'aclfio ticket agent about low rate to Nowata, Com In and aee ua, or writ NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO.. Suite C24 N. Y. Lit Bldg. Phon Red !. Omaha, Neb. REAL ESTATE LOANS $100 to $10,000 made promptly. F. D. Wend, W ead Ridg , lath and Farnam. $500 to $5,000 on homea In Omaha. O'Keefe Real Estate Co., loul N. Y. Lite. Doug, oi JL-Ui2. MONEY TO LOAN Payne lnvesment Co. FIVE PER CENT MONEY to loan on Omaha iiusineks Property. THOMAS BHENNAN. Room 1. .New York Life Bldg. GARVIN BROS.. 218 N. Y. Life. $500 to $Juo,ouO on improved property. No delay. WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith & Co., UJ0 Farnam bu . WANTED City loans, petera Trust Co. PAYNE. BOSTWICK CO., N. Y. Lite Private money, $jo0 to $o,0uu; low rat. SIX'UMJ MORTGAGE loans negotiated. Apply Kooma 417-18 First Nai l Bank Bldg. iuii 'Phone, Douglas X31&. LOWEST RATES Bemls. Brandeia Bldg. r REAL ESTATE WANTED BUY for Investment from owner, two -room house, built 1 year, all modern, good location, rorner lot; rental. $f$ per month; special low price if sold in Ml day Dr. M. M, Loonua, M N. tela Su 11.000 ACRES, surveytd and otjkd reaOy for settleis; low.r plain country. lti cold spring water, 15 to M fer; f,nest gual ity and great at.ui.ucmc Can div.ue and sell in leaguts (4 IL'n a.i si. sections o quarters. Sam F tiu-oti now;ng probably pases Ihrouli. Productive an land s. Ulng ten times higher in olJr states This ear's growing rr. p off of lurd near by exceeds price of land. Will show and If not as represented pay railroad fare both ways. Mr. lnveetor. write owners for prices. W. E. Werkeimer. Amerallo, Tea When uriting to advertisers remember It only takes a stroke or two of the pen to mention the fact that you saw the ad in The Bcc WANTED TO BUY BEST price paid for second-hand furnl tme. caipi ts. clothes and shoes. Tel. Doug liffL I BEST price paid for Id-hand furniture, stoves, clothing W . Rosenblatt. Tel. D. MOl. OUR neat excursion to Panhandle coun try August 17. Lathrop 4 Tobia. tie &, BALTIMORE 3d-hand store pays best price Id-hand furniture, clothes, etc. D. 4'.'65. WANTED TO BUY Weerw unimproved land; send fuil particular In first Icliej P. (X Be 17-4, Co. bluff. Ia. WANTED TO RENT WANTED Well furnished house1 in West Farnam or Hanscom park district for al least a year by responsible party; no chil dren. Address D 2.1. Bee. WANTFD A storeroom W. P T'sMuff. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS George Stoltenberg to Edward Stol tenborg, und1 w4) nwV, lo-l-U .$ 1 Edward Stoltenberg to same, undVt ntj t 10-16-12 1 Alice G. Fowler et al. to Annie O. Miller et al., undt a 40 feet nM feet lots 12, 14, 15, block 2, Redlck a Park, and other property 1 Frank Ooddard and wife to W. K. F. Vila, s40 feet of nSO feet lots 13, 14. 15. block 2, aame 1 Mabel F. Taylor et al. to same, same 250 A. R. Trlbble and wife to Alice G. Fowler et al., same 1 Boulevard Park Improvement Co., to Shinier ft Chase Co., sJO feet lot 2, and n30 feet lot $, block (. Boule vard Park 1 Shinier at Chase Co. to E. F. Tlm- merman, same 626 School District No. 64 to Ralston Townslte Co., part lot US. Sey mour Park tOO A. B. Bandle to E. L. Cain, wfrO feet of eluo feet, lota $ and 10, block 6, Forest Hill 1.300 J. C. Hill, trustee, to Hugh Mc Cuffrey, lota 15 to 19, block ft, eub. of J. 1. Redick'a add $.000 Harriet A. Sharp to I C. Sharp, ei lot 1, block 127. Omaha $.000 Katie Stemm and husband to A. A. Cerha et al., $ acres in nay ne S-14-1S 2,000 C. J. Lundqulst and wife to August Scaholm and wife, lot 8, block 11, Druid Hill 1.900 Claus Slevera to J. F. Roaenfleld. n'4; nw4 nwia and part n ne1 nt 23-15-12 6.108 J. W. New lean and wife to E. P. Smith, lot 14. block 1. 1st sub. Griffin A Smith s add 2.0W E. P. Smith and wife to J. R. Henry, 1 same 2.500 Fred Peterson to Alfred Eniety, lot , Hillis add 2,600 N. P. Dodge, Jr., and wife to Pur itan Laundry, lot block 4, Boggs & Hill s add 4,000 Seraphim Slevers and wife to Jake Williams, lot L block 11, Rose Hill. 100 Anna C. ('onion and husband to Max Mosburg, suS feet lot 4, block 216Mb Omaha $,700 llHarmunn Vinegar and Pickle Co. to A. L. Reed, lots 1, 2, $, 4, block Zl'J, Omaha, and part of street ad Joining 60,000 11. D. Horwita and wife to J. B. Conte, wg feet of ell feet sub lot 4. taxlot lti, 21-li-lS 1 L. 8. Reed and wife to T. W. Black burn, lot 16, block 6, Solomon's ad 2 Henry Funk and wife to ePter Gela ler. lot 9, block 2, Denman Place.. 1,600 Sophia D. Stoltenberg to Edward , Stoltenberg, n aw. 10-15-12 1 Same to George Stoltenberg, wSa nw4 10-16-12 1 Same to Charles Stoltenberg, eVj nw4 same 1 Wr. W. Goddard and wife to W. K. F. Vila, part lots 13. 14, IS. block 2, Redlck Park and other property 175 B. S. Abel and wife to Bessie A. Abel, lots 20, 21, 22 and part 23, 6turgis Place 1 Henry Dupree to Byron Reed Co., lot 31, block , Briggs Place 2 Margaret V. Solomon to L. S. Reed, lot 16, block 6, Solomon's add 60 Fred Armstrong and wife to aamo, same 126 Emma O. Devrles to T. W. Black burn, n48 feet, lot 9, and n48 feet lot 10, block 10, Linwood Park 1 H. C. Compton and wife to Lillian M. Hahn, lot in Linwood Park... 1 Emma Devrles to same, lots IS to 16, block S, and other lota, earn.. 1 Linwood Park Land Co., to aame, olt 4, block 8 and other lots, same 1 Ellra H. Worley to J. B. Conte, part aublot i, taxlot 16, 21-15-12 1 Special master to Margaret V. Solo mon, lot It, block 6, Solomon'a add.. 238 Alex CrulckBhank and wife to Anna Burke, sVj lot 8, block 2, Fred Dei lone's add 2 H. A. Tukey and wife to Katharin -Hartley, lots 8, 9, 10, block L Tuky Heights J50 Isa&a Douglas and wife to M. f. Sears, lot 24, Tuttle's sub 1 John B. Ruth to Nellie C. Bruoa, lot 7. block 98, Dundee Place........ $00 George W. Megeath and wife, to Wil liam F. Morgan, b&5 feet lot 1 ajiV n4& feet lot 6, and all 15 and ki. Marietta Place 10,009 O. W. Rosenberger to Percy ttwynnt, lots 15S, 160, 161. Bellmont Park.. 75 A. A. Gibson to Constance E. Rouse, nVj lot 5. block 2. Reed's 1st add.. 7,200. ieia d. Martin ana husband to Frank Alniqulst, lot U, block Orchard Hill 250 E. L. Howe and wife to John J. Ryan, lot IS. block 2, Logan Place 10 Theodore Fredericks to Henrietta Fredericks, lot 14, Westerfleld'a add I Charles H. Davis to Anna Downs et al., tract lot. 2, block 67, Omaha.. 1 Harriet A. Jensen and husband to A. A. Gibson eK feet lot 1, block 2, sub John I. Redick'a add 8.000 Total ..$116,716 GOVERNMENT NOTICES OFFICE OF THE CONSTRUCTING guartermi ter, Cheyenne, Wyoming, Au gust 11th, Sealed proposals, In tripli cate, will be received at this office until 9:30 a. m., mountain time, Monday, August 30th, 1D09, and then opened in public, for Construction of Steel Fences for Corrals at Fort D. A. Russell, Wyoming, and for th necessary grading connected therewith. Price for each to be stated separately. Blank forms, plans and specifications and full Information will be given on applica tion at thla office. Plana and specifications will also be on file in the office of: Chief Quartermaster, Department of Colorado, Denver, Colorado; Chief Quartermaster, Department of the Missouri, Omaha, Ne braska, and in the office of the secretary of Builders' Exchange, SL Paul, Minn. The Government reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids or any part there of. Envelopes containing proposals should be Indorsed "Proposals for Steel Fences at Fort D. A. Russell, Wyoming," and ad dressed to Captain V. K Hart, loth In fantry, Acting Quartermaster, U. S. Army, Room t, K.eef Hall, Cheyenne, Wyoming. A14-16-17-U-27-28 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR otflc of Indian Affairs, Washington, D. C, . Staled proposal for letting District No. 2, In the Cheyenne River In dian Reservation, South Dakota, for g ras ing purpoue. either under a lease or by permit, will be receivau at the office of the Commissioner of Indian Affair, Wash ington, D. C. until 2 o'clock p. m., en Monday, August 30, 1909, and will be imme diately thereafter opened in the presence of such bidders aa may attend. Maps showing the location of the districts and all necebsary Information may be obtained on application to the Superintendent of th Cheyenne River Indian school, Cheyenne River Agency, South Dakota R. G. Val entine. Commissioner. Jy21d30t DEPARTMENT OF THE IN TE RIO H office of Indian Affairs. Washington. D. C. Sealed piol'osals for letting erasing privilege on the Rlackfet Indian Reservation. Montana, unrUr the permit system, will be received at the office of the Commissioner of Indian Afairs. Wash ing, D. C, until 2 o'clock, p. m., on Mon day. August 30. 1909. and will be immed iately thereafter opened In the presence of such bidders" as may attend. Maps showing the location of the reservation and all necessary Information may be ob tained on application to the Superintendent of the Plackfeet Indian school. Browning, Mont. R G. Valentine, Commissioner. JyZldJOt Call Us by 'Phone Wtenerer you wit aometblug call '."boo Douglaa 23 8 and mak It known through a Be Want Ad D. C. SCOTT, D.V.S. (8uocsr t Dr. H. L. RamacclottL) AMXjrrAJTT IT1TI rrrltnii.iT OHlo 4 BTeeptWO. 8810 Xfaaoa tree. Calla Promptly' Answere.1 til Hoar. LANE CUT-OFF OUTCLASSED Iackawanna Short Line Sarn Eleven Milei at Cost of $13,000,000. EFFECT HA&RDtAN ENTERPRISE Western lmlaat iHIrs F.astera Massgen to Actio Tare Darlaa; Vadertaklag Are lader Way. A strlktpg Illustration of the, power of forceful xample is supplied by th pres ent constructive activities of eastern rail roads. When Edward H. Harrtman took over the bankrupt Union Paclflo system twelve years ago, financed It. reconstructed th lines, lowered grades and shortened distances, his audacity startled the moss backs of th business. As the years sped on and success crowned hla foresight east ern managers aat up and took notice of the fact that first class service brings first class retruns. Few of them will admit that Mr. Harrlman'a example Influenced their later activities along lines biased by th Union Pacific manager, but th fact remalna that their activities In reconstruc tion, lowering of grades, shortening of dla tances and better terminate, took practical shape coincident with th proved success of the Union Paclflo reconstruction. Coatly Shrt Lin. A duplicate of th Lane cutoff into Omaha, effecting a saving of nine miles, la now under construction on th Dela ware, Lackawanna V. Western rosd In New Jersey. Th cut-off will save a distance of eleven mile In th journey from New York to Buffalo, and will cost 112,000,000, over four time th oost of th Lane short Una. th short cut leaves th present line about a quarter of a mil west of the land atatlon at Lake Hopatoonf, strikes north across Sussex county. New Jersey, to Andover, and then west to th Delaware river In nearly a straight line. After cross ing th Delaware river, the Una. which will be of two tracks, will awing around to th right and thua down to th level of th present tracks at a point just aouth of Water Gap. It will be a series of alter nates cuts and embankments. Some of the ar of such a magnitude that they will probably become known among en gineer form on end 0f th country to th other. Near Andover will be a cut through granite one-half of a mil in length and 162 feet deep at en point. The amount of rock whloh will be excavated will be (40,000 cublo yards, or two and a half timea' aa much aa would be required to build th 1,490-foot bridge across the Delawar river, th L 100-foot viaduct across Paulina Kill and thet elxty-threa other brldgea which will b required for the aup port of th track and embankmente over th watercourses, highways and other rail road intersected by the route. It la two- RAILWAY TIME CARD UNION STATION 101 U A MASON Chlcaar) A Narth wee term . NORTHWESTERN LINE EAST. Arrlv. a 7:40 am a I K pm a 1:28 pm all. 36 pm alLSi pm al2: pm a 7:16 am a t:M am a S:3S pm a f.m am Leava. Omaha-Chicago Spe'L.a 6:02 pm Colorado-Chicago a 6:20 pm Paclflo Coast-Chicago.. a 6:6 pra Chicago Daylight Spe'l.a 7:49 am Omaha-Chicago Local. .al2:06 am Los Angeles Portland Limited a 10 pm Overland Limited ail:M pm Fast Mall Fast Local, Cedar Haplds-Omaha Omaha-Carroll Local. ..a 1:46 pm NORTHWESTERN LINE NORTH. Twin City and Dakota Daylight a 7:46 am Minnesota and Dakota. a 7 0 pre Twin City Limited a 8:00 pm Sioux City Local a 1:46 pm Dskota-Slous City Omaha , Minnesota-Sioux City Omaha , al0:20 pm a 7:06 am a 1:28 pm a 1:20 am all:0 am NORTHWESTERN LINE WEST. Norfolk-Bonestoel a 7:60 am alO KI nm Lfiiiwuui-iuijg i me ....a f :pv am Norf olk-Souih Platte. ,.b 2:16 pm Hastlngs-Sup rlor b 1:16 pm Dead w ood-Hoi Sprlngs.a 2:66 pm Casper-Lander a 1:66 pra Fremont-Albion b:pm all .00 am b t . A pin b 6:20 pm a 1:20 pm a 11:00 am b 1:36 pm Chlcaajo, Hock Island a. Pacific EAST. Rocky Mountain Ltd a f 10 am Iowa Local a 6 t0 am The Mountaineer a 7:42 am Dim Moines Local a 4:00 pm Iowa Local bl0:3j am Chloago-Eastern Ex a 4:40 pm Chicago-Nebraska Ltd. .a (:08 pm WEST. Th Mountaineer a 1:00 am Chicago-Nebraska Ltd. for Lincoln) a 1:20 am Colo, and Cal. Ex a 1:20 pm Okla. and Texas Ex. ...a 4:40 pm Rocky Mountain Lt4...all:12 pm lb leas; v, Ullwasbn. st at. Fssl Chicago and Colo. 6pc.a 7:28 am all :40 pm V ai. any. uiegoil A..... v:U9 pm Overland Limited all :4s pm Perry Local b 6:16 pm l'nla Paclflo all :05 pm a 4:30 pm a 2 U) am alTJO pm b 11:56 pm a 1:10 pm a 1:06 am a 7:26 am a 6:47 pm a 4:30 pm a 1:00 pm a 1 :0a am a 1:26 cm a 7:16 am bU:66 am Overland Limited a 7:20 am Colorado Express a 1:60 pm Atlantic Express Oregon Express a 4:10 pm Los Angeles Limited.... all 06 pm Fast Mall a 7:20 am China and Japan Mall. .a 4:00 pm North Platte Local a 6:15 am Colo. -Chicago Special... al2:10 am Beatrice at Stromaburg Local b 12:40 pm Valley Local (motor via Lane Cut-ff aJO 00 am Valley Local (motor). ...a 6:30 pm Hastings-Superior b 2:16 pm Local passengers net carried No. 1 and I MlMOarl Parlfle K C. and St. L. Ex a 8:00 am K. C. and SL L. Ex all: 16 pm illlael Ceairml Chicago Express 7:16 am Chicago Limited a 8:00 ua Mlnn.-St. Paul Exp b 7.16 am Mlnn.-St. Paul Ltd a 8.00 pm Omaha-Ft. Dodge Loo.b 4:16 pm Cklcaaj Urest Waster St Paul-Minneapolis.... 7:46 pm St. Paul-Minneapolis.... k:00 am Chicago Limited 7:46 pm Wikuk all: 44 pm a 6 aa pIO a 1:2 am a 6:0 pm a 1:60 pm a 6:46 put a 6:46 pm a 4:46 pm a 7:t am b 1:40 pm a 1:41 pm a I H am b 6: pm on train a 7:00 am a 1:60 pro a 2:46 pm a 7:16 am a Y:15 am bU:M am 8:16 am 8:00 pm 1:16 am a I 26 am aU:U pm b 10:16 am BURLINGTON STA IOTH A MASON St. Loula Ex a I N pm St. Loul Local tfrom Council Bluffs) a 100 am Stanberry Local (from Council Bluffs) b 6:00 pm Barllngtoa- Leave. Denver and California... 4:10 pm Puget Sound Ex a 4.10 pm Black Hills a 4 10 pm Northw est Ex all 50 pm Nebraska points a 8 20 am Lincoln Fast Mall... ..b 120 pm Nebraska Ex a 8:16 am Lincoln Local Lincoln Local a 7 2C pm Schu ler-Plat tsmouth ..b 8:06 pm Platumouth-lowa a tVlS am Pellevue-Plattsmouth ,.12:Mpra Colorado Limited all 4 pm Chicago Limited a 7.26 am Chicago Kx a 4 20 pm Chicago Flyer a I M pm Iowa Local a 6 IS am St. Louis Ex a 4 40 pm Kansas City and St. Jo. a 10 46 pm Kanscs City and St. Jo. a 9:15 am Kansas City and St. Jo a 4:40 pm Arrive, a 2:46 pm a 8 10 pm a 6:1 pm a ! ". am a I lpm al2:16 pin a 6:10 pra b 8:08 ara a 7:60 pm blt:2t am a 8 60 ara a 2 44) pm a 7 06 am all 86 pro a 8 65 pm a 8 00 ara ell;. am all so ara a 6 45 am a (:18 pm WFBSTKR STA. ISTH A WEBSTER faleaao, St. Paal, Mlaarapoll A Omaha- Leave. b 2:00 pm Arrive bll:46 am c 6.20 pra b 120 pra Floux Cl'y Express.... Omaha Icl Sioux City Passenger. Twin City passenger. Sioux City Local Emerson Local Mieaoarl Paclflo Auburn Local a Dally, b Dally except Sunday, c Sun day only. 4 Daily except Saturday. b I s am ..e I K am b 1.66 pm b 1.10 ara b 1:60 pm bll 30 am filths as much as all the rock removed In the construction of the New York sub way. Including the tw tubes under East river. A Mighty rill. This I not th only big thing t be don near Andover. Beginning at the wet nl of th rut I an embankment, which will probably be th biggest railroad embank ment In America. It will be more than three miles long, from seventy-five to 110 feet high, and contain 1(26.660 cubic yaids of material. In order to obtain sufficient material for thla high bank It waa neces sary to atqi'lr th neighboring hill and burrow through them for more than 4. 00. ON) cublo yards of earth. Upward of 700 dump carloads of earth and rock ar poured on this embankment every day. Thla means that it is growing at th rat of arproil irately 1.000 yards a day. Th grading of the five and a fraction mile oomprtalng the contract, which include th cut and the big "fill," will coet mora than S3.Ooa.aM, or more than ITiOO.OOO a mil. It Include an other big embankment across th valley of Lubber Run creek, ens-alith th sis of th brnk at th other end of the deep rut. Tlio five-mil section, therefore, my eeslly be the mort xpnslve open oountry railroad building In th country. If th construction feature of th eaetern end la great cuta and embankments that at th western and Is brldgea. There ar to b two, on alxty-flv feet high a'nd formed of five 160-foot span, two 120-foot span and two 10-foot apana to carry th train over th Delawar river, and a second 116 fet high and formed of five 130-foot span and two 100-foot spans, with suitable approaches to cross Paulina Kill. These will b of concrete, the apana being arches support ing smaller arches called aquadrela. In th old lln there are two tunnela, with a total leiifcth of almost four-fifths of a mile. In the new lln there will be none. In th old tome of tne grades were more than alxty fiet to th tr.I'e. In th new there wWl be no grade above 28 04 feet to th mile. In th old lln there are flfty-aeven curves, with a length of curved track of 12 8 mile. In th new this la reduced to fifteen curves, with a length of curved lln of only 4-X mile. Moreover, th longest curve on the new Una la only a trlfl over one-half the length of th maximum curve on the old Una. There ar many curve on the ' Md lln which are longer then any on the ne cut-off. On the old line the rise and fall in th' track Is 24S feet. In the cut-off it la only eleven feet, a great source of lav ing in operation. Another mighty undertaking Crowned with success la th completion of th Hudaon river tunnela between New Torlc and New Jersey, locally known as the McAdoo tubes. The tube system, develop, a to its logical extent, today :a conceded to mtvke prac tically unlimited the possible .development ofOreater New York In the next ten year. The immediate effect of the submarine tubes has been to bring the New Jersey shore, to which access hitherto haa been had by twenty-minute ferries, within three minute of Broadway. Th terminal building of th Hudaon & Manhattan rallmad are gigantic structures, literally cities within themselves, capable of accommodating 10,000 persons, as well aa serving for the subterranean atatlon of th down-town tubes under the Hudson. Occupying two city blocks, they are twenty, two stories, or 275 feet, in height, and are ao arranged aa to offer th maximum of surface for windows and air wella Ther ar thirty-nine elevators. These atructuren are known collectively aa the Hudson terminal buildings of th Hudson at Manhattan Rallmad company, but Ilk the tubes themselves they ar better known by the of their pro jector, aa the "McAdoo termlnAla." Indi vidually, one of them, which stands on -th block fronting on Church aireet, be tween Corllandt apd Dey streets. Is the Cortland t building, while ita twin, likewise fronting Church atreet, but between Dey and Fulton, la the Fulton building They ar th largest office buildings In existence, containing 1M1AOO0 cubic feet of space, ar.d th heaviest, weighing iOO.OOO tons and resting on the hlugest coffer dt.rn ever con structed. ' Thla latter structure Is 400x178 feet in horizontal dimensions, and from seventy-five to ninety-eight feci deep. Trains from the Hudson A Manhattan company' twin tubes from New Jerrey, under th Hudson river, enter the base ment station, thirty feet below the win face, and pass under Dey street to the subway under Broadway. Th tunnela at the Jer aey City end ar connected with twin tunnela crossing to Morton street, up Sixth avenue to Thirty-third tret and acroea Ninth avenue to Fourth avenue. Th execution of thla gigantlo enter prise, whloh ha been effected by Wil liam O. McAdoo.' with the sympathy and approval of the Pennsylvania railroad, but without financial backing of any descrip tion from that corporation. Is a financial achievement that rank with the enirin'rr lng feat of running the tunnels. Taken In connection with the Pennsylvania rosd' tunnels, which give accexs from Lone. Island to the railroad's au.loii In the heart of New Tork City, by the first of next year, they form a trunk lim- of travel which promises to bring about a revision of the traffic routea of th city. Th success with which tunnels are overcoming th ' water barrier to the metropolis spur railroad engineers to undertaking a bridge over Hell Gate, that section of turbulent water connecting East river with Long Inland sound. ' Th project Is to be a part of th New York, Nw Haven aV. Hartford road,' forming an all rail connection with Its system n Long Island. This big bridge will be not only th big gest steel span ever built in the history of the world, It will be the first step In a combination between the Pennsylvania and New Haven railroads which will make a complete connection between New Eng land and th south and west. Th system, aa planned, contemplate a railroad rot from th Bronx down through Astoria aod Brooklyn and connecting with th two big tunnels of th Pennsylvania, so as to open all Long Island and Nw Tork to southern traffic In a way that never baa bean known befor. Some of th other Brooklyn bridges ar longer from atatlon to atatlon, but th new bridge of th Now Haven road will be the longeat aa an arck. Th span wd be tSOO feet long and 23 feet hlgV Th aba t merits will be of granK and th towers of con crete. In addition to th l.Out feat of steel arch, ther will be a steel viaduct of L7M feet aeroaa Ward's Island, Randall's island and th Bronx river. Th tracks ar to cross th Bronx Kills ta Randall' island, go straight southward across Little Hell Oat and Ward' laland. and than sweep to the eastward and cross to Astoria, Prom that point. If the pres ent plana ar carried out, the New Haven Pennsylvania track will sweep eouthe&er ward through Long Island City to Brooklyn and connect with th tunnel which th Pennsylvania propose to build aeroas th East river. Thla tunnel. In Ita turn, will connect with the Pennsylvania's tunnel across th Hudson, and thereby bring freight and paaaenger traffic directly from the south and west to Manhattan and Long Uland. Th lln I to com on directly across th eastern end of th Bronx Kill, cutting down through th eastern side of Randall's Island. About th middle of Ward's Island It lakes a sudden curve to the eastward snd crosses Hell Oste fo Qw, i it Is to be known aa th "1111 Uat Brldga" 1 ! : t